rroa 8. F.I Honolulan, Mch. 26. For S. F.t - Manchuria, Mch. 25 From Yaneeavers -- ; Zealandla, Mar. 26 v Fr Yaneotrert ; Marama, Mar. 25 ;

Evening Bulletin. 1882, No. 5302. Est ::; 14 -H- 1013 Hawaiian Star. Vol. XX, No. C54S. PAGES. ONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, MONDAY, MAKCII 24, 14 PAGES. price five cnrca

-- -J- i r r T- n J. IMP LJ wit-- :. J .O


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4- Thrc,-,:- Terrific Storm Sweeps !i Fifty-thousa- nd Dollar Loss in Four States, Ccu;:r,a ; ' - Hct Claze Yesterday : - Immense Lees . v. . : t Afternoon ; . 240 v Tn : ruuirio"f: i'-'Tf""- ".. AND k .TtEHOUSE J linnnUU ;,. i - -- " ARE DESTROYED V V. rr , Nebraskr,v:v. rr.. L - Direction of Wind; Saves Vt JIlinDisVi: I:: I:;.:! . ru; i ;Ian3 rr ? ' of Un Cvwuwti j : ti Has J riarrc;Et::pir'!ij! (As3oc5cd rr:-- 3 CzV.z) OMAHA, fhb.f T.v? (Fpecial fitar-Eulkt-ln Tirch Wireless) V: h for rrany , IIILO, Hawafl,-Marc- 24 A" Tierce. worst, tornaij yt:ra ii .': Admirals Cowles ('o. 1) and Moore (Xo. 2) and the officers of the naTal station '"and marine; barracks, pho- c . ng rncst :.. aft--. ' ' '" ' state and one cf the fire at OJaa yesterday - - ' " tographed this morning at naTal station ceremonies. ' ' . ' ". ..' ercoon, the second, of two disastrous to life in the history cf t: :: ' ' over the isction cf c:-'- .r conflagrations on this' Island : within broke t: a few weeks, wiped outs the Olaa pi r no ffri 7 near Council ClufTs, Ir.va. J Cc-nc- CI-- store, the tig warehouse and tno rail- EI;ht mlJes from i! Tj tM L- V th- - ; j Li v - u was he;;ht, road statics. ; ; w r tornado at its i::r. i. u to life and property :rrl. The entire gTOup of buildings , was tlcn tilrj r r 5."" . burned In thirty minutes, , the fire bte. ts!:;rs-- h i:.--:: burning with' a f?rccne5s-th&t-4cfl- ed With telephons and w'r.z?: efforts-t- control ik-- " w I. w li down all through the country c t ; . The orlrln cf the 'blaze Is unknown, th tornado passd, 'lit: i though ,tL:re pre various ;rumors 7TP n learned of the dctalii.' A!rt- - t' k::!:-an- ;c arr.:un to d afloat.; , : s , 0'; y death reports -- h-.- .-: ! The railroad ! tracks''' between - the J Lj'; 240 Injarcc. Thrci r . 3 .L, : i buildings, were warped by the' . heat, f fty home hsve tetr, wr?:' : - which was Intense for a J stance 1250 ore dama:-'- , msr.y cf t: :'. ? beyond repslr. , around "the 'burr leg buildings. ,: Measure by mcst Cowles Leaves' to Fleet Judd Introduces -. Take V-.r- I- - Only the direction of the wlnd save4 Th tsrnad swert 1 E!:c-tio- n i; ! the vIi:.io, v, hich wcul J hare been Z .Command and Moore Is Request Authorizes snd ll!ir.:s also, k:::;r; r-- 1 y la tl.e r:Ah cf the ' f!arr.c3 had tho ' FJow in states. The pro-:rt- I: Charge of 15 Commissioners ' v -- ca it ! t-- ' owing way. calcula!: j It v i btreze tte other ..'.! ... - trrn t .t 1 c- -Ii help vrr.3 to t a nii:!5r.3. C:rr.$ : . '."A f;r sent Ullo With a Ealute of' thirteen guns In sea-atsth- ls -- .Senator Judd. introduced in tho 3 -- v. rn t e f icts cf the fire was hor.or of the departing commandant, morning a bill providing. t;r cf c'l K:.-'- :r j pi:': J a - tLe I.: truck from the town 'two-starre-d flag1 re to sons cf th: Eccnand as the, blue of Hear the.election of a commission, to pre-t?- r'ces answered the call and did good work : , n:!!;f Admiral Walter. C. Cowles came fluV a city-c'-r- Hr-"!- . tr:ir hiv after It get " " " rrcund, though Elm-i!a- r f" neari- - xli;i",.ro" . v tering down the .tall eta.ffv He"'slated in Introducing "it that he ? t'-T'- . IT!'" ' r f ' been rr: t . - t.r Talote. to the Xla cf Rear J.dJs!r&l did-s- o reques,t City relieve the j ,.. at the of Treas- ! due. , , - v. B. reached - - ' Charles T J'oore;. as it urer C. J. McCarthy and John C. Lane, .ITar.r-- :: CI r!-i- H. Iklllngpr bad the truck, the naval command of, Ha- rc members of. the committee recently a ' j (rc.a Icing trarred waii was formally and officially trans- Appointed at the massmecttng at Aala the : ' !ls heWas trying to ; . tr ferred this morning. Park, called for the purpose: of con- tave V I;.; i : .r.d'. .cash from the " i The Eun broke out with the flag, v v; sidering .the of a charter, J- - heed Fafe. i-.- J th 3 valuables at great " and the leadcn clouds which: had The act provides that within sixty ) to-th- perso:.l ,:' . e .ritk.; threatened a downpour right up days after passage, a special elec- tcraporary grocery etcrefs"; being t-- its 'A moment of the ceremony, parted shall fifteen opened In the theater, toiay1 to supply pour tion be called at which ' ' a flood of Hawaiian suusMti, electors are proposed to be selected the camp's' needs. ('.;; ' bril-Ia- nt not of the liquid variety, on the ito compose a commission. This com- The fire that destroyed Pahoa mill - scene which took place cn the mission proposed char- was only a few weeks ago. - will draft the lawn In front ofy the? administration ter, submit to people, and if ap- , - ' building. it the ;A score of officers in white proved will be transmitted to the sec- Local officials of the Olaa Sugar dress and side arms, the full marine Lid : Jnes-sag- es retary of (the territory, who In turn Company, today received wireless guard ' and band,; in - khaki, . j.ii footless ; will submit it to the legislature in confirmatory cf the above news. Star-Bullet- ln slaff looking every inch the part of "sol Admiral Moore's flag going op , as Admiral Cowles' flag, comes down; Photo by. Com-par- y the role 1915. In event the proposed charter f At the office cf the Olaa ugar ' -- (Associated CzV.i diers and sailors tpo,f the lit.tt knot : , photographer. ; n .that a wireless ' .r r Is not approved by the people, a sec- NACO, Mexico, March 21. Ms itvi ttfd of civilian employes , of the station may elected, znei.L-- 3 tad tc:a rtce'red with a re. - ond cominission be and rebels have attacked Cansn;:, c 'y ta and a handful of prominent .Honolu- rt rr v de- charter on, and so stu-bc- - "to--welcom- its drafted acted port cf the fire tut no lans were gathered ihe xy be net w,ith a m d:r;r.ss, f ii III!ffiAU IS on until one is finally satlsfae - nt found Internitts-.t'y- tails. Mr.' A. VV'T. pottomjey 'eald coming and speed the parting, com-manda- Ing going' On tory. :. ;C'.-'V..- ' at cooa today that'te. had. heerd-- the .The, ceremony prescrlbci ,".: y'l' j rl news ty wireless dispatchtind-catlc- g t- - ' The following Is the copy of the bill ii, the by , navy regulations change for the rr ' ,; v- that there had been a complete of a flag went off without a hitch, and n n n n nr In full: - .U - buildings ri n TO 1'IE',! "Sec. 1. Within sixty days after the loss on the three named. He 9:15 Admiral Moore fouud hims&f :, FI!r"T" at lEIL'G passage mayor J; estimated that If such were the case in control of the navai situation in" HE. of this act the of .the .yii v 50.-0- 00 : city Cnd and County Honolulu the loss would te. approximately Hawaii. .W-- ",. .s.j ,- : ."r' of : report mil shalH by proclamation, call : a special $00,000. Up or to noon no Of necessity, more iKlmplif led . A" then Attorney Milverton in Opinion ; of the fire tad been received by B. F. the transfer of command afloat, where . That Supervisor Samuel C. Hardesty DRYDOCEC SITE election of, city and county officials Dlllingtan &, Co.,. from the Htld, rail the", custom prevails mann'.ng Iho Points out-- . Illegality: of SU- -: f has illegally participated in city con- within the Territory ot Hawaii, at ' at in road people. Mr; Harold Dillingham barge . ' tracting work is the declaration" ah which special election the qualified of the retiring admiral with pervisor's City Work V Star-Bullet- in opinion given by Deputy City and was Informed by the of officers, row - eleptors of the City and County of who him ashore, v the Pre the fire." y ., ;" ; County Attorney Milverton to the Honolulu shall elect fifteen taxpayers tAwrtClated CatleJ change of flags morning took only s-- s ihis a &s rf D. C.J 2t. a ; ,of s 8 as ss board of 8upervisorsat a meetjng at who are qualified electors within the WASHINGTON, March few minutes, and was devoid thej y y: - ' V-- ly-ry- '; sisSs cf-d- :" ; ; :y'i - . " e - cere-toon- y noon today. i f f Surprise was caiised In ii irclss pathos which v attaches, to limits thereof, who sha'conslti,tute a the K on toe. M News has reached here through k when one of ths officers retires j ln the demand based Attorney Milverton's opinion upholds f charter convention, to frame a charter here today when It ttcame nown X Chalmers job appears the X, by . Star-Bulleti- n, private channels that the Pearl pre: from active service; i The lact transfer it that the stand taken the lor the said city and county in har- that Dr. Charles W. CI!:t, ifsnt. SC city and county of Honolulu is whieh brought to publie attention last harbor drydock situation is to be f of Harvard, d;c.Mr; J the of naval command seen took f mony with this act. ; emeritus haa here 5C "charged sum $5 S Supervisor1 Har- considered on the ground by' a place a trifle over a year ago, when the of for work week .the Tfact that f 'y "Sec. 2. Immediately upon the ambassadorship to Great Britain. , performed M get city t- high officer, of the navy depart. Rear Admiral Thomas, about be claimed. to have been desty was trying to from the completion of the labors of said char- ta 3 by of super-- & money ment, Rear Admiral Homer Stan- - age, Pa- S Hardesty, one the for work, he haa done on city f f so framed -- retired for turned over the county. X ford, chief of the bureau of yards ter convention, the charter princess colo;i;ia Souther-land- , visors "of the city and jobs. Mr. MUvertpn's opinion affirms cific fleet to Rear Admiral Har-desty- with a. prefatory synopsis, shall' be . ln the demand based on the the contention of this paper thajt 's and docks. , According to a cable attempts and then sailed for the Coast a f - Bigned by the officers and members suicide S Wallace Jobn item of 35. ap-- S actions raisedihe question of V message. Admiral Stanford, ac- f on the West Virginia,' to lay down the . of the convention and delivered to the K pears al3o' S Act 52 of the Jaws companied by Civil Engineer F. ,; CAs'soctated Cable) for work claimed to violation of sessioh f f clerk of said city and county, who mit ' C 1911, R. Harris, will arrive In Honolulu Italy,-Marc- (Continued have been done by Mr. Hardesty. S of and Mr. Milverton declares ROME, h 24 Th: Prln.. on Page 8) - m Tbe, demands based' upon the K that the demands for compensation 4- early next month. , Colonna, was learned t:day, - (Continued on Page 4) cess it Infantry 1904, X Chalmers and' Wallace Jobs shQw S based upon the work in which Har- It is known that the plan of. f and cavalry school, and - Gayler has attempted to commit suicide. ot-th- K vio-1- Illegal. Civil Engineer E. E. In e Judge that there has been a direct ? desty participated are :i With the arrival new a graduate of the staff college, 1905. ' - -- di- of Pearl Harbor construe- Captain E. K. Massec, and Captain Massee is a first lieutenant of Is lation of the law." From , the M Ho holds "that there has been a rharee advocate. t-- hiige J NEGRO FIGHTERS DRAW . tlon, for building the dock of .three adjutant general's clerks, on the the infantry arm, holding the detail of opinion - of . Deputy City and S rect violation of the law." ; f ' concrete blocks - cast on land, has -- - transport Saturday evening; acting judge advocate with . rank of County Attorney Fred. W. Milver- S Moreover, the Milverton opinion f JAPANESE HURT " Thomas f -- so-- -' " ; ', : Is been adopted by the bureaur . ; (Associated Press Cable) unusually captain. - ten. X::y- ';. & goes considerably further,' JI army headquarters was an He: served as private, cor- Stanford BRISBANE, Australia, March 24. pres- poral and sergeant ar- f the coming of jAdmiral f busy place this morning. At the in the Second 4- - K-SS'- not to Langford, champion mldwiewelaht enough tillery from 1S92 to 1895. When g R g;3 g S.S (Continued on P?ge 8) can be determine future f Sa ent time, there Is not nearly the s S.SSS construction methods. U '. Is of the.world, and Sam, McVey to?ay " the,, and w ar with Spain broke out Captain f office room for department 4- - offi-- IN COLLISION army Massee went the sergeant thought, therefore, that the f fought twenty rounds to a draw; here. brigade staffs, and the chiefs to front as a comiHg. nu-- ; pp against for in the Third Wisconsin infantry, and 4 cers are here as the 4 distinctly it re-adju- are 1 CllERSHAM TO BANKING cleus of a board to st the 4 Epace. There are several more officers was made first lieutenant and batta- - Wm 4- compensation of the" contractors 4 on "military, row" on the second. floor lion adjutant of the same regiment. 4-- ' for the work called for'hy the 4 were morning available, but the He then in the U. S. Volun- Vis-- Police summoned this of the Younff Hotel 4' new plan. ; Admiral Stanford 4- authority to rent them has been de- teers :tfor Philippine service, reaching to take charge of an injured Japanese ilTillC summer. Ka-nat- pres- grade sergeant. AND CURRENCY REFORM AS VITAL ited Pearl Harbor last 4 who afterward gave his name as a; layed. Captain Massee is for the the of battalion major A night is to be worked Forty-thir- d shift ' 4 who alleged to have been run ent without an office or even a desk, of the U. S. Volunteers. In drydock is 1901, 4 on the site in the near down by untomoblle No. 539, owned by SCHOOLS wonders, can way February,; he was commissioned - but be done in the 4- future, to have everything in 4 ; es- Dr. J. T. Smith. The story told by IK second in dout!ing;up when necessary, and a lieutenant the regular ' - - tl Discussing general conditions in administration for the purpose of 4- readiness to build- 4 oc- tablishment, Is up - spectators to the accident which , - and he now well on 4-4- probably the staff will be shaken the United States, Former Attorney studying thoroughly bur methods of 4-- ing when called upon. . i long. Eventually when the list of first lieutenants, as it Is un- ' curred near the intersection of King down before Gecrge W. Wick ersham i'anking currency exchange; is ' new are available, the likely that he will have to discard the Ceneral this and it J,..'-- .i: and Nuuanu streets was in effect that BEGINS the ; .officers morning. In a Star-- my on 3 most important department will have as double bar when he goes back to .the an interview with to mind of the the Japanese was riding down Xuuanuj .Hawaiian, x j - - :; bulletin representative. stated that i efarras undertaken in our economic 'fine a- home as any department In line.; - ;:. street on a bicycle "when he was ap. ; : . present history. perhaps true : ; business Is at the time in a While it is that . . . Among who proached by the automobile. the' army. .. ; . T", those arrived on the TO investigation Don- -, prosperous state. y the methods of the Pujo committee SHOTS FIRE , The vehicles met in collision, the .The of cthe territorial 'Captain Maiseo has been assistant Thomas for duty were Frederick way, west- nelly, H. L. Loe and J. A. Phillips, ad- "Thefe ts.no doubt about the fact were not at all times above reproach, Japanese falling to the ground where educational department Is under to tho Judge advocate of the bid aduca-tlon- al ex- pay that we in. America are much better ,the fact remains that they succeeded he was found to have sustained some A special spb-committ- 6f the ern division, and has. considerable jutant general's clerks; E. F. Ely, ; people any na- great of valuable X . v W :. s house , and field military. Jus-- , clerk,, quartermaster corps, and M. eff than the. of, other in amassing a 'deal bruises and perhapsinternal Injuries. committee of the' perience in the of on main-- M ord- tion," Mr. Wickershani said, "the only information. Whether they wer cor Ask jour friends the The police claim that ,the car passed senate, consisting of Representative. tice. He is &n honor graduate. of the Maloney, armament machinist, M In - department. two clouds upon the horizon of a pe- rect or not In their means of getting land to loin with Ton Drotest- over the left leg of the Japanese be- !s. S. Paxson Senator Penhallow and nance ,.' M Ing Congress against annlhlla- - , they' to ; Representative Spalding was appoint-- Col. J; S. Rogers, attached to the. riod of wonderful prosperity ara the at this information, have arrived 4 fore coming to a full stop. : tlon of beet and cane sugar M long present tariff agUation and the. fact at .knowledge that will be ; the basis ' the Kanata was taken to Queen's Hos- ed this morning to assume charge of First Infantry, returned after a ' ' ; ; K Industries in the United States. S preliminary plans ; that we have outgrown our antiquated for banking reforms in tne future. . I pital teratmen,t. this work and the leave of absence., for V'' . system of banking. Business Is apt to have not yet made up my mind just for : the Inquiry are being "outlined ' ' ' ' Ten o'clock tomorrow morning is be in a somewhat unsettled condition what changes should be Introduced to now. .y. ' " - prospect any banking system More than half the desks and tables (The educational committee rof both larptst stock la the city to" the hour set for the departure of the whenever there is a of make our present ; The v Philip- aub-- - Pacific Mail liner Manchuria San change tariff schedule, and nat-- and adequate; bujt am posi-- In sailing for the Coast tomorrow in the primary schools of the branches also turned over to the fren.- . for in the clastic I Francisco. ; Three thousand tons rally so. As to the investigation morning, the Pacific Mail liner' Man- pine islands were made by the pupils S, on P?-- ? . H. HCNr-'ICK- LTD.- - Oriental cargo will be discharged. which was taken up under Mr. Taf,t's (Continued on Page 3 churia will carry a large mail. themselves. . (Continued -- - ' - ! ! "-- ' .. M . . "' ' . J v V. OXOLU 1913. - t

