Each District Census Handbook contains a general account of the district and its people, census tables and statistics on the area, houses, population, general amenities available in villages and towns and the distribution of population by industrial categories of workers and non-workers for each village, town and lower units. Each District Census Handbook is published in three part9 as given below:

Part A-Town and Village Directory.

Part B-Town and Village Primary Census Abstract

Part C-Present volume

Parts A and B relating to each districts were published together in one volume immediately after the 1971 census as soon as the data became available. Part C was originally intended to include Administrative Statistics such as land-use and cropping pattern, livestock and poultries, details of police force, jails, local bodie~, educational insti. tutions, medical institutions etc. But since these data have already been published by the Directorate of Economics and Statistics, it was decided to drop the Administrative Statistics and the report thereon from Part C of the District Census Handbbok and instead publish the Part C volume with the census tables pertaining to the district. Accordingly the Part C volume is now published showing all the important census tables.


..A-SERIES Page A-I Area, houses and population 1 Appendix-I Statement showing 1961 territorial units constituting the present set-up of Kerala 3 Sub-Appendix Towns showing areas for 1961 and 1971, which have undergone changes in area since 1961 Census 3 Appendix-II Number of villages with a population of 5,000 and over and towns with a popula- tion under 5,000 . 4 Appendix-III Houscless and institutional population 4 A-II Decadal variation in population since 1921 5 Appendix Statement showing 1961 population according to its territorial jurisdiction in 1961, changes in area and population of 1961 adjusted to jurisdiction of 1971 5 A -III Villages classified by population 6 A-In (Special table) KarasJmurisJdesoms classified by population 6 A-IV Towns and urban agglomerations classified by population in 1971 with variation since 1901 8 Appendix-I New towns added in 1971 and towns in 1961 declassified, renamed or merged in 197] 9 Appendix-I Explanatory Note A-Constituent units of new towns in 1971 9 Appendix-I Explanatory Note B- Constituent villages into which 1961 towns have relapsed after declas:,ification in 1971 9 Appendix-II Changes in area of towns (with population) between 196] and 1971 and reasons for change in area 9

B-SERIES B-1 Part-A Workers and non-workers according to main activity classified by sex and age group 10 B-II Workers and non-workers in cities and non-city urban areas according to main activity classified by sex and age groups (Full count) 16 B-1II Part-A Classification of workers and non-workers according to main activity by educational levels in urban areas only 18 B-III Part-B Classification of workers and non-workers according to main activity by educational levels in rural areas only 20 B-IV Part-A Industrial classification of persons at work other than at cultivation as main acti- vity by sex and divisions-Major groups and minor groups 22 B-IV Part D Industrial classification by sex and class of workers of persons at work in non-house- hold industry, trade, business, profession or service as maill activity 28 B-VI Part-A (i) Occupational classification of persons at work according to main activity other than cultivation classified by sex and age grcups in urhan areas only 31 B-VI Part-A (ii) Occupational rlassiEcation of persons at work according to main activity other than cultivation classified by sex and educational levels in urban areas only 40 B-VI Part-B(i) Occupaticllal classification of persons at work according to main activity other than cultivaticn classified by sex and age groups in rural areas only 44 B-VI Part-B(ii) Cccuraticnal classification of persons at work according to main activity other nan culti\ation classified by fex and educational levels in rural areas oilly 53 B--VII Secondary work i.e. persons having main activity (i) CultivC'.tors, (ii) Agicultural Labourers, (iii) Household Industry, (iv) Non-Household Industry, Trade, Busilles') or Service and (v) Non-workers classified by se:-. and by secondary work (i) Culti- vator, (li) Agricultural Labourer, (iii) Household Industry, (iv) Non-hcusehold Industry, Trade, Business or Service 55 B-VlII Persons classified as non-workers acccrding to main activ:ty cross classified by sex, age groups and type of activity 56 Page C-SERIES C-I Part-A Members of households by relationship to head of household classified by age-groups 58 C-III Part-A Age, sex and education in all areas 58 C-III Part-B Age, sex and education in urban areas only 60 C-V Part-A(i) Distribution of languages (inclusive of mother-tongues grouped under each) specified in Schedule VIII to the Constitution of 61 C-V Part-A(ii) Distribution of languages (inclusive of mother-tongues grouped under each) specified in Schedule VIII to the Constitution of India for districts, taluks etc. and towns 62 C-V Part-B(i) Speakers of languages/mother-tongues (inclusive of mother-tongues where grouped) other than those specified in Schedule VIII to the Constitution of India for States and district~ 63 C-V Part-B(ii) Speakers of languages/mother-tongues (inclusive of mother-tongues where grouped) other than those specified in Schedule VIn to the Constitution of India for districts/ taluks/towns 63 C-VII Religion 64 C-VIII Part-A Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes-Classification by literacy and industrial category of workers and non-workers according ~o main activity among Scheduled Castes 66 C-VIII Part-B Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes- Classification by literacy and industrial category of workers and non-workers according to main activity among Scheduled Tribes 68 D-SERIES

D-I Population classified by place of birth 70 Appendix-I Persons born in other districts of the State and enumerated in this district 73 Appendix-II Persons born in this district but enumerated in other districts of the State 75 D-V Migrant workers and non-workers according to main activities classified by place of last residence 76 D-VI Migrants classified by place of last residence, age group, duration of residence and marital status 82

E-SERIES E-I Distribution of establishments by broad types 91 E-II Part-A Distribution of manufacturing, processing or servicing establishments other than household industries classified by registered factories, unregistered workshops and size of employment 92 E-II Part-B Distribution of manufacturing, processing or 5evicing establishments other than household industries classified by indmtry, tueljpower or manual used and size of employment 94 E-U Part-C Distribution of household industry establishments classified by in dustry, fuel/power or manual used and size of employment 104 E-III Distribution of trade/commercial establishments classified by the type of business or trade and size of employment. 106 E-IV Distribution of establishments (other than manufacturing, processing or servicing or business and trade establishments) by size of employment lOT

H-SERIES H-I Census houses and the uses to which they are put 109 H-II Distribution of cens.us houses by predominant mater ial of wall and predominant material of roof 109 H-Ill Households classified by number of members and by number of rooms occupied 111 . Page S C SERIES SC-I Part-A Industrial classification of persons at work and non-workers by sex for Scheduled Castes (Rural) 112 SC-I Part-B Industrial classification of persons at work and non-workers by sex for Scheduled Castes (Urban) 114 SC-II Age and marital status for Scheduled Castes 115 SC-JII Part-A Education in urban areas only for Scheduled Castes 118 SC-III Part-B Education in rural areas only for Scheduled Castes 119 SC-IV Persons not at work classified by sex, type of activity and educational levels for Scheduled Castes 120 S T SERIES ST-I Part-A Industrial classification of persons at work and non-workers by sex for Scheduled Tribes (Rural) 121 ST-I Part-B Industrial classification of persons at work and non-workers by sex for Scheduled T~~W~~ In ST-JI Age and marital status for Scheduled Tribes 123 ST-III Part-A Education in urban areas only for Scheduled Tribes 125 ST-III Part-B Education in rural areas only for Scheduled Tribes 125 ST-IV Persons not at work classified by sex, type of activity and educational levels for Scheduled Tribes 126 ST-V Religion for Scheduled Tribes 127


No. of villages No. of Total Population occupied No. of Population District/Taluk/ Rural Area in per Inhabited Uninha- No. of residential house- City/Town Urban km2 km2 bited towns houses holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Malappuram T 3,638.0 510 117 5 286,118 291,225 1,856,362 909,515 946,847 district R 3,560.1 0486 117 268,621 272,627 1,731,510 848,028 883,0482 U 77.9 1,603 5 17,497 18,598 124,852 61,0487 63,365

HIGHLAND R 691.9 150 4 17,611 17,865 103,819 52,267 51,552


T 2,842.7 561 107 4 247,669 251,253 1,595,475 781,476 813,999 R 2,774.1 543 107 234,292 237,488 1,506,346 737,415 768,931 U 68.6 1,300 4 13,377 13,765 89,129 44,061 45,068

LOWLAND T 103.-4 1,519 6 1 20,838 22,107 157,068 75,772 81,296 R 94.1 1,290 6 16,718 17,274 121,345 58,346 62,999 U 9.3 3,833 1 4,120 4,833 35,723 17,426 18,297

Ernad taluk T 2,261.9 316 -45 2 114,695 116,278 715,496 356,253 359.243 R 2,215.0 301 45 107,160 108,562 667,760 332,664 335,096 U 46.9 1,018 2 7,535 7,716 47,736 23,589 24,147 HIGHLAND R 686.2 151 4 17,611 17,865 103,819 52,267 51,552

MIDLAND T 1,575.7 388 41 2 97,084 98,413 611,677 303,9S6 307,691 R 1,528.8 369 41 89,549 90,697 563,941 280,397 283,544 U 46.9 1,018 2 7,535 7,716 47,736 23,589 24,147 MalapPllram (M) U 33.60 952 1 5,019 5,125 32,002 15,889 16,113 (NM) U 13.27 1,186 1 2,516 2,591 15,734 7,700 8,034

MIDLAND Perintalmanna T 505.9 540 24 43,000 43,583 273,101 132,979 140,122 Taluk R 500.8 527 24 41,602 42,090 263,980 128,516 135,464 U 5.1 1,788 1,398 1,493 9,121 4,463 4,658

