
NOV~MBER 1-110 STATE; 5 *** 1938 0 1-4 I O STA D I u·M PURDUE ** TWENTY FIVE CENTS ~~-~~~ A 1939 Plymouth, Ford or Chevrolet for Skill in picking Football Winners . WHEREVER you drive-to the big game or on a week-end tr~p, be sure your car is prepared for any kind of weather this fall. 101 OTHER PRIZES WEEKLY Give yourself and your family the same tire protection that all Your kill at picking leading race drivers buy and use. When life depends on tire winners, forecasting OP RCHA E REQ IRED-All you do i safety, race drivers use Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires - the only core of important football games may win a k your Pure Oil dealer for a free core tire made that are triple-safe. They are Triple-Safe because: you a new 1939 Plymouth, hevroletor Ford heec and Entry Blank, which contain rule 1. The Firestone Patented Gum-Dipping proce s counteracts four-door sedan-or one of 101 other prizes, and details of the contest. le also list 4 5 tire-destroying internal friction and heat and that mean including 21 Philco Car Radios; 30 boxes game with space for filling in forecasts and protection against blowouts. of ix pair of Realsilk Hose; 50 palding scores. New conce c cares each unclay for 2. They have two extra layers of Gum-Dipped cords under Offi ial Football , autograph cl by Red the next acurday's games. Gee in the fun the tread and that means protection against punctures. Grange. These prizes awarded each week. and prizes. ee your Pure Oil d aler cocJay. 3. They have a scientifically de,igoed tread which stops your car up to 25% quicker. That means protection again t skidding. TUNE IN See your nearby Firestone Dealer or Firestone Auto Supply & 11 11 ervice Store and join the Firestone Save-A-Life campaign by equipping your car with a new set of Firestone Triple-Safe Tires­ RED GRANGE the only tires made that are sajety-proved on the speedway for your protection on the highway. · THURSDAYS FOR FORECASTS C.Opyrlght, 1038, The Fln,ston~ Tire & Rubber C<". 6:00 .P. M. SATURDAYS FOR SCORES


Lbtea to THE FIRESTONE VOICE OF THE F ARM I Ll•ten to THE VOICE OF FIRESTONE featurlnit - Interviews with the Champion Farmers or America, Rlchard Crooks and Mariiaret Speaks and the 70-plece featurinit Everett Mitchell. Twice weekly durinit the noon • Firestone ymphony Orchestra, under the direction of hour. Consult your local paper for the station, day, and I Alfred Wallenstein. Monday eveninits over Nationwide time of broadcast. N. B. C. Red Network. TODAY'S COVER I By FREDERICK MACHETANZ, the Artist

every )Oung man dream, about. To .1 NOV~MB ER Here is the moment ·STAT~ 5 I 9 3 8 healthy young boy of today an athl te of the University is OHi°O STADIUM nbout the culmination of rverything " ·onderful in the \\'orld. PURDUE TW5f'ITl PVI -,~a One of Ohio tare's be,t little rooter "Bill" is being holl'n how to pas. a football b) a l'l'al varsity athlrte, ll'hom 11 e'JI call " Clayt". ould a boy ask for more? At present the ball is just a hit too large for Bill but he is getting the idea and, from hi, expression, intends to re­ member it. Right no\\ he c;1 11 sec himself \\'Caring a scarlet and gray uniform and playing for Ohio tate. e hope li e makes the radium ring as his passing and running leave Ohio rate, victorious again, over her opponents. The niver. ity is interested in these young enthusiast, all'I a scene like this one on the cover is svmbolic of Ohio tare', attitude toward her future ci tizen,. The little ho) of today playing on the vacant lot, \\'ill be the athletic hero of tomorro11. I l owcver these cheers can wait. Toda) ll'C mret Purdur. Together ll'ith Bill \\e'll cheer for our respective team~ and see a real ontest het\\'een t11 o great school,.

/ '

\ · 1· n · Comri~hl,·<1 1U3 The Ohio hie l 'nlrcr.ity \\hi 1· 10 111 0 } otb°l'i"i b•·t.i onl. in " 1.. ,1, ' !n pnrt forhirl•lrn without written J)(:rmi.,sion. :">ATIOXAL AllYEliTI 'IXG RF.Pi·i:~/;;}°T,ii,4 1l , 1 Y 1 , 3 7 txmiton An.:nu , Xi.:w York , N. ~ .. • u u n 1ca ion , 0 L

') 3 MANILA, T HE "Boilermaker" of Purdue come to hio tadium today, in their PHILLIPINE I SLANDS seventh attempt to cro the Ohio tate goal line. Si x time in the past they have tried, and failed. Perhap the seventh time . . . ! What must be the bewilderment of the foreigner who reads of our gam es! Our own "Buck " have played so far thi sea on against the "Trojans", the "Wildcats", the "Maroons", and the "Violets". T oday it' the F ROM tl1 e far side of the world to my sid e, and you r sid e. Todar game " Boilerm aker ", next aturday we mee t the "Illini", and th en comes the final another pigskin campaign is broug ht to a climax. Before darkness falls over the with the "Wolverine." Ohio tadium the g rea t i ue will be dec id ed, whether th e ca ndidates on the Boil er­ won the e lec ti on; and the c hance But call them what you will, thee team and the Universitie they represent maker ti cket or th ose on the Buckeye ti cket have g rea t p erso nal privilege to be permitted are our friends. vVe respect them for thei r good spo rt man hip and trust that we to talk during the years to co me. It is a its nature, it is, of cou rse, a sec ret ballot. may merit thei r high regard in equal m easure. to c1st this absentee voters' ballot. By In any ven t, the lose r will support the winner. The world of sport knows foll W e i nvite our friend from Purdue to cro at any time ou r state line-but well th at there i always a hea p of goodne.s on the o th er sid e. not our goal line!


Ii. cting President Editor· N ote: Dr. Elliott i-, on a short leave of nbsenc'J to serve as consultant to the University of the Philil)pines. He wi ll r eturn to the Purdue Campus t he first of t h" year.

4 5 Francis A. Schmidt Head Cooch Director of Athletics


ASSISTANT COACHES Left to right: Frit:z Mackey, Freshman Cooch; , Assistant Line Coach; KABEALO, Edword Blickle, Backfield Coach; Sidney Gillmon, End Coach; E. R. Godfrey, Line Cooch. MICHAEL (Co-Capt. ) Youngstown, Ohio High School Cooch­ Chess McPhee Senior-Com. Independent Quarterback 43. KAPLANOFF, CARL (Co-Capt. ) Bucyrus, Ohio High School Cooch­ Howord Nussbaum Senior-Educ. Chi Phi Tackle 29. HUMPHREY, Paul (Co- Capt.) Terre Haute, Ind. Senior- Science Theta Chi Center 29 71. MIHAL, JOSEPH (Co-Capt.) Gary, Ind. Senior- Phy. Ed . Noble E. Kizer A. H. " Mal" Elward Tackle Athlet ic Director Heod Cooch

75. IPPOLITO, ANTHONY Chicago, Ill ino is Senior- Sc ience Theta Chi Fullback

72. VERGANE, WILLIAM 40 Michigan City, Ind. • Senior- Phy. Ed . PURDUE· Theta Chi Tackle

4 0 . BROCK, LOUIS Stafford, Kan. Junior- Phy. Ed . Phi Delta Theto COACHING STAFF Halfback Left to Right:-Head Coach E!wa rd and Assistonts M:ickey, Fehrir.g, and Ta ube.

30. MALONEY, JAMES Oak Park, Ill. Senior- Agr. Phi Kappa Ps i Guard

48. J USKA, ANTHONY Chicago, Illinois Senior- Phy. Ed . Delta Upsilon Fullba ck

18. SPEHN, GEORGE Chicago, Ill. Senior-Mech. En gr. Theta Chi End ON THE PURDUE By ROBERT C. WOODWORTH S I CE th e day that it fir t opened its door in Purdue Unive rsity offer Bach elor and advanced CAMPUS 18 74, Purdue University, located at L afayette, Ind., degrees in agriculture, chemical engin ee ring, civil ha e njoyed a teady growth both academicall y a nd engineering, electrical engineering-, mechanical en­ athletically, until today it i r ecog nized a o ne o f the gin ee ring, h ome e conomic , , phy ical edu­

leading e ducational in titution of its type in the ca tion, and cience, a well as pecial c ourse 111 en­ country. The niver ity i one link in the chain gin eering and public se rvice enginee ring.

