Alderia Modesta Class: Gastropoda, Heterobranchia, Euthyneura, Tectipleura

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Alderia Modesta Class: Gastropoda, Heterobranchia, Euthyneura, Tectipleura Phylum: Mollusca Alderia modesta Class: Gastropoda, Heterobranchia, Euthyneura, Tectipleura Order: Sacoglossa A sacoglossan sea slug Family: Plakobranchoidea, Limapontiidae Description is planktotrophic while its congener, A. willowi, Size: To 8 mm long; Coos Bay specimens to is truly poecilogonous (Krug et al. 2007). 5 mm. Possible Misidentifications Color: Greenish to yellowish-tan, black Sacoglossans are a little known group, markings, base ivory. and of small size, but can occur in large num- Body: Metamorphic, adult is an oblong, flat- bers. Alderia modesta, like others of the or- bottomed form without tentacles or tail (Figs. der, feeds on a specific alga (Williams and 1, 2) (Evans 1953). Walker 1999), has a wide distribution, and is Rhinophores: Reduced, rolled and not solid not likely to be confused with other Opistho- (Fig. 1); (Kozloff calls these cephalic projec- branchs. tions 'dorsolateral tentacles,' not rhino- While sacoglossans superficially re- phores) (Kozloff 1974). semble the more well-known nudibranchs, Foot: No parapodia (lateral flaps that could they lack a circlet of gills, solid rhinophores, fold over dorsum); foot extends laterally be- and oral tentacles. One exception, Stiliger fus- yond body (Kozloff 1974). covittatus, has solid rhinophores; it is tiny (3 Cerata: Dorsal projections, about 18 (Fig. mm), transparent white with reddish brown 1), in two loose branches on both anterior patterns, and lives in Polysiphonia, a red alga. and posterior halves of dorsum (Kozloff In the family Limapontiidae there are 1974). two additional species: Gills: Rather than a circlet of gills, like those Olea hansineensis has only about 10 present in some other gastropods, they have elongate cerata on its posterior dorsum; it is branchial processes set in six or seven diag- gray, and found commonly in Zostera beds. onal rows on the sides of the back, increas- Placida dendritica has a long, obvious ing in size towards the posterior (Jeffreys tail, long cerata, and is pale yellow with dark 1869). green lines. It is usually on algae Bryopsis or Eyes: Small, black (Figs. 1, 2). Codium in the rocky intertidal, and found in Anus: A long tube originating on a medial California and Puget Sound (Williams and line, resembling posterior ceratum Gosliner 1973). (McDonald 2007). None of the above are yellowish tan, Renal Pore: have small black markings, a tubular anus, Eggs: Light yellow, in clear cuticle (Fig. 3). and live on Vaucheria. Dark yellow when first deposited. The slugs Other Sacoglossans with dorsal cerata deposit egg masses on the steep sides of and rolled rhinophores, in the family Hermae- little slopes. Thought to produce both idae, include: planktotrophic and lecithotrophic larva (Krug Aplysiopsis enteromorphae, greenish A. modesta 1998), but later studies suggest to brownish black with white edges, bulbous cerata, and up to 22 mm long. It lives in Chaetomorpha, Rhizoclonium (its preferred A publication of the University of Oregon Libraries and the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology Individual species: and full 3rd edition: Email corrections to: [email protected] Dougen, I.E. and Wu, X. 2017. Alderia modesta. In: Oregon Estuarine Invertebrates: Rudys' Illustrated Guide to Common Species, 3rd ed. T.C. Hiebert, B.A. Butler and A.L. Shanks (eds.). University of Oregon Libraries and Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, Charleston, OR. food), or Enteromorpha (Gonor 1961). It has the tip of their penis (Bleakney, J.S. 1988); prominent rhinophores and a tail. eggs laid in September, Coos Bay (this speci- Hermaea oliviae has a Y-shaped ma- men). Once adults reach about 3 mm they hogany line from the rhinophores to the start producing eggs. During the warm sea- head midline; pale yellow with a pink spot son one animal can produce about 1000 eggs behind the eyes. a day. Initially thought to be poecilogonous Hermaea vancouverensis is small (to (Ellingson and Krug 2006), but later studies 5 mm), brown and white, and more common suggest that reproduction in A. modesta is in Puget Sound than in the south; its habitat planktotrophic and A. willowii, a congener of is eelgrass (Zostera); feeds on the diatom A. modesta, is truly poecilogonous (Krug et al. lsthmia (Williams and Gosliner 1973). 