Perinfalmanna (NM) U 5.10 1,788 1,398 1,493 9,121 4,463 4,658 tal uk T 665.1 983 38 96,592 98,124 653,793 . 317,445 336,348 R 648.5 958 38 92,148 93,568 621,521 301,436 320,085 U 16.6 1,945 4,444 4,556 32,272 16,039 16,263


T 600.3 949 34 85,365 86,544 569,405 276,638 292,767 R 583.7 920 34 80,921 81,988 537,133 260,629 276,504 U 16.6 1,945 4,444 4,556 32,272 16,009 16,263 Tirur (NM) U 16.59 1,945 -4,444 4,556 32,272 16,009 16,263 LOWLAND

R 64.8 1,302 4 11,227 11,580 84,388 40,807 43,581 taluk T 199.4 1,073 10 1 31,831 33,240 213,972 102,838 111,134 R 190.1 938 10 27,711 28,407 17i,249 85,412 92,831 U 9.3 3,833 1 4,120 -4,833 35,723 17,426 18,297


160.8 879 S 22,220 22,713 141,292 67,873 73,419 TABLE A-I AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION-concld. No. of villages No. of Total Population occupied No. of Population District/Taluk/ Rural Area in per Inhabited Uninha- No. of residential house- City/Town Urban kIn 2 kIn:! bited towns houses holds Persons Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 LOWLAND T 38.6 1,883 2 1 9,611 10,527 72,680 34,965 37,715 R 29.3 1,261 2 5,491 5,694 36,957 17,539 19,418 U 9.3 3,833 4,120 4,833 35,723 17,426 18,297 Ponnani (NM) U 9.32 3,833 1 4,120 4,833 35,723 17,426 18,297

Note:- 1. This table includes area, houses and population of forest areas also. 2. Towns treated as such for the first time in 1971 are printed in italics. 3. The following abbreviations have been used for the status of a town. M-Municipal. NM-Non-municipal. 4. The area figures given in column 3 for the district represent provisional 'Geographical area' figures supplied by the Surveyor General, India. Figures for urban areas are those supplied by the local bodies. Area figures for rural areas are derived by su btracting the urban area figures from the total area of the district. The total area figures of taluks will not tally with district figures because the former represent 'land use area' and are derived from the figures supplied by the Director of Survey and Land Records. The area figures for Highland, Midland and Lowland are compiled by the census office. 5. The density figures per km:< shown under column 4 for urban area of districtltaluk are worked out using the area figures corrected upto 2 places of decimals obtained by adding the area of individual town in the respective unit and not by using the area figures given in the table. For 'total' and 'rural' the density is worked out on area figures corrected upto 1 place of decimal.

2 A-I AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION APPENDIX I Statement showing 1961 territorial units constituting the present set-up of Kerala (The units which have not undergone any jurisdictional change have been excluded from this Appendix. The area figures given here are based on the area figures supplied by Director of Sarvey and Land Records for the 1971 census.) Name of Area which has been Name of Net gain! Areas added district/ subtracted district /taluk Loss 1961 taluk from to which + (gain) District/Taluk Territorial Name Area in which area Name Area in area is -(Loss) (1971 Census) unit Ian 2 is subtracted km:.! added in km2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Malappuram Newly formed district (i) Ernad taluk 2,261 .91 (ii) (ex­ District cluding , , Kadalundi and reorga­ nised villages) (iii) firka 505.92 Palghat +3,632.28 and Perintalma­ District nna firka (exclu­ ding Karkitam­ kunnu and Che­ ttallur amsoms) of the erstwhile Perintalmanna taluk. (iv) Ponnani firka 199.42 and Andathodu firka (excluding , and reorganised villages) of Ponnani tal uk Perintalmanna Perintalmanna (i) Attapadi firka 1,099.55 Newly formed -1,099.55 taluk taluk and Mannarghat (ii) Mannarghat Taluk firka including Chettallur and Karkitamkunnu villages Tiror taluk Tiror taluk (i) Feroke, Rama- 37.07 Kozhikode -57.18 nattukara and Taluk Kadalundi reor- ganised villages (ii) Paraduf r.::orga­ 20.71 nised village Taluk Ponnani taluk (i) firka 172.170ttapalam -221.20 Talllk (ii) Vadakkekad, 49.03 Talwk Punnayur and Punnayurkulam reorganised villages

A-I AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION APPENDIX I Sub Appendix Towns showing areas for 1961 and 1971 which have undergOlze changes in area since 1961 Census Area in km2 Population of transferred area Town District 1961 1971 1961 1971 2 3 4 5 6 Tirur Malappuram 8.65 16.59 NA NA Ponnani 5.39 9.32 NA NA NA-Not Available 3 A-I AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION APPENDIX n Number 0/ village$ with a population 0/5,000 and oyer and towns with a population under 5,000 Villages with a population of 5,000 and over Towns with a population of under 5,000 Percentage to total Percentage to rural population total urban District/Taluk Number Population of state Number Population population of state 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 116 1,726,681 9.66 1. Ernad taluk 45 667,760 3.73 2. Perintalmanna tal uk 23 259,151 1.45 3. Tirur taluk 38 621,521 3.48 4. Ponnani taluk 10 178,249 1.00

A-I AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION APPENDIX m Housele$s and Instituti01lal Population Houseless population Institutional population Total District/Taluk/ Rural No. of No. of City Urban households Persons Males Females households Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Malappuram District T 319 710 452 258 1,347 8,433 6,910 1,523 R 252 542 356 186 1,043 6,446 5,333 1,113 U 67 168 96 72 304 1,987 1,577 410 1 Ernad taluk T 120 226 153 73 695 3,883 3,380 503 R 98 199 137 62 551 3,042 2,682 360 U 22 27 16 11 144 841 698 143 2 Perintalmanna T 52 86 60 26 110 882 774 lOS taluk R 47 81 55 26 62 671 596 75 U 5 5 5 48 211 178 33

3 Tirur taluk T 119 334 200 1 \ 420 2,970 2,223 747 R 86 205 131 ' 74- 348 2,325 1,736 589 U 33 129 69 60 72 645 487 158 4 Ponnani taluk T 28 64 39 25 122 698 533 165 R 21 57 33 24 82 408 319 89 U 7 7 6 40 290 214 76

4 A-II DECADAL VARIATION IN POPULATION SINCE 1921 Percentage decade District/Taluk Year Persons Decade variation variation Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Malappuram district 1921 764,138 375,166 388,972 1931 874,504 +110,366 +14.44 424,823 449,681 1941 977,085 +102,581 +11.73 473,762 503,323 1951 1,149,718 +172,633 +17.67 559,531 590,187 1961 1,387,378 +237,660 +20.67 674,345 713,033 1971 1,856,362 +468,984 +33.80 909,515 946,847 Ernad talllk 1921 264,168 130,487 133,681 1931 300,312 +36,144 +13.68 147,210 153,102 1941 339.743 +39,431 +13.13 167,131 172,612 1951 404,571 +64,828 +19.08 199,360 205,211 1961 524,294 +119,723 +29.59 260,458 263,836 1971 715,496 +191,202 +36.47 356,253 359,243 Perintalmanna tulllk 1921 122,574 59,585 62,989 1931 135,412 +12,838 +10.47 65,166 70,246 1941 151,438 +16,026 +11.83 72,863 78,575 1951 178,170 +26,732 +17.65 85,623 92,547 1961 207,068 +28,898 +16.22 99,009 108,059 1971 273,101 +66,033 +31.89 132,979 140,122

Tiror taluk 1921 281,315 138,129 143,186 1931 325,902 +44,587 +15.85 158,103 167,799 1941 362,133 +36,231 +11.12 174,853 187,280 1951 423,949 +61,816 +17.07 206,167 217,782 1961 492,604 +68,655 +16.19 237,691 254,913 1971 653,793 161,189 +32.72 317,445 336,348

Ponnani taluk 1921 96,081 46,965 49,116 1931 112,878 +16,797 +17.48 54,344 58,534 1941 ]23,771 +10,893 +9.65 58,915 64,856 1951 143,028 +19,257 +15.56 68,381 74,647 1961 163,412 +20,384 +14.25 77,187 86,225 1971 213,972 +50,560 +30.94 102,838 111,134


Statement shOWing 1961 population according to its territorial jurisdiction in 1961, changes in area and population 0/1961 adjusted to jurisdiction 0/ 1971 1961 population Population in Net increases according to 1961 adjusted or decrease Area in 1971 1971 Area in 1961 jurisdiction pre- to jurisdiction between District/taluk (km2) population (km2) vailin g in 1961 of 1971 columns 5 and 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 Malappuram district 3,638.0 1,856,362 1,387,378 +1,387,378 Ernad taJuk 2,261.9 715,496 2,261.8 524,294 524,294 Perintalmanna taluk 505.9 273,101 1,608.1 339,108 207,068 -132,040 Tirur tal uk 665.1 653,793 721.1 561,212 492.604 -68,608 Ponnani taluk 199.4 213,972 419.6 302,910 163,412 -139,498 5 STATE TABLE A-ill VILLAGES I Villages with less than Less than 200 200-499 500-999 Total number of Total rural population Population Population Population inhabited District/Taluk villages P M F No. M F No. M F No. M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Malappuram district 117 1731510 848028 883482 1 Emad taluk 45 667760 332664 335096 2 Perintalmanna taluk 24 263980 128516 135464 3 Tirur taluk 38 621521 301436 320085 4 Ponnani taluk 10 178249 85412 92837

This table includes population of forest areas also.