The clock tower of Heovilon Holl with the o f l and-g rant college and universities that ca me into Since its fir t d ay , the in titution h a bee n known Civil Engineering Bu ilding in bockground. be ing when Pre id ent Lincoln igned the M orrill as a pioneer in variou fields o f r e earch. It in ti­ Entronce to Stonle y Land-Grant ollege Act of C ongre of July 2 , Coulter Holl Biology tuted the first locomotive testing work in thi coun­ Building 1862, and supported l argely by tate a nd f ederal try a nd ha in ce cl one a n immen e a mount of r esea rch f und . and te ting work in the rail road fi eld. The Purdue The University actuall y was founded on M ay 6, Hou ing Re a rch Project, recently launched, mark 69, when th e Indiana G eneral A embly accepted the fir t attempt to tudy the lower-co t h ome a a a gift of $2 00,000 and 15 0 acre o f l and from J ohn unit and ha a ttracted n ationwide a ttention. In­ Purdue a nd other citizen of Tippecanoe county for numerable o ther r e ea rch projects of n ati onal signifi­ it e tabli hment. H owever, th e fir t student were cance in agriculture, enginee ring, and cience, h ave not enrolled until M a rch, 1874, and on Se ptember either b een c ompleted or are in the proce . 16, 1874, the fir t r egular academic yea r b ega n with a faculty o f ix member and a tudent body o f 64. The Universi ty i one of the f ew educational rn­ There were three building o n the campu at the . titution t o own it own airport, on which significant time. runway r e ea rch is now being conducted, and make it po ible for ae ronautica l engineering tudent to ince that time, the in titution h a g rown by leap combine theory and practice. and bounds in all department , and for the pa t se v­ eral years its school of enginee ring have had the Purdue owns and operate its own radio s tation, large t enrollment in the country. On October I \VBAA, the olde t tation in the s tate ; owns a nd of thi yea r, th ere was a record enrollment of 6, 77 8 operate a n experimental t elevi ion broadcasting s ta­ Me moriol Union ·tudent , the faculty a nd taff con i t ed of approxi­ tion which ha bee n on the ai r w ith regul ar program Building "Across the Ova I" mately 650 person , a nd there were 70 building on longer than any tation in the country, and aLo the ca mpu and adjoining fa rm. maintain a hort-wave radio tati on. Athleticall }', th e Boilermaker in titutio n ha · also The R o -Ade tadium, th e o utdoor athletic pl ant, come to the fore notably in football and basketbal I, with a eating capacity o f 23,0 74, in combin ati on although th ere have bee n m any o utstanding tea m with the new men's gymna i um and fi eldhousc, which and i ndi viduals in other p ort. In f ootball, Purdue provid es a eating capacity of 8,500 for b asketball, has lo t only eleven B ig T en games in the pa t nine o- ive Purdue o ne o f the mo t m odern, compl ete a nd yea r , w inning the und i puted B ig T en title i n 1 929, unifi ed athl etic pl ant in the co untry. tyi ng in 193 1, and be ing undefeated, although tied, in 1932. In ba ketba ll, Purdue ha bee n an almo~t Purdue ha a n alumni body of approximately perennial t itle contender, and ha won or h ared in 25,000, in cl uding 17,000 g raduates and 8,000 fo r­ te n Bio- T en title i n the past eighteen years. mer . tudent. . 11 10 THE HI SS STAMP COMPANY

HERMAN A. BLOOM Tackling your money problems is our business. President and Ceneral Mana11er You can"t always have cash on hand for every emergency. Many have experienced the friendly, personal help of The Industrial Loan Co. This same timely aid can be yours in time of need. RUBBER, BRASS AND STEEL See us before you finance your auto purchase. We can refinance your auto or buy your auto MARKING DEVICES discount. BRONZE TABLETS Your Friends in Time of Need .•. NUMBERING MACHINES

195 EAST LONG STREET COLUMBUS , OHIO Columbus Marietta Portsmouth Dayton Ironton Miamisburg

As Time Passes - Stands as Positive Evidence of the Enduring Strength Possible to Attain in Concrete by Using MARBLE CLIFF CRUSHED LIMESTONE MAR BLE CLIFF LIMESTON E SAN D THE MARBLE CLIFF QUARRIES CO. COLU MB US, O HI O

12 47. BRITT, WENDELL West Lafayette, Ind. Junior-Pharmacy Epsilon Franklin-American hits the dirt a nd throws it, not just for a loss, but clear out End of the game. Our painstaking work, scien­ t ific methods and Ivory soap get you better results. 33. KRAUSE, JACK 0 Try us on next week's la undry. Hammond, Ind. Junior-Mech. Engr. Sigma Chi FRANKLIN-AMERICAN End THE IVORY SOAP LAUNDRY 32. DeWITTE, LEON AND ZORIC DRY CLEANING CO. Mishawaka, Ind. 577 No. Fourth St. ADams 6251 Columbus, Ohio Junior-Phy. Ed. Kappa Sigma CURB SERVICE - SAVE 1 0 % Fullback

56. BREMER, HENRY Saginaw, Mich. Junior-Civil Engr. A Double Pi Kappa Alp'ha Guard There's Nothing Like Sweetheart

8 7. HENNIS, TED Chicago, Ill. Junior- Phy. Ed. 56 GAS Delta Upsilon Quarterback 32 for- 87

90. BROWN, JACK • COOKING Indianapolis, Ind. Junior- Mech. Engr. • REFRIGERATION Kappa Sigma Halfback • HOUSE HEATING 86. BYKOWSKI, Frank • WATER HEATING South Bend, Ind. Junior- Phy. Ed . Copy rl~ ll l , J 038. by ~ P.LorllJard Co. , Inc. Old Gold's prize crop tobaccos Guard J are double mellow, double J1uCjuC~ sealed in cl oul,le Cell ophane for true freshness. 53. J OH NSON, La VERNE For F ine r FRE JJ ER Flavor, Mill ington, Ill. moke Double- I ,n ow Old Gold J unior- Ag,. Acacia 14 Guard GOMER JONES ~ New Buck Assistants

By JACK KELLER Sports Writer, The Columbus Citixen

ID GILLMA T and G omer J ones once were of the s mart tuff of tod;ir." prominent name in Ohio State football his­ Jones, on th e o ther h;ind, is a Clevel;ind South S tory-today they are names of two of th e product. H e played tackle a nd center there in 1931. newest addition t o the Buck coaching taff. His la t g;i me in high sc hool brought th e only touch­ Sid, fres h from D eniso n University where he as­ down of hi ca ree r when he intercepted a p;is a nd sisted Tom Rogers is Ohio' encl coach. Gomer i s, went 35-ya rd for a score. naturally, handling the job of making Ohio's ce nter. In th e fall of 1932 the late Sam Wi!Janrnn . hifted Welcome play like All-Ame,·icans ( Gomer should know he Gomer from g uard to center-and he was a n im- was all-American in 1935.) med iate success. G eorge Hauser, forme1· fn 1935, when Ohi() Ohio State line coach n ow State w;is co-champion of at Minnesota, m et Sid th e Big T en with Minne­ Gillman in a Minneapoli sota, the jolly, Ohio b;ill­ Dads/ dentist's offi ce . That wa. hawk w;is captain - and while G eorge was a coach one of the fine t leader HARRY T . VALLERY here. Th; next thing the Buck football tea ms Minneapolis 1orth Hig h have . ee n. followers kn ew Gillman It wa. that rear he be­ was playi ng lots of foot­ ca me a n ;i ll-Ameri ca n. Hi. ball as an Ohio end. fiery spi rit and g rea t de­ Minnea polis Iorth wa fensive pl;iy won him th e champion of the c ity league ca ll over some fine candi­ Ill 1927 and Clarence dates from oth er section, of the coun try. D ear Dad : Munn, later a G opher fullback and now a M ichi­ Tn the yea,: 1936 Jom gan coach, wa captain. played ce nter for the Col­ A a representative of th e Student Body I wish to welcome you as our guest At Ohio tate i d lege All-Stars who ti ed the of honor. sta rted out a a guard D etroit Lions profes ional moved to tackl e, finally team 7- 7. week later This day which we have se t a ide in yo ur honor i only a mall gesture became an encl . Hi. first he journeyed to ew Y ork and played with the Eas­ showing the appreciation we real I y feel toward you who are m os t r esponsible for game wa agai nst V an­ derbilt in 193 \. That was tern All- tars against the ou r college education . a day when pa ses were New Y ork Giants - and rarely used. But i d took ;i . hell;icking. We hope that you will have a very plea ant day while on the campus. caught two for touch­ H e joined the Chicago down one each against C ardinal pro tea m then, Sincerely, avy and P enn. In 19 33 Comer Jones and Sid Gillman hut decided t o play with he wa co-ca ptain of the the R a m s , HARRY T. VALLERY team with Joe Gailu, the first in Ohio's history. H e which in 1936 was just being born. The next Chairman, Dad's Da~· graduated from the college of in 1934 and year, after playing nine games with the Ram , helped C oach in hi fir t fall of J nes was barred for fiv e yea r from pro football coaching here. beca u e he had jumped hi Chicago Cardinal con­ As aid e de camp to Rogers a t D enni on h e worked tract. That ended his f ootball ca ree r and he be­ three years and colle ted 60 ree ls of m ovie film on came fres hman coach at John C arroll ol lege, every major college eleven in the country. H e has Cleveland, in the fall of 1937. charted play of all major tea ms from coa t t o coa t -has thousand of them. When football season i over this fall at Ohio "An end has to be lucky to play properly the c State, Jones' w ell known waddle will be a part of days" he says. "Only a poor end could top ome campus Ji fe again. H e' going back to school.

