Arboricultural Report

Proposed development on land off Road Lenwade

12th March 2018

Norwich Road, Lenwade - Arboricultural Report v1.1.docx

Client Owen Bond at Brown & Co The Atrium St George’s Street Norwich NR3 1AB c/o Ian Norris

Planning authority District Council Thorpe Lodge 1 Yarmouth Road Thorpe St Andrew Norwich Norfolk NR7 0DU

Document Arboricultural Report

Version 1.1 Date Revised 12th March 2018 Author Ben Hogben BSc Hons, Dip Surv (Rural), MICFor


BH Trees and Woodlands Consultancy Limited 299 Wroxham Road Norwich Norfolk NR7 8RN

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Table of Contents


Summary 4

1 Introduction 5 2 Methodology 5 3 Desktop review 6 4 Field study 7 5 Arboricultural Implications Assessment 10 6 Arboricultural Method Statement 11 7 Conclusions 12 8 Bibliography 12

Appendix A Tree survey detail

Appendix B Photographic record of trees

Appendix C Default Specification for Protective Barrier

Appendix D BS 5837:2012 Table 1 Cascade chart for tree quality assessment

Appendix E Outline layout

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 This report provides the results of a tree survey of land off Norwich Road, Lenwade and an arboricultural constraints assessment of the site, and may be used to inform the planning process.  The local planning authority is Broadland District Council and communication with the Council planning department has confirmed that there are no Tree Preservation Orders nor is any part of the site within a Conservation Area.

 This is a derelict brownfield site which has been neglected, allowing it to be colonised by secondary birch woodland over a large part of the area.

 Recommended root protection areas are mapped in this report. No construction activities should take place within root protection areas, except as indicated in the detailed method statement.

 We consider that development can be accommodated with minimal impacts on the arboricultural interest of the site.

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1.1. BH Trees and Woodland Consultancy Ltd has been commissioned to prepare an arboricultural report for land off Norwich Road, Lenwade, Norfolk. 1.2. The site access is located at grid reference TG 10884 18110. 1.3. The report includes a survey of those trees that may be affected and an assessment of the potential arboricultural impact of the proposed development on the trees.


2.1. The tree survey and arboricultural aspects have been prepared in accordance with recommendations provided in BS 5837:2012, Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – recommendations. 2.2. The site survey included trees, within the boundaries of the site and those considered to be potentially affected by development proposals, with a stem diameter over 75mm at 1.5m height. 2.3. The tree inspection took place from ground level using visual tree assessment methods, with the use of binoculars and Suunto clinometer. The presence and condition of bark and stem wounds, cavities, decay, fungal fruiting bodies and any structural defects that could increase the risk of structural failure were noted. 2.4. Details for each tree were recorded with management recommendations if deemed necessary, a category grading according to BS 5837:2012, and tree protection distance.


2.5. No internal decay devices or other invasive tools to assess tree condition were used. 2.6. No soil excavation or root inspection was carried out. 2.7. The survey has not considered the effect that trees or vegetation may have on the structural integrity of future building through subsidence or heave.

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3.1 The proposed development site is located in the village of Lenwade, off Norwich Road, which is the main A1067 trunk road between Norwich and . The village of Lenwade lies 6 miles North West of Norwich city center on the A1067 trunk road. 3.2 The development proposal is as yet in outline stages but the site extends to approximately 1.5 hectares and the proposal is for a number of steel framed industrial units with infrastructure for vehicle turning and parking with a new access off the main road.

3.3 The local planning authority is Broadland District Council and communication with the Council planning department has confirmed that none of the trees are covered by Tree Preservation Orders and that there is no Conservation Area affected.

