A Souvenir for My Friend Pine St

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A Souvenir for My Friend Pine St Aaron Ziegelman Foundation collection (AFC 2003/002) American Folklife Center, Library of Congress http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.afc/eadafc.af014007 Folder No. New Photo ID Original Description 1 Original Description 2 Note Source "A souvenir for my friend Pine St. Puny (?) in eternal friendship." (Polish) Might be 818 PH0001 Group of girls, 1935 nickname for Pinkhas. School uniforms? Pinkhas, Guz Yitzhak Grimatlicht on a 818 PH0002 bicycle, 1936 Near apple orchard? Pinkhas, Guz Yaateov Horowitz and an unidentified woman. May 3, 818 PH0003 1938 Photo by S. Bialy Pinkhas, Guz 3 unidentified boys at the edge of a lake or river. July 2, 818 PH0004 1939 Snapshot Pinkhas, Guz Portrait of Pinkhas Guz, "A souvenir from Dzhalat-Dbael, Krupodelnik and another Friday June 19, 1942. (Signed) Translate Russian 818 PH0005 young man, June 19, 1942 Pinkhas Guz." inscription Pinkhas, Guz One may be guz. Portrait of 2 young men, Translate Russ. 818 PH0006 1946. Inscription Pinkhas, Guz Portrait of a young girl, May 27, 1945, Karaganda. "For everlasting and kind remembrance. To Pyetya from Lena." (Russian 818 PH0007 inscription) Pinkhas, Guz Informal portrait of a group of Some wear young men and women. armbands. One may 818 PH0008 Minsk, May 17, 1946 be Guz. Pinkhas, Guz Group portrait of members of the soccer team of the Lubome Z.K.S. - Jewish Center; in suit, tie, and glasses; Standing, 4th from r: 819 PH0009 Sports Club. Ca. 1933-34 Yossef Weisstrucht (Karpus). Moshe Shlivo (Shalev) Shalev, Moshe 2nd row from top, to the right of girl in plaid bow, above boy in eye glasses: Chaim Uberman, a Snapshot of Betar members Betar leader. To Uberman's left, at a meeting of Keren Tel Hai with buttoned shirt: Hetman, 819 PH0010 [Tel Hai Fund]. Dec. 21, 1935 Betar leader. Shalev, Moshe Moshe Shlivo (Shalev) in the field where the Nazis later executed some of the town's 819 PH0011 Jewish intelligentsia, 1936. (Right) Church. Shalev, Moshe Moshe Shlivo (Shalev), 1936, 819 PH0012 next to the Great Synagogue Shalev, Moshe Moshe Shlivo (Shalev) next to the Great Synagogue, August 819 PH0013 1936 Shalev, Moshe Rivka Shlivo, now Karpus, in 819 PH0014 Pinsk, 1948 Shalev, Moshe Identity card from Israel belonging to Moshe Shlivo 819 PH0015 (Shalev) Shalev, Moshe Snapshot of unidentified 820 PH0016 woman, ca. 1930s. Elfand, F. Unidentified woman near a 820 PH0017 car, ca. 1930s Might be in U.S. Elfand, F. Portrait of Srulik Elfand's wife Esther and their daughter 3.3-5: Elfand family 820 PH0018 Friedka See also 6.4 Elfand, F. 3.3-5:Elfand family 820 PH0019 Portrait of Srulik Elfand See also 6.4 Elfand, F. Portrait of Frieda Elfand, 3.3-5: Elfand family 820 PH0020 daughter of Srulik and Esther See also 6.4 Elfand, F. Studio portrait of Shimel and 821 PH0021 Chaya Tova Lerner Efrat, Moshe Aaron Ziegelman Foundation collection (AFC 2003/002) American Folklife Center, Library of Congress http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.afc/eadafc.af014007 Studio portrait of David Mekler Previously in "Krynicy" 821 PH0022 and wife, 1933 folder Efrat, Moshe Portrait of unidentified young Previously in "Krynicy" 821 PH0023 man folder Efrat, Moshe Efroim Lerner (Froike) with