The Kirtland Apostasy

Introduction The year 1836 ended in sharp contrast to how it began. Whereas the first quarter of 1836 recorded many unparalleled heavenly outpourings and divine manifestations associated with the Kirtland Endowment, the later months of 1836 marked the beginning of an era that would continue through 1837-38 of hellish influence that has been termed "the Kirtland Apostasy." "By mid-1836, Church leaders in Kirtland, , faced looming debt as a result of the construction of the , the purchase of land for newly arriving Saints, and financial setbacks in establishing Zion in . Church leaders established the Kirtland Safety Society, an institution similar to a bank, in anticipation that it would become a source of much-needed revenue. However, it did not succeed. Less than a year after opening, the Kirtland Safety Society closed, in large part because of opposition from some non-Mormon citizens as well as a difficult economic climate related to a nationwide financial panic. Beginning in late 1836, a spirit of apostasy and faultfinding grew in the Church, and in 1837 it continued to spread among many of the Saints, including some Church leaders. Though most Church members responded with faith during this difficult period, others openly opposed —and some even called him a fallen prophet."1 A faithful member of the Church and 19 year-old eye witness to these events, Benjamin F. Johnson, recorded years later what happened in these words: "In November, 1836, the Kirtland Bank began to develop; the Temple was completed, and a large town was being built, by the gathering Saints. A wave of speculation [ie. risky financial ventures of buying land and goods at low prices with the intent to turn around and sell at higher prices when the market improves] was spreading over the nation, and it seemed the spirit of it was caught by the Saints. The revelation in which God had given but five years of safety in Kirtland

1 for the Saints, in which to build the Temple and obtain their blessings had been forgotten [see D&C 64:21], and all appeared to feel that Kirtland was to become and remain a great center of business and religious interest for the future. But the Lord had other and greater purposes in view, one of which seemed to be to show us the weakness of human wisdom, and the folly of our idolatry, by bringing us to see our idols crumble in our hands. "At this time, town property and real estate went up to almost fabulous prices, and a general rush was made into business of all kinds. Members of the and Elders on missions hastened home, bringing merchandise and means for general trade, while the Kirtland Bank issued its paper apparently with full confidence in the future. Goods were sold upon credit with great hope of better times; and 'Why be deprived of luxury and fashion today,' seemed to be the spirit of the hour. But when goods bought on credit were to be paid for, and notes became due for lands bought at great prices, then began a reaction. Disappointment engendered feelings which reacted upon fellowship, and men in high places began to complain of and reproach each other, and brotherly love was found smothered by the love of the world. "The Bank [ie. the Kirtland Safety Society] having issued its currency in the same confidence now began to comprehend that its specie vaults were empty, with no possibility to realize upon collateral to replenish them. The spirit of charity was not invoked, and brethren who had borne the highest priesthood and who had for years labored, traveled, ministered and suffered together, and even placed their lives upon the same altar, now were governed by a feeling of hate and a spirit to accuse each other, and all for the love of accursed Mammon. All their former companionship in the holy anointing in the Temple of the Lord, where filled with the Holy Ghost, the heavens were opened, and in view of the glories before them they had together shouted 'Hosanna to God and the Lamb,' all was now forgotten by many, who were like Judas, ready to sell or destroy the Prophet Joseph and his followers. And it almost seemed to me that the brightest stars in our firmament had fallen. Many to whom I had in the past most loved to listen, their voices seemed now the most discordant and hateful to me. From the Quorum of the Twelve fell four of the brightest: William E. McLellin, Luke and Lyman Johnson and John Boyington; of the First Presidency, F. G. Williams; the to the Book of Mormon, , and Martin Harris. Of other very prominent elders were Sylvester Smith, Warren Cowdery, , Joseph Coe and many others who apostatized or became enemies to the Prophet.

2 "I was then nineteen years of age, and as I now look back through more than fifty years of subsequent experience, to that first great Apostasy, I regard it as the greatest sorrow, disappointment and test through which I have ever passed."2

You will read the full story of this tragic time period below.

Footnotes 1. Latter-day Saint History: 1815-1846 Teacher Manual, Lesson 14, Apostasy in Kirtland, online version. 2. My Life’s Review 1st ed. Independence, Missouri: Zion’s Printing & Publishing Co., 1947 (rpt., Mesa, Ariz.: 21st Century Printing, 1992), 27–30, 95–96; see online version)

3 Scripture Reading & Textual Engagement Questions

IMPORTANT NOTE: You are NOT required to answer all of the questions provided at the beginning of each section. The point of these readings is to rigorously ENGAGE WITH THE TEXT and WITH ONE ANOTHER to promote understanding. The questions are simply guides to help you do so.

The Kirtland Apostasy

Qs: How could the failure of the Kirtland Safety Society be easily blamed for causing the apostasy of several of the Church leaders and members in Kirtland in 1837-1838? Do you think this was the real issue? Explain. What lessons are you learning from this reading about why some people apostatize and others do not under the same circumstances? What is valuable in this and relevant to Church members today? What important lessons can we learn from the example and actions of Parley P. Pratt during this season?

The Story of the Kirtland Apostasy But even as he rejoiced in Kirtland’s (excerpts from Saints, Volume 1) success, Joseph could not forget the Saints in Missouri, who were still huddled in small (Excerpts from Saints, The Story of the communities just outside of Jackson County, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, along the Missouri River. He and his vol. 1, p. 247-285. Headings added counselors trusted in the Lord’s promise to throughout) redeem Zion after the elders received the endowment of power. Yet no one knew how How to Finance the Lord's Work and when He would carry the promise out. After the temple dedication, Joseph basked in the hope and goodwill that rested over Turning their attention to Zion, the church Kirtland.1 Saints witnessed an outpouring of leaders fasted and prayed to know the spiritual gifts throughout the spring of 1836. Lord’s will.3 Joseph then recalled the Many saw hosts of angels, clothed in revelation in which the Lord had asked the brilliant white, standing on the roof of the Saints to purchase all the lands in and temple, and some people wondered if the around Jackson County.4 The Saints had Millennium had begun.2 already started purchasing some land in Clay County, but as always, the problem was Joseph could see evidence of the Lord’s finding the money to make more purchases. blessings everywhere. When he had moved to Kirtland five years earlier, the church had In early April, Joseph met with members of been disorganized and unruly. Since then, the church’s printing firm to discuss church the Saints had embraced the word of the finances. The men believed they needed to Lord more fully and transformed a simple contribute all their resources to the village into a strong stake of Zion. The redemption of Zion, and they recommended temple stood as a testament to what they that Joseph and Oliver lead fund-raising could accomplish when they followed God efforts to purchase more land in Missouri.5 and worked together.

