(All the Census Publications of this State will bear series No. 10)

PART I Census General Report including Subsidiary (in Sub-Parts) Tables PART II-A Census Tables on population PART II-B Economic Tables (in Sub-Parts) PART II-C Social and Cultural Tables (in Sub-Parts) PART III-A Establishment Report and Subsidiary Tables PART III·B Establishment Tables PART IV Housing Report and Tables PART V (in Sub-Parts) Special Tables & Ethnographic Notes on Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes PART VI-A Town Directory PART VI-B Special Survey Reports on selected towns PART VI-C Survey Reports on selected villages PART VII Special Report on Graduates and Technical Personnel PART VIII-A Administration Report-Enumeration PART VIII-B Administration Report - Ta bulation PART IX Census Atlas PART IX·A Administrative Atlas


PART X-A Village and Town Directory PART X-B Village and Town Primary Census Abstracts PART X-C Analytical Report and Administrative statements & District Census Tables

(District Census Handbooks are published und~r Part X in 3 Parts-A, B & C for each of the 43 districts in tire Statt. Parts A and B ar~ published in one volume), CONTENTS PAGE

1. Preface i-ii

2. List of Abbreviations 1

3. AlphabeticaJ List of Villages 3-16 ( i) Khacharod Tahsil 3-5 ( ii) Tahsil 5-8 ( iii) Tahsil 8-10 ( iv ) Tahsil 10-13 ( v) Ujjain Tahsil 13-16


1. Explanatory Note 19·29

2.' Village Directory (Amenities and Land-use 30·79 ( i) Khacharod Tahsil 30·39 ( ii) Mahidpur Tahsil 40-49 ( iii) Tarana Tahsil 50-59 (iv) Badnagar Tahsil 60·67 ( v) Ujjain Tahsil 68-79

3. Appendix to Village Directory 80-81

4. Town Directory 82-88

( i) Status, Growth History and Functional Category of Towns 82 ( ii) Physical Aspects and Location of Towns 83 ( iii) Civic Finace 84 ( iv) Civic and other Amenities 85 ( v) Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities in Towns 86 ( vi) Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking 87 ( vii ) Population by Riligion and Scheduled Caste! Scheduled Tribes in Towns 88 PAGE


1. Explanatory Note 91-92

2. Figures at a Glance 93

3. Primary Census Abstract 94-181

District Abstract 94-97

Khacharod Tahsil 98-111 (Rural) 98-107 (Urban) 106-111

Mahidpur Tahsil 112-225 (Rural) 112.123 (Urban) 122·125

Tarana Tahsil 126-139 (Rural) 126-137 (Urban) 136-139

Badnagar Tahsil 140-151 (Rural) 140-147 (Urban) 148-151

Ujjain Tahsil .. 152-181 (Rural) 152-165 (Urban) 164-181 Prior to the 1951 Census, there was no regular separate publication at the district levei regarding the data collected, although the seeds of the District Census Handbooks can be traced to the 'Village Lists brought out for every district in 1901 and 'Village Statistics' of every district published in 1911 and 1941. No. definite answer is forthcoming as to why such publications, giving village-wise information of occupied houses, break-up of population into males/females and literates, were not brought out in 1921 and 1931 The reason could be transfer from 1921 of certain charges on Census previously met from the provincia. revenues to the Central revenues and the Government of India may not have considered it necessary to publish statistics up to the village level. 'Village Statistics' in 1941 were brought out by the Central Provinces & Berar Government and this practice of bringing out district-wise publications at the cost of the State Govern­ ment has iince been continuing.

2. The scope of the district-wise publications, now called the District Census Handbooks, has been under­ going change with each successive Census from 1951. In 1951, the District Census Handbooks only contained the Primary Census Abstract and the Census tables. In view of the usefulness of separate publication for each district, improvements were made at the time of the 1961 Census by including non-Census data like climate, agriculture, co-operation, industry, education, etc. An 'Introductory Note' was also added to highlight the more striking features. Unfortunately, the desire to make district-wise Census publications very comprehensive resulted in late availability of the books to the users. Therefore, this time the District Census Handbooks have been divided into three parts in order to release maximum data, as and when finalised, so that the publications may have a useful life of about seven to eight years ofinter-Censal decennium. Part A will contain Primarily non-Census statistics, Part B the Primary Census Abstract and Part C various administrative statistics with a chapter titled "Introducing the district". It may be mentioned here that subsequently a decision has been taken to merge Parts A and B in one volume on grounds of economy.

3. Much of the delay in the publication of the District Census Handbooks after the 1961 Census was due to delay in collection of administrative statistics and the decision to write the Introductory Note in the head office. separation of administrative statistics as Part C of the District Census Handbook and the kind Co­ operation of the State Government, permitting Collectors of the 1961-71 decade to write the chapter on "Introducing the District," is likely to go a long way in early publication of all the parts of the District Ccnsus Handbooks. Another favourable factor this time is the early decision of the State Government to permit printing in private presses as and when the work-load on the State Government Presses is heavy and likely to result in delay in the bringing out of the District Census Handbook of any district. It would not be out cf place to point out here that the work-load in connection with the District Census Handbooks is very much more this time, not only on account of wider coverage but largely due to the decision to bring out the District Census Handbooks in Hindi as well as English. In all, there will be 172 publications, 4 per district of which 2 will be in hindi and 2 in english. Advance action was taken this time to collect the non-Census data and it is hoped that the combined volume of Parts A and B of all the 43 distclcts 'would be out by the end of 1973 and Part C of all the districts by the middle of 1975. This would be a definite improvement on the 1961 performance when printing of, the District Census Handbooks covered the period 1964 to 1967.

4. In his Preface to the 1961 District Census Handbooks, my ptedecessor, Shri G. Jagathpathi, had observed thus, "It was not possible at this Census to base all Census statistics on the development block as the uni t mainly because in 1961 there were many areas not till then covered by blocks. The coverage had become complete by about the middle of 1963 and it is not unlikely that the 1971 Census will recognise the block as the basic field unit as much for purposes of presentation as for operational purposes.". It has not been possible to adopt the development block as the basic unit for operation and presentation in this Census for more than one reason. Firstly, the office of the Block Development Officer "vas abolished in December, 1965; its resurrection in the form of office of the Block Development Assistant from 2·10-69 had not taken firm roots up to the time field arrangements for the 1971 Census were finalised. Secondly, the tahsil "s a unit of field arrangements has many more advantages, the most significant being the ready availability of that legendary functionary-the patwari-without whose active co-operation it would be a formidable task to determine whether a habited structure in a cultivated field is part of village X or Y. Even, otherwise, since village­ wise figures are available, it should not be difficult for those in need of data for intermediate units between the village and the tahsil, like the development block or patwari halka, to compile it by adding figures of concerned villages. The tahsil has for long been a fixed unit of administration and, to my mind, should be retained in preference to the development block whose jurisdiction may undergo a change in acco~cLmcc with the pace of future development. 2

5. In conclusion, I would like to place on record my grateful thanks to the Government of Madhya Pradesh for having so kindly agreed to undertake the publication of the Handbooks in hindi as well as english to the various government and semi-government offices for un-hesitatingly making available the non-Census statistics, and to the Controller, Government Press, and his staff for arr,anging early printing in the Govern­ ment and private Presses.

BHOPAL: A. K. PANDYA 15 th August, 1972.

GCPB-169-18-9-73-10,000. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS

I Civic Administration 32 Hospital H 1 Corporation C 33 T. B. Clinic TBC 2 M unicipaIity M 34 Maternity and Child Welfare Centre MCW 3 Notified Arell: Committee NAC 35 Ayurvedic Dispensary AD 4 Cantonment Board CB 36 Nursing Home NH 5 Non-Municipal; Non-Town NM 37 Family Planning Centre FC Committee; l'{on-Panchayat 38 Veterinary Hospital VH 6 Gram Panchayat GP V Electricity II Other Amenities (Sewerage & Drainage) 39 Electricity E 7 Open Surface Drains OSD 40 Electricity for Irrigation E1 8 Box Surface Drains BSD 41 Electricity for Industry EIN 9 Sewerage S 10 Head Loads HL VI Drinking Water Supply 11 Wheel Barrow WB 42 Tap Water T 12 Bullock Cart BC 43 River Water R 13 Tractor/Truck TR/T 44 Nala Water NW 14 Septic Tank Latrines ST 45 Tubewell Water TW 46 Well Water W III Educational 47 Tank Water TK 15 Primary School PR 48 Fountain Water F 16 Middle School Mid. S 49 Canal C 17 Secondary High School 50 Over Head Tank OHT 18 Higher Secondary School Sec. S 51 Service Reservoir SR 19 Arts College A 52 Pressure Tank PT 20 Science College S 21 Commerce College C VII Communications 22 Arts, Science and Commerce College ASC 53 Pucca Road PR 23 Basic Primary School BPR 54 Kutcha Road KR 24 Basic Women Sewing Centre BWSC S5 Railway R 25 Shorthand and Typing Training Sh.Type Institute 26 Vocational Training Institute V VIII Post and Telegraph 27 University U S6 Post Office PO 28 Home Science College HM 57 Telegraph Office TO 58 Telephone Phone IV Medical 29 Primary Health Centre PHC IX Others 30 Health Centre HC 59 Information not available NA 31 Dispensary D 60 Others 0



S.No. Name of Village Location S.No. Name of Village Location Code No. CadeNo. ------____..-.- ,--~-.------.------"--- ~------_-----_ 2 3 2 3

------~------_ . Khacharod Tahsil 16/1 Khacharod Tahsil-contd. A 47 Bordiya 95 1 Akya Jagir 23 4& Borkheda Pitramal 1&1 2 Akya Koli 45 49 Brahmankhedi Kalan 129 3 Akya Najeek 153 50 Brahmankhedi Khurd 4 4 Jagir 196 51 Buranabad 80 5 Aisi 36 6 Amlawad Junnardar 56 C 7 Antalwasa 118 52 Chak Narayangarh 125 8 Antraliya 186 53 Chambal Padalya 155 9 Arjalla 122 54 C'hampaner 20 10 Arolya Dewda 201 55 Chandodiya 24 11 Arolya Jassa 222 56 Chandwasla 133 12 Atlawada 34 57 Chapa Kheda 18 13 Azimabad Pardhi 55 58 Chavand 148 59 Chidi Rawadiya 197 B 60 Chinkuganj 204 14 Bachha Khedi 131 61 Chirola 111 15 Bachhoda 31 62 Chowki Junnardar 81 16 Badagaon 137 17 Bagedi 132 D 18 Bagla 161 63 Dabri 167 19 Baijnath Khedi 211 64 Dadiya 67 20 Banbana 47 65 Dallaheda 173 21 Banbani 48 66 Dipa Khedi 104 22 Banjari 8 67 Dhatooriya 12 23 Banwada 29 68 Dhoomaheda 171 24 Baramad Kheda 117 69 Didiya Khedi 209 25 Barkheda 17 70 Divel 22 26 Barkheda Mandan 190 71 Dodiya 14 27 Barkheda Najeek 157 72 Dupdawada 114 28 Barlai 113 F 29 Barthoon 119 30 Batlawadi 94 73 Farna Khedi 13 31 Bedavanya 7S G 32 Bedawan 207 33 Behlola 88 74 Geedgarh 50 34 Berchha 33 75 Ghinoda 85 35 Beriya Khedi 70 76 Ghudawan 84 36 Bhagatpuri 76 77 Gidawada 145 37 Bhakarda 158 78 Gindwanya 74 38 Bhandla 90 79 Gothada 1 39 Bhanwasa 105 80 Gurachha 191 40 Bhatera 183 81 Guradiya Pitramal 180 41 Bhatisuda 59 82 Guradiya Sanga 195 42 Dhat Khedi 83 83 Gurla 217 43 Bhesola 89 44 Bhikampur 61 H 45 Bhil Sud a 60 84 Hapakheda 188 46 Dilwanya 135 85 Hatai 166 4



S.No. Name of Village Location S.No. Name of Village Location Code No. Code No. 2 3 1 2 3

Khacharod Tahsil-contd . Khacharod Tahsil-contd . 86 Hebatpur Bhimpura 52 126 Lasudiya Daiyer 9 87 Heedi 185 127 Lasudiya laisingh 57 128 Lasudiya Khema 134 I 129 Lekodiya Anjna 150 88 Hawa 210 130 Lekodiya Tank 82 131 Lohchitara 2 J 132 Luhari 142 89\ Jalod 92 133 Lusdawan 124 90 Jalodiya Khacharod 43 M 91 Jalodiya 175 92 Jalwal 63 134 Madawada 123 93 Jhiranya Khacharod 165 135 Madawadi 110 94 Jhiranya Unhel 202 136 Madgani 144 95 Jhirmira 77 137 Madhavgarh 172 96 Jiyajigarh 221 138 Mahu 177 139 Makla 169 K 140 Mala Khedi 62 141 Mali Khedi 206 97 Kachnariya 44 142 Matra 178 98 Kadiyali 143 143 Meen 10 99 Kalal Khedi 151 144 Mehatwas 58 100 Kalsi 37 145 Mohna 179 101 Kamthana 121 146 Mokdi 25 102 Kamthani 126 147 Mundla 193 103 Kanchan Khedi 87 104 Kankarda 205 N 105 Kanthar Khedi 3 148 53 106 Kanwas 101 149 Nagjhiri 156 107 198 ISO Nandiyasi 130 108 Karondiya 218 151 Nandwasla 102 109 Kasba Khacharod 223 152 Napa Khedi 6 110 Kasba Unhel 208 153 Naredi Khurd 106 111 Kesariya 21 154 Naredipata 97 112 Khajuriya 39 155 Nare1i 15 113 Khamariya 136 156 Narsingarh 115 114 Khandwa 96 157 Navatya 72 115 Khata Khedi 128 158 Nawada 154 116 Khedawada 116 159 Nayan 68 117 Khimla Khedi 176 160 NiJr.adi 127 118 Khokri 220 161 Nimbodiya Kalan 32 119 Khurmundi 79 162 Nimbodiya Khurd 162 120 KjJodya 73 163 Ninawat Kheda 35 121 Kiradiya 187 164 Nipanya 51 122 Kumharwadi 107 p 123 Kundla 160 124 Kl.ltlana 86 165 Pachlasi 64 166 Padalya Kalan 49 L 167 Padalya Khurd 5 125 Lasudiya Chuwad 216 168 Padsutya 65 5


S.No. Name of Village Location S.No. Name of Village Location Code No. Code No. 2 3 2 3 ,------_----- Khacharod Tahsil-contd. Khacharod Tahsil-concld.

16~ Pagara 212 T 170 Palkhi 170 214 Takrawada 54 171 Palna 112 215 Tarod 26 172 Pankhedi 189 216 Thadoda 100 173 Panwasa 91 217 Tootiya Khedi 28 174 Parmar Khedi 75 218 Tumni 69 175 Parolya Padma 203 U 176 Paslod 152 219 Umariya 194 177 Pipalya Molu 159 220 Un;arna 71 178 Pipalya Se.!s 164 221 Umarni 66 179 Panth 141 222 Unchaheda 99 180 Piploda Sagotimata 163 Z 181 Piplyad Dabi 213 223 Zhanja Khedi 38 182 PipJya Rani 182 Mahidpur Tahsil 183 Piplya Sanga 199 16/2 184 Poona Kheda 184 A 1 Ajmabad 161 R 2 Akya Bajrang 93 185 Raiyapur 192 3 Akya Dhanga 135 186 Rajgarh 27 4 Akya Jassa 200 187 Rajla 30 5 Akya Limba 104 188 Rajota 149 6 Ala Kheda 191 189 Rajpur Rayti 120 7 Amdi 109 190 Ramabaloda 219 8 Arnya Bagada 46 191 Ramnagar 11 9 Arnya Bena 34 192 Ratanya Khedi 41 10 Arnya Najik-Serpur 140 193 Rathda 174 11 Arnya NajikChjbdi 30 194 Riganya 93 12 Asadi 47 195 Rohal Kalan 40 B 196 Rohal Khurd 42 13 Badgaon 119 197 Roopa Khedi 214 14 Bagla 132 198 Run Kheda 98 15 Bagni 189 199 Rupeta 46 16 Bahadarpura 48 17 Baijnath 157 S 18 Balah 56 200 Sakat Khedi 19 19 Baloda 142 201 San asIa 103 20 Baira 207 202 Sandawada 146 21 Bamnai 92 203 SandIa 138 22 Bani 40 204 Sarwana Khacharod 109 23 Banjari 17 205 Sarwana Unhel 200 24 Ban Singh 73 206 SekdiSultanpur 147 25 Bapaiya 207 Sendri 16 26 Barapathar 122 208 Shribachh 7 27 Barda Bhurekha 127 209 Simrol 168 28 Barkheda Bujurg 141 210 Siparda 108 29 Barkheda Khurd 41 211 SODchidi 140 30 Barkbedi Bazar 215 212 Surel 139 31 Baru Khedi 15 213 Surjakhedi 215 32 Bavalya 26 6


---~.-~ _. ~-. ----~---".------~ - -~------'-~'- ~-- _---_._---_._----_ S.No. Name of Village Location S.No. Name of Village Location Code No. Code No.

2 3 2 3

Mahidpur Tahsil-contd. Mahidpur Tahsil-contd. 33 Bela Kheda 222 74 Ghodabag 186 34 Bhadwa 60 75 Ghosla 224 35 Bhat Khedi 190 76 Goga Kheda 36 36 Bhavrasi 197 77 Gogapur 12 37 Bhima Kheda 129 78 Guradiya Dasa 106 38 Bilkheda 194 39 Binpura 128 H 40 BisalKhedi 133 79 Hajalya Khedi 59 41 Bolkheda Ghai 64 80 Hajratpur 199 42 Bolkheda Nau 78 81 Hapa Kheda 29 43 Bor Khedi 57 82 Harba Khedi 24 44 Brahman Kheda 3 83 Hingonya 218

C I 45 Chhajju Khedi 177 84 IIya Khedi 31 46 Chhingri 101 85 Indokh 66 47 Chibdi 25 86 Isan Khedi 7 48 Chirmya 136 87 Itawa 145 49 Chitawad 18 50 Chorwasa 130 J 88 ]agothi 219 D 89 Jawasiya Solanki 201 5] Dela Khedi 172 90 Jawasya Panth 151 52 Delchi Bujurg 16 91 Jelya Khedi 220 53 Delchi Khurd 22 92 Jhangara 202 54 Devli 1 93 Jhangri 180 55 Dhabla Beni 152 94 Jharda 90 56 Dhablasiya 45 95 JharKhedi 155 57 Dhabli Kamma 156 96 Jhutawad 32 58 Dhanodiya 166 97 Jodma Birbhan 196 59 Dhara Kheda 131 98 Jodma Lakha 102 60 Dhara Kheda 37 61 Dhelwadi 74 K 62 Dhulet 118 99 Kachariya 97 63 Dongla 147 100 Kachhaliya Chand 81 64 Dubli 117 101 Kachhaliya Saiyad 72 65 Dungariya 52 102 Kadhai 121 66 Dungar Kheda 188 103 Kaji Khedi 124 67 Dungar Khedi 173 104 Kala Pipal 205 105 Klllla Piplya 195 F 106 Kamalya Khedi 192 68 Fitni 55 107 Kanakhedi Eklaspur 4 108 Kanakhedi Hamma 87 G 109 Kana Khedi Harbans 209 69 Gela Khedi 100 110 Kankal Kheda 67 70 Ghatiya Jassa 183 111 Kanthari 181 71 Ghatiya Saindas 54 112 Kanthariya 35 72 Ghat Peeplya 51 113 Karnawad 8 73 Ghiya Khedi 116 114 Kason 193 7


S.No. Name of Village Location S.No. Name of Village Location Code No. Code No. . -----_------_--._-_-----.. - 2 3 2 3 ------Mahidpur TahsiI-contd. Mahidpur TabsiI-contd. 115 Katariya 44 160 Mundli Bhoj 169 116 Khajuriya Mansoor 105 161 Mundli Dotru 208 117 Khardiya Manpur 82 162 Munja Khedi 118 Kheda Khaj uriya 206 119 KhedaMadda 170 N 120 Khedla 171 163 Nag Guradiya 83 121 Khoriya Padma 176 164 Nagpura 103 122 Khoriya Sumra 110 165 Nahar Kheda 77 123 Khurchanya Chandrabhan 213 166 178 124 Khurchanya Pratap 210 167 Narana 138 125 Kitiya 146 168 Narayan Khedi 14 126 Koyal 5 169 Neeltl Kheda 174 127 Kukni 21 170 Nipaniya Badar 98 128 Kundi Kheda 182 171 Nipanya Raju 162 129 Kuwandiya 150 p L 172 PadiKheda 167 130 Ladanpur 80 173 Padlya 99 131 lakhakhedi Naharpur 134 174 Palwa 221 132 Lakhakhedi Umath 154 175 Panodiya 179 133 Lambi Khedi 226 176 Parasali 91 134 Lasudiya Devsi 204 177 Parvat Kheda 19 135 Lasudiya Goyal 76 178 PataKhedi 69 136 Lasurdiya Mansoor 108 179 Petlawad 2 137 Lasurdiya Nata 185 180 Piplya Bhim 33 138 Lasurdiya Shripat 149 181 Piplya Dhuma 70 139 Loharwas 227 182 Piplya Harji 203 140 Lotiya Junnardar 88 183 Piplya Nath 153 184 PipliKheda 111 M 141 Mahidpur (Kasba) 112 R 142 Mahidpurya 163 185 Rabdanya 79 143 Mahu 139 186 Raghvi 225 144 Mahudi 211 187 Ramna~ar 159 145 Mahudipura 212 188 Ramsara 223 146 Mahudiya 75 189 Ranayra Peer 53 147 Makla 85 190 Ranipura 143 148 Mali Khedi 216 191 Rasulpura 114 149 Malya 65 192 Rawat Khedi 95 150 Maru Kheda 168 193 Rohida 23 151 Mau Khedi 164 194 Rudaheda 86 152 Mela Khedi 58 195 Rudra Kheda 120 153 Melanya 217 154 Mendki 158 S 155 Mochi Kheda 113 196 Sagwali 27 156 Modi 39 197 Sakariya 89 157 MoyaKheda 148 198 Sakkar Khedi 198 158 Mundla Parwal 20 199 Sam a Kota 184 159 Mundla Sondhya- 68 200 Sangwi Kheda 115 8


---~------.. ~------. S.No. Nam~ of Village Loc-ation S.No. Name of Village Location Code No. Code No. 2 3 2 3

Mahidpur Tahsil-concld. Tarana Tahsil-contd. 201 Sanoriya 49 12 Barandwa 153 202 Sarwan Kheda 10 13 Barkheda 207 203 Seka Khedi 123 14 Barkheda Tarana 119 204 Sekli 71 15 Barnawad 120 205 Semlya 43 16 Barothiya 60 206 Seran Khedi 11 17 Bedchi 111 207 Serpur 144 18 Beejpadi 171 208 Shrawan 62 19 Belari 198 209 Sirorol 175 20 Bhadsimba 181 210 Sing Deola 28 21 Bhagwatpur 63 211 Sipawara 42 22 Bhariya Khedi 10 212 Som,hidi 165 23 Bba! Kheda 11 213 Suhagpura 160 24 Bhatooni 208 214 Sukdi 50 25 Bheru Pura 187 215 Sumra Kheda 96 26 Bhodlya 38 27 Bheju Khedi 202 T 28 Bhuki Itwarpur 182 216 Tajpur 214 29 Bhund Khedi 23 217 Tajpura 125 30 Binjal 186 218 Tanda 126 31 Birgod 178 219 Tamed 9 32 Bisan Kheda 109 220 Tarot 94 33 Bisan Khcdi 128 221 Teelya Khedi 187 34 Borda Dhakad 199 222 Thikariya 107 35 Borda Gujar 112 223 TipuKheda 63 36 Borda Manda 193 224 Tolya Khedi 84 37 Bor Khedi 92 225 Tuisapur 137 38 Bukhari 66

y C 226 Yesha wan tpura 61 39 Chakya 73 40 Chhadawad 122 Z 41 Chhapri 138 227 Zarawada 13 42 Chandnya Khedi 7 43 Chikli 37 Tarana Tahsil 16/3 44 Chirdi 16 A 45 Chitawalya 27 1 Abad Khedi 125 46 Chuna Khedi 48 2 AnantKhedi 155 3 Ankhali 88 D 4 AnklaKhedi 137 47 Dabda Rajput 43 5 Aser Kaytha 192 48 Delchi 74 6 Aurangpur 95 49 Devi Kheda 116 50 Devli 108 B 51 Dhabla Hardu 15 7 Badodiya Makdon 22 52 Dhanya Khedi 33 8 Bagera 170 53 DhuwaKhedi 44 9 Bagoda 134 54 Dilodri 140 10 Bagwada 65 55 Dobda Gujar 80 11 Banjari 143 56 Dubli 174 9


----_._ .. _- S.No. Name of Village Location S.No. Name of Village Location CodeNo. Code No.

,-_------~--_- 2 3 2 3 .. -_------~ .. ------_--- _ _-._---_ Tarana Tahsil-contd. Tarana Tahsil-contd. 57 Dudhli 157 95 Kankariya Mirpur 77 F 96 Kanthadi 62 97 Kanwli Kheda 180 58 Fanya 152 98 Kapeli 84 G 99 Karanj 132 59 Ganga Talab 210 100 Karedi 100 60 Gaondi 126 101 Kath Badoda 200 61 Godadi 31 102 Katwariya 96 62 Golwa 151 103 Kaytha 190 63 Gonglya Khedi 107 104 Kesarpur Nipanya 78 64 Gopali 162 105 Keswal 58 65 GujarKheda 156 106 Khajju Khedi 20 66 Guna Khedi 107 Khajuria 205 67 Gundardya 98 108 Khambukhedi 133 68 Guradya Dongar 185 109 Khamli 53 69 Guradya Gujar 89 110 Khanda Khedi 161 70 Guthlai 115 111 Kpankari Anjna 173 112 Khankri Brahman 21 H 113 Khankari Sultan 52 71 Haidarpura 76 114 KharKhedi 110 72 Haji Khedi _136 115 Kharpa 184 73 Halu Khedi 172 116 KhatiKhedi 206 74 Hanumanti 51 117 Khodri Nipanya 117 75 Haru Khedi 71 118 Khokariya 30 76 Hasalpur Jhirnya 82 119 Khutpala 97 77 Hatya Khedi 168 120 Kothdi 26

I L 7S IlamKhedi 6 121 Lakhman Khedi 25 79 Itawa 106 122 Lala Kheda 103 123 Lala Khedi 41 J 124 Lasudiya Amra 29 80 Jafarpur Nera 2 125 Lasudiya Dhandu 35 81 Jamunya 79 126 Lasurdiya Beehat 183 82 Jawashya Kumar 197 127 Lasurdiya Hameer 49 83 Jhalara 8 128 Laxmipura 166 84 Jhalari 9 129 Limbadit 81 85 Jharnawada 123 130 Limboda Kaytha 195 86 Jhiranya Bujurg 139 131 Limboda Tarana 149 87 Jhumki 28 132 Lodh 57 88 Junapani 211 133 Lunya Khedi 159

K M 89 Kaehnariya 47 134 Makdone 61 90 Kadhai 36 135 165 91 Kadodiya 72 136 Mal Kheda 203 92 Kanardi 114 137 Mali Khedi 129 93 Kanasiya 154 138 Mallupura 191 94 Kankariya Chand 179 139 Manasa 67 10


._-- _-- ---~ - -.------_------S.No. Name of Village Location S.No. Name of Village Location CadeNo. Code No. _------~-.------_ .. 1 2 3 1 2 3 ------_. ----_ ------.-- ---._------Tarana Tahsil-contd. Tarana Tahsil-concld. 140 Manpura 86 181 Samanera 42 141 Maya Khedi 12 182 Samgi 145 142 Mergarh 24 183 Samtya Khedi 13 143 Mer Khedi 102 184 Sarli 85 144 MoIga 194 185 SaroIa 196 145 Moya Gaon 93 186 SemaI Khori 209 146 Moya Kheda 75 187 Shankarpura 104 147 Mundli 175 188 Shekhpur 50 148 Murdawan 113 189 Shivpura 189 190 Siddhipur Nipanya 135 N 191 Suchai 64 167 149 Nahar Khedi 118 192 Sumra Kheda Sumra Khedi 39 150 NaIeshree 201 193 194 Surajpura 121 151 Nanded 59 152 Nanu Kheda 163 195 Suwagaon 105 150 153 Nata Khedi 169 196 SuwarKota 5 154 Nenawad 146 197 Suwas 155 Noganwa 127 T P 198 Tanda 87 130 156 PachoIa 45 199 Tarana TejIa Khedi 32 157 Padsi 4 200 54 158 PaIduna 158 201 TiIawad 55 159 Palkhanaa 101 202 Tilawadi 142 160 Pan Khedi 46 203 Tintodi 124 161 Par soli 17 204 Tobri Kheda 14 162 Pat 3 205 Tukral 99 163 Patiyal Khedi 147 206 Tumni PipIya Bazar 164 18 U 165 PipIya Kaytha 164 166 Piplya Ramdi 90 207 Umariya 19 167 Puri 91 208 Umarazar 83 209 Upadi 204 R 168 Rachi Khedi 56 Y 169 Raipura 188 210 Yeshwantgarh 141 170 Ramdi 94 211 Yeshwantnagar 148 171 RatnaKhedi 68 172 Rawan Khedi 34 Badnagar Tahsil 16/4 173 Rehwari 69 174 Rojwas 144 A 175 Rupa Khedi 40 1 Ajanda 111 2 Ajdawada 58 S 3 AkoIiya 135 176 Sadba 176 4 Amla 95 177 Sadi Khedi 131 5 Amlawad Bika 159 178 Sakari 160 6 Amlawad Kalan 18 179 Sala Khedi 177 7 Arandiya 97 180 Salna Khedi 70 8 Asawta 134 11


_-----_.------_--_ -- S.No. Name of Village Location S.No. Name of Village Location Code No. Code No. ------_--_------~--' 2 3 2 3 ------_ ------Badnagar Tahsil-contd. Badnagar Tahsil-contd. 9 Aslawada 170 54 Dotardi 142 B 55 Dotru 129 56 DunaJja 20 10 Badgarwa 66 11 Badgara 124 F 12 Badnagar 94 57 Fatehpur 133 13 Ba1edi 150 14 Baloda Arsi 83 G 15 Baloda Hasan 21 58 Gaji Khedi 126 16 Baloda Koran 57 59 GajniKhedi 68 17 Baloda Lakha 72 60 Gaondi Devsi 23 18 Bamnapati 180 61 Gaondilodha 36 19 Banbana 168 Gara Khedi 87 20 Banbani 3 62 Ghadsinga 189 21 Bander Bela 6 63 Ghudawan 151 22 Bangred 132 64 Gulab Khedi 176 23 Banya Khedi 172 65 Gunawad 130 24 Bardiya 62 66 Gurawada 34 25 Bargadi 93 67 26 Beed Jhagda t 50 H 27 Beesaheda 90 Harnawada 30 28 Bisal Khedi 131 68 H~tya Khedi 44 29 Bhesla Buzurg 105 69 30 Bhesla Khurd 152 31 Bhand TiIawali 138 185 32 Bhat Pachlana 70 Ingoriya Itawa 52 33 Bhidawad 116 71 34 Bhomalwas 103 J 35 Bhondwas 190 96 36 Bhunwasa 4 72 Jafla 158 37 Bidrundi 47 73 Jahangirpur .09 38 Bid Singawada 77 74 Jalodiya 74 39 Bira Khedi 81 75 Jalod Sanjar 163 40 Birgoda Nathu 128 76 Jamal Pura 86 41 Birgoda Randhir 106 77 Jandla 84 42 Brahman Badoda 191 78 Jassa Kheui 79 Jhumki 157 C 80 Jhalariya 92 43 Cheek ali 187 44 Chhan Khedi 186 K Chichodiya 45 40 81 Kadhai .88 46 Chirola 8 82 Kajlana 91 D 83 Kajya Khedi 5 47 Dangwada 149 84 Kalmoda 175 48 Dantarwa 46 85 Kalyanpura 25 49 Daulatpur 140 86 Kamanpur 55 50 Dehta 16 87 Kanjad 169 51 Dharan Khedi 154 88 Kanthar Khedi 173 52 Dhaturiya 114 89 Karadiya 101 'i3 Dhureri 37 90 Karadwas 15 12


------~---.------~---- S.No. Name of Village Location S.No. Name of Village Location Code No. Code No. _-----._--- ~-----.------2 3 2 3

Badnagar Tahsil-contd. Badnagar Tahsil-contd. 91 Karanpura 155 N 92 Kesharpur 17 134 Nahar Khedi 192 93 Khadotiya 181 135 Nakucha Khedi 71 94 Khandoda 28 136 Namalpur 144 95 Khandwa Bibi 121 137 N arela Kalan 174 96 Khandwa Sura 112 138 Narela Khurd 61 97 Kharsod Kalan 59 139 Na .. singa 148 98 Kharsod Khurd 42 140 Nawda 123 99 Kheda Madhav 100 141 Nimboda 193 100 Kheda Narayan 26 142 Noganwa 63 101 Khedawada 64 102 Kiloli 41 0 103 Kothdi 171 143 Ordi 60 104 Kotki 99 lOS Kulawada 184 p 106 Kungara 120 144 Pachlanabil 75 145 Pacholi 141 146 Paduniya Kheta 22 L 147 Paduniya Lodha 89 107 Lakhesara 146 148 Palduna 143 108 Lasudiya 10 149 Palsoda 164 109 Labayeha 31 150 Palwa 51 110 Likhoda 108 151 Paslod 147 111 Limbwas 7 152 Patya Khedi 1S6 112 Lohana 119 153 Peetha Khedi 88 113 Lohariya 110 154 Piplu 125 155 Pirjhalar 137 156 Pithora 127 M 157 Pitlawadiya 79 114 Madhopura 70 115 Mahudi Alam 166 R 116 Mahudi Khema 19 158 Rajota 38 117 Makdawan 165 IS9 Ranawada 80 118 Mal Gaondi 65 160 Ranwa 45 119 Maloda 2 161 Rasulabad 48 120 Malpura 161 162 Rathod Khedi 14 121 Maniyawada 179 163 Rawadiya Kalan 117 122 Maswadiya 145 164 Rawadiya Peer 54 123 Maswadiya Dhar 67 165 Runija 69 124 Matangna 183 166 Rupa Heda 178 125 Meethi Khedi 78 126 Mindka S6 S 127 Mala Khedi 160 167 Salwa 9 128 Molana 49 168 Sanawada S3 129 Mundat 27 169 Sarola 113 130 Mundla 115 170 Sarsana 153 131 Mungawada 1\ 171 Satwasa 122 132 Mungawadi 12 172 Semal Khedi 33 133 MUIar Khedi 162 173 Semlya 85 13


S.No. Name of Village Location S.No. Name of Village Location Code No. Code No. 1 2 3 2 3

Badnagar Tahsil-concld. Ujjain Tahsil-contd. 174 Shekhpur 102 20 Bakaniya 104 175 Sijawata 35 21 Bamora 207 176 Sikandar Kheda 177 22 Bamori 96 177 Silodiya 13 23 Banda 91 178 Simlawada 29 24 Bandka 49 179 Singawada 76 25 Bans Khedi 27 180 Sohad 139 26 Bans Khedi Khalsa 122 181 Suklana 118 27 Barkhedi Jagir 99 182 Sunderabad 73 28 Barkhedi Khalsa 161 183 Suneda 39 29 Barothi Kheda 28 184 Sura Khedi 182 30 Bhaded 154 185 Suwasa 167 31 Bhainsoda 117 32 Bhand Badodiya 107 T 33 Bhanwri 263 186 Takrawada 136 34 Bhensa Khedi 73 187 Tokra 82 35 Bherugarh 157 36 BhilKheda 31 U 37 Bhimpura 82 188 -Ubradiya 98 38 Bhitari Maychak 149 189 Udsinga 24 39 Bhutiya _ 94 190 Umariya 107 40 Biaora 121 191 Unkarpur 32 41 Bichhdod Istamurar 75 192 Upri 104 42 Bichhdod Khalsa 79 193 Utwas 43 43 Bicbhdod Munjapta 76 44 Bihariya 22 Biram Khedi 66 Ujjain Tahsil 16/5 45 46 Bisa Khedi 97 A 47 Bodani 126 Ahir Kheda 3 48 Bolasa 268 2 Ahu Khana 152 49 Borkheda Bballa 4 3 Ajampura 163 50 Bor Khedi 30 4 Ajnoti 172 51 Bormundla 46 5 Ajrana 218 52 Brijraj Khedi 199 6 Akasoda 210 7 Alampur Udana 267 8 Amarpura 77 C 9 Amil'pur alias Fajalpur 183 10 Amirpur (Kuslakhedi) 118 53 Chak J airampur 114 11 Amodiya 178 54 Chakrawada 171 12 Anwalya 92 55 Chandesara 256 13 Aslana ~O9 56 Chandes_ari 257 57 Chand Mukh 195 B 58 Chandu Khedi 187 14 Badal Khedi 223 59 Chenpur Hanskhedi 279 15 Badarkha Babaji 47 60 Chhayan 237 16 Badarkha Berasiya 111 61 Chintaman Jawasiya 2Q2 __ 2 \7 Bad Kummed 124 62 Chhitar Devi 18 Badodiya Kazi 174 63 Chitawalya 71 19 Badwai 179 64 Chonsal 93 14


S.No. Name of Village Location S.No. Name of Village Location Code No. Code No. 2 3 2 3

Ujjain Tahsil-contd. Ujjain Tahsil-contd. D 105 Hariya Khedi 253 269 65 Dabri 88 106 Harnawada 66 Datana 259 107 Harnya Khedi 127 67 Daud Khedi 193 108 Harsodan 115 68 Dau Khedi 130 109 Hasampura 200 74 69 Daulatpul' I 70 Ocr Khedi 119 5 71 Devi Karadiya 57 110 Ilahipur 180 72 Dewan Khedi 106 111 lIas Khedi 56 73 Dewrakhedi Buzurg 206 112 Ishakpur 74 270 Dewrakhedi Khurd J 75 Dhabla Dhuta 18 16 Dhabla Gori 89 113 Jairampur 48 77 Dhanda 1 114 Jaithal 52 78 Dhanna Khedi 61 115 Jaiwantpur 141 79 Dhatrawada 132 116 Jalal Khedi 186 80 Dhawla Rehwari 108 117 Jalwa 64 81 Dhediya 24'1 ll8 Jamalpura 238 82 Dhool Mahu 11 119 Jambura 102 83 Dhuletiya 19 120 Jarkhoda 231 84 Dudarsi 129 121 Jasti Khedi 230 122 Jawasiya Kumar 133 E 123 Jbokra 9 85 Erwas 214 124 Jiapura 191 125 Jiwan Khedi 194 F 126 JhiaroliYa 221 86 Fatehabad 222 127 Jhirniya 14 128 Jhitar Khedi 72 G 129 Jhobra 162 87 Gadroli 80 K 88 Gangedi 198 89 Gaondi 280 130 Kachnariya 284 90 Ghatiya 63 131 Kadchha 276 91 Gondiya 201 132 Kadchhali 131 92 Gonsa 175 133 Kadwali 51 93 Gothada 243 134 Kagdi Karadiya 40 94 Goyala Khurd 251 135 Kalesar 90 95 Goyla Buzurg 168 136 Kaliyadeh 44 96 Gudha 7 137 Kaluheda 29 97 Gunai Jagir 37 138 Kalu Khedi 65 98 Gunai Khalsa 100 139 Kalyanpura 262 99 Gunaya 158 140 Kamed 147 100 Guradiya Gujar 83 141 Kandariya 215 142 Kankariya Chirakhan 227 H 143 Karadiya alias Nawa Kheda 246 101 Hakkanipura 150 144 Karohan 233 102 Hamir Khedi 220 145 Karondiya 139 103 Hamu Khedi 354 146 Kasampur 272 104 Harigarh 26 147 Kasarpur 39 15.


S.No. Name of Village Location S.No, Name of Village Location Code No. Code No . - -,---~--- .~- .. . __ ._------_------.. _- ---- 2 3 1 2 3


Ujjain Tahsil-contd. Ujjain Tahsil-contd. 148 Kesoni 128 193 Mundla Suleman 226 149 Khajuriya Kumawat 120 194 Muuja Khedi 281 150 Khajuriya Rahwari 260 151 Khajuriya Sadar 84 N 152 Khalana 169 195 Nagjhiri 136 153 Kharent 184 196 Nagpura 170 154 Khedla 12 197 Nahariya 110 155 Khemasa 213 198 NaiKhedi 181 156 Kher Khedi 87 199 Nalwa 185 157 Khetiya Khedi 232 200 Nana Kheda 248 158 Khilchipur 148 201 Nana Khedi 159 159 Khokariya 271 202 Narwar 274 160 Khoyariya 15 203 Nawakheda alias Sutarkheda 35 161 Kishanpura 32 204 Naweli 20 162 Kithoda Jagir 38 205 NayaKhedi 234 163 Kithoda Rao 264 206 Nazarpur 62 164 KoklaKhedi 239 207 Nikewadi 273 165 KoluKhedi 153 208 Nil Kanth 225 166 Kothi Mahal 249 209 Nimanwasa 135 167 Koyam Khedi 67 210 Ninora 247 168 Kuml~ardi 81 211 Nipanya Goyal 58 169 Kundi Kheda 277 212 Nipanya Sunar 41 170 Kuwariya 255 213 Nogawan 278 214 Nolakhi Bid L 140 171 Lakhaheda S5 p 172 LaJpur 137 215 PadmaKhedi 42 173 Lasurdiya Bazar 8 216 Palkhanda 285 174 Lekoda 228 217 PaJkhedi 197 17S . Limba PipJya 229 218 Pan Bihar 36 219 Panched 21 M 220 Pandya Khedi 144 176 Madhavgarh 164 221 Panth Piplai 242 177 Madhopur 282 222 Paroliya Jhali 10 178 Magariya 240 223 Pawasa 145 179 Magrola 204 224 Pingleshwar 112 180 MahuKhedi 173 225 Piplai 50 181 Malanwasa 250 226 Pipioda Dwarkadhish 283 182 Mali Khedi 85 227 PipJya Bichha 101 183 Manpura 134 228 PiplyaHama 25 184 Matana Buzurg 258 229 PipJya Munjapta 53 185 Matana Khurd 265 230 PipJya Ragho 236 186 Mediya 245 231 Piplyatah 6 187 Meen 34 188 Mohanpura 190 R 189 Mojam Khedi 155 232 RaJayata Bhoja 160 190 MoJaKhedi 123 233 RaJayata Haibat 69 191 Moru Khedi 113 234 Ralayati 68 192 Motipura 23 235 Ramgarh 165 16


------~- S.No. Name of Village Location S.No. Name of Village Location Code No. Code No. 3 3 2 3 ------_-- _._------_------Ujjain Tahsir-contd. Ujjain Tahsil-cone/d. 236 Ramjan Khedi 224 264 Silodarawal 182 237 Ramwasa 241 265 Singawada 176 238 Ranabad 203 266 Sipawara 167 239 Ranaheda 59 267 Sodang 166 240 Ratadiya 188 268 Sulya 78 2-41 Ratna Khedi 20S 269 SulyaKhedi 151 242 Rudaheda 98 270 Surasa 146 243 Ruie 16 271 Surjanwasa 142 244 Runji 86 T S 272 Tajpuf 116 245 Sabalpur alias Bucha Khedi 211 273 Takwasa 219 246 Sahab Khedi 109 274 Talod 212 247 Sakkarwasa 252 275 Tankariya Kazi 125 248 Sala Khedi 24 276 Tankariya Panth 217 249 Salamta 70 277 Tulaheda 60 250 Samadiya 208 278 Tumdawada 13 251 Samar Khedi 43 252 Sarola 177 U 253 Sawara Khedi 192 279 Ujjainya 95 254 Sayar Khedi 105 280 Umariya Jagir 103 255 Semalia Bibi 17 281 Umariya Khalla 216 256 Semalia Nasar 261 282 Undasa 143 257 Sewar Khedi 266 283 Utesara 45 258 Shankarpur Jagir 54 V 259 Shankarpur Khalsa 138 260 Sikandari 196 284 Vinayaga 189 261 SHari 33 W 262 SHar Khedi 275 263 Silodamori 235 28S Wajirpwr alias Jogi Khedi 156 IS' lSi


l ' ? l

~~1 10 2 4


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POSITION OF TAHSIL KHACHUOO IN DI5T~ I CT UJJAIN MADHYA PRADESH 'r' ~'., I' . TA HSIL ,'," ' .I DISTRICT UJJAIN f!J!;#~ HUIDfUl\t.A· .... ·"'\ ~ t 0 i' d 6 MILES c r .~.• .~J . UUM\ ~l r 0 2 ~ ET A!' ~~- A' ~ Y. ~J' ~,i\,i .<.. Vi ! UJJAlM~. " ( ), IIDHIUR."i • r. .l;j )~ j Iv- ·,._·... ·t 35 3S ~I I. • •.1 " \) If



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, 25



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UNMETALLED ROAD S . .. .:= ::' = :: =. ~ :: 7_ :.: ..:. = -:-.~ RiVERS. STREAMS

TOWN t II VILLAGE S -- LESS 15•0 100 1000 TO TO • TH~'" TO ;.so 499 999 . H19 UNINHABITED VI LLAGE S_. o POSITION OF TARANA TAf'SI~ IN DISTRIC T POST / TE U'G RAPH OFFICE. , ". p/r_O UJJAIN RAILWHS WITH STATIONS BROAD GAUGE , -- - -=-~ .,i'- ., .... i i 10' RA ILWAYS WIT H STAT IONS METR E GAUGE , tli t II i"if II I I , HOSPITAL DISPENSARY r-"'{ HA~\CPU~ i•. • KH ACH ROO "\ PRIM ARY HE AL CH CEN TRE I ~ PH C r. \ W~ PRIMA RY. MIDD LF SCHOO L ?R;Mid·S \ \ .__ ...... t) 4ft"~ HIGHER Sl CO NDA ny SCHOOL 5,,-5 REST HOUSE /TRAV EL LO R'S BU /: CA ', OW RH ~2_ .._ / .... r Wr/1'/a PO liCE STA T:ON __ , PS ~ . \" ) ,~ . , UR BAN AREA <('i \ UJ J"A IH i ~. \ 9 ~Dm~ .-j l 'q I' .1 ..._ . -~ ...... ( 23 I 5

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I~ I 0 16K ll0t.4{U ------~

50' 7 0 IS' / r I 75 5 10 IS 20 25' 30 TAHSIL o MADHYA PRADESH c• "1 o "1 TAHSIL BADNAGAR ~

DISTRICT UJJAIN "t o ; I', ~ 4 6MI1'':;I 23 i?

TO tJJJArN ~"~=;:1 ~ I e , ~~ Q:~




10 2 40 i I I 35 40 45 50 i 75'/2 5 ~:= 30 I I r 1 I 1 = MADHYA PRADESH TAHSIL UJJAIN z 25 DISTRICT UJJAIN 2 I 0

9S jll.OM!fIOES I I 0

.....J (I) l' NOTE - LV\ ~l ~~E l OCU\OH COOt HO 57) ~ 16 'NO 191 .. f!I NOT SHOIIIII 2·VIlLAGES LOCATIO N CODE HUM tlM

1l6)37,14S 1i50&25IARE TAEAT£O WtfOLl~ A\ UIiBAN OUTG ROWTH O~ UJJAIN TO.,.H ·



I 5 TOWN. " " 5'


L_---k7------3~d------3~5------7407------~4~5------~5~O------5?- 5' 7 0 VILLAGE AND TO'NN DIRECTORY



History: Scheduled Tribes. The abbreviations used in the Prior to 1951 there were no separate Census Directory have been explained separately. publications for every d\strict. But at the time of (b) Part B contains for each village and town, preparatory arrangements for the first Census of the primary Census data incorporating area, occupied Independent India, it was felt that Census statistics residential houses, number of households, total should be made available for smaller territorial units population and its break-up by sex, Scheduled Caste basic t& the needs of an administration wedded to and Scheduled Tribe population, literate population welfare of the masses. Accordingly, the scheme of and working population by nine broad categories. District Census Handbooks was conceived and imple­ (c) Part C will mainly incorporate the adminis­ mented. In view of the usefulness of separate publi­ trative statistics pertaining to the district in all the cations for each district, further improvement was fields of development. The other Census tables made at the time of 1961 Census by including non­ pertaining to the district regarding language, religi(}n, Census data like climate, agriculture, co-operation, migration, etc., will also be reproduced. There will industry, banking, education, health, etc. An intro­ be a write-up indicating the changes in the socio­ ductory note was also added to highlight the more economic and demographic characteristics of the striking features. Unfortunately the desire to make district in the last decade. districtwise Census publication very comprehensive Village Directory : resulted in late availability of the books to the users. This is in the form of one statement. Important Therefore, the organisers of the 1971 Centenary statistics for each village have been given under the Census decided in favour of splitting the District main head -Amenities and Land Use data. Other Census Handbooks into three parts and thereby information regarding nearest town with distance, release maximum data, as and when available, so that market, staple food and places of religious, historical the publication may have a useful life of seven to or archaeological interest have also been given in eight years of inter-censal decennium. separate columns. The information regarding "Ame­ nities" cover items like educational and medical Scope: institutions, power supply, drinking water, communi­ (a) Part A of the book is the Village and Town cations and post and telegraph Under "Land Directory. The Viii age Directory contains for Use", the break-up of the total area of the village each village particulars of amenities available has been indicated under sub-heads forest, irrigated, in the field of education, medicine, power supply, unirrigated, cultivable waste and area not available drinking water supply, post and telegraph facilities for cultivation. and communications. In addition, data relating to (a) There are 1,139 villages in the five tahsils particulars of land use, weekly market, places of of the district and the number of villages, tahsil-wise, religious, historical or archaeological interest in the in 1961 and 1971 is as under:- village has also been included. The Town Directory Tahsil 1961 1971 Difference gives for each town in the district in the form of 2 3 4 suitable statements, the origin and status of the town administration, growth of population, functional Khacharod 222 223 +1 category of the town, physical aspects and location, 2 Mahidpur 226 227 +1 3 Tarana 210 211 +1 latest municipal financial statements, civic and other 4 Badnagar 192 193 +1 amenities, medical, educational and cultural facilities, 5 Ujjain 281 285 +4 trade, industry, commerce and banking facilities, 1,131 1,139 +8 population by religion and Scheduled Castes and 20

It may be seen that in all there is an increase of their area in acres is as shown in the inset table below: 8 villages in 1971 (4 in Ujjain tahsil and 1 in each of the remaining 4 tahsils). The reasons for the Area (in acres) No. of villages increase are:------1 2

1. Khacbarod tahsil :--The revenue area of Kha­ 50 acres or less charod Kasba has been treated as a separate village 51-100 (Location Code No. 16/1/223). 101-200 g 20l-500 103 2. Mabidpur Tahsil:-The revenue area of 501-1,000 389 1,001-2,000 Mahidpur Kasba has been treated as a separate 464 2,001-5,000 160 village (L.e. No. 16/2/112). 5,001 acres and above 10 Area not given 4 3. Tarana Tahsil:-The revenue area of Tarana ha5 been treated as a separate village (L.C. No. 16/ Total 1,139 3/130).

4. Badnagar Tahsil:-The revenue area of Village SemaI Khori (L.e. No. 1613/209) in Tarana Badnagar has been treated as a separate village tahsil has the smallest area of 25 acres and is (L.C. No. 16/4/94). located at a distance of 12.8 km. from the nearest town, , while village Kharsond Kala (L.C. S. Ujjain Tahsil:-The revenue areas of Kothi­ No. 16/4/59) in Badnagar tahsil has the largest area mahal(L.C. No. 16/5/249), Bhaded (L.C. No. 16f5( of 7,543 acres in the district and is located at a 154), Bherugarh (L.C. No. 16/5/157) and Bhitari distance of 25.6 krn. from the nearest town, Maychak (L.C. No. 16/5/149) have been treated as Badnagar. In all 853 out of 1,135 villages, for which separate villages. area figures are available, are in the· range of 501· 2,000 acres. Ma..ximum village in Ujjain tahsil come within the area range of SOl-I,GOO acres, while in The area and amenities of the following villages the remaining tahsil they come within the range of were not furnished by the Tahsildars on the ground i,OOI-2,OOO acres as will be seen from the following that they have been included in the towns and, there­ table containing tahsil-wise data of villages for which fore, these villages have not been considered for area figures are available:- discussing the data regarding area and amenities in this note except electricity amenity for village Jiyapura for which information was received from Area in acres Khacha- Mahid-. Tarana Bad- Ujj ain the M.P. Electricity Board. rod pur . nagar Total

2 3 4 5 6 T ------Tahsil Name of L. C. No. Town in which 50 aCles village included or less 1 51-100 2 3 4 101-200 1 4 3 8 ------_.. -----_.. _------_-_ 201-500 7 23 31 12 30 103 501-1,000 73 73 74- 55 114 389 Khacharod Padalya Kalan 16/[/49 Nagda 1,001-2,000 99 103 78 78 106 464 Nagda 16/1/53 " 2,001-5,000 39 28 24 41 28 160 Mehatwas 16/1/58 5,001 & above 2 2 3 3 10 Area not Ujjain ]iyapura Ujjain 16/5/191 available 3 4 ---_---~---. ------Total 223 227 211 193 285 1,139 The distribution of the villages with reference to ------.. ----~ 21

(b) Educational Amenities:-The total number of of villages having educational facilities 'also lie villages having various educational facilities within within this range. The number of educational insti­ different distance ranges from the nearest town tutions in the villages of different tahsils is given are as indicated in the inset table below:- below:-

Number of villages having, Number of Educational Institutions ,------"------, .A- High or ,.-- ~ Higher Tahsil High or Higher Middle Primary Total Secon- Secondary School School School Distance from No. of Primary Middle dary Coll- Others nearest town villages S~hool School School ege 2 3 -4

2 3 4 5 6 7 Khacharod 1 12 106

5 kms. or less 130 46 2 Mahidpur 2 8 102 6-10kms. 201 104 9 Tarana 1 14 119 Badnagar 3 16 124 11-15 kms. 252 12~ 13 Hi-25 kms. 457 236 30 5 Ujjain 2 14 133 26-50 kms. 98 55 8 3 51-100 kms. Total 9 64 589 101-200 kms. 201 kms. & above Twenty one villages have two primary schools Total 1,139 566 62 9 each, while one village has three primary schools. Two villages have two middle schools each. The Maximum number of villages (457) lie within the area of these villages with distances from the nearest distance range of 16-25 km. and maximum number town are indicated below:-

c-.,, ___ ._, _. _ ..__ cc c_~ ______-,- ______--,,-_.,----,-_-,---:- __ Distance from the Educational Institution. nearest town in and number (if more Area of the km. with name than one) village in , ___----A- ___-----"\ S.No. Name of Village Tahsil L.C. No. acres. Primary Middle 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -~~---.~-- ---_---_ 1. Ghinoda Khacharod 16/1/85 3,223.00 Khacharod 8.0 2 2. Kasba Unhel Khacharod 16/1/208 6,373.00 Khacharod 22.4 2 2 3. Bapaiya Mahidpur 16/2/6 2,227.09 Alot 14.4 2 4. Gogapur Mahidpur 16/2/12 1,931.23 Nagda 16.0 2 5. Ihutawad Mahidpur 16/2/32 3,566.44 Alot 14.4 2 6. Jharda Mahidpur 16/2/90 3,221.72 Mahidpur 16.8 2 7. Kheda-Khajuriya Mahidpur 16/2/206 2,977.27 Mahidpur 16.0 2 8. Jagothi Mahidpur 16/2/219 3,229.59 Mahidpur 22.4 2 9. Tukral Tarana 16/3/14 3,269.00 Tarana 22.4 2 10. Dhabla Hardu Tarana 16/3/15 2,337.00 Tarana 25.6 2 11. Nanded Tarana 16/3/59 4,578.00 Tarana 20.8 2 12. Makdone Tarana 16/3/61 2,149.00 Tarana 22.4 2 - 13. Kadodia Tarana 16/3/72 6,060.00 Shajapur 19.2 2 - 14. Kanardi Tarana 16/3/114 2,213.00 Tarana 11.2 2 15. Samgi Tarana 16/3/145 1,851.00 Shajapur 16.0 2 16. Kanasiya Tarana 16/3/154 3,825.00 Tarana 16.8 2 17. Sumara-Kheda Tarana 16/3/167 1,355.00 Tarana 9.6 2 ..- 18. Kayatha Tarana 16/3/190 5,209.00 Tarana 17.6 3 19. Ulwas Badnagar 16/4/43 1,947.00 Badnagar 9.6 2 20. Baloda Lakha Badnagar 16/4/72 4,094.00 Badnagar 16.0 2 21. Jalodiya Badnagar 16/4/109 3,472.00 Badnagar 9.6 2 22. Bhidawad Badnagar 16/4/116 2,445.00 Badnagar 16.0 2 23. Harsodan Ujjain 16/5/115 2,444.00 Ujjain 10.4 2 45 4 22

(c) Medicalfacilities:-The availability of medi­ It would be seen from the above that abDut 16 cal facilities per 100 sq. kms. area, tahsil-wise, is as percent of the tO'tal number of villages have electri­ given in the following inset table:- city and abDut 93 percent of them are in' the distance range up to 25 kms. The number Df villages No. of rned leal having electric power supply, tahsil-wise, is as Tahsil Total area institutions of any kind (in sq. kms.) per 100 sq. kms. below:- ----_._------. 2 3 Villages having Percentage of Total No. electric power villages covered Khacharod 1,261.33 0.55 Tahsil of villages supply by electricity Mahidpur 1,131.83 0.71 2 3 4 Tarana 1,051.54 0.76 Badnagar 1,219.89 0.82 Khacharod 223 29 13.00 Ujjain 1,359.75 0.96 Mahidpur 227 2S 1l.00 Tarana 211 26 12.32 Badnagar 193 32 16.58 The abDve table will shDw that the villages Df Ujjain 285 78 27.36

---.---~-- -_ Ujjain tahsil have, comparatively, greater medical 1,139 190 facilities per 100 sq. kms. The number Df medical ------~-----.~ institutiDns, tahsil-wise, is as indicated beIDw:- The percentage (about 16) of villages having electric pDwer supply in the district is more than Tahsil No. of Medical Institutions the State percentage (about 7). Within the district, --_._-_._------villages Df Mahidpur tahsil have, comparatively, less 2 Df this facility.

Khacharod 7 (e) Communications:-Total number of villages Mahidpur 8 and the number of villages connected by different Tarana 8 types of communications, falling in different distance Badnagar 10 ranges from the nearest town, are indicated in the Ujjain 13 inset table below:- Total 46

Number of villages . (d) Power Supply:- The number of villages with connected by Distance from Total ------­ electric pDwer supply within various ranges of the No. of Pucca Kutcba Pucca Kutcha Otb­ distance frDm the nearest town is indicated in the nearest town vilJages road road road, road, ers rail rail ins.~t table below:- 2 3 4 5 6 7 ------_------_..... -----_ No. of villages Distance from the Total No. of with electric 5 kms. or less 130 32 34 3 nearest town villages POwer supply 6-10 kms. 201 45 62 10 ------11-15 kms. 252 33 52 8 7 2 3 16-25 kms. 457 37 91 13 8 26--50 kms. 98 12 13 3 5 kms. or less 130 47 51-100 kms. 1 6":-10 kms. 201 38 101-200 kms. 1 I':'_ 15 kms. 252 31 201 kms. & above 16":'_25 kms. 457 60 26-50kms. 98 14 Total 1,139 159 252 28 26 51-100 kms. 101-200 kms. 201 kms. and ab(we Few villages are served by "Pucca" road. Out ------of 1,139 villages in the district, 465 villages are Total 1,139 190 served by either "Pucca" Dr "Kutcha" roads. The ------number of villages served by "Pucca" roads, tahsil 23

wise, and the total number of villages with percen­ Postal facility is, by and large, evenly distri­ tage covered are as under:- buted in the tahsils of the district. Two villages (one village in each tahsil Madidpur and Badnagar) of the district have telephone facility, while three Total No. No. of villages Tahsil of having "Pucca" Percentage villages have telegraph offices. villages roads ------4 2 3 (g) Staple food .-"Jowar," wheat and maize ------constitute staple food in the villages of every tahsil. Khacharod 223 28 12.55 Mahidpur 227 2 0.9 Tarana 211 ' 56 26.54 Badnagar 193 34 17.61 (h) Land Use Pattem.- (i) According to the Ujjain 285 67 23.50 village papers about 0.84 percent of the area in the district is under forest. The percentage of forest Total 1,139 187 area, tahsil-wise, is indicated below:-

Comparatively, Ujjain and Tarana tahsils have better communication facilities, while Mahidpur Name of Tahsil Percentage tahsil is poor in this facility. ------(f) Post and Telegraph. - The total number of 2 villages in the tahsils of the district having Post Offices and Telegraph Offices are given below:- Khacharod 0.2 No. of No. of No. of Mahidpur Nil Name of Total No. villages villages having villages Tarana Tahsil of having telegraph having 4.4 villages post offict's offices Telephone Badnagar Nil Ujjain 1 2 3 4 5 0.15

Khacharod 223 18 Mahidpur 227 13 Tarana 18 211 It may be noticed that there is no forest area in Badnagar 193 22 Ujjain 285 22 the villages of Mahidpur and Badnagar tahsils, while there is some forest in Tarana tahsil. Comparatively. Total 1,139 93 3 2 Ujjain and Khacharod tahsils have very little forest area.

The number of post offices per 100 sq. kms. are in each tahsil is as indicated in the following inset (ii) The net cropped area in the year 1969 table:- increased by 15.6 percent as compared to the area ------in 1960-61. The percentage of area under irrigation Name of Total area No. of post office Tahsil (in sq. kms.) per 100 sq. kms. to area under crops during the years 1960-61 _----- and 1968-69 comes to 1.7 and 2.02, respectively. 2 3 ------_. The area under irrigation during this period Khacharod 1,261.33 1.43 increased by 32.7 percent. Mahidpur 1,131.83 1.15 Tarana 1,051.54 1.71 Badnagar 1,219.89 1.80 Ujjain 1,359.75 1.62 (iii) The following inset table shows the average ------._ . percentage of cultivable waste per village in 24

different distance ranges from the nearest town:-

Percentage of average cultivable waste per village Distance from A vrrage culti- Average culti- to average culti- the nearest No. of Total cultivated vated land Total vable waste vated land per town villages land per village cultivable waste per village village --1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 kms. or less 130 97,821. 55 752.47 22,391. 82 172.24 22.89 6-10 kms. 201 196,754.15 978.88 41,633.29 207.13 21.16 11-15 kms. 252 227,601.96 903.18 51,83Q.49 205.71 22.78 16-25 kms. 457 468,867.04 1,025.97 104,315.58 228.26 22.25 26-50 kms. 98 101,927 .55 1,040.08 20,881. 79 213.08 20.49 51-100 kms. 1 262.77 262.77 372.82 372.82 141.88 101-200 kms. 201 kms. and above

Totlll 1,139 1,093,235.02 241,434.79

Ordinarily, the nearer a village to an urban area • (i) Definition of town. -A 'town' in the 1961 the lesser is the proportion of cultivable waste but Census was either (i) a Municipality, Cantonment or the above inset table will show that there is some Corporation; or (ii) a habitation with a population deviation in the distance ranges upto 26-50 kms. of at least 5,000 with at least three-fourths of the adult male population engaged in non-agricultural In the Whole district, 241,435 acres (in round pursuits. Accordingly there were 219 towns in the figure) of land has been classified as cultivable waste State. However, seven towns did not satisfy either the which constitutes about 16 percent of the total area minimum popUlation criterion or the one relating to of the villages in the district. The percentage of ratio of non-agricultural adult males being 75 or cultivable waste in each tahsil is indicated below:- % more. But the list already finalised was not changed subsequently; the reason for not disturbing the ori­ Name of tahsil Percentage of cultivable ginallist of towns was that as many as 14 habitations waste which did not satisfy one or the other of the criteria ------.. ---- laid down earlier managed to get included in the list of 1 2 towns as Municipalities and inclusion of seven more such towns was not supposed to introduce greater 1. Khacharod 17.35 2. Mahidpur 26.88 demographic distortion than what was already present. 3. Tarana 11.83 In the 1971 Census there was no material change in 4. Badnagar 12.87 the concept of town and a list of 247 towns was pre~ 5. Ujjain 12.70 pared originally. Three more towns were added in­ ------_. the list dub to the fact that two places were declared as municipal and the third fulfilled the necessary This table would show that, comparatively, more criterion to qualify a place as urban and ultimately cultivable waste is located in Mahidpur tahsil and 250 towns were recognised in the State. All areas it comes to slightly over one fourth of the total area which are not towns have been included in the list of the villages in this tahsil. of villages.

Town Directory : (a) This is in the form of seven Statements. But (ii) Urban Agglomeration. - The concept of before discussing the information collected in the Urban Agglomeration has been adopted for the 1971 seven statements, it would be better to first under­ Census with the intention to present the popUlation itand certain concepts which determines urban areas. data in the District Census Handbook in respect of 25 urban areas in such a manner that "de-facto urban (ii) Statement No. II.- This statement contains agglomeration" is a recognisable entity, data pertain­ information regarding location (latitude/longitude), ing to which ~ill be the sum of the data of not only annual rainfall, temperature, distance from the the de-jure(within Municipal/other statutory limits) nearest city with population of 1 lac or . more and urban area but also of its outgrowths in different State, District and Tahsil headquarters. Distances directions which are obviously urban in character from Railway Station and Bus route have also and form a continuous urban spread. This has been indicated. been considered necessary so that future comparisons or studies of the particular urban agglomeration is (iii) Statement No. III. - This statement contains factual and not vitiated by the time differential which information regarding receipt and expenditure of exists between the delineation of municipal boundaries local bodies under different main heads indicating the and the actual growth of the urban area. indebtedness and general financial position and expenditure on public utility works. The information (iii) Standard Urban A_rea. - This new concept has been furnished for the years 1968-69, 1969-70 and has been developed for the 1971 Census and the essen­ 1970-71 in order to have an idea whether the concern­ tials of a Standard Urban Area are :- ed urban body is improving financially or not. (1) It should have a core town of a minimum popu­ lation size of 50,000. (iv) Statement No. IV . -This statement contains (2). The contiguous areas made up of other urban information regarding amenities, e. g., road length, as well as rural administrative units should have sewerage system, types of latrines, water supply, close socio-economic links with the core town, and fire-fighting service, etc. in the different towns. (3) The probabilities are that this entire area will get (v) Statement No. V.- This statement contains fully urbanised in a period of two to three information regarding various important facilities decades. This concept has been developed to available in the town, viz., medical, educational, provide comparable data for a definite area of recreational and cultural. urbanisation continuously for three decades which would give a meaningful picture. (vi) Statement No. VI. - This statement throws light on the business and credit facilities commanded (b) The Seven Statements.-Very useful data by the towns and contains information regarding trade, regarding the towns have been given in the state­ commerce, industry and banking. ments and they have been collected and compiled from vario1,ls agencies and official publications. The (vii) Statement No. VIl.-This statement contains source and period of the information has been data regarding population by religion and Scheduled indicated below each Statement. It would not be out Castes/Scheduled Tribes with male/female break-up of place to mention here that analysis of data for the year 1971. This is the only statement based collected from diverse sources has its own limitations, on 1971 Census figures. mostly due to sketchy and incomplete information. All the same, the data compiled and presented Towns: throws sufficient light on the present stage of progress There are five tahsils and six towns in Ujjain In each town. district as indicated below:-

(i) Statement No. 1.- This statement presents _---_,.._ Tahsil Town the basic data relating to population of the towns for .---- 1 2 each decennium from 1901 to 1971 and the civic ------.. administration status in 1970. The civic administra­ 1. Khacharod 1. Khacharod tion status of the town indicates the authority incharge 2 Nagda 2. Mahidpur 3. Mahidpur of its administration. Thus a town could have a 3. Tarana 4. Tarana Municipal Corporation, a Municipality, a Cantonment 4. Badnagar S. Badnagar Board, a Gram Panchayat, a Notified Area Committee, S. Ujjain 6. Ujjain etc. 26

All the towns are tahsil headquarters, except Statement I:-(a) Ujjain city has a corporation, Nagda. Ujjain is also the headquarter of the while the rest of the towns have municipalities. district. All these towns continue to be recognised The population of all the towns, except Nagda, fell as a town since 1901, except Nagda, which was during the decades as mentioned below:- recognised as a town in 1961. None of these towns have ever been derecognised. Name of Town Dacade population Reduction in Urban Outgrowths and Standard Urban Area ,-______.A.. ____, population Year Population The following are the urban agglomerations and Standard Urban Area in the district and their com­ 2 3 4 ponents are also mentioned:- --_----- 1. Badnagar 1901 10,856 ------...--_-----_... __..-_---- 1911 8,634 2,222 Nlme of Urban Included Town outgrowth( s) Partly' L. C. 1921 8,543 91 Wholly No. 2. Khacharod 1901 9,186 1911 6,496 2,690 2 3 4 3. Mahidpur 1901 6,681 .... _------1911 5,620 1,061 (l) Khacharod Nil Nil 1921 7,062 (2) Mahidpur ( i) Mahidpur (wholly) 16/2/112 1931 6,834 228 Kasba 4. Tarana 1911 5,463 ( ii) Barapathar (wholly) 16/2/122 1921 4,997 466 (3) Tarana Nil Nil 5. Ujjain 1901 39,892 1911 39,295 597 (4) Badnagar ( i ) Badnagar ("holly) 16/4/94 Kasba ( ii) Jafla (Partly) 16/4/96 The population of the towns has, by and large, (5) Ujjain ( i) (wholly) 16/5/136 ( ii) Lalpur (wholly) 16/5/137 shown constant increase in every decade after their (iii) Panwasa (wholly) 16/5/145 recognition as towns except during the periods (iv) Goyala (wholly) 16/5/251 mentioned above. ( v) Malanwasa (wholly) 16/5/250 (vi) Ujjain Railway N.A. During the decade 1901-1911, all towns, except Colony Tarana, lost in population and the loss in the case (6) Na~da Nil Nil of Khacharod and Badnagar was quite high. This was mainly due to famine in tract towards Standard Urban Area 1900-1901*. During the decade 1911-1921, only Tarana Name of C::>nstituent town/villages L.C.No. and Badnagar slightly reduced in population 'while SUA 1971 there was no reduction in population of the other ------towns despite the very seVere epidemic that swept 2 3 across the country. This is perhaps due to the Ujjain Urban Components fact that rural population came to urban areas in (i) Ujjain (M.C.) 16/IV the hope of medical facilities and many villages (ii) Ujj ain Railway Colony N.A. were literally deserted at the time of influenza (iii) Nagziri 16/5/136 epidemic. ** (iv) Panwasa 16/5/145 ( v) Malanwasa 16/5/250 During the decade 1921-1931, the population of (vi) Lalpur 16/5/137 (vii) GoyaJa 16/5/251 only Mahidpur town reduced by 228 while the district experienced increase and this slight reduc­ Rural Components (i) Dhatrawada 16/5/132 tion may be largely due to migration to other (ii) Gothada 16/5/243 ------(iii) Khilchipur ] 6/5/148 *District Census Handbook-Census of India 1961-Ujjain (iv) Shakkarwasa 16/5/252 district, page xliii. **Ibid., page xliv. 27 areas of the d~rict. Col. 14 of the statement shows Statement f/ :-The physical and Iocational as· the functional classification of the toW'ns in 1961 peets as in the 1969 have been covered. The district as indicated in the following inset table:- lies in the region known as Malwa Plateau. The towns get annual rainfall of about 895 mm. to 1352 mm. and range of maximum and minimum tempe­ Functional category Total No. of rature is about 39°C. to 8°C. The district enjoys a Towns mild climate. All the towns are on bus route and 2 have railway facility. The district headquarter, Ujjain, is at a distance of 203 km by road from the Industry 2 State headquarter, Bhopal. Ujjain is the nearest city Primary activities-cum Industries 1 from the towns-Tarana, Nagda, Badnagar and Services-cum Primary activiti.:s Mahidpur, while is the nearest city frem Indclstry-cUm Services-cum Primary activities Service the town .Khacharod. Indore is the nearest city from the district city, Ujjain.