OUT-GOIN- .vJ5 ' G PASSENGERS! , t VESSELS TO AND lESSEflO FROMTHE ISLANDS 'mm MM Special CM to XmhasU' mm Exchange WITH HON. JOHN A. Ci'ffll You are advised to send la your baggage order as tarty as ptsibte and Stood;?, Marrh 21. us get your trunks to steamer in good time to have umi properly SEATTLE Sailed, March 23, S. S. Ancient1 funeral customs of Hawaii The honorary pallbearers were Hon. SEALED't and CHECKED. ; obsequies Hilonian for Honolulu. Were observed In the of S. B. Dole, former president of the R ".: PERSONAL ATTEffTION TO ALL OftDERS. Sailed, March 24, S. S. Arizonan, the late Hon, John Adams Cummins. fubl'c of I Iawaii and now United From day of t,H death until . the States judge; Chief A. G. M. ; v -- the Justice for Honolulu. : rervices t the fco;?se . in Alexander Robertson. Senator Cecil Brown, Hon, '' SAN FRANCISCO Arriwd,, March body .' CITY TRAr4?2?v CD. 1 street yesterday afternoon, the Mark P. Robinson. Dr. George Herbert, - - 24, S. S. China, at p. hence i lay In state attended by kahili bcar-er-s Henry Smith; A. Fcrnandex and C. A, . i : jash. love. rjAzrr: -- ' March 18. , ' surrounded by Brown.- ,.: . : 24, Virginian and vocalists, and Arrived, March S. S. symbols of high chief rank. At the Judge Dole, as was stated in. thl3 from Salina Cruz. . ' head of the casiet were taiu sticks papr in reporting that he was goin; MilEliaMBBIBES;;: GRAYS HARBOR Sailed, March end on the wall the Hawaiian, stand- to be invited to participate as q 23, schr. Ariel, Honolulu. for ard was draped, whi!e flowers and f of the republic forces PORT TOWNSENO Arrived, March floral designs were in great ofuslon. eighteen years ago, had last word 24, U. S. R. C. Unalga, hence Mar. the ''- - In yard awhitened stone fish god. In condemning Mr. Cummins for par 12. :. the fELL AS IiMPICHURIA SAILED which Mr. Cummins had kept for good ticipation in the attempt to overthrow In which Is combined the HAWAIIAN STAR, established 18D3. and th SAN LUIS Arrived, Seml-Y.'eek- PORT March boyhood, was draped with government. Messrs. Brown EVENING BULLETIN, established-1832-. Issued Daily and ly by 23, luck from the C S. S. Santa Maria, from Kahu. icis. 'mm:;:--.m::';1- and Robinson were members of the . , . , , lui, March 14. r HOriOLULti STAR-BULLETI- iJ, LTD., Rev. Henry cabinet whose defeat at the behest of Moored at Afakea wharf today is a niture, and the air was full of cries PORT ALLEN Sailed; March 22, S. H. Parker read the Mr. among helped U Cummins others to trans-Pacif- le funeral service in Hawaiian at liner that created more ind screams of terror. S. Ilyades, for San Francisco. V precipitate the overthrow of the mon Publishers, Ccnimcrcid than Its share of excitement at one "It was all over in a few minuses ) Arrived, March 22, schr. Defiance o'clock after an aged Hawaiian wo Printers, Bcokbinicn, . archy. With them Judge Robertson - man had chanted last mele. and . ' , Japanese port of call, y of .course, for an order from ths from Columbia river. the and C. X Brown belonged to the an- ' . PhstO'Engravers. ;;-:.- :.v,': big Manchuria, brldga reversed of pro- Arthur F. Wall, George A. Brown, J. The steamship from the action the 1 nexation party, while Henry Smith -- v. ' - A. Hills Clifton Tracy sang Manila by the "way of Hongkong artf pellers, and the cause removed tfc Arrgrajns and gave his adhesion to that party at the WALLACE B. FARRIKGTON. . ..General Business RJ--.M- My od to(Thee" and "Asleep Hanascr Japan ports, .will remain here until to- - work of destruction stopped. But t S. MARAMA Arrives from "Nearer overthrow. Mr. Fernandez was the : Sydney Wednesday, a. m., will in Jesus." . morrow morning, pending the dis- was queer while it lasted. There! is and sole pronounced royalist of those days - irobabry innjrs associated rnxs3. ; charge of SOCO tons oriental mer- something oddly moving about- the proceed to Victoria about Led by the Hawaiian band that for among the honorary ; pallbearers. ':'m.:'fui noon same day. - ? chandise. ; 4 . , spectacle of quiet destruction; where more than a generation had played at, Their personnel was therefore one of FLAT RATTi DISPLA.T ADTHRTISING OVER 20C0 ESCIIE3...... Is - hospitable yet given (Preferted 207o) The Manchuria steamed across the the causa nnseen end unknown. . . the ,dead man's functions the most striking evidences Position 20c "PER INCH big ocean wllh'the:ald or a brand Thirteen cabin, two second class and; serenaded him on his birthday of the s obliteration of. all . the heart- LEGAL AND TRANSIENT RATE, II First Insertion - passengers 1 including one burning revolution CLASSIFIED, One 30 re w propeller, the vessel having re- and 188 Asiatic' steerage ARC1TD j anniversaries, the last elements of the Cent per word centa per line per weci. jtho days before death, a long pro- ended in Hawaii becoming part ceived damage during a thrilling se- disembarked from Manchuria four his that ? " - -- AYERAGE - Nuu-an- u f K DAILY CKCULATIOS JEXT-- 0 CTC3 E C . fession- remains to and parcel of United Six 2 C ries of evolutions in Nagasaki harbor." upon arrival at Honolulu. The liner ,: . ,; ,V ,t- Sunday, Mar. 23. escorted the the States. i 2 cemetery, . Rev. Leopold police officers were actual pall- . with - where the' It was while the liner prepared to Is' proceeding to San Ftaneisco Kalaupapa- (special) Claudine, MAIN OFFICES ...... 1C ALAIIEA STREET ! ' 214 -- Krcll performed rites of the bearers who deposited the casket first Fleam away from Nagasaki, Japan, 7 'cabin, Si second lass and . stinr midnight, v;. ; s,?;. . ;; v ; the last : Telephones : - ' EdltoriU Eooai 2185; Baslaess f Episcopal church, i . ; in the hearse and then In the grave. cr::;e:;3 tint the leviathan caused a eommo-Uo- n Asiatic .steerage pas3engera.'. ' Kauai ports Kinau,'str'a.nr. BRANCH OFFICC MERCHANT STRTET Filipinos Jed In the trambcr of orien Lanarportfr--Mi-kdhal- a, of tho rather; narrow confines of Maui, Molokai and Tclcr.ione s ..' jmmber 89, ::::;; , unchorage at tho Japanese port that lata o remain here. They a.tn.V-'r;- : & -, sti, ' r - followed by. 71 Japanese and 18 Chi- : ! brought dwellings dealruc- Hawaii ports fetr., mm . ,: several to a,m. . Wailele. : ; m nscEirxiajr katesi ry . y : . .Kanal'portar-fc-'Niiha-,---ttf"'- ii ticn. ., ILL STArJD AGAIHST ' ' ' Jri. STAR-BULLETI- ; ....:. N - ' 4 ;.; DAILY .' . n It waa found necessary to turn the Officers report fair weather ;for the Hawaii ports Kaiulani, str a.m. " steamer and In doing Eo the enrines greater part of the Toyage:.- - ; i Gaviola Mariott dulcotti?Am; sp., Per Month, anywhere in United Sfatei ...... " 73 : pas-atnge- rs , ; - Quarter, churn-- ers v ! j ; W . ; Per anywhere in United iSUtes .. 2.C3 began to revolve, . the screws : Purser Land stated that the p,m.1 - J ?ng the' water to a froth isnd creating failed ? to get ' together on a 'i'UrS." ,i Monday Mar. 24. Per Year, anywhere In United States.. t.C5 '' ANY CUT IN TARIFF Per Year, postpaid, 1. 1I.C3 a strpng current; .as one 'rye-witne- s3 general sports and entertainment pro S. S., A.m, foreia ...... ! mornliigt gram this feature of tho trip was Manila via . and Japan llqngiong' SEMI-WEEKL- STAR-BULLETI- rcrorted tb? event this and Y N : ' J h. - ?The Manchuria commenced to left mainly" to the officera. ; . ports w Manchuria, P, II. .S....S a,m. The liner is bearing several', proml Hawaii portsLikelike, str a. m. should be made letters public inspection, them Per Six Months ...... T.ing. Hhe water boilod and frothed That no admission for let Per Year, 'anywhere in United ...... i i.n Tropcllers;aBd - pretty .aoon nenf Far Eastern diplomats and busi of justice or wisdom of 'any cat write anyway in harmony with the States.. ever her the Per Year, anywhere in Canada "I M rhe was pointing across fnrbor with ness men to ,the mainland. DEPARTED whatever in the sugar duty was the ideas brought put at the meetings. He ear, - t Per postpadi Ioreiga 4C) on slipway.'-'- Then Hon. Larz Anderson, for some time sentiment hat prevailed at the ineet-- 4 told of caan --connected with the cit I her stern dead the v ' ' - past United ambassador to . i t ; f Sunday. Mar. 23 Commit- industry c--t California. , who things happened. Yom know tfcos? "States ing of the Sugar Protection rus fruit Star-Ealletl- i Address all CamnanJcatoas to Dantlala a, LtL, Hor.:;:r, T. IT. ino-- Ir.g rjcUTrcs, where some myste-riou- s Japan, is returning to the mainland. Manila via Guam Thomas, U,& tee this morning. This stand was tat. had 'informed him ef the good results .cr.ry, some magic tmexpeeted. He is accompanied by Mrs. Anderson A. T, ;J9.noi UVt,t.'.: ken after the meeting, had been advis- to that industry from an individual Graham; the representative board Hrttor-writln-g" campaign. His inform- In single causes ..things to cnimlle nnd fall jnd maid. Chalmers 4 ed by .the of tha a line of experiment in the HOUSE MOTES upartT- - It was iik? that. There was commercial traveler famous over the t '' PASSENGERS ARKITCD M of trade of . Hilo to fight only --for- the ant spoke highly of .the campaign be- development of cut glass reflectors, to , ex- re- length and of tho Pacifle, is minimum .reduction, that Congress, ing carried . on .here., .., :.; ;,, be known as jewels for use Jhe Manchuri some distance breadth at the CONEY'S infor- - position. YOUTHFUL FRANK. moved from the land, and j'et she was returning from a successful business ?Per Pi M. S. S. ManchnTia; from might be halted at, as from his Letters were liable to coyer ? too The results to be produced power over the slip- trip to the Orient. W. Greenbaum Is Manila via Hongkong and Japan ports, mation a cut jot some extent; was a much ground, the chairman said and for their reflected light will be of a fxerting a mallffn - - - ;j startling scientifically way, a compelling and des'ructive u'eilk buyer of Japan making a peri March 24.For Honolulu- W i Booth,1 foregone conclusion. V; r lie; advised those: present )to (onfine and wonderful ! yet, -- - nature. - back East when I was a boy," sail force. - The walls which ran down to odicaJ trip to the east coast of the Mrs. W. Booth, Jt J j B 'Elcum, It was one of the best meetings their letters to points that especially '.;. negotiations , Representative Coaeey p, W;- . After nearly a year of the ether day, ilhe water must have been mere rip-rft- United States.: I. Gelbtrunk; Capt, Dietmar; Hon.:' fcotk in the number ot representative appealed to themselvea-- t Mr. Carter Mrs." M; promises. active! 1 betwecn he exposition management Clscussing a certain public cfncial. loosely . thrown together, B. S. Hanchett is a well known T. Gifford and maid, Lieut. C- visitorsand la the ot addressed5 representatives, of Iparticu. stcmes auto--1 I - George ; land the national association of "In the country where was raised for the draw and suction of the pro-- T manvwho Is completing a visit Ji V.'olff, Siegfried Hart," W. TRicn worfc .Chairman' R. Carter lar i interests individaallyi advising - - mobile manufacturers, an agreement, bullfrog were plentiful and commonly tHer ncted on them os a cup of hor to the Far EJast, including the Philips ardson, Jdrs. W P? Richardsoai Geo.- was in- his place; after returning' from them respecting .the special ilines ; has been reached under which there considered a pest, instead of a tab! tea acts on a Jump of sugar. 'They rines. Lieutenant C. J. Wolff of the Richardson; F. Schwlnd.. .Through: a successful' mission to Hilo." Other their correspondence should-follow- . will be a t palace erected solely, de- delicacy as, present in, metropolitan were not. The UnUed States navy will remain over E 5J. Barrett, James B. Clayton; Mrs.1 members fof the general committee , Mr.: Smith, referring? to the chair- at tlnply' crumbled 'and s : ' Bi, W. H.- - Babbitt, voted to .the exhibition of automo- centsra. And of. course we were weight for some weeks. , ' James Claytoni B P.' dn Bbls, Mrs. present were Secretary man's statement the otheray. about crane leaned Its on one of the here biles pertain to automobiles; young ! ; .to sail B. P. du BqIs tnd amah; Master Fran J; P. .Cooke, Fred L. .Waldron, Ed who wanted a consular in- and what barbarians. the' flimsy building fell The Manchuria is expected a friend -- hocscs, and ; This palace wil be erected at a cost "So we used ta catch the larger ppart Another' house shnddered. ex- for San Francisco at 10 o'clock; tak- cis da Bols, Master Thomas Cois Towse 'and E. X Berndt. Assistant voice to send a package to Hawaii, Rev. Holmes,". Mrs. Secretary, George F.'Henshall was in of several hundred thousand dollars, fellows in the marshes." pry their pcor-l- ing at 10 pssengers from this C PU C: P. told of a member of a congressional cited little ccurried.out at its least -- cover - 210,000 coast, - llolmes,. Miss Ruth Holmes Master attendance, the meeting being the first party here some years ago who could will an area of about mouths open with our fingers, stick t'oor," carrying odds and ends of fur port for the s Ckarlea Holmes, Wr M. Hill, W. R.' one in the regplat headquarters, King hardly be convinced that the Hawaiian square feet, or more than five acres. a straw'down their throat3 and blow 1 - ? ' psefct'-wer- e .; It; will i about ; lotrr ' large .!any Infantrymen Return in Thomas. Sugar Arrives In Quantities. Hill's,- A. T. 'Hohener, Judge Frank P. fitreeU Others E. I, railways. wefe; under , the interstate be times as ilr ;intotheIr bellies until,' in their " as Chicago Durlrig the stay of the United States - Sucar was received in large quan Kerrigan, Mrs. Frank P. Kerrigan, T. Spalding, A. L. 'C. Atkinson, W. G. commerce commission. . , 1:,:A the Coliseum at and in it distorted, condition. th?y rereir.tld a. - fleet -- of Kerwin,-Mis- s Smith, 'AV M.;Nowell, Wil- we could put four or five iladlson balloons. Then we tc?od amy transport Thomas at Honolulu tities with the arrival of Hi 'Kerwin. Mrs. T. Hi Hall.iF. C Mr. - Spal dingwitha.some remarks as smasized ; Square Gardens . of New , York. No yesterday, a small amount of quarter roasting steamers yesterday. M. Kcrwin, Miss Mary.vKerwin,-- Al. liam 'prash, Alla'n' Herbert, President to the sensitiveness of financial insti- them back into the witer Bnd U::ho l. ps,. Asso-ciatio- h, Inter-lslan- E.-Phip- J . single industry ever presented an rrctcr cargo v1 was discharged and From Hawaii ports the d bert. Monlacit, L. Mrs. L. O . C Swain of the Merchants' tutions toward any mcnaceof legisla- has until, wo 'were nearly sick at thcic 1 ' e. passengers In with E Phlpps, amah- Ju- . A. B. Arleigh, Dr. E. L. exhibit on naif so vast a scale. clumsy fo dive below th fir-fac- r.bout r.r.c hundred the steamer Wailela is an arrival Infant and Rev. tion inimical-t- a business, volunteered efforts -, :, A record-breakin- g Silva, Misa M. Spencer, Hutchinson, Hugh M. Coke, Alexander local-bank- stupendous and WTien they go', brads un- i cvcral classes disembarked here. 8T00 sacks, while tho Klnaa returned lian A. Wort- to. ecc the heads of the s their ' Ford,-Dr.- " exhibition motor wav- TLe Thomas, eighjt days from San with 8100 sacks. The Niihau; another man; Hon.5 Larx Anderson and valet. Humes Frederick Irwin of personally and endeavor to enlist them of automobiles and der water their hind legs wcro Francisco, reached a berth at Alakca Garden Island ports, Mrs. 'Lane Anderson and maid, ; E. Hilo and Geo. X. Wendllng of . San (View cycles accessories and everything ing wildly In the air." . esscl to.tislt ' ' in' the campaign, with, a .to hav------' to auto wharf late Saturday evening. The brought sacks sugar. Thesb ves- Eowditch; Mrs. E. , Rev. F. Francisco. ing them prepare a statement contain- that pertains transportation, -- w will be one of most distinctive troorship remained here until half sels also loaded consignments of rice, "M. Boock, Raymond Clarke, James r Ed Towse, for Ihb "organization com- ing the views of the banking Interests the "CONSISTENCY, BY HOLSTEtN. -- ' Panama-Pacifi- c 'tak- '. features of the rst six o'clock last night, before hides and sundries for discharge at Clarke. Mrs. James Clarke. Mrs; A. mittee; mentioned that Mr. Spalding on the subject x' Inter "Deleugate Kuhio wants Al"ah.n ing up the long voyage to Guam and Honolulu. ? B. Doud, R. T.' Elliot, Mrs. R. T: El- wa3 present ,to represent the banks, being influ- national Exposition in San Francisco taken over by the territory and set Mr. Hall, asked what in. 1915. expanse Sunday arrivals Included sisgar from liot and maid, Miss Isabel. Elliot, Miss Mr. Hall the engineers, Mr. Arleigh ence the engineering association could So vast in and so aside as a park in memory of tho . rich in mechanical and ac Officers In the troopship report a steamer-Kaiulanl- The Ruth Elliot, Miss Grace Elliot, Miss correspondence schools, Mr. Smith artistic Princessees Likelle and Kaiulani." Hawaii in the the wield, said he believed It would be complishment line trip down from the coast. A MIkahala. from Molokai. Lanai :" and Dorothy Elliot, Chalmers A. Graham, the railroad passenger agencies and great among engineers all over the will this immense ex mused Speaker Holsteln, aftsr read- hibition be that It will utterly dwarf . couple of stowaways were corralled M aui ports", reached port from a nort W. Greenbaum, B. S. Hanchett, Jas. Mr. Nowell the Outrigger Club. country. He advocated the Inclusion ing the recent cable from Cupid. ... Ifeavlng No re-eu- mo anything of that kind ever Eton after the ccast port run. This vessel is expected to Harvey, Dr. C. Henderson, Mrs. C. Chairman . Carter reported he had of the labor unions among organiza- that has , "WelL that will probably be. dnng, - attempted. was reported and passengers de-p.plte Henderson, A. Jewell, King,; been to vote sickness the run on Tuesday evening, .J. R. carried out instructions by visiting tions to be asked to assist the cam- though . I suppose I'll have ' View, extent. G .;-:, :-r. :.. ' the enjoyed the trip to the fullest the fact that fire burnd a con- Lew Shoo Tse Mrs. G. Morehouse paign. 'i Harbor the site of against it, merely because I did Iwa were 4 Exposition, Among the returning of Hcers some II. A. Munn. E. Randolph and vvalet,; ed at the large and enthusiastic meet- - t was Mr. Hall be au- International years ago. Cav-'clr- y siderable portion of her cargo' It voted that Capt, W. D. ClJtty of tho Fourth ,.' - Mrs, Reid. Y. Shioda, Mrs. G ing assembled. The result was which covers an area of 625 acres Oh, Ccnsistencyr Indeed a " days ago. :i v; '';. 'h. that thorized to solicit the cooperation of thou art by 1.i3 Wife and v ' stretching along : accomranlcd '" Smith, Miss Ellida'Vea, Mrs. M. Wat the board of trade appointed a the shores of San ".' w ' - - .'' , :. that the labor unions jewel.' Chap?aln S. II. Hell of V son - conduct-th- -. Francisco Bay a distance of three children; and ...maid.i's'- committee of five to cam- , Mr, reported that the Mer- for three .'MaJ-O.- Swain the First Field: Artillery; ' 11. Claudlne Returns Vlth Leaialators. ' miles to the famous Golden Gate at -- forty legislators, commit- paign there. Mr. Ross called; for chants' Association had a committee .THE THIRD HOUSE Preston, Fourth Cavalry; Col. James A party of prompt action and of those pres working.. the edge of the Pacific ocean, pre senators, are tee clerks," newspaper representatives half including himself He also Why is It that the 5. Rogers; First Infantry; .First Lieut, cnt held up their1 bands to signify their stated that everybody connected with sents a scene of lively activity today stealing back to the capltol long be- llawson Warren of the Fourth Caval- and a few medical officers returned - men are - WEATIiErt TODAY willingness to send out letters by the the office of Lewers ,& Cooke, Ltd, Tnousands of and teams, fore tho noon recess Is over? Guess. -- leper . . l- late -li ry wife,- and number of: from Molokai settlement -- : .... " MI - and tls a of matt, . at work. Several hundred acres .of way Into Inter- Wilhelmina nad written letters. me. association Why is it they frnd their ficcrs cf the Twenty-fift- h Infantry ac- last evening as passengers in the have been filled In, graded and ' ' say was going to partly through Mr. land senate committee room? Guess. - .' -Island del- The chairman went on to that act the by. families.- steamer Claudine.' The " companied their San-Francisc- laid with roadways and railroad egation Included ' a committeed ap- :mmmmm: every man should act at once, If any Dobrmann of its first What is it they do in the cennittee to submit-the- tracks along, the bay , shore hich room, make laws, unmake them or pointed for the purpose' cf tarrying on , Monday, March 24. pf .them did not care ir president. , lonns the. northern boundary of the bravely sleep? You wrong Dead Calm Delays CWlcott. ;. a brief irrvestigation concerning the Temperature 6 a. m., 71; 8 a. m ar? aaln. 1 exposition , grounds. Steam . cranes, meeting the fcoi:?e: management of the settlement. The .10 Mini- It Is jhe of third Riding off Koto Head In a dead 74; .a. m., 75; 12 noon, 75. dredges, motors and mule teams hy Atfearfirlly of Claudine was boarded at Kalaupapa mum night, 70. secret order sonbirJ3! calm, . the ship Marion Chilcott, with' a last the hundred are at work In the build to tcy with mad -- Tbcy assemble there shipment of fuel oil, was delayed at ahd the return to Honolulu wa3 Wind--6 a. m., velocity 9, N. E. ; 8 Oil making, In but a few hours, the party arriving WE ing preparations now great octaves and "floats, and sing a song at a in the ; a. m... velocity 5, N. E. ; 10 a. m., ve MS least a day in arrival berth midnight, strides at Harbor View. Millions of of six pence, which drifts through : here along about The locity 5, 12 noon, velocity 10, harbor, The windjammer" made an N.VE.J feet of lumber are nctiig unloaded .on halls and out onto the breeze. islands' ahd Claudine Is on the berth to sail for N. Movement past 24 hours, 124 the early appearance off the 1 E. exposition buildings are you simple v '.' the site. The Now,, sir, be senator or regular ports on Mau: at five - - : plain View of Kahala her. miles.'- ESSIIAPE - hovered in : ' i being raised, giving, as yet, but yon . and o'clock this evoninff. v 8 m., Rela-- fast sinner, have the secret throughout the day. Lat yesterday Barometer at. a; 30. 11. ; reveal-e- r ; Dew-poi- a faint impression of. the beauties that though death may come to the Inter-Islan- d humidity, 8 a. m., 9. nt afternoon he steamer J tlve t . v - are to be. thereof yon have4be secret, nono ntf came o ajr.istance. of the Coal Inland Torts t at 8 a. m., 3i Absolute humidity, 8 Nor the fr - And If, you pass through was Coal believed- destined ?fot : Island a. m.,' 6.255-.- McLaren, vcJces gathered from the best singers the less. as Marion Chllcott, which then Rainfall.' 0. SAN FRANCISCO. John Agricultural education will form an the corridor of the capitol about one lirought to a .berth- - at the railroad port3 other than Honolulu is reported landscape engineer of the exposition, of all nations, will render classical Newcastle, S. Wn important section of tho International o'clock, yon hear the words of the Ha- brought 1C.000 bar- to have left in the KORE RARE COINS - an appeal to the fruit grow- music from . day to day. A notable wharf. The vessel has issued GhcnL-Dcl- - well-know- Congress of Agriculture at waiian song ringing clear, know that . rels fuel oil to the crder of the As- n barkentine Lahalna. This ers of the state to furnish him with feature of thl3 congress will, be the ' glum, in June. the third house has convened. Company. - Three hun- Tamous old windjammer is prominent - ' Papaahja, Hawaii, orange trees for beautifying the rendition of folk songs presented by sociated Oil - shipping. The vessel has Panama-Pacifi- There are Senators Rice and Pali. dred drums gasoline were included in In Pacific . 7 ; :f; Mar. 21st, 1913: courts at the c Interna- numerous folk lose societies from ' ' tiny d in coal trade in the Star-Bulleti- f every Baker, laukea and John Wise, the shipment. The ChilcoU is reixrt-c- been a factor the Editor Honcjnltt n, tional Exposition. quarter of the globe. the years. Lahai-t-a clerk of the senate. Senator Metzger to have completed a trip, from Ho- western ocexinv for The Sir: In the Advertiser of last week Thes trees will not be required un- To date the apDlications ror conces- Panama-Pacifi- c and the attaches of the senate in gen- nolulu to the coast and return in is belleted will bring fuel to Kauai t noticed that the editor of ono of the til next! fall. Mr. McLaren would like sions in the Interna- NEW TODAY. port, destination to be eral all members of the third hous9 twenty-nin- e days. - or a. Maui the Japanese paters bad in his .possession to havel the trees that have a spread tional Exposition exceed in numbers singing no . fully determined at a IateT dater'when half-doll- ar 1853: He and excel in originality any similar and birds of small merit aU. S. of valued at of branch from ten to twelve feet ( NEW STORE NEW GOODS the vessel appears off Honolulu. 'The $25,060." I have one of the same date assumes the privilege of sending ex features of previous expositions. They coal port Toot prune reproductions ailcr Boy Marks Time. v . . Lihaina left the Australian and also several other, old coins as far perts t6 the orchards to include in miniature of GOVERNOR P.lEPARirJG1-- ' H ;:: Just opened with a new line of ladies last Tuesday. ' - ..". 183S.V Any and prune thcr trees and prepare them the Panama' Canal, . Yellowstone Na- -- ."r back as Information can be dry goods, gents' furnishings, In Cull view of th Island of Ovhn f- - t shoes. DATA OH FRANCHISE had by writing to address P. O. box 36, for Shipment to the exposition, tional Park and the Grand Canyon of JEW twienty-fou- r iiotrrs may" have ' laces and embroideries. New goods for Kauai Sugar Report. ' On February 20, President Charles the Colorado river, each of which is Fred-cric- k Papaaloa, Hawaii. .'"."" by every proved exasperating to Captaia f" a Panama-Pacifl- c In- steamer. Is now pfepariTig a Purser Akau In returning . from a Moore of the being erected at an expenditure ex- Governor Frear of schooner , - " ' Miller, master the kouiid trip to Kauai in the steamer The! California slate legislature has ternational Exposition stated that a ceeding $250,000 AMERICAN DRY GOODS CO. mass of figures and other data setting r.iy,' sailed' through the brotJght following report of upon : being forth'his Sa'lcr tliat KInau the adopted : a resolution favoring federal careful review of progress the Rapid progress is made upon 32 Hotel SU, near Bethel. ideas of what the franchise channel and to ,the open sea early fugar, awaiting shipment: M. A, K. H for industrial education and urging exposition enabled the managemit to the sculpture and color plans of the of the Rapid Transit company should Saturday afternoftn with destination 1048; G. fc IL, 31.315; McB. 27.G6.., the establishment cf a rational univer- repeat' and emphasize its promise Panama-Pacifi- c International Exposi- NOW OPEN. bo If it were not to be granted by the Hilo.. - Tho schooner was plainly Iv. IC . C0a, K. P. 11,000, L, P 7010, educa-- t made a year ago that the exposition tion. The whole scheme of color in present legislature, in lieu of the one -- ' sity and and a department cf fceen from -- Diamond , Head yesterday G. F. 1255.' A secretary will be ready in every detail and the exposition is under the cistinguish-c- d now held by the concern. He put in a ::' -,- Ion at Washington with a complete line cf picture - an- With a frames. waa rs laxily riding .:-r- - - - opened morning of the day of Mr. Guerln, ac- large part of his time yesterday on rnd at dusk noted n :, in the cabinet;.- r. ; . on the direction Jules artists' material, and school supplies. the swells not -- many. 4nUes of from Hanv Infantrjnien S r : '"';; nounced February 20, 1915. knowledged as America's grcaies: ar:-is- t the documents and some of the ma- " Developing, printing and enlarging. rhore. The Siilor Poy recently ar- ! Dcftinod for Manila are 108. passen- Miss Jllargarat Wilson Is directing A record number of applications for in color. Mr. Karl Litter, as di- terial is now in ,the hands of the rived here with a large, shipment of gers including civilians.. The army a movement to Interest the women's participation in the world's fair at rector of sculpture, Is assisted by Mr. stenographer. He hopes to have a . -- HONOLULU PICTURE FRAMING CO. wood paving Mocks.-- Th vessel was represented in the troop quarters social-cente- r San Francisco by, foreign nations and A. Sterling Calder and an army of tentative charter in shape for consid bard clubs in urging legisla- Bethel St., near Hotel. w as dispatched for Hawaii to secure by 412 casuaU and the navy by 149 tion In their respective states.' The states and territories of the United sculptors who are now at work In eration ere the public meeting on the this number -- of States . government has assured the their New York studios. - Rapid Transit franchise is called this additional consignmcn's of com' enlisted'' men. The total Russell Sage foundation , Is cooperat- - v PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Office of on upon her arrival, ex- most - comprehensive display ever The illumination of the Panama- - week. modity. fouls beard ing with Miss Wilson .and the Feder- - : clusive of the crew, was. 828. ? i ated Women's clubs in the work. made. v::" Pacific International Exposition will rZ lai .:..v.-,'--'-- Hundreds of conventions ana confer- The "ZZ'T Thr National PanheCenlc Congresv Panama- Office Chief Quarantine Right Way. ' passengers ences being arranged for the of Mr. ceived at of Irmgsrd ovr on the One hundred cabin hare are work is under the direction Honolulu, T. I L. until 12 composed of prominent college Greck-- Mat-to- n -Pacific Exposition light- Officer, tho baxkentino Irmgard, with been booked for tho Coast in rthe COlCSCAOiE HEADACHE International W. D'A. Ryan, in charge of the 1313, lelter societies, reports that it has At last to 1915, to be held in the various fes- ing Canal and who has o'clock M., March 3L and then jiart-earg- o .phosphates, on the Navigation liner Wilhelmina in of the Panama taken a firm against high a of is - opened, to furnish subsistance and stand Wed- LAXATIVE BROMO-QUININ- E, tival halls and auditoriums which are perfected a scheme enabling him to - way to Honolulu, according to a cable f ail for the Ccast at ten o'clock re suppTies.HonoIuIu Quarantine. school fraternities.- ; ; morning. "'. : " :, :. ' ! ''- - ' being erected for their accommodation produce light effects undreamed of at other received in this city,which announces nesday : moves the cause. Used the world ovef Blank proposals and.. other, informa- Sessions of the Newark (Ohio) High Ta- both in the exposition itself and in the any of the former world's expositions. . departure of the vessel from to cure a cold in "one day. E, W. will . furnished upon , applica-- t School are occasionally "field at night, th" The Matson Navigation ; steamer city of San . Francisco. One of the In the exposition there will not be a tion be hiti on March 22. The Iragard soiled UKJ3ViJ. on ion, to the Chief Quarantine Officer. in order that the citizens may ee at I , Coast to arrive sisnature each box. Mad4 most striking of these conferences will sinele article of lighting equipment frcm-Makate- many ago with lonolulan from the a weeks E. TROTTER, Surgeon, Chief Quar- first hand the. workings of their hgh put tomorrow will bring tho next; mail by V, . be a congress of ths musicians of the that was ever used before. A sum P. r'xfphates. but was compelled to Officer. 5502-lt- . schcoL aRtS MEOlOMS Cp. Sa'jtt Louis V. U. a massed of 20,000 exceeding $50,000 has been expended antine ; - : mainland, world when chorus --'to 'Tahiti for repairs, v ': from the f ..v ; HONOLULU &rAIM LILLY, j. LJ, HONDA Y, MAKCII il, 1.13. 1 ORMiJiSI HIT HOPES A BRIEF ESSH11LSF0S ffiiLCiiYOI I ENGAGEMENT ID A TROUSSEAU BliflDOFFEra zim A Gvil War Story The Univcf- -l - Y By MARTIN D. BOYLE Although it is nearly always a wo- Standard of ffpecl&l Star-Bullet- in Corrfponlfnc . te' Justice, that It was not a eommlt- I ambition post Ua hiit n frfhnnal mnstituted to Carry man's to have the loveliest mm WAILUKTJ, Maul, March 22. On In her trousseau, cut tho lawg as already made by the ' General commanding a brigade clothes it la absurd Good Dtczs Wednesday of thl weelr the grand Im- for ber to get so many that she can- legislature. He emphasized tha. of Federal" troops, with an aid, reined 1ury met at the Walluku court Louse. jury's duty and that not derive the benefit of them before they finished portance of the up one mornmg before a house In Geor- styles become passe. One of those noveltv farces, renlete On Thursday afternoon ts aim should bo to make J ustiee cer- the with unusual scenes and situational I ") In- 4 fourteen 1 V gia. A woman was standing la the It seems best to follow the unwrit- ihMr work and returned tain to follow crime. interpolated with songs, dances and j I A had ten rules that lingerie ia the first part - -- 1 dictments. After .the foreman He declared:; "If in this county doorway, petering anxiously down the other specialties, the whole giving the TIT? i - Kingsbury cf the trousseau. . If you are sensible reid his "report,, .Judgo crimes have 'been committed, it be road at If expecting some one. chorus girls the best opportunity to - w'ol l chosen and not extravagant, you will want six trade "a few remarks in comes your duty to Initiate proceed "Madam.' said the general, "could show, their ability since their arrival j II 1 complete sets of undermusllns, which TK ; flci BTl l that his appn'ment of those unit' vwk a An Ifoi A ohlttv In I r0m vs.; ine for the Dunishment roa accommodate me in your bouse for need not all match, except the bridal America, EvvirY bad run out. ani m n ua guilty crimes and offenses.' more new and stunning gowns, is the of, ft However, It is much more satis- . woiM few hours?" set C2rmcnt in cv: now bet "tint' tM. trtb In the charge he said:" factory have Bijou theater management's descrip- rTioiiM have an onportunftv Yo dldu't see anything of a young to just one character of new program claovj ztyl y tit tc OoMawis siKh that unless Jarie3 these garmentsthat is if you prefer tion of tonight's at that stoc!i the neeond ? V Voeak' fcefoT N Jury of do, duties rights, liberties, man'comin this way with a bran new ; house, it being another of the Post - their out lace trimmed . lingerie, have all cKaractcr end c:: -- ehanee the one-a- ct T ' oM Vht with lh "..?,-' I 171 I iiI properties, safety and happiness are suit of clothes on. did you'? - comedies, called "The; Pana e garments adorned with pretty lace; udm'nlrtratlon that a ch-me- m'eht and as a people we are disgraced. ma Canal, and Just what connection - predion. O i: r rf 'cat did not, madam.1 If you are fond of French hand ; em- ? - re made In tb" ben rh here, but that one can be punished for crime - ' of fzbr: and "So WeIV 1 declar. I don't believe he's broidered undermusllns, then - Just variety -- o wa 'open for Tempointment put until thegtand l - or even to trial com an ' have that kind.' , from tl: to remain on Maul for a longer lury has by an Indictment charged the in' at ;' ' rans hred - ' " The corset is the most important ': . quea-tlo-n ' .; Terhaps jon didn't bear my fjent celt t:re. - : .. .. Y offender with the offense. part of the trousseau, for., the fitting ncat and : "You must thus initiate"legal pro T! said the general, and be re- of all the gowns depends on it and til C replied by Ravine ceedings for punishment of crime or peated IL rCOw.o. rn" of thjnrv : therefore it should mold the figure x a the will go Bcott free, scorn- extreme th tit 't ws-- surprise to hfm that the criminal "Well, ,1 reckon we can let yo stay properly,' says, the Chicago Inter was no aireaqr ing the law which does not reach Ocean. Two corsets are quite essenti- clothes ZTC t" amnntment ' " ' here awhile, and If that young fellow rnd W id hat he for. on s'neerely him; . al, but please do not make the mis- leadership cf ; resp-Vo'ni- M. don't turn up we can give yo a right ,otied thnt. the JnsiM would le "Grand Juries can do most to rtake take of, getting one- - very elaborate ,to - bring law smart .';:.;"'-rv':- . nan QuPl to hs feet law respected or most snack;..'."; corset and one that Is a different - . other rnal:c Jme ' rrfl he all he foreman into contempt ? - ?vv - The general and his aid dismounted model, because It is' cheap. If you j True, they cc : trid -- people H aid. Then Mi. Moiintcfastle "Remember, you are for the and entered the. bouse, where they make any . difference la , them, it sei-t'rtrn- tR un- bp. ; little mere t' .rFd hat ho t the public You stand for Maui; found a young girl dressed in bridal should, in the material! . he fif erpsed I " ..'- - ' rf the tnen on th rnnd Jnrv der Law against Crime. ' costume. l . Shoes ' and boots are as Important ordinary c!c: "who ! .. y , ara jtneh gowns, i i ;.. T 1 "As long as there general room Where as for the latter cannot look i s ' The asked for a ' x--. , .but tlic ct:!:, Kln-sou- ry rights ' , t"l?p. J'tdc-- r""" trespass upon the great sarred right unless the footwear Is as good with the ' becocid; do aorae writing . and was ! y ' arev vcr!;n::: his The of others, who attack ibe who ;'. as the costumes. These abso- ' and cflm down from tveh. shown Into an apartment. ; i fni pub-l- ir , v' - who offend lutely necessary--tw- ol boots, i Y . . L,.- ,. inrv then end ther cave lake from the absent, looks as you were going to pairs of prove tlicirv::. "It if all-blac- reception. morals health and decency, 'who one k, the otber of taa calf- ts 1n"n a trost cordial hare a wedding here. he said to the J: Any ; : Imnromntn af--J mako life and property unsafe; who skin with gray suede tops; one pair v ' YY fjar::: r i,rJn nt the girl, with a very pleasant smile on bis Y'Y' nvM'on of the jtegard not virtue, who defy our laws of French patent leather slippers for bought cf r safety h:tnd.som face." v . ,:. U Ihnt.1 hits hnnpencrt in bo long as we must entrust our afternoon wear; one pair of tan or c-- rpnfs evftr. looks, aii we to " ;abjolutely :.. Mrt courtroom. pm eTnn i i n . ana nappmess w.oui k"u u a. "It rather, if are not black oxfords. one' pair of white - have! wedding," - chppera; cr-iru- nn our a she replied.: buckskin pumps or two pairs Ibe fecMn?- of th l "n, r'l rn who make Juriear ; rlv- to-fiifl- p-f government la right . . Why! o? . You . seem ready i of evening) slippers, one black, the h- tvW! of he c.unty Moii. "Our territorial for the Tn ly based Tipon the needs of our people ceremony." ; other white.?' vY:;" Y Tv'iturRbnr: 5 ' - r- wo hi um The groom A quantity of gloves very neces- t bonofabv llv rilled tn f io oe govirucu. buu vui,,6v, hasncome; and t dou't is rni poiiti-i-..- r ; ! sary morning an wear, -- Iff?:rofour. ernment is territorial and for a believe be' coming. for dutillty at i : ircrlt. for the - tue gcojn-aphica- l f THE ftHiiv cal and part of the terri ; What's the matterr Y' IeastJfour pairs of chamois or chamoi- Wshin-jtor- y portion sucJi - sette gloves for afternoon wear, r.;f;;d 1tj,oJf n to because this needs "1 font know, and 1. don't care. ? sll i X government. ' ' " ' - ' ' pairs of white kid gloVes; for evening .:Y';Y.-- Hrr(.iv hond rail; V You appear IndiCrerent,' . , our wear, six pairs of long kid it"m, rtTv1nmcn cf the greatest factors in "Oh. I white ijoih,t.o It's. muV match. haven't had '20-butt- on place soon. County of Maul, government is our gloves in 1C and lengtbs. ff jde my take much to do with It t wouldn't mind Every bride' should have not less his" stay(n away Th hnrfro to the irrand Jury wnj , mnnIcjnal gelf-governme- In the if It wasn't that than two or three dozen handkerchiefs - ' cao of th- ps ever he?rd on Mani. J WOrld. ' ' - we've had all the trouble making the one dozen plain, hemstitched with wt0ie ' wp bv preiKtrntiodisc ' ; v ' r;-- th." ..; It liPtnri to most attentively j ,4 you have 'the power and your duty f her initial or monogram embroidered SCHOOL I'JVESTIGATIO.'l presfntei t) f thprus'-lve- s aH - i:1' Po;f hr Jtirvmn ajid by js . COmmeEsurate with your .power.' A wmuan don't like to nave the man in a corner; one dozeri. :prettllybut at its ctlr. last " (Continued from Pass 1.) i rf.f I n 1 1 r Cu rt room .' M fl nf h oa r v Do your duty and your county Is he I tn marry go back ou ber at th not 'i elaborately embroidered, and a that they dcc!-r- o the; r. ' "" ' su.";ta;.;!r.": vnriirfatitlalionp.. wre extended to the safeguarded; neglect your duty and larit moment. ;' Y '.' dozen xetf fine Taandkefchiefs. sioners, la n "v' f ad- -- ' WodJ'a action in dio.i.L.. id fter court for the day was the people suffer and you will lose 1 dofi't ciire so much atout rhat'an Biousds are necessary to the num committee the petitions of Miss Etta - " self-respec- t. cd illegally. journed..-' " . your v; my v n ber of six to .wear' with the' tailored Davis and Miss Maud with v paving all "'othYn-r- ' 6T. mbs.t ourfofftrSrgrand juries have of Hotb and thev summer suit the title has to the comedy can better instructions to examine the case3 of They t. o accu?3 T :; The. charge was on the rc AA' ; .gopd.Tfhlng si; taj.,4jwddrjvu ith 1 ' by Maui Jury. so you tire' expected to do, thus of linen or eDonge. The new shirts be discovered by seeing the bill than the three Normal School teachers-Chairma- n T. Pope ar.J Prir.:'; markaMe ever heard a done raaV I Meii making two or . for three tiny plaiteT uosoms are". QuUd-fij- n say, hearing of slon. faliiTyinj r. J,ndge Ktnsrsbtrry cnt to t!i2 earning the praise of good people and :- ' with description, but needless to Paxson said a pointtd Weeks.4!.; Y' - . f ' me .Till create laughter no matter cases probably will be called the Echccl cz jury ihat the basis for its actions must the happiness of complacency VI smanesx' lanorea butl, r ine Post these should think ttiey'd get utile by Wednesday,-thoug- h .- lingerie blouses that' are beautifully what the'scene or situations in "The for next that it Principal WcoJ. i..;i 1 '. thnf time- Y'; . Y:.: Y' hand-embroider- ' are.', always pretty Panama Canal,,'t!id with, scentic ar. no3 decided definitely yet tlcn recilcs: ''11? U a . - -- ir-rc:.- ; pres3 the- impression 1' made upon "Not the. wedding cake. That'll keep A chiffon blouse tO" match the bride s tists and. stage carpte busy all The investigation of the entire yoar3 past, :: ! j ' - ::' ' . ' : m?.'V a long wtille." . . traveling fcult should'" not be forgot week on tonight's prooyctlon, : ward- school department originated la the the principal cf -- U : : young ul .: . Mr. Frederick P. Moore, the "Perhajw It will come handy Tor ten. Jabots and fancy collars are juse-f- robe mistresses makmgSw. and legislature through Representative and that he h;u I. js'ew J York broker who is one 1of the some tit her' yrtrnnj man more worthy accessories?" ' t Y-- - brightening up the old,, Paxson, who last week introduced the oppressive, rud?,. 0 o coumelpr !. party, 'echoed senti- 'demi-tailore- d cera Wickersham this of you and to wiiom ynl will re Uvs i. A short hat is the tho chorus, principals and orchestra resolution to that effect, setting forth and untruth fii in ment heartily. "I haven't got the vo- charges countcr-char- - with the sulcrJi-.r'- ? Ind!ffrTeut : than thlsi one" who' isn't most Important chapeau, whether or working overtime on rehearsals, a ijat.many and cabulary to tell ryou what I think of ; 'K brjde i going-awa- y program 'touching educational ; afralrs gree LJMy rrrj;: V. :'. : t3 - not I ' coming. '' '.'VY; Y "Y- the married In her of unusual interest, vim, and tai the place,": be said. "It surely pass- - costume. A the last two years tbat the of said fcchccl." ;" "Rut the other thingst the cakes." the strictly tailored hat variety can be; expected, by Post and arisens4n - underEtanding," - i J. t: . ctli will be very useful for her shopping his company tonight,- and, according to subject nrfrited a thorough iTuiry. - hot .biscuit. )ie and JellteH they. ; ,Ua.-.ki- n r.- Mr: Wickersham was equally , en the . -- adopted by -li v v;Y! -- resoIu!Tbr-- boia ' audi marketirigtrips, Y Manager JJcOreer;,tgnight'8. ,bll ill The vfasr t : - thusiastic-abou- game , at won't keen.' . ; V,:.'.: (Continued from Pa2 !) his of golf - 'Although JtheY bride-- wants'.1- loblt be exceptionally 'worth while. . Louses and referred to the educational magazine.?. Tha YriMty. Hi. give Wm a - ti e Oonntry Club Sunday afternoon. Isnt Vl tike to on wedding day, 0 ' committees,- morning's Joint' of cdacilloa every y: our' banking syslera I is her loveliest her it , withMs tlve'.'Uiat ; ix. "I waa not used to the detours of the thrashing. Y - parent-teacher . , ber current t does not jmean ;that she must expend . Gloucester, Massv has six committee session h,tne result cf pcLJ hot adequato.and that it sliould te course.' he explained, "and, of courae. ..Young Barge had been campaigning large, gown petitions oV Nomal tivc sckocl3. cnangea moaern a amount for her bridal associations - formed within The tM racially to ..mm: the clubs were ones with which I bad for two years and dnring tjuit time hud It should be in, proportion; with her the past three years, all working ' to school instructors." MiS3Ytta Davi3. industry provtess. V my-- conditions of and never played before, but enjoyed met very few young girls, fie was nt trousseau. Whether of Duchess satin, make a bond of Cooperation between Miss Maud and Miss Eva D'son, are STAi:.T:ri.T.::T:" or-- xorm a every aay. nppe - s, .remaps some ccutrai uuuk seJi minute oi me i an age when the. most, natural Jh'ng crepe raetor,- crepe de chine, charm-en- parents and the schools. - in effect substantially EircilarV? thoR? tli best solution; I am not to &ivo my opponent a closer rub same vould be in t lie world !.! mate. lie kejrtr' or batiste, , it should have sim- pared to other time." Wben asked If he cared ; T rrc siy. ing Hoser aud closer to the girl ulttjng plicity for its keynote., f ' futuai Confidence Lacking. to state tho "number of strokes re Jf the ' going away suit, 1 the only govern- In. a white muslin, dress and; a long is ; "The great trouble wnh. any quired to take him around tiro links, tailored costume In the . trousseau, ) veil streaming rsforra of business conditions Mr. AVickersham said that he would white down over her should mental shonlderH. He was ready; to sympa then it be of fine French serge things now is the. fnet that be forced to follow the example of -- rs atand or another . serviceable woolen. If thcro i3 not the proner confidence br seme witnesses in trust prosecutions thlze with her.' and she seemed dis afterwards to be for dress wear. Trln j.-- . and state that be withheld information posed totbe nympjithir.ed.with. ; . itis WILY ;tweenthe his caDlialists who' thor a, fine matelasse suit wjll be charm V workings of; vpon advice of counsel. , : . . "What time was be to be here?" he " ERP ID f cujrhlv understand the ing, . , " P ETHAT 2 LY VALT irjlZZi: wheels of business an.T'thR greBtj The, Wickersham party wia taKe asked. . - luncheon today of Judge - . j.ntlic who must havc a proper knowl-- 1 at tho home "Ten o'clock." when youre;. trying lT sounoo- t S-- the-U- . to li edce of conditions berore the proper of S. court In the "It'K now about 11." HOUSE" w47; can igjoftcrnoon they planto atead a Is icforms ' be. instated. .There "Reckon it about that. lacking e-n at home of F. M. bwanzy.. that confident tV "Wbi'n were you to lie married?" ' Twenfy-elgkt- h Day Y public j.rinres of finance and the "At 12." - : bofore ' vh5rh is afsoliitely ncessrv Burge fidgeted about' In bis chair, New Bills. i . ,two I believe, ibe can work tosTther. arose every now and then and looked II. B. , 202 To call an election In tendency to-.tl- ar however, that there is a our of the window in the direction the Honolulu on the commission charter. npon tho part, of the cantains of J; groom wouia come. ir ne came at nu Asch. ;; -'- :': : .Y'.Y:i 4::' Ijuiustry jthe nubltG. roor and ; t.t tak I reckon he won't come," said the JL B. 20H Relating to deputy sher noro into their ccnfideneeaTCi tere ;. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. girt. ; ;Y Y'.VY; iffs. Goodness. Is a growing. belief that a capitUst H. B. 204 Relating to' hunting with a nnMi? . "I hdpe he tron'L "ary be. at the asm? time; (13) OOxlSl, empty lot, Asylum road. firearms, v Goodness, . : That's real, mean of you,, she re- . spirited .citizen with tho good of the (H. 50x100, brand new house on Fort H. B. 205 Relating to game. ' Good- ' " marked, looking out of the corner of ; .republic at heart." SU near town. ness. .. y;-.- ,; - her eye him. , ''YY''.:i praise Tor wnson. ' 15) Rooming hopse oh Beretania St; at B. 206 Relating ; li- ill. x to sale: of In coramcntJnsr rpon tho nnpoin-me- ct income over. 100.00 a month; "You're too pretty and nice a girl to quors, da, Silva. . .. . : : -- marry of Fliot of Harvard price $S23.00. :. a man who hasn't the spunk to Third Readinp." '( Y'v rs ambassador. Mr. Wickersham .took (16) 150x100,-no- house in' Kalmuki. show up" when he's pledged himself 8Y B. .78 (Sanate jndicinry. com- nrMsInn in nt PrpsMpftt Wilson Imotl 17J 100x200. bouse and lot' on Klnau to marry. If he doesn't, come by 12, mittee) Creating a commisaion to in- the bflck. "This appointment shows; ... ; he time fixed' for the wedding. 'Tve vestigate financial affairs of Hawal WiclrrrKV-n- st ' Mr m rleclired. "that Pres (18) 78x120,, house and lot on Vine half a mind to-"- .'. ccun,ty. Action; deferred, to Wednes- - Wilson is bound to da away Y; ident yard St; sewer, gas, etc.; the He caught his breath at what he had day. March 26. . ? YY,'Y,YYY. w that-xu- r repre-pentati-ve ' . ith the ,imrre8aIon : house Is rented at?2T):0t) a month. said. But U be jwas fearfnl or being H. B. 162 (Tavares) Relating to in England must be a man (1) 24 years' lease, houses and lot for considered bold he soon, lost that tfear. records of notaries public. Passed ; wealth Snnnrtal nower TiY ' rt ad $12P0. Good opportunity to make for the girl didn't reproach him. ;. Kup!h?a dissenting. : ; v r.pwlnting Elio a man money. "v , "I don't suppose now,! he continued. Cemmittee Reports. intellectual material re-- of nther than (20) COxlOO, brand new house in Wal-- . Tf auy fellow should tome along you No. 205 Finance, on H. B. 32 (Shel pourcrs. ' the rresident has taken 'a . kiki beach. . : known before help don), relating to taxation, recom tep which will undoubtedly fcsuR in hadn't and offer to I'lasy, terms to suit" tho . purchasers. you mending ita passage with an amend- - ron goo3; an indication that but you'd be satisfied to" in i'. is only. . ; adopted, i These bargains for this week j The things wouldn't spoiL V Y roent Report Third read future ambassadors will .be tnen r -- rtir : " Don't miss the chance. Act quick. "But how would yon feel about it?" ing tomorrow. Y of Mr. Elliot's caliber." ' Cressaty, 78 Merchant SL, Phone 4147. Comtnur.lcations.; ; . : o you mean a man Busy as he has been since arrivln'? - &502-tf- . ' if no'thera V .'V-- From the directors of the Hale in Honolulu. Mr. Wickersham has should come along?" .f -. ;: invitlagl the legislators to yes." - I.auakilo. IcunJ time to take an active interest A tract of land containing 112 acres "WelL r visit their home next Thursday after Jn local affairs. Besides explaining Manoa valley; about 50 acres are And a soldier?' in noon. Placed on file. . . a- - Ms position upon the eugar tariff as arable. , The balance forest, etc. "A soldier. Boys ' From the Industrial School at Star-Bulleti- n Saturday, reported in the Abundant water supply. This could "I dont. think ld rfllnd. Waialee. inviting the solons to visit te spoke a good word on Sunday for bev made one of the beautiful es- There was silence for awhile, when ' government npplied the institution. Filed. . commission as tates of the islands. A bargain at Burge broke it thus:: senate, B. 80, Da- From th3 retcrninsr H. 4,000. This is your chance. you get - ; "If can the' general to give passed . oy tnai Doay wijn amenu- as his belief that with a commission vid A. Dowsett, real estate aent, honeymoon - cor--, ' ; t502-lm- . me a few days leave for a ments. Amendments concurred in. form. of government roost of- the Kaahumanu St. : inefficiency met! I won't miud helping yon out that" Ls. From the senate, returning 'II. R notion and 'that Is : If yon don't mind. ' :VY? ' ; 12.. pasted by that bodv'wl'h rnend' 4cen done away with. lie quoted the to be subdivided. It is the cheapest .."I can try. YYv mfnts. Amendments conctfrir?d in. city of Oakland, California, as a not- buy on Beretania St : When the general came out of his se- From the senate, returning H. C. R. able example of the success of the clusion the proposition was made to 12. adopted by that body. government and wed- From the senate, trnsml'ting S. R commission fcrm of LOST. bhn with the inducement that the !w!nrA.d thai ia Raw no reason whv it ding outfit of breadstuff, etc.. he s:iw 11, passed by that body. ; First read -- ;. ; should not be equally successful in!gn,ali scaf vn Bet diamond chip. on the table should be eaten up lm ing' in house. , 1 1 ' ' Merrerials. Ionolulu. : . . j return to Honolulu Photo Supply mediately after the ceremony. He Petitions and , 31 From fprtv-nin- e residents Charmed With Hawa L j Co. Reward. ; 5502-l- t needed bis aid's services all the while, No. : morning. Wick- - - cf the Waianae Oahu. asking When seen this Mr. but be was hungry. A chaplain was district was his 515.C0C for fcomes'ead roads; also crsham all enthusiasai 'over sent couple good trip around the island and his visit to ANNOUNCEMENT. for. the tied and the $ 15,000 for water pipes. Referred to the County Club, which took up' Satur things consumed. . finance committee. day and Sunday. "I have never seeaj W. L. Welsh's Locomobile Car No. Bunre received four days ieare of fciirh a diversity of scenery as I saw 99?. and Albert Peters Peerless No. absence, at the end of whlcb time he ': No damage has been done the Inter-slan-d " upon the Wonderful trip around the 62, formerly with the ; Auto Livery returned to duty. He recently cele- sleamer Mikahala through fire island," Mr. Wickersham declared. "It I Co.. are now with .the Oahu Auto brated bis golden wedding amid ,".a. n her cargo, and that vessel will be SS48. They respectfully ? n a nrA rovoiatr, trt vn a m iau 'otan J, Phone 8 warm of children, grandchildren and dispatched for Maui, Molokai and and of Oahu is indeed ricli In natural solicit your business and guarantee a great-grandcblldre- Lanai ports at five o clock. Tuesday evening. HONOLULU brAlMlULLE 1 IN, MONDAY, MAUCII L'i, 1013.