16 17 ~ $coft ~a,' IS TH E S UR E WAY ••• TO A LAWN OF ~al.~ 8~ How would you like to have a lawn that people stop to admire? Many have discovered the way to such a lawn. They obtain fine turf by sowing Scott's Lawn Seed and they keep it looking its best with Turf Builder. Scott's Lawn Seed is bright, plump and full of life. Extreme care and precision are used to clean out weed seeds until the final blend meets the most exacting requirements. Turf Builder supplies the essential grass foods in the proportions needed for the healthy growth of grass. It is double acting. It not only gives quick stimulation to lawns but it also furnishes them long-lasting nourishment. Scott's Turf Builder and Lawn Seed have won national fame as the combination responsible for America's most beauaiful lawns. 0. M. SCOTT & SONS COMPANY MARYSVILLE ,

LAWN CARE If you oren't receiving this helpful 's new cham­ lown service nQW, be sure to ask for pionship golf course wos sowed with a free subscription. Scott's Seed.

18 After the Game 1938 << OHIO STATE ROSTER,, 1938 Join the Merry Crowd ill the Stadium Cab RESTAURANT OF TOMORROW TheNewCenturyRoom r ear of Service and Coctail Lounge Name No. Pos. Co111petitio11 TV gt. Ht. Home

__ _ -:.-1 -- - . *Aleskus, Jo eph ______22 LT 3 230 6' 2" Columbus, Ohio Four Columbus cab companies will be per­ Fin e food s lll'!-·-...r .• ' j Andrako, teve ______36 c 2 185 6' Trinway, Ohio faultl e s s ly ;,~- . ~itted acce to the University grounds on foot­ ·- ~~e- Arnold, James ______52 5' 8'' Akron, Ohio RG I 184 served in most .: . ---- * llartschy, Ross ______------___ J 7 LE 2 187 6' Orrville, Ohio as "Official ' =------~ ball game day and are designated attractive sur­ Bennet, William ______41 RT I 20~ 6' Willoughby, Ohio '· Athletic *Blis , Keith ______!9 RE 3 192 5' 10" Columbus, Ohio Cabs" by the Ohio State University roundings-the Bolser, Harvey ______60 RT l 228 61 2" Lockland, Ohio A sociati on. rend ez vous Bullock, William ______5.J. QB 3 18.J. 5' 11" Kent, Ohio where the col­ I 6' Hamilton, Ohio Clair, Frank ------?9 RE 200 The four companies are: Green Cabs; H ills' lege crowd meet ------QB I 170 5' 8" Orrville, Ohio Coyer, ,villiam ------61 friends. Crabbe, Jack ______68 FB l 186 5' 8" Columbus, Ohio Cab Co. ; Northway Cab Co. ; and Radio Cab __ __ J l Elliott, Roy ______RH I 176 5' 11" Grindstone, Pa. Co. *Fordham, Forre t ------7 RH 2 170 5' 9" Toledo, Ohio *Gales, Charles ______20 LG 3 202 51 10" ile, Ohio Taxicabs of these cab companies will dis­ * Graf, Campbell ------53 LG I 168 5' 9" Columbus, Ohio Grundies, Jerry ______34 LT I 235 6' 2" Cleveland, Ohio charge pa enger on the driveway immediately DANCING AND ENTERTAINMENT Hofmayer, Edward ______55 RG 2 191 6' Columbu , Ohio north of the S tadum and will be waiting m NO COVER CHARGE Hodick, Mike ------______70 c l 173 5' 11" Martin Ferry, Ohio Howe, Frank ------______58 RH I 176 5' l O" Columbus, Ohio this same loca tio n after each ga me. " The Most Beautiful Room Between and Chicago." *Kabealo, Michael, (Co-Captain) ______J 6 QB 3 175 5' 8" Youngstown, Ohio *Kaplanoff, Carl, ( Co-Captain) ______43 RT 3 245 5' 11" Bucyrus, Ohio Langhurst, James ------8 FB 1 187 5' 10" Willard, Ohio *Lohr, Wendell ______56 RE 3 186 5' IO'' Massillon, Ohio Maag, Charles ______33 c I 206 6' 3" Sandusky, Ohio Madro, Joseph ______71 LG I 185 5' 9" Wellington, Ohio *Marino, Victor ______SQ LG 2 189 51 7" Youngstown, Ohio Masoner, Robert ______69 LE 2 185 5' 11" Middletown, Ohio Monas, Alfons ______48 LT 265 6' 3" Dayton, Ohio ewlin, John ______7? LE 192 6' St. Clair ville, Ohio osker, William ______26 RG 200 5' 11" Columbus, Ohio Oman, Donald ____ _ ------______44 RT 190 6' Richwood, Ohio Try Rosen, Andy ______40 RT 204 61 1" Isabella, Pa. *Rutkay, icholas ______24 RG 2 220 6' Youngstown, Ohio Kools antschi, John ______32 LE I 180 6' Akron, Ohio Sarkkinen, Eino ______35 T.E 1 172 6' Fairport Harbor, Ohio this *Sarkkinen, Esco ______25 l E 2 191 6' Fairport Harbor, Ohio • Every want, every need, *Schoenbaum, Alex ------42 LT 3 219 5' 11" Huntington, W. Va. week-end every desire, on your part Scott, Donald ------9 LH 1 200 6' !" Canton, Ohio has been anticipated in Sexton, James ------5 QB l 18.J. 5' 10" Middletown, Ohio terms of a complete s ervice Simione, John ______15 QB I 168 5' 8" Young town, Ohio in every D eWitt Ope rated Smith, Francis ______18 RE 2 190 5' IO" Quincy, Mas . • Hotel •.. rooms with every Smith, Frank ______31 RG 2 201 5' 10'' Columbus, Ohio ON SALE IN STADIUM accessory o f c omfort and Strausbaugh, James ------4 LH I 172 5' 10" Chillicothe, Ohio convenience ..• beds that in· Spears, Jerry ------27 l G 1 219 6' Columbus, Ohio vite restful sleep .. • restau, Tobik, Andy ------51 RC I 175 5' 10" Cleveland, O hio • rants w here fine food s a re Tucci, Amel ______49 RG 1 195 5' 9" Zanesville, Ohio faultlessly served in a ttrac­ Vittek, Paul ------63 LG I 185 5' 10" Columbus, Ohio tive surro und ings . .. an air of *Wedebrook, Howard ------14 R H ~ 196 6' 1" Portsmouth, Ohio genuine h ospitality •.• cour· A blend of finer Welbaum, Thomas ______65 FB 2 165 5' 9" Akron, Ohio teous, unob trusive but satis, ______37 White. Claude ______c 2 190 6' Portsmouth, O hio Turkish & Domestic fying a ttention on the p YVhi tehead. Stuart ______28 LE 2 195 6' Columbus, Ohio of every m ember of t he staff. , vuellner. Richard ______66 c 2 186 5' 11" Columbu , Ohio Tobaccos Young. Lewi ------30 RT 220 5' 10" Mas illon, Ohio THE MODERN HOTELS *Zadworney, Frank ------6 RH 2' 190 5' 11" Cleveland, O hio WITH FRIENDLIER SERVICE Zuchegno, Albert ------2 FB 166 5' 8" Dover, Ohio R. F. Marsh, Theo. Vlce-P ret. DeW itt In-charge P resident Operations ., INDICATES LETTERMAN.