The method adopted for the functional classifica­ Statement III :-On the basis of population of tion is elucidated below. 1971, the six towns of the district have been catego­ rised as under:- (b) The nine industrial categorie:> were grouped into the following five functional characteristics:- Name of town Population in Class 1971 (i) Primary Activities (Comprising Category I-Cultivaticn, II-Agricultural Labourer and 2 3

III-Mining and Quarrying, Fishing, Live­ ------~------.. ------stock, Hunting, etc.). 1. Badnagar 19,712 IV 2. K~1acharod 17,726 IV (ii) Industrial (Comprising Category IV-House­ 3. Mahidpur 14,744 IV hold Industry, V-Manufacturing other than 4. Nagda 32,569 III Household Industry and VI-Construction). 5. Tarana 12,917 IV 6. Ujjain 203,278 (iii) Commercial (Comprising Category VII-Trade and Commerce). The statement would show that the total expen­ (iv) Transport (Comprising Category VIII-Trans­ diture is within the total receipts of the lo:::al bodies port, Storage and Communications). except in the following cases:- (v) Services (Comprising Category IX-Other services) . Local Body in Year of excess Amount by Percentage of the town of expenditure which the excess expendi­ The percentage of total workers under the above expenditure ture to total five functional characteristics were calculated for is more rec:ipt each town and the predominant function(s) of each than receipt town was/were determined. If one functional chara­ 2 3 4 cteristic of a town absorbed more than 4C per cent cf ------.. ----- the total workers the town was designated by that 1. Badnagar 1968-69 12,000 3.83 function. In case no single characteristic claimed 2. Khacharod 1969-70 19,300 7.09 40 per cent of the workers, two predominant chara­ 3. Mahidpur 1968·69 19,400 6.40 cteristics together claiming a percentage of 60 or 4. Nagda 1968·69 10,600 19.50 above w;!re taken to represent the town. If these two 1970-71 17,400 10.50 5. Tarana 1968-69 25,200 15.34 failed to account for 60 percent of the total workers, 6. Ujj a ill 1968-G9 941,100 19.57 the first three characteristics were taken t(l repres~nt 1969·70 206,200 3.47 the town. 28

Column 4 of the above table would show that Name of local body Year Extent of short- fall the percentage of excess expenditure to total recei­ 2 3 pts .of the local bodies of Ujjain, Tarana and Nagda 1. Mahidpur Municipality 1970-71 19,200 is more than ten percent for the years indicated 2. Nagda Municipality 1969-70 11,700 in the table. The total receipts of the local bodies 3. Ujjain Corporation 1970-71 380,000 have, by and large, shown an upward trend. The The above table would show that the short fall total receipts of Ujjain cOlporation, however, leveal of Ujjain Corporation in the receipts through taxes a fall during the year 1970-1971 mainly due to is more than three and half lacs which is quite reduction of government grant. Similarly the total substantial. No local body, except Nagda municipality, took receipts of the municipalities of Khacharod and loan. Government grant has substantially contri­ Tarana show a decrea~e during the year 1969-70 by buted to the receipts of these local bodies and of few thousands. Receipts through taxes have also Ujjain Corporation in particular. The per capita shown, by and large, an upward trend during these receipt and expenditure under broad heads is indi­ years except in the following cases:- cated in the inset table below:-

Per capita (in Rupees) ------_.. - ..-- Exp~nditure , ______..A... Receipt _____ -, ,-___... -...-J.... __- ___, Class of town No. of towns Expenditure Receipt Receipt from on Public Expenditure Expenditure Total through all other Total Health on Public on all other receipt taxes, etc. sources expenditure conveniences Institutions aspects

2 (2A) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Class I 100,000 & over 1968-69 23.65 19.72 3.93 28.28 6.32 21.96 1969--70 29.21 24.15 5.06 30.23 7.80 22.43 1970--71 26.58 22.29 4.29 26.30 8.05 18.25 .class II 50,000-99,999 Class III 20,000-49.999 1968-69 1.66 0.91 0.75 }.99 0.27 1.72 1969 -70 2.84 0.56 2.28 2.40 0.38 2.02 1970-71 5.07 0.61 4.46 5.61 0.38 5.23 Class IV 10,000-19,999 4 1968-69 16.25 11.34 4.91 16.36 4.85 0.22 11.29 1969-70 16.77 13.55 3.22 16.47 5.39 0.29 10.79 1970-71 21.01 16.59 4.42 19.28 5.80 0.32 13.16 Class V 5,000-9,999 Class VI Below 5,000

The above inset table would show that the total Statement IV:-All the towns have electricity and per capita receipt matches fairly well with the total electric connections have also been given for indus­ per capita expenditure. The per capita expenditure trial purpose. Street light have also been provided on public health and conveniences is, however, in all the towns. Water tap facility is available in substantially less than per capita receipt through all the towns except Tarana and Nagda. Fire brigade taxes etc. The expenditure of the local bodies other is available only in Ujjain and Khacharod. than Nagda municipality, shown in col. ] 5 of sta­ Statement V. - Medical facilities. - Every tement No. III under head 'Others' constitutes quite town has a hospital. There is also a Family a high percentage of the total expenditure. Planning Clinic at Ujjain and Nagda. In 29

addition to the above Ujjain has a dispensary and a (iii) Recreational and cultural facilities:-All T. B. Clinic. The number of beds per 1,000 popu­ the towns have Cinema houses, the maximum number lation comes to 1.04 as shown in the following 8 being located in Ujjain city. Play grounds are inset table:- available in all the towns except Nagda and Bad­ Total No. of heds No. of heds nagar. Public libraries are also available in all the in medical institutions per 1,000 population towns except Nagda. 1 2 Statement VI:-There are 16 banks at Ujjain 482 1.2 and 3 banks at Khacharod and Nagda, while the remaining towns have 2 banks each. Every town, except Ujjain, has one agricultural credit society. (ii) Educational facilities :-Ujjain has the Out of 15 Non-agricultural credit societies in the maximum number of educational institutions in the district, 12 are at Ujjain, 2 at Khacharod and 1 at district and the following deserve particular men­ tion:- Mahidpur, while there is none in Tarana, Nagda and Badnagar. Cloth, Sugar, Yarn, Groundnut, Steel and (a) Two Arts Colleges Iron articles and "Kirana" are the main items of (0) One combined College import in the 5 towns of the district, while in Nagda the important import items are Sulphur, Pulp and (c) One Engineering College Caustic Soda. Cloth, Royon, Jowar, Oil and Maize (d) One Polytechnic are the main items of export. The important items (e) Sixteen Higher Secondary/High Schools. of local manufacture are Cloth, Groundnut oil, Rayon, Soap, "Agarbatti" and Bangles. Incidentally it may be mentioned that is also located at Ujjain. Badnagar has Statement VII :-About 68 percent of the town one Arts and and one Science College, while population of the district is in Ujjain city. The per­ Khacharod has only an Arts College. Tarana, Nagda and Mahidpur do not have College. Every town has centage of the town population of Ujjain, Nagda Higher Secondary/High School facility. The number Badnagar, Khacharod, Mahidpur and Tarana fonow­ of Higher Secondary/High Schools and Middle ing Hindu religion comes to about 75, 82, 66, 61,51 Schools and Primary Schools per thousand population and 75, respectively. Islam religion is followed by is shown in the following inset table. For a more realistic appreciation the population in the age-group about 21, 24, 28,38 and 23 percent people of Ujjain, 0-14 has been considered for Primary and Middle Badnagar, Khacharod, Mahidpur and Tarana towns, Schools while population in the age-group 15-19 respectively, while in Nagda town only about 12 has been considered for Higher Secondary/High percent people follow this religion. About 10 percent Schools. people of Khacharod and Mahidpur towns follow Jain religion, while in the rest of the towns the per­ Number per 1,000 population ,. ____A.. ____----, centage of such persons comes to less than ten. The Name of the Higher Secondary Middle Junior secon- town or High School School daryjprimary percentage of people following other religions is not very significant. There is no Christian population in 2 3 4 Badnagar. Similarly there is no population following Badnagar 1.0 0.5 1.2 Budh religion in the towns of Badnagar and Tarana. Khacharod 1.2 0.4 0.8 Scheduled Caste population in Ujjain, Nagda and Mahidpur 1.3 0.3 0.6 Nagda 0.1 0.2 0.2 Tarana towns is between 10 and 16 percent, while in 0.5 Tarana 1.8 1.2 other towns, it is less than ten percent. The percentage Ujjain 0.8 0.4 0.6 -.. _----- of Scheduled Tribes in the towns is insignificant. 30 VILLAGE Amenities KHACHAROD

Amenities available within the villages Total ,------'- ----. L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and vIllage water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 Gothada 683.00 R, W KR 2 Lohchitara 727.00 R, W KR 3 Kanthar Khedi 713.00 W KR 4 Brahman Khedi Khurd 456.00 R,W KR 5 Padalya Khurd 416.00 W KR 6 Napa Khedi 662.00 W KR 7 Shribachh 1,503.00 PR (1) R, W KR PO 8 Banjari 2,050.00 PR (1) R, W KR 9 Lasudiya Daiyer 227.00 10 Meen 1,548.00 PR (1) W KR 11 Ramnagar 902.00 W KR, PR 12 Dhatooriya 675.00 W KR, PR 13 Farna Khedi 1,442.00 PR (1) EI W PR 14 Dodiya 824.00 W KR 15 Nareli 7l3.00 W KR 16 Sendri 1,197.00 PR (1) W KR 17 Barkheda Jaora 1,254.00 PR (1) W KR 18 Chapa Kheda 1,8i O.00 Mid. S. (1) EI W KR PO 19 Sakat Khedi 1,283.00 PR (1) EI W KR 20 Champaner 1,732.00 PR (1) EI W KR PO 21 Kesariya 1,304.00 PR (1) El, EIN W KR 22 Divel 1,539.00 PR (1) W KR 23 Akya Jagir 2,096.00 PR (1) El W KR 24 Chandodiya 1,293.00 W KR 25 Mokdi 2,517 .00 PR (1) W KR 26 Tarod 1,308.00 PR (1) W KR 27 Rajgarh 1,575,00 PR (1) W KR 28 Tootiya Khedi 1,912.00 PR (1) W KR 29 Banwada 1,936.00 PR (1) W KR 30 Rajla 1,825.00 PR (I) W KR 31 Bachhoda 1,227.00 W KR 32 Nimbodiya Kalan 1,816.00 PR (1) W KR 33 Berchha 2,361.00 PR (1) D (1) W KR PO 34 Atlawada 1,365.00 PR (I) W KR 35 Ninawat Kheda 988.00 W KR 36 Alsi 763.00 W KR 37 Kalsi 1,190.00 PR (1) W KR 38 Zhanja Khedi 1,070.00 W KR 39 Khajuriya 586.00 W.NW KR 40 Rohal Kalan 1,516.00 .. W KR 41 Ratanya Khedi 727.00 W KR 42 Rohal Khurd 3,400.00 PR (I) W KR,R 43 Jalodiya Khacharod 1,153.00 EI W KR 44 Kachnariya 1,815.00 0 KR 45 Akya Koli 2,105.00 PR (1) W KR 46 Rupeta 4,377.00 PR (1) W KR PO 47 Banbana 2,741.00 PR (I) E,BJ, EIN W KR 48 Banbani 1,050.00 E,EJ,ElN W KR 49 Padalya Kalan ,'J Geedgarh 932.00 W KR Nipanya 656.00 W KR 52 Hebatpur Bhimpura 583.00 W KR DIRECTORY 31 and Land Use TAHSIL

------~------~-- --- Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks ,--- --"------, weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market. any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any. of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated p.sturc for distance held historical No. and cult iva- in in or grazing lion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 ------_- Jowar 5.00 362.00 173.00 143.00 Khacharod 17.6 1 Jowar 2.00 454.00 227.00 44.00 Khacharod 17.6 2 Jowar 6.00 614.00 78.00 15.00 Khacharod 16.0 3 Jowar 237.00 156.00 63.00 Khacharod 19.2 4 Jowar 238.00 165.00 13.00 Khacharod 16.0 5 Jowar 13.00 448.00 176.00 25.00 Khacharod 16.0 6 Jowar, Wheat 179.00 25.00 1,004.00 161.00 134.00 Khacharod 16.0 7 Jowar, Wheat ., 25.00 1,551.00 297.00 177.00 Khacharod 12.8 8 4.00 128.00 47.00 48.00 Khacharod 12.8 9 Jowar, Wheat 86.00 1,134.00 258.00 70.00 Khacharod 12.8 10 J owar, Wheat 19.00 651.00 135.00 97.00 Khacharod 12.8 11 Jowar, Wheat 24.00 374.00 159.00 118.00 Khacharod 11.2 12 Iowar, Wheat 96.00 939.00 244.00 163.00 1$-hacharod 9.6 13 Jowar, Maize 11.00 657.00 143.00 13.00 Khacharod 12.8 14 J owar, Maize 10.00 496.00 151.00 56.00 Khacharod 9.6 15 Jowar, Maize 32.00 799.00 240.00 126.00 Khacharod 9.6 16 lowar, Maize 22.00 962.00 251.00 19.00 Khacharod 9.6 17 Jowar, Wheat 242.00 1,184.00 360.00 84.00 Khacharod 9.6 18 Jowar, Maize 101.00 868.00 274.00 40.00 Khacharod 17.6 19 Jowar, Maize 193.00 1,155.00 330.00 54.00 Khacharod 16.0 Saturday 20 lowar, Wheat 90.00 954.00 208.00 52.00 Khacharod 12.8 21 lowar, Wheat 51.00 917.00 309.00 262.00 Khacharod 12.8 22 lowar, Wheat 104.00 1,631.00 259.00 102.00 Khacharod 19.2 23 Jowar, Wheat 36.00 873.00 234.00 150.00 Khacharod 16.0 24 lowar, Wheat 90.00 1,635.00 421.00 371.00 Khacharod 22.4 25 Jowar, Wheat 16.00 968.00 227.00 97.00 Khacharod 19.2 26 Jowar, Wheat 34.00 924.00 351.00 266.00 Nagda 19.2 27 Jowar, Wheat 103.00 1,371.00 377.00 61.00 Nagda 19.2 28 Jowar, Wheat 67.00 1,191.00 372.00 306.00 Nagda 17.6 29 Jowar, Wheat 66.00 1,238.00 357.00 164.00 Nagda 17.6 30 Jowar, Wheat 10.00 983.00 191.00 43.00 Nagda 14.4 31 Jowar, Wheat 9.00 50.00 1,468.00 112.00 177.00 Nagda 12.8 32 Jowar, Wheat 87.00 1,750.00 382.00 142.00 Nagda 14.4 33 Jowar, Wheat 17.00 862.00 299.00 187.00 Nagda 11.2 34 J owar, Wheat 4.00 607.00 261.00 116.00 Nagda 8.0 35 Jowar, Wheat 18.00 537.00 154.00 54.00 Nagda 9.6 36 J owar, Wheat 56.00 873.00 205.00 56.00 Nagda 11.2 37 Jowar, Wheat 9.00 827.00 174.00 60.00 Nagda 9.6 38 Jowar, Wheat 2.00 371.00 100.00 113.00 Nagda 9.6 39 Wheat, Jowar 23.00 1,212.00 230.00 51.00 Nagda 12.8 40 Wheat, lowar 8.00 503.00 142.00 74.00 Nagda 9.6 41 Wheat, Jowar 116.00 2,611.00 531.00 142.00 Nagda 9.6 42 Wheat, Jowar 5.00 879.00 191.00 78.00 Nagda 4.8 43 Jowar, Wheat 16.00 869.00 387.00 543.00 Nagda 14.4 44 Wheat, Jowar 16.00 1,168.00 557.00 364.00 Nagda 19.2 45 Wheat, Jowar 87.00 3,150.00 882.00 258.00 Nagda 6.4 46 Wheat, Iowar 49.00 2,118.00 411.00 163.00 Nagda 4.8 47 Wheat, lowar 3.00 596.00 151.00 300.00 Nagda 4.8 48 Nagda 12.8 49 Wheat, Iowar 5.00 453.00 193.00 281.00 Nagda 4.8 50 Wheat, ]owar 24.00 510.00 102.00 20.00 Nagda 6.4 51 Wheat, Jowar 363.00 \54.00 66.00 Nagda 4.8 52 32


Amenities available within the villages .A. Total r- "-\ L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tete- (in acres) graph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

53 Nagda 54 Takrawada 807.00 W,R KR 55 Azimabad Pardhi 927.00 PR (1) W KR 56 Amlawad Junnardar 950.00 PR (1) W KR 57 Lasudiya Jaisingh 920.00 W KR 58 Mehatwas 59 Bhatisuda 2,238.00 PR (1) EI KR 60 Bhil Suda 1,334.00 PR (1) EI R KR 61 Bhikampur 2,842.00 PR (1) R KR 62 Mala Khedi 699.00 W KR 63 Jalwal 1,122.00 W KR 64 Pachlasi 2,875.00 PR (1) W KR 65 Padsutya 1,069.00 PR (1) W KR 66 Umarni 1,196.00 PR (1) W KR 67 Dadiya 571.00 EI R,O KR 68 Nayan 1,408.00 PR (1) E, EI, EIN R KR 69 Tumni 607~00 EI R KR 70 Beriya Khedi 1,064.00 PR (1) W KR 71 Umarna 1,211.00 PR (1) W KR 72 Navatya 1,125.00 W KR 73 Kilodya 1,130.00 PR (1) W KR 74 Gindwanya 1,415.00 PR (1) W KR 75 Parmar Khedi 1,512.00 W,T KR 76 Bhagatpuri 447.00 W,R KR 77 Jhirmira 1,399.00 PR (1) W KR 78 Bedavanya 2,552.00 PR (1) W KR 79 Khurmundi 853.00 W KR 80 Buranabad 2,342.00 PR (1) W PR 81 Chowki Junnardal 1,267.00 W PR 82 Lekodiya Tank 1,540.00 PR (1) EI W KR 83 Bhat Khedi 1,193.00 PR (1) W KR.R 84 Ghudawan 1,434.00 E, EI,EIN W PR,R 85 Ghinoda 3,322.00 PR (2),Mid. S. 0) E, EI, EIN W PR PO 86 Kutlana 1,005.00 W KR 87 Kanchan Khedi 1,196.00 PR (1) EJ W PR 88 Behlola 1,588.00 PR (1) E, EI, EIN W KR 89 Bhesola 2,294.00 PR (1) W KR PO 90 Bhandla 868.00 W KR 91 Panwasa 1,167.00 PR (1) W KR 92 Jalod 891.00 R KR 93 Riganya 1,235.00 PR (1) W KR 94 Batlawadi 1,897.00 PR(l) W KR 95 Bordiya 1,354.00 PR (1) W,NW KR 96 Khand\\a 881.00 W KR 97 Naredipata 2,102.00 PR (1), Mid. S. (1) W,NA KR 98 Run Kheda 2,007.00 PR (1) MCW (1) W KR,R PO 99 Unchaheda 1,165.00 PR (1) W KR 100 Thadoda 879.00 PR (1) W KR,R 101 Kamvas 2,117.00 PR (1) W KR,R 102 Nandwasla 993.00 PR (1) W KR,R 103 Sanasla 834.00 O,W KR 10~ Dipa Khedi 290.00 W KR 33


Land use (i.e. area under different----..J.- _____types of land ..:...IlSe) ____ in acres-..., Day of Remarks weekly including Culturable, Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C· Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Nagda 0.0 53 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 448.00 228.00 127.00 Nagda 3.2 54 J owar, Wheat 9.00 599.00 237.00 82.00 Nagda 3.2 55 Wheat, Jowar 12.00 652.00 207.00 79.00 Nagda 3.2 56 Wheat, Jowar 23.00 629.00 234.00 34.00 Nagda 3.2 57 Nagda 0.0 58 Jowar, Wheat 14.00 1,586.00 402.00 236.00 Nagda 6.4 59 Wheat, JOW!lr 3.00 891.00 270.00 170.00 Nagda 9.6 60 Jowar, Wheat 24.00 1,915.00 568.00 335.00 Khacharod 9.6 61 Wheat, J owar 3.00 397.00 133.00 166.00 Khacharod 11.2 62 Wheat, Jowar 5.00 641.00 239.00 237.00 Khacharod 12.8 63 Wheat, Jowar 69.00 2,172.00 515.00 119.00 Khacharod 6.4 64 Wheat, Jowar 6.00 718.00 273.00 72.00 Khacharod 9.6 65 Wheat, Jowar 16.00 696.00 313.00 171.00 Nagda 4.8 66 Jowar 32.00 265.00 124.00 150.00 Nagda 3.2 67 Jowar, Wheat 156.00 744.00 220.00 288.00 Nagca 4.8 68 Jowar 341.00 141.00 125.00 Nagda 8.0 69 Jowar, Wheat 6.00 781.00 202.00 75.00 Khacharod 9.6 70 Wheat, Jowar 11.00 911.00 199.00 90.00 Khacharod 8.0 71 Wheat, Jowar 40.00 776.00 240.00 69.00 Khacharod 8.0 72 Wheat, Jowar 8.00 542.00 224.00 356.00 Nagda 8.0 73 Wheat, Jowar 18.00 1,058.00 268.00 71.00 Nagda 6.4 74 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 913.00 313.00 283.00 Nagda 4.8 75 Jowar, Wheat 230.00 89.00 128.00 Nagda 3.2 76 Wheat, Jowar 15.00 773.00 349.00 262.00 Khacharod 12.8 77 Wheat, Jowar 35.00 1,692.00 608.00 217.00 Khacharod 11.2 78 Wheat, Jowar 10.00 514.00 222.00 107.00 Khacharod 11.2 79 Jowar, Maize 71.00 1,610.00 450.00 151.00 Khacharod 6.4 80 Jowar, Maize 50.00 973.00 193.00 51.00 Khacharod 4.8 81 Jowar, Maize 66.00 1,173.00 240.00 61.00 Khachacod 6.4 82 Maize, Jowar 60.00 930.00 131.00 72.00 Khacharod 3.2 83 Jowar 138.00 949.00 193.00 154.00 Khacharod 3.2 84 Wheat, Jowar 268.00 2,490.00 405.00 159.00 Khacharod 8.0 85 Wheat, Jowar 38.00 672.00 244.00 51.00 Khacharod 4.8 86 Wheat, Jowar 57.00 910.00 178.00 51.00 Khacharod 3.2 87 Wheat, Jowar 45.00 1,145.00 321.00 77.00 Khacharod 4.8 88 Wheat, Jowar 18.00 1,734.00 403.00 139.00 Khacharod 9.6 89 Wheat, Jowar 13.00 618.00 193.00 44.00 Khacharod 6.4 90 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 936.00 179.00 51.00 Khacharod 6.4 91 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 605.00 143.00 141.00 Khacharod 14.4 92 Wheat, Jowar 11.00 850.00 191.00 183.00 Khacharod 12.8 93 Wheat, Jowar 23.00 1,566.00 222.00 86.00 Khacharod 9.6 94 Jowar, Wheat 864.00 425.00 65.00 Khacharod 11.2 95 Wheat, Jowar 682.00 161.00 38.00 Khacharod 12.8 96 Wheat, J owar 2.00 1,704.00 323.00 73.00 Khacharod 12.8 97 Wheat, Jowar 1,273,00 447.00 287.00 Khacharod 11.2 98 Wheat, Jowar 7.00 682.00 269.00 207.00 Khacharod 16.0 99 Wheat, J owar 3.00 628.00 176.00 72.00 Khacharod 9.6 100 Wheat, Jowar 110.00 1,516.00 350.00 141.00 Khacharod 9.6 101 Wheat, Jowar 159.00 615.00 172.00 47.00 Khacharod 9.6 102 Wheat, Jowar 36.00 659.00 114.00 25.00 Kl acharod 8.0 103 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 209.00 58.00 20.00 Khacharod 8.0 104 34


Amenities available within the villages Total r------.A.------. L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

105 Bhanwasa 2,084.00 PR (1) W KR 106 Naredi Khurd 1,195.00 W KR 107 Kumharwadi 1,590.00 PR (1) W PR 108 Siparda 697.00 W KR 109 Sarwana Khacharod 699.00 W KR 110 Madawadi 1,222.00 PR (1) W PR 111 Chirola 2,167.00 PR (1) W KR 112 Palna J ,.46.00 W KR 113 Barlai 1,317.00 W KR 114 Dupdawada 2,324.00 W KR 115 Narsingarh 3,491.00 PR (1), Mid. S. (1) W KR PO 116 Khedawada 1,270.00 PR (1) W KR 117 Baramad Kheda 969.00 W KR 118 Antalwasa 1,137.00 N KR 119 Barthoon 1,690.00 PR (1) W KR 120 Rajpur Rayti 1,408.00 PR (I) W KR 121 Kamthana 2,180.00 PR (1) E,EI, EIN W PR 122 Arjalla 1,204.00 PR (I) W KR PO 123 Madawada 4,461.00 PR (1), Mid. S. (1) EI, EIN W PR PO 124 Lusdawan 1,872.00 PR (1) W KR 125 Chak Narayangarh 785.00 W KR 126 Kamthani 741.00 W KR 127 Nimadi 717.00 R KR 128 Khata Khedi 6')1.00 W KR 129 Brahmankhedi Kalan 393.00 0 KR 130 Nandiyasi 1,885.00 PR (1) R KR 131 Ba chha Khedi 954.00 W KR 132 Bagedi 1,558.00 PR (1) W KR 133 Chandwasla 1,651.00 PR (1) W KR 134 Lasudiya Khema 1,498.00 PR (1) W KR 135 Bilwanya 1,389.00 PR (1) W KR 136 Khamariya 1,298.00 PR (1) R KR 137 Badagaon 3,714.00 Mid. S. (1) PRC(l) W KR 138 SandIa 2,774.00 PR (1) W KR 139 Sure! 2,236.00 PR (1) W KR 140 Sonchidi 636.00 R KR 141 Piploda Panth 1,235.00 EI R,W KR 142 Luhari 836.00 PR (1) R KR 143 KadlyaJi 635.00 EI R KR 144 Madgani 571.00 R KR 145 Gidawada 739.00 T,W KR 146 Sandawada 1,576.00 PR (1) EI W,R KR 147 SekdiSultanpur 922.00 W,R KR 148 Chavand 776.00 R KR 149 Rajota 760.00 W KR 150 Lekodiya Anjna 2,295.00 PR (1) W,R R,PR PO 151 Kalal Khedi 802.00 PR (1) W R,PR 1.52 Paslod 3,034.00 Mid.S.(!) W PR 153 Akya Najeek 1,773.00 PR (1) W KR 154 Nawada 1,586.00 PR (1) E,EI,EIN W PR 155 Chambal Padalya 1,845.00 PR (1) W,R KR 156 Nagjhiri 792.00 W KR 35


Land use (i.e. area under different types of landlUse) in acres Day of Remarks r------"------. weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irngated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing lion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal intercs t ------10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ----,------Wheat, Jowar 23.00 1,597.00 380.00 84.00 Khacharod 6.4 IOJ Wheat, J owar ;. 7.00 920.00 224.00 44.00 Khacharod 4.8 106 Wheat, Jowar 85.00 1,203.00 258.00 44.00 Khacharod 4.8 107 Wheat, Jowar 8.00 499.00 163.00 27.00 Khacharod 6.4 108 Wheat, Jowar 35.00 425.00 191.00 48.00 Khacharod 8.0 109 Jowar, Maize ., 12.00 929.00 231.00 50.00 Khacharod 8.0 110 Jowar, Maize 27.00 1,665.00 400.00 75.00 Khacharod 8.0 111 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 768.00 245.00 129.00 Khacharod 4.8 112 Wheat, lowar 7.00 949.00 284.00 77.00 Khacharod 4.8 113 Jowar, Maize 57.00 1,775.00 395.00 97.00 Khacharod 3.2 114 Wheat, Jowar 409.00 2,345.00 417.00 320.00 Khacbarod 9.6 115 Wheat, Jowar 61.00 872.00 222.00 U5.00 Khacharod 16.0 116 Wheat, Jowar 5.00 790.00 103.00 71.00 Khacharod 16.0 117 Wheat, lowar 4.00 640.00 129.00 364.00 Khacharod 14.4 118 Jowar 49.00 1,044.00 261.00 336.00 Khacharod 9.6 119 Jowar 37.00 847.00 302.00 222.00 Khacharod 19.2 120 Jowar 122.00 1,600.00 302.00 156.00 Khacharod J6.0 121 Wheat, J owar 26.00 807.00 330.00 41.00 Khacharod 9.6 122 Wheat, Jowar 241.00 3,338.00 469.00 413.00 Khacbarod 9.6 123 Jowar 78.00 1,380.00 341.00 73.00 Khacharod 14.4 124 lowar 40.00 646.00 72.00 27.00 Khacharod 14.4 125 Jowar 7.00 638.00 74.00 22.00 Khacharod 19.2 126 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 532.00 143.00 39.00 Khacharod 16.0 127 Wheat, Jowar 12.00 473.00 95.00 21.00 Khacharod 16.0 128 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 330.00 46.00 15.00 Khacharod 16.0 129 Wheat, Jowar 24.00 1,366.00 314.00 181.00 Khacharod 17.6 130 Jowar, Wheat 5.00 704.00 186.00 59.00 Khacharod 8.0 131 Jowar, Wheat 1,116.00 313.00 129.00 Khacharod 12.8 132 lowar, Wheat 1.00 1,136.00 349.00 165.00 Khacharod 14.4 133 Jowar, Wheat 57.00 930.00 443.00 68.00 Khacharod 9.6 134 lowar, Wheat 37.00 808.00 449.00 95.00 Khacharod 11.2 135 Wheat, Jowar 7.00 973.00 225.00 93.00 Khacharod 11.2 136 Wheat, Jowar 71.00 2,904.00 400.00 339.00 Nagda 8.0 137 Wheat, Jowar 23.00 1,936.00 299.00 516.00 Khacharod 19.2 138 Wheat, Jowar 14.00 1,640.00 238.00 344.00 Khacharod 20.8 139 Wheat, lowar 1.00 420.00 119.00 96.00 Nagda 16.0 140 Wheat, Jowar 10.00 927.00 126.00 172.00 Kbacharod 38.4 141 Wheat, Jowar 8.00 680.00 49.00 99.00 Khacharod 38.4 142 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 414.00 112.00 108.00 Nagda 22.4 143 Jowar, Maize 373.00 86.00 112.00 Nagda 12.8 144 lowar, Maize 474.00 67.00 198.00 Nagda 14.4 145 lowar, Maize 8.00 1,184.00 159.00 225.00 Nagda 16.0 146 Jowar, Maize 1.00 560.00 100.00 261.1)0 Nagda 16.0 147 Jowar, Maize 472.00 189.00 115.00 Nagda 19.2 148 Jowar, Maize 2.00 451.00 203.00 104.00 Na"ida 19.2 149 Jowar, Maize 139.00 28.00 1,754.00 121.00 253.00 Nagda 19.2 150 Jowar, Maize 15.00 570.00 119.00 98.00 Nagda 20.8 151 Jowar, Mail.e 38.00 2,426.00 289.00 281.00 Nagda 22.4 152 Jowar 10.00 1,163.00 119.00 481.00 Nagda 16.0 153 Jowar 28.00 1,199.00 196.00 163.00 Nagda 19.2 154 Jowar, Wheat 2.00 1,392.00 219.00 232.00 Nagda 16.0 155 Jowar, Wheat 2.00 690.00 90.00 ]0.00 Nagda 16.0 156 36


Amenities available within the villages Total ,------. L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

157 Barkheda Najeek 973.00 W KR 158 Bhakarda 887.00 W KR 159 PipaJya Molu 1,397.00 PR (1) W PR 160 Kundla 1,303.00 W PR 161 Bagla 618.00 W KR 162 Nimbodiya Khurd 1,199.00 W R 163 Piploda Sagotimata 3,184.00 Mid. S. (1) AD(!) R R PO 164 Pipalya Sees 1,258.00 W KR 165 Jhiranya Khacharod 1,593.00 PR (1) W KR 166 Hatai 1,141.00 PR (1) W PR 167 Dabri 953.00 PR (1) W,NW PR 168 Simrol 1,048.00 W,NW PR 169 Makla 1,197.00 W,NW PR 170 Palkhi 693.00 W,NW PR 171 Dhoomaheda 1,847.00 PR (1) W PR 172 Madhavgarh 587.00 W PR 173 Dallaheda 966.00 W KR 174 Rathda 886.00 W KR 175 Jalodiya Unhel 893.00 W KR 176 Khimla Khedi 782.00 W KR 177 Mahu 1,063.00 W KR 178 Matra 418.00 W KR 179 Mohna 1,497.00 EI W KR 180 GUradiya Pitramal 1,419.00 PR (1) W KR 181 Borkheda Pit ramal 3,490.00 PR (1) W KR PO 182 Piplya Rani 2,218.00 PR (1) W KR 183 Bhatera 887.00 W KR 184 Poona Kheda 775.00 W KR 185 Heedi 2,391.00 Mid. S. (1) EI W KR 186 Antraliya 1,140.00 W KR 187 Kiradiya 908.00 W KR 188 Hapakheda 776.00 R KR 189 Pankhedi 775.00 PR (1) NW KR 190 Barkheda Mandan 1,216.00 W KR 191 Gurachha 1,133.00 R KR 192 Raiyapur 554.00 R,W KR 193 Mundla 1,062.00 R,W KR 194 Umariya 994.00 W KR 195 Guradiya Sanga 1,702.00 PR (1) W KR 196 Alot Jl1gir 2,654.00 PR (I) D(1) W KR PO 197 Chidi Rawadiya 1,164.00 R KR 198 Karnawad 2,249,00 PR (1) W KR 199 Piplya Sanga 845.00 W KR 200 Sarwana Unhel 1,854.00 PR (I) R,W KR 201 AroJya Dewda 766.00 W KR 202 Jhiranya Unhel 903.00 PR (1) R KR 203 Parolya Padma 1,056.00 R KR 204 Chinkuganj 654.00 W KR 205 Kankarda 1,016.00 W KR 206 Mali Khedi 1,323.00 W KR 207 Bedawan 2,147.00 PR (1), Mid.S. (1) B,EI,EIN W KR PO PO,TO 208 Kasba Unhe\ 6,373.00 PR (2), Mid.S.(2), PHC(1), E,EI,EIN W,TW PR Sec.S.(l) FC(I) 37


Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks r--- _..A. ---. weekly including Culturable' Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi. land etc.) cal interest 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

~------..-- ---~------~~-~~------. Iowar, Wheat 5.00 774.00 81.00 113.00 Nagda 19.2 157 J owar, Maize 9.00 687.00 43.00 148.00 Nagda 8.0 158 Iowar, Maize 35.00 1,058.00 73.00 231.00 Nagda 6.4 159 Jowar, Maize 13.00 907.00 132.00' 251.00 Nagda 9.6 160 Jowar, Maize 6.00 319.00 147.00 146.00 Nagda 9.6 161 Jowar, Wheat 17.00 807.00 117.00 258.00 Nagda 9.6 162 Jowar, Wheat 11.00 2,127.00 328.00 718.00 Nagda 11.2 Tuesday 163 Jowar, Wheat 14.00 847.00 274.00 123.00 Nagda 9.6 164 Jowar, Wheat 17.00 1,125.00 215.00 236.00 Nagda 9.6 165 Jowar, Wheat 18.00 853.00 102.00 168.00 Nagda 9.6 166 Jowar, Wheat 688.00 198.00 67.00 Nagda 4.8 167 J owar, Wheat 1.00 766.00 192.00 89.00 Nagda 6.4 168 Jowar, Wheat 6.00 792.00 265.00 134.00 Nagda 8.0 169 Jowar, Wheat 2.00 555.00 116.00 20.00 Nagda 8.0 170 Jowar, Wheat 21.00 1,268.00 469.00 89.00 Nagda 12.8 171 Jowar, Wheat 443.00 120.00 24.00 Nagda 12.8 172 Jowar, Wheat 21.00 618.00 277.00 50.00 Nagda 14.4 173 Jowar, Wheat 9.00 584.00 120.00 173.00 Nagda 14.4 174 Jowar, Wheat 513.00 156.00 224.00 Nagda 12.8 175 Jowar, Wheat 4.00 558.00 46.00 174.00 Nagda 11.2 176 Jowar, Wheat 3.00 618.00 158.00 284.00 Nagda 14.4 177 Jowar, Wheat 5.00 294.00 23.00 156.00 Nagda 14.4 178 Jowar, Maize 50.00 1,111.00 183.00 153.00 Nagda 8.0 179 J owar, Maize 25.00 1,099.00 123.00 172.00 Nagda 9.6 180 Jowar, Wheat 4.00 2,271.00 799.00 416.00 Nagda 6.4 181 Jowar, Wheat 16.00 1,331.00 564.00 307.00 Nagda 12.8 182 Jowar, Wheat 11.00 660.00 164.00 52.00 Nagda 14.4 183 Jowar, Wheat 1.00 478.00 223.00 73.00 Nagda 16.0 184 Jowar, Wheat 33.00 1,652.00 492.00 214.00 Nagda 17.6 185 Jowar, Wheat 13.00 858.00 175.00 94.00 Nagda 17.6 186 Jowar, Wheat 6.00 596.00 224.00 82.00 Nagda 17.6 187 Jowar, Maize 2.00 562.00 95.00 117.00 Mahidpur 9.6 188 Jowar, Maize 548.00 172.00 55.00 Mahidpur 9.6 189 Jowar, Maize 7.00 876.00 138.00 195.00 Mahidpur 12.8 190 Iowar, Maize 815.00 100.00 218.00 Mahidpur 12.8 191 Jowar, Maize 6.00 356.00 113.00 79.00 Mahidpur 8.0 192 Jowar, Maize 6.00 679.00 215.00 162.00 Mahidpur 9.6 193 Jowar, Maize 8.00 671.00 83.00 232.00 Mahidpur 8.0 194 Jowar, Maize 31.00 1,092.00 304.00 275.00 Mahidpur 8.0 195 Jowar, Maize 36.00 1,784.00 673.00 161.00 Mahidpur 12.8 196 Jowar, Maize 1.00 691.00 359.00 113.00 Mahidpur 12.8 197 Jowar, Maize 34.00 1,532.00 393.00 290.00 Mahidpur 16.0 198 Jowar, Maize 475.00 227.00 143.00 Mahidpur 16.0 199 Jowar, Maize 9.00 1,160.00 593.00 92.00 Nagda 16.0 200 Jowar 8.00 501.00 128.00 129.00 Nagda 17.6 201 J owar, Maize 570.00 265.00 68.00 Mahidpur 16.0 202 Jowar, Maize 712.00 235.00 109.00 Nagda 17.6 203 Jowar, Maize 5.00 394.00 42.00 213 .00 Nagda 24.0 204 Jowar, Maize 10.00 648.00 238.00 120.00 Nagda 25.6 205 Jowar, Maize 10.00 851.00 224.00 238.00 Nagda 25.6 206 Jowar, Maize 304.00 1,01,3.00 360.00 470.00 Nagda 27.2 207 Jowar, Wheat 467.0() 3,877.00 1,351.00 678.00 Nagda 22.4 Saturday 208 38


Amenities available within the villages Total -..J>- ,------~ L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

209 Didiya Khedi 1,082.00 W PR 210 ltawa 1,218.00 W KR 211 Baijnath Khedi 910.00 R KR 212 Pagara 1,028.00 NW KR 213 Piplya Dabi 2,520.00 PR (1) W KR 214 RoopaKhedi 882.00 R KR liS Surjakhedi 1,286.00 R KR 216 Lasudiya Chuwad 1,118.00 W KR 217 Gurla 2,652.00 PR (1) W KR 218 Karondiya 970.00 W KR 219 Ramabaloda 2,883.00 PR (1) W KR 220 Khokri 1,404.00 PR (1) W KR 221 Jiyajigarh 572.00 NW KR 222 Arolya Jassa 695.00 R KR 223 Kasba Khacharod 5,448.00 R PR PO

TOTAL 3,11,422.00 PR (104) D (5) 29 T (1) PR (28) PO (18) Mid. S.(l1) o (2) W (183) KR (189) TO (1) Sec. S.(I) 0 (34)

Source:-Colurnns (1) to (5) & (7) to (18): Tahsildar, Khacharod. Column (6) : Madhya Pradesh Electricity Board, JabaJpur. 39


Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks _.A.. ______~ ___. weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cult iva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Jowar 15.00 562.00 302.00 203.00 Mahidpur 16.0 209 Jowar 1.00 779.00 234.00 204.00 Mahidpur 14.4 210 Jowar 321.00 321.00 268.00 Mahidpur 17.6 211 Jowar 5.00 578.00 226.00 219.00 Mahidpur 19.2 212 Jowar, Maize 25.00 1,758.00 516.00 221.00 Nagda 22.4 213 Jowar, Maize 490.00 317.00 75.00 Ujjain 16.0 214 Jowar, Maize 771.00 207.00 308.00 Ujjain 16.0 215 Jo",ar 47.00 981.00 24.00 66.00 Nagda 24.0 216 Jowar 5.00 2,621.00 8.00 18.00 Nagda 25.6 217 Jowar 7.00 827.00 98.00 38.00 Nagda 27.2 218 Jowar, Wheat 297.00 31.00 1,827.00 280.00 448.00 Ujjain 22.4 219 JowaI, Wheat 3.00 989.00 200.00 212.00 Ujjain 20.8 220 Jowar, Wheat 403.00 73.00 96.00 Ujjain 20.8 221 Jowar, . Wheat 471.00 48.00 176.00 Ujjain 22.8 222 Jowar, Wheat 604.00 3,363.00 671.00 810.00 Nagda 16.0 Friday 223

624.00 7,698.00215,083.0054,036.00 33,981.00 40


Amenities available within the villages Total ,- ~------""'" L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

~--. ~-.-~- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 Devli 708.99 Ef,EIN W 2 Petlawad 1,909.33 PR (1) E,EI,BIN W 3 Brahman Kheda 1,873.26 PR (1) E,EI,ErN W 4 Kanakhedi Eklaspur 1,519.14 W 5 Koyal 2,000.90 PR (1) EI W 6 Bapaiya 2,291.09 PR (2) E,EI,EIN W 7 Isan Khedi 1,552.00 PR (1) W 8 Karnawad 1,061.31 W 9 Tarnod 1,413.36 PR (1) W 10 Sarwan Kheda 1,805.89 W 11 Seran Khedi 458.77 W 12 Gogapur 1,931.23 PR (1), Mid.S (2), Sec.S.(!) D(1) W PR,R PO,TO,Phone 13 Zarawada 1,504.27 NW 14 Narayan Khedi 1,165.42 EI W 15 Baru Khedi 1,360.05 PR (1) W KR 16 Delchi Bujurg 2,881. 67 PR (1) W KR PO 17 Banjari 1,962.15 PR (1),Mid.S.(1) E,Er,EIN W KR 18 Chitawad 2,531.18 PR (1) R,W KR 19 Parvat Kheda 1,198.33 PR (1) E,Er,EIN R,W KR 20 Mundla Parwal 1,418.20 PR (1) E,EI,EIN W 21 Kukni 914.67 EI R 22 Delchi Khurd 2,257.07 PR (1) EI W 23 Rohida 1,171.61 PR (1) EI R 24 Harba Khedi 1,006.50 E,EI R 25 Chibdi 817.57 W 26 Bavalya 724.33 PR (1) R 27 Sagwali 2,115.79 PR (1) W 28 Sing Deola 921.53 W 29 Hapa Kheda 492.07 30 Arnya Naj ik Chibdi 683.57 W 31 IIya Khedi 678.66 W 32 Jhutawad 3,566.44 PR (2), Mid.S. (1) D(1 ) EI W PO 33 Piplya Bhim 601.76 W 34 Arnya Bena 460.16 R 35 Kanthariya 1,527.88 R 36 Gaga Kheda 1,243.31 PR (1) W 37 Dhara Kheda 451. 24 R 38 Munja Khedi 733,45 W 39 Modi 786.60 W 40 Bani 1,370.58 PR (1) E,EI R 41 Barkheda Khurd 475.95 W 42 Sipawara 777.79 W 43 Semlya 3,201. 70 PR (1) W PO 44 Katariya 1,994.85 W 45 Dhablasiya 3,239.88 W 46 Arnya Bagada J,134.60 W 47 Asadi 1,123.19 W 48 Bahadarpura 634.15 W 49 Sanoriya 1,554.54 W 50 Sukdi 1,152.93 W 51 Ghat Peeplya 1,020.11 PR (1) R 52 Duniariya 1,507.60 PR (1) W 41


Land use (i .e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks ..A. _____~-----., weekly including Culturable Area not Neare~t Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal in teres t 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Jowar 19.42 477.37 194.39 17.81 Mahidpur 23.0 1 Jowar 152.56 1,129.81 509.68 117.28 Mahidpur 20.0 2 Jowar 51. 61 1,254.85 551.89 14.91 Mahidpur 23.0 3 Jowar 28.54 931. 51 521.17 37.92 Mahidpur 19.2 4 Jowar 79.31 1,279.32 605.28 36.99 Alot 14.2 5 Jowar 131. 54 1,358.24 746.85 60.46 Alat 14.4 6 Jawar 9.90 1,018.76 441.15 82.19 Mahidpur 12.8 7 Jowar 11.13 719.69 312.27 18.22 Mahidpur 16.0 8 Jawar 7.29 884.25 479.08 42.74 Mahidpur 16.0 9 lowar 12.67 1,166.20 601. 26 25.76 Mahidpur 18.0 10 Jawar 7.65 270.27 167.77 13.08 Mahidpur 16.0 11 Jawar 40.12 879.07 839.25 172.79 Nagda 16.0 Thursday 12 Jowar 65.89 1,003.79 398.05 36.54 Nagda 16.0 13 lowar 23.15 688.56 382.67 71.04 Mahidpur 14.4 14 Jowar 24.84 676.17 601.97 57.07 Mahidpur 16.0 15 Jowar 42.41 1,843.52 828.75 166.99 Mahidpur 11.2 16 Jowar 25.71 1,052.51 780.92 103.01 Mahidpur 11.2 17 Jowar 8.08 1,562.09 836.94 124.07 Mahidpur 6.4 18 Jowar 12.54 778.58 335.25 71.96 Mahidpur 1.6 19 24.21 1,006.55 359.20 28.24 Mahidpur 8.0 20 17.32 507.15 344.00 46.20 Mahidpur 1.6 21 Jowar 32.29 1,491.84 621. 41 111.53 Mahidpur 9.6 22 Jowar 27.98 656.75 430.75 56.13 Mahidpur 3.2 23 Jowar 17.09 548.08 309.95 131. 38 Mahidpur 4.8 24 Jowar 5.91 439.69 272.03 99.94 Mahidpur 20.8 25 Jowar 0.66 400.04 254.53 69.10 Mahidpur 20.8 26 lowar 19.32 1,166.84 832.83 96.80 Mahidpur 19.2 27 lowar 518.84 370.02 32.67 Mahidpur 17.6 28 319.81 129.85 42.41 Mahidpur 17.6 29 Jowar 9.64 394.15 263.15 16.63 Alot 19.2 30 Jowar 387.74 242.30 48.62 Alot 16.0 31 Jowar 130.23 2,331.25 1,013.31 91.65 Alot 14.4 32 Jowar 5.16 307.18 227.75 61.67 Alot 17.6 33 Jowar 4.19 194.90 182.38 78.69 Alot 11.2 34 Jowar 9.00 666.86 792.88 59.14 Mahidpur 12.8 35 lowar 25.19 718.22 466.57 33.33 Mahidpur 12.8 36 lowar 263.23 141. 50 46.51 Mahidpur 12.8 37 Jowar 3.07 318.61 337.50 74.27 Mahidpur 16.0 38 Jowar 14.03 460.76 296.61 15.20 Alot 14.4 39 JowaI 19.32 799.83 449.98 101.45 Mahidpur 4.8 40 Jowar 0.50 238.74 193.21 43.50 Mahidpur 11.2 41 lowar 475.27 249.10 53.42 Mahidpur 11.2 42 Jowar 7.57 1,699.58 1,096.79 397.76 Mahidpur 8.0 43 lowar 1.91 1,184.17 775.72 33.05 Mahidpur 12.8 44 lowar 23.43 1,738.76 1,392.51 85.18 Mahidpur 16.0 45 Jowar 636.06 400.87 97.67 Mahidpur 22.4 46 Jowar 16.46 670.96 367.16 68.61 Mahidpur 24.0 47 Jowar 295.14 301.09 37.92 Mahidpur 22.4 48 Jowar 1.97 873.17 628.43 50.97 Mahidpur 20.8 49 lowar 10.02 668.27 416.16 58.48 Mahidpur 20.8 50 Jowar 13.21 620.69 332.89 53.32 Alot 16.0 51 lowar 3.71 840.35 427.29 236.25 Alot 12.8 52 42


, ______Amenities available.A. within the villages Total --. L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

---~,-~ --~-~ ------~----,-- . 53 Ranayra l'eer 2,758.68 PR (1) D(I) W 54 Ghatiya Saindas 1,421. 72 PR (1) W 55 Fitni 227.51 56 Balah 444.86 R 57 Bor Khedi 762.98 R 58 Mela Khedi 659.94 W 59 Hajalya Khedi 734.56 R 60 Bhadwa 1,765.59 PR (1) W 61 Yeshawantpura 506.47 W .. 62 Shrawan 1,809.91 PR (1) W 63 Tlpu Kheda 975.44 PR (1) W 64 Bolkheda Ghat 1,735.72 PR (1) R 65 Malya 2,104.63 PR (1) W 66 lndokh 1,108.68 PR (1) D(I) R,W KR PO 67 Kankal Kheda 678.65 68 Mundla Sondhya 2,494.26 PR (1) W KR 69 Pata Khedi 1,186.03 W 70 Piplya Dhuma 2,242.56 PR (1) W KR 71 Sekii 767.27 W 72 Kachhaliya Saiyad 1,517.94 W 73 Ban Singh 2,002,45 PR (1) W,R 74 Dhelwadi 752.57 W 75 Mahudiya 1,398.07 W 76 Lasudiya Goyal 1,298.59 PR (1) W 77 Nahar Kheda 482.20 R 78 Bolkheda N au 2,178.80 PR (1) R.W 79 Rabdanya 1,265.98 W 80 Ladanpur 775.71 R 81 Kachhaliya Chand 1,561. 73 PR (1) W 82 Khardiya Manpur 726.04 PR (1) R PO 83 Nag Guradiya 2,373.69 PR (1) W 84 Tolya Khedi 407.28 W 85 Makla 3,969.47 PR (1) R,W 86 Rudaheda 1,166.91 TK,W 87 Kanakhedi Hamma 1,273.72 W 88 Lotiya lunnacdar 1,722.83 PR (1) W KR 89 Sakariya 1,275.72 PR (1) W KR 90 lharda 3,221. 72 PR (2), Mid.S.(l), Sec.S.(1) PRC(l) El W PR PO 91 Parasali 351. 52 W 92 Bamnai 1,016.04 W 93 Akya Bajrang 513.85 W 94 Tarot 2,554.93 I>R (1) W 95 RawatKhedi 1,080.51 El W KR 96 Sumra Kheda 660.54 W 97 Kachariya 1,995.59 PR (1) W 98 Nipaniya Badar 1,551. 90 PR (1) W 99 Padlya 1,379.94 PR (1) W KR 100 GelaKhedi 1,5F7.15 PR (1) W 101 Chhingri 733.20 W 102 lodma Lakha 1,494.61 0 KR 103 Nagpura 1,244.26 PR (1) 0 104 Akya Limba 1,374.52 PR (1) K& 43


----- ._._-_ ------_------~------_-- Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks ,- weekly induding -"------,Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cliltiva- in in or grazing tion Kills. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal in teres t

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Jowar ," 24.98 1,835.79 818.69 79.22 Mahidpur 19.2 53 Jowar 32.40 777.44 478.11 133.77 Alot 12.8 54 138.98 76.49 12.04 Mahidpur 23.0 55 Jowar 222.88 169.02 52.96 Alot 12.8 56 Jowar 0.84 457.16 274.08 30.90 Alot 12.8 57 Jowar 3.94 351. 13 273.71 31.16 Alot 12.8 58 Jowar 1.58 305.88 284.38 142.72 Alot 12.8 59 Jowar 31.04 1,031.79 576.59 126.17 Alot 16.0 60 Jowar 9.30 115.68 244.09 137.40 Alot 19.2 61 Jowar 46.48 1,052.09 606.85 104.49 Alot 17.6 62 Jowar 64.09 530.34 336.63 44.38 Alot 19.2 63 Jowar 16.60 755.90 829.11 134.11 Alot 17.6 64 Jowar 91.67 908.14 1,056.25 48.57 Alot 19.2 65 Jowar 40.58 646.64 318.48 ]02.98 Alot 19.2 Wednesday 66 262.77 372.82 43.06 Mahidpur 67.0 67 Jowar 24.99 1,583.88 818.85 66.54 Alot 17.6 68 Jowar 25.72 435.20 471.07 254.04 Mahidplir 28.8 69 Jowar 69,97 1,369.23 733.79 69.57 Mahidpllr 27.2 70 Jowar 44.00 417.39 184.49 121.39 Mahidpur 28.8 71 Jowar 26.47 765.15 663.27 63.05 Agar 25.6 72 .Towar 68.00 1,001.76 824.40 108.29 Agar 25.6 73 Jowar 7.39 489.26 200.71 55.21 Agar 20.8 74 Jowar 15.62 868.92 490.62 22.91 Agar 20.8 75 Jowar 12.21 809.35 358.82 118.21 Agar 19.2 76 Iowar 220.29 187.49 74.42 Agar 22.4 77 Jowar 43.52 938.07 911. 73 285.48 Agar 22.4 78 Jowar 21. 51 662.95 469.67 111. 85 Agar 24.0 79 .Towar 26.65 376.30 262.75 110.01 Agar 22.4 80 Jowar 15.35 856.51 586.85 103.02 Mahidpur 27.2 81 Jowar 300.36 225.95 199.73 Mahidpur 28.8 Friday 82 Iowar 16.11 1,471.58 791.68 94.32 Mahidpur 27.2 83 Jowar 307.79 91.24 8.25 Mahidpur 22.4 84 .Towar 66.71 2,356.22 1,449.18 97.36 Mahidpur 22.4 85 Jowar 0.46 652.22 406.19 108.04 Mahidpur 24.0 86 .Towar 9.27 838.28 399.44 26.73 Mahidpur 27.2 87 .Towar 18.84 1,104.78 571.74 27.47 Mahidpur 25.6 88 Jowar 8.78 868.01 383.54 15.39 Mahidpur 20.8 89 Jowar, Wheat 135.45 2,241.96 726.97 117.34 Mahidpur 16.0 Saturday 90 .Towar 17.35 225.18 98.38 10.61 Mahidpur 17.6 91 Jowar 10.21 758.03 226.88 20.92 Mahidpur 19.2 92 Jowar 19.56 235.05 232.51 26.73 Mahidplir 19.2 93 Jowar 22.51 1,476.36 766.72 289.34 Mahidpur 20.8 94 Jowar 29.27 681.18 338.98 31.08 Mahidpur 17.6 95 .Towar 25.83 433.37 179.45 21.89 Mahidpur 19.2 96 Jowar 10.37 1,337.18 622.26 25.78 Mahidpur 12.8 97 Jowar 4.52 954.05 552.85 40.48 Mahidplir 19.6 98 Jowar 17.24 892.78 417.48 52.44 Mahidpur 16.0 99 Jowar, Wheat 8.96 1,275.54 271.99 30.66 Mahidpur 16.0 100 lowar, Wheat 7.04 570.05 131. 78 24.33 Mahidpur 12.8 101 .Towar, Wheat 14.68 1,067.96 362.58 49.39 Mahidpur 16.C 102 Jowar, Wheat 17.50 1,099.55 93.77 33.44 Mahidpur 16.0 103 Jowar, Wheat 1.00 1,135.14 191.03 47.35 Mahidp-ur 8.0 104 44


Amenities available within the villages Total ,- ----A-- -.. L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

-~---- -~------~-----~--.------.------105 Khajuriya Mansoor 1,245.74 0 106 Guradiya Dasa 1,510.37 PR (1) 0 107 Thikariya 900.54 PR (1) W KR 108 Lasurdiya Mansoor 1,797.09 W ]09 Amdi 211.88 W KR 110 Khoriya Sumra 801.56 PR (1) W 111 PipJi Kheda 501. 01 N,W 112 Mahidpur Kasba 1,148.37 113 Mochi Kheda 1,081. 83 EI W 114 Rasulpura 341. 81 E, ET, FIN R 115 Sangwi Kheda 569.23 W 116 Ghiya Khedi 480.52 R 117 Dubli 471.08 E, EI,EIN R,W 118 Dhulet 1,910.76 PR (1) E,ET, EIN R KR

119 Badgaon 1,085.50 PR (1) R 120 Rudra Kheda 643.67 R KR 121 Kadhai 1,963.72 PR (1) W KR 122 Barapathar 1,426.45 R,W,T KR 123 SekaKhedi 1,103.06 EI W KR 124 Kaji Khedi 828.22 W,NW KR 125 Tajpura 406.37 T KR 126 Tan:ia 699.02 W 127 Barda Bhurekha 264.92 T KR 128 Binpura ] ,311. 63 W 129 Bhima Kheda 915.95 PR (1) E, EI,EIN W KR 130 Chorwasa 1,178.03 0 131 Dhara Kheda 1,288.66 0 132 Ba.l!la 1,367.21 PR (1) W 133 Bisal Khedi 1,052.73 W 134 Lakhakhedi Naharpur 1,120.81 PR (1) W KR 135 Akya Dhanga 1,541.46 W 136 Chirmya 947.05 W 137 Tulsapur 406.36 W KR 138 Narana 989.58 PR (1) W KR

139 Mahu 1,625.74 PR (1) W KR 140 Arnya Naj ik-Serpur 689.44 R 141 Barkheda Bujurg 2,663.71 PR (1) W PO 142 Baloda 1,227.18 W 143 Ranipura 829.09 R 144 Serpur 649.21 NW 145 Itawa 1,377.51 PR (1) W 146 Kitiya 1,370.65 PR (1) W 147 Dongla 1,176.45 PR (1) W 148 MoyaKheda 935.64 W 149 Lasurdiya Shripat 967.35 W 150 Kuwandiya 634.19 W KR 151 Jawasya Panth 1,493.51 PR (1) W KR 152 Dhabla Beni 962.19 W· KR J53 PipJya Nath 1,330.82 PR (1) W KR 154 Lakhakhedi Umath 1,010.77 W I'R 45


Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks ..--- .A--_ weekly including Culturable' Area not Nearest market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

Jowar, Wheat 6.84 956.98 237.97 43.95 Mahidpur 9.6 105 Jowar, Wheat 8.65 1,211.70 238.87 51.15 Mahidpur 9.6 106 Jowar, Wheat 2.9; 614.95 206.24 76.38 Mahidpur 9.6 107 Jowar, Wheat 27.61 1,381.43 358.51 29.54 Mahidpur 9.6 108 Jowar, Wheat 1.58 148.91 58.79 2.60 Mahidpur 3.2 109 Jowar, Wheat 45.17 516.57 195.68 44.14 Mahidpur 3.2 110 Jowar, Wheat 6.71 356.86 120.90 16.54 Mahidpur 3.2 111 44.25 564.02 236.26 303.84 Mahidpur 0.0 112 Jowar, Wheat 8.06 855.84 186.34 31. 59 Mahidpnr 3.2 113 Jowar, Wheat 25.15 191.09 75.59 49.98 Mahidpur 3.2 114 Jowar, Wheat 7.30 350.18 176.90 34.85 Mahidpur 1.6 115 Jowar, Wheat 259.77 155.68 65.07 Mahidpur 3.2 116 Jowar, Wheat 1 t. 25 391.08 42.29 26.46 Mahidpur 3.2 117 Jo\\ar, Wheat 26.44 1,449.22 363.98 71.12 Mahidpur 3.2 Shri Goorneshvar 118 Mabadev Mandir Jowar; Wheat 9.67 877.29 144.67 53.87 Mahidpur 8.0 119 Jowar, Wheat 21.43 402.59 137.05 82.60 Mahidpur 3.2 120 Jowar, Wheat 53.88 1,287.35 498.17 124.32 Mahidpur 3.2 121 Jowar, Wheat 36.64 871. 31 360.40 158.10 Mabidpur 2.4 122 Jowar, Wheat 51.80 764.39 236.91 49.96 Mahidpur 1.6 123 Jowar, Wheat 2.10 579.04 207.48 39.60 Mahidpur 3.2 124 Jowar. Wheat 41.20 173.73 108.16 83.28 Mahidpur 0.0 125 J owar. Wheat 12.47 564.81 98.03 23.71 Mahidpur 3.2 126 J owar, Wheat 4.30 248.34 8.80 3.48 Mahidpur 0.0 127 J owar, Wheat 3.26 1,014.71 266.62 27.04 Mahidpur 4.8 128 Jowar, Wheat 106.00 479.73 218.41 111.81 Mahidpur 1.6 129 Jowar, Wheat 7.89 874.36 265.57 30.21 Mahidpur 8.0 130 J owar, Wheat 8.64 948.71 299.96 31. 35 Mahidpur 8.0 131 Jowar, Wheat 12.84 1,067.94 265.11 21.34 Mahidpur 9.6 132 Jowar, Wheat 4.33 848.55 177.15 22.70 Mahidpur 4.8 133 Jowar, Wheat 36.72 820.27 233.08 30.74 Mahidpur 3.2 134 Jowar, Wheat 4.16 868.88 540.27 128.15 Mahidpur 11.2 135 J owar, Maize 650.99 223.72 72.34 Mahidpur 16.0 136 Jowar, Maize 326.71 75.84 3.81 Mahidpur 12.8 137 Jowar, Maize 627.26 324.84 37.48 Mahidpur 12.8 Krishna Sud am a 138 Mandir Jo\\'ar, Maize 8.21 1,171. 52 396.36 49.65 Mahidpur 9.6 139 Jowar, Maize 7.50 398.95 245.54 37.45 Mahidpur 0.0 140 Jowar, Maize 18.43 1,842.64 723.49 79.15 Mahidpur 12.8 141 J owar, Maize 1.10 605.08 590.54 30.46 Mahidpur 12.8 142 Jowar, Maize 1.12 484.98 316.23 26.76 Mahidpur 16.0 143 Jowar, Maize 420.35 175.55 53.31 Mahidpur 12.8 144 : Jowar, Maize 12.72 1,218.73 97.57 48.50 Mahidpur 11.2 145 Jowar, ,Maize 3.45 1,078.51 260.50 28.19 Mahidpur 16.0 146 Jowar, Maize 2.76 986.76 144.95 41.98 Mahidpur 12.8 147 Jowar, Maize 4.64 775.95 108.38 46.67 Mahidpur 14.4 148 Jowar, Maize 0.76 719.10 233.34 14.15 Mahidpur 14.4 149 Jowar, Maize 12.65 504.54 101.95 15.05 Mahidpur 8.0 150 Jowar, Maize 15.88 1,201.46 217.96 58.21 Mahidpur 9.6 151 Jowar, Maize 1.01 741.65 199.09 20.44 Mahidpur 6.4 152 Jowar, Maize 44.14 1,0;0.17 182.70 33.81 Mahidpur 12.8 153 Jowar, Maize 9.20 805.49 181. 94 14.14 Mahidpur 11.2 154 46


Amenities available within the villages Total r-- ~ , L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- C<.lmmu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

ISS Jhar Khedi 519.20 W KR 156 Dhabli Kamma 1,047.12 W 157 Baijnath 1,085.08 W 158 Mendki 681.08 W 159 Ramnagar 485.40 W 160 Suhagpura 1,208.68 PR (1) W 161 Ajmabad 1,140.15 PR (1) W PO ]62 Nipanya Raju 1,662.73 PR (1) W 163 Mahidpurya 404.51 W 164 Mau Khcdi 640.91 W 165 Somchidi 511.68 W 166 Dhanodiya 1,728.78 PR (1) W 167 Padi Kheda 1,241.05 W KR 168 Maru Kheda 984.97 W 169 Mundli Bhoj 1,000.93 W 170 Kheda Madda 2,052.26 PR (1) W 171 Khedla 565.61 W 172 Dela Khedi 479.39 W 173 Dungar Khedi 601.10 PR (1) W 174 Neem Kheda 977.41 PR (1) W 175 Simrol 827.48 W 176 Khoriya Padma 1,707.19 PR (1) W 177 Chhajju Khedi 944.92 W 178 Nalkheda 2,253.26 PR (1) W 179 Panodiya 1,023.56 W 180 Jhangri 558.18 W 181 Kanthari 572.53 W 182 Kundi Kheda 1.292.39 PR (1) W 183 Ghatiya Jassa 800.82 W 184 Sarna Kota 501.14 W 185 Lasurdiya Nata 1,931.61 PR (1) W 186 Ghodabag 460.61 W 187 Teelya Khedi 821. 31 W 188 Dungar Kheda 2,166.35 PR (1) W 189 Bagni 674.19 W 190 Bhat Khedi 461. 58 W,NW 191 Ala Kheda 1,306.52 PR (1) W 192 Kamalya Khedi 766.77 PR (1) W 193 Kason 2,443.71 PR (1) D(l) W PO 194 Bilkheda 736.42 W 195 Kalla Piplya 1,600.77 PR (1) W 196 Jodma Birbhan 418.09 W 197 Bhavrasi 828.75 W,NW 198 Sakkar Khedi 2,060.59 PR (1) W 199 Hajratpur 511.66 W,NW 200 Akya Jassa 813.42 W 201 Jawasiya Solanki 1,096.32 PR (1) W KR 202 Jhangara 857.71 PR (1) W KR 203 Piplya Harji 801.56 W 204 Lasudiya Devsi 1,111. 90 W 205 Kala Pi pal 972.54 W KR 206 Kheda Khajuriya 2,977.27 PR (2),Mid.S. (1) D(I) W KR PO 47