4 Unfortunately, the church was already tens back, “and of course have been directed in of thousands of dollars in debt from building wisdom in your moves, relative to leaving the temple and from earlier land purchases, the county.”28 and money was still scarce in Kirtland, even with missionaries collecting donations. With the Saints in Missouri needing a new Much of the Saints’ wealth was in land, place to settle, Joseph felt even more which meant few people could make cash pressure to raise money to buy lands. He donations. And without cash, the church decided to open a church store near Kirtland could do little to pull itself out of debt or and borrowed more money to purchase buy more land in Zion.6 goods to sell there.29 The store had some success, but many Saints took advantage of Once again, Joseph had to find a way to Joseph’s kindness and trust, knowing he finance the Lord’s work.... would not refuse them credit at the store. With the temple completed, more Saints Several of them also insisted on trading for were moving to Kirtland. There was plenty what they needed, making it difficult to turn 30 of land in the area, but much of it was a cash profit on the goods. undeveloped. The Saints hurried to construct more houses, often on credit because there By the end of July, neither the store nor was not much cash in the community. But anything else church leaders tried had eased they could not build fast enough to the church’s debt. Desperate, Joseph left accommodate the new arrivals, so Kirtland with Sidney, Hyrum, and Oliver for established families often opened their Salem, a city on the East Coast, after homes to these people or rented out spare hearing from a church member who thought rooms.... he knew where to find a cache of hidden money. No money came of the lead when Bad News From Missouri they arrived in the city, and Joseph turned to the Lord for guidance.31 In late June, William Phelps and other church leaders in Clay County wrote the “I, the Lord your God, am not displeased prophet to tell him that local officials had with your coming on this journey, summoned church leaders to the courthouse, notwithstanding your follies,” came the where they discussed the Saints’ future in response. “Concern not yourselves about their county. The officials had spoken your debts, for I will give you power to pay calmly and politely, but their words left no them. Concern not yourselves about Zion, room for compromise. for I will deal mercifully with her.”32 Since the Saints could not return to Jackson The men all returned to Kirtland about a County, the officials recommended that they month later with church finances still look for a new place to live—somewhere weighing on their minds. But that fall Joseph they could be by themselves. The church and his counselors proposed a new project leaders in Clay County agreed to leave 27 that just might raise the money they needed rather than risk another violent expulsion. for Zion.... The news shattered Joseph’s hopes of returning to Jackson County that year, but he A Village Banking Business could not blame the Saints in Missouri for [In the fall of 1836] church leaders what happened. “You are better acquainted announced their plans to start the Kirtland with circumstances than we are,” he wrote Safety Society, a village bank designed to

5 boost Kirtland’s struggling economy and Winter enveloped Kirtland, and in January raise money for the church. Like other small 1837, the Kirtland Safety Society opened for banks in the United States, it would provide business.10 On its first day, Joseph issued loans to borrowers so they could purchase crisp banknotes, fresh from the printing property and goods, helping the local press, with the institution’s name and his economy grow. As borrowers paid these signature on the front.11 As more Saints took loans back with interest, the bank would turn out loans, often using their land as collateral, a profit.2 the notes began circulating around Kirtland and elsewhere.... Loans would be issued in the form of banknotes backed by the Safety Society’s Throughout the winter, the Saints in limited reserve of silver and gold coins. To Kirtland continued to borrow large sums of build up this reserve of hard money, the money to purchase property and goods. bank would sell shares of stock to investors, Employers sometimes paid workers in who committed to make payments on their banknotes, which could be used as currency shares over time.3 or redeemed for hard money at the Kirtland Safety Society office.19 By early November, the Kirtland Safety Society had more than thirty stockholders, Soon after the Safety Society opened for including Joseph and Sidney, who invested business, a man named Grandison Newell much of their own money in the bank.4 The began hoarding banknotes. A longtime stockholders elected Sidney as president of resident of a nearby town, Grandison hated the institution and Joseph as cashier, making Joseph and the Saints. He had enjoyed some him responsible for the bank’s accounts.5 prominence in the county until the Saints arrived, and now he often looked for ways, With plans for the bank in place, Oliver legal or otherwise, to harass them.20 went east to purchase materials for printing banknotes, and went to apply If church members came to him for work, he for a charter from the state legislature so would refuse to hire them. If missionaries they could operate the bank legally. Joseph, preached near his home, he would organize meanwhile, urged all the Saints to invest in a group of men to pelt them with eggs. the Safety Society, quoting Old Testament When Doctor Philastus Hurlbut began scriptures that called on the ancient Israelites collecting slanderous statements against to bring their gold and silver to the Lord.6 Joseph, Grandison helped finance his work.21 Joseph felt that God approved of their efforts, and he promised that all would be Yet despite his efforts, the Saints kept well if the Saints heeded the Lord’s gathering to the area.22 commandments.7 Trusting the prophet’s word, additional Saints invested in the The opening of the Kirtland Safety Society Safety Society, although others were more gave Grandison a new point of attack. cautious about purchasing stock in an Concerned about the rising number of banks untried institution.... in Ohio, the state legislature had refused to grant Orson Hyde a charter. Without this The Kirtland Safety Society Opens and approval, the Safety Society could not call Trouble Begins itself a bank, but it could still take deposits

