Joyous Passover Greetings to You All Zionist and Th~ Newspa~Ers T~Atl in History
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I'! , Page Seventy-five 2, 1953 Thursday, April 2, THE JEWISH PO$T THE JEWISH POST of Louis D. -Brandeis, Yiddish, and no other in that lan on one cold midnight several of us men, conspired to reshuffle the old Iin the Labor movement and then which was to have its part in Page Seventy-four Shlnal'yahu Levin as the per- guage has been as comprehensive veterans walked the few miles from partnership without impairing its in the State; the other slipped into its exponents and theoreticians. ing in the British liberation of Pal- by's victory. ",a!;ivc mediator between East and and authoritative. The two exiles the Egg 8uckland Camp to the comradeship. For many years noW a back seat-reserved self-effacing Thirty-six years ago, halutziut in estine from the Turks. Thus the Jew These were the days of the _ the East Side and Wash- po~ ure d th·ell' knowledge into the Plymou,th railroad station to greet t~e Ben Gurion-Ben Zvi team has humble to a fault, sch'olarly, plod~ of Light America was almost unheard of, and ish Legion was born, which recruited visional Executive Committee from its Ben Zvi - Ben ding, more eager to listen than be Zvi - Lover lingo ". Shmaryahu Levin knew the book and flavored it with their nos the freshly arrived party and to Ben the two men began laying the foun- some 5,000 men up and down the General Zionist Affairs, under cu By GERSHON AGRON for what they were; East talgia. Gunon predecessor. As the one listened to. Ben Zvi could be pushed dations for a Hehalutz movement. United States and Canada, and march to camp by their side. There Nc\v York knew them less well. Jamal Pasha's" never" proved as they were, the two Bens in their m,an forged. ahead, until the logic when necessity urged that he should, American Zionists of the last generation will remember that in ~1916, When Pinhas Rutenberg arrived rr:"';'=================:"===::==="" of events raIsed him first to primacy he could carry out any duties thrust Yiddish press was not then I ephemeral as many 0 th"er never , stl ill-fitting khaki which the~ had put I about helf-way through the First World War, two young men turned up from Russia to launch the Jewish Joyous Passover Greetings to You All ZionIst and th~ newspa~ers t~atl in history. Ben Zvi and Ben Gurion on when they got the lIKing's shil in New York from Palestine. One was Itzhak Ben Zvi, and the other Congress, the two were at his side, ROGER invites you to the home of Sympathehc• • took bnef• notIce,L came back in 1918 ) as part of the ling" in Nova Scotia, Canada, and David Ben Gurian. Alphabetically, Ben Gurian took precedence over galvanizing the Yiddish - speaking A BRIGHT AND JOYOUS PASSOVER , Labor ZlOnISm. Ben ZVl and Ben Fourth Detachml:!nt o f the Amerl- . were inducted as British soldiers. Ben Zvi but in the partnership it was the other way round: it was Ben section of American Jewry for the l '"'''';on settled down, among. other. can-Jewish Leg'lon . Myown d etach - One was tall, spare and somewhat ~ . IS WISHED YOU BY Zvi and Ben Gurian. They had come as refugees from a small corner of movement that was to prepare the DISTINCTIVE thinll " Lo compose an hlstoncal ment had preceded them by a month lumbering. That was Ben ZVi. The the Ottoman Empire, which Jamal Pasha, Commander-in-Chief of the ground for the Jewish case to be s .,ol(l'al)hy of the Holy Land.. It. must.' or two to England wereh we were ot~el' was Ben Gurion - short, Southern Syrian front, as it then was, ruled with the iron hand appro heard at the Peace Conference. And CHILDREN'S PHOTOS be~n the first of Its kmd m I training for the Palestine front, and slIght, tense in his impatieRce and priate to wartime and to a hard-pressed army. That they were allowed halutziut found its outlet in the LASTING MEMENTO 01' CHILDREN only half-resigned to the military to leave Palestine at all, was onc of Jamars infrequent acts of mercy. As strange and novel idea of Jews shar- We also specialize in tedium and the time wasted in tiny Tel Aviv was evacuated of its population because of Jaffa's proximity Portraits - Weddings - Copy Work A Very Joyous Passover to the Jewish People getting back to Palestine. to the front and many of the leaders banished to Damascus and beyond, Passports, Etc. Joyous Passover T~day, thirty-four years later, 21 .some to perish in Turkish prisons, these two Labor Zionists were per Greetings PHOTO STUDIOS - Winnipeg guns boomed in Jerusalem, as Ben mitted to depart, but only on condition that they never return. Gurion, the Premier, saw the candi ;ffloort'li l\tstaurant In New York, the two young men-the elder aged 32, the other two 290 PORTAGE AVENUE E. MARTIN, Manager. • SEE OUB LYCEU date of his choice take the pledge years his junior-were known only to a few of the Zionists, whose con 30 STOBART BLDG. (Next to Lyceum Theatre) Phone 926042 Canadian Automobile of office as President o£ Israel in • tacts with the microscopic Palestinian Labor Zionist movement