11 20



o. Name Pas. 2 Zuchegno, Albert ______FB 3 Rabb, John ------FB 4 Strausbaugh, James ______LH 5 ex ton, James ______QB 6 Zadworncy, Frank ______RH 7 Fordham, Forrest ______RH 8 Langhurst, James ------FB 9 cott, Donald ------LH 11 Elliott, Roy ------·-- --RH 14 Wedcbrook, Howard ------______RH 15 Simionc, John ______QB 16 Kabealo, Michael (Co-Capt.) ______QB 17 Bartschy, Ross ------LE 18 Smith, Francis ------RE 19 Bliss, Keith ------RE 20 Gales, Charles ------LG 22 Aleskus, Joseph ------LT 24 Rutk:ay, Nicholas ______RG 25 Sarkkinen, Esco ------LE 26 1 osker, William ------RG 27 Spears, Jerry ------RG 28 Whitehead, Stuart ------LE 29 Clair, Frank ------RE 30 Young, Louis ------RT 31 Smith, Frank ------RT 32 Santschi, John ------RE 11Pipe down, boys, you're on the air" 33 Maag, Charles ------C 34 Grundies, Jerome ------LT 35 Sarlckinen, Eino ------LE 36 Andrako, Steve ------C FOLLOW ATLANTIC'S 3-WAY FOOTBALL SHOW 37 White, Claude ------C .HJ Rosen, Andy ------RT 1. Play-by-Play broadca L of your favorite coll g 41 Bennet, William ------RT team. 165 gam in all. 42 Schocnbaum, Alex ------LT STATIONS CARRYING THE 43 Kaplanoff, Carl (Co-Capt.) ------RT 2. Eight exciting Football Conte ts, with a car or 44 Oman, Donald ------LT 500 cash first priz every week. 59 other valu­ OHIO STATE GAMES 48 Monas, Alfons ------LT able weekly ca h prize . CLEVELAND . . WTAM 49 Tucci, Amel ------RG 50 larino. Victor ______LG 3. Football For ca t which pick 4 out of 5 win­ COLUMBUS . . . WBNS 51 Tobilc, Andy ------RG ner in advanc po Led every W dne da at all 52 Arnold, James ______RG These talion will broadca t th entire Ohio Late Atlantic D aler . schedule. Other Lation will broaclca t one or more of 53 Graf, Campbell ------__ LG 54 Bulloclc, William ______LH Get into the wing of tlantic' big 1938 Football the game . A k your tlantic Dealer for your free copy of the 1938 ATLA TIC FOOTBALL BOOK. It explains 55 Hofmayer, Edward ______RG how. Her ' 3-way fun for you and th who] ______RE the entire broadca t chedule-165 leading college 56 Lohr Wendell ______family. Sec you1· Atlantic Dealer for entry blank 58 How~. Frank ______RH games-and contains 68 pages of football information. and full detail . 60 Bolser, Harvey ______RT 61 Coyer, W illiam ______QB • DeshlerWallick ,, 63 Vittek, Paul ------LG IMUlll'S NOST IUUTIFULLY lQIINID I01'lL 65 Welbaum, ThomM ------FB 66 Wuellner, Richard ------C L. C. W allick COLUMB US OHIO A. ~- Wallick Pres. ' Vice Pres. 67 eamon, Waltu ------RE J AS . H. MICHOS, Resident Manager 68 Crabbe, Jack ______LH Headquarters for: 69 Masoner, Robert ______LE Inter- Collegiate Alumni Assn. 70 Hodick, Michael ------C Purdue University A lu mni A ssn. 71 l adro, Joe ______LG 72 Newlin, John ______LE

24 easure far lJ(fILLIONS

EDDIE DOOLEY All-American Star hitting the mark in '26

OHIO STATE PURDUE OHIO STATE PURDUE LEFT END LEFT END 17 Bartschy 47 Britt 2S Sarkkinen 22 Rankin PROBABLE STARTING LINEUPS 28 Whitehead 55 Thursby LEFT TACKLE LEFT TACKLE Bucks Boilermakers 42 Schoenbaum 71 Mihal 19 Bliss 27 Macklewln 56 Lohr 33 Krause 6 Zadworney ...... RH ...... Brock 4 0 • • • and Eddie Dooley tc day 29 Clair 18 Spehn QUARTERBACK QUARTERBACK 8 Langhurst ...... F ...... DeWitte 32 16 Kabealo (CC l 87 Hennis ... with his accurai e Chesterfield foot­ 5 Sexton 38 Montagu-i. 15 Simione 25 Shackleton ball forecasts every hursday, highlights LEFT HALFBACK LEFT HALFBACK 4 Strausbaurt, 90 Brown OFFICIALS 9 Scott 34 Nesbitt and complete scores every Saturday. 54 Bullock 16 Vyverberg Fred Gardner, Cornell ...... Referee RICHT HALFBACK RICHT HALFBACK 6 %adworney 40 Brock Join the millions who know this­ 11 Elliott 99 Byelene Don Hamilton, Notre Dame ...... Umpire 7 Fordham 88 Tykockl a pack of Chesterfie ds means more plea­ FULLBACK FULLBACK Meyer Morton, Michigan ...... Field Judge 8 Langhurst 32 DeWitte 2 %uchegno 75 Ippolito R. W . Finsterwald, Ohio U ...... Head Linesman sure than you can fi JI d anywhere else in 65 Welbaum 48 Jusk1 a cigarette-Chesterfields Satisfy. 1938. L1cccrr & M YE RS T OBACCO Co. ------··-· PURDUE PLAYING NUMBERS WIN No. Name Po r. 16 Vyverberg, Robert ______HB 17 Dilts, John ------T 18 Spehn , George ------E 20 Aronson, Morris ------G 22 Rankin, D avid ------E 25 Shackleton, Allen ______QB 27 Mackiewicz, Fel:x ------E 28 Yeager, D onald ______HB 29 Humphrey, P aul ------C 30 Maloney, James ------G 32 D eWitte, L eo n ______F R 33 Krau e, Jack ------E 1/oull ':/al Bttf~~wit/t, 34 Winchell, Jack ------G 35 Liebrecht, Paul ______FB 36 Bachmann, Albert ______HR 38 Montague , Fred ______QB 40 Brock, Louis ______HB 41 Diehl, Leonard ------T 42 Mcllwain, Eugene ______HB 44 Abbott, Raymond ------E -4 5 Morningstar, August ------C 46 Gale, George ______QB -47 Britt, Wendell ------E '48 Juska, Anthony ______FH 49 Timperman, Herman ------T 50 Miller, Jim ------G 52 Proudfit, Loren ------G 53 Johnson, LaVernc ------G 54 Nesbitt, James ______HR 55 Thursby, Stanley ------E 56 Bremer, Henry ------G 58 Axton, Theodore ------C 59 Jerrell, James ------C 60 Potter, Richard ------T 65 Stephenson, Richard ------E 66 Ainsworth, J ack ------G 67 Cook, Everett ------G 69 Thom, Albert ______HB 70 Lehr, Ralph ------E 71 Mihal, Joe ------T 72 Vergane, William ------T 73 Reuboiu, Rudolph ------G 74 W inchell , Frank ______FB 75 Ippolito, Anthony ______FB 76 M ann , Charle ------E 77 Rossi, Alfred ------T 78 Welsch, J ames ______HB Service That Is 80 Johnso n, Richard ------T 82 P etty, J ohn ______FB The Best 86 Bykowski, Frank ------G 87 H ennis, Ted ______Q B For all makes of cars 88 Tykocki, Ted ______HB and trucks. Com­ plete body, fender 89 Turon, Ignatius ------T 90 Brown, J ack ______J-lR and paint shop. Free call for and delivery. 92 Verplank, Carl ------G 94 eff, William ------T 96 Clark, Harry ______HB 97 W agner, Charles ------T ______., 99 Byelene, Michael ______HB