. p -- . mmm API'fllillira ISIIIfflllO BE LOOKED AFTER BY SEC. LIE PJLEY H. ALLEN EDITOR Tts Haw Pisco Cad Pres:dent Wilson Leaves It to ai)polntment Tte town Is nnei with MONDAY' dustry, it would be nothing compared in- - kwse fesiu5 omce ana tnose unable JIAHCH 24, 1913 as with the Cabinet Officers to Cull Out to obtain ' terests of the whole United States in carrying out the price of traveling ex- Best of Candidates penses or unable to' lose T time in At- ." ' the noble work of building a canal between the - Journeying, . .': ;' v SOnXD AKD - are presenting their FEARLESS oceans s y r'y lantlc and Pacific for the common advantage claims by mail and wire. These out- "The feldta? fsa irMaast credit to' of all 'nations. .' :; : y y: - 'ip; tk Jsnaaese, la.' y y 'yy. ; By. C.S. ALBERT siders Mill naturally join In the re- Int its modern use The greatest interest the United States as a gret and sorrow Wil- v tludes 1U wrk as air aivhtant ta ra- Deputy of SUr-BulIeU- n, caused by Mr. . City, and 06untyU(ornev Mriverton Sprclal Correspondence dJnrr-oat- free nation, is to represent worthily before the world son's policy. ; : ; pid aad to the Ulr " Anon. ias delivered a soundarid a, fearless opinion on t the principles of civil and religious liberty and the Washington; a c. March 10. uane to Pass on Hawaii Hawaiian appointments the public efficiency and well-bein- g which those princi- will, be scat Hawaiians seeking a soft berth with participation ofuperriKor Kamuel Ilardcsty tered among aJL the executive the government : ples develop, and thereby to promote adopton various must now torn their ; the of " ii city contracting : . r - aeparxmenrs nnaer tne new adminis- - attention to such fi3 work. : . head of a depart ) these principles . the world over. 'This is a great ma Af am TTr oil will . W am n 11 . . GQ- -I u- "wu. : muwu wiu recoiauienai inus? ueui ms win nave jurisdiction over MICE IS - lipids terial as well as a great moral, interest In com par. ' Lim that wcrk is in violation of Act coming immediately under Its own su- - tnem if successfuL Those anxious to Ison with this large interest, the interest of Unit- - . the . ii of.the legislature of 1911, and lie points pervision. The Jnterior Department ; succeed Governor Frear mtist appeal out ed States in its coastwise vessels' sinks into inignifi- - . ... ' win control territorial officers from becretarv Lane. When he 'de- ;e ' ' ' o By the-mos- r Certainty the violation as well as the 'cunce. securing the repeal of that part of the the governor down. The Dopartment; termines who is t available " . f act of Congress on the Panama Canal which provided ot the-distric- t at-- place reach of public faith involved. 1 Justice will iselect; mn for the he will make a ; "Ua-partme- .for the exemption of American coastwise vessels torney and Judges. The Treasury De- - recommendation to the president. nt, Quite the newest nnd the favorite place-car-d .The opinion; is straight to the point and the su- from the payment of tolls, the American 'people would mast . suggest collectors of der the terms of his announcement. precious customs and revenue.; iT. Uson would be virtually obliged pervisors cannot afford to. neglect embrace . a opportunity .to prove that they of internal just now is the celluloid Folding Fan, which action based This method of, banding out . to follow the suggestions made. v on. understand their highest interest, and recognize their federal .; it. fcupervisor. Hardexty clearly owes the dirty to promote It "for the benefit of mankind. patronage in Hawaii was made anoa-- under the terms of the ultimatum - rent by an Pres!- - officeseekers, they must carry we are. showing in uianypret ty designs and public,- announcement from their ' the. citizens, the taxpayers i explanat- ; ers an Job-hunt- v stones to r ' tne ' Wilson heads of departments - ' ' ' ' dent that no will ""t- . . ' ; ' t. ion.".'- , in officials ' - ' '.'v be admitted to the White Hous 3. On these will be reposed . SAN jna '.. '". ' ' . . . DIEGO'S CLAIMS colors at from four dollars the dozen up. '"'' iue conirary, ne win ioijow me auvice a wider authority than has vr The amount of money involved is small, but of his cabinet ministers. This can fore been given a cabinet office. They the offense against public have no other Interpretation than that are practically clothed with authority You will not only admire them for their, "policy is larjre. This Sari Diego's director of exploitation and ii u i. Kll ; positions in Hawaii, will, be as- to make the larger y number.; of ap- I nper given has Supervisor: Hardcsty the credit for the 1915 exposition, Winfield Hoga- - signed on th advice of executive pointments, as the presidents without beauty your lady guests previous and originality, but Tor offending unwittingly, but certainly now that boom, is now in Hawaii on the mission of enlst heads under whkh they are listed. investigation himself, 'must is-tu- naturally rely ed on recommenda- : This was the formal statement the ' he offense is officially brought-t- o his attention ing intei-es- t tions of his cabinet as to the filling will have a lasting souvenir. , y s lecal in the fair that progressive and by. Presiden.t Wilson:' ; . I r of vacancies. y ought to Uie first to declare that the city's energetic city has; undertaken. Mr. Hogabooiii TThe president regrets, that he is ' obliged to announce be deems It Unless the president invites' tin ap- . i that plicant .auiiiun or uie work uonewrreinot legally takes the unimpeachable stand that SanrDiegb duty to decline to. see applicants for office to the White House hir the hungry citizen must keep away. n re-cdy- e, office person, except traded and to see that the money is nQt paid merits attention from Hawaii, anil he sh6uld for in when: he The himself Invites the interview! is interesting point was presented ut of the : It today, V puhlic treaufy f full and fair consideration from the legis- Ms purpose however; as to what the presi- .lil'liln ftf&.fi ,y and desire. to devote his dent will do In many cases r attention very earnestly very. con- the of sen lature now in session.' 'Jr,: end ators, representatives : stantly (to the busnesa of .the govern- and others of Btar-Bulleti- n importance FEACE AM THE CWAL. CC:jTROVEBSf : The believes and has so ex-- ment large .po- who wish to take"particu- and the questions of lar constituents to him for presenta- ' pressed shpnlctexbibjt ller affectinsr the whole nation i and he r ORANGE AND PRUNE SALAD. . SDOonful of. tart boiled dressing, mixed itself4hat?Hawaii lit San tion' and consultation. presl-- : , ' " ' '" uScnpWs If the '. Steam a dozen larga . prunes Tuntlt whipped cream, on each helplnj. ' from his experience as govern- - with ' V dent hews strictly to the de- ' I A as well llne and they are puffy; cool , . . remarkable contribution to the serious con- - Dugo as at San Francisco. For hIm then and remove s o - I clines' to see all offlceseekers unless J 11 :1 a. i Jlli nnvnh t.k,.m...l.i. the pista: Cut the prunes in two and . It's easy to bear the ills we haven't ,.- 1 ....i.t...t he Invites them, no matter who ac- . I . ' " mix wlth.an equal. duwtlty. otorangalCleave .to. '.hi goodand usea clearer .' 4T , i t ...v ,1 that the; greater part" of both of his companies them; tcxl in ,lvn America he will save to the pup.'!, When serving, place a table-- on the bad. flrakBrjtain.ris tbat,W his energy win be spent country hours of time each day, which T the trustees of.Uid Cari(gieEudowment for San DieS tuat will be v well worth Vlnte It personal interviews with candi he promises to devote to things the International ? is several business people are interested in. It has been Pxce. - , certain that large fimswill experience the of every president in 7 Signed by such'men as Josebh H. Choate, An find it to their interest to mate displays of island teal with appointments through the the past that consideration of the o heads of he several executive depart- claims of offlceseekers and consultat- ew D. White, Charles Ay, industries at San Diego , The point is that Ha- LtwO A Eliot,. Luk6 E. ments." ion- personally with them has mo- j u The putting v up u douMe-c- J ight, Elihu Koot, Oscar S. Straus Charle-;n- e waii needs all tbe publicity possible,at San Diego of Inched nopolized more time than any, dozed and bars arqund pie came Tower, it is a strong or San Francisco or Seattle or Schenectady or the counter as other functions of the chief executive. T7ill, protest apinst the a sad and distinctive shock to al The : radlcaLTeffect of the statement Protects your Ocd, n those - who some - - cliy of Congress exempting American" coast- - Scutari, this territory needs to get its manifold here await Stcclr- certificate,- jo-- . fti ova Imaglneu cl' .shipping from paying tolls! .' The statement charms before the traveling people of all the. rrnrntyrr' 'rpi - valuableo in our Cafe trn governing the election of city and f otl::r 2 :iuts out Hay-V.unccfo- te world. Tourist traffic is traffic to ;:i- specifically the pnmsions of the a . foni; county officials within said territory, ; ' pc:it Vault. - opc-- d strongly in 'few bSS- W?' Honolulu treaty as well as the treaty of 1008 the next yeajutfijruevel- hiTir.U except tha,t the District of . liich lit llil il shall vote for ten members tosald ' th-- t provides for the " IWi.tzzly'vzrtK to know they're SAFE. reference of international chartr convention,' and tha Districts a countsin,de5':on i vthle- - (IHttha.yc-r.cni;tr,-;accordlns- :to sizs of box.) icstions to The nague, and then goes on to com- - tariff, "Every shot of su ar ;;;io:nroiitnrn of Ewa, Walanae, Waialua, Kooiauloa i. ;,....-- v Koolaupoko shall 6te one ' .Ht: ; r mark.,; ;At San shot.niay hjta and for D'Tvery ember. . That1' upon the election cer- The great deslgn .' unique and bc jothere is being created an tificatebeing issued by the city'1 aad wai to promote the constriiclion ' rr.d maintenance ghip-can- al county clerk to thi members elected of, a between the. two will appeal .atifuliexplositiiiyqtyi 4 ? cccrs, " ' (Cb'ntinued on !ag4:4) the mayor of the City and County of for "the benefit of cankind, on - ' equal terasV- Hawaii 3 the taste antl sense of beauty, and Ildnoluitt shall call said convention to when erc puhlish.. the, samvia fuli'.witi order within ten days 'after' the' elec- nf1"In urging govern--ye- nt ..- -s ah';opiwrtunity, shall, 4 cn the British ttfal ,qai y tion and preside until' permanent bU the making of the Clayton-Eulwer-treat- y, a, of his official certiffcaUfrL,,?t ... the will hot be dwarfediy multitude newspaper of ' general crluliti6n r In frters' 6f ''said invention afer chose'ti.' raid to LerdPataerston: VThe iat coukfvlaVhlcb: ijufciica- - Tiie "said1 member's "of 'said cotivehJEion ueuator - : ;.: caM.Mtvftnd iieutwtcs sought ro exclusive privilege pre ft iiibits. ; t: K;ryU servo pay arid shall -- or tlon shall be .maae in,re3 uniesv, i shall without rrnUal t: c; kind rc-r- d to recognition, withlnr tt znj In to llo prorf And as to San Diego's claims i eltpslflg between corriplete their labors sixty -- -- space of orie week' V muslv.ilc- fthat lx. a mrr r-- u, TublIcation,te ,thefirsrptiblIcSttofi flay'i1aiTerTffie' - well; little'SanDiego: tackled the fair proposi each' ,L - 'r--i' i. E.ncere wish, if it should be pr- -- sed yealled ,ta orders found " combinlnr tecaH toT,t&vf ?. ; an- . .lt.'.'ln,-.pa- l cc-'anc- - ' before.San Francisco u -- !ft fte it dedicated to. the n u- and tion many months - t. r V.vrir- nrrtMAmatlcm far a ciai eieci. t",-- vRr profasloa of designs. Hata 70a icca tia tirijl, ' the most liberal terms and a r .saleable, nounced its own plans'of it, and we like the pliick electors cthe said it'City and County special election of charter convention la a tw "ty for all. That. the" riS'-b- all na-- vote members shall fix.the. time wnentne i Ur' fp its I the smaller city has shown In'sticking - "uia, obtain any exc' .'footing. of per-- that their anoi . val or rejection of the said vote shall be taken on the proposed Vieira Co., Ltd. - I'5 f after, metropolis blared charter, y 4 V y - , "charter and be not? less than thirty Jewelry . ; highway whir' .ted States would deterniination even the - Let days nor -- moret than sixty, days after ' ? ' ;statem . priv-x-atura- lly " IfUhe said charter shall . Popular Jewelers J.ct, If jsive right or . ; "Sec forth its gorgeous exploitation. approvedt majority of. those, its' delivery to the'said clerk, i:t;s In a belonged to s te by a - accurately There is room for both expositions. Hawaii voting at said special election, then yVSec. 6. All expenses of the said til nar.klr.l- 1u jjntexpresses toge,thef with the and elections United course, are with San Francis two c6pi3Uhe'reof, charter: conventions the avowed intention sm resolve of the States trade relations, of said charter, duly be paid out of the treasury of the any Canal All - vote for and against shall fna 1S:0 to l912.conceiring Panama co,, but in San Diego there will be many, thou- city clerk, shall, with-cit- y and county of Honolulu by war. on this Intention certified th$ treaties on the subject are based ana as tne exposition wm wu- - in twehtyydays after such vate taken,1 rants Issued by the city and county YOU sands of tourists, -- by h - ,7AIIT r.r.J resolve, many times reiterated official rep.'y t'-'t- ter- upon of the board VHEII ' be filed the secretary of the auditor the order . this ' - government. . from - year, an exhibit supervisors. ' retentatives of the American tinue for an entire ritory, ana shall by him be transmit- of t c' r Is Ter-- ''. In a special sense the United States bound to country would hit the tourists', eyes months be ted to .tha hext legislature of the "Sec. 7. All provisions in the laws Question treaty of In regular or Incon-speci- al cLserve ralthfully" and without the ritory of ilawaii. sitting ot ti!i9 territory In conflict tor v Panama-Pacifi- c was April. 1903; for the. United States has been among fore and after the exposition session, for their approval, and ; 'gfetent with the provisions of this act r ii Swui legslature shall Inapplicable rxvernnents the great advocate "of arbitration has in f if approye by said are.hereby declared to be action. the charter of the City and to matters and things covered and practised it In important cases, and has urged .It become the ' : County of Honolulu, y But if jthe, said provided for by this act. BAHnriV r trongjy' on all ct.et ; p;oveniraentsr?t Th , United :i ' t BUY LOVE'S CrCHSHG bVlrejected by a majority of j , gec g voting said Li&tes cannot. refuse to arlitrata the" difference which y Dr. Eliot's brief survey of 'local conditions charter Each elector at the qualified electors pi the City and ,ifeiection and desirous of for .or l.as concerning the proper" interpretation of r( voin V arisen will hardly justify Ms assertion that "the results County; Qfc Honolulu,; said charter, shaJi deposit In Hay-Pauncefo- TtIn5 ,V8agalhst tLc te treaty...wIUiout turning Is back, Jilstdry, eycrossin 8ixteen"to'twenty varieties of white special elacUon.yUien, ithta SW. ihe ballot box his; ticket whereon shall cn a very, tonoratle cjter. inIU. uwn and s days thereafter; fifteen members new in- - tf i be printed the words. "For the damaging'throughout the world tLe cause of free . people with native races are seen most clearly, in new charter convention shall be elect- - charter" and "Against the new char- - tl'-;- V to te theriost.scni-i.-;nilou- s ue oy if EUtutions. The republic ed at a special ,eiecuon 10 -i Bhauunaicate nis cnoice of all govemmin.s ;l the c'xac 'ctservance tU uiu.wcu for in the prd;;placing- ross, opposite one or the obligations. , be; absolutely Xalthful i - cl treaty It.'sust ; " f4;" thV worn-- proceed to frame a new ; 9. votes the Co.,- to Its word, even to Us own hurt' TTawniian ' thev shall sec The cast for Ksnry VatcrSctjc? Trn:2 Assuclng ,that c.':;crtice which has arisen qe de--of LimitsJ Hay-Pauncef- ote ru concernir.TJheccntructioa?c: the an." mis assertion can ,euj?u uwpiv iv l e published and submitted to' a vote gall be canvassed and the result voters for their approval or termlned by the laws of the territory treaty : raust be arbitrated Amless the cause of the numberless examples of energetic, in said ; so framed canvass votes the elec r. can be withdrawn, we desire to urge. on among rejection. If the charter for the of for difference are, 1 men and, women of mixed blood; who shan bo, axain reDected. tbo procedure tlon of county officials. , fellow-cinze- ns promptly re- " our the expediency of designated repeated - .vsec. 10. '? act shall take effect gave to Hawaii's most promising citizens. hprein shall be This pealing that' action of Congress which rise of upon passage." - , f , ' ' ' ' (each special election for members Its .': . difficulty...... being with-- 1 . v . the a new charter convention . , shipping interests 1 Granting. that some American ; Williams is quite in feeling that the in thirtv.-dav- s after each rejection) . Sixteen persons were killed by an be benefited by the .exemption of coastwise J. J. riht is approved by avalanche-whic- h overwhelmed three night until a charter finallr ' ,term coastwise opportunity to thereon and ferms- in- the Gudbrands valley in AX vessels from canal tolls, since the territory is allowing an unusual a moinritvuuvi . f thnca- w" v vntfnz' c - EiTATZ now Includes voyages half round the globe, America slip in riot purchasing hs remarkahle collection certified (together with he vote for southern Norway. surely has much larger interests which would be and against) to the secretary of the .; prompt any of, photographs and plates of the royal families. lorrifnrv ne nfnrPSftM. to be actod on Joseph B. Heiskell, who was a mem greatly served by the 'abandonment of. congress, died jot Hay.Pauncefote treaty against be pos as above set forth. ;y.. ber of the confederate interpretation the ought by all means to in -- at-sa- ld This collection - 'of each of at Memphis, Tennessee. He was Great Britain can enter a reasonable protest. "Sec. 4. The members which session of the territory, and if is at all possible ; conventions shall be torney general of that state for some has an Immense interest in the it charter present activity of the 'Real Ea The United States elected as provided for by the rules years. One might think from the of contracts. nd In the strict observance to appropriate the $4,000 asked for the gallery, sanctity tate market that there are no "good buys" left. f and treaties. has ; t cf all inernational conventions It the money- - would be well spent. V ; interest In the faithful observance of immense " you view In Honblulu on Reser-- , any treaty between two or more nations which has Let us show the finest 1 -- . . been entered into "for the benefit of mankind." It h n ii si ttpI rounded season of ervoir avenue, KaimukI, tor ; T...... ?3,000 that" in times past many treaties have not is true - grand opera, thanks to the very capable Lambar strictly observed; that others have been suf- "a in Lewis Subdivision at Iraahou for... $3,200 been .; IT Or lot the lapse quietly; and that some have been Tio-- di company. We are glad to hear that tne plans fered to if -- more parties, too Impatient to wait 4 lated by one or for "next year include a trip to Honolulu and 5 M convention. Despotic, and monarchical i 4 for a new with some twelve performances here. In best residence sections governments have oftea sinned In these respects, and Australia, We have for sale cnoice building lots the district for '..'.:.P00 including republics have been accused of . like conduct. All i; of the city. We have arso for sate a number, of residences "the more reason that the American republic should KaimukI, Ocean You will agree that all are "good huys" ques- -. When even Dr. Eliot calls us the "Sandwich tome modern bungalows. These are located at 1 no act under a treaty . which can be even t!o -- , DeUiled and honorable men. In the efficacy islands our of peace mounts the goafs back View, Pawaa, Manoa-- Makiki and other parts of the city. tioned hy candid ' hope the international agreements lies the chief of and thev make a balloon ascension. Information will ie given any one calling at our office,. cf -- world for progressive civilization. v! a method of uncertain The further promotionrin" on makal side of King street, American coastwise ship-Din- g "Chie, Moore probably thinks that a weather ;We have for rent two cottages the ue of T-l- of the interests Interesti already protected b7,the possession of is not without honor save In h is own near Punahou. These cottages are brand new and have never been Co. nattons, is nronhet Henry Waterhou3 rnst monopoly as against all other ; a complete country.-:- -.;- v::-y. v,v;:'';V:y. .y::,"':' occupied. ; y ' matter, of commercial Improvement. The 'y' doubtful iary the-pecuh- MERCHANT TREETi tbole country considered, advantage CORNER FORT AND m be large, and might easily be completely Even the counterfeiters find it hard to make GUARDIAN TRUST CO., Ltd., ':vV- 'y'-A- ECONO FLOOR, JUDP BUIL01N9 i J!er adjutage might come to this weltected in. money these days,


REGMIil COT Did Yea Eel r' TcoUzch ,:i; DUCIiSOOMT This Llornhn ?

' ; If over-eatin-g it a habit CHnfc a Jc asie Woodrow.. Wilson - Decided- Solemn and beautiful were the sen- - mass. ' PENITENT MRS. WILSON ARfl DAUGHTERS ly the beauty of the family, she also Is Ices with which the Eastertide was Six services were hel.i during the is the most serious. She is a social set- greeted by the princival churches ofJ day at Sv Andrew's Cathedral.- - Holv tlement worker, and through her ac- Honolulu yesteroay. f rom r, eanj communion was celebrated at 6 a. tivities In Kensignton, suburb of morning until late in the evening ers o'clock in the morning by the Itav. Recaptured at a late hour Saturday Philadelphia, she bas become the of every denomination F A. Sajlor. assisted by Rev, night Chun Duck Soon escaped long-terme- r ARE youngest member of the national board 7 Korean prisoner and at m a a - tought to par devotlqn to our iLord Kroll and Canon AuIL At o'clock in OIMFMMIIS of the Young Womans Christian Asso- cr the anniversary of his resurratiori. the morning Canon Ault celebrated Oahu prison, la far from penitent and ciation. Is girlish, and Inclined make light of his es- She slender Jn many of the churches the serves and 2S6 persons made their commu is to ' lores all athletic sports. She is 25 capade In which he caused territorial ;Mrs. Woodrow Wilscn Is the laugh-' governorship of New Jersey, and the began as esrly as 6 o clock in the nion. At each of these sTvIr an 0 hi, years old. ; com as welt as city and county peace offi- be-ov- er, morning, while the last service Easter hymn was. sun? en the Gloria - ht ter of Presbyterian minister. More- feminine side of the: Wilson family : forty-eig- Eleanor Randolph Wilson She is 7 evening. Hawaiian cials much anxiety pending the sJe is a granddaughter of a di.'gan its rudimentary studies In diplo- - menced at ociocK n me in Excelsls. The service. liberty. ' '' ' " ' the "baby" of the family, and the onlyi ,a nft HtV in the attended by a nitn- - hours he was at before each meal Ice was at home rcacy high politics" Mrs. otw whteh was lare e of that faith. It the end That one who bears a nickname, "Nell.", S Chief of Detectives Arthur McDuf-fl- (Youll feel afterward! ) ttey.-pr- , host-Axs- on ; where the celebration communicants, was held at9.15 better K, Vnitel States ber of fifty-poun- d of her grandfather, I. 8. ;VJl$on bas proved an admirable brought . big in the - ' permitted by climatic following at 11 . of Savannah, Ga--, that she roar-es- s In the New Jersey executive man-rie- d " !utV 2 ot Easter Is o'clock, and this, a: v mistaken . for the eldest girls. , shackle and ball, that served as leg de-H- ,'AMmm.imm u in Hmni..in Woodrow Wilson in June, 1885. sion none can dispute. Her gentle er u Thu o'clock, cam th rrinclpal of She is 22 years old. She was educat- adornment to Chun Duck Soon during . It's a great tonic aperUnt and father, Rev., Edward Ax son, died xneanor and lovable personality won vras particularly noticeable yesterday, the day. The choir sang Sanford'a ed in the south and took up art She his stay at the penitentiary. The ball - before Jweddlng day, her for the admiration of thousands of for the da dawned warm and clear, Te Deora" and thwmmunlon serv- will relieve constipation and her and her now is a student in the Art Students' n and chain was found In a wood yard was 'pastor, of the Inde- - Jersey women. ' with a cooling breeze from the oce-- ice to he setting by Ilarwood. The biliousness.! ' : ;. .:, Erandfather r. League in Philadelphia. on King street not far from the point - ' - arrange! , : - . pendent Presbyterian Church, of Sa-- yrork as an Artist Mowing over the city. musical program was under along which that highway where bis - ' a t : The most elaborae services of to the rtlretlon of Reginald Carter, or-- capture was effected by Officer An Mrs. Wilson's conspicuous talent is - ! arriage, Toung day, perhaps, were- held In the Central ginlst - V!L;; the , h fJ M f pJcloria, art. ,She might Kui, Woo; Hobron and Apana. Union church, and wblcb were begun The Sunday shool of the EnIwo-n- nl Outlaw Tells of Wandering T 2,Bi Tfin"!0-- ? - cll have mate her vocation, JTZ his tbe'Art HAISOiGOlS with a celebration both of Easter d it chnrrhs of Honolulu met fcr Jthelr Chun Duck Soon relates an Inter- f b work a students' Livingstone centemry byj annual united aerviccs at 2 o'clock In oPn?nfrI nrl,; in New York prior to her mar. snd of the esting story today of his travels as league Bible School. Following a Dr'ei son? ef- SSSKI'f V riage gave promise of brilliant sue- - the members of the Tin the afternoon. well as the success attending his morning services commenced a 1 ervlce. thr Bishon made, a brief ad- In freeing shackles n25!.'i,V- cess. With her daughters grown to ; forts himself from , tl - fa- - AT THE VILSON ft- specially dress, Temarks Drag Co., Ltc., the College of the womanhood, she once more has turn o cjock, and consisted of and a the close of hls a to his body by the prison Mrs, woourow by theVhoir, and on the-offrin-fo- the va- .;. mous woman s school ed ber attention to the palette and crranged rrogram missions from authorities. years sermen, Mes-rage- ." was up. ., Fort Street. Wilson spent the first three of brush. daughters may be appropriate "An Easter rious Sundav schools tiken He declares that he had in his was Her three Dr.-- A her married life, which followed counted on to mother in by Doremus Scudder. The offering last yer on this occasion possession for many months a new by years Wesleyan University, assist their was by 17000, 4a ex- four in her arduous duties as the :"flrst lady INAUGURATION beautiful musicale given tbe was more than and it steel saw. He had been awaiting an where Woodrow Wilson held the chair .the evening services which pected amount will be even of the land." - The social glamour of choir at thst the opportunity to gain his liberty. With I AMUSEMSNTS. political economy, K. of- first of history and the White House, It may be said safe remmenced at 7: 30 o'clock, and at greater 'his yes r, as mfnv of the the aid of the saw he worked 'many but ' later that of jurisprudence aiid which lime Dr. S. D. Gordon, author ferings have not as Vet bee nlnnded plank: flooring ' " ; ly, will not appeal to the WllBonsBut nights at the heavy politics. . - ; '. they will measure up to its full re- WAJSitiKfiTnv. From out of the of "Quiet Talks." delivered a Bhori in. A service of this kind can onlv and succeeded in sawing a hole of Holes (o Princeton ', ' ' twenty-fou- r upon meaning of Easier; be seen in Honolulu. aM Is att ?ned sponsibility, i ? trunks sent to the White address the sufficient size to admit the passage It was in the late summer of 1902 House came forth most pleasing All Catholic churchea of the elt by Hawaiian. Chinese. Jipanese. Ko- his body to ground the li I Daughters : ' ; ; 1 j : there of the beneath that the little famUy moved to the Her Ttrre - j children. At the. most fitting imag- celebrated during .the entire day. At rean and also whi.e . .' -.- costumes, and the prison celL . : ' de-tcrJb- ejl f professor's ;pr!nceton; The. ' daughters may be . alma iuaterr three lnable, which. were worn by Mrs. Wil close of tbe session ther was the in- , ' ' - Chun Duck Soon , smiled 'as he where be assumed the .preslieccy of As follows:'-- son and ber three daughters at the in. high mass and holy communion were usual grand procession; T$a offering nGy:MJjv;n!i:n-Sci:- i twenty-fiv- e .iIargaret"-Woodr- rTwen-tyixvyea- rs sisted that one or more of the terri- that institution. Thus for o Wilson auguration of '.. President Wilson and held at 6 o'clock in the morning, whil? for the diy, aside from hat from the n-t- he. torial guards and officials frequently LAIJ2Ar.II years M rsrWHson lived atmos. old a.nd bears a striking of day. Xat 10:30 o'clock Bishop Libert andias-- Sunday schools', will probably amount slen- for the after ceremonies the visited hla cell and even" went so far phere of. the. college and university, resemblance to ber father, short, Mrs, Wilson's gown (waa of tan tistants celebrated pontifical high to more .than 1 1100. and; in she her three daug- der and blonde. Vivacious and likes as to tramp over the place where; he it reared cloth, perfectly cut and finished as to bad prerared for bis exiti; htersthe hisses Eleanor, Margaret almost all outdoor sports." She is a with gol- Mrs. Marshall, wife of .the vice pres--: i " line and detail and trimmed The Korean states that it was with Woodrow. : ' musician and plans a career upon the r and Jessie woven a . heavy Ident came in for a large share of at. - " ' ' den brown silk with saw he cut through Inch Then came Wilsons election to the concert stage. v Vv- ' wore, charming cos- -, FIGHT STARTED ; this that the rib. v Her coat and bat carried out the tentlon. She aj . ' - taupe coat of soft iron and steel,- severing from same tones and the small hat. with the tyme of cbanneuse, the and t bis ankle the ball and chain. He re- darker color which predominated, for gown alike and trimmed with bands mained In the wood yard while he the'sake of artlstle value was exceed- - of . marabout. She wore a graceful worked at the bonds and completed I : WATER ingly becoming. '. ;H, shaped toque .of tulle of the same M PIE his task within an hour. Still wearing j Miss Margaret.Wilsona gown was of suaae, wim a cunew m snaues oi pin the leg Iron, the Korean states that blue silk poplin, one of the ; newest on. one. side. ... . , i - he then proceeded to the hllla and in A' the" three-piec- e Xfro. Hnwp ihtt atafpr nf the hreci- shades, and made after 1 the, friendly shelter of a small cave, - Some residents of ; Kalmuki .view design, with the. coat and gown alike. dent, wore a costume of black char removed the leg iron which was left meuse. with a coat of black silk pop with alarm the prospects of surface A distinctive touch was given the half being pumped behind. j n a plume of water from Palolo hills - same shade by the graceful arrange- lin, black straw hat with - Dlack Sand - Club' 'Member gray ' Kiamuklmas and reser- Head Matched Trail and Mountain ment of - taupe feathers and ribbon shaded blue and ' inVe His prison garb was exchanged for , m m voir, to mingle with the pare output 1 Ycu "1' embroidered in color, r r ' : clothes wbu Id , less at- Introducing ell Pr: Note That These Specials Art fcr r . - i the Kapahulu pump. Accordingly, that attract Miss Jessie Wilsons costume wa3 of 'of 1 , ' local tention. When caught Saturday night, - i with D0NT KNOW THEY - ian expedition of members of the P2l3 ; 0rcl::: r . lavender '.broadcloth trimmed : the escaped convict was arrayed In - went hills beau- if a iff? improvement club into the silk and chiffon., with a collar of trtihiPiTfCI dark coat and trousers. He wore a Clioruo 4 Aluminum Canteen ...... , .14.53 MAVb iKrJLnuj lo yesterday to take notea and samples. in c Itc;;:' tiful lace, and with It she wore a small Presi-Hnnniiii- n grey felt- - Hla - : T 'fiJtl:-X:i'oieytormln- the party were shirt and black hat Regular $6.50. . . same - shade of lavender - V hat of 'the T. M. Church, Vice-Preside-nt C. shoes yere those supplied. at the ..of Ilaro Attrc.l with shaded plumes from light to dark Many nmnU who bare dent Universal Lunch Pox . . . i . 2.C0 aiinfeniilcitfa! Ifwkich S. Crane, Secretary J.. P. Child, and prison. When searched . be had a . .. chronic not Regular 3.00 lavender. j. . iV. E. A. R. Bath and small quantity of tobacco, and' some . very painful. bAvi'dfdredl for yteara directors Berndt.E. -- younge.r ',; Miss Eleanot . Wilaon, the changed :" y f ... - J. Fiddes.' together with a newt-- small , See Rjadinj Columns f;r Fr:; for gas 1 64abe) stmahj , .?tom- Almuinum Collapsible Cups ...... 10o daughter of the house,' wore a costume au Korean he "Cood-Cye- " Perfor;na-.cs- . : - paper , ; The further stated that The .' : ' ach or constipation. The Hollister reporter. - . , Regular. 15c quite in keeping, with her youth and had a very narrow call from discovery the Dmg Co states if these people will They i followed the trail from the much gayer In tone than those of as he was about to crawl through a V , ... - etc- road, aljong the bed of the Palolo . . SEATS NOW Outing Package, ,.i ; . ; vf .- . - family.. trv hnr.vthnrti hnrk: rlvrprine. - older members of the t t hole that he had . burrowed from the ; LnTZ irT stream, to the Intake the water r,"-:--: -; .... - -- - comoounded Adlerka. Ihe Ger of . i i t ti- Of bright blue, , color i prison, court Hawaii Promctian Pssmi. ,of the 'etenaioii--- yard to ,the outside r-- at the first- - falls.- - " ? " wk9 -- -3 1 v man m Lc- . king's blue and her coat, was of silk appenuicius. tcivkvj, iue - world. He insisted that as . he thrust Prices: Dax end h at ih bntTTTT A' Samples of water were taken in bet- ' brocade carrying out tbe same cojor .irnriH bnftfit hi8ea.d. through. tfe?hQlehQ J a crchestri-ctrcl- a J3..drc.;i c'r , l7.a7.;Diraon4cXo.,L. toseNqtiJifr",!, ct;- - inauguralion guard at that time with bis back last two rowa drcsi c:C . CI. , weather, Miss ..Eleanor. Wilson donned turned toward the prisoner.: . row balcony 51.53, c-- '- V . a straw .hatjof bright blue, .with s Taking advantage of the black y " newVlTodayE- - V.'Wilcoxof the federal shading! from deep to light orange. toda colored sand , covered , yard rnent station, for analysis,! that the r r t s r : : : - Korean kept his head to ? r- An Inspection of the crater con- - the the level vinced the party that, ' If v property with the surface of the ground. r L.r 1 dammed, )t would' be. capable of stor- "Black sand, black head, all the ing enough water for Honolulu for all same," he said. In telling of his escape ; from: the guards. . '. 1:1 i i time. Formerly there was an earth il Offered No Resistance , f ' . . . dam privately ; owned, and r . 1 there it Shortly o'clock Saturday 'THE COZY LITTLE THZATT.- 1 burst id a freshet,'; causing damage before ten -' to proporty below - and sundry rex night a tip came into police station over the telephone a man answer C BIG' REELS OF LATI0T - lawsuits. ,7. that Sit- atlcus f MOTION 5 the-Kalmuk- ing in a general way to the descrip- PICTUnS .It is reported i de- that Korean was passing along v. fenders of their artesian water will tion of the Two Perfermance Nj;ht!yr 7 9 the road from Fort Shafter towards and have a bill introduced in the legisla- ' ' v Matinee Every Ciy. ... ture to prevent the mixing of Palolo town . . and Kapahulu water. A police automobile with a company Amateur Night Monday of officers, including Ah Kui,,Woo,

' 1 10c r- - r : - Hobron and Anana hastened along PRICES, and 15c ChUirtn, !z King street When nearing the plant of Pacific Guano . and ANOTHER "CLASS A COMEDY EVERYTHING NEW. STEfEH HELPS the Fertilizer Company, Officer Ah Kui. happened If You Haven't Purch-:s- i Your to note the peculiar attitude assumed OKMIMo MAI SETMTI0W! by a small sized pedestrian who was "my THE following a course through the middle FfLPiOS of the road. . ' .' 4 That's Chun"' Duck Soon," shouted Boston Elock Ecccni Floor the. Chinese, officer and suiting the to action to the word, waa out of the ma- experience ; Having had in dealing chine, followed by pana and the , Fillpind8 - I'ke Daa with while Immigration . .'' other officers. f , agent : in In their country for the Hawaii- The Korean raised his "hands' im- an planters, O. AJ Steven 1s using this mediately and signified that he would n advantage here in trying to get the 4. offer no . resistance. . . v Filipinos living In Mown to unite for He was brought into town and waa the promotion of industry thrift; and booked at the central station within lespectabllity among themselves On twenty minutes after the official IN COMEDY SUCCESS THE . A Drama of the World's Mockery A Saturday afternoon Mr. Steven held i party departed in quest of their man. conference wtb 250 of them, most of Korean Displayed Much' Cleverness SENTIMENT PATHOS REALISM them Visayans and noarly all of them The Korean is declared to have v understanding plain English. displayed unusual cunning In his at- Bail to the amount of five hundred A committee of fifteen of the Fili tempt to fool the officers at the dollars, supplied through the n pinos was duty efforts organized, whosa it is prison. While working on his tunnel Attorney ' of Straus, temporarily freed to find out who are employed among through which to make his exit to the Corporal Hubert Glldewell of Company countrymen, - their also who are indis- outside, he is alleged to have covered I, Second Infantry, who was returned . posed to honest toil, and .to keep those the ball and chain with cloth, with a to Honolulu as a prisoner aboard the working in employment and find work view of preventing the adornment to United States army transport Thomas SEE.. POST .'A3. A SAILOR :V" for air that are involuntarily idla. . become soiled through contact with and turned over to the officials late , Mr. Steven advised brown the fresh .. , -- ''.:::': the "little earth. Saturday nights . ; HEAR THE NEWEST SONGS. V " brothers" to organize- - baseball teams, His shackles were daily examined " iiili Glldewell appeared, before Judge SEETHE LATEST DANCES. musical associations, etc.. Many of and apparently passed inspection by Monsarrat in district court this morn- -' An Exceptional Picture those in attendance were found to prison guards. Ing to answer to the charge of seduc. In the opinion of Chief of Detectives Lave steady employment in the local tion preferred by . representatives of canneries and as stevedores. An em-- McDuffie, the Korean Is believed to the Woman's Cooperative League of 3200 Feet of Wonderful Interest l loyment registry was opened at the have stolen the clothes, despite his this city. .v V meeting. "unemployed positive assertion that the suit had la alleged ..V For the Mr. It that Glldewell seduced Steven urged that they consider the remained hidden from the time lie a Portuguese girl under a promise 'of'-.- TU contract system on sugar and rice last made his escape from bondage. . marriage. Further it is charged that PRICES ...... 10c and 15c plantations and asked them to con- McDuffie has hopes of locating the the young man succeeded in securing AMATEUR TALENT. TRY-OUT-S. I" " it sider formation of huls to leg iron that served to bind the heavy a loan of a considerable sum of mon- the " take t puch contracts. " . ball to the Korean during his term of ey.; With' the cash, he effected his es- captivity. cape by the transport route.' Star-Bnllet- in today's news Today. In negotiating the loan, the girl Is A HiyPU PROVERB. alleged to have secured the money 3C from her parents. Gl ide well is said USE STEARNS' A ' Hindu proverb has it "A Fool to have told the girl that the money . used an elephant to step on an Ant." would be used in purchasing his dis--char- ge FOR THREE DAYS ONLY It is even so with many business men; from the army. : - they some Headache Wafers overlook small things, and A postponement was . noted and ; use too much force on others; in fact, Glldewell will again appear at the (SHAC) they waste force. This Is true in lower court tomorrow" morning. many Instances In the case of fire pro- juration AT ALL DRUG STORES tection, but the Denio Co. will show them the way out if they will but give SPECIAL SALE ARMOUR & CO.'S them the opportunity .to do so. for a dry couXK Brown's; there U ivctMn Wi son TOILET SOAPS. better. Ixvslanlly (Violetta and Heather Honey) The steamer Kinau from Kauai Brochlar J':roal ' also Household Goods ports, an arrival Sunday morning, will relieves be dispatched for the Carden Island Trocbes troubles, Lccrsc-ne- as A TRUE TO LIFE --U U R PICTU R E. CITY MERCANTILE CO. tomorrow: evening, taking passengers. and coulvs. 24 N. Hotel Street freight and mails. Honolulu StccK Excfiangc LOCAL AND GENERAr V 4 -- 'tv .. rjr : Xlcnday, March 24: A Boys course you don t A. It Rowat. D. V. phone 2423. advertisement; ; & Co-- . . . . C Brewer ... Telephone 2223 for Grand Opera Reappearance nuFrirTTw: SUGAR. ? tickets. P Evra Pl&nttlon Co. . . advertisement. A Sory For Kfetnonai Day Ml V I Tie meat yon buy the Metropoli- 01 J expect 'a: fire tl&wzllicx Arric Co. 6; -- J at iXl t Com. & Kcjt. Co. . . tan Meat Market is tender and clean. Ilaw. ZU:,. Br EDGAR STORMS llavallau Sugar Ca . . . . .'4 34- -' jl'hone V Ilaleiwa Is Paradise fcr layers Hocorcc Sugaj Co...... x of Honokaa Sugar Co. good bathing, golf and teanis. Trains It was whatwas afterward called to the pro-tecte- d? j Ksiku Suga Co...... 'so door.. the kittle of ChancellorsrIMe. We sol-ck- .: but what if it comes? Are you Sugar Try our pineapple; It's the finest In Hutchinson Plast tlUla't know when we Announce v, T Kaiiuku Ffaxitation Cu. . IS the city. Consolidated Soda Works. went into With insurance you would ' a fight . whether -- It was ilekaha tfagai Co...... us ; to advertisement.;. ':',. to be a scrim- of ot j. have a chance to get a fresh Kolas Sugar Col All our sodas are made with the mage or; a battle Some of us yet trcir ript samples the yT"'. net - start. V. ,. ,V - - i McBryde Susar Co. finest distilled water. Consolidated ensured dlda t know that there was Without insurance desolation. Oaha Sugar Co. Soda W orks. advertisement, -- :7S' anything haa.lU-teii?- d hp m son S m i t h ; Co.'s - going mu; When one T p Or cicea Sugar Ca. 32 ',;- r. ;The . euperylsof 8 of Maui are also OlaASagir O Ltd...... 2K taking a hand in putting a judicial to desultory firiiig of muskets f7: r-- -- mingled PaAnhau Sugr Plant. Co. UK 5 brake on the speed-fiend- 3 of that isl- with for several days Sagar Mill ' Pacific ...... and. ;:: ''; V- maybe weeks-- he doesn't think much mas VU1 u . uiristi me to Pala Plonutloo Co .... ' Co to Dlckf rsbn. The Leading Mil- about whether is a a It's ti PepeekAo Sugkr Co. it camialgn, ..... liner, ujider The Bialsdeir for the very succession of skirmishes or a IxittJe. C. Co. Pioneer Mill Cu...... Jt Brewer & 3 latest In trimmed . hats. advertlse-iae- nt But this Is not always so. When one Waialu&Agric Ca...... 8j 88 Wailuka Sutr Ca . . . y'" ;r la In tbeoi!dst of an engagement there W&tmanalo Co. . . . Book passage east from San Fran- Lis not much doubt as to what going These cards are rare Suar cisco RaU- - t of beauty Waimea Eugat Mill Co. . . over the Western Pacific on. I 1 re- ' Wliat knew of this battle ; way. Fred L. Waldrcn, Ltd., ; local fer to was demonical - :; sounds, explo- and each with its .agents.. ; design, "A Dollar Saved Is More Than A Spring IIat3, Bohnets and Novelties sions: rather the. mingled pesky vldon Dollar Ister-Itlaii- d Co, be- Cteaza N. .8s ios are on display varied lines Miss ping of bullets and the skyrocket appropriate wording, - Hawaiian Electric Co. . . . in at I'ower's rooms , in the Boston block, swish of shells. A man In the, Ele be- ' Earned flea. R. T. ft Li. Co Pret 1 i fore lue sank down with a faint groan.' comes exclusive fo- - r Hon. Co, Com. second floor. the p ; RT.fth 1 The spirit, the sentiment, the inspiration that prempts the saving of Mutual Telephone Ca . .. Place your freight orders with the and stumbled over; him. but pressed on. - f : the dollar is of infinite value. It means that a thinking-ca- p has been OahuR. &L. Co...... I lonol ul u Construction and Draying I had to press on. What else was pcrty o the pu rchaser worn, that stock-takin- g has been carried out, and that right. conclu- Hllo R, R. CO Pfd. Co. for prompt delivery. Office in there for me to do? 1 couldn't fall out sions have been reached Hllo R. R. Co, Com. .. Robinson building. of the ranks, for the officers had their it thus making possible an M.CO. meeting eyes "Build your better being." Start saving now. . l!oa.B. ft ...... There will be a of Oceanic on every man to keep blin from Haw. Irrgtn. Out, 6a . mm M., .... v Lodge No. 371, F. t this even- breaking and demoralizing the rest individual Christmas card Hawaiian. Pineapple Co. . 46 ing at Masonic Temple at 7:30 o'clock. I odt HAWAII,' R.(i, Besides, If did succeed in getting BAUK OF LTD., Tanjong Olok p4 up. Work in first degree.- - -; of this death storm not a man of my Co. . - ; Pahanar Rob...... Found. That the expert hat: clean- Capitai Surplus : . : : : : - : : . t 1,200,000 company would speak to me when it An and Hon. Gas. Co. Pfd ...... 0 ' ers, 1123" Fort street, v can ' neatly early inspection selection Hon. Gas Co. Com...... clean your haU without destroying was all over. 1 got is recommended 5 have often been asked since if I BONDS. them. advertisement. , 1 - ' used I never I any Hair. Ter. 4 (Fire CL) . . Right up- to date, and the right to it. did. doubt if man In a normal, condition ever got Haw.Ter.4 k place to buy your Easter cards and facing I got Haw. Ter. 4 Pub. Imp Easter novelties is at Wall,' Nichols used to death. Bat . mad. ii&w.-xer.- . Co. Ltd.--8dvertise- --"C and that erved the "same purpose. E.iW.Tr.4l4X O Collectors of Green Stamps are en -- OnforWnatelyV 1 vvas obliged to get m huw.Ter.Si ' titled to a chance free on a whole mad In" every ght In order to, stand Hug- - 8 . Cal. Beet ft Ret Co " ' room full of furniture. Come in and the racket. . , This Is my experience; Hon. Gaa. Co.. Ltd., 5s.1 " see. Everything free for Green others may be different. ? Let those Haw. Com. Bug. 5 ft Ca Stamps. advertisement sing glorious of bat- ""i R. R. Co., 1 VOL 9 of the excitement - Hllo Issue "Say, old man, is that an Owl you're 1 HliO R. R. Cav Oon. . .. tle. .but only one man, so far, as - Fmoking? Good shot; , I use Co)4 that know.'eter described It correctly. Gen- Honokaa Sugar Oo, 6 . . l.r&nd - myself ! so good Hon.R.T.ftJ.Co.6 ... It's that it's eral Shermaii. wbeuhe said, "War U no wonder a million aro " KAdal Ry. Co. Ca. half Owls lit ...... every twenty-fou- r hours, helir , 'iH'r-::.:- -' Koh&ia Ditch Ca . .c6 ;'co"' v eh?" Inc- Ca ..... An architect told us yesterday that If this Is doubted listen to an McBrjde Suar Co. e ...... TCO by veteran: . he was re- ident told me a fellow llutual Tel.-Ce.- ...... almost wished there a law, Roof-ing;o- n- After a battle' a tine o wounded lay Oahu ; quiring people' to uso JVIalthoid R.ftL.Co.5J ..... in a long line waiting. for the surgeons. Oahu SugurCo.BX all buHdlngs: fie had foHUd it in the shortest possible time and most efficient manner by a 6 ; satisfactory dnring years They were not all waiting, for some Olaa Sugar Co. k .v...... 87 H of work. Psuc Sug. Mill Ca 6s . . . t . IOO r. A small ICaimukr boy who attended of tljem were dying. In the Bght the corps of expert wlremen G Pioneer Miil Co...... ;c; the grand opera . matinee was very meu, and boys.:ito6. of . the country In Waialuii Co. r rr Asrlc 61 v.. honest in his assertion that Miss which It was . fought had taken part