The Site

Figure 1; Site location

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4.1 The trees on the site are plotted on a plan shown in Figure 2 below. A schedule of the detailed survey data is reproduced in a table at appendix A. 4.2 The development area is a neglected industrial site, presumably an extension of the large works which once occupied this site but long since deserted and brought back into use in a piecemeal manner over recent years. It is thus a brownfield site which has been colonised largely by silver birch, growing in the cracks in the concrete. 4.3 The site is in an area of freely draining, slightly acid, sandy soils. The National Landscape Character Area is Central North Norfolk which is ancient countryside with a long-settled agricultural character, where arable land is enclosed by winding lanes and hedgerows, interspersed with woodland and remnant heath and dissected by lush pastoral river valleys. This site lies in bottom of the Wensum Valley corridor, alongside an old railway line which has since been made into a long distance public footpath called the Marriott’s Way. The Wensum is an important ecological river and is a Special Area of Conservation and SSSI. 4.4 The historic maps of the area show that the whole site is a relatively recent development. As recently as the 1946 aerial photo, the whole field appears to be undeveloped, open arable land. There is a building in the north eastern corner of the site which has gone by the time of the 1988 aerial photo, by which time there is extensive industrial development. 4.5 All the trees have become established since 1946, by 1988 there are linear features of trees clearly distinguishable on the boundaries and on an internal boundary. 4.6 The area to the north of the hard standing is now recorded as broadleaved woodland in the National Forest Inventory. 4.7 The maintenance of the railway line and road widening probably saw the removal of the original boundary trees, some of which were subsequently replanted at a much later date. The internal row of trees may be the remaining row of willow trees which have been coppiced at intervals and still discernible as a linear feature at the bottom of the bank. 4.8 There are restricted views from the public footpath onto the site as there is a ditch between the Marriott’s Way and the site which acts as a buffer and various trees and shrubs grow on the banks, but otherwise the site is prominent from the main public road.

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Figure 2: Tree Survey

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Figure 3: Tree Constraints Plan 12th March 20178 9


5.1 The Tree Constraints Plan in figure 3 shows the trees intended for removal and those which are to be retained after development. 5.2 The row of poplar along the western boundary stands on neighbouring land and is outside the control of the developer. 5.3 There are no high quality category “A” trees, the cascade chart for tree quality assessment from BS5837:2012 is reproduced in appendix D. 5.4 The vast majority of trees are self-sown silver birch growing within the deteriorating hard- standing where root development is restricted, thus reducing their long term prospects for they will be prone to failure in high winds. Their premature removal is almost inevitable and these are given a category C classification 5.5 There is a well-developed row of roadside trees identified for retention. Whilst a number of these are heavily branched and have asymmetrical crowns, they provide an important landscape feature. 5.6 The creation of a site access off the main road is inevitable and whilst visibility splays are adequate after some lifting of low hanging branches from the roadside trees, it will be necessary to create a gap in the row. 5.7 Table 1 –Quality assessment of trees recorded in survey in accordance with BS5837:2012

TOTALS To be Trees Groups Hedges Woods removed

Category U 0 0 0 0 0 0

Category A 0 0 0 0 0 0

Category B 16 0 0 0 16 0

Category C 189 9 0 1 199 156

TOTALS 205 9 0 1 215 156

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Tree Work

6.1 It is recommended that the row of retained trees on the roadside should be crown lifted to safeguard the visibility splays. There are many heavily branched trees with long, low branches extending towards the road. 6.2 Any tree work should be undertaken to the standards set out in BS 3998:2010 British Standard Recommendations for Tree Work.

Tree and Root Protection – Constraints on Development

6.3 The Tree Constraints Plan in Figure 3 shows the distance that construction should normally be kept away from retained trees to provide the Root Protection Area (RPA) recommended in BS 5837: 2012. Full protection of the RPAs should normally be reinforced by the erection of protective fencing constructed to at least a minimum standard as prescribed in BS 5837: 2012 and described in the Appendix C. A suggested line for protective fencing is also indicated in the Tree Constraints Plan in Fig 3. 6.4 Access to the public road is proposed between the row of roadside trees, and a suitable gap will be created to avoid encroaching on the RPAs of adjacent retained trees.

General Measures

6.5 No construction activity should be allowed within root protection areas, except as detailed in an agreed method statement. 6.6 No mixing of cement or concrete, or storage of fuel should take place within 10m of retained trees, or in any position where the slope of the ground could lead to contamination of the root protection area. 6.7 Fires should not be lit in a position where their flames could extend to within 5m of foliage, branches or trunks. 6.8 Every effort should be made to route services without encroaching on the RPAs. If for whatever reason, installation within the RPAs is required, the local authority will need to be notified. Trenching for the installation of underground services may sever roots and change the hydrology in a way that adversely affects the health of trees. For this reason particular care will be taken in the routing and methods of installing underground services. Wherever possible they should be kept together and arboriculturally sensitive methods of excavation used. Reference should be made to the National Joint Utilities Group publication Volume 4 issue 2 for guidance, but any approach must be brought to the attention of the local authority.

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7.1 Recommended root protection areas are mapped in this report. No construction activities should take place within root protection areas, except as indicated in the method statement.

7.2 Based on the proposed tree constraints plan and recommended tree protection measures, we consider that development can be accommodated on this site with minimal impacts on the arboricultural interest of the site.