6 and issue loans. Its success relied on Joseph Responds to His Critics stockholders making payments on their shares so the institution could maintain its In the past, the Lord had revealed scripture reserves. Few stockholders had enough hard through Joseph, making it easy for them to money to do that, however, and Grandison exercise faith that he was a prophet of God. suspected the Safety Society’s reserves were But when Joseph’s statements about the too small to sustain it for long.23 Safety Society appeared to go unfulfilled, and their investments began to slip away, Hoping the business would collapse if many Saints became uneasy and critical of enough people redeemed notes for gold or Joseph. silver coins, Grandison traveled around the Wilford [Woodruff] continued to trust that countryside purchasing Safety Society the Safety Society would succeed. After the 24 notes. He then brought his stack of notes to prophet partnered with the other bank, he the Safety Society office and demanded cash returned to Kirtland and responded to the in return. If the officers did not redeem complaints of his critics.31 Later, at the them, he threatened, he would press church’s general conference, Joseph spoke 25 charges. to the Saints about why the church borrowed Cornered, Joseph and the Safety Society money and established institutions like the officers had no choice but to redeem the Safety Society. notes and pray for more investors.... The Saints had begun the latter-day work By the end of January ... the Safety Society poor and destitute, he reminded them, yet was facing a crisis. While Grandison Newell the Lord had commanded them to sacrifice was trying to wipe out its reserves, their time and talents to gather to Zion and newspapers in the area were publishing build a temple. These efforts, though costly, articles that cast doubt on its legitimacy. were vital to the salvation of God’s Like others around the country, some Saints children.32 To move the Lord’s work had also speculated in land and goods, forward, church leaders had to find a way to hoping to get rich with little effort. Others finance it. neglected to make the required payments on their stock. Before long, many workers and Still, Joseph regretted how much they owed businesses in and around Kirtland refused to creditors. “We are indebted to them, to be accept Safety Society notes.28 sure,” he admitted, “but our brethren abroad have only to come with their money.” He Fearing failure, Joseph and Sidney believed that if Saints gathered to Kirtland temporarily shut down the Safety Society and consecrated their property to the Lord, it and traveled to another city to try to partner would do much to relieve the church of its with an established bank there.29 But the burden of debt.33 Safety Society’s poor start had shaken the faith of many Saints, leading them to As Joseph spoke, Wilford felt the power of question the prophet’s spiritual leadership his words. “Oh, that they might be written that had spurred their investment.30 upon our hearts as with an iron pen,” he thought, “to remain forever that we might practice them in our lives.” He wondered how anyone could hear the prophet speak

7 and still doubt that he had been called of them. Their location was secret, but Newel God.34 Whitney and Hyrum knew how to contact 39 them and were advising them from afar. The National Financial Crisis of 1837 Emma understood the dangers Joseph faced. Yet doubts persisted. By mid-April, When his letter arrived, some men— Kirtland’s economy worsened as a financial probably friends of Grandison Newell— crisis overwhelmed the nation. Years of examined its postmark, trying to learn where excessive lending had weakened banks in he was. Others were spying on his struggling England and the United States, causing store. widespread fear of economic collapse. Although she remained optimistic, Emma Banks called in debts, and some stopped worried about the children. Their one-year- issuing loans altogether. Panic soon spread old son, Frederick, was too young to from town to town as banks closed, understand what was happening, but six- businesses failed, and unemployment year-old Julia and four-year-old Joseph 35 soared. became anxious when they learned their 40 In this climate, a struggling institution like father would not be coming home soon. the Kirtland Safety Society stood little chance. Joseph could not do much to fix the Emma knew she had to trust in the Lord, dilemma, yet some found it easier to blame especially now that so many people in him than the national economic panic. Kirtland were turning to doubt and disbelief. “If I had no more confidence in God than Soon creditors were hounding Joseph and some I could name, I should be a sad case Sidney constantly. One man filed a lawsuit indeed,” Emma wrote Joseph at the end of against them over an unpaid debt, and April. “But I still believe that if we humble Grandison Newell brought false criminal ourselves and are as faithful as we can be, charges against Joseph, claiming the prophet we shall be delivered from every snare that was conspiring against him. With each may be laid at our feet.”41 passing day, the prophet grew more concerned that he would be arrested or Even so, she worried that Joseph’s creditors killed.36 would take advantage of his absence and seize whatever property or money they Wilford [Woodruff] and Phebe [Carter] could. “It is impossible for me to do were now engaged, and they had asked anything,” she lamented, “as long as Joseph to marry them. But on the day of everybody has so much better right to all their wedding, he was nowhere to be found, that is called yours than I have.” leaving Frederick Williams to perform the Emma was ready for him to come home. 37 ceremony. There were few people she trusted now, and she was reluctant to give anyone anything Joseph and Sidney Briefly Go into Hiding that did not help to pay off Joseph’s debts.... Shortly after Joseph’s sudden disappearance, Emma received a letter from him, assuring Parley P. Pratt's Struggles with Joseph & 38 her he was safe. He and Sidney had fled Sidney Kirtland, putting distance between themselves and those who wished to harm After he finished [a] mission to Canada, Parley [P. Pratt] returned to Ohio and

8 married a young widow in Kirtland named but he was disturbed by the prophet’s Mary Ann Frost. He also received a letter actions. from Thomas Marsh, the president of the Quorum of the Twelve, urging him to He demanded that Joseph repent and accept postpone [a planned] mission to England the land as payment for the debt. Otherwise, until the apostles could meet as a quorum he would have to take legal action. 44 that summer in Kirtland. “I shall be under the painful necessity of preferring charges against you,” he warned, While Parley waited for the other apostles to “for extortion, covetousness, and taking assemble, Joseph and Sidney returned to advantage of your brother.”48 Kirtland and tried to resolve their debts and ease tensions among the Saints.45 Wilford's Hope, Joseph's Defense, and A few days later, Sidney visited Parley and Warren Parrish's Folly told him he had come to collect an overdue debt. Sometime earlier, Joseph had loaned On May 28, a few days after Parley sent his Parley $2,000 to purchase some land in letter to Joseph, Wilford Woodruff went to Kirtland. To relieve his own debts, Joseph the temple for a Sunday meeting. As dissent had since sold Parley’s debt to the Safety mounted in Kirtland, Wilford remained one Society, and Sidney was now collecting the of Joseph’s staunchest allies. But money. Warren Parrish, who had worked side by side with Joseph for years, had begun Parley told Sidney he did not have the criticizing the prophet for his role in the $2,000 but offered to return the land as financial crisis and was quickly becoming a payment. Sidney told him he would have to leader of the dissenters. give up his house as well as the land to satisfy the debt.46 Wilford prayed that the contentious spirit in the church would dissipate.49 But he would Parley was outraged. When Joseph first sold not be in Kirtland much longer to help. him the land, he had told Parley that he Lately, he had felt impressed to take the would not be hurt in the deal. And what of gospel to the Fox Islands, off the coast of the Heber Kimball’s blessing promising him northeastern state of Maine, near the home countless riches and freedom from debt? of Phebe’s parents. He hoped that on the Now Parley felt like Joseph and Sidney were way there, he would have the chance to taking away everything he had. If he lost his teach his own parents and younger sister the land and home, what would he and his gospel. Phebe would join him to meet his family do?47 family and take him farther north to meet hers.50 The next day, Parley sent an angry letter to Joseph. “I have at length become fully As eager as he was to be with family, convinced that the whole scene of Wilford could not help worrying about speculation in which we have been engaged Joseph and the state of the church in is of the devil,” he wrote, “which has given Kirtland. Taking a seat in the temple, he saw rise to lying, deceiving, and taking Joseph at the pulpit. In the face of so much advantage of one’s neighbor.” Parley told opposition, the prophet appeared cast down. Joseph he still believed in the Book of He had lost thousands of dollars in the Mormon and the , collapse of the Safety Society, far more than