Land use (i.e. area under different--A. ______types of land \lse) in-----, acres Day of Remarks ,-- weekly including Culturable' Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C· Staple Food 'Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Jowar, Wheat 1.62 370.03 129.88 17.67 Mahidpur 4.8 155 Wheat, Jowar 3.59 796.56 193.36 53.61 Mahidpur 6.4 156 Wheat, Jowar 2.96 893.16 136.13 52.83 Mahidpur 6.4 157 Wheat, Jowar 578.89 86.25 15.94 Mahidpur 6.4 158 Wheat, Jowar 403.86 76.34 5.20 Mahidpur 4.8 159 Wheat, Jowar 16.22 982.46 171.07 38.93 Mahidpur 9.6 160 Wheat, Jowar 10.44 936.71 155.85 37.15 Mahidpur 12.8 161 Wheat, ]owar 19.88 1,351.32 249.83 41.70 Mahidpur 14.4 162 Wheat, Jowar 2.97 287.75 99.28 14.51 Mahidpur 16.0 163 Wheat, Jowar 4.68 511.65 110.01 14.57 Mahidpur 12.8 164 Wheat, Jowar 3.42 435.83 62.24 10.19 Mahidpur 16.0 165 Wheat, Jowar 61.88 1,282.11 337.14 47.65 Mahidpur 16.0 166 Wheat, Jowar 25.46 923.21 266.32 26.06 Mahidpur 16.0 167 Wheat, Jowar 15.58 753.76 193.87 21.76 Mahidpur 16.8 168 Wheat, Jowar . 21.14 731.15 220.33 28.31 Mahidpur 14.4 169 Wheat, Jowar 28.27 1,301.38 649.67 72.94 Mahidpur 16.0 170 Wheat, Jowar 9.57 264.33 273.08 18.63 Mahidpur 16.0 171 Jowar, Wheat 7.10 283.19 179.14 9.96 Mahidpur 16.0 172 Jowar, Wheat 24.17 402.11 150.41 24.41 Mahidpur 14.4 173 Jowar, Wheat 4.47 645.73 306.78 20.43 Mahidpur 14.4 174 Jowar, Wheat 42.34 453.61 237.30 94.23 Mahidpur 14.4 175 Jowar, Wheat 9.08 1,390.14 278.31 29.66 Mahidpur 17.6 176 Jowar, Wheat 8.70 75 6. 37 146.66 33.19 Mahidpur 16.0 177 Jowar, Wheat '16.57 1,778.27 387.15 41.27 Mahidpur 19.2 178 Jowar, Wheat 2.79 850.49 155.28 15.00 Mahidpur 20.8 179 Wheat, Jowar 1.45 329.45 95.26 132.02 Mahidpur 25.6 180 Wheat, J owar 6.33 357.41 108.45 100.34 Mahidpur 25.6 181 Wheat, Jowar 31. 31 948.96 268.00 44.12 Mahidpur 22.4 182 Wheat, Jowar 2.58 55 3.24 192.44 52.56 Mahidpur 24.0 183 Wheat, Jowar 252.86 94.07 154.21 Mahidpur 25.6 184 Wheat, Jowar 32.43 1,286.07 403.44 209.67 Mahidpur 25.6 185 Wheat, Jowar 0.60 315.51 113.95 30.55 Mahidpur 22.4 186 Wheat, Jowar 25.90 580.47 202.41 12.53 Mahidpur 22.4 187 Wheat, Jowar 15.49 1,545.44 441.95 163.47 Mahidpur 22.4 188 Wheat, Jowar 3.21 497.89 146.98 26.11 Mahidpur 22.4 189 Wheat, Jowar 5.41 334.04 91.34 30.79 Mahidpur 22.4 190 Wheat, Jowar 62.83 977.25 241.83 24.61 Mahidpur 19.2 191 Wheat, ]owar 13.73 538.77 191. 07 23.20 Mahidpur 22.4 192 Wheat, ]owar 20.68 1,909.67 456.29 57.07 Mahidpur 20.8 193 Wheat, Jowar 18.93 602.62 93.76 21.11 Mahidpur 20.8 194 Wheat, Jowar 11. 00 1,064.29 476.56 48.92 Mahidpur 25.6 195 Jowar, Wheat 15.70 303.77 81.88 16.74 Mahidpur 20.8 196 Jowar, Wheat 13.08 585.01 204.48 26.18 Mahidpur 20.8 197 Jowar, Wheat 81.84 1,591.18 333.84 53.73 Mahidpur 20.8 198 lowar, Wheat 6.22 250.02 242.56 12.86 Mahidpur 24.0 199 Jowar, Wheat 10.64 622.06 120.81 59.91 Mahidpur 22.4 200 lowar, Wheat 37.51 747.22 103.67 207.92 Mahidpur 25.6 201 Jowar, Wheat 13.14 685.71 97.86 61.00 Mahidpur 19.0 202 Jowar, Wheat 11.19 596.80 96.49 97.08 Mahidpur 20.0 203 lowar, Wheat 4.10 795.38 191.26 121.16 Mahidpur 19.0 204 Jowar, Wheat 11. 75 829.49 112.81 18.49 Mahidpur 18.0 205 Jowar, Wheat 64.55 2.466.71 338.99 107.02 Mahidpur 16.0 Monday 206 48


,--______Amenities available__A.._ within the villages Total """\ L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 --_------207 Balra 517.76 W KR 208 Mundli Dotru 1,546.67 PR (1) W KR 209 Kana Khedi Harbans 1,345.98 W 210 Khurchanya Pratap 1,878.86 PR (1) EI W 211 Mahudi 1,557.83 PR (I) W 212 Mahudipura 1,156.00 PR (1) W 213 Khurchanya Chandrabhan 719.95 W 214 Tajpur 641. 56 W 215 Barkhedi Bazar 1,350.73 PR (1) W 216 Mali Khedi 1,088.61 R 217 Melanya 855.87 R 218 Hingonya 1,533.15 W 219 Jagothi 3,229.59 PR (2), Mid.S.{I) D(l) E,EI,EIN w PO 220 Jelya Khedi 1,030.08 PR (I) W 221 Palwa 1,960.92 PR (1) W KR 222 Bela Kheda 1,396.50 PR (I) W KR 223 Rarnsara 1,135.27 W 224 Ghosla 2,206.87 Mid. S. (1) W KR,R PO 225 Raghvi 688.01 PR (1) W KR 226 Lambi Khedi 848.34 W KR 227 Loharwas 736.31 W KR

TOTAL 279,389.75 PR (97) T (3) PR (2) PO (13) Mid.S. (7) 0(8) 25 W (187) KR (48) TO (1) Sec. S. (2) o (33) 0(1)

Source :-Columns ( I ) to (5) and (7) to (18) : Tahsildar, Mahidpur Cloumn (6) : Madhya Pradesh Electricity Board, Jabalpur. 49


Land use (i.e. area under different types of lancl,use) in acres Day of Remarks --, weekly including Culturable' Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cult iva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal in teres t

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Jowar. Wheat 7.96 386.16 110.73 12.91 Mahidpur 19.0 207 Jowar. Wheat 18.99 1,264.44 220.71 42.53 Mahidpur 18.0 208 Jowar, Wheat 4.99 1,152.59 168.17 20.23 Mahidpur 19.0 20j Jowar, Wheat 9.10 1,549.32 279.12 41.32 Mahidpur 18.0 210 Jowar, Wheat 27.80 1,225.71 271.83 32.49 Mahidpur 25.0 211 Jowar, Wheat 15.61 956.39 165.82 18.12 Mahidpur 23.0 212 Jowar, Wheat 69.02 524.34 108.93 17.66 Mahidpur 16.0 213 Jowar, Wheat 20.23 560.24 52.49 8.60 Mahidpur 19.2 214 Jowar, Wheat 13.36 1,001. 56 278.97 56.84 Mahidpur 16.0 215 Jowar, Wheat 7.90 946.08 103.66 30.97 Mahidpur 16.0 216 Jowar, Wheat 2.85 670.66 150.56 31.80 Mahidpur 14.4 217 Jowar, Wheat 2.25 1, 102.44 370.48 57.98 Mahidpur 12.8 218 Jowar, Wheat 81.05 2,410.17 656.95 80.82 Mahidpur 22.4 Thursday 219 Wheat, Jowar 19.92 808.20 182.35 19.61 Mahidpur 19.2 220 Wheat, Jowar 51.24 1,671.15 187.11 44.22 Mahidpur 19.2 221 Wheat, Jowar 23.08 1,097.69 261.59 14.14 Mahidpur 17.6 222 Wheat, Jowar 30.42 965.29 123.64 15.92 Mahidpur 19.2 223 Wheat, Jowar 55.16 1,767.92 296.53 87.26 Mahidpur 24.0 Wednesday 224 Wheat, Jowar 17.79 521.51 118.14 29.97 Mahidi)Ur 19.2 225 Wheat, Jowar 12.01 611.59 131.98 32.76 Mahidpur 22.4 226 Wheat, Jowar 13.58 624.98 88.66 9.09 Mahidpur 25.6 227

4,612.06 185,665.96 75,110.79 14,000.94 50


Amenities available within the villages Total r- L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

GunaKhedi 480.00 PR (1) t,EI,EIN 0 :.c*'" 2 Jafarpur Nera 216.00 BI 0 .. ('" . 3 Pat 2,083.00 PR (1) H,El,EIN R PR,R PO,TO 4 Padsi 1,166.00 EI R PR,R 5 Suwas 1,104.00 PR (1) D(I) EI 0 6 Iiam Khedi 429.00 W PR 7 Chandnya Khedi 453.00 W 8 Jhalara 1,492.00 PR (1) E,E! W PR 9 Jhalari 376.00 W PR,R .. 10 Bhariya Khedi 221.00 R PR 11 BhatKheda 448.00 W PR 12 Maya Khedi 540.00 W PR 13 Samtya Khedi 404.00 PR (1) W 14 Tukral 3,269.00 PR (2) EI W,O PR PO· 15 Dhabla Hardu 2,337.00 PR (2), Mid.S.(1) D(l) E,Er,EIN W.O PR,R PO

16 Chirdi 1,556.00 PR (1) W '0' 17 Parsoli 2,709.00 PR (1) W PO 18 Piplya Bazar 979.00 R 19 Umariya 465.00 W ., 20 Khajju Khedi 1,068.00 PR (1) W 21 Khankri Brahman 319.00 W 22 Badodiya Makdon 549.00 PR (1) W 23 Bhund Khedi 823.00 W 24 Mergarh 766.00 R 25 Lakhman Khedi 716.00 R 26 Kothdi 1,143.00 W 27 Chitawalya 1,947.00 PR (1) W 28 Jhumki 2,052.00 PR (1) W 29 Lasudiya Amra 1,105.00 W 30 Khokariya 903.00 PR (1) W 31 Godadi 961.00 PR (1) W 32 Tejla Khedi 912.00 PR (1) W 33 Dhanya Khedi 657.00 W 34 Rawan Khedi 970.00 W 35 Lasudiya Dhandu 2,954.00 PR (1) W 36 Kadhai 1,858.00 PR (1) 0 KR 37 Chikli 1,735.00 PR (1) 0 KR 38 Bhodlya 1,315.00 PR (1) 0 39 SumraKhedi 579.00 0 40 RupaKhedi 1,170.00 PR (1) 0 PO 41 Lala Khedi 825.00 R,O PR 42 Samanera 2,248.00 PR (1) R,O PR 43 Dabda Rajput 1,027.00 PR (1) 0 PR 44 DhuwaKhedi 673.00 0 45 Pachola 2,055.00 PR (1) 0 46 Pan Khedi 1,244.00 PR (1) 0 PR 47 Kachnariya 1,760.00 PR(I),Mid. S. (1) 0 48 Chuna Khedi 824.00 PR (1) R 49 Lasurdiya Hameer 929.00 PR (I) R 50 Shekhpur 366.00 R 51 Hanumanti 1,039.00 R 52 Khankari Sultan 411.00 W PR 51


Land use (i.e. area unner different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks ~ , ...... , weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if aay, of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigakd Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Wheat, Jowar 61.00 274.00 43.00 102.00 Agar 20.8 1 Wheat, Jowar 143.00 52.00 21.00 Agar 22.4 2 Wheat, Jowar 30.00 1,625.00 158.00 270.00 Agar 19.2 Tuesday 3 , Wheat, Jowar 56.00 172.00 76.00 262.00 Agar 19.2 4 Wheat, Jowar 10.00 847.00 145.00 102.00 Tarana 24.0 5 Wheat, Jowar 19.00 339.00 11.00 60.00 Tarana 32.0 6 Wheat, Jowar 7.00 314.00 69.00 63.00 Tarana 28.8 7 Jowar, Wheat 33.00 1,159.00 189.00 111.00 Tarana 32.0 8 Jowai, Wheat '35.00 266.00 40.00 35.00 Tarana 30.4 9 Jowar, Wheat 8.00 158.00 20.CO 35.00 Tarana 33.6 10 Jowar, Wheat 2.00 339.00 24.00 83.00 Tarana 28.8 11 Jowar, Wheat 6.00 427.00 54.00 53.00 Tarana 28.8 12 Jowar, Wheat 3.00 301.00 49.00 51.00 Tarana 32.0 13 Wheat, Jowar 57.00 2,766.00 220.00 226.00 Tarana 22.4 14 Wheat, Jowar 106.00 1,839.00 160.00 232.00 Tarana 25.6 15 Jowar, Wheat 4.00 1,316.00 122,00 114.00 Tarana 17.6 16 Jowar. Wheat 8.00 2,191.00 257.00 253.00 Taiana 22.4 17 Jowar. Wheat 3.00 751.00 62.00 163.00 Tarana 22,8 18 Jowar. Maize 1.00 398.00 42.00 24.00 Tarana 25.6 19 Iowa!. Maize 6.00 965.00 39.00 58.00 Tarana 22.4 20 Iowar, Maize 1.00 278.00 16.00 24.00 Tarana 19.2 21 Jowar, Maize 1.00 458.00 61.00 29.00 Tarana 27.2 22 Jowar. Maize 7.00 731.00 33.00 52.00 Tarana 28.8 23 Jowar, Maize 1.00 637.00 30.00 98.00 Tarana 22.4 24 Jowar, . Maize 1.00 606.00 60.00 4() .. 00 Tarana 25.6 25 Jowar, Maize 920.00 155.00 68.00 Tarana 22.4 26 Jowar, Maize 1,514.00 229.00 204.00 Tarana 22.4 27 Jowar, Maize 5.00 1,677.00 102.00 28 , 268.00 Tarana 27.2 Jowar, Maize 1.00 888.00 71.00 145.00 Tarana 22.4 29 Jowar 2.00 712.00 97.00 92.00 Tarana 28.8 30 Jowar 3.00 664.00 69.00 225.00 Tarana 28.8 31 Jowar 745.00 127.00 40.00 Tarana 27.2' 32 Jowar 2.00 499.00 56.00 100.00 Tarana 30.4 33 Jowar 6.00 801.00 100.00 63.00 Tarana 27.2 34 Jowar 646.00 1.00 714.00 680.00 913.00 Tarana 30.4 35 Wheat, Jowar 19.00 1,605.00 100.00 134.90 Tarana 19.2 36 Wheat, Jowar 33.00 1,482.00 140.00 80.00 1arana 28.4 37 Wheat, Jowar 13.00 1,072.00 136.00 94.00 Tarana 25.6 38 Wheat, J owar 2.00 488.00 45.00 44.00 Tarana 25.6 39 Wheat, Jowar 6.00 1)007.00 53.00 104.00 Tarana 16.0 Sunday 40 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 594.00 118.00 112.00 Tarana 17.6 41 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 1,744.00 129.00 372.00 Tarana 19.2 42 Jowar 2.00 789.00 166.00 70.00 Tarana 14.4 43 Jowar 1.00 529.00 59.00 84.00 Tarana 12.8 44 Jowar 22.00 1.682.00 138.00 213.00 Tarana 19.2 45 Jowar 2.00 966.00 197.00 79.00 Tarana 12.8 46 Jowar 11.00 1,370.00 266.00 113.00 Tarana 9.6 47 Jowar. 2.00 491.00 227.00 104.00 Tarana 12.8 48 Jowar 1.00 713.00 136.00 79.00 Tarana 11.2 49 Jowar 5.00 216.00 79,00 66.00 Tarana 12.8 50 Jowar 3.00 765.00 228.00 43.00 Tarana 14.4 51 Jowar, Wheat 5.00 331.00 44.00 31.00 Tarana 8.0 52 52


_."_.,- -.--,~-- Amenities available within the villages Total ,- L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica· and vIllage water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

53 Khamli 896.00 W PR 54 Tilawad 866.00 PR (1) W 55 TiIawadi 658.00 W 56 Rachi Khedi 733.00 W 57 Lodh 1,750.00 PR (1) W 58 Keswal 1,451.00 W KR 59 Nanded 4,578.00 PR (2), Mid.S.(I) D (1) W KR PO 60 Barothiya 1,321. 00 PR (1) W KR 61 Makdone 2,149.00 PR(2),Mid. S.(1 ),Sec.S. (1) .. w KR PO 62 Kanthadi 1,141.00 PR 0) W 63 Bhagwatpur 1,214.00 PR(I) W KR 64 Suchai 908.00 W KR 65 Bagwada 1,069.00 W 66 Bukhari 157.00 PR (1) W 67 Manasa 357.00 W 68 Raina Khedi 395.00 W 69 Rehwari 583.00 W 70 Salna Khedi 600.00 PR (1) W 71 Haru Khedi 379.00 W 72 Kadodiya 6,060.00 PR(2), Mid.S.O) w PO 73 Chakya 835.00 W 74 Del chi 4,076.00 PR (1) W 75 MoyaKheda 912.00 W 76 Haidarpura 840.00 TK 77 Kankariya Mirpur 670.00 0 78 Kesarpur Nipanya 973.00 0 79 Jamunya 839.00 W 80 Dobda Gujar 1,467.00 PR (1) W 81 Limbadit 1,535.00 PR 0), Mid.S.O) w 82 Hasalpur Jhirnya 936.00 W 83 Umarazar 1,135.00 W 84 Kapeli 3,827.00 PR (1), Mid.S. (1) W PO 85 Sarli 1,305.00 W 86 Manpura 741.00 W 87 Tanda 1,138.00 PR (1) W 88 Ankhali 245.00 W 89 Guradya Gujar 1,902.00 PR (1) W 90 Piplya Ramdi 1,251.00 W 91 Puri 181.00 W 92 Bor Khedi 1,344.00 W 93 Moya Gaon 861.00 W 94 Ramdi 3,085.00 PR (1) W 95 Aurangpur 1,164.00 W 96 Katwariya 1,607.00 PR (1) W 97 Khutpala 514.00 W 98 Gundardya 723.00 PR (1) R 99 Tumni 712.00 PR (1) W 100 Karedi 2,584.00 PR (1), Mid.S.(1) D (1) 0 PO 101 Palkhanda 522.00 PR (1) 0 102 Mer Khedi 600.00 R,O 103 Lala Kheda 639.00 0 104 Shankarpura 423.00 0 53


Land use (i.e. area under different--A. ______types of land us~) in----, acres Day of Remarks r-- weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- wasteU.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

---~------~------. _.---_ .-~-.- ._-_--._------._.. ------_--- -_ Jowar, Wheat 8.00 783.00 57.00 48.00 Tarana 10.4 53 Jo\\ar, Wheat 4.00 664.00 117.00 81.00 Tarana 9.6 54 Jowar, Wheat 1.00 466.00 69.00 122.00 Tarana 11.2 55 Jowar, Wheat 4.00 609.00 60.00 60.00 Tarana 11.2 56 Jowar, Wheat 22.00 1,518.00 114.00 96.00 Tarana 12.8 57 Jowar, Wheat 41.00 1,251.00 90.00 69.00 Tarana 20.8 58 Jowar, Wheat 70.00 3,814.00 319.00 375.00 Tarana 20.8 59 Jowar, Wheat 17.00 1,137.00 94.00 73.00 Tarana 22.4 60 Jowar, Wheat 24.00 1,699.00 95.00 331.00 Tarana 22.4 Sunday 61 Jowar, Wheat 3.00 841.00 163.00 134.00 Tarana 24.0 62 Jowar, Wheat 847.00 68.00 299.00 Tarana 24.0 63 Jowar, Wheat 3.00 751.00 88.00 66.00 Tarana 22.4 64 Jowar 569.00 4.00 376.00 60.00 60.00 Shajapur 22.4 65 Jowar 11.00 285.00 113.00 348.00 Tarana 19.2 66 Jowar 153.00 153.00 26.00 25.00 Shajapur 19.2 67 Jowar 107.00 224.00 45.00 19.00 Shajapur 17.6 68 Jowa! 89.00 2.00 359.00 88.00 45.00 Shajapur 16.0 69 Jowar 291.00 85.00 224.00 Shajapur 16.0 70 Jowar 7.00 248.00 50.00 74.00 Shajapur 19.2 71 Jowar, Wheat 111.00 3,394.00 1,770.00 785.00 Shajapur 19.2 Tuesday 72 Jowar, Wheat 3.00 716.00 30.00 86.00 Tarana 16.0 73 Jowar, Maize 26.00 3,159.00 357.00 534.00 Tarana 16.0 74 Jowar, Maize 311.00 2.00 351.00 153.00 95.00 Tarana 22.4 75 Jowar, Maize 144.00 335.00 39.00 322.00 Tarana 24.0 76 Jowar 372.00 89.00 209.00 Tarana 16.0 77 Jowar 841.00 84.00 48.00 Tarana 12.8 78 Jowar 2.00 669.00 123.00 45.00 Tarana 16.0 79 Jowar 3.00 1,002.00 274.00 188.00 Tarana 12.8 80 Jowar 7.00 1,322.00 148.00 58.00 Tarana 14.4 81 Jowar 590.00 206.00 140.00 Tarana 9.6 82 Jowar 1.00 808.00 191.00 135.00 Tarana 16.0 83 Jowar, Wheat 893.00 99.00 1,700.00 685.00 450.00 Tarana 16.6 84 Jowar, Wheat 4.00 26.00 804.00 247.00 224.00 Tarana 19.2 85 Jowar, Wheat 307.00 98.00 336.00 Tarana 19.2 86 Jowar, Wheat 4.00 363.00 110.00 661.00 Tarana 19.2 87 Jowar 215.00 11.00 19.00 Shajapur 9.6 88 Jowar 317.00 1.00 973.00 36.00 575.00 Shajapur 11.2 89 Jowar 627.00 533.00 41.00 50.00 Shajapur 12.8 90 Jowar 104.00 54.00 23.00 Shajapur 9.6 91 Jowar 463.00 81.00 800.00 Shajapur 12.8 92 Jowar 129.00 382.00 66.00 284.00 Shajapur 9.6 93 Jowar 851.00 1.00 596.00 107.00 1,530.00 Shajapur 12.8 94 Jowar, Wheat 2.00 775.00 102.00 285.00 Shajapur 12.8 95 Jowar, Wheat 19.00 1,194.00 215.00 179.00 Shajapuf 13.6 96 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 378.00 90.00 45.00 Shajapur 12.8 97 Jowar, Wheat 15.00 495.00 112.00 101.00 Shajapur 13.6 98 Jowar, Wheat 456.00 68.00 188.00 Shajapur 10.4 99 Jowar, Wheat 404.00 6.00 1,380.00 514.00 280.00 Shajapur 10.4 Friday 100 .Towar 164.00 271.00 79.00 8.00 Shajapur 12.8 101 Jowar 295.00 184.00 121.00 Shajapur 9.6 102 Jowar 177.00 6.00 343.00 59.00 54.00 Shajapur 12.8 103 Jowar 128.00 1.00 211.00 76.00 7.00 Shajapur 12.8 104 54


Amenities available within the villages Total , .A. L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

105 Suwagaon 937.00 PR (1) 0 106 Itawa 1,786.00 PR (1) E,EI,EIN W PR PO 107 Gonglya Khedi 460.00 EI W PR 108 Devli 1,640.00 PR (1) W 109 Bisan Kheda 883.00 PR (1) W PR 110 Khar Khedi 1,635.00 PR (1) W PR 111 Bedchi 2,340.00 PR (1) W 112 Borda Gujar 952.00 PR (1) R,W 113 Murdawan 881.00 R PR 114 Kanardi 2,213.00 PR (2), Mid.S.(I) PHe(l) W PO 115 Guthlai 1,497.00 PR (I) W 116 Devi Kheda 1,644.00 W 117 Khodri Nipanya . 1,413.00 W 118 Nahar Khedi 1,684.00 PR (1) W,O 119 Barkheda Tarana 2,460.00 PR (1) W 120 Barnawad 1,715.00 W 121 Surajpura 501. 00 PR (1) W 122 Chhadawad 2,475.00 PR (1) E,EI,ETN W PR 123 Jharnawada 1,596.00 PR (1) W 124 Tobri Kheda 872.00 PR (1) E,ET,ETN W 125 AbadKhedi 854.00 W PR 126 Gaondi 1,041. 00 PR (1) W 127 Noganwa 1,661.00 PR (I) ET W 128 BisanKhedi 646.00 W 129 Mali Khedi 836.00 W PR 130 Tarana 2,735.00 131 Sadi Khedi 1,257.00 PR (1) W PR 132 Karanj 2,984.00 PR(l), Mid.S.(I) W 133 Khambukhedi 935.00 W 134 Bagoda 1,664.00 PR (1) W 135 Siddhipur Nipanya 1,732.00 PR (1) W 136 Haji Khedi 437.00 W 137 Ankla Khedi 316.00 138 Chhapri 1,195.00 PR (1) W 139 Jhiranya Bujurg 698.00 W 140 Dilodri 2,646.00 PR (1) W 141 Yeshwantgarh 981.00 W ~42 Tintodi 614.00 W PR 143 Banjari 946.00 PR (1) W,R PR 144 Rojwas 751.00 PR (1) W PR 145 Samgi 1,851.00 PR (2), Mid.S.(1) W,R PO 146 Nenawad 1,464.00 PR (1) EI W PR PO 147 Patiyal Khedi 414.00 R PR 148 Yeshwantnagar 1,490.00 W 149 Limboda Tarana 1,171.00 PR (1) W ~50 Suwar Kota 329.00 W PR 151 Golwa 1,499.00 PR (1) ET W PR 152 Fanya 646.00 W PR .153 Barandwa 2,917.00 PR (1) EI W 1·54 Kanasiya 3,825.00 PR (2), Mid.s.( I) D(l) w PR PO 155 Anant Khedi 681.00 EI 0 PR 156 Gujar Kheda 348.00 0 PR 55

TARANA TAHSIL ------_._---- Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks ..A.. -. weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- wasfe (i.e. 'available town & if any, ofreIigious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cult iva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Jowar 140.00 1.00 429.00 223.00 144.00 Shajapur 9.6 105 Jowar, Wheat 36.00 1,419.00 262.00 69.00 Tarana 8.0 106 Jowar, Wheat 6.00 338.00 62.00 54.00 Tarana 8.0 107 Jowar, Wheat 11.00 1,248.00 206.00 175.00 Tarana 12.0 108 Jowar, Wheat 6.00 668.00 112.00 97.00 Tarana 8.0 109 Jowar 970.00 1.00 427.00 152.00 85.00 Shajapur 12.0 110 Jowar 1,240.00 21.00 707.00 188.00' 184.00 Shajapur 15.2 111 Jowar 164.00 1.00 538.00 161.00 88.00 Shajapur 10.4 112 Jowar 1.00 568.00 160.00 152.00 Shajapur 11.2 113 Wheat, Jowar 552.00 98.00 1,091.00 297.00 175.00 Tarana 11.2 114 Wheat, Jowar 864.00, 3.00 437.00 131. 00 62.00 Tarana 14.4 115 Wheat, Jowar 983.00 9.00 461.00 113.00 78.00 Tarana 16.0 119 Jowar, Wheat 52.00 769.00 491.00 101.00 Tarana 9.6 li7 Jowar, Wheat 4.00 1,214.00 386.00 80.00 Tarana 6.4 118 Jowar, Wheat 520.00 17.00 1,354.00 395.00 174.00 Tarana 12.8 119 Jowar,' Wheat 1,090.00 264.00 361.00 Tarana 9.6 120 Jowar, Wheat 3.00 392.00 58.00 48.00 Tarana 4.8 121 Wheat, Jowar 56.00 1,904.00 332.00 183.00 Tarana 4.8 122 Wheat, Jowar 6.00 1,225.00 247.00 118.00 Tarana 6.4 123 Wheat, Jowar 20.00 734.00 75.00 43.00 Tarana 4.8 124 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 679.00 98.00 73.00 Tarana 4.0 125 Wheat, Iowar 6.00 679.00 144.00 212.00 Tarana 3.2 126 Wheat, Jowar 34.00 1,226.00 245.00 156.00 Tarana 4.8 127 Wheat, Jowar 11.00 514.00 72.00 49.00 Tarana 8.0 128 Wheat, JowaI 1.00 688.00 105.00 42.00 Tarana 1.6 129 178.00 1,874.00 338.00 345.00 Tarana 0.0 130 Wheat, Jowar 14.00 1,032.00 118.00 93.00 Tarana 1.6 131 Jowar, Wheat 33.00 2,453.00 147.00 351.00 Tarana 4.8 132 lawaI, Wheat 2.00 858.00 35.00 40.00 Tarana 4.8 133 Jowar, Jowar 7.00 1,450.00 54.00 153.00 Tarana 4.8 134 Iowar, Wheat 7.00 1,269.00 290.00 166.00 Tarana 6.4 135 Jowar, Wheat 373.00 33.00 31.00 Tarana 6.4 136 177 .00 122.00 17.00 Tarana 9.6 137 Jowar 34.00 932.00 177.00 52.00 Tarana 8.0 138 Jowar 141.00 268.00 200.00 89.00 Tarana 8.0 139 Jowar 50.00 1,870.00 531. 00 195.00 Tarana 11. 2 140 Jowar 4.00 536.00 250.00 191. 00 Tarana 11. 2 141 Jowar, Wheat 3.00 352.00 67.00 192.00 Shajapur 14.4 142 JowaI, Wheat 6.00 613.00 151. 00 176.00 Shajapur 12.0 143 Jowar, Wheat 8.00 491.00 146.00 106.00 Shajapur 16.0 144 Jowar, Wheat 82.00 109.00 969.00 404.00 287.00 Shajapur 16.0 Monday 145 Jowar, Maize 21.00 949.00 273.00 221.00 Shajapur 8.0 Thursday 146 Jowar, Maize 229.00 111.00 74.00 Shajapur 19.0 147 Jowar, Maize 5.00 778.00 470.00 237.00 Shajapur 11. 2 148 Jowar, Maize 9.00 711.00 322.00 129.00 Shajapur 12.8 149 Jowar, Maize 204.00 76.00 49.00 Shajapur 4.8 150 JowaI, Maize 30.00 1,148.00 119.00 202.00 Tarana 16.0 151 Jowar, Wheat 11.00 451.00 118.00 66.00 Tarana 20.8 152 Jowar, Maize 39,00 1,864.00 595.00 419.00 Tarana 19.2 153 Wheat, Jowar 90.00 2,693.00 748.00 294.00 Tarana 16.8 Tuesday 154 Jowar, Wheat 12.00 545.00 48.00 76.00 Tarana 12.8 155 Jowar, Wheat 2.00 196.00 129.00 21.00 Tarana 14.4 156 56


Amenities available within the villages Total r------"--- L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post ""'"' No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Telc- (in acres) graph

-_.- _-- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

157 Dudhli 1,160.00 PR (1) E,El,EIN 0 PR 158 Palduna 1,376.00 PR (1) 0 PR 159 Lunya Khcdi 864.00 PR (1) EI 0 PR 160 Sakari 909.00 0 PR 161 Khanda Khedi 516.00 W,R PR 162 Gopali 495.00 O,R PR 163 Nanu Kheda 949.00 PR (1) O,R PR 164 Piplya Kaytha 835.00 W.O PR 165 Malhargarh 269.00 R PR,R 166 Laxmipura 1,263.00 W PR 167 Sumra Kheda 1,355.00 PR (2), Mid.S.(I) E,EI,EIN R,O PR,R 168 Hatya Khedi 425.00 R PR,R 169 Nata Khedi 1,342.00 0 170 Bagera 1,592.00 PR (1) 0 PR 171 Beejpadi 543.00 0 PI{ 172 Halu Khedi 658.00 0 PR 173 Khankari Anjna 900.00 174 Dubli 1,679.00 PR (1) E,El,EIN W PR 175 Mundli 1,726.00 EI W PR 176 Sadba 644.00 El W PR 177 Sala Khedi 742.00 PR (1) E,EI,EIN W 178 Birgod 886.00 W,R 179 Kankariya Chand 546.00 R 180 Kanwli Kheda 1,252.00 PR (I) W 181 Bhadsimba 1,746.00 PR (1) W,R 182 Bhuki Itwarpur 446.00 PR (1) W 183 Lasurdiya Bechat 1,438.00 PR (I) W 184 Kharpa 1,744.00 PR (1) W R 185 Guradya Dongar 350.00 W 186 Binjal 625.00 W 187 Bheru Pura 1,482.00 W R 188 Raipura 793.00 PR (1) EI,EIN W R 189 Shiv_pura 1,769.00 W R 190 Kaytha 5,209.00 PR (3), Mill.S.(1) D (1) E,El,EIN R,O PR PO 191 Mallupura 883.00 0 PR 192 Aser Kaytha 1,361.00 PR (1) 0 193 Borda Manda ! ,054.00 0 194 Molga 932.00 PR (1) O,R J 95 Limboda Kaytha 396.00 0 196 Sarola 1,355.00 PR (1) 0 197 Jawashya Kumar 1,907.00 0 198 Belari 1,232.00 PR (1) 0 199 Borda Dhakad 789.00 PR (1) 0 200 Kath Badoda 2,328.00 PR (1) D (1) 0 PO 201 Naleshree 1,382.00 PR (1) 0 202 Bhoju Khcdi 260.00 R 203 Mal Kheda 328.00 R,W,O 204 Upadi 1,345.00 PR (1) 0 205 Khajuria 1,921.00 PR (1) PO 206 Khati Khcdi 1,284.00 PR (1) °0 207 Barkheda Kaytha 1,254.00 PR (I) 0 208 Bbatooni 1,920.00 PR (1) 0 57


Land use (i .e. area under different types of land usc) in acres Day of Remarks r------A.. -, weekly including Culturable Area not Neare,t Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village arehaeologi- land etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

-.,----~-. -, ~-~------. ~------. Jowar, Wheat 10,00 947.00 73.00 130.00 Tarana 12.8 157 Jowar, Wheat 14.00 1,155.00 143.00 64.00 Tarana 11.2 158 Jowar, Wheat 78.00 617.00 49.00 120.00 Tarana 14.4 159 Jowar, Wheat 2.00 779.00 48.00 80.00 Tarana 12.8 160 Jowar, Wheat 7.00 423.00 43.00 43.00 Tarana 12.8 Hi! Jowar, Wheat 421.00 40.00 34.00 Tarana 12.8 162 Jowar, Wheat 4.00 826.00 32.00 87.00 Tarana 12.8 163 Jowar, Wheat 699.00 67.00 69.00 Tarana 14.4 164 Jowar, Wheat 230.00 8.00 31.00 Tarana 11.2 165 Jowar, Wheat 33.00 1,038.00 36.00 156.00 Tarana 12.8 166 Jowar, Wheat 47.00 1,041. 00 76.00 191. 00 Tarana 9.6 167 Jowar, Wheat 1.00 267.00 23.00 134.00 Tarana 12.8 168 Wheat, Jowar 5.00 1,172.00 94.00 71.00 Tarana 4.8 169 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 1,319.00 167.00 102.00 Tarana 9.6 170 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 426.00 48.00 67.00 Tarana 8.0 171 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 554.00 41. 00 59.00 Tarana 6.4 172 25.00 675.00 128,00 72.00 Tarana 0.0 173 Wheat, Jowar 42.00 1,297.00 120.00 220.00 Tarana 4.8 174 Wheat, Jowar 9.00 1,378.00 220.00 119.00 Tarana 3.2 175 Wheat, Jowar 12.00 494.00 73.00 65.00 Tarana 9.6 176 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 536.00 75.00 129.00 Tarana 6.4 177 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 725.00 64.00 96.00 Tarana 3.2 178 Wheat, Jowar 399.00 81.00 65.00 Tarana 4.8 179 Wheat, Jowar 7.00 1,072.00 76.00 97.00 Tarana 9.6 180 Wheat, Jowar 7.00 1,397.00 206.00 136.00 Tarana 4.8 181 Wheat, Jowar 359.00 32.00 55.00 Tarana 6.4 182 Wheat, Jowar 11.00 1,037.00 267.00 123.00 Tarana 4.8 183 Wheat, Jowar 6.00 1,213.00 269.00 256.00 Tarana 6.4 184 Wheat, Jowar 305.00 25.00 20.00 Tarana 6.4 185 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 546.00 29.00 49.00 Tarana 4.8 186 Wheat, Jowar 11.00 1,281. 00 115.00 75.00 Tarana 8.0 187 Wheat, Jowar 5.00 641. 00 57.00 90.00 Tarana 6.4 188 Wheat, Jowar 5.00 1,369.00 185.00 210.00 Tarana 11.2 189 Wheat, Jowar 91.00 4,164.00 482.00 472.00 Tarana 17.6 Saturday 190 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 738.00 48.00 96.00 Tarana 19.2 191 Wheat, Jowar 1,215.00 31.00 115.00 Tarana 20.8 192 Wheat, Jowar 18.00 944.00 19.00 73.00 Tarana 17.6 193 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 791. 00 28.00 110.00 Tarana 19.2 194 Wheat, Jowar I. 00 339.00 15.00 41.00 Tarana 17.2 195 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 1,183.00 57.00 111.00 Tarana 19.2 196 Wheat, Jowar 7.00 1,591.00 154.00 155.00 Tarana 24.0 197 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 972.00 179.00 78.00 Tarana 27.2 198 Wheat, .IolYar 14.00 591.00 107.00 77.00 Tarana 29.0 199 Jowar, Wheat 12.00 2,044.00 142.00 130.00 19.2 200 Jowar, Wheat 4.00 1,051. 00 170.00 157.00 Dewas 22.4 201 Jowar, Wheal 3.00 \89.00 23.00 45.00 Dewas 20.8 202 Jowar, Wheat 3.00 220.00 78.00 27.00 Dewas 16.0 203 Wheat, Maize 6.00 1,150.00 28.00 161.00 Dewas 12.8 204 Wheat, Maize \3.00 1,632.00 124.00 152.00 Dewas 13.6 205 Wheat, Maize 1.079.00 73.00 132.00 Dewas 10.4 206 Wheat, Maize 4.00 1,045.00 100.00 105.00 Dewas 10.4 207 Whei\!, Maize 1.00 1,569.00 184.00 166.00 Dewas 11.2 208 58


Amenities available within the villages Total r-- ...... L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

--_-_. -----.-----~------~------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ------209 Semal Khori 25.00 210 Ganga Talab 759.00 211 Junapani 1,218.00 PR (1) W

TOTAL 259,690.00 PR (108) D (7) 26 W (135) PR (56) PO (18) Mid.S. (14) 0(1) 0 (71) KR (8) TO (1) Sec.s. (1)

SOIll"ce.-Co!umns (1) to (5) & (7) to (18) : Tahsildar, Tarana. Calumn (6) : Madhya Pradesh Electricity Board, Jabalpur. 59


---.--~- --__ -- - -- .. __ . ------_ .. __ ._------.-._.-._---_- Land use (i.e. area under different types of land usc) in acres Day of Remarks ,------'------, weekly including ClIlturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.t'. 'available town & if any, of religious, L.Co Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and clIltiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal intere~t

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

25.00 Shajapur 12.8 209 398.00 116.00 245.00 Tarana 16.0 210 Jowar 582.00 242.00 394.00 Tarana 14.4 211

11,428.00 2,740.00 183,225.0030,741.00 31,556.00 60


-----~-----~---"------.------,,--- --~------~----"- Amenities available within the villages Total r------...,A._------. L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tde- (in acres) graph

---~------. .---~-- -~------_------~------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 Bhat Pachlana 4,199.00 PRe I), Mid.S.(1 ),Sec.S.( I) PHC(l) E,El,EIN W PR PO 2 Maloda 1,663.00 PR (1) W 3 Banbani 1,438.00 PR (I) W 4 Bhunwasa 1,266.00 PR (1) W 5 Kajya Khedi 716.00 W 6 Bander Bela 1,692.00 PR (1) W 7 Limbwas 2,400.00 PR (1) W 8 Chirola 2,756.00 PRe 1 ),Mid.S.( I) E, Er, ErN W PO

9 Salwa 2,189.00 PR (1) • ¢ W IO Lasudiya 798.00 W 11 Mungawada 607.00 R 12 Mungawadi 522.00 R 13 SiJodiya 1,291.00 PR (1) W 14 Rathod Khedi 639.00 W 15 Karadwas 723.00 PR (1) R 16 Dehta 713.00 PR (1) R 17 Kesharpllr 406.00 R 18 Amlawad Kalan J,379.00 PR (1) R 19 Mahudi Khema 410.00 R 20 Dunalja 2,011.00 PR (1) R 21 Balodll Hasan 800.00 PR (1) R 22 Paduniya Kheta 853.00 W 23 Gaondi Devsi 909.00 PR (I) R 24 Udsinga 1,651.00 PR (1) R 25 Kalyanpura 1,152.00 PR (1) R 26 Kheda Narayan 771.00 R 27 Mundat 1,248.00 PR (I) W 28 Khandoda 1,814.00 PR (I) R 29 Simlawada 1,313.00 R 30 Harnawada 1,175.00 PR (1) R 31 Labay:ha 772.00 W 32 Unkarpur 780.00 PR (1) W 33 Semal Khedi 407.00 NW 34 Gurawada 336.00 R 35 Sijawata 2,860.00 PR (1) R PO 36 Gaondilodha 1,459.00 PR (1) W 37 Dhureri 1,417.00 PR (I) E,Er,BIN R PR 38 Rajola 470.00 W PR 39 Suneda 1,371.00 PR (I) NW 40 Chichodiya 515.00 R 41 Kilo!i 1,538.00 PR (1) W 42 Kharsod Khurd 5,876.00 PR (2), Mid.S.( I) MCW(I) E,Er,EIN W PR PO 43 Utwas 1,947.00 PR (2) E,Er,EIN W 44 Hatya Khedi 833.00 W 45 Ranwa 1,033.00 PR (I) W 46 Dantarwa 1,064.00 PR (I) W 47 Bidrundi 155.00 48 Rasulabad 983.00 PR (I) W PR 49 Molana 2,398.00 PH. (1) E,El,ErN W,O PR PO 50 Beed Jhagdat 149.00 51 Palwa 2,471.00 PR (1) W 52 ltawa 1,961.00 PR (1) R 61


._----- .. -~.-----~------.. ._------Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks ., weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. I available town & if any, of religious, L.C. Staple Food ' Forest Irrigated Irrigated p~sture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

Wheat, J owar 16.00 3,419.00 480.00 284.00 Khacharod 25.6 1 Wheat, Jowar 18.00 1,359.00 214.00 72.00 Khacharod 25.6 2 Wheat, Jowar 38.00 1, 134.00 155.00 111.00 Khacharod 22.4 3 Wheat, Jowar 10.00 908.00 183.00 165.00 Khacharod 19.2 4 Wheat, Jowar 9.00 475.00 124.00 108.00 Khacharod 22.4 5 Wheat, Jowar 13.00 1,316.00 103.00 260.00 Khacharod 22.4 6 Wheat, Jowar 6.00 1,759.00 535.00 100.00 Badnagar 28.8 7 Wheat, Jowar 46.00 1,999.00 567.00 144.00 Badnagar 28.8 8 Wheat, Jowar 22.00 1,728.00 368.00 71.00 Nagda 28.8 9 Wheat, Jowar 644.00 118.00 36.00 Nagda 27.2 10 Wheat, Jowar 368.00 44.00 195.00 Nagda 12.8 11 Wheat, Jowar 247.00 28.00 247.00 Nagda 14.4 12 Wheat, Jowar 9.00 954.00 242.00 86.00 Nagda 14.4 13 Jowar, Wheat 8.00 457.00 139.00 35.00 Khach·uod 22.4 14 Jowar,. Wheat 453.00 92.00 178.00 Khacharod 22.4 15 Jowar, Wheat 1.00 456.00 80.00 176.00 Nagda 25.6 16 Jowar, Wheat 267.00 27.00 112.00 Badnagar 27.2 17 Jowar, Wheat 819.00 276.00 284.00 Badnagar 25.6 18 Jowar, Wheat 1.00 257.00 68.00 84.00 Badnagar 24.0 19 Jowar, Wheat 1.00 1,579.00 358.00 73.00 Badnagar 25.6 20 Jowar, Wheat 3.00 631.00 89.00 77.00 Badnagar 24.0 21 Jowar, Wheat 733.00 93.00 27.00 Badnagar 22.4 22 J owar, Wheat 1.00 630.00 197.00 81.00 Badnagar 22.4 23 Jowar, Wheat 5.00 1,235.00 269.00 142.00 Badnagar 20.8 24 Jowar, Wheat 936.00 177.00 39.00 Badnagar 19.2 25 Jowar, Wheat 561.00 144.00 66.00 Badnagar 20.8 26 Jowar, Wheat 2.00 966.00 249.00 31.00 Badnagar 17.6 27 Jowar, Wheat 7.00 1,418.00 234.00 155.00 Badnagar 17.6 28 Jowar, Wheat 4.00 Jo,004.00 141. 00 164.00 Badnagar 17.6 29 Jowar, Wheat 1.00 1,026.00 151. 00 97.00 Badnagar 32.0 30 Jowar, Wheat 585.00 133.00 54.00 Badnagar 28.8 31 Jowar, Wheat 5.00 648.00 87.00 40.00 Badnagar 28.8 32 Jowar, Wheat 295.00 63.00 49.00 Badnagar 27.2 33 Jowar, Wheat 229.00 83.00 24.00 Badnagar 27.2 34 Jowar, Wheat 2.00 2,280.00 345.00 233.00 Badnagar 20.8 35 Jowar, Wheat 3.00 1,232.00 161.00 63.00 Badnagar 14.4 36 Jowar, Wheat 37.00 1,006.00 233.00 141.00 Badnagar 16.0 37 Jowar, Wheat 1.00 399.00 35.00 35.00 Badnagar 14.4 38 Jowar, Wheat 4.00 1,150.00 178.00 39.00 Badnagar 16.0 39 Jowar, Wheat 337.00 141.00 37.00 Badnagar 19.2 40 Jowar, Wheat 7.00 1,353.00 119.00 59.00 Badnagar 17.6 41 Jowar, Wheat 44.00 5,128.00 315.00 389.00 Badnagar 9.6 42 Jowar, Wheat 20.00 1,638.00 220.00 69.00 Badnagar 9.6 43 Jowar, Wheat 1.00 619.00 174.00 39.00 Badnagar 11.2 44 Jowar, Wheat 6.00 843.00 144.00 40.00 Badnagar 12.8 45 Wheat, Jowar 20.00 793.00 172.00 79.00 Badnagar 4.8 46 119.00 20.00 16.00 Badnagar 4.8 47 Wheat, Jowar 17 .00 772.00 151.00 43.00 Badnagar 6.4 48 Wheat, Jowar 193.00 1,698.00 401.00 106.00 Badnagar 4.8 49 135.00 12.00 2.00 Badnagar 4.8 50 Wheat, Jowar 23.00 1,972.00 353.00 123.00 Badnagar 14.4 51 Wheat, Jowar 5.00 1,602.00 288.00 66.00 Badnagar 12.8 52 62


Amenities available within the villages Total ,.--- --"------.. L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tl"ie- (in acres) graph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Q

53 Sanawada 1,323.00 PR (1) R 54 Rawadiya Peer 1,157.00 PR (I) W 55 Kamanpur 1,529.00 PR (1) R 56 Mindka 1,191.00 R 57 Baloda Koran 1,975.00 PR (1) W 58 Ajdawada 3,086.00 PR (1) W 59 Kharsod Kalan 7,543.00 PR (l ),Mid.S.( I ),Sec.S.(i) D(I) EI W PO 60 Ordi 1,526.00 PR (I) W 61 Narela Khurd 308.00 W 62 Bardiya 2,977 .00 PR (1) W 63 Noganwa 1,821.00 PR (1) E,Er W PR 64 Khedawada 2,829.00 PR (1),Mid.S.(I) E,EI W PR 65 Mal Gaondi 797.00 W PR,R 66 Badganwa 2,625.00 PR (1) E,El W PR PO 67 Maswadiya Dhar 1,487.00 PR (1) W 68 Gajni Khedi 1,819.00 PR (1) W PR,R 69 Runija 3,052.00 PR (I ),Mid.S.(i),Sec.S.(I) D(I) E,EI W PR,R PO 70 Madhopura 2,212.00 PR (1) E,Er,BIN W PR,R PO 71 Nakucha Khedi 889.00 EI W 72 Baloda Lakha 4,094.00 PR (2) 0(1) EI W PO 73 Sunderabad 2,230.00 PR (1 ),Mid.S.(1) W PR,R PO 74 lalod Sanjar 2,401.00 PR (I) W 75 Pachlanabil 1,865.00 PR (1) W,NW 76 Sin5awada 839.00 W,R 77 Bid Singawada 179.00 R,O 78 Meethi Khedi 530.00 W,R 79 Pitlawadiya 1,245.00 PR (1) W,NW PR 80 Ranawada 831.00 W,NW 81 Bira Khedi 2,155.00 PR (1) W,NW 82 Tokra 1,551.00 W,NW PR 83 Baloda Arsi 694.00 W PR 84 lassa Khedi 1,030'00 PR (1) W PR 85 Semlya 653.00 R,W 86 Jandla 95:'.00 PR (1) R.W 87 Gara Khedi 193.00 R 88 Peetha Khedi 981.00 89 Paduniya Lodha 557.00 R PR,R 90 Beesaheda 1,153.00 PR (I) W 91 Kajlana 1,306.00 O,R PR 92 Jhalariya 1,710.00 PR (1) E,EI W 93 Bargadi 1,098.00 FJ W 94 Badnagar 2,906.00 T,W PR,R Phone 95 Amla 6,514.00 PR (1 ),Mid.S.(I) MCW(l),FC(I) E,EI,EIN W KR PO 96 lafla 1,805.00 PR (1) W 97 Arandiya 376.00 BI W 98 Ubradiya 800.00 PR (1) W 99 Kotki 376.00 100 Kheda Madhav 736.00 W 101 Karadiya 446.00 W 102 Shekhpur 611.00 103 Bhomalwas 1,934.00 W KR 104 Upri 310.00 63


------~--- Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks ,------"------,-----...... weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C· Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal in terest

.--.. -~ _._------~----.-~--~-- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

------~------.----.-~ Wheat, Jowar 11.00 1,113.00 147.00 52.00 Badnagar 9.6 53 Wheat, Jowar 7.00 971.00 148.00 31. 00 Badnagar 19.2 54 Jowar, Wheat 7.00 1,198.00 223.00 101. 00 Badnagar 17.6 55 Jowar, Wheat 870.00 195.00 126.00 Badnagar 17.6 56 Jowar, Wheat 19.00 1,577.00 319.00 60.00 Badnagar 19.2 57 Jowar, Wheat 24.00 2,505.00 444.00 113.00 Badnagar 19.2 58 Jowar, Wheat 263.00 6,061.00 771.00 448.00 Badnagar 25.0 Friday 59 Jowar, Wheat 16.00 1,234.00 201.00 75.00 Badaagar 30.4 60 Jowar, Wheat 216.00 53.00 39.00 Badnagar 28.8 61 Jowar, Wheat 68.00 2,144.00 556.00 209.00 Badnagar 27.2 62 Jowar, Wheat 22.00 1,420.00 291.00 88.00 Badnagar 24.0 63 Jowar, Wheat 111.00 2,192.00 377.00 149.00 Badnagar 20.8 64 Jowar, Wheat 8.00 592.00 129.00 68.00 Badnagar 19.2 65 Jowar, Wheat 75.00 2,206.00 218.00 126.00 Badnagar 22.4 66 Jowar. Wheat 23.00 1,258.00 173.00 33.00 Badnagar 20.8 67 Jowar, Wheat 39.00 1,325.00 275.00 180.00 Badnagar 19.2 68 Jowar, Wheat 45.00 2,503.00 86.00 418.00 Badnagar 17.6 Monday 69 Jowar, Wheat 57.00 1,789.00 38.00 328.00 Badnagar 16.0 70 8.00 641.00 97.00 143.00 Badnagar 20.8 71 Jowar, Wheat 92.00 3,391.00 468.00 143.00 Badnagar 16.0 72 Jowar, Wheat 9.00 1,769.00 334.00 118.00 Badnagar 11. 2 73 J owar, Wheat 11.00 2,032.00 251.00 ]07.00 Badnagar 11.2 74 Jowar, Wheat 1.00 1,460.00 240.00 164.00 Badnagar 11.2 75 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 684.00 76.00 77.00 Badnagar 9.6 76 Wheat, Jowar 18.00 96.00 26.00 39.00 Badnagar 8.0 77 Wheat, Jowar 25.00 370.00 110.00 25.00 Badnagar 8.0 78 Jowar, Wheat 16.00 1,036.00 96.00 97.00 Badnagar 9.6 79 J owar, Wheat 2.00 625.00 ]44.00 60.00 Badnagar 9.6 80 Jowar, Wheat 14.00 1,776.00 247.00 118.00 Badnagar 8.0 81 Jowar, Wheat 7.00 1,244.00 195.00 105.00 Badnagar 6.4 82 Jowar, Wheat 13.00 533.00 109.00 39.00 Badnagar 6.4 83 Jowar, Wheat 39.00 873.00 68.00 50.00 Badnagar 6.4 84 Jowar, Wheat 489.00 83.00 81.00 Badnagar 5.6 85 Jowar, Wheat 1.00 731. 00 87.00 133.00 Badnagar 4.8 86 Jowar, Wheat 1.00 150.00 10.00 32.00 Badnagar 3.2 87 3.00 786.00 99.00 93.00 Badnagar 2.4 88 Jowar, Wheat 17.00 425.00 50.00 65.00 Badnagar 1.6 89 Jowar, Wheat 10.00 830.00 187.00 126.00 Badnagar 4.8 90 Wheat, Jowar 40.00 971. 00 149.00 146.00 Badnagar 1.6 91 Wheat, Jowar 22.00 1,425.00 170.00 93.00 Badnagar 4.8 92 Wheat, Jowar 35.00 954.00 69.00 40.00 Badnagar 3.2 93 162.00 2,176.00 365.00 203.00 Badnagar 0.0 94 Wheat, lowar 130.00 5,480.00 735.00 169.00 Badnagar 8.0 95 Wheat, Jowar 23.00 1,251.00 338.00 193.00 Badnagar 2.4 96 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 331.00 30.00 13.00 Badnagar 4.8 97 Wheat, Jowar 13.00 679.00 96.00 12.00 Badnagar 4.8 98 251.00 75.00 50.00 Badnagar 6.4 99 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 610.00 77.00 46.00 Badnagar 3.2 100 Wheat, J owar 8.00 316.00 41.00 81.00 Badnagar 1.6 101 16.00 418.00 84.00 93.00 Badnagar 1.6 102 Wheat, Jowar 6.00 1,438.00 328.00 162.00 Badnagar 4.8 103 216.00 29.00 65.00 Badnagar 6.4 104 64


.-~-~- ,~-~--.------Amenities available within the villages Total r- .A- L.C. area 6f Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

..------~~------.------.---.-~--- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

105 BhesJa Buzurg 1,307.00 W 106 Birgoda Randhir 995.00 PR (1) W 107 Umariya 1,436.00 PR (1) W 108 Likhoda 703.00 R 109 Jalodiya 3,472.00 PR (2) W KR 110 Lohariya 1,777.00 PR (1) W,NW 111 Ajanda 1,474.00 PR (1) R 112 Khandwa Sura 1,785.00 PR (1) R 113 Sarola 1,233.00 PR (1) R 114 Dbaturiya 1,045.00 PR (1) NW 115 Mundla 1,145.00 PR (1) NW 116 Bhidawad 2,445.00 PR (2) W 117 Rawadiya Kalan 1,496.00 PR (1) W 118 Suklana 1,206.00 PR (1) R,W 119 Lohana 4,737.00 PR (1),Mid.S.(I) 0(1) EI W KR PO 120 Kungara 1,544.00 PR (1) W 121 Khandwa Bibi 1,558.00 PR (1) W 122 Satwasa 1,097.00 PR (1) W 123 Nawda 2,033.00 PR (1) E,EI,EIN W 124 Badgara 1,805.00 Mid.S.(I) E,EI,EIN W 125 Piplu 2,946.00 PR (1) EI W KR 126 Gaji Khedi 884.00 W KR 127 Pithora 938.00 PR (1) W 128 Birgoda Natbu 1,529.00 PR (1) W 129 Dotru 2,239.00 PR (1) W 130 Gunawad 3,145.00 PR (1) W 131 Bisal Khedi 776.00 W 132 Bangred 3,604.00 PR (1) W KR PO 133 Fatehpur 3,372.00 PR (1) W 134 Asawta 2,565.00 PR (1) W 135 Akoliya 1,569.00 PR (1) W 136 Takrawada 836.00 R 137 Pirjhalar 3,995.00 PR (1) W R PO 138 Bhand Tilawali 780.00 NW R 139 Sohad 1,156.00 PR (1) W 140 Daulatpur 953.00 PR (1) W,R R 141 Pacholi 498.00 R 142 Dotardi 724.00 W 143 Palduna 3,238.00 Mid.s.(l) W PO 144 Namalpur 851.00 W 145 Maswadiya 1,168.00 E,BI W,R 146 Lakhesara 1,909.00 PR (1) W,R 147 Paslod 795.00 W,R PR 148 Narsinga 2,783.00 PR (1) W PR 149 Dangwada 4,342.00 PR (I) EI W PR 150 Baledi 4,737.00 PR (l),Mid.S.(I) E,EI,EIN W,O PR PO 151 Ghudawan 1,500.00 PR (I) EI W 152 Bhesla Kburd 1,491.00 PR (1) EI W 153 Sarsana 1,416.00 PR (1) W PR 154 Dharan Khedi 621.00 W 155 Karanpura 617.00 W 156 Patya Khedi 785.00 PR (I) W 65


Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks r--- w.:ekly including Culturab~ Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cult iva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal interest 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

-~------_---- Wheat, Jowar 6.00 1,073.00 197.00 31.00 Badnagar 4.8 105 Wheat, Jowar .. 6.00 805.00 137.00 47.00 Badnagar 4.8 106 Wheat, Jowar 6.00 1,329.00 67.00 34.00 Badnagar 6.4 107 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 563.00 117.QO 22.00 Badnagar 8.0 108 Wheat, Jowar 26.00 2,866.00 397.00 183.00 Badnagar 9.6 109 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 1,452.00 230.00 91.00 Badnagar 12.8 110 Wheat, Jowar .. 1,120.00 256.00 98.00 Baclnagar 9.6 111 Wheat, Jowar l.00 1,496.00 192.00 96.00 Badnagar 11.2 112 Wheat, Jowar ., 2.00 900.00 45.00 286.00 Badnagar 12.8 113 Wheat, Jowar 8.00 883.00 58.00 96.00 Badnagar 14.4 114 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 962.00 49.00 130.00 Badnagar 16.0 115 Wheat, Jowar 11.00 1,947.00 157.00 330.00 Badnagar 16.0 116 Wheat, Jowar 48.00 1,140.00 200.00 108.00 Badnagar 16.0 117 Wheat, Jowar 11.00 854.00 188.00 153.00 Badnagar 19.2 118 Wheat, Jowar 32.00 4,062.00 398.00 245.00 Badnagar 22.4 119 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 1,284.00 156.00 102.00 Badnagar 25.6 120 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 1,251.00 214.00 89.00 Badnagar 27.2 121 Wheat, Jowar 6.00 916.00 131.00 44.00 Badnagar 27.2 122 Wheat, J owar 32.00 1,713.00 224.00 64.00 Badnagar 30.4 123 Wheat, Jowar 36.00 1,433.00 254.00 82.00 Badnagar 32.0 124 Wheat, J owar 84.00 2,321.00 408.00 133.00 Badnagar 22.4 125 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 633.00 218.00 31.00 Badnagar 24.0 126 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 752.00 131.00 51.00 Badnagar 17.6 127 Wheat, Jowar 9.00 1,227.00 258.00 35.00 Badnagar 19.2 128 Wheat, Jowar 12.00 1,871.00 259.00 97.00 Badnagar 24.0 129 Wheat, Jowar 25.00 2,296.00 693.00 131.00 Badnagar 17.6 130 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 604.00 104.00 65.00 Badnagar 20.8 131 Wheat, Jowar 24.00 3,117.00 313.00 150.00 Badnagar 12.8 132 Wheat, Jowar 13.00 2,850.00 386.00 123.00 Badnagar 16.0 133 Wheat, Jowar 12.00 2,210.00 246.00 97.00 Badnagar 11.2 134 Wheat, Jowar 12.00 1,284.00 199.00 74.00 Badnagar 12.8 135 Wheat, Jowar 460.00 147.00 229.00 Badnagar 17.6 136 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 3,284.00 490.00 217.00 Badnagar 11.2 137 Wheat, Jowar 575.00 177.00 28.00 Badnagar 12.8 138 Wheat, Jowar 905.00 172.00 79.00 Badnagar 14.4 139 Wheat, Jowar 702.00 171.00 80.00 Badnagar 17.6 140 Wheat, Jowar 239.00 161.00 98.00 Badnagar 17.6 141 Wheat, Iowar 462.00 148.00 114.00 Badnagar 17.6 142 Wheat, Jowar 28.00 2,700.00 426.00 84.00 Badnagar 11.2 143 Wheat, Jowar 690.00 116.00 45.00 Badnagar 20.8 144 Wheat, Jowar 891.00 209.00 68.00 Badnagar 19.2 145 Wheat, Jowar 10.00 1,499.00 291.00 109.00 Badnagar 19.2 146 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 612.00 69.00 110.00 Badnagar 30.4 147 Wheat, Jowar 18.00 2,307.00 237.00 221.00 Badnagar 27.2 148 Wheat 26.00 3,493.00 411.00 412.00 Badnagar 27.2 149 Wheat, Jowar 104.00 3,805.00 530.00 298.00 Badnagar 22.4 150 Wheat, J owar 50.00 1,061.00 282.00 107.00 Badnagar 22.4 151 Wheat, J owar 29.00 1,202.00 204.00 56.00 Badnagar 22.4 152 Wheat, Jowar 6.00 973.00 299.00 138.00 Badnagar 17.6 153 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 428.00 85.00 105.00 Badnagar 24.0 154 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 532.00 59.00 25.00 Badnagar 30.4 155 Wheat, Jowar 20.00 595.00 140.00 30.00 Badnagar 27.2 156 66


~~_~----~- ... _ -~ ~------.'-_._--- -_ -_ .. _._------.-.------_------~--

, ______Amenities available.A. within the villages Total L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

157 Jhumki 1,056.00 PR (1) W 158 J ahangirpur 4,630.00 PR (1 ),Mid.S.(1) D(l) w PR PO 159 Amlawad Bika 1,106.00 PR (1) R 160 Mola Khedi 649.00 W 161 Malpura 1,510.00 PR (1) W 162 Murar Khedi 765.00 R 163 Jamal Pura 1,077 .00 W 164 Palsoda 2,J06.00 PR (1) W PR PO 165 Makdawan 2,968.00 PR (1) W PR,R 166 Mahudi Alam 841.00 W PR 167 Suwasa 2,323,00 PR (1 ),Mid.S.(I) E,EI,EIN W,O 168 Banbana 963.00 W 169 Kanjad 1,957.00 PR (1) E,Er,BIN W 170 Aslawada 1,812,00 Mid.S.(l) W R PO 171 Kothdi 1,868.00 PR (1) W,O 172 Banya Khedi 661.00 W 173 Kanthar Khedi 829.00 0 174 Narela Kalan 1,127.00 PR (1) W 175 Kalmoda 1,355.00 W 176 Gulab Khedi 791.00 0 177 Sikandar Kheda 714.00 PR (1) W,O 178 Rupa Heda 1,716.00 PR (1) W,O 179 Maniyawada 1,111.00 PR (1) W 180 Bamnapati 2,344.00 PR (I) W,O 181 Khadotiya 1,340.00 PR (1) R,O PR 182 Sura Khedi 664.00 W 183 Matangna 1,024.00 PR (1) W 184 Kulawada 1,227.00 W 185 Ingoriya 2,804.00 PR (l),Mid.S.(J) 0(1) E,EI,EIN W,TW PR PO

186 Chhan Khedi 426.00 W PR 187 Cheekali 2,977.00 PR (1) W PR PO 188 Kadhai 1,498.00 PR (1) EI w 189 Ghadsinga 1,257.00 PR (1) EI W 190 Bhondwas 736.00 R 191 Brahman Badoda 489.00 R 192 Nahar Khedi 519.00 R 193 Nimboda 1,848.00 PR (1) W _---_._--- TOTAL 301,749.00 PR (120) D (7) 32 T (1) PR (34) PO (22) Mid. S. (16) 0(3) W (138) KR (7) 0(1) Sic. S. (3) 0(48)

------~- ~----~

Source :-Columns (1) to (5) and (7) to (18) ; Tahsildar. Badnagar. Column (6) Madhya Pradesh Electricity Board, Jabalpur. 67


------._ - -_ _._------_._-_ ._--- - -... ----.~ ---_- - ._---- ._------Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks ,-______..A.. ______•____ -., weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- wast,;: (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture fOf distance held historical No. and cult iva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal interest

~-.. -.------_.. _- ~------10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ------Wheat, Jowar 3.00 766.00 129.00 158.00 Badnagar 22.4 157 Wheat, Jowar 25.00 3,728.00 541.00 336.00 Ujjain 27.2 Monday 158 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 721.00 189.00 194.00 Ujjain 25.6 159 Wheat, J owar 1.00 406.00 133.00 109.00 Ujjain 25.6 160 Wheat, Jowar 5.00 1,105.00 297.00 103.00 Ujjain 25.6 161 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 487.00 225.00 50.00 Ujjain 25.6 162 Wheat, Jowar 6.00 876.00 46.00 149.00 U_ijain 27.2 163 Wheat, Jowar 12.00 1,637.00 116.00 34 1 .00 Ujjain 25.6 164 Wheat, Iowar 5.00 2,293.00 435.00 235.00 Ujjain 24.0 165 Wheat, Iowar 1.00 681.00 114.00 45.00 Ujjain 35.2 166 Wheat, Iowal 40.00 1,729.00 399.00 155.00 Ujj;]in 20.8 167 Wheat, Iowar 1.00 806.00 120.00 36.00 Ujjain 20.8 168 Wheat, Iowar 22.00 1,587.00 229.00 119.00 Ujjain 22.4 169 Wheat, Jowar 11.00 1,195.00 390.00 216.00 Ujjain 20.8 170 Wheat, Iowar 3.00 1,264.00 499.00 102.00 Ujjain 20.8 171 Wheat, Iowar 3.00 527.00 81.00 50.00 Ujjain 19.2 172 Wheat, Iowar 1.00 630.00 123.00 75.00 Ujjain 17.6 173 Wheat, Iowar 858.00 101.00 168.00 Ujjain 20.8 174 Iowar, Wheat 943.00 279.00 133.00 Ujjain 20.8 175 Iowar, Wheat 2.00 532.00 114.00 143.00 Ujjain 22.4 176 Iowar, Wheat 15.00 431.00 110.00 158.00 Ujjain 24.0 177 Iowar, Wheat 11.00 1,367.00 180.00 158.00 Ujjain 22.4 178 Iowar, Wheat 6.00 961.00 95.00 49.00 Ujjain 24.0 179 Iowar, Wheat 11.00 1,860.00 305.00 168.00 Ujjain 16.0 180 Iowar, Wheat 1,005.00 262.00 73.00 Ujjain 16.0 181 Wheat, Iowar 4.00 553.00 82.00 25.00 Ujjain 16.0 182 Wheat, .Iowar 5.00 845.00 124.00 50.00 Ujjain 16.0 183 Wheat, Iowar 3.00 1,035.00 146.00 43.00 Ujjain 17.6 184 Wheat, Iowar 32.00 2,415.00 230.00 127.00 Ujjain 22.4 Tuesday 185 Badnagar 22.4 Wheat, Iowar 304.00 90.00 32.00 Ujjain 16.0 186 Wheat, Iowar 29.00 2,357.00 287.00 304.00 Ujjain 19.2 187 Wheat, Iowar 6.00 1,2n.OO 153.00 61.00 Ujjain 27.2 188 Wheat, Iowar 3.00 1,065.00 152.00 37.00 Ujjain 27.2 189 Wheat, J owar 521.00 176.00 39.00 Ujjain 24.0 190 Wheat, IOW;]f 3.00 371.00 55.00 60.00 Ujjain 25.6 191 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 402.00 67.00 48.00 Ujjain 24.0 192 Wheat, Jowar 6.00 1,478.00 104.00 260.00 Ujjain 27.2 193

3,184.00237,850.0038,864.00 21,851.00 68


Amenities available within the villages Total ,-- --J-- ...... L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing niea- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

~-- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 Dhanda 1,825.00 W 2 Chhitar Devi 1,249.00 W 3 Ahlr Kheda 800.00 W 4 Borkheda Bhalla 1,190.00 PR. (1) W 5 Iluhipur 743.00 R,W 6 Piplyatah 600.00 W 7 Gudha ! ,705.00 PR (1) R 8 Lasurdiya Bazar 862.00 W 9 lhokra 538.00 W 10 Paroliya lhali 940.00 W 11 Dhool Mahu 1,177.00 W 12 Khedla 610.00 W 13 Tumdawada 1,836.00 PR (1) W 14 Jhlrniya 891.00 W 15 Khoyariya 496.00 W 16 Ruie 1,826.00 PR (1) W PO 17 Semalia Bibi 732.00 W 18 Dhabla Dhuta 1,026.00 W 19 Dhuletiya 1,864.00 PR (1) R 20 Naweli 1,162.00 PR (1) W 21 Panched 959.00 R KR 22 Bihariya 995.00 PR (1) W KR 23 Motipura 566.00 W KR 24 Sala Khedi 802.00 R 25 Piplya Rama 2,059.00 PR (1) W 26 Harigarh 928.00 R 27 Bans Khedi 1,270.00 PR (1) W 28 Barathi Kheda 420.00 R KR 29 Kaluheda 2,031.00 PR (1) , Mid.S.( 1) W KR PO 30 Bor Khedi 705.00 E1 R KR 31 Bhil Kheda 1,101.00 W 32 Kishanpura 827.00 W 33 Silari 678.00 R 34 Mcen 1,485.00 PR (I) W 35 Nawakheda alias Sutarkhcda 677.00 Ef W 36 Pan Bihar 6,042.00 PR (1),Mid.S.( I) D(I) E,EI,EIN W,NW PR PO 37 Gunai Jagir 653.00 PR (1) R 38 Kithoda Jagir 648.00 R 39 Kesalpur 529.00 W PR 40 Kagdi Karadiya 779.00 PR (1) E,Er,EIN R 41 Nipanya SUnar 718.00 W PR 42 PadmaKhedi 454.00 R 43 Samar Khedi 332.00 NW 44 Kaliyadeh 1,367.00 R PR 45 Ute sara 695.00 NW 46 Bormundla 779.00 EI W 47 Badarkha Babaji 532.00 El W PR 48 Jairampur 600.00 W 49 Bandka 1,148.00 PR (1) NW,O PR 50 Piplai 501.00 NW,O PR,R 51 Kadwali 679.00 PR (1) NW,O PR,R 52 Jaithal 1,854.00 PR (1) E,EI,EIN NW,O PR,R 69