mother (front). Moshe Reizman and wife (couple at left), in resort town of Krynica, Previously in "Krynica" 821 PH0024 1926. folder Efrat, Moshe Efroim Lerner's mother (right) and another woman, in the Previously in "Krynica" 821 PH0025 resort of Krynica, 1926. folder Efrat, Moshe Members of the Mekler family: Previously in "Krynica" 821 PH0026 Yisrael, Leybl, Devorah folder Efrat, Moshe Group portrait: Eli Lerner and wife; Efroim Lerner; Rintze, Chaim, Moyshe, and Bat- Previously in "Krynica" 821 PH0027 Sheva Mekler, 1930s folder Efrat, Moshe Children posing with a doll for a portrait in a wooded area, ca. 1930s. (1)Frieda Wolwushes; (2) Esther Wolwushes; (3)Ellea Ziegelbaum 822 PH0028 Wolwushes Ingber, Miriam The 3 Ziegelbaum children (?) posing in a window. L-R: Feyga, Leybe, Miriam, ca. Ziegelbaum 822 PH0029 1930s Photo by Krojn Ingber, Miriam Miriam Ziegelbaum Inger and Miriam wears the Ziegelbaum 822 PH0030 four friends, 1930s. striped tie at right. Ingber, Miriam Studio portrait of 2 women Ziegelbaum 822 PH0031 and a man, 1930s Ingber, Miriam Leah Wolwushes in a garden near the Church or Synagogue, 1936. Inscribed to her brother with wishes for Ziegelbaum 822 PH0032 a good year. Ingber, Miriam "Memento. I am offering my photograph as a sign of sincere friendship to my dear cousine, Polish to be A group of young men posing "Mizone" (?). David." Luboml, translated. What is Ziegelbaum 822 PH0033 on an outdoor stairway, 1937 August 17, 1937 monument at right? Ingber, Miriam Miriam Ziegelbaum saying goodbye to a friend at a railroad station, as she Others in Miriam's Ziegelbaum 822 PH0034 departs for Israel, 1937 aliyah series: 5.9-13 Ingber, Miriam Feyga Ziegelbaum Bubes, posing with her 7-month-old son Efroim, outside a wooden Inscribed to her sister Ziegelbaum 822 PH0035 house, 1938. Miriam. Ingber, Miriam Miriam Ziegelbaum Unger, on the eve of her departure for Palestine in 1937, posing with a friend near a church in the Others in aliyah Ziegelbaum 822 PH0036 snow. series: 5.7, 5.10-13 Ingber, Miriam On the eve of her departure for Palestine in 1937, Miriam Ziegelbaum Unger says goodbye to her friend Others in aliyah Shoshana near a church in series: 5.7, 5.9, 5.11- Ziegelbaum 822 PH0037 the snow. 13 Ingber, Miriam Miriam Ziegelbaum Unger, saying goodbye to a man in the snow near a church, on Others in aliyah the eve of her departure for series: 5.7, 5.9-10, Ziegelbaum 822 PH0038 Palestine, 1937 5.12-13 Ingber, Miriam Aaron Ziegelman Foundation collection (AFC 2003/002) American Folklife Center, Library of Congress http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.afc/eadafc.af014007 On the eve of Miriam Ziegelbaum Ingber's departure for Palestine in Others in aliyah 1937: Miriam saying goodbye series: 5.7, 5.9-11, Ziegelbaum 822 PH0039 to Leah Wolwushes 5.13 Ingber, Miriam Miriam Ziegelbaum Unger (L) and friends, 1937. Signed on back by Perl; Anna:and Shoshana Melamed, who wish their "best friend" farewell as she departs for Others in aliyah Ziegelbaum 822 PH0040 Palestine. series: 5.7, 5.9-13 Ingber, Miriam 3 men posing outside a thatch- Inscribed to Miriam by Ziegelbaum 822 PH0041 roofed house, 1939. her brother Ingber, Miriam Tsvi, Mines, Esther and Nili Ziegelbaum 822 PH0042 Wolwushes posing on a street Ingber, Miriam Portrait in a lumberyard: (L-R) Leybe Ziegelbaum, Miriam