
, Cranial Sacral Therapy, and Anthroposophic


he science of osteopathy began in the the handiwork of a Master Architect.2 “I love my 1870s as an attempt to reform ortho- fellow man because I see God in his face and in T dox medicine. At that time, conventional his form.”3 Dr. Still saw the as a reflec- medicine utilized vigorous treatments such as tion of divine perfection and therefore reasoned , purging, blistering and sweating to that it must contain all the necessary forces and cure illness, even to the point of poisoning and substances for healing.4 He discovered that the death. Under this model of treatment, known as normal flow of vital fluids in the body was impeded heroic medicine, symptoms were seen as medical during illness and that through manual manipula- complications that would worsen the illness and tion, they could be restored again to full .5 further harm the patient, rather than as a natural, Furthermore, Still felt that these healing forces physiological response to . and were expressed throughout nature and could be other disease symptoms were suppressed and understood by close study and adherence to its drugs were powerful and given in large doses.1 laws: “The Osteopath who succeeds best does Dr. , the founder of oste- so because he looks to Nature for knowledge opathy and a frontier , became an open and obeys her teachings . . . Osteopathy is to me critic of heroic medicine after he lost four children a very sacred science. It is sacred because it is a to infectious disease within four weeks of each healing power through all Nature.”6 other. Dr. Still was grief-stricken, and these losses This phenomenological approach to science called into question all that he had been taught. He is shared with , in which became convinced that more natural and e!ective observation of natural phenomena is based on cures were possible, and returned to his medical sense-impressions. In this kind of study, the ob- textbooks in search of a deeper understanding. server consciously strives to have a pure experi- What he discovered there was the magnificent ence of the phenomena, and then later develops design of the human form, which he considered ideas about its lawful relationships, rather than


beginning at the outset with a pre-formed idea, or patients. Dr. Still also talked about this threefold hypothesis, as with the scientific method. Rudolf nature as mind, motion, and matter: “I find in man a Steiner outlined this approach in detail in this book miniature universe. I find matter, motion, and mind The Philosophy of Freedom.7 This phenomenologi- ... We find all of the parts of the whole solar system cal approach is the basis of osteopathic research and the universe represented … [and] In the heart and practice, and, as we shall see later, continues we find the solar center…”9 to this day. By 1885, Dr. Still had o!cially coined the term Another commonality with anthroposophy “osteopathy” for what he believed would be a was Still’s belief in the triune nature of the human; revolution in modern medicine. Despite fierce that the human being is made up of body, soul, criticism from his peers, he maintained that the and spirit. At the turn of the nineteenth century, body had the innate capacity to heal itself; that there was a major resurgence of interest in this the human being was comprised of body, soul, three-fold nature of humanity.8 The distinction and spirit as an integrated whole; and that disease and integration of body, soul, and spirit remains resulted from a compromise in the normal orga- a fundamental principle of osteopathy to this day nization and flow of vitality through the organism, and is utilized in the examination and treatment of a condition that could be restored by precise


80 LILIPOH WELLNESS GUIDE : FALL 2017 manual manipulation.10 The term osteopathy liter- globe, not within the medical profession but rather ally translates as “disease or su!ering of the ,” beside it, as an allied health profession. Foreign- but more broadly refers to a disruption in proper trained osteopaths are not but do have structure and function. well-established colleges, and can come to the But as osteopathy and other forms of alter- United States for specialty training in many forms native medicine began to flourish, there was of osteopathy. Foreign-trained osteopaths can also increasing opposition by the established medical practice in the United States with a institutions. With the publication of the Flexner license such as a certified therapist.13, 14 Report in 1910, schools that did not comply with Despite the somewhat damaging e!ects of the teachings of orthodox medicine were forced having been absorbed into the medical main- to shut down, resulting in the closing of many stream, the science of osteopathy continued to osteopathic and homeopathic colleges, among evolve, most notably though the work of Dr. William others.11 After decades of legal battles, osteo- Garner Sutherland, DO. His discovery of cranial pathic colleges finally gained full legal recognition articular motion and Primary Respiration, which he on a state and federal level, but at a considerable eventually unveiled in the 1930s, marked a turning cost. In order not to compete with conventional point and a renewal of the science of osteopathy. medicine, osteopathy got increasingly squeezed As materialism and reductionist thinking out of medical education and instead transferred dominated science and medicine throughout over into other health-related professions. As a the twentieth century, osteopathy too became result, much of what exists as manual therapy in increasingly mechanical in its orientation. Much of the United States today has grown out of oste- Dr. Still’s original teachings had become reduced opathy, including the professions of to mechanical models and thrust techniques.15 But and , along with polarity therapy, Dr. Sutherland’s investigations into the rolfing, orthobionomy, , visceral and of the and central nervous manipulation, and Craniosacral TherapyTM, system revealed something new: a rhythmic, among countless others.12 In the end, the con- tidal movement of the cerebrospinal fluid, which tribution osteopathy has made to healthcare is moved the cranial , sacrum, and spinal tremendous, yet much of it goes unrecognized as column, and could be palpated and utilized in originating in osteopathy, because it has grown diagnosis and treatment. This fluid movement he outside the field of medicine. called the Tide, which was directed by the Primary While the history of osteopathy in the United Respiratory Mechanism; “primary” because it is States has been complicated by its acceptance the spark that gives rise to the breath and is the into mainstream medicine, osteopathy su!ered foundation of metabolism.16 Within this fluid he quite a di!erent fate overseas. In England, the described an inherent Intelligence or Potency British Medical Association was effective in that unifies and perfuses the body with the blocking its o"cial recognition as a science of Breath of Life.17 Sutherland called his discovery medicine, and other countries followed suit. Osteopathy in the Cranial Field and considered Eventually, osteopathy was adopted as a specialty it an extension of the science of osteopathy put in manual therapy similar to the profession of forward by Dr. Still. physical therapy in the United State. Since then, Rudolf Steiner also discussed the cerebrospinal osteopathy has continued to spread around the fluid in connection to respiration in a collection of [ continued on page 84 ]

