Weston Longville Parish Council c/o The Parish Clerk, 36 Acres Way Drayton, , NR8 6UT Tel: 01603 527095 Email: [email protected]

Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 10 July 2017, 7.30pm in the Hall for All, Weston Longville

PRESENT: Clare Morton (CM), (Chair), Ruth Goodall (RG), Peter Ross (PR), John Staveley (JS), Justin Cohu (JC)

Other attendance: Sonya Blythe (clerk) County Councillor Greg Peck Members of the public

1 Chairman’s welcome and to receive apologies for absence

Apologies were noted from Anthony Thomas. Gary Cannell was not present.

2 Members’ Declarations of Interests

None declared.

3 To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 8 May 2017

The minutes of the meeting were approved and signed, subject to a correction being made to the date.

4 To receive information on matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere on the agenda

4.1 Item 12.2 – CM reported that all junctions within the parish had sign posts for the Dinosaur Park on them.

5 To discuss funding a path from the golf course to the dinosaur park

The agenda item had been requested in order to discuss the possibility of WLPC funding a footpath from the Royal golf course to the entrance of the Dinosaur park, as currently pedestrians were forced to walk along the road. Councillors considered this but agreed that they were reluctant to use public funds to support a commercial enterprise.

In light of planning application 20171087, CM noted that she had contacted the planning officer to ascertain whether any conditions could be included within the design and access statement to improve access to the park, as the restaurant would increase the number of people visiting.

6 Highways issues

a) To receive an update b) To consider tasks for the next Highway Rangers visit c) NNDR and traffic calming in Weston

6.1 CM reported that members of the WLPC traffic sub-group Traffic calming had met with Gavin Broad from NCC who had shared response from the public consultation, which had received a 29% return rate. There had been no wholesale support or objection to the scheme as a whole. Key changes included within the survey had been the removal of the chicane near Honingham Road and a layout change to the access point opposite the war memorial. A gated entrance to Weston Green had been suggested by Highways – it was agreed to ask them to agree this in writing. It was also noted that the closure of Paddy’s Lane had garnered the most support, although some were unsure how it would improve traffic through the parish. Finally it would be fed back to NCC that the Weston Longville sign should be removed from the approach to the HGV route. ACTION: CM.

Highways had advised that they would make access routed three metres wide, rather than the requested 2.5 metres. It was feared that the gap would merely slow HGVs down rather than preventing their use of the road completely. It was agreed to request that this be looked at again, and that the work should start upon completion of the NNDR. ACTION: CM.

An email from a parishioner regarding traffic on the Lenwade / Road was considered, during which it was noted NCC had advised that the parish council should invest in traffic calming in this area. It was agreed that a site meeting would be requested between WLPG and NCC to discuss all of the raised issues. ACTION: CM. In addition GP agreed to raise the issues within the email with Highways. Clerk to forward the email on.

6.2 It was noted that requests for jobs for the Rangers had not been received from NCC for several months. Overgrown grass on junctions, affecting the visibility of drivers, would be reported to officers.

6.3 GP reported that he now sat on the Western Link working group. The local group had not met since February - the lack of consultation was a concern.

CM reported that she had attended a meeting in Hockering with other parish councils to look at broader suggestions on the A47. Views on the implications of options should be forwarded to CM before the next meeting in two weeks. ACTION: ALL.

7 Village Hall and Play area

a) Update (Ruth Goodall)

RG advised that the new solar blinds had been installed. Thanks were passed to Councillors from the cinema group for the grant.

8 Greener Weston

a) To receive an update

8.1 RG reported that new members of the litter pick group were carrying out more frequent collections, which was appreciated. However this meant that more bags of waste were deposited at the village hall until they could be collected. It was proposed and agreed that paneling be purchased to create a storage area for the bin bags, to be funded from the solar fund. ACTION: RG.

8.2 It was noted that roses around the parish were in full bloom – AT to be thanked.

9 To consider Planning issues:

Planning Applications/Enforcement –

9.1 Enforcement – 20170173 (traveller site) – There had been no update received from Planning. PR reported that the noise report had not been uploaded to the planning portal and agreed to chase this. GP agreed to call the application in. CM to forward him a copy of the objection submitted by WLPC. Action: CM.

9.2 20171087 – Dinosaur park; new themed restaurant. – No objection, subject to larger considerations around access which CM had raised with the planning officer separately. .

10 To receive correspondence and agree action/response

10.1 NCC had released details of the 2018 Parish Partnership Fund which would split the cost of highway safety improvements 50-50 between WLPC and NCC. It was noted that a future discussion with PC regarding the junction outside the golf club would be useful, but otherwise there was no bid to submit at the current time

10.2 Hornsea Three windfarm – update circulated.

10.3 Lenwade / Hockering Road – discussed at item 6.

11 Financial matters

11.1 The updated accounts were noted.

11.2 The following payments were agreed: i) Clerk salary (£459.80) tax (£115) and expenses £15.15 (SO of £437.80 paid 1 July, cheque for £37.15) ii) Britannia Blinds (Village Cinema Group) - £828 (from Solar Farm funds)

11.3 The following application for grants were considered and agreed: i) All Saints Church – grounds maintenance (S137 money) £500 ii) Norfolk Family Mediation service - £100.

12 Any Other Business (items for information only).

12.1 It was reported that the new Broadband box was due to go live in August 2017. JC agreed to find out which properties would be linked to it.

12.2 It was noted that sadly the Parson Woodforde public house had closed. It was agreed that WLPC would register this as a community asset in order to protect its future as a public house. ACTION: RG to take forward.

12.3 CM agreed to contact the neighbours of the parish telephone box to ascertain their opinions on its future use.

13 To confirm the date of the next meeting:

Monday 11 September 2017.

Meeting closed at 21:25

Signed ...... Chairman.