I Karas/Muris/Desoms with less than Total number of Less than 200 200--499 500-999 inhabited karas/ Total rural population Population Population Population muris! District/Taluk desoms P M F No. M F No. M F No. M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Malappuram district 566 1731510 848028 883482 1 167 129 26 4632 4953 70 26339 27978 Ernad taluk 164 667760 332664 335096 123 105 14 5575 5646 Perintalmanna 115 263980 128516 135464 8 1589 1606 19 7164 7475 Tirur 192 621521 301436 320085 13 2265 2438 18 6881 7433 Ponnani 95 178249 85412 92837 44 24 5 778 909 19 6719 7424

This table includes population of forest areas also. The entries against males and females with nil entry against number of karas/muris/desoms indicate population of forest areas only.

6 CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION II - Villages with a population 111- Villages with a population 2,000 population 2,000 - 9,999 of 10,000 and above 1,000-1,999 2,000-4,999 5,000-9,999 10,000 and above Population Population Population Population No. M F No. M F No. M F No. M 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

1 2418 2411 25 98611 102256 91 746999 778815 11 42728 43049 34 289936 292047 2418 2411 9 34715 36663 14 91383 96390 5 21168 22544 33 280268 297541 10 85412 92837

DESOMS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION III Karas/muris/desorns II Karas/muris/desoms with a population with a population of 2,000 population 2,000-9,999 10,COO and above 1,000-1,999 2,000-4,999 5,000-9,999 10,000 and above Population Population Population Population No. M F No. M F No. M F No. M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 170 122773 129457 220 334954 351564 56 175758 182932 23 183405 186469 49 37026 37103 66 101251 102960 23 70651 71459 12 118038 117823 38 27310 28950 ' 43 66845 71015 6 19719 20556 1 5889 5862 48 33663 36269 78 119352 126283 25 79797 84878 10 59478 62784 35 24774 27135 33 47506 51306 2 5591 6039

7 A-IV TOWNS (AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS) CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1971 WITH VARIATION SINCE 1901 Percentage SI. Status of Area in Decade decade No. Name of town District Year town km2 Persons variation variation Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 All Classes

Malappunun 1901 . 10,562 5,281 5,281 1911 13,984 +3,422 +32.40 6,860 7,124 1921 13,345 +639 -4.57 6,536 6,809 1931 16,210 +2,865 +21.47 7,837 8,373 1941 32,874 +16,664 +102.80 15,887 16,987 1951 45,793 +12,919 +39.30 22,217 23.576 1961 27.30 48,650 +2,857 +6.24 23,617 25,033 1971 72.78 124,852 +76,202 +156.63 61,487 63,365 Class I (100,000 and above) NIL Class n (50,000-99,999) NIL aass m (20,000-49,999) Total 1951 23,606 11,283 12,323 1961 5.39 22,977 -629 -2.66 10,939 12,038 1971 59.51 99,997 +77,020 +335.20 49,324 50,673 Ponnani Malappuram 1901 NM 10,562 5,281 5,281 1911 NM 13,984 +3,422 +32.40 6.860 7,124 1921 NM 13,345 -639 -:4.57 6,536 6,809 1931 NM 16,210 +2,865 +21.47 7,837 8,373 1941 NM 17,838 +1,628 +10.04 8,485 9,353 1951 NM 23,606 +5,768 +32.34 11,283 12,323 1961 NM 5.39 22,977 -629 -2.66 10,939 12,038 1971 NM 9.32 35,723 +12.746 +55.47 17.426 18,297 Tirur 1941 NM 9,489 4.667 4,822 " 1951 NM 11,830 +2.341 +24.67 5,892 5.938 1961 NM 8.65 13,397 +1,567 +13.25 6,662 6,735 1971 NM 16.59 32,272 +18,875 + 140.89 16,009 16,263 Malappuram 1971 M 33.60 32,002 15,889 16,113 Class IV (10,000-19,999) Total 1901 10,562 5,281 5,281 1911 13,984 +3422 +32.40 6,860 7,124 1921 13,345 -639 -4.57 6,536 6,809 1931 16,210 +2865 +21.47 7,837 8,373 1941 17,838 +1628 +10.04 8,485 9,353 1951 22,187 +4349 +14.38 10,934 11,253 1961 21.91 25,673 +3486 + 15.71 12,678 12,995 1971 13.27 15,734 -9939 -38.71 7,700 8,034 Manjeri Malappuram 1941 NM 5,541 2,735 2,812 1951 NM 10,357 +4,810 +86.71 5,042 5,315 1961 NM 13.26 12,276 +1,919 +18.53 6,016 6,260 1971 NM 13.27 15,734 +3,458 +28.17 7,700 8,034 Class V (5,000-9,999) Total 1941 15,036 7,402 7,634 1971 5.10 9,121 4,463 4.658 Perintalmanna Malappuram 1971 NM 5.10 9,121 4,463 4,658

M-Municipal, NM-Non-municipal The total for any class in any post census has been worked out or tlte total of towns of that particular class in that particular census. They include town which might have been individually withdrawn from urban states in preceding or succeeding censuses. Except in cases where several towns merged into one is which the class totals have been changed having regard to the computed population of the unit and not the individual towns. 8 A-IV TOWNS (AND URBAN ~GGLOMERATIONS) CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1971 WITH VARIATION SINCE 1901 APPENDIX I New towns added in 1971 and fowns in 1961 declassified, renamed or merged in 1971 Town in 1961 which has been declassified, renamed New town added in 1971 or merged in 1971 Population Population Area in Area in District Name of town km2 1971 1961 Name of town km2 1971 1961 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Malappuram 1. Malappuram 3~.60 32,002 24,800 1. 3.42 12,442 9,026 2. Perintalmanna 5.10 9,121 7,514 2. Tanur 8.96 24,556 18,289 3. Trikandiyur 8.65 NA 13,397

Nole:- TrikandiYlIr was partly merged with Timr in 1971 Trikandiyur was renamed as Tirur in 1971. NA-Not Available.

A-IV TOWNS (AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS) CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1971 WITH VARIATION SINCE 1901 APPENDIX I Explanatory Note A Constituent units of new towns in ]971 Constitu.:nt units as in 1961 ------Name of new town Name of villager Name of kara!muri/ Location code Population District (1971) (1971) town desom number (1961) 2 3 4 5 6 Malappuram Malappuram 1. Melmuri Melmuri 2-5-48-1 6,779 2. Malappuram Malappllram (Valiyangadi) 2-5-55-1 5,720 Malappuram (Kunnummel) 2-5-55-2 12,301 Perintalmanna Perintalmanna Perin tal manna 3-1-30-1 7,514 (pGrtion)


Constitu~nt Villages into which 1961 towns have relapsed after declassification in 1971 Constituent village 1971 Towns of ]961 declassified in Location code Area in Population 1971 District Name number km2 (1971) 2 3 4 5 6 Parappanangadi Malappuram Parappanangadi 3-3-8 3.42 12,442 Tanur Tanur 3-3-9 8.96 24,5~6

A-IV TOWNS (AND URABAN AGGLOMERATIONS) CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1971 WITH VARIATION SINCE 1901 APPENDIX II Changes in area of towns (with population) between 1961 and 1971 and reason for the change in art>Q Area in kJTI2 Population Reason for the Name of town District 1961 1971 1961 1971 change in area 2 3 4 5 6 7 Manjeri MaJappuram 13.26 13.27 12,276 15,734 Revised computation Tirur 8.65 16.59 13,397 32,272 Change in j urisdisction Ponnani 5.39 9.32 22,977 35,723 9 B-1 PART-A WORKERS AND NON-WORKERS ACCORDING TO