British Standards Institution (2012), BS 5837:2012, Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – recommendations

British Standards Institute , BS 3998:2010 Recommendations for tree work.

Fay, N., Dowson, D.C. and Helliwell, R. (2005), Guidance Note 7, Tree Surveys: A Guide to Good Practice, The Arboricultural Association

Lonsdale, D. (1999), Principles of Tree Hazard Assessment and Management, Research for Amenity Tree No. 7, Stationery Office, .

Mattheck, C. and Breloer, H. (1994), The Body Language of Trees, Research for Amenity Trees No.2, Stationery Office, London.

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Appendix A Tree Survey Detail

N (m) N E (m) S (m) W (m)

- - - -

Tree ID Tree Name Common Maturity (m) Height and Height of first direction branch significant (m) (mm) Diam (m) RPA radius (m2) RPA Area Spread Spread Spread Spread Category category Sub Expectancy Life Condition Phys work Tree recommendations Comment n/a No action G1 Leyland Cypress Young 7 390 4.7 69 1.5 C 1;2 >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action 20 to 40 T2 Lombardy Poplar mature 12 180 2.2 15 1 C yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action 20 to 40 T3 Lombardy Poplar mature 10 220 2.6 22 0.5 1 1.5 1 C yrs Fair Black Italian 1;2 No action 20 to 40 T4 Poplar Mature 20 5m W 530 6.4 127 4 5 5 5 C yrs Fair 1;2 20 to 40 No action

T5 Lombardy Poplar Young 10 n/a 120 1.4 7 1 C yrs Fair Black Italian 1;2 No action 20 to 40 T6 Poplar Mature 20 5m E 530 6.4 127 5 5 4 5 C yrs Fair 1;2 10 to 20 No action

T7 Silver Birch Young 7 3m W 170 2.0 13 3 2 2 3.5 C yrs Poor Black Italian 1;2 No action 20 to 40 T8 Poplar Mature 19 5m E 480 5.8 104 3 5 3 5 C yrs Fair 1;2 10 to 20 No action

T9 Lombardy Poplar Young 6 n/a 130 1.6 8 1 C yrs Poor Black Italian 1;2 No action 20 to 40 T10 Poplar Mature 20 6m E 520 6.2 122 3 5 3 5 C yrs Fair 1;2 10 to 20 No action

T11 Lombardy Poplar Young 12 n/a 180 2.2 15 1 C yrs Fair Black Italian 1;2 No action 20 to 40 T12 Poplar Mature 21 5m E 620 7.4 174 5 6 5 7 C yrs Fair Black Italian 1;2 No action 20 to 40 T13 Poplar Mature 21 5m E 580 7.0 152 6 6 3 7 C yrs Fair Black Italian 1;2 No action 20 to 40 T14 Poplar Mature 21 10m E 370 4.4 62 2 4 2 4 C yrs Fair Black Italian 1;2 No action 20 to 40 T15 Poplar Mature 21 5m E 520 6.2 122 4 7 4 7 C yrs Fair Black Italian 1;2 No action 20 to 40 T16 Poplar Mature 22 7m W 590 7.1 157 4 7 4 7 C yrs Fair Norwich Road, Lenwade - Arboricultural Report v1.1.docx

N (m) N E (m) S (m) W (m)

- - - -

Tree ID Tree Name Common Maturity (m) Height and Height of first direction branch significant (m) (mm) Diam (m) RPA radius (m2) RPA Area Spread Spread Spread Spread Category category Sub Expectancy Life Condition Phys work Tree recommendations Comment Black Italian 1;2 No action 20 to 40 T17 Poplar Mature 22 5m E 600 7.2 163 5 6 4 6 C yrs Fair Black Italian 1;2 No action 20 to 40 T18 Poplar Mature 22 7m W 460 5.5 96 5 5 4 6 C yrs Fair Black Italian Semi- 1;2 No action 20 to 40 T19 Poplar mature 18 7m S 220 2.6 22 2.5 2 2 2.5 C yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T20 Common Oak mature 14 3.5m N 310 3.7 43 4 2 4 5 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action 10 to 20 T21 Common Ash mature 14 1.6m S 413 5.0 77 3 5 6 5 C yrs Poor Black Italian 1;2 No action 20 to 40 T22 Poplar Mature 21 10m W 460 5.5 96 3 5 4 5 C yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action 10 to 20 T23 Lombardy Poplar mature 18 230 2.8 24 1 C yrs Fair Black Italian n/a 1;2 No action 20 to 40 G24 Poplar Mature 24 960 11.5 417 4 C yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action 10 to 20 T25 Goat Willow mature 12 4m W 220 2.6 22 3 C yrs Poor Semi- 1;2 No action

