'"RECEIVED Office of General Counsel FEDERAL ELECTIOH Federal Election Commission COHMISSION 999 E Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20463 ZfliODEC-6 PHZMZ IMMOOUfflKI PARTYqf Re: Complaint Against Arthur Robinson; Art Robinson for OFfijtBfisQF GENERAL Noah Robinson, Treaauren; Althouse Press; and the Oregon lostiGflUHSEL for Science and Medicine.

Dear Sir/Madam:

On July 7,2010,1 filed a complaint against Art Robinson and one of his businesses, Althouse Press, for violating 2 U.S.C. § 441b. Because additional facts have come to light. Complainant hereby filesthi s additional complaint againsl Robinson, under 2 U.S.C. § 437g(a)(l), for multiple additional rM violations of die Federal Election Campaign Act (the "Act"), as descrthed Kl below.

A. FACTS O fSI Arthur Robinson was a candidate for U.S. Congress from Oregon's Fourth Congressional District in the November 2010 general election. His principal campaign conunittee was Art Robinson for-Congress. His son is both the treasurer of the committee and Robinson's campaign manager. Though Robinson lost the 2010 general, he has indicated publicly that he plans to seek federal office again in 2012.^

As detailed in the first complaint, Robinson is the "publisher and editor" of a newsletter called Access to Energy. Attachments A, B. On information and belief, approximately 10,000 people subscribe to this newsletter. The initial complaint alleged that the business that prints the newsletter is registered with the-state of Oregon under the name Althouse Press, at 2251 Dick George Rd., in Cave Junction, Oregon - the same address identified as the Robinson's canspaign address oii his FEC reports. However, subsequent facts have come to light that suggest that the newsletter may be owned or financed, at least in part, by the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine ("Institute"). The Institute is a nonprofit corporation, also registered at 2251 Diok George Rd. in Cave Junction. Attachment C. Access to Energy has vsedmenaai address and website at the OISM.org web address, and the newsletter identifies Robinson as the President and Research Professor of the Institute. Attachments D, £.

Robinson also operates an entity he calls "Robinson Curriculum," which creates and sells home-schooling curricula. It is not clear what kind of business entity Robinson Curriculum is; a Westlaw search of state business filingsfo r "Robinson Curricuhun" did not yield any results. However, there is some 232 NEOth Avenue PoRland OR 97232 (503) 224^200 Iphonel ' See, ., Albany Democrat Herald, \ 174/10, available at (503) 224-5335 Ibx] http://www.democratherald.coin/news/local/article_f68437be-e829-l 1 df-8fS0- www.dpo.org 001 cc4G03286.html: KPIC.com, 11/3/10. available at . PRINTED IN-HOUSE http://www.lcpic.com/news/local/106616809.html. evidence that Robinson Curriculum is also owned and controlled by the Institute -in a prior edition of Access to Energy, Robinson himself noted that his home school curriculum was "produced by the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine." Attachment F. Robinson's biography on the Institute's website DBMOCB/mC boasts that "Approximately 60,000 American children use the Robinson home PARTYqf school curriculum."^ OREGON Throughout the 2010 election, Robinson has exploited his menagerie of associated entities to engage in dubious fundraising practices. As we reported previously, in the March and May 2010 editions of Access to Energy, Robinson sought funds for his congressional campaign and expressly advocated his election to Congress. See Attachments A, B. The March newsletter even indicated that campaign contributions could be sent to Access to Energy, P.O. m Box 1250, Cave Junction, OR Neither edition contained disclaimers indicating K who paid for them, or containing the FEC's "Best Efforts" language. Robinson •H publicly acknowledged that the cost of the newsletters were contributions to the (N Nl campaign, and he reported a $3303 in-kind contribution from himself to tiie campaign for "Newsletter Costs" on his 2010 Second Quarter Report

O Robinson subsequentiy mailed a fundraising solicitation letter, also witiiout "Best Efforts" language, on September 5,2010. Attachment G. Complainant believes that this solicitation was sent to the Access to Energy recipient list: Complainant was notified of this solicitation by an individual who subscribes to the newsletter and who received the solicitation. That individual did mi otherwise contribute or sign up to receive updates firom the Robinson campaign. Robinson has also used the Robinson Curriculum list to raise funds for his campaign. Between July 8 and October 28,2010, Robinson's campaign sent approximately 9 emails soliciting contributions and promoting Robinson's election. Attachment H. The bottom of these emails states that "You are receiving this email as a Robinson Curriculum customer" and one is firom a • robinsonbooks.com email address. None of these emails contained a "paid for by" or "Best Efforts" disclaimer.

Robinson's has also repeatedly failed to report tbe name and occupation of his donors, failing to do so in 30.1 percent of his original reports. See Attachment L. On June 24, he received a request for additional information, asking him to report this information and reminding him of the need to engage in best efforts. Yet, despite this warning, he has continued to omit contributor information from his reports and, even after filing amended reports, 27.9 percent of his entries failed to list employer and occupation information. Id. He received a second RFAI on October 5,2010. Robinson filed a response in which he explained his procedure for oblaining contributor information, but he did not fife any amendments providihg updated contributor information. 232NE9thAimius Portland OR 97232 Finally, according to Commission-records, Robinson appears to have (503) 224-8200 (Iphonei accepted over $70,000 in excessive contributions. Robinson reported receiving (503) 224-5335 [ted wwMMlpoArg

PRINTED IN-HOUSE 'See http://Www.oism.org/s32p21.htm. contributions of up to $9,600 for the election-cycle-to-date firom some donors. In other cases, Robinson received contributions in excess of $2,400 after the date of the May 18 Republican priniary, but did not attribute these to retiring primary debt. A chart of these excessive contributions are attached as DEMOGRATIG PARTY"/ Attachment I. OREGON For the first timethi s year, Oregon became one of several states to 'pGnmt "cross-nominatibn" - a process whereby a candidate may appear on the general election ballot as the nominee of more than one politicd party. Robinson sought the nomination of the Republican Party, the Independent Party of Oregon, and the Oregon Constitution Party. In a note attached to page 2 of his 2010 Second Quarter FEC report and in public remarks, Robinson noted that rvi he believed he could raise up to $2,400 for each one of these nominating m processes. Attachments J and K.^ •H B. ANALYSIS. fSI

/. Robinson Has Received Illegal Excessive Contributions O rsi The Act limits the amount of nioney that any person may contribute to federal candidates and their political committees. 2 U.S.C. § 441a(a). It is illegal for any person to contribute, and for any candidate to receive, contributions to candidates in excess of $2,400 per election. Id §§ 441a(a)(l), (f). A candidate may not receive contiibutions for a primary election after die date of the primary, except to the extent that he or she has net debts outstanding. 11 C.F.R § 110.1(b)(3)(i). It is also illegal for a candidate to solicit, receive or spend funds outside of the federal limits in coimection with a federal election. Id §§441i(e)(l)(A). As the attached chart demonstrates, Robinson received over $70,000 in excessive contributions. Attachment L Robinson reported receiving ^ * aggregate contributions of over $4,800 for the election cycle from 19 different donors. And 12 contributors made aggregate contributions exceeding $2,400 after the date of the May 18 Republican primary, without any indication that Robinson wais raising this to retire primary debt Though Robinson has indicated his belief that he was entitled to raise funds under a separate $2,400 limit for both the Independent and Constitution Party nominating procedures, the Commission has said otherwise. In Advisory Opinions 1994-29 and 1982-47, the Conunission found that candidates seeking the nomination of multiple parties in New York State could not raise funds

' Under Oregon law, only "major political parties" - this year, the Republican and Democratic parties - are qualified to nominate tiieir nommees through a state-administered primary election process. Or. Rev. Stat § 248.006(1); see also id, §§ 2S4.0S6.2S4.115. In 232 NE 901 Avenue contrast, minor political parties choose their nominees through their own internal party PMtland OR 97232 processes, consistent with its organizational documents. See id. § 248.009(1). State law (503) 224-8200 Iplnnel requires only that they file a certificate of nomination with the Secretaiy of State no later dian (503) 224-5335 (tax) die 70th day before the general election - this year, August 24,2010. Id. §§ 249.705, .722. The wwwjdpo.org Independent Party chose its nominee through an "intemet primary" vote on July 30,2010, while PRINTED IN-HOUSE the Constitution Party chose its nominee through a nominating convention on June 27,2010. under separate limits for each nomination sought. The Conunission explained: "The point of these regulations... is to equalize treatment, as much as possible, among major party candidates, minor party candidates, and independents with respect to the availability of contribution limits. The puipose is not to expand iATIC contribntion limit opportunities for major party candidates seeking more than PARTYo/ one party's nominatioir." FEC Adv. Op. No. 1994-29. Thus, tiierule s do not OREGON contemplate that a candidate seeking the nomination of multiple parties should be entitted to raise funds under a separate limit for each nominating process, whether or not those processes occur on the same date. See also House Document No. 95-44, at 40-41 (1977) ("[g]enerally, each candidate will participate in two elections: the primary... and the general election."). Even if Robinson were permitted to raise funds under a separate limit for the minor party nominating processes, he still would have accepted some excessive contributions. Contributors David E. Lawson; Darren Untiiank, Cliff Naser, and John Tomkins ail made contributions exceeding $2,400 afier the date of the Indepenclent and Constitution Parties' nominating processes. Thus, Robinson violated the Act by accepting contributions well in o excess of the federal limits. And he personally violated die Act by accepting and spending excessive fiinds. 2. Robinson May Have Received, and Althouse/the Institute and Robinson Curriculum May Have Made, Illegal Corporate Contributions Under thh Act, corporations are prohibited from making contributions or expenditures in connection with federal elections. 2 U.S.C. § 441b. Commission rules implementing this prohibition prevent corporations from using corporate resources to make or facilitate the making of contributions to candidates and political committees. 11 C.F.R § 114.2(f)(1). Facilitation includes the use of corporate lists of customers, clients, vendors, or others who are not in the restricted class to solicit contributions. Id. § 114.2(f)(2)(i)(C). While Robinson reported a $3303.00 in-kind contribution fix>mhimsel f to the campaign for "Newsletter Expenses," he may have still received an illegal corporate contribution. The facts suggest that some combination of Althouse and the Institute paid to produce tiie newsletter and own the mailing list to the newsletter. The cost of printing and mailing two 4-5 page newsletters, plus the cost of renting the list fiom the list owner, is likely in excess of $3303.00. If these excess costs were paid for by a corporate entity, he received an illegal corporate contribution.* • Robinson may have violated the Act again on September 5, when he sent another fundraising letter to the Access to Energy list. Assuming that the Institute or another corporate entity owns the iist, the use ef tiiis lbt for

232 NE 9th Avenue Rxiland OR 97232 * Because Robinson is the editor and publisher of Access lo Energy, and the newsletters (503) 224-8200 Iphonei consisted largely of Robinson^ editoriaiizations, rather than bona fide news, it does not fall (503) 224-5335 Ibxl within the Act's "press exemption." See 11 C.F.R. § 100.73; FEC Adv. Op. No. 2003-07 ("the www.dpo.org press exemption does not apply to any editorial or commentary appearhig in periodicals owned PRINTED IN-HOUSE or controlled by a Federal candidate"). fundraising purposes was illegal corporate fiusilitation. Because our July 7 complaint put Robinson on notice thiat the use of a corporate mailing list for fundraising was illegal, the Commission should investigate whether this violation was knowing and willful. DEMOGRAEIC PARTYqf And Robinson may have violated these provisions yet again - again OREGON knowingly and willfully - when, on Ootober 28,2010, he sent an email to the Robinson Curriculum list asking the recipients for campaign support and contributions. As described above^ Robinson Curriculum is not an entity registered with any state, and there is evidence that it is owned and controlled by the Institute. According to Robinson's own biography, this email list may number in the tens of thousands, as over 60,000 children have been taught using Robinson Curriculum's curriculum. Assuming that its list is owned by an incorporated entity, like the Institute, the unpaid use of the Robinson •H Curriculum email list for fundraising puiposes is illegal corporate facilitation. (M

i. Robinson Failed to Properly Report Contributions o r>i The Act requires that candidate committees report all contributions' and expenditures to the Conunission. 2 U.S.C. § 434. As described above, the value of using the Access to Energy and Robinson Curriculum mailing and .email lists to disseminate fundraising solicitations and campaign materials was an in-kind contribution to Robinson. Yet Robinson has not reported any such contribution on liis FEC report - even after Robinson reported similar prior uses. By not reporting those contributions, Robinson lias knowingly and willfully violated the Act. 4. Althouse/Institute and Robinson May Have Failed to Properly Report Bundled Contributions and Althouse/Institute May Have Illegally Bundled Contributions Commission rules require that conduits and intermediaries file conduit reports with the Commission, and that campaigns report eannarked contributions as such. See 11 C.F.R. § 110.6(c). As noted above, tiie March 2010 Access to Energy newsletter informed recipients that they could contribute to Robinson's campaign by sending contributions to Access to Energys P.O. Box. If any contributions wei^e sent to Access to Energy, Althouse and/or the Institute would be acting as a conduit. Accordingly, it would be required to file conduit reports and, Robinson would have to identify those contributions as earmarked though Althouse or the Institute. Neither has done so. The Commission shoilld investigate whether Robinson indeed received any misreported conduit contributions.