I II III Livestock, fore­ stry, fishing, hunting and plantations, orc· Agricultural hards & allied Total Total population Total workers Cultivators labourers activities Rural Age. District/Tlauk Urban group P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 MaJappuram district Total Total 1856362 909515 946847 406415 96229 88876 5837 131741 64913 28246 1758 0-14 805429 408563 396866 6603 3131 683 43 2641 1569 1050 52 15--19 188507 90709 97798 41036 12370 6292 157 17365 8975 3439 207 20-24 168163 80345 87818 65341 13511 11673 243 22805 9372 4380 258 25-29 122774 55246 67528 51204 11682 9673 323 16142 8219 3317 211 30-39 212243 99302 112941 94864 24269 18514 1267 29690 16911 6273 498 40-49 155274 77757 77517 73693 17820 16396 1463 23128 12051 4982 332 50-59 101802 50769 51033 44955 9268 13178 1258 12956 5783 3006 129 60-r 102091 46783 55308 28697 4169 12466 1082 7005 2026 1798 71 A.N.S. 79 41 38 22 9 1 197 1 Rural Total 1731510 848028 883482 379411 91369 87071 5718 128890 63621 25106 1720 0-14 754295 382716 371579 6264 2868 679 43 2608 1538 1018 51 15-19 175628 84402 91226 38682 11782 6212 154 17042 8814 3131 205 20-24 156383 74478 81905 60961 12841 11490 241 22338 9203 3901 255 25-29 114235 51406 62829 47734 11066 9494 318 15811 8066 2954 209 30-39 197249 92024 105225 88046 23112 18140 1244 29035 16587 5556 495 40-49 144324 72109 72215 68526 16939 16033 1436 22600 11772 4348 325 50-59 94634 47277 47357 42096 8827 12866 1231 12645 5663 2637 121 60+- 94689 43579 51110 27083 3926 12156 1050 6802 1971 1560 59 A.N.S. 73 37 36 19 8 1 1 9 7 1 Urban Total 124852 61487 63365 27004 4860 1805 119 2851 1292 3140 38 0-14 51134 25847 25287 339 263 4 33 31 32 1 15-19 12879 6307 6572 2354 588 80 3 323 161 308 2 20-24 11780 5867 5913 4380 670 183 2 467 169 479 3 25-29 8539 3840 4699 3470 616 179 5 331 153 363 2 30-39 14994 7278 7716 6818 1157 374 23 655 324 717 3 40-49 10950 5648 5302 5167 881 363 27 528 279 634 7 50-59 7168 3492 3676 2859 441 312 27 311 120 369 8 60+- 7402 3204 4198 1614 243 310 32 203 55 238 12 A.N.S. 6 4 2 3 1 Ernad taluk Total Total 715496 356253 359243 161191 37628 38095 1938 58193 26848 7630 1261 0-14 312504 157874 154630 2296 1180 219 14 1046 739 447 35 15-19 72853 36152 36701 15471 4876 2555 52 7434 3787 956 163 20-24 64858 32090 32768 26252 5346 5002 67 10170 3844 1204 205 25-29 48813 22830 25983 21351 4827 4246 90 7523 3540 910 166 30--39 82253 40175 42078 38697 9657 8026 408 13461 7015 1829 374 40-49 58196 30085 28111 28684 6707 7189 463 9973 4750 1315 223 50--59 38507 19640 18867 17539 3481 5668 440 5554 2340 691- 65 60+­ 37477 17390 20087 10892 1552 5189 403 3030 832 278 30 A.N.S. 35 17 18 9 2 1 1 2 1 Rural Total 667760 332664 335096 151435 36096 37006 1893 56657 26325 7276 1239 '0-14 292339 147672 144667 2221 1120 216 14 1030 729 443 34 15-19 67951 33738 34213 14742 4718 2506 52 7277 3721 914 161 20-24 60495 29921 30574 24657 5127 4887 66 9909 3773 1156 205 25-29 45574 21359 24215 20026 4631 4123 88 7346 3477 882 166 30-39 76666 37391 39275 36092 9282 7798 404 13071 6885 1739 373 40-49 54255 28070 26185 26865 6429 6970 452 9709 4633 1242 221 50-59 35721 18296 17425 16476 3330 5490 431 5383 2295 643 60 60+­ 34726 16201 18525 10347 1457 5015 385 2930 811 257 19 A.N.S. 33 16 17 9 2 1 1 2 1 10 MAIN ACTIVITY CLASSIFIED BY SEX AND AGE GROUPS Workers IV V VI VII VIII IX X Manufacturing, processing, servicing and repairs Transport, (a) (b) storage Mining and Household Other than house- Trade and and communi­ quarrying industry hold industry Construction commerce cations Other services Non-workers M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 ]9 20 2] 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2608 4 10802 4681 30322 4223 6635 132 43151 639 16899 302 47135 13740 503100 850618 7 234 235 474 226 52 3 504 8 186 4 772 990 401960 393735 169 .. 1250 736 3373 698 563 35 3536 41 1758 40 3291 1481 49673 85428 330 1767 676 5817 583 1090 29 6695 96 3312 64 7472 2190 15004 74307 302 1240 497 4310 466 831 17 5810 87 2412 68 7167 1793 4042 55846 709 2329 1021 7210 965 1639 26 11748 144 4369 69 12383 3367 4438 88672 583 1 1862 796 5234 751 1318 14 8432 141 3082 47 8676 2224 4064 59697 324 1211 465 2629 352 743 6 4410 72 1349 7 5149 1196 5814 41765 184 909 255 1274 182 399 2 2012 50 431 3 2219 498 18086 51139 1 4 6 19 29 2532 4 10123 4342 27047 3308 6065 105 37387 550 13814 253 41376 11748 468617 792113 7 1 214 208 422 167 46 2 439 8 158 4 673 846 376452 368711 162 .. 1173 676 3038 541 508 29 3051 35 1421 35 2944 1293 45720 79444 322 1658 623 5209 459 987 27 5754 91 2666 59 6636 1883 13517 69064 292 1150 448 3894 348 759 15 5069 73 1980 54 6331 1534 3672 51763 693 2161 957 6325 757 1509 20 10270 125 3585 54 10772 2872 3978 82113 565 1765 746 4684 606 1196 7 7301 117 2554 39 7480 1890 3583 55276 312 1143 441 2353 290 685 4 3798 59 1110 6 4547 1012 5181 38530 179 859 243 1122 140 375 1701 42 340 2 1989 418 16496 47184 4 4 18 28 76 679 339 3275 915 570 27 5764 89 3085 49 5759 1992 34483 58505 20 27 52 59 6 65 28 99 144 25508 25024 7 77 60 335 157 55 6 485 6 337 5 347 188 3953 5984 8 109 53 608 124 103 2 941 5 646 5 836 307 1487 5243 10 90 49 416 118 72 2 741 14 432 14 836 259 370 4083 16 168 64 885 208 130 6 1478 19 784 15 1611 495 460 6559 18 97 50 550 145 122 7 1131 24 528 8 1196 334 481 4421 12 68 24 276 62 58 2 612 13 239 1 602 184 633 3235 5 50 12 152 42 24 311 8 91 230 80 1590 3955 2 1 1 1 1056 4 4391 1005 11712 881 2827 51 12782 291 5723 134 18782 5215 195062 321615 3 71 35 III 28 14 70 2 24 291 324 155578 153450 65 478 147 1111 144 253 10 847 22 487 18 1285 533 20681 31825 136 746 143 2323 199 454 11 1974 47 1191 24 3052 886 5838 27422 134 535 126 1814 98 342 3 1872 41 945 32 3030 730 1479 21156 288 1 975 227 2992 225 690 11 3747 75 1581 29 5108 1292 1478 32421 238 1 755 177 1948 164 575 ]0 2401 62 999 25 3291 832 1401 21404 128 487 101 981 77 327 4 1313 25 395 3 1985 426 2101 15386 64 344 49 432 26 172 546 17 101 2 736 192 6498 18535 2 4 8 16 1001 4 4192 981 10732 831 2615 30 11285 262 4847 112 15824 4419 181229 299000 3 1 70 35 102 27 10 67 2 21 259 277 145451 143547 59 ~62 147 1013 138 221 6 763 21 397 15 1130 457 18996 29495 131 714 143 2146 113 419 9 1718 44 !)7J 23 2604 751 5264 25447 ]27 1 503 122 1676 92 322 2 1661 36 797 27 2589 620 1333 19584 275 1 920 219 2728 210 648 8 3315 68 1358 22 4240 1092 1299 29993 223 1 729 171 1791 157 526 3 2140 56 872 20 2663 715 1205 19756 120 465 96 886 72 306 2 1157 18 337 3 1689 353 1820 14095 63 329 43 390 22 163 462 17 '2 1 646 154 5854 17068 2 of 7 15 11 B-1 PART-A WORKERS AND NON-WORKERS ACCORDING TO

I II III Livestock, fore­ stry, fishing, hunting and plantations, or­ Agricultural chards & allied Total Total population Total workers Cultivators labourers activities Rural Age­ District/Taluk Urban group P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Urban Total 47736 23589 24147 9756 1532 1089 45 1536 523 354 22 0-14 20165 10202 9963 75 60 3 16 10 4 1 15-19 4902 2414 2488 729 158 49 157 66 42 2 20-24 4363 2169 2194 1595 219 115 1 261 71 48 25-29 3239 1471 1768 1325 ]96 123 2 177 63 28 30-39 5587 2784 2803 2605 375 228 4 390 130 90 1 40-49 3941 2015 1926 1819 278 219 11 264 117 73 2 50-59 2786 1344 1442 1063 151 178 9 171 45 48 5 60+ 2751 1189 1562 545 95 174 18 100 21 21 11 A.N.S. 2 1 1 Perintalmanna taluk Total Total 273101 132979 140122 6()676 18069 17357 1502 22108 12889 1832 180 0-14 118918 60391 58527 1153 468 2]2 22 546 276 148 12 15-19 28254 13390 14864 6636 2289 1456 64 3347 1816 229 33 20-24 25106 11793 13313 9929 2682 2538 97 3931 2000 293 27 25--29 18431 8221 10210 7732 2299 1985 110 2773 1723 215 27 30-39 30640 14366 16274 13884 4561 3608 326 4865 3306 407 48 40-49 21697 10658 11039 10250 3298 2875 375 3477 2301 330 21 50-59 15148 7382 7766 6672 1725 2407 294 2082 1089 148 9 60+ 14890 6775 8115 4418 742 2276 214 1087 373 62 3 A.N.S. 17 3 14 2 5 5 Rural Total 263980 128516 135464 58679 17601 17231 1487 21972 12776 1812 179 0-14 1]529] 58602 56689 1134 451 2]2 22 546 274 147 12 15-19 27310 12924 14386 6489 2252 1453 64 3327 1804 229 33 20-24 24206 11344 12862 9618 2617 2529 97 3903 1980 289 27 25-29 17817 7954 9863 7489 2235 1979 109 2751 1709 212 27 30-39 29491 13787 15704 13337 4439 3573 322 4844 3280 403 48 40-49 20907 10239 10668 9852 3203 2844 372 3455 2276 326 21 50-59 14600 7122 7478 6450 1679 2385 290 2064 1080 146 8 60+ 14342 6542 7800 4309 720 2256 211 1082 368 60 3 A.N.S. 16 2 14 1 5 5 PerintallDlUlDa Urban Total 9121 4463 4658 1997 468 126 15 136 113 20 1 Taluk 0-14 3627 1789 1838 19 17 2 15-19 944 466 478 147 37 3 20 12 20-24 900 449 451 311 65 9 28 20 4 25-29 614 267 347 243 64 6 22 14 3 30-39 1149 579 570 547 122 35 4 21 26 4 40-49 790 419 371 398 95 31 3 22 25 4 50-59 548 260 288 222 46 22 4 18 9 2 60+ 548 233 315 109 22 20 3 5 5 2 A.N.S. 1 Tirur taluk Total Total 653793 317445 336348 138198 24492 26303 1377 39755 15156 13663 205 0-14 286450 146036 140414 2360 955 222 5 813 359 380 4 15-19 65796 30848 34948 14370 3218 1920 28 5149 2120 1750 7 20-24 58541' 27186 31355 21819 3286 3391 50 6679 2072 2078 13 25-29 41780 18179 23601 16664 2741 2802 71 4545 1737 1595 13 30-39 74255 33566 40749 31705 6046 5354 - 301 8802 3946 2916 51 40-49 55206 27314 27892 25744 4669 4850 352 7393 3016· 2340 51 50-59 35393 17549 17844 15434 2447 - 3904 306 4131 1387· 1541 40 60+ 36355 16815 19540 10097 1128 3860 264 2241- 518 1062 26 A.N.S. 17 12 5 5 .2 1 - 1 12 MAIN ACI1VITY CLASSIFIED BY SEX AND AGE GROUPS-contd. Workers IV V VI VII VIII IX X Manufacturing, processing, servicing and repairs

