AIE NINJUNL F RESEARCH | PARIPEX JOURNAL -INDIAN aha rds i Ida Te uvy nlds pten of pattern includes, survey The . in Pradesh Madhya Present study is a survey of pattern of COVID-19 in a district of (Mukhtar Y,2020). expected to be at higher risk of developing severe symptoms smtmtc Gnrly le pol ad oobd are comorbids and be people older can Generally asymptomatic. person infected the However virus. of contraction Most infected persons show symptoms within 5-6 days after days 5-6 within showsymptoms persons infected Most ed o nuoi, utpe ra fiue n ee death. even and failure organ multiple Pneumonia, to lead tiredness and shortness of breath. In more severe cases, it can typical signs of infections include fever,include infections of signs typical cough, pain,muscle person comes in contact with the virus. According to WHO,to Accordingvirus. the with contact in comes person COVID-19 infection typically occur within 2-14 days after a after days 2-14 within occur typically infection COVID-19 Syndrome(SARS)( Deosky ASS, 2020).. Signs and symptoms of Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Respiratory Acute Severe and (MERS) Syndrome od o oe eee iess ie ide at Respiratory East Middle like diseases severe more to cold known tocauserespiratory ranging from infections common lns i hmn. n uas svrl ooa iue are viruses corona several humans, In humans. in illness ooa iu i a ag fml o vrss hc my cause may which viruses of family large a is virus Corona number. restricted zones where COVID patients were higher in in higher were patients COVID where zones restricted odtos ih ey tit udlns xet n so in except guidelines strict very with conditions unlock process started depending upon the COVID COVID the upon depending started process unlock pro o 1 dy tie Fo 1 o Jn 22, gradually 2020, June of 1 From twice. days 15 of period a increased gradually therefore the lockdown was extended for none fo 2 Mrh 00 I Ida CVD patients COVID India, In 2020. March 26 from announced government.wasdays 21 on,lockdownfor Later complete a remain locked at home without any compulsory action by the oenet a anucd til aaa ufw n 2were themselves people 22 which day,in on one for curfew 2020 March Janata trial a announced had Government In order to prevent the disease and it's spread in India, Indian 5,011,467 and 328,368 deaths globally (TMC library2020). May 2020 (9:32:42 am) COVID-19 affected cases were were cases affected COVID-19 am) (9:32:42 2020 May ag ubr fdah n te opiain.A n2 21 complications.on other As and deaths of largenumbers pandemic affecting more than 150 countries globally causing ald OI-9 Fo is rgn CVD1 i nw a now is COVID-19 origin, its From COVID-19. called n 09 iia pnei oiiae fo Whn Chin Wuhan from originated pandemic similar 2019 In 2006). H1N1 humans, commonly known as the Spanish flu and caused by caused and flu Spanish the humans,knownas commonly originating from birds and quickly transmitted to pigs and pigs to transmitted time quickly and birds this from emerged, originating epidemic another 1917-1918 In 2020. hl 4 Century (W.H.O.2014)whole 14 as reported by Klokol D million lives across the Europe, Africa and Asia lasting the lasting Asia and Europe,Africa the across 50 lives million least at taken has plague Bubonic as known also Death millions of deaths, the Black Death being the worst. The Black akn hs inse svrl ao pneis causing pandemics major several witnessed has Mankind INTRODUCTION Shouche Dr. Shobha Chandorkar* Dr. Shuchita ABSTRACT influenza virus virus influenza the vaccination specially co morbid and old aged people. people of India as well as world that they should not take corona disease lightly and must follow all precautions even after were expected tobeslightly relaxed duetodecrease rate inmortality andactive cases. Oursurvey toall isawarning virus progressed,virus deathrate was lowered. ofDeepawali Ourstudy isbased ontheeffect festival inIndiawhen people to larger population and caused many deaths during earlier periods of infection, but later on as studies about the corona 150 countries all over the world. This pandemic travelled rapidly from China to other places. In India this disease affected The The outbreak of novel corona virus infection which originated from Wuhan city of China, it leads to spread in more than th Tuebre J ad oea DM, Morena and JK (Taubenberger FESTIVAL (M.P.) INDIA, BEFORE ANDAFTERDEEPAWALI CORONA PANDEMIC INUJJAIN DISTRICT A SURVEY OFCOVID-19: THE PATTERN OF ORIGINAL RESEARCH PAPER O *Corresponding Author Department Department of Zoology and Bioinformatics, MVM, (M.P.) India. Department of Zoology, Government College Kaytha Dist. Ujjain (M.P.) India. st Volume - 10 | Issue - 03 | 1 | PRINT ISSN No. PRINT ISSN | 1 : DOI | -1991 2250 10.36106/paripex Volume | -03 Issue | -10 .et. al me me nd a st