29 •

1938 << PURDUE ROSTER >> 1938

Y ear of Name o. Pos. Competition 1/ "gt. Ht. H ome

Abbott, R ay mond ______.g E 2 180 6' 3" W es t L afayette, Ind. Ainsworth, J ack ______66 G 3 164 -, 8" Lowell, Ind. Aronson, Morris ______20 G 3 180 5' JO'' South Be nd , Ind. Axton, Theodore ______58 c l 170 6' I'' Prospect, K y. Bachmann , Albert ______36 HB 1 185 6' L aP o rte, lnd. * Bremer, H enry ______56 G 2 178 5' 8" Saginaw, l\1ich. *Britt, W endell ______47 E 2 180 6' W est L afayette, Ind. * Brock, Louis ------40 HB 2 185 6' Stafford, K ansas *Brown, Jack ______90 HB 2 170 5' 9" Indianapo li s, I nd. VOTE FOR Bye lene, Michael ______99 HB 16.5 5' 8" M assillon, Ohio *Bykowski , Frank ______86 G 2 190 5' I I II South Bend, Ind. C lark, H a rry ------96 HB 160 5' 11" Owensboro, K y. CHARLES SAWYER Cook, Everett ______67 G 178 5' 9" Mishawaka, lnd. *DeWitte, Leon ______32 FB 2 186 5' 11" J.Vlishawaka, Ind. ______+l Democratic Candidate Diehl, Leona rd ______T 3 190 5' 11" Baldwin, ~. Y. Dilts, J ohn ______17 T 3 210 5' I I" W inamac, lnd. for Governor Gale, George ______4 6 QB 2 180 5' 11" Mishawaka, Ind. * H ennis, Ted ______87 QB 2 180 5' 11" Chicago, Ill. , (co-Capt.) ______29 5' 11" can safely entrust * Humphrey, Paul c 3 186 T erre H aute ou *Ippolito, Anthony ______75 FB 3 185 5' JO'' C hicago, 111. Y him with the affairs of J errell , J ames ------~59 c 2 170 6' 2" 1 oblesvill e, Ind. our great State. His per­ *Johnson, L a Verne ______53 G 2 202 6' Millington, Ill. J ohnson, Richard ______so 6' B a rberton, 0. sonal integrity, experi­ T 2 190 * J uska, Anthony ______48 FB 3 190 6' C hicago, Ill. enced judgment and deep *Krause, Jack ______33 E 2 193 6' 3" H ammond , lnd. sense of responsibility to Lehr, Ralph ------70 E 2 170 5' 8" Noblesville, Ind. Liebrecht, Paul ______35 FB 2 17 5 5' 11" Yonkers, N . Y. all the people are your Machiewicz, Felix ______27 E 2 183 6' J" C hi cago, Ill. guarantee of honest, effi­ * Maloney, J ames ------30 G 3 179 5' 11" Oak P ark, 111. ______76 cient and economical gov­ :\1ann, ha rles ______E 2 17 - 5' 11" ·Mishawaka, lnd. Mcllwain , Eugene ______42 HB I 155 5' J l" Campbell, N. Y. ernment. * Mihal, J oe, (co-Capt.) __ _ ------__ ___ 71 T 3 215 6' 3" Gary, Ind. ~1 ill er, Jim ------_ - - --- __ _ so G I 186 6' 1" ~l assill on, 0. Ylontague, Fred ______38 QB 2 175 5' 10'' Noblesville, Ind. Democratic State *Ylorningstar, August ______45 c 2 198 6' 2" M assillon, 0. Executive Committee Neff, William ______94 T I 200 6' I" M adi son, Wisc. ARTHUR L. LIXBACH. * ~ esbi tt, J ames ______54 HB 2 )8) 6' I" Jenner, P a. Chairman Petty, John ______8? FB I 195 6' I" Lebanon, P a. Potter, Richa rd ------60 T 2 17 5 6' 2" 1oux Falls. S. D. Proudfit, Loren ______52 G 17 5 5' 8" Mishawaka, Ind. Rankin, D avid ------22 E 17" 6' I" W a rsaw, Ind. Reuboiu , Rudolph ------73 G 2 170 5' 9'' H arvey, Ill. Ross i, Alfred ______77 T 204 6' P ekin, Ill. *Shackleton, Allen ______25 OB 2 I"-'> 5' 8" J oliet, 111. *Spehn, George ______18 E :l 178 5' 11" hi cago, Ill. tephenson, Richard ______6 E 2 ?()() 6' I" Plymouth, Ind. Thom, Albert ------69 T-!B 2 11',fi 5' 10'' Noblesville, [nd. *Thursby, Stanley ______55 F. 2 JQ~ 6' 2" N. Tonawanda, ;-.;- , Y. Timperman, Herman ______49 ,~ ., IQO 6' hi cago, I IL Turon. Ignatius ______89 T I 180 5' 11" East Chicago. 1nd . Tykocki, Ted ______88 J'.--IB I 180 6' Lansing, Mich. *Vergane, William ______72 T 3 218 6',, 5" Michi gan Cin· *Verplank, Carl ------92 n 2 JQ'i 11" L afayette, Ind. \ Tvverberg. Robert ______16 1:.lR 2 155 S' 8" L afayette, Ind. W agner, Charles ______97 T 2 J 7'i 5' 1 I" ]\ii ishawaka. Tnd ,, II II W elsch, James ______78 Hl~ 2 10() H empstead. N' Y . *Winchell, Frank ______74 •~R 2 10';! 6' Southport, Ind. \Vinchell. Ta ck------· 1 .1 I 17~ 5' 8" , outhnort, Tnd. Yeager, Don~ld ------28 l R 2 175 6' Riverside, alif.


32 33 The "BUCKS" Use O'SHEA JERSEYS EARLY FOR O'Shea Knit uvods are recognized as leaders in All Athletic Contests. Used by OHIO-ILLINOIS 27. MACKIEWICZ, such schools as: FELIX GAME Chicago, Ill. Chicago Minnesota Junior-Phy. Ed. Illinois Northwestern Theta Chi End 9lou,n&Jt 12t/{, 1938 Indiana Notre Dame Iowa Ohio State AT ILLINO~S 45. MORNINGSTAR, Michigan Wisconsin AUGUST Massillon, Ohia ===¥·=== Junior-Phy. Ed. Beta Theta Pi O'SHEA Center HOTEL WOLFORD 54. NESBITT, JAMES DANVILLE, ILL. KNITTING MILLS Jenners, Pa. Junior-Phy. Ed. Kappa Sigma 2701 N. PULASKI ROAD Halfback HEADQUARTERS "OHIO TEAM " CffiCAGO, ILLINOIS 80. JOHNSON, RICHARD Barberton, Ohio Junior-Science Beta Theta Pi Tackle

All-American choice 25. SHACKLETON, ALLEN Joliet, Ill. Junior-Civil Engr. for Beta Theta Pi Quarterback ''t i me out''-. 74. WINCHELL, FRANK Southport, Ind. Junior-Mech. Engr. The pause Beta Theta Pi Fullback that refreshes 92. VERPLANK, CARL Lafayette, Ind. Junior-Mech. Engr. Delto Tau Delto Guard COCA-CO LA 55. THURSBY STANLEY N. Tonawanda, N. Y. 55- Junior-Phy. Ed. Delto Upsilon 34 End ''PERFECTION WOODWORK''

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25 4 9 I N DIANOL A AV EN UE -·- We dry clean all the uniforms and other equipment for the Ohio State University Athletic Teams. Call LA. 1181. "That's my social security number - do I win anything?"


Producers and Shippers of SUNDAY CREEK AND SUN KING COAL

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Good Food • • • • Kroger features Country Club Brands. 1 Forget about your lipstick and your permanent wave. If you feel like yell­ Economy ing, go ahead and yell. If you want to • • • • • Kroger's Lo w Everyday Prices will cut your tear your hair, don't let anything stop food expense. you. For after it's all over, we can restore you to your original blooming loveli ­ Service • • • • • • ness. ~ore tha~ 100 Conveniently located stores 1n Franklin County. ~~dafter the ~xcitement of the game, rt s most relaxing to visit us. I NEIL HOUSE BEAUTY SALON KROGER·~ Meu:a:rine Floor, Neil House -- ~ - GUARANT(EO .B~ANOS n