9 anyone else.51And, unlike many others, he efforts to pull the church out of debt failed, had not abandoned the institution when it Orson Hyde, William McLellin, and Orson began to fail. Pratt also began to grow angry with him. With Parley Pratt now speaking out against Gazing out across the congregation, Joseph Joseph, and Heber were the defended himself against his critics, only loyal apostles left in Kirtland.3 speaking in the name of the Lord.

As Wilford listened, he could see that the Heber's Mission Call to England power and Spirit of God rested over Joseph. He also felt it descend on Sidney and others One day, as Heber sat with the prophet in as they took the stand and testified of the pulpits of the temple, Joseph leaned over Joseph’s integrity.52 But before the to him and said, “Brother Heber, the Spirit meeting closed, Warren stood up and of the Lord has whispered to me, ‘Let my denounced Joseph in front of the servant Heber go to England and proclaim congregation. my gospel, and open the door of salvation to that nation.’” Wilford’s heart sank as he listened to the tirade. “Oh, Warren, Warren,” he grieved.53 Heber was stunned. He was a simple potter with little education. England was the most powerful nation in the world, and its people A Quorum in Trouble were famous for their learning and religious devotion. “O Lord,” he prayed, “I am a man Late in the spring of 1837, apostles Thomas of stammering tongue and altogether unfit Marsh, David Patten, and William Smith left for such a work. How can I go to preach in their homes in Missouri and set out for that land?”4 Kirtland.... And what about his family? Heber could Thomas was anxious to reunite with the rest hardly bear the thought of leaving Vilate and of the Twelve, especially when he learned of their children to preach overseas. He was Parley’s desire to take the gospel to sure other apostles were more qualified to England. Preaching the gospel overseas was lead the mission. Thomas Marsh was the an important step in the Lord’s work, and as senior apostle and had been among the first president of the quorum, Thomas wanted to to read the Book of Mormon and join the assemble the apostles and plan the mission church. Why would the Lord not send him? together. Or what about Brigham? Heber asked He also worried about reports he had Joseph if Brigham could at least go with him received of the dissent in Kirtland. Three of to England. Brigham had more seniority in the dissenters—Luke and Lyman Johnson the quorum because he was older than and John Boynton—were members of his Heber. quorum. Unless the Twelve could become more united, Thomas feared that the mission No, Joseph said. He wanted Brigham to stay to England would not prosper.2 in Kirtland.5

Back in Ohio, Heber Kimball could see just Reluctantly, Heber accepted the call and how divided the Quorum of the Twelve had prepared to leave. He prayed at the temple become since the Kirtland Safety Society daily, asking for the Lord’s protection and had opened six months earlier. As Joseph’s power. Soon word of his call spread through

10 Kirtland, and Brigham and others eagerly By the end of June, dissenters in Kirtland supported his decision to go. “Do as the had become more aggressive. Led by prophet has told you,” they told Heber, “and Warren Parrish, they disrupted Sunday be blessed with power to do a glorious meetings in the temple and accused Joseph work.” of all manner of sins. If any of the Saints tried to defend the prophet, the dissenters John Boynton [a member of the Twelve] shouted them down and threatened their was less encouraging. “If you are such a lives.13 damned fool as to go at the call of the fallen prophet,” he scoffed, “I will not make an Mary Fielding, who had moved to Kirtland effort to help you.” Lyman Johnson was also with her brother before he left for England, opposed, but after seeing Heber’s was dismayed by the turmoil in Ohio. At a determination to go, he removed his cloak meeting in the temple one morning, Parley and placed it on Heber’s shoulders.6 Pratt called Joseph to repentance and declared that nearly all the church had Soon Joseph Fielding came to Kirtland with departed from God. a group of Canadian Saints, and he and 14 several others were assigned to the mission, Parley’s words pained Mary. The same fulfilling [a] prophecy [of Heber C. voice that had taught her the gospel [in Kimball] that Parley’s mission to Canada Canada] was now denouncing the prophet of would lay a foundation for a mission to God and condemning the church. Parley’s England. Orson Hyde repented of his angry letter to Joseph had circulated all over disaffection and also joined the mission. Kirtland, and Parley himself made no secret Finally, Heber invited Brigham’s cousin of his grievances. When John Taylor was in Willard Richards to go with them.7 town, Parley had taken him aside and warned him not to follow Joseph. On the day of his departure, Heber knelt “Before you left Canada, you bore a strong with Vilate and their children. He prayed testimony to Joseph Smith being a prophet that God would grant him a safe voyage of God,” John had reminded him, “and you across the ocean, make him useful in the said you knew these things by revelation and mission field, and provide for his family the gift of the Holy Ghost.” while he was away. Then, with tears rolling down his cheeks, he blessed each of his John ... then testified, “I now have the same children and left for the British Isles.8 testimony that you then rejoiced in. If the work was true six months ago, it is true today. If Joseph Smith was then a prophet, The Financial/Faith Crisis Continues he is now a prophet.”15 The national economic crisis continued into the summer of 1837.... [T]he financial panic Joseph, meanwhile, became sick and could had left few jobs in and around Kirtland—or not leave his bed. Intense pain racked his anywhere else in the nation. As a result, the body, and he grew too weak to lift his head. cost of goods rose and land values fell Emma and his doctor remained at his side as sharply. Few people in Kirtland had means he slipped in and out of consciousness. Sidney said he did not believe Joseph would to support themselves or workers. To pay 16 church debts, Joseph had to mortgage the live much longer. temple, putting it at risk of foreclosure....