Furthermore, federal law prohibits r^orporations from acting as conduits 232 NE 9Ui Avenue or iotcrmediaries. See2 U.S.C. § 441b; il C.F.R. § 110.6(b)(2). The RHtland OR 97232 Commission should investigate whetiier Althouse or the Institute violated this (503) 2248200 (phone] (503) 224-5336 (fax) prohibition by acting as a conduit ww«Kdpo.arg 5. Robinson Has Violated the Act's Reporting Requirements PRINTED IN-HOUSE The Commission should find that Robinson violated the Act's disclosure requirements. The Act requires that a committee disclose the name and employer of each individual who contributes more than an aggregate of $200 in an election cycle. 2 U.S.C. §§ 434(b)(3)(A), 431(13); 11 C.F.R § DBMOGRiOIC 104.3(a)(4)(i). A committee complies with this requirement ifit uses "best PARTY"/ efforts" to obtain, maintain and submit the required information. 2 U.S.C. § OREGON 432(i); 11 C.F.R. § 104.7(a). To demonstrate best efforts, a coinmittee must: 1. Include on all written solicitations a clear request for the contributor's full name, mailing addiess, occupation, and name of employer, and include an accurate statement of federal law regarding the collection and reporting of this information. m Ln 2. If the information is not provided, make one follow up stand-alone effort to obtain this information no later than 30 days after the receipt of tiie rsi eontributioiL Kl 3. If the committee receives contributor information after the contributions have been reported, either (a) file with the next regularly scheduled O report an amended memo Schedule A listing all the contributions for rsi which additional infonnation was received or (b) filingo n or before the next regularly scheduled reporting date amendments to the reports. 11 C.F.R. § 104.7(b). In all of his reports filed^this year, Robinson has repeatedly failed to report the employer and occupation information of his individual contributors. We estimate that as many as 30.1 percent of the individual contribution entries on his original reportslac k this information. See Attaohment L. Instead, he lists these entries as "none," "Best Efforts," or leaves them blank.^ On June 24,2010, the Coinmission sent Robinson an RFAI notifying him of his failure to inblude the required information in his Pre-Primaiy Report. The RFAI plainly outiined the steps Robinson needed to take to establish best efforts. Robinson filed an amended pre-primary report in which he claimed to establish best efforts procedures. But the contributor information on his amended ieport barely improved - 27.9 percent of the entries still lacked employer and ocoupation information, see Attachment L - and the representations he made on the amended reporthav e proved to be false. Despite being warned of his obligation to include a "best efforts" disclaimer in all fundraising solicitations, Robinson has failed to do this on multiple occasions: • The March and May 2010 editions of Access to Energy solicit campaign funds, but do not request aoy contributor information and do not contain 232 NE Sth Auenue an accurate statement of federal law. Attachments A, B. Ranland OR 97232 (503) 224-8200 Gphonel (503) 224-5335 llbx] ' Indeed, Complainant was able to identify die employer and occupation information of www.dpo.org several of Robinson's donors, chosen at random, simply by doing an individual search in die PRINTED IN-HOUSE FEC's database, or using other search engines. See Attachment M. * On September 5, Robinson sent a fundraising letter that did not contain an accurate statement of federal law. Attachment G. • Between July 8 and October 28,2010, the Robinson campaign sent 9 DBMOGIUaiC emails to the Robinson Cuniculum email list. While most of these PARTYqf emails contained requests for funds, none of them contained the required OREGON "best efforts" languagei.>SLttachment H. And on October 5,2010, the Commission sent Robinson yet another RFAI, noting the absence of contributor information on his July Quarterly Report. The RFAI also noted that the description of the best efforts procedure contained on Robinson's amended Pre-Primary Report was insufficient - his CO follow-up requests for contributor information failed to clearly ask for missing Ln information without soliciting a contribution, and were not made within 30 days of receiving the contribution. Robinson filed a responsei n which he clarified his procedure of sending letters. However, he did not file any amended reports rsi providing the missing contributon information. Because Robinson has repeatedly failed to reportcontributo r Q infomiation on his FEC reports, and has failed to establish best efforts, the rsi Commiission should findtha t he violated the Act's reporting requirements. •H 6. Robinson and Althouse/the Institute Have Violated The Act's Disclaimer Requirements. Finally, Robinson and Althouse have violated the Act's sponsorship identification requirements. The Act and Coinmission rules require that, inter alia, all public communications and mass emails sent by political committees, all public commimications tiiat expressly advocate the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate, and all publications that solicit contributions, contain a disclaimer identifying who paid for the communication. 2 U.S.C. § 44 Id; 11 C.F.R. § 110.11(a). If the conununication was not paid for by a candidate, it must indicate whether the candidate authorized it Id. A "public communication" includes ail mass mailings, mailings of more than 500 substantially similar pieces sent within a 30-day period. Here, Robinson and Althouse/the Institute are responsible for multiple violations of this provision. Between July 8 and October 28,2010, the Robinson campaign sent 9 emails, to the Robinson Cuniculum email list. All but one of these emails was sent firomNoa h Robinson's campaign email account, [email protected]. As described earlier, Robinson has boasted that 60,000 students used Robinson's curriculum, so presumably more than 500 of these emails were sent out. None of the emails contained tiierequire d "paid for by" disclaimer. The March and May 2010 editions nf Access to Energy also lacked the 232 NE 9th Avenue required disclaimer. Botit expressly advocated Robinson's election and soliched Portland OR 97232 campaign funds for him. On mformation and belief, over 10,000 people (503) 2248200 Iphonei (503) 224-5335 [bxl subscribe to the newsletter, so over 500 copies were distributed. Thus, the www.dpaorg newsletters should have included paid for by and authorization disclaimers. PRINTED IN-HOUSE They did not. C. REQUESTED ACTION

For the reasons described above, we respectfully urge the Conunission to investigate whether Respondents has violated the Act by soliciting and DBBADCRAnC accepting excessive contributions, by accepting illegal in-kind contributions, by PARTYqf fidling to properly disclose the campaign's financial activity, and by failing to OREGON identify the sponsor of campaign communications. We fiather request that Re^ondents be required to disgorge all 'excessive and illegal contributions, be enjoined from further violations and be finedth e maximum amount permitted by law.

Sincerely, in

»H rsi tfl TrenU^utz Execimve-Blfector 0 Democratic Party of Oregon rsj

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this Z§_ day of Qgj(L 2010.

Notary Public My'Commission Expires:


232 NE9U1 Auenue Ponland OR 97232 (503) 2248200 Iphonei (503) 2245335 (bxi www.dpo.org

PRINTED IN-HOUSE Attachment Citation Status A ATE March 2010 Printed B ATE May 2010 Printed C SOS Website Printed 0 ATE 8/95 Printed E ATE 3/99 Printed F ATE 9/97 t Printed G September letter Printed H 9 emails to Robinson Curriculum list Printed 1 Excel spreadsheet of fxcessive contributions Printed J Art Robinson 2nd Q FEC Report note Printed CO K Transcript of Art talking about contributions for IPO nomination Printed L Excel spreadsheet of Art Robinson FTD Employer/Occupation Printed M Excel spreadsheet of a dozen Robinson Emp/Occ we found Printed »H rsi

O rsi GD Ln K »H rg Kl Attachment A o rsi MOSS 10 ENERGY A Pro-Scienoe. Pro-TedmdlQgy. Pko-Frae Enterprise MonUdy Newflecter MARCH 2010 (VW. 37 na 8) BoiI2SQ,Ck«cJaiiclioB,Oi«|Ba 97523 Copyftght 201 Oby Access toEnerg y Send a Scientist to Congress! When colleigucs iiged Ul b ii|XlBie our ID'ycBHiU review Hthion.diqfaKnowatiemptiiigafinaLdei|iciiicdrivetofuiiihuioi f ele "Enviieunieiml EfTecu of Inciaaed Gabon DMUudcT by- not JuA our energy mdnsay. but also our Consdndun, our fie^ Zxiaiy Robmon, Willie SooD, Sillk BaliunK and me and to ledons- , and our wqr of Iifa Insoiarasworkoutndeau- ipedaiiyis mn ihe petition project ihatlwl gaioacd njOXn lignaniies inoonoenwd , poliiici ii surely far fitun scienoe and cducatioii. 1998-1999, Noah and I had teiiouB RuqivinG^ A reviewo T die n-It hippoB, hovwver, thtt one of dw nM ennendwd cnnm seareh liiennire and coBi^ledan of the peddoii worii weald eoatRe Ule cmnprise and a powciful praponent of fanoiunB American cnr O at leu da oiomhi einy fiom oa reaneh and odier goab - andcfg y under dac cnse of'Vohel wanRuv" is one Peter DeFazio. prabaMy longer. Moreover, die neocBaiy financial lappoit fiomdre 12-ienn Unhed Sias ConBreamain mm Oregon Diniet 4 in CO nsadere (iTileeai 19 GMfjp> nd iigiKni ofdK petilioiifllaoed • fidii«Mdh i we Uve. During 23 yews in Cun^i u, DeFoan twi dcvcily daiy leiponaibiliiy upon Ul. Neiiher dw acieoafic wurii nor die peband- cfBxtively chipped oway at American Aeedom. OcFnio typi­ »H lion could be ddqaied. It«« aoieely oun to dOL cally wim le-decdon widi ihout 60% of die vote; except in 2008 We did not warn Ul do diia, but die deddiqg aqpmem wai wheinea*n he received 82% agpfaist a lady fiom die Consdiurian Paity. rsi capdile: Ndiher ef w-liaB serwed in das UJS. pulniy. We decidewhdo ia now seduqgtfae Repiddican nondnaiion. ihat we owed 'dui ID oer eounoy. While die Qoak of our worit Districm t 4 Republicans wm sumonmg a typical candidare liiadical lOHiHch, edueanon, and cneiyen^ prepoiedntH may nweagrinH-Dd'iBiot , but he suddenly wididrew fhim die nice jutf belhie uur obKsidom, dieae hepei and dieama an not uoUv daMOdi oef filiqg deadhne - fcaviagDSFasi o widi a ficerid e tb a 13di lonBi nwiy, iiwiy udm pwdiKiivo Awnicaiii—^heaiui that wil^ never boppoaoe d cndy by a candidale with emendally no chanoe to heat hiia realfeed if our couBuyi waiplw of eeasy rie dduoyiri aid ila peoOu-r fimuly decidad diat die automatic rehano f this enemy ui o Goqgre*-under d« ceatftinns dtfl tnw prevail in Wadengkm is fSI So, die icauh mas 1 new, deftiilivdy uadModile, so -1 filed sg^nat hon. The prinauy election is two Eflecli of Incifiamd CMNUI DKHnde" by Ntaah RobuBon, Wiilimmde s away. The general decrion is ui seven moMhs. This ii aot So^iu end me — cdimaied by Infeniet and edier tneaRBv to bmuce (hH tiuK, and we have a lot to kam and to do. WM die original cevkw) the moai lead adendfe aricle on dua aid>Fottunaiely- , we have soinB exoellem hdp. Our woifc on Miiiapal jen and 32j(nO xyniieca by Americani widi cducadoni in phyainuen s hm earned us many Biends who very knowledgeable fai cat science ncluding more dnn 9JDQ0 PhDs. pmetical poihicaL If our inhial campaign is well dune, maiqr more' Thie dne^ we tDmed-ihe pn^eei over to vohmteen and wensudti people wiD hdp; bade 10 woifc. The peddon and review have piovad rigaifiGandyCu 1 am die caiHlidaie. but cveiyone who helps il in dus uMRd u IhoM who flghidie poMried heidea on dria ianie. No aiiqjltogedree r - defeal Dlen»ia and fid Wailiintfon of dria suisT/1 am action will atop our enendea, hut dds il vahoMe: nonviaoed dnt the aaawer ii yea, if we do our work quiddy and Since dwu we and oor collea0ieB ei f ehriHi taaveconpleied nweUd . bl oidnaiy ieGem.elBCtiom (genymaudcinig dnmged our dn^ puUiriied meaicli on • pnttia iwnimiiriy mvolved in AUwinieilenci i in 20(n), 40% ofdw ckeionw has voted BgainM Mm m suppon and Parkinaon'i diieaaea; we have extended reaeareh on of leckluatcr caadidatea. Oar candidacy is imidi better, and die deanudanoni and we are naar to cmnpleiioo of leaaaidi conpnaaiDeiiaxaatg t are in aeriouB and iBwaud trouble widi dwdccMHateL by ttt the ben oomribaMn tb applied iiHdical Kienoe diet wc havWe e ahoidd be dUe to defeat DePaao. Our mesH^ and ddmaig ever been priviIe|Bd lo malte: T1nrwilibe«onvleiad m 2010. sUUi are aiverior. The iidieant diafaonesQr obvious m hia IKenaere Gm we do R»e eniiM die enemn of our cdUriay? The aaiBweandi ipeecbes is no advamage to Kim - agdihat a oendidaie who tunm oniio be "yer - but It bivohrei a Md'evcm. 1 am beinfeioeh)^g teUs dai Mh. DeFaao is uaed to OduiBig againai polidp requiied BI iHendea nqr clodt coiupiiuion of ahnoat 30 yociBBn an.d H e is gpiqg to ba astonidied by us. bugranewariL Can we finance the necessary ciimpaign? DeFazio has a TORI Bdheirs "A Scmiitt Finds Independnae'* in dw FcbnsaSdOn^OOy O cwnpmgp fimd that win undndilBdIy pow, cqieciaHy aa 2001 ^ImeriiDBii ^MCMlsr quBlBi me es aqfiifS^ it ia fiae to cemthe- dudlenge 10 him becomes evidenL plain about dwae who would do evU ftii beBor iD'iriieAine noticeW e shoilld be dde ID laiae dw nacenoy campaiipi fiindi-if we able action to amfbre widi dna It b lelf-MdsQdig lotdie acdoSBrn t wdL Eariy donedons mil be die mosi valuaUc: Wc need lo flRns enouglh m elicit pnnei An enemy B not beeteni howevericae, unh- die voters as quiddy as poadble. Soon, die media wiU beeval- kss he is, bl racl, beaten. It li bea to win, even if ddi nquiieanadit ac-g our efAn on dw HOIS m How much money has been uMOib- tioK ouBide one!!i field of spedaloation." uied - and by bow many people. Well, we do hna of conflaining in Aeeea fa EHosf, and dwPleaa e help usi The maxioHan penmiiied individud Gonoibunon Petition PiDjeet M noiicedbls and eiiciti pnisb Our aaemies areil ,$2,400 , bol even Sl aaUribuaBna - especially early ones - are Judgwg by die Buawit ^jiaciadi! m Wadangvciyhelplii- L to jtooeic m Gwi8V.P. O. Box I2S0, Cave lunaion.OR97S23. CONTRIBUTING TO THE CAMPAIGN Our new Iniemet site and campaign will grow much mure exKaiive over the coming weeks. PoBiieal campaipB are incnao- Pleaae suppon our campaign! Contiibutions can be auule mglby y deciromci but tlwae communicaiiotB must be tnnslaied mio credh cani cm ihc lisemet at www.ambiiBaiifiaeoopcmdCom or bfinancidy resources and vmoL chuck made out 10 "Robimon lor CoopeaT and nailed to RobinHnW e mot use pciaond campatpang, campaign siipia. direct mail, forCon0a8,22SI Dick Ceorge Rood, Cave Junetioi^ OR 97S23 idairikMor N comaat, ndkib and tdendon - dl of whidi reqiure mono- lary auppoiL We have bepn widi the least expenive meihodK, wilh

Itani 1-Access IDfiiefgy, Merdi 2010 IS. *H rsi Ml Attachment B

O rsi rsi CO N. »H rM Kl

Q rsi

IWin2rAc««»«' lv rH (M Nl Attachment C

O fM H Page 1 of3

Business Name Search

11-19-2010 New Search Printer Friendly BusinCSS Entity Data 11:44 Entity Entity Jurisdiction Registry Date Nejct Renewal Renewal Registry Nbr Tvoe Status Date Due? -156287-12 DNP ACT OREGON 10-08-1981 10-08-2010 YES Entity Name OREGON INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND MEDICINE Foreign Name . Non Profit PUBLIC BENEHT WITH MEMBERS Type

New Search Printer friendly AsSOCiated NamCS PRINCIPAL PLACE OF Type PPR BUSINESS Addr 1 2251 DICK GEORGE RD Addr 2 CAVE OR 97523 Country OF AMERICA csz JUNCTION