Yea Ohio! \~~1~ the 1926-27 ,chool )Car, Joe Park then th Coun,elling i, , till th e ma'o . 0 1 1 ,tcreta ry - presented a new • thi, advi,ory \\Ork is done• harv~ 1~ \"! /he fi~ld, in which government wh',ch , .. a . ~Ian of student Men's llou,ing ten'; Em u up ,ed .. 1 oda we find "'> rece, \'ed wnh h · I SHOOT THE WORKS FOR 1 9 3 8 D ditor of ' tud~nt . P ~yment, Frate rn11y Affair Au · b y students and admini,tration alike I ent u>ia,m . . O rgan1zat1on, and F . • . enate and the office of tudent C . tllcreated th e 'tuden, labelling cl1fferent divi,ion, of the I) ,rater~11y Aud11or P 'd · . oun,e or. res, ent R1 ghrm1re told Joe Park " \'o h h . Four a~;,istant dean, are n d d ean, office. from whole plan now · · . • u t oug t up this tecker ' 33 ( F' · . ee. e to do a ll the work-Fred • r 3 terntty Adv,s ) W 1' II' Cou n;,e ll or!" put It ,n operation. \'ou are the ' tudent er, •. :am ,uthrie, ' 32 ( tudent Employment ) Low I ing- ) and Delher Kin,e'I ' 33 e(FI "rig_ley, 32 ( ?.ten's llous- ne year later Joe acquired the titl O f D . · · • ' raternny Audi to ) J 3 dd' hut he is ;,ti ll 'Joe' to m f h e ean of Men · r · a ,­ 99 -,o o t e men on th c 11011 , M"' Catherine Dolby I 1 1 "J' h tea years have . e ampu,. Student Organi aiions. ,ears tie lite of Auditor of Commerce e last 7 of w~tn.~ssed af rl)ema rkable growth Chamber and Ohio in the respon,ihiliti~, , nice, o ea n Park' ;,taff. ( Co11ti11ued 011 page ~• ) 39 38 On the opposite poge-left Above- Delber Kins e l , to right: Lowell Wrigley, Cothrine Dolby. Center­ Ruby Evons ( Deon Pork's William Guthrie whose Em ­ secretory), Dean Park jovial­ pfoyment Office staff is pic­ ly interviewing two students, tured below. Employment and Assistant Dean Stecker records on more than 2000 conferring with froternity Ohio Staters are on file in men. this office.

ALL Ohio State Cames Broadcast Through the Courtesy of THE ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY

Central Ohio's ONLY C B S Outlet Dean Park has kept right on thinking up improvement~ appli cations for part time employment with Bill Guth rie. for the Ohio State Student' life on the campus. T he far His records show that approximately two-thirds of these 1430 on your dial famed Tower Club, The Dad's Association, which held its men eventua ll y are placed. In addition to the out ide em­ annual meeting today, a nd the Mother's Association are all ployment 800 men receive YA jobs. T he employment Joe' contributions. COLUMBUS* , OHIO office places th se as well. Guthrie's office i a lso the head­ While all upper das. men may live where th ey please, <1uarters for travel, magazine and entertainment bureaus. freshmen men mu t live in rooms app roved by W rigley. The Dean of Men makes all student loans, arranges for Fraternities are not forced to have their books audi ted but deferment of fres, and grants excuses from class attendance practicall y all of them do ta ke ad va ntage of thi service as well as serving as a counsell or on any and all personal performed by Kinsel. Over 2,000 Ohi o State men file their problems w hi ch th e students care to bring to him. 40 41 By ROBERT E. HOOEY Next Week---lLLINOIS Sports Editor, The Ohio State Journal IME marches on! And so do style, on football. against otre Dame and Indiana. His hard tackling was Even at lllinois, where wily Robert Carl Zuppke, outstanding. lle's one of the be,t snapper-backers of the T perennial neme i of Ohio tate's better football collegiate field today. teams in the past, hold ' forth there has been a change. Ju ta Lindgren has coached lllinois' lines for years and When Ohio State invades Memorial tadium next at­ years and last year he opined that Brewer was one of the urday the Illini will present a different picture than in finest sophomore guards in the school's football hi tory. former years. Zup has ,witched from light to heavy tac­ But this eptember Zuppke needed a blocker in the back­ tics. field so the crafty mentor transplanted Brewer. That \Vhen the current season got underway Zuppke found hardy perennial has handled his new a signment so well himself in posse ion of the heavie t team he ever coached. that he' outstanding. He makes good use of a "think The presence of these gargantuan gridder has completely tank" and his left-footed boot, are most effective in the cured the veteran lllinois coach of his preference for mall clinches according to the lllini past performance sheets. players, a preference that was built of neces,ity during But when di cu sing lllinois football one, sooner or later, his lean years. must return to Robert arl Zuppke. After all lllinois foot­ 1 oted for his small squads and consequent reliance upon ball is Zuppke or Zuppke is lllinois football. Take your the " Flying Trapeze" type of offense in pa t season , the choice but the result remains the same. ver atile Zuppke has developed a fightin' Illini eleven which Ohio tate next aturday will enter the Tllinois conflict observers call one of the strongest defensively in Illinois' as the favored eleven. And that is a most ideal situation football hi tory. In fact some couts term thi yea r's team for Zuppke. \Vhen the odds seem hopeless he will take a the toughest Zuppke-coached outfit of the past eight years. long chance-he'll shoot the works to win-rather than Illinois' "paper" record to date carrie defeat, as well merely attempt to keep the ,core down. a victorie . The team got off to a bad ,ta rt when a In 1933 Zuppke personally scouted Michigan a he's crappy Ohio U eleven staged the first of the season'~ , outing Ohio tate today. gridiron surpri es. But the fllini came back ever o . trong­ Michigan then ly to turn about the favored Indiana aggregation. was extra •trong, having tied for the Big Ten title in 1930 and 1931 , winning a clear champion­ 1 ow Zuppke and his Indians are gunning for Ohio tate. hip in 1932. n Monday before the \Voh·erine game Their rest period of today, while the carlet is battling Zuppke ingled out three ,mall sophomore linemen for their tubborn Purdue, will prove of great advantage next at­ poi;e and their courage, and to the finish they played heroic urday. And Zup will grab the opportunity to have hi, football again t a sea,oned lichigan line. The \Volve, charge charging " high" again,t the carlet. eked out a 7 to 6 win. But the ,core plainly how how There are plenty of " name" player found in the Illinois Zuppke will fight again.t insurmountable odd,. lineup. Captain Jim McDonald, center, heads the li st, heeled closely by Mel Brewer, an expert ignal caller. The Again in 193+ at l rbana the Illini knocked off Franci, lllini field leader is the key-man of the forward wall. He's chmidt's great scoring machine, 1+ to 13 , by getting the a senior. Idle his sophomore year due to injury he came jump on the carlet and scrapping for every inch of ground fast in 1937. He fought all the way against Michigan, after the contest appeared to be a slaughter of the innocents. orthwe. tern, and Ohio S1ate. li e played 48 minutes o never sell Zuppke\ 1llini short! :,.. ! ~ Columbu ' The II BUC KEYES II Use It ... Holding. {P. (P

Interference with· forward pa~, or pass touching ineligible player. Fort Hayes FOOTBALL (Penalt y, 1f interference by offcnR, ~ 1 5 yards; .othcrwi~. ball goes to Penalty reluscd, incomp1ete Unnecessary roughness, illegal de .. BASKETBALL fcn s1vc u~ of the hands. (Penalty. opponents at point of foul.) In case pass, missed field goal or •s yards.) pass touch~ ineligible receiver, ball conversion, both sides off. BASEBALL goes to opponents at spot of pre~· side, etc. 350 ROOMS ceding down. SOFTBALL Military salute also used for clip. ALL WITH BATH ping, followed by striking the back ll!