Land use (i .e. area under different types of land u~) in acres Day or Remarks r------.A.-- , weekly including Culturable Area not Neare~t Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal interest 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 lowar, Wheat ., 2.00 1,346.00 332.00 145.00 Mahidpur 16.0 1 Jowar, Wheat 2.00 990.00 193.00 64.00 Mahidpur 16.0 2 Jowar, Wheat 2.00 648.00 88.00 62.00 Mahidpur 19.2 3 Jowar, Wheat 3.00 946.00 150.00 91.00 Mahidpur 19.2 4 Wheat, Jowar 401.00 135.00 207.00 Mahidpur 20.8 5 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 381.00 138.00 80.00 Ujjain 19.2 6 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 945.00 300.00 459.00 Ujjain 20.8 7 Wheat, Jowar .. 637.00 117.00 108.00 Ujjain 17.6 8 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 364.00 124.00 49.00 Ujjain 16.0 9 Wheat, Jowar 555.00 145.00 240.00 Ujjain 19.2 10 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 828.00 317.00 30.00 Ujjain 16.0 11 Wheat, Jowar 424.00 171.00 15.00 Ujjain 12.8 12 Wheat, J owar 1,079.00 388.00 369.00 Ujjain 16.0 13 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 683.00 122.00 82.00 Ujjain 11.2 14 Wheat, Jowar 308.00 75.00 113.00 Ujjain 19.2 15 Wheat, Jowar 11.00 1,354.00 269.00 192.00 Ujjain 24.0 16 Wheat, Jowar 537.00 105.00 90.00 Ujjain 24.0 17 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 804.00 146.00 74.00 Ujjain 19.2 18 Wheat, Jowar 6.00 1,071.00 187.00 600.00 Ujjain 24.0 19 Wheat, Jowar 778.00 244.00 140.00 Ujjain 24.0 20 Wheat, Jowar 6.00 607.00 67.00 279.00 Ujjain 27.2 21 Wheat, Jowar 10.00 695.00 162.00 128.00 Ujjain 25.6 22 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 355.00 126.00 84.00 Ujjain 24.0 23 Wheat, Jowar 426.00 139.00 237.00 Mahidpur 11.2 24 Wheat, J owar 1.00 1,328.00 317.00 413.00 Mahidpur 14.4 25 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 569.00 177.00 181.00 Mahidpur 16.0 26 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 904.00 302.00 62.00 Ujjain 17.6 27 Wheat, Jowar 273.00 114.00 33.00 Mahidpur 12.8 28 Wh~at, Jowar 13.00 1,490.00 392.00 136.00 Mahidpur 16.0 29 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 545.00 118.00 41.00 Mahidpur 12.8 30 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 916.00 144.00 38.00 Ujjain 20.8 31 Wheat, Jowar 686.00 129.00 12.00 Mahidpur 16.0 32 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 430.00 121.00 123.00 Ujjain 28.8 33 Whear, J owar 11.00 1,241.00 112.00 121.00 Ujjain 25.6 34 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 478.00 125.00 73.00 Ujjian 24.0 35 Wheat, Jowar 19.00 4,655.00 352.00 1,016.00 Ujjain 22.4 36 Wheat, Jowar 15.00 414.00 42.00 182.00 Ujjain 14.4 37 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 533.00 22.00 92.00 Ujjain 14.4 38 Wheat, Jowar 425.00 48.00 56.00 Ujjain 14.4 39 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 589.00 50.00 138.00 Ujjain 14.4 40 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 578.00 65.00 72.00 Ujjain 14.4 41 Wheat, Jowar 316.00 33.00 105.00 Ujjain 12.8 42 Wheat, Jowar 231.00 82.00 19.00 Ujjain 11.2 43 Wheat, J owar 16.00 918.00 220.00 213.00 Ujjain 6.4 44 Wheat, Jowar 507.00 82.00 106.00 Ujjain 9.6 45 Wheat, Jowar 21.00 546.00 82.00 130.00 Ujjain 14.4 46 Wheat, Jowar 16.00 451.00 41.00 24.00 Ujjain 9.6 47 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 500.00 47.00 52.00 Ujjain 16.0 48 Wheat, Jowar 6.00 786.00 232.00 124.00 Ujjain 16.0 49 . Wheat, Jowar 4.00 349.00 97.00 51.00 Ujjain 12.8 50 Wheat, Jowar 9.00 459.00 140.00 71.00 Ujjain 16.0 51 . Wheat, Jowar 15.00 1,338.00 276.00 225.00 Ujjain 12.8 52 70


Amenities available within the villages Total ,- .A. ---'\ L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu. Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica· and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

53 Piplya Munjapta 629.00 PR (I) NW,O PR,R 54 Shankarpur Jagir 1,387.00 W 55 Lakhaheda 1,345.00 PR (1) W 56 Ishakpur 460.00 W 57 Devi Karadiya 293.00 W 58 Nipanya Goyal 1,263.00 Mid.S.(I) W PR 59 Ranaheda 1,342.00 PR (1) W 60 Tulaheda 1,969.00 PR (1) W 61 Dhanna Khedi 1,101.00 PR (1) W 62 Nazarpur 4,165.00 PR (1 ),Mid.S.(1) E,EI,EIN W PR PO 63 Ghatiya 3,449.00 PRe 1 ),Mid.S.(I),Sec.S.(l) H( I) E,EI,EIN W PR,R PO 64 Jalwa 2,925.00 PR (1) EI W 65 Kalu Khcdi 1,120.00 EI NW 66 Biram Khedi 1,153.00 W 67 Koyam Khedi 1,435.00 PR (1) W 68 Ralayati 1,402.00 PR (I) W 69 Ralayata Haibat 1,601. 00 PR (I) W 70 Salamta 1,283.00 W 71 Cbitawalya 1,144.00 PR (1) EI W 12 Jhitar Khedi 1,503.00 PR (1) E,EI,EIN W 73 Bl~ensa Khedi 767.00 W 74 Daulatpur 821. 00 W 75 Bichhdod Istamurar 1,400.00 W 76 Bichhdod Munjapta 310.00 77 Amarpura 795.00 W 78 Sulya 708.00 W 79 Bichhdod Khalsa 2,273.00 Mid.S.( I) D(I) EI W PO 80 Gadroli 754.00 W 81 Kumhardi 409.00 W 82 Bhimpura 349.00 W 83 Guradiya Gujar 2,743.00 PR (1) W 84 Khajuriya Sadar 1,118.00 PR (1) W 85 Mali Khedi 1,520.00 PR (1) D(l) W 86 Runji 1,350.00 W 87 Kher Khedi 376.00 EI W 88 Dabri 2,061.00 PR (1) W 89 Dhabla Gori 1,213.00 PR (1) El W 90 Kalesar 908.00 W 91 Banda 1,168.00 PR (1) W 92 Anwalya 1,191.00 PR (1) W 93 Chonsala 869.00 E,Er,EIN W 94 Bhutiya 1,205.00 W 95 Ujjainya 3,455.00 PR (1) W PO 96 Bamori 1,139.00 PR (1) W 97 Bisa Khedi 603.00 W 98 Rudaheda 2,344.00 PR (I) W PO 99 Barkhedi Jagir 479.00 W 100 Gunai Khalsa 1,354.00 EI W 101 Piplya Bichha 939.00 W 102 Jambura ),641.00 W 103. Umariya Jagir 1,274.00 PR (1) W 104 Bakaniya 2,022.00 PR (1) W 71



Land use (i.e. area under different--A.. ______types of land use) in acres---, Day of Remarks weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

---~------~------Wheat, Jowar 8.00 503.00 89.00 29.00 Ujjain 16.0 53 Wheat, Jowar 11.00 932.00 263.00 181.00 Ujjain 20.8 54 Wheat, Jowar 9.00 1,018.00 180.00 138.00 Ujjain 19.2 55 Wheat, Jowar 5.00 319.00 89.00 47.00 Ujjain 19.2 56 Wheat, Jowar 175.00 64.00 54.00 Ujjain 16.0 57 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 1,019.00 133.00 110.00 Ujjain 16.0 58 Jowar, Wheat 16.00 1,029.00 211. 00 86.00 Ujjain 20.8 59 Jowar, Wheat 51.00 1,639.00 76.00 203.00 Ujjain 16.0 60 Jowar, Wheat 4.00 903.00 73.00 121.00 Ujjain 24.0 61 Wheat, Jowar 95.00 3,315.00 246.00 509.00 Ujjain 19.2 Saturday 62 Wheat, Jowar 133.00 2,079.00 415.00 822.00 Ujjain 25.6 Monday 63 Wheat, Jowar 126.00 2,311.00 422.00 66.00 Tarana 16.0 64 Wheat, Jowar 49.00 959.00 73.00 39.00 Tarana 16.0 65 Wheat, Jowar 8.00 S05.00 213.00 127.00 Tarana 17.6 66 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 1,038.00 306.00 90.00 Tarana 16.0 67 Wheat, Jowar 27.00 1,193.00 75.00 107.00 Tarana 17.6 68 Wheat, Jowar 14.00 1,255.00 94.00 238.00 Tarana 17.6 69 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 1,097.00 101.00 82.00 Tarana 16.0 70 Wheat, Jowar 26.00 907.00 128.00 83.00 Tarana 16.0 71 Wheat, Jowar 87.00 1,105.00 16S.00 143.00 Tarana 12.8 72 Wheat, Jowar 6.00 451.00 269.00 41.00 Tarana 12.8 73 Wheat, J owar 610.00 85.00 126.00 Tarana 12.S 74 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 1,166.00 10S.00 124.00 Tarana 8.0 75 2.00 282.00 20.00 6.00 Tarana 10.0 76 Wheat, Jowar 6.00 689.00 64.00 36.00 Tarana 11.2 77 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 527.00 89.00 89.00 Tarana 8.0 78 Wheat, Jowar 8.00 1,969.00 119.00 177.00 Tarana 9.8 Tuesday 79 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 625.00 63.00 63.00 Tarana 9.6 80 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 290.00 42.00 75.00 Tarana 6.4 81 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 210.00 17.00 60.00 Tarana 6.4 82 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 1,918.00 280.00 543.00 Tarana 11. 2 83 Wheat, J owar 2.00 792.00 58.00 266.00 Tarana 12.8 84 Jowar, Wheat 62.00 1,264.00 118.00 76.00 Tarana 16.0 85 Jowar, Wheat 18.00 1,064.00 182.00 86.00 Tarana 14.4 86 Jowar, Wheat 5.00 307.00 35.00 29.00 Tarana 12.8 87 Wheat, Jowar 43.00 1,608.00 148.00 262.00 Ujjain 25.6 88 Wheat, Jowar 15.00 837.00 53.00 308.00 Ujjain 26.S 89 Jowar, Wheat 53.00 666.00 54.00 135.00 Ujjain 27.2 90 Jowar, Wheat 8.00 839.00 85.00 236.00 Ujjain 27.2 91 Jowar, Wheat 24.00 935.00 160.00 72.00 Ujjain 24.0 92 Jowar, Wheat 24.00 567.00 148.00 130.00 Ujjain 27.2 93 Jowar, Wheat 1.00 706.00 38.00 460.00 Ujjain 19.2 94 Jowar, Wheat 21.00 2,385.00 307.00 742.00 Ujjain 16.0 95 Jowar, Wheat 6.00 910.00 42.00 181.00 Tarana 12.8 96 Jowar, Wheat 2.00 515.00 17.00 69.00 Tarana 12.8 91 Jowar, Wheat 8.00 1,839.00 196.00 301.00 Tarana 14.4 98 Jowar, Wheat 352.00 89.00 38.00 Tarana 12.8 99 Jowar. Wheat 138.00 3.00 781.00 59.00 373.00 Ujjain 20.8 100 Jowar, Wheat 307.00 22.00 488.00 20.00 102.00 Ujjain 20.8 101 Jowar, Wheat 60.00 5.00 1,265.00 113.00 198.00 Ujjain 17.6 102 Jowar, Wheat 31.00 1,009.00 69.00 165.00 Ujjain 19.2 103 Jowar, Wheat 7.00 1,495.00 344.00 176.00 Ujjaill 16.0 104 72


Amenities available within the villages Total r- __A___ L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Cummu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

105 Sayar Khedi 593.00 PR (1) W 106 Dewan Khedi 329.00 W 107 Bhand Badodiya 781.00 PR (1) W 108 Dhawla Rehwari 1,648.00 PR (I) EI W PR 109 Sahab Khedi 675.00 W 110 Nahariya 1,423.00 PR (I) W 111 Badarkha Berasiya 1,172.00 PR (1) W 112 Pingleshwar 1,157.00 W R 113 Moru Khedi 995.00 W PR 114 Chak Jairampur 513.00 W PR 115 Harsodan 2,444.00 PR (2) VH(l) E,EI,ElN W PR 116 Tajpur 5,530.00 PR (l),Mid.S.(I) D(I) E,EI,EIN W PR,R PO 117 Bhainsoda 1,218.00 PR (I) EI W PR 118 Amirpur (Kuslakhedi) 619.00 W 119 DerKhedi 584.00 W PR 120 Khajuriya Kumawat 724.00 W PR 121 Biaora 1,500.00 PR (1) W 122 Bans Khedi Khalsa 852.00 PR (1) W 123 MolaKhedi 530.00 W 124 Bad Kummed 2,257.00 Mid.S.(1) EI W PO 125 Tankariya Kazi 653.00 W 126 Bodani 695.00 W 127 Harnya Khedi 1,154.00 W 128 Kesoni 1,525.00 PR (1) W 129 Dudarsi 970.00 W 130 Dau Khedi 1,269.00 W 131 Kadchhali 1,197.00 PR (1) W 132 Dhatrawada 1,088.00 W 133 Jawasiya Kumar 1,161.00 W 134 Manpura 691.00 W PR 135 Nimanwasa 1,513.00 E,EI,EIN W PR 136 Nagjhiri 502.00 E,EI,EIN W PR 137 Lalpur 986.00 W PR 138 Shank arpur Khalsa 647.00 PR (1) W PR 139 Karondiya 881.00 W 140 Nolakhi Bid 818.00 T PR 141 Jaiwantpur 550.00 W 142 Surjanwasa 1,013.00 PR (1) W 143 Undasa 3,069.00 PR (1) W PO 144 Pandya Khedi 706.00 E,EI,EIN W PR 145 Pawasa 634.00 PR (1) E,EI,EIN W PR 146 Surasa 908.00 PR (1) W PR 147 Kamed 970.00 E,El W 148 Khilchipur 847.00 E,EI,EIN W PR 149 Bhitari Maychak 1,259.00 W PR 150 Hakkanipura 439.00 PR (1) W 151 Sulya Khedi 384.00 E,EI,EIN W 152 Abu Khana 259.00 E,EI R PR 153 Kolu Khedi 582.00 W PR 154 Bhaded /14.00 T 155 Mojam Khedi 680.00 El W PR 156 Waj irpur alias Jogi Khedi 458.00 W 73


Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks -.J.... weekly including Culturable\ Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if aay, of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Jowar, Wheat 5.00 436.00 105.00 47.00 Ujjain 14.4 105 Jowar, Wheat 248.00 33.00 48.00 Ujjain 16.0 106 Jowar, Wheat 8.00 624.00 115.00 34.00 Ujjain 14.4 107 Jowar, Wheat 18.00 1,364.00 96.00 170.00 Ujjain 8.0 108 Jowar, Wheat 51.00 478.00 97.00 49.00 Ujjain 6.4 109 Jowar, Wheat 2.00 969.00 233.00 219.00 Ujjain 8.0 110 Jowar, Wheat 11.00 835.00 140.00 J86.00 Ujjain 11.2 111 Jowar, Wheat 7.00 876.00 127.00 147.00 Ujjain 6.4 112 Wheat, Jowar 11.00 831.00 89.00 64.00 Ujjain 8.8 113 Wheat, Jowar 432.00 27.00 54.00 Ujjain 8.0 114 Wheat, Jowar 131. 00 1,856.00 157.00 300.00 Ujjain 10.4 115 Jowar, Wheat 160.00 3,857.00 890.00 623.00 Ujjain 14.4 Thursday 116 Jowar, Wheat 68.00 914.00 127.00 109.00 Ujjain 16.0 117 Jowar, Wheat 20.00 471.00 107.00 21.00 Ujjain 16.0 118 Jowar, Wheat 7.00 479.00 57.00 41.00 Ujjain 17.6 119 J owar, Wheat 10.00 556.00 103.00 55.00 Ujjain 17.6 120 Jowar, Wheat 20.00 1,216.00 204.00 60.00 Ujjaio 17.6 121 J owar, Wheat 6.00 645.00 153.00 48.00 Ujjain 19.2 122 Jowar, Wheat 10.00 462.00 40.00 18.00 Ujjain 19.2 123 Jowar, Wheat 108.00 1,619.00 360.00 170.00 Ujjain 14.4 124 Jowar, Wheat 3.00 513.00 86.00 51.00 Ujjain 19.2 125 Jowar, Wheat 2.00 517.00 108.00 68.00 Ujjain 19.2 126 Jowar, Wheat 5.00 914.00 210.00 25.00 Ujjain 19.2 127 Jowar, Wheat 24.00 1,120.00 327.00 54.00 Ujjain 11. 2 128 Jowar, Wheat 7.00 762.00 172.00 29.00 Ujjain 11. 2 129 Jowar, Wheat 11.00 464.00 59.00 735.00 Ujjain 12.8 130 Jowar. Wheat 9.00 899.00 215.00 74.00 Ujjain 16.0 131 Jowar, Wheat 912.00 128.00 48.00 Ujjain ,4.8 132 twar. Wheat 986.00 118.00 57.00 Ujjain 6.4 133 owar. Wheat 1.00 447.00 152.00 91.00 Ujjain 8.0 134 owar, Wheat 67.00 870.00 208.00 368.00 Ujjain 1.6 135 Jowar, Wheat 5.00 172.00 52.00 273.00 Ujjain 1.6 136 Jowar, Wheat 1.00 709.00 197.00 79.00 Ujjain 3.2 137 Jowar, Wheat 9.00 457.00 143.00 38.00 Ujjain 8.0 8 138 Jowar, Wheat 3.00 6 6.00 141.00 51.00 Ujjain 9.6 139 Jowar, Wheat 798.00 20.00 Ujjain 9.6 140 Jowar, Wheat 1.00 416.00 93.00 40.00 Ujjain 12.8 141 Jowar, Wheat 781.00 184.00 48.00 Ujjain 12.8 142 Jowar, Wheat 33.00 1,692.00 618.00 726.00 Ujjain 6.4 143 Jowar, Wheat 10.00 318.00 262.00 116.00 Ujjain 3.0 144 Jowar, Wheat 2.00 501.00 56.00 75.00 Ujjain 3.2 145 Jowar, Wheat 19.00 607.00 128.00 154.00 Ujjain 6.4 146 Jo~ar, Wheat 17.00 663.00 190.00 100.00 Ujjain 1.6 147 Jowar, Wheat 39.00 478.00 225.00 105.00 Ujjain 1.6 148 Jowar, Wheat 91.00 731. 00 301.00 136.00 Ujjain 3.0 149 Jowar, Wheat 7.00 333.00 71.00 28.00 Ujjain 3.2 150 Jowar, Wheat 16.00 220.00 81.00 67.00 Ujjain 6.4 151 Wheat, Jowar 9.00 190.00 54.00 6.00 Ujjain 4.8 152 Wheat, Jowar 455.00 42.00 85.00 Ujjain 4.8 153 Wheat, Jowar 14.00 487.00 77.00 136.00 Ujjain 3.2 154 Wheat, Jowar 5.00 516.00 120.00 39.00 Ujjain 4.8 155 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 365.00 57.00 35.00 Ujjain 10.8 156 74


Amenities available within the villages Total ro- L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

------.-~------~.- -- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

157 Bherugal"h 193.00 Mid.S.(1) H(1) T PR PO 158 Gunaya 1,046.00 W 159 Nana Khedi 967.00 W 160 Ralayata Bhoja 1,128.00 PR (1) EI W 161 Barkhedi Khalsa 322.00 W PR 162 Jhobra 113.00 163 Ajampura 1,556.00 PR (1) Er W 164 Madhavgarh 353.00 W 165 Ramgarh 1,022.00 PR (1) EI W 166 Sodang 1,464.00 PR (1) EI W 167 Sipawara 1,447.00 PR (1) W 168 Gayla Buzurg 1,806.00 PR (1) W 169 Khalana 1,249.00 PR (1) W 170 Nagpura 898.00 W 171 Chakrawada 2,090.00 PR (1) EI W 172 Ajnoti 527.00 W 173 Mahu Khedi 850.00 W 174 Badadiya Kazi 1,789.00 PR (1) W 175 Gansa 1,467.00 EI W 176 Singawada 1,004.00 W R 177 Sarola 1,504.00 PR (1) EI W 178 Amodiya 1,547.00 PR (1) W 179 Badwai 862.00 W 180 lIas Khedi 728.00 EI W 181 Nai Khedi 8\7.00 W R 182 Silodarawal 1,348.00 PR (1) EI W 183 Amirpur alias Fajalpur 692.00 PR (1) R 184 Kharent 971.00 PR (1) W PR 185 Nalwa 2,341.00 PR (1) D(1) E,ET,EIN w PR PO 186 Jalal Khedi 1,173.00 W 187 Chandu Khedi 2,131.00 PR (1) W PR 188 Ratadiya 1,153.00 PR (1) W PR 189 Vinayap 664.00 EI W 190 Mohanpura 1,889.00 PR (1) EI W PR 191 Jiapura EI 192 Sawara Khedi 456.00 EI 193 Daud Khedi 1,474.00 PR (1) EI NW 194 Jiwan Khedi 362.00 EI R 195 Chand Mukh 776.00 W 196 Sikandari 882.00 W 197 Palkhedi 809.00 PR (1) W 198 Gangedi 1,805.00 PR (1) W 199 Brijraj Khedi 1,432.00 PR (1) W 200 Hasampura 1,317.00 PR (1) W 201 Gondiya 2,337.00 PR (1) W 202 Chintaman Jawasiya 3,359.00 PR (1) W R PO 203 Ranabad 776.00 W 204 Magrola 2,013.00 PR (1) EI W 205 Ratna Khedi 908.00 EI W 206 Dewrakhedi Buzurg 648.00 EI W 207 Bamora 2,571.00 PR (1) W 208 Samadiya 781.00 R 75


---~---.------.. --~~~ _. -_ ------. ~~--.------_------Land use (i.e. area under different types of land Use) in acres Day of Remarks .A..-______~-_--'1 weekly induding Cult

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Wheat, Jowar 18.00 56.00 52.00 67.00 Ujjain 3.2 157 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 719.00 227.00 99.00 Ujjain 11. 2 158 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 807.00 65.00 91.00 Ujjain 9.6 159 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 907.00 121.00 97.00 Ujjain 8.0 160 Jowar, Wheat 22.00 164.00 87.00 49.00 Ujjilin 6.4 161 5.00 88.00 17.00 3.00 Ujjain 8.0 162 Jowar, Wheat 3.00 1,101.00 292.00 160.00 Ujjain 8.0 163 Jowar, Wheat 219.00 68.00 66.00 Ujjain 9.6 164 Jowar, Wheat 7.00 814.00 159.00 42.00 Ujjain 8.0 165 lowar, Wheat 11.00 1,041.00 223.00 189.00 Ujjain 8.0 166 lowar, Wheat 12.00 980.00 370.00 85.00 Ujjain 17.6 167 lowar, Wheat 4.00 1,281.00 323.00 198.00 Ujjain ]4.4 168 Jowar, Wheat 4.00 933.00 264.00 48.00 Ujjain 16.0 169 Jowar, Wheat 1.00 740.00 133.00 24.00 Ujjain i4.4 170 Jowar, Wheat 19.00 1,621.00 294.00 156.00 Ujjain 9.6 171 Jowar, Wheat 3.00 406.00 79.00 39.00 Ujjain 12.8 172 Jowar, Wheat 7.00 656.00 134.00 53.00 Ujjain 19.8 173 Jowar, Wheat 18.00 1,352.00 377.00 42.00 Ujjain 11. 2 174 Jowar, Wheat 4.00 1,170.00 240.00 53.00 Ujjain 9.4 175 Jowar, Wheat 8.00 623.00 258.00 115.00 Ujjain 19.2 176 Iowar, Wheat 19.00 1,143.00 205.00 137.00 Ujjain ]6.0 177 Jowar, Wheat 35.00 1,121.00 234.00 157.00 Ujjain 16.0 178 Jowar, Wheat 1.00 517.00 149.00 ]95.00 Ujjain 17.6 179 Jowar, Wheat 9.00 620.00 80.00 19.00 Ujjain 14.4 180 Iowar. Wheat 5.00 645.00 116.00 51.00 Ujjain 12.8 ]81 Jowar, Wheat 12.00 1,124.00 123.00 89.00 Ujjain 14.4 182 Jowar. Wheat 1.00 456.00 95.00 140.00 Ujjain 14.4 183 Jowar, Wheat 714.00 109.00 148.00 Ujjain 12.8 184 Jowar, Wheat 4.00 1,659.00 268.00 410.00 Ujjain 12.8 185 Jowar, Wheat 16.00 839.00 68.00 250.00 Ujjain 9.6 186 Jowar, Wheat 1.00 1,799.00 80.00 251.00 Ujjain 9.6 187 Jowar. Wheat 22.00 839.00 179.00 113.00 Uj.iain 6.4 188 Jowar, Wheat 17.00 467.00 62.00 118.00 Ujjain 8.0 189 Jowar. Wheat 36.00 1,431.00 249.00 173.00 Ujjain 4.8 190 Ujjain 3.0 191 11.00 262.00 51.00 132.00 Ujjain 4.0 192 Jowar. Wheat 8.00 1,059.00 133.00 274.00 Ujjain 5.6 193 Jowar, Wheat 13.00 289.00 18.00 42.00 Ujjain 4.8 194 Jowar, Wheat 3.00 642.00 20.00 111.00 Ujjain 7.2 195 Jowar, Wheat 2.00 669.00 31.00 180.00 Ujjain 8.0 196 Jowar, Wheat 34.00 656.00 47.00 72.00 Ujjain 8.0 197 Jowar. Wheat 26.00 1,366.00 249.00 164.00 Ujjain 9.6 198 Jowar. Wheat 16.00 1,127.00 123.00 166.00 Ujjain 11.2 199 Jowar, Wheat 2.00 969.00 123.00 223.00 Ujjain 16.0 200 Jowar, Wheat 23.00 1,868.00 175.00 271.00 Ujjain 19.2 201 Jowar, Wheat 34.00 2,646.00 418.00 261.00 Ujjain 9.6 202 Jowar. Wheat 1.00 487.00 148.00 140.00 Ujjain 14.4 203 Jowar. Wheat 47.00 1,629.00 225.00 112.00 Ujjain 4.8 204 Jowar, Wheat 9.00 758.00 90.00 5].00 Ujjain 8.0 205 Jowar. Wheat 29.00 484.00 30.00 105.00 Ujjain 12.8 206 Jowar, Wheat 17.00 2,080.00 105.00 369.00 Ujjain 12.8 207 Jowar, Wheat 600.00 17.00 164.00 Ujjain 16.0 208 76


Amenities available within the villages Total r- .A. L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

--~ --~-~ .. ------_ .------~ ------~- 209 Aslana 1,203.00 PR (1) R 210 Akasoda 1,518.00 PR (1) W 211 Sabalpur alias Bucha Khedi 414.00 W 212 Talod 3,948.00 Mid. S. (1) W PO 213 Khemasa 1,854.00 PR (1) R 214 Erwas 1,184.00 PR (1) NW,W 215 Kandariya 1,394.00 PR (1) NW,W 216 Umariya Khalsa 856.00 W 217 Tankariya Panth 1,386.00 PR (I) D(I) W R 218 Ajrana 443.00 W 219 Takwasa 1,693.00 PR (1) W PO 220 HamirKhedi 1,384.00 PR (1) W 221 Jhiaroliya 1,347.00 PR (1) W 222 Fatehabad 1,243.00 PR (1) W,NW R 223 Badal Khedi 420.00 W 224 Ramjan Khedi 442.00 W 225 Nil Kanth 823.00 W,NW. PR,R 226 Mundla Suleman 1,172.00 W PR 227 Kankariya Chirakhan 1,453.00 PR (1) W PR 228 Lekoda 4,556.00 PR (I), Mid. S. (1) W PO 229 Limba Piplya 2,631.00 PR (1) W 230 Jasti Khedi 776.00 PR (1) W 231 larkhoda 1,577.00 PR (1) W 232 Khetiya Khedi 565.00 W 233 Karohan 2,060.00 PR (1) D(l) E W 234 Naya Khedi 556.00 W 235 SiJodamori 1,091. 00 PR (1) W 236 Piplya Ragho 1,044.00 PR (1) E W 237 Chhayan 458.00 PR (1) W 238 Jamalpura 856.00 W 239 Kokla Khedi 769.00 E W 240 Magariya 529.00 W 241 Ramwasa 1,012.00 PR (1) E W PR 242 Panth Piplai 1,710.00 PR (1) D(1) E W PR PO 243 Gothada 514.00 PR (1) EI W PR 244 Dhediya 544.00 PR (1) EI W,R PR 245 Medi)' a 485.00 PR (1) EI R PR 246 Klradiya alias Nawa Kheda 895.00 PR (I), Mid.S.(I),Sec.S.(I) T PR 247 Ninora 1,350.00 PR (1) EI W PR 248 NanaKheda 1,172.00 PR (1) E,EI,EIN W PR 249 Kothi Mahal 785.00 PR (1) W,T PR PO 250 Malanwasa 804.00 EI W PR 251 Goyala Khurd 45.008 E,BI W PR 252 Sakkarwasa lL4.00 PR (1) E,EJ,EIN W PR 253 Hariya Khedi 309.00 PR (I) W PR 254 HamuKhedi 849.00 W PR 255 Kuwariya 502.00 PR (1) W 256 Chandesara 952.00 PR (1) EI W PR 257 Chandesari ! ,601.00 PR (1) EI W PR 258 Matana Buzurg 1,643.00 PR (1) EI W PR,R PO 259 Datana 2,145.00 PR (1) E,EI,EIN W PR,R 260 Khajuriya Rahwari 1,605.00 PR (1) W 77


Land use (i.e. area under differenUypes of land use) in acres Day of Remarks r-- ---A. weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, ofreligious, L.C· Staple Fuod Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal in teres t

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Iowar, Wheat 4.00 919.00 38.00 242.00 Ujjain 19.2 209 Jowar, Wheat 3.00 1,188.00 66.00 261.00 Ujjain 16.0 210 Jowar, Wheat ~59.00 6.00 49.00 Ujjain 20.8 211 Jowar, Wheat 14.00 3,466.00 144.00 324.00 Ujjain 12.8 212 Jowar, Wheat 19.00 1,635.00 107.00 93.00 Ujjain 22.4 213 Jowar, Wheat 4.00 965.00 143.00 72.00 Ujjain 22.4 214 Jowar, Wheat 15.00 1,172.00 121.00 86.00 Ujjain 24.0 215 Jowar, Wheat 1.00 737.00 65.00 53.00 Ujjain 19.2 216 Jowar, Wheat 1.00 1,209.00 84.00 92.00 Ujjain 16.0 217 Jowar, Wheat 5.00 396.00 27.00 15.00 Ujjain 24.0 218 Iowar, Wheat 13.00 1,352.00 205.00 123.00 Ujjain 22.4 219 Jowar, Wheat 28.00 1,084.00 26.00 246.00 Ujjain 22.4 220 Jowar, Wheat 4.00 1,062.00 117.00 164.00 Ujjain 24.0 221 Jowar, Wheat 32.00 998.00 48.00 165.00 Ujjain 22.4 222 Jowar, Wheat 16.00 354.00 4.00 46.00 Ujjain 22.4 223 Jowar, Wheat 3.00 295.00 100.00 44.00 Ujjain 25.6 224 Iowar, Wheat 25.00 638.00 63.00 97.00 Sawer 19.2 225 Jowar, Wheat 5.00 948.00 75.00 144.00 Sawer 20.8 226 Iowar, Wheat 2.00 1,120.00 77.00 254.00 Sawer 17.6 227 Jowar, Wheat 4.00 3,682.00 375.00 495.00 Ujjain 16.0 228 Iowar, Wheat 21.00 2,312.00 75.00 223.00 Ujjain 16.0 229 Iowar, Wheat 2.00 525.00 26.00 223.00 Ujjain 16.0 230 Jowar, Wheat 6.00 1,447.00 35.00 89.00 Sawer 9.6 231 Jowar, Wheat 470.00 27.00 68.00 Sawer 9.6 '232 Iowar, Wheat to. 00 1,475.00 98.00 477.00 Sawer 11.2 233 Jowar, Wheat 402.00 27.00 127.00 Sawer 11.2 234 Jowar, Wheat 3.00 821.00 146.00 121. 00 Sawer 11.2 235 Iowar, Wheat 17.00 678.00 173.00 176.00 Ujjain 9.6 236 lowar, Wheat 1.00 389.00 16.00 52.00 Ujjain 11.2 237 Jowar, Wheat 3.00 630.00 53.00 170.00 Ujjain 11.2 238 Iowar, Wheat 9.00 625.00 70.00 65.00 Ujjain 12.8 239 Jowar, Wheat 422.00 35.00 72.00 Ujjain 12.8 240 Jowar, Wheat 3.00 775.00 106.00 128.00 Sawer 11.2 241 Iowar, Wheat 9.00 1,302.00 231. 00 168.00 Sawer 9.6 242 Jowar, Wheat 359.00 83.00 72.00 Ujjain 4.8 243 Jowar, Wheat 5.00 355.00 106.00 78.00 Ujjain 6.4 244 Iowar, Wheat 336.00 107.00 42.00 Ujjain 9.6 245 Jowar, Wheat 3.00 5.00 616.00 162.00 109.00 Ujjain 11.2 246 Jowar, Wheat 6.00 973.00 269.00 102.00 Ujjain 12.8 247 Jowar, Wheat 106.00 602.00 295.00 169.00 Ujjain 4.8 248 lowar, Wheat 1.00 9.00 346.00 339.00 90.00 Ujjain 1.6 249 Iowar, Wheat 9.00 406.00 77.00 312.00 Ujjain 4.8 250 Jowar, Wheat 35.00 385.00 203.00 J62.00 Ujjain 4.8 251 Jowar, Wheat H.OO 308.00 88.00 34.00 Ujjain 4.8 252 Jowar, Wheat 5.00 167.00 110.00 27.00 Ujjain 4.8 253 Jowar, Wheat 7.00 579.00 133.00 130.00 Ujjain 6.4 254 Jowar, Wheat 2.00 324.00 136.00 40.00 Ujjain 8.0 255 lowar, Wheat 38.00 725.00 117.00 72.00 Ujjain 9.6 256 lowar, Wheat 6.00 1,190.00 311.00 94.00 Ujjain 9.6 257 Jowal' , Wheat 7.00 1,320.00 113.00 203.00 Ujjain 11.2 258 Jowar, Wheat 9.00 1,743.00 222.00 171.00 Ujjain 12.8 259 Ujjain 14,4 260 Jowar , Wheat 4.00 1,323.00 209.00 69.00 78


Amenities available within the villages Total r-- ---A.------__l L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

--" --'~~-'--~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

-----~-----"'------~------261 Semalia Nasar 1,291.00 PR (1) W PR 262 Kalyanpura 742.00 PR (1) EI W 263 Bhanwri 491.00 R 264 Kithoda Rao 856.00 EI R 265 Matana Khurd 955.00 El W 266 Sewar Khedi 738.00 PR (1) EI R 267 Alampur Udana 981.00 PR (t) EI W 268 Bolasa 523.00 PR (1) W 269 Harnawada 844.00 PR (1) EI W 270 Dewrakhedi Khurd 525.00 W 271 Khokariya 573.00 PR (1) R 272 Kasampur 931.00 PR (I) W 273 Nikewadi 515.00 R 274 Narwar 6,036.00 P R (I), Mid. S. (1) 0(1) E,Er,EIN W,NW PR PO 275 Silar Khedi 561.00 W R 276 Kadchha 1,274.00 W R 277 KundiKheda 150.00 278 Nogawan 2,144.00 PR (I) W 279 Chenpur Hanskhedi 514.00 W 280 Gaondi 1,525.00 PR (1) W 281 Munja Khedi 1,322.00 PR (1) W 282 Madhopur 481.00 W R 283 Piploda Dwarkadhish 3,407.00 Mid. S. (I) EI W PO 284 Kachnariya 1,638.00 PR (I) EI W PR 285 Palkhanda 2,158.00 PR (1) AD (1) EI W PR

---~------TOTAL 335,918.00 PR (137) D (10) 78 W (240) P R (67) PO (22) Mid.s. (14) H (2) 0 (35) K R (6) Sec. S. (2) 0 (1) T (5) --_- ._------._------_._------.. ----_-_ ------_. __ _------~ -----,-_._-- ._-_--

Source:-Columns (1) to (5) & (7) to (18) : Tahsildar, Ujjain. Column (6) .. Madhya Pradesh Electricity Board, Jabalpur 79


Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks ...A... ____--;-- __-. weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. ' available town & if any, of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cuItiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Jowar, Wheat 8.00 1,049.00 172.00 62.00 Ujjain 17.6 261 Jowar, Wheat 555.00 119.00 68.00 Ujjain 16.0 262 Jowar, Wheat 3.00 367.00 92.00 29.00 Ujjain 20.8 263 Jowar, Wheat 2.00 631.00 155.00 68.00 Ujjain 14.4 264 Jowar, Wheat 6.00 723.00 85.00 141.00 Ujjain 16.0 265 Jowar, Wheat 21.00 512.00 119.00 86.00 Ujjain 17.0 266 Jowar, Wheat 845.00 70.00 66.00 Sawer 16.0 267 Jowar, Wheat 22.00 369.00 109.00 23.00 Ujjain 20.8 268 Jowar, Wheat 5.00 678.00 134.00 27.00 Ujjain 22.4 269 Jowar, Wheat 1.00 424.00 77.00 23.00 Ujjain 20.8 270 Jowar, Wheat 414.00 93.00 66.00 Ujjain 22.4 271 Jowar, Wheat 5.00 744.00 ]30.00 52.00 Ujjain 22.4 272 Jowar, Wheat 2.00 384.00 35.00 94.00 Ujjain 24.0 273 Jowar , Wheat 86.00 4,642.00 900.00 408.00 Ujjain 17.6 Tuesday 274 Jowar, Wheat 1.00 314.00 37.00 209.00 Ujjain 14.4 275 Jowar, Wheat 5.00 1,003.00 86.00 180.00 Ujjain 16.0 276 94.00 56.00 Ujjain 22.0 277 Jowar, Wheat 8.00 1,704.00 292.00 140.00 Ujjain 16.0 278 Jowar, Wheat 353.00 113.00 48.00 Dewas 17.6 279 Jowar, Wheat 14.00 1,041.00 375.00 95.00 Dewas 17.6 280 Jowar, Wheat 8.00 1,020.00 268.00 26.00 Dewas 17.6 281 Jowar, Wheat 1.00 299.00 113.00 68.00 Dewas 16.0 282 Jowar, Wheat 60.00 2,574.00 605.00 168.00 Dewas 16.0 283 Jowar, Wheat 31.00 1,306.00 222.00 79.00 Dewas 14.0 284 Jowar, Wheat 97.00 1,700.00 289.00 72.00 Dewas 12.8 285

509.00 3,892.00 249,285.00 42,683.00 39,549.00

- """-- ---~------~----" ._- -- -_. --_------~------80

APPEN Tabsilwise Abstract of Educational, UJJAIN

NATURE r------___..A- Educational Medical r------A..------, r------"------, Primary Middle Higher Secon- School School dary School College Others Dispensary Hospital Others r--.-"-----, r---A--, ,_A__, r--A _-, ,--.-A._-, r----A.-.--, ,_A_-, ,--A-_-, Sl. Name of No. Tahsil

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Khacharod 104 106 11 12 5 5 2 2 2 Mahidpur 97 102 7 8 2 2 8 8 3 Tarana 108 119 14 14 1 7 7 4 Badnagar 120 124 16 16 3 3 7 7 3 3 5 Ujjain 137 138 14 14 2 2 10 10 2 2

Total 566 589 62 64 9 9 37 37 2 2 7 7 Sf

DIX Medical and otber amenities DISTRICT


------~ Power Supply Drinking Wakr Communications Postal & Telegraph Others I _____A.. ___~ ,--__--A- __----... ,--___-y- ___--.,. ,-______-"-. ____~ Number of Villages Number of Villages Number of Villages Post Telegraph where power supply is having having Office Office ,-__--A. ____---, , __--A.. ___---, ,-__--A.. ___---, ,-__..A.. __---, ,-__..A.. ___---, ,-__.A._---,

I 51. No. if> ;;. 0. if> u::: ro if> OJ "- ~~ '-< if; .n !l) U 0 e~ !l) I) 01)-- 1;/)15 u OIl U rot::: if> ;go .., -0 <> :§ r:e "0 .- ..c; 1-< os :::0 ,::l., .;; 0 :0 "<:l >- >c.. 0 c...if> '- '- '- ~ os 0 0 '- I) .; 0 0:: 00 '-'"0'" 0 0 ._,::l., ... 0Il ...... 0:: !l) en ...... , :0 > "'OIl i:i "'~ I) ~ ..c; .1:);:: .1:) .1:)!l) .1:)(l) .1:) .1:) .; -< u '" j:l._ .... 0. u'" .B _ ;;. S SE-< S.::l E E > 0 ~ <> c.i ::I ::I ::I", ::I ::lOll ::It::: ::I ::l -< Z 1-< ~ OJ ,::l., ~ Z..:: Z Z.E ZO Z Z .. -_------19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 c ____ c ______c

29 194 183 34 28 189 18 18 25 202 3 187 33 2 48 13 13 2 26 185 135 71 56 8 18 18 3 32 161 138 48 34 7 22 22 4

78 207 5 240 35 67 6 22 22 5

190 949 10 883 221 187 258 93 93 3 3 2 2 c ______~ ______8'2


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PART X (8)


I. General. -In Part A, the picture of the district ID. Literacy. -(1) The percentage of literacy ,as revealed by non-Census data has been discussed. in the district comes to about 28 as against the In this note, the progress made by the district in the State literacy percentage of about 22. In 1961 also, 1961-11 decade would be dealt with on the basis the literacy percentage of the district 23.44 was higher of information collected. in the individual slip that than the State percentage of 17.13. The district has was canvassed in the 1971, Census. 'Broadly speaking, made some progress to increase the rate of literacy the changes that h<,ve come about in the matter of during the decade 1961-71. Incidentally it may be total population, its growth-rate and density, sex­ mentioned that Vikram University is located at the ratio, literacy, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, district headquarter, Ujjain. working population, occupied residential houses and number of households would be discussed. (2) The literacy percentage among the males in the district (40.03) is higher than the State percentage of about 33. Among females also, the literacy per­ n. Popu)atioD.-The population of Ujjain centage in the district (15.91) is higher than the State district is 862,516, while the population of Madhya percentage of about 11. Pradesh is 41,654,119. Thtl population of thus comes to about 2.07 percent of the State (3) Among the tah~ils, Ujjain tahsil has the population. The rural population is about 64.45 percent highest literacy perc~ntage of about 39, while Mahid­ of the district population whereas the urban popu­ pur tahsil has the lowest percentage of about 17. lation is 35.55 percent as against the State per­ centage of 16.29 only. In other words, the district is (4) The same pattern is seen in male and female urban in character. Highest percentage of the district literacy in the tahsils. Among males, Ujjain tahsil population is found in Ujjain tahsil (about :9 percent) is at the top (about 51 percent),while Mahidpurtahsil and one of the reasons for this is that the popula­ with about 27 percent comes last. Among females, tion of Ujjain City is part of Ujjain tahsil. Ujjain tahsil leads in literacy (about 26 Ujjain district ranks 21st among the 43 districts of percent), while Tarana tahsil with 6.76 percent comes the State in population. During the decade 1961- last. One of the reasons for this contrast is that 71 the district population growth-rate has been Ujjain City, which i., one of the leading towns of the 30.34 against the State growth-rate of 28.67. The State and where a University is located, is in Ujjain area of the district is 6,081 sq. km. In other Tahsil. words, it has 1.37 percent of the State area and ranks 36th in area among the districts of the IV. Workers. -In the district about 33 State. The density of population per sq. km. percent of the population comes under the category of the district is 142 against the State density of workers (main activity) against the State percentage of 94 and the district ranks 6th in density in the of about 37. The percentage of female workers State. The sex-ratio, number of females per 1,000 (about 12) is appreciably less than the State percentage males of the district and the State is 918 and 941 (about 19). In the district, comparatively more per­ respectively. Tahsil Khacharod and Ujjain have got centage of workers (males and females) have been sex-ratio lower than the district sex-ratio while the returned from Mahidpur tahsil. Ujjain tahsil has retur­ other tahsils hlYe higher sex-ratio. ned the lowest percentage of workers (29.32). Among 92

fe-male workers, Tarana tahsil (with 15.16 percent) 2 percent. During 1961 there were 118,755 occupied leads other tahsils of the district, while residential Census houses in the district against the Ujjain tahsil (with 9.47 percent) cernes last. State figure of 6,230,854 which comes to 1.91 percent. Among the workers in the district, about 42 and 24 There has not been any material change in the per­ percent are cultivators and agricultural labourers, centage during the decade. The number of house­ respectively, against the State percentage of about holds and persons per occupied residential Census 53 and 27. Under the category "other workers" houses in 1961 and 1971 are indicated below:- the district percentage (about 34) is higher than the

State percentage of 20.58 which clearly shows that No. of res i­ No. of No. of house- No. of the district is relatively more industrialised. Among dential households holds per persons State/ Census occupied resi- per occu­ females, the district percentage of agricultural labou­ District houses dential Census pied resi- rers (about 58) and other workers (about 17) is higher house dential Census than the State percentage of about 49 and 10, respecti­ house vely, while for cultivators the district percentage 2 3 4 5 (about 25) is lower than tl).e State percentage (about 41). State 1961 6,230,854 6,615,580 1.06 5.2 Distt. 1961 118,755 133,443 1.12 5.6 State 1971 6,822,167 7,740,289 1.13 6.1 V. Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe. -The per­ Distt. 1971 136,642 155,035 1.13 6.3 centage of Scheduled Caste to total population of the district (about 23) is significantly higher than the It would thus be seen that the pressure on occupied State percentage (about 13), while the percentage residential Census houses has increased during the of Scheduled Tribes in the district (0.14) is signifi­ decade in the district as well as in the State. Compa­ cantly lower than the State percentage (about 20). In ratively, Ujjain tahsil (with about 36.30 percent) the tahsils of the district, quite a high percentage of claims the highest percentage of occupied residential Scheduled Caste population (about 30) is found in Census houses in the district. Tarana Tahsil, while in Badnagar tahsil the percen­ tage (about 20) is lowest. The Scheduled Tribe popu­ VII. Villages and Towns.-There are in lation in Khacharod tahsil is 1.10 percent, while in all 1,139 villages in Ujjain district, which comes to other tahsils it is even less than one percent. 1.48 percent of total villages in the State. The percentage of inhabited villages to the total villages VI. Occupied Residential Census Houses.-The in the district is about 98;33 again~t the State percen­ district has 136,642 occupied residential Census houses tage of about 92. There are in all 250 towns in the against the State figure of 6,822,767 which comes to State out of which the district claims only six. 93


Partitulars Madhya Pradesh Ujjain District

Population Total Persons 41,654,119 862,516 Males 21,455,334 449,651 Females 20,198,785 412,865

Rural Persons 34,869,352 555,914 Males 17,823,411 287,335 Females 17,045,941 268,579

lirnan Persons 6,784,767 306,602 Males 3,631,923 162,316 Females 3,152,844 144,286 Percentage of urban population to total population 16.29 35.55 Decennial population growth rate 1961-71 28.67 30.34 Area in sq. km. 442,841 6,081 Density of population per sq. km. 94 142 Sex-ratio (No. of females per 1,000 males) 941 918 Total literate and educated persons with literacy percentage Persons 9,223,081 (22.14) 245, 692(28.49) Males 7,016,649 (32.70) 180,002 (40.03) Females 2,206,432 (10.92) 65,690(15.91)

Total No. of workers (Main activity) with percentage Persons 15,295,663 (36.72) 282,062 (32.70) of workers to total population shown within brackets Males 11,529,092 (53.74) 230,755 (51.32)

Females 3 1766,571 (18.65) 51,307 (12.43) Break-up of workers with pertentage

( i) Cultivators Pf!rson,~ 8,084,743 (52.86) 117,353 (41.61) Males 6,537,112 (56.70) 104,612 (45.33) Females 1,547,631 (41.09) 12,741 (24.83)

(ii) Agricultural Labourers Persons 4,062,338 (26.56) 68,837 (24.40) Males 2,228,064 (19.33) 39,022 (16.91) Females 1,834,274 (48.70) 29,815 (58.11)

(iii) Other workers Persons 3,148,582 (20.58) 95,872 (33.99) Males 2,763,916 (23.97) 87,121 (37.75) Females 384,666 (10.21) 8,751 (11.06) Scheduled Castes with percentage to total population Persolls 5,453,690 (13.09) 200,760 (23.28) Males 2,810,175 (13.10) 103,013 (22.91) Females 2,643,515 (13.09) 97,747 (23.68)

Scheduled Tribes with percentage to total population Persons 8,387,403 (20.14) 1,244 (0.14) Males 4,198,509 (19.57) 633 (0.14) Females 4,188,894 (20.14) 611 (0.15)

No. of occupied residential Census houses 6,822,767 136,642

No. of Villages Total 77,090 1,139 Inhabited 71,059* l,106t Uninhabited 6,031** 33tt No.ot Towns 250 6

*Includes 176 inhabited villages which have been treated as urban outgrowth of nearby city/town. **Includes 67 villages of which abadi areas have been merged in nearby city/town. tlncludes 8 inhabited villages which have been treated as urban outgrowth of nearby city/town. ttlncludes 14 villages of which abaqj areas blwe been merged in nearby city/town, 94


Total population (including institutional and Scheduled Occupied No.of houseless population) Castes L.C. District/Tahsil Area in Residential house- ,----"-----, r----.A----"-I No. City/Town Kro2 Houses holds P M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ----~------~----~~ 16 Ujjain District Total 6,081.0 136,642 155,035 862,516 449,651 412,865 103,013 97,747 Rural 5,971.3 93,102 98,819 555,914 287,335 268,579 82,735 79,144 Urban 109.7 43,540 56,216 306,602 162,316 144,286 20,278 18,603 1 Khacharod Tahsil Total 1,282.7 27,072 31,128 169,399 88,417 80,982 21,545 20,472 Rural 1,258.1 19,419 20,956 119.104 61,320 57,784 18,295 17,369 Urban 24,6 1,653 10,172 50,295 27,097 23,198 3,250 3,103 Khacharod (M) Urban 0.78 2,335 3,125 17,726 9,158 8,568 657 585 *Nagda (M) Urban 23.83 5,318 7,047 32,569 17,939 14,630 2,593 2,518 2 Mahidpur Tahsil Total 1,131.2 18,458 20,058 112,783 58,421 54,362 15,684 14,903 Rural 1,126.6 16,621 17,483 98,011 50,775 47,236 14,953 14,205 Urban 4.6 1,837 2,515 14,772 7,646 7,126 731 698 Mahidpur U .A. Urban 4.62 1,837 2,575 14,772 7,646 7,126 731 698 ( i) Mab,idpur (M) Urban 4.09 1,826 2,565 14,744 7,628 7,116 726 693 (ii) Barapatharl (OG) Urban 0.39 5 5 12 7 5 4 3 (iii) Mahidpur Kasba2 (OG) Urban 0.14 6 5 16 11 5 2 3 Tarana Tahsil Total 1,041.8 20,078 21,737 119,337 61,967 57,370 18,201 17,376 Rural 1,040.3 18,386 19,366 106,420 55,223 51,197 11,275 16,540 Urban 1.5 1,692 2,371 12,917 6,744 6,173 926 836 Tarana (M) Urban 1.45 1,692 2,371 12,917 6,744 6,173 926 836 4 Badnagar Tahsil Total 1,225.3 21,431 22,302 125,449 64,919 60,530 12,420 12,136 Rural 1,221.1 18,049 18,830 105,392 54,366 51,026 11,742 11,511 Urban 4.2 3,382 3,472 20,057 10,553 9,504 678 625 Badnagar U. A. Urban 4.23 3,382 3,472 20,057 10,553 9,504 678 625 ( i) Badnagar (M) Urban 4.17 3,329 3,401 19,712 10,364 9,348 659 611 ( ii) Badnagar Kasba3 Urban 0.01 51 69 323 178 145 19 14 (Station Area) (iii) Jafla 4 Urban 0.05 2 2 22 11 11 5 Ujjain Tahsil Total 1,392.8 49,603 59,810 335,548 175,927 159,621 35,163 32,860 Rural 1,318.0 20,627 22,184 126,987 65,651 61,336 20,470 19,519 Urban 74.8 28,976 37,626 208,561 110,276 98,285 14,693 13,341 Ujjain U. A. Urban 74.84 28,976 37,626 208,561 110,276 98,285 14 693 13,341 ( i) Ujjain (Me) Urban 71. 33 28,470 36,698 203,278 107,464 95,814 14,135 12,853 (ii) Nagziri5 (OG) Urban 0.69 96 96 483 255 228 122 109 (iii) Lalpur6 (OG) Urban 0.25 44 45 183 89 94 47 41 (iv) Panwasa 7 (OG) Urban 0.02 69 69 464 251 213 91 86 (v) Goyala 8 COG) Urban 1.38 31 35 178 93 85 24 IS (vi) Malanwasa 9 (OG) Urban 1.11 47 47 299 158 141 28 29 (vii) Ujjain Railway Colony(OG) Urban 0.06 219 636 3,676 1,966 1,710 246 208 95

UJJAIN DISTRIC1' Workers , _____.A._~-- __ (I-IX) I

Scheduled Literate and , educated persons Total Workers Cultivators Tribes ..A. ___--, ,--A.--., ,----"---~ ,-_..A..---., District/Tahsil/ L.C . M F M F M F M F City/Town No. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2 1 633 611 180,002 '- 65,690 230,755 51,307 104,612 12,741 Total Ujjain Distrid 16 232 231 81,384 12,027 158,003 42,404 100,440 12,182 Rural 401 380 98,618 53,663 72,752 8,903 . 4,172 559 Urban 325 329 31,403 9,217 47,796 11,550 24,939 5,147 Total Khacharod Tahsil 14 14 16,386 2,458 34,228 9,768 23,633 4,921 Rural 311 315 15,017 6,759 13,568 1,782 1,306 226 Urban 1 3 5,292 :,649 4,382 869 1,029 176 Urban Khacharod (M) 310 312 9,725 4,110 9,186 913 277 50 Urban *Nagda (M) 108 97 15,791 3,801 32,466 7,325 20,222 1,740 Total Mahidpur Tahsil 2 99 92 11,153 1,420 29,151 7,025 19,948 1,709 Rural 9 5 4,638 2,381 3,315 300 274 31 Urban 9 5 4,638 2,381 3,315 300 274 31 Urban Mahidpur U. A. 6 3 4,631 2,378 3,303 295 273 31 Urban ( i) Mahidpur (M) 3 2 6 4 Urban ( ii) Barapathar1 (OG) 7 3 6 1 1 Urban (iii) Mahidpur Kasba2 (OG) 2 5 19,074 3,877 32,985 8,697 19,411 1,879 Total Tarana Tahsil 3 1 4 15,297 2,193 30,024 8,130 18,891 1,854 Rural 1 1 3,777 1,684 2,961 567 520 25 Urban 1 1 3,777 1,684 2,961 567 520 25 Urban Tarana (M) 8 3 24,108 6,546 34,237 8,623 18,053 2,034 Total Badnagar Tahsil 4 3 1 17,899 2,966 29,512 7,862 17,456 1,948 Rural 5 2 6,209 3,580 4,725 761 597 86 Urban 5 2 6,209 3,580 4,725 761 597 86 Urban Badnagar U.A. 5 2 6,125 3,540 4,656 746 593 84 Urban ( i) Badnagar (M) 77 37 64 15 4 2 Urban ( ii) Badnagar Kasba 3 (Station Area) 7 3 5 Urban (iii) Jafla4 190 177 89,626 42,249 83,271 15,112 21,987 1,941 Total Ujjain Tahsil 5 115 120 20,649 2,990 35,088 9,619 20,512 1,750 Rural 75 57 68,977 39,259 48,183 5,493 1,475 191 Urban 75 57 68,977 39,259 48,183 5,493 1,475 191 Urban Ujjain U. A. 75 57 67,288 38,360 46,962 5,329 1,321 174 Urban ( i) Ujjain (MC) 135 49 124 28 22 Urban (ii) Nagziri6 (OG) 26 1 54 27 25 4 Urban (iii) Lalpur 6 (OG) J 108 21 120 39 39 3 Urban (iv) Panwasa 7 (OG) 35 6 57 4 32 Urban (v) GoyalaB (OG) 55 6 77 26 33 10 Urban (vii) Malanwasa 9 (OG) 1,330 816 789 40 3 Urban (vii) Ujjain Railway Colony (OG) 96


Workers.A. ______II III IV V Manufacturing, Processing, & ,-__Servicing__.....A. _____ Repairs --, Livestock, Forestry, (a) (b) Fishing, Hunting & Other than Agricultural Plantation, Orchards Mining and Household Household Labourers and allied activities Quarrying ,...---...A-Industry___ ,.---_AIndustry__ , L.C. District/Tahsil/ ,----.A._-, r---.A.--~ ,.----A----, No. City/Town M F M F M F M F M F 2 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

------~~--- 16 Ujjain District Total 39,022 29,815 5,549 228 100 47 7,988 1,914 25,919 1,506 Rural 36,529 28,258 4,665 182 85 40 4,959 878 2,004 132 Urban 2,493 1,5S7 884 46 15 7 3,029 1,036 23,915 1,374 1 Khacharod Tahsil Total 6,080 4,560 1,247 73 34 8 1,846 578 6,553 415 Rural 5,810 4,358 1,120 67 28 1 1,071 221 606 39 Urban 270 202 127 6 6 7 775 357 5,947 376 Khacharod (M) Urban 112 97 67 2 1 467 329 570 20 *Nagda (M) Urban 158 105 60 4 5 7 308 28 5,377 356 2 Mahidpur Tahsil Total 5,542 5,034 1,097 19 1,003 187 894 48 Rural 5,378 4,981 1,023 13 794 164 418 27 Urban 164 53 74 6 209 23 476 21 Mahidpur U.A. Urban 164 53 74 6 209 23 476 21 ( i) Mahidpur (M) Urban 154 48 74 6 209 23. 476 21 (ii) Barapathar1 (OG) Urban 6 4 (iii) Mahidpur Kasba 2 (OG) Urban 4 1 3 Tarana Tahsil Total 7,842 6,371 977 40 14 1,216 158 409 14 Rural 7,257 5,970 945 40 5 1,034 123 206 6 Urban 585 401 32 9 182 35 203 8 Tarana (M) Urban 585 401 32 9 182 35 203 8 4 Badnagar Tahsil Total 8,383 5,729 777 17 1,435 336 967 71 Rural 8,162 5,561 690 17 1, 118 169 236 26 Urban 221 168 87 317 167 731 45 Badnagar U. A. Urban 221 168 87 317 167 731 45 ( i) Badnagar (M) Urban 212 158 87 317 167 730 45 (ij ) Badnagar Kasba3 Urban 9 10 1 (Station Area) (iii) Jafla 4 Urban 5 Ujj ain Tahsil Total 11,175 8,121 1,451 79 52 39 2,488 655 17,096 958 Rural 9,922 7,388 887 45 52 39 942 201 538 34 Urban 1,253 733 564 34 1,546 454 16,558 924 Ujjain U. A. Urban 1,253 733 564- 34 1,546 454 16,558 924 ( j) Ujjain (MC) Urban 1,112 627 557 34 1,540 454 16,479 923 (ii) Nagziri5(OG) Urban 24 28 5 28 (iii) Lalpur 6 (OG) Urban 23 23 1 (iv) Panwasa7 (OG) Urban 54 36 3 14 (v) GoyalaB (OG) Urban 18 4 1 (vi) Malanwasa 9 (OG) Urban 21 14 1 3 (vii) Ujjain Railway Colony (OG) Urban 2 34 Note.-(l) M-Municipality, U.A.-Urban Agglomeration, O.G.-Urban Outgrowth, .M. C. -M unicipal Corporation. (2) Urban Outgrowtb :-- 1 Village Mahidpur Kasba, L. C. No. 112 of Tahsil Mahidpur is wholly included. 2 Village Barapathar, L. C. No. 122 of Tahsil Mahidpur is wholly included. 3 Village Badnagar Kasba (Station Area), L. C. No. 94 of Tahsil Badnagar is wholly included. 4 Village J afla, L. C. No. 96 of Tahsil Badnagar is partly included. 5 Village Nagziri, L. C. No. 136 of Tahsil Ujjain is wholly included. i Village Lalpur, L. C. No. 137 of Tahsil Ujjain is wholly included. 7 Village Panwasa, L. C. No. 145 of Tahsil Ujjain is wholly included. 8 Village Goyala, L. C. No. 251 of Tahsil Ujjain is wholly included. 9 Village Malanwasa, L. C. No. 250 of Tahsil Ujiain is wholly included. 97

UJJAIN l>ISTRICT Workers ------"------., VI VII VIII IX X

Transport, Storage & Trade & Communi- Non-

Construction Commerce cations Other Services ,.-____workers.A. ____ , ,.----'---, ,.-__.A. __ ----. ,.-----"---, r---.A.-, District/Tahsil/ L.C. M F M F M F M F M F City/Town No. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2 2,991 296 15,951 606 6,591 130 22,032 4,024 218,896 361,558 Total Ujjain District 16 708 115 2,201 67 938 2 5,474 528 129,332 226,175 Rural 2,283 181 13,750 519 5,653 128 16,558 3,496 89,564 135,383 Urban 498 43 2,027 103 790 11 3,782 612 40,621 69,432 Total Khacharod Tahsil 198 29 450 18 215 2 1,097 112 27,092 48,016 Rural 300 14 1,577 85 575 9 2,685 500 13,529 21,416 Urban 71 749 38 126 2 1,190 205 4,776 7,699 Urban Khacharod (M) 229 14 828 47 449 7 1,495 295 8,753 13,717 Urban *Nagda (M) 152 7 1,165 36 340 2,051 254 25,955 47,037 Total Mahidpur Tahsil 2 123 7 434 16 105 928 108 21,624 40,211 Rural 29 731 20 235 1,123 146 4,331 6,826 Urban 29 731 20 235 1,123 146 4,331 6,826 Urban Mahidpur U. A. 29 731 20 235 1,122 146 4,325 6,821 Urban ( i) Mahidput (M) 1 1 Urban ( ii) Barapathar 1 (OG) 5 4 Urban (iii) Mahidpur Kasba2 (OG) 153 38 864 16 246 2 1,853 179 28,982 48,673 Total Tarana Tahsil 3 112 36 343 9 146 1,085 92 25,199 43,067 Rural 41 ]. 521 7 100 2 768 87 3,783 5,606 Urban 41 2 521 7 100 2 768 87 3,783 5,606 Urban Tarana (M) 274 27 1,561 73 338 3 2,449 333 30,682 51,907 Total Badnagar Tahsil 4 187 16 417 20 137 1,109 105 24,854 43,164 Rural 87 11 1,144 53 20[ 3 1,340 228 5,828 8,743 Urban 87 11 1,144 53 20J 3 1,340 228 5,828 8,743 Urban Badnagar U. A. 87 11 1,144 53 159 3 1,327 225 5,708 8,602 Urban ( i) Badnagar (M) 42 8 3 114 130 Urban (ii ) Badnagar Kasba3 (Station Area) 5 6 11 Urban (iii) Jafla4 1,914 181 10,334 378 4,877 114 ) 1,897 2,646 92,656 144,509 Total Ujjain Tahsil 5 88 27 557 24 335 1,255 111 30,563 51,717 Rural 1,826 154 9,777 354 4,542 114 10,642 2,535 62,093 92,792 Urban 1,826 154 9,777 354 4,542 114 10,642 2,535 62,093 92,792 Urban Ujjain U. A. 1,759 152 9,758 353 3,948 110 10,488 2,502 60,502 90,485 Urban ( i) Ujjain (MC) 5 4 6 30 131 200 Urban (ii) Nagziri 5 (OG) 1 2 1 1 35 67 Urban (iii) Lalpur6 (OG) 10 131 174 Urban (iv) Panwasa 7 (OG) 3 3 36 81 Urban ( v) Goyala8 (OG) 2 1 17 81 115 Urban (vi) Malanwasa9 (OG) 60 9 587 4 93 33 1,177 1,670 Urban (vii) Ujjain Railway Colony (OG) ~.----~-.------.--.----.. ~-- (3) Town treated as such for {he first time in 196[ Census which continues as town in 1971 Census has been shown with an nsterisk ( *) on its left. (,t) The total area figure given foJ' the district is provisional 'Geographical Area' as supplied by the Surveyor General, India. (5) The urban area figures have been supplied by the local bodies. (6) The rural area of the district has been derived by substraeting the urban area figures surpJied by local bodies from the total area figure of the district. - (7) Total area figures of thi: tahsils are ac..cording to village papers as supplied by the Director of Land Records, Madhya Pradesh. 98


Ar<:a of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,----- village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX, Acres and resi- hold~ tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Tota Name of Village/ of TownJ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses ,.-__----"- ___--, ,.--A.----, ,--A._--, ,-_-A._---, ,-_----"-_--, No. Urban Block Km2 PM F MF MF M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

16/1 Kbacharod Tahsil (Rural) 1,258.01 20,956 61,320 18,295 14 16,386 34,228 19,419 119,104 57,784 17,369 14 2,458 9,768 I Gothada 683.00 45 45 295 169 126 15 1 85 II 2 Lohchitara 727.00 58 58 346 178 168 27 15 23 4 93 16 3 Kanthar Khedi 713.00 37 37 238 124 114 37 35 11 60 8 4 Brahman Khedi Khlln! 456.00 18 18 131 67 64 12 14 23 2 36 5 Pad::11ya Khurd 416.00 44 46 285 153 132 77 59 22 92 2 6 Napa Khedi 662.00 45 50 349 176 173 65 48 41 4 99 2 7 Shribachh 1,50.LOO 87 IJ9 573 281 292 91 94 70 2 182 25 8 Banjari 2,050.00 116 135 880 444 436 159 158 119 17 250 59 9 Lasudiya DaiyeI 227.00 1 11 6 5 4 1.0 Meen 1,548.00 119 119 741 355 386 134 141 87 6 178 46 11 Ramnagar 902.00 48 48 320 159 161 39 42 8 91 6 12 Dhatooriya 675.00 34 34 216 99 117 7 8 8 62 4 13 Farna Khedi 1,442.00 148 180 802 415 387 95 74 146 19 251 98 Fa/'lla Khedi 110 136 580 293 287 60 44 122 19 179 58 Fama Dera 38 44 222 122 100 35 30 24 72 40 14 Dodiya 824.00 82 82 454 238 216 74 69 23 144 4 15 Narcli 713.00 59 59 351 186 165 73 61 22 119 10 16 Sendri 1,197.00 82 82 395 209 186 87 SO 72 5 125 9 17 Barkhcda Jaora 1,254.00 81 81 507 263 244 33 30 76 14 163 2 18 Chapa Kheda 1,870.00 244 244 1,341 710 631 174 166 270 22 418 JO 19 Sakat Khedi 1,283.00 121 121 623 303 320 74 80 92 4 ]62 13 20 Champancr 1,732.00 187 190 1,001 532 469 115 101 101 9 323 11 21 Kcsariya 1,304.00 100 113 735 373 362 134 121 125 15 217 I) 22 Divel 1,539.00 96 112 649 331 318 69 63 45 1 187 65 23 Akya Jagir 2,096.00 179 181 892 435 457 67 72 135 3 274 2 24 ChandodiYil ! ,293.00 76 77 481 255 226 114 97 29 3 138 25 Mokdi 2,517.00 ]58 163 961 497 464 133 122 172 9 297 26 Tarod 1,308.00 94 94 570 295 275 158 150 33 163 27 Rajgarh 1,575.00 69 83 424 225 199 22 21 21 151 1 28 Tootiya Khcdi 1,912.00 146 160 877 449 428 111 107 90 10 274 4 29 Banwada 1,936.00 108 111 570 309 261 69 55 114 11 177 13 30 Rajla 1,825.00 107 107 600 317 283 94 93 139 25 179 34 31 Bachhoda 1,227.00 56 59 361 200 161 60 60 35 93 15 32 Nimbodiya Kalan 1,816.00 173 184 1,027 497 530 200 226 123 14 266 21 33 Berchha 2,361.00 173 203 1,114 577 537 206 198 166 53 356 66 34 Atlawada 1,365.00 86 116 492 252 240 20 32 38 145 9 35 Ninawat Khcda 988.00 55 57 335 176 159 42 42 9 99 1 36 Alsi 763.00 42 43 317 175 142 18 17 1 95 2 37 Kalsi 1,190.00 77 77 515 266 249 33 31 34 135 8 38 Zhanja Khcdi 1,070.00 53 55 386 204 182 122 110 19 114 3 39 Khajuriya 586.00 27 38 220 116 104 45 49 14 64 2 40 Rohal Kalan 1,516.00 78 91 487 251 236 88 77 72 5 154 58 41 Ratanya Khedi 727.00 47 56 337 178 159 79 79 20 3 93 21 42 Rohal Khurd 3,400.00 238 240 1,366 699 667 ' 159 171 181 31 345 116 43 JaJodiya Khacharod 1,153.00 68 68 460 224 236 48 50 33 6 128 19 44 Kachnariya 1,815.00 62 62 314 153 161 83 99 8 109 8 45 Akya Koli 1,105.00 104 104 605 310 295 137 125 36 3 200 14 46 Rupeta 4,377.00 328 328 1,828 957 871 469 445 13 13 234 15 528 110 Rupefa 246 246 1,353 708 645 220 219 13 13 222 15 392 109 Bhalda 82 82 475 249 226 249 226 12 136 1 47 Banbana 2,741.00 170 173 1,003 521 482 172 158 90 8 290 97 48 Banbani 1,050.00 22 35 215 119 96 104 87 7 56 99