11 Joseph’s critics reveled in his suffering, Parley thought it over. When he had written saying God was punishing him for his sins. his letter to Joseph, he had told himself that Many of the prophet’s friends, however, the letter was for the prophet’s own good. went to the temple and prayed all night that But Parley knew he was fooling himself. He he would be healed.17 had not called Joseph to repentance in a spirit of meekness. Rather, he had lashed out In time, Joseph began to recover, and Mary at him, seeking retribution. visited him with Vilate Kimball. He said the Lord had comforted him during his sickness. Parley also realized that his feeling of Mary was glad to see he was doing better betrayal had blinded him to Joseph’s own and invited him to visit the Saints living in hardships. Speaking out against the prophet Canada when he was well again. and accusing him of selfishness and greed had been wrong.25 The following Sunday, Mary attended another meeting in the temple. Joseph was Ashamed, Parley decided to return to still too weak to attend, so Warren Parrish Kirtland with Thomas and the other strode up to the pulpits and sat down in the apostles. Once they arrived, he went to the prophet’s seat. Hyrum, who led the meeting, prophet’s house. Joseph was still recovering did not respond to the provocation, but he from his illness, but he was getting stronger. preached a long sermon about the state of Parley wept when he saw him and the church. Mary admired Hyrum’s humility apologized for everything he had said and as he reminded the Saints of their covenants. done to hurt him. Joseph forgave him, 26 “My heart is soft,” Hyrum told the prayed for him, and blessed him. congregation, “and I now feel as a little child.” His voice full of emotion, he Thomas's Meeting with Joseph and the promised the Saints that the church would Receipt of D&C 112 begin to rise from that very hour.... Thomas, meanwhile, tried to reunify the other members of the Twelve. He succeeded Parley's Reconciliation with the Prophet in reconciling Orson Pratt and Joseph, but William McLellin had moved away and the On the road from Far West to Kirtland, Johnson brothers and John Boynton could Thomas Marsh, David Patten, and William not be placated.27 Smith were surprised to meet Parley Pratt headed the other direction. Trying to recover Thomas himself began to grumble when he his losses, Parley had sold some land, learned that Joseph had sent Heber Kimball cashed out his shares in the Safety Society, 23 and Orson Hyde to England without and struck out for Missouri alone. consulting him. As president of the Twelve, was it not his responsibility to direct Still determined to reunite the Quorum of missionary work and lead the mission to the Twelve, Thomas urged Parley to come England? Had he not come to Kirtland to back to Kirtland with them. Parley was not rally the Twelve and send them overseas?28 eager to go back to a place where he had suffered so much heartache and 24 He prayed for Heber and Orson and the disappointment. Yet Thomas pressed him work they were doing abroad, but his to reconsider, confident he could be resentment and damaged pride were hard to reconciled with the prophet. stifle.29

12 Kirtland temple about the floundering Safety On July 23, Thomas discussed the matter Society. He defended his son’s character and with Joseph. As they met, they resolved condemned the actions of the dissenters, their differences and Joseph received a who were sitting at the other end of the revelation addressed to Thomas.30 “Thou art room. the man whom I have chosen to hold the keys of my kingdom, as pertaining to the As the patriarch addressed the Saints, Twelve, abroad among all nations,” the Lord Warren Parrish stood and demanded to assured him. He forgave his sins and urged speak. Joseph Sr. told him not to interrupt, him to be of good cheer. but Warren bounded across the room and forced his way onto the stand. He seized But the Lord affirmed that the Twelve acted Joseph Sr. and tried to pull him away from under the authority of Joseph and his the pulpit. The patriarch cried out for Oliver counselors in the First Presidency, even in Cowdery, who served as the local justice of matters related to missionary work. the peace, but Oliver did nothing to help his “Whithersoever they shall send you, go ye,” old friend. the Lord said, “and I will be with you.” He Seeing his father in danger, William Smith told Thomas that following the First sprang to his feet, threw his arms around Presidency’s direction would lead to greater Warren, and dragged him off the stand. John 31 success in the mission field. Boynton lunged forward, unsheathing a “In whatsoever place ye shall proclaim my sword. He pointed the blade at William’s name,” He promised, “an effectual door chest and threatened to run his fellow shall be opened unto you.” apostle through if he took another step. Other dissenters drew knives and pistols The Lord also helped Thomas know how to from their pockets and surrounded William. repair his fractured quorum. “Be thou humble,” He said, “and the Lord thy God The temple erupted in chaos. People shall lead thee by the hand, and give thee scrambled for doorways or escaped out answer to thy prayers.” nearby windows. Constables burst into the room, pushed through the fleeing crowd, and He urged Thomas and the Twelve to lay grappled with the armed men.3 aside their differences with Joseph and focus on their mission. “See to it that ye trouble When Joseph returned to Kirtland a few not yourselves concerning the affairs of my weeks later and learned what had happened, church in this place,” He continued, “but he convened an emergency conference of purify your hearts before me; and then go ye the Saints and called for a sustaining vote of into the world, and preach my gospel unto each leader in the church.4 The Saints every creature.” sustained him and the First Presidency but rejected John Boynton, , and “Behold,” the Lord said, “how great is your 32 Lyman Johnson as members of the Quorum calling.” of the Twelve.5

The vote of confidence was assuring, though Trouble in the Temple Joseph knew Kirtland’s problems were far Joseph traveled that same summer to Canada from over. As the only stake in the church, to visit the Saints in Toronto. In his absence, Kirtland was supposed to provide a Joseph Sr. spoke at a Sunday meeting in the gathering place for the Saints. But the town