Time out. Rates from $2.00 Offside and violation of kick. off formation. (Penalty, S Saf

42 43 THE B-A PAINT CO. Next Stadium Game---Michigan

AD. 6161 By IRVEN SC HEIBECK Spo rts Write r, The Colum bus Dispatch

51 E. LONG ST. O R four years no\\', O hio tate ha been shov­ prised t\\'O \\'eeks ago by Y ale, the \ Valves literall y came F 111g :\Iichigan footba ll team a round. up off the Aoor to down the E li , 15 to 13 and last at­ u relay, they turned in a co nvi ncing and workm anl ike H Eve r si nce F rancis chmidt came up from to O victory over lllinoi . A team ll'ith a record like Te:-.as ll' ith the saj!;e ohse rvat:o n that the W olve rines put • that must have omethin g and ;\ J ichigan has plenty, both on their pants one leg at a t ime just like anyo ne else, in the line and in the backfie ld. the Bu cks have been enjoy:ng an ann ual diet of baked. F EATURING par-boiled, f ri ed and fricasseed \Volve rine. E mploying hi s pa rticu lar genius fo r build ing and for organizati on, C r is ler, a succe s a a coach at both i\I in­ :\at a poi nt has :\Iichigan sco red again t the Buckeyes ne ota and Princeton before cast ing hi s lot with i\Iichi­ ,ince 1933 and not once has a game been even close bu t tllif ts1!luffet g:a n, has developed a team with a fi ne mi x t u re of vet­ 19 N. High Street all fa ithful Ohioans a re bei ng w a rned he rell'ith that the DEAN-BARRY-LINE eran and good soph omo res. TABLE S ERVICE DAY and N IGHT annual resumptio n of the mid-ll'est's most abso rbing grid iron rivalry at Ohio tadium on :-- av. 19 will be H e has one of the na ti on's ou tstanding ·ophomo re Quick Self-Service different. ALSO-COMPLETE backs in H armon. ll'ho ha been fitted into a backfield 77 S. High Street to rm wa rning a re Aying from Ann Arbo r and it of driving power and passing skill along w ith Eva hesvki, K romer, Phillips, Purucker and other young men. I ich­ RESTAURANT 11·ill be well to heed them. Under a new coach " fritz" ARTISTS-LINE Cris ler, :\ I ichigan is m aking a faster return to it fo rmer igan no longe r dabble a round with " punts, pas es and COACH SCHMIDT on the air fo r Mills - 7:00 P. M, gri diron glo ry than mo t anyone thought possible, and pr aye r ". It now use " punch, push and power" and WBNS-EVERY THURSDAY it' mo re than possibl e that when ,I aize and Blue mingles keep the pres u re on at all times. ll'ith Sca rl et and Gray in the season's fin ale, Western The W olve rines have a fast, hard-cha rging line, pa r­ confe rence hono rs \\·ill be riding on the outcome. ti cul arly K odro , late t in a long line of fin e .\lichi gan A s Ohio tate goes into its game with Purdue today, centers, and H eikkinen, an outstanding candida te fo r the Buckeyes are tied with 1 o rthweste rn for first place sectional and national hono rs as a gua rd. It has a fi ne in the Big Ten but Michigan is roll ing along onl y a smashing pai r of tackle in J anke and iegel and is well , tep behind and getting tougher each time out. equipped with big, fast and ca pable reserves. Pictures Tell The Story The fi rst indication of :d ichigan's revitali zation under It will be a novelty then to see a good Yl ichigan team C risler came in the W olves' first game when they de­ but a pl easant novelty because it will bring a good fo ot­ fea ted Michi gan tate to break a four-year spell. Then ball game, compa rable to the best Ohio-Wolverine tra­ Pictures (of a football player or your product) are the quickest fo ll owed a 4-5 to 7 thumping hand ed Chic ago's M a roons. ditions. If it has a championship aspect, a possibil ity :\ 1 innesota \\'as next and although beaten 7 to 6, the \\'hich i no\\' trong, it will only add lustre to a se ri e approach to reader interest. Good printing and good paper are A nn A rbo r machine decisively outplayed the Gophers fo r ll'hich is without a pee r in the middle-we t and one of necessary to prin t good pictures. the fi rst real de monstration of th ei r new . trength. Sur- the mos t intriguing nati onall y.

We selected for the Ohio State Programs, Production Gloss Paper, BEN RATNER ART MA USHUND LEE Y ASS ENOFF a new development which permits fine pictorial illustration at low cost. Talk to us about producing your catalog or advertising materia l. There is a sample of our work in your hands. THE BEN RATNER CO. Sporting Goods - Men's Wea r - Hats - Tailoring Freeman Shoes by Bates Shoe Expert CARROLL PRESS, Inc. Arrow Shirts 3 2 Warren Street Phone, UN. 4185 163 N. HICH STREET NEXT TO CLOCK


FOR FOOD O ' Y AQUILA (one 'L ' please, he say ) isn't posts are the same ones that were here for the Notre AND ure just how bis second son go t his name, but Dame game. We found them downtown after the game. T on the rest of bis children he's ce rtainly been One in a theater, the other in a hotel. We brought BEVERAGES loyal to Ohio State University. them back and put them in order and back up on the Tony is groundkeeper at Ohio Stadium. He's had the field. There' nothing you can do about it. If the boys PRIVATE DINING ame job at Ohio State for 32 year now-being the want those goalposts after a game, down they come. ROOM­ oldest employe in point of service in the university's ath­ Nothing we can do will keep them here if the boys Plenty of loug kick~. too! For every recorJ kick letic department and one of the oldest on the campus. want them. LARGE BALL ROOM ever recorJeJ in footbi.JI was made with a SpalJing But let's get back to that family of his. The first " I been here a long time and I know." Official Ilall. boy came along when Chic Tony looked around the CLUB BREAKFASTS Harley was cutting doodads In fact, the whole history of the Spa!Jing J5-V stadium. His eyes shone a LUNCHEONS - DINNERS on . hi e was the Official lntercollegiute Football is liberally he looked at the turf, his REASONABLE PRICES idol of Tony and of all Co­ pride and joy. sprinkled with record=hreaking performances. ENTERTAINMENT 5 to 6 - 9 to 1 P. M. lumbus, so Tony named the "See that grass out there? first-born Chic H a r 1 e y I had an awful time with Make your room reservations with us Aquila. that this summer. We either $1.50 UP The next was a boy, and had too much wet or too here comes th at puzzling much dry. But it's in good ~~~BAD.J: question. Just where did AN C H I T T E N D E N H O T E L shape now. My men, they ALBERT Tony get the name of avy ATHLETIC GOODS MANUFACTURERS PICK "House of Hospitality" take care of it good . They HOTEL CEO. A. WEYDIC, Mgr. for the boy? Tony doesn't are all good men to have know for sure. "We joos.~ work for you." peeked eet up soma place, Tony paused a minute and he says in an accent hard to then patted a tuft of grass repeat. with his foot. He must There weren't any girl know every glade of grass in football players in the days the stadium and if anyone IN OHIO when Tony's baby girl ar­ ever cares to shoot a game rived so he cast about for of billiards on an enlarged GO BY BUCKEYE STAGES another name and picked the outdoor "table", the 's registrar, Edith Stadium would be the place Cockins. for it. AN OHIO INSTITUTION SERVING ALMOST EVERY And the last of the fam­ (Tony shudders everytime ily was a boy, being born he thinks of playing games IMPORTANT CITY IN THE STATE when little Bobby Watts in the rain when the field was playing a whale of a gets scarred and marked up.) game at center for Ohio "I been here under seven State. Well, that settled CLEAN COMFORTABLE COACHES - CAREFUL coaches. And I don't see that. Bobby Watts Aquila how people can say we are AND COMPETENT OPERATORS it is. hard on coaches here if we T ony is quite a character, J. _,._..._....• ..,.._ only have seven in thirty-six COACHES AVAILABLE FOR CHARTER popular with athletic officials years. When I first came COLUMBUS TERMI NA L and players alike. If the Tony Aquila there was this Al H ernstein UNION BUS STATION boys can't find something, for three years, then Howard ~=:=;:i~ ~9E.TOWNST .. MAIN 5311 they ask Tony. If the officials want something done Jones, Harry Vaughn and John ~ichards for one year they ask Tony. Short, slight of build, Tony can gen­ apiece. Then came Doctor Wike for fifteen years. !11111 ~ erally be found someplace near the stadium, wearing a After him was and now its l\lleester battered old felt hat, hard at work. Schmidt. I liked them all. They're all ni ce fellows. He started with the Univer ity in 1906 as ground­ "Some time people say to me, 'Who would you put keeper. on your all-time Ohio State team?' and I just say no "But I had to do everything. I had to be janitor, one. I tell you why. I don't want to make any of washing windows, mopping floors, taking care of Ohio those boys mad. I just name one man and he's Chic field and everything. That wa when we played real Harley. We all know Chic was the best football player football, none of this crazy stuff like they play nowadays. that anybody heard tell of. We bad some other pretty " ow I got a crew of men working under me. We good-but no one like Chic. take care of the tennis court , baseba ll field, peedball "'-'Tell, I got to go now. I'm pretty busy. I'm al­ field, polo field, the stadium and everything. It keep. ways busy. " Slt\6E-S SV~TEM me busy all of the time. I even take ca re of the Coli­ Tony started back to work. Then he turned and with seum during the basketball season. a funny little wave which is characteristic of him, he 46 " row you take those goalpost out there. Those goal- sa'd. "And no one will ever be as good as hie." 47 TELLING'S ICE CREAM Now Produced Under the Sealtest System of Laboratory Protection The First Ice Cream Approved By Good Housekeeping 99. BYELENE, SERVED ON THE CAMPUS MICHAEL By Massillon, Ohio Soph.-Engr. FACULTY CLUB UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL POMERENE REFECTORY Beto Theta Pi Halfback

