Deradicalization and Disengagement from Violent Extremism
Beyond Terrorism: Deradicalization and Disengagement from Violent Extremism Naureen Chowdhury Fink with Ellie B. Hearne, rapporteurs OCTOBER 2008 INTERNATIONAL PEACE INSTITUTE Cover Photo: A German Neo-Nazi ABOUT THE RAPPORTEURS shouts during a march through the streets of downtown Berlin, October NAUREEN CHOWDHURY FINK is Program Officer at the 3, 2001. © REUTERS/Corbis Kai International Peace Institute. Her research interests Pfaffenbach. include politically and religiously motivated violence and The views expressed in this paper terrorism, with a particular focus on the Middle East and represent those of the rapporteurs South Asia. and not necessarily those of IPI. IPI welcomes consideration of a wide ELLIE B. HEARNE is Publications Officer at the range of perspectives in the pursuit International Peace Institute. Her research focuses on of a well-informed debate on critical policies and issues in international terrorism and substate violence, with a particular focus affairs. on Ireland and the Provisional IRA. IPI Publications Adam Lupel, Editor ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Ellie B. Hearne, Publications Officer IPI owes a great debt of thanks to its many donors © by International Peace Institute, 2008 to Coping with Crisis. Their support for this program All Rights Reserved reflects a widespread demand for innovative thinking on practical solutions to international challenges. In particular, IPI is grateful to the governments of Denmark, Finland, Greece, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. We would also like to thank the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway—in particular, Anita Nergård, Carl Salicath, and Jon Erik Strømø—for hosting this confer- ence with IPI, and Professor Tore Bjørgo and Dr.
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