T26 Silver Birch mature 16 3m S 330 4.0 49 4 5 5 3 B >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action 10 to 20 G27 Goat Willow mature 18 4m N 513 6.2 119 6 7 5 4 C yrs Fair 1;2 No action T28 Silver Birch Young 14 n/a 130 1.6 8 1 C >40 yrs Fair 1;2 No action T29 Silver Birch Young 14 2m N 140 1.7 9 2 2 2 3 C >40 yrs Fair n/a 1;2 No action T30 Silver Birch Young 14 140 1.7 9 2 C >40 yrs Fair n/a 1;2 No action T31 Silver Birch Young 15 190 2.3 16 3 3 3 2 C >40 yrs Fair 1;2 No action T32 Silver Birch Mature 18 7m W 366 4.4 61 6 5 5 6 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action 20 to 40 T33 Goat Willow mature 15 2m W 350 4.2 55 5 3 6 6 C yrs Fair n/a 1;2 No action T34 Silver Birch Young 14 220 2.6 22 3 C >40 yrs Fair n/a 1;2 No action T35 Silver Birch Young 12 120 1.4 7 1 C >40 yrs Fair 12th March 20178 14

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N (m) N E (m) S (m) W (m)

- - - -

Tree ID Tree Name Common Maturity (m) Height and Height of first direction branch significant (m) (mm) Diam (m) RPA radius (m2) RPA Area Spread Spread Spread Spread Category category Sub Expectancy Life Condition Phys work Tree recommendations Comment n/a 1;2 No action T36 Silver Birch Young 14 180 2.2 15 2 C >40 yrs Fair n/a 1;2 No action T37 Silver Birch Young 13 140 1.7 9 2 C >40 yrs Fair n/a 1;2 No action T38 Silver Birch Young 14 140 1.7 9 2 C >40 yrs Fair n/a 1;2 No action T39 Silver Birch Young 14 130 1.6 8 2 C >40 yrs Fair n/a 1;2 No action T40 Silver Birch Young 12 130 1.6 8 1.5 C >40 yrs Fair 1;2 No action T41 Common Oak Young 6 1.5m E 90 1.1 4 3 C >40 yrs Fair n/a 1;2 No action T42 Sycamore Young 10 110 1.3 5 1 1.5 2 1 C >40 yrs Fair n/a 1;2 No action T43 Sycamore Young 12 186 2.2 16 2 2 4 3 C >40 yrs Fair 1;2 No action T44 Silver Birch Young 15 7m S 190 2.3 16 2 3 4 3 C >40 yrs Fair n/a 1;2 No action T45 Silver Birch Young 12 180 2.2 15 2 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T46 Silver Birch mature 18 277 3.3 35 5 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

G47 Silver Birch mature 13 474 5.7 102 2 10 2 10 C >40 yrs Fair n/a 1;2 No action G48 Sycamore Young 12 294 3.5 39 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T49 Silver Birch mature 13 140 1.7 9 2 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T50 Silver Birch mature 13 160 1.9 12 2.5 C >40 yrs Fair n/a 1;2 No action T51 Silver Birch Young 12 100 1.2 5 1.5 C >40 yrs Fair n/a 1;2 No action T52 Silver Birch Young 12 120 1.4 7 3 C >40 yrs Fair n/a 1;2 No action T53 Silver Birch Young 12 150 1.8 10 2.5 C >40 yrs Fair n/a 1;2 No action T54 Silver Birch Young 12 90 1.1 4 1.5 C >40 yrs Fair n/a 1;2 No action T55 Silver Birch Young 12 120 1.4 7 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T56 Silver Birch mature 13 15 0.2 0 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T57 Silver Birch mature 13 130 1.6 8 3 C >40 yrs Fair 12th March 20178 15

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N (m) N E (m) S (m) W (m)

- - - -

Tree ID Tree Name Common Maturity (m) Height and Height of first direction branch significant (m) (mm) Diam (m) RPA radius (m2) RPA Area Spread Spread Spread Spread Category category Sub Expectancy Life Condition Phys work Tree recommendations Comment Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T58 Silver Birch mature 13 130 1.6 8 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T59 Silver Birch mature 13 120 1.4 7 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T60 Silver Birch mature 13 150 1.8 10 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T61 Silver Birch mature 13 192 2.3 17 3 C >40 yrs Fair n/a 1;2 No action T62 Silver Birch Young 10 120 1.4 7 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T63 Sycamore mature 14 170 2.0 13 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T64 Silver Birch mature 14 252 3.0 29 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