13 was struggling economically and While these men were not in league with spiritually—and the dissenters were turning Warren Parrish or the other dissenters, their vulnerable church members against him. For loyalty to Joseph had waned over the last many people, Kirtland had ceased to be a eight months, and he worried about them place of peace and spiritual strength. causing problems in Zion. Before leaving Kirtland, Joseph asked his Setting Sights on Missouri brother Hyrum and Thomas Marsh to go to Far West ahead of him to warn the faithful Recently, through a vision, the Lord had Saints about the growing rift between him urged Joseph to create new stakes of Zion and these men.... and enlarge the borders of the church. Joseph and Sidney now believed it was time [After their brief visit in Far West Missouri to go to Missouri, inspect the new settlement and conducting important business there,] at Far West, and establish other stakes as Hyrum and Joseph immediately began gathering places for the Saints.6 preparing to return to Kirtland..... Joseph needed to visit Missouri for other reasons as well. He worried that the apostasy Kirtland Troubles Continue in Kirtland had carried over to church leaders in Zion. When they founded Far Joseph, Sidney, and Hyrum arrived back in West, and William Phelps Kirtland a few weeks later.... Many Saints had not counseled with the bishopric or high were relieved to have Joseph back in council, as directed by revelation. They had Kirtland, but any hope that he could restore also bought land with donated money in harmony to the church soon evaporated. their own names and sold it for personal Warren Parrish, Luke Johnson, and John profit. Boynton were meeting weekly with Grandison Newell and other enemies of the Although both men had admitted their error, church to denounce the First Presidency. Joseph and other church leaders suspected Former stalwarts like Martin Harris soon that they were still being dishonest in their joined them, and by the end of the year, the management of land in Missouri.7 leading dissenters had organized a church of their own.43 Joseph also worried about the influence of members of his own First Presidency who A short time later, Vilate Kimball wrote her were preparing to move to Far West. husband in England about the state of the Frederick Williams had clashed with him church in Ohio. Knowing Heber’s love for over the management of the Kirtland Safety Luke Johnson and John Boynton, who had Society, and it had hurt their been his fellow quorum members, Vilate friendship.8 Oliver, meanwhile, had become hesitated to tell him the terrible news.44 uncomfortable with Joseph taking a more active role in local economics and politics. “I have no doubt but it will pain your heart,” Both he and David Whitmer, the president she wrote Heber. “They profess to believe of the church in Missouri, felt that Joseph the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and was exerting too much influence over Covenants but in works deny them.”45 temporal matters in his role as prophet.9 At the end of the letter, Marinda Hyde added a note to her husband, Orson. Marinda’s

14 older brother was Luke Johnson, and the repented,” she told Heber. And she trusted apostasy was just as heartbreaking for her. that the church would weather the storm. “Such times in Kirtland you never witnessed as we now have,” she wrote, “for it seems “The Lord says, he that cannot endure that all confidence in each other is gone.” chastisement but denies me cannot be She had to watch and pray to know for sanctified,” she wrote. That might mean herself the right course to take through the facing hostility in Kirtland alone while she perilous times. and the children waited for Heber to return from his mission. Or if things got worse, it “If ever I wanted to see you in my life,” she could mean abandoning their home and told Orson, “it is now.”46 moving to Missouri.

“If we shall have to flee,” she told Heber, “I Nothing seemed to temper the dissenters’ 49 feelings. They claimed that Joseph and shall.” Sidney had mismanaged the Kirtland Safety Society and cheated the Saints. Warren Joseph & Sidney Escape with Their Families believed that a prophet should be more godly than other people, and he used the The Kirtland dissenters grew more bitter and Safety Society’s demise to show how Joseph aggressive as the new year dawned. Threats fell short of this standard.47 of mob violence hung over the church, and debt and false legal charges hounded the prophet. Soon a local sheriff, armed with an The Excommunication of the Dissenters and arrest warrant, began searching for him. If Aftermath caught, Joseph could face a costly trial and possibly imprisonment.50 After months of trying to reconcile with the leading dissenters, the Kirtland high council On January 12, 1838, the prophet sought the excommunicated them. The dissenters then Lord’s help and received a revelation. “Let seized the temple for their own church the presidency of my church take their meetings and threatened to drive anyone families,” the Lord instructed, “and move on who was still loyal to Joseph out of Kirtland. to the west as fast as the way is made plain.” Vilate believed the dissenters were wrong to The Lord urged Joseph’s friends and their turn away from the Saints, yet she felt families to gather to Missouri as well. “Be at sorrow for them rather than anger. “After all peace among yourselves, O ye inhabitants of that I have said about this dissenting party,” Zion,” He declared, “or there shall be no she wrote Heber, “there are some of them safety for you.”51 that I love, and I have great feeling and pity for them.”48 She knew the collapse of the The Smiths and Rigdons planned their Safety Society had tried them spiritually and escape immediately. The two men would temporally. She too thought that Joseph had slip out of Kirtland that night, and their made mistakes while managing the families would follow a short time later in institution, but she had not lost faith in the wagons. prophet. That night, well after darkness had fallen “I have every reason to believe that Joseph over Kirtland, Joseph and Sidney climbed has humbled himself before the Lord and onto their horses and rode out of town.52 They traveled south until morning, covering nearly sixty miles. When their

15 horses were spent, the men stopped to wait Neither Joseph nor Sidney expected to see for their wives and children. Kirtland again. When their families arrived, the men joined them in their wagons and set out for Far West.53

Thomas B. Marsh

Qs: What specific counsel was given to Thomas Marsh in D&C 112? How do you think his life would have been different had he obeyed this counsel? What warnings were given to the Twelve in D&C 112? Given the circumstances of the time, why do you think these warnings were timely? What lessons are you taking away from Thomas B. Marsh’s life story—including his excommunication and eventual return to the Church?

Doctrine and Covenants 112 5 Contend thou, therefore, morning by 1 Verily thus saith the Lord unto you my morning; and day after day let thy warning servant Thomas: I have heard thy prayers; voice go forth; and when the night cometh and thine alms have come up as a memorial let not the inhabitants of the earth slumber, before me, in behalf of those, thy brethren, because of thy speech. who were chosen to bear testimony of my name and to send it abroad among all 6 Let thy habitation be known in Zion, and nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, and remove not thy house; for I, the Lord, have a ordained through the instrumentality of my great work for thee to do, in publishing my servants. name among the children of men.

