University of Utah History 4795 Mormonism and the American Experience Fall Semester 2017 T, Th 2:00 – 3:20, WBB 617 W. Paul Reeve CTIHB 323 585-9231 Office hours: T, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.; W, 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
[email protected] Course Description: This course explores the historical development of Mormonism in an American context, from its Second Great Awakening beginnings to the beginning of the twenty-first century. It situates the founding and development of Mormonism within the contexts of American cultural, economic, social, religious, racial, and political history. A central theme is the ebb and flow over time of tension between Mormonism and broader American society. How did conflicts over Mormonism during the nineteenth century, especially the conflict over polygamy and theocracy, help define the limits of religious tolerance in this country? How have LDS beliefs, practices, and culture positioned and repositioned Mormons within U.S. society? Learning Outcomes: 1. To situate the development of Mormonism within broader American historical contexts and thereby arrive at a greater understanding of religion’s place in American life. a. To understand the impact of Mormonism upon American history. b. To understand the impact of American history upon Mormonism. 2. To formulate and articulate in class discussions, exams, and through written assignments intelligent and informed arguments concerning the major developments and events that have shaped Mormonism over time. 3. To cultivate the critical mind in response to a variety of historical perspectives. Perspective: This course studies Mormonism in an academic setting. In doing so our purpose is not to debate the truth or falsehood of religious claims, but rather to examine how religious beliefs and experiences functioned in the lives of individuals and communities.