49. TIMPERMAN, HERMAN New Albany, Ind. Soph.- Engr. Kappa Sigma Tackle

82. PETTY, JOHN Lebanon, Pa . Soph.-Engr. ESTABLI HED 1906 Sigma Ph i Epsilon Fullback

ESTATE 94. NEFF , WILLIAM DEPENDABLE REAL Madison, W is. Soph.- Eng r. AND I SURANCE SERVICE Men Sigma Alp11a Of Milk and Epsi lon Athletes know the building power of Tackle milk. That's why most of them stick by it long after school days and rigid training rules. 60. POTTER, RICHARD Try drinking a quart a day-you'll Sioux Falls, S. D. feel better and work better. Junior- Public Ser­ vice Engr. WM. P. ZIN & co. Phi Gamma Delta CO LUM BUS MILK Tackle 37 N. Third St. MAin 3335 Columbus, Ohio L. D. 105 CO UNCIL 22. RANKIN, DAVID Warsa w, Ind. Soph- Phy. Ed . Lambda Chi Alpha End

LECKIE COAL COMPANY INC. 16. VYVERBERG, ROBERT COLUMBUS , OHIO Lafayette, Ind. Junior- Sc ience Miners and Shippers Sigma Chi Halfback POCAH ONTAS NEW RIVER WEST VIRGINIA AN D KENTUCKY 38. MONTAGUE, FRED Noblesvill e, Ind. COAL J unior- Mech. Engr. Kappa Sigma 48 Quarterback I COAL and ICE OH - - - 10 LOCOMOTIVE (Three prolonged hisses) Words by Fred Cornc;ll ex-'06 OH--10 Rah--Rah--Rnh--Rnh (Hats off, s~:,ding). OH--10 O come let's s ing Ohio s pralJ!e Platform Service Day and N ight Ohio State---Ohio State OH--10 A~d songs to Alma Mater _raise; (Repeated three times gaining speed While our hearts rebounding thr}II Statl> State STAT~, each time and ending with YEA 111 !) With joy that death _alon! can still. Summer's heat or winter• col_<), . The s asons pass, the years will ro 11 • Time and change will truly ~how O - H - 1 - 0 DIVIDED OHIO How firm thy --Oh10. O- H- 1- 0 (One group starts and remains silent O-h iiii- 0 while other group yells the second group.) These jolly days of priceless wort\ By far the gladdest days on eart , * Fight---Fight FIGHT \st. Group: 0 - 0 --0 --0 Soon will pass and we ,:,ot know 2nd. Group: H--H - H - H How dearly we love Oh10. h WILKE We should strive to keep t Y name MURRAY CITV !st. Group: I-- 1--I--I 0£ fair repute and spotless fame: PROGRESSIVE OHIO 2nd. Group: 0 --0 --0 - 0 So in college halls we'll _grow \ st. Group: Ohio And Jove thee better-Oh 10. O---H - 0 MAKES THE TEAM ... 2nd. Group: Ohio COAL & ICE CO. 0 --H-- 1 0 A II Groups: OHIO 11 ! Alumni C horus O--H--1- 0 Tho' age may dim our mem'ry's store, OHIO!! We'll think of happy days of yore, 133-4 Edgehill Road True to friend and fr~nk to foe, That is, Wilke makes SKYROCKET As sturdy sons of O-h1-0. UN. 1151 UN. 1152 If on seas of care we roll, CHANT ( Prolonged whistle) 'Neath blackened sky, o'er barren sboa1 ' the' team a stronger one! BOOM Thot.s of thee bid dark~ess eo, (Same as O- Dear Alma M11te r-O-h1-0. H- J- 0 only it is sung All in a monotone.) (All Jn on last Ohio) Ohio State fraternities ORIOi! YEA OHIO Words and Music by have chosen Wilke meats, OHIO STAT E LEADERS Yeaaa Ohio- Yeana Ohio Yeaaa Ohio W. A. Dougherty, Jr., '17 Fight- Fight- FIGHT!! Fight that team across the field THE B CKEYE BATT LE CRY and most of the football Show them Ohio's here . . . Set the earth reverberating with a mighty Words and Music by SNOWFLAKE men are fraternity men. YEA TEAM Hit ~~';,"r:; hard and see how they fall : Never let that team get the ball. Ye.aaa Tenm Yeaaa Team YC'ana Team In old Ohio there's a team, Hail! Hnil. the gang's nil here. That's known throughout the land : So let's beat Purdue now. Fight- Fight FIGHT!! 1 Eleven warriors, brave and bold, Oh Ohio! Oh. Ohio! Wa-hoo ! Wa·h o · Whose fame will ever BREAD ' for Ohio. stand, We sell better meat --­ And when the ball goes over, Our cheers will reach th.e sky' Made With EEE YAH Ohio Field will hear again the kind you'll want on The Buckeye Battle ry. " PURE SWEET CREAM Eee Ynh-EeeYah-Eee Yah your own table. Fi.1rht- Fight- FJGHT ! ! Drive! Drive on down the field, A ND PURE Fl ELD HONEY" Men of the Scarlet and Grar : Don't let them tbru that hne, We have to win this 1rame today, WA HO Come on, Obio I Smasb thru to victory. We cheer you as we go; WaaaanaHO Our honor defend HONEY BOY So we'll fight to the end OHIO For Ohio. BREAD Ll't's GO I! THE WOMANS • BAKING CO . WHOLESALE MEATS RETAIL MAIN 5268 17 5 EAST RICH STREET Unexcelled Bakery Service to Hotels, Restaurants and Food Concession•

ond his stoff 50 51 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS a m e Page Atlantic Refining Company 26 8. & A. Paint Company, The 44 Ben Ratner Co .. 45 Bennington Dry Cleaners :rn llucher Engraving Company 62 < £ < 1 1 £ £ £ I I £ I I < L , Buckeye Stnges. Inc 4ti Cam!'! igarettes Uuck ~OVf:'t c~rroJI Pret- ~. lnc 41. l nside Bnek Co, e1 · Chestnfield Cigarettes 26-2i Chittenden Hotel 41i Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Ohio !14 Columbus Milk Council 4 Democratic Stale Committee 32 Deshler-Wallick Hotel 24 DeWitt H otels .. 21 Dr. Pepper Bottling Company 52 E. Elford & Sons .... :11, ~'irestnne Tir & Rubber Company Jni:,,id(' Front. Cover Fort H ayes H otel 4·, Frankhn American Laundry 14 Fm r.as lee Cream 2H Gold., mith Porting Goods 4;: Hiss tamp Company 12 Industrial Lonn Company 12 Isnlv'•· Inc. 42 Kool Cigar ttes ... 21 .Kroger Grocery nnd Baking Company :l~ Leckie Conl nmpany ...... 4k Marble Clift Quarries Company 12 McClure-Nesbitt Motor Company 28 Mills Columbus Restaurant Company 44 Murray City Coal Company 60 Neil H ouse H otel 21 Ohio hambPr of ommeree ,I Ohio Fuel Gas Company 14 Ohio Oil Company .. 2 Old Gold Cigarettes 14 O'Shea .Knitting Mills 34 Pure Oil Company 1 Riker Beauty alon 3 0. M. Scott & Sons Company I A. G. Spalding Bros ...... 46 unday Creek Coal Company !!ti Tellings lee Cream 48 W BN , lnc. 40 Wilke Meats .... 50 W olford Hotel . . ... 34 Woman's Baking Company 60 J. H . Zinn Lumber Company ... 36 W. P Zinn Company .. .. •··••••••••··· .. 48 ..

Here they come the Fans to greet Mid blare of horns and tramp of feet Row on row they march by BUT the Drum Major alone attracts the eye. He struts his stuff and his tricks unfold: He catches the eyes of young and old. All in color he's gayly dressed- He attracts attention FOR HE STANDS OUT from the rest.

Modem advertisers can gain an excellent just one of the parade. Call us today! We lesson from the showman. Color leads are completely equipped to help you de· any parade in attention getting value. sign and economically prepare color ad­ Your advertising, too, must be planned vertising printing that leads the parade. and designed to stand out or it will become UN. 4185 will bring a representative.


When you think o f color think of CARROLL PRESS, Inc. PRINTERS- PUBLISHERS 32 WARREN ST . • COLUMBUS . OHIO

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