Natooaaa Con. a. Q sj . Kal-mu- could send her voice clear, out to kl 1 saw a little fellow with a leafy Hawa. Irrigation Co. 6 and back again, without half try- branch keeping the flies off two dead ::j Yc:i afo never cure of your Automobile, but you Hamakoa Ditch ..... ing.. ' s-,- .:V' :;v::.v;-v;:i- ; ., ' :n:ta!!atidiiIral: bodies lying side by side. 'Are they m f ..-- u - ; : ::: cr.u bo cure of adequate indemnity in case of sales. : am holding a clearance sale of the any relation of yours? I asked the Rgi air 7c?I: '? ; goods K. ' Between - Boards 7500 Waialua '5 stock of dry in. the estate of child. That's .my pap,' pe answered, lc:: u::t, lilcrc:! cud prompt by insuring in 5 Pineapple 1000 O. R. & L." Wong. Come early and get the my v Citisfactlon Cuaranteed 101, -.46. 'and that's brother." s :; . . bargains. Gejqrge; JY. Jakins, auction- L. 5s 102. T.v resume my'nhrratlve. 1 was hit' Btreet-7-advertise-ni- To eer, 76 Beretania ' ent Session Sales 50 McBryde 3i, 23 Some men are shot don't, know It . :v,v.V'; who Pineapple, 4CU. 20 Pineapple 4CH. 40 ; ' News for awhile. Not. so L ILvras shot Pioneer 23&? 20 Jneapple 4CVi.- - According; io theMaui there COOKE, LTD., has"been'a slash ' nT the' salary of the right through a long". 7 I Rrtnlc' dftwh." ClJTLl ' deputy collector of customs at Kahu-l- ul while the others passed over me:; I . ' . Notice. : - blood, :f:'--- v; Agents; . Ewa hooks closed 20th March,' 12 from ?1500 per annum to $300 per struggled for breath, and the noon, to 31st inclusive. ; !M .annum and itjls expected that Deputy pouring from my mouth, choked me. ry will resign, .t ' Collector Kevins After awhile Host consciousness, prob IUSUPJlNCE CO. . say-tlf- 1 AETNA - Y'ou e will , bo in 88 analysis Beets 11 di; parity l "! Jtonolulaa ably fainted. After that I reme:nter V m A - A r it a . k a . r on time-- thotuSenring? Then rmust intervals of fighting for breath. What phone and have Henry May & was my condition the rest of the time LOTS, OLD WAIKIKI BEACht. Co. get my order . for some 'Puritan' HOUSE Latest sugar quotation. 3.55 : was . : - cents or and those lovely, Califor-- ; I don't know. I remember that It . FOR SALE. r butter fresh r 'i ' "" ' S71.0 per ton. , : day. how many . "71 Cstit!!shrt lit 1IT1 nia fruits and ycgetables.-Advertise- -; night and It was but. ... 1S0S Artesian St.. 11,000 sq. ft (Improved! ...;.i..5'.D03 f : X, ments. ,: of these changes there were I have no 1122 Kinau St., 20,000 sq. ft." (Easy teraa) ...... C,:C3 '"i " ' Officer Palenapa; was; instrumental Idea. Possibly clotted blood stopped r i FOR RENT. V , . w - V ... A Diamond Head beach, near car-line- bea::Uu::y-1..::- ...I yesterday In causing' theJ arrest of a the breathing or some of It ' ; , ; ; . r half-doze- n Japanese and Chinese Opening my eyes, I saw standing ,rv. house. ; Sugkrr ! 3.58cts hatkmen, whd are alleged to have vio over me a smalt boy. He might' have V'r.f,-- ! Iunui, 4 bedrooms, 2 stories' ..i...... ?Tj a month WKOP. & CO. 837 Young bedroomsk furnished ... 75 a noalh i- lated the municipal regulation which been ten years, old or thereabout. Str4 r: ' - v. Sj Lml ; prohibits the'cutting of corners by "Waterr I said faintly. lie went drivers of licensed or- - other vehicles, away and presently came back with a Havdian; Tiii: Ca, J., 923 rcrtZt. ' Bet9s lid LijT.I.iJI - r Moving of the inauguration it picres canteen full of water. I , Jan never of President Wilson, including the in- forget first draft move- augural and suffragette parades, "will that What .; ' CEHnV miBcEODSE TRGST CO ment I made Started my wound bleed ; Cuc- -r Feelers ; CemmarcUl and TravsTsra be' shown at the Liberty theater the latter part of this week; The film ing' again. The ,Ilttle fellow stuffed Commission Merchants Lettera of Credit Issued oi tha fiettkera liocolula block aid some of my, clothing into ,It and Cank California Ba was secured in Washington byf Eddie : o n of acd Tha Fxekaago. day ceremony staunched it- - But I choked again. n n end Snsurancs Acsnt London. Fernandez the after the Joint Stock Cank, Ltd - I somewhat recovered from FOST AKD HECCHAXT gTSHTS and Is a product of the . Thanhouser When had iaea-.;.u(33na3:i- - away brought 1 Londeiv Picture Company. ; this the boy went and A;ir.U fer , , Telephone . . j some persons, who carried me to a

I medical at- FIVE-ROO- M Cawsa Cczaitrclil ft Ctrtr ' house. There received AN ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW ON LANIHULI DRIVE, ; ': . -. V;" Co. ... NEW TODAY tendance and In time recovered. WITH SERVANTS'. QUARTERS AND GARAGE ON LOT 1C0x150. H&lkn Scjxr Corijzay Corretpondenta tor thaAmat J. jv Morgan Co., Ltd, The principal comfort 1 remember In c3 ;'-..- r::-trt:- ; ; lean Cxpresa Company M my war service Is that . boy. I hav.e . t NOTICE. V . , TOCK CROKERt - , . gon. ; -- never forgotten his face and never l!s.ul Asricultunl Ccn;tf -- Thos. A v u. forget For years the' desire E u Information Furnished end Loan . The Yin Sit Shar Society of Punh-lu- shall It HivsLllia sir Ccnpisy find posses- Made . Island of Oahu; Territory of Ha- to go south and him held Compxxy, - Ktiuta Plastitlca MERCHANT STREET STAR CLOG. waii, society,- held its reg- sion of me. But such- a trip was Im- a charitable HAVE NO IN C . ATIMG FIG- allowed on an ' WE HESITATION THAT AT. THIS IICarrie Eccr Corsy Interest Term Phone 1572 , ular annual ' meeting at its hall" In practicable. I was not only otherwise Cavlnpi Oepoalta. : 1913, URE IT IS ONE OF THE BEST. C IRINGS IN MAN OA. Cank Punaluu the 1st day of March, engaged, but had not the 'means t to and elected the following named make the Journey;' But at last I re- gentlemen to serve for the ensuing ceived a windfall and, breaking away, year: : ' rC v-- .:ryr,' ; went down to revisit the battlefield UaJira Fruit tul r&cfclng C. , Wong Sing Chew President and find the tjoy. ,"'. BISHOP TR.UC7 CO., LTD., Fruit &sd Compaxiy iffardl Vice-Preside- ...Ching Wai Ka Htzzi Ixni ..... - ! " I had little difficulty In finding the Secretary ...... Ching Shai BETHEL STREET. STOCK ATD BOJTD Bsoxiexs ...... which I had been carried, Treasurer ..; ...... Leong Kou Ming house to ateuhen Eonolala Stock aai Csa4 but the boy was not there. - Indeed Exckansre IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE if living he was not a boy. X found Insurance mnvireawald Bid?- - 1i ITerekaat 8L First Circuit, Territory of Hawaii. a man who remembered succoring a fire At Chambers In Probate. In the mat- number of Union soldiers. His age ter of the estate cf Hoapili Kalahlki corresponded to' what that of my little We Solicit Yotir Investments in (w), deceased. . thought he filing petition friend should be. 'He that On reading and the might have been the one I was looking Dillingham Co. of Mealcana (w), of Honolulu, Oahuv 1 B. F. EG; DuisenbeM for, but could not be certain. All the D alleging Hoapili Kalahiki (w), of ; ... LlMi-fC- ... that help- . STOCKS BONDS . said Honolulu, died intestate at said boys he had known had been out Gal Csntrst Acsnt for HtwsJl: Issue K. N. ft K. Lettera of REAL ESTATE ! INSURANCE Honolulu, on the 23rd day of Febru- ing pelr elders in caring for the ' '-.- 's- Atlas Atsuranct Company t? Credit and Travelera. Checks 75 Merchant SL Phone 3013 ary, A. D. 1913, leaving property with- wounded. : Sub-divisi- on LenJon, New York Ur.tfsr- - available throughout the world. in the jurisdiction of this court neces- While we were talking, a boy about For - ! ' writers AcencyJ- Provltfenc sary to be administered : upon, and ten years old came in. . V .'f ' Vaihlnston . Insurance Co. praying that ie'tteVs of Administration There he tor. I exclaimed. There's ' I Quick Results and Profits. 4th' Floor, CtanjenwaJdi Cldg. PACKAGE INSURANCE issue to John M. Aiu: .' the boy who kept me alive. I would v Ordinary Registered Parcel . It is ordered that Friday, the 25th know him among a thousand." Cable Transfers MalL Mail. , at Rates. PosL day of April, A. D. 1913, at 9 o'clock "He's my son," said the man I had for 5; for 50; for 5 A. M.. hereby i3 appointed I be and for ; 2c been speaking with. . i FOR, SALE. Lowest Rates rl ;5c for 515; for $100; for J20 hearing said petition in the court for 20; for 5125; for $30 room in Judiciary He was the perfect image of his fa 7'c of this coi'rt the - house, close to car, KaJmnH, 0c for $30; for 150; 'for 550 buildir.?: in .the City and fbvinty ot ther.. I took him in my arms and hug- furnished, handsome interior fiaiah, CO. HAWAII I him. while his father looked on : HOME INSURANCE OF Honolulu, Atwhich time and place all Cd - ; ZoT ?3,000 : , . bargiu 96 King Street Corner Fort persons concerned xr-a- aipcarana and laughed. THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE show . cause, if any they have, why "I may be Indebted to you," I said BANK, LIMITED. ; First Natlona'l tank Building San Franefsco, CaMfarnla iV;cld:yer ti Vhitaker. f aid Petition should not be granted. to the parent, "but since you have An open meeting out the outdoor - :.''" Hotel Utlon , .Trt. 43X5 Head Office i : : Yokohama By the' Court: grown beyond boyhood, and in your imr. circle the Kllohana Club will be Honolulu Office i : : : : : of (Seal) , A. K. AO.N'A. son 1 see little fellow who was so ' 4 o'clock in the - the : : Bethel and Merchant 8ta. held this afternoon at :: . Clerk. kind to me. you must excuse me for . clubhouse Beretania and Miller Yen. at Dated: Honolulu. March 24th. 1913. ' j7HOLUBERG lavishing my gratitude on him Instead . 48.000,000 streets. W. R. Castle . will make an n Capital rSubscrfted... E. K. AIU. Attorney for Pet Uicner. ' V AnC-HITSC-T ' ' of you." v : Capital Up . .30,000,000 address on the "Trees and Parks in i 5502-Ma- r. 31, Apri. 7, 14. PaH ... 2i. to repay Cstlaatefl Furnished on Bulldlaica Reserve Fund..; ...... 18.200.fl00 Europe;" and L. A. Thurston will give Then was I enabled the - through son. for 1 could not Reasonable General banking : business a talk upon the subject of "The Plant- father the To Rales : I iCO Hotel St.. Orecon B)de. Te! irsnpacted. Savings accounts ng of Shade Trees in Honolulu." have bestowed upon the first what ' 36 - - . . The Mfvj satisfies because it Is . tot and upwards v ) There will also be a program of mu did on the last. The family vere poor tbat H '" - .: - , v Fire and burglar-proo-f vaults, sic v and could not afford to gi ve t fie young S . Tencter, Clean and' Juicy. Deposit I he -- with Safe Boxes for ster an education. This did. and C. 'A CHI.1 12 per year up- The Hawaiian band will' play this I wa; rent at' and ICE CREAM. to whom really Indebted had the : ng ; - wards. ' afternoon at the Easter egg-rolli- satisfaction of seeing his Ikjv take a ATTORNEY AT-- LAW celebration Governor and you cream Trunks and canes to be kept at Mrs. It have not tried that ice far different position in life from which Metropolitan Meat Market la caMtody at moderate rates. Frear's residence on Punahou street. at the Fern, Emma and Vineyard, H. c -- he bad himself taken. iit? lolanl Bulldlna Honolulu, T - YU AKAf, Manager The gg.rclling will be from 3 to 4 you have missed something. HE) LB RON LOUIS, 144 '' ; A Props. TELEPHONE ' O'clock. -' " ':: 5G02-tf- . ..:

rr a ...-..- ...... MMnw A

... - 2f Ti O ,fW cV "yrf 1 fxr. ...1. -- t LJj "" . i ) Fit - J " "

'''''' " ! i

4. m ' ::-:- .': : Rtoinwav construction work. Hkr-'-::- ' This Piano has had several years of careful: use. 1 for a new set of strings, pins, hammers and every part of the, action that seemeiohojg- - anjeareTlipjifesul is, we have what is virtually a new piano. - It stands in our showroom alongside of two new Steinway Grand pianos. V7e shall be very pleased to have you come in ard compare th'

JUST THINK OF IT! t e .. .. if-- - .T7: rrn'yr n' ii r, 4. . A U 77U J JUjJ - .... a j For for 175 HA v. m - In perfect condition and worth twice the money; but we must have? the roorn, as.-weihay-e' a carload of liftesn Fianc3 rmd Wnycr VV oA Pianos on the way from New Yprkf which :will be here next month, e, hav 25 Pianos and; Players on . our lioor, nt kzzl one hali of-Pian- Solo which must be sold at once. Our regular line os and Players, Remington,: Regent, Richmond, Packard, Starr, G'hr.vny, , arid others are marked at the very lowest possioie ngures, ana we oner xnem on

1 MusicoRdUs. guarantee every thing we : f ; 1 Ve:have avtice assortment of Standard, Autograph and Solo ( sell to be just what we say it is. We havneve

r Si ... , 255 Held Street i- .... i . ....M.,'r,f r

B, from the regular current- - expenses .of ,wewehl, J, F.- - Haley, E. JBotts, J, : the colony, that is all that is asked Freltas. J. K, . Uakila, Ken.. W. it this year. - To be sure something wa3 Kinslea,' Lester Petrie Robert iParker,' , VL' li aid about a jail, but..itwaa not ser- Rep. John Wilcox, Senator H, iously .urged. V .. ; Makekou, A. Q. Marcallino, M. C. Plenty of Room for Inhabitants. Pacheco, Rep. . Archie Irwin, Antone It may be that it is because 4eprosy Vincent, Dr., A. . Jackson, .Rep. . C. K. la cn the decrease, that the conditions Makekau, F. Makino, H.; D. Joe, Moses i iJ ilWUl'JkJ I ail, Juiiiil ' ... ere improving yat MolokaL andr, in J. legg. .. .:. ;:: place, of . it being overcrowded as at In addition to these, , the ioJlowIng Ester? Adaberto . speeches fromSenator, Ilarry .pald- - one .time, for , instance, a few years returned by the Claudine last night: vv 12. Romance, . opera win 04116,1 by stating ago were, 1200 patients Dr. JWre, G. W. .McCoy Miss on from the tlti ftfi'mrmtq fO LeaiS- - ... . for Kalalahala.. when there and .and Curtarn Rises at 8 b'Clock . Gomcz I.iuJw ... , -- "Salvator Roca"s ..wtRhed to. Pe .the son of In- - settlement, thexe is plenty of Rodgers, - the ; v- J: Galaxy of Operatic Giovanni Martino . lative Party That Visits the tho man who has done bo much for room and time for each one.: The fig- , been, posted by Super- :; K.y- 13. Sextette from "Lucia'Di Lan- - . Leper them." Others .followed him In hoxt ures, which had Stars -' Donizetti The Kamchamcfca calet Lart:.!. Settlement who McVeigh for information FOUND BY. A MICROSCOPE mermoor" ...... addresses. W. O. Smith, has intendent the Kearny; Mes- - Turner, !. ; Mmes. Vicarino and under command cf Lfcut. xlsited the settlement fox of the guests showed that there are At 8 o'clock sharp tonight, and ., By E. KOTTS . ; srs. , . Agnostiul, Giovacchlni,. J. thirty-od- d rep- 621 lepers on the.island, 38L of whom ; The curability of Bright's Disease over the school thi3 rrorniri; for a vc years; H. Makekav, opening with Rossini's beautiful i (Staff Correspondent with the Legls. ODinlon .f Graziasi and Marco. ,( 1 resentative vfrom Maui; Senator are males. , Ot these ..numbers there is not a matter of but a fact ture from the. "Barber pf SevHIe;" the in camp at Makua, where the ca . - tatlve Party.) . v di- determin ng ' .Th Lambardi artists, spent Easter WIrtz, Henry Kawehehl, Dr. .Irwin. are 517 Hawalians, almost equally, n nature. One factor in Gr ,0pera Com pany will ! will, enjoy themselves iaa out 'o : Through the darkness of. coming microscope. mbardl JRunday attending church in the Representative Tavares, , Senator vided between male and female. it is the lie .heard in one of the most superb .in . ( many sports,: such as fishing, "swlmr.ir. .'morning the eye of the Kalaupara , Casts are flecks of kidney tissues wiorning, and in the ..afternoon Brother Dutton, Father Dutton musical programs that opera lovers ' is as well known now, was smii that flow from the degenerating kid-- . of them.wera. furnished with automo- hunting and tramping. There wiil n as he cpuJd wish to . event will hear. The ds-vot- ed 1 tbe crept P orcr MoloUi the, 0'."!! Ka-jney- s Bright's Disease. They biles -- by their local admirers and . outside' cS gu.: u place Ing when the visitors arrived at in can?? closo organization's bo very' much drill crs iad not vlsitod the 1 Jb8rk the .ofthe belW In the little churches heralded S. Jawacv and led by W O. Smith, the only be found by, a microscope. In an the time to seeing the beauties duty.v: '. - words showed their, surprise to, ; ilonolulu, 4 and, tomorrow and tbelr : counter-steppe- d visit X and! cr.- - the blrih of a new Easter morn and guests rushed to greet the .roan who agent has been evolved that Honolulu the Island. Alt wore j - It has been decided; that only at the conditions found on the Island, sr.omlng ..the members,., or,, most -- of populace Molokal. came down Da-- j degeneration . ftjghly over their experi- shooting the of optimism of ,thc into the shoes of Father acts Renal then the saU San Francisco, on enthusiastic day Vill be given for r""" -- the buildings and the - them, will for ex-- pt to shore to welcome the lessla- - ' mien.- vA report been circulated ; casts must gradually disappear. That ence in this far-o- ft land, . and will have thi3 c; ; the '; ; ; had land the cadets - t people.;" '; ;;;; ;; : the steamship 'Manchuria.: A,number tors, .their guests for the day. ;. . cn the mainland and abroad , that the Fulton's Renal Compound, gets these essed the hope that next season's on "Wednesday, when the r:r ' Many expected to bo oyer-cbm- e V of the .artists will wait over 'until -- On such a day 000 and more years of them father .was dead. results can be proven by any scientist itinerary, would permit them .'to re- bcrs of tho three upper grades will Wednesday, when they . will depart on arnong -- begged crumhs and with sadness, the writer dead," he smiled.. who cares to .. sing to enthusiastic, given .thirty rounds each. Ma.:". sro Lazarus wis "Ah. no iot jet take the. time. Wllhelmina, ':- turn here and the tbo yes-Icrd- ay landed he saw v ' he 6hunncd by those who came, kut them. When he tirst "My time is not .yet." It is , a mild infusion ;and can be us V J audiences thatAaYe greeted them dur- is noted, for goat hunting, althcur,.; man woman weep. . , Opera they-hav- iho dwellers on ilolckal were one smile and one A pause: then: . . taken by a child. The. usual heart . Tonight's audience at the ing the past three weeks. , there are not many left, a3 "greeted and nsked for nothing. - They He couldn't account f .the smile. '.You know 1 haven't time to die and elimlnative treatment given to house will, It ,ia expected, be, the. lar- Reaching San Francisco on March beet shot1. off by .the soldiers from cre greeted, and they greeted their Later he saw many smiles, and the sq. much x work here so much work sustain patients down with Bright's gest and mostt cosmopolitan of the 3Jst, the members will spend three Leilehua. The battalion will return weeping explained. 4a. many n expect with songs and of wcl- - of the woman .was here lor me,. to da." , f Disease can he taken with it if neces- present opera season that, days-i- Bay City, departing .then Saturday morning. The cadets visitors alohas i : the rim th-- v Ktrwvi mi the shnre.l and it was shown that it was not Tha Mystery Touched sary There is no conflict. Recoveries will attempt to . secure tickets who for New York for an extended run at :to have a: great time while away, . - . j waiting the first boat to land from Rner or pain wmcn causeu.uqr icara. As he talked he ran his hand over have been reported in thousands :; of have not attended befores, owing to Academy of Music. ' Cadet in Record Shoot. for : the 1 people to so V' . . . -- J the Chudin?, which was anchored m hut was the custom of a a high stack of mail. cases. . . ; - observance of the lenten perkid. i As, the big concert will begin sharp The Kamehameha Cadet Battalion - practice midharbor. act. on meeting with old friends. All "So much work that I haven't ans- If our ideas are high and if only The program, complete, as ananged al 8 thi evening, the management 'had Its annual target at tl.c Thirty legislators, members of both through the song of "Hopkahl po amu wered, these yet or these from an old a half or a third of the 90,000 annually by Signor LambardL is selected with makes. a special request .that patrons Fort Shafter range on Friday and Sat- - plcm-- d houses, and fifteen" friends and repre- e ke boa," which was srjug by the sweetheart," he added, ;wistfully, dying from this disease can live on in a view to pleasing both the - artistic be In their seats that time. The crdar.r Lieut. Turner, was well 6, at - to- - , , mu-ni- showing ma.!- sentatives of the prrss wen taken off male r octette, of .. the spttlpment, ik touching, three, or Jour letters ,tled comtort to o.aer terminations who and "the more popular tastes lor overture from the "Barber of Seville" with the the.cadets .though asin-gular- ty com-- s as records were far better th.m tho IIt,tle boa's to become .tjie guest saw smiles, and tnere l, can estimate, the, value of , ixis. and a glance at same-i- convinc a, wonderful composition, and it Is the gaWcs 4 Jiosofc of last year. I Cockett, of Ma !, of Superintendent J. D. McVeigh and plaintive air which, tho An horir later the nartv had said pound to humanity? ing that it has been arranged with ex desired that noneof Us-- beauties bo 1 ! . highest 170' : no more pro-- good-by- e Father-Dutto- iC. you. have Bright's Disease you IV follows : i, made the .score of colony. was occasion of notes the . pathos,f.was to a luau was treme care. fsl as through noise and confusion. c his It .the ; lest fif- , family , .try of a possible 200 polnt3, which U bi-erin- sung yourself lal pounced than when here. owe it to and to canepy home - -,,v corunjittees served under the of the .. the Tisit .of the J ... PART ONE .. teen points better winner cf nouses, wno Happiness Shown. of superintendent, and the report Eton's Renal Compound hefore giv - Jhan the wo is the ,Se- Mc-Kinn- ey on health of the .it up, 1. Overture from .."Barber of y lest year's match. Cadet Lieut. J. i-h- Sailing on Saturday night, McVeigh Is an adept pre ing can De tionoiuiu business; items go on this trip to hear .from lips the boat that Mr. at ii caaai. . ville" ,...,.... Rossini wen place, a total or Sunday morning, for was paring luau was shown to be true. Drug Co. - second with of the afflicted anvcompiafnts he may rather it a Orchestra. . v. .. ;. &. will. ' 2 Ask for pamphlet on our investiga ".i..: r . .W. W vDimond Co Ltd., of 151 points. He .won the brnnzo v o'clock before the Claudine slipped After tt .was overhand toasts had been hive. : 2. Aria, from the .ppera. "Louise" department tak- medal, silver ' -- tion Into the curability of Bright's have an oriental after while Cockett wonUhe Complaints . out of the. harbor, was a magazine drunk tn him and .his rtrettv little No Hadel' . ' Co., ; ...... Charpentier ing possession of the rest of the von medal offered by the commandant an I writer, who sought out Senator Wirta secretary who . him in the' Disease or write Jno. J. Fulton ' And while it was;stin carry in the assisted Virginia Pierce .. ': I lol t building! .from, what they have also qualified for "schoolboy medal" for information concerning the aetUe-tren- t. nrmamtlnn!) th piwvstR Tnad thoir I San JFrancisco. advertisement. morning, and , while the" bells still 3. "Lament," from "ITagllacci", . kng been occupying. It will front on offered by the National Rifle Associa- , In speaking . to him Senator: tolled the Easter message,, the legisla farewell speeches from the bandstand . Leoncavallo alley leading from King street to United States. Sergt. WirU emphasized, the points that the of 'building. y the tion cf the th,Bald-- J in vfron the STAY ; ., Eugenio Folco ; - i tors stood. on the. lanal.of leople were happy and no LABOR ACT 10 the posloffice., James Panclua, who won second place win homy'and. la speeches of good- these,; that It was three o'clock when the 4. "Ah Forse e.ui," from ; "La !ast year made a game fight for that unusual amount ot ..Liscoirtent was ON STATUTE BOOKS - will they vriked If any com plaints were whistle 6f the Claudine sounded, and Traviata" , . Verdi Wiltett : Gray's Journal for March position' again but failed by a narrow ver manifested. It seemed incredible, j '.: . legislators , ; - In be made. From out o the crowd l a Jew mintrtes later the ,; Reglna Vicarino . ; : 6 reports compstiUve buying of Cuban margin, his score being 143 points and oeneve I ine Tiier. tuaa i ii men. lie making way ship, ' w . - gathered 7 the, lauhah ' were ;their to the The bill which as introduced in 5. "La Favorita,". (Entire Fourth by Europe, on account of a fall was awarded ''third place, although tint around ; ; jugar to 0es now. -- and in their ears were ringing the ago . , Donizetti . . . trees rose the voice of m old man, ! the senate sometime by Senator Act) ing off of the Russian supply.' nojnedal goes with IL: e . After the ppeeches had been said Wahama. who hi s lived th-r- twenty wonderfully optimistic: Coke, S. B. 2, which was an act to re Mme. Fox, Messrs. AgostHi ir.?NatuTally, under thi3; competition, and . alohas exchanged at Kalawao, - " ct-- - peal relating induc- and Martino extra years, and. "sneaking for the others, where the Baldwin heme located, lfl,n t;ii uu m mu jcaisi-- j the statute to the and with duties reduced at the By the j findings of the grand Jury is einploy- - . :. , congress,. Cuba said .that there were no .complaints. beine two miles from the otiier.sat-- - Ai thev'CJandlne made her smooth ing of laborers to leave their part two fef sskm of the value of at Walluku the great'. Man! scandrl he said, way into the,. , ment, will not leave the senate. ; 6. "Meditation," from "Thais" . centrifugals will advance close to the V ",a mere nothing. It Is tnio that fhev desired, tlement, the1 paTty,'m horsebackandJ Honolulu harbor at t " simmers to Tbe , ; j allowed-fo- r a. .. known when . . . ; . .. Massenet parity European beets at Hamburg that the W cents rations . ex- eight o'clock ,.,last night. Dr. J. T. This fact became the of grand Jury probed the whole scandal in carriages, rode to the lederal Signor-Corradi- j W-ayso- . the-- J reported Sen-- (Violin solo by ) " A distinctly improved week bo given.them in cash, and that inspect- wboee ..'.work among , judiciary committee that sconer.or Jater. and, when the work was; finished. perimental station, and after ; . . re- because ot the increase In cost of liv ing the building and work being' dene afflicted , Js too well -- known to need i ator Coke's measure be indefinitely Orchestra business is already, noted in the there were several very much discred- , postponed. No objection was by ?. "Miserere, from "U Trovatore" fined of United Kingdom." . ing. 75 cents might he better snitedi there, returned to Kalaupapa. It is mention, exclaimed j . made market the ited witnesses. The evidence of the forjtheir needs. Yet heatfirmwl ther here the new building 4s planned to be "This has been a. real Easter.' its author to this proceeding, and it is girls, was very different to what they - Adaberto, ... , Eutomolcyr, "was no complaint to be ,roade. 8hd erected at an expense of approximate- Those who comprised the party vis-- ? understood he will not attempt tQ re- Mme. Mons. Folco. Bulletin 120, Bureau of had given in the police court; and th; , : . "Erodi--- Agriculture, Abrose Kahalah?la corroborated him. ly $30,000 to .he used forAbe jdomicile iting Molokai yesterday were: Sen-- store it to. life. '.. 8. Aria from the opera, U. S.TDepartment of tells Jurors could not believe their storic.i. It was a surprise to ,he legislators, of the patients in the advanced stages ator A. J. Wirti, Rep. J. H. Coney,i The committee in. its report stated ade", ...... Massenet of an interesting . trip of, one cf the Despite the sensational stories that ,. . - India, delightful surprise. this is the of disease. .Superintendent McVeigh Senator D. E. Metzger, C. E. Rose, that the subject matter of the net had Fra ncesco Nicoletti . department's scientists; to and bavo been going the rounds regarding a Frr cne-nsie- s - Rep. J. S. Kalakiela, D. Hoolapa, W. been thoroughly gone Into at the last 9. Quartette .from Rigoletto".. Verdi the orient ;in .search of. natural scandal, seems that none . time within the history of Its pointed out the pressing need for the the it cf first ; -- in- use- J. Coelho, Senator D. K. Baker, A. session of the legislature and it saw Mmes. Vicarino and ? Pineschi of the citrus. white Dy. This them were borne; out when.. the talo support, by the .territory that almost structure and showed where the , of old home had passed. Kaleiho-a- Senator H. A .Baldwin, E. no change in present conditions to . Messrs. Agostinl and GiovacchinL ject caused widespread damage to the was unfolded to-- the Jurors. Mav I countless complaints have not been fulness the ' : . , , (; . ..J, , citrus, industry of the .country. on tne pi lawinaK- - The legislators almost to a man H. Wolters, W. Q.. Smith. Rep. Oeorge warrant action different from li at . PART THREE, fruit News. made occasion lae - ., . ; ; .t discovery la . ,Huddy. Mayor. Fern, Rep. E. taken two .years ago. , s 10. Intermezzo from "Cavalleria Tbe trip resulted in be . asreed with him, and iUmar, be that II. J. J. - rs' visit to the settlement. .On tljelast t de-- practical worth , in destroying day Silva, Rep. Archie Robertson, D X Rusticana"; ...... : . .... Mascagni peveral places of Insects which are their t visit two hours were consumed Jn Us $a a result cf tbe visit 3un the da lerpon enemy demon- - J- STAR-BrLLETI- X fly, but the orange and is - approprta- - - Wayson, Ralph Orchestra structive to the white further T. L. CITES YOU ' tr.o- tr. h rrftfrtsm of the dwellers.! legislature will cause an J. Blackman. - . necessary , : '.".: . ; - - 11. Neapolitan Songs (Selected .investigation will be before strated. Yesterday that time was taken up by Uon to be made for the work. Aside BU Lee, E. Cushingham, Rep. U. L.'Ka- TODAY'S SENS TODAY . Folk nOXOLULU STAR-RULI.ETI- N, MONDAY, MARCH 24, 1913.