were succession to Chaim Weizmann. His understandably slight. They were of course known to the Poale Zion, ·TUIUW VAULTS JOYOUS PASSOVER GREETINGS TO ALL Equipment Limited torically, events have come full by whom they were hailed as the organizers of Labor in the homeland, • Drill Proof OUR JEWISH FRIENDS Phone 922411 cil'cle for the two - ,the restless • Burglar Proof AT THIS PASSOVER SEASON, WISH ALL OUR WM. BELL, Vice-Pres. and Mgr. • Ideal for Valuablee vn:: Ben Gurion marking "paid" to the Distributors of BEST WISHES FOR A BRIGHT AND JOYOUS JEWISH FRIENDS HAPPINESS AND CONTENTMENT account he owed his elder and re Suitable for business estab • GENERAL TIRES • EVINRUDE OUTBOARD MOTORS E. SIMONITE LTD• . c. PASSOVER ..TO YOU ALL . lishments and residen"". • GLOBELlTE BATTERIES • STEWART WARNER RADIOS tiring brother. Circumstances, as' • CHRYSLER MARINE ENGINES well as the characters of the two REALTORS - INSURANCE Canadian Diebold Safe Co. • AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLIES AND ACCESSORIES -_.................... ' Telephone 925 411 SAFES. VAULTS .. FILING SAFES OHMER CASH REGISTERS WINNIPEG. MAN. 175 CARLTON ST. Most Cordial Passover NEW PhOIl_ 9205 95' NOTE OUR ADDRESS ..............................188 NOTRE DAME AYE. B.. H. E. Townsend & Company Greetings Ground 'Floor - Simonite Bldg. MAIN ST. WINNIPEG, MAN. ................. ".. ........ +.1' 298 -The Friendly Store" GENERAL INSURANCE ADJUSTERS Most Joyous passover A JOYOUS PASSOVER TO ALL OUR JEWISH Greeting5 Telephone 924 297 • 8 FRIENDS AND PATRONS & A. (KELLY) COHEN DAVID WINTROBE L. A. Eckmire Co. BEST WISHES FOR A BRIGHT AND JOYOUS 613 TIME BLDG. WINNIPEG. MAN. LADIES' AND MEN'S WEARING APPAREL Allan A. Hoffman B.A., LL.B • • CHARTERED PASSOVER TO you ALL ACCOUNTANTS Phone 926 579 Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. 396 Portage Avenue Enderton, Brydges & Waugh, Ltd. :~ ........................... +-~ ... ---~ Phone 928 692 Our Best Wishes for a Joyous Passover to all our 307 Kensington Bldg. ~~................................................... : INSURANCE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Res. , Phone 597 211 Jewish Friends and Patrons Phone 928 411 Phone 929 953 MOST JOYOUS PASSOVER GREETINGS TO ALL 502 Time Bldg. Winnipeg 222 PORTAGE AVE. WINNIPEG, MAN. , OUR JEWISH PATRONS AND FRIENDS from the Management and Staff WINNIPEG ' ............................... 950 MAIN ST. .......................... WINNIPEG, MAN. Best Wishes for a Joyous Pal$ilOvcr to all our Customers and Friends JOYOUS PASSOVER GREETINGS TO ALL OUR JEWISH .......................... .................. -.... ------- ......... ~ ............ FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS A Joyous Passover to All Our .Jewish Customer~ and Friends . IJloom'lutj t'j "We GI'~.UJ' Appreciah y .... PatroaQe'" . TO LT D. J3eautIJ Crall Crawford Salvage "One of Canada'. Better Sto..... in Your OWn City" G. STERN Phone 925 904 Everyone. ' 241 PORTAGE AVE. WINNIPEG, MAN. 900 Boyd Bldg, OFFICE FURNITURE --: STORE FIXTURES 219 MAIN ST. S. KE_NORA, ONT. Everywhere 330 Main Street - Winnipeg, Man. ................... DYERS AND CLEANERS LTD. MOST CORDIAL PASSOVER GREETINGS TO TAILORS - FURRIERS THE SAME SINCERE GREETINGS ALL OUR JEWISH CLIENTELE F. J. DONEGAN!, General Manager OLD WISH To Our Jewish Friends . .' WINNIPEG 324 YOUNG ST. Phone 31061 It is OU\'lish to convey in as sincerely and personal a manner Best Wishes for a Bright and Joyous Passover to as poS.'il e, o,ur Best Wishes for a Very Joyous Passover. i all our Jewish Patrons and Friends 01 J1right • • THE AND M. LUDWIG TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS Joyous Passover Greetings Success Commercial College· FURRIERS Jo! ouJ D. F. FERGUSON. President Phone 3~3440 Marcel Bessette Hairstylists 462 PORT AGE AVE. WINNIPEG to all our Jewish Friends and Customers Portage Ave. and EClmonton St. (Ncar Hudson's Bay) CORPORATION HARPER METHOD .......... _ .. iF ........... pat. Jover WINNIPEG Phone 926 434 MANITOBA __ + 4' • ............................... '* ............. ---- ........ --- --- .....- ......... Expert Hairdrc'Ssing and Styling by Experienced Operator. Portage Ave. at Smith St. Winnipeg, Man. --- .. .. --- .... - Best Wishes to all our 444 ACADEMY ROAD Phone 402 404 Jewish Friends and JOYOUS PAS:S0VER GRE'ETINGS II -F-#'''''' .... ~........ .-....-.......... Patrons for a Kodaks" Films and to all our JeWIsh Patrons and Friends Very Joyous Passover A JOYOUS PASSOVER TO THE :;f.3iii"Ri~0i;;~~i~~-: :7"~ --e-- Everything Photographic INMAN • Michalski ------ are pleased to extend to. their n~el'ous JEWISH COMMUNITY patrons and friends SIncere WiShes Visit Our New and MOTORS LIMITED for DEVELOPING - PRINTING Everything hI Printing for the Restaurant • • • A BRIGHT AND JOYOUS PASSOVER Modern Restaurant' ENLARGING and FRAMING Fort and York • DAR.Y· MENUS "High Quality Meals : of SUPERIOR QUALITY : • A LA CARTE 'MENUS Call us for and Best Service" Dominion Briquettes & • TEA-Cup·READlNG MENUS EI FLOWERS ."Chevrolet • CHECK BOOKS ,C.