Water Utility Executive

January-February 2016 Rothenberg to Open 2016 Water Policy Conference

January 14, 2016 at 1:14 PM

Political analyst Stuart Rothenberg is slated to give the opening address at AMWA’s 2016 Water Policy Conference, scheduled for March 20-23 in Washington, D.C.

The founding editor and publisher of The Rothenberg & Gonzales Political Report, a non- partisan newsletter covering U.S. House, Senate and gubernatorial campaigns, presidential politics and political developments, Rothenberg is also a regular columnist for the widely regarded Capitol Hill newspaper . He has appeared on Meet the Press, This Week, Face the Nation, the PBS NewsHour, Nightline and many other television programs. His op- eds have appeared in , , and other newspapers, and he served as an election night analyst for the NewsHour in the last four election cycles and for CBS News in 2006. Prior to that, he was an on-air political analyst for CNN for over a decade, including election nights from 1992 through 2004.

Rothenberg will set the stage for AMWA’s annual policy meeting by handicapping the 2016 elections and providing insider views on hotly debated issues. Then key members of Congress and Administration officials will share their insights and interact with attendees on national policy matters that will affect the nation’s water and wastewater utilities in the months and years ahead.

These power players and other influential guests will address infrastructure funding programs, congressional appropriations, current and future EPA regulations, homeland security, federal assistance and tools for resilience and climate change adaptation and mitigation and other current issues.

The conference site is the Washington Court Hotel, within short walking distance of Capitol Hill for meetings with elected representatives.

More information and registration are online at www.amwa.net/2016WPC (http://www.amwa.net/2016WPC).

Back to January-February 2016 (https://www.amwa.net/water-utility-executive/january- february-2016)

Source URL: https://www.amwa.net/article/rothenberg-open-2016-water-policy-conference