'referred - to ire, that on February.; the p.. . STATION COMMANDANT HOLDS HARDESTY 13th. 1913. Mr. Devine made a demand pEW cf the City and County cf Honolulu In the sum of $23.10 for what is term- ed Construction of Wc4terrs 31dtwa!k," in which the city and county charg- VIOLATED LAW ed the sum of $7.50 for 1H days'wor -- ; ;. Wv claimed - to have been performed by

.... '' i . ; ?i ...... ' Mr. Hardesty, $7.50 for 1W days work claimed to be done by Mr. Devine, (Continued from Page 1.) nd also for work performed by others,! Investigations lead him the declar- "I also find that under date of Feb- - V - to ruary IS 1913, r only th. Mr.. Devine filed a' ation that not have there been City County jobs done in violation of Act 2 demand with the and of three Honolulu for the sum of $96.25 for above mentioned, but that two of the designated Widening jobs were done without proper author- work as 'Street Love Estate.' In this demand the -. , m ' ;- ization, and that only part of the third appears, job was authorized. sum of $25.00 being for five days' $5.00 per, Milverton holds that ail three of work at the rate of the claims in which ' Hardcsty has a lay for work claimed to have been You Need a Co t share arc null and void. performed by Mr. Hardesty, anl tto that will hold- - Itg shape, ' 3um cf $32.50, being for. 6Vi days' made Savs Hardest Knew v cf material ttat will retain Its The attorney also informs the board work at $3.00 a day. for wor!$ claimed original shade bo that if you that Hardesty has not been ignorant tc tave been performed by Mr? Devine, buy a blue serge It will remain cf the scope and meaning of Act 52. ss well as other items for otherJabor. , specifically --'t- blue until it's too old to wear. He says: '; "In two cf the claims ; 1 tr You do not wish to find your- ignorance referred to this .department, v the "Even were of the law U self in af;w months wearing on excuse, Mr, amount charged for; Mr. Hardesty it cannot be said that per day, a royal purple. Hardesty no know!edge ex- 55.07 and the same amount is tad cf the charged per day, Made istence of such a law, or was ignorant for Mr. Devine the To Order of anything illegal or improper about other persons employed on the. work clething from this shop carries being charged for at the rate of $2.00, the transaction. Shortly after the - :;V ; ';, with II a guarantee of quality day. j election of Mr. Hardesty and prior to ler ' to the most minute detail, ma- taking Work Not Authorized. terial, fit, workmanship. Every bis office as supervisor cf the city and county, it came to my atten- "In connection with the Schnack. suit turned out by us is an ad- casually unofficially, Chalmers and Wallace jobs, the city vert we you tion; and that county iscirent und want Mr. Hardesty was engaged in perform- and engineer, under date of Large , California Mules to arrive on the to extend our publicity. March 18, 1913, addressed a letter. to r ing certain work for. , the city and 25 county in a matter where' he, as super- the chairman of the committee on Honolulan, March v McIIERNY. LTD. im- -- loads, bridges, par Irs and public fcj visor, would bo called upon to pass THB.8TK L.K UKN'l R provements. In which it appears that Fort and Merchant Street! ttpon the claim, v I advised the person the only , authorized by this de- through whom,- - this information came work to me that such a practice was illegal, partment in connection with the claim and such advice, I arn Informed, was based upon "the Wallace job' was of immediately brought' to' the attention the value cf about $160.49, instead of $315.70 as claimed. -- ; j of Mr. Hardesty." , ; ? '' "I am informed the only portion 0. Ai STEVEW - The reading; of the opinion was fol. that To arrive on the Lnrline April 8 lowed by a verbal explanation of some of that demand that was authorized by any one ; in the road department GENERAL AUCTIONEER of ItsT points by; Mr.; Milverton to the was relating laying the supervisors, who were in special ses- that to the of Fort and Queen Streets : vaik and the setting of the curb,-ap'- Leave your order now sion. Supervisor Pelrie, chairman of grading street, Opposite II. Hackfcld & Ca committee, introduced a res- that the work of the the roads moving fence and hedge and re- olution that the claims be not allow- the was adopted. moving the kiawe tree was never au- ed, and the resolution thorized by any person in depar- The Star-Bulleti- n, learned this that aio 'i--- ; .'-:-- Saturday morning that the two bills of Manuel tment' ;'';'. 'm I S Bcar-adoilr- Ga al B. S. "The city and county engineer, in chum Charles T. Moore, C' who . succeeds Admiral air ' Cook, the public works department Conies In command here. T i : t i who has selling coal the letter referred to. says that ;the' 1913 clerk been to the pro- March 29, city, are being, held up on advice of claim of Mr. Devine is out of ail 1.) Pensacoia, hcarried, Davfi portion, especially everything, (Continued from Page whic Prince Mr. Milverton. The- - auditor referreo r'as 12 o'clock Noon . Kalahaua as a distinguished passen- bills to Mr. Milverton, who in tools, material and all,' were furnished of a life-tim- e and become a these work ger, f Ho was here for an extended termed Auditor Bicknell that he ought by the road department,' and he, there- private citizen. . On that occasion; the tour in 1889, and from then on has fore, refused to O. K. the bill. The E-14- UE my Eaicsrponi, hot to pass the bills. - The bills Were At corner of Fort ceremony was most affecting, and the a city engineer in the same letter in- been a frequent visitor. He is : WE- therefore held up. - and Queen streets, opposite II. Hack- parting was a hard one, - ' 7 graduate of the naval war college, and Mr. Milverton's opinion, as rendereu forms the chairman of the committee fcld & CO. - - AND r ' Cowles to Important Post is also well known for his work in - on roads, bridges, parks and public GUARANTEE CAREFUL, PROMPT DELIVERY. no splemn thoughts to to the board is as follows: ; There were Samoa, as naval governor Admiral f,To the Honorable Mayor and Board Improvements that as to the other two . -- morning's exercises. - mar this for and Mrs. Moore' have been here for of Supervisors of the Ctty and County claims (based on the Schnack end HONOLULU CONSTRUC710:J c D?jvi::a CD.V depart- I vhilc all rcsrets the V Chalmers jobs) was absolutely ; C-- Honolulu six weeks past and have renewed . thero Robinson BJda in Cowles, personal of Honolulu. Ct HGKalce ure of Admiral the many old, and formed many new "Gentlemen: The chairman of the uo au11.or12iu.1un tur uiai: wrur& i.uiu loss is teniDercd by the hnowledse friendships. bis cfflee, and he could not in justice Im-- ;'' committee on roads,' bridges, parks that he Is going to assume a more : O. K. claim, r : . The administration ol the ., naval public improvements request- to himself the k portent post, flag and has any- and to fly his afloat Etatlon remains the same. Lieutenant ed department' to an opin- "I have not been able to find of fleet, goal of this render having 'auThoTTzed so in command a the Stevens continues aa captain of the ion as to the liability of the City and one authority who K0I1A ffllS City every who flag ill naval officer Teaches yard.arid Mr. Doenitz as chief clerk. county to pay three certain demands the 'Schnack job,' and the 'Chalmers m rank. Besides, in the incoming com- job or any portion of the Wallace Admiral Moore is thoroughly . familiar amounting 535.20, of D. A. Devine, to laying mand Honolulu finds an old and with all the details of the great Pearl $240, and $315.70 cspectively. v The job' except the item relative to s one- - ' I in- valued friend who has known Harbor f undertaking having had ah demand for ?35.20 purports to be Xor and setting curb. have besn many years, and who although I have not the islands for ooportunity to familiarise himself Widening, EchnaCk Job, Beck-le- y formed, however, stand- "Street verify L has a host of friends of Ions , himself with the work while waiting Xane;" demand been able to the Information, School sin- the for J24.20 end ing In Hawaii. Seldom cai euch to assume A 1 that this extra work was ordered by the. command. purports to be for 5treet Widening, v Kohala, Hawaii, 13 cere alohas be extended to rhe going BeCkley Mr. Hardesty himself. Aside from the That not getting ruled that the term "belt rcai" ncar.t r; " " The naval officers woo took part Chalmers' Job, Lane;" and - ; . square deal on tho belt road for the only a road belting ls!ar.3, (in Ko- PuncIiL :ivl Sireets and the coming."! $315.70 purports impropriety- 'cf the thing, a supervisor, a the : In the ceremony morning,; .and the demand for to be At flve minutes' before nine o'clock this ' acting alone, has no authority to incur Big Island is the declaration com in? hala our, belts lap over, we era to tfcia wjbo for "Wallace' JobI ;:Beckley Lane, - rcrmcrly, known as the Perry Jlome-- march, swung through' ihVmalral gate with the two. admirals posed for any obligation on the part of the city from a recent meeting of the Kohala paying- taxes, and lis c." i t.zt dzzz't a group' picture a . StaVBulletin SLreeLVVIdecing axffl Sidewalk.'' There stead. marth, swung thraT:gU the makal sate for and county. s ;. ; ;;,. . Civic League. The Midget publishes belt our trousers is as much a part cf rrotographer were r Medical is attached to the CaU mentioned de- Director ;:--- following meeting: station, in - the account of the the belt as any) and as of the naval alviuce of the G. mand of 531S.70 a rdemorandam show- Law Provides Penalty- IlciIi f T. Smith, Paymaster Walter B. "At a special meeting of Kohala separated from by marine guard commant!o'L by Captain ' law to which attention has al the Ilamazua xzzl'.zsa . R. Gayler ing that this amount is made; up aa "The rc-- .'-- I2ard, Civil Engineers E. Civic League, , called by culches, to Douglas McDcugal. The marines - '::',:-- President wowonld have tuili is Cordon, Civil follows: ' l; r ;; ready been directed In this communi : and Samuel Assistant Bluett, March 12, a resolution was for the rest and whistle'for formed on the street flankio? the "Grading street, removing fence : i; cation, provides that a violation of its cur::Iv. . A. r-'-- T Engineers Klrby Smith and C. adopted setting forth the. need of re- . "Well, from this on. Kchali 13 ; Ms main to ndministratkm ; : entrance the hedged .. ; . . V.; .'. .1102.73 provisions shall render the contract or Bostrom; , Lieutenant L. M.; Stevens, and ;...k. locating and constructing a road be- to iw&IstIe"!o loud net i building. Soon after the ',amp Very Removing ' 1 : . . . V.Vv 15.00 agreement ; in respect of which such cnjTia My instructions read: "Clean up the Chief Boatswains P.fJ. Kinney and, F. kiawe tree tween Waimea and" North Kohala,' and sleep in Ilafwaif, iiptiltitvo ; command had position, all setting-cu- r fur- k ' ' -- taken its Laying walk iand 169.25 violation occurs null and void; and iruh.i.i balance of block." W. Metters, Clarke, I.,- spe- ;; Neuben asking, the legislature: to maze a honest 0ivvyjo rcld tzzih- wa v !, :t v i.i.?.' the officers of the naval establish- ther provides that any person violat- .'ll Paymaster's Clerk C. E. Alger. The i - fun-- of- cial appropriation for the same. can't "have belt roai 3, wa nu3t Maps and conditions of sale at my ment here, together with the marine ?287.00 ing any of the provisions of the act - marine officers were Major W. C. Messrs. John Hind, A.- Mason and speclalj, appropriations. ? tave fice. Auto to see property al- officers, lined up on the well kept 10 per cent . 28.70 shall be punished by a fine of not Neville, Captain R. M. Cutts, Captain W.lBluett were appointed delegates to - ways ready and no trouble.. lawn in 'front of the building, facing more than $1000, or by imprisonment "It- was the; opinion cf Mr. Bluett, Douglas McDougal, First Lientenant '" ' go to.Hilo and urge this matter in per- the faluting battery, flic line, marine VV-:-;- 1315.70 for not more than one year, or by who Is an expert engineer, that tho A. STEVEN, ' Harold Pratt, First Lieutenant Ross son, when the legislature visited tha below Puuhu?, 'O. corps, medical corps, pay corps and "In the demand based on the 'Chal-mer-s' both such fine and Imprisonment road should be located Kingsbury, Second Lieutenant F. T. Rainy City last week: ! Auctioneer civil englnf er ccrps vore all repre job,' it appears that the City "From this it appears that where and should Join the Mahar"i read sented, Medical Inspector Ceorge , Second Lieutenant Gerald A. has been a violation of the stat- "The discussion was. a warm one, somewhere near Puakea Tanc'a hou3. -- County charged there Johnson. :''.; ;' ;. l .'"' and of Honolulu is the agreement Tucker- - Smith being on the right of sum of $5.00 for work claimed to be ute,, the whole Is deemed to be taint- though unanimously in that It, would be shorter, an easier grale, - - ; -n- eces-sary was getting square cheaper- line. v ed and null and void, and as Kohala not a deal and to maintain than tha the 7 performed by S. Hardesty, one of the ' Salutes Are Exchanged Supervisors of the city and county. consequence no recovery can be on 'the belt road loan fund. About present road, which clinb3 up 7Q As Admirals Cowles and Mor.-r- "In the demand based on the "Wal- had under It I would therefore ad- $600,000 have been spent on this Isl- feet from Waimea and then down appearance, crossed MILLINER T71LKS no portion of claims and, which Kohala will have to help egain, and it would be out cf the rainy made their and lace job" an item of $35.00 appears for vise that 'the three ' the lanal to the lawn, the band flayed submitted to this department be paid, repay, principal and interest and cot belt ., ' work also claimed to have been done gone 12 o'clock Noon. a few bars of music march ami the by Mr. Hardesty. but that the claimant be remitted to on red" cent of It has to give Rev. Mr. Merrill appeared beforo guard came to present,- - while the ' such legal remedy as he may desire North Kohala people roads Accord- the league and asked that body to pe- V the Points Out Law. tla gofficcrs returned the salute. Ad- ABOBtHATS to invoke. : "v.; ing to Collector McDougall's state- tition the legislature for aa appropri- first, sentence of Section 1 of $70,-00- ' "The would prior mat- ment in the meeting. Kohala paid 0 ation for a public cemetery, there be- miral Cowles then' stepped forward, Act 52 of the Session Laws of 1911, be- "I state that to the Saturday, and facing the station, read the series ter having been referred to this de- in taxes last yar, and while other ing none In the district, which it did ing an An Act to Prevent - A-ha- act entitled of orders detaching him: from com: t should be studied for Its ef- partment by the chairman of the com- districts that pay Jess, , and already by resolution . - - profile. Almost any shape Public Officers and Employes from have better roads are getting, new F. W. Merrill, E. Madden r,Iorch 1913 mand of the naval station here, and fect on the Being Becoming in Pub- mittee on. roads, bridges, parks and "Rev. anl 29, will look well in the where the or Interested of roads, Wo are fbotinff 'then bills for Warren Allston wkere elected to mem ordering him to command the Facific front lic Contracts,' provides a3 follows: public improvements, the violation fleet. When was through, Lcuten-an-t animation of the eyes and the general law had been called to my atten- them and jolting over the same old bership in tho league he "Section 1. , ?so officer or em- the At my salesroom, corner of Fort L. M. Stevens, captain of tbo facia Icxpression aid But it is the tion, and 1 had directed the auditor to bumps to Waimea. We have pra it ploye -- territory or of any and Queen streets', opposite IL Ilack- - which a good and of the any tlcally to smash a machine before Wo Heavy seas away 200 feet yard, gave the signal and . the ad. side view demands municipal or political subdivision withhold warrant connected with carried i get leia & uo. miral'8 flag was slowly lowered, the becoming line," said a milliner to a way, any of the demands in question. onto the belt road. of Pacific Electric pie No. 1, the mala wo- thereof shall in any directly -- ,' .'. saluting by New York Times writer. . "If a - was stated iri the meeting that pier at'Rendbndo beach, California; battery. commanded Chief indirectly, individually or in "It ' or ''.!; ; : should ;,;; . i Boatswain Metters barking its stacato man has a prominent nose she combination with others, make or Those women of Massachusetts who the belt road act provided that the loan salute of thirteen guns, at 5 second select a hat whese brim protrudes or in making do not cover the points of their bat. fund should be spent to build roads El Iphalct Butler Gag, one of the V : authorize, participate intervals. .: v at least as far as that feature does. ' pins with some device that will pro- -: from port to port which would have leading capitalists and businessmen' of or authorizing any contract or . . . . ML . A --. wear a. close-fittin- g ... u . VAt.lV.. Ha many San Admiral Moore tha nread the t rdera Never should she agreement, oral or written, ex- lect ine puDiic irom injury1, nereauer. mciuut-- n iuou iium iyb4iuo i Arizona for yearsdied at attorney-genera- l got ' detaching him from command of the tnrtan, which throws her profile into pressed or implied, for the pur- will be liable to a fine of $100. An act, hukona; but the Francisco, where he had resided for strong Also, if face is high-scho- ol dictionary and a year. ; naval station at Olongapo, and assign- relief. her chase or sale of any property or to this effect was signed by Gov. Foss. out his about f . s ing him to command the naval station; heavy-lookin- g she must not choose a ' ' the: performance of any work by, Hawaii. A brand new flag, made for hat with a Jiorizontal line that will or any up to or; for the territory, the occasion, was run up the staff, broaden her, but one' that rolls on such subdivision, in which con- while the thirteen-gu- n salute of the one side and down on the other, tract agreement purchase, sale, rear admiral waSf accorded it Follow- throwing a shadow and giving a gen- property, performance, or work, Uome ing a general handshaking between eral air of piquancy anu lightness. Be or in any payment or considera- admirals and officers, and wishes ex- careful that a little of the hair shows, tion therefor thereof 79,000 sq. ft ' - v Housejof 7 rooms pressed for sucqess afloat for Admiral as it softens any lines in the face. he is or shall in any way, directly Cowles, and a successful administra- - "If the shopper is from out of town or indirectly, as a subcontractor PLACE IN HONO- - 4 NO PRETTIER tion here for Admiral Moore, j she will wish a gayer hat than the or otherwise, pecuniarily inter-este- d. Cowles Did Great Work i real New Yorker. In the wholesale Admiral . Cowles came here two' trade we send our ; lightest hats to upon Chal- kind, v-- tbla. al-- f "The demands based the of Its Seo Someone I Miami,1 Chicago west But ways you. years ago as a captain, and soon and the mers and Wallace work shows that In the "office to show -- ( rear not for Ne w York New York wears Auto to take you. after arrival was promoted to there has been a direct violation cf admiral. During" his administration) more black than any other city, Dark this law. O. A. STEVEN, the Pearl Harbor naval station has hats are more becoming than light "Even were ignorance of tne law f ; Auctioneer grown and taken" definite fornv and enesi and tho black semi-dres- s hat an excuse, it cannot be said that Mr. many of tfie important questions of; is suitable for the motor and yet can Hardesty had no knovieilt;: yf the policy and construction have been left, be worn in the cafe. ; existence of such y law. or was ignor- to his decision. He is an officer of ( "The. out-of-tow- n woman buys a hat ant of anything ii'i.il or .'impretpf-- wide experience and great executive I with something on it she can use about the transact 'on. Short! afler ability, his judgment being tempered, agal neither good feathers of flowers. the election of Mr. Hard ?siy and pt ior (aimuki by a thorough knowledge of men, and The New York woman cares only for trwMu loVincr nffina OQ i . ii'vi;n'-- nf - 'J a kindly feeling for all. Not; an off!- , style. Even if she has feathers of her the city and it caxe 10 my at- 150x200 Corner lot at a bargain. cer who has served here and else- own which she could use she is afraid tention, casually and unofficially, that where under Admiral ' Cowles but that if we change them We will lose Mr. Hardesty wa3 engageu in perform- would back hiam to the last ex- just that touch which makes the hat ing certain work for . tne city and - v COTTAGES for poor go, BUNGALOW the tremity In anything which he might so she takes new . ones. For county in a matter where he, as Su- undertake. Admiral Cowles has a, best leathers change from year-- to year in pervisor, Would be calied upon to o.iis '.; Lots 50x137 . Kew houses of 4 'rooms of friends in Hawaii outside thrv serv- style almost as much as hats. '.'. upon the claim. I advised the pop-so- n ' and veranda. House and lot $750. ice, Who will wish him the- best of "The out-of-tow- n women approaches through whom this informal i'-i-ii luck and a 'speedy return here as com- a hat timidly wondering if she can came to me, that su.-- a practice was I t. 50 workmen to Join mo In a mander In chief of the Pacific fleet wear it The New Yorker gves the i!iegal, and such advice, I; am inform project for, a home at cosU One , Accompanied by Mrs. Cowles and impression that she knows she is go- ed, was immediately brought to the - . . Condition- is that all plant , Miss Cowles, he will sail for San Fran- ing to look well. She will turn a hat attention of Mr. Hardesty. bougainvillea vines cisco on the Manchuria tomorrow, this Way end that until she makes it Finds Evidence of illegality. v . on the lot that morning, there to await orders. fit her. Some women have so much "Notwithstanding the information . . . they biy.;. Admiral Moore Has Fine Record style that tfiey can wear any hat, and this conveyed to Mr. Hardest fhet it Rear Admiral Charles will look smart. New York illegal engage compensa ; . . - fj. A. STEVEN, Brainard it The was to for - Taylor Moore dis- - women good. go government except ;." .5-- Auctioneer. has also a long and know what is They tion in other Tork. tingiushed service record, and a? men-- , to paris and see the new things, but the performance or tne duties or a v tioned before he comes fairty within they no longer buy their hats there. supervisor, I find, upon investigation. v. the the- - having It is too paying j STAR-BriLETI- X filTES TOU ranks of Kamaainas, much trouble the in addition to the three demands of TODAI'S EWS TODAY been here first in 1S7U on the old duty, and it is ho cheaper. Mr. Devine, which were specifia'ly For Ssde at All Grocers HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- N, MOXIUY, MAUCII 24, 1013. 0

f" ' HEALANIS 1913 iwiiAffi T 1111 ,7$h e (R1 i indited by ELEVEN LEFT i CHAMPIONS AT STEVART CUP

SOCCER CONTEST Some Of The Take Play-Of-f. GarrTe from the PORTUGUESE ARE Baseball Stars 25th Infantry ST. LOUIS STARS Country Club Golfers Take Ad- Mailes by 2 top Score.; vantage of Good Weather ' ' to Decide Matches Fast Playing ; . DOWNED BY SfJOTHEIi V .V;4'''! Only three matches were played . yesterday In Stewart cup Joarna-Mcn- t. Contest Is .Wind-U- p ; to the Fitting '' Ht.-.tf-'.- but another was defaulted, and V '' 25TH 25TH the. list has been so reduced thit ; three, 'more weeks should see the end Season of th tournament The Stewart cup g event; is . an easy-goin- competition. ' BY LAURENCE REDINCTON. the players being given" plenty of Healanis 2, Mailes 0. . A big crowd of soldier fans saw the Twenty-firt- fight round, Soccer, the. game that has btvn so Twenty-fift- h Infantry square accounts St Louis" V h Infantry 1. time to out each and .the . cpular this season with the lecal lov-- ; with the Portuguese on the infantry Tie all-st- ar aggregation of baseball fact that it Is match play throughout erg of port, made Us final bow to diamond at Schofieid yesterday. A talent .that is playing together under gives ; It added popularity as local that ' the Honolulu sporting public last Sat-Kurd- a delayed batting rally, coupled with a the name of the St "Louis Alumni golfers have rather an overdose of afternoon prior to retiring In fa--! costly error in the last half of the proved Its worth Saturday afternooa medal play during the year. f Arm-6tron- g. or of the national game," when the ninth, shoved two runs across for the by defeating the Twenty-fift- h Infan- In the second round Frank j Healanis and the Mailes, the two fast soldiers, and gave them the long end try team in easy style,, by the lop- one of the club's crack play- ' 6-t- - -- elevens of the Hawaiian Assocfation of a score. sided score that appears above. . This ers, defaulted to Laurence Itedlnjrton. ! ding-don- g Football league, met on MoiliiU Field t The game, was a affair St Louis . crowd can pla.t balC and Armstrong would not have been alia '. and participated In a contest which up to the eighth, when the score stood with a little ,taoe work as 'a team, to play out the tournament anddec- v I has been classed by the spectators as four runs each. At this point Murch. should prove about the strongest com? ided to withdraw. : . . . the best game of the season. , By inson replaced Jasper at the sending blnatlon In these parts. It's a pity The third round was featured by a puever team work, the Healanis suc- end of the soldier battery. The new that there .wasn't time, for a return cry tight ; match 'between Winiani ceeded in taking their opponents Into twirler managed to retire the two game with the for the Woon and J. L B. Orel g, the latter camp to the tune of 2 to 0, thereby first men but Bushnell, the third up, Saints, with Barney Joy In the box, conceding bis opponent five stroke winning for themselves Murchinson lost sight -. - " f -- Woon playing very str.idy the season's secured a hit :;:r.!- . "' would figure to have about an. even a round, was championship, v : ' walked two filling ' " 1 advantage of every . of .thefplate, and chance with the Orientals. 7 ?.olf,and taking as though the rccflv-cd;- ; Never before, perhaps. In the annals the; sacks. It looked , Saturday's game was too one-ai- d ew KtrokIhe andjhe wa3 a!!, "would run - of local sportdom has4 soccer gained side be retired without a to be interesting. - It was- all over but' s'o.o$rijjMilh;'ltlli!ln .tfM cf 1 , " ' headway, such Inter- when Orncllas rolled one at the pitch- vv iMiiH. ,,'. iwrt fiyt iM, Inning, thoai'iUhatjC ;(;;,Te(,lc-iJO.T'- tzrty tuch or created " the shouting In the second " ' x " i er, surprise of all the latter ' v , , - rQ-i- est as It has during the season Just but to the ' '''&jr t ' when T. Moriyama combed a beauty on hi 3 "second i: TqlCQuallzj t3 instead of ' - ' - . past Beginning with the flrst game fielded the ball to third the . I ever ihe right field fence, driving in handicap It tccafne necessary to p'.iy plate, ' Bushnell- - scoring. , La Mere Xf T of season, which, took place during . off an extra nine, Woon winning I the . . . fc :, ...... bringing fr ..." ahead of him, the ffTTT-- vv,. V, .,r mn and ending inning. j lnaa&l&iil6iaia : V the latter part .of 1$12, tpqifans have filed sto right the Saints' total to three runs. Scott who cn the last green. , wit- ninth, Cullens hit toward W. Kle- - turned, out In larg numbers to In the From left o right the men in the picture ere: Top rtw Ifeut Saanders (manager). Smith, TTQlJs, . TTH proved" so effective against the Chi- Lieutenant Turner and F. ; what ness contests, and have been re- and Scott connected for Seated-SwInt- on a. match, the left Iiamson, Lowe. Ramsay, ago, easy s bahn also had tight wilch Frej-ta- s. Proctor, Sfciaghte,: Cross, Jasper, Palmer, (captain), Jackson, Scott, nese a week was for tho an easy out. ' " soc- been -- warded with as fine a showing of should have "v. V- . on . Cnsl grcca. Cullens, IVaterhoose. - ; - . .;.7' 5 : ! . 1 1 batters that faced him Saturday, and tho former won tha on-th- e too anxious, and cer as can b seen anywhere at second, was although he was replaced ' by Lowe In W. Healy heat Lyser 2 anj 1. - 1 play, Cullens go- mainland. To quote from a Jocal made amess of the the third, the damage had been done, The way tho tourr.ar.cat n game to . proceeded 1 to r.- - tportsman who attended a at ing on third. Scott Pugs Of Yester Year and the Saints were so chock full of stands, II. H. Walker plays Mollini Field: ? "It was the finest steal a bag, and both came home ; on VhewAre Jfte ? confidence that - they could ; hit - any- ton. in the third round at tie t;,) cf soccer seen; Holllngsworths -- Fame of I have ever and hit GOLF GOSSIP Hat, the winner meeting V. E:r . Law-to- n thing that was up. Another the ' and served " I have seen it played In Britain, too." For the P. A. C's Medeiros Here's-Hi- e In Cases 6cn in the fourth round. V.'ocn r ' former work- Answer Several run in the fifth,V3d two each In tha This speaks well far the fellows who did the flinging, the eighth put game up against the winner of the Terr have turned out this season with the ing for four frames.. Jasper ; pitched tlxth and frames; the on ice. ; ' V -- Booth match, Halstead plys either effort to demonstrate to the local fans eight nnlngs for-t-he winners, being' Mji STEYEX ARMSTRONG : Some one asked the writer the good enough to put Tom Sharkey out ' . by Grace or Gill, and Turn ir play IT.;:. . mashiel 1900. . Joy was touched for seven hits something In the way of clean, live replaced by Murchinson. , Now for hints about the At In fifteen rounds in u-,- i yes- dayJ to write a stcgr of the old hard-hittin- g heavy can:o other, V the soldiers, out it must A rain stem sport. And they, have succeeded In the risk Qf, being accused of repeating EPAood McCloskey, the gamest lit- caich'.r.j a ' prize fighters the fellWs who a few be admitted that with the terday shortly ater r.coa, their efforts. . Barring a , few minor myself," let. me remind very one; that tle man of them all. Is now blind 'ra : few, of. the matches, de- - years ago were real champions, says punching in hun- cinched, Barney wasn't pitching, his later asJ dispute the games have been clean the name of pis club Is said to be from the he received drenching the players. T:.:;? '.' probably tlSs PLAYERS ARE Spanish, Loufs.Globe-De'mo- - ,He Is a arm off. If the score had been closer, uut is fact a word. for sword a in the dreds of battles. familiar on throuR and it E7A rived from writer St cheerfully in c:n-Ideratl- large we4 figure about fight In the big 'fellow would have been a lot took Ihcir wettlr!? which ias attracted the crowd to something wherewith to cut If craj yvhere have their jail gone? How the clubs Phila ' tHa dl J -. likely of the gooj v.ct'Jr.; : would : all tlj'l contests. delphia, led around by his boy and tighter, and more men ut - poured a l;t:'.2 over As the of game last Sat- ti are de. droning ; his: "It's not necessary .to have traveled the strike-o- route the course. It for result the Sg - - up ii?er . of them are living and prosperous? v an hour, and then cleared tio been pro1 your nal alongside" you from the plate to 'the bench. .- urday, the Hcalanls have SLAUGHTERED shots. We should be cutting the turf be. askin cf r- K he-twe- en. play. i 7 L. Sullivan, r whom John Boyle were shared afternoon' Tha fair rr" claimed the champions of the season, with the club and getting fine shots In John who I am, whom have I , fought' how Batting honors ' -- greens were grc I: -. O'Reilly, the Boston poet once, called Buy Hampton and Joy, the putting k piling up a total of fifteen points from consequence. """'' v o did I lost my sight ; one ff these Bill" nine games played. With thirteen things which the apotheosis of theorize ;rlng, is little books and will, tell ypu all. former getting, three singles and a .by the. thorough Boakiz, it the There are. certain' it ' ccr; farming near Boston." John Ix . went sible, to "pitch with son: points,' the Mailes are a close second, come naturally to each of ns, and oth- They are only a dime, 10 cents." sacrifice out of four trips, and tha r , while the Punahous take ' third with BYASAHIS acquired by patient through a' fortune and4 painted many a tot ;.the light big southpaw annexing a single, a Btavlnz near the tin. V.v.'!i ers have ta be i'-.r- l . more-har- courso fix points. The Marines and the mem- practise. Having; always found .a town In bright red. Qne morning , he 'weights and was .the only one found double, and a 'clean homer out of'four rains, tie bers of the High schoor team bring runnlBg-u-p a mashle. aKe up ana men u; weui,io wors "willing to face Battling Nelson times a,t He got -- one free ride back into good con lit! m. . ' shot .with far yhen bat . up rear. ; The regular , schedule ana mace a nunareu ox two nunarea champion appeared In) put out once on the .piatt at Athletic Park easier to get successfully than a pitchy that first "the by being hit; and was ended with a' tie for; first place and jf the home my eyes open WOUfcu . .wiu grounder neighborhood .:ct had been red I resolved to keep wh$n vu4eiru east a in. tha does live i;: r" Saturday's game. was an extra one, to esterday afterndon hot claims as - a Ana w l" In the history of ' the 'prlza ' ring,' which Swlnton handled unasalst every of the Asahi team, with visiting; ie.,land, which ia,V first decide championship.'-- V member - : -- the ' '.? -- have-tad son- the greatest. xpcaenr.;6f .pit'&ii Ahe" xception ' Kojipia; wouM neighbors say H.-Clar- k - Fast ad--f iTTi?vaarngaimvnd of. shots in the world, J. H. Taylor, four, pn a farm, anawvwuehis he Edwards and John are al- to get more than one annexing a ... Senator, Rica, cl'.'.: .... ; ; t - ' hit was crowd his feet severely ; burned. Re- farmer at -- .ways " large and enthusiastic the " champion and ismodel linked. They were tha "great pair 'four times, up. Joy al3o co times of Great Britain " out of and means niit: 'r morselessly the players were driven Charley ? with whom Sul- - - which watched the two aggregations the present holder of the ,German4itle. .Mitchell, tv trio of their day, and the question biought 'in- the first run of the gime, many troubles a3 th 3 cM I - circuit." and when , two-bagg- i - battle for supremacy. X round and round:the . T AA r.nt cpo Tnvlnr fnr snme weeks iuug"v uia lauiuua uiavr at of supremacy . was never .'decided tflttin a; dandv er In. : tha once resided in a she? vi.'a v '': 'game Ewa! was " First Half. the alleged ball with country, 1 saw phantilly. France, is prospering today j among them. . to T Moriyama ' s r after landing in his but .From the Atlantic first inning that brought V dry children. twenty men spiked the rub- 1 x : ' "Winning the oss, the Healanis over, had many another golfer playing the game, j vuaua.,; "uvuer the, pacific heir feats were knon. across the rubber. It is to tie cf.:-- ' to-- re-see- m tin. chose raakal goal; with the sun at The Asahis just had score or fighter, , Mitchell turned, after his Idols, Sul-lva-n Twenty-fift- h t.v the ber. ' Good; half , and indifferent players j They were the popular that The lone run of kthe have tfielr offices la ;r tit backs, Andrews started off fieia. ? tlrement, the business ip which: he - their .while' walk .the f"':;'.' d to accomplish this shot with ta and Jeffries . later 'became.- came in the, eighth. Palmer hit to committee are coz:z. It i: M: tolling for, .Mailes. Fol- was sort an exhi- bad pent most of bis; money; and he ! .the ball the the saddest of more ease. -- Did the secret lie showed for a week in a Philadelphia a -- base on they are praying for fu: ::;r2 11 If oriesa ' 1m tri 1 n m m a1i n w right' and was advanced' ' : ah nitil lowing a tussle Jn the middle of , Manuel Fernandez started the V.. r. ir- - short bition. in theatmosnhere?- - I resolve r to. ia."uw "c theater at one time id the height of Swinton's clean singla' to'left. Cul to make handsome . r i dis- nien - fi'"urEngland. - the field; Hoogs, of the Mailes, sugar and all lng public house in The . : : :.r. box work for the find, out,- ; so began using tfie pitch his career and offered to meet: all along on sacrifice, tersO , They desire n ; 7 gave ;- lens sent both a it l played some clever fcotworx. and took w.is stingy, : reAiersably speaking; to mtsre ffluently than usual. " cer- beating that Corbett , him at comers, four, rounds each night They Barney made and Bwivel havir.. all t; . It " and Palmer scored when chairs ball Into the HcaianTs terri- the, first Jacksonville, , Fla,; in4 ,1894, ended his 1 the well the tune of twelve runs in tainly was strange,' for I seemed able were xujt merely exhibitions with a wild heave that went 0 the bleach- fort of a divan and. other cczily A;:- 1 tory. For a time It looked as if the .Billy Meyers dis- career. .;"'; ; ; ;. - yU-- i ' ; - two frames. Then to get the ball well up, with the back novices r in fact one of the men who ers. ry "" ? dentals. , .Mailes would be the first to score, but! mask, and went Peter Maher, the Irish champion, him "week was Billy Ed- - f carded the catcher's spln wanted, and the divot was clean faced that ; The soldiers-use- thirteen men la The furniture has been cri::! Walker, goalkeeper for the .Healanis, firing ?He tends bar in Various saloons in Phila-delpui- a h to(the other end of the line. cut, . must be the coun- wards hlm8elt It was as strenuous a building, but not enou-- cf r.2 . j away Worn not torn out It all, making Innumerable changes, not the frhot the ball the net eath also was hit hard, but managed to try; such did not come so now and then, and only a week of fighting as any man ever put luxe class to go around, s1 e: 3 c! his position was in danger. The for results ago reappeared only In men, hot In positions, but they time stand off the, bombardment untir the frequefltly at home. Then I went to short time he in the in, and it was the general opinion, that .Ude, offlc must have ccuest-I.it- : cen- couldn't stem4 the and the gamthe Healanis scored first Coombs end of the game. ''; play on an inland course and my won- ring. It was at Jack O'Brien's club in it must have netted Clark a tidy lit- upholstered chairs, all cf w! ' ' ' resolved itself into a fight to prevent ter for the Healanis, let drive toward r West Philadelphia, , s '. score 'tells .the story: j me, especial- and the former tle sum. , , - - very pleasing, and ha3 vr.z. L The ' hew forsook . , ' derful skill a snutour. . , Maile goal. Paty saving the situa- f-- z.y the i : Q. fighter was put on in 4 preliminary of hot long '.: 2 . ASAHIS. ly my brasSle and mashle. "John," said a friend his ; Rice think' of the nursery ' well-directe- with Staytoh umpired tion by a d kick toward against mere novice. The go was Captain Norris ' SB TO A F D. ; went a' ago, how big a pile did you get for be- -, a wxj man actually living in a wii ABRH E. the 'seaside turf! Back I ' splendid work boih tloz center. Grcig had a try, which re- -;- ;.- alone and did ' 4 stopped, in the second round to save . ; .. ' Arakl. 3b...... 4 3 2 1 3' to the sea, and back came the ability , that week?" - vK::b ? the plate and on base decisions.' her bevy of kids. sulted In a low shot directly Into the 0 2 Petei; from the punishment that was bind C.Morlyama, 88. 6 2 2 to. play pitch shots.; It was a lesson "I hate to tell you, answered Clark. Stayton certainly know-h- ow net, making the first point for . the being hand od to him: Yet "Peter ws Captain If. : ..V 6 3 3 2! 0 more ways one. never any one, sup- n Those women of Ma3?ac.iusetta who oarsmen. Following 6core,th9 Kyrasakl, in than enougn "I've told , but I to-ru- a bill game, and his clear man- .this ; A 3 3 0 0 one m. a good one m nis day good cover po!nt3 cf hat. Mailes gained their second, wind and T. Moriyama. p. It is not to be supposed for pose there; Is no harm now. I . got ner of balling 'em, an excellent eye do not the t:ir 1 3 0 0 adept tojtop Joe Goddard, Jun Jeffords and device t. .t will pro- . 8. stant Taylor is not so with! thorough-knowledg- e pins with some' byx shooting Yamashlro.f lb that of the rulss, commenced the play Jhe i , Pntrpn in-- other big fellows. and &. Uveno. cf:, 5 3 3 01 0 iBkf ctntof fnr ! "Fifty dollars a night?" asked .the pretty nifty combinatio- ject' the public, from injury h?r; after leather once more into the Healani's Pete r.Jackson , mighty negro, died ' x " " and you have a 4 2, 2 Westward - - ' will liable to a fine cf $100. An act - Onado, 2b .. 2 '2 stance as he is at HoH friend. ' : be territory- A little misunderstanding in Australia on July n-for an arbitrator. r 3. 2b 0 1 0' cause one is inland and the other by "Fifty dollars week," replied to this effect was eigne d ty Gov. Fc-- occurred at point when the referee Nakamura. 1 1; J ?mtlon mj for the V AB R BH SB PO A E ths 0 .2i the sea." It is not all in tho turf. The xvvi.. .tie seems uave oeen in Clark sadly. I was born too soon. I infantry Sixteen persons were killed by an was forced to. censure. Davis for his Kojima, rf. .. 0' fairly comfortable circumstances dur-- Whltfl. sb 4 0 0 .0 1', 2 0 ' tbrco 1 0 10 0 Is easier to .'chip 1 a. 1 ms m x we avalanche which overwhelmed fctyle eventually re- Nlshl, c. 2' fact remains that it 1 x could have made a fortune If bad rf-c- of playing and l yeare-- msLi. nrp, Palmer, f . .2 1 . 1 0 0 shots in one case than the other, but lDe ipougn had prices that you pay. pugilists to- 0.0 ferms in the . Gudbrand3 valjey in tired him from the game.' A penalty coAa fKCTn! he was not by any means as wealthy Parker, ss 0 0 0 0 . Wgainst stage 20 18 12 27 10; 3 it is equally true that one day." - ;? ...... 2 southern Norway. t kick the Mailes at thi3 Totals ...... 41 as his big winnings in the ring should ;: Swinton, lb 0 1 .0 11 mem- EWA. ; played quite as well one place as tne : Clark was a . good' husband and .....3 20 Joseph B. Heiskell, who wa3 a game was taken by cf 0 0 3 cf the, Forrest go away the idea havemade; him. Jackson, the famous Scott ....4 0 ber of confederate ,congress, died, who. made a good trial for a goal but AB R II SBPO A F other, so do not with fighter) father, and the care he took to give 0 1 0; the reason you cannot pitch a colored was a gentleman good meet- Cullens, If .....:3 t at Memphis, Tennessee. He was at- jnissed, ball missing by a I.aing. cf...... 4 0 0 0 0 0 that the his children a education Is 3 0 0 ; the thqnet ground up, and over Lowe, p 0: . 3 2 a back spin lies in the fact from the all the ing .- .son, v.. torney general of that state for seme 0 0 0 ball with its reward- His Alfred ' of but a few Following Kodrigues, '3b . . .3 J. 0 0 0 0. , J"-- ' distance feet. : world he had warm friends.'1 He was Proctor; cf ;; , . y ' ' to live beside years. ( T-Iatt- 4 0 0 1 0 0 that you, do not happen Clark, Is proprietor of an iron foundry fchortly in the wake of this play, . the 2b , perhaps toe greatest fighter world Hollings worth,, cf .1 0 1 0 .1 4 point of comfort the very An- p.-- c. 3 0 0 1 0 the ocean. Another -- ' in Philadelphia and Is a wealthy .6 Mailes were awarded a penalty, W. Meyers, . known. Jackson, 0 0 0 to you is if you are able to learn has ever man. He sees to the old gladi- rf .....2 drews also failing to add an additional De Mello. c...... 3 0 0 0 3 0 that Jem Mace, tfeavy weight champion it that Williamson,' 3b... 0 4 0 2 how; to pitch , fairly well on an Inland lacks nothing his point. At thia point time was called Fernandez, p. . . . 1 Q 0 0 0 0 of the world from 187Q to .1873, prob- ator (or comfort Cross, c 4 0 1 0, 8 1 course you will be able to depend on Is one most men lor the end of the first half. ."y Thomis, hs...... 2 0 1 13 T ably fought ..more battles than" any Clark of the modest 'Willis . .1 0 0 0 0 1 this without fear when you .visit He Will freely anything The Second Half. M. Ornelas.' ss... 2 0 0 r0 0 0 shot other man. was, ontil the other alive. talk of 0 1 a finks. By the way, that word links Jle except his triumphs in the ring. With some good combination work, 3 0 0 0 1 I 17j'0 27 Id Travens. If.;...., never be applied to an inland day, when healed there, pensioner Totals ...... 34 , and playing! well forward, the Heala- 2 0 0 1 0 0 should Ekland, rf...... ,0 frtr qo I havfi PTnln nnd uuuer wu urn -- ftc a m fiwiiu. , St Louis AB E BH SB PO A ni's led off strong at the beginning of 0 p 0 c 0 4 lf Mnr 0 0 Fassoth, lb ..... 3: :;;. f In .his 80th year he was still a tan, C. Moriyama, cf . 4 2 2 : 3 : . . HOMOLULU KIDDIES WILL second half. Several attemps to viHrwiiriu lUU vivjiu iuvuuo reH - Rtlf-Pc- the 4: .i.J.n-th- n nf: straignt,.... active- man, wen In body ChUlingworth, ss. K i: 2 3 Prct rr score, however, were prevented by 1 4 8 21 12 ; 0 0 0 15 2 Totals ...... 30 e0. I I(UI VlUpiJl 1U ucai A. Akana. lb '.5 CAHTTS LnTLZ , the sea. the good work of the Maile backs. The by innings ' . ; OBSERVE EASTER CUSTOM 3 ' Hits and runs of Jack Dempsejs who stood ready to Jor. d 4 I 3 PILLS aeva ' Healanis finally succeeded in taking -- Quite apart from 1 the question 00 UVJl 1 0 0 5 0 20 fight any man in the world except -- 0 0 0 1 2 Purely well opponents', ter- Asahis .,...... '.5 72 turf I must af knowledge that as a Bushnell. 2b' -3 3. the ball into their BasehUs n 2 2 18 John L. Sullivan, died of consumption A pretty custom, 3h .V. 4 1 0 Q 1 3 Mrely well-directe- .....3 1113 Easter which has Desha. ibWAct ritory, where a d kick by 0 golfing nation the British are better " 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 in Portland, Ore., Nov. 1, 1895. He Hampto1 If , . .. .'.3 2 3 0 1 0 Qbut featly oa McKinlay 6cored once more for them. Fwas ...... 0 than we arc,' when it comes to this prevailed for years on the White ... Basehlts 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 was a clean liver, a man of no dissi- grounds Washington, D. CL, c 2 2 0 6 3 tSeHver. Following kick-off- , Hoogs, of .....0 particular shot. Where we fail, as a House at 3chunn, .....3. the the C.01Mo- - pated habits and he made a fortune in Alorlyama, rf. .4 1 1 1. 1 0 StopaSer e Summary: Three basehits at-th- e and which has been transplanted in T. l Mailes, made a fine run up-th- line , rule, is in looking ball itself 1 . . . riyami. Two basehits C. Moriyama-- ground behind We the ring, but he was one of the most Hawaii, will be observed this after- aiaacx and centered to Andrews, the latter instead of at the it 34 9 12 5 27 16 3 dutrew , 3. Uyeno. Double plays Kojima to iS generous men that ever pulled . on a noon when the children of the city, Totals'...;..;. - making a pretty try at the Healanl forget that this club meant to cut cure Arakl. First base on called balls mitt, and every cent of it went to guests Governor - Mrs. Willis batted for Johnson In 7th. ...ret. Rlcker, however, was on the job, and w'e pick up our, ball tbo cleanly as the of and " & cxmp!exioa 3; off T. help his or in generous . coxe by innings: brwi pos- CfT Meyers. 3; off Fernande, shots friends deeds Walter F. Frear, . will Indulge in an and prevented what looked Jike a This docs not .spoil our other 1 0 1 eye. Zkm2 FJ, Zm2 Zm2 fries will , was ng Irfantry, Runs.O 0 0.0 0 D, By Meyers, that never be recorded. He egg-rolli- sible score. The game continued hot Moriyama, 3. Struck out when wewant run or length with a contest at the governor's 00 in having married a : fine" Base hits 0 0 1 1 0 2 2 1 7 nuttm and Ijeavy until .'the whistle finally 6; bT. Moriyama. 9. Wild pitches mashie.'fjut it is fatal to a back spin, fortunate home on Punahou street between the ...0 Genuind Signature Moriyama." 1. Passed woman, the daughter of a fairly pros- 3t Louis, Runs. 1 3 0 0 1 2 0 2 . Fernandez, 1: T. drop of 3:30 and 4:30 o'clock. announcing end of the game or a high shot into the wind to hours . 09 blew the 11-3.0- De MeHo, 2. Balk Fernandez. perous blacksmith in Portland. Dur- vuase . hits ...z 2 0 Z 1 iz in score of 2 to 0 in bills dead. When you want to pitch think Th-- 3 band will be in at--' which resulted a by ing the days of his life, when be Hawaiian Summary Home runs, Joy, T. Mo- ; Sacrifice fiyT. : Moriyama. Hit. you out of sand last 'Mr-- j of Healanis. ,,; of how play a niblick of e favor the was too to earn a 'living, she tendance and a number riyama; two-bas- hits, Joy, Schuman; ; ' pitcher 1 Meyers. Umpire Henry to the . weak Following is the lineup: and do not be afraid cut turf F rear's songs for children, which hie first base on called balls, off Joy 0. Rlcker, Forrest, Walker, Chi llingworth. Time ogame 1 hour by no means the same as cut- took care of him and furnished the by Healanis This is comforts eased his final .been arranged for the occasion off Lowe L off Scott l; struck out by McKlrilay, Low, Oakley, Low, and 45 minutes. , across the ball as you do with a that A se- Rowatt ting ; - Captain Berger, will be playedy Scott 2, by Joy 9; by Lowe 4; double Coombs, Greig Benny. racquet. is kind moments. Dy Dwight, and tennis That another - fancy will be Cross-Swinton.- 1. Lowe-Swinto- n ? ' George Dixon, in his time the cham- ries of dances &'en plays, . Mailes Paty, Center, Low, Davis. It's easy to bear the. ills we haven't of shot: For today take the hint to Mrs. Gunn's class. ? ' good pion of all the little champions and, Williamson; wild pitches, Joy 2; hit Silva's Toggery, Ballentyne, Hollinger, Hoogs, Bailey, tleave to the and use a cleaver cut the ' turfc Remember, however, Mrs. Frear will be assisted hy Miss by by : though colored, long known as the pitcher, 3winton by Joy, Joy Soares Gay. : on the bad. , a is the '- Andrews, and that the cutting of divot not Mary Mobre, Mrs. William live. Miss Lowe; sacrifice - hits, Chillingworth, the- - well- - gamest fighter that ever lived,; died object of, but result of, a. Grace Cooke. Miss Margate- -' Peterson, Hampton, Schuman, Umpire, STORE FOR Q009 in Baltimore a couple of years ago. Cullens. THE ' played Shot'.;.- - 1 - ,V MranV Mrs, Pitts, , ;' . ' :.. 1 His grave is marked by a monument Miss Jessie Smith, Captain: Stayton. Tenth company, ...... CLOTHES Mrs. Philip Frear, Miss Cross, Kai?n Coast Artillery. game, 1 ' ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL erected by the friends who stood by Time of hr. Elks', Buildlna r . - King CtrMft FINAL STANDING OF THE HAW AIIAN i ; .,- Hosmer. Miss Leslie Brown, tespe 50 minutes. V , LEA GUE Mr.-':- i him to the end.. The first and last, Ueqce, time that Dixon was knocked out was Puy, Theodore JHchards,' Miss - ' Rev! Mrs. P. Erdman. Mi. P. W. L. D. GF. GA. Pts. by Tommy Murphy In 1905. . and J. Heavy seas carried away 200 feet and Children. Gunn. Gerrlt P. Wilder, Mr.aad No. 9 7 1 1 20 1 15 ; lor Infants Gus Ruhlin, who fought that great Marv of Pacific Electric pie 1, the main Healanl twenty Mrs. R, O. Mattieson,Mr. and Ma, pier at Rendondo beach, California. -- 6 2 1 13 4 13 round, draw with Jim Jeffries r . t- mane ...... 9 nie Kind Yon HaT8 Always Bougbt w. The urtitoiiiiiii 4 4 8 6 years ago, died recently at his Harold Dillingham. Mr. and Mrs. Ellphalet Butler Gage, of the -- Punahou 8 2 2 sixteen one' f 6 19 .Jm in Brooklyn. In his days Farrington and Mrs. H. M. von HoV leading capitalists and businessmen of j -- 5 1 home latter - i;amo very ...... 9 2 f Bears the Only MtabUshmertt the Liiasi x he was prosperous and happy, .having Arizona, for munv vpjtra riforl at 5an . High school " i ,4 f i Sigiatureof put his winnings to good account He It is easier to deceive a girl than IFrancisco, where he had resided for SW'PP wry wtaniaj. - never was a champion," but - he was is to fool her father's bull . cog.' about a year. ': PHONE KZ1 HONOLULU- - STAfeBBLLETIXl jlONIUY MAKCH 21 iois:

