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Articulata 2010 25 (2): 185௅198 Ökologie ARTICULATA 2010 25 (2): 185௅198 ÖKOLOGIE Conservation value of dry grasslands in Westphalia (Northwest Germany) based on pitfall trap data of Orthoptera Jens Schirmel & Sascha Buchholz Abstract As part of a detailed survey of diversity and ecology of spider assemblages, nearly all dry grassland habitats of northern Westphalia were investigated by pit- fall trapping from 2006 to 2008. Although pitfall trapping is a rather uncommon sampling technique for grasshoppers, it is known to be an appropriate collecting method in sparsely vegetated habitats, such as dry grasslands. All in all, 24 study sites (Genisto-Callunetum, Spergulo-Corynephoretum) in 9 investigation areas were sampled continuously from August 2006 to July 2008. A total of 2,975 grasshopper specimens from 13 species were captured, with Myrmeleotettix maculatus as the most abundant species by far. Further frequent species were Chorthippus mollis, Stenobothrus lineatus and Gryllus campestris. Ordination (DCA) showed species groupings at the site level and Poisson generalised linear models (GLM) revealed significant responses of several grasshopper species to site and landscape parameters. The very frequent occurrence of the locally threatened Chorthippus mollis and of the xerothermic Myrmeleotettix maculatus suggested that the studied dry grassland sites may have at least some limited value for xerothermic species. Especially, the largest and less isolated sites have high value for conservation, as shown by ecological preferences of the target species Gryllus campestris and the threatened Stenobothrus lineatus. It appears to be quite worthwhile to consider and analyse results from pitfall trapping studies conducted in sparsely vegetated habitat types. Zusammenfassung Im Rahmen einer Untersuchung zur Diversität und Ökologie von Spinnengemein- schaften erfolgten in den Jahren 2006 bis 2008 Bodenfallenerfassungen in nahe- zu allen Sandlebensräumen der Westfälischen Bucht. Obwohl Bodenfallen zu- meist nicht für die Erfassung von Heuschrecken eingesetzt werden, können die Fangergebnisse gerade in offenen Habitattypen wertvolle Ergebnisse liefern. Insgesamt wurden in neun Gebieten 24 Untersuchungsflächen (Genisto-Callu- netum, Spergulo-Corynephoretum) befangen. Es konnten dabei 2.975 Individuen aus 13 Arten erfasst werden. Die häufigste Art war mit Abstand Myrmeleotettix maculatus, ebenfalls häufig kamen Chorthippus mollis, Stenobothrus lineatus und Gryllus campestris vor. Die Ordination (DCA) zeigte eine deutliche Gruppie- rung der Arten und die Ergebnisse der Poisson GLM (generalisierte lineare Modelle) belegten einen signifikanten Einfluss bestimmter Habitat- und Land- schaftsparameter auf das Vorkommen zahlreicher Arten. Das häufige Vorkom- men xerophiler und gefährdeter Arten zeigt den hohen naturschutzfachlichen ARTICULATA 25 (2) [30.11.2010] 185 Wert der untersuchten Gebiete, wobei vor allem große und wenig isolierte Flä- chen aufgrund ihrer Bedeutung für die Zielart Gryllus campestris sowie für die gefährdete Art Stenobothrus lineatus besonders hervorzuheben sind. Grundsätz- lich belegt die Studie, dass eine Auswertung von Bodenfallenfängen aus offenen Habitattypen sehr aufschlussreiche naturschutzfachliche Ergebnisse liefern kann. Introduction Nutrient-poor sandy grasslands and heathlands are among the most endangered ecosystems in Germany (RIECKEN et al. 2006). During the past 50 years, the area of open sand habitats has considerably decreased due to lack of distur- bance (drifting sand, grazing, and fire) and intensive cultivation and afforestation (BERGER-LANDEFELDT & SUKOPP 1965, JECKEL 1984, JENTSCH et al. 2002, KRA- TOCHWIL 2004). In north western Germany, sand habitats exhibit a large number of specialised and rare species (BELLMANN 1997, WIESBAUER & MAZZUCCO 1997, STEVEN 2004). These habitats take up only small areas (VERBÜCHELN & JÖBGES 2000, PARDEY 2004) and many biotopes, as e.g., dry grasslands, heathlands, and inland dunes, are in danger of disappearing in North Rhine-Westphalia (VERBÜCHELN et al. 1999) and Lower