G65 Silver Birch mature 13 248 3.0 28 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action 10 to 20 T66 Goat Willow mature 13 1.8m N 340 4.1 52 5 1 5 5 C yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T67 Silver Birch mature 18 2m N 320 3.8 46 5 3 3.5 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T68 Silver Birch mature 17 180 2.2 15 1 2 3 2 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T69 Silver Birch mature 16 260 3.1 31 3 2 2 2 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action 10 to 20 T70 Goat Willow mature 15 312 3.7 44 3 3 4 3 C yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T71 Silver Birch mature 16 364 4.4 60 7 5 3 5 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T72 Silver Birch mature 15 160 1.9 12 2 C >40 yrs Fair n/a 1;2 20 to 40 No action

T73 Silver Birch Young 12 2 0.0 0 2 C yrs Fair n/a 1;2 No action T74 Silver Birch Young 12 160 1.9 12 1 1 2.4 1 C >40 yrs Fair

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N (m) N E (m) S (m) W (m)

- - - -

Tree ID Tree Name Common Maturity (m) Height and Height of first direction branch significant (m) (mm) Diam (m) RPA radius (m2) RPA Area Spread Spread Spread Spread Category category Sub Expectancy Life Condition Phys work Tree recommendations Comment Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T75 Silver Birch mature 15 190 2.3 16 3 1.5 1 1.5 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T76 Silver Birch mature 15 339 4.1 52 4 3 4 4 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T77 Silver Birch mature 16 240 2.9 26 4 3 3 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T78 Sycamore mature 15 3m W 220 2.6 22 2.5 3.5 2 3.5 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T79 Silver Birch mature 16 310 3.7 43 5 3 3.5 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T80 Silver Birch mature 15 200 2.4 18 2 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T81 Silver Birch mature 16 190 2.3 16 3 2 1 2 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T82 Silver Birch mature 16 230 2.8 24 4 2 2 2 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T83 Silver Birch mature 16 170 2.0 13 2.5 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T84 Silver Birch mature 15 190 2.3 16 2 5 3 2 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T85 Sycamore mature 14 3m N 294 3.5 39 5 4 3 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T86 Sycamore mature 14 8m N 220 2.6 22 3 2 3 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T87 Sycamore mature 14 n/a 180 2.2 15 3 2 1 2 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T88 Sycamore mature 14 6m E 210 2.5 20 3 2 3 2 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T89 Sycamore mature 14 n/a 150 1.8 10 3 1 2 1 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T90 Sycamore mature 14 5m N 200 2.4 18 3 2 2 2 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T91 Sycamore mature 14 2m N 233 2.8 25 3 3 2 4 C >40 yrs Fair 12th March 20178 17

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N (m) N E (m) S (m) W (m)

- - - -

Tree ID Tree Name Common Maturity (m) Height and Height of first direction branch significant (m) (mm) Diam (m) RPA radius (m2) RPA Area Spread Spread Spread Spread Category category Sub Expectancy Life Condition Phys work Tree recommendations Comment Semi- 1;2 No action

T92 Silver Birch mature 15 n/a 130 1.6 8 2 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T93 Sycamore mature 12 2m W 170 2.0 13 1.5 3 1.5 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T94 Silver Birch mature 14 2m W 372 4.5 63 6 5 3 5 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T95 Silver Birch mature 14 n/a 160 1.9 12 2 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T96 Silver Birch mature 13 2m S 247 3.0 28 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T97 Silver Birch mature 12 n/a 210 2.5 20 3 C >40 yrs Fair 1;2 10 to 20 No action

T98 Goat Willow Mature 14 1.5m 569 6.8 147 7 C yrs Fair n/a 1;2 10 to 20 No action