f Sealed appUcations'vill be received at the office of the undersigned 21st, 1913, at Nooni and then opened, for the piir-- " in,: ULUNIU ;T:'-n- chase of Lots the TRACT, m: - v-;:- WAIKIEI. K; a sufficient number of Lots

' " ; : l '. ,Vv. : ; ?';."v - m v:;':' - ' V mm'"'- applied for sales will be made. v; 'J , ':m:::m: , m"- m shall be ;

: This corporation reserved the right to re- ject any or. such applications. If more than one ; application Lot or Lots the one first received (hour, of receipt to be notedon the envelope) will be given the preference. 7 I cm wr. '' ftus. h ' ' r - ; ,f f, : S' t g I I Size of the Lots are shown on Diagram and : follows: 1 ; prices of K I I i 1 " ! IS: same are as v ; T "STT : - 1 : . - ; MT Y " " - - " ' I 1 - : N . Sq. Ft. :Ai'T " " t Kalakaua Avenue frontage . 30c : " "jwutuHf-- ' : --- ' : : ill Intended Koa Avenue frontage,' . 20c rf Zri,,iv : ': ' frontage, . . 2Qc : Uluniu'Ave. . r S ' - .7.9 ,: Edward Ave. froritage ; v ;15c Kuhio Ave. frontage, 15c it ' ; Liliuokalani Ave. frontage , . 15a V Kapuni Road . V . : 10c

- Terms of.th, sale 1-- 3 cash, balance in four years. time; first year with, out interest, balance of term 6 per cent., per annum.- - Persons desirloj to " pay cash a discount of 5 per cent on above prices will be made. . '.. v ; , I f tt - f' " J 7 :a A lot with, a frontage of twenty feet on KAL.A.KAUA AVENUE, and running to tho SEA BEACH, will be included in the ULUNIU TRACT, and : m" 4 .r. " ' - all purchasers of lots will have a. perpetual ' riflht of easement of ingress i - . . r - v and egress to the Beach, v a .' PUALEILANI proper will be sold as a whole, and applicallons must be. made on ENVELOPE. . 5 ' - -- : - - 4? sw "A, person wftl be on the premises daily, Including Sundays, to aeompany c;' intending purchasers through grounds, the

' - : ' - jVAtl. - - r ' ', ' ' - - ' TV" j ' " - - t . . if- il " 1 ! ' - '' ' -- ( V ' . . v - n ' Z ' , ' .;

' " ."'.."?:?,- - "C ,7-- -. ,:.'s.-.- , ...-- , ; - .... ' ? . -- m . . " " .. . i . . . -.?rr?.r,..-..- ...... - ..,-- : r ,, . - . . : - ' -- ' I : ' : r ...

rt.aTVaV TWO LARGE SHIPMENTS icn,iuc viiuiu wiutj imi,' . expressing ten to nun mat uwwr rncuuuuiu i frank disapproval, of--. Doctor Fried-- did not himself, have confidence' in ;0F CAUFOBNIA. MULES mann's training: in.; bacteriplogy. Oth-- his serum and wa? not sincere In his 4 r - s era denounced him. angrily for select-- representation of its virtues.' ' ing patients cases were, giving "out an whose they Doctor Landesman is - : ; riftyilargej Callfonjla mules are! on said, not fair tests of the serum. Other- account; of the clinic for publication IrYinnrtor- . r ACT 21. the' HonpluIan consigned, to the Schu-tna- n V; IDE IK s-felt that all judgment be suspend- said that" Doctor Friedmann had told shipment Carriage Ca This will . . ed to await results, him "he was a nervous wreck and ' Ki.J..".J.-'- i. be followed by, an additional; thirty ntrti. 1111.11 tLirj would only undergo the test if it was -- y44.u. ....1.utjatijr it. uuByiMus uarreu AX ACT Which are due to arrive by the Lut-lin- e j;to him and, with of suf--, promised that ,no. reporters should be 8.', on April The untisual activity, lexers iranucauy demanding ,tne use presenu . n. w.,Bujuuiieu. mi cm tlACCr.IGOn & LLAT7 in inarkjet to . aign release the mule is due the ITSSiPE . patient, should a .. fact of .the serum, the city menaced by treated ; , -- T, Fcrt Z:;;. To;Amsi'JVcx .95.'o'.th Session Las. of, 191 Re a ixa hat SchumanV representative who is arrlv-- of (any future claim against Doctor l t scores of white nlaeue victims, ; ' ' Lepeb right on the' ground' is shipping. the lng( daily on --traina from all parts of Friedmann.. if the...treatment ...proved V to the Kklie" Of Pe.ksons Releasedfeomv the best mules obtainable on. the Pacific twenty-fiv- e ine, country . ncumana uirn--: u - - '..Dies for the coinage; of uocior f """ ' SKTTLEitE.NT, IVALIHI HOSPITAL, ; tyl:-Cr- .!y. ; : : : V . ; AXD FKOXI KaLIIII Coast and they: are being spoken Xor cent pieces,1 sheets of metal, bars o , ed today to; the humble little East Lstsst C ' : : : as ,as they ifty to - ; - fast arrive. The f , tov Side house. of healing. The members A GREAT BEMEFACTRESS ' ' r- kad, chemicals and. other- aids the . Oahu. i i tomorrow will b,e n. exhjbition.-- . " -,-- arrive counterfeiting currency arenow in, of the house staff and a number of M . r - M ol . ; other , physicians had been notified. ' tho ppasession of Cuief .of Detectives Lydia E.' Tinkham. of Lynn; Mass Arthur. Mcpuffie,.; while Feodoro 'Odr Physicians who called at the hospital legacy :Bc it Enacted by Ihe lAyislaturcojf the Territory of Hawaii: : requested bring bequeathed to posterity such a AT 3Uvf Lands MXo tti Opene4 nakin, Karpbvof and Solinin, Russians 'were to, tuberculosis as few women leave behind them. This Thirteeh thousand acres of land in are under a,rrests, charged with, com- - woman, gifted knowledge of the ' with a Lc-!- :, North and Kohala, Hawaii, may LMany . - ma2s on ths Utert South pjjeity in thfe manufacture, of spurious Aaii" Treatment. . jQf roots, and r SEQTipjf . 1. .;; Thcnr.haJbLe. and hereby is appropriated the .... medicinal virtues herbs. r , xv.eax.ix on wen mvlwouku amiciea, won lasting fame by her discoNcrr of &nd Nw Tork Custom L&lx the-purpo- , 1 v ' - or se next tnree or montn, according v QUAirrrn czzzj I sunijOf $5,000.00 ' fronuto 'public treasury-f- of r four Ono or mere sets of'molds bywhjtcb riSJSTMSS 2SS 1525 Priceless medicine to relievo 'women to a statement mad0 Saturday by Land fSf--K- t half and one .dollar coins . are. made tbelc sufferings and thousands of ai,ding i3igeM .JpcQQRaiVho:havQ.liwn segregated at the Leper ; Commissioner Joshua D. Tucker. The SHI J; iSin?w hte 5t , RZGAL CMOS CTCr.L -- women.-- 1 now:, well and question has is now sought by the officers, with ettjfinen ,'brf,' Vivrpr who have been discharged from tlio. .land in been under lease a prosjfrect ,6f proving successful. strong, claim they ' ojve their, health Kin Cthil ClrrtU to t ,1, Jdir was a. little unpleasantness at tho Parker ranch , since Jan. Chief McPuffio. and a squad of There and b'appinesstfo Lydia JE. Pinkham's Kalihii Hofpilal Kalihi, Qahit, and, found free of the disease 1888. The lease, experies July 1 of the, start Doctor Friedmann said he ut picked a Vegetable Compound, ; this year. Twenty.six residents, of the men pakl a visit to River would select threer patients for th v ; ; :2' knp.Wj 'as, leprosy , leave the places lefore men-- street tenement and later to Waialae experiments.' He was very nerv- section., have petitioned that' the land? first IHIo - sug- road Iato Saturday night. At River ous and excited, and seemed impatient JJreckons at tioned,. which 'shall.be' dran! upon "rom tinier to time by : the. ' be opened for settlement and It is they Karpovof he ;'- street' found 'and of suggestions ; ; -" - - purpose gested that thejr be subdivided into following y Returning ot Hilo, for- the RecorcB ; bo. was plated arrest, Victor . Hthe, pfv'JIealth unIer the f President c oard. in, such amounts as may; . a lots of about 300 acres each.' Dr. Julius Brodea member of the ot directing the work of the grand :-- confiscation of some dies. In taking by the Uoard of Health, for the relief of such persons. - ...... :.mm hospital , staffs brought forwaM Clara jury which meets Tuesday, U. S. Dis- 'allowed v v up tho outlying dis M Mj ;.:-- BOUT M. ' M the search in Stetsberg, an 1 year old girl, whose trict Attorney R. W. Breckons left Ho- BERGSTROM MUSIC CO. ' trict, the officers came upon ? a Quan-L-Q - -- for- : : : -- "." r'watclved several '. r;" .: ; j ; v .; v :f'. 'S WAWALU At "Wallukn. Maui, "Mar. has nolulu for the big island' city Satur- Odd Fellows' Block Fort St. v" uty or snect, meurusea , in manu- regarding whom said 2.T FhisNA effect Hs approval. 21, to, Mr.; and; Mrs. John Wawalu, a " " months, and he day afternoon.' The grand jury was Section slialltalfe upon. 1 K ; facturing money. . . son. . . the; he had complete data which made her called at the request of Attorney Gen- -M-- mm.; :m'-m?:'- ' ' t"TV;v':-"-v- :" . of larger de- v 'V: xa : , X-- pics," for other coins valuable subject for the test, . ... "t . "... eral W. W. Thayer after a conference - A.VD. government nomination are beMeved to be in the Doctor Friedman took one look at and will get ; Approved this 2Ut dar,of starch, 1013. v The Servian negotiate persons now away with Breckons last week: 1- possession of from was ghastly with a I6.000.QOO. 7 -2 per cent, her lace, which the down, once to an investigation of loan ot at this island; Officers on .Hawaii may brushed at ZZj with, Jbanking group. TIiq stamp of the disease, and the Hilo financial tangle." The fact v ,iJ a Siss be 'called iirto service in apprehending Doctor Broder. and the girl aside. Doc w ij money i$ to be, repaid within . three that the gTand jury has been called v 5- - a person .unper. suspicion as departed saying angry Co-i- A. months ijafter the. signat.u,re of peace now tor Broder indicates strongly that the government Larcstf Pacific zrA i w - - possessing 'molds. f V regarding Doctor Friedmann's Governor of the TerrilMyof HawftiL between the Balkan: allies and; Turkey. the things expects to implicate a number of Start, in tht. VerJ4; . , , "; .While engaged' In a hall drunken sincerity...... county misappropria- d, officials in the spe-ciaiUe- rr Dr. William Sirsvich, who has Ma-gui- re HAWAII. & SOUTH row,; , Solinin; is, alleged to have consumption many tion of funds, and that Auditor entered', into a spirited, argument with on for only, one under suspi- &EA3 CURIO cd. years, had. twa patients whose cases is not the a fellow countryman lower town ut- cion, v Voun'a Euliiin'4 ' r r.alo6n. A demand, is said., was he . had charted for months with it most- regarding1 whose te made $75, which, apparently .was detail and I .for full information. STUFFED CELERY.' ' ; not forthcoming, whijo the had ' ' ' " Easy, - M r. : ,Ji' ..: i. ." t Selects! Cases. ' ihoyever, was plainly heard and the appetizing rel-ff- h t Doctor Friedmann wanted nothing This is a particularly GAS, tado with them. He finally selected a to serve with a buffet luncheon; Part, of the You Buy premises, brought to. light a sack of Miss.Berger; of whom Doctor Sirovich select crisp stalks of celery and cut Neat la Appearance. Good 'Wearing pewter and several bottles of acids .'..qualities; $3.C0 up. 1 said that she was convalescent and into two or three inch lengths. The used, in 'plating coins; . .,.."".. a nad a record of gaining five pounds hollow of each stalk is filled With ""' V The police, arc of the opinion that month, for some time; a Hr... Stiegel, cheese mixed with chopped pi y V, NEW YORK SHOE CO.' one of .. tef perspris now under de- 4a.years old, and a young relative of roentos and nuts, seasoned well wit 1016 Nuuanu St, near Holel s u v tention, served a long sentence in a Lan- v the ead of the hospital named : . - ' mayonnaise. 0 y. f Siberian convict camp. The wife of desman, both of whom, according to P,rrr- rv accompanied while only this man him. and, several of the physicians, had PORK CAKE. " there a daughter was born. slight cases of short duration. the1 Attorney for" thje innocula-tio- n H Vlth return of District When time came Chop one poanti of fat bUt pork free Ladles' Hairdressing, Manicuring and produced a - Breckons. from Hilof. additional arrests Doctor Friedmann from, lean or rind so- ne that it is Shoe-Shinin- g - . Parlors :: was at -- may . M. follow:- s hypodermic syringe which like- pour upon one-ha- lf - ' f' " almost lard; it t jt"' once objected to by the physicians of pint boiling water, add two clips All work: at coast prices Facial, mas- as un- PRYSICUNSCRITICISE the clinic as so unclean ta.be dark brown sugar, one cup N;3w Or- sage a specialty.; fit for use. A syringe was produced Fort street, opp. the Convent,. 7.!! Fried- leans molasses, one teaspoon soda from the hospital stock. Doctor pound rl Frierwn$:;methodsi In his hands before they stirred into the molasses; one mann took it each seeded and stoned dales, : 6 sterilized. A. physician called raisins . NEW . YORK, March Dr. Friedr were chopped; one quarter pormd shredded . rich Friedmann, the. German his attention to this fact and Doctor citron. " in. enough, flour to make Thcycr Pumo Co. Lt3. Unit-!e-d explained that he was very Stir , bacteriologist, who came to ( the Friedraana -- caut- consistency a cup cake hat- se-Irn- m it the of HonoMlu Gas C ' States' to- prpyethat he has a nervous and thanked him for the "- - h.' - " ter, season with one teaspoon each of that will aid' in the cure of tuber- ion.'- - STEINWAT ail-sple- the-clin- ic had cinnamon, cloves, e an nutmeg. y Alakea and Beretani J culosis,; gave his .first treatment to , The atmosphere of AMD OTHEJV PlAflC L patients on-- side of Atlantic become - distinctly unfriendly by, the Pake in a moderate oven. " -t this the - m Hstsl CtrMt Pkz- ZZ'.l ttodaytbVw6man and two mien at the time. the third patient had been innno- TXJKtSQ I : M . QUASAir73: I-- People's hospital. 103 Second avenue. cnlated. Doctor Sirovien aeciareu It takes a bcrn diplomat to appear 1 -- . 1 1 lis-- J. ' . .Li mm Some of the W physicians who attend- - frankly to everybody who' would interested! "inv othw peopfe's troubles. , HONOLULU BTAR BULfiETIN, 3IOXDAY, MAKCn 24, 1913 r s.


i . : ' ... . i ...... 1111 ' ! '.

FURNISHED ROOMS DO YOU CONSIDER THAT YOUR NAME REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ROOM AfiD DOARD 1 SPALDING ft CO. Large, airy rooms; electric light; low Stewart's HalL 2065 Lanahuli Drive, IS MLOSTV AMONG THE THOUSANDS Phone 4266. rent Territory House, 546 S. King. cor. McKlnley St, College Hilli. -- : .; - 54844m, . r- CITY DIRECTORY? 33300 House,- lot ana garage ; house Manoa. Beautiful view, fine air. no OF NAMES IN THE has five 4 rooms, all mod-- .' mosquitoes. Phone 3782. Terms The VUla, 1269 Fort; Phone 2505. All era improvements; size of lot reasonable. . 5431-t- f. WANTED PROFESSIONAL CARDS 100x150, $35 per Una! rooms, $12 month. Tents for k5344-6m- . y, month; beautiful improved --2030 Nuuanu- - Everyone with anything for tale, to CIVIL ENGINEER. Beautiful grounds, cool and restful ; ARE YOU AFRAID, ALSO, THAT YOUR AD MIGHT grounds near cars, stores and "Pity Safe." Considering the fac- school. Waialae Road. L0S1 large cool rooms, hot and eeli In planning an R. Munch Civil engineer, surreyor ' tor! of sales, success BE "BURIED IN THE' CLASSIFIED COLUMNS? $ 875 Corner lot 68x150, unexcelled water. Usex of phone. and draughtsman. 1008 Alakea :y 5462-lm- . - ad Is more satisfactory than know St view; opposite school, Kaimu-- 7 Pearl and diamond stick pin. Return . v Kaplolanl Bldg.. nr.Klng St. ;. "now It happened" afterward. ' snap. to this office and receive reward. let -- ; 5345-tf- . kl. This is a 7 7 - Star-Bulleti- n 1 The Argonaut Rooms board. Want Ads. Bring 7 7.7 $2300 House and lots, cor. of 7 5497-- w. .and three Term 8 reasonable Phone IZZi; Mom tha Bacon" every Urn. grounds im- MODISTE. - both instances, solves the ques- two fine streets; C27 Ave., A. DoyI?, 5399-t- f. . ' In "classification proved ; 225x150; Beretanla J. size of lots Prop. . , 5277-tf- . tion. Your friend can find your adjdress in the city or improvements, stone Refined couple of middle age desire Miss Nellie. Jqhnsorv 1119 Union St modern H Evening downs,, lingerie . ' telephone directory in one minute. . fenced, etc.; at a sacrifice.' The Granville, Mrs. Geo. Turr:r, furnished apartments or cottage for x dresses. ' kS341-3m- . 0:'..-V:- $2900 Six fine, level lots with two HOUSE MOVING. Propr 1054 S. King. Everytl.:: I season. C. W. Tuerke.'Haii Tree 4 ' the pros-pecti- ve corner lots, streets graded; new np-to-daf-e. k5414-C- . -- Iiyi. , - 5500-3- L The probable buyer of your property Gomes Express, TeL 2298. Furniture and these : lots on Waialae road; HAWAIIAN ORCHESTRA house the rvho ivants to " moving. ' Storage faclll-- : develop tenant of your man fine view of Koko Head. and piano The Hatt Ties, 2131 Kalla V7: All lovers of music to talent y k5254-ly.- 7. Hi. be Ues.' :;v" Jlrst-cla- by taking lessons from Ernest K. Honolulu Glee Club. A. C. Tim Sin, employ you-r-th- e man or woman $ho ought to $6500 Beautiful home Worth double; klkL a prtvats Deicb r ... Mgr., 4166 Delmonlco.' rooms; - ur--' " k-:::- :-. : Kaal, C9 Young Bldg Tel 3689. TeL Hotel Workingjor you the 'roomer who'd appreciate that house has nine f ul ' V ' - - k5381-6- Music furnished for dinners, dances,' nished; garage; all . modern receptions. Hawaiian melodies ' Jumished room any of these people , can find your improvements, beautiful im- The . Melva," 1708 Av. t-- rupils In jbookkeeping. Terms very - , k5438-ly-. in minute. proved grounds; flowers, ferns, Beautiful grounds; everythics ". classified jid 'one k5346-6m- . moderate. Apply "D. T. BM this 7 fruit bearing trees; size of lots JAPANESE 8ILKS. 5499-lm- . . i is sought, 200x400; outhouses; unexcell-- : ofrice. 7 VOICE CULTURE. Of course, if your ad'is not, there when it The Nuuanu, ,1634 Nuuanu; n. ; when the . ed view. . . : Scarfs, Dollies, Table Covers, Etc. : rooms, nor your to be foupd in any directory, d 1428. Cottages, tabid tc;:7 Miss Annie L. Weiss, 490 8. Beretanla. name $190a--Ten- th Ave.-an- Ave., ' SITUATION WANTED Kalmukl H. Mlyake. 1248 Fort, TeL 3231 k5342-6m- . . 1 , TeL 3969. - Melbourne University. problem of how to do business with you becomes really Lot 200x112; fine view, elite 5453-6- v" young Japanese wants position as 6339-tf- 7 A v ' neighborhood; water, electric Roselawn, 1368 King. Esaut::..: - ; puzzling. The , . long expert- ' chauffeur. Has had . v lights, etc.; this" must be seen - grounds, running water every re. ence. Address "K," this office, or. MUSIC LESSONS. se- k5342-6- a. ' 1 business-lik- e little . to be appreciated; an be . 5500-lm- . - And, in these days, people , have 7 telephone 3839. " cure on easy tferms. 77 - - O, Domingo, lessons on violin, man- time to devote to puzzles, or to mysteries. ' ' KA1MUKI LOCATORS. The Alcove. IJ 15 Ens a. Tel i:::. WANTED dolls, mandola,' guitar, cello, uku-- KIMONOS. s HELP End of Waialae Car Line. Centrally located, cocl, z::!. J lele and clarinet 175 Beretanla, v 5501-tf- . k51C5-t- f. - , Lovely Kimonos $L25 to $18.44 V. Stenographer wanted Immediately forj , cor. 3643. k5356-6- m Union. Tel. 1248 1233. Apply Alex-- . H. Mlyaks, Fort. TeL plantation office. to H. 842 Kaahumanu ' Samuel Dowsett 6453-C- . 7- - FAMILY HOTCL. ander & Baldwin, Ltd. - 5493-t- f. Ernest K. Kaal, 69 Young Bldg., TeL St, Tel 3968. Call and see him for , I 3687s rultar. ukulele, mandolin, ban ' Cassldy, enly f . I anything In the real estate line. The bene tctcl, boys with bicycles . to carry Bright jo, violin, cello vocaL . - cither, .and V- 5452-l- ; . .; Beach, ccnslits cf Iziivi: " ' 7v klii Apply Business and Ungls rocrs. Cul: ; 5344-t- f. cottases Alakea i Office, St 7 Bargains in real .estate on seashore, excellent, 1.C00 tU prcnej t-- l: MERCHANT TAILOR . plains and Mils. Telephone 1602. I ; LIVERY STA CLE. 7 at the end cf wtlci U 5 Pratt," 101 Stangenwald Bldg. 7 , bathing pool arl bciutirul 7 Don't pay. two prices; that is what - . 6277. . ;. -- reasea-akl- e ; ' 2005 - 2373. . - ready-mad-e First elxts livery turnouts at Kalla Read, Td. Ten you do when you buy- - V reasonably.- ? r Geo. Martin, The; - FOR SALE ratea Territory, Ltvsry Ctalla ANNOUNCEMENT. clothes. Tailor. 7 . FOR RENT v S4t Eiag;: phone 2$$f ." 'f MASSAGE. 1 Two bedroom house, large living room, Desirable .houses , In various .parts ol English bicycle,' : kitchen, etc, old fruit trees, 62 ft . the city;, furnished and unfurnished, E Agent for the famous 5 ... : : ' 3.35, 840 Barton-on-Humbe- r, Hashimoto, no o.'. Beretanla; Tel. frontM34 deep; .1313 Makiki SU at 15, 818, 820. 825. 330, and : made at crane ft . EMPLOYMENT OFFICE- wheels; pedai? ; 2637. Masseur, 'baths, manicure. on the park. ' Inquire of Philip Wea- up to 8125 a 'month. 'See list in our .- PRINTING ;war; '. 1 on front, and k5329-3m- .' . 1 5468-6m- .- ver, 502 Stangenwald Bldg. office. , Trent Trust Co.,' Ltd., Fort coaster. .; .' . Y. Nakanlshl, 34 Beretanla, for' good MANICURING We do not boast cf low prices v ...5500-tf- ..s King Merchant" . - St, between and cooks, 'yard boys.- Phoaa 3899, Res- - nsuaay colnclda with pocr ii'.iy. ; HYDRAULIC American Tailoring Co. ENGINEER.: 5248-6- Doris Halrdresslng Parlors. The property ofr idence- Phone 3899. H Paris but ws "know how" to. r-- 1.7 o Desirable In the center ' t made-t- $15 Guar 1 1110 near HoteL 2C3L Salts order Taylor,-51- iArea.-ll.00- - Fort, Tel go Jas. T. Stangenwald Bldg.. . Q sq., hustls ana into pmtsi c: uL town.. feet. Price A beautiful new bungalow at Kalmu- ." -- ; 5450-6- Do you need a cook, yardman or gen- . V, . reasonable". For particulars Inquire ki; .view? and neighborhood . unex- and that U whaf talis loul::t T: Call 1420.' 200, Bere- j- Ctrr-i:-- eral servant? :.IIc-s!-:- - ap- . ' Mgr.,- - , ,; of David A. Dowsett Kaahumanu celled. , For further particulars . lcnisst can tailors; J. W. Weinberg, ,t7am. - tanla. O. Clroaki. .7 7k5329-3m- MU5IC LESCON3.; ' ; - ' 7476-tf. ply A. 7Job Priti22 Dcp rtn t, 225 S. Hotel opp Haw'n." Hotel . - St David Dovsett. Kaahumanu St. . 5501-tf- . ' Ct, C::::3 C ; 5475-t- L street 7 7 KInau Employment Office 1249 Klnau Violin, Mandolin, Guitar. AHard and Erirci H:rclizt TeL 5814, ; Special Sale: Floor coverings, Chi- SL.'-betwee- n " Keeaumoka and PlikoL Sevcik method for Tiolln, Prcf. L. lin- 'easy-runnin- g es- nese grass rugs, mattings and We rent automatic sew 5450-lm- . Goeas Grocery, Ltd., Is now Phone 1914. - , A. De Graca, Studio 424 Beretanla, Ts - - - 7 tablished "la 'the' new Excelsior oleums;" TeL 126L . : 7 Ing machines complete with attach- TeL 4178, Res7 1506 Young. TeL pai;;tz King . ? - Lewers A Cooker LtL, St xnents. Household Dept : ,TeL 348L Japanesa cook, waiter, yard boy. Mot- k5416-3z-a. BAKERIES : 41797 . : k5398-tf- ,' : 1 7. s. 12:2 Tzi. ::;. and- - friends are cor--. ' . R, O. Hall k Soni .Ud. snmoto, U24 Union. Tel. 1718. Eiirtii, :;zzz; tctrs thir , ': ' 6070-t- and T f ! '; Bakery . home-- ' ' v . f Bergstroza Co. ma- r i.lTw Clilly tavlted to call and Inspect our Vienna has the best One shate Hidalgo' rubber ana coffee ' - Music Music and Palsili - made bread, German Pumpernlckle, gical 1C2MC21 Fcrt ."'.LssdX3f new iuarters, . isstramanU. of 1905, bearing . dividend this year, new houses, best le ' " . Vi; k5420-tf- . : 7 ;:;.- Pretzels and Coffee Cake. 1129 EXPRESS. St. r 5277 - 5472-tf- . Address "Rubber," BulleUij office. and finish. One tor; sale. Mrjiki St.- phone 2124. : Fort 5271-tf- . ' I beg to announce to my'patrons that 7 7 ; district; near cars: ;1309 LUlUO Kallhi Express Stand, Beretanla and MADEIRA EMSROIDEnY. piAiio l:svi.2. .Home Bakery, 212 S. Beretanla, Phone 38601 , gmlth Sts.; TeL 2596. All kinds of I will be at the Young Auto Stand Treah St.- " cow manure garden. x : every Horse and' for 6491-t- f. express draylng. Charges Fernandez, Union Ct Am . cukas and doughnuts . day. and Just Mrs. Carolina until my machine is overhauled. Yokomizo-Fukumac- hi Co., Beretanla k5385-6n- ; Stevens-Dur- - . ; . Madeira embroidery, luncheon sets, and furniture' . now driving a Boston baked beans and brown i cst'.tt. Saturdays. - , & Maunakea. Phone 3986. Two office rooms, second floor, 16 baby caps and dresses. Specialty cf yeavNo.- - 51. Manuel K. Richards,! bread on 5494-tf- . , : 7 , 'Apply MtsChesney 6493-l- 77V:7'--- 7 Merchant street Gomes Express, .TeL 2298. Reliable; initial and hemstitching. Reasonabia plu;.'.l:.n- -. 2511. r ' ; 7 Phone' Co: .: - , 5489-t- f. ' ' - . Coffee ' prompt efficient. . . reasonable, and - - 7 . .; Cocoanut plants Samoan va Z cor-- for saie; ;77:- - k5354-l-y .4 V7caLoi Co 75 N. KcUl Ct. - . ' Ozt Household . Department 7- , 7 7 In-- -. : rlety. Apply A. D. Hills, Llhue "tavltes you to call and 7;v-- ft ; ' MISSION FURNITURE Clly KauaL. W 'I ' 5277 174 King. .' kXC31-3- . " i- - r Union Pac Transfer, S. j . tptct. our splendid stock. Always . . 7 " ' ' ' ,. "TeL 1875. If this. busy ring 1874. Ueda, 544 S. King. Mission or Koa to chovr good. E. O. envelope a" time-savin-g CS2 a' rleisurs' The Transo f k5411-3- m k5322-6- a. H. Yamamoto, S. Kins; TZ: k5411-3m- . Furniture to order. 11x11 i Coil, Ltd. rne Eagle," BetheL bet Hotel and Invention. No addressing necessary 3308. Can furnish teat rcferec 5245-ly- - in sending out bills or receipts. Ho 229 r- . , King. A nice place to eat; fine CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Island Transfer Co., Merchant St MOTORCYCLES. .. ; AUTO CHRVICE Star-Bulleti- n v tom cooking. Open night and day. nolulu Co., Ltd., sole Day phone 3869, night 389L . ' - p., : k3S8'3a : agents for patentee tf. New stock Perfectos, . Londres, Victo- ' v, Motorcycles, second hand, wagner JLuto Ctaaf - TeL2339. Best - Uzzzlzl rias. Tim Kee, cor. Alakea ft King. p. Inter-Islan- $80.00; Thor $115; Thor ; cars. Reasosable rates. Leave Hoffman," d and Oahu Railroad ship- "7-- i-- k5356-8m- .' V rtzt .The Hotel St, next Uhe :'. p. $125.. Phone 3558. Honolulu for trip around the Island. ping books Star-Bullet- la erUca. r . criers Encore. . Best meals for price 'In at tf LtiL, RID sta:,:?3 t277-t- L Motor Supply; Nuuanu and - " 777-7'- 7 7 , town.. Open day and "night THE INVATKRS. Beretanla ' AUTO FOR SALE. The blend of the finest Havana St w Everything in store free. 1211 ?'uu: X up-to- - :" ' k53356nu best K.- - Royal Hawaiian Garage. Most tobacco, Mild and Fltxpat- - Ask dealer for Red v7ti ill Experienced chauf. v. sweet FURNITURE MOVING. date. In town. Th ucCandleas, Alakea,- - sr. lfe Seven seater touring car, Welch make, rlck Bros., agents 6277 7S T purchases and yor Izzzy czz l: Telephone 1910 ItTl good - enough ti - ;. fenrs. jugular meals or a la cart. in condition. Power to 174 8. King. coapUtely furnbhcl la a zlcrt Union Pac Transfer, 12-- 1 -r- et. k5382-6- m r--- be converted into truck or delivery Remember Red Stan:p3. , 51 n more passengers ound-the- CREPES. TeL 1875. - Moving household goods PI NECTAR. Two for wagon. Enquire . of Q. R. Carter. Island". Auto Uvery, TeL 1326. a specialty. : . ; 54U-3m- . New Orleans Cafe. Cor. Alakea" ind Phone 3086. . 5492-2- Finest Qualities Japanese Crepes. 7 ' ' " Hon. Soda Works, 34A N. Beretanla; - " Meals Mlyake, 1248 Fprt TeL 3238. ADDlTIOflAL VAriT AC 3 C. Merchant aUall hours. H. : Mgr. r FIREWOOD Tel. 3022. Chas. E. Frasher, ' 5359-t-f. ' 5453-6- 1 . ' NEW LAID EGOS FOR SALE. 5360-l- y. PAGE 12 , AUTO TIRES. - Yokomizo, Fukamachl Co Beretanla, COSMETICIAN. 40 cents per dozen. Harry Rob- X5 Imperial Tires. 7 nr. Maunakea. Contractors. TeL discount on Auto erts, 1503 ' Houghtalling Road. Pa-lam- a, ' 3986. 3167. k5382-6- m Nearly all Standard sizes. Entlr1 Consult us about your hair and skin 6453-l- Home Call 'Stock to be cleared out troubles. Doris E. Paris Hair Dress-143- 1. E. O. Ilall & Son, Ltd. to pylori,-- 1110 Fort, near Hotel FLORI8T. : t : - MeStlMm.-- Phone 2091 appointments. ' st; for DISTILLED WATER. S. Harada, Panahl and Fort TeL 3029. ' 6450-6- Delivers any part city. , AUTO REPAIRING. 7 , . Hon. Soda Works 34A N. Beretanla; 3022. E. Mgr. HQS-- CLOTHES CLEANING, Tel. Chas. Frasher, 875 AND BUILDER. y. - Cellogg. South St, nr. CONTRACTOR ' : 5360-l- 7- : tacsv Fhone 2333. rs-- 7 7ai nrstlaw The Xlertf Masonlc Temple. TeL 4380. George general All ork gnaranteea. - Yamada, contractor. " G txlrixs. ciUzen labor only, intelligent work- 808 DRESS PATTERNS. . M334-6- a --- 7 Estimates furnished. lfcCandless 4 manship., We call for and deliver. Bldg.; Phone 3117. GLEE CLUB. . ' : 5493-tf- . H. Mlyake, 1248 Fort St. Phone 3238. ; 7 Sanko Co 1346 tuuanu; TeL 315L All latest styles. Kaal Glee Club, 69 Young Bldg., TeL V? - i Try TeL 1182. We 5453-ly- . music"; any 7 7 the "Star"; prs, Contracts building, paper-hangin-g 2687, furnishes occasion. ' ' J for . . B - " clean, 24 " mend and deliver within and cement work. Cleans vacant : . k5375-6- . . hours DRAYING BICYCLE8. 7 lots. 7 - GARLAND STOVES Yoshlnaga, 1218 Emma. Wheels Quick Dealer Co BereUnla, nr.. Ndu-- H. NakanlshL King and Kaplolanl; Island Transfer Co., 229 Merchant St H. 3869, night 389L world's bakers, for cash or It ' bought sold and exchanged, bicycle u. Cleaning, dyeing and tailoring. Phone Kit. General contractor and Day phone . The best k53SZ-6- m " 7 , , . installment, plan. . .Call 3481 and . supplies. Repairing. knllder; painting, paper hanging. , tires and ask' Household Dept '"7 7, k543My. - ". for " Sunrise Dyeing House, 1346 Fort; TeL 7". E. O. Hall ft Son, Ltd. S. Miyamoto, 182 N. King; Tel. 265G. We clean, press, mend and K. NakatanL King and Alapal; TeL 5Z64-a- m Bicycles and motorcycle supplies, aeuver. 3149. Building, painting and paper-hangin- g. E GENTS FURNISHINGS. liberal Mowance on old wheels. Work guaranteed. CONTRACTOR A BUILDER. 8 Harada, Pauahl and Fort; TeL ' Kam . Chong Co., Fort ft Beretanla, : k5333-6- m . X029. Expert clothes cleaner. Be- Xmas goods at bargain prices. " Japanese Employment Ofrice lt caps, trunks, suit cases and - , 7 Yokomizo Fukamachl Co Beretanla, Hats, yBAMBOO FURNITURE. retanla St, nr. Punchbowl.' Phone 5417-t- f. hand bags. .. . nr. Maunakea. Tel. 3986, Home 3167. 36C8. - 5129-t- f. k5382-6- m The Ideal furniture for the tropica. We .7 --.7- ; ;., snsuxit designs or make from your , plana. Picture framing done. ' 8. tTNv''': K. Segawa, 602 Beretanla St, nr. ' : SIS Phone 14IT. r Ulj pumping station. Phone 3236. H Calk!- Bftanla; - ' 7.'- 5245-l- y. ..; : 45-c- m 7--.;- a HAIR DRESSING.- - Fort; TeL 3741. Bamboo V N. Kanal, 1358 Fort St. Contracts 7 1286 7 te OhtanL The : most up-to-da- establishment furniture made to order. house building only. TeL 1027. ': y. city. Shampooing, dress- : - ': :. 5437-l- In the hair 7 ' v . . . " ing,' manicuring. Hair work. Hair 7 KEEPS HIM WARil ,T : Y. Kobayashi, general contractor, 2034 Goods. Doris E. Paris Hair Dressing 7 The newsboy Is but thinly cladV t - . ... CARBONATED WATERS. 1110 ' ' S. King; Phone 2365. so);! parlors, Fort,, nr. Hotel St; . t But with determination, 7 i .7 Works, 24A N.-- Beretanla! phone 2091 for appointments. 'V , i - . e ines io sen ma papers ana Hon. Soda. : " I (3Ir 5450-6- 4 Keep up Tel' S022. Chas. E. Frasher, mgr. the circulation.. I CARD CASES Find s tMtcrlker. . HAWAII'S MUSIC 1XSWEH TO SATURDATS PVZZLSV