Saxony (DRACHENFELS 1996). Therefore, many stenotopic species of these habitats are endangered by habitat loss and fragmentation (MAAS et al. 2002). Orthoptera occur in a wide variety of open terrestrial habitats. In particular, they are very abundant in grassland and heathland and often the main invertebrate consumers (CURRY 1994). In addition, Orthoptera play an important role as food source for many predator groups, such as birds and spiders (JOERN 1986, CHER- ILL & BEGON 1989, SAMWAYS 1997). Orthoptera are highly sensitive to environ- mental changes, for example due to grazing, mowing, abandonment, succession or invasive plant species (KÖHLER & KOPETZ 1993, BÁLDI & KISBENEDEK 1997, FARTMANN & MATTES 1997, SAMWAYS 1997, SCHIRMEL 2010) and are therefore a suitable indicator group within all kinds of diversity and conservation studies (PONIATOWSKI & FARTMANN 2008). Within a detailed investigation of diversity and ecology of spider assemblages, nearly all dry grassland habitats of northern Westphalia were investigated by pit- fall trapping from 2006 to 2008 (BUCHHOLZ 2010). During such ecological field studies, which often include an intensive trapping program, high numbers of by- catch organisms, such as grasshoppers, are caught. According to PUTMAN (1995) and NEW (1999), field workers should take this data into account. Re- cently, BUCHHOLZ et al. (2010) pointed out that analyses of by-caught animals might provide useful ecological information and faunistic data. In general, sweep netting, transect counts and box-quadrat sampling are com- mon methods to assess diversity and abundance of Orthoptera, whereas pitfall trapping has been rarely used (GARDINER et al. 2005). Pitfall trapping is a de- structive sampling method and should therefore be applied with care, for exam- ple when other methods cannot be used (e.g. in military areas, cf. BIERINGER & ZULKA 2003). However, according to REMMERT (1978) and INGRISCH & KÖHLER (1998), the analysis of by-caught Orthoptera from pitfall trap studies could pro- 186 [30.11.2010] ARTICULATA 25 (2) vide suitable results. WALLASCHEK (1995) and lately SCHIRMEL et al. (2010a) stated that pitfall trapping is a reasonable sampling method in sparsely vegetated habitats, such as dry grasslands, which comprise high numbers of geobiont spe- cies. This could have been shown e.g. in the studies of SCHNITTER et al. (2003) and KLATT (2006). To this date, several studies have analysed diversity and ecology of Orthoptera in open and dry grassland ecosystems (e.g. SCHIEMENZ 1969, OSCHMANN 1969, INGRISCH 1987, KÖHLER & KOPETZ 1993, PERNER 1997, ZEHM 1997) but Northwest Germany in particular has so far been rarely investigated – only studies by SALZ- BRUNN (1996), KÜBLER (2000) and PERSIGEHL & ASSMANN (2004) and autecologi- cal studies of HOCHKIRCH (1996) and HOCHKIRCH et al. (2006) deal with this topic in Northwest Germany. The aim of the present study is to increase the current knowledge by (i) presenting an extensive data set of dry grassland Orthoptera in northern Westphalia, (ii) providing information to characterise the ecological status of the investigated habitat types and (iii) describing special needs of cer- tain dry grassland indicator species. Methods Study area The investigation areas lied scattered in the Westphalian Bay, which takes up the northwestern part of the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia in NW Germany (elevation; 40-130 m.a.s.l.) (Fig. 1). Maximum distances between the areas were about 125 km (W-E) and 75 km (N-S). The predominantly level to slightly undu- lating landscape is glacially formed and the ice-age top layers are fluvial and aeolic sands with dry soil conditions (MEYNEN & SCHMITHÜSEN 1959; DINTER 1999). The climate is Sub-Atlantic with a mean annual temperature of 9.5 to 10 °C and an annual precipitation between 700 and 750 mm. The distinct Sub- Atlantic character of the climate in the West weakens towards the East (MURL NRW 1989). According to BURRICHTER (1973), the potential natural vegetation consists of beech and oak forests (Fago-Quercetum typicum). The lowlands are used mainly by agriculture. Large