(a) (b) Transport. Other than storage Mining and Household household Trade and and communi- quarrying Industry industry Construction commerce cations Other services Non-workers M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 55 199 24 980 50 212 21 1497 29 876 22 2958 796 13833 22615 1 9 4 1 3 3 32 47 10127 9903 6 16 98 6 32 4 84 90 3 155 76 1685 2330 5 32 177 6 35 2 256 3 218 448 135 574 1975 7 32 4 138 6 20 211 5 148 5 441 110 146 1572 13 S5 8 264 15 42 3 432 7 223 7 868 200 179 2428 15 26 6 157 7 49 7 261 6 127 5 628 117 196 1648 8 22 5 95 5 21 2 166 7 58 296 73 281 1291 1 15 1 42 4 9 1 84 9 1 90 38 644 1467 1 376 11714 593 3326 279 901 13 4259 138 1363 53 7440 2422 72303 122053 35 21 37 13 6 1 42 2 9 118 121 59238 58059 22 200 96 352 39 58 299 3 122 4 551 233 6754 12575 37 276 102 642 47 119 4 711 15 251 13 1131 377 1864 10631 42 197 62 475 41 119 3 640 20 204 14 1082 299 489 7911 113 347 129 772 60 227 3 1177 32 387 12 1981 645 482 11713 95 296 88 581 47 179 761 32 254 8 1402 426 408 7741 44 194 63 329 20 131 1 426 17 105 2 806 230 710 6041 23 169 32 137 12 62 202 17 31 369 91 2357 7373 1 1 9 370 ., 1678 581 3044 263 858 11 3750 116 1136 48 6828 2140 69837 117863 34 21 34 13 6 37 2 9 109 106 57468 56238 22 195 94 328 37 58 261 2 99 4 517 213 6435 12134 36 273 102 581 46 117 4 626 15 216 13 1048 333 1726 10245 42 193 60 443 38 112 3 588 16 175 11 994 262 465 7628 111 337 126 685 56 215 1035 28 329 11 1805 567 450 11265 95 289 85 543 43 168 665 23 198 7 1269 376 387 7465 43 190 62 303 19 127 369 17 85 2 738 200 672 5799 21 167 31 127 11 55 168 13 25 348 83 2233 7080 1 1 9 6 36 12 282 16 43 2 509 22 227 5 612 282 2466 4190 I 3 5 9 15 1770 1821 5 2 24 2 38 1 23 34 20 319 441 1 3 61 1 2 85 35 83 44 138 386 4 2 32 2 7 52 4 29 3 88 37 24 283 2 10 3 87 4 12 2 142 4 58 1 176 78 32 448 7 3 38 4 11 96 9 56 1 133 50 21 276 1 4 1 26 1 4 57 20 68 30 38 242 2 2 1 10 1 7 34 4 6 21 8 124 293 1 973 .. 3213 1720 10309 1479 1958 31 19601 139 6744 59 15679 4326 179247 311856 3 64 88 192 80 2,5 282 3 113 1 266 415 143676 139459 75 357 273 1242 234 168 14 1768 11 842 6 1099 525 16478 31730 131 507 227 1851 201 347 5 2984 25 1303 14 2548 679 5367 28069 105 349 180 1409 145 253 5 2492 16 852 13 2262 561 1515 20860 238 694 374 2377 346 491 4 5211 24 1653 16 3969 984 1801 34703 205 578 308 1849 266 385 2 3947 30 1227 . 7 2970 637 1570 23223 129 383 173 915 140 178 1979 21 553 1 1721 379 2115 15397 87 281 97 474 67 111 938 9 201 1 842 145 6718 18412 2 1 7 3 13 B-1 PART-A WORKERS AND NON-WORKERS ACCORDING TO

I II III Livestock, fore­ stry, fishing, hunting and plantations, orc­ Agricultural hards & allied Total Total population Total workers Cultivators labourers activities Rural Age­ District/Taluk Urban group P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Rural Total 621521 301436 320085 131529 23427 25802 1332 38807 14757 13432 197 0-14 272502 138964 133538 2262 881 221 5 798 352 376 4 15-19 62433 29188 33245 0752 3077 1895 26 5023 2067 1727 1 20-24 55501 25650 29851 20751 3156 3332 49 6532 2035 2045 11 25-29 39694 17243 22451 15835 2620 2758 70 4441 1695 1574 12 30-39 70511 31719 38792 30036 5767 5255 292 8610 3832 2856 49 40-49 52479 25908 26571 14447 4485 4762 342 7202 2927 2296 50 50-59 33703 16705 16998 14747 2353 3813 294 4033 1347 1514 38 60+ 34684 16049 18635 9696 1087 3766 254 2166 501 1043 26 A.N.S. 14 10 4 3 2 1 Urban Total 32272 16009 16263 6669 106S 501 45 948 399 231 8 0-14 13948 7072 6876 98 74 1 15 7 4 ]5·-19 3363 1660 ]703 618 141 25 2 126 53 23 20-24 3040 1536 1504 1068 130 59 147 37 33 2 25-29 2086 936 1150 829 12] 44 1 104 42 21 1 30-39 3744 1787 ]957 1669 279 99 9 192 114 60 2 40-49 2727 1406 1321 1297 184 88 10 191 89 44 1 50-59 ]690 844 846 687 94 91 12 98 40 27 2 60+ 1671 766 905 401 41 94 10 75 17 19 A.N.S. 3 2 2 Ponnani Taluk Total Total 213972 102838 111134 46350 16040 7121 1020 11685 10020 5121 112 0-14 87557 44262 43295 794 528 30 2 236 195 75 1 15-19 21604 10319 11285 4559 1987 361 13 1435 1252 504 4 20-24 19658 9276 10382 7341 2197 742 29 2025 1456 805 13 25-29 13750 6016 7734 5457 1815 640 52 1301 1219 597 5 30-39 25095 11255 13840 10578 4005 1526 232 2562 2644 1121 25 40-49 20175 9700 10475 9015 3146 1482 273 2285 1984 997 37 50-59 12754 6198 6556 5310 1615 1199 218 1189 967 626 15 60-~ 13369 5803 7566 3290 747 1141 201 647 303 396 12 A.N.S. 10 9 1 6 5

Rural Total 178249 85412 92837 37768 14245 7032 1006 11454 9763 2~86 105 0-14 74163 37478 36685 647 416 30 2 234 183 52 1 15-19 17934 8552 9382 3699 1735 358 12 1415 1222 261 4 20-24 16181 7563 8618 5935 1941 742 29 1994 1415 411 12 25-29 11150 4850 6300 4384 ]580 634 51 1273 1185 286 4 30-39 20581 9127 11454 8581 3624 1514 226 2510 2590 558 25 40-49 16683 7892 8791 7362 2822 1457 270 2234 1936 484 33 50-59 .. 10610 5154 5456 4423 1465 1178 216 1165 941 334 15 60+ 10937 4787 6150 2731 662 1119 200 624 291 200 11 A.N.S. 10 9 6 5 Urban Total 35723 17426 18297 8582 1795 89 14 231 257 2535 7 0-14 13394 6184 6610 147 112 2 12 23 ]5-19 3670 ]767 1903 860 252 3 20 30 243 20-24 3477 1713 1764 1406 256 31 41 394 1 25-29 2600 1166 1434 1073 235 6 1 28 34 311 1 30-39 4514 2128 2386 1"97 3il 12 6 52 54 563 40-49 3492 1808 1684 1653 324 25 3 51 48 513 4 50-59 2144 1044 1100 887 150 21 2 24 26 292 60+ 2432 1016 1416 5S9 8S 22 1 23 12 196 1 A.N.S. 14 MAIN ACTIVITY CLASSIFIED BY SEX AND AGE GROUPS-Concld. Workers