BTislness and visiting cards, engraved ; : y BUY AND SELL. l.ell aide toil, mM at kml4er. 5 - 4 '. - or printed, in attractive Russia leather fail? ;i t;p;s' t!l!KW?,' Ernest K. Kaal, 69 Young Bldg TeL If Diamonds, watches and jewelry bought cases, patent detachable cards." Star-Bulleti- n 3187, teaches vocal and lnstrumt'l. sold and exchanged. J. Carlo, Fort St office. 7 5440-t- L 12 HONOLULU BTAR-BULLETi- N, 3IOXDA,Y, MARCfl 21, 191:1

MOVELEENTS OF -- ! Tlo . y OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO. I An Affair .Gf MAIkSTEAMERS W A Kf T-- S II ;i Interest riYDNEY SHORT LINE" wmsa VESSELS TO IAREIYE t FOR SAN FRANCISCO FOR SYDNEY. N. 8. W. S, 5 14 j " Tuesday, March 25. S. Sierra ...... April S. S. Sonoma ...... Apr. S. S. Ventura April 12 6y OSCAR COX Sydney via Auckland and SdTa JS S. S. Ventura May. V s. S. Sonoma.. .June $3 S. S. Sierra 3 S T Mararaa, C.-- S.' S. - .....'.....May 1 . Hongkong via Japan porta Man - TO SAN FRANCISCO, 155.00; ' ROUND TRIP, $11 SEWING MACHINES. Ihad been graduated from a medical churia, P. M. S. S. . : TOVELING. ' I f: TO SYDNEY, $110.00; ROUND TRIP, $225X0 college to stem cur-- j Francisco Honolulan, MV N R. TANAKA, 12C6 andnwililns the San f FORT STREET : Sailing Japanese Towejing and Table Cloths. -- '. . Lists and Folders on Application to C. BREWER CO frig rent of competition in the practlcef , S...S.. y d Be machines bought or exchanged a, LTD ' '. H. Miyake, 1248 Fort., Tel. 3238. pona--RHuw- General Agents. Ring 3209 we man my profession In the east, concluded to iuua aim an. and will sena to V. .: 54&3-6- , t . : in 'Jock at old machine. ' ' 5242-- go to the far wrest My plan was to Wednesday, March 25. Victoria land Vancouver Zealandia, TINSMITH begia'at the very outskirts of civiliza- XHIRT "MAKER. tion and gradually work inward as I Kauai ports W G. Hall, str, F. Mutsuishl, 1178 Nuuanu. Tinsmith In experience. PACTTIC TTATT. STEAUSHTP CO. YAMATOYA . . tailed Thursday,' March 27 i r and sheet Iron worker. Water pipe v ; I had traveled by rail as as they ; : Sailings from Honolulu on or about the following dates: 1250 Fort. Shlrti. Pajamas, kimonos. and gutter work in 'all ltd tranches. far Maui ports Clavdine.'str. y, k5327-6m- . - would take me, then by coach, hod was F.-ida- , Estimates furnished. TeL 2858. March 28.j FOR THE ORIENT FOR SAN FRANCISCO. doing the rest of my journey on horse- III San Francisco Shinyo Manx, T..K. Korea (via Manila). ....Mar. 21 China ...... "..Mar. 1 8 8IGN back to 1 pro- 1 PAINTING. the settlement where K. S. S. .. Siberia Apr. 4 Manchuria ...... '.....Mar. 25 Sing Kee, 1044 Nuuanu; Tel 2990. posed locate, 1 met a man - : 28 11 Ua to when also Saturday, March China (via Manila).... .Apr. .Nile . 8 1 ...... ,,. Jkpr. Cao. Talt,174 8. King. 174, Rear ' ports--ilaun- a Tel Tinsmith,' plumber, , hardware, etc mounted; who asked: , IIolo via way .Kea, (via Manila). Apr. 18 .; k5333-6m- . Manchuria Mongolia ...... Apr. 15 ' Pacific m -- Union Transfer. ' k53S2-e- ; -- :, . 1 Be you a doctor? . . str. rr .Kile Xvia Manila)...... May Persia ' ; , ...... May f CO , I .am; but why .did you suspect me Sunday, March .30 Mongolia ...... May 9 Korea 13 H. Yataamoto. 82 S. King; Phone 120 LOTS .40 by feet for ports ...... May ' ale' Kali hi, right on to be such?" Maui, Molokai and Lanai Persia (via Manila)..... May 30 Siberia ...... May 27 SlttS. Can furnish best references. at Klnf '". Street, near the Kalihi bridge. A lot of us 4s out huntln Mikahala. Korea June 6 China k...... June 3 Tdida't u, Kauai ports-Kina- stir; ,, Siberia 20 Manchuria 10 TYPEWRITERS. Plces range from $350 to 1500 fer a sawbones, and we allowed we'd Maiii ...... June ...... June 75 ': ports Claudine, str. . ; Nile June 24 Wofl Lul So N. Hotel 8L Tel a lot ask every . man W met: . leastways, ' s . 'Monday, March 31. Rebuilt Underwofcds, .Visible Reralng-- 1033. stlmates submitted. v every man as looked as if he mought ' f For general Information apply te k5391-C- -- ,:' Liberal discount will be al San Francisco Sierra, O. S. 8. Ions, L.C. Smiths, Olivers. Yosts, be in n perfessional business." ; lowed. for cash. V Monarchs, . Smith Premier, Fox, "Well, can 1 do you? H. Haokfold s Co., Ltd. Amenta ' what for etc Every" machine guaranteed. f VESSELS TO nEPABT: Terms are very easy. ' "Jim Tuwner and'Cy Hardwlck Is ? ... Typewriters rented; all 4 makes, 65 ' k5385-6m- . goin to iav'e a shootin' match. They're j : Monday, March 24 t N. King StPtone 1517. . Inquire f goln to da it up In , grand style. That Maui ports Claudine, str., 5 p. m. ' is, they 'hain't goln' to shoot on sight, Tuesday, March 25. ; ! GASOLINE but by regular agreement. In all these Victoria and Vancouver MaramaJ - hlgh-mucky-mu- ck ' ' Emma - ."" f rta Pioneer, Beretanla and affairs it seems they C A. S S - TOf0' mm Ao . M. msm 't Eta.; hone 1125." Clother cleaned, must have a doctor along Ox em,up San Francisco Manchuria, pressed and dyed, ' WorlcalJ for 25c per gallon tf they don't get killed. I don't see any " ' . , 6277 ports Mexl jabove Company and delivered. . t ',: Kalihi Poi use In such a feller, cause In this here Sallna Cluz via island' v Btnamers of the wni call at aad llemelsJa a can,; A.-I- I. i X - ' territory . when there's any shootin' S. S. , v about the dates mentioned belowt . . rtzz Chocgr 35 8. Kicg, cat. TJetneL Mau"ha - first IIilo viaway , ports Kea; ' quality and. workman- goln on the man. as don't draw : ' " 'Cut TaaterbH - .FOR THE ORIENT. FOR SAN ' str., 10 a. nt , FRANCISCO Kktn, guaranteed." Von - Young Factory usually: gets killed. This way, please." " - Tit' flamm : Maui, Molokai amf Lanai ports S. S. Shinyo Maru v.... Mar. 23 S. S. Chiyo Mam...... Apr. 1 ... The man had turned and was riding m.:- ' ' -, " S. S. Chiyo April 25 S. S. 22 Alikaliala,' str., 5 p. " . Maru...... Nippon Maru..... Apr. Co.. Ltd. beside me. when we reached a road VS. S. Nippon May 16 targ Chan, McCandlees Bldg. Hlgn-- i Kauai ports Niihau, str., 5 pu m." Maru...... S. S. Tenyo Maru...... April 23 1 crossing the one . we were oil, and he ' S. S. Tenyo, Maru.. May 23 S. May. 20 , and flan-- . Kauai ports Kinau, 5 p. m. i.... S. Shinyo Maru...... claxi .work. White duck Honolulu, TH. singular st, 13 m led. the way Into It was a Shinyo Maru June S. S. Shryo Maru 17 : reli a pecialty. ,M337-6- Land Co., Ltd. It Wednesday, March 28 ? SS...... June f In which to begiri professional ; case' a Sydney via Suva- - and Aucklan- d- "Up-to-da- te beginners "be choosers. Cmll a.t Jianlla, omlttlnx ea.ll at hanarhaL Ton Sang, 22 S.. Hotel;; career but can't Zealandia, C. A. S. S. f n Tailor. Imported .woolen suitings. Besides, I had come 'west partly to see San Francisco Wilhelmlna, M. N. ' ; K CASTLE LIMITED, Ilcrcl-- Fit guaranteed, k5301r6m. ' or to 3 little of western Jlfe, so I made no S. S., 10 a. m. i 6 C00KEr 5:nt3, r a." PiibKcity : objection to going where "my guide took 4 - Thursday, March 27 Chong, 1126 Nuuanu, Merchant i' Tat Preccribero me. As we rode along I was curious Kauai potts W. G. Hall, str., 5 p. I Tailor. Satisfaction guaranteed. ' - affair. In m. .' v-" r:. ', : .a' Doctors of Business Ills". enough about the cause of the. : v which I was to officiate professionally ; Maul ports Claudine, -- str., 5 p. m. ' " - The CHAS JL FRAZIER CO. to ask my conductor for the facts. ; Friday, March 28 ' -- - ' "Oh, It's about a 'gal. Turner he Hongkong via Japan porta-TShln- yo MafconJavig ation Company Maru, K. - . ' T. K, S. S. ' 1 seen her at a dance In a ba.rn and tnk ' Kona and Kan ' ports Mauna Loa, he , her ' ' it Into his head that wanted ; .; "; : I seen ner str., noon. ;: :' "The Everyday Article" powerful bad. Hardwlck he Puget Sound Karpak, Ger str Hcr,:!u:u inuie team, he k Direct Service Between San Francisco zni ridln behind-- a ' and -- ' Saturday;'March 29 r in Furniture at . wanted her They was both drink. FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR SAN FHAf-fCIIC-O loo. . Hilo vla'Lahaina Mauna Kea str., told and . . In' together at the Alhambra S p. m. , , . ,r 'S. S. Honolulan Mar. 25 , S. S. Wilhelmlna 23 AND REAL E3TAT3 each how much they wanted this Monday, 31 ...... Mar. - other March S. S. Lurlme April 8 i S. HorioluTan 1 - ViV..i,'. S. BAILEY'S same gal, and they got Into a dispute Seattle Dix, U. S. A. T-;.- : -- .I.i.Aprll OLIVER LANIINO .8.8.- Wilhelmlna ...... April 15 S. S. Lurline April 15 ""V' a they came to a Maui ports Claudine, 5 p. m I her, but before str.r I S about S. H 0 no u , . , Ap r. 22 . S. S . . . . Apr. 23 M ' - S.. anV.i'. Wilhelmlna Uerchaat Street dra a gambler from Georgia he said Kauai ports Nocau, str., 5 p. m warn't respectable to fight, about a H I LON IAN" sails from Seattle for Honolulu on or about MATCH it SS. - ' ' LEADING HAT CLEANERS lady In a saloon'nohow. He advised JLUES ..' 22nd.'' .: . t - 7 W b up . , - " ; Fort' Street, Opposite Convent If the .lady was t)e mixed in : Tor further particulars apply te A FOR SALE 'em Mails are due from, the following cleaned and an appointment. 1 All kinds' of Hats the matter io make : ' points as follows: . , Blocked ' decent way So CASTLE a COOKE, LTD., Gcn;rd ,;:r.!:, I.':.-.-:' to do the shootin In a San Francisco--HonoTula- Mar. 25. i . Called Delivered : V ' ought for and $100 Lot 50x100, Kaploiani Park they axed him how lt liad to Vlctoriac-Zealan-dia, Mar. 26. v. - : ; We sell the latest styles of . ' ,Ruger. done, offered .to manage it - Addition, ForJ be and he Colonies Marama; Mar. 25. : Men's Hats ( jr. Pi fer em. He alkwed each man must Yokohama-r-Manchnrl- a, Mar. 25. '.'.AIL-LI- . n- - CANADIAN AUSTRALASIAN 'ROYAL f !i Id $350 Lot 40x85 nr. School St. and have a second, as he called and i .i it .Mails will depari for the following For Suva, Auckland & Sydney: For VictorIa.&Vanc5UYer, D.CM sane. Asylum Rd.; fine view. there must be a surgeon on Tiand. So points as follows: .; , ;V;, thE S 450 Corner. Lot 41x90 !end (of. Kuha. a lot of us fellers who was curous to Yokohama Shinyo Maru, Mar. 28. SS. Zealandia ...... Mar. 25 8. S. Marama ...... f.!ir. Zl - wai Lane. .Plenty business for see haw one of 'em fine feathered Vancouver Marama, Mar. 25. .'8. S., Marama . .Apr. 23 8. S. Makura ...... Apr. Z2 Zealandia, S. S. Makura...'W May .'21: S. S. Niagara May Z") ; good store. . shootin matcfieTs was done . said we Colonies 'Mar. 26. .'':'.. Crossroads DooRshop. " ': . j.... didn't mind helpinV So the Georgia San Francisco Manchuria, Mar. 25. S. S. Niagara June 13 S. 5. Marama ...... ,Jun; U : Limited hunt-u- a surgeon. TH E0, D AVIES & CO LTD., G Efi EH AL ' ' man sent us off to ft. AC2."T: , P. E. R. STJRAUCH. I asked him If the lady, had shown TBA3fSP0KT SERVICE t ALEXANDER YOUNG BUILDING any preference to either Of: the dispu- " Logans from Honolulu for San Fran- AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- Everything in Books" ffalty; Rnndlne. Street - N t;.'Kls tants, to which be replied: ; . cisco, March 17. " STEAMSHIP COMPANY v ' -- sailed " ; She . couldn't very well show; any Sherman, from Honolulu, for' Guam VI FROM EWV0RK TO IIOX0LI I.U - - We carry the mosf complete line of preference when she'd never .'seen and Manila, aiTived Mar. "3. ' ' ' Via Tehuantepec every sixth day Freight received at all times at - HOUSE, FURNISHING GOODS either of 'em, lenstaways to know 'em Warren, statidnedf at the Phillppln'es. .the Company's wharf, st Street, South Brooklyn. . V--, - : "Sartin Thomas, from Manila, r ' In the City ag'in. she hadn't never said a Honolulu for ; FKO-- V SEATTLE OK TAC03I A 1411 ' " TO HOOEl LU DIRECT iiiriv s iiiii rvunH irr. " 23. ' ; -- word to either of . 'em." ' ; sailed March N - SAIUXaEVEUY : " : ' ' ELEVE5T1I UAY ' "BEST IN THE JIARKET . to-fflg- ht Dix, at Honolulu,' Mar. 2L "And they are going . for a r Kor further information apply to H. HACKFELD & c6 Ltd, V ' woman' who doesn't even know them?" Sheridan sailed ,frbm Honolulu for ; : ' Francisco, 25 c. P. MORSE, General Feight Agent. & JAMES .GUILD CQ. "Sartlnl How would they decide the San arrived Jan. HEHRY MAY CO. -- : ; matter without a fight?" 4 PHONE 1271 - t PASSEJfGEES BOOKER "What matter?". .. v t "Waal, I dunno 'bout that " In this t Per str. Mauna Kea," for Hilo, via Oahu GailtvayTfm Table OURISTS, returning, east' shoull TAI8HO VULCANIZING CO LTD. yere territory we hain't so particular way ports, March 22. H. O, Harwell, consider, the Feather River routs Auto, JMotorcyele and Bicycle what we fight'abput; it's the vfightln' J. W. Eddy, Ir. and Mrs. Frendo, Miss Tires ' .. j;, V" OUTWARD . . Langdtm, - ' - ; r s 'Also Tube Repairing " that counts." . W. Mr. and- Mrs. F. F. because of quick time, uncxccllei In due time we reached, a hamlet LewiSi J. W. Stacker, H. O. Wood, For Walanae,' Wiiaiua, .Kah'uku and service and extra baggage allowance 180 Merchant, nr. Alakea TeL 1117 composed of four or five cabins, where Mrs. B. Von Damrh, Mrs. Wm. McKay, Way stations8:l a..m., p; m. "JT '30 when booking are mado with local, ' J. A. Iwain, Mrs. J. Curey, D. IL 1 For , Pearl City' Way " Ewa Mni and ": 8 SAIKI. Mgr. we "halted, and a man came out -' " Thorn, Mr.' and Mrs A. C, Ross, Mr. Stationsr-- f 7:30 a. m,-- ; 9:15 agents. ': . . ' "Have yo" . got a eu'geon?" be in., i E. NelsQn, ; 11:30 L drawled. and Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. am., 2:i5 p. m, 3:20 p. m RiounrLY nun czmz C. F. Unrath. 5:15 J9:3p p. m. yere gentleman Is one pm kn.;.tll:l5 j; PBED. L. WALDKON, LTD. This o' that Kinau1, Lelehua-r-.10:2- 0 PASSENGERS ABB1YEB ' Per str. for Kauai ports, For Wahiawa arh' description. ; - ::.. ; . AGENTS , . March 25. Mrs.' Geo. R. E art, Mrs. a, m., t2:40 p. m 5:oo p. in-ll:- 00 any Du-mon- U. S. Thomas, from San 'Wai, I don't know as he'll be Jno. Gribbe, Mrs. Ii. tfressaty, IjV t, P. m. Per A. T. ' WESTERN PACIFIO RAI& - use since and Cy insist . PACIFIC ENGlfiEERIIiQ Francisco, JMarch 22. Mrs. A. C. that both Jim Miss Welsh, Mrs.HrAnderman, .- INWARD. v ; r Chit-t- y, used to : WAY COMPANY ' WAS AWARDED niOHEST H050BS Baldwin, S. II. Bell, Capt. W. D. on the kind of ,n deal they're Master Danford, Mrs. Vim. Danford, Arrive Honolulu from Kahnku Wal-alu- a ' chil-dren:(C- apt COMPAfJY. LTD. , : Cavalry, wife in" emptyln' all 3. K. Farley, W. II. Rico, Mrs." J. F. Waiauae-r-8:3- 6 -- 4th and three thatxls, and J.' " At the recent California : startln and a. nL, 5:3I - ' State Fort near Queen. Consulting, Designing and Con- W.' G. Doaner 2.rth Inf.; thelr gun barrels Into each other. Hut, Armstrong, Mrs. ; A; E. Potter, m-- X Fair held at Sacramento: : P. structing Engineers. ' A OOLD AWARD Frederick Donnelly, E. F. Ely and since it's to be done accordin to .rule, Mrs. W. IV Filler. :', Arrive Honolulu from Ewa Mill and Bridges, Buildings, Concrete Strnc" 1 BLUE RIBBON AWARD and wife, Mrs. J, G. Galbraith, Mrs. It. we must have a su'geon. Come In, Per str. Mikahala, for Maui and" Mo- Pearl City 17:45 a. m., 8:36 a. m., A MODERN GALVANIZING PLANT tnres, Steel .Structures, Sanitary Sys- A CASH PRIZE P. Harbold and three children; 1p Lt. doctor, and take somep'n to git the lokai ports, March '25. Henry Davis. ll;i)2 a. m.; :20 p. m.. 4:25 p. m D . D. 23th Infantry, wife Per sfmr. W. G. Ifall p. m., tems, Reports and Estimates on Pro- Hay, and dust outen your throat v for Kauai 5:32 7;30 p. st. NOW READY FOR SERVICE jects. Phone 1045. child; CapL Lv R. HplbYook, 4th Cav- ports, March 27 F Holmes. F. Broad- - Arrive Honoluju from Wahiawa alry, wife and three children ; H. L. ' E. Udgate, and LeUehua 3:13 a. m.vtl:55 p. a., that the principals were only waiting , ., T ' T Lee, M. Maloney, Capt. K, Masee; ; n 4:01 p. m.. 7:10 p. m,: ; E. . o ic Wisnam, HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. GEORGE V. JAKINS judge advocate and wife; 1st. Lt. L. for a surgeon to begin the fight, I de Blanch Wishard, Violet Madden.vE. NTh Haleiwa a ' ; Limited, twd hour " my clined to get the dust out of . first-clas- s C. Mudd, medical 'corps; 1st Lt E. Wilcox, James Hind, Miss K.: Wilcox, train (only tickets honored) Honolulu. , . ; Auctioneer and Commission G. MctHeave,; 25th Inf.; Miss M. Mc-Closk- ey, throat, since I might be needed, and Mis.E. Low. "' r leaves Honolulu every Sunday at 8:3C r Agent. -- !.: Major Preston;" James A. liquor would not Improve any skill I Ycv str. Kilauea, for Kona and Kau P9. m.. for Haleiwa Hotel ret iiminsr ar. bulldingv lots "on near car Phillips, wife and child; Ma j. G. 1I might possess. All were very much ports, March 28. C. W. Asliford, E. rives In Honolulu at 1010 p. m. The Fine aid Sachs Block 75 Beretanla St. re- stops Just-opene- Preston, 4th Cavalry,' wife and two .find a man. who ever Miss C. Case, Limited only at Pearl City 'line In the d astonished to C. Smith. Miss S. and CHEMICAL ENGINES AND Robbins" Waianae. ' : . tract; r550 llopOL Tme children; Mrs. E. A.' and fused to drink, but as my arrival bad Hoogs, Miss D. rIIoogs, Miss I. Gibb, Jp Rogers, - DaUy tExcept Sunday WATCHMAN'S CLOCKS . 7!T- ; child; Col. James S. 1st In. been parties concerned Miss E. Gibb. R. Gay, E. Gay. Wm. tSunday only payments." announced the ie ' i fantry; Capt.W. S. Sinclair, 25th In- Paris.-ElF- Gdy, May Gay, Miss M. G. P. DENISON, F. C. SMITH, , FfO R R E NTNew tqrnl&hed .2:bed-ro- were sliDninjr out for the fracas. The , For Sale by " , fantry, wife and four cliirdten ; 1st Lt Renton, Miss E. Renton, A: W. Superintendent G. P. A. : cottage with piano and all" .lm-- Anion auinge a ow.9 corpsr Georgia man ' placed them back to - J. L. Siner, medical wife and Soule, E. L. Steele, A. M. Xowell, A G I L! A N pnavements,435 . 7 back, them on signal they J. L i :f'7y.f German confectionery and fancy bakery child; 1 st Lt. A. Ulio, 1st Infantry, told that Miss Allen, Mrs: Strawbridge, Mrs. F. , Beautiful new .house; J. : anng Fort Street Pound, citron, currant, coffee, sponge and sister, 1st Lt. Rawson AVarren, 4th were to march forward till he L. Steele,; Mrs. Ostrander, Miss Ma-poo- n, light, mosqulto-prbo- f, 335. gas, electric home-mad- e they , were and cakes, choc- cavalry, And wife; , Mrs. Paul Arndt out "Timer when tolturn Mrs, E. P. Low, Mtes" Magoori, . house, 335. . . fruit open were to - ' ' olate candies and German and three children, Wm. E. Bates, A. and fire. They about Mrs. J. A. Magoon and- maid, 'Jno. K. : liouse, rye Bendig, G. Bye, C. A. Alice on march of death when f Kaikaka, Miss Smith. Mrs. IJ. bread Jos. C; 6tart their Smith, WHEN YOU WANT FENCZ 3793 was .' Miss Taylor, Myrtle Tay-comln- g ' 1183 Alakea. nr. Beretanla. Phone Cuenoced, Charles Doyle and wife, the clatter of horse's hoofs heard Mabl; Miss ''-.- - - - Mrs.-Joeeph- Ath-l- n ' ' .SEC H, Schn?ick, Echols, C. Edwards a gallop. Eyes were turned lor, Miss L. Atherlon, Miss ; V. ' r'-- J. J. at ' v- , AN OPPORTUNITT i M. man, M. Gil-wh- ea v' v,. 137 .Merchant ,8treet - and wife, Zelma Hubbell, Rosa Lewis, the direction of the sound. , and erton. Miss Wad Miss D. Montgomery, Mrs. T. R. , Peters, the comer was seen to be a wo-- man; Miss F. Hoogs, Miss A. G. Ifoogs, J. C. Axtell, II . Rath, Miss A. Setlers, Mrs. Le- McChesney, Miss R. McChes- - "I'VE JUST DINED AT THE J. man all hands waited. She reined up Ls9 M; na Terry, George Wald, w ife andhild; before the party. ALAKEA5JSTREET Frederick Werner, II. Wetherholt, -- .rer str. Clandine, for KahuLii and J. -I hearn said, "tha .you fellers ' Hey C. A. C, wife and child; Mrs. Alice she Lahaina ports, March 2SMiss M: PAm CAFE :..:r;v was fight about me. I don t ! White.' o Tavlor, Miss Myrtle Tavlnr, Miss O. FORCEGROOT aee-n- use fightin about a woman as 1 Lindsay. A. M. - ' - on Hotel Street, and am pleased Per str. Kinau, from Kauai ports, Brown, Wm.Hitrh- "P gopa man ana J . ; t : - v pirk Tract and satiafied." Have you? March 23. Francis Gay, Miss E. Kop-k- e. is married to a rnlgnty (Cc:k. Master Rrown. Mrs. A. M. nrown Miss Macfarlane, W. F. Drake, got two kids." and maid, Henry MJ. Poguf1, Miss E; ' WILL CO tit EMMELUTII & CO.. LTD. (Tuel." wo- . CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS FOR Charles Sutton, Doctor Dioby, D.Leith, That broke up the The Meinecke, Miss G. Xleinecke. 3Irs. I). :. ; v : SALE. . . Leon A. Quonson, Mary Wakuale, man took her two lovers home with Withington Jrv J. Meinecke, Mrs.r C. O. PLUMBERS and SHEET METAL Mrs. Xoika and ' infant, Master Unri-ok- a, her. -- where she said her husband was Jlmes and two infanta, Rose Canibra, WORKERS ' . Mary Asing, Charles Mahoe, .waiting for them with a lomljohn." C. C. James. .' .. IF YOU" WISH TO ADVERTISE' IN T.. Taylor, C.E., UTOVES RANGES : James H HacRfeld & Co., William Ilaokai. Kealakai, Knight, S. There wan givat dis:ij.jHintment Per str. Kinau. for Kui'ti ;rts. T NEWSPAPERS. " " and -- Corner King Bishop C. Sayres. Richard Rice. Mrs. D. L. .among to see a March Wadsworth. J. 'C. Wino. and Streets Apply to whoili.iid 2. I. - . and Terms. : ! those exe i'd Vnr liana Prices . .': Limited.' Moses, Cullen, Miss L. Anywhere Any :i Phone No. 3067 William Cul. 1 tice long in thrtt WadworthT A. A. Smi th, I!ss jif .Time, Call oa or real duel. didn't iir.U i. ' - . Importers Ion, S. Hamanioo, Miss E. C. Wag- WrlW . Sugar Factors, and l5ron- - . Sandon, Wong, John- country. It was tritie too near to Merchants. ner, B. F. F. II. C, Photo-EneraTln- ' 'Commission DAKE'S ADVERTISING sr highest -- - nature .for me. of rrade L Avenue and LaimI : , stone, S. Steinhauser, "J. Santos, : HONOLULU.-- F. X t AGENCY. Star-Bnllet- Residence; Nuuanu STA IMt FLf ETI GIVES TOU be secured from fJ 2103 , ox Thomas Sutton. fan the ; Road j Telephone r. TODAl'is EUS TODAY 124 Sansome Street : an Francisco PaotoEpgratbi; TlaaL HONOLULU STAIl BULLETINrJIOXDAY; MARCH 24, 101&' No. SI N 0 Reason for 0o.ii b:i W V Ve want your;conti4cnce7-wa- nt you to (eel you can d;per ! c our honesty and sincerity. Vh?n we say Rrxall OrdsrllcsV::! give you better results than any similar remedy, and prcrr.L: y.our njoney back if they don't, you ouht to btllsve u ; d&m&rc, distress and drTMs'ci . alwy nwml by imralw bo 1 tttion &It them hwt-i- i r ' i from" ti UN of r.xvU Ori. . i SdT taita Lie candy. 'They act , dispel improv th r.w, : help floom. i easy.' iutThey cause igcoarenieare" BJifacl no . ana add to th ior of liTinr rr L3. Q-- whaterrr. Our, faith ia them ia often they ward o3 aerioua th.1 - becked by knowledge of what they frequently rtauli Irpxa cc"'---ui ; ' - 11 l are made of and observation of i ouuualioa. P jAAv Famous and Perennial Diva Is ' severe eases of constipation jCai ether forma of bowel troubles ia Their E3v :Actlon Satin-B- Said to Be in Excellent . which tbey cave prompt and please r Black lack t TrirrHS ant relief. v 'V r TtexxH Orde'iei. a Tcianoa-een- e We want builders to sec us about roofing; Voice Stiilc - ar. Doa't take our wordmake us remedy, for bowel disorder!. WeVant to demonstrate why it is to your rC ' Use He tall Orderltee, and ia action, they do not pur; , MORE; Marctj Not onl ia.AUe-lln-a ?rove i'T - feauacatn oa eauaa, White Trimmings on Blacli; Satin with f don't feel like com in bark W Esse- txr;"c. :i advantage to roof your building Patti's spleDdlcl'. voice, prcserjel thank, ua for teilinc vou about them, , Malthoid Roofing tq her, at the. age of seventy; not, only then, come back and we, will return Tbey tend to ton and trecj'. i can the great, diva sing now, but she the money you paid as for thetni tie delkat intestinal nerves arl ' ' We won-'tobtiaat- e you any way v-li- and we will do this to Is determined to sing in. public next in muscles, promptly relir cocjt.. A capital arrangement for ladies' v whatever. Merely, ask and back oe and help to overrom its . : , . , May. : - yqur.tComple.te, satisfaction.. Sou tnoaey to' you. .. i and make its reeurrene tarred Codajratroni. to combination black and white cos- The Countcsa. of i "In these thirr tbe.r d.Tr t:. ' Wo will show you beyond any question Rive Patti her titles will take part in You Q fashioned, harsh. p..;, .. . tumes. Pumps like these are a the superb operatic, celebrations with riake Peel reat which usually ci only temporary Malthojd Is the very relief and often leaves tns bowtU ia that - which Italy will honor- the. centnary ThaV. what Rexall Orderlies do, " worse'eonditioathsjv rare showing. , . , :'y'" because Ihethorouxh cieaneinx they tver. highest type of roofing perfection and of Verdi's birth; , the great composer - was Roucole, near Busseto, in five the bowels theif toain- ana We particularly recommend He v !1 made so well that it will last as long born at atrengtbening effect upon the bowela, Orderlies for. dicat and d i the then Duchy of Parma, on October -the tnftannce, they: exert towsrd sons and for children. 1.t v asth& building it covers. 19. 1813.'-- , . ' . promoting prompt, easy ana regular pocket sis tin boxes. 12 tablets, K i fes-tlval-s.- actiqQ.of the bowels, thusjreeia the 3 tablets, 25c; K0 UUct3, you is a better "Yes, I shall sing at. the Verdi; ' We will show that Malthoid system and keeping it free from the. Usual doe ooe .tablet. shingles said PatU to "The Examiner? SSfii? roofing than p correspondent, "I ojsre so much : tfl CAUTIONS FttHm bear in mind that ItrtrvN Orderlies are not so! 1 bv aa,drr: WheFiiy Sites " 1 V is more satisfactory tlian iron Verdi I simply could not refuse ' the Cist?, Yiw ca buy.Rexall Orderlies. only atTbe Retail Stores, is community s tm; v" committee's-invitatio-n to pay my, poor Vou can buy Roc all Ordarliea la t' only at our torsi .' is cheaper;than - homage memory. that; wlU : : .Fort above King Street, :; to his But, ih fact, Ve cln rroVe that there is no be the last time I shall sing in-- puMic. .. BENSOU,, SHITH Ct CO., LTD: It'?: At my age a singer-i- s subject, to. the othef roofing known to the building HONOiuM!. teraptatidha neither of glory nor of 4.; 77;? i S:oro trades that is as good free gold" Pand i sho added;, laughingly I e ' - nave enough of bothj . . is a TtX fetre her!T ewy Vwa and eity la traitad T - as durably- to c.-e- RM&edr for every " - ax Omt Entota. Ibess a ;UssJ aesrvr or... ' A M It is almost impossible- looking' especiay.'dafizaed. for the, particular LI tor which it is leootnmendeU. v "lasting -- long as4 I t I ,ast m . and listening to Patti to believe that r-1 . r !-- re : prex as water proof f V she first thrilled an audience in Nevf 'Tia Rexa3 Staresara Acieria Crrttrst York in 1S59, more half a century astfiVe?resisting and as cheap as "Cum of ; than Roofina ago. No wrinkles mar, her face, her (Malthoid Roofing; . , f Mo'msRerwhBi appearance and, manner are almost 1 jrotrcipetieao. youthful; many a young woman might ' ' Try this! Wash your face well, then" wipe- - it wth a soft cloth It has got evcrjr other; brand of j envy her figure. ? r-.- . ! f moistened with SIMI, '.'- -' 'v ready roofing marking time while it is 7d hare ae4. The Countess .is; established at the. OI book viU Grand-- ; Hotel for. the seaaonr There ia enable ro k . progressing i T cosmopolitan company of JriendA t , lake better her there? is more of it"old carevf h Americans, Italians, English; people Seat f fee. of balf the nations of Europe-as- ? ' ?-'- -" on the Padfic Coast? than all other aembled on Wednesday, to .eongratu , -- ; ,; V . Cleancsr 7. brands --combined and it speaks well for late her on iatiaining. her seventieth year..'.. For. this, songbird uttered -- her " 4 ' r this - ' and note the result. . It will surprise yau's-f"- the intelligence', of builders that .19, You may hava tha r; - flraTnote in Madrid, on February, t V r- i" . - -- ...4 x 1843. : ;v:- v. V:; y--, house on the hill . i A . We recommend this lotloii .for cleansing the pores. and, freeing the, ' Patti amazed them by saying, Quite skin from. all impurities. - - -- The- makers of Malthoid Roofing know incidentally, that she:.cajx L now. not