LILIPOH WELLNESS GUIDE : FALL 2017 81 Female Structural & Osteopathic & Anthroposophic Medicine Complex Gynecology & Female Pelvic Health 1920 lectures titled The Renewal Manual & Movement Therapies of Education: Eden G. Fromberg, DO, FACOOG, ABIHM Our cerebrospinal fluid Board Certified in Obstetrics & Gynecology Board Certified in Integrative & Holistic Medicine moves up and down in a Offices located in NYC and Hudson Valley continuous process that Remote Consultations available: Holistic Gynecology New York extends throughout the Phone: (212) 343-8053 Fax: (212) 343-8055 remainder of the - [email protected] ism; a continuous vibrating movement essentially fills the whole human being and is connected with breathing.18

Rhy!m And again, in relation to music: 2849 ROUTE 209, KINGSTON, NY 12401, USA The air we breathe in “en- features ters” the cerebrospinal canal and pulsates upward Serguei Krissiouk MD toward the brain. This mu- Certified in Anthroposophic Medicine, , sic is actually performed, www.RutaComprehensive.org but it remains unconscious; and only the upper rebound is in consciousness. This is Nancy Eos MD 19 Family and Holistic Medicine the lyre of Apollo… Homeopath MD(H) www.DrNancyEos.com From an anthroposophic per- spective, this tidal phenomenon corresponds to etheric forces, or fluid forces, which flow within and through the patient, and which are continuous throughout nature, providing regeneration, growth and healing. The phe- nomena of Primary Respiration and Potency likewise correspond to astral (or aeriform) forces and “I” (or warmth) forces, respec- Frey Biodynamic Zinfandel vineyard, Redwood Valley, California tively. Thus the language of cra- ® nial osteopathy provides a rich Biodynamic Wine landscape for the phenomeno- logical study of anthroposophic Share a glass of real biodynamic wine from medicine. By learning to navigate America’s first certified biodynamic winery. F REY V INEYARDS 800.760.3739 – FreyWine.com/near-you


this landscape, anthroposophic physicians can gain treatment, the protocols they learn are generally insight into the inner workings of the four members safe and relaxing and can benefit both children (physical body, ether body, astral body and the “I” and adults.21 organization). Today, full training in cranial osteopathy is avail- As cranial osteopathy gained more acceptance, able to DOs, MDs, dentists, and (with few excep- Dr. John Upledger, DO saw an opportunity to tions), foreign-trained osteopaths. Physicians well- expand training to lay people and non-medical trained in cranial osteopathy undergo extensive professions. He trademarked the term Craniosacral training and close apprenticeship with a mentor in TherapyTM (CST) in the 1980s in order to legally order to learn to perceive and influence the subtle teach cranial work outside the osteopathic profes- phenomena. Cranial osteopathy has continued sion. Since that time, the term “” to evolve into more precise and subtle levels of is a protected term that applies strictly to his teach- perception and training. Biodynamic osteopathy, ing and cannot be used to describe cranial oste- developed by Dr. James Jealous, DO in the 1980s, opathy. According to Upledger “Dr. Sutherland’s dis- is an extension of the cranial concept, further covery regarding the flexibility of skull sutures led expanding Sutherland’s perceptual landscape by to the early research behind CranioSacral Therapy; exploring embryological development and the unity and both approaches a!ect the cranium, sacrum, of anatomy and physiology.22 and coccyx; the similarities end there.”20 CST is As an osteopathic and anthroposophic phy- a program of specific techniques and protocols sician in private practice, I have found that an developed by Upledger, which he considered safe anthroposophic approach to osteopathy yields for non-physicians to perform. While craniosacral extremely good results. Patients generally feel therapists and other practitioners trained in CST are an improvement in their symptoms and a greater not trained to diagnosis or develop individualized sense of overall well-being that is maintained for