WORKERS..A...-______---., II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers r---A-_____ r--~ r-~ r-~ r-~' r--''----, r--"---> r--'~ r---"----I L.C. M F M F M F M F 'M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

23,633 5,810 1,120 28 1,071 606 198 450 215 1,097 27,092 16/1 4,921 4,358 67 1 221 39 29 18 2 112 48,016 76 1 6 10 84 115 1 77 14 16 85 152 2 41 17 8 64 106 3 32 3 31 64 4 68 21 2 61 130 5 68 26 2 4 77 171 6 .140 3 25 22 16 ) 99 267 7 178 59 59 7 2 3 194 377 8 4 2 5 9 140 30 24 15 4 2 3 4 177 340 10 84 5 6 1 68 155 11 55 4 4 3 3711312 164 54 30 30 19 2 23 11 2 7 6 164 289 13 118 29 30 27 16 2 4 1 5 5 114 229 46 25 3 3 19 11 1 2 1 1 50 60 )32 6 4 5 1 94 212 14 84 4 7 5 22 3 3 67 )55 15 80 2 26 5 5 4 2 7 84 177 16 132 2 9 16 2 2 2 100 242 17 330 6 34 2 29 11 5 9 2 292 621 18 117 6 9 7 18 ) I 2 4 141 307 19 232 38 11 18 12 6 15 209 458 20 169 26 6 10 5 6 156 354 21 147 26 63 5 6 2 144 253 22 216 36 4 8 2 2 7 161 455 23 108 16 9 ) 2 I 117 226 24 207 44 15 23 5 3 200 464 25 131 9 2 13 1 6 132 275 26 116 10 18 3 4 74 198 27 219 3 20 17 12 3 2 175 424 28 103 2 61 6 II 2 4 132 248 29 119 28 32 12 4 8 7 2 138 249 30 76 4 11 11 1 3 1 1 107 146 31 205 11 31 10 5 10 1 8 6 231 509 32 273 53 48 12 7 12 2 8 6 221 471 33 127 6 15 3 2 107 231 34 94 1 4 77 158 35 90 2 2 1 80 140 36 In 19 7 3 131 241 37 102 12 3 90 179 38 55 8 2 1 52 102 39 III 42 9 14 21 3 5 5 97 178 40 61 10 13 11 7 9 2 1 85 138 41 223 8 51 105 11 5 6 7 31 11 3 354 551 42 98 22 19 3 4 1 96 217 43 62 3 33 5 13 1 44 153 44 130 2 61 12 8 1 110 281 45 351 79 57 21 47 3 20 4 8 6 2 9 1 15 15 429 761 46 228 78 48 21 43 3 20 4 8 6 2 9 1 15 15 316 536 123 1 9 4 113 225 147 98 97 21 17 2 3 231 385 47 41 15 63 95 48 100


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate r----- village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village! of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in hOllses r---..-A--__, ,---"-_, .----"-----, ,---"-_.--, .-----"--. No. Urban BlOCK Km2 P M F M F M F M F M F

-~---_--~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16

.__ ------.------_- ---- ..... ~---. 49 Padalya Kalan Included in urhan area as urban outgrowth of Nagda (M) 50 Geedgarh 932.00 52 55 301 151 150 24 24 11 2 92 51 Nipanya 656.00 45 52 331 173 158 8 6 12 99 52 Hebatpur Bhimpura 583.00 42 50 292 140 152 55 68 2 87 53 Nagda Included in urhan area as urban olltgrowth of Nagda (M) 54 Takrawada 807.00 75 75 442 240 202 165 137 31 6 133 2 55 Azimabad Pardhi 927.00 107 107 595 311 284 242 224 SO 2 164 17 56 Amlawad Junnardar 950.00 94 100 521 265 256 138 129 49 5 122 32 57 Lasudiya Jaisingh 920.00 53 60 303 176 127 82 60 11 75 13 58 Mehatwas lucluded in urban area as urban olltgrowth of Nagda (M) 59 Bhati Suda 2,238.00 140 146 785 423 362 151 136 111 10 220 88 60 Bhilsuda 1,334.00 113 156 613 299 314 159 171 23 161 109 61 Bhikampur 2,842.00 189 189 1,065 546 519 243 241 157 4 305 17 62 Mala Khedi 699.00 62 65 305 155 150 13 10 6 87 4 63 Jalwal 1,122.00 56 56 300 149 151 66 71 16 79 1 64 Pachlasi 2,875.00 134 134 776 401 375 161 144 99 3 217 4 65 Padsutya 1,069.00 97 97 560 308 252 68 56 39 2 147 27 66 Umarni 1.196.00 88 88 568 266 302 64 87 57 3 157 44 67 Dadiya 571.00 14 14 83 44- 39 9 5 7 32 7 68 Nayan 1,408.00 123 123 809 414 395 129 135 194 56 255 83 69 Tumni 607.00 8 g 40 20 20 5 5 6 12 4 70 Beriya Khedi 1,064.00 81 83 630 309 321 88 114 120 13 167 11 71 Umarna 1,211.00 111 116 676 350 326 238 227 96 4 199 22 72 Navatya 1,125.00 110 Ito 639 330 309 140 123 59 181 4 73 Kilodya 1,130.00 71 83 456 225 231 33 37 46 147 6 74 Gindwanya 1,415.00 90 91 623 323 300 174 176 98 206 185 75 Parmar Khedi 1,512.00 65 70 376 192 184 26 27 32 101 4 76 Bhagatpuri 447.00 43 43 239 111 128 12 12 13 70 2 77 Jhirmira 1,399.00 76 76 503 253 250 37 43 11 117 9 78 Bedavanya 2,552.00 140 140 821 424 397 30 30 82 13 22' 31 79 Khurmundi 853.00 38 38 226 134 92 16 11 7 62 1 80 Buranabad 2,342.00 152 156 925 485 440 167 136 157 10 281 38 Sf Chowki Junnardar 1,267.00 68 68 355 167 188 123 136 13 95 84 82 Lekodiya Tank 1,540.00 123 126 678 352 326 16 13 102 7 209 12 83 Bhat Khedi 1,193.00 55 57 595 321 274 95 76 136 15 167 84 84 Ghudawan 1,434.00 54 57 412 211 201 62 70 74 16 111 66 Ghudawan 35 37 294 144 150 54 62 38 6 86 65 Station Par~ra 19 20 Jl8 67 51 8 8 36 10 25 1 85 Ghinoda 3,322.00 269 269 1,442 740 702 89 96 305 40 416 137 Ghindda 265 265 1,417 729 688 89 96 300 40 409 137 Gangali Khedi 4 4 25 11 14 5 7 86 Kutlana 1,005.00 61 67 384 186 198 64 63 33 98 15 87 Kanchan Khedi 1,196.00 85 90 605 314 291 105 86 70 9 161 33 88 Behlola 1,588.00 105 112 623 316 307 157 154 87 5 166 18 89 Bhesola 2,294.00 162 165 963 508 455 114 108 229 56 289 33 90 Bhandla 868.00 41 47 234 125 109 17 17 25 10 6 91 Panwasa 1, 167.00 76 77 442 234 208 129 107 92 2 110 6 92 Jalod 891.00 28 29 179 94 85 36 25 12 53 9 93 Ringnya 1,235.00 108 119 649 330 319 86 84 97 II 185 28 94 Batlawadi 1,897.00 190 195 I , 151 595 556 271 252 226 23 343 150 95 Bordiya 1,354.00 90 102 605 290 315 65 67 85 24 162 19 96 Khandwa 881.00 55 57 316 157 159 92 91 14 1 78 8 97 Naredipata 2,102.00 112 117 588 325 263 184 83 102 22 172 72 98 Run Kheda 2,007.00 161 175 1,039 517 522 109 114 184 38 298 92 101


'. -. WORKERS ------____-A ______"""'\ I II JJI IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIIJ IX X Non- Workers ,--A----.., ,--_..._____, ,----'----.., ,-----A---, ,....JI....-.... ,--'I....-; ,--'I....-; ,_..._____, ,-J'-, r-~ ,-A----.., L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

Included in urban area as "rban outgrowth of Nagda (M) 49 81 3 1 1 2 4 59 150 50 82 1 12 4 74 158 51 53 30 2 1 53 151 52 Included in urban area as urban outgrowth of Nagda (M) 53 88 1 23 1 4 14 1 3 107 200 54 96 3 32 14 2 33 1 147 267 55 76 6 16 22 21 4 8 1 143 224 56 44 2 28 11 2 101 114 57 Included in urban area as urban outgrowth of Nagda (M) 58 124 3 70 81 5 4 16 1 4 203 274 59 142 83 9 25 9 1 1 138 205 60 247 1 36 16 6 6 2 8 241 502 61 75 3 10 1 2 68 146 62 61 16 1 70 150 63 184 2 23 2 6 4 184 371 64 124 1 20 25 1 1 161 225 65 96 4 35 40 17 4 3 109 258 66 21 2 11 5 12 32 67 133 11 50 67 2 57 4 2 10 159 312 68 8 4 4 8 16 69 91 1 7 11 44 11 4 9 142 310 70 112 1 74 21 2 8 1 1 151 304 71 133 2 28 2 17 1 2 149 305 72 97 4 33 1 4 3 10 78 225 73 149 142 24 31 4 1 5 2S 2 1 117 115 74 84 4 12 2 1 2 91 180 75 54 1 10 1 6 41 126 76 97 4 17 5 2 1 136 241 77 139 26 30 21 7 4 12 2 8 3 202 366 78 51 3 1 1 7 72 91 79 150 13 33 20 41 5 2 20 3 31 204 402 80 52 50 32 34 11 72 104 81 162 5 16 7 13 3 9 5 143 314 82 95 22 43 61 13 ]0 I 2 3 154 190 83 33 10 51 55 2 I 1 3 3 4 9 5 100 135 84 30 10 49 54 2 1 1 1 3 58 85 3 2 1 3 3 4 8 2 42 50 311 60 67 72 5 7 3 11 1 5 1 8 324 565 85 304 60 67 72 5 7 3 II ] 5 1 1 8 1 320 551 7 4 14 78 18 11 88 183 86 92 "1 57 32 6 2 2 153 258 87 127 3 18 13 10 5 2 5 ISO 289 88 160 1 77 27 16 8 4 23 5 219 422 89 49 I 20 5 1 55 103 90 89 5 14 1 3 3 124 202 91 44 ] 8 8 1 41 76 92 139 41 24 2 1 2 145 291 93 199 "7 100 137 9 7 5 6 2 19 252 406 94 87 4 40 11 12 18 4 4 128 296 95 62 1 10 7 2 3 1 79 151 96 1:16 17 63 53 9· 2 3 2 7 153 191 97 158 4 104 86 1 9 ;. 9 2 6 9 219 430 98 102


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,------village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tioual and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses r-----A.--.--., r--A -, r---A.----, r----"----, r---..A----., No. Urban BloclC Km2 P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 iO 11 12 13 14 15 16

99 Unchaheda 1,165.00 90 90 534 292 242 143 119 49 5 144 29 100 Thadoda 879.00 70 78 455 221 234 81 76 52 17 128 39 101 Kanwas 2,117.00 165 182 1,005 530 475 141 121 171 13 291 51 102 Nandwasla 993.00 62 96 520 255 265 26 28 82 4 144 67 103 Sanasla 834.00 49 71 322 152 170 80 98 14 2 105 49 104 Dipa Khedi 290.00 20 20 135 62 73 8 14 17 32 1 105 Bhanwasa 2,084.00 94 96 554 284 270 90 79 105 19 145 22 106 Naredi Khurd 1,195.00 62 62 353 181 172 81 76 48 10 97 107 Kumharwadi 1,590.00 102 102 671 339 332 137 142 97 7 101 14 108 Siparda 697.00 28 28 156 67 89 67 89 37 2 109 Sarwana Khacharod 699.00 41 41 313 156 157 26 18 3 101 3 110 Madawadi 1,222.00 49 123 510 255 255 124 148 45 124 6 111 Chirola 2,167.00 254 254 713 349 364 71 88 123 5 217 35 112 Palna 1,146.00 42 45 322 167 155 125 124 9 1 87 30 113 Barlai 1,317.00 61 61 448 220 228 86 77 53 2 115 34 114 Dupdawada 2,324.00 85 85 441 210 231 36 50 :W 1 106 25 115 Narsingarh 3,491.00 173 182 1,352 685 667 106 125 207 22 376 207 116 Khedawada 1,270.00 94 94 656 326 330 86 84 109 11 159 21 117 Baramad Kheda 969.00 36 47 303 166 137 30 19 13 2 82 5 118 Antalwasa 1,137.00 27 27 220 114 106 50 45 9 54 6 119 Barthoon 1,690.00 121 121 705 365 340 189 183 81 7 197 5 120 Raj pur Rayti 1,408.00 35 37 341 167 174 20 24 70 5 97 121 Kamthana 2,180.00 150 164 1,060 560 500 132 144 220 17 303 3 122 Arjalla 1,204.00 94 96 615 319 296 167 152 94 24 172 23 123 Madawada 4,461.00 291 336 2,2471,163 1,084 10 9 403 67 659 . 83 124 Lusdawan 1,872.00 122 125 702 375 327 129 III 134 11 195 52 125 Chak Narayangarh .. 785.00 10 10 80 45 35 1 24 5 126 Kamthani 741.00 26 26 150 81 69 55 50 15 38 13 127 Nimadi 717.00 33 33 199 112 87 40 26 11 54 32 128 Khata Khedi 601.00 42 43 240 122 118 85 79 20 69 44 129 Bramankhedi Kalan 393.00 4 4 39 22 17 13 1 7 5 130 Nandiyasi 1,885.00 113 119 672 346 326 71 68 103 7 197 83 131 Bachha Khedi 954.00 33 35 190 100 90 40 36 26 62 4 132 Bagedi 1,558.00 85 88 5P 255 262 81 78 90 16 144 45 133 Chandwasla 1,651.00 85 89 488 252 236 64 62 81 4 158 36 134 Lasudiya Khema 1,498.00 111 119 614 319 295 102 105 111 4 218 7 135 Bilwanya 1,389.00 129 143 697 372 325 110 99 127 19 210 25 136 Khamariya 1,298.00 117 124 699 339 360 151 161 86 3 204 28 137 Badagaon 3,714.00 193 214 1,697 900 797 205 169 251 38 539 37 138 SandIa 2,774.00 139 150 841 445 396 129 124 119 4 236 12 139 Surel 2,236.00 109 127 738 377 361 124 135 58 194 74 140 Sonchidi 636.00 39 39 229 108 121 33 40 18 69 7 141 Piploda Panth 1,235.00 48 48 296 156 140 41 34 5'3 2 93 10 142 Luhari 836.00 41 42 216 114 102 72 68 44 69 143 KadiyaJi 635.00 51 53 256 137 119 35 34 57 81 144 Madgani 571.00 12 12 63 36 27 35 27 5 20 12 145 Gidawada 739.00 65 74 333 171 162 121 122 23 1 107 54 146 Sandawada 1,576.00 93 93 459 234 225 102 109 97 24 129 18 147 Sekdi Sultanpur 922.00 48 48 313 173 140 93 73 23 88 60 148 Chavand 776.00 50 54 363 183 180 23 17 15 2 100 16 149 Rajota 760.00 54 56 362 189 173 68 66 25 102 9 150 Lekodiya Anjna 2,295.00 141 163 869 467 402 145 130 161 28 251 21 151 Kalal Khedi 802.00 57 57 360 196 164 58 43 50 91 9 152 Paslod 3,034.00 184 189 1,064 568 496 170 154 213 37 298 ·51 lQ3

KHACHAROD TAHSIL WORKERS _, ______- ______~ ..A.------, 1 n III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII TX X Non- Workers r----"-_____ r----"---, r----"---,--, r---''------, r---"----:-. r---"----l r--A..., ,.-A..., r--A..., r---"------, r--.A.---., L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

73 3 50 23 2 6 3 7 4 148 213 99 83 45 39 93 195 100 169 13 76 36 11 2 2 2 27 3 239 424 101 95 2 47 65 111 198 102 70 14 35 35 47 121 103 30 2 1 30 72 104 113 4 28 18 2 2 139 248 105 53 22 3 19 84 172 106 153 3 24 2 3 2 18 9 138 318 107 29 8 2 30 87 108 92 1/ 4 2 4 55 154 109 58 1 5g 4 6 1 131 249 110 130 6 22 26 23 23 3 2 2 13 132 329 111 63 24 30 80 125 112 76 2 32 32 6 105 194 113 87 6 11 17 3 3 2 1 1 104 206 114 181 53 157 148 15 6 5 3 14 309 460 115 89 2 58 19 7 4 167 309 116 64 5 11 2 5 84 132 117 46 6 7 1 60 100 118 134 3 22 35 2 5 168 335 119 88 7 2 70 174 120 218 1 53 2 13 6 7 1 1 3 257 497 121 116 21 42 1 2 11 1 147 273 122 466 38 114 41 9 30 8 9 2 21 4 504 1,001 123 121 2 56 50 13 5 180 275 124 14 8 5 2 21 30 125 28 9 13 43 56 126 43 25 11 7 58 55 127 48 31 19 13 2 53 74 128 7 5 15 12 129 112 14 55 68 11 7 2 9 149 243 130 45 2 5 2 10 2 38 86 131 136 38 4 6 2 2 111 217 132 111 4 39 31 2 5 94 200 133 178 18 2 11 6 2 4 3 101 288 134 174 11 12 13 3 10 1 9 162 300 135 140 8 10 9 43 2 1 1 8 2 6 135 332 136 400 8 81 20 24 16 5 2 3 2 13 2 361 760 137 183 4 26 8 8 9 3 7 209 384 138 141 22 41 50 7 4 183 287 139 64 2 3 5 I 1 39 114 140 73 J. 12 9 4 1 63 130 141 63 6 45 101 142 70 10 56 119 143 17 12 2 1 16 15 144 85 36 6 8 12 10 4 64 108 145 114 17 8 1 1 2 4 105 207 146 65 51 21 5 2 4 85 80 147 70 1 25 15 1 3 83 164 148 67 32 9 1 2 87 164 149 150 9 48 10 4 7 5 10 7 16 2 4 216 "81 150 73 4 17 5 1 105 155 151 205 7 63 41 2 15 5 6 3 270 445 152 i04


.--~-----.---~--.--.------Area of Occu. No. of Total Population Literate . ,-_.. _- village in pied House· (including institu· and (I.IX) Acres and resi. holds tional and house· Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village! of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses ,-__--A. __ ....., ,--"----., r--"----., ,-.__..._._....., r-.__..;....-....., No. Urban Block Km2 PM F M FMF M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

153 Akva Najeek 1,773.00 80 94 520 268 252 98 90 88 162 141 154 Nawada 1,586.00 103 III 554 284 270 120 98 72 9 157 120 155 Chambal Padalya 1,845.00 107 125 781 396 385 152 144 121 14 219 185 156 Nagjhiri 792.00 70 73 360 179 181 48 55 25 71 55 157 Barkheda Naj eek 973.00 73 75 443 219 224 91 83 45 125 135 158 Bhakarda 887.00 55 60 325 177 148 60 46 49 3 99 85 159 Pipalya Molu 1,397.00 77 81 500 257 243 16 16 57 3 151 93 160 Kundla 1,303.00 78 79 423 209 214 64 58 56 3 125 13 161 Bagla 618.00 35 38 221 116 105 5 6 25 4 67 7 162 Nimbodiya Khurd 1,199.00 75 75 367 185 182 78 70 54 2 98 163 Piploda Sagotimata 3,184.00 341 342 1,679 877 802 201 184 227 114 431 29 164 Pipalya Sees 1,258.00 88 92 482 237 245 68 68 59 136 24 165 Jhiranya Khacharod 1,593.00 98 104 649 329 320 21 16 117 46 163 8 166 Hatai 1,141.00 80 86 463 242 221 104 90 44 7 146 32 167 Dabri 953.00 97 127 68] 349 332 11 10 80 3 208 105 168 Simrot 1,048.00 62 76 495 262 233 63 50 50 2 163 29 169 Makla 1,197.00 59 87 318 196 182 52 53 45 4 105 20 170 Palkhi 693.00 53 53 216 112 104 34 44 34 2 72 7 171 Dhoomaheda 1,847.00 109 113 602 294 308 127 156 75 8 157 19 172 Madhavgarh 587.00 14 16 69 34 35 2 21 3 173 Dallaheda 966.00 50 52 287 157 130 68 58 18 83 17 174 Rathda 886.00 47 47 287 140 147 70 76 7 83 175 Jalodiya Unhel 893.00 35 35 209 109 100 20 24 64 176 Khimla Khedi 782.00 32 32 256 136 120 34 35 22 82 177 Mahu 1,063.00 49 57 296 155 141 59 62 24 91 3 178 Matra 478.00 25 28 180 96 84 40 34 9 59 179 Mohna 1,497.00 75 90 458 232 226 103 106 66 9 129 73 180 Guradiya Pit ramal 1.419.00 80 87 519 270 249 150 143 74 3 156 89 181 Borkheda Piramal 3,490.00 162 176 1,030 524 506 175 159 180 37 299 173 182 Piplya Rani 2,218.00 76 76 454 236 218 54 55 70 6 148 121 183 Bhatera 887.00 33 33 210 96 114 51 69 25 1 60 46 184 Po~na Kheda 715.00 45 45 269 142 127 5 4 21 2 91 30 Poona Kheda 31 31 202 J08 94 5 4 19 1 69 21 DUngri 14 14 67 34 33 2 1 22 9 185 Heedi 2,391.00 126 136 767 400 367 111 109 112 16 239 159 186 Antraliya 1,140.00 60 63 375 184 191 47 39 37 96 13 187 Kiradiya 908.00 42 43 199 120 79 50 36 22 4 58 9 188 Hapakheda 776.00 27 33 221 104 117 3 3 19 2 56 56 189 Pankhedi 775.00 52 59 341 181 160 38 26 44 1 106 89 190 Barkheda Mandan 1,216.00 63 76 461 236 225 101 102 49 3 127 104 191 Gurachha 1,133.00 48 52 283 139 144 29 33 33 3 88 74 192 Raiyapur 554.00 23 27 118 59 59 7 8 17 3 44 35 193 MundIa 1,062.00 55 64 365 176 189 61 60 49 2 110 112 194 Umariya 994.00 49 52 297 154 143 61 61 28 102 77 195 Guradiya Sanga 1,702.00 92 100 650 342 308 88 72 76 192 175 196 AIot Jagir 2,654.00 157 191 1,066 553 513 102 81 127 275 158 197 Chidi Rawadiya 1,164.00 49 56 313 163 150 63 52 50 4 103 82 198 Karnawad 2,249.00 166 170 930 473 457 67 67 98 2 267 224 199 Piplya Sanga F45.00 46 49 306 148 158 67 67 29 91 81 200 Sarwana Unhel 1,854.00 104 110 615 310 305 133 137 73 3 163 145 201 Arolya Dewda 766.00 26 34 229 113 116 20 18 46 57 8 202 Jhiranya Unhel 903.00 57 61 367 185 182 56 60 70 6 110 86 'Z03 Parolya Padma 1,056.00 48 52 308 169 139 51 45 47 2 99 71 204 Chinkuganj 654.00 35 35 161 83 78 10 9 15 49 44 :105

KHACHAROD TAHSIL --- WORKERS..A. ______-, I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,---A.--, ,--..A.----, ,---A..---., ,-----"---, r-_)\.-~ ,.--''----, ,--'''----, ,---''----, ,.-----"---, ,-~'-----, ,---"----. L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

115 105 28 36 13 2 4 106 111 153 71 60 41 56 19 2 7 2 7 12 127 150 154 152 99 38 83 3 7 2 5 3 10 177 200 155 66 48 2 6 2 1 108 126 156 110 106 15 29 94 89 157 72 73 14 12 12 1 78 63 158 122 82 10 11 12 3 106 J50 159 107 5 18 8 84 201 160 52 15 7 49 98 161 64 17 1 9 4 4 87 181 162 212 2 44 13 12 18 32 1 11 14 4 26 3 22 40 5 446 773 163 111 2 12 13 10 9 3 101 221 .164 104 2 29 6 5 3 10 4 7 166 312 165 104 8 24 24 3 2 3 10 96 189 166 158 89 12 13 27 3 1 3 6 141 227 167 104 6 8 5 31 9 17 3 1 1 7 99 204 168 77 8 11 12 4 2 3 8 91 162 169 55 13 7 1 3 40 97 170 124 5 20 12 5 2 2 1 4 137 289 171 16 1 5 2 13 32 172 tiS 16 12 5 1 1 74 113 173 80 2 57 147 174 62 2 45 100 175 75 6 1 54 120 176 78 2 3 6 2 2 64 138 177 49 4 4 2 37 84 178 94 51 20 22 8 1 6 103 153 179 128 78 9 9 9 2 3 2 2 1 2 114 160 180 213 12 40 145 18 4 3 4 2 16 13 225 333 181 116 111 11 9 12 J 8 1 88 97 182 44 44 3 1 8 3 2 36 68 183 69 30 1 21 51 97 184 52 21 1 16 39 73 17 9 5 12 24 III 4 85 121 22 8 17 3 15 9 161 208 185 73 4 12 9 8 1 2 88 178 186 37 2 13 7 6 2 62 70 187 46 50 3 6 3 1 3 48 61 188 67 72 29 17 3 4 2 1 75 71 189 105 93 16 11 3 3 109 121 190 68 62 15 12 2 2 51 70 191 41 33 2 2 t 15 24 192 85 92 21 20 2 2 66 77 193 80 65 16 11 4 2 52 66 194 113 120 55 55 7 10 1 1 4 ISO 133 195 198 120 55 38 3 5 7 2 5 278 355 196 52 58 43 23 5 2 1 60 68 197 168 161 58 50 7 2 23 11 3 1 2 5 206 233 198 62 50 24 31 2 2 57 77 199 140 66 13 79 3 3 1 1 2 147 160 200 45 9 8 2 1 56 J08 201 77 64 21 20 7 2 4 75 96 202 79 60 16 10 4 70 68 203 38 33 7 11 3 34 34 204 106


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate .------village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses ,-___.A-_-----, ,---A.----., ,---A.-----, ,-_--A.._-----, r----A.----., No. Urban Block Km 2 PM F MFMF M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

205 Kankarda 1,016.00 35 35 182 105 77 55 32 20 1 64 45 206 Mali Khedi 1,323.00 61 61 370 194 176 28 26 43 11 95 75 207 Bedawan 2,147.00 266 285 1,493 763 730 72 80 430 61 424 320

208 K'lsba Unhcl 6,373.00 924 1,080 5,8923,0372,855 272 257 " 1,541 802 1,535 739 209 Didiya Khedi 1,082.00 33 42 274 146 128 41 29 28 2 87 38 210 ltawa 1,218.00 6i 77 399 197 202 96 102 24 112 105 211 Baijnath Khedi 910.00 25 28 159 75 84 31 33 8 47 45 212 Pagara 1,028. DO 38 42 230 112 118 20 25 29 66 64 213 Piplya Dabi 2,520.00 85 117 547 295 252 126 106 88 g 179 99 214 Roopa Khedi 882.00 38 43 204 97 107 27 19 17 62 34 215 Surjakhedi 1,286.00 53 59 256 149 107 37 25 14 85 47 216 Lasudiya Chuwad 1,118.00 41 64 331 185 146 58 48 19 98 32 217 Gurla 2,652.00 140 150 784 394 390 207 178 59 1 225 118 218 Karondiya 970.00 40 42 232 123 109 52 42 23 68 9 219 Ramabaloda 2,883.00 99 105 584 289 295 90 79 93 18 150 86 220 Khokri 1,404.00 95 97 485 251 234 58 54 63 7 133 107 221 Jiyajigarh 572.00 31 31 207 111 96 50 49 15 61 38 222 Arolya Jassa 695.00 52 57 283 158 125 77 55 36 1 89 81 223 Kasba Khacharod 5,448.00 19 49 397 206 191 11 12 71 34 131 19


16/11 Khacbarod (M) 0.78 3,125 9,158 657 1 5,292 4,382 2,335 17,726 8,568 585 3 2,649 869 16/II/1 Ward No.1 219 347 1,886 967 919 50 65 2 444 181 474 155 Block No. I 62 88 546 279 267 25 27 134 46 138 31 Block No.2 84 U5 696 350 346 7 18 141 45 159 99 Block No.3 73 144 644 338 306 18 20 2 169 90 177 25 16/11f2 Ward No.2 176 229 1.326 695 631 186 174 341 125 359 63 Block No.4 114 139 746 392 354 84 81 209 97 219 48 Block No.5 62 90 580 303 277 102 93 132 28 140 15 16/11/3 Ward No. 3 167 277 1,499 791 708 105 94 548 295 334 56 Block No.6 72 116 663 354 309 104 94 245 ]29 129 39 Block No.7 95 161 836 437 399 1 303 166 205 17 16/11/4 "Fard No.4 213 233 1,234 626 608 4 5 295 29 359 llO Block No.8 108 117 636 322 314 4 5 136 19 194 10 Block No.9 105 116 598 304 294 159 10 165 100 16/11/5 Ward No 5 198 233 1,168 614 554 218 30 328 23 Block No. 10 101 124 611 319 292 100 16 172 12 Block No. 11 97 109 557 295 262 118 14 156 11 16/11/6 Ward No 6 209 282 1,633 826 807 2 539 290 377 108 Block No. 12 79 92 541 277 264 163 79 123 17 Block No. 13 57 94 515 271 244 2 214 136 124 9 Block No. ~4 73 96 577 278 299 162 7S 130 82 16/11/7 Ward No.7 168 250 1,524 759 765 1 1 550 428 342 17 Block No. 15 73 106 543 280 263 1 1 198 112 122 10 Block No. 16 56 87 611 304 307 217 177 135 5 Block No. 17 39 57 370 175 195 135 139 85 2 16/11/8 Ward No. 8 183 225 1,339 709 630 236 188 311 81 368 146 Block No. 18 99 121 694 355 339 106 88 134 25 201 49 Block No. 19 84 104 645 354 291 130 100 177 56 167 97 16/JI/9 Ward No.9 184 259 1,479 752 727 507 327 323 32 Block No. 20 72 100 546 275 271 165 91 126 10 107 KHACHAROD TAHSIL KHACHAROD (M)

______' ______WORKERS.A.. ______------, I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers ,---"-----. ,_.A..-----, ,--"----"1 ,-~ ,-~ r-~ ,---"---, ,-,-1....-..., ,~ ,~ ,-_..A..--" L;C, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No, 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

,9 40 4 j 1 41 32 205 42 25 8 4 43 46 2 99 101 206 310 250 70 64 2 862 2 2 23 3 339 410 207 623 459 184 188 18 .. 146 41 90 2 12 221 7 13 228 42 1,5022.116 208 58 28 14 10 12 3 59 90 209 71 68 30 37 8 2 85 97 210 42 42 4 3 28 39 211 57 57 5 5 3 2 46 54 212 116 50 54 43 8 6 I 116 153 213 37 25 12 9 7 4 2 35 73 214 61 40 12 7 6 2 3 64 60 215 61 15 22 15 7 6 2 2 87 114 216 132 55 77 60 5 3 3 2 5 169 272 217 48 2 16 7 2 55 100 218 98 27 26 59 8 8 5 5 139 209 219 86 75 22 32 8 4 2 10 118 127 220 45 21 2 17 11 3 50 58 221 62 67 19 13 4 2 1 69 44 '222 57 9 22 9 2 49 75 172 223


1,029 112 67 1 467 570 71 749 126 1,190 4.776 176 97 2 329 20 38 2 20S 7,699 16/11 71 2 3 1 13 22 99 32 2 7 71 15 50 .. 205 36 493 76416/11/1 36 1 3 6 3 4 2 37 15 5 46 11 141 236 I 20 1 4 12 96 15 2 20 24 61 2 191 247 2 15 I 1 1 6 4 13 5 14 21 98 23 161 281 3 81 1 16 35 11 6 7 59 1 15 21 14 1 136 18 336 56816/11/2 42 14 35 5 5 7 23 1 2 ]9 10 99 3 173 306 4 39 2 6 1 36 13 2 4 37 15 163 262 5 14 3 10 12 1 51 3 44 1 12 71 16 .. 115 37 457 ,65216/lJ/3 3 2 18 1 7 1 40 4 55 36 225 270 6 11 1 10 12 33 2 37 11 31 12 60 1 232 382 7 301 104 24 3 2 5 2 I 8 1 17 1 267 498 16/ Il/4 160 6 12 2 5 4 11 128 304 8 141 98 12 1 1 1 1 4 6 139 194 9 254 9 26 11 1 6 1 13 1 6 1 20 2 286 53116/II/5 137 5 9 4 4 10 2 9 2 147 280 10 117 4 17 7 1 2 3 1 4 11 139 251 11 79 11 8 42 74 60 4 14 64 4 7 .. 103 15 449 69916111/6 42 7 3 7 1 18 2 10 14 1 1 28 6 154 247 12 ]3 3 18 1 21 1 2 30 3 2 35 4 147 235 13 24 4 2 17 72 21 1 2 20 4 40 5 148 217 14 33 1 8 5 I 6 2 58 2 11 '. 124 5 96 7 417 74816/11/7 25 1 7 5 1 4 11 7 20 3 44 4 158 253 15 6 2 27 1 I 60 2 39 2 169 302 16 2 1 2 20 1 3 44 13 1 90 193 17 43 26 2 5 " 138 71 35 4 1 21 3 .. 122 43 341 48416/11/8 20 3 2 2 96 31 17 2 1 1 64 11 154 290 18 23 23 3 42 40 18 2 1 20 2 58 32 187 194 19 74 2 13 9 8 1 1 ]] 5 35 1 .. 101 I 7 73 13 429 69516!lJ/9 41 1 5 4 5 5 16 25 5 24 5 149 261 20 108


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate r--....,. •• -- village in piad House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house· Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses ,-_--A.__ ----, ,--.A.--., ,--.A._, ,--.A.....,.--., ro•• ...-A. ___.., No. Urban Block Km ll P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Block No. 21 67 93 542 281 261 202 132 113 12 Block No. 22 45 66 391 196 195 140 104 84 10 16/11/10 Ward No. 10 223 278 1,613 853 760 1 1 435 159 401 91 Block No. 23 79 105 621 320 301 215 107 148 34 Block No. 24 51 73 431 226 205 96 28 112 10 Block No. 25 93 100 561 307 254 124 24 141 47 16/11/11 Ward No. 11 163 242 1,466 761 705 561 412 335 20 Block No. 26 78 120 744 391 353 270 164 175 8 BlockNo. 27 85 122 722 370 352 291 248 160 12 16/11/12 Ward No. 12 232 270 1,559 805 754 72 58 543 292 382 48 Block No. 28 62 81 462 248 214 30 20 164 78 128 6 "Block No. 29 62 81 486 254 232 27 25 176 87 106 15 Block No. 30 108 108 611 303 308 15 13 203 127 148 27


16/VI Nagda (M) 23.83 7,047 17,939 2,593 310 9,725 9,186 5,318 32,569 14,630 2,518 312 4,110 913 16/VI/1 Ward No.1 504 1,007 4,993 2,651 2,342 500 600 .. 1,244 415 1,343 210 Block No. J 112 134 717 378 339 14 25 256 139 198 17 Block No. 2 46 141 661 350 311 108 125 162 51 176 39 Block No. 3 54 118 691 381 310 39 46 206 86 191 Block No. 4 33 III 481 271 210 75 81 134 29 131 31 Block No. 5 59 106 570 289 281 41 46 87 17 150 27 Block No. 6 53 132 561 302 259 7 9 124 42 150 19 Block No. 7 98 136 688 366 322 35 48 170 44 187 33 Block No, 8 99 129 624 314 310 181 220 105 7 160 44 16/VI/2 Ward No.2 544 1,114 4,980 2,720 2,260 209 182 68 65 1,596 788 1,377 73 Block No. 9 61 155 686 365 321 7 4 249 126 189 7 Block No. 10 67 146 628 333 295 10 6 99 126 148 9 Block No. II 49 103 423 236 187 2 3 1 175 92 130 4 Block No. 12 52 121 660 365 295 16 17 16 14 217 88 204 14 Block No, 13 62 161 656 367 289 11 11 3 258 117 197 7 Block No. 14 64 161 715 389 326 35 33 17 15 220 112 192 13 Block No. 15 61 139 600 321 279 63 55 32 32 179 51 156 4 Block No. 16 128 128 612 344 268 65 53 2 1 199 76 161 15 16/VI/3 Ward No. 3 833 995 4,745 2,613 2,132 477 513 117 176 1,107 2911,431 234 Block No. 17 189 208 1,006 522 484 126 129 18 n 150 14 304 140 Block No. 18 85 124 731 393 338 40 41 242 60 201 Block No. 19 104 118 479 267 212 77 89 47 65 91 2 141 27 Block No. 20 78 163 784 431 353 60 65 16 23 161 45 228 13 Block No. 21 146 150 772 425 347 40 41 23 36 200 108 209 53 Block No. 22 105 106 552 306 246 85 92 13 18 144 41 171 Block No. 23 126 126 421 269 152 49 56 2 119 21 177 16/Vlj4 Ward No.4 574 823 4,2692,276 1,993 164 169 17 13 1,447 7271,154 92 Block No. 24 110 110 529 292 237 65 67 17 13 90 23 155 6 Block No. 25 141 141 630 328 302 13 13 213 98 161 24 Block No. 26 72 117 654 337 317 33 33 202 91 166 14 Block No. 27 63 114 675 369 306 53 56 223 83 199 26 Block No. 28 63 152 722 394 328 304 158 198 9 Block No. 29 47 109 584 307 277 215 134 146 12 Block No. 30 78 80 475 249 226 200 140 129 1 109 KHACHAROD (M) NAGDA (M)

______WORKERS.A.. ______-----, I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VIl VIII IX X Non­ Workers ,-_A.._-., ,-_A._-., ,-_.-J'--., ,-.-J'----. ,--''--., r-_}'---., ,--''--...... , ,-.-J'--., ,.....-''--...... , ,--_)'-----, ,---"---., LoC. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

23 7 5 2 1 10 50 2 19 3 168 249 21 10 1 3 1 4 4 9 26 30 5 112 185 22 53 5 12 18 1J 71 47 40 I 80 12 11 1 122 8 452 66916/11/10 25 2 15 1 44 14 12 26 2 36 4 172 267 23 5 3 4 9 3 11 22 3 5 53 3 114 195 24 23 5 7 2 6 18 30 17 1 32 9 4 33 1 166 207 25

8 2 47 9 86 3 3 00 100 3 4 85 5 426 68516/11!11 6 36 2 46 2 2 31 2 52 3 216 345 26J 2 2 11 7 40 1 1 69 2 2 33 2 210 340 27 18 12 I 4 I 62 9 107 2 6 82 3 7 96 20 423 70616/11/12 2 13 3 51 23 2 36 3 120 208 28 3 1 21 6 31 1 30 2 1 19 5 148 217 29 15 12 1 28 25 1 5 29 4 41 12 155 281 30


--...._ ...... ___ ...• _- . __ ~ .. ----- _ .. _------277 158 60 5 308 5,377 229 828 449 1,495 8,753 58 185 4 7 28 356 14 47 7 295 13,717 16/VI 41 4 9 5 19 2 3 34 6 625 79 48 3 175 22 44 3 345 861,3082,132 16/VI/1 9 1 3 3 3 74 5 6 71 6 12 20 2 180 322 1 1 1 3 5 3 91 16 5 14 6 3 54 12 174 272 2 4 2 18 80 37 6 44 190 310 3 8 3 1 72 19 4 22 7 2 19 5 140 179 4 7 5 70 6 5 7 2 5 50 19 139 254 5 4 5 3 5 3 84 5 '8 5 3 25 6 152 240 6 2 1 84 14 16 5 11 68 16 179 289 7 6 2 5 1 1 70 14 12 1 65 26 154 266 8 26 3 9 3 9 2 34 2 722 15 36 00 192 6 82 00 267 42 1,343 2,187 16fVI/2 12 4 3 1 1 106 1 5 21 10 27 3 176 314 9 6 2 3 3 76 2 7 16 1 5 31 3 185 286 10 2 4 61 2 7 24 2 32 106 183 11 1 1 3 5 95 37 14 47 13 161 281 12 3 1 10 88 2 39 5 51 4 170 282 13 2 2 2 00 117 2 3 20 3 14 32 8 197 313 14 9 89 1 13 11 14 20 3 165 275 15 1 90 5 24 20 27 8 183 253 16 1J7 40 105 95 22 1 28 9 651 26 32 3 77 I 173 4 225 561,182 1,89816/Vl/3 98 38 102 92 11 12 9 56 3 6 16 218 344 17 1 3 14 00 104 18 19 41 192 338 18 2 91 7 8 3 7 10 23 15 126 185 19 17 2 3 7 2 00 125 2 27 15 33 7 203 340 20 34 16 5 1 114 3 56 33 216 294 21

00 101 2 34 34 1 135 245 22

00 140 3 11 22 92 152 23

70 2 22 6 51 10 457 14 17 00 246 11 42 00 243 55 1,122 1,90116/ Vl/4 49 2 19 2 5 1 43 2 9 1 1 25 1 137 231 24 2 12 5 93 4 4 14 6 4 32 9 167 278 25 4 3 65 3 2 44 2 46 11 171 303 26 4 3 6 2 98 4 2 23 2 17 45 18 170 280 27 6 25 2 74 55 6 32 7 196 319 28 2 49 5 44 2 3 38 9 161 265 29 35 2 57 9 25 120 225 30 110


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tiona! and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.c, Town/Ward/ Ward in houses r--~--"------, r-___"_~ r---"-----, r----"------. r--_.A.--) No. Urban Block Km2 PM F MF MF M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J1 12 13 14 15 16 -_------~------~- 16jVlj5 Ward No. 5 673 706 3,228 1,776 1,452 42 42 .. 1,355 823 878 37 Block No. 31 121 121 600 333 267 273 85 138 8 Block No. 32 127 136 747 399 348 27 27 279 203 173 11 Block No. 33 127 128 613 332 281 14 14 205 82 148 2 Block No. 34 155 155 680 351 329 .1 I 308 277 189 8 Block No. 35 143 166 588 361 227 290 176 230 8 16fVI/6 Ward No.6 842 848 3,344 1,983 1,361 303 197 69 19 1,005 381 1,013 67 Block No. 36 115 117 629 333 296 7 7 250 158 143 6 Block No. ~7 108 108 518 289 229 2 209 118 143 6 Block No. 38 147 147 639 377 262 20 20 1911 62 179 11 Block No. 39 205 205 541 398 143 101 46 3 6 133 16 305 11 Block No. 40 177 177 644 377 267 57 46 3 8 154 16 123 26 Block No. 41 90 94 373 209 164 116 78 63 5 61 11 120 7 16/VI/7 Ward No.7 704 710 3,327 1,815 1,512 316 276 21 24 869 279 874 49 Block No. 42 129 132 712 398 314 26 20 223 87 165 5 Block No. 43 115 118 569 316 253 23 19 213 72 149 Block No. 44 150 150 689 392 297 104 79 4 7 165 81 191 3 Block No. 45 153 153 650 33,+ 316 163 158 17 17 99 13 184 28 Block No. 46 157 157 707 375 332 169 26 185 13 16/Vl/8 Ward No.8 644 844 3,6832,1051,578 582 539 18 15 1,102 406 1,116 151 Block No. 47 129 129 452 274 178 II 9 2 2 126 34 167 3 Block No. 48 114 120 591 312 279 110 110 4 5 195 103 14 t 29 Block No. 49 120 122 519 322 197 159 51 192 7 Block No. 50 92 164 673 385 288 224 219 3 157 22 216 48 Block No. 51 69 106 534 285 249 138 127 5 5 145 43 126 38 Block No. 52 57 111 489 289 200 85 61 4 2 146 34 149 25 Block No. 53 63 92 425 238 187 14 13 17.( 117 125 111


------.----~~-- WORKERS--A-______--, II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,----A---., ,---A-----, , ----"----, , ---"----, ,-''------, ,-''-----.., ,-''----, ,-''------, ,-''------, ,-'~-, ,---A-----, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

~----~--~-~--~------~ 18 1 12 2 1 4 1 639 10 16 40 2 23 .. 125 21 898 1,415 16/V1/5 1 106 7 11 13 6 195 259 31 5 1 1 .. 135 3 10 7 3 12 5 226 337 32 12 9 1 1 3 .. 101 3 3 16 184 279 33

" 128 4 3 3 3 51 3 162 321 34 2 .. 169 1 3 20 3 33 7 131 219 35 I 3 1 5 799 43 30 2 30 2 42 102 20 9701,29416!VI/6 3 113 2 2 25 4 190 290 36 11~ 2 8 1I 11 4 146 223 37

" 150 7 2 2 25 3 198 251 38 .. 238 10 30 4 20 11 93 132 39 2 94 17 2 8 18 7 254 241 40 1 91 5 6 1 9 12 1 89 157 41 3 1 .. 151 · . 575 38 33 4 22 2 18 71 5 9411,46316/V1/7 .. 150 4 1 6 2 6 233 309 42 · . 127 2 2 2 15 167 253 43 · . 162 1 3 2 6 17 1 201 294 44 · . 129 20 26 4 4 6 18 3 150 288 45 I I · . 157 13 I 8 2 15 190 319 46 1 7 1 · . 909 131 17 2 46 1 25 . . 117 10 989 1,427 16/VI/8 · . 128 2 2 21 2 14 107 175 47 .. 115 29 5 5 2 14 171 250 48 7 · - 167 2 1 2 20 130 190 49 -- 185 46 2 1 3 2 23 1 169 240 50 " 100 33 2 1 6 2 15 4 159 211 51 .. 122 21 2 5 5 15 4 140 175 52 92 2 5 10 16 113 186 53 112


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate r------village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village] of Town! dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Wardl Ward in houses , __-A.. ___--., .--A..____, ,..-_..A.----., ,_----"-__--., ,_..A. __ --, No. Urban Block Km2 P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

16/2 Mahidpur Tahsil (Rural) 1,126.616,621 98,011 47,236 14,205 92 1,420 7,025 17,483 50,775 14,953 99 11,153 29,151 Devli 708.99 58 58 306 143 163 58 63 24 2 79 40 2 Petlawad 1,909.33 111 111 673 338 335 83 81 125 6 190 8 3 Brahman Kheda 1,873.26 122 122 711 372 339 147 156 89 7 207 31 4 Kanakhedi Eklospur 1,519.14 56 56 329 168 161 60 48 7 95 13 5 Koyal 2,000.90 98 98 635 319 316 79 (6 123 12 193 40 6 Bapaiya 2,297.09 182 182 1,043 529 514 135 146 234 46 298 82 7 Isan Khedi 1,552.00 125 l'24 643 329 314 78 86 41 168 122 Isan Khedi 47 44 264 130 134 78 86 15 69 50 Agnadera Banjara 36 36 212 112 100 15 59 40 Bich Kadero 10 11 48 23 25 5 9 10 Athmatadera 32 33 119 64 55 6 31 22 8 Karnawad 1,061 .31 59 62 389 191 198 51 41 24 107 28 Karnawad 32 35 195 95 100 51 47 18 1 50 9 Shikari Kheda 27 27 194 96 98 6 57 19 9 Tarnod 1,413.36 120 139 716 367 349 125 131 24 240 48 Tarnod 82 88 501 255 246 125 131 14 1 163 20 Kharol Kheda 38 51 215 112 103 10 77 28 10 Sarwan Kbeda 1,805.89 55 55 326 164 162 63 59 25 1 92 14 11 Seran Khedi 458.77 19 20 119 62 57 17 15 40 7 12 Gogapur 1,931.23 527 538 2,695 1,490 1,205 220 182 833 336 760 72 Gogapur 69 69 435 233 202 81 71 80 1 124 20 Mahidpur Road 458 469 2,260 1,2571,003 139 III 753 335 636 52 13 Zarawada 1,504.27 64 64 331 181 150 71 64 27 108 5 14 Narayan Khedi 1,165.42 56 56 312 168 144 71 59 57 3 88 32 15 Baru Khedi 1,360.05 74 74 456 231 225 67 69 85 2 152 10 16 Delchi Bujurg 2,881.67 163 174 946 516 430 153 135 15 12 134 25 309 93 17 Banjari 1,962.15 108 110 649 330 319 80 82 148 7 185 177 Banjari 91 92 532 272 260 60 54 121 7 152 146 NayaKheda 17 18 117 58 59 20 28 27 33 31 18 Chitawad 2,531.18 138 138 739 381 358 22 19 89 4 192 55 Chilawad 111 111 562 293 269 22 19 87 4 154 27 Banjara Kheda 27 27 177 88 89 2 38 28 19 Parv


______WORKERS-A ______~ I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII· VIII IX X Non­ Workers .----'-----., .-_..A..._--.., r----'''------. r---'''----.., .---'''------. .---'''------. ,--''''___' ,--''''___' .-_)L_-., r-~L_-., r--..A._-., L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

1,709 4,98l 13 164 27 7 16 108 40,211 16/2 19,948 5,378 1,023 794 418 123 434 105 928 21,624 68 1 8 37 1 1 64 123 167 4 16 4 4 3 148 327 2 179 2 IS 28 8 165 308 3 78 3 16 9 73 148 4 134 2 44 38 7 1 5 126 276 5 220 1 52 80 17 5 231 432 6 126 65 17 55 21 2 1 2 161 192 7 54 30 5 20 6 1 2 1 61 84 45 20 6 20 8 53 60 5 8 4 2 14 15 22 7 6 15 3 33 33 77 2 22 26 6 2 84 170 8 36 1 10 8 2 2 45 91 41 1 12 18 4 39 79 189 5 28 43 7 7 3 6 127 301 9 122 2 19 18 6 7 3 6 92 226 67 3 9 25 1 35 75 78 1 12 13 1 72 148 10 38 2 1 5 1 22 50 11 157 74 39 8 53 .. 164 11 107 61 .. 125 30 730 1,133 12 95 16 20 5 5 1 2 109 182 62 1 58 19 3 48 .. 164 1 11 1 106 61 .. 123 30 621 951 65 38 5 1 2 73 145 13 72 3 12 28 4 80 112 14 135 1 10 9 6 79 215 15 141 22 75 46 36 3 22 9 2 2 4 27 12 207 337 16 142 131 23 39 6 7 6 7 1 145 142 17 119 112 16 29 4 6 4 7 1 120 114 23 19 7 10 2 1 2 25 28 149 40 25 14 3 614 1 4 189 303 18 111 12 25 14 3 614 1 4 139 242 38 28 50 61 73 23 6 12 1 ! 78 172 19 50 23 6 9 1 1 47 119 23 1 3 31 53 106 3 14 51 2 107 149 20 38 3 8 £!. 11 1 32 86 21 111 14 63 60 48 2 2 2 1 1 1 5 180 293 22 74 14 36 28 29 2 2 2 1 1 1 5 118 206 21 15 21 11 32 43 16 12 11 8 30 44 69 1 18 8 3 2 76 144 23 59 2 18 2 63 129 24 58 2 9 8 3 3 58 116 25 95 4 1 2 4 1 89 147 26 221 3 36 34 24 15 12 4 12 2 180 397 27 79 1 6 4 9 3 68 156 28 .. Uninhabited .. 29 62 4 7 43 90 30 53 3 19 35 44 73 31 301 7 81 86 29 3 11 2 25 3 369 622 32 60 9 19 35 70 33 114


------.---~--- --~------~-----.------~-~~ ------_--

Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,----- village in pie~ House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resl- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Workers Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons ,-__.A. __ -., ,-__---A- __-, ,------"------, ,-__ ..A---..., L.C. Town/Ward! Ward in houses ,-_.A.~ Km 2 P M F M F M , M F M F No. Urban Block ------~------~------_ ------_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 13 14 15 16 ------_---_------~- -_------34 Arnya Bena 460.16 23 25 140 68 72 14 14 5 48 5 35 Kanthariya 1,527.88 50 52 319 167 152 36 39 32 5 109 9 Kanthariya 22 23 129 67 62 12 7 25 5 42 3 Naya Kheda 28 29 190 100 90 24 32 7 67 6 36 Goga Kheda 1,243.31 82 87 518 253 265 96 80 57 12 152 49 37 Dhara Kheda 451. 24 31 33 173 89 84 28 26 12 51 19 38 Munja Khedi 733.45 55 55 287 161 126 43 39 21 97 14 39 Modi 786.60 43 45 242 116 126 2S 28 28 85 10 40 Bani 1,370.58 71 84 455 228 227 91 93 56 5 124 4 Bani 53 63 354 175 179 38 45 51 5 93 4 Banai Khed. 10 21 101 53 48 53 48 5 31 41 Barkheda Khurd 475.95 35 44 208 105 101 24 28 lO 1 59 17 42 Sipawara 777.79 46 54 243 121 122 32 27 19 3 74 22 43 Semiya 3,201.70 178 222 1,005 532 473 132 121 146 10 283 14 44 Katariya 1,994.85 76 126 466 245 221 66 58 47 2 134 84 Katariya 50 75 308 164 144 54 46 j6 2 86 50 Lahar Khed. 26 51 158 81 77 12 12 11 48 34 45 Dhablasiya 3,239.88 87 87 483 238 245 87 94 19 156 2 46 Arnya Bagada 1,134.60 33 35 206 112 94 45 38 5 61 2 39 7 109 5 47 A~adi 1,123.19 67 68 383 209 174 49 29 48 Bahadarpura 634.15 25 31 156 75 81 21 19 4 43 11 49 Sanoriya 1,554.54 41 50 322 189 133 28 18 33 110 3 50 Sukdi 1,152.93 39 51 344 178 166 72 64 97 56 51 Ghat Peeplya 1,020.11 75 76 433 222 211 44 38 '5 3 157 26 52 Dungariya 1,507.60 92 93 563 295 268 83 88 34 6 167 35 53 Ranayra Peer 2,758.68 232 232 1,232 628 604 297 275 39 40 140 10 375 102 Ranoira Peer 161 161 827 420 407 89 78 39 40 126 10 275 91 Balai Kheda 71 71 405 208 197 208 197 14 100 11 54 Ghatiya Saindas 1,421.72 116 116 639 319 320 101 94 40 2 170 43 55 Fitni 227.51 ,. Uninhabited 57 56 Balah 444.86 34 34 183 95 88 25 10 9 8 57 Bor Khedi 762.98 :13 33 148 71 77 53 55 1 47 -: 58 Mela Khedi 659.94 47 48 272 131 141 31 34 12 70 4 67 59 Hajalya Khedi 734.56 42 43 282 138 . 144 40 46 27 3 9 161 60 Bhadwa 1,765.59 112 115 562 299 263 73 64 49 6 16 61 Yeshwantpura 506.47 23 23 152 85 67 7 3 1 53 181 62 Shrawan 1,809.91 92 92 543 282 261 110 82 14 138 160 63 Tipu Kheda 975.44 65 96 499 257 242 19 25 26 23 64 Bolkheda Ghat 1,735.72 81 105 546 282 264 40 41 S9 178 28 188 65 Malya 2,104.63 72 100 571 286 285 99 102 26 2 28 14 296 133 66 Indokh 1,108.68 146 157 976 508 468 112 119 158 Indokh 137 ]46 910 479 431 83 82 156 14 279 108 Harijan Society 9 11 66 29 37 29 37 2 17 25 67 Kankal Kheda 678.65 .. Uninhabited 2 283 84 68 Mundla Sondhya 2,494.26 140 143 779 418 361 133 120 29 3 1 95 2 69 PataKhedi 1,186.03 50 50 270 142 128 51 39 1 241 176 70 Piplya Dhuma 2,242.56 134 134 734 369 365 168 167 53 115 16 71 Sekli 767.27 67 67 340 166 174 64 72 10 15 141 22 72 Kachhaliya Saiyad 1,517.94 60 83 415 216 199 49 37 231 37 Ban Singh 2,002.45 127 127 753 405 348 53 53 47 73 125 Ban Singh 71 71 393 218 175 41 8 106 29 Dhodi 56 56 360 187 173 53 53 6 4 76 18 74 Dhelwadi 752.57 45 48 231 117 114 46 53 16 109 65 75 Mahudiya 1,398.07 58 63 360 182 178 74 57 115


______WORKERSA ______--.., I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers ,-__-"- __...... ,-_.A._--. ,-_ _J___ ...... ,-_ __J\,__--, ,-___J\,__--.., ,--''--, ,---''----, r---''----, ,.--''----, ,.--''----, r---"----, LoC. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. - ._-_.. ----_._-----_. __._-----_------17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

41 2 6 3 t 20 67 34 91 2 10 4 2 1 5 3 58 143 35 33 3 1 2 I 3 2 25 59 58 2 7 3 2 1 33 84 77 7 53 38 . 1 7 2 3 2 7 4 101 216 36 28 17 18 2 4 38 65 37 87 3 14 2 4 64 112 38 . 66 4 9 6 7 3 31 116 39 110 3 14 104 223 40 86 3 7 1 82 175 24 7 22 48 50 3 6 l4 2 46 86 41 63 3 9 19 1 47 100 42 216 5 36 9 3 3 2 21 249 459 43 97 35 84 1 111 137 44 60 25 50 78 94 37 IO 34 1 33 43 150 1 4 82 243 45 37 21 1 1 1 51 92 46 73 4 33 1 2 1 100 169 47 33 7 11 2 32 70 48 91 12 3 3 2 79 130 49 49 1 4S 55 2 81 110 50 100 3 27 23 6 5 19 65 185 51 113 9 47 26 1 2 2 2 128 233 52 258 14 79 82 18 5 3 16 253 502 53 170 7 70 78 16 5 3 1 15 1 145 316 88 7 9 4 2 1 108 186 128 31 43 4 4 3 149 277 54

00 Uninhabited 00 55 39 16 8 1 38 80 56 37 9 5 1 1 24 70 57 62 6 3 1 1 61 137 58 43 ]0 5 2 5 7 4 71 135 59 120 28 15 8 4 138 247 60 51 1 1 32 67 61 l51 95 26 43 3 101 123 62 112 15 23 17 7 4 1 4 97 219 63 87 3 21 23 45 6 2 8 5 6 104 236 64 125 2 28 24 16 13 2 1 4 98 257 65 163 2 82 119 6 5 5 8 19 1 13 5 212 335 66 155 2 73 94 6 5 581 19 1 13 5 200 323 8 9 25 12 12

o 0 Uninhabited 0 0 67 163 3 68 81 47 3 2 135 277 68 57 24 10 4 47 126 69 141 84 174 1 10 4 1 128 189 70 72 1 36 15 3 2 2 51 158 71 89 2 32 18 17 1 1 2 75 177 72 161 4 32 32 17 2 1 5 13 174 311 73 89 3 18 4 10 2 1 1 5 93 167 72 1 14 28 7 4 1 8 81 144 52 4 17 14 5 2 41 96 74 70 37 ]? 2g 18 2 2 73 113 75 116


- --- ~------,-- --._ ------~----- _------_- --- ... ~.~~----... -----..-- . Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate r------village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes TrIbes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses ,-----"-----., ,-.A---, ,--"----, r----A.---, ,r----A----, No. Urban Block Km2 P M F M F M F M F M F -_- ---_------.------~------~-.----.---~------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

--~.--,----.-.~--~~-. 76 Lasudiya Goyal 1,298.59 89 105 627 319 308 98 129 39 6 196 65 77 Nahar Kheda 482.20 50 50 268 137 131 48 51 4 70 18 78 Bolkheda Nau 2,178.80 161 163 932 466 466 100 101 S5 2 307 8 79 Rabdanya 1.265.98 60 60 293 154 139 52 51 4 89 12 80 Ladanpur 775.71 52 52 237 123 114 28 30 2 78 1 81 Kachhaliya Chand 1,561.73 68 69 412 207 205 64 55 25 6 128 8 82 Khardiya Manpur 726.04 106 120 577 307 270 84 77 55 20 176 18 KhardlJ'a ManplIr 28 28 195 107 88 14 11 8 66 4 Lalgarh 78 92 382 200 182 70 66 47 20 110 14 83 Nag Guradiya 2.373.69 120 137 640 326 314 156 156 28 3 182 2 Nag Gurad;ya 83 100 452 232 220 66 68 26 3 137 2 Narendra Kheda 15 15 83 38 45 38 45 19 Yeshwant Kheda 6 6 22 8 14 4 8 5 Jharniya Kheda 2 2 14 8 6 8 6 2 Sadul Kheda 14 14 69 40 29 40 29 2 19 84 Tolya Khedi 407.28 .. Uninhabited 85 Makla 3,969.47 271 271 1,239 641 598 218 200 120 9 369 92 MaIda 239 239 1,061 538 523 188 174 120 9 317 89 Kheda 32 32 178 103 75 30 26 52 3 86 Rudaheda 1,166.91 SO 53 285 149 136 90 79 1 92 15 87 Kanakhedi Hamma 1,273.72 35 42 300 154 146 9 11 9 1 79 2 88 Lotiya Junnardar 1,722.83 106 134 769 398 371 85 77 37 2 271 51 89 Sakariya 1,275.72 68 75 379 195 184 38 33 39 5 105 8 90 Jharda 3,221. 72 454 531 2,695 1,385 1,310 283 287 625 134 740 275 91 Parasali 351.52 12 13 109 59 50 17 14 7 37 22 92 Bamnai 1,016.04 63 77 472 248 224 94 83 17 127 102 93 Akya Bajrang 513.85 18 21 127 60 67 18 22 39 36 2 94 Tarot 2,554.93 97 110 617 328 289 34 39 80 7 197 5 95 Rawat Khedi 1,030.51 43 52 293 172 121 70 49 25 3 85 14 96 Sumra Kheda 660.54 43 49 309 171 138 88 52 18 97 20 97 Kachariya 1,995.59 110 145 949 485 464 242 241 151 31 274 64 98 Nipaniya Badar 1,551.90 81 93 632 286 336 115 131 46 2 149 48 99 Padlya 1,379.94 91 97 489 253 236 84 82 41 4 139 38 100 Gela Khcdi 1,587.15 99 99 577 296 281 109 108 149 5 177 92 101 Chhingri 733.10 39 39 255 123 132 39 41 17 73 44 102 Jodama Lakha 1,494.61 75 82 465 242 223 124 125 9 1 148 31 103 Nagpura 1,244.26 69 69 411 205 206 72 13 134 94 104 Akya Limba 1,374.52 80 80 491 249 242 51 46 69 5 142 33 105 Khajuriya Mansoor 1,245.74 56 56 306 154 152 102 98 9 1 88 5 106 Guradiya Dasa 1,510.37 77 77 442 230 212 54 48 54 1 134 27 107 Thikariya 900.54 85 85 386 196 190 151 1114 29 1 104 63 108 Lasurdiya Mansoor 1,797,09 77 77 385 211 174 41 34 9 2 115 14 109 Amdi 211,88 26 30 241 124 117 6 1 18 3 75 29 AtNli 9 13 124 64 60 6 1 15 3 39 8 Banjara Dera 17 17 117 60 57 3 36 21 110 Khoriya Sumra 801.56 53 53 310 168 142 57 46 50 6 93 4 III Pipli Kheda 501.01 15 27 122 61 61 6 4 8 41 13 ll2 Mahidpur Kasba 1,148.37 .. Included in urban area as urban outgrowth of Mahidpur (M) 113 Machi Kheda 1,081.83 49 61 377 206 171 39 27 33 121 22 114 RasuJpura 341. 8 I 27 33 248 127 121 20 24 44 69 11 115 Sangwi Kheda 569.23 21 34 169 81 88 2 48 18 116 Ghiya Khedi 480.52 22 22 104 56 48 19 18 15 30 4 117 Dubali 471.08 28 28 184 99 85 37 32 28 2 48 9 118 Dhulet 1,910.76 99 114 590 293 297 113 114 87 27 168 116 117


-_ ------.-_---"-,- ~------WORKERS ------"- -, I II lJI IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,--"---, ,--A.-----, ,---''--, ,----"-----., ,----"-----., ,---"---, ,--''--., ,----"-----., ,--''--.., ,----"----, ,--"----, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F 1\1 F 1\1 F M F 1\1 F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

125 10 52 55 6 3 2 6 123 243 76 42 3 8 14 19 1 67 113 77 217 1 47 7 3 32 5 2 159 458 78 70 4 16 8 2 65 127 79 52 1 11 8 5 1 45 113 80 86 4 24 4 15 2 79 197 81 84 4 37 11 10 22 2 2 5 4 2 10 131 252 82 46 2 9 2 3 4 4 41 84 38 2 28 9 7 18 2 2 1 4 2 10 1 90 168 147 18 11 3 2 1 144 312 83 106 1 17 1 8 3 2 1 95 218 17 1 1 19 45 5 3 14 2 6 6 17 2 21 29 .. Uninhabited " 84 232 19 80 73 14 25 7 10 272 506 85 186 18 74 71 14 25 1 7 10 221 434 46 1 6 2 51 72 82 9 15 1 57 121 86 73 2 3 1 1 1 75 144 87 ]61 80 51 16 7 6 127 320 88 91 4 13 4 1 90 176 89

243 43 219 204 2 2 74 15 24 9 2 59 4 " 106 9 645 1,035 90 25 12 8 10 3 1 22 28 91 92 2 25 94 9 6 1 121 122 92 26 9 2 1 24 65 93 86 2 106 3 2 2 1 131 284 94 38 3 46 11 1 87 107 95 43 50 19 3 1 74 118 96 213 50 62 7 1 3 211 400 97 108 4 39 44 2 147 288 98 82 5 43 32 11 3 114 198 99 134 38 20 54 21 119 189 100 47 8 16 34 8 2 50 88 101 75 1 62 30 5 1 2 3 94 192 102 84 3 47 51 1 2 '11 152 103 96 6 18 27 23 4 107 209 104 63 1 2 1 12 7 3 2 2 66 147 105 92 2 20 25 14 4 3 1 96 185 106 76 16 26 46 2 1 92 127 107 108 6 6 7 96 160 108 51 23 8 6 16 49 88 189 26 7 4 1 9 25 52 25 16 4 5 7 24 36 52 3 26 1 12 2 75 138 110 22 2 7 11 10 2 20 48 111

" Included in urban area as urban outgrowth of Mahidpur (M) " 112 75 3 20 17 24 2 2 85 149 113 51 18 11 58 110 114 41 17 3 1 4 33 10 115 18 2 5 2 6 1 26 44 116 29 11 9 7 1 51 76 117 105 6 59 109 2 125 181 118 118


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,------village in piad House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons ,-___Workers.A. __ -., L.C. Town/Ward{ Ward in houses ,-_----"-__---..., ,---"----. ,---.A-_-., ,-_.A.---., No. Ueban Block Km2 PM F MF MF M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

119 Badgaon 1,085.50 77 77 454 225 229 10 84 53 4 127 12 120 RudaKheda 643.67 34 50 172 79 93 3 2 23 48 53 121 Kadhai 1,963.72 143 143 822 452 370 148 144 168 10 247 44 122 Barapathar 1,426.45 . . Uninhabited .. 123 Seka Khedi 1,103.06 38 38 245 123 122 54 60 20 4 86 82 124 Kaji Khedi 828.22 54 54 284 159 125 3 3 28 5 80 4 125 Tajpura 406.37 " Uninhabited .. 126 Tanda 699.02 31 31 180 92 88 89 85 3 45 127 Barda Bhllrekha 264.92 . . Uninhabited 128 Binpura 1,311.63 56 56 319 163 156 74 67 30 2 97 1 129 Bhima Kheda 915.95 124 128 813 405 408 22 16 149 29 216 130 130 Chorwasa 1,178.03 48 48 275 152 123 54 46 16 87 4 111 Dhara Khecta 1,288.66 59 59 345 179 166 47 52 34 105 6 132 Bagla 1,367.23 73 73 369 196 173 79 74 58 2 102 4 133 BisaI Khedi 1,052.73 50 50 354 177 177 60 62 56 5 105 4 134 Lakhakhedi Naharpllr 1,120.81 93 93 588 316 272 191 158 69 5 182 159 135 AkyaDhanga 1,541.46 59 60 400 193 207 84 93 14 120 34 136 Chirmya 947.05 59 62 387 204 183 60 60 34 110 19 137 TlIlsapur 406.36 30 30 207 109 98 20 10 12 56 2 138 Narana 989.58 53 55 348 180 168 22 31 52 91 11 139 MaIm 1,625.74 70 72 412 226 186 66 54 32 3 144 10 140 Arnya Najik Serpur 689.44 15 15 85 46 39 10 7 10 2 32 27 141 Barkheda Bujurg 2,663.71 136 136 860 478 382 157 126 89 2 286 237 Bar Kheda Bujurg 75 75 495 271 224 63 59 62 2 154 141 Kunlul Jodi 30 30 184 105 79 53 37 14 68 48 Ganbhagniya Kheda 31 31 181 102 79 41 30 13 64 48 142 Baloda 1,227.18 45 45 316 159 157 32 29 27 94 7 143 Ranipura 829.09 31 31 184 107 77 44 34 4 72 53 144 Serpur 649.21 57 57 325 163 162 70 68 13 102 85 145 Itawa 1,377.52 99 99 516 270 246 83 79 100 11 146 7 146 Kitiya 1,370.65 70 72 446 233 213 77 17 55 2 133 26 147 Dongla 1,176.45 87 88 510 252 258 98 84 60 3 142 13 148 Moya Kheda 935.64 36 36 193 97 96 45 42 17 56 2 149 Lasurdiya Shripat 967.35 32 37 229 128 101 33 29 10 87 150 KlIwandiya 634.19 41 41 184 89 95 18 23 4 44 11 Kuwariya 28 28 151 73 78 18 23 3 39 5 Banjara Pela 13 13 33 16 17 t 5 6 151 Iawasya Panth 1,493.51 63 63 383 217 166 103 81 73 5 119 7 152 Dhabla Beni 962.19 38 41 206 112 94 33 24 7 2 65 11 153 Piplya Nath 1,330.82 80 80 526 260 266 68 72 59 3 162 27 154 Lakhakhedi Umath 1,010.77 11 11 70 33 37 5 18 2 155 Ihar Khedi 519.20 19 20 121 66 55 66 55 1 42 156 Dhabli Kamma 1,047.12 36 36 251 117 134 49 58 2 70 1 157 Baijnath 1,085.08 57 57 288 142 146 44 64 34 2 79 3 158 Mendki 681.08 43 43 247 121 ]26 33 31 10 81 14 159 Ramnagar 485.40 15 15 88 44 44 8 4 9 30 2 160 Suhagpura 1,208.68 87 91 605 316 289 81 83 16 1 192 22 161 Ajmabad 1,140.15 91 97 447 239 208 93 85 52 6 129 71 162 Nipanya Raju 1,662.73 99 99 676 338 338 114 93 66 2 202 46 163 Mahidpurya 404.51 4 4 22 14 8 5 8 1 164 Mau Khedi 640.91 52 52 334 178 156 81 75 24 2 112 45 165 Somchidi 511.68 13 13 114 62 52 7 30 166 Dhanodiya 1,728.78 108 III 655 334 321 54 66 92 6 202 12 167 PadiKheda 1,241. 05 67 73 308 164 144 24 21 1 89 3 l19