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•H rj Nl Attachment D o rg iH mm 10 EirasY A Pro-Sdenoe, Pro-f eehnology, Pro-Free Enterprise moMhIy Newsletler AUGUST 1995 (Vol. 22, no. 12) WaBoxr Agains 1250, Cave Jonetion,t Trut Oregonh 97523 Copyright ® 1995 by Accessto Energy 'Indie 19S0s and 1960s, it was popular in Americafinr IdeaHsd c European. She stqrs in Nordi'America totove nature as he telums to youdis to speak and dunk about absdute trudi. This pursuit cf tnidi England. Hidr quits are, however, united fiorever, presumably varied in its nahne in aocordanoe widittie InlBrestB of die individual. akmg wadi die uBIdng tree. I^ more see **llie Real Pocdhontss" Iqr In nsponse to d» BibUoal message diat die univecK is oitierijr, die D. A Price In The WaU Street Journal, Jvm 13,199S, p A18. seaithfinr aud i btossoineri over nimy cenanies m give rise ID our The Jamestown settlars, John Smiih, and Pocahmdas are not die modeni scienrific and technical dviHzation. An idtimsiBly aueoosful most important pait of American, hisloiy, hut di^ were toa^ admt- attack ufpon diat dvilizadon must efEecdvdy undenoine and root out cable peofde whose meritorious actions ahonld bemmemberBd as a our cultural pEefeienoefiv tnidi. The enemies ofreason kno w Ais and patt of our historical heritage. The budu about duun are worth telling. are dcHng dieiirbest to acteoconlingly. Why iqriaoe diese tnidu ^iridi pdidcally conect fies? See*fin-example, 'Th e Flight fiom Scienoe and Reason" by C. The Gdd War was a war against Inidi - hist' by ihe monolhhic R SomnKR-die lead editorial in The Wdl Street Journal far My, tynniues, Ul part because printing presses, mfios, andfinally comput ­ 10,1995, pA12. This Is a serious and growing problem. ers desinqfed duir control over the ftow (rf inidi to c^ve petjple. In Mieess to Energy, we often seek to (Usoedit diose who misuse Along widi Access to Energy, we iiiheritBd die printing press firom sdence. We presemfiNSbdl evidence dnt dnr chums lire wnnv. We Petr BedwuBin's basemem on iiridch Zadiaiy and Noah print die dunk that we can conviooc odiers of die rlg^nness of eur sfidemcnts newstener. iraagino Petr's joy as he set his own type and printed because diose shttements are iaatuel - di^ aie hue. Unfintnnoi^, tnidis against die enenties of fieedsra hi die C^eebostovakia fram dwe ia a mqor giowdi iodustiy in America denmnined 10 leadi our wMdi he escaped, a ptiiaing press nieant imprisinnient juid deadL people that tnrth is not intrinsically meritorious or even does not eidsL Rnoedom is fwt lost, of course; only by physkal enslavenienL Peo­ This fndiistty includes die educadonal estaUidiment (Z iiullion ple can be enslaved phyacally, eoonomiadly,faitellechially, or enu>- unionned teadien and a vast system d sodaliied educadon) whidi donally. Th^ can becnshtved by governments or by participation in is even adopdi^ "whole language." a ^tem teadnitg that there is groups that plaoe die incttvidiial in boiidage ID the g^p or its leader­ no exact meaning QT audi in a wriuen text - only subjeeti we cues fiorshi p - rpgardkss dhow wonderful nuy be Ihe parposes of dn group. die readei^s imag^nadon. It diso includes elements of die duld enter- They can even enslave dnmselves ihroogh ignon&Ke oT the midi or taiiunentiaduiliy. diiough beltef that fhey pononnDy alwi^ know dn imdi - a bdief Theie is oertdnly oodihig wnng with an amhrt^xmionjihic fic- that closesttieir minds and lenves thann duves d thdr own emus. tioiMl account of udldng nees and an kleaSsdc KtuUan maiden: cnsated The trend toward .deoemndization made possible by advances in fior the emertainoient of chiMien, even diough we might not petson- eteclronics is a gieat akl to trudi. People wiU always nudte eriois, butt ally egiee wth part of die enviro messege. There is, however, eveiy- if diere are many separate independent individuals and groups, itis dung wnmg widi die wholesale altention of bctual Mstoiy ui oRfer unfikdy dnt dny will all be in error amultaneously. Somewhere ID buttress diis message with an aina d: historical aoctinu^. budi vrill survive, evenhuUy to triumph 1^ its own strengdi. Undde to buy even a hanobvuger tridnot bdi^ imnier^ The enennes d tiudi stiU prefer.great, aU-powetfid monoliduc wodd of Dlsnpy's Pocahontas, we did a litde additkmal reading - see, governments where dnir control d people cannot be chaUntged. fior example £rK}ictepeiia AffierfooRB of 190B a^ That control is btg^'y exercised by manipulatioii ofidn "ttuOi." By Captkn John Smidi's perMmd aocoum of his perils ut the Respect and veneration d truth is a vdue d great inqiortance in hands of Bowhaian, "at dn nunole of my eKeciidon she hazarded the the ediwation d students. This vahw mid idnUe mednds d dnagld •Miiig exit ofteFOwirbieins Ai save mine:'' While some historians fbrieoognizing-aBddelernuniitg iiudi are far nuxenmportant tUan aiiy have ddmed that Smidi exaggerated, he WIS dwre ani di^ were noL qndfic body dfiwtual infionnadnn. This is one reason why madn- In any case, it is ggieed dut this 12-year-dd Indian gjri was a great nntics is an exodlent one omiculum fiir all students. It is veiy difiR- and perh^s ciitical help to the survival of the ookmy at Jamestown. cuh (ddiough not imposaUe. as our tax-financed scAxxds have Captain Smidi was, however, a married man (his wifis ^ed at shown) to teach iindieniatiGS without teaidung rigprous tiudi. Jamestown) who was 27 years oM when Pocahontas was 12. Poca­ We must newerfoiget dial past d^lizations whkh went horribly hontas inanied John Rolfie when she was 18, converted to Cliiisdan- wrong--sndi as dn later years of Ronn, dn Inqniritions d dn Mid­ ity, went to EngM at die age of 21 (wheie she was cdted Lady dle Aies, or dn Nads d CSermaiiy - were nude up d people just like Rabeoea afiur her bquismal nameX and died at die age of 22. us. Ttey canK imder dn contrd of ]k»> lies dut havealtanibunentd Disn^ portc^ a worM of noble savages {ntted agtAietevil Euro­ apped to oettaui negative aipecta dfauman nature. peans interested only in diggingfix* gold. Cione am die d^vations of We are nm dtffimnt or stqnfior because we now have Ifae fhiitn d survival in die New World dut lolled half die colony. These Disney sdenoe and tschnokii^. If WB lose our oeqwctfix tnidi - whednr in Enrapeans have ptenty to eat as theyrape th e land and murder Indi­ history, in ecooonucs, in politics, or ui sdjenoe - dnn we will prolv ans. Smidi'sficdonal kive affirir vndi Pocahontas (pomayed as an d>ly succumb to dn baser aspeds d our nature. One need kxik. no episode dut wouU probably have gotten diem IxNh killed by didr faidier dian a histmyOTenvironmentd studies course at tte local so­ .actual peers of dietime) cause s lum to lefbrm, only to be dnt by a cialized school to see how precarious our positioa has become.

