Economic Development Strategy 2015 - 2020’ Has Been Prepared Specifically for Hindmarsh Shire Council As the Client

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Economic Development Strategy 2015 - 2020’ Has Been Prepared Specifically for Hindmarsh Shire Council As the Client Contents 4. Strengthening health and community services ..... 34 Executive summary ................................................................. 5 4.1 Delivering services in rural areas ........................................................ 34 Context ................................................................................................................. 5 4.2 Caring for our residents ....................................................................... 35 Opportunities and actions ................................................................................. 5 4.3 A professional and supported workforce .......................................... 35 Summary .............................................................................................................. 7 4.4 Sustainability of funding and resources ............................................. 35 4.5 Planning for the future ......................................................................... 36 1. Introduction .................................................................... 9 4.6 Action plan ............................................................................................. 37 1.1 Structure of this report .........................................................................10 1.2 Economic snapshot ...............................................................................10 5. Fostering business and community prosperity ..... 41 1.3 Communities ..........................................................................................11 5.1 Sustainable communities ..................................................................... 41 1.4 Natural assets ........................................................................................11 5.2 Local businesses and services ............................................................. 41 1.5 Challenge and opportunity ..................................................................11 5.3 Supporting entrepreneurship ............................................................. 42 1.6 Definition of economic development .................................................11 5.4 Migration and settlement .................................................................... 42 1.7 How the EDS was developed ...............................................................12 5.5 Marketing and economic capture ....................................................... 43 1.8 Consultations .........................................................................................12 5.6 Summary ................................................................................................ 43 5.7 Action plan ............................................................................................. 44 2. Economic Development Strategy .............................. 14 2.1 What do we want to achieve? ..............................................................14 6. Supporting the development of tourism and events51 2.2 EDS purpose and direction ..................................................................15 6.1 Tourism overview .................................................................................. 51 2.3 EDS principles ........................................................................................15 6.2 Brand and destination .......................................................................... 52 2.4 Roles and responsibilities.....................................................................16 6.3 Target markets ...................................................................................... 52 2.5 Action plans............................................................................................16 6.4 Challenges and opportunities ............................................................. 53 6.5 Business development ......................................................................... 54 3. Enhancing food and beverage capacity ................... 18 6.6 Events ..................................................................................................... 54 3.1 Current production - A Hindmarsh perspective ................................18 6.7 Action plan ............................................................................................. 55 3.2 Benefits of a differentiated food and beverage strategy .................21 3.3 Hindmarsh differential advantage ......................................................23 7. Building sustainable local administration .............. 64 3.4 Potential growth firms ..........................................................................25 7.1 The challenges ....................................................................................... 64 3.5 Implementation .....................................................................................26 7.2 Strategic resource sharing ................................................................... 64 3.6 Action plan .............................................................................................29 7.3 Assets and infrastructure ..................................................................... 65 7.4 Action plan ............................................................................................. 66 2 8. Economic infrastructure and assets ........................ 69 8.1 Primary freight and transport infrastructure ....................................69 8.2 The roads network ................................................................................69 8.3 Supporting economic infrastructure...................................................70 8.4 Action plan .............................................................................................73 Appendix 1: Background analysis ...................................... 77 8.5 Factors driving demand for food and beverage production............79 Appendix 2: Reference materials and information sources ........................................................................... 86 Online resources ...............................................................................................89 List of tables Table 1 – Source of Hindmarsh’s competitiveness .................................. 83 Table 2 – SCOR Analysis .............................................................................. 83 List of figures Figure 1 - Hindmarsh Shire locality map (Source: REMPlan Map Builder)9 Figure 2 - Hindmarsh Shire map (Source: HSC) ........................................... 9 Figure 3 - Hindmarsh economic snapshot ................................................. 10 Figure 4 - EDS development framework .................................................... 12 Figure 5 - the 7 Capitals model ................................................................... 79 Figure 6 -Australia's current, next and future waves of growth ............. 81 Figure 7 - Tradeable sector model ............................................................. 82 Figure 8 –Strategy planning model ............................................................ 84 3 Report statement The ‘Economic Development Strategy 2015 - 2020’ has been prepared specifically for Hindmarsh Shire Council as the client. The ‘Economic Development Strategy 2015 - 2020’’ and its contents are the property of Hindmarsh Shire Council, but we would love you to spread the word, quote it, share it around and use it in your own endeavours. The information contained in this document has been gained from anecdotal evidence and research. It has been prepared in good faith and in conjunction with Hindmarsh Shire Council. Neither SED, nor its servants, consultants, agents or staff shall be responsible in any way whatsoever to any person in respect to the report, including errors or omission therein, however caused. Acknowledgements Hindmarsh Shire Council and the project team would like to acknowledge the significant contribution made by businesses, community members, the Advisory Committee and other project partners in the development of the ‘Economic Development Strategy 2015 – 2020’. We would particularly like to thank the contribution made by members of the Advisory Committee: Melanie Albrecht, Jo Bourke, Heather Drendel, Gary Driscoll, Amanda Ingeme, Ron Ismay, Ron Jenkins, Craig Partridge and Graeme Torbitt. These contributions included consultation, information sharing, meeting attendance, completion of questionnaires and general support for the project. Hindmarsh Shire also acknowledge the funding support of the Victorian State Government through the Putting Local First program. Contact details SED Advisory Hindmarsh Shire Council Ballarat 92 Nelson Street, Nhill Vic 3418 19 Albert St, Ballarat Vic 3350 PO Box 250, Nhill Vic 3418 PO Box 2378 BMC, Ballarat Vic 3354 T: +61 3 5391 4444 T: +61 3 5331 2565 E: [email protected] F: +61 3 5331 2989 E: [email protected] W: W: Document version Report Stage Authors Date Reviewers Review Date Version 0.1 Fiona Davey 27th February 2015 Tony Irish 13th March 2015 Version 0.2 Fiona Davey 2nd April 2015 Tony Irish 20th April 2015 4 Executive summary The Hindmarsh Economic Development Strategy 2015-2020 (EDS) presents Hindmarsh is not without challenges. Like many rural communities there is the investment, business and community development agenda for industry, a trend of population decline and an ageing profile of its residents. The business, communities and regional partners. impacts of climate and weather on agricultural
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