MAHIDPURTAHSIL WORKERS .A. --., II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,..-.A._., ,..-.A.----., ,..-~ r-~ r-_A_-, r-~ r-~ r-~ r-~ ,.._}L-.., r--.A.----., L.e. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

77 4 25 6 21 1 ' 1 2 98 217 119 40 1 7 51 1 1 31 40 120 187 12 34 31 10 8 4 4 205 326 121

o 0 Uninbabited 00 122 31 4 50 78 2 2 37 40 123 66 3 13 1 79 121 124

o 0 0 0 Uninhabited 00 125 32 11 2 47 88 126

00 00 Uninhabited 00 127 73 1 21 1 2 66 155 128 108 54 43 66 3 4 5 3 18 6 34 189 278 129 76 1 9 3 2 65 119 130 80 22 6 3 74 160 131 90 7 3 2 2 1 94 169 132 73 30 4 2 72 173 133 71 7 103 151 3 5 134 113 134 101 2 11 7 8 25 73 173 135 68 3 33 15 1 2 2 4 94 164 136 26 24 2 5 1 53 96 137 69 1 16 8 2 2 4 89 157 138 137 6 6 4 1 82 176 139 28 27 2 2 14 12 140 235 215 33 21 7 10 1 192 145 141 138 133 9 7 1 6 1 117 83 55 45 10 3 2 1 37 31 42 37 14 11 5 3 38 31 74 1 14 6 3 2 65 150 142 71 49 1 4 35 24 143 88 61 8 17 1 5 6 61 77 144 104 7 27 4 2 9 124 239 145 90 11 39 15 3 1 100 187 146 93 2 48 11 1 110 245 147 37 16 2 3 41 94 148 70 1 4 13 41 100 149 43 9 1 2 45 84 150 38 3 1 2 34 73 5 6 11 11 96 2 18 5 2 2 98 159 151 65 11 47 83 152 110 27 27 23 98 239 153 12 2 2 4 15 35 154 30 12 24 55 155 53 1 17 47 133 156 69 1 9 2 63 143 157 54 2 22 6 3 6 1 40 112 158 21 2 2 5 2 14 42 159 154 2 32 19 4 1 1 124 267 160 39 8 61 62 14 6 2 1 1 4 110 137 161 154 2 37 43 3 4 4 136 292 162 7 1 6 7 163 69 42 45 66 111 164. 30 32 52 165. 164 11 12 25 2 132 309 166 80 3 8 1 75 141 167 120


------~--.-~--~----~------~ ------_ ... -.----~- -~------~--

Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ~---..... -~ village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village! of Townj dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses ,--___.A.._---, r--.A.-----" ,----"------" ,_--"-_---, ,--_--"---., N.o. Urban Block Km2 PM F MFMF M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

168 Maru Kheda 984.97 45 48 238 134 104 39 32 25 69 11 169 Mundli Bhoj 1,000.93 32 39 248 138 110 21 17 12 82 2 170 Kheda Madda 2,052.26 122 122 694 357 337 53 49 92 23 237 29 171 Khedla 565.61 35 36 223 94 129 49 64 14 57 2 172 Dela Khedi 479.39 12 12 99 62 37 31 18 7 35 173 Dungar Khedi 601.10 56 59 369 201 168 55 45 37 5 103 17 174 Neem Kheda 977.41 74 75 472 247 225 141 121 19 129 4 175 Simrol 827.48 59 61 365 190 175 59 57 24 1 115 28 176 Kl10riya Padma 1,707.19 78 78 432 218 214 97 100 60 8 127 31 117 Chhajju Khedi 944.92 60 60 343 186 157 74 60 27 1 102 25 178 Nalkheda 2,253.26 130 130 728 350 378 89 104 74 8 204 123 119 Panodiya 1,023.56 40 40 192 87 105 18 26 14 62 40 180 Jhangri .558.18 27 28 173 94 79 13 15 4 51 181 Kanthari 572.53 28 28 166 81 85 25 26 5 52 1 182 Kundi Kheda 1,292,39 89 89 512 274 238 62 58 55 3 176 15 183 Ghatiya Jassa 800.82 42 42 324 162 162 61 60 8 94 5 184 Sarna Kota 501.14 8 8 58 32 26 22 19 3 17 9 185 Lasurdiya Nata 1,931.61 127 130 736 391 345 228 203 37 2 211 14 186 Ghodabag 460.61 19 19 129 68 61 2 2 6 29 1 1i7 Teelya Khedi 821. 31 36 36 182 96 86 40 44 21 2 54 7 188 Dungar Kheda 2,166.35 162 162 814 409 405 169 169 103 6 243 121 189 Bagni 674.19 46 46 255 133 122 64 43 35 70 2 190 Bhat Khedi 461. 58 49 49 286 142 144 72 65 11 78 2 191 Ala Kheda 1,306.52 87 89 464 236 228 25 23 58 10 153 46 192 Kamalya Khedi 766.77 48 48 281 128 153 31 41 25 85 24 193 Kason 2,443.71 118 121 675 346 329 42 50 89 17 208 24 194 Bilkheda 736.42 39 39 206 105 101 63 61 8 1 61 11 195 Kalla Piplya 1,600.77 87 90 579 311 268 101 94 74 2 180 38 196 Jodma Birbhan 418.09 25 26 162 84 78 33 35 16 1 45 197 Bhavrasi 828.75 43 44 230 117 113 36 29 7 62 3 198 Sakkar Khedi 2,060.59 141 145 759 392 367 176 162 59 9 234 90 199 Hajratpur 511. 66 33 33 191 103 88 12 9 1 62 1 200 Akya Jassa 813.42 65 65 372 195 177 37 43 37 1. 107 13 201 Jawasiya Solanki 1,096.32 101 101 560 292 268 47 41 55 1 148 202 Jhangara 857.71 43 43 244 136 108 34 27 56 3 64 16 203 Piplya Harj i 801. 56 65 65 361 197 164 30 28 24 1 112 6 204 Lasudiya Devsi 1,111.90 52 52 267 136 131 40 36 27 1 83 9 205 Kala Pipal 972.54 66 66 347 116 171 43 39 30 99 8 206 Kheda Khajuriya 2,977.27 209 218 1,204 615 589 206 206 209 34 334 77 Kheda Khajuriya 164 '172 914 466 448 158 155 178 34 253 61" Madupura 45 46 290 149 141 48 53 31 81 16 207 Balra 511.76 30 32 179 100 79 31 24 14 52 14 208 Mundli Dotru 1,546.67 77 77 471 247 224 25 27 72 7 136 65 209 Kana Khedi Harbans 1,345.98 42 42 230 113 117 19 14 15 67 3 210 Khurchanya Pratap 1,878.86 50 58 365 188 177 74 71 47 3 95 6 211 Mahudi 1,557.83 95 99 582 303 279 145 155 85 3 146 25 212 Mahudipura 1, 156.00 83 83 487 239 248 77 65 76 5 123 9 213 Khurchanya Chandrabhan 719.95 26 26 161 73 88 24 21 20 4 34 1 214 Tajpur 641.56 29 29 166 82 84 27 30 18 44 5 215 Barkhedi Bazar 1,350.73 81 81 482 260 222 14 12 72 5 132 7 216 Mali Khedi 1,088.61 55 55 332 170 162 91 94 44 5 83 12 211 Melanya 855.87 50 50 258 121 137 36 48 21 3 74 23 218 Hingonya 1,533.15 77 77 485 248 237 86 72 18 3 145 4 Hingoniya 61 61 386 202 184 73 63 18 3 116 4 121

MAHIDPUR TAHSIL ------_. ------_ ------_------_._------.------WORKERS -"------, I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,-_.A.._, ,-_.A..----, ,----"------, ,----"---, ,----"---, ,----"---, ,----"---, ,-,-1...... -., ,----"---, ,-~ ,-_..A..--., L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

49 11 11 8 65 93 168 73 2 9 56 108 169 196 4 17 22 9 15 2 120 308 170 49 7 2 1 37 127 171 25 9 1 27 37 172 88 11 17 2 98 151 173 110 3 16 1 1 2 118 221 174 96 13 28 2 1 3 75 147 175 75 2 26 29 11 8 6 91 183 176 64 2 18 23 18 1 84 132 177 152 5 40 115 6 3 5 1 146 255 178 47 2 11 38 1 3 25 65 179 41 10 43 79 180 44 3 4 29 84 181 132 3 7 12 24 9 4 98 223 182 79 3 6 2 3 2 3 68 157 183 6 8 9 2 1 15 17 184 134 3 69 8 4 3 2 2 180 331 185 29 39 60 186 46 3 6 4 1 42 79 187 157 1 15 120 38 7 12 3 11 166 284 188 52 2 14 3 1 63 120 189 68 2 10 64 142 190 98 4 16 41 31 3 2 1 83 182 191 72 1 24 6 4 2 43 129 192 170 3 27 20 2 8 138 305 193 52 3 4 14 4 1 44 84 194 137 6 32 32 9 2 131 230 195 36 7 2 39 78 196 53 1 7 2 2 55 110 197 141 23 67 64 8 5 3 4 9 158 277 198 59 2 41 87 199 53 6 11 6 2 88 164 200 124 19 5 144 268 201 92 8 2 16 2 72 92 202 99 2 13 4 85 158 203 61 21 9 53 122 204 58 4 33 4 5 2 77 163 205 205 10 79 57 1 ,5 4 1 8 2 23 6 281 512 206 150 10 56 41 1 15 4 1 8 22 6 213 387 55 23 16 2 I 68 125 29 4 8 9 6 1 7 2 48 65 207 115 37 19 26 2 111 159 208 58 2 8 1 1 46 114 209 75 2 17 4 2 93 171 210 104 3 40 22 2 ;57 254 211 M 6 30 3 7 1 116 239 212 19 3 5 3 4 39 87 213 35 3 3 2 6 38 79 214 102 3 17 4 7 5 128 215 215 66 ]5 12 1 87 150 216 60 11 22 2 47 114 217 110 25 3 2 4 3 103 233 218 91 18 3 2 3 1 1 I 86 180 122


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,------village in pied House- (in:luding institu- and (I.IX) Acres and resi- holds tioual and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village/ of Town! dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses ,----'-----, r--..A..---., ,---'----., ,---'----., ,-__ ..A..---.. No. Urban Block Km 2 P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 016

Makodiya 16 16 99 46 53 13 9 29 219 Jagothi 3,229.59 402 402 2,436 1,238 1,198 374 397 307 58 667 165 220 Jelya Khedi 1,030.08 92 92 543 287 256 71 69 102 12 163 31 221 Palwa 1,960.92 125 125 731 381 350 92 87 109 26 196 20 222 Bela Kheda 1,396.50 99 99 552 283 269 88 89 67 7 168 141 223 Ramsara 1,135.27 74 74 411 199 212 72 90 32 110 24 224 Ghonsla 2,206.87 268 275 1,472 797 615 138 117 325 81 427 120 225 Raghvi 688.01 100 100 471 238 233 49 50 68 11 129 25 226 Lambi Khedi 848.34 58 58 293 161 132 28 17 37 2 89 9 227 Loharwas 736.31 37 37 241 II7 124 41 43 19 69 60

.__ .- ~----~~-~--~------_.. _- -- _,_._-_------MAHIDPUR

Mahidpur U. A. 4.62 1,8372,57514,7727,6467,126 731 698 9 5 4,638 2,381 3,315 300 16/1/ Mahidpur (M) 4.09 1,826 2,565 14,744 7,628 7,116 726 693 6 3 4,631 2,378 3,303 295 16/1/ 1 Ward No. 1 212 314 1,029 557 472 90 70 1 411 247 225 19 Block No. 1 132 204 489 260 229 1 216 151 99 1 Block No. 2 80 110 540 297 243 90 70 195 96 126 18 16/// 2 Ward No. 2 141 188 1,180 616 564 194 199 366 146 250 15 Block No. 3 66 93 585 307 278 23 18 195 90 134 4 Block No. 4 75 95 595 309 286 171 181 171 56 116 11 16/1/ 3 Ward No. 3 156 192 1,095 590 505 3 5 5 3 203 40 229 61 Block No. 5 86 104 535 287 248 81 7 103 16 Block No. 6 70 88 560 303 257 3 5 5 3 122 33 126 45 16/// 4 Ward No. 4 171 245 1,260 649 611 464 300 300 16 Block No. 7 100 155 709 365 344 268 185 164 10 Block No. 8 71 90 551 284 267 196 115 136 6 16/1/ 5 Ward No. 5 187 276 1,613 836 777 58 50 543 274 357 26 Block No. 9 68 104 607 332 275 16 1 224 103 130 10 Block No. 10 64 87 557 289 268 8 4 162 66 120 9 Block No. 11 55 85 449 215 234 34 45 157 105 107 7 16/1/ 6 Ward No. 6 188 212 1,437 721 716 11 20 395 210 316 25 Block No. 12 98 111 735 367 368 1 1 223 139 143 3 Block No. 13 90 101 702 354 348 10 19 172 71 173 22 16/// 7 Ward No. 7 183 220 1,379 703 676 200 182 261 114 343 45 Block No. 14 96 117 656 342 314 142 119 74 17 164 26 Block No. 15 87 103 723 361 362 58 93 187 97 179 19 16/1/ 8 Ward No. 8 197 254 1,704 890 814 12 11 695 422 407 31 Block No. 16 66 78 596 309 287 1 4 237 158 142 7 Block No. 17 69 109 631 343 288 5 6 264 159 158 13 Block No. 18 62 67 477 238 239 6 1 194 105 107 11 16/1/ 9 Ward No. 9 63 66 434 220 214 150 151 131 73 82 19 Block No. 19 63 66 434 220 214 150 151 1:!1 73 82 19 16/[/10 Ward No. 10 140 219 1,307 689 618 8 5 393 185 296 11 Block No. 20 64 124 644 350 294 8 5 216 102 150 5 Block No. 21 76 95 663 339 324 177 83 146 6 123 KHACHAROD TAHSIL MAHIDPUR (U. A.) WORKERS ------~ ...... ------.------, I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII TX X Non­ Workers ,.....---'"-----, ,....._-A-_-, ,.....-''---., ,.....---"---, ,.....---"---, ,.....-A--., ,.....---"---, ,.....---"---, ,.....-A--., ,.....---A-_-, L.C. M F M FM FM FM FM FM FM FM F M F No.

-~~-----. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

19 7 1 2 17 53 401 37 95 104 11 48 10 45 30 2 35 12 571 1,033 219 102 4 37 27 13 6 5 .. 124 225 220 167 12 14 8 7 2 6 .. 185 330 221 130 109 37 32 1 .. 115 128 222 ·85 7 13 17 6 1 89 188 223 1 61 58 59 52 7 8 5 19 64 42 2 23 44 3 370 555 224 84 2 18 22 2 2 23 109 208 225 53 32 9 3 72 123 226 51 16 60 48 64 227


274 31 164 53 74 6 .. 209 23 476 21 29 .. 731 20 235 .. 1,123 1464,331 6,826 273 31 154 48 74 6 . . 209 23 476 21 29 .. 731 20 235 .. 1,122 1464,325 6,821 16/1 10 1 3 (i 4 48 6 26 1 1 72 9 42 5 332 453 16/1fl 8 12 8 58 2 11 .. 161 228 1 12 3 6 4 36 6 18 1 14 7 31 5 171 225 2 8 3 35 3 45 1 59 1 16 83 11 366 549 16///2 7 3 10 17 48 9 39 4 173 274 3 1 25 3 28 11 1 7 44 7 193 275 4 30 23 9 12 1 3 4 27 2 8 41 7 17 92 14 361 44416/1/3 7 1 4 2 1 1 22 1 5 60 13 184 232 5 23 23 8 12 2 25 7 19 6 12 32 1 177 212 6 19 2 27 18 36 1 1 77 3 9 .. 111 12 349 59516/1/4 12 15 2 13 55 1 5 62 8 201 334 7 7 2 12 16 23 22 2 4 49 4 148 261 8 28 2 1 3 14 1 11 2 95 1 55 1 18 .. 135 16 479 751 16/1/5 9 6 4 30 24 14 43 7 202 265 9 14 2 3 5 1 38 9 4 48 3 169 259 10 5 3 6 27 22 44 6 108 227 11 30 2 16 8 5 2 41 1 I 79 4 17 .. 125 10 405 69116/1/6 7 1 2 20 28 10 75 3 224 365 12 23 2 15 8 3 2 21 51 4 7 50 7 181 326 13 29 60 13 3 4 1 20 4 56 1 13 . . 154 28 360 631 16/1/7 22 52 .10 2 1 9 78 16 178 288 14 7 8 3 3 2 19 4 47 13 76 12 182 343 15 26 1 9 1 46 11 98 13 3 ., 114 16 95 5 483 783 16/1/8 11 1 22 32 6 54 5 17 .. 167 280 16 12 3 10 4 53 7 32 3 44 185 275 17 3 5 14 7 I3 2 28 8 34 4 131 728 18 2 2 1 1 1 14 10 2 50 18 138 195 16/1/9 2 2 1 1 1 14 10 2 50 18 138 195 19 24 50 5 5 34 17 5 32 20 109 6 393 60716/1/10 4 2 4 14 6 1 13 16 90 5 200 289 20 20 48 5 20 11 4 19 4 19 1 193 318 21 124


Ar~a of Occu- No.of Total Population Literate ,------village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IXI Acres and resi- hold~ tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Tota Name of Village! of Town! dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward! Ward in hOllses , __-A ___ ...... , ,---A-----, r--A--, ,-__;"'----, r-__A.-, No. Urban Block Km2 P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ---~ ------_ ------16///11 Ward No. 11 132 174 1,157 588 569 2 345 65 253 4 Block No. 22 79 95 617 312 305 186 31 147 2 Block No. 23 53 79 540 276 264 159 34 106 2 16/1/12 Ward No. 12 60 205 1,149 569 580 424 302 245 23 Block No. 24 33 108 545 270 275 206 155 117 11 Block No. 25 27 97 604 299 305 218 147 128 12 16/1/ Urban iOutgrowth 0.53 11 10 28 18 10 5 5 3 2 7 3 12 5 Barapathar 0.39 5 5 12 7 5 4 3 3 2 6 4 Block No. 26 1 1 I 1 1 Block No. 27 4 4 11 6 5 4 3 2 2 5 4 Mahidpur Kasha 0.14 6 5 16 11 5 1 2 7 3 6 1 Block No.28 0.14 6 5 16 11 5 2 7 3 6 1 125

MAlUDPUR (U. A.) WORKERS ----"---"------., II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers (~-----, r-~----' r----"---, r----"----. r--"----. r---"--, r--''''___' r---"-----, r--A...-., r---"---, r---A.-----, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

25 8 2 31 1 3 62 1 77 45 2 335 565 16/lfll 9 7 22 1 2 30 51 25 165 303 22 16 1 9 32 26 20 170 262 23 32 1 2 3 4 26 1 2 74 2 21 81 19 324 55716/1f12 19 2 2 1 14 1 42 2 34 10 153 264 24 13 1 3 12 1 1 32 2 19 47 9 171 293 25 1 10 5 1 6 5 16/1 6 4 1 1 26 5 4 1 1 27 1 4 1 1 5 4 1 4 1 5 4 28 126


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,---- village in pied Hou~c- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in hOllses - __ -A-___--, r----A.-----., r--A------., r----A.-.---, r--...... A---" No. Urban Block Km2 PM F MF MF M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

16/3 Tarana Tahsil (Rural) 1,040.3 18,386 106,420 51,197 16.540 4 2,193 8,130 19,366 55,223 17,275 15,297 30,024 1 Guna Khedi 480.00 34 36 280 162 118 2 63 10 68 2 Jafarpur Nera 216.00 15 17 89 50 39 19 24 6 30 1 3 Pat 2,083.00 126 136 631 333 298 159 135 130 17 159 60 4 Padsi 1,166.00 54 57 324 162 162 56 54 39 11 83 18 5 Suwas 1,104.00 70 77 353 192 16[ 58 52 70 10 102 3 6 Dam Khedi 429.00 41 42 237 123 114 69 70 12 1 57 20 7 Chandnya Khedi 453.00 32 38 240 122 118 40 39 32 60 14 8 Jhalara 1,492.00 69 80 424 237 187 72 51 83 4 128 18 9 Jhalari 376.00 39 42 200 105 95 57 58 13 63 12 10 Bhariya Khedi 221.00 35 37 206 106 100 37 32 34 50 15 11 Bhat Kheda 448.00 18 23 130 69 6[ 9 6 25 40 2 12 Maya Khedi 540.00 29 33 169 82 87 29 16 26 52 10 13 Samtya Khedi 404.00 38 41 229 113 116 47 53 60 5 52 21 14 Tukral 3,269.00 197 222 1,270 637 633 116 103 176 12 347 46 15 Dhabla Hardu 2,337.00 23[ 279 [,432 771 661 180 156 382 116 367 46 16 Chirdi 1,556.00 117 123 625 3[2 313 162 174 44 1 185 10 17 Parsoli 2,709.00 209 213 1,137 576 56[ 194 186 231 37 303 44 18 Piplya Bazar 979.00 64 71 347 179 168 84 86 24 120 5 19 Umariya 465.00 27 27 125 71 54 29 23 4 41 1 20 Khajj u Khedi 1,068.00 89 90 523 258 265 121 122 37 4 158 56 21 Khankri Brahman 319.00 40 40 209 116 93 85 76 39 1 58 10 22 Badodiya Makdon 549.00 44 44 26[ 136 125 10 20 7 78 7 23 Bhund Khedi 823.00 40 41 241 122 119 44 29 18 1 73 24 Mergarh 766.00 58 58 332 161 171 46 47 12 92 21 25 Lakhman Khedi 716.00 43 43 256 138 118 27 25 14 78 3 26 Kothdi 1,143.00 41 41 214 113 101 54 46 14 67 20 27 Chitawalya 1,947.00 176 176 671 380 291 65 52 71 4 213 4 Chitawalya 107 107 372 207 165 43 40 62 4 115 1 Kheda 69 69 299 173 126 22 12 9 98 3 28 Jhumki 2,052.00 177 178 829 422 407 195 190 101 6 250 96 29 Lasudiya Amra 1,105.00 86 86 479 243 236 113 109 50 2 127 20 30 Khokariya 903.00 62 67 368 193 175 39 31 61 6 109 11 31 Godadi 961.00 95 95 473 253 220 80 81 29 140 12 32 Tejla Khedi 912.00 67 67 390 206 184 19 19 27 5 127 7 33 Dhanya Khedi 657.00 22 22 155 74 81 11 14 9 40 3 34 Rawan Khedi 970.00 69 69 468 249 219 96 78 45 124 27 35 Lasudiya Dhandu 2,954.00 12[ 139 482 241 241 45 34 12 136 29 Lasurdiya Dhandu 47 57 282 138 144 19 14 4 76 17 Naya Patel Kakheda 19 19 123 63 60 6 38 2 Onkarpura 55 63 77 40 37 26 20 2 22 10 36 Kadhai 1,858.00 146 150 772 412 360 118 105 105 7 233 46 31 Chikli 1,735.00 118 120 745 368 377 145 172 113 20 201 27 38 Bhodlya 1, 315 .00 159 160 830 450 380 125 122 126 2 208 9 39 Sumra Khedi 579.00 44 47 243 127 116 79 67 20 78 3 40 Rupa Khedi 1,170.00 100 100 495 261 234 [11 107 99 4 156 49 41 LalaKhedi 825.00 55 55 303 158 145 94 90 49 4 92 21 42 Samanera 2,248.00 170 170 856 454 402 148 1:7 177 35 278 118 43 Dabda Rajput 1,027.00 99 120 675 334 341 101 106 100 8 207 94 44 Dhuwa Khedi 673.00 34 45 229 123 106 55 46 2 71 11 45 Pachola 2,055.00 215 222 1.269 675 594 122 116 137 14 385 50 Pachola 115 117 675 365 310 81 76 56 4 189 42 Kheda Pachola 100 105 594 310 284 41 40 81 10 196 8 127


--~----~ WORKERS --A..__ ---, I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers .---"-----, .---A.---, .---A...-... .-_)'-----, .-_)'-----, .-~ ,--''-----, ,-_)'-----, ,--''-----, r---'L..~ ,---A._-.., L.C • M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

-~---.-~~~----~------.~--~------~ 18,891 7,257 945 5 1,034 206 112 343 146 1,085 25,199 16/3 1,854 5,970 40 123 6 36 9 92 43,067 57 6 3 2 94 118 1 20 8 1 2 20 38 2 87 9 34 51 6 3 2 8 7 12 174 238 3 50 5 25 13 .2 1 1 3 79 144 4 69 1 22 1 4 6 90 158 5 42 1 15 19 66 94 6 42 15 14 1 1 1 62 104 7 87 3 21 15 5 4 4 2 4 109 169 8 37 19 11 5 2 42 83 9 26 19 15 3 2 56 85 10 30 5 2 1 2 2 29 59 11 33 5 15 5 1 1 2 30 77 12 28 19 21 2 3 61 95 13 255 5 68 41 12 2 4 1 5 290 587 14 181 5 57 37 9 34 5 16 4 60 4 404 615 15 109 54 10 8 9 3 2 127 303 16 197 10 87 34 14 4 273 517 17 75 1 22 4 15 2 5 59 163 18 30 10 1 1 30 53 19 112 6 25 50 14 3 1 2 1 100 20, 20 46 8 6 1 2 3 2 58 83 21 62 6 5 10 1 58 118 22 69 2 2 49 119 23 58 2 24 19 6 3 1 69 150 24 53 1 12 2 10 1 60 l15 25 63 9 3 11 46 81 26 193 2 20 2 167 287 27 104 11 1 92 164 89 2 9 1 75 123 193 46 40 41 9 8 3 4 1 172 311 28 120 4 6 16 116 216 29 98 1 10 10 1 84 164 30 121 1 15 11 3 113 208 31 118 3 7 4 79 177 32 37 1 2 2 1 34 78 33 78 42 26 2 125 192 34 90 10 13 3 9 5 6 1 12 16 105 212 35 52 3 1 2 6 1 12 16 62 127 25 3 2 5 5 25 58 13 10 7 2 18 27 158 3 54 43 3 8 6 3 179 314 36 128 57 27 9 7 167 350 37 168 4 9 3 27 2 3 242 371 38 66 9 3 2 49 113 39 74 6 32 43 12 2 2 19 14 105 185 40 64 6 6 15 17 2 3 66 124 41 149 6 75 109 31 11 3 2 9 176 284 42 140 56 93 4 2 4 127 247 43 54 1 14 10 1 2 52 95 44 264 2 77 48 16 11 1 16 290 544 45 121 48 42 9 1 10 176 268 143 2 29 6 16 2 6 114 276 128


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,----- viIlage in pie~ House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and reSl- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village/ of Townj dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in housts ,--_--A-__---, ,----"-_--., ,-__ ..1--_, ,.--J---.. ,----"----, No. Urban Block Krn 2 P M F M F M F M F M F

~-.------~-----.,-~ <~------. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1? 13 14 15 16 -----_._-- - _. - .. ------<----_._----"------46 Pan Khedi 1,244.00 78 99 478 246 232 91 87 26 147 59 47 Kachanariya 1,760.00 216 217 1,185 629 556 208 196 238 16 360 112 48 ChunaKhedi 824.00 74 78 425 203 222 100 120 54 1 122 55 49 Lasurdiya Hameer 929.00 55 58 419 219 200 96 104 54 5 103 63 50 Shekhpur 366.00 44 52 273 137 136 3 3 22 80 49 51 Hanumanti 1,039.00 38 40 273 142 131 24 25 2 102 13 52 Khankari Sultan 411.00 38 38 251 124 127 62 66 6 72 30 53 Kharnli 896.00 44 46 287 143 144 52 64 28 91 61 54 Tilawad 866.00 177 184 1,061 540 521 107 103 163 24 263 34 55 Tilawadi 658.00 60 60 402 215 187 114 93 15 130 23 56 Rachi Khedi 733.00 15 15 98 48 50 18 16 3 27 12 57 Lodh 1,750.00 126 126 637 343 294 177 155 91 2 209 144 58 Keswal 1,451.00 71 73 450 233 217 93 85 52 15 109 18 59 Nanded 4,578.00 397 426 2,258 1,218 1,040 382 350 348 29 653 199 60 Barothiya 1,321.00 107 107 625 324 301 151 153 112 3 136 22 61 Makdon~ 2,149.00 597 616 3,104 1,646 1,458 430 402 778 267 853 228 62 Kanthadi 1,141.00 89 92 542 280 262 96 83 68 2 158 29 63 Bhagwatpur 1,214.00 15 15 87 47 40 20 22 6 31 6 64 Suchai 908.00 37 37 239 121 118 94 96 15 2 71 30 65 Bagwada 1,069.00 72 73 327 171 156 31 25 39 100 19 66 Bukhari 757.00 32 34 199 105 94 24 24 8 64 1 67 Manasa 357.00 26 26 161 90 71 14 49 1 68 Ratna Khedi 395.00 24 25 121 59 62 2 10 39 69 Rehwari 583.00 42 43 200 108 92 13 10 8 60 1 70 SalnaKhedi 600.00 76 78 406 202 204 41 42 23 115 3 71 HaruKhedi 379.00 24 25 134 67 67 33 33 1 5 37 15 72 Kadodiya 6,060.00 361 372 1,951 1,036 915 273 224 290 76 529 42 KadtHiiya 324 334 1,738 922 816 245 192 276 76 462 24 Anopgarh J1 12 60 28 32 28 32 5 20 3 Bajna Talai 9 9 49 28 21 4 14 6 Bajara Kheda 9 9 54 31 23 5 18 7 Umar Khora 8 8 50 27 23 15 2 Dhati Kheda Uninhabited Harijan Kheda Uninhabited 73 Chakya 835.00 40 46 244 134 110 93 80 15 1 67 11 74 Delchi 4,076.00 264 286 1,643 856 787 229 219 328 70 417 32 75 MoyaKheda 912.00 22 22 133 61 72 25 33 4 45 Moya Kheda 13 13 77 38 39 2 2 30 Ramnagar 9 9 56 23 33 23 33 2 15 76 Haidarpura 840.00 19 19 93 45 48 32 33 5 22 1 77 Kakariya Mirpur 670.00 31 31 164 77 87 21 20 11 44 10 78 Kesarpur Nipanya 973.00 71 71 365 187 178 46 34 44 1 99 6 79 Jamunya 839.00 26 26 117 92 85 6 5 25 1 41 3 Jaml,nya 7 7 28 14 14 6 5 1 7 2 Kheda 19 19 149 78 71 24 1 34 1 80 Dobda Gujar 1,467.00 84 84 484 266 218 83 78 30 7 151 9 Dobada Gujar 70 70 417 226 191 83 78 28 7 125 9 Dobada Kheda 5 5 32 20 12 1 13 Dobada Kala Bhala 9 9 35 20 15 1 13 81 Limbadit 1,535.00 145 181 825 443 382 123 99 182 23 237 5 82 Hasalpur Jhirnya 936.00 40 46 238 142 96 12 2 10 65 7 83 Umarazar 1,135.00 61 61 265 139 126 66 67 15 83 12 Umarazar 31 31 132 73 59 8 41 5 Harizallpura 30 30 133 66 67 66 67 7 42 7 129



I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,.-__-"- __-, ,__.A..-.., , _ _,r._-, , __,r._-, ,--....A-_-, r-....A..--., r---A---, r--.._A_--, r--....A---, r--.._A_--, r------A.---., L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. - -~------17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 -.~------83 3 56 55 2 2 3 99 173 46 219 33 109 79 15 3 13 269 444 47 59 44 54 10 5 2 81 167 48 60 10 39 53 2 '] 116 137 49 65 19 13 30 2 57 87 50 43 1 33 12 18 7 40 118 51 42 5 27 24 2 1 52 97 52 76 2 13 59 1 1 52 83 53 185 8 38 25 9 18 2 6 4 277 487 54 96 2 25 19 9 ~ 85 164 55 19 2 7 9 1 21 38 56 112 3 85 140 7 3 134 150 57 78 16 27 2 1 ' .. 3 124 199 58 308 17 303 180 7 7 9 17 2 565 841 59 105 2 2'1 20 2 1 188 279 60 419 16 218 209 65 22 46 5 78 3 793 1,230 61 136 5 16 24 3 2 122 233 62 30 3 1 3 16 34 63 52 4 15 26 2 2 50 88 64 66 5 30 14 3 1 71 137 65 52 1 12 41 93 66 49 1 41 70 67 30 9 20 62 68 50 8 48 91 69 86 23 3 2 2 87 201 70 18 19 14 30 52 71 207 203 33 40 5 28 3 10 17 6 18 1 507 873 72 166 199 20 18 28 3 10 17 6 18 1 460 792 9 2 3 9 8 29 9 3 5 3 14 15 12 1 5 5 2 13 16 11 1 2 3 12 21 .. Uninhabited .. .. Uninhabited .. 50 1 17 10 67 99 73 300 11 72 21 3 11 6 23 439 755 74 39 6 16 72 75 24 6 8 39 15 8 33 19 1 1 2 23 47 76 33 1 9 9 33 77 77 87 2 11 4 1 88 172 78 38 1 2 2 1 51 82 79 5 1 2 1 7 12 33 1 44 70 127 3 23 6 1 115 209 80 102 3 22 6 1 101 182 12 1 7 12 13 7 15 145 69 4 1 4 5 12 206 377 81 49 10 6 4 1 1 77 89 82 60 14 11 8 56 114 83 31 2 5 8 32 54 29 1 12 6 1 24 60 130


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village! of TownJ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses ,-__--A. ___---, ,----A..-----, ,----A..~ ,-_-----'-_-----, ,-_----'-~-, No. Urban BlocK Km ll P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

84 Kapeli 3,827.00 179 183 1,102 566 536 187 170 263 55 306 24 Kapeli 139 142 888 450 438 125 115 220 48 239 12 La/garh 10 10 62 31 31 22 15 26 7 20 10 N eemka Kheda 7 8 43 25 18 17 18 3 17 Parka Kheda 8 8 45 23 22 23 22 7 13 1 BallOdur Kheda 15 15 64 37 27 7 17 1 85 Sarli 1,305.00 102 102 567 286 281 171 179 74 3 138 13 86 Manpura 741. 00 41 41 199 107 92 107 92 2 50 2 Manpura 41 41 199 107 92 107 92 2 50 2 Ranmagar Uninhabited 87 Tanda 1,138.00 22 22 117 58 59 23 24 8 37 3 88 Ankhali 245.00 18 22 134 76 58 36 35 8 49 38 89 Guradya Gujar 1,902.00 1i 6 117 655 339 316 36 39 70 2 196 176 90 Piplya Ramdi 1,251. 00 51 53 317 162 155 68 62 49 88 4 91 Puri 181. 00 26 30 193 108 85 38 26 6 1 64 50 92 Bor Khcdi 1,344.00 48 49 282 154 128 46 39 15 1 94 3 93 Moya Gaon 861. 00 31 31 202 101 101 46 43 12 62 17 Moya GOlllI 31 31 202 101 101 46 43 12 62 17 Amiritnagar Uninhabited 94 Ramdi 3,085.00 76 76 443 240 203 116 87 31 127 5 Ramdi 41 41 253 133 120 9 4 25 77 4 Gandhi nagar 26 26 136 80 56 80 56 4 37 1 Athadhara 9 9 54 27 27 27 27 2 13 95 Aurangpur 1,164.00 58 58 307 166 141 48 47 12 90 55 96 Katwariya 1,607.00 97 97 497 271 226 80 66 63 1 158 79 97 Khutpala 514.00 34 35 196 103 93 73 67 19 48 28 98 Gundardya 723.00 77 77 390 200 190 76 76 59 1 113 93 99 Tumni 712.00 48 48 258 143 115 15 8 16 82 54 100 Karedi 2,584.00 235 241 1,174 592 582 124 125 117 24 333 44 Karedi 214 220 1,074 542 532 111 115 110 24 312 40 Pura 21 21 100 50 50 13 10 7 21 4 101 Palkhanda 522.00 38 40 196 109 87 100 82 28 62 22 102 Mer Khedi 600.00 22 24 147 76 71 12 13 11 2 45 27 Mer Khedi 10 11 58 29 29 6 7 7 2 16 12 Kheda 12 13 89 47 42 6 6 4 29 15 103 Lala Kheda 639 00 73 73 407 215 192 20 15 25 109 45 Lala Kheda 56 56 304 160 144 18 14 22 8[ 22 Pura 17 17 103 55 48 2 1 3 28 23 104 Shankarpura 423.00 15 15 89 47 42 47 42 2 31 14 105 Suwagaon 937.00 80 81 392 202 190 40 47 24 129 43 106 Itawa 1,786.00 169 169 971 501 470 164 168 250 44 290 126 107 Gonglya Khedi 460.00 70 70 320 158 162 52 66 32 3 97 37 108 Devli 1,640.00 127 127 636 335 301 72 64 122 80 204 71 109 Bisan Kheda 883.00 77 77 363 187 176 ' 77 73 69 9 87 18 110 Khar Khedi 1,635.00 78 78 382 204 178 14 1 132 4 111 Bedchi 2,340.00 125 126 666 327 339 43 41 63 1 197 151 112 Borda Gujar 952.00 56 57 359 168 191 38 45 114 114 10 113 Murdawan 881. 00 63 64 305 158 147 77 80 21 101 13 Murdawan 53 54 251 128 123 70 78 20 81 13 Kheda Banjara Uninhabited .. Kheda Bholali Ka 3 3 23 14 9 7 2 1 9 Kheda Dar)'awji Ka 7 7 31 16 15 .. 11 114 Kanardi 2,213.00 250 253 1,516 817 699 267 238 347 59 450 85 Kanardo 226 229 1,414 766 648 225 189 346 59 419 64 Jawahar Nagar 24 24 102 51 51 42 49 1 31 21 131


______WORKERS-A ____ -- ______~ I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workc!fs ,-.-.A._., ,--~'-----., ,--~ ,-~ ,-~ ,-~ ,--''------, ,-~ ,--''------, ,--''------, ,-_..A-_-, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

.221 69 23 9 2 5 1 260 512 84 187 36 II 9 2 5 I 211 426 5 15 10 11 21 I 16 8 18 12 I I 10 21 16 I I 20 26 111 6 10 4 3 5 2 3 4 3 148 268 85 46 2 4 57 90 86 46 2 4 57 90 .. Uninhabited .. 29 3 3 ;4 21 56 87 44 36 5 2 I' 27 20 88 153 129 41 46 143 140 89 61 20 3 5 2 74 151 90 34 32 30 18 44 35 91 65 28 3 60 125 92 42 10 17 7 2 39 84 93 42 10 17 7 I 2 39 84 .. Uninhabited .. 98 2 22 3 2 2 1 2 113 198 94 64 2 9 2 2 I I 56 Jl6 22 12 I 2 I 43 55 12 I 14 27 50 31 22 24 14 2 76 86 95 121 7 33 72 3 113 147 96 39 4 27 2 2 55 65 97 52 3S 40 56 14 2 ? 4 87 97 98 50 42 7 11 Hi 6 1 1 2 61 61 99 202 20 66 22 28 11 1 7 5 2 12 259 538 100 192 17 62 21 28 8 1 5 5 2 10 I 230 492 10 3 4 I 3 2 2 29 46 41 16 10 5 5 3 2 1 47 65 101 28 18 10 9 6 1 31 44 102 6 4 9 8 1 13 17 22 14 1 1 6 18 27 97 39 6 6 1 ? 3 106 147 103 70 18 5 4 1 2 3 79 122 27 21 I 2 27 25 21 14 10 16 28 104 79 29 11 14 16 20 3 73 147 105 172 4 97 120 6 12 211 344 106 48 I 36 35 3 G 3 61 125 107 108 2 86 68 5 2 2 131 230 108 63 3 15 15 1 5 100 158 109 100 3 6 1 25 1 72 174 110 144 118 28 27 1 17 6 7 130 188 111 60 28 10 24 1 54 181 112 63 24 13 12 1 57 134 113 49 21 13 9 1 1 47 110 .. Uninhabited .. 5 3 1 5 9 9 2 .. 5 15 279 3 88 76 6 17 2 4 5 51 4 367 614 114 258 3 78 55 6 17 2 4 5 51 4 347 584 21 10 21 20 30 132


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,---- village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Villagel of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward! Ward in houses ,..__ ...... A_------, ,---A..---, r--.A.---., ,-_--A._---., ,-_--A..----., No. Urban Block Km 2 PM F M F MF M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

115 Guthlai 1,497.00 91 91 510 267 243 96 109 15 171 42 Guthlai 69 69 391 210 181 53 55 12 134 39 Krishan nagar 22 22 119 57 62 43 54 3 37 3 116 Devi Kheda 1,644.00 68 68 361 119 182 32 48 2 128 27 Devi Kheda 45 45 217 115 102 10 17 1 84 14 Shivpura Kheda 23 23 144 64 80 22 31 J 44 13 117 Khodri Nipanya 1,413.00 55 56 284 148 136 44 49 102 20 118 Nahar Khedi 1,684.00 122 122 609 315 294 98 84 89 1 171 29 119 Barkheda Tarana 2,460.00 112 112 633 320 313 84 92 64 8 198 66 120 Barnawad 1,715.00 65 67 366 190 176 23 20 10 121 15 121 Surajpura 501.00 67 67 301 147 154 44 96 9 122 Chhadawad 2,475.00 184 205 1,173 605 568 234 236 217 26 341 189 123 Jharnawada 1,596.00 86 83 425 223 202 76 71 44 5 120 80 124 Tobri Kheda 872.00 115 116 712 371 341 150 149 144 14 220 14 125 Abad Khedi 854.00 42 43 273 142 131 9 75 13 126 Gaondi 1,041.00 74 114 614 333 281 45 46 4 81 9 216 158 127 Noganwa 1,661. 00 102 114 628 319 309 121 136 118 2 192 158 128 Bisan Khedi 646.00 69 75 453 226 227 68 73 19 133 75 129 Mali Khedi 836.00 47 52 301 160 141 99 87 66 7 85 26 130 Tarana 2,735.00 Included in Urban area as urban outgrowth of Tarana (M) 131 Sadi Khedi 1,257.00 40 94 440 231 209 43 42 18 142 64 132 Karanj 2,984.00 211 211 1,254 678 576 272 256 252 21 367 69 133 Khambukhedi 935.00 51 51 343 164 179 26 30 38 6 95 22 134 Bagoda 1,664.00 93 93 543 277 266 46 42 54 2 154 5 135 Siddhipur Nipanya 1,732.00 136 136 822 429 393 60 67 95 1 247 67 Siddhipur Nipanya 84 84 484 249 235 60 67 32 1 152 6 Kheda Banjara 52 52 338 180 158 63 95 61 136 Haji Khedi 437.00 8 12 67 32 35 2 3 1 4 16 4 137 Ankla Khedi 316.00 ., Uninhabited 138 Chhapri 1,195.00 105 119 719 381 338 124 12 175 67 139 Jhiranya Bujurg 698.00 25 25 155 80 75 28 19 6 46 19 140 Dilodri 2,646.00 225 230 1,020 531 489 141 139 178 17 261 91 141 Yeshwantgarh 981.00 28 28 169 87 82 22 20 3 3 43 22 142 Tintodi 614.00 33 33 284 150 134 22 17 66 4 67 11 143 Banjari 946.00 97 101 501 275 226 64 69 23 1 144 8 144 Rojwas 751.00 49 49 291 150 141 117 101 37 4 89 27 145 Samgi 1,851.00 286 237 1,306 674 632 102 102 315 52 382 60 Samgi 207 169 907 471 436 90 85 268 49 280 30 Chhawni Kl,eda 79 68 399 203 196 12 17 47 3 102 30 146 Nenawad 1,464.00 151 170 861 467 394 108 86 159 23 261 53 147 Patiyal Khedi 414.00 9 11 60 30 30 1 14 1 148 Yashwantnagar 1,490.00 25 26 121 68 53 7 33 17 149 Limboda Tarana 1,171.00 84 88 523 266 257 130 122 69 6 137 81 150 SuwarKota 329.00 27 29 160 79 81 14 31 12 Suwar Kota 20 22 128 64 64 14 26 11 Dera 7 7 32 15 17 5 1 151 Golwa 1,499.00 156 159 867 460 407 220 188 193 12 252 8 152 Fanya 646.00 32 33 204 102 102 40 41 48 7 45 14 153 Barand..... a 2,917.00 200 206 1,066 558 508 302 294 149 13 285 99 154 Kanasiya 3,825.00 581 586 3,205 1,647 1,558 255 278 686 187 759 174 155 Anant Khedi 681.00 51 51 267 141 126 83 78 24 1 80 3 156 Gujar Kheda 348.00 20 20 130 69 61 15 14 6 38 157 Dudhli 1,160.00 87 93 597 324 273 79 89 100 5 187 21 158 palduna 1,376.00 75 76 412 210 202 74 79 36 2 107 133

TARANA TAHSIL WORKERS -----"-- ---, I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers '__""_---""I ,__....__, ,_-A---, ,~ ,--'L-...., ,--'L-...., ,-A-, ,--'L-...., ,-'I...... -.., ,.--'1...... -.., ,--"----.. L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1 -----.-~~------".------~--~- ----~------~ 137 1 27 38 5 3 2 96 201 115 103 1 25 35 4 3 2 76 142 34 2 3 1 20 59 102 14 27 11 1 51 155 116 73 7 14 3 1 31 88 29 7 13 8 20 67 65 3 35 17 2 46 116 117 124 4 35 25 4 6 2 144 265 118 161 42 25 22 2 9 3 122 247 119 95 2 20 13 3 2 69 161 120 92 4 3 5 1 51 145 121 180 19 110 168 12 31 2 1 6 264 379 122 58 26 42 51 5 9 3 2 103 122 123 140 9 69 4 5, 2 2 2 151 327 124 64 3 10 10 .. , 67 118 125 92 86 23 42 31 4 55 30 11 117 123 126 127 80 51 68 11 10 3 127 151 127

96 8 28 67 9 00 93 152 128 55 2 25 24 4 75 115 129 lncluded in urban area as urban outgrowth o/Tarana (M) .. 130 47 53 15 11 4 76 89 145 131 241 4 107 64 1 7 2 6 311 507 132 61 23 21 7 2 2 69 157 133 128 5 23 2 1 123 261 134 174 2 34 64 35 3 1 182 326 135 107 2 19 3 22 3 1 97 229 67 15 61 13 85 97 3 13 4 16 31 136

o 0 Uninhabited 0 0 00 137 90 54 63 24 5 1 3 2 206 271 138 35 11 19 34 56 139 162 3 82 86 12 2 4 270 398 140 32 11 22 44 60 141 59 8 11 83 123 142 96 1 22 7 17 6 131 218 143 62 3 25 24 2 61 114 144 158 3 120 55 21 9 23 3 7 1 40 2 292 572 145 116 3 85 25 7 5 21 3 6 1 36 2 191 406 42 35 30 14 4 2 1 4 101 166 168 4 28 49 25 7 3 3 27 206 341 146 12 1 2 16 29 147 24 10 2 4 7 3 35 36 148 80 26 43 SS S 3 3 2 129 176 149 19 8 1 4 4 48 69 150 16 8 6 4 3 38 53 3 1 1 1 10 16 168 2 45 6 23 3 3 8 208 399 151 28 17 14 51 88 152 155 9 122 87 5 3 3 213 409 153 499 10 104 155 20 46 2 9 26 3 2 52 4 888 1,384 154 56 19 3 4 1 61 123 155 37 1 31 61 156 105 2 66 13 3 12 6 137 252 151 61 44 2 103 201 158 134


~ -~ -~--- .-.-~ ..-~----~---

Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,------village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village! of TownJ dential less population) Castes TrIbes persons Workers L.C'. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses ,------"--__--. ,------"---., ,------"---., ,---_---A-_--., ,---_---A-_--. No. Urban Block Km2 PM F M FMF M F M F ---- ~.------_- -~----. ---~ ---_----_- I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

159 Lunya Khedi 864.00 48 53 291 140 151 53 53 26 75 15 160 Sakari 90g.00 56 61 356 174 182 103 97 34 1 89 15 161 Khanda Khedi 516.00 29 30 178 89 89 21 17 31 4 45 11 162 Gopali 495.00 26 28 147 77 70 14 16 13 1 39 1l 163 Nanu Kheda 949.00 126 138 711 361 350 86 76 86 4 203 50 164 PipJya Kaytha 835.00 41 47 323 163 160 73 66 47 4 89 11 165 Malhargarh 269.00 17 20 121 66 55 29 22 4 27 13 166 Laxmipura 1,263,00 40 43 250 124 126 69 60 21 13 65 20 167 Sumra Kheda 1,355.00 220 234 1,237 649 588 302 295 241 51 332 66 168 Hatya Khedi 425.00 58 58 280 156 124 62 40 51 79 5 169 Nata Khedi 1,342.00 59 59 312 148 164 75 90 21 85 6 170 Bagera 1,592.00 163 170 900 455 445 120 128 186 50 267 90 171 Beejpadi 543.00 58 72 312 159 153 73 69 51 5 90 7 172 Halu Khedi 658.00 47 56 298 140 158 53 61 22 67 7 173 Khankari Anjna 900.00 ., Uninhabited 174 Dubli 1,679.00112 112 641 305 336 140 146 74 15 173 10 Dubli 77 77 414 198 216 113 114 40 13 114 7 Kheda 35 35 227 107 120 27 32 34 2 59 3 175 Mundli 1,726.00 79 97 530 267 263 128 125 40 3 108 21 176 Sadba 644.00 45 45 325 157 168 38 37 47 11 72 18 Sadba 29 29 220 109 III 16 17 32 10 45 11 NayaSadba 16 16 105 48 57 22 20 15 1 27 7 177 Sala Khedi 742.00 82 82 463 236 227 78 62 23 128 121 178 Birgod 886.00 62 66 352 189 163 75 62 22 87 76 179 Kankariya Chand 546.00 47 52 284 145 139 31 28 13 60 16 180 Kanwli Kheda 1,252.00 94 110 597 308 289 172 165 44 179 129 181 Bhadsimba 1,746.00 105 134 759 405 354 173 162 180 12 209 94 Bhadsimba 93 121 689 365 324 141 140 171 10 189 81 Kheda 12 13 70 40 30 32 22 9 2 20 13 182 Bhuki Itwarpur 446.00 41 51 277 144 133 91 81 37 11 71 47 183 Lasurdiya Bechat 1,438.00 86 115 633 331 302 72 72 66 2 205 107 Lasurdiya Bcchat 69 90 508 263 245 61 65 53 2 164 81 Kheda 17 25 125 68 57 11 7 13 41 26 184 Kharp,l 1,744.00 115 121 749 389 360 46 53 72 197 40 185 Guradya Dongar 350.00 25 27 142 79 63 34 30 26 4 41 3 186 Binjal 625.00 n 34 193 95 98 38 36 28 3 50 11 187 Bheru Pura 1,482.00 45 46 272 129 143 66 77 45 2 69 1 188 Raipura 793.00 72 76 432 230 202 65 50 66 5 106 52 189 Shivpura 1,769.00 44 46 279 134 145 24 25 20 71 Shivpllra 38 40 258 122 136 23 25 17 64 Rty. C%ney 6 6 21 12 9 1 3 7 190 Kayatha 5,209.00 509 593 3,504 1,815 1,689 414 389 .. 728 178 1,007 113 Kayatha 471 548 3,2771,685 1,592 358 347 689 175 934 106 Majara Rampura 38 45 227 130 97 56 42 39 3 73 7 Shakarpura Uninp.abited .. 191 Mallupura 883.00 57 66 377 198 179· 129 127 35 3 98 38 192 Aser Kaytha 1,361. 00 105 128 955 474 481 91 96 61 23 220 216 193 Borda Manda 1,054.00 ·57 57 376 185 191 44 33 29 6 108 18 194 Molga 932.00 52 55 326 169 157 94 84 51 5 79 10 195 Limboda Kaytha 396.00 28 29 173 94 79 30 33 14 3 52 11 196 Sarola 1,355.00 86 88 488 258 230 72 71 73 3 138 96 197 Jawa,hya Kumar 1,907.00 150 151 834 442 392 150 133 103 11 239 8 198 Belari 1,232.00 122 123 680 346 334 124 104 126 14 189 10 199 Borda Dhakad 789.00 81 81 457 238 219 34 28 23 3 131 92 135


-~---.~--- ~.- .-.--~----- .------_._ WORKERS --"- --. II ITI IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers r----"-____ ,__;~ ,__;...___, ,---"----.. ,_.J\-, r-~ ,~ r-~ ,~ ,-"'--, ,--"----- L.C, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No, 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

54 19 15 65 136 159 56 24 11 6 4 2 85 167 160 27 15 11 2 44 78 161 29 1 9 10 1 38 59 162 134 4 40 39 2 10 4 3 3 2 7 5 158 300 163 37 23 9 8 18 2 2 74 149 164 16 8 13 2 39 42 165 21 30 19 6 4 2 2 59 106 166 128 78 59 10 9 2 6 21 57 23 3 317 522 167 38 28 5 12 1 77 119 168 60 3 13 3 9 1 2 63 158 169 139 1 ttl 87 11 2 4 188 355 170 54 4 25 3 5 1 5 69 146 171 46 5 10 2 10 73 151 172 .. Uninhabited ., .. 173 124 4 44 5 2 1 1 2 132 326 174 70 1 40 5 2 1 1 1 84 209 54 3 4 1 48 117 43 47 6 6 4 8 15 159 242 175 49 2 12 16 1 2 1 5 8; 150 176 29 1 8 10 1 1 1 1 4 64 100 20 } 4 6 } 1 1 21 50 67 27 61 94 108 106 177 47 40 28 36 9 2 102 87 178 38 3 21 13 87 123 179 110 4 53 122 6 10 3 129 160 180 117 1 73 90 15 3 2 2 196 260 181 110 1 64 80 12 2 1 176 243 7 9 10 3 3 1 20 17 40 20 24 26 4 3 73 86 182 144 77 26 29 25 7 1 3 126 195 183 120 61 12 19 23 7 1 2 99 164 24 16 14 10 2 1 27 31 159 35 40 2 192 320 184 32 5 2 2 38 60 185 37 11 lJ 45 87 186 32 33 1 2 1 60 142 187 48 46 52 5 5 124 150 188 49 7 14 63 145 189 49 7 1 7 58 136 7 5 9 382 6 350 97 24 1 84 2 10 13 50 5 89 7 808 1,576 190 340 5 324 91 24 1 81 2 10 13 50 5 87 7 751 1,486 42 1 26 6 3 2 57 90 .. Uninhabited .. 34 2 52 34 1 7 2 4 100 141 191 113 121 46 61 37 27 6 5 6 3 10 254 265 192 94 8 13 10 77 173 193 51 16 8 8 2 3 90 147 194 30 1 18 8 3 2 1 42 68 195 104 68 29 26 3 2 2 120 134 196 127 4 94 3 7 1 2 8 203 384 197 90 71 9 2 14 1 10 157 324 198 91 2 28 88 8 2 4 107 127 199 136


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,---- village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Tota I Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Wardl Ward in houses ,-_----...A. ,---A..---, ,--A..---., ,-_--A.._----, , ___.A.----, No. Urban Block Km2 P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ]3 14 15 16

200 Kath Badoda 2,328.00 136 159 955 492 463 146 152 150 26 257 134 Kath Badoda 126 149 881 451 430 105 119 150 24 231 120 Kheda Madhupura 10 10 74 41 33 41 33 2 26 14 201 Naleshree 1,382.00 133 133 891 447 444 97 94 88 2 247 179 202 Bhoju Khedi 260.00 14 16 117 62 55 13 16 7 34 17 203 Mal Kheda 328.00 40 42 260 136 124 39 38 25 72 26 204 Upadi 1,345.00 95 98 641 303 338 155 179 99 11 163 35 205 Khajuria 1,921.00 111 112 711 372 339 144 147 143 23 182 44 206 Khati Khedi 1,284.00 65 65 450 227 223 87 92 68 10 112 32 207 Barkheda Kaytha 1,254.00 64 64 346 156 190 38 48 57 16 87 45 208 Bhatooni 1,920.00 123 123 741 357 384 92 112 102 9 1i8 145 209 SemalKhori 25.00 .. Uninhabited 210 Ganga Talab 759.00 .. Uninhabited 211 Junapani 1,218.00 45 45 242 120 122 120 122 31 77 28

TARANA ------

16/1ll Tarana (M) 1.45 1,692 12,917 6,173 836 1 1,684 567 2,371 6,744 926 1 3,777 2,961

16/1II/1 Ward No.1 171 210 1,146 601 545 105 94 1 351 121 243 85 Block No. 1 71 104 616 337 279 79 69 213 87 132 55 Block No. 2 100 106 530 264 266 26 25 138 34 111 30

16/IlI/2 Ward No.2 172 185 1,044 558 486 245 232 1 186 15 266 93 Block No. 3 97 97 566 304 262 160 140 1 99 8 145 83 Block No. 4 75 88 478 254 224 85 92 87 7 121 10

16/Ill/3 Ward No.3 115 141 850 422 428 72 74 225 77 199 56 Block No. 5 57 62 412 200 212 11 18 131 62 91 11 Block No. 6 58 79 438 222 216 61 56 94 15 108 45

16/IIIJ4 Ward No.4 176 306 1,553 807 746 5 556 274 332 31 Block No. 7 62 113 544 295 249 5 201 103 122 13 Block No. 8 75 107 617 324 293 210 75 130 7 Block No. 9 39 86 392 188 204 145 96 80 11

16/Ill/5 Ward No.5 72 99 575 328 247 1 237 Jl5 129 17 Block No. 10 38 40 258 143 115 1 92 43 62 14 Block No. 11 34 59 317 185 132 145 72 67 3

16/111/6 Ward No.6 125 229 1,413 693 720 5 3 525 418 275 29 Block No. 12 41 62 409 191 218 148 142 75 10 Block No. 13 39 74 502 247 255 5 3 173 122 99 11 Block No. 14 45 93 502 255 247 204 154 101 8

16//1//7 Ward No.7 143 201 1,131 601 530 9 8 311 157 257 25 Block No. 15 38 55 346 185 161 93 58 S3 Block No. 16 43 73 377 193 184 122 67 74 6 Block No. 17 62 73 408 223 185 9 8 96 32 100 19 137 TARANA TAHSIL TARANA (M) WORKERS ------., I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers ,--A..._-, ,--A...----. ,-_}\_--, ,~ (~ (~ (~ (~ (~ ,-'''''''____' ,_---A..----., L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. ----_. -_-__ ._ ... _-_ .. _-_--_---_. __ ._- .. ------~--- 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

t13 1 81 131 17 1 24 3 18 1 235 329 200 97 1 78 117 10 1 24 3 1 18 1 220 310 16 3 14 7 15 19 145 68 161 '8 19 17 2 3 200 265 201 20 13 17 I 28 38 202 48 1 12 25 10 2 64 98 203 122 3 18 29 11 4 7 3 140 303 204 82 3 7j 41 12 5 2 7 190 295 205 56 3 42 29 4 9 115 191 206 56 4 21 39 4 3 2 3 69 145 207 97 39 60 105 6 8 5 179 239 208 .. Uninhabited .. 209 .. Uninhabited .. 210 69 18 7 10 43 94 211


520 585 32 9 182 203 41 521 100 768 3,783 25 401 35 8 2 7 2 87 5,606 161m

56 3 68 74 1 8 1 8 4 22 21 54 8 358 460 161m!1 29 3 44 47 1 8 1 11 6 32 5 205 224 1 27 24 27 8 3 11 15 22 3 153 236 2

71 3 135 82 6 1 8 3 6 37 7 292 393 16/Ill/2 28 2 86 75 5 2 6 18 6 159 179 3 43 1 49 7 6 3 19 133 214 4

76 1 40 44 7 10 14 1 15 1 37 9 223 372 16/111/3 36 4 1 4 10 6 6 25 9 109 201 5 40 36 43 3 8 9 12 114 171 6

55 9 12 8 4 9 1 21 2 5 60 2 26 .. 140 9 475 715 16/111/4 22 9 10 1 4 11 2 28 9 37 2 173 236 7 25 3 2 8 2 16 1 10 64 6 194 286 8 8 2 8 3 2 3 16 1 7 39 1 108 193 9

12 1 3 12 16 1 7 7 38 7 39 3 199 230 16/Ill/5 7 3 11 5 7 22 1 17 2 81 101 10 5 11 7 16 6 22 118 129 11

17 1 2 J 13 6 37 2 2 .. 110 9 85 19 418 691 16/111/6 4 2 5 12 26 5 23 8 116 208 12 4 4 6 4 2 55 3 26 4 148 244 13 9 4 21 29 36 7 154 239 14

47 73 14 20 3 14 6 36 1 60 8 344 505 16/JIl/7 19 19 7 4 1 12 21 102 161 15 11 8 2 3 8 4 12 28 4 119 178 16 17 46 12 10 3 2 12 11 4 123 166 17 138


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate r------village in piad House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward! Ward in houses r------"--~ r---A.----, r---A.----, r---A.-., r--- __.I....--., No. Ueban Block Km 2 P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

16/1II/8 Ward No. 8 110 225 1,074 564 510 344 199 238 12 Block No. 18 84 184 844 438 406 281 187 182 10 Block No. 19 26 41 230 126 104 63 21 56 2

16/W/9 Ward No. 9 154 231 1,193 641 552 206 170 269 74 305 88 Block No. 20 61 66 336 192 14t 117 78 72 14 88 38 Block No. 21 93 165 857 449 408 89 92 197 60 217 50

16/Ill/I0 Ward No. 10 157 190 1,048 522 526 128 124 307 87 250 38 Block No. 22 82 84 451 221 230 52 53 135 29 100 7 Block No, 23 75 106 597 301 296 76 71 172 58 150 31

161Ill/ll Ward Nu. 11 150 175 995 522 473 9 9 261 75 234 24 Block No. 24 82 105 555 296 259 9 9 142 49 131 9 Block No. 25 68 70 440 226 214 119 26 103 15 161m/12 Ward No. 12 147 179 895 485 410 141 122 205 72 233 69 Block No. 26 97 101 491 270 221 101 89 122 53 130 61 Block No. 27 50 78 404 215 189 40 33 83 19 103 8 139


---~--- WORKERS--A.__ I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,---"---., ,---"-_.., ,----"'---, ,---"'---, ,---"'---, ,---"'---, ,---"'---, ,-,-..___, ,---A--., ,---A--., ,-.-.A-----., L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

13 11 1 3 15 4 41 1 2 61 1 7 85 5 326 498 16/lJI/8 9 2 1 11 4 37 50 1 7 64 4 256 396 18 4 9 2 4 4 11 21 70 102 19 41 1 104 86 13 46 7 1 1 55 9 29 .. 336 464 16/JJI!9 13 36 37 14 2 15 .. 4 4 104 106 20 28 68 49 f3 32 5 40 5 25 .. 232 358 21 29 3 21 10 2 2 33 9 57 3 5 2 94 18 272 488 16/lll! 10 21 8 2 8 7 2 52 5 121 223 22 8 3 13 10 2 25 8 50 3 4 42 13 151 265 23 45 1 70 18 22 2 10 1 4 2 37 4 42 .. 288 449 16/1II! 11 7 46 8 16 9 3 26 4 20 .. 165 250 24 38 24 10 6 2 2 11 22 .. 123 199 52 58 3 47 50 1 1 24 15 3 1 27 5 66 1 252 341 16/J1l/n 18 2 33 44 19 15 18 1 40 .. 140 160 26 40 14 6 5 3 9 4 26 1 112 181 27 140


--~ .. Area of Dccu- No. of Total Population Literate ,,------village in pieli House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward! Ward in houses ,-_--A.__ --., ,---A.-----, ,---"----. r--__...._----. ,-_--A~ No. Urban Block Km2 P M F M F M F M F M F ------.~-- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

16/4 Badnagar Tahsil (Rural) 1,221.1 18,830 54,366 11,742 3 17,899 29,512 18,049 105,392 51,026 11,511 1 2,966 7,862 Bhat Pachlana 4,199.00 395 400 2,185 1,125 1,060 171 167 556 248 542 213 Bhat Pachlana 375 380 2,061 1,065 996 152 140 549 248 510 197 Sawanp!,ra 20 20 124 60 64 19 27 7 32 16 2 Maloda 1,663.00 99 99 645 335 310 59 56 135 17 182 23 3 Banbani 1,438.00 73 73 425 208 217 29 29 42 4 100 18 4 Bhunwasa 1,266.00 56 56 340 175 165 36 35 48 88 12 5 Kajya Khedi 716.00 18 21 136 74 62 25 21 14 35 6 Bander Bela 1,692.00 93 95 618 ~26 292 70 54 36 6 157 6 7 Limbwas 2,400.00 129 129 682 346 336 116 113 84 2 214 11 8 Chirola 2,756.00 307 307 1,647 860 787 136 133 375 79 481 224 9 Salwa 2,189.00 119 120 630 327 303 86 98 77 7 154 44 10 Lasudiya 798.00 14 15 119 66 53 33 29 18 30 7 11 Mungawada 607.00 37 38 262 140 122 38 33 10 87 12 12 Mungawadi 522.00 26 26 149 83 66 6 5 8 50 13 Silodiya 1,291.00 74 75 431 228 203 108 88 45 2 139 17 14 Rathod Khedi 639.00 42 42 220 114 106 55 55 17 69 6 15 Karadwas 723.00 42 44 266 142 124 42 36 19 2 77 2 16 Dr:hta 713.00 56 58 331 178 153 22 20 53 7 tol 20 17 Kesharpur 406.00 24 24 182 99 83 50 42 22 1 55 3 18 Amlawad Kalan 1,379.00 71 73 482 243 239 66 69 67 9 132 39 19 Mahudi Khema 410.00 34 39 217 106 111 37 30 28 3 67 34 20 Dunalja 2,011.00 119 121 721 364 357 111 112 100 5 208 64 21 BaJoda Hasan 800.00 59 59 311 153 158 55 55 36 101 54 22 Paduniya Kheta 853.00 10 10 57 34 23 3 3 6 1 17 3 23 Gaondi Devsi 909.00 51 51 239 119 120 10 13 99 16 57 20 24 Udsinga 1,651.00 lCO 101 591 304 287 32 41 37 4 154 23 25 Kalyanpura 1,152.00 90 96 540 285 255 153 139 54 9 130 36 26 Kheda Narayan 771.00 26 26 145 75 70 28 25 11 1 43 1 27 Mundat 1,248.00 TI 82 443 242 201 102 91 96 8 129 7 28 Khandoda 1,814.00 114 114 651 314 337 126 149 107 18 184 8 29 Simlawada 1,313.00 72 72 384 194 190 47 54 69 4 121 4 30 Harnawada ! ,275.00 87 90 567 309 258 139 113 67 4 166 25 31 Labayeha 772.00 36 36 157 85 72 23 15 27 1 49 8 32 Unkarpur 780.00 70 71 381 191 190 36 40 61 27 107 13 33 Sema! Khedi 407.00 27 27 123 61 62 28 29 16 41 26 34 Gurawada 336.00 22 22 123 64 59 21 42 11 35 Sijawata 2,860.00 178 178 1,018 526 492 68 65 171 20 279 37 36 Gaondilodha 1,459.00 91 91 567 289 278 161 137 72 15 151 4 37 Dhureri 1,417.00 61 61 394 210 184 62 64 65 9 107 50 38 R:ljota 470.00 57 57 300 151 149 151 149 27 91 44 39 Suncda 1,371.00 65 67 369 192 177 91 80 47 106 4 40 Chich,)(liya 515.00 34 34 213 108 105 4 2 4 70 1 41 Kiloli 1,538.00 76 77 415 212 203 85 90 57 11 113 2 42 Kharsod Khurd 5,876.00 398 418 2,363 1,213 1,150· 184 188 459 82 659 202 43 Utwas 1,947.00 150 161 787 419 368 80 77 227 69 228 26 44 Hatya Khcdi 8J3.00 17 17 116 59 57 38 36 13 3 31 18 45 Ranwa 1,033.00 75 87 492 251 241 67 65 64 5 141 75 46 Dantarwa 1,064.00 60 60 371 195 176 42 46 73 9 114 15 47 Bidrundi 155.00 Uninhabited 48 Rasulabad ,983.00 73 73 415 220 195 70 81 94 3 116 51 49 Molana 2,398.00 165 189 1,021 529 492 81 72 184 32 292 65 50 Beed Jhagdat 149.00 Uninhabited 141