Ziegelbaum Unger, Feyga Ziegelbaum Bubes, Shilom Ziegelbaum 822 PH0043 Bubes Ingber, Miriam Portrait of Auraham Ziegelbaum, his wife Rokhe, and their children, Feyga, Leybe, and Miriam, ca. late Ziegelbaum 822 PH0044 1920s Ingber, Miriam Efroim Bubes, son of Sholom and Feyga, in a baby Ziegelbaum 822 PH0045 carriage, ca 1938 Ingber, Miriam Group portrait of teachers and students of a Polish public school, 1930s. The teacher, Ziegelbaum 822 PH0046 Mr. _____ Reif stands at left Ingber, Miriam Group portrait of teachers and students of a Polish public 2nd row from top, left: Ziegelbaum 822 PH0047 school, 1930s. Frieda Wolwushes Ingber, Miriam Girl students of a Polish public school, posing with a teacher near wooden, thatch- Ziegelbaum 822 PH0048 roof houses, 1930s Ingber, Miriam A group of young men posing with wine for a Passover 823 PH0049 greeting card. 1919 Roz, Bella Portrait of Hersh Blumen known as the "Kirsher" 823 PH0050 Shoykhet (ritual slaughter). Roz, Bella Year transcribed in New Year's Card portrait of Hebrew. Tree Medel and Rochl Frechter. probably symbolizes 823 PH0051 Photo by D. Blusztejn "tree of life" Roz, Bella An elderly woman with an old- fashioned bonnet: Mindel, 823 PH0052 mother of Srulik Elfand 3.3-3.5 - Elfand family Roz, Bella Portrait of Avraham 823 PH0053 Royznman (Roz) Roz, Bella Snapshot of the Royznman Taken on same day 823 PH0054 family, ca. 1930s. as 6.7 Roz, Bella Snapshot of Avraham Royzman (Roz) with his taken on same day as 823 PH0055 mother, ca. 1930s 6.6 Roz, Bella Aaron Ziegelman Foundation collection (AFC 2003/002) American Folklife Center, Library of Congress http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.afc/eadafc.af014007 Avraham Royznman (Roz) 2nd from r., and a group of friends on a Luboml Street, Polish school on Slowackiego at 823 PH0056 1930s left. Roz, Bella Avraham Royznman (Roz) 823 PH0057 and friends ice-skating, 1930s Royzn is 1st from left Roz, Bella Avraham Royznman (Roz) 1st from right, and 2 others on a Slowackiego St. Polish school at 823 PH0058 Luboml Street, 1930s Left Roz, Bella Yevakhmiel Szaintop Avraham Royznman (Roz) at Binyomin right with 3 friends on a Rosenzweig, Yosef 823 PH0059 Luboml lane, 1930s. Fuehs Roz, Bella Also in photo: Yevakhmiel Avraham Royznman (Roz) Szaintop Eliahu-Yisrael Terner and friends near a storefront, (3rd from left?), Isaac Polish film poster. 823 PH0060 1930s. Royzn is at right. Frimerman, Chaim Feller Same as 8.22 Roz, Bella Avraham Royznman (Roz) at left, and 2 friends, Yosef Fuchs and Yitzhak 823 PH0061 Grimatlicht, 1930s Roz, Bella Portrait of Zalmen Fisher, a young man, with a Hebrew or Yiddish poem to be Yiddish newspaper rolled up translated - see xerox Blau Weiner, 824 PH0062 in his hand, 1922 file for full translation Nechama Outdoor portrait of young zionists, 1925. Inscribed to Rivka Weiner by Zalmen Seated, 2nd from right: Zalmen Fisher. (Hebrew) "Remember - Fisher. Standing, first from right: look at the pioneer passing in Feivel Dreksler, who became a Blau Weiner, 824 PH0063 front of the people." director. Nechama Portrait of Efraim Gellord with Inscribed to Zeev Blau Weiner, 824 PH0064 a riding crop, 1919 Weiner Nechama I'm sending you a bad copy of my face and hope that you believe the original is better.
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