Cover Page and Intro 2006 AWRA MB.Pub
PROCEEDINGS for Montana’s Lakes and Wetlands: Improving Integrated Water Management 23rd Annual Meeting of the MONTANA SECTION of the American Water Resources Association Polson, Montana October 12th and 13th, 2006 KawTuqNuk Inn Contents Thanks to Planners and Sponsors Full Meeting Agenda About the Keynote Speakers Concurrent Session and Poster Abstracts* Session 1. Wetlands and Streams Session 2. Mining and Water Quality Session 3. Ground Water and Surface Water Studies Session 4. Sediment, Channel Processes, Floodplains and Reservoir Management Poster Session Meeting Attendees *These abstracts were not edited and appear as submitted by the author, except for some changes in font and format. THANKS TO ALL WHO MAKE THIS EVENT POSSIBLE! • The AWRA Officers Kate McDonald, President, Ecosystem Research Group Tammy Crone, Treasurer, Gallatin Local Water Quality District Mike Roberts, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation May Mace, Montana Section Executive Secretary • Montana Water Center, Meeting Coordination Molly Boucher, Sue Faber, Susan Higgins, MJ Nehasil, Gretchen Rupp • Our Generous Sponsors (please see next page) Maxim Technologies, DEQ Wetlands Program, Montana Water Center, HydroSolutions Inc, and Watershed Consulting LLC • And especially, the many dedicated presenters, field trip leaders, moderators, student paper judges, and student volunteers Meeting planners Sue Higgins, May Mace, Lynda Saul, Tammy Crone, Mike Roberts and Katie McDonald. THE 2006 MEETING SPONSORS Major Sponsors (Watershed) Supporting Sponsors (River) Contributing Sponsors (Tributary) American Water Resources Association Montana Section’s 23rd Annual Meeting KawTuqNuk Inn, Polson, Montana October 12 and 13, 2006 AGENDA MONTana’S LAKES and WETlandS: IMPROVing INTegRATed WATER ManagemenT WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2006 8:00 am – 10:00 am REGISTRATION, KawTuqNuk, Lower Lobby 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Free Wetlands Identification Workshop with Pete Husby and Dr.
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