March -202 March respectively. 46.51±5.8722 and 43±8.96280 after the Deepawali Deepawali the after 43±8.96280 and 46.51±5.8722 f emales was 48.48±3.615 bef ore Deepawali and and Deepawali ore bef 48.48±3.615 was emales f average of age of males was 45.78±2.1429 and average age of person was as high as 96 years and as low as 03 years.03 The as low as and years 96 as high as was person approximately 40-50 years. However, the age of affected affected of age the However, years. 40-50 approximately the study. The average age of affected males and females was males were more affected as compared to females throughout our study). As far as gender is concerned, it was observed that while before the festival average (which was the duration of duration averagethe wasfestival (which the before while average 25-30 positive cases were reported daily for 15 days 9 oiie ae wr rpre. fe te etvl o an on festival, the After reported. were cases positive 39 esn,o 0 1css n2 17 21 cases cases,and persons,0n 0n 22 21 on November20 positive cases, on 18 27 positive persons, on 19 22 affected 22affected 27positive persons, on19 positive cases, on18 ae eerpre ihr n1 Novembercases were there reportedwere higher. 27 On 17 Deepawali was 14 November, after that the numbers of active numbers of 18 active cases were reported. The main day of day weremain reported.cases The active 18 of numbers a bfr te tr o fsia o 1 Nvme maximum November 11 on festival of start the before day 00 4o Nvme;1 n3November November;and so on.11 2020; on Just 3 04 a on 2 persons were 07 on 31 of October 2020; 07 on 1 November 2020;October of 1 on 07 werepersons 31 on 07 graph 1,2,3 and 4 it is clear that the total number of affected affected of number total the that clear is it 4 and graph1,2,3 in number 15 days prior to the Deepawali festival. As shown in Deepawali festival total number of infected persons were less From Data Analysis authors have observed that prior to the to prior that observed have authors Analysis Data From RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Highlights of our data are as following:- analyzed these data and represented them as graphs. graphs. as them represented and data these analyzed to Deepawali and 15 days after the Deepawali.the daysafter 15 Deepawaliand haveto Authors cases with their age and gender was tabulated 15 days prior i.e. before and after the Deepawali festival. Number of active hsndt rm3 o coe 00t of December 2020 of October chosen 2020 data to from 3 31 , , India on daily basis. We have ain ls dcae b te he Mdcl Officer(CMO), Medical Chief the by declared list patient aa ore fr nlss ee ae fo te COVID-19 the from taken were analysis for sources Data MATERIAL AND METHODS: it spreads via personal contact or object handling. people. So, chances of COVID were supposed to be highest as businesses. The markets are overcrowded with enthusiastic overcrowdedaremarketswith businesses. The paes friue atmbls t wih oss t boosts which etc automobiles furniture, apparels, ucae ait o hueod upis dcrtv items, decorative supplies, household of variety purchase India and important for business purposes because people because purposes business for important and India fe Deaai etvl Deaai s h mi fsia in festival main the is Deepawali festival. Deepawali after COVID withspecialreference toage andgender before and Calculation of Standard Deviation and standard Error. Segregation of sexes i.e. male or females. Average age of infected persons. Day wise number of active cases. nd hst th st th st KEY KEY WORDS: mortality. pandemic, Deepawali, infection, Biological Science rd th rd

corona virus, th st 65 he he PARIPEX - INDIAN JOURNAL O F RESEARCH | Volume - 10 | Issue - 03 |March - 202 1 | PRINT ISSN No. 2250 - 1991 | DOI : 10.36106/paripex India is a festival loving country where so many festivals are celebrated on mass scale with traditions and joy. Deepawali is the biggest festival and is celebrated for five days, this year it started from 13 November 2020 and ended on 17 of November 2020. The festival has its own history of Ramayana, a story of Lord Shri Rama. It is celebrated on returning of Lord Rama after his victory over the King Ravana. The celebration also represents the victory of truth and goodness over Devils powers. People purchase new apparels, furniture, households etc. They worship and show their regards with fire cracking. People of India clean up their houses and decorate with lights. They meet their relatives and friends with lots of sweets and other gifts.

As our observations showed that prior to the festival active cases were lesser in number which may be due to people Fig.3. Average age of infected males after Deepawali taking care of themselves from corona virus and following the preventive measures. But before the festival they were moving a lot in congregated areas for marketing so the number was approximately doubled after the festival. During the purchasing they might have come in contact with infected person who may be asymptomatic; however, as the symptoms of disease may develop after 2 to 14 days, so there were more positive cases after the Deepawali. People might have not followed the strict guide lines of preventive measures.

As far as gender of affected persons is concerned, males were affected more than the females, the number of males were more than twice or thrice on some days, in both prior or after the festival. It may be due to the fact that during the festival the Fig.4. Average age of infected females after Deepawali males migrated more outside their homes in comparison to females, since females have to prepare lots of traditional sweets and snacks at home. Not only during festival season, in general also same pattern is observed in India.

There was not much difference in ages of males and females in any data, which may be due to people were aware of the fact that the age above 55-60 years and below 10 years were at high risk of corona virus, as medical bulletin was regularly alarming through Television, social media and sources. They took care of older people and children by locking them at home.

Figures: Fig.5. Comparison of Average age of infected males and females prior to Deepawali

Fig.1. Average age of males infected prior to Deepawali Fig.6. Comparison of Average age of infected males and females after Deepawali

CONCLUSION: This study was aimed at monitoring the outbreak of COVID-19 in Ujjain district, Madhya Pradesh, India. The study reveals that males are more affected by the corona virus as compared to females. The pandemic got more intense after the Deepawali festival, because some people disobeyed the guidelines set by the Indian Government to prevent the corona virus spread. As per our survey reports, it is clear that most of the infected persons belong to 40-50 years of age, because they have working responsibilities of the family so it Fig.2. Average age of infected females prior to Deepawali is suggested that they should vaccinated first. This led to a 66 PARIPEX - INDIAN JOURNAL O F RESEARCH | Volume - 10 | Issue - 03 |March - 202 1 | PRINT ISSN No. 2250 - 1991 | DOI : 10.36106/paripex confirmation that congregated places might be one of the banes of corona virus outbreak. The festivals can be celebrated every year all our lives but for that survival should be the first priority. So, people should sincerely take every precautionary measure suggested by the government and WHO.

Acknowledgement: We are thankful to C.H.M.O. Office, Ujjain district India for providing data related to COVID-19 before and after the Deepawali festival.

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