T99 Goat Willow Mature 13 450 5.4 92 7 C yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action 20 to 40 T100 Silver Birch mature 13 276 3.3 34 4 C yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T101 Silver Birch mature 15 1.6m E 300 3.6 41 3.5 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T102 Silver Birch mature 14 5m S 160 1.9 12 2 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T103 Silver Birch mature 14 150 1.8 10 3.5 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T104 Silver Birch mature 14 250 3.0 28 4 C >40 yrs Fair n/a 1;2 No action G105 Sycamore Young 13 443 5.3 89 C >40 yrs Fair 1;2 No action T106 Common Oak Young 12 2m E 160 1.9 12 4 3 3 2 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T107 Silver Birch mature 15 4m N 250 3.0 28 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T108 Common Ash mature 16 5m W 260 3.1 31 5 4 3 4 C >40 yrs Fair

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N (m) N E (m) S (m) W (m)

- - - -

Tree ID Tree Name Common Maturity (m) Height and Height of first direction branch significant (m) (mm) Diam (m) RPA radius (m2) RPA Area Spread Spread Spread Spread Category category Sub Expectancy Life Condition Phys work Tree recommendations Comment Semi- 1;2 No action

T109 Norway Maple mature 13 2m E 170 2.0 13 3.5 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T110 Common Oak mature 16 n/a 180 2.2 15 3 4 3 1 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action 20 to 40 T111 Common Ash mature 16 3m N 311 3.7 44 5 C yrs Fair 1;2 10 to 20 No action

T112 Goat Willow Mature 16 n/a 447 5.4 90 6 C yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T113 Sycamore mature 16 2m E 230 2.8 24 4 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T114 Common Ash mature 16 4m N 220 2.6 22 4 3 2 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T115 Silver Birch mature 16 4m E 190 2.3 16 3 4 2 4 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T116 Silver Birch mature 15 n/a 200 2.4 18 3 2 2 2 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T117 Silver Birch mature 15 6m N 210 2.5 20 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action 20 to 40 T118 Common Ash mature 14 2m S 293 3.5 39 5 3 2 3 C yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action 20 to 40 T119 Common Ash mature 15 2m W 327 3.9 48 4 3 2 3 C yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T120 Sycamore mature 14 170 2.0 13 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T121 Silver Birch mature 16 300 3.6 41 4 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T122 Sycamore mature 15 200 2.4 18 3.5 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action 20 to 40 T123 Common Ash mature 16 1.8m E 230 2.8 24 5 2 3 2 C yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T124 Sycamore mature 16 n/a 240 2.9 26 2 3 3 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T125 Sycamore mature 16 2m S 230 2.8 24 1 2 4 2 C >40 yrs Fair 12th March 20178 19

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N (m) N E (m) S (m) W (m)

- - - -

Tree ID Tree Name Common Maturity (m) Height and Height of first direction branch significant (m) (mm) Diam (m) RPA radius (m2) RPA Area Spread Spread Spread Spread Category category Sub Expectancy Life Condition Phys work Tree recommendations Comment Semi- 1;2 No action

T126 Sycamore mature 16 2m S 300 3.6 41 3 3 4 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T127 Sycamore mature 16 2m S 260 3.1 31 3 3 3 5 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T128 Sycamore mature 15 200 2.4 18 2 3 2 1 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T129 Silver Birch mature 15 180 2.2 15 3 2 1 2 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T130 Silver Birch mature 16 230 2.8 24 4 2 2 2 C >40 yrs Fair 1;2 No action T131 Common Oak Young 11 2.5m S 120 1.4 7 1 2 2 2 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T132 Silver Birch mature 15 180 2.2 15 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T133 Silver Birch mature 15 170 2.0 13 3 2 1 2 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T134 Sycamore mature 16 1.2m W 310 3.7 43 3 3 5 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T135 Sycamore mature 16 1m S 380 4.6 65 4.5 4 6 4 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T136 Silver Birch mature 16 216 2.6 21 3 2 4 2 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T137 Silver Birch mature 16 160 1.9 12 2 C >40 yrs Fair n/a 1;2 10 to 20 No action

T138 Goat Willow Mature 12 671 8.0 204 8 6 6 6 C yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T139 Silver Birch mature 15 170 2.0 13 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T140 Sycamore mature 16 2m S 280 3.4 35 3 3 5 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T141 Silver Birch mature 16 310 3.7 43 3 3.5 3 3.5 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T142 Silver Birch mature 16 180 2.2 15 3 C >40 yrs Fair

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N (m) N E (m) S (m) W (m)

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Tree ID Tree Name Common Maturity (m) Height and Height of first direction branch significant (m) (mm) Diam (m) RPA radius (m2) RPA Area Spread Spread Spread Spread Category category Sub Expectancy Life Condition Phys work Tree recommendations Comment 1;2 10 to 20 No action

