NOV~MBER 1-110 STATE; 5 *** 1938 0 1-4 I O STA D I u·M PURDUE ** TWENTY FIVE CENTS ~~-~~~ A 1939 Plymouth, Ford or Chevrolet for Skill in picking Football Winners . WHEREVER you drive-to the big game or on a week-end tr~p, be sure your car is prepared for any kind of weather this fall. 101 OTHER PRIZES WEEKLY Give yourself and your family the same tire protection that all Your kill at picking leading race drivers buy and use. When life depends on tire winners, forecasting OP RCHA E REQ IRED-All you do i safety, race drivers use Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires - the only core of important football games may win a k your Pure Oil dealer for a free core tire made that are triple-safe. They are Triple-Safe because: you a new 1939 Plymouth, hevroletor Ford heec and Entry Blank, which contain rule 1. The Firestone Patented Gum-Dipping proce s counteracts four-door sedan-or one of 101 other prizes, and details of the contest. le also list 4 5 tire-destroying internal friction and heat and that mean including 21 Philco Car Radios; 30 boxes game with space for filling in forecasts and protection against blowouts. of ix pair of Realsilk Hose; 50 palding scores. New conce c cares each unclay for 2. They have two extra layers of Gum-Dipped cords under Offi ial Football , autograph cl by Red the next acurday's games. Gee in the fun the tread and that means protection against punctures. Grange. These prizes awarded each week. and prizes. ee your Pure Oil d aler cocJay. 3. They have a scientifically de,igoed tread which stops your car up to 25% quicker. That means protection again t skidding. TUNE IN See your nearby Firestone Dealer or Firestone Auto Supply & 11 11 ervice Store and join the Firestone Save-A-Life campaign by equipping your car with a new set of Firestone Triple-Safe Tires­ RED GRANGE the only tires made that are sajety-proved on the speedway for your protection on the highway. · THURSDAYS FOR FORECASTS C.Opyrlght, 1038, The Fln,ston~ Tire & Rubber C<". 6:00 .P. M. SATURDAYS FOR SCORES WA DC-AKRON WBNS-CO LUMBUS WHIO- DA YTON WKRC-CINCINNA TI WMMN-FAIRMONT WPAR-PARKERSBURG WWVA-WHEELING (Thurs. only) WCMI-ASHLAND Lbtea to THE FIRESTONE VOICE OF THE F ARM I Ll•ten to THE VOICE OF FIRESTONE featurlnit - Interviews with the Champion Farmers or America, Rlchard Crooks and Mariiaret Speaks and the 70-plece featurinit Everett Mitchell. Twice weekly durinit the noon • Firestone ymphony Orchestra, under the direction of hour. Consult your local paper for the station, day, and I Alfred Wallenstein. Monday eveninits over Nationwide time of broadcast. N. B. C. Red Network. TODAY'S COVER I By FREDERICK MACHETANZ, the Artist every )Oung man dream, about. To .1 NOV~MB ER Here is the moment OHIO ·STAT~ 5 I 9 3 8 healthy young boy of today an athl te of the University is OHi°O STADIUM nbout the culmination of rverything " ·onderful in the \\'orld. PURDUE TW5f'ITl PVI -,~a One of Ohio tare's be,t little rooter "Bill" is being holl'n how to pas. a football b) a l'l'al varsity athlrte, ll'hom 11 e'JI call " Clayt". ould a boy ask for more? At present the ball is just a hit too large for Bill but he is getting the idea and, from hi, expression, intends to re­ member it. Right no\\ he c;1 11 sec himself \\'Caring a scarlet and gray uniform and playing for Ohio tate. e hope li e makes the radium ring as his passing and running leave Ohio rate, victorious again, over her opponents. The niver. ity is interested in these young enthusiast, all'I a scene like this one on the cover is svmbolic of Ohio tare', attitude toward her future ci tizen,. The little ho) of today playing on the vacant lot, \\'ill be the athletic hero of tomorro11. I l owcver these cheers can wait. Toda) ll'C mret Purdur. Together ll'ith Bill \\e'll cheer for our respective team~ and see a real ontest het\\'een t11 o great school,. / ' \ · 1· n · Comri~hl,·<1 1U3 The Ohio hie l 'nlrcr.ity \\hi 1· 10 111 0 } otb°l'i"i b•·t.i onl. in " 1.. ,1, ' !n pnrt forhirl•lrn without written J)(:rmi.,sion. :">ATIOXAL AllYEliTI 'IXG RF.Pi·i:~/;;}°T,ii,4 1l , 1 Y 1 , 3 7 txmiton An.:nu , Xi.:w York , N. ~ .. • u u n 1ca ion , 0 L ') 3 "Boilermaker" of Purdu T HE e come to hio tadium today, in their MANILA, seventh