days, weeks, or even months following a single Therapy. 2007, 15(3): 165-174. 13 http://www.aacom.org/become-a-doctor/about-om/US-vs-abroad treatment. Moreover, the perceptual training of 14 http://www.efo.eu/portal/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=68&Itemid=74 osteopathy is excellent preparation for the phe- 15 Incao, P. “The Way to the Heart is through the Head: Today’s Urgent Need for a New Kind nomenological approach to plant study taught of Thinking.” Available online at: http://philipincao.crestonecolorado.com 16 https://osteodoc.com/cranial-osteopathy/ in the anthroposophic medical training. Both 17 http://sctf.com/2011/07/24/have-you-ever-had-a-thought-strike-you/ osteopathy and anthroposophy maintain that the 18 Steiner, R. The Renewal of Education. 14 lectures given in Basel, April 20-May 16, 1920. 19 Steiner, R. Anthroposophy: An Introduction. Lecture IV given in Dornach, Switzerland, spiritual laws of nature are open to anyone who ap- February 1, 1924. plies reverence, discipline, and rigorous inquiry to 20 Upledger, John E. (2002). “CranioSacral Therapy vs. Cranial Osteopathy: Di!erences the study of the natural world. This is what Steiner Divide.” Massage Today. 2 (10). 21 http://iacst.ie/history-craniosacral-therapy 23 called “spiritual science.” 22 McPartland, J, et al. “The Biodynamic Model of Osteopathy in the Cranial Field,” Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing. January 2005, 1(1): 21–32. NOTES 23 Steiner, R. “Human Life in the Light of Spiritual Science.” Lecture given in Liestal, October 1 Sullivan, R.B. “Sanguine Practices: A Historical and Historiographic Reconsideration of 16, 1916. Heroic Therapy in the Age of Rush,” Bulletin of the . 1994, 68(2): 211-234. 2 Ryel, J.A. “Our Neighbor and Osteopathy,” The Journal of Osteopathy. March 1917, Vol. 17, Dr. Carmen Hering, DO, completed her medical training at Touro University, College No. 1: 4-5. of Osteopathic Medicine in 2003. She completed a three-year in Osteopathic 3 Still, A.T. Quoted in: Webster, George V. Concerning Osteopathy. Plimptom Press, 1919, Manipulative Medicine and Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine at St. Barnabas Hospital in p.2. New York City. This unique program integrates traditional osteopathy with conventional 4 Still, A.T. Philosophy of Osteopathy. Self-published, Kirksville, MO 1899, Ch. 7. medicine in most major medical specialties, including pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, geriatrics, internal medicine, critical care, , and general and orthopedic 5 Still, A.T. Autobiography of Andrew Taylor Still. Self-published, Kirksville, MO 1897, p. 252. . 6 Still, A.T. Osteopathy Research and Practice. Self-published, Kirksville, MO 1919, p.20 and Once in private practice, Dr. Hering completed an additional five year training in Anthro- p.10. posophic Medicine and obtained her certification in Anthroposophic Medicine in 2012. She 7 http://www.sensri.org/what-is.html is board-certified in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine and is a current member of the 8 Hendry, The Holy Spirit in Christian Theology, SCM Press, 1965, p. 101. American Osteopathic Association, American Academy of Osteopathy, Cranial Academy, 9 Still, A.T. Autobiography of Andrew Taylor Still. Self-published, Kirksville, MO 1897, p. 406. Physicians Association for Anthroposophic Medicine, and the Anthroposophic Society. Dr. Hering has been in private practice in Albany, CA since 2006 where she maintains a 10 http://www.osteopathic.org/inside-aoa/about/leadership/Pages/tenets-of-osteopathic- general medical practice utilizing osteopathic and anthroposophic medicine. She serves as medicine.aspx adjunct faculty at Touro University, College of Osteopathic Medicine, trains medical students 11 https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ecam/2012/647896/ and residents in her o!ce, and serves as faculty for the annual International Physician 12 Pettman, E. “A History of Manipulative Therapy,” Journal of Manual and Manipulative Medical Training (IPMT) program for anthroposophic medicine in the United States.