T143 Goat Willow Mature 15 3m N 1301 15.6 766 8 6 6 6 C yrs Fair n/a 1;2 10 to 20 No action

T144 Goat Willow Mature 15 962 11.5 418 8 6 6 6 C yrs Fair n/a 1;2 10 to 20 No action

T145 Goat Willow Mature 15 931 11.2 392 8 6 6 6 C yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T146 Silver Birch mature 16 190 2.3 16 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T147 Sycamore mature 15 2m S 220 2.6 22 4 4 5 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T148 Sycamore mature 16 0.5m S 461 5.5 96 5 4 6 4 B >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T149 Silver Birch mature 16 n/a 170 2.0 13 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T150 Sycamore mature 16 1.5m S 460 5.5 96 5 4 6 4 B >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action 20 to 40 T151 Common Ash mature 15 180 2.2 15 2 C yrs Fair n/a 1;2 No action T152 Silver Birch Veteran 16 170 2.0 13 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T153 Silver Birch mature 15 150 1.8 10 2 C >40 yrs Fair n/a 1;2 10 to 20 No action

T154 Goat Willow Mature 14 741 8.9 248 6 C yrs Fair n/a 1;2 20 to 40 No action

T155 Goat Willow Mature 14 735 8.8 244 6 C yrs Fair n/a 1;2 20 to 40 No action

T156 Goat Willow Mature 14 905 10.9 371 7 C yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T157 Silver Birch mature 16 170 2.0 13 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T158 Silver Birch mature 16 240 2.9 26 3 C >40 yrs Fair 1;2 No action T159 Sycamore Mature 17 1.8m S 340 4.1 52 5 4 6 4 C >40 yrs Fair 1;2 No action T160 Sycamore Mature 16 0.5m N 500 6.0 113 6 5 7 5 C >40 yrs Fair

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N (m) N E (m) S (m) W (m)

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Tree ID Tree Name Common Maturity (m) Height and Height of first direction branch significant (m) (mm) Diam (m) RPA radius (m2) RPA Area Spread Spread Spread Spread Category category Sub Expectancy Life Condition Phys work Tree recommendations Comment Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T161 Silver Birch mature 15 170 2.0 13 3 C >40 yrs Fair n/a 1;2 20 to 40 No action

T162 Goat Willow Mature 15 990 11.9 443 7 C yrs Fair n/a 1;2 No action T163 Goat Willow Mature 15 1138 13.7 586 8 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T164 Silver Birch mature 15 180 2.2 15 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T165 Sycamore mature 15 140 1.7 9 2 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T166 Sycamore mature 15 140 1.7 9 2 C >40 yrs Fair 1;2 No action T167 Sycamore Mature 16 2m E 390 4.7 69 5 4 5 4 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T168 Silver Birch mature 16 170 2.0 13 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T169 Silver Birch mature 16 180 2.2 15 4 C >40 yrs Fair n/a 1;2 20 to 40 No action

T170 Goat Willow Mature 14 857 10.3 333 8 C yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T171 Silver Birch mature 16 160 1.9 12 2 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T172 Silver Birch mature 15 190 2.3 16 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T173 Sycamore mature 14 180 2.2 15 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T174 Silver Birch mature 16 240 2.9 26 4 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T175 Sycamore mature 15 270 3.2 33 3 4 5 4 B >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T176 Sycamore mature 16 170 2.0 13 3 C >40 yrs Fair n/a 1;2 20 to 40 No action

T177 Goat Willow Mature 14 805 9.7 293 7 C yrs Fair 1;2 No action T178 Silver Birch Mature 16 6m N 270 3.2 33 5 4 3 3 C >40 yrs Fair

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N (m) N E (m) S (m) W (m)

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Tree ID Tree Name Common Maturity (m) Height and Height of first direction branch significant (m) (mm) Diam (m) RPA radius (m2) RPA Area Spread Spread Spread Spread Category category Sub Expectancy Life Condition Phys work Tree recommendations Comment n/a 1;2 20 to 40 No action

T179 Goat Willow Mature 15 1044 12.5 493 7 C yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T180 Silver Birch mature 16 240 2.9 26 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T181 Sycamore mature 16 1.5m E 360 4.3 59 4 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T182 Sycamore mature 16 2m S 270 3.2 33 4 3 5 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T183 Silver Birch mature 16 200 2.4 18 4 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T184 Silver Birch mature 16 180 2.2 15 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T185 Common Oak mature 15 5m E 250 3.0 28 4 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T186 Silver Birch mature 16 240 2.9 26 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T187 Silver Birch mature 15 190 2.3 16 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T188 Sycamore mature 16 3m S 330 4.0 49 4 4 5 4 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T189 Silver Birch mature 15 190 2.3 16 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T190 Silver Birch mature 15 200 2.4 18 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T191 Common Oak mature 15 3m S 190 2.3 16 4 4 4 2 C >40 yrs Fair 1;2 20 to 40 No action