2 Verily I say unto you, there have been 7 Therefore, gird up thy loins for the work. some few things in thine heart and with thee Let thy feet be shod also, for thou art with which I, the Lord, was not well chosen, and thy path lieth among the pleased. mountains, and among many nations.

3 Nevertheless, inasmuch as thou hast 8 And by thy word many high ones shall be abased thyself thou shalt be exalted; brought low, and by thy word many low therefore, all thy sins are forgiven thee. ones shall be exalted.

4 Let thy heart be of good cheer before my 9 Thy voice shall be a rebuke unto the face; and thou shalt bear record of my name, transgressor; and at thy rebuke let the tongue not only unto the Gentiles, but also unto the of the slanderer cease its perverseness. Jews; and thou shalt send forth my word unto the ends of the earth.

16 10 Be thou humble; and the Lord thy God 17 That thou mayest be my servant to shall lead thee by the hand, and give thee unlock the door of the kingdom in all places answer to thy prayers. where my servant Joseph, and my servant Sidney, and my servant Hyrum, cannot 11 I know thy heart, and have heard thy come; prayers concerning thy brethren. Be not partial towards them in love above many 18 For on them have I laid the burden of all others, but let thy love be for them as for the churches for a little season. thyself; and let thy love abound unto all men, and unto all who love my name. 19 Wherefore, whithersoever they shall send you, go ye, and I will be with you; and in 12 And pray for thy brethren of the Twelve. whatsoever place ye shall proclaim my name Admonish them sharply for my name’s sake, an effectual door shall be opened unto you, and let them be admonished for all their that they may receive my word. sins, and be ye faithful before me unto my name. 20 Whosoever receiveth my word receiveth me, and whosoever receiveth me, receiveth 13 And after their temptations, and much those, the First Presidency, whom I have tribulation, behold, I, the Lord, will feel sent, whom I have made counselors for my after them, and if they harden not their name’s sake unto you. hearts, and stiffen not their necks against me, they shall be converted, and I will heal 21 And again, I say unto you, that them. whosoever ye shall send in my name, by the voice of your brethren, the Twelve, duly 14 Now, I say unto you, and what I say unto recommended and authorized by you, shall you, I say unto all the Twelve: Arise and have power to open the door of my kingdom gird up your loins, take up your cross, unto any nation whithersoever ye shall send follow me, and feed my sheep. them—

15 Exalt not yourselves; rebel not against 22 Inasmuch as they shall humble my servant Joseph; for verily I say unto you, themselves before me, and abide in my I am with him, and my hand shall be over word, and hearken to the voice of my Spirit. him; and the keys which I have given unto him, and also to youward, shall not be taken 23 Verily, verily, I say unto you, darkness from him till I come. covereth the earth, and gross darkness the minds of the people, and all flesh has 16 Verily I say unto you, my servant become corrupt before my face. Thomas, thou art the man whom I have chosen to hold the keys of my kingdom, as 24 Behold, vengeance cometh speedily upon pertaining to the Twelve, abroad among all the inhabitants of the earth, a day of wrath, a nations— day of burning, a day of desolation, of weeping, of mourning, and of lamentation;

17 and as a whirlwind it shall come upon all the 33 Verily I say unto you, behold how great face of the earth, saith the Lord. is your calling. Cleanse your hearts and your garments, lest the blood of this generation be 25 And upon my house shall it begin, and required at your hands. from my house shall it go forth, saith the Lord; 34 Be faithful until I come, for I come quickly; and my reward is with me to 26 First among those among you, saith the recompense every man according as his Lord, who have professed to know my name work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega. and have not known me, and have Amen. blasphemed against me in the midst of my house, saith the Lord. Background, Context, and Aftermath of D&C 112 (from 27 Therefore, see to it that ye trouble not yourselves concerning the affairs of my Date: 23 July 1837 church in this place, saith the Lord. Place: Kirtland, Ohio 28 But purify your hearts before me; and From Revelations of the Restoration (Joseph then go ye into all the world, and preach my Fielding McConkie and Craig J. Ostler) gospel unto every creature who has not received it; This revelation was given during some of the darkest days in the history of the Church. 29 And he that believeth and is baptized As night follows the day, so the light and shall be saved, and he that believeth not, and glory that surrounded the dedication of the is not baptized, shall be damned. Kirtland Temple was supplanted by darkness and evil. In the summer of 1837, 30 For unto you, the Twelve, and those, the members of the Quorum of the Twelve, First Presidency, who are appointed with witnesses to the Book of Mormon, and other you to be your counselors and your leaders, key priesthood leaders met in the upper is the power of this priesthood given, for the room of the temple to dispose of Joseph last days and for the last time, in the which Smith as the prophet of the Lord. Their plan was to organize a new Church, with David is the dispensation of the fulness of times. Whitmer at its head. They had determined to reject the Prophet, the Book of Mormon, and 31 Which power you hold, in connection the priesthood, while seeking to unite the with all those who have received a Christian world around repentance, baptism, dispensation at any time from the beginning and the Bible (George A. Smith, Journal of of the creation; Discourses, 11:11).

32 For verily I say unto you, the keys of the In the midst of this darkness, Joseph Smith dispensation, which ye have received, have said, "God revealed to me that something come down from the fathers, and last of all, new must be done for the salvation of His being sent down from heaven unto you. Church" (History of the Church, 2:489). Heber C. Kimball reported that the Prophet Joseph Smith came to him while he was in

18 the Kirtland Temple and said, "Brother revelation's command to be humble (v. 10), Heber, the Spirit of the Lord has whispered to "exalt not yourselves," or to "rebel not to me: 'Let my servant Heber go to England against my servant Joseph" (v. 15). and proclaim my Gospel, and open the door of salvation to that nation'" (Whitney, Life of Thomas returned to his home in Missouri, as Heber C. Kimball, 104; [see Heber C. commanded in verse 6, and continued under Kimball's Call to England]). Joseph's direction to publish the Elders' Journal newspaper for the Church. But by Section 112 was given on the day the gospel the fall of 1838 he had begun to exalt was first preached in England. It was himself and rebel against Joseph. He directed to Thomas B. Marsh, then the famously repudiated the decisions of Church president of the Quorum of the Twelve and councils to defend his wife in a dispute with the man thus entitled to a revelation on the another sister [see full story]. Then he duties of that quorum. This revelation is of signed an affidavit charging Joseph Smith singular importance in identifying the rights with treason, which led to the Prophet's and authority of the Twelve in declaring the incarceration. "That affidavit brought from gospel to the nations of the earth and in the government of Missouri an specifying their relationship to the First exterminating order, which drove some Presidency. (Revelations of the Restoration, 15,000 Saints from their homes and p.898, (2000), © Deseret Book Company. habitations" (George A. Smith, in Journal of Used by Permission.) Discourses, 3:283–84, April 6, 1856).