IV V VI VII VIII IX X Manufacturing, processing, servicing and repairs (a) (b) Transport. Other than storage Mining and Household household Trade and and communi- quarrying industry industry Construction commerce cations Other services Non-workers M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 959 .. 2989 1683 9608 1432 1813 28 17697 125 5953 50 14469 3823 169907 296658 3 % ~ 1M ~ ~ 267 3 102 231 356 136702 132657 74 337 266 1188 223 160 12 1599 10 742 5 1007 461 15436 30168 129 467 218 1723 192 315 5 2695 23 1147 13 2366 610 4899 26695 103 322 175 1300 140 235 4 2244 12 762 11 2096 501 1408 19831 237 638 369 2182 336 453 4 4718 20 1446 12 3641 853 1683 33025 202 548 303 1736 262 355 2 3537 29 1080 6 2729 564 1461 22086 125 358 170 853 139 163 1785 20 497 1 1605 344 1958 14645 85 263 96 442 66 108 852 8 177 794 134 6353 17548 7 3 14 224 37 701 47 145 3 1904 14 791 9 1210 503 9340 15198 8 2 8 6 15 11 35 59 6974 6802 1 20 7 54 11 8 2 169 1 100 92 64 1042 1562 2 40 9 128 9 32 289 2 156 182 69 468 1374 2 27 5 109 5 18 1 248 4 90 2 166 60 107 1029 1 56 5 195 10 38 493 4 207 4 328 131 118 1678 3 30 5 113 4 30 410 1 147 1 241 73 109 1137 3 25 3 62 1 15 194 56 116 35 157 752 2 18 1 32 3 86 1 24 48 11 365 864 2 1 203 1484 1363 4975 1584 949 37 6509 71 3069 S6 5234 1777 56488 95094 1 64 91 134 105 7 110 40 2 97 130 43468 42767 7 215 220 668 281 84 10 622 5 307 12 356 190 5760 9298 26 238 204 1001 216 170 9 1026 9 567 13 741 248 1935 8185 21 159 129 61 182 117 6 806 10 411 9 793 203 559 5919 70 313 291 1069 334 231 8 1613 13 748 12 1325 446 677 9835 45 233 223 856 274 179 2 1323 17 602 7 1013 329 685 7329 23 147 128 404 115 107 682 9 296 637 161 888 4941 10 115 77 231 77 54 326 7 98 272 70 2513 6819 3 1 202 1264 1097 3663 782 779 36 4655 47 1878 43 4255 1366 47644 78592 1 54 66 102 53 6 1 68 26 2 74 107 36831 36269 7 179 169 509 143 69 10 428 2 183 11 290 162 4853 7647 26 204 160 759 108 136 9 715 9 330 10 618 189 1628 6677 20 132 91 475 78 90 6 576 9 246 5 652 151 466 4720 70 266 243 730 155 193 7 1202 9 452 9 1086 360 546 7830 45 199 187 614 144 147 2 959 9 404 6 819 235 530 5969 23 130 113 311 60 89 1 487 4 191 515 115 731 3991 10 100 68 163 41 49 219 4 46 201 47 2056 5488 1 3 1 1 220 266 1312 802 170 1 1854 24 1191 13 979 411 8844 16502 10 25 32 52 42 14 23 23 6637 6498 36 51 159 138 15 194 3 124 66 28 907 1651 34 44 242 108 34 311 237 3 123 59 307 1508 27 38 137 104 27 230 1 165 4 141 52 93 1199 47 48 339 179 38 411 4 296 3 239 86 ]31 2005 34 36 242 130 32 364 8 198 1 194 94 155 l360 17 15 93 55 18 195 5 105 1 122 46 157 950 15 9 68 36 5 107 3 52 71 23 457 1331



Livestock, forestry. fishing, hunting & plantations, orch- Total Agricultural ards and allied Total population workers Cultivators labourers activities District/City/Non-city I Age Urban/Town group P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Malappuram district Total 124852 61487 63365 27004 4860 1805 119 2851 1292 3140 38' (Total urban) 0-14 51134 25847 25287 339 263 4 33 31 32 1 15-19 12879 6307 6572 2354 588 80 3 323 161 308 2 20-24 11780 5867 5913 4380 670 183 2 467 169 479 3 25-29 8539 3840 4699 3470 616 179 5 331 153 363 2 30-39 14994 7278 7716 6818 1157 374 23 655. 324 717 3 40-49 10950 5648 5302 5167 881 363 27 528 279 634 7 50--59 7168 3492 3676 2859 441 312 27 311 120 369 8 60+ 7402 3204 4198 1614 243 310 32 203 55 238 12 A.N.S. 6 4 2 3 1 Ponnani (NM) Total 35723 17426 18297 8582 1795 89 14 231 257 2535 T 0-14 13394 6784 6610 147 112 2 12 23 15-19 3670 1767 1903 860 252 3 20 30 243 .. 20-24 3477 1713 1764 1406 256 .. .. 31 41 394 1 25-29 2600 1166 1434 1073 235 6 1 28 34 311 1 30-39 4514 2128 2386 1997 381 12 6 52 54 563 .. 40--49 3492 1808 1684 1653 324 25 3 51 48 513 4 50-59 2144 1044 1100 887 150 21 2 24 26 292 60+ 2432 1016 1416 559 85 22 1 23 12 196 A.N.S. Tiror (NM) Total 32272 16009 16263 6669 1065 501 45 948 399 231 8- 0-14 13948 7072 6876 98 74 1 .. 15 7 4 15-19 3363 1660 1703 618 141 25 2 126 53 23 .. 20-24 3040 1536 1504 1068 130 59 1 147 37 33 2 25-29 2086 936 1150 829 121 44 1 104 42 21 1 30-39 3744 1787 1957 1669 279 99 9 192 114 60 2 40--49 2727 1406 1321 1297 184 88 10 191 89 44 1 50-59 1690 844 846 687 94 91 12 98 40 27 2 60+ 1671 766 905 401 41 94 10 75 17 19 A.N.S. 3 2 1 2 1 Malappuram (M) Total 32002 15889 16113 6348 769 795 15 1037 213 321 2()' 0-14 13784 7089 6695 35 23 3 6 2 3 1 15-19 3164 1586 1578 466 61 35 98 22 37 1 20-24 2923 1425 1498 1033 126 93 176 29 47 25-29 2164 955 1209 859 90 97 1 126 22 27 .. 30-39 3705 1824 1881 1727 211 168 1 269 53 83 1 40--49 2584 1331 1253 1204 134 156 4 179 54 65 2 50-59 1790 849 941 668 72 122 2 106 19 40 60+ 1887 829 1058 356 52 121 7 77 12 19 11 A.N.S. 1 1 " Manjeri (NM) Total 15734 7700 8034 3408 763 294 30 499 310 33 2 0-14 6381 3113 3268 40 37 10 8 1 15-19 1738 828 910 263 97 14 59 44 5 1 20-24 1440 744 696 562 93 22 1 85 42 1 25-29 1075 516 559 466 106 26 1 51 41 1 30-39 1882 960 922 878 164 60 3 121 77 7 40--49 1357 684 673 615 144 63 7 85 63 8 .. 50-59 996 495 501 395 79 56 7 65 26 8 1 60+ 864 360 504 189 43 53 11 23 9 2 A.N.S. 1 1 Perintalmanna (M) Total 9121 4463 4658 1997 468 126 15 136 113 20 1 0-14 3627 1789 1838 19_ 17 .. 2 1 15-19 944 466 478 147 37 3 20 12 .. 20-24 900 449 451 311 65 9 28 20 4 25-29 614 267 347 243 64 6 1 22 14 3 30-39 1149 579 570 547 122 35 4 21 26 4 4Q---49 790 419 371 398 95 31 3 22 25 4 50-59 548 260 288 222 46 22 4 18 9 2 1 60+ 548 233 315 109 22 20 3 5 5 2 A.N.S. 1 1 1 16 MAIN ACTIVITY CLASSIFIED BY SEX AND AGE GROUPS (FULL COUNT) Workers IV V VI VII VIII IX X Manufacturing, processing, servicing and repairs (a) (b) Mining Other than Transport, and. Household household Trade and storage and quarrying industry industry Construction commerce communications Other services Non-workers M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 76 679 339 327S 915 570 27 5764 89 3085 49 5759 1992 34483 58505 .. 20 27 52 59 6 1 65 28 99 144 25508 25024 7 77 60 335 157 55 6 485 6 337 5 347 188 3953 5984 8 109 53 608 124 103 2 941 5 646 5 836 307 1487 5243 10 90 49 416 118 72 2 741 14 432 14 836 259 370 4083 16 168 64 885 208 130 6 1478 19 784 15 1611 495 460 6559 18 97 50 550 145 122 7 1131 24 528 8 1196 334 481 4421 12 68 24 276 62 58 2 612 13 239 1 602 184 633 3235 5 50 12 152 42 24 1 311 8 91 1 230 80 1590 3955 1 2 1 1 1 1 220 266 1312 802 170 1 1854 24 1191 13 979 411 8844 16502 10 25 32 52 1 42 14 " 23 23 6637 6498 36 51 159 138 15 194 3 124 1 66 28 907 1651 .. 34 44 242 108 34 311 237 3 123 59 307 1508 I 27 38 137 104 27 230 1 165 4 141 52 93 1199 47 48 339 179 38 1 411 4 296 3 239 86 131 2005 34 36 242 130 32 364 8 198 I 194 94 155 1360 17 15 93 55 18 195 5 105 1 122 46 157 950 15 9 68 36 5 107 3 52 71 23 457 1331