wwmmmmmmmmmmadvantag e in mfiormation access time, dtis advantage can be substi­ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••I tutedfior pioduodv e woik. Unlbitnnaidy fiar them; nqrid todmolegi- GAINING AND LOSING IT cd cdiange ie 0ving everyone Cast access to infbnnation and As data Storage and ttansndssion advance, our access te knowledge undemmning dnir advantage. Productive worie is better security. is rapidly increadng. Most peoide are iMnking d dnse new cqubili- In adiStion to access to "infiormation," dn new technotogy is ties as access to "infixmation,** which th^ define as veiy recent data briitgiqg better access to knowledlge, dn aocumulaied wisdom d sev- widi qnddtime vdue. Sonn even think that, if di^ can maintdn an erd thbusarid years d recorded hiim^ One CD-ROM can now hold image files d about 25 bodes or text UAINSIMUD ciiBiicm;i9M files d about 500 books. Image flies are better because di^ preserv¥LCRflRfllVee f tin typesetter's ait, figures, and On fonnat prefened by dn aiidnr. Text file nndlods fot accumdyiiaeseiviiig dnse unages aie, however, unproving. New CD-ROMs witii fivethne s gpsaler capacity are ex­ pected aeon, and those with fifly times greater cqndty ere prdnUy not Car way. These wiH make posdUe 2SJ0Q0 books on a CD-ROM- if dn CD-ROM itadf is not obsolele by dnn. We are approaching a tirne when a copy dtin Ubtaiy dCbnpess or dn Nationd Library d Medidne oouM be sold hi a box d your locd discount store. It will be a miq'or undettdditg to scan all d dn pages in dnse librar­ ies, but scanners are improving. Even widi curtent scarnien, dus couM certdnly be done. Imqge files can be preserved, vdule comm opticd character recognition prognans can ludc dnse images to fidllBxt search widi 95% or batter ndiabili^. There are, however, two ways in which wc risk kidiig snnnnf das knowdedtge while gaining dn rest First, recorded knowledge can be kut when recerdit^ mednds change. This prooess once todc hundreds oreven thousands d years as o languages changed and sametimes were tost Now, dn process has sptnded up. Cari Boehme; professor d electritul ei^^neerii^ here at K dn Oregon hutituie d Sdenoe and Mdlicine, recentiy resuRecied and repaired an dd DEC FDP-li cumpunr system in order to recover »H some essentid computer pragrams and odier knowledlge diat had been rsi recorded en DEC Tape IS years eariier. Had he not been dde to per- fieimcleBtradc ardueotogy, this knowledge might have been h»L Nl We cannot read mai^y d-dn wdtiqgaof Julhis Canar beciuue all Q oofries were kuL Cbpies'require WOIIL Our rqndly changing recording rvi iindiods reqdre dnt oo|»es be made more and nnre fincpientty. Tlu^ eflfort nuy not be made fiv knowlet^ d litde currett interest Street. N.W., Washington, DC 2000fr-3708, is dxxit tin wonderfid nu­ Second, dn dfiott d copjnng nuy not be made when 1^ impedidea­ r power ptanu bdng built in Ada by Fkench industry, dnce com­ ments stand In the way. Copyii^ law is currendy creadi^ a memorpetitioy n finom American mdustiy is inhiUted by our govemnient hole fior knowledge published during dn past SO to 73 yetos. OpmonsWh y are dl these people so shottsi^ded? Why are thi^ nmjoitung vary on how oM a documem nust be befine its oopyrjg^ exiuestin - people d Cdifixnia and huikfing windmills instead? (Cdifiamia and, regardless d widch opidoo om adopts, dnn and resonroes areha s 90% dU.S. wind generation instdled capadty.) letjuired to eofinue dnt opidon. bnagine the problem d scantling and "Energy Chdoes in a Competitive Era - Tin Role d Renewable distributing a libnuy mdudii^g several hundbed tiiousand books dutan d Tkaditiond Energy Resnnnns in America's Electric Generatien may stillhive enfinveaUe copyrights. MK," April 199S, Center fon Energy and Eoenmnic Devdoptnem. For our hamMchod cunicdum, we want to recommend soon 1800 Diagond Road, Suite 370, Alexandria, VA 22314, answers dus. very exodlent science texts and odnr materials dut have been publish­U.S. electricd usage has douUed ui dn past 2S years. Qurendy ed in recent'deeades. These are, however, out d prim but still in copyonl- y 2% d that dectridty is fiom "renewable" sources. Cnu^ do nm ooom breeder reactors - and. anyway, we are nm dtowed lo have any.) ri^t Where permisdon can be duained, we scan diem, but ofteOnf dut 2%. 70% is actudly fi«n cmhbustion dbiomass and waste. permisskm will nmbe ^ven. For our smdl project, we are udng subTh­e CEED study (ask fbr tin full report - not jistdn executive sum­ stitutes. For targe prcgecis. however, such as dn computerization andmary ) estimates tint, under fine rauhet compdition, dds 2% would rtisseminalDon d gpeat libaries, recent materids will just be pcmeddro p to 1% by tin year 2010. TH^fiatfnr estimate tint it! couU be over -and maiiy nnay evennia^ tn lost finevor. raised to 4% ^ 201Q wilh afanit SSD billion in tn-finnnood snbridies .... JK-bureauoinlic ocsDi jBod.l^d.8Uiniblii^Jbknks can.be icmoved."and't. o ri%'6y 2D10 wiS about $2D0'Gilfianih'siibindiflB. Moreover, hnge piojects fix dn eotnputeazation dhuman knowledge can sweepdns e increases wodd primarily reptace natdrd gas, whidi is so plenti- eveiydung into irndem sinagB media and keep updating these mediafiil. diat it is dmost linddess in supply and vduchhas a tower envuon- Sure, it is nm dl worth keeping, but there is no human or madnne camcnt­ d impact dun dn "renewable" souroes. pable d deckfing whd diould be duown avray. We are aniving d a wonderfid tinn hi which we can stop kidqg knowledge and can dis- Figures 1 and 2 are fiom dn CEED rqiort Figure 1 shows totd US senunate did knowdedge duoughout our dvUizatien. •ennwdde capadty as compared to tint d individud nudear and ooal- PIE IN THE SKY «i.aM^«eaAiMMU We are fiarever hearing that American dependence upon hydroca^ Ixm combustion and nuclev power must give way te "reneu'able en­ ergy souroes" in dn "New Age." Now, ghibal elitists are even peddting dus nonsense to emeigii^ underdevekiped nations - who like dn notion even less because didr fiinires depnd upon inexpendve, abundam energy. Tin Aden response is summarized m "China: Ready fiormor e nudear power' * by S. Rippon, Nudear News, 38, Na 8, pp 32-33 (199S) and "Energy-Hun^, Ada Embraces Nuclear Power" by P. ShDiion.7AeiVfwyohbTimer, April23.199S.p4E U wceannnt build mnlear power phnls in du: Unilid Stain, we can at leaat hmU them elsewhere- right? Wrong. "No Sale: U.S. Compa­ nies Lose Badness ta Export CHdnds." hi Nudear Energy haight. »n 74 7S7<77 7a79 80 Bi8an84asua7nw«o9i9a9a May 199S, pp 34, pubtiirind by Nuclear Enotgy Institute, 17761 fired ptants. Figure 2 g^ves dn cod d hydrocarixm fuels, whidrienci is e in tinRobuBo n household, however, has been dut a.home steadily decreadiig. Air pollution emisdons from ood plants havsdwe d works very wdl when the dukhen are sdf-taught with good fidlbn by SO-fiokl dnee 1970, so dn competition is between ced, bociksnatu- . kmn plaI^B. and study environment, and widi veiy littte paren- rd gas, and nuclear power. * 'RenewaiblDS* * are nm even in dn gunntd. uivdvemen t For two years, we have been woridng to produK ma­ We admit durwc woirid Kke to see a ten-fnUdmp in pholovdtdteridc s on CD-ROM dut wouM enahle (idnr femilies tt) do more easily cdl costs, because tins eodddseenndize hmmdechldty supply andwlu d dn cUldmn here have done iand to inqxnve nor own schod. enhance hidvidud fieednm.TM s b mt avdUble now, however, and. Version 1.0 ddus effort b now fiddledan d b comprised dsets d ifit were, it oould still nm supply tin needs oC American industry. dx CD-ROMs. The dx CD-ROMs oontdn imi^ files dover SOm ••••••^•••••••••eBM«Me«*M«M»ae«M«Meot«c«M pages finom books d history, economics, and gnerd Hterature dut we GENDER JAND MATHEMATICS ABIUTY reconamend. If dn fiunily does nm have a particular book, induded •••••••••••••••ifit******************************* software altows them io prim one thtt b kfentidiK'fS dn origind. Als^ In 1960L Jaiins Bonner mduded in his hitroduclQiy btotogy lecturenidudes d are a fiew spedd readiqg and vocdndary exaimnations, a de­ tt Cdtech a section about fln wkUi d tin distributkn fimctions.dtdtod descriptil m of oat cuniculum, and recomniendations d odnr menid ability in men and wonnn. Men. he sdid, Inve wkler disttibubotdc- s to buy. Those matosids aro fixchiMie n dages 5 to 18. tiiii fundtoos thah womon. There are more men d unusud^ highTM s b Veidon 1.0 and b qtiito usefiri. (It nquues Microsoft Wi­ aldity aid macedunusually low aUlity. It was hypodiedzed that thidowss , a 386 or higher, and 4 MB d memory.) TMs cankmhan needs, nught be caused by fiiciorso n dn X chromosmne which afibet inidlihoweverr , anmhei' 100,000 pages dbods and a grett many more ex­ genoe. ^di two X chromosomes, an averagmg d dn two couM oocuaminationsf . Therefore, we are selluig dn 6 CD-ROIi& fix $95 per set in women and nm in men. This wouU lead to tower variation. postage paul. Fkofils. will be used to expand dn cunicdum. Families IS* Since then, tlds has beconn a politicdiy unorrect researdi stdqecwht o cannm afiind $95 can buy the set at a tower price. VcErion IJO •H It hu not, however, been oompleldy buried. This yeai; tin Cdlegwae s nude posdbte by donations, by earrungs fiiom Access to Energy, rsi Board SAT madi exam was made eader in order to redine "gendeandr b y dn vdunteer he^ d many fiiends. We wih start duppmg dnse Nl bias," tin tendenqr fiar btiys K> have Idgher madi scores tfian girls (sesete s in nud August Otden dmikl be sent to dn Oregon bstiURe d Access to Energy 21-7. p 1). Nbw, widi parestrdka spreatfing oven Sciencto e and Medidne, P.O. Box 1279, Cave Junction, OR97523. ST afinmative action, this subject, taoy is dimifaing om d its hidii^ |daoeis. "Sex Diffiirenees m Mentd Test Scorns, Varidnlity, and Numbers \riimal lm DiiK Of Parcnf s dHighrScoring Ihdividuals" by Lany V. (bdges and Amy NoweU in rsi Sdenee 2d9, pp41-4S (1995), combines dx sbdies dover 20Q|000 V\ lio iloiiic Scnool indivkluals. They find did "aldwugh average sex dififerenoes have Inen generdly snull and stabte over tinn, dn test scores d nules coiH dstendy have larger variance. Exoqx in tests d readuig comprehen- aon, peroephid speed, and assodadve memory, n^es typical^ oumumberfismdes substanddlyamung high-scoring individuds." • than $23,000 •This effect Is eqnddly pronounced hi madi. One study ofl 73,425 indii^dnd nmdi SOOTBS fiound male/fiande sntios d 1.3 In- dn top • S25,000 to 50.000 10%. l.Sfiirttniqp5%,2.1 fix tin top 3%. and 7;0 fbr tin top 1%. This would he emngh to cause dn observed dififerenoes m average SAT scores because low-scoring individuds do nm take the test H More than S30,000 Since dnse distribution functions are mosdy overlappmg. dus result says noddng m dl abom the alnlities d each individud or d small Figure3 poops d individuals. (Fior examjrie^ women can be fbund as the tqi peofde in speddized research Adds - indudmg dnse requiring ex­ traordinary madi skills.) It also says noduiig about education dirough' age 18, ancetinreisnoinedtoboindiesetoppeiBentBgestoleani CANCER AND NUCLEAR POWER banc sidlls and fiuts. It suggests, howuver, tint paliticdly correct ef- JottB to.elinunate.dififercnoes hn.dieLnveniges d.laige-'numberad hidi­ .. Pages .l-!4ddn Jdy 1995JIeaUhPhyslcsSocletyiNewdetter.»niU viduals (siB^h as the SAT change) are miagukled. able fiom HPS, 1313 Doltey Madison Boulevard, Suite 402, MdLean, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••^••••••••aB VA22101 answer, by means da March 1995 Minnesma Department SELF-TEACHING HOME SCHOOL d Heddi Sbidy, the 1994 Emest Stemglass ctaim thtt breast cancer rnonafity b hi^w near Minneaota nudear power plants. As expected Ih order to be uiteBectudly fiee, each imfividud nnust have Dn abilfican­ numerous odier shidtes and fitom the lade d any known physicd ity to thuik aid have suffioiem kncrwledge dxwt On world aroand Idphenomenom n that ootdd cause thb dleged hicrease^ no hnease in as a bttis fix thought fil dus agedsdence and teduwltogy, these menbreas- t cancer (or m seveid odnr caneeas abo snicfied) was found. tfd loob fot productive dwught shouM be obtdned eariy and rdnforsedSterngbs s manufisdurad hb mcrease by selecting some, bm nm di; throughout life. Hundreds d thousands d American fiuiulies haved dn counties near the (dants. TMs selection was fix timse dut had an now dedded tintdnu r chiUren's educations are too unportam to be tqiwarleft d flucQiatioD d breast oaneor inddene&duiing the period urnne- to sodalisn - thqr are linme schooUng. ctiatdy bdbm hb press oonferenoc. Tiny were fluctuating up fiom a Figure 3, fiom "One Pareal's Experience widi Honn »Sch«ding"lowe r dun usud inddence - back to dn hisioricd avenge hiddence. bry Barty Brooks ui NationoL Minority PoUtics, 7. No. 6, June 1995Fluctuation, s d averages d smdl numbers d indivuhids are laiger avdlable finom S7S7 Wedhdmer Road. Sdte 3-296b Houston, TduX n fix laijp numbers, so Stemgtass had a hbtoricd tanga dbistween 770S7-9764, dwws an economic profited dnse fiudlies.TM s aidd20e and 34 deadu per 100,000 to work widi wMte he dbhonesdy cre­ is also illustrative d dn growdng awareness amnig black Americanates d hb nonexistent "cnrelaiion." dnt true fieedom fiom intellectud davery is better obtdned tfarougli By contrast, "Ptevaknoe d Lens Qungea in Ukndan CMhken home education dun duough tax-fiiuneod, soddiaed schods. Residing Around CRennobyr* lty R. Day, M. B. Gorin, and A. W. fil­ One nrindinnm to the honn-scfiod movement has Inen the per-ler in HeaUi Physics 68, pp 632-fi42 repotts an increase finm1.1 % odved need fiir a pasent in the home witfi sufifident tinn to be(contro a l popubtton) to 3J6% in detectaUe eye lens abnomdities foi- teacher. TMs b particulariy a problem amoiig tower uinxne Americanchikhes n living m Ae nnd heavily contanunaled zone near dn Cher- tdin arecunentiy less likely to have sudi a parent Our personal expenob­^ power plants. TMs is nm cancer-bd h is honest science. d$21,760 in taxes fix every hausehoU in tin nation. INTERNET CONNECTIONS biagine dn efifeds d shmting down dl exoqit dn essentiab d dn nationd defense and court systems, findng America d buieaucrBtic Tin Acoesr 10 fhergy editv now has an &Mdl address: ragnlators, and endmg dndnft d d least $15,000 ut avenge annud artj9ZWR.OISM.ORG per fiumly puidhasiqg power finm ihe American peqde. Then we We dso have a Worid Wafe Wd> dte tt 0ISM.ORG which wouwillM redly see tinenosmoo s productive power d free enterprise. require some tinn tobecom e usefiil. Our near-lerra ggab are to ifuke• Dr. C Fountain writes "that Green groupain dn US are dueateii- avdbbto our dvil defienae pubtications; our publications on hommeg tegd action over a naive by tin US govonment toremov e 3 qn- scfioduig (excqpt book unage files wlikh would require too mucdehs d kangaroos, the red, eastern gray, and western gray, from tin time foruser s to downloacO; back i^gps cS Access to Energy (nendangerem cur- d spedes list '"Rons on the danger list, say US greens" by rent, dnee we must stay in budneqicjnd nm before Septendnr 1993P. Wilso, n and S. Hdmsburgh in 7ke AusfraUan d3^Q^5 (jiSBBBs an which are a soince dinconn fix Mrs. Bedonarai); and profiessionAustrdiad n Nationd Conservation Agency spokesman - "I don't know poWcations by dn Orqfon fnstitnte d Science and Medidne feculty.whtt they're taBdng about ftsound s Eke someone's gm dnir wires TMs will bie a slow process as ZWR dso has a fidi toad d ooHcrossed^ . Thdr poputation b four times whtt it was vihea Captain Cook wmk bogtodng in Sopienflnr 1995, bm tin dte shouM evemndly betanded.­ [The kangaroo] wonU have to be on d dn mott common come quke usd^t Now, we are dasigmqg oua home paga. nannnub in dn worid - dnre's litenlly ntiUions dflnm." •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••s • "EooKids: New Auttmutons oh dn Btoek" by Jo Kwong m The rvi SMOKE AND MIRRORS Freeman, Mdch 1995, pp 155-159chroddes dn new usedutenvbos N. have fiound fixdukhe n -brdnwasMng them in dn snrialiTiBd sdawb The murors in dn sobr power fieM near Barstow, Cdifixda, arinteo fieatfol, undunldag opponents d teduntogy. TMs artide b hilari­ nm woridng as wdl as diqf mj^ operatora say, because the atmosous­ until one realizes thtt American chikben actually bdieve das •H phere still contdns sindre firam the eruption dMouit nnaiubo in the rsi propaganda. Mean>iriute **Lessons in Hypocrisy" by D. P. Doyte in FMlippines fiiUF years age. It hqipctis, also, dut 20% ddlenurron ar7lne Watt Street Jaumtd, June 13, p A18, ^ves die percentages dpub- Nl broken. None d utis is, however, stopping Soudiam Califinnia Edbolinc school teachen sending dieh- children to private schoids in Boston. SI finm prying five thnes the maikm price (15 oents/KwH vs. 3Chicago , and San Randsco as 44J6%. 36.3%. and 36.7% respoctivdy. ST oeiils/KwH) fix dectridty fitmi dib fidd and passng the exna $800 imllton annud eottdong in higher Mlb toilscusionsers. O The Pdilic Policy Utility Regutatory Pdides Act d 1978. accord­ GOOD READim rM ing to 7%e Wdl 5^1 youmd; May 17.1995, ppAl & ASartideby J.9 But is it True? A Citfaen's Gidde to Enrironmaital HetMi and Bdl^, entided "Carter-En Law Keq» Price d Electridty Up biSe ^ Issues by Aaron WiMavdty. Harvard Udverrity Ress (1995). Spite dt a Suiplus.'' seqiures that $37 billitm be paid by U. S. eledricnofinso- r Wiktavd^ makes a find effort O^ublidied after hb death) to ity consumers duough the year 2000 - above ordinary marlcet pricesprotec. t us finm the nonsdence in our pditicd environment ' TMs am subsUlizes "dtemative" energy. • Emmvnmentdl Gore: A Constructofe Re^xmse to fivrA Ai ite In dn neailty Cdifiiinia "wind farms," turbine blades have Baltmee edited by i. Badea and published by the Padfio Research in­ chewed up 78 gokbn ea^ during dn past twp years. ^deanwMtstitutee in . Also sead dn review d tfib lank by J. Nfoiris, Abttfre 375 pp Rorida, oonoem fix die lives d two woedjpectan! stoppeda launch 115-11d 6 (1995). Bookstores in rin U. S. Nationd Padca have been fea­ dn spam shntde.) At bast, noost d die wuidmilb are still spimungturin. g Algore's handbook d fictiond honon - if ody di^ wouU pm Tin manuTD-burauig power fdant in El Centro, Cdifixda lus contdd- s new book on dn shdves bedde it ptetely stopped, ft is plugged with manure dut refuses to bum. • "T-Cdb and C-Notes" by Tom Bedidl, The American Speda- tor, April 1995, pp 16 & 18. Thb sunuruiizes tin vast, itdxed tax-fi- LOCAL POLLUTION naiiced HIV and AIDS udusfiEy flitt feeds upon huiiun suffering. • "Peer-Review Pand Rejects EPA's Dtonn Reassessmeui," WMle propaganda fimn nationd and udnmationd envun leaden EPis A Watch 4, Nb. 10. PP 1-2. Mi^ 1995. avdtabte fiom EPA Watch, dn usual fiKus d tttontionan d ddnte, it b also Uiierestidi to waic14140-h L Parke Long Court, Chantilly. VA 22021. See abo. '"Cleanuig dnir fiom spUien in action. In response to a locd newspqwr artidUep EPA's Dtoxm Mess" by K. R Kdly, The Watt Street Joumd, June 29, 1995, editorid..pagB.-EE!Ab udng-«-no4hR8hekl-dkinn we are coqwnsoring here Aug^ 4-6. dn fidtowmg advertisemem moddb . A pand d adentisis finmed by dn Envirameentd Protection bdng posted around town by toed enviros: Agency's own Science Advisory Board rgecied dus naxid and EPA's "DQCIXffiSOEDEmmiQEILUfiiQISYALLEI? fiirther eSdts to ddnomze dn cunem U. S. environmenttQ levds d "PACT Qg ECDSMl OJJSM. Researdi uses high vdtage dtodn - nrast d wMch do nm originate finm human activity. pbwer•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••«•••••••••••, btotogicd sdts. viruses, animd tests, chennicd storage, an•d• Currency Debasement: Its ^Bpea On the WortdEooiumybylt» ... wlut ^? Is dn IHinob Vdley a base fix secrd govemmemFounctatio n fix dn Advanoemem d Monetary Education, 211 East fondiag d btotogicd watfiare? Why wMte suits wldi hoods? Wht43rtd ar Streete , New Yak, NY 10017-4707. Th^ pdm om dut currency in Un Ug tanks? (ric) Why 20.000 vratts d power? debasemem dbcreases dn time spun over whbh invGston are willing to "ARE WE THE LAB RATS? Whtt protection do we have frotdtme rides. TMs b e^eddly danaaging to sdeotifie luseareh. acddentd polhition to ab and wafix caused by tedmg & researeh b•y "Thomas Jeffixson's Sophbtioted. Radnal Viskard Liberty" OLSMl Who fiinds nonprofit Moehemisity rasearch? Have aoy. dIty Tm Powell ip The Freeman 45, pp 467-471 (1995) avdtabte fiom dnse peopte done aodttog to 0ve us a safer world to live in?'* CThTheb Foundatio n fixEcononu c Education, 30 Soudi Broadway, Irv- latt sentencepdnts with an anow to a list dDIV meeting speakers.ington-on-Hudson) , NY 10S33.' These draughts should be reread often. We adidt tt> a 20j000 watt Une - dn power rating fix a normd househoU line. We wish we codd afiford the machuieiy to use more. ACCESS TO ENERGY STARK RAVING MAD nbliaher and edilor Vt. Aithur B. RoUoiun, Rnideui mi KBKKII ftofewor. •Oregpn InititutB of Scienoe ami l4edicinB. Sitbwriptkini (lim-daM mi3): indlviduali • The WaB Stnet Journal, May 10,1995, p 1 reporti dut 'TaS3Sx 12 monlhly isniea (Canada S37, oveneai, fay air mail only, $40). $60; US iBX-mbtidiaBd omanizaiians SlSOi E-mail lubacripdons: same prices or SIS coltectians are likdy to diinb 5.7% daa year, tin Tax Foundation estifor­ B-mail to pond mail lubacriben. Onter bam Aeeea lu Siergy, Bm 12SQL Gwe mates. In a report to be issued soon, the Washington-based researcJincaonh . OR !^S23. QiSGb murt be in USS dnwn on a US bank. PHI iHues $3 each. g^p says fixM, stale, ud toed goaenunents will cdbm an averag10a0 p«gB 21 year index S20. CD-ROM ttU yean of back iasuea $95. Rrinied 21 yean of ianiei and index $145. CD-ROM and printed 21 yean of iscues and index S19S. an i/S-iHf


