California Tech That, for the First Time Since the Will Report on His Recent Trav Affairs Officer
CaliforniaTech Associated Students of the California Institute of Technology Volume LXII. Pasadena, California, Thurs'day, February 16, 1961 Number 18 ASCIT Elections Next Tuesday Russ, Sallee Annual Rally Hughes Win Set Monday Travel Prizes Tuesday's elections, preceded by the election rally on Monday Junior Travel Prizes for this night, features Bob Koh and year were announced by Dr. Dave Pritchard battling for the Horace Gilbert, Professor of Eco- office of ASCIT President, as nomics. The winners are Evan well as 18 others running for Hughes, Jr., John Russ, and the remaining offices. George Sallee. The winners, were Candidates' statements appear chosen from among 11 complet on pages 4 and 5 of tliis issue. ed applications. The candidates have also been campaigning in the Student Each of the recipients of a Houses and have posters on dis travel prize must select a proj play. ect which they wish to study on their trip. This project, how The nominees are: ever, is not meant to be an all ASCIT President-Bob Koh, encompassing work of art. The Candidates (front row): Bruce, Abell, Dave Benson, Jon Kelly; (second row): Lance Taylor, Jim Dave Pritchard principal purpose of the project Sagawa, Lee Molho, Howard Monell, Pete Metcalf, Jim Geddis; (back row): Art Robinson, Don O'Hara, Vice-President-Dean Gerber is that it serves as an excuse George McBean, John Golden, John Arndt. Secretary-Art Robinson to make contact with other peo Treasurer-Jim Geddis, John ple, making the trip more than Trustees Pick Golden just an average tour. Sallee's Hanna Concludes AUFS Series; Athletic Manager-John Arndt project is a study of the Euro Business Manager-Jim Sagawa pean beet sugar industry, while New Members Activities Chairman-Jon Kelly Russ will study German and To Dicuss Sf Asia Problems Three eastern business execu Social Chairman-Pete Metcalf, British church music and tives have been elected to the Howard Monell BY MATT COUCH senior posts in the U.S.
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