14 224 37 701 47 145 3 1904 14 791 9 1210 503 9340 15198 8 2 8 6 1 .. 15 11 .. 35 59 6974 6802 1 20 7 54 11 8 2 169 1 100 1 92 64 1042 1562 2 40 9 128 9 32 .. 289 2 156 1 182 69 468 1374 2 27 5 109 5 18 1 248 4 90 2 166 60 107 1029 1 56 5 195 10 38 493 4 207 4 328 131 118 1678 3 30 5 113 4 30 410 1 147 1 241 73 109 1137 3 25 3 62 1 15 194 1 56 116 35 157 752 2 18 1 32 1 3 86 1 24 48 11 365 864 2 1 39 74 11 586 14 145 14 787 3 429 18 2135 461 9541 15344 .. 1 3 4 1 .. 2 13 19 7054 6672 4 5 57 .. 26 3 55 43 3 106 32 1120 1517 3 10 .. 99 1 24 2 138 .. 97 .. 346 94 392 1372 3 14 3 90 2 11 .. 100 1 66 4 325 57 96 1119 9 21 3 159 6 29 2 229 118 7 642 138 97 1670 13 10 3 90 3 33 5 142 .. 70 3 446 60 127 1119 6 10 2 60 1 15 1 80 2 30 199 41 181 869 1 3 28 1 3 43 3 58 20 473 1006 1 16 125 13 394 36 67 7 710 26 447 .. 823 335 4292 7271 .. .. 6 1 . . 3 .. 1 19 28 3073 3231 2 11 41 6 6 1 29 1 47 .. 49 44 565 813 2 22 78 5 11 118 3 121 1 102 41 182 603 4 18 1 48 4 9 1 111 4 82 1 116 53 50 453 4 34 5 105 9 13 1 203 7 105 226 62 82 758 2 16 3 67 4 16 2 119 6 57 2 182 57 69 529 2 12 3 35 .. 6 1 86 5 28 91 32 100 422 12 1 14 3 6 1 41 6 32 18 171 461 I 6 36 11 281 16 43 2 509 22 127 5 611 282 1466 4190 I .. 3 .. 5 9 15 1770 1821 5 2 :trJ 2 38 1 23 34 20 319 441 3 .. 61 1 2 8S 35 .. 83 44 138 386 4 2 32 3 7 52 4 29 3 88 37 24 283 2 10 3 17 .. 12 2 142 4 58 1 176 78 ~2 448 7 ~ 38 4 11 96 9 56 1 133 50 21 276 1 .. 1 26 1 .. 57 20 68 30 38 242 2 2 1 10 1 7 34 4 6 21 B 124 293 1 17 B-m PART-A CLASSIFICATION OF WORKERS AND NON-WORKERS ACCORDING TO

I II III Livestock, forestry. fishing, hunting & plantations, Agricultural orchards and Total population Total workers Cultivators labourers allied activities Educational levels P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total 124,852 61487 63365 27004 4680 1805 119 2851 1292 3140 38 Illiterate 58943 24772 34171 8246 2859 374 64 1313 946 2402 23 Literate (without educational level)· 19950 10436 9514 3713 431 271 10 437 135 236 Primary 28259 15028 13231 8496 743 733 30 980 181 402 10 Middle 11185 6802 4383 3642 210 322 15 116 30 90 5 Matriculation or higher secondary 5126 3476 1650 2094 331 100 5 10 Non-technical diploma or certificate not equal to degree 60 25 35 25 10 Technical diploma or certificate not equal to degree 577 346 231 286 191 5 Graduate degree other than technical degree 502 427 75 357 15 Post-graduate degree other than technical degree 45 45 35 Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree 205 130 75 110 70 (i) Engineering and technology 35 35 20 (ii) Medicino 45 30 15 25 15 (iii) Agriculture, veterinary and dairying ]5 15 15 (iv) Teaching 105 45 60 45 55 (v) Others 5 5 5 ·Includes figures for educational levels not classifiable

18 MAIN ACfIVITY BY EDUCATIONAL LEVELS IN URBAN AREAS ONLY Workers IV V VI VII VIII IX X Manufacturing, processing, servicing and repairs (a) (b) Transport. Mining and Household Other than house- Trade and storage and quarrying industry hold industry Construction commerce communications Other services Non-workers M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 76 679 339 3275 915 570 27 5764 89 3085 49 5759 1992 34483 58505 36 141 214 662 614 108 17 1228 49 1020 19 962 913 16526 31312 15 106 35 558 55 156 5 879 15 417 5 638 171 6723 9083 25 342 80 1427 201 216 5 1884 10 970 5 1517 221 6532 12488 85 10 477 30 75 1070 427 5 980 115 3160 4173 5 136 15 15 522 15 231 15 1070 286 1382 1319

25 10 25

20 15 246 191 60 40

15 156 186 15 70 60

oS 5 30 10

lOS 70 20 5 5 15 15 25 15 oS 15 45 55 5 5


I II III Livestock, forestry. fishing, hunting and plantations, Agricultural orchards and Total population Total workers Cultivators labourers allied activities Educational levels P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total 1731510 848028 883482 379411 91369 87071 5718 128890 63621 25106 1720 Illiterate 908191 381608 526583 132746 65887 21144 2998 67506 50799 12484 1200 Literate (without educational level)· 340583 186216 154367 76458 8731 18140 800 25114 5641 4891 230 Primary 361634 200956 160678 125835 11521 35274 1480 32475 6721 6635 280 Middle 87110 55237 31873 29945 1770 10171 400 3606 450 787 10 Matriculation or higher secondary 26769 19348 7421 10432 1240 2202 30 189 10 309 Non-technical diploma or certificate 4621 2601 2020 2481 1960 20 10 not equal to degree Technical diploma or certificate not equal to degree 369 259 110 189 40 10 Graduate and above . 2233 1803 430 1325 220 110 -Includes figures for educational levels not classifiable

20 MAIN ACflVITY BY EDUCATIONAL LEVELS IN RURAL AREAS ONLY Workers IV V VI VII VIII IX X Manufacturing, processing, sen'icing and repairs (a) (b) Transport, Mining and Household Other than house- Trade and storage and quarrying industry hold industry Construction commerce communications Other services Non-workers M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2531 4 10113 4341 27047 3308 606S lOS 37387 530 13814 253 41376 11748 468617 792113 1207 4 2941 3042 4563 1988 1453 95 8069 240 4191 153 9188 5368 248862 460696 528 2122 420 6007 450 1235 8438 50 2749 50 7234 1090 109758 145636 677 .. 4323 750 13000 680 2739 10 14893 90 4632 10 11187 1500 75121 149157 120 687 130 2849 180 578 4413 10 1634 10 5100 580 25292 30103 50 568 10 60 1375 160 608 30 5071 1000 8916 6181 20 20 2421 1950 120 60

10 10 159 40 70 70 30 169 1016 220 478 210

21 B-IV PART-A INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONS AT WORK OTHER THAN AT CULTIVATION AS MAIN ACI1VITY BY SEX AND DIVISIONS, MAJOR GROUPS AND MINOR GROUPS Total workers Branch of Industry Total Urban Division, major imd minor group of N.I.C. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ALL DIVISIONS 211277 185798 25479 25797 22348 3449 DIVISION-O 30004 28246 1758 3178 3140 38 Major group 00 1089 1089 Minor group 007 1089 1089 Major group 01 13296 11874 1422 562 540 22 Minor group 010 370 210 160 011 70 70 .. 012 4633 3793 840 15 15 .. 014 10 10 .. 015 10 10 .. 016 100 90 10 017 4498 4418 80 400 400 .. 019 3605 3273 332 147 125 22 Major group 02 1860 1689 111 61 50 11 Minor group 020 1770 1639 131 61 50 11 .. 024 70 30 40 .. 025 20 20 Major group 03 205 155 50 75 75 Minor group 030 30 30 .. 031 20 20 034 10 10 035 5 5 5 5 039 140 120 20 70 70 Major group 05 2189 2079 110 40 40 Minor group 050 200 140 60 .. 051 1149 1119 30 20 20 .. 052 670 650 20 20 20 054 10 10 .. 059 160 160 Major group 06 11365 11360 5 2440 2435 5 Minor group 060 11040 11035 5 2405 2400 5 .. 061 275 275 35 35 063 50 50

DIVISION-l 2612 2608 4 76 76 Major youp 12 10 10 Minor group 121 10 10 Major group 19 2602 2598 4 76 76 Miilor gro.p 190 2602 2598 4 76 76

DIVISIONS:! & 3 50028 41124 8904 5208 3954 1254 Major group 20-21 5444 3890 1554 625 510 115 Minor group 200 140 140 30 30 .. 201 20 5 15 10 5 5 .. 203 495 0430 65 135 100 3' .. 204 924 260 6~ 65 30 3S 205 " 1314 1314 12' 125 .. 206 10 10 .. 208 5 5 5 s .. 209 180 150 30 40 40 .. 211 355 33' 20 85 85 " 212 30 30 .. 213 20 20 • 214 25 21 10 .. 2IS 50 SO 30 2!. B-IV PART-A INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONS AT WORK OTHER THAN AT CULTIVATION AS MAIN ACTIVITY BY SEX AND DIVISIONS, MAJOR GROUPS AND MINOR GROUPS - contd. Total workers Branch of Industry Division, major and Total Urban minor group of N.I.C. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7

Minor group 216 5 5 5 5 217 40 30 10 219 1831 1091 740 80 50 30 Major group 22 9421 9056 365 992 897 95 Minor group 220 10 10 221 5 5 5 5 223 840 840 SO 50 224 55 55 15 15 226 8511 8146 365 922 827 95 Major group 23 1066 716 350 35 25 10 Minor group 231 190 190 232 5 5 5 5 233 185 50 135 5 5 234 40 10 30 10 10 235 586 416 170 5 5 236 60 45 15 10 5 5 Major group 24 20 20 10 10 Minor group 243 10 10 247 10 ]0 10 10 Major group 25 40 40 40 40 Minor group 259 40 40 40 40 Major group 26 9268 5179 4089 1569 710 859 Minor group 260 10 10 261 290 20 270 210 210 262 5 5 5 5 .. 264 2764 2614 150 375 345 30 265 115 115 5 5 266 10 10 267 5 5 5 5 .. 268 6069 2415 3654 969 355 614 Major group 27 12008 10382 1626 586 491 95 Minor group 270 5 5 5 5 271 2599 2599 140 140 272 1987 1221 766 95 30 65 273 2540 2530 10 10 10 274 10 10 276 2731 2731 251 251 277 1015 250 765 45 20 25 .. 279 1121 1036 85 40 35 5 Major group 28 1219 1204 15 140 135 5 Minor group 280 769 769 10 10 282 10 10 283 20 20 284 150 145 , 70 65 5 .. 285 20 20 288 50 50 .. 289 200 190 10 ~ 60 Major group 29 260 260 40 40 Minor group 290 15 15 5 5 291 235 235 3j 35 .. 299 10 10 Major group 30 lOS 200 , 55 50 Minor &roup 300 100 100 30 30 23 ~IV PART-A Th"DUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONS AT WORK OTHER THAN AT CULTIVAnON AS MAIN ACfIVITY BY SEX AND DIVISIONS, MAJOR GROUPS AND MINOR GROUPS - contd.