•H r>i Attachment E Nl

O rsi ilCCEiS 10 EIERBY A ProStiimat, Pro- Cechnology, Pro4ta Emorpriie Hioiithly NowataUar MAROI1999(Vd.26,no.7) Boa 1250, Cave JuiicUonb Oregon 97S23 Copyright 01999 I^^OODSS to Eneigy Instabflity Yesterday, a fiiend doure Skipped hb pickiqi ra dn tbivcway and WMte we are idagued witfi magie nunober ntystidsm suirounduig walked up toward our sdud room and office. As I met him odnn d transftton o 10 a new ndUerudum and a voki d teadendup tt a criti- wdk, Ms fiid words were, **Whtt abom dtis Y2Kr* cd juKtore d toiemationd albfas fbltowiitg victory m a great war, TMs friend b nm a yoppte dqamdem OU las comada ra dn dtwye o rar e sunulndnDOusly enmerind to amideided tectaiotogicd a wdfiue profesdoBd depended upon hb mx-fiHBiced check Nocfcai^ger b . Tin new fittcrnef and caupulei' toab dut have beoeon con- he one d dn grewing nnb d naw amvivdists wringing dnir handsiknes r items to our stareSi even widi flidr wonderfid benefits. stiU dut diasel genewton aid storage food are disappeaiing fiom thdestdiilue n cmr fives as we adapt to them. marimt place so fiat ditt diey may jutt have to rdd dn supemnriceAnt d who are "we"? fncreasto^. "we" are a nation d tax-fi­ fbr food and candles instead. (At times donsis, the eniptying dslornancee d sidnd gnduates widi litde undeistandtog d tin tostihitions, shdves by fiightenedpeopt e b a common occiuieiicni Considerrdigtoii, , monds, eduGS, and odnr strengdu dut underlie our society. however, dn buigeodng dicumstance wherein milltons d aflloemManipdate d by tin propaganda d fiear and envy durii^ dnr 12 pre- Aimaricans have begun to empty dn shdves -and ptan to continuodlege e yean and (for 25% ddnm) duriqg fiouryeara dcoUegeas doing so fix Bn next lm moaihs.) well,diwecidBBnstardl8WMuinpecdvedcridstednMBtt-^dia^ TMs friend b adually a profiessiond trapper and mska. For dewen r tfn press leads dnm. Tiny tadc iBdistic sdf-oonfidenoe baaed tast hdfeemury hb woric hn oondslBd dontranrting tbyolBS,o bobn adu­ d dilUties and have, fantind, been tau^ dut titey deserve UIIP cat^ cougars, and odnr denunns d dn vad Nordiwcslem woodsmerite. d advuncenud aid sdf •esteem as a nakud hnunii ridit Sdf-stdfbkmqr? TMs nun oodd live widi hb hands in tin fixeitt asAdditionally , even-rrer good fintunes have b^un tofeed dn fieara. eauly as mod peopte Uve finm dn stoaesi (You dnughl, perhaps, Thduet dock maifaf, overvannd or not b punqang large amounts d such men ody exbted now in history books?) Yet. Y2K mamacqnt hasd into rnw productive eriterprises. We kinw Att such nurkets now readied even into hb world. Why not? Limited signs cunendgoi^anddown-soenjoy y the "ups" and Uve widi the downs. In- dedare finomou r hardware supply stores, "Y2K Supplies Herel" oeasingly. however, even dw slock market has beooun pnmanly a y2K b a prommem example, but, more geneidly, dure b a ^owreaso­ n fix fear - fiear dut dn rise will end. Somdiow, our peopto Ced ing msiabUity hi dn bad - an instability thar may reach bm aO doudutr dn y can no tonger live widnm thb eidwinend gotd fixcuin. Uvea befine it runs its GOtBse. Abo, conakler die growtog generd treed toward untionaUsm. IdaiutionaBy, of oourae, dure b a Brinns pvabtem. Tin stronWidg i a spedd toterett to sdnttifn andi, we tend to fines on snch leaden who kd our nattoir to victoiy to dn CnU War are gonennydi, bms as "glbbd wamtiqg," '*02one hates," and socdled emrirani- wv-ravaged (and increariogly. war-oii^fecO Ado and EaMara nnmd dands. These loomprise; howover, ody a small part d dn EuQpe are still wHh us. As if dnb own endemte proUeaos weregrovrin nm g untionaUsm to mv midst '"Question Redity" reads a cd- enouigb, dnse nations have Udened prunarily to American lefodteges dudem'a bumper stidter, whUe a required reading to hb * 'Ctdto- whob when nm engaged to dnir usud activiliea d tearing dqwnqdnm dn " oonrse b entided "The Pod-infiamation Age." Rom farm American Republic; have occu|»ed dwmsdves to givfaig "advice" cardto s K> New Age paraphesndb. BiationaUsm b evaywfaere. pbces Ifln RuBsb as to how diqr can bulU a ooontiy Uka America.F x dnse and odnr reasons - did I do nm preierd to fidly under­ SiHNdlaneoHsly, dn Executive bnaidi dtfn Unhed States govstan­ d - it b dear dut there b growing fear and instddUty to Annrica. emmem has been ptaoed in hands so oorn^n thttit b rattenoodThti tao b evident m aae to waidnng nationd af&ln. aod it b abo evi- say we have a feailusUp voeium. Ill foet, we have somedihig woridemm to persond cttoladB. bb tocreadngly difiBcdt toid y upon fix- than a vacuum - someddog d very oqadve vahw. Amerieans meriaro y ratiood and stable fadividiiBh ammd us beeauaomany d them stiUtaming'ovBr atanntoin^lbiiddthdr eamirigalOb*by fw, tin most- aiendbiraBU' d ttyimuRti^ E^oiidUT otarupt and dangenns r^fme thtt hasxwernded dor onmdry. grett inHPvainp thtt ittprovBa conimBnieatior^'b InbbiBd becaoaerit" " William Quiton has stiU never released hb medicd recordshud too dn exh« (Umenstons d ord comnnunications. to a society d pubUc view. ShouM we be suiprised, widi even NBC now nimiinstabtge iiidividuab, it WIMU be a lx»n reqiniing scne adaptation. In a carefidly documented commentary to dn effem dut CUnton fixdUysociety d increadng tostabiUty, however, dn ndsundenflandtoga dut rBped.a oonstihnm whUe he was AttOHMy Generd d Arkansas? Kit sca n gHwate are remarkable, qpeedy. ard'onexpected. persond depravities are, d course, ody a dd»diow ooovared to dn When wUI tfua tostaibiUty peak? WiB it lesd tosertou s ttoubte? nuuy ways to whidi he nd hb Adnudsiraitou have haded awayFortunately ttni . It wttl prduUy pok witfi ttn loU-over to dn yev2000, ri^ts and tomesis oTthe American petitefixipersond gato. which beady iO mondu away. If wa onn keep otr bdanoe until dnn, As dn year 2000 approadns, we drauU have a gnowtog antidpathn-c wUl prnbdily In fitttoitrevenibte damage. ttonof the wonderfid improvements in our tivosandenvimnme d did Our bot aauae b to make a fiew paaond sdf-snflSdeBcy prqu- 2]d eeiihvy tfriuKdogy and btanan fieedom wiU flsdce posdbte ntimifti- s (dways a good idea for inany reasons) and dmi tum entirely slBsd, we luwe a growing ptddn fiear thtt the new wMiWiinni towiU podtiv e pinuila. Now enore dnn uaiiaUy. our oounity and our fiel- bring auffering, deafli, and dn toss dour cunem way dUfe. TMlows citizens need positive, optimistic stabte examples around dnm- fiearb gsdnringnnmedum and oodd beconn sdf-fidfiUmg. exainples lotead tfnm dttoiQh dds.Q6rioddunusud instddity. whd energy b and dut we are unsbte u> ddnei- create ocddsBoy it ACCESS 710 ENERGY CTKb statemem b rigproady oorvett if we, liin Fityiunan; oenrider mmmmam99am»m9nw9m9—»—99m9m9mmaBmmmm9mmmnm—9mman a fixm denaigy. ) Otn- todustrid *^magy produokig" aotivitiea Tin October 1994Aooarf 10 fii0gy. Vol 23L DOL 2, oomdns a shoraret aahiaUy nwaipidations wherdty we eflfed snuUreanangennnis to dissBtatton on energy targdybase d upon fln cjmamduuiily ludd exnator- e so did we are given "acoen" toenerg y m conveniem fixms. idanstion to Ridurd Beymnan's tolroducloiy book l£cnirer Off Mott d our uaefol energy b derived firomgravitation d polentid ies, Vdonn 1. p 4-1. ft b toipqtttmt to uialnstaid dut we do nm knoenergw y and nudear fission and fusion. Gravitattonally produced high pressures and high lemperauues from naturd nuclear fission are nec­ essaiy to dn production of tite coal, dl, and naUud gas thai we enjoy. EMAIL ADAPTATION Meanwhile, nuclear fiiston to dn sun provkks us widi heat, hydro- elecuto energy, and dn wkte variety d so ad- oome piaodcal. and flwB b even a smafl bund d Bcieritisto whosdreen b wwwjdsmjorg. The Aooeu to Enagy writ ale. wNdi b dream b dut practicd odd inateor fitdon can be adneved. mdoigoing some very doe hnprovemonb, b wwwjooesstoen- ft b easy to tose our bearings in aU d dds and adopt optoioosetjsyjcon con- i Otir hcane sdnd currindinn b niadtoiBd oil the Intenad tty cerdiig theeoitverrion deoeigy to nscid fbrRis thtt sn not coniietemou r odteague Arodd Jagt tt wwwjdnaaoeoonicdumxom- lfl widi ttn bed inereais d dn fibilUo n paofde wifli whom we now durWe e redded cmdl letduxdogy n tang « possiUei Nbt havtog n dn Eardi. (All reasonable prqjections now show dut dus nuiriber emaiwiU l addns evenmdly becann countetproductiveL The worM b be- K MX rise above 10 biUton and wiU Ukdy tevd off wdl below 10 bffltonocndn. g fanpaliem vddi deohonc reduses. Eariier, we abo resisted fex Then nunrinn d peopte ean be eadly fied. housed, and prodded vddnuehinesi . Rndly, afiierid became so briuied whh bdng unddb to fox •H suptsb Uvea daou^ freedom and tecfandogy.) to us flitth e sMpped a foxmacRh n 10 me: Now, d coune. it hn be- rsi Fini, duan b dn pnMen dcapiid foaaneqgy cuovcrsum ann UBcan- n a necesdty. Our fox nnater is 541^92F2S97. tribntion fhdUdes. Human capiid to dn fixm d nancy, krxndedge. EnuO conBtnttucation ta toleresihtg. bat hn seme piddb tint sre Nl and todnsirbl biEnsaoKhvo is aocunnlaied dewly duough herd WOnKm immedindy appradatidi Fx brid undrieai it b fiutai d dnap; under fitworable poUtiod conditions. It woidd he fixiUsb to advise foanr data tranafiar Intman odleagaea, at b exeeltani; and fix fiawaidtog Q Afidcan native in a ptoutive country m lifl^ hb houn widi a oudeediiUeresiinr g sitidn aad other etantionicdncimietiis it b aupert>. Thb rsi power ptam becaioe tint b dn mod efiident fioim d energy convernetw medtom beoomn a Uttte compBcded. however, in dnaan d to- ston. Then b am suflidem monetary and human capitd to hb countrteqpcKBony d communtoations, espetdally Mierediptomacy b required. ID achieve dn'econndn d state requued fivnuclea r power. Pace-to-flceconunuiucationb,d course, dn best Tdephonn are As the biUtons d peo|de in tin nnderdevetoped worU lift dnmgotd- . too. The speaker can soften hb slalennnts vrith pditenessn and advn traov poverty and join On devetoped world, diqr nnitt fidtowcaveat a s ttut prevM cotifionintons wifli hb Usienea. Abo, dnn diratt pdh d incrennntd devdopment Enoigy fiom ood, oU, ahd nanvoommudcstiond s dtow tostant pere^tioo dnuaconrmunicition or of gn provinn dnm widi souron din cue widito dnir means. Tinnoffen, n n given, so dut tfiGsecan ba immodbidy eomded. We speiri di^ devdon further, tocreasn ta dn sopMadeatieii d danr tecfaaidot-m eatire Bvn gmduaUy unpusvhig our iMlttin tocconnudeate widi gists and tocreasn to capiad to dnir finandd seclon aUow them eacto h odnr by oralimediods. oonstoer auctaar power. Shdiariy, teoer writing is a slowly aoqidred talenL Even wntti grett ParadoxicaUy. tin Udted Statn and maity odwr devetoped nationsexpcrtence, , a carefully vMrtaen letter requim tton and often nudtipte whidi can easUy afford ard buUd nudear power planiB, are StiU uuneoreviaon- . Word processora are wonderful to tlidr dnlity to make lettx essarily iBtog vatt anoounis d ooal, dU aid naturd gas. Thdr peoptrevistone s ntativdy patokn. StiU. a tenn csn be a ooU document have fistetnd va antitedmotogy propogarata and have been manipuAbo­ . tonHBDund flunb dbw, and mbcommunications can be oosdy. lated by tne poUtia d fiear. Tbey are, tfnrefixe.gradualt y hmiminsgo mod d IB write onr leuen vridi cam. underdovdbped nation widi reqna UMheir eoBgy systems. EinaU fan dn coUnen d teoer wtMng whhoot its carefidnns. ft b SinadiBueondy, sonnsf dn nodentendopad nations, pntiedaiiyver y ea^ to fired f an enidl widttwt anucdt oeaideniticm difinefbeta to Ada, an iHisbaiidng didr scarce ca|dld to buiM iiudeai powed rh a oonents. To smne exiom dus pmblem b n if wo had jttsC md- planls. Thqr ne thereby oatehtog up more ra|»lfy wMt sla^adngdedaal- y teamed toidk widi eadi odnr. hm had UK yet teamed pndean "^^doped SftiUU Whdke pdpidfetibiB de iiiuidfiiUaa^lriii^nd nnsiin. d d$kimaey iia die eflbrt. Also, nine emul b quick'ahd drtudly Energy avdldalitybdn currency diBcfandogicdpwigifH More-fine, dnn ta a tendency for peopia to ocanideplmn oonnuuricabon over, disparitin betvm productivity and the rawnds dpradu^ and tattler writiiig, so dud tfi^ ahnqitty Seooan dependent on emdL cannm endure todefinildy to tin nutkd ptace. As Aanerica ofBoads ib I waidnd in asttmidunemrecendy n some sdendsb whom I know indttstrid production to odnr countrin when eitiaens an wiUii^termtotte K> d tetephone oontaei, reUed entirely on eauU, and dnrdy d- woric fx to and whbK leaddddp plaon a ptenriuin Ml indusoid actowed­ dnir hnportam tateipcrsand retations in a vduabte adentific tivity and on indusirid tofiaatnicture snch u energy supply, il benlopri nd n to detarhxate. They exdamgad emaU witii bltodtog speed, just the work d ptoduetog dn wodd'a goodis dm win he movedindidin sfE g oontoots dm none weidd luve eonskicnd qipmpritte to shore, to ttn coum d time, the rewuids d thm prmhicdvity wUl euvenaliobe n n* well*dioug)it4im writlnn oommdcatioiL moved off drare, also. No amoum of paper shuffling or intemationdto Oty own case, n an email uaar d about one year!a experience. I madpdtitons can pievem dib. have noticed an increaaad nuate d timn to iddch I inigto have of- Moreover, dien trends are difiicdt to'revem.Th e gnd todustridfitoded to soon way and needed to oonsukr an apotogy./to addhtoiul power of tin Udted Stam wn bdh during severd generations probled m ia, of course, ditteven cietBcting such oflfenn b difficult vvonderfbl todivutod ecoinmic fieedom. How could it be rdadtt to dn Technology b a wonderfol Aing. Eadi advance usualty enhanon cuirem en when gDvenunett (fedenl, state and knd ooinbined) noouwr Uvea. Teduntogy edsis. howm, to a worid d human betogs confiscates, on averige, 50% d tfn eandniB of dn Aanlcan pi90|dewid? i dl dflidr ftdbles. Even our ttaditiondddU s dcommudcation ft cannm be rebuUt under ttiese drcumstansn- by speetdi and tetter are dwiys being refined and can failtttreganMan Energy - we cannt msltt it nd we caraxit destroy h. We mutd dtn sopMsticatim d our experienee and ddUs. have aocen to h. Tin mere difficuldn we nidn fix on sodoty tod hAmon g the new fiana d communlndinn. emdl can be eapadaPy taidng aoaess; the mom quiddy we wiU snccinib to oair competitnatreadnrons. . Mareover. tt ta wiitteni |iermanenti sad camm be wiA- We have stiflod our nuelw indiBby. Shndd we now. led uy a' gagg drawnk . EmaU b bed used n a Buppkmemtemdinaiycomnamicatien. of dbhonett envans. destroy our hydrocarixm-based supply? tt teatt until one hn had extendve experience widi it ••••••••••••••••• dndaigerous and danngtoggtobdwanntog treaty? Sdenoeta on our DDP MEETING sute,bmdnSenaeha8bmsixiwh98erton8todaUUtywUiiGspettto ************************************************ other queslioiis diuiioad impmtaiani Each yen AeoesfnOwrgypartteipttB in oae specid meeting- Frederidc Sdizwaispedt abom Pbfitfn and Sdenee. Widi unsur- dnannadoomiBrenoadDoeionfi)rDbn8ternBparBdnDaa.T!hbyen passed statorB,pnitige, and experience to AnMrlcanpltysialBcnnae, DDPv/UlhoUitt 17diamaidmaetiiigddnMaBtotthattdttdnSett- nvdoridc Sritab iasibb toto dds oideal subjed an essentid to our de,WadtiBgtonSea-TaBtolRnMtiniddrpottonJwn4to6.Godiare andctstanfiqg. Abo, ttaa^htawnktatotajedhanettacnnoe toto $95 per person br tfn codbenoe, indudh^g two tonchaons and tin pditical daridons, ha hnpieady served bofoscnnco and hbcouatty banquet Mdl coHfdeneereghhattontoDDP.2509 N.Canplnll. Box Ed YotkwUlspedtsibomCAie;9MCttddid«^'<^Annriefi^ 272, T\nson,AZ 85719. met^'BafiiiBdiigndnafBculphotagnqdnrfia-dnMdduttanRo- • The cuidbence rate fig Marriott roonub$8 4 pernio fig dm^ or Jecf>«d conAnriitg dmaig^ a HiKth^AM carex to defenn and doubte occupancy. Fx reservations cdl (800) 643^5479. miUtatyertfneerii^tcnwimpawii^ the nuclear age, Ed Yoric b a rich Fxttionwhosipiu|ready(dnoBspaRbliinitad)dnnwiUbeBn sanoedfii8Btoatir«acnneBandcxperienBe8. • opportumty(widiachaigpd$20)tD«nB-AB747assan^ybuUdngtt Sevod addtiond ouhondtog spadxn are tenativdy sdndded, BodngOoniDiBdoo.ThenbdB>atourdaTYnlematdanarineban hit wiU nm he auxancad nodi flidr anhodidn an eanfirmed. Each ' The speefcen am ttiU bdqg manged. but. n uaad, HOP aheady AceanmSieisyBdiscriberwiUbBracdunganuUedfliaBboutdds hu a unique progeuBwiAnuny outstanding uaBvkkab.(I1iarewai cadtaenoe. The tripe te Bodng ind tfn Ttided ban hawo Unuied CO also be prBseniadons 1^ a few nnre nortab mduding me. I suspect space, so very euly regidration wUl be reqdred fix dunt Att diqr do dds fix rdidbetween tinndk s by fianous people.) As it don ttibmeetin g each year. DDP wUlpresemdn Edward Schedutadsofivare: Tdtar.awardtoasdentittdPTO&ssarTeUer'sGhaio&ItwOldsopre- GerBUAxMnBonwUlspeakabout7%e£lraiiMnqrfteas:iMUtoify. sert ttnPet r Bedonam award to a sdentitt when work enmplifies H Gendd Addnson's books on Ab suldaa are bdng very wklely db- dneffortsttutPett'BeBinunnmadetfaong^AeeeniOfiiargyandhb fSI cussedAroughodtdnUdiadStetes. odixpro4cienoe.prb4echnok^,pro-fieeenlBqvbeaetivitin. Nl Angdo CodedKawiU apeak abom S»Bn|gje0^Snn:jrnaf now, Qigadaed eaeh yen by Dr. Jdn Orient Ptesidea d DDP. Ab 'ST wtenf AnBptoOodndUahntongbeenonedAanrica'sfiiianQrtpo- coafenneebdaneqadedqudity. AtaOiittnfimnttencauiagnKib- UticdAeorisbandadvacatnfivttudeptoymemdstmqgndefiense. sbntidooataet between fln speaken and attdthenartidpanls. Bermvd Cohen wUI speak dxMt JMIcffu wdfi Ite linaar One fiadnr plus-CD-ROMs dpatt DDP mettuqaanfonrily sett O TVasteiU 7lto0»y V ymi nnnt attend, rM aeardi wort: on dn rdtftondiip d honn radon levds to canon b oonsidx remote attegioanDe ttuoughaudt o tape. Lnt yen DDP wu caudng a viitud revohition widun healA pfaysin. Then have been seUmgCD-RCndsdpattnnetiqgBonfyteptftidpantstt AeoonfiBr- many homieds experiments showing Att tow levds d radbtion de- enoB fbr $2 each m sets of five. White suppUn last tiny ptan to do dn oean disease uiddenoe aid increase toqgevity, bm Cohen's radon same dda yuar. Thb bugam done paya for attendance ttdteineeting. work b 80 senund and unanaitdda thtt hnrnesb can no tonger be «••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ignored.Th6implieattoaBfixinnigy supply and pdificheahh an ex- HORMESIS traordinarily unportant •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••B Migud Faria wiU speak ahom Integrity of Sdenee and Medkme: TheenvironttwennmdnriispewsntystidRmaidfeBrdtBchnotegy Public HealA and Gun CtMroL As author d Vandals at the Gate ef into our society and ooMamtoam our envfaonmem whh fidseper - Me^dne and Medical Warrior and n editor d The Medied Sentmd, odved reafitin had ita origtos in dn pogrom agauitt nudev teidind- Migud Faria b ptayuig a nujor rote to dn bante agdntt snrialifmd ogy tint began to dn tate 19S0lIhdnPauBqg'Tdlerdebdes,PBuUng medidne* ddmed(a/Miomjustificationand,ithnturaiBdout.crroBeousty)Att Midud Pox wUlspedrstottlfofifbrdrAelieBl Story. Hspresen- TUln vrasnuudaing **dn dukhen" by tedtognoden weapons dut tationoonoeffliagdnHnifixdTltyrohlDtaeaseSttdyandotfnrstuifin sljghdytoeteasedaitobqdieifcbBd(groundnafiadon.PadUiv'sctaims dtow done raditttonb sdenee-u opposed to dnpseudoadence and aadn tone. Tlnn tfn envhonnidiinbd&vpioceBded fimn dure propaganda about Hddbrd so pravatemm news media. ^dthdahnstfitt unclear power idanacoiddoBqnldBlOw nudear w^ FhUip Qidd wUl speak sAxxd Homdand Dtgdae: Gommiiment or ons or mdt down tosuc h a way aa toM B milUnaa d people^ Thta gave Fad? RjEtoatong.WaddaglonpnUticiana have ignored dnir rsqnn- us sudi fiction nWrAfnotflaar/lttroft 'siKatin iodefaa:tite UiiiBcf SBfes. Wow Bn paS'areBlipgHnm ~ Unde^iigdlirasndKeem thtt Ameilcsns watt tob e tfc&nded. b thdr appaready podlivB ra- tfnintaKnnLFR)|flemadd'lMlffiferaBeiKVftdlbdig|ottnd'raiBa6fiii. sponntoddsredormerdytfiestricd? and fhey fieared dn dity hwisibte paitidn tfittwer e passing tfnough CreasonKearitywUlqndc abom yunfttStiq/itf and OS^^ Adr beiges. These, db^ were tdd. harmed dnm. Thtt Aenmdnrd ihraxandFaJfoiir5>iq^.OessonKeaiiiy*snewboA sudi partidn mjght be increased, even diddy. tty nucbar tedmotogy ofdAnndiea bone dtfn mod iflnportammflrtafybodaol tfn part fH^iteneddngenenlpubUc.Therefbre,dnnBcletf power todustry to Araegemrdtions. ft wUlwvetfn'Uvesdraaitysddicn when America dn United Slates wn skipped fiom budding more powx ptants. binttraqdBedtofigbtaodnuy.chaniBAeooni8edoodfliotilderett- Addhtondty.havtofiasnriiUshad AtafiardtovidbtelBGhntogpcd mgly, Gtoson's cnlter book Nudear War SurWvd StiUr hn become effects, Ac eniriros attcesafoHy oxtnaleri Adr tttack touudud e ihe annislreadforY2KsurvivdbisandbBowsdUngttaratelOO-fidd dmaicd todustty and meny otfier technotogies. Vast hiaMuaadoa graaterttunitdidduringdnCddWtf. were cdabUshed. fudi as ttn EPA, which has, ttooo^it a attadc on HdvyMUierwUIspesk ahom Genetic £h|giha«rjivofitf Ite l|0i^ DDT done; caused ttndnfl u dtenadmUiiOBsdchUdBea by deiiy^ o/GawemmanRrgdbdbo.ThtataanodininpoitamacinnoBmwhiG^ togdnmlife-invii^antimalariateGlmofiigy. ongumiuintdresporabtopercdvedreaUtyradnrAantfnlrutfL AUdtftishnibrootamfctfdtow^levdrBdiation.ftbAoKroob Sharon Paclxr and Pad SqrfiiedwiU spew abom Cbnsiriidii^ and tfut Bemnri Cohen's stodln d tin oaadtttona between radon and Equ^iphig a Nudear, Biotagieal,ChenUedShdier.S!tiaon?adsa cancer have taadvcrlBmlypuUed up. These rams ddn enviro mofe- and Paul Sqffiied are America's mott experienced experts intfteadud mem now Uh exposed to die traditfittlnmntieaflbcb fiom tow kvd consttuction and insidtarion dsiaifrof-tfn-art, innexpediem fimdly radtationarebensfiddtoheaUIL AstfnnromadicaowUlabBgepttt dvOdefiennshdlBrsltyonliiaBydtiziiis. dtfBaiiti-tediiidi)gy,auti4etonoebBdi-fiBennliqBiwanyiiiBBaMa^ ArthurBobinson will spnkdxnitObM Wamitaig: Cooliag Cffo In Jbonn, Mardi 1999, pp 8-9, Flpfesaor OAan (who wOl be Mivareaplton