WORKERS.A.______II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers ,-~ ,---"---, ,--"---, ,---A--.., ,--"---, ,-__ll-.., ,-..J'----. ,---A--.., ,-__lL-.., ,---A----, L.e_ M F M FM PM PM FM FM FM FM F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ------17,456 8,162 690 1,118 236 187 417 137 1,109 24,854 16/4 1,948 5,561 17 169 26 16 20 105 43,164 249 19 168 183 26 4 10 2 27 6 54 6 583 847 225 15 160 171 26 4 10 1 2 27 6 54 6 555 799 24 4 8 12 28 48 101 57 20 16 2 2 6 153 287 2 69 5 27 13 3 1 108 199 3 59 3 26 7 2 2 87 153 4 27 4 4 39 62 5 121 1 24 5 1 6 5 169 286 6 198 11 6 4 3 3 132 325 7 272 4 119 204 42 10 5 8 33 6 379 563 8 68 7 58 31 4 3 20 6 173 259 9 13 15 6 2 36 46 10 48 1 9 11 24 3 2 53 110 11 34 1 3 11 2 33 65 12 88 17 16 25 6 3 89 186 13 65 4 4 2 45 100 14 59 2 11 7 65 122 15 58 28 19 7 3 4 77 133 16 37 1 18 2 44 80 17 74 1 36 36 12 6 4 1 111 200 18 26 1 25 33 11 5 39 77 19 131 8 53 53 9 2 2 2 4 7 156 293 20 66 1 24 53 8 3 52 104 21 13 2 2 1 17 20 22 51 4 5 16 1 62 100 23 95 8 42 15 8 5 4 150 264 24 89 5 33 23 7 8 1 155 219 25 25 6 11 1 32 69 26 54 1 53 6 11 1 2 3 5 113 194 27 107 6 24 2 35 11 3 4 130 329 28 72 1 33 3 10 3 1 2 73 186 29 137 2 23 23 4 2 143 233 30 29 2 19 6 1 36 64 31 50 2 46 11 1 4 2 3 84 177 32 26 2 7 23 8 20 36 33 25 11 11 4 2 22 48 34 179 18 40 13 11 18 5 2 11 16 247 455 35 104 3 35 1 5 3 4 138 274 36 58 2 27 45 9 3 2 2 3 4 103 134 37 46 1 26 43 18 1 60 105 38 69 3 14 11 6 3 3 86 173 39 51 9 9 1 38 104 40 72 20 2 16 3 2 99 201 41 383 5 172 190 30 10 6 6 3 9 43 3 554 948 42 114 12 62 11 12 2 3 1 2 2 32 191 342 43 15 9 18 7 28 39 44 51 3 51 71 28 3 1 3 4 110 166 45 89 2 19 13 3 3 81 161 46 .. Uninhabited .. 47 57 50 48 3 2 2 1 3 104 144 48 158 112 65 3 6 5 1 2 5 237 427 49 .. Uninhabited .. 50 142


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,_..--- village in pied House­ (in::luding institu­ and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tioual and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses ,-----"------, r--..A----., ,---A.---., ,----"----., ,-__ ..A..---, No. Urban BlocK Km2 P M F MF MF M F M F 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16

51 Palwa 2,471.00 135 135 794 405 389 74 74 129 12 228 6 52 Itawa 1,961. 00 92 93 511 265 246 73 74 80 9 157 36 53 Sanawada 1,323.00 107 107 626 301 325 86 85 118 10 155 29 54 Rawadiya Peer 1,157.00 73 84 511 262 249 91 96 94 27 123 25 55 Kamanpur 1,529.00 61 77 421 224 197 37 29 59 3 123 9 56 Mindka 1,191.00 47 47 301 154 147 20 17 37 95 10 57 Baloda Koran 1,975.00 135 148 842 445 397 28 26 154 20 226 200 58 Ajdawada 3,086.00 139 158 918 462 456 73 73 69 15 251 71 59 Kharsod Kalan 7,543.00 561 616 3,339 1,742 1,597 236 243 674 136 975 282 60 Ordi 1,526.00 118 118 628 338 290 98 93 72 2 184 4 61 Narela Khurd 308.00 7 8 45 24 21 8 10 10 62 Bardiya 2,977.00 174 175 1,079 547 532 64 75 262 37 295 26 63 Noganwa 1,821. 00 99 99 570 300 270 16' 13 116 29 145 5 64 Khedawada 2,829.00 219 220 1,209 625 584 74 94 281 38 332 86 65 Mal Gaondi 797.00 43 47 280 144 136 55 47 91 3 66 Badganwa 2,625.00 136 178 906 4~6 460 21 27 199 47 236 67 Maswadiya Dhar 1,487.00 79 87 540 263 277 43 39 102 35 146 92 68 Gajni Khedi 1,819.00 161 161 880 465 415 48 57 174 11 238 20 69 Runija 3,052.00 280 306 1,536 789 747 86 89 374 161 438 105 70 Madhopura 2.212.00 219 253 1,345 703 642 27 31 228 24 338 68 71 Nakucha Kheai 889.00 Uninhabited 72 Baloda Lakha 4,094.00 271 302 1,670 876 794 121 98 277 62 485 169 73 Sunderabad 2,230.00 124 132 772 401 371 53 52 198 57 224 15 74 J alod Sanj ar 2,401.00 123 149 768 381 387 33 32 105 7 224 52 75 Pachlanabil 1,865.00 75 75 478 257 221 81 65 107 5 139 22 76 Singawada 839.00 35 35 224 115 109 47 40 43 3 59 14 77 Bid Sil1gawada 179.00 4 4 25 12 13 6 6 6 4 9 5 78 M


WORKERS ------_------"- I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII X Non- WOrkl!fS ,--_.A.._-, ,--_.A-_-, ,--_~ ,--~ ,--_)"----, ,--~ ,--~ ,--~ ,--~-, ,--__!"----, ,--_..A-_-, L.e. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

198 6 12 2 9 2 2 2 177 383 51 88 3 40 33 11 Ie 5 108 210 52 113 19 28 6 \ . 7 10 146 296 53 68 2 46 23 1 7 1 139 224 54 77 2 17 5 21 2 5 3 101 188 55 59 ]9 10 12 1 3 59 137 56 129 107 60 76 21 13 16 3 219 197 57 136 4 65 57 16 7 9 2 7 18 211 385 58 416 29 311 224 61 2 34 3 39 4 2 42 5 5 65 15 767 1,315 59 169 3 8 3 1 2 154 286 60 3 1 7 ] 4 20 61 194 3 51 22 10 20 2 17 252 506 62 111 2 25 2 4 4 155 265 63 219 11 78 75 15 4 15 293 498 64 82 1 9 2 53 133 65 131 75 1 3 19 3 4 210 459 66 81 3 57 88 5 1 2 117 185 67 177 4 40 15 3 2 2 3 11 227 395 68 134 12 129 7S 38 2 19 2 12 47 3 56 10 351 642 69 229 2 60 66 2 5 6 20 3 12 365 574 70 .. Uninhabited .. 71 292 69 126 87 10 35 3 1 9 1 12 9 391 625 72 149 8 45 7 5 6 8 4 2 4 177 356 73 195 37 18 12 7 3 3 157 335 74 113 23 22 2 1 118 199 75 37 22 14 56 95 76 4 5 5 3 8 77 25 21 25 43 73 78 68 2 32 38 3 2 94 139 79 66 1 28 2 3 1 2 89 175 80 107 7 50 117 7 2 3 7 125 135 81 41 4 48 34 1 3 57 115 82 44 2 22 22 18 2 54 114 83 45 4 51 38 3 4 24 76 125 84 58 15 2 35l 123 85 119 3 13 20 2 3 85 232 86 13 7 22 87 ., Uninhabited .. 88 9 1 17 1 2 20 47 89 79 3 24 10 12 3 1 62 169 90 44 1 37 4 3 65 130 91 110 3 52 11 12 13 6 3 1 201 366 92 42 36 11 2 71 127 93 1ncluded in urban area as urban outgrowth of Badnagar (M) 94 353 184 253 239 47 5 12 6 29 7 629 759 95 311 148 240 231 47 5 3 6 28 7 584 709 42 36 13 8 9 1 45 50 125 3 53 23 8 3 4 124 263 96 10 20 3 2 30 58 97 28 15 8 5 38 92 98 .. Uninhabited .. .. 99 65 69 5 6 10 3 3 84 59 100 2 2 1 101 1 2 .. 102 144


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,------village in pied House- (including in~titu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses ~ __ __A. _ ___..., ,----"----, ,----"----. ,-_---"-_._--, ,-_---"-_--, No. Urban Block Kmll P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

...------.~--- 103 Bhomalwas 1,934.00 58 60 324 172 152 61 51 50 3 94 63 104 Upari 310.00 Uninhabited 105 Bhesla Buzurg 1,307.00 37 37 256 136 120 18 19 57 13 70 106 Birgoda Randhir 995.00 49 60 349 179 170 19 19 63 4 93 13 107 Umariya 1,436.00 111 III 788 397 391 3 8 58 214 7 108 Likhoda 703.00 63 63 379 197 182 56 50 32 14 134 15 109 Jalodiya 3,472.00 157 169 900 455 445 84 89 165 33 26R 129 110 Lohariya 1,777.00 109 126 690 364 326 100 91 103 12 162 23 III Ajanda 1,474.00 81 82 486 254 232 47 38 81 10 132 17 112 Kbandwa Sura 1,785.00 79 85 475 229 246 66 66 44 7 130 19 113 Sarola 1,233.00 68 71 452 :!22 230 33 44 57 3 108 19 114 Dhaturiya 1,045.00 63 63 327 177 150 40 38 47 85 115 Mundla 1,145.00 62 62 304 163 141 40 46 53 3 73 4 116 Bhidawad 2,445.00 137 137 869 441 428 128 103 133 26 243 82 117 Rawadiya Kalan 1,496.00 80 80 476 236 240 7 9 58 10 132 67 118 Suklana 1,206.00 90 90 485 267 218 64 50 86 3 145 79 119 Lohana 4,737.00 246 276 1,555 771 784 131 118 302 43 433 89 120 Kungara 1,544.00 80 80 400 225 175 46 38 114 25 128 72 121 Khandwa Bibi 1,558.00 115 115 663 348 315 69 64 3 131 56 169 46 122 Satwasa 1,097.00 50 50 302 158 144 20 19 51 6 94 17 123 Nawda 2,033.00 127 127 718 367 351 110 96 103 14 197 84 124 Badgara 1,805.00 116 143 761 380 381 68 76 153 23 204 110 125 Piplu 2,946.00 238 242 1,378 700 678 88 89 221 37 375 251 126 Gaji Khedi 884.00 26 26 175 92 83 4 4 37 2 55 26 127 Pithoro 938.00 78 86 456 238 218 50 60 55 15 129 22 128 Birgoda Nathu 1,529.00 52 53 350 173 177 20 25 33 1 92 29 129 Dotru 2,239.00 LI0 114 574 287 287 47 55 99 6 148 65 130 Gunawad 3,145.00 154 155 820 421 399 61 65 116 4 224 2 131 Bisal Khedi 776.00 41 41 239 112 127 11 17 14 3 66 2 132 Hangred 3,604.00 201 209 1,137 580 557 173 160 162 12 351 122 133 Fatehpur 3,372.00 174 174 926 507 419 75 61 132 13 242 2 134 Asawta 2,565.00 154 154 816 415 401 141 149 191 27 257 92 135 Akoliya 1,569.00 86 86 518 268 250 84 75 105 7 163 68 136 Takrawada 836.00 30 30 196 99 97 17 60 4 137 Pirjhalar 3,995.00 227 235 1,254 648 606 72 74 205 14 354 84 138 Bhand Tilawali 780.00 33 34 189 90 99 5 9 16 1 49 2 139 Sohad 1,156.00 69 78 436 233 203 74 69 78 14 125 25 140 Daulatpur 953.00 64 66 366 192 174 35 29 90 20 93 24 141 Pacholi 498.00 17 17 124 65 59 6 37 142 Dotardi 724.00 51 51 264 136 128 30 28 57 7 74 24 143 Palduna 3,238.00 201 201 1,154 602 552 208 198 212 26 325 106 144 Namalpur 851.00 39 39 224 104 120 38 44 14 56 4 145 Maswadiya 1,168.00 70 72 381 202 179 48 45 69 1 119 24 146 Lakhesara 1,909.00 105 110 621 323 2~8 61 84 112 6 183 105 147 Paslod 795.00 63 64 369 194 175 69 70 59 7 104 7 148 Narsinga 2,783.00 129 129 694 365 329 36 35 189 7 196 8 149 Dangwada 4,342.00 281 287 1,537 810 727 180 141 255 22 470 228 150 Ba1edi 4,737.00 363 374 2,114 1,086 1,028 212 187 421 113 527 188 151 Ghudawan 1,500.00 94 94 564 290 274 76 83 107 7 150 37 152 Bhesla Khurd 1,491.00 70 70 448 225 223 122 134 85 9 120 51 153 Sarsana 1,416.00 95 98 535 279 256 67 53 122 31 152 54 154 Dharan Khedi 621.00 20 22 118 61 57 14 13 9 31 3 155 Karanpura 617.00 32 32 178 95 83 48 44 21 2 58 6 156 Patya Khedi 785.00 55 56 308 158 150 90 83 45 10 93 15 145


------A---WORKERS______-----, II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,...-A---, ,----A--, ,-----A--.., ,----A--.., ,-_)...____., ,----A--.., ,-_)'---, ,----A--.., ,-_)...____., ,--"----, ,----"------, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

46 29 28 29 4 8 4 3 5 78 89 103 " Uninhabited .. .. 104 51 19 66 120 105 58 33 13 1 1 86 157 106 181 2 28 5 3 2 183 384 107 53 2 80 13 1 63 167 108 140 32 86 83 35 13 3 3 187 316 109 98 6 57 17 3 2 2 202 303 110 90 1 29 15 3 7 2 122 215 111 60 1 60 18 4 3 2 99 227 112 57 43 19 2 4 1 114 211 113 45 21 4 11 3 92 150 114 43 1 19 3 3 5 3 90 137 115 140 3 75 76 5 15 8 3 198 346 116 80 17 36 49 7 2 6 104 173 117 113 53 28 26 1 3 122 139 118 245 16 126 72 14 11 17 2 18 338 695 119 93 45 29 27 1 2 3 97 103 120 82 60 37 16 6 2 7 3 179 269 121 92 17 1 1 64 127 122 59 120 84 12 2 4 170 267 123 102 31 89 77 6 2 5 1 176 271 124 192 124 111 113 8 19 7 14 3 11 4 17 2 325 427 125 45 22 7 4 3 37 57 126 86 4 32 18 2 2 5 109 196 127 56 9 3.i. 20 3 2 81 148 128 79 10 46 52 14 3 4 4 139 222 129 150 2 52 2 10 2 3 5 197 397 130 42 1 22 1 1 1 46 125 131 186 8 127 112 11 7 3 4 13 229 435 132 165 1 66 1 4 2 5 265 417 133 148 3 97 89 7 3 158 309 134 120 43 68 105 182 135 56 4 4 39 93 136 194 8 127 74 7 12 5 7 294 522 137 38 2 8 2 41 97 138 65 40 25 2 12 6 108 178 139 61 3 27 21 2 2 99 150 140 31 6 28 59 141 41 33 24 62 104 142 198 20 105 85 13 3 4 277 446 143 27 27 4 2 48 116 144 50 I 55 22 6 7 83 155 145 120 82 42 19 10 4 4 6 140 193 146 45 3 49 4 8 2 90 168 147 140 1 40 5 3 2 1 3 9 169 321 148 249 108 151 111 6 30 7 3 8 23 340 499 149 269 12 185 171 6 12 2 5 2 48 3 559 840 150 74 63 . 36 6 2 5 140 237 151 68 5 38 46 3 3 6 105 172 152 77 4 39 49 17 5 2 3 8 127 202 153 24 2 6 1 30 54 154 40 4 15 2 2 37 77 155 61 6 28 9 2 65 135 156 146


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,----- village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village! of Town) dcntial less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses , _____.A_ __------, .-----"-----. ,--"---, r----"---, ,---"------. No. Urban Block Km 2 PM F M F MF M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

157 Jhumki 1,056.00 59 64 372 190 182 89 93 51 18 109 24 158 Jahaogirpur 4,630.00 352 360 1,878 962 916 218 214 390 91 541 166 159 Amlawad Bika 1,106.00 83 83 517 277 240 55 52 39 124 3 160 Mola Khedi 45 45 267 146 121 39 37 24 68 3 Keshar pur 8 8 62 36 26 4 11 Nayapura 30 30 188 95 93 16 15 11 45 160 Mola Khedi 649.00 49 49 260 138 122 30 "',6 5 72 2 161 MaJpura 1,510.00 92 93 493 251 242 34 37 65 4 145 30 162 Murar Khedi 765.00 41 41 219 125 94 6 7 33 72 12 MUrar Khedi 38 38 198 110 88 6 7 26 62 12 Naya Kheda 3 3 21 15 6 7 10 163 Jamal Pura 1,077.00 61 68 420 220 200 69 69 31 1 127 20 164 Palsoda 2,106.00 173 176 982 483 499 142 167 183 35 263 34 165 Mokdawan 2,968.00 209 212 1,079 536 543 114 110 222 61 268 86 Mokdawan 154 157 840 409 431 105 104 151 46 218 76 Dugargai 55 55 239 127 112 9 6 71 15 50 10 166 MahudiAlam 841.00 61 61 309 159 150 55 60 14 1 89 31 167 Suwasa 2,323.03 249 250 1,444 187 657 164 120 365 38 443 106 168 Banbana 963.00 34 34 245 116 129 34 47 26 61 5 169 Kanjad 1,957.00 147 148 823 411 412 60 69 111 8 201 50 170 Aslawada 1,812.00 166 166 842 424 418 138 137 162 32 212 54 171 Kothdi 1,868.00 94 97 507 251 256 80 82 82 21 151 160 172 Banya Khedi 661.00 41 41 219 113 106 44 52 27 1 5'1 63 173 Kanthar Khedi 829.00 11 71 303 168 135 42 39 29 1 99 70 174 Narela Kalan 1,127.00 38 38 226 113 113 50 46 32 7 60 17 175 Kalmoda 1,355.00 40 40 262 126 136 36 38 33 9 63 15 176 Gulab Khedi 791.00 30 33 201 103 98 12 13 26 60 20 177 Sikandar Kheda 714.00 61 63 322 174 148 91 81 39 I 103 39 178 Rupa Heda 1,716.00 75 76 500 247 253 82 95 104 7 141 40 179 Maniyawada 1,111.00 93 102 594 307 287 81 81 86 7 158 46 180 Bamanapati 2,344.00 147 147 704 360 344 85 78 160 6 171 11 181 Khadotiya 1,340.00 77 80 467 233 234 74 78 84 6 138 2 182 Sura Khedi 664.00 29 29 185 98 87 25 21 20 1 42 6 183 Matangna 1,024.00 57 63 301 161 140 62 S4 23 3 87 3 184 Kulawada 1,227.00 60 60 334 173 161 65 70 22 2 73 4 185 Ingoriya 2,804.00 193 197 1,169 615 554 192 190 232 48 332 46 186 Cuhan Khedi 426.00 37 38 219 107 112 67 78 26 4 49 2 149 187 Cheek ali 2,977.00 197 206 1,120 570 550 125 131 22 296 23 86 188 Kadbai 1,498.00 87 105 543 277 266 88 122 7 162 19 189 Ghadsinga 1,257.00 88 88 471 257 214 97 80 92 8 130 4 190 Bhondwas 736.00 31 31 194 95 99 43 50 12 2 54 53 17 2 191 Brahman Badoda 489.00 28 28 160 84 76 47 43 40 43 192 Nahar Khedi 519.00 26 26 190 105 85 40 33 23 61 44 66 7 193 Nimboda 1,848.00 102 102 656 322 334 18 21 183 23 147

BADNAGAR TAHSIL WORKERS --"------, I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers ,--"------, ,--A.._--., ,_~ ,-'''-----, ,-'''-----, ,~ ,-'''-----, ,-'''-----, ,-'''-----, ,-''-...., ,-_,..A..~ L.C. M F M F M FM FM FM FM FM FM FM F M F No. ------17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

75 . 1 21 22 6 3 4 81 158 157 235 33 170 117 14 44 7 11 32 34 9 421 750 158 98 1 20 1 2 1 3 153 237 159 50 1 17 1 1 78 118 11 25 26 37 3 2 2 50 93 66 2 3 2 1 66 120 160 76 7 29 19 22 12 2 2 1 3 106 212 161 51 1 11 9 5 2 2 2 53 87. 162 41 1 11 9 5 1 2 2 2 48 76 10 5 6 76 3 8 17 28 5 9 93 180 163 147 10 63 17 25 7 2 6 5 11 4 220 465 164 136 16 76 68 8 1 6 7 8 18 9 268 457 165 117 12 72 62 8 1 3 5 7 1 8 191 355 19 4 4 6 321 17 1 77 102 56 2 24 29 5 3 70 119 166 267 28 131 76 10 2 11 20 2 344 551 167 49 1 11 4 55 124 168 152 4 40 45 3 1 4 210 362 J69 105 15 38 35 21 4 5 5 33 4 212 364 170 102 115 43 43 2 2 3 100 96 171 29 30 29 33 54 43 172 74 55 23 15 69 65 173 32 4 26 13 53 96 174 40 11 18 4 5 63 121 175 30 4 29 16 43 78 176 48 45 36 3 2 2 3 71 109 177 89 39 38 8 3 106 213 178 98 2 47 44 6 2 4 149 241 179 125 2 35 9 6 4 189 333 180 81 1 52 1 2 95 232 181 35 561 56 81 182 45 41 2 74 137 183 33 2 39 2 ! 00 157 184 157 6 91 20 35 18 2 2 13 31 283 508 185 31 1 17 1 58 110 186 185 9 75 11 14 2 2 8 5 6 274 527 187 88 2 68 17 2 3 115 247 188 92 4 29 1 7 127 210 189 42 35 9 11 2 6 41 46 190 24 24 12 15 3 4 44 33 191 54 40 6 :l 44 41 192 71 8 106 15 3 2 139 311 19 148


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate r----- village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and res i- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village/ of Town/ dentiaJ less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in housc,s r----__A.------, ,__.A.----, r--_-"'--, ,--.A.----, ,-___.A._-. No. Urban Block Km 2 P M F M F M l<' M F M F ------.-~------,.---~ ~-~---- -~ ~--- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 11. 13 14 15 16


Badnagar (U. A. ) 4.23 3.382 20,057 9,504 625 2 3,580 761 3,472 10,553 678 5 6,209 4,725 16/V/ Badnagar(~) 4.17 3,329 19,712 9,348 611 2 3,540 746 3,401 10,364 659 5 6,125 4,656 I6/VII Ward No. 1 278 291 1,434 752 682 40 45 335 149 356 73 Block No. 1 89 100 459 243 216 15 14 130 65 104 19 Blolk No. 2 100 102 422 224 198 8 11 174 29 127 52 Block No. 3 89 89 553 285 268 17 20 81 55 125 2 16/V/2 Ward No. 2 207 244 1,272 689 583 4 7 354 127 325 62 Block No. 4 103 140 663 350 313 4 7 221 91 179 57 Block N0. 5 104 104 609 339 270 133 36 146 5 i6/v13 Ward No. 3 256 256 1,456 753 703 49 60 3 417 249 322 30 Block No. 6 79 79 509 265 244 31 33 3 143 58 107 5 Block No. 7 98 98 475 253 222 3 2 144 70 122 13 Block No. 8 79 79 472 235 237 15 25 130 121 93 12 16/V/4 Ward No. 4 261 261 1,661 936 725 101 82 530 289 496 49 Block No. 9 128 128 949 568 381 54 45 297 195 332 26 Block No. 10 133 133 712 368 344 47 37 233 94 164 23 16/V/5 Ward No. 5 217 217 1,336 701 635 32 26 383 106 311 58 Block No. 11 97 97 601 305 296 218 81 131 23 Block No. 12 120 120 735 396 339 32 26 165 25 180 35 i6/V/6 Ward No. 6 275 276 1,326 692 634 1 1 2 2 453 225 312 40 Block No. 13 139 139 708 358 350 2 2 269 189 154 9 Block No. 14 136 137 G18 334 284 184 36 158 ~1 16/V/7 Ward No. 7 222 222 1,286 678 608 8 5 543 381 289 20 Block No. 15 130 130 642 346 296 5 278 192 146 18 Block No. 16 92 92 644 332 312 3 4 265 189 143 2 16/V/8 Ward No. 8 189 193 1,261 639 622 500 407 287 13 Block No. 17 83 83 668 337 331 223 223 154 3 Block No. 18 106 110 593 302 291 277 184 133 10 16/V/9 Ward No. 9 207 208 1,347 703 644 459 285 302 14 Block No. 19 93 93 657 332 325 240 172 138 3 Block No. 20 114 115 690 371 319 219 113 164 11 16jV/JO Ward No. 10 235 236 1,377 731 646 81 67 369 158 356 89 Block No. 21 107 107 605 331 274 78 66 189 59 164 35 Block No. 22 128 129 772 400 372 3 180 99 192 54 16/V!1J Ward No. 11 251 252 1,533 815 718 329 305 366 107 283 136 Block No. 23 92 92 505 259 246 88 99 125 40 123 17 Block No. 24 76 77 466 251 215 27 27 151 52 109 48 Block No. 25 83 83 562 305 257 214 179 90 15 51 71 16/v1I2 Ward No. 12 290 290 1,515 793 722 547 311 346 24 Block No. 26 88 88 497 262 235 175 84 120 5 Block No. 27 92 92 524 277 247 213 149 113 8 Block No. 28 110 110 494 254 240 159 78 113 11 16/V/13 Ward No. 13 201 205 1,249 637 612 501 383 268 12 Block No. 29 100 104 638 343 295 276 215 136 6 Block No. 30 101 101 611 294 317 225 168 132 6 149

BADNAGAR (U.A.) WORKERS __------______~A ______, I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII TX X Non­ Workers ,---A.--, ,--A.----, ,..-_..-A-_-..., ,..-~ ,..-A--..., ,..-A--..., ,--"----, ,-~ ,..-..-A-, ,..----"-->. ,..----"-----, L.C. M F M F M FM FM FM FM FM FM FM F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38


597 221 87 317 731 87 1,144 201 1,340 5,828 86 168 167 45 11 S3 3 228 8,743 593 212 87 317 730 87 1,144 IS9 1,327 5,708 16jv 84 158 167 45 11 53 3 225 8,602 73 12 28 32 14 8 5 60 8 52 6 22 91 18 396 60916fV/1 14 2 2 3 1· 7 3 16 5 22 4 5 32 7 139 197 1 26 10 22 29 4, 22 1 19 2 6 27 11 97 146 2 33 4 9' 1 2 22 2 11 11 32 160 266 3 84 22 24 27 10 1 34 7 32 3 11 .. 122 10 364 521 16/V/2 55 21 24 27 5 13 5 17 3 9 51 6 171 256 4 29 1 5 21 2 15 2 71 4 193 265 5 57 3 16 9 9 15 5 35 3 10 70 3 27 83 7 431 673 16/V/3 3 6 3 12 4 20 1 26 16 20 .. 158 239 6 34 7 9 5 2 11 4 18 7 34 4 131 209 7 20 3 3 I 1 1 4 2 5 26 3 4 29 3 142 225 8 23 3 5 4 1 29 2 50 2 86 3 15 287 35 440 676 16/V/4 15 3 14 2 11 59 3 5 .. 227 17 236 355 9 8 2 4 1 15 39 2 27 10 60 18 204 321 10 98 5 71 38 8 3 22 7 28 4 73 12 390 57716/V/5 19 2 27 14 6313 3 15 48 4 174 273 11 79 :I 44 24 2 9 4 13 4 25 8 216 304 12 53 6 39 19 6 29 7 30 5 2 41 3 .. 106 6 380 59416/V/6 18 4 3 4 9 23 1 21 3 71 6 204 341 13 35 6 35 16 2 20 7 7 4 2 20 35 .. 176 253 14 23 3 1 1 5 57 2 3 .. 102 13 85 14 389 588 16/V!7 8 3 5 14 2 3 46 9 60 12 200 278 15 15 43 56 4 25 2 189 310 16 18 3 2 5 1 75 3 1 138 2 9 2 37 4 352 60916/V/8 8 41 2 85 4 2 13 .. 183 328 17 10 3 1 5 1 34 53 2 5 24 4 169 281 18 21 2 13 13 1 56 3 .. 113 2 2 84 6 401 630 16/V/9 5 2 6 31 66 28 1 194 322 19 16 2 11 7 25 2 47 2 2 56 5 207 308 20 26 6 14 4 11 30 14 42 9 6 .. 114 23 11 1 102 32 375 55716/V/10 14 9 4 5 28 13 19 1 43 2 3 1 42 15 167 239 21 12 6 5 6 2 1 23 9 5 71 21 8 60 17 208 318 22 43 14 10 11 9 22 68 66 1 2 70 2 7 54 40 532 58216/V/ll 8 2 1 12 37 1 31 7 24 16 136 229 23 25 14 8 10 6 19 18 32 2 2 19 3 142 167 24 10 1 2 10 49 11 7 11 21 254 186 2S 35 2 3 2 19 1 47 4 23 .. 121 3 13 83 14 447 698 16/Vf12 21 3 8 18 2 2 33 1 9 26 .. 142 230 26 9 2 10 19 2 1 50 2 2 20 4 164 239 27 5 1 10 20 38 2 37 10 141 229 28 14 I 22 2 68 4 .. 106 1 9 48 5 369 600 16/V/13 9 3 2 31 2 64 4 24 1 207 289 29 5 19 37 '2 42 5 24 4 162 311 30 150


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate r------village in piad House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses r----A---~ ,--"-...-... ,--"-~ ,--"--, ,.- --"-.~ No. Urban Block Kmll P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

16/V/14 Ward No. 14 240 250 1,659 845 814 14 13 368 363 403 126 Block No. 31 80 81 530 260 270 14 13 72 212 119 28 Block No. 32 67 69 578 293 285 119 53 144 59 Block No. 33 93 100 551 292 259 177 98 140 39

16/Vj- Urban Outgrowth 0.06 53 71 345 189 156 19 14 84 40 69 15 Badnagar Kasba (Station Area) 0.01 51 69 323 178 145 19 14 77 37 64 15 Block No. 34 0.01 51 69 323 178 145 19 14 77 37 64 15 Jofla 0.05 2 2 22 11 11 7 3 5 Block No. 35 0.05 2 2 22 11 11 7 3 5 151

BADNAGAR (U.A.) WORKERS A ----.. I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI vn VIII IX X Non- Workers ,---A._, ,---A.-----, , • ...A.--.; ,...A.--.; ,...A.--.; ,...A.--.; ,---A..-.., "I...--., ,---A..-.., ,--A...-.., ,_A---, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

25 3 1 13 4 .. 116 5lJ 88 17 13 8 71 5 13 72 22 442 688 16/V/14 17 1 13 2 9 5 13 1 45 t 10 22 8 141 242 31 1 .. 105 50 11 6 14 3 10 3 149 226 32 7 2 2 2 3 64 11 12 8 12 44 40 11 152 220 33

4 2 9 10 1 42 13 3 120 141 16/V/- 4 2 9 10 1 42 8 3 114 130 4 2 9 10 1 42 8 '3 114 130 34 5 6 11 5 6 11 35 152


Ar.:aof Occu- No.of Total Population Literate r------village in pied House­ (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Tota ( Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses r------"------. r---"------, r---"-----, ,-c---A------, r-----"---;---, No. Urban Block Km2 PM F MF MF M F MF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 .~---~-~------~---.... -~-~-~--- 16/5 Ujjain Tahsil (Rural) 1,318.0 20,627 126,987 61,336 19,519 120 2,990 9,619 22,184 65,651 20,470 115 20,649 35,088 1 Dhanda 1,825.00 64 65 375 205 170 56 41 16 92 2 2 Chhitar Devi 1,249.00 66 68 385 215 170 72 71 54 97 12 3 Ahir Kheda 800.00 2S 27 188 107 81 21 16 21 65 5 4 Borkheda BhaUa 1,190.00 69 69 387 202 185 67 73 67 2 115 7 5 Ilahipur 743.00 24 24 156 83 73 37 40. 4 47 10 6 Piplyatah 600.00 18 18 106 58 48 5 7 26 35 11 7 Gudha 1,705.00 82 82 445 243 202 99 75 78 5 138 .42 8 Lasurdiya Bazar 862.00 50 50 279 147 132 15 14 10 85 10 9 Jhokra 538.00 24 24 164 91 73 32 31 10 54 7 10 Paroliya Jhali 940.00 46 70 297 163 134 84 67 2 89 7 11 Dhool Mahu 1,177.00 75 76 489 239 250 32 44 33 2 135 21 12 Khedla 610.00 16 17 109 59 50 4 4 7 32 1 13 Tumdawada 1,836.00 79 91 437 240 197 47 52 91 134 6 14 Jhirniya 891.00 67 67 338 172 166 15 14 14 88 8 15 Khoyariya 496.00 26 26 145 74 71 29 26 12 34 4 16 Ruie 1,826.00 137 137 698 361 337 79 69 105 5 181 28 Ruie 132 132 679 347 332 79 69 105 5 175 28 Baghudi 5 5 19 14 5 6 17 Sernaliya Bibi 732.00 26 26 122 59 63 17 17 13 37 1 18 Dhabla Dhuta 1,026.00 46 46 232 118 114 27 27 31 75 7 19 Dhuletiya 1,864.00 95 97 494 260 234 47 39 57 8 152 67 Dhu/etiya 74 76 374 195 179 33 29 45 8 ]09 37 Amba Dhooletiya 21 21 120 65 55 14 10 12 43 30 20 Naweli 1,162.00 83 87 439 243 196 117 101 60 7 134 40 21 Panched 959.00 78 81 341 169 172 60 46 49 4 99 60 22 Bihariya 995.00 95 96 445 234 211 85 66 85 3 138 28 23 Motipura 566.00 30 34 158 79 79 19 20 25 45 5 24 Sala Khedi 802.00 54 58 359 1&5 1i4 62 55 14 106 78 Sala Khedi 34 37 219 113 106 62 55 10 70 49 Teli Kheda 20 21 140 72 68 4 36 29 25 Piplya Harna 2,059.00 93 107 659 342 317 105 90 74 23 195 66 Piplya Hama 80 93 586 300 286 93 84 72 23 168 56 Sankli Kheda 13 14 73 42 31 12 6 2 27 10 26 Harigarh 928.00 56 61 414 206 208 123 116 17 114 62 Harigarh 34 37 257 122 135 63 60 9 70 40 Bajranggarh 11 11 66 35 31 35 31 20 10 Deri Khetra 11 13 91 49 42 25 25 8 24 12 27 Bans Khedi 1,270.00 89 95 591 284 307 110 117 61 4 143 35 28 Barothi Kheda 420.00 17 17 141 77 64 20 3 40 29 Kaluheda 2,031. 00 200 217 1,325 684 641 107 120 9 11 262 74 333 99 30 Bor Khedi 705.00 34 34 228 104 124 78 91 22 60 2 31 Bhil Kheda 1,101.00 76 78 449 245 204 33 28 24 131 3 32 Kishanpura 827.00 31 31 197 100 97 43 41 10 49 33 SHari 678.00 31 37 218 118 100 52 47 3 79 4 34 Meen 1,485.00 96 96 558 299 259 70 59 52 5 191 35 Nawakheda alias Sutarkheda 677 .00 31 34 188 104 84 26 23 24 60 36 Pan Bihar 6,042.00 447 481 2,766 1,408 1,358 550 504 459 150 793 354 Pan Bihar 429 461 2,6431,3501,293 531 479 451 147 763 345 Bala; Kheda 9 10 44 19 25 19 25 1 13 Bachehu Kheda 9 10 79 39 40 7 3 17 9 37 Gunai Jagir 653.00 53 62 384 195 189 69 70 68 10 108 42 38 Kithoda Jagir 648.00 30 40 164 89 75 56 44 20 53 7 153


~------_._.------WORKERS ----"- -., I II IJI IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers

r~ ___ r~---" ,_....A--., r....A--.. ,....A--., r---''---, ,---''---, ,-....A--., ,-_)\._~ ,---''---, r-----'----. L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

1,750 7,388 45 39 201 34 27 24 111 51,717 16/5 20,512 9,922 887 52 942 538 88 557 335 1,255 30,563 82 9 2 1 113 168 1 79 14 12 2 118 158 2 44 18 4 1 2 42 76 3 79 29 6 3 3 87 178 4 38 9 10 36 63 5 27 8 11 23 37 6 99 25 34 17 2 2 105 160 7 73 5 12 5 62 122 8 44 1 10 6 37 66 9 87 6 2 1 74 127 10 130 20 3 104 229 11 25 7. 1 27 49 12 112 3 20 3 2 106 191 13 79 7 5. 3 84 158 14 9 24 4 1 40 67 15 103 59. 28 4 2 3 8 2 180 309 16 101 55. 28 4 2 3 8 2 172 304 2 4 8 5 8 29 1 22 62 17 .17 57 7 1 43 107 18 90 4 53. 59 5 4 3 108 167 19 66 3 36 30 5 4 2 86 142 24 1 17 29 1 1 22 25 74 44 39 4 2 5 5 109 156 20 53 5 38 52 (j 2 70 112 21 114 7 22 21 2 96 183 22 37 2 7 3 1 34 74 23 88 70 15 8 1 2 79 96 24 56 44 11 5 1 2 43 57 -32 26 4 3 36 39 126 15 55 51 3 5 1 1 4 147 251 25 109 13 46 43 2 5 1 1 4 132 230 17 2 9 8 J 15 21 97 57 16 5 1 92 146 26 53 35 16 5 1 52 95 20 10 15 21 24 12 25 30 79 55 31 3 6 3 141 272 27 37 2 37 64 28 156 2 128 87 1- 14 8 11 21 2 351 542 29 50 1 9 1 1 44 122 30 117 2 13 114 201 31 475 3 51 97 32 67 12 4 39 96 33 173 13 1 3 108 258 34

53 6 1 44 84 35 408 130 229 203 12 41 10 7 2 2 22 4 68 8 615 1,004 36 !lB9 129 218 195 12 41 10 7 2 2 22 1 4 68 8 587 948 13 6 25 6 1 11 8 22 31 50 2 44 39 2 5 5 2 87 147 37 27 24 7 1 1 36 68 38 154


Area of Occu- No. of Total PopUlation Literate r----- village in pied House­ (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village,' of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C'. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses r--_____.A..-~ r-__A..~ f__A..~ r-.. ---A--~ r-----"---. No. Urban Block Km2 PM F M FMF M F M F ------~-- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

------.~ 39 Kesarpur 529.00 37 40 222 110 112 49 50 20 2 51 15 40 Kagdi Karadiya 779.00 92 92 492 260 232 87 64 66 5 134 41 41 Nipanya Sunar 718.00 48 52 253 126 127 73 80 7 75 38 42 Padma Khedi 454.00 55 60 310 161 149 39 47 7 92 16 43 Samar Khedi 332.00 10 14 74 45 29 34 24 5 22 44 KaJiyadeh 1,367.00 98 102 619 329 290 65 66 236 106 4 45 Utesara 695.00 40 41 211 108 103 68 63 11 50 7 46 Bormundla 779.00 37 45 266 157 109 64 43 61 7 93 2 47 Badarkha Babaj i 532.00 37 45 279 138 141 37 44 27 72 '2 48 Jairampur 600.00 34 40 2~3 110 113 101 101 19 63 4 49 Bandka 1,148.00 86 89 492 274 218 107 88 97 8 139 4 50 Piplai 501. 00 49 49 225 116 109 36 34 46 6 62 4 51 Kadwali 679.00 64 66 375 200 175 20 20 79 35 114 23 52 Jaithal 1,854.00 155 160 959 508 451 92 76 200 33 273 94 53 Piplya Munjapta 629.00 14 14 83 46 37 17 16 4 28 1 54 Shankarpur Jagir 1,387.00 58 75 314 163 151 93 84 40 95 26 Shankarpur Jagir 54 71 291 151 140 87 74 38 87 23 Raju,. Kllf'da 4 4 23 12 11 6 10 2 8 3 55 Lakhaheda 1,345.00 62 76 415 214 201 93 82 52 119 103 Lakhaheda 49 63 314 160 154 56 53 52 93 6 Chhapri Kheda 10 10 34 17 17 8 4 Padr; Kheda 3 3 67 37 30 37 29 18 56 Jshakpur 460.00 20 29 201 105 96 36 32 31 56 9 57 Devi Karadiya 293.00 23 26 194 108 86 11 11 36 55 1 58 Nipanya Goyal 1,263.00 34 47 205 105 100 25 23 59 5 56 6 59 Ranaheda 1,342.00 98 98 457 231 226 47 40 75 5 144 36 60 Tulaheda 1,969.00 95 111 686 359 327 108 97 139 22 156 13 61 Dhanna Khedi 1,101.00 78 96 646 319 327 239 243 16 192 133 62 Nazarpur 4,165.00 373 379 2,104 1,095 1,009 315 302 394 56 639 221 63 Ghatiya 3,449.00 230 286 1,485 785 700 188 175 368 137 420 49 Ghatiya 192 246 1,244 656 588 148 145 345 137 346 40 Majrachak 11 11 79 43 36 40 30 9 24 Nala 17 19 122 65 57 10 41 5 Majra Kharcha 10 10 40 21 19 4 9 4 64 Jalwa 2,925.00 173 202 1,113 575 538 155 164 197 15 316 77 65 Kalu Khedi 1,120.00 71 79 413 212 201 65 64 24 2 116 34 66 Biram Khedi 1,153.00 63 63 355 172 163 45 31 28 6 121 47 67 Koyarn Khedi 1,435.00 63 63 339 189 170 13 13 61 14 96 24 68 Ralayati 1,402.00 86 98 558 303 255 115 105 84 7 168 89 69 Ralayata Haibat 1,601.00 105 116 624 314 310 98 89 90 1 181 73 70 Salamta 1,283.00 54 70 362 190 172 57 52 43 3 103 65 71 Chitawalya 1,144.00 71 89 538 297 241 132 112 65 4 156 89 Ch ita walya 8 10 61 34 27 21 19 7 21 12 Kheda 63 79 477 263 214 111 93 58 4 135 77 72 Jhitar Khedi 1,503.00 88 106 602 311 291 j26 127 158 22 171 84 73 Bhensa Khedi 767.00 30 55 262 150 112 68 54 59 7 82 26 74 Daulatpur 821.00 44 53 324 166 158 52 53 34 1 88 27 75 Bichhdod Istamurar 1,400.00 58 60 375 188 187 96 86 48 6 107 40 Bichhdod Istamurar 41 41 262 128 134 36 33 45 6 75 20 Sajan Kheda 17 19 113 60 53 60 53 3 32 20 76 Bicl,hdod Munjapta 310.00 ., Uninhabited 77 Amarpura 795.00 21 23 130 70 60 24 19 11 32 6 78 Sulya 708.00 23 26 156 69 87 18 3 36 6 79 Bichhdod Khalsa 2,273.00 346 362 2,171 1,136 1,035 295 241 529 174 605 180 155


----AWORKERS______.____ --, I II III IV Yea) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers ,.---"---, ,.---"-__, r---"---., ,.-...... 1'---, ,.--"---., ,.--"---., ,.-.....J'---, ,.--''--., ,.-...... 1'---, ,.-...... 1'---, ,.-_.A---, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

---~ .. ----- ...-- ..~. 39 12 14 59 97 39 91 5 36 36 2 2 2 126 191 40 49 4 24 34 2 51 89 41 71 19 15 (j9 133 42 15 6 23 29 43 75 3 30 223 286 44 43 7 7 58 96 45 38 2 26 27 64 107 46 62 9 2 1 66 139 47 45 2 17 2 1 47 109 48 100 1 33 3 5 1 135 214 49 26 3 16 1 7 9 3 54 105 50 48 4 56 15 6 1 3 3 86 152 51 156 6 97 87 8 5 6 235 357 52 26 2 18 36 53 50 1 41 25 3 6~ 125 54 44 1 39 22 3 1 64 117 6 2 3 4 8 79 2 32 8 7 95 191 55 69 23 6 1 67 /48 j 2 5 2 9 13 7 4 7 19 30 52 4 8 49 87 56 52 2 1 53 85 5i 42 10 6 3 49 94 58 92 4 46 32 3 2 1 87 190 59 108 9 39 4 2 4 3 203 314 60 83 3 106 129 2 127 194 61 350 16 193 187 6 26 12 14 4 16 7 23 6 456 788 62 193 2 69 34 28 20 3 3 1 22 8 76 9 365 651 63 149 2 62 25 6 20 3 3 1 1 22 8 75 9 310 548 16 8 19 36 21 6 5 13 1 24 52 7 1 4 1 12 15 226 4 60 71 2 8 2 8 5 7 259 461 64 80 5 35 29 1 96 167 65 64 3 39 43 6 4 8 51 116 66 55 4 25 18 9 2 5 2 93 146 67 92 41 79 20 2 8 6 1 3 3 135 166 68 112 31 21 39 26 7 2 5 2 8 133 237 69 79 8 22 57 I 87 107 70 100 2 53 87 3 141 152 71 16 5 12 13 15 84 2 48 75 3 128 137 112 39 39 44 9 3 8 140 207 71 51 7 27 J9 2 2 68 86 73 65 15 20 7 7 1 78 131 74 66 16 40 J 3 4 2 6 81 147 75 41 14 20 9 4 2 5 53 114 25 2 20 4 1 28 33 .. Uninhabited .. 76 20 5 6 3 1 38 54 77 30 4 6 1 33 81 78 2!i0 10 170 140 42 24 45 3 6() 2 41 531 855 79 156


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate r----- village in pieu House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village/ of Townj dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses ,-----"-_----., ,---"------.. ,---"---., ,-_--A._--.. ,------A---., No. Urban Block Km 2 PM F MFMF M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

80 Gadroli 754.00 47 52 254 125 129 49 55 26 67 39 81 Kumhardi 409.00 28 30 174 88 86 28 25 34 9 49 26 82 Bhimpura 349.00 23 25 152 79 73 75 71 7 45 28 83 Guradiya Gujar 2,743.00 184 184 1,047 541 506 140 107 68 304 12 84 Khajuriya Sadar 1,118.00 133 133 646 332 314 24 27 69 167 22 85 Mali Khedi 1,520.00 111 124 609 332 277 72 63 106 19 175 14 86 Runji 1,350.00 36 51 351 190 161 32 32 42 3 90 4 87 Kher Khedi 376.00 18 23 98 57 41 2 1 8 33 88 Dabri 2,061.00 94 117 652 340 312 86 79 64 11 180 55 89 Dhabla Gori 1,213.00 57 73 421 223 198 63 63 65 3 100 32 90 Kalesar 908.00 65 66 373 185 188 4 5 32 6 97 25 91 Banda 1,168,00 65 69 429 229 200 51 55 84 5 121 13 92 Anwalya 1,191.00 57 58 363 166 197 62 79 26 95 43 93 Chonsala 869.00 42 43 275 129 146 44 59 35 5 69 20 94 Bhutiya 1,205.00 69 71 378 208 170 73 50 50 1 116 4 95 Ujjainya 3,455.00 166 179 1 ,044 546 498 150 143 213 20 283 46 96 Bamori 1,139.00 62 72 432 240 192 18 18 60 2 149 11 97 BisaKhedi 603.00 17 19 124 65 59 5 4 26 3 41 2 98 Rudaheda 2,344.00 145 152 867 462 405 134 120 117 4 265 10 99 Barkhedi Jagir 479.00 30 31 170 86 84 40 42 23 1 51 3 100 Gunai Khalsa 1,354.00 82 87 556 289 267 121 100 94 8 154 26 101 Piplya Bichha' 939.00 53 56 287 149 138 109 100 28 5 81 26 102 Jambura 1,641.00 61 61 352 176 176 81 74 47 2 95 4 103 Umariya Jagir 1,274.00 80 81 482 253 229 97 87 107 12 142 1 104 Bakaniya 2,022.00 142 142 822 432 390 159 152 78 251 42 105 Sayar Khedi 593.00 38 38 227 116 111 32 37 28 1 69 3 106 Dewan Khedi 329.00 18 18 105 61 44 27 19 10 1 39 1 107 Bhand Badodiya 781.00 49 64 431 222 209 130 124 35 140 2 108 Dhawla Rehwari 1,648.00 131 138 783 404 379 238 223 100 4 215 52 109 Sahab Khedi 675.00 56 71 390 191 199 91 111 34 3 104 13 110 Nahariya 1,423.00 63 75 453 226 227 91 90 21 115 6 111 Badarkha Berasiya 1,172.00 73 88 560 289 271 84 85 65 5 137 35 112 Pingleshwar 1,157.00 66 91 467 251 216 141 115 50 5 143 80 113 Moru Khedi 995.00 34 35 176 93 83 27 2fi 30 3 59 39 114 Chak Jairampur 513.00 13 13 96 46 50 39 39 12 7 23 19 115 Harsodan 2,444.00 173 195 1,199 648 551 329 309 307 46 319 83 116 Tajpur 5,530.00 602 679 4,164 2,141 2,023 362 356 858 275 1,064 119 Tajpur 578 638 3,9942,0481,946 349 346 831 268 1,019 116 Bheru Kheda 9 22 75 45 30 13 10 22 7 21 3 Rly. Station 15 19 95 48 47 5 24 117 Bhainsoda 1,218.00 83 102 539 281 258 111 98 17 27 109 15 159 41 118 Amirpur (Kushlakhedi) 619.00 30 35 223 121 102 57 66 63 1 62 36 119 Der Khedi 584.00 13 13 106 60 46 20 11 26 33 1 120 Khaj uriya Kumawat 724.00 54 58 369 182 187 46 54 60 90 15 121 Biaora 1,500.00 110 126 867 450 417 37 32 127 227 4 122 Bans Khedi Khalsa 852.00 56 59 360 189 171 44 37 29 14 99 38 123 Mola Khedi 530.00 16 19 133 74 59 34 26 28 5 34 9 124 Bad Kummed 2,257.00 220 235 1,369 711 658 182 193 270 31 361 104 125 Tankariya Kazi 653.00 28 30 173 86 87 52 42 12 1 51 18 126 Bodani 695.00 44 51 298 151 147 85 89 42 1 81 37 127 Hamya Khedi 1,154.00 53 60 353 177 176 137 136 70 1 84 14 128 Kesoni 1,525.00 81 81 488 255 233 162 144 125 20 128 65 129 Dudarsi 970.00 64 64 368 179 189 99 96 37 2 93 13 130 Dau Khedi 1,269.00 30 30 164 89 75 26 24 9 46 20' 157


---_.-______WORKERS--A. ______---, 1 II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,--A.-----, r--_____A..--., ,-_}'---, ,--''-----, r--...A...-.., r--_}'-----, ,_}'--., ,_}'-----, ,---"'----. ,---"'----. ,__.A-----, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

29 2 27 36 5 2 3 58 90 80 26 4 14 20 9 2 39 60 81 28 10 28 6 1 34 45 82 190 8 45 4 38 18 5 7 237 494 83 140 5 13 17 4 7 1 2 165 292 84 106 1 55 12 7 1 5 157 263 85 70 3 11 1 5 3 100 157 86 32 24 41 87 82 2 61 53 20 4 2 11 ]60 257 88 64 1 28 31 2 3 1 1 123 166 89 73 2 16 21 2 1 4 88 163 90 99 15 13 3 2 108 187 91 83 9 11 34 71 154 92 35 29 19 3 1 60 126 93 79 3 21 6 2 7 92 166 94 154 16 83 29 17 15 4 4 6 263 452 95 116 29 9 3 91 181 96 38 3 I 24 57 97 214 33 10 15 2 197 395 98 49 3 2 35 81 99 92 6 36 20 16 4 2 3 135 241 100 31 32 26 9 3 68 112 101 63 4 21 7 3 81 172 102 78 1 41 5 9 2 111 228 103 156 4 75 37 16 3 181 348 104 49 16 3 3 47 108 105 38 I 1 22 43 106 109 18 2 10 3 82 207 107 U8 19 71 33 3 9 2 9 189 327 108 75 1 24 11 3 2 87 186 109 75 2 36 4 4 III 221 110 116 16 34 1 I I 152 236 111 66 37 33 43 11 2 27 3 108 136 112 23 5 31 34 2 3 34 44 113 15 13 4 6 3 23 31 114 165 7 114 75 8 4 2 3 22 329 468 115 474 4 235 89 37 40 7 46 1 3 . . 105 11 54 70 71,0771,904 116 466 4 216 89 37 40 7 46 1 3 .. 105 11 48 68 4 1,029 /,830 3 16 2 3 24 27 8 16 24 47 67 30 20 8 4 23 20 21 6 122 217 117 28 33 35 59 66 118 25 8 1 27 45 119 60 4 23 11 3 2 92 172 120 172 3 25 1 7 16 5 223 413 121 63 3 31 31 4 4 1 90 133 122 28 4 9 40 50 12j 185 9 1~6 94 13 4 9 350 554 124 26 25 17 35 69 125 33 41 36 4 3 70 110 126 57 26 14 93 162 127 70 48 58 5 7 1 2 127 168 128 46 4 28 8 7 4 2 4 86 176 129 22 1 23 19 1 43 55 130 , .{ 158


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate r------village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses - ----"-----, ,----"------, ,---"------, ,---"----, ,---"----, No. Urban Block Km2 PM F MF MF M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 14 15 16

131 Kadchhali 1,197.00 88 83 523 271 252 125 103 44 5 153 72 132 Dhatrawada 1,088.00 81 93 558 263 295 68 81 90 4 140 21 t:B lawasiya Kumar 1,161.00 45 50 294 ]53 141 56 45 52 4 74 24 Jawasiya KlimaI' 34 36 220 III 109 50 40 44 4 56 22 Kheda 11 14 74 42 32 6 5 8 18 2 134 Manpura 691.00 49 55 314 168 146 30 30 60 7 83 18 135 Nimanwasa 1,513.00 .. Included ill urban area as urban olltgrowth of Ujjain (Me) 136 Nagziri 502.00 .. Illcluded in urban area as urban olltgrowth of Ujjain (Me) 137 Lalpur 986.00 In eluded ill urban area as urban outgrowth of Ujjain (Me) 138 Shankarpur Khalsa 647.00 67 73 472 254 218 107 103 70 4 133 76 139 Karondiya 881.00 71 71 422 202 220 88 96 38 130 59 140 Nolakhi Bid 818.00 8 26 83 45 38 8 7 11 3 37 13 141 laiwantpur 550.00 65 65 352 193 159 48 38 35 5 95 73 142 Sllljanwasa 1,013.00 83 89 523 289 234 191 161 62 3 133 96 143 Undasa 3,069.00 183 215 1,202 625 577 312 304 193 54 318 18 Undasa 98 117 587 301 286 143 157 53 15 167 10 MadhoplIr 85 98 615 324 291 169 147 140 39 151 8 144 Pandya Khedi 706.00 Included in urban area as urban outgrowth of Uijaill (Me) 145 Panwasa 634.00 .. Included in urban area as urball olltgrowth of Ujjain (Me) 146 Surasa 908.00 52 5S 313 160 153 50 54 54 1 80 5 147 Kamed 970.00 77 81 461 229 232 74 78 18 116 7 148 Khilchipur R47.00 3 15 66 32 34 5 20 15 Khi/chiplir Uninhabited Itabhatta 3 15 66 32 34 5 20 15 149 Bhitari Maychak 1,259.00 150 Hakkanipura 439.00 58 73 390 194 196 45 57 68 14 116 58 151 Sulya Khedi 3R4.00 30 30 205 102 103 17 11 6 55 16 152 Ahu Khana 259.00 Included in Itrban area as urball outgrowth of Ujjain (Me) 153 Kolu Khedi 582.00 . . Included in lIrban area as urban ohfgrowth of Ujiaill (Me) 154 Bhaded 714.00 Included in urball area as urban olltgrowth of Ujjain (Me) 155 Mojam Khedi 680.00 36 36 203 104 99 41 34 16 1 61 10 156 Wajirpur alias logi Khedi 458.00 17 17 124 58 6E 8 31 5 157 Bherugarh 193.00 158 Gunaya 1,046.00 61 78 411 212 199 96 89 55 101 8 159 Nana Khedi 967.00 52 59 315 164 151 87 77 13 2 84 9 160 Ralayata Bhoja 1,128.00 71 74 421 211 210 128 126 57 3 110 26 161 Barkhedi Khalsa 322.00 22 23 136 70 66 24 15 11 32 20 162 lhobra 113.00 Uninhabited 163 Ajampura 1,556.00 55 55 353 191 162 56 51 64 5 109 14 164 Madhavgarh 353.00 24 24 119 61 58 11 37 1 165 Ramgarh 1,022.00 50 51 296 157 139 72 63 52 10 90 2 166 Sodang 1,464.00 106 106 623 308 315 94 91 163 10 190 J09 167 Sipawara 1,447.00 94 109 557 277 280 115 116 80 25 151 114 168 Goyla Buzllrg 1,806.00 110 122 705 373 332 138 123 128 15 202 18 169 Khalana 1,249.00 111 116 646 338 308 44 51 101 3 180 49 170 Nagpura 898.00 48 49 227 106 121 36 30 20 3 54 32 171 Chakrawada 2,090.00 106 113 550 297 253 88 86 109 16 154 97 172 Ajnoti 527.00 29 40 174 90 84 6 4 84 32 5 49 20 173 Mahll Khedi 850.00 32 32 188 86 102 5 14 18 43 24 174 Badodiya Kazi 1,789.00 105 112 628 319 309 118 118 83 13 174 13 175 Gonsa 1,467.00 50 52 270 138 132 54 50 28 3 67 9 176 Singawada 1,004.00 60 60 354 174 180 40 34 36 1 95 22 177 Sarola 1,504.00 96 100 648 321 327 39 38 62 5 166 17 Saro/a 73 76 505 250 255 39 38 57 5 129 16 159

UJJAlN TAHSIL --_.---- WORKERS ------~------~ I 11 1lI IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VI 11 IX X Non- Workers r---A..--, ,.--A.._-, ,---''----., ,-A..-., ,--''----., ,--''----., ,_)"----, ,--'''----, ,--'''__' ,--''--, ,_..A._-, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

77 1l 41 61 25 3 2 5 118 180 131 YO 1 39 26 6 2 2 123 268 132 45 3 23 21 4 I 79 117 133 34 2 17 20 4 1 55 87 il 1 6 1 1 24 30 48 3 14 13 8 9 2 4 :)5 128 134 lnella/cd in urban area as urban olltgrowth of Vjjaifl (Me) .. .. 135 Included in Itrball area as urball outgrowth of Vjjaill (MC) .. 136 flle/aded ill urban area as ;Irban olltgrowth of Ujjaill (MC) .. .. 137 44 23 37 10 47 37 2 I 2 I 1 3 121 142 138 48 37 56 21 3 3 4 3 4 10 72 161 139 6 3 28 13 8 25 140 39 14 42 58 2 2 9 98 86 141 47 16 76 80 10 156 138 142 133 3 112 9 4 2 3 13 2 2 32 18 2 307 559 143 84 1 67 8 2 1 2 1 1 10 134 276 49 2 45 1 2 1 2 2 11 1 1 32 8 2 173 283 Illcladed ill IIrban orca as urban olltgrowth of Ujjain (MC) .. .. 144 fnchtded in urban area as urban outgrowth of Ujjain (Me) .. .. 145 24 3 43 2 193 80 148 146 40 2 62 5 2 2 3 6 113 225 147 3 17 15 12 19 148 Uninhabited 3 17 15 12 19 .. 149 55 27 53 31 4 2 2 78 138 150 41 5 13 11 47 87 151 Illcluded ill llrb


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,---- village in pied House­ (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village/ of Town/ dentia! less population) Castes Trib<:s persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward! Ward in housc.s r---..A.---., r- --"----, , __.)0..-, No. Urban Block Km 2 PM F MFMF ------_--- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 P 13 14 15 16 ------'----~---~' ------Puri Kltedi 23 24 143 71 72 5 37 1 178 Amodiya 1,547.00 101 114 626 317 309 J 10 104 78 8 178 29 179 Badwai 862.00 49 53 301 141 160 69 91 42 64 80 29 180 Ilas Khedi 728.00 32 32 171 85 86 69 66 13 43 5 181 Nai Khedi 817.00 5:l 54 287 143 144 35 34 58 4 74 24 182 Silodarawal 1,348.00 88 89 518 252 266 72 85 116 22 123 6 J83 Amirpur alias Fajalpur 692.00 30 32 181 92 89 11 7 33 8 57 10 184 Kharent 971.00 52 53 299 164 135 61 54 67 12 92 26 185 Nalwa 2,341.00 135 137 801 421 380 96 92 131 18 237 78 186 Jalal Khedi 1,173.00 63 63 333 168 165 75 77 53 5 103 19 187 Chandu Khedi 2,131.00 93 93 523 257 266 83 86 108 22 161 57 Chondu Khedj 90 90 513 250 263 83 86 106 21 155 56 Bhima Khedi 3 3 JO 7 3 2 1 6 1 188 Ratadiya 1.153.00 67 70 388 195 193 55 50 56 4 114 19 189 Vinayaga 664.00 43 43 241 117 124 31 32 24 3 72 6 190 Mohanpura 1,889.00 95 96 588 305 283 116 137 142 19 166 84 191 Jaipura Included in urba/l area as lIrball outgrowth of Ujjaill (MC) .' 192 Sawara Khedi 456.00 3 3 25 14 11 5 2 8 3 193 Daud Khedi 1,474.00 63 63 329 172 157 54 42 22 97 33 194 Jiwan Khedi 362.00 32 32 205 97 108 8 7 I 55 30 195 Chand Mukh 776.00 53 53 284 149 135 89 72 37 79 30 196 Sikandari 882.00 33 33 152 81 71 41 38 13 3 46 26 197 Pal Khedi 809.00 51 53 308 156 152 71 74 55 5 72 49 198 Gangedi 1,805.00 101 116 557 282 275 48 42 99 9 155 59 199 Brij raj Khedi 1,432.00 66 80 458 233 225 73 66 78 12 125 62 200 Hasampura 1,317.00 59 73 447 233 214 104 89 83 13 96 68 201 Gondiya 2,337.00 88 116 737 388 349 106 97 136 17 223 36 202 Chin taman J awasiya 3,359.00 218 232 1,318 705 613 278 239 293 56 368 119 Cilillta'nan Jawas;ya /39 143 838 450 388 94 81 213 44 229 (i6 Ganes/t 79 89 480 255 225 184 158 1:10 11 139 53 203 Ranabad 776.00 40 40 245127118 2414 47 3 73 34 204 Magrola 2,013.00 148 J48 912 462 450 100 103 24J 64 233 98 205 RaIna Khedi 908.00 66 68 316 174 142 102 93 57 6 93 4 206 Dcwrakhedi Buzurg 648.00 45 47 297 156 141 44 35 29 I 75 1 207 Bamora 2,571.00 155 155 867 446 421 224 220 99 8 235 38 208 Samadiya 781.00 51 51 310 160 150 17 22 19 81 23 209 Aslana 1,203.00 101 101 526 291 235 70 52 25 1 152 45 210 Akasoda 1,518.00 91 91 515 269 246 106 96 60 6 149 68 211 Sabalpur alias Bucha Khedi 414.00 33 34 186 96 90 88 86 6 45 32 212 Talod 3,948.00 251 271 1,718 829 889 282 298 381 75 423 143 Talod 233 252 1,576 756 820 260 274 354 75 378 132 Kheda 13 14 90 43 47 22 24 12 26 II Baniya Kheda 5 5 52 30 22 [5 19 213 Khemasa 1,854.00 88 91 526260 266 111124 81 11 141 32 214 Erwas 1,184.00 61 65 436 220 216 75 62 84 20 116 19 215 Kandariya 1,394.00 75 86 598 283 315 195 215 44 8 150 69 Kandar;ya 50 54 325 155 170 67 70 44 8 90 43 Padri Kheda 25 32 273 128 145 128 145 60 26 216 Umariya Khalsa 856.00 38 38 234 110 124 90 1 10 25 4 63 39 217 Tankariya Panth 1,386.00 125 128 766 395 371 91 94 134 9 195 121 218 Ajrana 443.00 49 49 301 164 137 66 55 38 2 79 34 219 Takwasa 1,693.00 130 132 739383356 7882 141 5 172 34 Takwasa 124 124 679 349 330 66 71 132 5 156 27 Bher Kheda~ 6 8 60 34 26 12 11 9 16 7 161


______WORKERS...A.... ______-, 1 II III IV V(a) V(b) VI ViI VIIl IX X Non- Workers ~--A---, ~_-"---, ~.~ ~_J"'______' ,---''---, ~_J"'______' ,-_J,--, ,-_J"'______' ,---"-., ,---''''______' ~--"----.. LoC. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

31 2 J 4 34 71 112 5 58 24 I 2 4 139 280 In 65 10 13 19 2 61 131 179 33 4 8 1 I 42 81 180 47 4 14 20 2 II 69 120 181 77 4 25 2 4 14 3 129 260 182 26 1 20 9 2 2 4 2 35 79 183 44 6 39 20 4 2 3 72 109 184 108 28 96 48 13 2 18 184 302 185 78 7 25 12 65 146 186 102 5 59 52 96 209 187 100 5 55 51 95 207 2 4 1 1 2 76 3 35 16 81 174 188 40 2 22 3 5 4 I 45 118 189 80 7 50 72 15 744 2 7 139 199 190

00 Inc/III/cd il/ {(rbUII urea Ul' urball oiltgrowth of Ujjaill (Me) 00 191 6 2 2 6 ~ 192 49 40 31 3 4 J 1 75 124 193 47 25 7 5 42 78 194 26 2 42 28 5 6 70 105 195 17 3 27 22 1 1 35 45 196 40 20 27 29 I I 3 84 103 197 86 9 48 46 6 4 :; 2 5 2 127 216 198 49 5 70 57 4 2 108 163 199 26 3 61 64 2 5 137 146 200 140 I 66 35 8 9 165 313 201 156 2 107 106 44 15 ') 13 5 5 II 12 2 337 494 202 J30 2 53 53 5 12 9 12 4 2 2 9 2 221 322 26 54 53 39 3 1 1 3 9 3 116 172 47 8 17 26 3 1 4 54 84 203 129 30 51 68 .19 4 18 4 7 229 352 201 48 2 26 2 14 1 2 2 81 138 205 43 30 I I 81 140 206 186 5 43 33 4 211 383 207 52 20 22 7 79 127 208 77 3 62 41 3 4 4 1 139 190 209 ~ ~ W 16 6 Ii 3 120 178 210 16 3 21 28 6 1 51 58 211 231 9 138 131 17 I 5 18 14 1 406 746 212 200 6 124 123 17 1 5 18 1 14 1 378 688 12 3 14 8 17 36 19 11 21 69 4 53 24 2 II 4 2 4 119 234 213 78 7 31 12 3 2 104 197 214 100 38 48 31 2 133 246 215 52 19 36 24 2 65 127 48 19 12 7 68 119 24 2 36 37 2 I 47 85 216 91 52 25 35 47 31 II 2 5 7 8 200 250 217 41 2 34 30 2 2 85 103 218 119 1 36 32 10 2 5 211 322 219 {09 1 30 25 10 2 5 193 303 10 6 7 18 19 162


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,.------village in pied House­ ( in~luding institu­ and (l.IX) Acres and rcsi- holds tioual and house- Scheduled SdlCdulcd educated Total Name of Village/ of Town/ dcntial less population) Castes Tribcs persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses r-----A----, r-~..A-~ r-__.A,._~ r-___,A._~ ,-__ ..A-----.._ No. Urban Block Km2 P M F MF MF M F M F 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 -----_ ------220 Hamir Khedi 1,384.00 161 162 943 482 461 56 49 224 6 282 201 221 Jhiroliya 1,347.00 84 94 508 279 229 110 95 89 13 155 3 222 Fatchabad 1,243.00 178 183 958 507 451 113 108 181 28 240 26 223 Badal Khedi 420.00 15 15 74 35 39 30 33 7 24 3 224 Ramjan Khcdi 442.00 23 23 145 73 72 30 22 18 2 46 7 225 Nil Kanth 823.00 49 51 301 145 156 ~2 :53 78 28 70 23 Nitka'llll 25 26 177 86 91 51 46 51 15 37 21 Rly. CO/OilY 24 25 124 59 65 31 37 27 13 33 2 226 M undla SulcmJn 1,172.00 69 69 385 210 175 83 72 78 11 126 79 227 Kankariya Chirakhan 1,453.00 95 96 646 333 313 190 179 131 32 156 97 228 Lekoda 4,556.00 364 374 2,035 1,058 977 149 155 5 2 46~ 48 587 71 229 Limba Piplya 2,631.00 143 143 867 463 404 180 173 193 16 218 83 230 Jasti Khedi 776.00 17 17 106 56 50 13 13 30 3 34 14 231 Jarkhoda 1,577.00 81 91 645 331 314 36 38 103 1 170 18 232 Khetiya Khedi 565.00 22 29 196 96 100 6 5 30 3 48 4 233 Karoban 2,060.00 14~ 162 866 443 423 133 D4 182 41 263 163 Karo!rall 145 159 845 430 415 120 126 181 41 253 157 Part!eshipurtl 3 3 21 13 8 13 8 1 10 6 234 Naya Khedi 556.00 32 32 193 106 87 32 23 20 55 Naya Khedi 28 28 171 92 79 24 17 17 49 Pltralli 4 4 22 14 8 8 6 3 6 235 Silodamori 1,091.00 61 62 320 154 166 47 57 44 74 236 Piplya Ragho 1,044.00 63 71 468 226 242 88 93 80 11 126 46 237 Chhayan 458.00 45 46 291 130 161 84 115 40 5 71 5 238 Jamalpura 856.00 42 48 236 133 103 45 42 45 5 73 35 239 Kokla Khedi 769.00 2~ 32 187 98 119 12 7 30 3 52 5 240 Magariya 529.00 27 27 162 84 78 33 25 21 43 5 241 Ramwasa 1,012.00 79 79 438 214 22ft 15 25 62 5 123 40 242 Panth Piplai 1,710. OJ 150 153 893 478 41:- 107 90 200 44 261 92 243 Gothada 514.00 53 53 223 123 100 43 34 38 65 22 244 Dhcdiya 544.00 30 30 195 89 106 34 46 35 4 48 30 245 Mediya 485.00 211 28 129 73 56 18 13 16 1 41 18 246 Karadiya alilH Nawa Kheda 895.00 87 87 419 223 196 76 63 73 9 127 68 Karadiya alias Nall'u/c Khedu 57 57 340 184 157 56 52 69 9 102 49 Bajra/lgpura 30 30 79 40 39 20 16 4 25 19 247 Ninora 1,350.00 121 121 712 376 336 117 106 105 8 215 102 Naya Ninura 73 73 446 231 215 86 71 69 8 129 72 Nai Bast; 48 48 266 145 121 31 35 36 86 80 248 Nana Kheda 1,172.00 .. Included ill urbun area as urbun olltgrowth of Ujjaill (MC) 149 Kothi Mahal 785.00 .. Incltlded in urban area as urban oll/prowth of Ujjaill (MC) 250 Malanwasa 804.00 .. Inclllded in urban area as urban outgrowth of Ujjaill (MC) 2~1 Goyala 785.00 .. Inclllded in IIrban area as urban olltgrowth of Ujjain (MC) !52 Sakkarwasa 441.00 21 25 142 74 68 58 54 33 4 34 11 253 Hariya Khcdi 309.00 16 18 89 50 39 14 14 14 20 3 254 Hamu Khcdi 849.00 III 116 581 302 279 127 114 85 6 122 50 Hamil Khedi 71 76 432 218 214 94 90 67 4 lOS 46 Padall' 40 40 149 84 65 33 24 18 2 14 4 255 Kuwariya 502.00 43 43 269 140 129 24 16 64 3 71 4 !56 Chandesara 952.00 66 75 469 246 223 108 10 124 53 257 Chandesari 1,601.00 102 110 622 318 304 112 110 77 6 153 10 258 Matana Buzurg 1,643.00 169 169 870 448 422 121 118 167 29 242 25 Malana Bltzurg 146 /46 828 419 409 103 J08 152 27 227 25 Riy. Station 13 13 42 29 13 18 10 ]5 2 15 259 Datana 2,145.00 117 117 784 403 381 108 84 180 40 218 55 163


WORKERS ------~------"'------j I Ir III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,--"--, ,--"---.. ,_._J,--, ,.__}'------., r'__}'---., ,-_)'-----_ ,_J'--, ,---''--_,_ ,-.J'--., ,.~'--., ,~_;._-_,_ L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

212 156 47 39 6 12 5 3 200 2()0 220 60 I 37 1 29 6 I 11 12 124 226 221 122 3 41 20 8 17 3 12 3 19 9 9 2(i7 425 222 11 2 7 5 1 11 3(i 223 17 17 7 10 2 27 65 224 21 5 7 17 2 31 :; 3 75 133 225 21 5 5 IS 1 1 5 3 49 70 2 2 30 26 63 48 20 65 59 II 84 96 226 77 17 68 76 (i 3 3 177 216 227 406 8 81 53 10 37 9 14 12 26 471 906 228 146 10 45 71 16 6 1 4 245 321 229 25 13 5 2 2 22 36 230 131 34 17 4 1 (i 1 290 231 31 7 4 3 48 96 232 135 19 116 142 4 7 180 260 233 132 19 109 136 4 7 177 258 3 7 6 3 2 44 9 51 87 2H 41 6 J 43 79 3 3 8 8 48 18 J 4 80 166 235 (iii 2 53 42 2 2 4 100 196 236 37 31 5 3 59 156 237 29 3 37 30 4 60 68 238 31i 16 4 46 84 239 29 3 13 2 41 73 240 92 4 25 35 3 91 184 241 117 87 83 7 7 4 I R II 13 3 217 323 242 41 22 22 58 78 243 19 5 26 25 2 41 76 244 14 27 18 32 38 245 62 8 61 59 4 I 96 128 246 55 7 44 41 3 1 81 108 7 17 18 I 15 20 108 3 100 99 I 5 161 234 247 53 I 70 71 I 4 102 143 55 2 30 28 J 59 9/ .. Tllcluded in urban area {IS ur/Jal1 outgrowth of Ujjain (MC) .. .. 249 .. Included ill urhall area as urhan oUlgrowth of Ujjaill (AIC) .. 250 .. IlIcll/{lt'l1 ill urban ar{,lI liS IIr/ul}} OIl!grfllVl}J of Uiillin (AIC) .. 251 .. Included in urhan area as urban olllg((JlI'lh of Ujjaill (.WC) ., " 248 JO 15 3 5 10 40 57 252 10 10 3 30 36 25~ 42 1) 35 41 3 10 2 26 180 229 254 1 1 39 9 28 37 .1 .J 8 25 110 168 3 7 2 70 61 40 1 23 "3 5 2 69 125 255 47 12 55 41 R 13 122 170 256 81 3<) 10 9 4 R 12 165 294 257 133 5 25 \ 52 20 3 13 12 206 397 258 133 5 25 3 52 20 3 10 192 384 13 2 14 13 122 72 54 13 9 185 326 259 164


'~-'----"-'------Area of OCI.'U- No. of Total Population Literate r------village in pied House­ (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses r---_____A....---~ r-__A._~ r--_,A_~~ r-"____"'_~~ r-----"----) No. Urban Block Km 2 PM F M F MF M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16

260 Khajuriya Rahwari 1,605.0J 101 101 614 341 273 86 85 83 4 170 8 261 Semlia Nasar 1,291.00 84 84 528 277 251 8S 80 142 7 149 49 262 Kalyanpllra 742.00 61 61 390 213 177 56 51 91 5 108 31 263 Bhanwri 491.00 23 23 163 79 84 24 31 19 43 2 264 Kithoda Rao 856.00 44 44 271 126 145 63 68 42 2 63 18 265 Matana Khurd 955.00 54 54 298 162 136 50 32 61 3 76 30 266 Sew at Khedi 738.00 53 53 265 140 125 60 65 59 8 77 46 267 Alampur Udana 981.00 75 75 440 240 200 24 30 114 29 128 37 268 Bolasa 523.00 67 67 361 182 ISl 55 62 54 6 94 7 269 Harnawada 844.00 67 67 364 185 179 68 69 62 12 97 15 270 Dcwrakhedi Khllrd 525.0:-J 24 24 132 69 63 17 35 5 271 Khokariya 573.00 71 73 415 217 198 20 22 64 3 121 20 272 Kasampur 931. 00 57 57 334 182 152 5 3 59 101 18 273 Nikewadi 515.00 40 40 210 107 103 30 35 6 62 8 274 Narwar 6,036.00 350 438 2,474 1,251 1,223 120 140 521 157 621 88 275 Silar Khedi 561.00 36 42 243 125 118 111 106 52 1 73 66 276 Kadchha 1,274.00 89 94 522 271 251 109 105 80 10 ]60 131 277 Kundi Khedi 150.00 .. Uninhabited 27R N,)gawan 2,144.00 141 151 818 413 405 83 70 176 10 217 43 279 Chen pur Hmskhedi 514.00 39 40 223 109 114 44 3(i 34 10 61 40 280 Gaondi 1,525.00 95 96 619 314 305 90 89 52 179 104 281 Munja Khedi 1,322.00 124 134 836 432 404 103 110 147 8 229 56 282 Madhopur 481.00 53 :"3 250 133 117 17 16 34 65 12 Mlldhopllr 42 42 214 l13 101 5 5 31 54 12 Rly. Statioll II II 36 20 16 12 11 3 11 283 Piploda D.varkadhish 3,407.00 262 262 1522 779 743 148 150 262 425 85 284 Kachnariya 1,638.00 104 106 729 355 374 54 57 120 38 172 66 2SS Palkhanda 2,158.00 109 116 701 333 368 81 101 132 31 188 83


- ---, --'--~ --.. --_.. ------~------_ Ujjain U. A. 74.84 28,976 208,561 98,285 13,341 57 39,259 5493 37,626 tJO,276 14,693 75 68,977 48,183 16!V Ujjaio (MC) 71.33 28,470 203,278 95,814 12,853 57 38,360 5,329 36,698 107,464 14,135 75 67,288 46,962 16/ Vjl Ward Nv. 1 925 1,097 6,306 3,600 2,706 722 577 .. 1.805 524 1,639 335 Block No. 103 113 642 332 310 153 141 76 26 164 66 Block No. 2 97 110 773 417 356 42 34 235 88 177 25 Block No. 3 94 106 666 343 323 72 72 143 44 163 42 Block No. 4 32 45 671 568 103 105 10 356 42 182 1 Block No. 5 156 199 998 567 431 146 128 250 74 2S0 64 Block No. 6 120 144 567 344 223 55 39 158 25 183 Hi Block No. 7 110 128 638 330 308 47 46 184 84 155 29 Block No. 8 115 141 711 371 340 12 240 89 171 69 Block No. 9 98 11 I 640 328 312 90 99 163 52 164 23 In! V/2 Ward No.2 787 943 5.055 2,M2 2,413 .907 819 .. 1,413 52-1 1,241 135 Block No. 10 ! 10 119 700 367 333 132 127 186 62 171 8 Block No. II 111 139 698 361 337 247 138 159 17 Block No. 12 96 114 630 322 308 98 92 189 73 154 8 Block No. 13 100 126 620 321 299 274 253 127 36 146 32 Block No. 14 105 135 748 394 354 147 124 233 105 188 24 Block No. 15 101 121 637 329 308 74 58 174 50 146 11 Block No. 16 80 95 513 277 236 56 44 147 39 142 15 Block No. 17 S-t 95 509 271 238 126 121 110 21 135 20 165 UJJAIN TAHSIL UJJAIN (U.A.)