only., sing, hut act apy. of the thlfty ' busm'ess for they have been at a ' their or forty roles that added to , her id .i ... f it5 for. twentyvsix years and they not fame Lucia, Violetta, Zeriina, any of c - f ' house on only make this roofing to sell but the long; list;- - i the prettiest ahe.is-endowe- the yojee with whjch; d tjQttle please "If ; your, street by. yslna Price $l.bO a tfyey; make it to last an d to . is a, true gift from. God, a - w.oman . may people wjio uylt- . .V atiU sing, at ..seyentyr tfie f ! ,J J said : the, immprtaj soprano "But I Fulhr'sfure sing only . for . my nusuand. ana- - la tle 'eyw privacy of my music room." ' his: money- - 61 the builder than and . Mrs. Lorillard Rpnalds. and - other Limited they get bpth by the way they make Americans; genUy ; urged Pattt : for - ' youthful tjjelr. coun- r W , reminiscences of ' The Rexall tort Fori and - Hotel Sts. .... try ' to which her parents took;, her 'JiSpAV:f,t - & , Coo!:? ; when she was' bat a- child..' The song- Lowers It ybu'havfr roof troubles. o any . stress 'gave a, fascinating descriDtion - ' a yew, why. - x ;i fr "' kind &z of ny descriptioa no,,1' . of that evening, when she, npt yet ;MU!!' seventeen -- fax ; what of a roof you haver made her debut ttanl matter kind tetti's "Lucia." i i: : - - bnorbuUdgsipdUjs.ayt: once My impressario,.; Strakosch, v aa and we will help, you out of your 'very generous," she said;;he: pa4. me HOO a week. ' A year, later ha gave, me . aimcuny. N50 a npnth. Three years more and I became ' a,-- luxury Strakosch- - could not afford. - . tt ty Tts feraffes Pr.t Co. 'My salary, theOwas '6WJ for each , 1 sang-- . night I a fabulous amoum) ; "' i-- . Jn J . i B ''-'- '(! - V, 'those days. On my last teur of Amer- Helps light the world, ica, ten years ago, I Tecelved ?5.!J.k.O and cook its ' mealsj I.t, for each cPncert. " : Pattr smiled and remarked viva-ciousl- y: " Davie&JXo., , - I Theolf, Ltd. , ':i-:?:- V ' j . "That is why 1 1 say no real artist "3 ' ! need fear that her voice will fajl be- 5ol2 Distributors fore she is sixty." U - " - ' 1 '. ' , " " . K ,. Union ' i ' ' i " EXPOSJJLOn NOTES' thefr buildings at the Panama-Pacifi- c ,i International Exposition to be held at FINOS CANCER DUBlOb Makes the world's ma- ' fuel) 1915. , , chinery Q0.M(Ensine Illitiamen Irpm,all pver theiUnited. San Francisco in ; Millions of plants and flpw.ers are WORMS IN COppOACyES. ,St4tes..will .tike aart. in a. mammoth t mujtary tpurnament to. De.neia at tnp being raised in special green-hous- es Pre-Eidio- ,! Pasania-Pacifi- p Intcrnatipnal . Exposi-tio- n, which . have been erected at.th.e The foUowingJs of interest, .to..Ua-;ali- :. Sap FranciSqo. These. lowers 1315- , . . ftt .&n Francisco in - .The ;) ...'.. ,.--.r- I mlUtlamspti in yarfous states of the :cre to be transplanted to, the grounds anam-Pacifip BERLIN, Feb. 15. The. results oi of the -P- Internatipnal Union have.. started .the formation of . experiments to find the origin ot can- 1 f of. gubscrihine Exppsivon to. be held San. Fran rluha for. the nnrooso 'at ter were published, today by Prof. Jo- to a fund to .pa, the fares of Volu ;sco m ww, an(i. wi iocre,;oe Flbiger,ldirector : I p - hannes ot. the .Path or .teer, M'ould.'s,. i'sed.in the'color p,lin flpral decora- - DZ:TTCt.,, soldiers to the fair in logical at- Copenhagen. v , machinery b - - Institute .mus. masing no a upon me "j,.- v , ( .lsuo rain uci6ucu : r His cesearches show that coacerQus Lubrf cat ion.). the., state legislature's Laren and Mr.ules Guerin. 'esourof' growths in, the. esophagus ..and. stom- '.exchequer.' y v--V- jt:'.rJ..' . achs of rodents were doe to the presr. Between 35,000 and 40,000 troops, CIQU V s v pnppCiTCn, AtT ence in the alimentary .tract t minute - - f tjuamitlea- at : will tworms, an. indeterrafuafe. number of Get j them Ift t tournament to b& held in the Panama- - FAVORABLY REPORTED which are from the common, kitchen Pacific. Exposition at San Francisco cockroach.- - "Professor . Fibiger suc- in, 1.915., troops, will, sep- Tile consist of Fish : and. ducks are going to be ceeded in producing cancer .bytJeedtng Firm's ,U)ia?; crack, regiments (for- thfe ' - from anywayv . , - FOR COAL OR WOOD. : I s arated if the advice of the parasites' eggs to rais. eign nati.ons,. a strong representation judiciary. commit.tes of. the. senate is ; ; shaped box for perfect. combustion, no corners to fill with The experiments, are considered of Who represent Union Oil Co. .' Oval fire froni . the. American, arm the national .carried, out The bill.which met with, -- Gar- great importance 4to seekers for ai cure and impede draft. "Aerated oven admitting fresh, heated air a 25,000 ses-.v- r ashes guard and about . militiamen the governor's first veto of the a flr line nothing r ranr th rnm .th0 land feature. Call and look at the Garland better on he uicked from, various states. '.. i. sion. it having twa technical mistakes, " perimentaI production ofi. the, disease, '; - ' market. i - ; l A congress of university students; hasr.been. corrected, and Saturday T ' ' - fhA iwritAiopv ,e e s v ro. representing 46 different nations- from luAXG- 4VVISyl1t J,tVWf'f"W,Vnmmittna favnnhw j tr . - ! ;allt quarters of the. globe, will be held .ported, it ..back. to the senate where T A. J .1 A. at .fJbev lanama-PaciXi- c International it, passed, second reading. r l .t; fuls of chicken melted; one.updil, ' ' Exposition San Francisco in 1915. Tfet mnacnra nrnhthlta fiah. YtXltt fat E.Q.iia!l&SoaLM; at i of minced chickenyr half a level tea? Panpni .hA. . lusiri nirt Vhfrh raised dn cpjs.iiiSi4.iiii . 4 will hv n? mum. ar. in thA.same' oca ifliM Hauiehold; Department nai prescribes a I spoonf ul of salt one. pint ol inilk. and 3481 , popd. Phone J bers? qU Ue world , universities' on with ducka. and Its flour enough to make a batter that i J topics. 01 social, economic, political. penalty of imprisonment or fine for , j vil spread slowly whenplaced on the violation. ' educational and religious. interest. The ' " I SPECIAL SALE OF congress, which will last, several lays, , ... "e'.sai.''. '. . griddle, having previously sifted three ; teaspoontals.: otliakingiiowdjcft. into, . will, be attended by men arid wjomen ,X2U can;i jlax.truaflt in, th.e school - i e floHr' - ' and: will be non-sectaria- broad and of experience. . ; JV" W',"; 1 tINEN TEA' CLOTHS and '.liberal in jits . outlook, and. treatment, f f, Captain Asher Carter. Baker. Direc- - SCARFS h tor. of Exhibit for the. Panama-Pacifi- c : Limited BUREAU jiiicrnevonai txposition tq De heidiin EffillMIEOt) WSpAllti . SaftlraneicQ , in .191, has issued, Jiiter ten. njonths' lahor, a . complete 4 classificatiptt of exjiibjts pf the world's fair. - The, classjucaiion, which nils a yolujne of.,100. pages, is made up of eleven .departments divided into 156 - Fort Street," Next to the Convent V v groups, including 800 crajssos The departments are Fine Arts, Education, Hair Coming OutTlf DrVrBrittle, Thin or Your Scalp Itches $ociaL Economy. Liberal Arts. Manu-fa- c and Is Full of. Dandruff Use DanfJerine", tures. and Var,ied Industries, Ma- chinery, Transportation, Agriculture, ; Reaches' an applica- - strand at a time. Tbe effect is amaz-- r Phono 2295 after - ten minutes c Live Stockw Horticulture and Mines within .... I z 1 r , t a ...... lug-- in pe iisiy,..i.iuiiy. jyju 71 , .'. :, you cannot find a yuuriiair win ESibtiaoe-PeoI- s: .Co'siJLtdli--- Rnd Metallurgy, , tion of Danderine wavy, and have an . appearance v Cplvip B. Browji loose or of ALL KINDS. OF EfCK 81KB FOB C03CEII TTOSX of the department single trace of Dandruff ot a abundance; an Incomparable. lustre, bf, domestic exploitation of. the Pana-ina-Pacif- ic failing your scalp wilt; not Xjjjjt.nuuiJ Ajyu. t,wAi hair and softness and luxuriance, the beauij LINE PAJAMAS AND SHOES. PRICES REASONABLE? international exposition you,, most true, SWEUL NEW OF STREET. leg-?aur- will please, and shimmer of hair health. r O 2UKX has received: a telegram from the e Itch; but what j.:.;- quality; jTH best.. ;, ;'r". 1 1 T3et 25 . the.-stat- Wi & few weeks.' use, when a cent b.pttle of Know.lton,'s of e- of Indiana,' an he after Danderine from any drug, store or, nouncing that .the , appropriation Tor voii will actually see. new nair, ne th..' And yes but .really toilet counter, and prove tp, y.ouxsel( thai state's exjhibit . building in downv at' first y Goods, Cc., y w GantonDry BEST LAUJiDRI 1YOBK AND DKT CLEAM3f(jl oyer tnescaip. tonightr-no- that your hair is, as, World's fair has been increased from new hair growing all. HoTiTstreetv , tOpp. Ecp!re Theatre pretty, and as any nas, ...... E 75,000 to J90.000. , I A little JJanaerme wui, iiuiacuin.ee., soft thatiitr 1 No by8 1 I Missourians and Iowans residing,' in ' double the beauty, of your. bair. been neglected, or injured careless ; you FRENCH California have held : enthusiasiicj difference how, dulV faded, brittl9vand treatment that's, all surely.. can - Jarins- tha u ifh th oh-- scraeer. lust moisten a. clptll. . with have beautiful hair and lots of it if . SlR-lLlf-fl 1: ' niJnca wk l - S.75 Liiii-iilii- - carefully, draw it you, will just tr ya little Danderine. J. ABADIE, Prop 4 jectr of urging their- home states to ( Danderine and ii generous I'tnrough your hair, taking one small ' advertisement 7X7 Elrs Street Fkoift ltti make appropriations '. for, islands. He will start ta work at ' nce , ! ' A 7 FUTURE1 March Tonic Free from Kilauea is regarded as one of the DSCliSS Temple 23 Unqualifiedly most important caldera types, of vol- masonic canoes ; in which the molten lava ABcotioi swells up without erupting. IJfPisal Mas I I The proposed model to be made by J by eight ' Artistic Mr. will be twelve em 0 Easter Sunday, feet in size. Mr. Curtis has already made several of these valuable geo-Icgi- cal v?fcnicjRfv 7 models with great success. rVA say all our customers, when Therefore, the time to get your they see the work of our fram- Anarchists marked Easter morning j Oceanic, first Dc?w. ing department They're right by exploding a bomb outside llie btfd- - . artistry Is expressed in Perfect Ha-stor- y Easi banker, on upper of a five-- An .adjourned meeting of the ler Cards every detail. , y , the lkr NaOonal IU; SX!er Ilonolnla Lodge, 3rd Degrre. flat at Suten and Forsyth, New wa promotion committee was held .TU j j Saturday morning in office York. the ' c . frir of Secretary Vood at --which time the Stearno' Eloctric TTEDXESDAYt and ,,i wir work be laken up the Postals five-foo- to at end Hawaiian 3rd Degree. easily tired, and a t hole was torn in the nextvtoJ Rat Roach Paoto Ld?f, Are you pale, weak, hallwav. Every bit of glass and plas-- , meetings oi me organizauon as Ul- Eeady for use. Better than traps Honolulu cussed. ,A special vote of thanks was : and do you lack nerve power? ster In ihe house was wrecked, but nof 6ct tlit 6esal28 Rsfsss ,f NOW, while the prettiest de-- Ho-hou- se bltitlcs' THCBSDATt : Sar-- a life was Rushing from the tendered by the committee the Cr) ; " Ask your doctor if AVer's lost A Money back If 1 tails. elfint are In etock.. :J i . waving Club lor its assistance and Photo Supply Co., in scant apparel, the' ' wlco-ope- ra At all dealers, saparilla good for "local 25c aad $1.00. : would not be In promotion work. : of Cross In thanksgiving, the tion FRiDAYj : : .' ' sign the i ; .. by Steams' Oeetrlo Paste Ca Kteeis. .. Limited. you. He knows, and will ad- proceeded to near- It was agreed upon the members Ctlca, devoted Italians the - . Of jvha attended the 'meeting this moni- ; "Everything Photographic" vise you wisely. Not a drop of by Church the Restirrecticn. thank- escape. floral parade and carnival at the meet- -i SATURDAY I : Hotel :. ing God for their miraculous Hawaiian News Co. Fort St Near alcohol in this medicine. It flcral parade and carnival at the meet-- r LEGAL NOTICES. I puts red corpuscles into the ins nf th pommitt which- - will be . .Limited (While we think of It! come Krapcror William will not entrust . ap-- ' IN THE ..CIRCUIT COURT pF THE blood, gives steady, even power held on ADrii 4: Tne Dian cf All Visiting members of the in and see our reproductions of leaving of his ' , Territory of Ha- - at-vte- nd ' the task of the record pointing a director-general- who will First Judicial Circuit, order are cordially invited to- Old Masters) all without pens waii. chambers.--I- n Probate. In the to the nerves; and lire to me cnanca oi jtusiem. have complete charge of the fesUvl At meetings of local lodges. . auto-biograi-h- y stimulation. Make no mistake. lie Is preparing, hi ties and thus relieve the promotion the matter of the estate of.Wele llipa. ::'r - leceaeed. - : v Take Only those medicines the himbclf. committee of the burden, will be dis- . work,' one "of most" stupen- Y reading and filing the petition of s The the cussed t this time. 0n best doctors endorse. Ask your dous autobiographies ot the age, will At the regular meeting which will Bishop Trust pompany. Limited, an HONOLULU LODQSi IIS, B. P. O. . THE MOST SANITARY FAB. own doctor, Drobably run into several volumes. be held next Monday, plans for the; Hawaiian corporation hsving.lt3 prin-- The first Will deal with his. boyhood, tipal office in the, City and County of I LY BUTCHER SHOP IN THE future work of the committee will be Honolulu Lodj Na" TEL the maxims xol his" grandfather, and taken up, and Secretary Wood ex- Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, admin- 15, B. P. O. of Meie Hipa, Ells, the personality" ami influence cf , istrator, of the estate CITY. " ' ' pressed the hope this morning that meet la their hall, oa iyer!s Sarsaparilla ' " '' yw of Honolulu aforesaid, deceased, all the members of the committe late King - sear Fort, At the world will be told the wherein it asks to be allowed l 10.00 He - St. y ' ' last would be present on that day; story of why, oh "finding his &nd charges itself with 1120.00 and T W Or. I. C Ayw C. I mS. u., 0. S. A, true Vial ting Brothera arv C. Q. Yee Hop feet,' he dismissed "the man of blood pared; I assure you the matter will asks that the- - same be examined and cordially invited to at and iron," but that' will come in a receive fulj actosideration ! V , approved, and that a Hhal order may tend. Co. pmuigiggo later chapter. t be made of distribution of the prop- A. E. MTJRPHY, H VL & mi to discyfs his manu resigned erty remaining in its hands to the OVER-NIGH- He declines Willis Moore today as IL DUNSHEli Seo. V Geary Street abore Union Square T script except with his InUmates and J ahief of the United States .Weather persons thereto entitled, and discharg- MS1 N. king Etiropcar Plan $1:60 a day np these are pledged to secrecy. ; Bureau His resignation, to become ing it and Its sureties from' all further i Meet ca tie 2aa Phone 1t ft. i ' . FEDERAL I American l'lan $3.00 a day up . effective July 31, was; accepted by and future .liability and responsibility and 4th Lisa pteel ; Secretary, . Agriculture Houston. under trust as such administrator. Hew and brick stmcture. The destructive wind which,;Jias of (layi cf , csca f - i Every comfort and convenience. It. is Reported that Moore resigned It Is ordered that Wednesday, the WIRELESS been sweeping through the stafes of .'April, 9 month at P. A high class hotel at very moderate ' ' past " because he was not appointed secre- 23rd day of 191, at o'clock L t he wlddle west ' for the five " . rates. center of theatre and To the Advertiser " , :. ' .'..' a. m., before the Judge of said court at Hail. 7:33 p. In the days, leaving death and destruction tary, of agriculture. ,: n. GOODS retail district? Oa tar line& trans' the court room of the Bald court at imu ' ; In its waxe, has somewhat changed - city. Electric The representatives of . the rowers Honolulu aforesaid,- be and the same at ferringtoaUpartsof course toward the, northwest Yes- Sufferers from tuberculosis whom Martr.e Cr;lneera r Awoclatlom . Sofia today handed Bulgarian its hereby omnibus meets all trains and at the Dr. TV F. "Friedmann with , his is appointed as the time and terday it swept in fury over the states treated Ceneflclal . art cordially L steamers. Hotel Stewart recognized , premier .their, scheme, embodying the place for hearing said petition and W s Co. ' of Nebraska, Iowa, Indianaand, Kan- vaccine before , his departure from Association Tlted to attend. Yea Chan . as Hawaiian Islaud Headquarters. Lasis for mediation. - country are responding counts; and that all persons interested , King & Ct ' sas, leaving- farmhouses, dwellings Berlin to this Cable Address Trawets"ABC code ; may appear and ctn! ; then and there show Their plan Includes two provisions. and other buildings lying flat on the remarkably to the treatment, accord- sesuLEi xa e. Love, representative -- any mi. JJL Honolulu f ' ;v"- cause, if they have, why tne same icrar. ambassadors V"-- ; ing to a cablegram, todays by In to which the, : received addition ground. : .' -- '. -- ,: - sUpulate that hosUlities must, cease Doctor Chanlon, superintendent of ihe should 7)otb granted," and may pre--' LADIES' FANCY GOODS ' sent evidence as to, who are entitled when their proposals 4to act as media- Mary, ' only daughter of Bellevue HospitaL,' The; cablegram ' ' RN :. . Princess - to the said property. , Meets every 2nd A Its Tzzt CENTS' FU I8HINGS tors, are accepted. . came from a Berlin physician.1 , it. the queen land King .of. England, .vas .Dated at Honolulu tils 15th day of fj5day eventaf at 7:33.o'clcci la confirmed, in private chapel at " the March, 1913. v : or wail, cor. ar HOTEL VAEIEA George I, ; communication .was . . t : k. f. rcrt l The tuneral of King it is Buckingham- - today. She wore ,a veil Dirct estab - Ivvong' Sinr toy Co; night across Atlantic! By the Court: .'- Beretanix Yiiltlj trctitr cfflcially announced, will take place was worn by her mother at her lished last .the v v-- '': that , ; . JOHN MARCALLINO, eerdiall lavited to attend. ' v . ' 30. , -- ; '. ....' between the Frencn government wire- King Ct. nr. Cethel March confirmation.; xm-'- -' v ; 1L C. C. KAUAI ' ,v Clerk. V A. AHRENS, WAIMEA, - and . . . - f f'i l' y - less station, in the. Eiffel, Towen . . HOLMES, STANLEY & OLSON, X V .: L. B. RXIIVLS, K. IL 0. r J,Uq next . twenty ; years a - "Alarming "of seizure the new American naval wireless sta- ' ;VWIthin dispatches the ' ' r. Attorneys for' petitioner. " Newly . Renovated Dtrt Hotel be" president the Unit- ; - tion atAArlingtonr Virginia. For some woman 'may of by Greek warships of the German : 5496-M-ar. ;;. . ; l7, 24, 31. Apr., t. ?,o. Line f Cry Ceeds on Kausl- - , ' ' nosoiuiu Lores r:, rine beeiyj - ed S,taies. ; France h as - much to ac- steamer Irmlngard, off the Island o time i the Arlington station has l t ' Li 0. 0. IL' Tourist Trade Solicited ; complish1 If this republic is to keep Lemnos, in the Aegean Sea, were re- geUing the Eiffel signals, but had ;:-- h Yiri Queen - No Jaever beet abley to .8eAd back .. in- NOTICES. v: pace . great western today. reason la-O- Clionrf Co. with the ceived at Londotf '.CORPORATIpN irUl di t. good; meals ";lr::''; telligible1 replies last night, 'Last neet Vtllm' IzZzz. of J Commonwealth; of. the sovereign for her capture is given and diplomats, ,until near Kir;.- - ev:ry rr'.'-- y " night : tests were prohoiiriced perfect. rort itreet, ftates Reasonabl I ebple". .1 here are making frantic efforts to get ELECTION VY OFFICEBS. venlzj at 7:33 o'clock ' ,; CL Cwa Flthmtrtcet So Mile.' Marie Denizard, ;the further details. . Kin ( say8v vu)S vs'vC ;','.,.. VUitirr hrothera csx-i- lly UiIUI C. W. 8PITZ : ! : Preprletor 1 The Franch vbark, Marie, front San ever . one woman who has . made the Diplomat Worried- - - ' '," 't Ilonolnla Iron Woris Company. . r . m aneao. - for-elg- Francisco Hull,' today met with dis- race for the French presidency, Al- . Dispatches from Berlin say the h - j. vnr.TZ, aster,that' destroy captain Aiimosa c:ctitcr. though i defeated, once for.; the presi- office there has . learned .that edhexHer ; 'At the Annual Meeting of the; Stock- - W. LLOTD, zrrt'.:T7. and crew' of twenty-fou- r' were; saved dency, and twice as a candidate for armed, operations against Montenegro holders of the --Honolulu Iron Wcrks by the trawler Araer. The Marie , went Feb-ruar- corps legisltif,she is by.no means dis- by Austrian navy may be expected Company, held on the 23th day of yt ' the Ifal8bor-ough. - ashore, daylight .;' '. before at couraged.' . X- '. '.' ..'. - A. D. .1913, the following Offi- C-"- soon.. v- . -:r cr.J CfHtrxtUr i In the North Sea, durlag .4 bliz- The Austrian squadron Is now ma- : cers and' Directors, were duly elected ?7ffiZ!&:7: Oiia Lc!:3, zard.- She was ; quickly,- - pounded- - to t a , Julian - Hawthorne,, son of , the fa- neuvering ;off Albanian, and Monte- to serve during the ensuing year: y- & T.t will ceet la' Rational Golf. . . .: pieces by the terrific seas. The crew 1 "rtM' ta -- mous of ''The Scarlet , Letter," negrin coasts, i ; ;- - . President and Director ...... Fel--v ; 'V-1- author ;,.;;.j.f roof garden. Good Tennis." ' were, in a desperate Plight ,and had " Oil :.X':. a; well-kno- wn '. and himself writer, and Montenegro's Answir ; 'H :. Mr.'FltM.. Swanzy --- - I v' ; up, ...,..' ' V lowi Eli., first esj lost hopewhen (the Amer came Vice-Preside- AUT6 0l THE PREMISES. Dr. William , J. Mortan,:. his - mining ; Beyond, promising that the future 1st nt and Director . .:. 'j thirl Tuerdiy at I launched a life boat and took off .the t&. fjTidicate associate, spent Easter Sun- bambardment will be di- Mr. G. H.'Robe'rtson i p. i of Scutari n cast sevea in. crew, making several perilous trips, Vice-Preside- Tea!! Cnd yea want at l day Ion th way to Atlanta federal rected.' against the fortifications and 2nd nt and Director..," ; ' GEO. W. PATT, " ' Cilf! TtzzzlzJ. - - - wt , : , ', - ",' ., .,.k'' ' v i: IX' year tojwm, ; Montenegro's i i Mr. E. Tenney Ha wm Via Pall Road, 32 miles prison, io begin terms of a hot against the ; : 0eir Exchanging hundreds of shots with ". Auts for Hfra pnd aday for using the malls to de- reply to Austria's ; remonstrances is a Treasurer and Director ...... Cily II:id;7crc: Co., their, quarry, . who v were firing ) from? .". through sales,, of phantom and refusal: to comply jvith; the Austrian ; '. . . . .V;. . . Mr.J G. F. Davies fraud . ' '' the seats of a speeding , automobile, Secretary and Director . Canadian mining stock. demands." , ; .! X ...... r:-".-- worthless Aubrey ; ir.a tr.i Kin Ctrtata , Hotel the New York police captured seven . . , . . - ' ' - . ... . Mr. E. II. Wodehouse . - . ' : v , 'The note declare that for military taxicab bandits in the business sec- . W. HAUULA, OAHU Ceorge Bronson Rea, ten yesrs ago reasons -- MontenegrQ must refuse ; to Auditor...... Mr. H. M.,Mist " tion today. Becoming confused at ; v WODEHOUSE, Phoae , A. C. Aubrey, Prop. ' . E. H., ill iq charge of a sugar plantation In permit civilians to ;Jeave Scutari and " " the height, of the battle,"7 the driver ' - now ; leading that she" cannot allow the Austro-Hungaria- n Secretary, Honolulu Iron Works Hawaii and one' of the ran car into thesidewalk, smash- : . Co; ' his. Company. . . , - i OT:cn:j to ;' v American publicists1 in the Orient, is consul in Scutari take , ; : r ing engine.'5. . ; ! I the . 5484 Mar. 3, 10, 17, 24. i : ; r : rt c ad- any part in the enquiry the death k a tt ia eth el UE FOR A SWIM AT THE In Washington as the confidential into c of the priest Palie or the alleged Fcrnlt'arty t.:Ittreia-- viser of Sun Yat Sen, and technical Dispatches today NOTICE. " la . C:':r ' told of the virtual . railway com- coercive conversion of Cathelies, de- - '.' YX , e'-- etc AM klccff cf KOA secretary of the Chinese annihilation of a small .column of -i T7aiMIii ; claring that such ah investigation by -- Qf con- t- riCCIOM. FURNITURE Inn mission which Is arranging; for the French troops by Arabs in the Aderar The annual meeting of the Henry Most the cows under our : foreigh ' officials - would ; be incom-patibl- e J erder. . construction of ten thousand miles of region ; One VVaterhouse Trust Company, Ltd., will trol are pets, called by r ta NEXT 8UN DAY with sovereign right of of the Western Sahara. andre trunk line railways" in China. the thousand of tne Berber, tribe of be held at the office of the cqmpany, pet names instead of "get . . ' Says tha Wise Bather had a long conference with the king of Montenegro. and Merchant streets, in ' Rea has swooped down and sur- cornet Fort around there, ' j you." An President Wilson. . He says the .Chi- rounded ; the French detachment, Honolulu, Tuesday, March 23, 1913. at r W." T. Sesnon, president - of the cordlale" has been es- ;nv DRUGSTORE nese provisional government heartily which . was - marching-- through the 9 a. m. "entente -- San Francisco chamber, of commerce, - ; 3DA. WATE? FOUNTAIN approves the policy of the new A- shifting sands of the desert about ALFRED- U CASTLE, tablished between ' our work- , -- has sent dispatch to Secretary t. I. dministration towards the Six Power a' of three days journey from Timbuktu, 5501-2- '.r Secretary. men and the cows, and this bet- Auto Beautiful ' HAWAII DRUG CO. The ' ' ' ' - '. - :: the Navy Daniels directing attention 2 of Cethel loan. .''j o :.,;'.. the Franch military station. t ter feeling In milk, McUl XL, at end your own aute-- yourself by to the advantages and necessity of the results better New Drugs Paint Well etccked with your, - establishment of the proposed Pacific and a larger yield. . Visit our " using our outfits. Turn . A variation of the.- tragic theme of Wm. F..McCombs, chairman of" Ihe . and Novelties. by our Ocean naval base at some : point on some, day, and brass , to silver usln? Mascagni's "Cavalleria RustIclna,,, Democratic national committee, . nas, establishment ! your San Francisco bayi liquid silver. Enamel own Mass., today out- prbvo ' -' ; was given at Arlinr '';'-';;- ; issued the statement announcing chat? this. , lamps, by using our Liquid Gun :Av ';.. N' ;'. side the pastoral church door of St. he has declined to, become ambassa ;. . 7 ; , Itroops to- MIS, your, noon MetaL Dress own auto Agnes. William A. MacDonald, who Combined state at dor to France. Honolulu Cyclery , tops by using our Top Dressing. day began moving in against Naco, had went there from Boston for the TO-ARRIV- E ARIZO--. HONOLULU Catalogue and color Sonora. Following his precedent : of PER S. S. 7 The Eiclctlva Apecfy ftrtke For card purpose,- - met tils wife; as she came ':X:Xr' died and . particulars inqulre"-o- f ; A. last week. General Ojeda at once' left r" NAN AB0UT APRIL 2nd. . - DAIIWMEN'S fxncci EACICLE Lkjdet fer out from mass. , A Fernandex & Son, No. 44 King the Mexican border town and set out Tel 1109 Hawaiian Itlacis. ' ' With the organ notes of "Rejoice, HANEBERG In Oakland, Cal., Mar. street" f w r-: to meet the enemy. His ranks are ASSOCIATION IS! Se. KIbt 8L TL 18. for the lord Has Arisen." floating on depleted by .9, of heart failure, Henrietta Hane-ber- g, V A R N I S H C O. Mac-Dona- desertions and the Huerta ARSE N A L of morning,. ld beloved wife of August ;Hane-ber-g, ' " ' the crisp air the , C W. Macfarlane, Sole Agents. cut commander has no more than 350 men manager Fhczo 1542 attacked his wife and her while four groups of the state troops formerly of Olowalu full view of Plantation, Maui, v Club Stables Y. TAKAKUVM. throat with a knife in aggregate 1600 men. the ' departing congregaUon.. While Tel. HCt COUMIMIONj MERCHANT '''" overpowered and held by several men The deckhands engineers 1913 whom and of the Japanese Provlilone and he watched the woman from Sydney, N. S. W,, ferries, which tap he had been separated by an order of practically every PERSSON In, Honolulu, March 23, General Merchandise crowded suburb of B. Underslung court die on the church steps, in - 1913, to Mr. and Mrs. Persson, a American the the city,; today, tying up traf.-fic- - ' : EU . Near Kl&t struck ;;'.V-:."-- GENERAL OFFICE STA- Kuui 8t the arms of women friends. ;'. boy ; ;.;...' .;.' For OWL The men have demanded a work- TIONERY and '. FILING SYS- CIQAR NOW ing week of forty-eigh- t hours and all s- got The United States government. be- TEMS call, or write to us and Model- President Wilson his Easter efforts to y eS effect' a settlement have gan we will fill your want, . in church today, dyed with Princeton proven futile. the erection of a large wireless M. A. GUNST&CoAfjU: colors of black and ' orange. It was plant at the Pacific entrance of the OFFICE SDPPLY CO., LTD. paper napkin rfnd pass?d Panama canal. Credit Is Good wrapped in a Former Governor Frank S. Black, 31 FORT STREET Your to the president from hand to hand predecessor of Governor Roosevelt, until reached Miss Eleanor Wilson "Invisible chords that tether it died today of valvular disease of the the ships of the seas to ten snd Margaret Cudaker, at heart ... the Eastern Presbyterian Church this million firesides." morning. General Sung, a former Chinese It. Coyne Furniture minister of education, died today "It Fills Itself - ' " , of Roman Catholic Self-Fillin- g Princes the from the effects of wounds he re- What?' .The Conkling MUTUAL TELEPHONE CO. ' - Fn ON EXHIBITION Church are now passing on the claim ceived on "March- 20, when" an at- Fountain Pen. Get one at of Princess , Rospigiiosi, "formerly tempt was made to assassinate him ' i 'I Geo. BecRIcy, Mary Reid," that her marriage to at the railway station.' Before his A RLE I G H ' S Bishop Street C Parkhurst was invalid and conse- death, General Sung received a letter Sit quently that the church should no telling him that he had been shot by ORANGE BLOSSOM CAND1L3 Phone 3009 8ole Distributor longer refuse to recognize her sacra- mistake Instead of General Hoang This is an unnatural con- The Vost Popular Casdiee Uad mental alliances with Prince Rospigi- Sing, commander-in-chie- f of Southern dition Goods Delivered ; " a little rest each day on the Coast iosi. Fu Kien, wh oalso was in the station V and s Emulsion after . ANYWHERE HONOLULU DRUQ .CO, LTD. PARCEL 0 ELI VERY PHONES . The evidence submitted to the at the time. Stott Papal dignitaries, a court exclusively The writer hoped that General Sung every ineal gives nature the 1024 Fort SL Telephone 1X14 1 The Studebaker composed of cardinals in residence, would have perpetual rest. material to restore strength. Goeas Grocery, Ltd. MESSENGER 3461 was received by the Princess some Phone 4138 f - lines have the clasa w months ago when she visited friends A movement for a nation-wid- e cam- Scott's Emulsion is'a YOUNG LAUNDRY ) PHONES.'; In California. If the cardnals find that paign for a minimum wage law for strength -- building, curative girls tonic . Carriage Co Ltd. the evidence is sufficiently substan- and women took definite shape food and to overcome PAPER . Schuman -- Lieut-Govern- or ns Wrapping tial, the case will he sent back to the in Washington today when weakness and afine--COntai- Croup Can Be Prevented All kinds Paper and given as soon as the croupy Twines, Printing and Writing Paper. tribunal of the Rota to be retried. O'Hara, . heading the Illinois no alcohol or drug. When P. H. BURNETTE "starvation wage," probers, put the cough appears Chamberlain's Cough AMERICAN -- HAWAIIAN PAPER & doesn't stupefy the of Callfor Harvard is planning some impor- results of the Illinois investigation be- It j Remedy will ward off an attack SUPPLY CO., LTD. Commissioner .ot Deeds for nerves, it feeds them. ' croup prevent all danger ana Queen PUB-UC- ; AUTOMOBILE tant geological studies in the fore President Wilson. President and Fort and Streets' Honolulu NOTARY Hawaii- I r.la and New York; Wilson listened to cause of anxiety! Thousands of Ptone 1416 Geo. G. Guild, Gen. Mgr. Marriage Licenses, Draws an Islands through C. C. Curtis. Mr. attentively the Expectant and nursing mothers Grants Curtis has been authorized by R. W committee, saying: always need Scott's Emulsion. 'mothers use it successfully. For sale Deeds, Bills .of . Sale, Mortgages, SUPPLIES AND REPAIRING mu- "I appreciate full gravity by all dealers. Benson, Smith & Co., Saylos, euritor of the' geological the of the , Scott & Eowne. BlbotnfieM; IMS Attorney for the N.J. Hawaii.-advertise-me- nt. STAR-BCXLETI- X Leases, Wills,. etc question. I wish.. you would leave Ltd.. agents for. GIVES T0U MERCHANT ST ASSOCIATED GARAGE, LTD. seum, .to construct a relief model of ,70 . District Courts. the great volcano of the with me such papers as you have pre-- iy ".... TODAY EnS T0DAI HONOLULU, Phona 1841. . Kilauea, ''