Report International experience in transboundary mountain governance: insights for Andean cooperation BALSIGER, Jörg, DUPUITS, Emilie Françoise, SCOLOBIG, Anna & United Nations Environment Programme Reference BALSIGER, Jörg, DUPUITS, Emilie Françoise, SCOLOBIG, Anna & United Nations Environment Programme. International experience in transboundary mountain governance: insights for Andean cooperation. Geneva : United Nations Environment Programme, 2020, 126 p. Available at: Disclaimer: layout of this document may differ from the published version. 1 / 1 International Experience in Transboundary Mountain Governance: Insights for Andean Cooperation Jörg Balsiger, Emilie Dupuits, Anna Scolobig October 2020 Institute for Environmental Governance and Territorial Development, University of Geneva, Switzerland Proposed citation Balsiger, J., Dupuits, E., Scolobig, A. 2020. International Experience in Transboundary Mountain Go!ernance" Insights $or Andean %ooperation. Geneva" Institute $or Environ&ental Go!ernance and Territorial Develop&ent, University of Geneva. Corresponding author J(rg Balsiger, Institute o$ Environ&ental overnance and Territorial Develop&ent, 'niversity o$ Geneva, Boulevard Carl)*ogt 6+, 120- Geneva, Contact"
[email protected]# Acknowledgments T#is report .as produced t#rough an agree&ent .it# '1 Environ&ent 2rogra&&e, 34ce for 5atin A&erica and t#e %aribbean 6SS7A85atin A&erica %aribbean8%%89++820,:;, .it# <nancial support by t#e pro=ect “Accelerating Cli&ate Action under Eurocli&a?@. T#e report .as elaborated at t#e 'niversity o$ enevaAs Institute o$ Environ&ental Go!ernance and Territorial Develop&ent, wit# inputs fro& %arolina Adler, Executive Director of t#e Mountain Researc# Initiative. T#e reportAs contents are t#e sole responsibility o$ its aut#ors and do not necessarily reCect t#e vie.s of U1 Environ&ent Progra&&e.