-~- --~~------WORKERS --"- --., I II IJI IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,.--A---,--, ,.-_.A.-.., r--~'---, r--"---, ,.---"---., r-....A....-.., ,.-..J"--, ,.---"'-----. ,--Jl--., ,.---"'-----. ,-__.A.--.., L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 31 38

104 6 36 2 25 4 171 265 26() 84 3 40 38 19 8 5 128 202 261 58 39 29 5 2 2 4 105 146 262 38 3 36 82 263 42 21 18 63 127 264 48 23 28 2 3 86 106 265 31 4 44 42 2 63 79 266 75 3 42 33 6 5 112 163 267 . 58 3 29 4 4 2 88 174 268 41 45 14 7 4 88 164 269 25 3 7 2 I 1 34 58 276 89 23 17 4 2 2 96 178 211 62 29 17 7 3 81 134 272 20 40 8 1 1 45 95 273 260 8 138 67 13 29 3 43 47 2 2 88 7 630 1,135 274 ·37 4 29 62 3 4 52 52 275 67 10 51 121 20 21 111 120 276 .. Uninhabited .. 277 122 6 72 36 11 2 2 2 5 196 362 278 24 2 31 38 1 1 3 48 74 279 91 2 85 101 1 1 135 201 280 lSI 4 65 51 6 2 3 2 203 348 281 25 18 11 2 4 1 13 2 68 105 282 25 1 18 11 2 4 1 2 2 59 89 11 9 16 229 6 149 78 16 12 1 3 14 354 658 283 64 92 65 6 3 1 183 308 284

86 71 8J 11 4 3 12 ... -...--i.- 145______285 285 ------AGGLOMERA nON

------._-----_ .. _--- -~.------_-----_-- __ --- 1,475 1,253 564 1,546 16,558 1,826 9,777 4.542 10,642 62,093 191 733 34 454 924 154 354 114 2,535 92,792 1,321 1,112 557 1,540 16,479 1,759 9,758 3,948 10,488 60,502 16/V 174 627 34 454 923 152 353 110 2,502 90,485 247 48 259 114 16 41 9 179 28 56 94 :5 66 ., 481 131 1,961 2,311 16/V/1 38 5 2 2 2 5 ., 114 61 168 244 1 5 46 7 6 65 12 13 2 16 26 4 240 331 2 IS 31 21 10 13 5 49 6 10 5 30 10 180 281 3 36 3 4 61 6 12 59 1 386 102 4 38 1 58 21 12 26 6 10 10 ., 120 42 287 361 5 28 3 57 12 22 1 4 3 67 1 ]61 107 6 11 2 20 12 4 2 52 4 18 1 3 46 8 175 279 1 31 33 37 31 2 1 51 2 15 13 2 10 11 200 211 8 45 4 5 10 1 1 51 4 34 18 2 8 4 164 289 9, 88 3 61 67 29 4 62 4 477 12 29 .. 147 5 47 .. 301 40 1,401 2,278 16/V/2 15 3 72 2 3 17 2 6 54 3 196 325 10 10 5 8 7 35 2 2 40 1 13 46 6 202 320 11 1 3 1 18 62 5 10 6 49 6 168 300 12 1 7 31 4 17 76 6 2 33 1 175 267 13 4 12 3 4 88 4 12 34 11 32 8 206 330 14 21 2 13 1 3 57 2 13 2 34 8 183 291 15 10 4 1 6 3 6 5& 4 3 23 2 4 28 5 135 221 16 26 38 13 1 7 3 29 2 4 3 25 3 136 218 17 166


Auaof Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,----- village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- hold~ tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Tota I Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses ,.-___...A.. __--, ,--A.--, ,.---A._--. ,.-_--A._--, ,.-_--A------, No. Urban Block Km2 P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 -.--~-----~---~------..--~~-.- 16/V/J Ward No.3 807 1,003 5,436 2,816 2,620 794 760 ., 1.519 810 1,294 194 Block No. 18 104 126 641 326 315 113 110 179 78 166 15 Block No. 19 103 120 608 314 294 84 85 177 140 161 24 Block No. 20 85 114 610 315 295 218 130 145 11 Block No. 21 75 98 516 278 238 67 62 155 89 121 9 Block No. 22 71 99 503 262 241 140 139 133 28 115 21 Block No. 23 80 91 546 277 269 111 103 146 84 114 10 Block No. 24 106 122 629 340 289 34 24 228 105 149 3 Block No. 25 104 137 816 410 406 165 172 202 129 183 54 Block No. 26 79 96 567 294 273 80 65 81 27 140 47 16/V/4 Ward No.4 824 987 5,428 2,872 2,556 108 106 11 81,825 1,012 1,284 87 Block No. 27 83 93 482 257 225 18 18 II 8 166 91 109 8 Block No. 28 109 136 648 331 317 67 70 205 94 162 15 Block No. 29 51 68 491 259 232 119 66 116 11 Block No. 30 70 81 509 260 249 204 158 110 8 Block No. 31 96 102 615 331 284 222 131 133 9 Block No. 32 93 113 638 327 311 219 123 153 6 Block No. 33 66 79 468 253 215 170 93 110 6 Block No. 34 99 121 541 305 236 22 17 177 74 156 9 Block No. 35 76 94 551 296 255 187 100 115 8 Block No. 36 81 100 485 253 232 1 156 82 120 7 16/V/5 Ward No.5 926 1,101 6,5673,3803.187 17 8 .. 2,301 1,4261,517 51 Block No. 37 86 102 573 304 269 228 136 121 6 Block No. 38 79 87 600 315 285 196 139 134 4 Block No. 39 67 71 445 219 226 172 153 112 Block No. 40 65 78 528 253 275 207 168 117 2 Block No. 41 75 84 626 313 313 7 4 202 167 133 Block No. 42 65 75 652 341 311 236 160 ]48 4 Block No. 43 103 123 596 317 279 157 73 151 7 Block No. 44 79 89 524 264 260 209 123 115 3 Block No. 45 93 118 571 300 271 8 3 205 143 130 5 Block No. 46 119 148 753 388 365 275 83 178 16 Block No. 47 95 126 699 366 333 2 214 81 178 4 16fV/6 Ward No. 6 739 952 6,114 3,192 2,922 53 43 .. 1,389 634 1,385 186 Block No. 48 73 105 597 306 291 2 173 95 138 4 Block No. 49 71 86 454 252 202 192 107 103 7 Block No. 50 70 93 535 285 250 206 102 119 13 Block No. 51 66 88 521 267 254 128 83 127 12 Block No. 52 55 86 638 335 303 172 81 143 3 Block No. 53 65 75 659 328 331 119 40 164 5 Block No. 54 73 91 684 3S1 333 124 54 121 36 Block No. 55 74 91 593 314 279 73 30 114 30 Block No. 56 66 81 620 319 301 92 17 129 17 Block No. 57 126 156 813 435 378 53 41 110 25 227 59 16/V/7 Ward No.7 905 1,251 7,2903,768 3,522 926 898 1 1 1.728 7401,742 248 Block No. 58 63 81 530 254 276 172 140 124 5 Block No. 59 72 100 604 314 290 123 121 141 52 135 31 Block No. 60 77 104 555 292 263 36 32 148 75 134 18 Block No. 61 90 130 702 373 329 97 81 186 104 176 60 Block No. 62 74 98 553 298 255 40 25 195 91 125 27 Block No. 63 62 90 496 263 233 3 2 191 105 126 22 Block No. 64 85 107 619 317 302 238 241 143 30 154 7 Block No. 65 59 98 484 242 242 65 17 78 24 III 15 Block No. 66 62 85 530 275 255 166 161 98 8 134 17 167


WORKE--A.______RS . ____-, I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI vn VIII IX X Non­ Workers ,-A.---, ,-A.-----., r----"----, ,..---"----. ,..---"-----.., ,..----''-_., ,..---"-----.., ,..----"---, ,..---''-, ,..----''----.., ,..-__ .A.__ --.., L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. n 18 19 ~O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

56 28 61 36 26 3 78 17 414 10 54 .. 219 5 55 1 331 94 1,5222,426 16/V/3 1 1 5 17 2 65 2 10 14 13 40 II 160 100 18 3 5 1 54 5 19 24 2 13 42 14 153 270 19 14 6 49 I 3 26 10 42 4 170 284 20 2 10 3 14 3 47 3 16 7 22 2 157 229 21 22 13 15 5 41 19 18 3 147 220 22 1 4 4 54 4 25 26 5 163 259 23 1 3 2 12 48 8 29 10 36 3 191 286 24 5 2 7 7 ,. 2 29 52 2 86 45 227 352 25 43 26 17 8 13 2 27 1 7 14 3 19 7 154 226 26 30 3 11 3 16 54 8 497 25 48 3 286 9 74 .. 268 36 1,588 2,469 16/V/4 3 1 1 36 4 10 23 7 29 3 148 217 27 4 3 3 54 3 4 3 44 2 9 44 4 169 302 28 4 8 32 2 2 11 15 44 7 143 221 29 I 1 29 4 1 56 4 18 4 150 241 30 3 8 3 1 8 52 2 4 27 1 9 21 3 198 275 31 8 2 4 1 74 2 11 23 1 12 19 2 174 305 32 1 4 1 47 1 4 26 1 28 3 143 209 33 3 2 8 13 71 2 4 31 2 22 4 149 227 34 1 2 13 41 4 27 6 21 5 181 247 35 2 2 61 5 4 18 10 22 1 133 225 36 11 13 76 18 532 6 53 3 499 2 79 .. 254 221,8633,13616/V/5 5 5 52 1 1 34 7 22 183 263 37 2 12 45 1 9 54 3 9 3 181 281 38 7 30 6 51 6 12 107 226 39 4 38 7 57 2 9 136 273 40 1 1 43 4 60 5 19 180 313 41 1 2 5 4 34 2 76 1 27 193 307 42 1 5 72 5 3 31 12 25 3 166 272 43 1 8 22 33 13 37 3 149 257 44 2 53 2 12 24 5 34 3 170 266 45 4 16 8 58 5 46 2 17 32 6 210 349 46 1 3 18 85 1 2 33 8 28 3 188 329 47 65 1J 64 33 15 23 11 266 6 45 " 304 14 130 " 473 III 1,8072,736 16/V!6 1 5 44 2 1 32 19 36 2 168 287 48 3 6 1 17 44 3 10 23 3 149 195 49 6 3 4 4 25 62 1 4 17 4 166 237 50 12 10 3 6 5 36 1 13 39 2 6 4 140 242 51 27 2 19 1 3 39 39 16 192 300 52 30 7 38 6 83 5 164 326 53 8 7 7 99 35 230 297 54 14 3 12 12 73 30 200 249 55 2 2 33 16 3 73 17 190 284 56 43 8 24 27 14 40 2 18 15 8 24 49 14 208 319 57 47 3 35 59 18 1 57 36 533 29 68 11 423 18 147 " 414 91 2,026 3,274 16jVj7 1 5 36 4 37 21 20 4 130 271 58 1 1 1 6 5 47 4 9 10 20 40 20 179 259 59 1 2 1 3 24 1 1 44 14 44 15 158 245 60 28 25 48 8 1 2 3 20 3 4 64 J 9 16 3 197 269 61 1 2 2 13 19 32 2 2 36 3 8 31 1 173 228 ~2 2 4 3 5 4 40 6 5 3 27 4 12 31 2 137 211 63 3 1 3 54 1 19 3 12 61 2 163 295 64 2 4 53 5 4 14 16 21 6 131 227 65 2 3 5 4 44 7 18 55 13 141 238 66 168


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,-----_ village in piad House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled S::heduled educated Total Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Wardl Ward in houses ,-_----"-__-, ,-_.A.---, ,---"-----., ,-_A_, ,---_...... _--, No. Urban Block Km ll P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16

Block No. 67 66 83 557 274 283 13 16 99 21 125 16 Block No. 68 64 92 568 287 281 123 40 130 14 Block No. 69 60 92 541 287 254 71 69 126 49 125 12 Block No. 70 71 91 551 292 259 74 73 28 1 143 4 J6!V/8 Ward No.8 8201,090 5,294 2,822 2,472 64 66 .. 2,067 1,249 1,166 189 Block No. 71 75 103 536 285 251 240 186 107 25 Block No. 72 62 97 477 248 229 204 157 102 15 Block No. 73 89 118 609 320 289 220 126 134 15 Block No. 74 104 143 622 327 295 15 24 215 125 151 28 Block No. 75 88 120 597 324 273 227 118 134 31 Block No. 76 108 135 632 326 306 21 10 226 128 139 18 Block No. 77 78 101 551 303 248 243 151 114 15 Block No. 78 97 121 609 302 307 232 148 120 20 Block No' 79 119 152 661 387 274 27 32 260 110 165 22 J6/V/9 Ward No.9 664 954 4,795 2,563 2,232 17 12 .. 1,940 1,360 1,071 93 Block No. 80 88 118 611 323 288 273 186 135 14 Block No. 81 75 98 561 293 268 222 159 120 8 Block No. 82 66 95 546 286 260 237 189 113 9 Block No. 83 80 130 622 345 277 2 230 142 146 23 Block No. 84 104 164 810 436 374 6 8 312 219 188 6 Blec.k No. 85 71 104 528 274 254 5 2 199 157 106 10 Block No. 86 100 135 566 306 260 4 244 153 129 17 Block No. 87 80 110 551 300 251 223 ISS 134 6 J6/V!JO Ward No. 10 797 1,078 6,3203,236 3,084 73 74 .. 2,3261,671 1,465 105 Block No. 88 65 79 545 254 291 189 172 130 25 Block No. 89 51 70 535 265 270 218 195 122 1 Block No. 90 89 108 663 347 316 275 227 152 4 Block No. 91 58 72 518 258 260 199 159 107 3 Block No. 92 66 86 544 283 261 214 168 139 7 Block No. 93 84 119 629 319 310 230 129 157 13 Block No. 94 78 108 554 268 286 186 134 126 13 Block No. 95 76 131 644 349 295 6 6 267 169 142 13 Block No. 96 61 97 608 329 282 52 50 157 73 148 9 Block No. 97 169 208 1,080 567 513 15 18 391 245 242 17 16/V!1l Ward No. 11 480 659 4,220 2,187 2,033 15 9 .. 1,6291,196 890 44 Block No. 98 80 110 811 410 401 2 298 232 140 7 Block No. 99 65 99 703 361 342 209 153 141 4 Block No. 100 45 69 425 214 211 13 8 149 III 99 Block No. 101 56 70 554 290 264 214 155 135 11 Block No. 102 79 101 588 316 272 272 197 133 4 Block No. 103 76 106 581 300 281 233 178 119 16 Block No. 104 79 104 558 296 262 254 170 123 1 16jV/12 Ward No. 12 8431,128 4,724 2,462 2,262 81 75 " 1,8491,233 1,063 60 Block No. 105 81 102 894 475 419 79 73 287 158 230 '4 Block No. 106 64 88 520 275 245 2 2 205 138 109 ·8 Block No. 107 70 100 598 301 297 223 173 134 9 Block No. 108 387 449 585 312 273 250 180 133 6 Block No. 109 49 90 456 245 211 205 129 101 10 Block No. 110 79 118 648 335 313 273 202 143 8 Block No. 111 71 109 562 282 280 221 130 107 8 Block No. 112 42 72 461 237 224 185 123 106 7 16/V!13 Ward No. 13 648 895 5,583 2,884 2,699 65 48 .. 1,921 1,281 1,329 67 Block No. 113 89 111 732 391 341 54 41 242 118 163 14 Block No. 114 66 91 528 271 257 186 114 125 12 169

UJJAIN (U.A.) WORKERS ,-----"- I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers ,,-_-"-_...... ,-----''--...... ,-___l\_: ...... ,-_-"-_-. ,---_..A. __...... L.C. M FM F M FM F M F No 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

3 23 6 8 71 8 12 10 149 267 67 64 3 7 30 4 13 16 7 157 267 68 8 2 51 3 7 3 21 10 28 4 162 242 69 3 12 45 8 32 4 39 4 149 255 70 10 4 1 15 44 22 251 20 82 3 280 22 105 2 375 1191,6562,28316/V/8 2 .. 22 1 23 22 37 24 178 226 71 2 24 2 I 22 1 12 41 12 146 214 72 2 31 2 27 19 1 12 42 12 186 274 73 12 9 46 7 29 18 4 5 40 8 176 267 74 4 11 30 5 33 6 12 49 14 190 242 75 2 1 19 16 64 1 5 2 33 14 187 288 76 5 3 21 21 2 13 51 12 189 233 77 3 4 1 28 6 1 2 42 2 II 30 9 182 287 78 4 6 33 1 19 38 5 13 52 14 222 252 79 23 1 2 17 53 1 279 16 27 .. 229 3 63 " 378 72 1,492 2,139 16/V/9 6 2 10 27 6 2 50 2 7 30 6 188 274 80 2' 11 24 1 20 2 61 7 173 260 81 3 29 4 25 7 44 8 173 251 82 5 3 12 30 4 9 16 4 67 19 199 254 83 2 3 5 60 1 6 49 17 46 5 248 368 84 5 2 4 31 2 32 4 28 7 168 244 85 3 3 3 30 20 15 55 16 177 243 86 1 2 5 48 6 17 7 47 4 166 245 87 22 6 1 71 32 397 11 49 .. 524 12 103 2 293 47 1,771 2,979 16/ V/10 30 23 11 16 61 5 6 1 124 266 88 4 3 24 3 68 2 18 1 143 269 89 10 1 49 5 51 7 29 3 195 312 90 3 1 2 29 67 1 6 1 151 257 91 39 1 3 53 3 40 5 144 254 92 2 4 41 2 8 49 4 14 39 6 162 297 93 6 1 22 35 3 20 41 9 142 273 94 .2 3 45 1 28 14 48 12 207 282 95 3 3 1 45 4 10 54 2 20 13 2 178 273 96 2 1 16 5 92 2 3 58 3 17 53 7 325 496 97 10 1 3 20 4 243 4 56 .. 383 2 47 .. 128 331,2971,98916/V/ll 2 8 48 11 37 7 26 7 270 394 98 •. 2 2 43 20 51 2 15 8 1 220 338 99 41 1 9 32 6 11 115 210 100 5 2 4 41 2 14 53 4 16 4 155 253 101 5 12 89 6 19 4 183 268 102 33 48 2 35 16 181 265 103 1 3 25 73 7 13 1173261104 6 1 10 78 6 325 3 21 1 320 5 43 .. 260 44 1,399 2,20216/V/12 1 21 . . 121 13 39 13 22 3 245 415 105 3 4 42 2 34 3 2 22 4 166 237 106 25 2 28 2 31 4 44 7 167 288 107 3 1 17 2 42 9 59 6 179 267 108 2 8 2 16 20 7 47 7 144 201 109 2 4 1 35 72 4 25 6 192 305 110 2 15 1 25 1 45 3 15 5 175 272 111 1 41 1 37 1 26 6 131 217 112 109 4 3 8 58 10 459 12 50 2 311 6 135 .. 196 33 1,555 2,63216/VJl3 2 17 3 73 5 3 26 28 14 6 228 327 113 2 4 52 1 4 24 3 17 21 7 146 245 114 170


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,---- village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes TrIbes persons Workers L.('. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses ,----"-__, ,--"------, ,---A.--, ,---"------, ,---"----.. No. Urban Block Km2 PM F M FMFM F MIl

~------~------~------~------....---~ ~---.--~------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Block No. 115 65 98 578 271 307 143 104 138 5 Block No. 116 50 82 615 307 308 169 120 143 6 Block No. 117 61 83 487 270 217 174 89 131 3 Block No. 118 79 102 596 320 276 11 7 206 147 137 9 Block No. 119 49 68 496 252 244 189 128 123 1 Block No. 120 49 69 522 258 264 184 154 116 3 Block No. 121 54 81 455 225 230 184 159 114 5 Block No. 122 86 110 574 319 255 244 148 139 9 16/V/14 Ward No. 14 584 873 5,3422,796 2,546 .. 2,1151,575 1,217 45 Block No. 123 36 71 467 244 223 158 98 101 4 Block No. 124 46 92 476 271 205 207 135 111 5 Block No. 125 70 102 521 278 243 234 174 130 7 Block No. 126 47 88 513 267 246 196 146 121 7 Block No. 127 65 92 531 273 258 207 175 127 1 Block No. 128 57 83 521 280 241 232 165 112 3 Block No. 129 61 97 581 293 288 202 160 115 8 Block No. 130 68 90 539 298 241 247 170 120 8 Block No. 131 52 71 553 268 285 200 178 119 2 Block No. 132 82 87 640 324 3J 6 232 174 161 16/V/15 Ward No. 15 668 954 5,380 2,811 2,569 188 159 .. 1,7671,0981,200 88 Block No. 133 63 92 565 287 278 1 3 195 131 125 4 Block No. 134 53 81 525 278 247 2 2 179 134 117 3 Block No. 135 75 105 685 360 325 149 78 159 28 Block No. 136 60 95 494 249 245 12 18 129 57 100 Block No. 137 55 98 454 235 219 3 2 148 87 112 7 Block No. 138 170 210 1,009 541 468 75 48 414 246 235 14 Block No. 139 142 185 1,073 558 SIS 405 293 212 17 Block No. 140 50 88 575 303 272 95 86 148 72 140 15 16/V/16 Ward No. 16 749 1,053 5,408 2,891 2,517 12 1J .. 1,9201,0701,321 77 Block No. 141 77 107 583 304 279 209 115 135 6 Block No. 142 70 105 533 259 274 189 129 121 11 Block No. 143 75 102 548 299 249 213 116 146 9 Block No. 144 77 105 520 287 233 2 177 108 119 11 Block No. 145 88 113 560 300 260 213 109 129 11 Block No. 146 95 134 604 323 281 235 144 150 8 Block No. 147 48 77 390 218 172 157 91 90 5 Block No. 148 50 79 552 295 257 192 110 128 2 Block No. 149 79 109 582 298 284 146 73 144 7 Block No. 150 90 122 536 308 228 . 10 10 189 75 159 7 16/ V/17 Ward No. 17 986 1,271 6,096 3,290 2,806 397 338 .. 1,888 739 1,552 181 Block No. 151 102 124 697 368 329 4 1 192 113 176 ·9 Block No. 152 100 125 623 339 284 44 36 184 76 150 11 Block No. 153 52 86 538 282 256 50 28 137 63 120 9 Block No, 154 124 160 763 403 360, 34 23 180 55 217 26 Block No. 155 86 109 632 327 305: 195 177 185 38 136 19 Block No. 156 105 137 548 304 244 12 11 192 52 162 26 Block No. 157 130 166 576 341 235 25 27 260 85 136 13 Block Nh. 158 107 124 492 277 215 25 21 149 58 147 17 Block No. 159 51 88 482 245 237 5 5 139 68 122 13 Block No. 160 129 152 745 404 341 3 7 270 131 186 38 (l6/V/18 Ward No. 18 927 1,256 6,8333,561 3,272 1,3801,330 .• 1,946 9131,619 300 Block No. 161 78 114 593 293 300 109 116 150 102 145 16 Block No. 162 68 97 534 255 279 180 197 107 46 1'4 8 171

UJJAIN (U.A.) WORKERS ______,:, ___~_~.A. ___~ ______, I II III IV Yea) V(b) VI VlI VIlI TX X Non­ Workers ,--"-_, ,-_--''--__, , ___.A. __ -, ,---"---, ,-~ ,-~ ,-~ L.C. M FM FM FM F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

1 1 6 56 9 18 20 1.7 3 133 302 115 2 2 '2 53 2 8 15 28 33 4 164 302 116 2 6 62 9 13 15 23 2 139 214 117 2 17 4 36 6 30 2 19 27 183 267 118 1 39 4 59 1 19 129 243 119 44 7 55 4 6 3 142 261 120 101 4 1 4 3 1 4 111 225 121 1 6 40 2 68 2 22 7 180 246 122 5 3 3 1 20 1 350 7 22 .. 562 2 56 1 196 33 1,579 2,50] 16/ V! 14 I 45 10 19 7 20 2 143 219 123 38 2 35 26 4 160 200 124 •• i •• 2 28 4 69 8 22 3 148 236 125 2 42 57 3 17 6 146 239 126 3 34 1 64 3 22 146 257 127 4 31 46 6 25 2 168 238 128 3 24 2 54 7 24 8 178 280 129 3 31 2 65 4 14 7 178 233 130 5 33 4 60 7 10 149 283 131 1 1 2 44 93 4 16 .. 163 316 132 11 I 2 49 5 392 6 48 1 385 10 76 1 236 65 1,611 2,481 16/V/15 1 10 42 3 42 3 23 3 162 274 133 48 7 38 2 14 9 1 161 244 134 8 44 2 14 51 3 5 37 23 201 297 135 4 41 4 25 5 20 149 245 136 ] 35 2 3 44 13 16 4 123 212 137 6 66 86 2 9 67 12 306 454 138 1 72 4 63 1 2S 47 15 346 498 139 2 26 5 44 1 13 36 :1 2 17 7 163 257 140 ·13 I 5 23 8 524 16 69 1 344 6 96 3 246 431,5702,440 16/V/16 2 3 7 2 37 15 32 13 25 4 169 273 141 3 2 44 3 1 45 4 23 6 138 263 142 60 1 50 2 3 32 6 153 240 143 8 2 47 2 29 8 3 27 4 168 222 144 3 43 1 41 9 32 10 171 249 145 1 58 3 5 53 12 19 4 173 273 146 2 21 2 6 35 2 23 3 128 167 147 56 1 4 36 14 18 167 255 148 2 80 4 28 8 12 14 154 277 149 ~ 4 78 1 8 1 15 19 33 4 149 221 150 13 1 1 5 68 6 13 11 857 77 34 2 208 15 104 2 254 621,7382,62516jV/17 3 1 3 61 1 10 62 13 24 6 192 320 151 1 3 1 4 85 2 19 2 15 20 6 189 273 152 3 1 30 1 48 2 17 2 3 17 5 162 247 153 5 1 5 125 6 7 32 5 5 38 13 186 334 154 3 27 4 71 6 3 13 22 6 191 286 155 4 73 16 16 9 58 9 142 218 156 87 8 16 10 23 4 205 222 157 1 3 90 7 7 8 1 16 24 6 130 198 158 91 8 1 10 1 10 2 9 2 123 224 159 1 6 126 24 4 25 3 10 19 5 218 303 160 9 6 2 6 42 231,135 116 22 7 81 12 97 22 221 1181,9422,97216/V/18 1 9 82 7 3 11 I 12 27 7 148 284 161 16 70 3 8 1 12 18 4 131 271 162 6 5 106 6 6 11 3 18 3 17 10 197 281 163 172



Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate r----- village in pieu House- (including institu- and (l-IX? Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Tota Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workecs L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses ,_--..A._----, ,----'---., ,---'-----, ,_----'-_----, ,-----'-"'-~ No. Urhan Block Km 2 PM F MF MF M F MIt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 lS 16

Block No. 164 74 98 525 289 236 98 87 180 82 130 S5 Block No. 165 68 97 503 277 226 24 23 169 69 120 8 Block No. 166 88 105 519 279 240 50 61 170 93 134 23 Block No. 167 70 95 509 268 241 80 83 143 60 125 7 Block No. 168 86 109 580 288 292 276 285 107 13 138 41 Block No. 169 89 102 542 296 246 251 206 131 19 129 30 Block No. 170 71 93 579 298 281 116 96 176 64 114 12 Block No. 171 66 82 446 193 253 8 13 134 140 89 51 Block No. 172 70 137 833 463 370 15 16 316 159 206 22 16/V/19 Ward No. 19 9981,205 5,989 3.210 2,779 513 443 .. 1,9811,0101,454 161 Block No. 173 92 117 527 288 239 28 19 199 103 137 19 Block No. 174 97 109 495 283 212 48 38 184 69 136 25 Block No. 175 94 107 546 272 274 150 67 130 5 Block No. 176 81 94 517 296 221 4 1 143 57 117 9 Block No. 177 79 93 479 240 239 U8 68 106 3 Block No. 178 89 103 501 274 227 64 65 149 67 133 9 Block No. 179 107 126 536 286 250 20 18 149 75 136 10 Block No. 180 53 86 547 293 254 40 33 200 130 115 12 Block No. 181 60 87 455 230 225 11 12 181 152 99 7 Block No. 182 122 144 720 389 331 35 40 287 173 177 16 Block No. 183 124 139 666 359 307 263 217 221 49 168 46 16/V/20 Ward No. 20 428 666 4,230 2,221 2,009 138 119 5 41,383 787 928 52 Block No. 184 66 99 550 279 271 204 136 124 5 Block No. 185 22 32 527 275 252 47 45 143 68 118 3 Block No. 186 61 91 470 243 227 2 107 46 98 5 Block No. 187 35 56 349 185 164 113 106 82 5 Blf'ck No. 188 45 79 469 251 218 16 8 177 64 104 7 Block No. 189 51. 78 478 246 232 189 101 99 4 Block No. 190 53 83 423 229 194 150 91 101 12 Block No. 191 53 86 486 250 236 25 24 5 4 160 94 96 8 Block No. 192 42 62 478 263 215 48 42 140 81 106 3 16/V/21 Ward No. 21 1,072 1,237 6,457 3,425 3,032 203 184 .. 2,2241,2451,431 142 Block No. 193 78 94 540 282 258 191 101 114 14 Block No. 194 125 146 661 348 313 17 27 227 128 158 8 Block No. 195 71 98 514 278 236 23 10 190 103 129 8 Block No. 196 61 73 475 246 229 87 77 117 60 109 30 Block No. 197 97 107 510 278 232 17 8 181 100 119 13 Block No. 198 107 112 475 243 232 33 43 161 85 118 21 Block No. 199 152 161 790 437 353 17 14 244 130 172 15 Block No. 200 69 84 509 267 242 175 107 110 5 Block No. 201 131 149 894 472 422 4 3 355 187 158 7 Block No. 202 77 95 522 291 231 185 106 118 10 Block No. 203 104 118 567 283 284 5 2 198 138 126 11 16!V/22 Ward No. 22 901 1,071 5,232 2,827 2,405 105 93 3 21,958 1,0901,239 123 Block No. 204 140 153 672 368 304 21 21 3 2 276 129 146 11 Block No. 205 90 112 570 303 267 200 106 145 15 Block No. 206 110 130 607 341 266 21 19 257 148 147 12 Block No. 207 92 118 589 320 269 30 21 215 150 138 9 Block No. 208 73 99 491 282 209 178 84 120 6 Block No. 209 114 137 684 361 323 2 4 235 148 162 10 Block No. 210 109 118 588 309 279 245 180 122 11 Block No. 211 91 109 572 301 271 31 28 202 79 139 9 Block No. 212 82 9S 459 242 217 150 66 120 40 173


______WORKERS.A-.. ______----, 1 II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,---"-----, r----"------, r---"------, ,--''--, ,-''----, ,_-"-_-, , __...A.. __-, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

3 2 9 ] 7 42 3 2 2 8 8 55 31 159 181 164 3 1 75 2 11 11 19 5 157 218 lE5 2 .. 102 20 2 2 2 8 17 1 145 217 166 .. ]05 6 4 5 11 143 234 167 . . II:! 25 8 4 5 7 10 5 2 150 251 168 .. 100 15 1 1 6 8 4 14 9 167 216 169 .. 101 fI 2 2 3 9 I 184 269 170 54 4 9 4 17 46 104 202 171 2 1 186 17 4 2 2 12 2 257 348 172 18 3 1 11 3 44 14 718 41 48 9 300 22 85 1 227 70 1,756 2,618 16jVj 19 1 ] 1 75 5 3 3 35 3 5 16 7 151 220 173 5 2 3 6 80 12 1 27 3 7 11 4 147 187 174 4 6 72 2 12 6 12 18 2 142 269 175 5 ' 3 8 2 56 5 26 3 12 1 179 212 176 1 1 56 15 12 8 13 3 134 236 177 2 1 1 24 5 56 11 2 15 23 2 141 218 178 2 82 3 18 9 25 7 150 240 179 39 3 54 7 2 20 2 178 242 180 29 48 1 2 18 5 131 218 181 3 2 68 5 6 50 4 16 32 7 212 315 182 .. 105 10 5 6 13 6 39 30 191 261 183 14 2 2 1 32 3 353 4 14 ., 241 9 98 ., 175 32 1,293 1.957 16fV/20 38 2 50 9 25 4 155 266 184 14 56 2 26 5 15 2 157 249 185 6 57 6 10 11 8 4 145 222 186 24 26 2 9 22 3 103 159 187 31 39 9 23 7 147 211 188 31 49 3 9 ]0 147 228 189 10 2 2 5 2 35 12 17 22 5 128 182 190 2 2 34 2 4 15 2 15 24 4 154 228 191 5 47 14 14 26 3 157 212 192 69 9 52 i] iO 62 29 562 22 33 i 23i 8 i33 1 279 59 i,994 2,890 i6/V!21 10 2 21 5 7 28 15 13 20 7 168 244 193 2 15 58 1 4 19 1 J 6 43 5 190 305 194 2 74 3 5 13 2 9 26 3 149 228 195 12 16 59 9 9 12 2 10 5 2 137 199 196 5 1 60 4 3 25 5 21 6 159 219 197 3 6 63 3 24 6 19 12 125 211 198 14 3 3 4 4 63 5 29 22 31 8 265 338 199 12 30 1 28 3 33 5 157 237 200 6 5 2 3 57 24 28 34 3 314 415 201 22 4 2 2 8 27 5 21 12 20 4 173 221 202 2 20 4 4 1 43 1 21 9 27 4 157 273 203 88 19 7 i3 5 29 4 368 8 28 323 17 i52 2 239 60 1,588 2,282 16/V/22 4 73 4 1 '17 3 4 36 3 222 293 204 IS 2 9 53 3 27 10 22 12 158 252 205 7 5 47 2 35 22 2 28 8 194 254 206 j 31 2 43 35 25 8 182 260 207 1 3 36 3 27 10 40 5 162 203 208 22 4 4 24 6 63 3 20 22 3 199 313 209 3 2 1 25 59 8 25 9 187 268 210 13 3 3 44 1 8 18 1 29 24 4 162 262 211 22 19 4 3 2 2. 35 1 3 24 6 14 17 8 122 177 212 174


Area of Oceu- No. of Total Population Literate ,.------village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and res i- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village! of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward! Ward in houses r---___.A..,------, ,---"-~ r-_A.,.~ '-"--A.._~ ,-__..A._ .. _--.. No. Urban Block Km 2 P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

I6/Vf23 Ward No. 23 617 883 5,825 3,036 2,789 118 95 ., 2,0151,2171,267 38 Block No. 213 91 126 776 404 372 19 9 244 135 165 7 Block No. 214 72 118 632 332 300 26 21 230 143 137 13 Block No. 215 73 107 708 374 334 2 2 300 226 147 5 Block No. 216 60 98 636 335 301 221 144 134 3 Block No. 217 57 84 573 299 214 3 164 66 132 1 Block No. 218 44 57 598 313 285 63 58 176 99 122 1 Block No. 219 82 98 553 276 277 5 4 229 157 115 1 Block No. 220 72 110 789 416 373 258 161 185 Block No. 221 66 85 560 287 273 193 86 130 16!V/24 Ward No. 24 888 1,071 5,471 2,967 2,504 322 288 10 6 1,767 895 1,382 III Block No. 222 85 101 587 304 283 17 15 154 67 1\8 12 Block No. 223 69 91 604 315 289 143 140 103 21 147 18 Block No. 224 93 101 513 280 233 11 13 176 84 134 8 Block No. 225 82 119 662 352 310 213 99 151 13 Block No. 226 109 121 553 305 248 14 10 188 95 150 11 Block No. 227 84 100 491 264 227 12 11 2 181 110 128 11 Block No. 228 87 103 558 302 256 42 34 204 157 135 6 Block No. 229 108 123 514 291 223 16 61 171 85 155 14 Block No. 230 84 109 516 290 226 1 8 6 180 75 144 13 Block No. 231 87 103 473 264 209 6 4 197 102 120 5 16/V/25 Ward No. 25 fi84 843 4,981 2,6682,313 285 243 1 1 1,437 7901,176 146 Block No. 232 75 90 534 285 249 20 18 197 123 119 18 Block No. 233 90 107 601 313 288 23 19 172 100 137 8 Block No. 234 65 87 548 292 256 15 14 174 108 131 11 Block No. 235 92 113 635 331 304 48 56 158 51 161 30 Block No. 236 80 90 481 275 206 121 89 91 28 116 28 Block No. 237 73 95 591 317 274 199 100 137 3 Block No. 238 54 73 503 286 217 10 6 102 91 105 2 Block No. 239 65 85 472 255 217 8 4 162 109 119 22 Block No. 240 90 103 616 314 302 40 37 176 80 151 24 16/V!26 Ward No. 26 911 1,109 6,123 3,240 2,883 142 129 .. 2,024 1,264 1,440 ]87 Block No. 241 68 87 494 260 234 3 2 172 121 101 8 Block No. 242 46 68 502 249 253 29 30 116 81 131 5 Block No. 243 75 91 527 299 228 9 10 187 99 134 4 Block No. 244 62 86 503 256 247 15 11 197 156 111 19 Block No. 245 92 106 577 304 273 29 19 231 137 129 21 Block No. 246 125 145 756 376 380 9 8 IS3 130 174 39 Block No. 247 95 116 547 318 229 3 4 184 79 138 33 Block No. 248 78 96 425 237 188 1 1 179 107 102 7 Block No. 249 99 116 750 398 352 32 31 211 130 176 34 Block No. 250 109 117 606 314 292 11 11 205 124 151 10 Block No. 251 62 81 436 229 207 I 2 159 100 93 7 ]6/JI/27 Ward No. 27 877 1,079 6,035 3,147 2,888 478 473 .. 1,581 828 1,382 195 Block No. 252 64 86 508 255 253 112 118 108 39 133 19 Block No. 253 62 87 577 312 265 7 8 175 187 138 14 Block No. 254 60 79 494 247 247 117 ]30 123 47 109 18 Block No. 255 63 82 456 237 219 88 79 120 44 109 15 Block No. 256 74 96 561 281 280 179 136 117 7 Block No. 257 64 86 548 277 271 5S 63 85 34 116 23 Block No. 258 92 101 471 261 210 34 24 122 32 110 6 Block No. 259 97 102 498 261 237 19 20 161 55 115 2 Block No. 260 78 90 409 229 ]80 28 20 93 41 93 4 Block No. 261 88 110 540 278 262 3 201 137 110 19 175

UJJAIN (U.A.) WORKERS ------~------, I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Work.;:rs ,-_..A...---, ,-~ ,--''--, L.C. M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

8 25 1 5 35 .. 420 8 38 1 294 3 247 .. 195 25 1,769 2,751 16/V/23 13 50 3 13 30 34 24 4 239 365 213 2 41 3 33 22 34 9 195 287 214 23 9 22 60 4 29 3 227 329 215 2 4:- 4 42 18 23 2 201 298 216 3 57 5 13 42 11 167 273 217 1 7 43 4 26 3f 5 191 284 218 1 33 2 7 41 12 20 4 161 270 219 4 77 1 26 51 25 231 373 220 1 52 1 23 28 24 I 157 272 221 25 1 1 2 22 2 55 8 502 19 34 10 207 12 300 12 236 451,5852,39316/V/24 1 1 17 47 5 5 1 13 1 20 1 14 4 186 271 222 4 2 12 40 7 5 13 30 38 11 168 271 223 4 5 52 2 21 1 21 27 3 146 225 224 5 9 2 59 1 " 33 3 18 2() 5 201 297 225 2 4 1 52 1 6 1 27 4 31 27 4 155 237 226 3 2 2 49 1 19 25 25 7 136 216 227 3 50 "3 15 53 4 11 2 167 250 228 2 8 2 59 3 18 1 33 4 33 4 136 209 229 2 7 5 60 4 3 14 1 49 9 2 146 213 230 1 34 2 4 34 20 26 3 144 204 231 8 6 13 .. 155 61 371 18 49 1 224 6 108 .. 242 60 1,492 2,167 16/V/25 4 1 40 7 2 37 1 6 30 9 16f 231 232 2 16 50 4 33 30 7 176 280 233 7 20 3 37 2 32 2 19 16 4 161 245 234 2 1 42 14 31 3 9 24 16 36 12 170 274 235 2 21 19 36 6 1,~ 8 29 8 159 178 236 17 44 13 19 24 20 2 180 ?71 237 2 3 5 43 4 18 14 16 2 181 215 238 21 15 36 1 1 22 6 33 6 136 195 239 4 1 2 9 9 54 4 10 25 1 14 32 10 163 278 240 32 7 28 12 17 54 16 307 12 56 5 394 45 110 2 442 88 1,800 2,696 16/V/26 2 2 7 2 22 1 22 16 29 6 159 226 241 5 24 2 1 71 1 9 2C 2 118 248 242 1 9 56 9 32 1 8 19 2 165 224 243 3 3 11 6 5 30 3 13 45 10 145 228 244 4 1 13 8 25 3 3 40 6 39 6 175 252 245 4 5 1 2 2 26 3 12 64 19 13 48 14 202 341 246 13 3 23 11 2 3 1 16 3 10 16 2 5 50 13 180 196 247 5 2 1 10 15 1 6 63 6 135 181 248 2 7 61 4 39 16 17 45 17 222 318 249 5 2 30 4 54 11 46 8 163 282 250 2 4 26 6 11 2 6 1 38 4 136 200 251 57 16 34 28 17 3 51 20 455 17 89 10 236 22 113 1 330 781,7652,69316/V/27 1 13 62 13 4 7 2 13 24 13 122 234 252 1 1 4 45 2 17 35 2 17 22 4 174 251 253 9 7 58 I 5 8 1 5 23 9 138 229 254 4 2 2 3 4 59 2 5 15 13 8 6 128 204 255 1 2 52 1 9 23 8 22 4 164 273 256 3 32 6 9 5 16 8 48 9 161 248 257 8 39 9 21 22 11 5 151 204 258 4 2 37 9 17 9 36 2 146 235 259 1 9 29 I 4 19 4 27 13(' 176 260 1 4 15 3 2 29 4 6 51 12 168 243 261 17S


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,----- village in pied Hou~e- (including in~titu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses r---..-A.-----, ,--"----, ,__.A...-, ,--"---...... ,---"-__.., No. Urban Block: Kmll PM F MF MF M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

- - ---~ ~.~--- Block No. 262 58 70 503 253 250 89 12 128 35 Block No. 263 77 90 470 256 214 15 ]0 125 64 ]04 33 16/ V/28 Ward No. 28 643 848 4,821 2,542 2,279 440 402 33 281,138 376 1,156 266 Block No. 264 60 70 494 261 233 59 13 135 28 Block No. 265 64 86 518 263 255 54 49 33 28 52 12 ]47 39 Block No. 266 56 70 426 219 207 122 26 89 5 Block No. 267 50 77 425 215 210 2 52 S 97 63 Block No. 268 49 76 523 285 238 32 24 lSI 44 113 3 Block No. 269 50 81 472 255 217 25 21 128 41 105 2 Block No. 270 78 101 498 275 223 195 88 124 2 Block No. 271 112 141 698 376 322 8 5 224 112 151 6 Block No. 272 124 146 767 393 374 319 303 155 32 195 11S 16/ Vj29 Ward No. 29 962 1,090 6,556 3,506 3,050 334 278 .. 2,1821,259 1,579 204 Block No. 273 108 125 692 395 297 103 81 162 54 185 40 Block No. 274 81 104 580 321 259 44 43 163 46 162 16 Block No. 275 72 90 504 258 246 8 7 120 65 120 10 Block No. 276 111 120 720 383 337 124 103 207 98 187 40 Block No. 277 74 80 502 253 249 203 141 116 37 Block No. 278 75 81 519 267 252 3 212 151 107 3 Block No. 279 6S 78 676 362 314 234 146 146 14 Block No. 280 67 77 476 261 215 23 15 205 127 113 13 Block No. 281 59 69 436 227 209 7 10 133 94 97 8 Block No. 282 85 88 463 249 214 9 5 194 128 ]09 12 Block No. 283 84 90 476 258 218 5 6 158 ILl 109 6 Block No. 284 78 88 512 272 240 8 7 191 96 128 5 16/ VI30 Ward No. 30 991 1,282 7,0373,746 3,291 2,248 2,027 .. .. 2,2561,0691,554 238 Block No. 285 60 79 404 212 192 178 166 44 2 101 22 Block No. 286 71 81 504 270 234 4 3 209 129 104 9 Block No. 287 64 95 508 256 252 30 26 ]92 150 103 26 Block No. 288 63 83 461 256 205 141 118 171 63 104 16 Block No. 289 93 97 507 26& 241 154 139 154 69 JIO 16 Block No. 290 65 92 526 290 236 175 160 151 52 116 14 Block No. 291 102 128 688 360 328 249 227 285 234 141 12 Block No. 292 100 127 724 377 347 364 335 175 21 153 55 Block No. 293 84 96 492 254 238 200 206 140 38 104 1) Block No. 294 78 ]07 568 292 2i6 192 190 176 63 125 17 Block No. 295 54 88 535 294 241 216 169 137 52 130 17 Block No. 296 69 99 554 308 246 235 187 205 91 131 10 Block No. 297 88 110 566 311 255 110 101 217 105 132 9 16/V/31 Ward No. 31 551 845 4,617 2,420 2,197 98 83 " 1,912 1,414 966 99 Block No. 298 75 105 519 292 227 57 52 193 89 132 11 Block No. 299 79 100 512 277 235 25 14 188 125 109 11 Block No. 300 52 89 496 246 250 3 3 198 140 91 14 Block No. 301 63 100 540 284 256 9 13 243 177 118 11 Block No. 302 56 89 521 270 2S1 234 197 99 16 Block No. 303 74 108 563 284 279 4 235 198 109 23 Block No. 304 52 87 489 259 230 212 153 104 7 Block No. 305 55 87 475 248 227 205 169 92 2 Blo:)k No. 306 45 80 502 260 242 204 166 112 4 16/V!32 Ward No. 32 705 906 4,904 2,570 2,334 59 58 .. 2,081 1,562 1,008 JJ9 Block No. 307 89 100 490 260 230 217 180 100 17 Block No. 308 66 97 533 276 257 233 175 106 3 Bloek No. 309 61 99 519 284 235 3 2 234 173 106 23 Block No. 310 96 102 593 311 282 238 188 121 8 177


WORKERS..A. ______-.. II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII Vlll IX X Non­ Workers r--"----, r--"--, r--"-...., r---"-----, ,----"-----, r---"---.. r------"------, Le. M FM FM FM FM FM FM F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

32 15 5 5 5 2 18 2 30 7 2 32 5 125 215 262 19 1 21 21 2 9 5 16 3 6 26 8 152 181 263 118 .]2 198 102 13 36 3 326 94 26 4 112 4 135 16 192 31 1,386 2,013 16jvj28 13 78 28 15 4 6 2 17 126 205 264 53 8 34 12 7 7 3 3 7 3 33 16 116 216 265 10 8 4 18 23 3 23 4 130 202 266 24 2 34 56 3 5 14 3 10 118 147 267 8 14 1 1 19 3 22 14 31 172 235 268 5 7 11 43 5 4 15 15 150 215 269 1 4 48 IS 34 18 I 151 221 270 1 20 1 1 45 2 3 9 37 35 3 225 316 271 3 2 3 3 2 1 1 134 91 7 9 26 16 10 5 198 256 272 34 2 32 6 13 18 48 690 26 52 12 304 2 179 12 257 96 1,927 2,846 16/V!29 1 5 4 j 43 3 4 4 1:\ 1 41 8 82 19 210 257 273 3 74 3 14 6 13 47 3 11 4 159 243 274 4 1 11 5 41 1 13 2 30 9 II 2 138 236 275 25 2 26 2 6 29 4 4 35 12 50 31 196 297 276 2 1 33 9 71 12 20 4 137 212 277 2 12 63 9 20 2 160 249 278 2 8 39 1 j 1 63 19 12 5 216 300 279 2 2 87 3 1 4 4 13 10 148 202 280 70 2 6 7 12 6 130 201 281 81 2 1 4 10 13 9 140 202 282 95 4 2 2 5 5 2 149 212 283 .. 110 3 5 4 8 2 144 235 284 5 1 32 27 28 1 17 3 669 78 115 14 155 5 162 .. 371 109 2,192 3,053 16/ VI30 29 22 3 2 20 34 10 I 2 III 170 285 1 1 11 35 10 44 9 166 225 286 3 4 6 2 21 3 6 8 2 6 49 17 153 226 287 3 44 12 14 10 12 21 3 152 189 288 49 10 5 3 15 38 6 156 225 289 5 64 5 10 5 5 15 17 4 174 222 290 2 86 5 5 7 II 29 7 219 316 291 2 3 98 22 19 6 4 II 17 24 224 292 292 4 48 2 2 10 18 22 13 150 223 293 2 2 2 46 4 10 2 15 15 34 8 167 259 294 4 64 6 5 II 4 42 9 164 224 295 76 8 1 18 18 17 177 236 296 2 42 3 19 26 39 8 179 246 297 8 1 1 11 17 1 205 11 46 .. 303 5 137 16 238 65 1,4542,098 16jVj31 1 4 2 27 1 P 20 46 10 20 160 216 298 2 3 42 3 5 8 25 23 6 168 224 299 2 19 11 28 2 12 19 9 155 236 300 2 22 5 46 11 30 10 166 245 301 I 18 1 30 9 37 15 171 235 302 2 2 20 3 5 24 10 5 46 15 175 256 303 6 23 3 45 8 18 5 155 223 304 16 4 42 II 18 2 156 225 305 1 1 18 1 60 5 27 3 148 238 306 11 2 2 13 16 6 284 9 49 8 266 8 100 4 267 102 1,562 2,195 16/ V/32 2 24 34 8 32 17 160 213 307 2 5 22 3 46 5 23 3 170 254 308 28 2 6 5 24 14 31 15 178 212 309 3 40 6 23 13 36 8 190 274 310 178


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,----- village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Schedukd Scheduled educated Total Name of Village/ l>f Tow_nj dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Wardj Ward 111 hOLls,-; ,------"--__-, ,--"---, ,----"----., ,----"-----, ,---"----, No. Urban Block Km 2 PM F MFMF M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 13 14 15 16

Block No. 311 61 91 546 294 252 5 218 120 117 12 Block No. 312 51 88 496 255 241 17 17 204 155 103 20 Block No. 313 104 126 607 318 289 31 34 243 182 133 23 Block No. 314 ~9 101 558 313 245 3 4 277 176 125 22 Block No. 315 88 102 562 259 30.' 217 213 97 II 16jVj33 Wii/·dNa.33 1,2U71,423 7,2683,8123,456 234 180 11 7 2,860 1,993 1,528 187 Block No. 316 84 108 601 301 300 3 2 243 186 114 II Block No. 317 103 115 592 296 296 235 204 110 23 Block No. 318 90 105 544 273 271 230 201 97 19 Block No. 319 94 103 534 270 264 216 201 110 14 Block No. 320 '67 94 539 292 247 236 122 1 14 11 Block No. 321 06 98 4S4 252 232 4 9 172 126 97 7 Block No. 32:! 101 108 491 287 204 199 94 129 3 Block No. 323 103 129 561 288 273 18 18 3 231 193 125 11 Block No. 324 60 85 457 245 2 J 2 180 132 99 19 B1o.:k No. 325 104 118 543 286 257 52 42 6 4 . 184 112 118 20 Block No. 326 120 147 764 407 357 81 38 301 144 155 15 Block No. 327 95 108 585 310 275 35 22 236 152 136 18 Block No. 328 SO 105 573 305 268 41 49 197 126 124 16 16jV/J4 Ward No. 34 8501,090 7,6513,9823,6692,0151,916 .. .. 2,101 9121,643 328 Block No. 329 62 84 530 275 255 204 183 152 27 120 25 Block No. 330 50 68 495 251 244 245 242 125 32 96 11 Block No. 331 64 84 555 271 284 264 284 136 39 107 18 Block No. 332 45 72 512 265 247 214 204 121 26 109 32 Block No. 333 130 131 1,059 535 524 284276 281 201 222 65 Block No. 334 51 70 517 280 237 89 78 132 38 102 15 Block No. 335 48 62 532 268 264 137 124 182 93 113 11 Block No. 336 49 65 488 255 233 168 151 166 85 93 24 Block No. 337 52 75 428 224 204 68 59 107 34 101 22 Block No. 338 62 80 485 254 231 95 91 95 51 112 15 Block No. 339 51 79 520 265 255 50 48 136 74 III 24 Block No. 340 51 73 553 294 259 146 126 147 75 11 t 49 Block No. 341 48 58 532 294 238 203 102 125 5 Block No. 312 H7 89 445 251 194 51 50 llS 35 121 12 16/V/35 WardNo.i5 1,106 1,505 7,8904,3723,518 584 509 " 3,0401,5941,834 228 Block No. 343 82 106 535 301 234 92 86 170 49 138 25 Block No. 344 61 87 460 238 222 107 106 123 59 116 25 Block No. 345 58 71 456 233 223 57 54 150 74 102 8 Block No. 346 61 84 493 257 236 46 31 196 149 112 4 Block No. 347 54 75 421 229 192 4 2 158 109 103 7 Block No. 348 56 87 481 262 219 21 18 189 133 106 13 Block No. 349 86 106 575 315 260 20 264 164 133 11 Block No. 350 63 93 531 263 268 226 54 97 5 Block No. 351 89 105 536 268 268 233 229 115 23 Block No. 352 64 97 523 287 236 1 184 109 119 16 Block No. 353 61 106 497 266 231 90 93 115 48 113 26 Block No. 354 107 131 568 319 249 84 75 176 76 137 17 Block No. 355 104 138 811 520 291 28 20 403 177 155 26 Block No. 356 60 91 374 243 131 4 175 50 146 2 Block No. 357 100 128 629 371 258 30 24 278 114 142 20 16jV/- Urban Outgrowth 3'51 506 928 5,2832,812 2,471 558 488 .. 1,689 899 1,221 164 Ujjaifl Rajlway CO/OilY 0.06 219 636 3,676 1,966 1,710 246 208 .. 1,330 816 789 40 Block No. 358 51 61 624 329 295 43 54 208 129 128 15 Block No. 359 20 121 593 327 266 46 26 199 105 140 179


~--- .. ------~------~------~-. -_. WORKERS ------~------~ I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VlI VIII IX X Non- Workers ,...... A------., ,---.A.._--, ,---__)'--, ,--__)'----, ,--__)'----, ,--__)'---, r-__)'-.., ,__)'--; ,'__}\_'--' ,--'__)'-_'" ,-----"---.., L.C. M FM FM FM FM FM FM F M F M F M F M F No. ------_.----_-_------_. __ .. ----.--~ .----~------.. ~------~ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 :B 34 35 36 37 38

4 38 8 36 3 13 18 8 177 240 311 3 32 6 10 3 27 2 10 2 20 7 152 221 312 4 5 47 10 23 2 13 31) 15 185 26fi 313 6 2 3 4 23 3 20 14 51 18 188 223 314 30 3 33 10 20 11 162 292 315 12 3 3 27 35 2 379 14 77 7 309 8 163 4 523 1492,2843,269 16/V/33 2 2 12 5 27 12 54 10 187 289 316 3 11 16 2 34 2 6 39 19 186 273 317 22 6 24 7 37 19 176 252 318 2 IS 8 31 11 39 13 160 250 319 3 28 14 17 31 11 178 236 320 3 25 9 16 11 32 6 155 225 321 2 6 28 4 16 12 60 3 158 201 322 2 2 5 38 7 26 5 40 9 163 262 323 5 18 7 29 8 31 17 14fi 193 324 ., 13 lfi8 237 325 42 4 I 20 19 2') 3 2 3 8 35 9 12 I 27 58 10 252 342 326 2 2 43 2 7 6 23 2 I'> 40 8 174 257 327 2 2 54 3 7 17 9 2 33 1 1 1~1 252 328 I 6 10 18 6 15 9 I/Jn3 131 90 36 97 II JOO 2 253 1222,3393,341 16/V/34 I 2 76 J6 10 4 16 11 6 155 230 329 80 II 2 3 II 155 213 330 88 16 2 7 7 164 266 331 2 1 3 2 76 10 11 15 6 5 7 2 1% 215 332 3 8 2 2 2 175 36 14 10 10 3 H 2 8 4 313 459 333 3 72 7 12 2 3 2 14 178 222 334 2 90 2 2 () 12 9 155 253 335 n 20 1 5 1 7 2 lfi2 209 33fi 55 2 2 7 9 3 17 17 10 123 182 337 57 2 7 15 8 25 13 142 216 338 2 44 2 5 10 10 39 20 154 231 339 47 4 1 7 5fi 44 183 210 340 II 60 2 16 7 13 18 2 169 233 341 2 3 2 65 5 11 14 21 9 130 182 342 38 1 170 83 57 3 7 497 7 82 .. 1(J3 13 103 3 7/7 /]7 2.538 3,290 16!V!35 21 38 22 45 4 5 5 19 I 163 209 343 72 25 31 5 2 6 122 197 344 2 84 4 2 i 6 1 4- 131 215 345 I 77 2 14 5 13 I 145 232 346 3 3 75 2 2 2 16 5 126 185 347 2 40 2 7 3 7 2 47 8 156 206 348 4 9 4 32 1 3 81 10 182 249 349 1 9 24 21 24 18 4 166 263 350 5 5 15 6 30 3 48 22 153 245 351 16 13 7 17 15 51 13 168 220 352 29 21 2 24 4 6 2 45 5 153 205 353 6 i 17 2 34 19 6 15 39 8 182 232 354 11 :; 5 32 4 5 3 fi 92 18 365 265 355 I 5 140 1 97 129 356 7 12 3 3 8 2 fi 3 101 17 229 238 357 154 17 141 ]06 7 6 79 67 2 19 1 594 4 ]54 33 1,59] 2,307 16/V/- 3 1 I 2 34 60 9 1 587 4 93 331.1771,670 3 11 7 1 93 12 13 201 280 358 4 28 3 100 5 187 266 359 180


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate village in pied House- (including institll- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name (If Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in hOllses r------"-----., ,__A.----, ,--A..-, ,----'-__-., ,_--A.._ , No. Urban Block Km2 P M F M F M F M F M F 3 4 5 (, 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ----- 2 14 15 16 Block No. 360 32 lOS 592 325 267 76 64 213 134 124 13 Block No. 361 79 \27 722 373 349 44 41 258 171 145 5 Block No. 362 12 109 527 280 247 37 23 204 126 127 3 Block No. 363 25 110 618 312 286 248 151 125 4 Lalpur Vilfage 0.25 44 45 183 89 94 47 41 26 1 54 27 Block No. 364 (A) 44 45 183 S9 94 47 41 26 1 54 27 P{JJ1)fasa Village 0.02 69 69 464 251 213 91 86 J08 21 120 39 Bleck No. 364 (B) 69 69 464 251 213 91 86 108 21 120 39 Na!!ziri Village 0.69 96 96 483 255 228 122 109 135 49 124 28 Block No. 365 96 96 483 255 228 122 109 135 49 124 28 Goyala Village 1.38 31 35 178 93 85 24 15 35 6 57 4 Block No. 366 (A) 31 35 178 93 85 24 15 35 6 57 4 Malanwasa Village l.ll 47 47 299 158 141 28 29 55 6 77 26 Block No. 366 (B) 47 47 299 158 141 28 29 S5 6 77 26 ls1



WORKERSA ______~ I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VllI IX X Non- Workers r----"---~ r--.. ...A-.. -~ ,-----"--~ ,---"--~ ,-----"--~ ,---"----, ,-----"--~ ,---''--~ ,---"----., ,----"----, ,-___.A.-., L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. ------~- -- - -~- 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 -----~------_--- 7 3 70 43 11 201 254 360

5 " 126 12 4 228 344 361 3 24 80 19 3 153 244 362

4 " 118 2 2 2 207 282 363 25 4 23 23 1 1 2 1 1 35 67 25 4 23 23 1 1 2 1 35 67 364(A) 39 3 54 36 3 14 10 131 174 39 3 54 36 3 14 10 131 174 364(B) 22 24 28 5 28 5 4 6 30 131 200 22 24 28 5 28 5 4 6 30 131 200 365 32 18 4 1 3 3 36 81 32 18 4 1 3 3 36 81 366(A) 33 10 21 14 1 3 1 2 1 17 81 115 33 10 21 14 1 3 1 2 1 17 81 115 366(B)