extensions of the sand regions are covered by grasslands. The percentage of forest is mostly small (DINTER 1999). Sampling design Overall, 24 study sites in 9 investigation areas were sampled continuously from August 2006 to July 2008 (Fig. 1, Tab. 1). The whole range of habitat types rep- resenting the dry sand ecosystems of the study area, such as Genisto-Callu- netum and Spergulo-Corynephoretum, was considered. Four pitfall traps were installed at each study site. The traps were 500 ml plastic cups with a 90 mm di- ameter that were one-quarter filled with a 4% formalin-detergent solution. The position of each trap was determined randomly but traps had a minimum dis- tance of 5 m to each other. Emptying was carried out every four weeks. After- wards, Orthoptera were sorted and transferred to 75% ethanol and, subse- quently, adults were identified using keys of SYCHEV (1979), INGRISCH (1995), and BELLMANN (2006). ARTICULATA 25 (2) [30.11.2010] 187 Fig. 1: Map of study area. A = Bockholter Berge, B = Boltenmoor, C = Elter Sand, D = Heiliges Meer, E = Klatenberge, F = Letter Wacholderheide, G = Moos- heide, H = Wacholderheide Hörsteloe, I = Westruper Heide (see Tab. 1 for fur- ther information). Tab. 1: Study area characteristics (size = size of nature reserve [ha], isol. = isolation of nature reserve, sand. = total size of dry grassland patches [ha]). ID area name MTB-Q N E size isol. sand. A Bockholter Berge 3912-1 52°03'30.21'' 07°39'39.05'' 60.8 4.4 0.8 B Boltenmoor 3912-1 52°01'18.58'' 07°41'10.12'' 33.9 3.7 1.6 C Elter Sand 3711-3 52°13'27.45'' 07°32'02.04'' 26.7 7.1 4.0 D Heiliges Meer 3611-2 52°21'12.11'' 07°38'02.91'' 73.5 12.1 11.4 E Klatenberge 3912-4 52°00'16.73'' 07°47'02.70'' 5.0 2.0 2.9 F Letter Wacholderheide 4109-1 51°53'12.09'' 07°10'05.81'' 4.4 9.9 0.3 G Moosheide 4118-1/3 51°51'18.71'' 08°40'58.69'' 443.3 3.3 38.0 H Wacholderheide Hörsteloe 3907-1 52°05'45.50'' 06°54'43.20'' 87.8 28.8 1.5 I Westruper Heide 4209-3 51°44'07.03'' 07°14'16.47'' 76.7 6.4 8.6 188 [30.11.2010] ARTICULATA 25 (2) Three parameters were recorded both for the habitat and the landscape.
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    ZOBODAT - Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Articulata - Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Orthopterologie e.V. DGfO Jahr/Year: 2010 Band/Volume: 25_2010 Autor(en)/Author(s): Berger Dirk, Gottsberger Brigitte Artikel/Article: Analysis of the courtship of Myrmeleotettix antennatus (Fieber, 1853) - with general remarks on multimodal courtship behaviour in gomphocerine grasshoppers 1-21 Deutschen Gesellschaft für Orthopterologie e.V.; download ARTICULATA 2010 25 (1): 1௅21 BIOLOGIE Analysis of the courtship of Myrmeleotettix antennatus (Fieber, 1853) – with general remarks on multimodal courtship behaviour in gomphocerine grasshoppers Dirk Berger & Brigitte Gottsberger Abstract Gomphocerine grasshoppers are known to produce species-specific songs by a femoral-tegminal mechanism. Male songs are considered to play a crucial role as interspecific hybridization barrier between species since male songs are discri- minated by conspecific females according to their preferences towards distinct song structures and temporal patterns. During own comprehensive studies about grasshopper songs it became evident that calling and courtship songs play dif- ferent roles in the mating systems in different grasshopper species. Whereas in many species calling and courtship songs resemble each other widely (e.g. most Chorthippus species), in others highly complex courtship songs evolved contain- ing acoustical and visual elements. That leads to the assumption that different mating systems within Gomphocerinae and even more in caeliferan grasshop- pers exist. About the diversity of mating systems in short horned grasshoppers not much is known yet. In this study we describe the multimodal courtship behav- iour of Myrmeleotettix antennatus. The courtship repertoire contains three acous- tical elements and three visual displays in which the antennae, the palps and the body are involved.
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