T192 Goat Willow Mature 14 n/a 494 5.9 110 7 7 4 3 C yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action 20 to 40 T193 Common Ash mature 15 2m N 200 2.4 18 3 2 3 2 C yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T194 Silver Birch mature 16 n/a 200 2.4 18 3 C >40 yrs Fair 1;2 No action T195 Sycamore Mature 16 0.5m N 660 7.9 197 7 7 6 6 B >40 yrs Fair

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N (m) N E (m) S (m) W (m)

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Tree ID Tree Name Common Maturity (m) Height and Height of first direction branch significant (m) (mm) Diam (m) RPA radius (m2) RPA Area Spread Spread Spread Spread Category category Sub Expectancy Life Condition Phys work Tree recommendations Comment 1;2 No action T196 Sycamore Mature 16 2m S 480 5.8 104 6 5 6 4 B >40 yrs Fair B 1;2 No action T197 Sycamore Mature 17 1.8m N 430 5.2 84 5 4 5 4 >40 yrs Fair B 1;2 No action T198 Sycamore Mature 16 2m S 860 10.3 335 6 5 6 4 >40 yrs Fair B 1;2 No action T199 Sycamore Mature 17 2m E 470 5.6 100 6 7 7 5 >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T200 Common Ash mature 16 2m W 240 2.9 26 4 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T201 Silver Birch mature 16 n/a 190 2.3 16 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- 1;2 No action

T202 Common Oak mature 14 1m N 330 4.0 49 6 4 2 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T203 Silver Birch mature 16 170 2.0 13 3 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a 1;2 No action

T204 Silver Birch mature 15 180 2.2 15 3 C >40 yrs Fair 1;2 No action T205 Sycamore Mature 17 2m S 540 6.5 132 5 5 6 4 B >40 yrs Fair 1;2 No action T206 Sycamore Mature 17 1.6m S 450 5.4 92 6 4 6 4 C >40 yrs Fair B 1;2 No action T207 Sycamore Mature 17 2m S 390 4.7 69 5 4 6 5 >40 yrs Fair B 1;2 No action T208 Sycamore Mature 17 3m S 460 5.5 96 5 5 6 5 >40 yrs Fair 1;2 No action T209 Sycamore Mature 17 2m S 520 6.2 122 5 5 6 5 B >40 yrs Fair 1;2 No action T210 Sycamore Mature 18 2m W 540 6.5 132 7 5 7 6 B >40 yrs Fair Common Horse Semi- 1;2 No action

T211 Chestnut mature 15 1m S 390 4.7 69 5 5 7 5 C >40 yrs Fair Common Horse Semi- 1;2 No action

T212 Chestnut mature 12 2m S 300 3.6 41 5 4 5 4 B >40 yrs Fair Common Horse Semi- 1;2 No action

T213 Chestnut mature 14 1.6m S 430 5.2 84 5 B >40 yrs Fair Mixed native Semi- n/a n/a n/a n/a 1;2 No action

W214 species mature 14 n/a 0 0.0 0 C >40 yrs Fair Semi- n/a n/a n/a n/a 1;2 No action

G215 Silver birch mature 14 n/a 0 0.0 0 C >40 yrs Fair 12th March 20178 24

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Key Age class: Young (1st qtr of life expectancy) Semi-mature (2nd qtr of life expectancy) Early-mature (3rd qtr of life expectancy) Mature (final qtr of life expectancy) Over mature (beyond life expectancy and declining naturally) Veteran (of great age for its species and possibly of conservation value) * derived measurement using protocols in BS5837 ꭞ Sub category “1” Arboricultural values Sub category “2” Landscape values Sub category “3” Cultural values

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Appendix B Photographic record of selected trees

Roadside trees on the left Typical area of birch regen

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Internal birch regeneration View of woodland edge to the north

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Collapsing willows on bank Western boundary of site

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Appendix C

British Standard BS 5837:2012 Default specification for protective barrier

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Appendix D

BS 5837:2012 Table 1 Cascade for tree quality assessment

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Appendix E Outline layout