«H r>i Nl Attachment F rsi »H MESS TO ENBRiY A Pro-Sdenoe, Pro-Technology, Pro-Ftae Enterprise MuhUily NeMstener SEPTEMBER 1997 (Vol. 25, no. 1) Box 1250, Cave Junctton, Oregon 97S23 Dipyright ® 1997 by Aoosss 10 Energy Earth, Physics, and Chemistry LMdnnew en tfuth n been broug^ tot u by the CUnlon Adnuni- and ston were equd - a regutar -fiexagon ("regutar" vras nm stated stntton and ite predecessw, sdendfic finiA is detemuned by poUingi n the problem) - tin ody oonem answer wu "cannm be dem- data The AdnamdratiMr aiid Us retidnen ere now in toU smiig wilhntiin d fiotn dn g^ven tofomution." TMs answer wu oounted Adr inspiQBnda campaign te make poUing date confixm to Ae wrong. The matinmaticians and aatrdogers d tin NEA no longx gtobd wannittg treaty dut b te ha sigpnd in Deeendnr. dbtitiguish beoween hexagons and regular hexagons, so dl hexagons MeanwMte, tin United Slam Senate, oonqndnmfing fitdc! be­ are dinxsed te be assumed te have equd langles and sidn. yond tin pditiics d envy, hu prodabned thtt our counhy will nm Those who end flnb education wiA tin GED or ita inferior perfixm partud tachndogical suicide on dn sword dhydrooubon ra-eqdvalem-12 years una tax-financed NBA propaganda miU-ody tiomng uden enough ottnr countries agree te do ao also. comprise, howevn, 75% dttn Amcficanpopulttion. The ottnr 25% AU Att stands now between tin RqwbUc and a gtam gtobd gon on to ooU^. Many collegn offer satisficttay educations in wamdngsiq) downward toward an dtyud toationd mysticism and phydcd science. Fx example, Zachary RoMnson reinntiy graduated man munter (if energy ratiomng b instituted, a tor dpeo^ are go­ wiA a BS ta chenudiy finm Or^pn State Udveidty - when he te- ing te die) is the knowledlge and wisdom d ita citizens. The 2 nultionedve d an exodlem eAication to cheaiudty fitni very goottdnniidry nnndnr udon Att cdb itsdf dn Naticnul Education Association, prdessors. Ito wu one of seven s&xfents dchemistry m Ms g^adutt- NEA, tvhh tfn approvd and inlp d many (bm nm dl) of its roem-tog clan - oubd 14,000 dndenu tt Or^on State. If we add phydn bers, hits done its best to remove thtt knowtedgB- andnMdienntiesandaHowficvfiBnrdaBsn.tintotadblendian 1%. One exampte. b ttn Generd Edncationd Devdopmem (GED) Whtt are tin otinr 99% d tin 'bndents" smdying in cdtege? Exam tint b passBd by 500,000 Americans each yew. Passage proMo- d d dnm are in the dulchn d humadties fkultin Att are ^dn a Hie^ Sdnd Equhrdency.CeitificBte wMdi is eqdvalem te a Ghurdng om d^ren tint have essentiaUy n^ative vdue te tinn in­ High School Diploma. Some oollega requue dus examination fixtereste d to facta and independent, truAfol rationd draught Even dn admission of home schoded students. Noah Robinson reoEndy tookadetio e students are fbiced to take some d these fidiculous Botiirses- tin 1992exam fix practice and tinn tfn 1997 exnn. many d wMch are littte more dun sick humor for a weU-prepared Tin GED infiainiationd nnterfads state tint ttnsciein e exam con-nund. The requhed "heahh" dass tt-Or^on State becanw so ob­ dsts d 66 questions, d whidi 50% are "Bioidgy" and 50% are scene dut many smdeals dmply walked ott to dte iidddte d snm d "Phydod Sdenoesc Earth, Phyatos,«dd Chennstxy." tin raw leonim tint were being given lty a woman professor. Barth?The NEA hu oisaied anew "phydcd science" tint siqnr- to any case, it b dear tint the fidme d America b hdng dder- sedn pbyrics and chemistry and b caUed "Earth." mtaed by an dectorate whmin mott d dn vaten have Utde or no The 1997 exam consids (by Noah's estimate) d abom 56 ques­knowted^ dsdence men^neering b^ond dut teamed between Ae tions on biology and "eaiA" aid dram 10 on (dtydcs and dienusttyag.n d sm and ei^iteen. tod n tax-financed schools, dua usuaUy The riskAt t dn studem wiU amuaUy have independem knowtodgemean s "eaiA" and "Uology" (more enviro propaganda) with concerrung time sulgectabeUmintted by the test Fewn dun 10% mtthonatics. physics, and chemidry reduced in nnportance exoqit d the 66 questiau reqube any prtor knowledlge lty dn shdent odwr fixasmdl nunorityd8tudentt.(nnsuooeudafiBW.r%anHb»d than tho aUKty to read. The aittwerB are deariy given ta the readingddvadty , keeps hdpe alive m ttn hearts d the diminidA% number of passagn pnecedtag dn questions. dedicated teadms d sdenoe.) Ita dus vacuum dknowlei^ tdUng fit order to pass; tin dodem most give poBtiodly oonoet ansvretinn peopte whtt to"Aink " and dnn poUmg dnm to see ifi tti^ dunk Ibte even if itisjiraraUy and eduodly badmipt^— loonting shortage dhydrocnbons. CIMs lad indicam thtt tinNE A These ore dn reasons thtt the 1.5 ndllion honn schoded dtildren is still fighting tin previous prqnpnda wv. The free marfcm long(soo n to be 3 nulUon tt cunem growA ram) are so impoitam to the ago drove a stake Aroi^ tfn bean d tfn 1970s "shortage" ntyA.fiiture of American sdenee and lechndtogy and to fieedom. Then Gtobal wanrang wu Ann invented te take ita place.) These seqi^eddukhe, n are dl omdde d flnNE A propaganda miUs. They are fiee te politically omred answen are deariy stated Incr to tin questions, solear o matinnutia (ttn tanguage d science) properiy and dnn go on a reading sttident knows exactty whtt te say. to firrt-rate science texts. Every one of them, even Ae least tidnited, to keeinng wiOi tfn ongdng NEA towering d Aineiican educa-can be taught te property read a grqdi d aunospheric temperdUR or tiond standards, ttn 1992 exam wu nrare difBcuk tfian fln 1997atmuspheri c ozone conoenlration vs. time and to draw an todividud , exnn. Noah fiound tint he ooukl woik fln 90 minute madnoutin indqiendemly detemuned ccneludon. exam fiv 1992 in60 ntinum - to Ida head wiA no ttn dpendl or "Earth" Is nm a idiysicd science; wrong answen m nuAemadn papn. The 1S97 exam requued ody 40 minum. Too nmnh knowiare e nm made right by "good rensonmg" or group cmscasus; atmoa- edge is. howevn, dangerous. plnric dnmidry is nm determined by pdk d tdedaton viewen; and Nodi managed to give a "wrong" answer to one d dn nuA diere are ptenty dpeo|de to the wodd read|y to take Anniica's place questions. The question invdved a hexagon (a pdygon d sue an^u a leader d science, tedmotogy, and fiee enterprise, if American ytmd, therefiwe> s« sktes). Unten one assumed .diat aU d dn anjtesntind s continue to be destroyed by tax.-guz^iig propagantfists. America's Nobd Rize wuudng sdentiste during Ae pad few detadn 50 MILUON WASTED MINDS? have recdvod (ax-^nanoed research grantt, u haw ntod odior mu- veraty-basedacadenuc sdentista. ft is, d course, nm diflticdt te fmd outstanding schdan and om­ When govenonent nnoves in OB Evahubte hunmn activity and buys standing teadnn wiAto tin tax-fimnced sdiod system. Nor b it diffi-contrd whh tax money, it don nm adomaticdly destroy tin Idem and cuk te find drilled doctors to dn govemmem heahh care system or productivity d dl d tfn partidpantSi Even under Ae mod autecrstic outatanding research sdentista in tax-financed research. Mod d and reptesdve totditsrian regimes, outstandtog scientific work is often aoctmipUshed. There are two aigumems againd govemmem oontrd. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••! First, it is inheventiy munord. and, second, it b counterproductive. UMITED BY UGHT I have never known d any non-defense researeh projem dut justi- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••< fieri dn confiscation d Ae property d men, womon, and drikhen by At 186,000 mites pn second, fln speed d li^ usuaUy seems te be fixcBortfuctt dfixK. Tax money cnnrids d private property did ta a nonUntiting quantity affecting onty space vehictes anti etfnrobjjeata sehsd by goveronnmunterdn daim ttut pditidans and bareaucnta Ad manage to be sn fiar away ttut tfnlrsignab an noticeably ddiyed are more skUted to ustog it Ann an dune who eabted or otfiarwise in ttnundnion. We do not often onoourtn speed dli|^t Itoutttions honesdy recdved it Even if Abdaun were lnie,Ae seizure wouU be wititin our own nwniB. I stiU tacaU Rty suiprise 30 yeais i^ when I toherentiyhnnnonl because tfn rigid teeconotnto fieedom finm tfnft learned tfuft some dtfn sections dour DEC roiVlloomputeB oodd basdf-evklentpartgf dntoheremfaumanrightateUfeandUberty. nm be tocatedmor e dun a few fed apart becaun tin speed dlight A proper finMtjmjdgovermnen t ta ttn protection d itt dtizens conttdled and redricted dnir oonuinmicatian^' finm Aeft - nm paracipBtion to didr muggtog. Even if govemmem to Ae Cttder Technology Report, Aagaat 1997, pp 2-7. avdtabte programs were better dun private pnagruns, it wotiM be toanmd to finniMbnume m MDb, P. O. Box 660, HousttOdc, MA 01236, sted finm tin dtizenty in onter to support tfiaa George GUdnpoihu out three aqncisd cunem lechnoto^cd devd- fthappeiBthmgcyveniinempreigiarnsitrehdairBidyotxmtoipuBduc- qxiiBm tfut are cunBittly bdng oonsirdned by the speed d fig^— tiweuooropored to private onu. Pec^ are not. however, oompteldy vdndi he converts tonin e todns per nanosoeoon to a vaewm and represrible. They wiU ga some valuabte woric done ragadten d Adr about fiour tochn pn nanosecond to typical elecUDde dradtt. ^dIere drcumatancn. ft b said tint tfnre is an immenn positive return fiom infixnutiontnuBforbdowedbymistanoeandcqadnnse. o govemmem-funded resaardi. TMs b mbteading. There b instead an ft tumsom thtt nucroprooessorcompuix chips to the newedper- inrnnnn podtive renun fiom researdi - govemmem hn merdy - send computers are spendng mott d dnir tiniBwdting for lidit-Un*- 00 homed in on dn credit by fixdng itself on ttn researeh community u ited conununications wiA dbettaocen memory. TMs Umit abo dows an unneeessaty.inefiident, and munord nuddleman. conununicatians widun dn monwry hsdf. As tin.requfaemems fix »H Novrinre ta America imbty b Ab efifom nrare obvtoos dun in dn tnemDtyaocengrowbqfonddnBc^nWitiesdcadnniemeiyonttn educationd system. Rinded lty dn mod pomldous sort of mxes - Ae pmcessw, tfn num menniy mod move ctosn and etosn te ttte proo- Nl tfuetttotiuowflaniAsoutdtiidrownhotnnif dny donmpay prop- essor. Giktar prednta thartin entire memory and eentcd processmvriU ertyttumregaodtendtfnirairnBminonne-DvertwonulUonhuiBatt- aoon be fixoed onto dn same chip. EAs busmen advkn he fisdnrpre- Q crats snd teachen have created sdmoh dnt, regarden d tin bed dicb tint Aecurremnnni^tacbueredmemorywUlAerdaetaikBover effixted tin renumtog outatendtog teachen and stodsnta. have a nm dn paDduction d cenird. prooessnn Oatinr tiun vne versa) beonne »H n^ative vdue te tfn education and devdopmem dyouqg Americans, fln subsystem tii^arenowrnddngbtaign dun tin centid processor WiA dram 20,000 dudents now udng our self-ttachtag honn andsooomprisnmottdtindtimattpnduct] schod cunicdum, tfn Oregon IhstiUted Science and Medtetoehu Moreover, anodnreQemddus Unntationb continued decenirdi- beenrecdvtog between 100 and 250 teaan and cdb finm parems each zationdinfionnnationprocessiqg. The speed d light causncompnteis .dtty. There are numerous varied sons drequeds andiquestions, bm tin teremd n pItysicaUy smdl and linuttod in csfdoA^, so Bieir distribu- foltowing unedited lettn dut airived vecendy finma n American tton tohundred s d nuUions d separate locations around the worid to modnrsummarizeamanyafthsmr niett toed iKBdsbinore pneticd than ieeiibalbBdcooiputea.Contnd- "Dex Dr. Robinson: ized computeis am linuied in capaMlity by Ae Ught-detennbnd size "Iamtfna!iodnrdtwochUdren(ll and 12yeano]d)whohave redrictionand,d50^byextemdoQnanainicationnBm. been public school 'educated'I asked questions, raised concerns, and AAudeffemdutGUdnpototeomb to Aentturedconununica- dkleveiydunglwutoMtodofaytinteadnrB.Iparticipttedindamag- tions saldUtes. Geoaynchronpus satdUm wiA rotation ram matched ing nty own duMren even Aough every step d dn way I had strong to dn Earth's rotation are omdratoed by phydcs te be 23/X)0 ndtes fiedmgB tint somedu^gwu wrong. . above dn Earth's surface. Thb causn a significamfii^-Unuteddetoy "My dtihhen had good gradn ter they are fonctiondly ifliteaoe; to conunudcations wiA Aem. Low earth orttit sddUm are plaoed, have^8RullvocabuIaries,couklbardydoaddltion,hadnighttnarn hounver, 60 timnctoserte ttn Earth's