10.1071/WR14083_AC ©CSIRO 2014 Supplementary Material: Wildlife Research 41 , 510–521 Supplementary material Spatial analysis of limiting resources on an island: diet and shelter use reveal sites of conservation importance for the Rottnest Island quokka Holly L. Poole A, Laily Mukaromah A, Halina T. Kobryn A and Patricia A. Fleming A,B ASchool of Veterinary & Life Sciences, Murdoch University, WA 6150, Australia. BCorresponding author. Email:
[email protected] Table S1. Raw data of plant fragment identification for 67 faecal samples from Rottnest Island quokkas Plant Family Plants No. No. No. field group faecal fragments validation sample quadrats sites present in present in Dicot Malvaceae Guichenotia ledifolia 52 9854 75 Dicot Fabaceae Acacia rostellifera 37 3018 37 Monocot Asphodelaceae Trachyandra divaricata 46 2702 145 Dicot Myrtaceae Melaleuca lanceolata 25 1506 28 Dicot Chenopodiaceae Tecticornia 13 1350 4 halocnemoides Monocot Poaceae Stipeae (Tribe) 34 1302 171 Monocot Asphodelaceae Asphodelus fistulosus 26 1103 22 Dicot Chenopodiaceae Rhagodia baccata 13 1002 46 Dicot Chenopodiaceae Suaeda australis 12 862 2 Dicot Chenopodiaceae Threlkeldia diffusa 15 829 0 Monocot Poaceae Rostraria cristata 27 788 71 Monocot Poaceae Sporobolus virginicus 5 617 2 Dicot Chenopodiaceae Sarcocornia sp . 10 560 0 Dicot Lamiaceae Westringia dampieri 5 383 46 Dicot Goodeniaceae Scaevola crassifolia 10 349 20 Monocot Cyperaceae Gahnia trifida 8 281 6 Other Cupressaceae Callitris preissii 3 148 18 Monocot Poaceae Poa poiformis 2 116 0 Dicot Chenopodiaceae Atriplex spp. (A. 1 40 1 paludosa ) Monocot Poaceae Polypogon maritimus 1 39 0 Dicot Myrtaceae Agonis flexuosa 1 15 0 Monocot Poaceae Brachypodium distachyon 0 0 1 Monocot Asphodelaceae Bulbine semibarbata 0 0 1 Dicot Pittosporaceae Pittosporum 0 0 1 phylliraeoides Monocot Poaceae Spinifex longifolius 0 0 1 Dicot Fabaceae Acacia saligna 0 0 2 Dicot Chenopodiaceae Atriplex cinerea 0 0 2 1 Dicot Asteraceae Centaurea sp .