attempt to cro the Ohio tate goal line. Si x time in the past they have PHILLIPINE I SLANDS tried, and failed. Perhap the seventh time . ! What must be the bewilderment of the foreigner who reads of our American football gam es! Our own "Buck " have played so far thi sea on against the "Trojans", the "Wildcats", the "Maroons", and the "Violets". T oday it' the " Boilerm aker ", next aturday we mee t the "Illini", and th en comes the final game F ROM tl1 e far side of the world to my sid e, and you r sid e. Todar with the "Wolverine." another pigskin campaign is broug ht to a climax. Before darkness falls over the Ohio tadium the g rea t i ue will be dec id ed, whether th e ca ndidates on the Boil er­ But call them what you will, thee team and the Universitie they represent maker ti cket or th ose on the Buckeye ti cket have won the e lec ti on; and the c hance are our friends. vVe respect them for thei r good spo rt man hip and trust that we to talk during the years to co me. It is a g rea t p erso nal privilege to be permitted may merit thei r high regard in equal m easure. to c1st this absentee voters' ballot. By its nature, it is, of cou rse, a sec ret ballot. W e i nvite our friend from Purdue to cro at any time ou r state line-but In any ven t, the lose r will support the winner. The world of sport knows foll not our goal line! well th at there i always a hea p of goodne.s on the o th er sid e. E DWARD C. ELLIOTT, President. P U RD UE UNIVER ITY Ii. cting President Editor· N ote: Dr. Elliott i-, on a short leave of nbsenc'J to serve as consultant to the University of the Philil)pines. He wi ll r eturn to the Purdue Campus t he first of t h" year. 4 5 Francis A. Schmidt Head Cooch Director of Athletics ·OHIO STATE· ASSISTANT COACHES Left to right: Frit:z Mackey, Freshman Cooch; Gomer Jones, Assistant Line Coach; KABEALO, Edword Blickle, Backfield Coach; Sidney Gillmon, End Coach; E. R. Godfrey, Line Cooch. MICHAEL (Co-Capt. ) Youngstown, Ohio High School Cooch­ Chess McPhee Senior-Com. Independent Quarterback 43. KAPLANOFF, CARL (Co-Capt. ) Bucyrus, Ohio High School Cooch­ Howord Nussbaum Senior-Educ. Chi Phi Tackle 29. HUMPHREY, Paul (Co- Capt.) Terre Haute, Ind. Senior- Science Theta Chi Center 29 71. MIHAL, JOSEPH (Co-Capt.) Gary, Ind. Senior- Phy. Ed . Sigma Chi Noble E. Kizer A. H. " Mal" Elward Tackle Athlet ic Director Heod Cooch 75. IPPOLITO, ANTHONY Chicago, Ill ino is Senior- Sc ience Theta Chi Fullback 72. VERGANE, WILLIAM 40 Michigan City, Ind. • Senior- Phy. Ed . PURDUE· Theta Chi Tackle 4 0 . BROCK, LOUIS Stafford, Kan. Junior- Phy. Ed . Phi Delta Theto COACHING STAFF Halfback Left to Right:-Head Coach E!wa rd and Assistonts M:ickey, Fehrir.g, and Ta ube. 30. MALONEY, JAMES Oak Park, Ill. Senior- Agr. Phi Kappa Ps i Guard 48. J USKA, ANTHONY Chicago, Illinois Senior- Phy. Ed . Delta Upsilon Fullba ck 18. SPEHN, GEORGE Chicago, Ill. Senior-Mech. En gr. Theta Chi End ON THE PURDUE UNIVERSITY PURDUE By ROBERT C. WOODWORTH S I CE th e day that it fir t opened its door in Purdue Unive rsity offer Bach elor and advanced CAMPUS 18 74, Purdue University, located at L afayette, Ind., degrees in agriculture, chemical engin ee ring, civil ha e njoyed a teady growth both academicall y a nd engineering, electrical engineering-, mechanical en­ athletically, until today it i r ecog nized a o ne o f the gin ee ring, h ome e conomic , pharmacy, phy ical edu­ leading e ducational in titution of its type in the ca tion, and cience, a well as pecial c ourse 111 en­ country. The niver ity i one link in the chain gin eering law and public se rvice enginee ring. The clock tower of Heovilon Holl with the o f l and-g rant college and universities that ca me into Since its fir t d ay , the in titution h a bee n known Civil Engineering Bu ilding in bockground. be ing when Pre id ent Lincoln igned the M orrill as a pioneer in variou fields o f r e earch. It in ti­ Entronce to Stonle y Land-Grant ollege Act of C ongre of July 2 , Coulter Holl Biology tuted the first locomotive testing work in thi coun­ Building 1862, and supported l argely by tate a nd f ederal try a nd ha in ce cl one a n immen e a mount of r esea rch f und .
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