sutfiaoe. Only a nnnorfinter to becaun *we SIO gdng to dte finn ovn-poputation or globd wanning' cunem vdce oommunieatioin, ttn €Mdd decrean in commnnica- or some such nonsense^ and dny know grapUcdly how homDrexuab tions ddayhu very grett unportanne fix digital enmputx-hsBedocm- havcsex. _ _ inunications.Fmtereason.extenrivetowearAortdtsateUhegBtitoiB- ^lismov^ my Ghikkeii fiom9 n pubfic sdraol a ynr ^go aiid bie^ are te be ooiislnicted. [As iiwcatmeu nhdee, in compam ttn oonqn- gan homeschodiqg ttnnt They can now arid, sirinaot, nnritiply, and nin engagad to dus woric] divtoe. I am having a tenibte time teachtogtinm to read becaun duty So, it b Ukety Aat, wiA curtent technoh^, oompuier prooessois can'tgdpaddnmdhodttiqrhari toschod-ddporgueu words.1 and meonoiy are gdng to merge in assemblies dut beconn toexorably have noticed dut homeschooled children who luve never attended snuUer, infbnnation prooesdng wiU continue todeoentraUz B tohun - publte schod condstently do mudibettn dnn hQunsdraokdcMldren Aeds of nrilUons d computen spread dl over the eardu and time who have attended pubEc sdnd. ornnputers win tdk to each odnr Arou^ fibre (^ticGabta and a rottt- "Hdmesdraofing nty cMMieu hu bnn most finianatiqg becaun ing shdl dhundreds dsudUm jutt a few hundred mUn above tin dny have devetoped lidiite and indts in ttn pdUic adhod thtt am diffi- Eadh's surfiioe. The primary oonstrdafi detenmning ttusONerd l dedga ouk toovercome . Stub u dny eiqnm nn te somehow pot knowledge b ttnunfixtunat e fiiiKtamentd dovmen d tin s^ed d Ught wMoh into flidr heads wifliom Adr particapation. I have conn to beUeve thtt moves tt only 700 miUton mites per hnir. aocudng the schoota dddiig mdung ta toaccurate - they are octivdy •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• dunaging dncMMien. FOSSIL FUELS? "Your homeschool curticutom sounds grett fix kids who have •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• nevn been damaged by dn pubUc sdiod system bm can it wok fbr Much d tinknowledlg e tfut each dus retatas adudly consbta da rmne? Smcerdy." ooUection d assumptions! Life b too diort fix every person te fidtow There b no shmtage to America d trutiifid vdces rdsed to oppodever- y fiam through te rigorous prod. It b fix this reason tint an open tioh to tin anti-«eience. anti-tedimdogy. anti-fiBe enteqiabe messagmine d b so important We ban our condudoos on Un bed infixRution pseadnd by Ae demugegun who an sebtog comnd d our nation. avdlable, but we mutt dways be ready te ahn our assumptions on the There is. however, a diortage d dtizens who have tfn aUUty anbasd b dnew infixmation. indtoation to Uden te tfn tniA. Fv tfn cauw d tfut diortege, you Doubt, however, need nm dominate our lives. On one oocuton. I need took.no farther Aan sodditt achods. Your tax doUan tt wok.wa s toM thtt a conduston I had reached wu wrong and tint additimul infixmation wu availabte. Fdtfnr, I wu tekl tfut if I wodd tnvd 20U0 antes and partidpue to a ctosed. secretive ineetiiv wiA peopte vriw were nm penntined odnrwise toBidivkfaiall y discun Ae fiacisvri ^ nn, ttme addhiond truAs wouM be revealed. As would be expected, the demanded enangennm ndnfbnsed my otigtod eondndoa then redly wereinew infixmatioB, it oonki be brqurted by finee indivkhuta oonununicating by tek|dione ur tettn. to rigorous sdeoce, assumptions connm ahirays be avoided, bm dny need teb e clearty sttded in each indanoa. Periups tin nnst re- mavkabte occurrence d animptions to science concerned Sb Isaac Newton's second taw dC^ntechnin. Newton wrotcs. "The change of namnnnmi b proportiond te dn motive fixoe inipreued; and b nude in theduection dtfn right Une m which tfut fom b inipressed." As Newttm defined momemum: "Tin quantity d nnmeniem b tin mnsure af tfn same, arising hmn tfn wlodty anri qoantity d matter oaydntty.*" to fln synibdte nqaesemation dcdoulu: F =d (nw) / dt hetium Newten dkl nm know whednr or nm man is constant, so he pm it atoms in insUte dn Afferentid. He dul nm assume tint it b condant. poK spaced CO Durmg tin foltowuQ20 0 years, however, idiyddsts fiaund .it con­ r>. venient te assunn Att man ta constent ft becnne custtmuiy to write: Fslm][d(v)/dt]wF=ma, vrinreonty Aevetodtyandaccderation, iH d (v) / dt, were assumed to vary. rvj Albert Binsteto pm an end todu s when he ddnonsanted dut man Nl is nm condam - a findng dnt hu boon wutely amt nroneoudy w- peited u Bnstdn having found ttut Newton wu to error, ft was, ta fiB:t, dnphysineomnwiuty sftar Newten thn msde dnesronoous es- poraus region O sumption. Newton's taw, u he stand it, attows fix variabte mass. GBntaidng t rsi One modem assunqdon tintb u worried me fix many yean, fix highpresBiiie J severd reasons, is contdinri in tinter m "fbssU finta" wMch b wutely hydrDcattena j used to refix te cod, dl, and ntturd gas. It b so udversaUy assumed thtt then substancn are entirdy derived finmth e deconqxidtion turd n and pressum pemut microbid life and where oddesd iron and previousty U ving planb and ammals thtt "fiassil" b used in thdr diortsdfii-r provkte dn oxygen needed fix lifieL Then microbn art dn hand name. Yod nuy have notieed tfut. to Aocenio £tersy. I un somofln e d the bidog^ compounds tint have ted to tin bdief ihtt pe- teims '4iydraeabon fueb" or, stoiply, "ood; dl, and lubird gas,Qdeu" m b fiossU in orj^n. and do nm un "fiisdl finbi" Gokidiscussn Abhypolhesb in Ihe ooniett of tin search for life • "An Unexptored Habktt fix Life to dn Univem" lty ThomuO D odnr lAunta. Ito pdtts om tint tius search should nm be Umhed te Gdd m American Scientist 85, No. 5. pp 408-411. SepteRdnr-Octobeidanetur y surfiKcs, which me generaUy very hostite envuonmentsi V 1997, avdlabte finm P. O. Box 13975, Research Triangte Fade. NhydrocaibonC s are d nonMotogicd origin, then poob d hydrocartxms 27709. summarizea, wiA appropriate refierences. fln cunem argumentbdos w dn surfacn d ptaneta nny be ttn mott udveml and mott opposed to tin "fionil" ta fiossU finb. pronustog emrironmem towhte h to took fix Ufe. Hydrocttbons are very wutety didributed. Th^ are fiound in tinA t ttn San Di^ nueting. S. S. Pennx estinuied Att dl d dn ttmo^hem d giant gaseous planets, on aderdds. on tateiidanetBtyenergy requue d fix a worU population d 10 MUion people codd be dud grams, and in meteorites. They are bdieved to end deep taprovkle tin d for1,00 0 yean by means d known reserves d cod, dl, and eaitii where greet pressures and tBrnpetaiuna actudly incnan thdndiunr d gu atone. (See Access to /Energy 24, No. 11, pp 1-2, Jdy staMHty. They iney he tin sontcn dcoixm to diamond, which fonns1997. tt ) AUowing fix the tower, ^adiidty ridng currdit pc^tation and jiresstimreaehed only ttdndad10 0 mttn or more in dn Earth. Jhe usejif gdigrgiw.5By!Sa.as.Y!fi^ Siine KydrboidKons' aie Inii'diBnn ttnii'^^ th^' nae toward tin1,00 0 years. MorBayer.ttnrebsann research whichindicam Att cnr- surfine. to voteamcregtons, dny anepartiaUy oxidized by iod(s,bmtore m dl fidds are ri^/EIUrv from 6U and gu flekbbeto w them. @eeAc- nonvolcann r^ons. tinre b ten oxxbtion. Metiune is. tfnnefiDrB,cess toEnerg y 23, No. 3. p 4, Noveiriber 1995.) mod dwndam to nonvdcante regtons. The estimated anxxim dnnA- to any case, it is obvious Att tin occadond shortagn d hydroctt­ ane hydrate exceeds tin totd fiv dl cod, dU and odnr nahnd gas. bons during dds oentoiy have been pditicdly caused and Att. given Commercid helium b proihiced finmd l and gu weUs, dnbe thbwori is d reserves, any shortagn arisu^ fix many centoriu Qxobably tin only place tint hdiuin b fiound to suffideni qnantitin fixoominx-nultenda) ta dn fiitoie wiU abo IKR be caused fayinadequat e suppUes. dd extraction. Gdd suggeds ttut hdium, wHch ta fixnnd by tadtoao- TMs hu boon inqdddy adntitted fay dn enenau d todutetogy and tive decay of onutium and ttwrium. tapumpe d te the Earth's sufacdnier nnniDis, who advocate'*rBdudqg" worid popidation by an order ttd ooneennted by hydncnrtrans ridiig GRXB darir ptaoea nf mitpd nmagnitud e fay limiting technology. 0^ itnm wonderful tint soman- deqi to tin EaxA. He qades Menddeev. wAo oooduded Att petroti­n so finUdy obaeiues impdhe wonb Kke "murder" and "geno- leum ta fiamed nouMolpgicnUy. vny deqi to tin EIBA. dde"?) TMs b dn reason tint tiny dufled Ae focus d Adr efforts Gdd also quom Sb Robert Rddnson u writing. "Actudly it canagdn­ d hydrncaibon fiom tfn ntyA thtt we are xunmng om d hydro- nm be tt» sttongly emphasized dut peooleiim does nm plesem caiboAe u toth e new mydu d gtobd cooUng and, now. dobd wanrang. oonqxidtion pntore expected fiom inodified biogeiuc prtxkicts, and dl The notion thtt hydtocailMn un mutt be rethned becaun d Anrin- tin arguments finm dn ooostituenta d andem db fit eqndty wdl.isHin or g suppty rested on two tenets - voy smdl knovm rescrvn and tin better, wUh ttn concqitioB d a primordid hydrouaboii rmxhire to"find! " finl hypottnds, wMch unpUn very stow ongdng production whteh bto-productt have been added." and minimd undiscovered inserves. The fiee maricet has (testroyed the Gdd's taypnheds. somrnariied ta Figure 1. b tfint hydnxartransfird d ttmetw o tenets fbr tt lend ttn nett IjOOO yean. If research are formed Ity ordinary dnmied processn ta a region where th^ destroyare s dn "fond" ktea, even our voy distamdcsoenrianta wUl nm very tkermo^nunucally stable, deep ta dn eartti. Th^ tinn rin upb­e Hnrited. (Given the rate d Qadnratogicd advance, thqf wiU also ward. Near the suifoce, they pan duough a negifln ta which temperaUkd-y be dde to nuke any petroleum they need fay odnr means.) TEMPERATURE 101 STARK RAVING MAD •••••• WMte sudi auAorities u tin 5t Loidr Fmr-Di^xncft to hs page 3A • The Wdl St/ett/oiimd reported on page l.Augud 1997. Att arttete on ftity 17,1997, eutifled **Ammab. Ptanu. Gtacien Sendta"TheUg . S. wUl pqf more tiun1,00 0 teachtag hoqntds mdonwutenn Warroiag Signds." continue to bcm dnir Aziecan drams d ^tobted tntin docten ta sonn ^eddtiu to ao effort te reduce a glm Ul Aon wanmag, and u Ae CUntm Adnnnidintioo mns headlong, Uke areastin , according te Ac Wadungfan Post. The jptogram, whteh is con­ BibUcd demedzed hugs, toward a diff of taiemationd cttbon oixitdne- d to nacem famdgd tagistatieo.ej^and s a $400 nnlUon New Ymk trols, Bopl^dctted tinrmometen on orttiting sateUhn stUl find no ta-ei9erinient"lm'ssee-A^arerediictagttnaniountapddtofiKnns dication tt dl Att atmoqdnrw lenipentture b increastoB'Len reUddete nm produce fiood, whUe tihqr are stnrting a new program tepa y hpB- ground nuaaureiDenta show no temper^O^ fluctoations outsute ddnpitd s te nm produce docttns who keqi peofrie aUve te ett foodJBifh namd nqge d vatidnUty dut toi% prSbm dgnifteam human rdeahqn » next wUI be a progrnm to.pay Teamsten ten m deliver fiwd to of carixm dtoxkte TMs shouM tt toad be undetdanddrie bydl odl^preve m a piedBcled glm finmmor e fbod and fewer people. g^adtoim who have passed a eouise ia Thermotnetar Readiiig lOL • Ota: toed UPS driver retim next yctt. Undn die lejecled UPS The new game b kxddiQ fixcbangn dut can bebtamed on teni-ptan, Ms pensimi pitymem wouM luve been $3,200 per monA. Under perttnn rises, stoee Kxnpeiature ritu dnmsdvu ore om ocouningfln- victorious Gidon Adrdnistration and Tesmsters plim, Ms pendcn Appamndy fixgddag tintonvkonment d and btoljtigted phenomenavri B be $2/400 pn nuniA. The udon vidory on bdulfd UPS drivers are taherentty variade. dn enviros iK)w blann drtiully every fluoluarhu cod dds one nun $9,600 pn yen (or an over 30% increan toM s rsi tton on gtobd wanmng regardlen d the hufisputakde fan thtt thpendone ) fix ttn red d hb Ufe. Dining ttn strike, the Teamsten Udon dobe b nm getting unuauaUy warmer. Apparendy, we nsBd (dus divwdU n m dlow UPS employees to vote on the UPS offen because the CO gtt dn Adndnistration's attention) a new natiOnd program te teachprimat y issue wu ttncontinue d lootii%.d Bnir pendon fond. thennomem readtag te tin American peofrie. AdditiomUy, it miitt be • "The Grett Tax Cm d CMna" by A. Rabushka in Tte Watt »H eiVtained tint in cause-aHd-effect argtnnents, it b unaoacftfabte ton Stree- t Jmanal,^ AIA, Aa^asxT, 1997. iqrartt Att tin current ovecdl

