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rroa 8. F.I Honolulan, Mch. 26. For S. F.t - Manchuria, Mch. 25 From Yaneeavers -- ; Zealandla, Mar. 26 v Fr Yaneotrert ; Marama, Mar. 25 ; Evening Bulletin. 1882, No. 5302. Est ::; 14 -H- 1013 Hawaiian Star. Vol. XX, No. C54S. PAGES. ONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, MONDAY, MAKCII 24, 14 PAGES. price five cnrca -- -J- i r r T- n J. IMP LJ wit-- :. J .O v I ! 'U gws THUNDER SALUTE AS NEW COMMANDANT COMES TO NAVAL STATION I i . U La w-- 3 O , ' "' :".x .''-- ',' i - ' -- V; ?,'. - ' , W-- 4- Thrc,-,:- Terrific Storm Sweeps !i Fifty-thousa- nd Dollar Loss in Four States, Ccu;:r,a ; ' - Hct Claze Yesterday : - Immense Lees . v. : t Afternoon ; . 240 v Tn : ruuirio"f: i'-'Tf""- ".. AND k .TtEHOUSE J linnnUU ;,. i - -- " ARE DESTROYED V V. rr , Nebraskr,v:v. rr.. L - Direction of Wind; Saves Vt JIlinDisVi: I:: I:;.:! . ru; i ;Ian3 rr ? ' of Un Cvwuwti j : ti Has J riarrc;Et::pir'!ij! (As3oc5cd rr:-- 3 CzV.z) OMAHA, fhb.f T.v? (Fpecial fitar-Eulkt-ln Tirch Wireless) V: h for rrany , IIILO, Hawafl,-Marc- 24 A" Tierce. worst, tornaij yt:ra ii .': Admirals Cowles ('o. 1) and Moore (Xo. 2) and the officers of the naTal station '"and marine; barracks, pho- c . ng rncst :.. aft--. ' ' '" ' state and one cf the fire at OJaa yesterday - - ' " tographed this morning at naTal station ceremonies. ' ' . ' ". ..' ercoon, the second, of two disastrous to life in the history cf t: :: ' ' over the isction cf c:-'- .r conflagrations on this' Island : within broke t: a few weeks, wiped outs the Olaa pi r no ffri 7 near Council ClufTs, Ir.va. J Cc-nc- CI-- store, the tig warehouse and tno rail- EI;ht mlJes from i! Tj tM L- V th- - ; j Li v - u was he;;ht, road statics. ; ; w r tornado at its i::r. i. u to life and property :rrl. The entire gTOup of buildings , was tlcn tilrj r r 5."" . burned In thirty minutes, , the fire bte. ts!:;rs-- h i:.--:: burning with' a f?rccne5s-th&t-4cfl- ed With telephons and w'r.z?: efforts-t- control ik-- " w I. w li down all through the country c t ; . The orlrln cf the 'blaze Is unknown, th tornado passd, 'lit: i though ,tL:re pre various ;rumors 7TP n learned of the dctalii.' A!rt- - t' k::!:-an- ;c arr.:un to d afloat.; , : s , 0'; y death reports -- h-.- .-: ! The railroad ! tracks''' between - the J Lj'; 240 Injarcc. Thrci r . 3 .L, : i buildings, were warped by the' . heat, f fty home hsve tetr, wr?:' : - which was Intense for a J stance 1250 ore dama:-'- , msr.y cf t: :'. ? beyond repslr. , around "the 'burr leg buildings. ,: Measure by mcst Cowles Leaves' to Fleet Judd Introduces -. Take V-.r- I- - Only the direction of the wlnd save4 Th tsrnad swert 1 E!:c-tio- n i; ! the vIi:.io, v, hich wcul J hare been Z .Command and Moore Is Request Authorizes snd ll!ir.:s also, k:::;r; r-- 1 y la tl.e r:Ah cf the ' f!arr.c3 had tho ' FJow in states. The pro-:rt- I: Charge of 15 Commissioners ' v -- ca it ! t-- ' owing way. calcula!: j It v i btreze tte other ..'.! ... - trrn t .t 1 c- -Ii help vrr.3 to t a nii:!5r.3. C:rr.$ : . '."A f;r sent Ullo With a Ealute of' thirteen guns In sea-atsth- ls -- .Senator Judd. introduced in tho 3 -- v. rn t e f icts cf the fire was hor.or of the departing commandant, morning a bill providing. t;r cf c'l K:.-'- :r j pi:': J a - tLe I.: truck from the town 'two-starre-d flag1 re to sons cf th: Eccnand as the, blue of Hear the.election of a commission, to pre-t?- r'ces answered the call and did good work : , n:!!;f Admiral Walter. C. Cowles came fluV a city-c'-r- Hr-"!- . tr:ir hiv after It get " " " rrcund, though Elm-i!a- r f" neari- - xli;i",.ro" . v tering down the .tall eta.ffv He"'slated in Introducing "it that he ? t'-T'- . IT!'" ' r f ' been rr: t . - t.r Talote. to the Xla cf Rear J.dJs!r&l did-s- o reques,t City relieve the j ,.. at the of Treas- ! due. , , - v. B. reached - - ' Charles T J'oore;. as it urer C. J. McCarthy and John C. Lane, .ITar.r-- :: CI r!-i- H. Iklllngpr bad the truck, the naval command of, Ha- rc members of. the committee recently a ' j (rc.a Icing trarred waii was formally and officially trans- Appointed at the massmecttng at Aala the : ' !ls heWas trying to ; . tr ferred this morning. Park, called for the purpose: of con- tave V I;.; i : .r.d'. .cash from the " i The Eun broke out with the flag, v v; sidering .the of a charter, J- - heed Fafe. i-.