Aftermath and Outcomes of D&C 112 Thomas was excommunicated in March 1839 and remained estranged from the Steven C. Harper (LDS Scholar) Church for nearly two decades. (Making Sense of the Doctrine and Covenants, p.415- Though he wrote the Lord's words as Joseph 416, (2008), © Deseret Book Company. spoke them, Thomas Marsh heard Doctrine Used by Permission.) and Covenants 112 selectively. He took the revelation to Heber C. Kimball's wife, Ronald K. Esplin (LDS Scholar) Vilate, and told her that Joseph had assured him that her husband would not be effective Marsh’s disillusionment and decision to as a missionary until Thomas said so. Heber leave the Church were the result of many and his companions enjoyed great success factors, having to do with pride, meanwhile and wrote back across the misunderstanding, hurt feelings, suspicion, Atlantic their version of what Joseph had and, in Marsh’s own later words, said, that "it was all right to prepare the way stubbornness and a loss of the for brother Marsh." Spirit. Troubled of mind and spirit, feeling himself wavering, he humbled himself Thomas Marsh was arrogant. He heard and before the Lord in his printing shop long self-servingly interpreted the passages of the enough to receive a revelation about what revelation that reminded him of his high course he should take. After sharing it with position, the greatness of his calling, his Heber Kimball and Brigham Young, he possession of powerful priesthood keys, and promptly went out and did the opposite, his impressive role in spreading the gospel becoming bitter against the Church to the nations. But he did not hear the [see account]. Once his face was set, the

19 stubborn, inflexible Thomas was not a man “He came into my office and wished to who could be turned. By removing himself know whether I could be reconciled to him, from the Saints, he escaped the violence that and whether there could be a reconciliation soon decimated Far West and drove his between himself and the Church of the coreligionists from Missouri, but at what living God. He reflected for a moment and cost? As he eventually came to said, I am reconciled to the Church, but I acknowledge, his loss was the greater. want to know whether the Church can be (“‘Exalt Not Yourselves’: The Revelations reconciled to me. and Thomas B. Marsh, An Object Lesson For Our Day,” in Sperry Symposium “He is here,” said President Young, “and I Classics: The Doctrine and Covenants, ed. want him to say what he may wish to. … Craig K. Manscill (Provo, UT: Religious Brethren and sisters, I now introduce to you Studies Center, Brigham Young University, Brother Thomas B. Marsh. When the 2004), 275–294) Quorum of the Twelve was first organized, he was appointed to be their President.”

Brother Marsh rose to the pulpit. This man, Gordon B. Hinckley (First Presidency) who was named the first President of the (Excerpt from “Small Acts Lead to Great Council of the Twelve Apostles and to Consequences,” Ensign, May 1984, p. 81- whom the Lord had spoken in so marvelous 83) a manner, as recorded in section 112 of the Doctrine and Covenants—which I wish you There stood once on the grounds right here, would read—said to the people: before ever this building was constructed, a bowery—a rather crude structure in which “I do not know that I can make all this vast the Saints met in those days of their poverty. congregation hear and understand me. My In September of 1857, there was presented voice never was very strong, but it has been in that old bowery on a Sunday afternoon, very much weakened of late years by the what was really the concluding act of a afflicting rod of Jehovah. He loved me too drama of great tragedy. much to let me go without whipping. I have seen the hand of the Lord in the On that Sunday Brigham Young was chastisement which I have received. I have conducting a meeting and introduced to the seen and known that it has [page 82] proved congregation a man who appeared to be old he loved me; for if he had not cared and infirm and weary of life. anything about me, he would not have taken me by the arm and given me such a shaking. Said President Brigham Young to the congregation: “If there are any among this people who should ever apostatize and do as I have “Brother Thomas B. Marsh, formerly the done, prepare your backs for a good President of the Quorum of the Twelve whipping, if you are such as the Lord loves. Apostles, has now come to us, after an But if you will take my advice, you will absence of nearly nineteen years. He is on stand by the authorities; but if you go away the stand to-day, and wishes to make a few and the Lord loves you as much as he did remarks to the congregation. … me, he will whip you back again.

20 “Many have said to me,” he continued, “ Steven C. Harper (LDS Scholar) ‘How is it that a man like you, who understood so much of the revelations of In May 1857 Thomas Marsh wrote a humble God as recorded in the Book of Doctrine and letter to Heber C. Kimball, then serving in Covenants, should fall away?’ I told them the First Presidency. "I deserve no place not to feel too secure, but to take heed lest among you in the church as the lowest they also should fall; for I had no scruples in member," Thomas confessed, "but I cannot my mind as to the possibility of men falling live without a reconciliation with the 12 and away.” the Church whom I have injured." In the letter Marsh referred to his apostolic He continued, “I can say, in reference to the commission affirmed in section 112. "A Quorum of the Twelve, to which I belonged, mission was laid upon me & I have never that I did not consider myself a whit behind filled it and now I fear it is too late but it is any of them, and I suppose that others had filled by another I see, the Lord could get the same opinion; but, let no one feel too along very well without me and He has lost secure; for, before you think of it, your steps nothing by my falling out of the ranks; but O will slide. You will not then think nor feel what have I lost?" [see full letter] (Making for a moment as you did before you lost the Sense of the Doctrine and Covenants, p.417, Spirit of Christ; for when men apostatize, (2008), © Deseret Book Company. Used by they are left to grovel in the dark” (Journal Permission.) of Discourses, 5:206).