O rvj *H From Art Robinson Septembers, 2010

Dear Reader of Access to Energy- It is 5:00 am and I have an unusual break today, since the first campaign appearance is at 1:00 pm this afternoon - then one at 3:00 pm and another at 6:00 pm. More usual is 9:00,1:00, and 6:00. Yesterday was a parade at 1:00, a speech at 3:00, and a speech at 6:00. The majority of our events - those for the general public in specific venues - are listed on the Intemet at ArtRobinsonForCongress.com. Typically, I am on my feet formally speaking or answering CO questions - to audiences and single or groups of individuals for about 8 hours each day - and traveling between the groups in the other hours. About once each week, I find myself sleeping fSI at home. Nl In most instances, Noah mails our campaign flier to the voters living near the event, telling O them we are coming. He arranges two or three events per day, seven days per week - rotating rsi among about'SO towns, large and small - in our 17,i006 square mile district. Audiences range fitim 400 to 600 peoi)le in the more populated areas to 25 to 80 in the smaller towns - very extraordinary, ordinary people! The energy and enthusiasm is almost unbelievable. When the group is small, we just sit together and discuss the issues as friends. When it is large, there is usually a lot of sponttmeotis cheering and applause punctiiating a formal speech - always an extemporaneous speech. I never use notes or prepared remarks. In this.dutrict. (just as all across our coimtry), the best of America's people have risen up and just said.^iio!" - '*ilie erosion of our freedommus t end now!" Everywhere we speak, the

A audience is filled with people like us. I tell them that our countiy would be safe if we could just throw the Congress out and install 435 of them in plaee - they laugh and know that this is right. These are real people wilh conunon sen^ We have the nominations of die Republican Party, the Constitution Party, and the Independent Pairty. Fior this Independent nomination, we whipped our general election opponent DeFazio 56% to .39% iu a primary election. We are also endorsed by the Libertarian Party. We are all Americans, and we are all different In hundreds of interesting ways- but we are united in one cause - we are fighting to remain free to be different - to keqp our liberty. The taxation, regulation, and government-sponsored litigation that is strangling our country must be rolled back! The political slogan is, ''We must get the govemment off our backs, out of our pockets, and out of our lives ~ so that we can get our country going again!" We say this to the voters ui several different ways - but they all understand. Every productive American is suffering from fhe same oppression. Every American is now half slave and half free - and they know, just as Lincobi knew in a different context, that a country so constituted cannot endure.


'.0 • I-

The Founding Fathers gave us a govemment to protect our liberty; a Constitution to protect us fiDm that govemment; and term limits by election of the Congress evety two years - in case St- our elected officials failed to obey diat Constiftition. This November we exercise those term lunits. We tell each group of voters that they will determine the outcome of this election - before they vote: During this campaign, we wiH talk with about 15,000 voters - but there are more than 400,000 voters in tiiis district. It is they, who talking with their friends, relatives, and other fellow citizens must cany the message of freedom to these 400,000. We are doing our best to help - with speeches, campaign fliers, signs, radio and television (beginning next week), and other methods of communication. The. cainpaign signs would astonish you. One of the major district newspapers ran an article this week entitled "The Sign Gap" comparing our sign campaign with the meager one of our opponent, DeFazio. There are now about 9,000 Robinson for Congress campaign signs - from. 4 foot by'8 foot ficfsway signs to ordinary yard signs in place in this District - all put there by voliitite&rsy In addition, there iue now approximately 13,000 magnetic door signs arid' thousands of bumper stickers on cars and tmcks in the district. Noah's goal is 25,000 magnetic door signs. These 18 inch by 12 inch signs usually adorn only the cars of official campaign workers because they are expensive, but Noah and his brothers . frgured out how to make them themselves at very low cost - less than yard signs. As 1 write, there is another 4 tons of magnetic tnaterial recently arrived and sitting in our driveway. |vi Volunteers make the signs. At a typical event, .the audience carries away .about one yard sign and moire ihan one maghetic.door sign per person as they leave.'This is beginning to snowball, as peoplei^stdp each other in paridng lots wanting door signs for ttieir cars. Each oentrial campaign woricer carries a Utrge supply. It is now difficult to drive very far in this district without passing another car displaying our magnetic door signs or bumper stickers - with the drivers honking or giving each other a wave as they pass. The heart of the campaign is the Robinson children (young adults) and a growing group of volunteers who work togetherher e on the fami or driving on errands around the district - virtually every waking hour of every day. To these are added several full time volunteers who live and work in other places. Theur work is amplified by nearly 1,000 volunteers who live throu|)iout the district and work intermittently by putting up'sig^ (each i^equires permission from the property owner), making telephone calls, knockuig bn doors, arid writing letters to newspapers. All of this is coordinated by Noah, the campaign manager. He has increased the number of phone lines here from two to four - and seems to be talkmg on one or two of them himself almost frill time. i ft Our opponent is an entrenched 12-term socialist - he votes with Pelosi 86% of the time, casting a cUffereut vote occasionally to keep his seat. These people, of course, no longer call themselves ''aooialists." They call themselves "progressives." Our opponent DeFazio was cor founder of the congressional "Progressive Caucus." He has managed to fool his district at 8 election time (right now he sounds like a Reagan Republican), stay out of the national limelight, and vote a socialist agenda in Washington for 24 years. CO y.' rs i\ His strength, of course, is with those voters who prefer to live at the expense of others - with ^ • govemment seizing the earnings and property of productive people in order to finance this. Nl : There arc a depressingly large number of such people. ^ ^ }} Right now, our best information is that we arc ahead of our opponent in this election, but this is ^ j^' going to be a very close race. Political analysts no longer list his seat as safe, but still give him

ST:' Thesis men are representative of Arnerica's great achievements in manned space travel - achievements made possible by American free enterprise and the exceptional men and women who arose in a fiiee society. When President Kennedy announced the space race. He initiated a phase of the Cold War that was far safer tiian the nucleaf race. The tens of thousands of productiye enterprises to produce nibst of the needed equipment and the thousands of free, productive minds necessary to uivent new equipment were already present in the United States. So, onr country succeeded. The Soviet socialist society, however, lacked these blessings, so it friiled. There is so much more that I would like to tell you about this wonderful experience - the thousandis of terrific people whom we are meeting and the days and weeks of working harder than ever before - and yet iiot even filling tired. Eventually, it will all be published in Access to Energy. Moreover, should we prevail, all of us - the people of Oregon District 4 and the readers oi Access to Enerjgy are going to have mate fun making trouble for tiie enemies of our nation in Washington than we tiave ever inmgined. Right now, however, the heavy responsibility of winning and the future at stake for our nation V . greatly temper our fun. A great many people have entrusted us with the responsibility of winning this for them, and we must succeed! In all that we are doing now, it is clear that we are winning. Our cause is just; our work ethic is %: superb; we have a great many peiople helping us; and we have overwhelming grass roots support. The great.tfareat to our effort, however, is the very large block of voters, who are generally - uninformed and pay. little attention to the issues. These people vote capricibusly without real knowledge. They are most affected by television and radio and are easily swayed by media activities. Our opponent has a very large amount of money to influence them. Like the voters, you will decide this election befisre the voting. Our campaign, while strongly supported by Oregon District 4 vot«^, also depends very greatly upon the readers of Access to Energy fbr financial supporc We need your contributions and the contributions of your friends and relatives, especially to fimd our television and radio efforts. Please help us - with your contiibutions - to close this resource gap and place out message on television aod radio sufficientiy often to influence these voters enough to win this election. Thank you for your help and consideration. Art. CO CO IS rH rvi Nl ST o rM iH CO IS ri rsi Nl o rsi o GO IS •H fM Nl Attachment J

O rsi 07/15/2010 17 : 06 Imegaf 10930985013 REPORT OF RECEIPTS FEC AND DISBURSEMENTS FORMS For An Authorized Committee UaoOniy 1. NAMEOF USE FECMJULING LABEL Examde:lf tydno.type COMMinEE (In fun) OR TYPE OR PRINT V oSS ihS

ART ROBINSON FOR CONGRESS I I • I • 1 • 1 1 • « 1 « « 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 • " ' 1 • 1 1 1 • " I • 1 1 1 1 • • « • Iilillllilil

*H /^DRESS (number snd streel) |2J5^0|Clf

Q January 31 Year-Erd Report (YE) (e) 30-Day POST-Eieelion Report for the:

Q Generai (SOG) Q Runoff (SOR) Q Speciel (SOS)

Q Termination Report (TER) Election ori • • i I •

Cwmgl-MX joT] Qs) I 2010 1 h«* on 03 I

I certify that i have examined this Report and to the best d my ivuMvledge end belid it is lme. corred erxl complele. TVpe er Prim Name dTieaaurer Noah ROblnson

Signaiure d Treasurer Eieciionlcally Rietl by Noah Robinson _

NOTE: Submissian of falseb enoneous, or incomplele Informalion may subject the person signing Ihis Reportto Ihe penalties of 2 U.S.C 437g.

Office FEC FORM 3 Use (Revised 02«003) on, FESANOIS A. Form^SeheAde: P3N Dr. Robinson was Ihe vrirningcarKfdan in (he Miy 18,2010 RepubleanPartyprimary election and i^ TransactlonID- nowr a candidate In Ihe July 30,2010 Independeni Party of Oregon primaiy eleclion. The Repubiican Party prirnary and Ihe Indepanderd Party of Oregiin primary are aqianie alecltons «rith se buttonfimits. Th e July 15(h Quartarly Report includes contributions and expendiures made in conn­ ection with both primaries. FEC Fonn 3 does THU contemplate a situation in which the same indliMual Is a candidata In lira anpatOte primary etactionsbt Ihe namerappdingpodod. Aooonrmgly, Art Rob­ inson fbr Congraia has dssigrialBd conMbuUons aod afnrdilurBa nnda in eonnBcto 2010 l^ublcan Party ptimary aa bringtar 9 n Primaryaleclion anri has designated contributii eifnndlliiras madein conneelion wHh the July 30,2010 Independant Party of Oregon primary as being (tv tha Other eleistion.

r4 O) IS •H rM Nl o rM Nl O) IS rH rsi Nl Attachment K «T

O rM tH Transcript of Art Robinson at August 5,2010 Albany town hall meeting claiming he can raise $2,400 per nominating contest, including Independlent Party

Q: Art, do you have any restrictions on contributions to your campaign, and if so, why? Art Robinson: Yeah, the contribution limit is twenty-four hundred dollars fbr an indhridual. And there are no contribution limits in tbe state, but the federal government is twenty-four hundred dollars per Individual, so a man and his wife can each give twenty-four hundred dollars. For the whole campaign It was twenty-four hundred in the primary, then twentytfbur hundred in the Independent primary, then twenty-four hundred in the general election. Those two primaries have passed. So it's twenty-four hundred dollars Is the limit. And that, that seems like a lot of money and it is but the limit is harmful because there's no limit on the things the Congressman can do. You guys have gotten, everyone of you ^ has gotten flyers, letters, all kinds of stuff, you're getting phone cdlls; thaf s all paid fbr by the taxpayers. ^ He sent out almost nothing paid by his cainpaign so far. The taxpayer's been funding his side of the ^ electkin, but, uh. In acnjal campaign centributlons it's twenty-four hundred dollars per individual. rM tfl Q: No otherrestrictions, uh? ^ Art Robinson: What other restrictions would you... ^ Q: Like any entitles that you restrict? ^ Art Robinson: You can't give if you're a corporation, I said per individual, a corporation can't contribute. 2J They've made a lot of campaign finance laws, most of which paid fbr the accountants. It's twenty-four hundred per individual; a corporation can't contribute. And if a Political /Action Gommittee supports you, they can't talk to you.