Anonymous Sojourners: Mapping the Territory of Caribbean Experiences of Immersion for Language Learning

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Anonymous Sojourners: Mapping the Territory of Caribbean Experiences of Immersion for Language Learning Anonymous Sojourners: Mappng the Terrtory of Carbbean Experences of Immerson for Language Learnng Ian Craig University of the West Indies Introduction: Locating Small-State Sojourners On the blog “Stuff Whte People Lke,” entry no . 72 on Study Abroad begns: In addton to accumulatng sexual partners, bnge drnkng, drug use and learnng, whte people consder studyng abroad to be one of the most mportant parts of a well rounded college educaton . Study Abroad allows people to leave ther current educatonal nsttuton and spend a semester or a year n Europe or Australa .Though study abroad are [sc] offered to other places, these two are the overwhelmng favortes . By attendng school n another country, whte people are techncally lvng n another country . Ths s mportant as t gves them the opportunty to nsert that fact nto any sentence they please . “When I used to lve n [nsert country], I would always rde the tran to school . The people I’d see were nsprng ”. (Clander) Flppant as t may sound, ths satrcal vgnette nonetheless captures certan aspects of the conventonal wsdom surroundng at least one type of study abroad, ndeed largely consdered the provnce of “whte people,” whose experence s vewed as an exotc rte of self-dscovery, n whch empathzng wth the poor and acqur- ng mpressvely cosmopoltan tastes are cardnal features . Ths type of study abroad s generally avalable n countres n whch ether the State can afford to subsdze the cultvaton of ntercultural sklls or partcpants can afford t themselves, trad- tonally makng t a “whte” actvty to the extent that t s predomnantly “whte” countres that possess such affluence, and wh te students wthn them who are more lkely to be able to access the programs (Woodruff et al ). .Ogden’s recent desgnaton of ths type of developed-world sojourner as ncreasngly “colonal,” as a result of the packagng-for-comfort of some current study abroad programs, reflects contempo- rary unease regardng the ncreasng commodficaton of ths type of study abroad: 125 I a n C r a i g “In essence, colonal students are becomng the creators and propretors of ther own cultural experences . They are able to enter a new culture as consumer and proceed to lnger wthn ts pleasure perphery nteractng only as needed and often n an objectve and dsassocated manner” (Ogden, View 10–11) . Evdently, there has long been a parallel stream of sojourners n the opposte drecton, more commonly labeled “nternatonal students ”. These sojourners were ntally sponsored by the host natons, who n ths way hoped to contrbute to the development of the sendng natons whle spreadng “nternatonal goodwll” (or, more cyncally, whle ndoctrnatng the recpents of ther charty) . Latterly, many of the sendng natons became economcally advanced, allowng the host natons to charge them large sums, so that nternatonal students are now an ndspensable source of ncome for many tertary nsttutons n the developed world . The benefit to the home natons of developng world sojourners has been questonable and the term “bran dran” was coned largely as a result of the tendency for sojourners to stay n or move back to the host country after unsuccessful attempts to rentegrate nto the home socety . Equally, the assumpton of benefit to the host naton n the form of bengn atttudes of grattude pervadng elte groups n sendng natons has not always proven sound (Ward, Bochner and Furnham 14–45; Bochner, “Sojourners” 188) . It s the power relatons pre-supposed by these two opposng streams of study abroad, the “whte,” self-dscovery knd wth ts deepest roots n the arstocratc “Grand Tour” of the European well-to-do n the eghteenth century, as aganst the “non-whte” knd as a means of prncpally economc advancement—that underpn most dscusson and research of study abroad and of nternatonal student sojourn- ers . Tradtonally, Anglophone Carbbean students have followed other developng- world sojourners n studyng abroad n destnatons whch promse first-world edu- catonal prestge and thus mproved employment opportuntes: the UK, Canada and the U S. .The exstence of a regonal unversty has also facltated study abroad n other Anglophone Carbbean terrtores for many, though regonal traffic between the Unversty of the West Indes (UWI) campuses s now sgnficantly less than n the past (UWI has campuses n Trndad and Tobago, Jamaca and Barbados, to whch natonals of other CARICOM terrtores transfer full tme after complet- ng ther first year at communty colleges at home) . All of these tradtonal destna- tons offer apparent cultural proxmty, often the l teral proxmty of mgrant famly members, and the lack of a language barrer to be overcome . More recently, however, ncreasng numbers of Carbbean students are opt- ng to sojourn