2007). Seasonal influences, nutritional status and a number of other factors can come into Ecological Information play and for a further review of seasonal poly- Range: San Juan Island to Elkhorn Slough, phenism in the genus Alderia see Krug (2001) CA; Europe (Steinberg 1963). and Krug et al. (2012). Local Distribution: Coos Bay: South Larva: Slough, and for a more thorough treatment Juvenile: of local distribution see Trowbridge (1993). Longevity: 1-2 years (IUCN 2013) Habitat: Found only in mats of alga Vauche- Growth Rate: After 4 to 5 days, the larvae ria in Salicornia marshes. For a review of hatch and begin their planktonic life. They are sacoglossan natural history in the Pacific planktotrophic and require at least 30 days Northwest see Trowbridge (2002). until they are ready for metamorphosis. To Salinity: Prefers 16-17; cannot survive in early veliger two days in lab (this specimen). normal seawater or fresh water (Hyman Food: Alga Vaucheria, exclusively (Williams 1967), although eggs develop in either sea- and Walker 1999). water or brackish water. Cerata pulsation Predators: Alderia modesta produces a rate varies with salinity (Hyman 1967). strong, pungent odor to repel fish and crabs Temperature: Adults inhabit a wide variety (Hand and Steinberg 1955). of temperature ranges. “If the salinity is suit- Behavior: Newly hatched planktotrophic lar- able, the larvae hatch after 3 1/2 days at 20° vae swim in meandering paths with equal C; this takes 5 days at 14°C and 4 weeks at rates of upward and downward movement. As an average temperature of 2° larvae approach metamorphosis their swim- C” (Seelemann 1967). ming become straighter, faster, and increas- Tidal Level: At higher levels in the marsh, ingly directed towards the bottom (Krug and about 4.0’ (Coos Bay). Zimmer 2004). Associates: Insects; alga Vaucheria. Competent larvae swim downwards, Weight: Individuals sampled in Coos Bay rather than passively sinking, even though ranged from 5.5 to 23.1 mg, with an overall sinking rates are faster than swimming mean weight of 11.2 +/- 0.5mg (Krug et al. speeds, and larvae settle in response to wa- 2007). terborne and surface carbohydrates (Krug Abundance: Common in its particular mi- and Manzi 1999). Active swimming may allow crohabitat, Vaucheria (McDonald 2007). larvae to keep the velum extended, permitting Life-History Information rapid response to chemical settlement cues Reproduction: Mating occurs via hypoder- and promoting successful colonization (Krug mic insemination and they have a spine on and Zimmer 2004). A publication of the University of Oregon Libraries and the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology Individual species: and full 3rd edition: Email corrections to: [email protected] Bibliography San Juan Archipelago, and adjacent re- gions. University of Washington Press: Se- 1. BLEAKNEY, J.S. 1988. The radula and attle & London. penial style of Alderia modesta (Lovèn, 10. KRUG, P.J. 1998. Poecilogony in an estu- 1844) (Opisthobranchia: Ascoglossa) arian opisthobranch: plankotrophy, from populations in North America and lecithotrophy, and mixed clutches in a pop- Europe. The Veliger. 31:226-235. ulation of the sacoglossan Alderia modes- 2. ELLINGSON, R.A., and KRUG, P.J. ta. Marine Biology. 132: 483-494. 2006. Evolution of poecilogony from 11. KRUG, P.J. 2001. Bet-hedging dispersal planktotrophy: cryptic speciation, phylo- strategy of a specialist marine herbivore: a geography, and larval development in settlement dimorphism among sibling lar- the gastropod genus Alderia. Evolution. vae of Alderia modesta. Marine Ecology 60 (11): 293-310. Progress Series. 213:177-192. 3. EVANS, T.J. 1953. The alimentary and 12. KRUG, P.J., ELLINGSON, R.A., BUR- vascular systems of Alderia modesta TON, R. and VALDES, A. 2007. A new (Lovèn) in relation to its ecology. Journal poecilogonous species of sea slug of Molluscan Studies. 29(6): 249-258. (Opisthobranchia: Sacoglossa) from Cali- 4. GONOR, J. J. 1961. Observations on the fornia: comparison with the planktotrophic biology of Hermaeina smithi, a sacoglos- congener Alderia modesta (Loven, 1844). san opisthobranch from the west coast of Journal of Molluscan Studies. 73: 29-38. North America. The Veliger. 4:85-98. 13. KRUG, P.J., GORDON, D., and 5. HAND, C., and STEINBERG, J. (1955). ROMERO, M.R. 2012. Seasonal poly- On the occurrence of the nudibranch Al- phenism in larval type: rearing environ- deria modesta (Loven, 1844) on the cen- ment influences the development mode tral California coast. Nautilus 69: 22-28. expressed by adults in the sea slug Al- 6. HYMAN, L. H. 1967. The invertebrates: deria willowi. Integrative and Comparative mollusca. McGraw-Hill, New York. Biology. 52:161-172. 7. IUCN. 2013. The IUCN red list of spe- 14. KRUG, P.J. and MANZI, A.E. 1999. Wa- cies. Version 2013-1. < terborne and surface-associated carbohy- Red%20List%20Species% drates as settlement cues for larvae of the 20Information%20Sheet/HELCOM% specialist marine herbivore Alderia modes- 20Red%20List%20Alderia% ta. Biological Bulletin. 197:94-103. 20modesta.pdf>. Accessed May 25, 15. KRUG, P.J., and ZIMMER, R.K. 2004. De- 2017. velopmental dimorphism: consequences 8. JEFFREYS, K. G. 1869. British conchol- for larval behavior and dispersal potential ogy, or an account of the mollusca which in a marine gastropod. The Biological Bul- now inhabit the British Isles and the sur- letin. 207:233-246. rounding seas. Volume V: Marine shells 16. MCDONALD, G. R. 2007. Sacoglossa and and naked mollusca to the end of the nudibranchia, p. 788-807. In: Light and gastropoda, the pteropoda and cepha- Smith manual: intertidal invertebrates from lopoda; with a supplement and other central California to Oregon.
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