- J th 3 valuables at great " and the leadcn clouds which: had The act provides that within sixty ) to-th- perso:.l ,:' . e .ritk.; threatened a downpour right up days after passage, a special elec- tcraporary grocery etcrefs"; being t-- its 'A moment of the ceremony, parted shall fifteen opened In the theater, toiay1 to supply pour tion be called at which ' ' a flood of Hawaiian suusMti, electors are proposed to be selected the camp's' needs. ('.;; ' bril-Ia- nt not of the liquid variety, on the ito compose a commission. This com- The fire that destroyed Pahoa mill - scene which took place cn the mission proposed char- was only a few weeks ago. - will draft the lawn In front ofy the? administration ter, submit to people, and if ap- , - ' building. it the ;A score of officers in white proved will be transmitted to the sec- Local officials of the Olaa Sugar dress and side arms, the full marine Lid : Jnes-sag- es retary of (the territory, who In turn Company, today received wireless guard ' and band,; in - khaki, . j.ii footless ; will submit it to the legislature in confirmatory cf the above news. Star-Bullet- ln slaff looking every inch the part of "sol Admiral Moore's flag going op , as Admiral Cowles' flag, comes down; Photo by. Com-par- y the role 1915. In event the proposed charter f At the office cf the Olaa ugar ' -- (Associated CzV.i diers and sailors tpo,f the lit.tt knot : , photographer. ; n .that a wireless ' .r r Is not approved by the people, a sec- NACO, Mexico, March 21. Ms itvi ttfd of civilian employes , of the station may elected, znei.L-- 3 tad tc:a rtce'red with a re. - ond cominission be and rebels have attacked Cansn;:, c 'y ta and a handful of prominent .Honolu- rt rr v de- charter on, and so stu-bc- - "to--welcom- its drafted acted port cf the fire tut no lans were gathered ihe xy be net w,ith a m d:r;r.ss, f ii III!ffiAU IS on until one is finally satlsfae - nt found Internitts-.t'y- tails. Mr.' A. VV'T. pottomjey 'eald coming and speed the parting, com-manda- Ing going' On tory. :. ;C'.-'V..- ' at cooa today that'te. had. heerd-- the .The, ceremony prescrlbci ,".: y'l' j rl news ty wireless dispatchtind-catlc- g t- - ' The following Is the copy of the bill ii, the by , navy regulations change for the rr ' ,; v- that there had been a complete of a flag went off without a hitch, and n n n n nr In full: - .U - buildings ri n TO 1'IE',! "Sec. 1. Within sixty days after the loss on the three named. He 9:15 Admiral Moore fouud hims&f :, FI!r"T" at lEIL'G passage mayor J; estimated that If such were the case in control of the navai situation in" HE. of this act the of .the .yii v 50.-0- 00 : city Cnd and County Honolulu the loss would te. approximately Hawaii. .W-- ",. .s.j ,- : ."r' of : report mil shalH by proclamation, call : a special $00,000. Up or to noon no Of necessity, more iKlmplif led . A" then Attorney Milverton in Opinion ; of the fire tad been received by B. F. the transfer of command afloat, where . That Supervisor Samuel C. Hardesty DRYDOCEC SITE election of, city and county officials Dlllingtan &, Co.,. from the Htld, rail the", custom prevails mann'.ng Iho Points out-- . Illegality: of SU- -: f has illegally participated in city con- within the Territory ot Hawaii, at ' at in road people. Mr; Harold Dillingham barge . ' tracting work is the declaration" ah which special election the qualified of the retiring admiral with pervisor's City Work V Star-Bullet- in opinion given by Deputy City and was Informed by the of officers, row - eleptors of the City and County of who him ashore, v the Pre the fire." y ., ;" ; County Attorney Milverton to the Honolulu shall elect fifteen taxpayers tAwrtClated CatleJ change of flags morning took only s-- s ihis a &s rf D. C.J 2t. a ; ,of s 8 as ss board of 8upervisorsat a meetjng at who are qualified electors within the WASHINGTON, March few minutes, and was devoid thej y y: - ' V-- ly-ry- '; sisSs cf-d- :" ; ; :y'i - . " e - cere-toon- y noon today. i f f Surprise was caiised In ii irclss pathos which v attaches, to limits thereof, who sha'conslti,tute a the K on toe. M News has reached here through k when one of ths officers retires j ln the demand based Attorney Milverton's opinion upholds f charter convention, to frame a charter here today when It ttcame nown X Chalmers job appears the X, by .