n destnatons whose prncpal lure s the relatve lngustc and cultural distance they have to offer (Mexco, Cuba, France, Colomba, Costa Rca), the opportunty to move beyond cultural boundares, whle often movng 126 F r o n t i e r s : The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad sdeways, rather than upwards, n terms of educatonal prestge or economc devel- opment . The mplcatons of ths type of post-colonal sojournng, n whch the sojourner s from a former colonal terrtory but heads somewhere other than the former seat of empre or a more economcally developed country, and prncpally for personal ntercultural gan rather than economc or educatonal prestge rea- sons, have not been studed; there appears to be even less research, f any at all, nto the unque experence of sojourners whose home countres are smply unrecognz- able to ther hosts because they are a mnute fracton of the sze, n terms of popu- laton, geographcal area and global poltcal profile, of the countres they vst . Ths paper presents findngs of a plot qualtatve study of Carbbean stu- dents undertakng overseas mmerson prmarly for the purpose of perfectng ther knowledge of a language and understandng of a culture other than ther own . The partcpants were a group of eleven UWI, Cave Hll (Barbados) gradu- ates, five n Colomba, sx n France, all workng as Englsh-language assstants for eght to ten months durng the 2007–2008 academc year . Of the five n Colomba, four were Barbadan, one St . Lucan; of those n France, one classfied herself as both Trndadan and Barbadan, the others were Barbadan . Only one of the subjects, n Colomba, was male; all were of Afrcan descent . Three data collecton nstruments were used: dares kept by partcpants throughout the sojourn; eleven sem-structured ntervews averagng 56 mnutes duraton, wth eght of these beng after the sojourn and three durng (after three months); a questonnare admnstered sx months after return . Regardng the content of the dary, sojourners were advsed as follows: The d ary should be an honest reflecton of your everyday experence n a new envronment . The followng types of experence are partcularly of nterest: 1 . Encounters or happenngs you fnd enlghtenng, stmulatng or dfferent . 2 . Incdents or behavors you fnd hard to understand or unusual . . Stuatons that are uncomfortable or humorous as a result of dfferng expectatons . 4 . Any other thoughts or feelngs about your study abroad/mmerson experence . 127 I a n C r a i g Whle dary-keepng was naturally varable and some were only sporadc chronclers, some partcpants managed as many as fifteen thousand words by the end of the sojourn . Keepng the dary was mentoned by some as a thera- peutc exercse n tself, an observaton that echoes findngs of prevous research (Jackson 180; Patron 16, 147) . Though the small s ze of the sample and the open-ended character of the data collecton nstruments clearly lmt the generalzablty of the results, the am of the study was necessarly exploratory: to begn to map the terrtory of the small-State sojourner experence as aganst that of sojourners from large, recognzable natons, whose study abroad experence has been examned from multple perspectves for decades . Ths exploratory am would have been under- mned by over-determnng the salence of partcular aspects, so a wde-rangng response was encouraged n both dary entres and ntervews . It should be noted that the partcpants were not undertakng classcally defined “study abroad,” as they were all employed as Englsh-language assstants at varous levels of the French and Colomban educaton systems and dd not attend formal classes . Though some worked or were housed w th other non-local language asss- tants, and others were close enough to compatrot fellow-sojourners to vst each other farly regularly, none were part of a co-natonal group from the perspectve of the nsttutons employng them . The realty s that ths type of mmerson-wth- employment has thus far proved the only vable means of regularly nvolvng Anglo- phone Carbbean language students n sojourns of longer duraton . Goals of the Study One of the prncpal functons of the present study s thus to begn to fill a gap n the research by assessng how the relatve sze and “recognzablty” of the home and host states may affect the sojourner’s experence . Whle ths broader ques- ton may at least begn to be addressed by studyng Eastern Carbbean sojourners, the specficty of natonal and ndeed ndvdual dentty means that any study of ths group must necessarly have a more lmted prncpal focus: to observe and nterpret what these particular sojourners experenced . Ths more specfic goal w ll facltate subsequent practcal objectves of the study n the future: • The development of relevant, orgn-specfic orentaton and nter- cultural tranng mechansms for Carbbean sojourners pror to departure, support mechansms and approprate nterventons durng the sojourn, and post-sojourn protocols
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