Total workers Branch of Industry Total Urban Division, majorliii"(J minor group of N.I.C. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Minor group 301 20 20 10 10 302 50 45 5 10 5 S " 303 20 20 " 305 10 10 306 5 5 5 5 Major group 31 1140 930 210 170 110 60 Minor group 310 IS IS 5 5 311 60 SO 10 10 10 313 70S 675 30 45 45 314 45 45 35 35 315 20 10 10 316 30 30 317 260 105 155 70 IS 55 318 5 5 5 5 Major group 32 2625 1980 645 125 120 5 Minor group 320 744 649 95 5 5 322 1371 871 500 323 10 10 324 180 170 10 20 20 326 270 250 20 100 100 329 50 30 20 Major group 33 115 115 5 5 Minor group 330 70 70 331 25 25 5 5 335 20 20 Major group 34 2786 2756 30 165 165 Minor group 340 85 85 35 35 341 10 10 342 15 15 5 5 343 1941 1921 20 60 " 60 344 275 275 35 35 345 440 430 10 30 30 349 20 20 Major group 35 20 20 Minor group 350 20 20 Major group 36 10 10 Minor &rOUp 366 10 10 Major group 37 75 75 5 5 Minor group 370 55 55 S 5 372 10 10 374 10 10 Major group 38 3111 3096 15 381 376 S Minor group 382 15 15 5 5 383 3066 3051 15 346 341 S 389 30 30 3. 30 Major group 39 1195 1195 265 265 Minor group 390 20 20 392 615 615 15S ISS 393 170 170 50 SO .. 394 80 20 2() 20 399 " 3iO 310 40 040 DIVISION_' S05 SOO I 135 J3Q S Major group 40 470 46S S 130 l1S S 24 B-IVPART-A INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONS AT WORK OTHER mAN AT CULTIVATION AS MAIN ACTIVITY BY SEX AND DIVISIONS, MAJOR GROUPS AND MINOR GROUPS - contd. Total workers Branch of Industry Total Urban Division, major and minor group of KI.C. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 Minor group 400 45 45 15 15 <401 425 420 5 115 110 5 Major group 42 35 35 5 5 Minor group 420 35 35 5 5 DIVISION 5 6767 6635 132 597 570 27 Major group 50 6587 6455 132 537 510 27 Minor group 500 5130 5074 56 354 340 14 501 966 911 55 93 80 13 503 286 275 11 35 35 509 205 195 10 55 55 Major group 5i 180 180 60 60 Minor group 513 130 130 20 20 514 45 ~5 35 35 519 5 5 5 5 DIVISION 6 41077 40601 476 5167 5094 73 Major group 60 800 800 90 90 Minor group 600 120 120 50 50 601 140 140 .. 602 55 55 15 15 603 15 15 5 5 606 75 75 15 15 607 305 305 5 5 608 90 90 Major group 61 115 115 25 25 Minor group 610 95 95 15 15 611 5 5 5 5 612 5 5 5 5 613 10 " 10 Major group 62 940 940 10 10 Minor group 621 925 925 5 5 622 5 5 5 5 623 10 10 Major group 64 979 960 19 70 70 Minor group 640 10 10 641 10 10 643 10 10 645 5 5 5 5 649 944 925 19 65 65 Major group 65 15618 15523 95 2171 2145 26 Minor group 650 7364 7319 45 836 820 16 651 1545 1545 195 195 652 3679 3664 15 580 575 5 65J 1060 1050 10 110 110 654 " 440 425 15 130 125 5 655 190 190 30 30 656 225 215 10 35 35 659 1115 1115 255 255 Major group 66 880 870 10 200 200 Minor group 660 805 795 10 175 175 661 75 75 25 25 Major group 67 1509 1440 69 140 140 Minor group 670 294 245 49 35 3S .. 611 885 81S 10 25 2S B-IV PART-A INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONS AT WORK OTHER THAN ATCULTIVATION AS MAIN ACTIVITY BY SEX AND DIVISIONS, MAJOR GROUPS AND MINOR GROUPS- contd. Total workers Branch of Industry Total Urban Division. major and ------._---,---- minor group of N.Le. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Minor group 672 110 100 10 10 10 673 10 10 10 10 674 35 35 5 5 675 40 40 10 10 676 110 110 40 40 679 25 25 5 5 Major group 68 8535 8440 95 1386 1370 16 Minor group 680 1050 1040 10 140 140 681 3636 3600 36 536 520 16 682 45 45 25 25 683 10 10 10 10 684 140 140 30 30 689 3654 3605 49 645 645 Major group 69 11701 11513 188 1075 1044 31 Minor group 690 11545 11373 172 1029 1014 15 691 156 140 16 46 30 17 DIVISION 7 17201 16899 302 3134 3085 49 Major group 70 14701 14444 257 2554 2520 34 Minor ~oup 700 600 600 90 90 701 1365 1365 415 415 702 1235 1235 325 325 703 1501 1501 270 270 704- 575 575 15 15 705 80 80 .. 706 9345 9088 257 1439 1405 34 Major group 71 1170 1170 370 370 Minor group 710 285 285 255 255 711 865 865 115 115 " 712 20 20 Major group 73 10 10 10 10 Minor group 730 10 10 10 10 Major group 74 30 30 Minor group 749 30 30 Major group 75 1290 1245 45 200 185 15 Minor group 750 1200 1155 45 170 155 15 751 85 85 25 25 759 5 5 5 5 DIVISION 8 2713 2550 163 686 670 16 Major group 80 1788 1625 163 331 315 16 Minor group 800 501 465 36 211 195 16 801 638 560 78 80 80 809 649 600 49 40 40 Major group 81 65 65 45 45 Minor group 811 65 65 45 45 Major group 82 410 410 130 130 Minor group 820 40 40 821 145 145 55 55 823 35 35 25 2$ 825 10 10 826 5 .5 5 5 827 135 135 25 25 , 828 .5 .5 5 .5 .. 829 35 35 15 15 26 B-IV PART-A INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONS AT WORK OTHER THAN AT CULTIVATION AS MAIN ACTIVITY BY SEX AND DIVISIONS, MAJOR GROUPS AND MINOR GROUPS - concld. Total workers Branch of Industry Total Urban Division, major and minor group of N.I.C. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 Major group 83 450 450 180 180 Minor group 830 450 0450 180 180 DIVISION 9 60370 46635 13735 7616 5629 1987 Major group 90 7215 6845 370· 1985 1845 140 Minor group 900 1664 1664 265 265 901 4806 4501 305 1625 1490 135 902 480 465 15 90 85 5 903 265 215 50 5 5 Major group 91 5 5 5 5 Minor group 910 5 5 5 5 Major group 92 16765 13067 3698 1224 765 459 Minor group 920 400 335 65 60 45 15 921 16355 12722 3633 1164 720 444 " 922 10 10 Major group 93 2580 1840 740 500 360 140 Minor group 930 2475 1775 700 485 345 140 931 105 65 40 15 15 Major group 94 2890 2735 155 370 355 15 Minor. group 940 2250 2155 95 290 285 5 941 85 55 30 .5 5 949 555 525 30 75 65 10 Major group 95 345 295 50 75 75 Minor group 950 10 10 951 115 115 55 55 953 105 85 20 .5 5 954 5 5 S 5 955 80 50 30 956 10 10 10 10 959 20 20 Major group 96 13323 6981 6342 1693 760 933 Minor group 960 7282 2570 4712 1263 390 873 961 ]745 395 1350 155 105 50 962 3496 3241 255 255 250 5 963 50 50 10 10 969 750 725 25 10 .5 5 Major group 98 5 .5 5 5 Minor &roup 980 5 5 5 5 Major group 99 17242 14862 2380 1759 1459 300 MirlOr group 990 17242 14862 2380 1759 1459 300

27 B-IV PART-D INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION BY SEX AND CLASS OF WORKERS OF PERSONS AT WORK IN NON-HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY, TRADE, BUSINESS, PROFESSION OR SERVICE AS MAIN ACTIVITY Class of workers Branch of Industry Total Employers Employees Single workers Family workers DiviSion and major group Total of N.I.C. Urban M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ALL DIVISIONS Total 174996 20798 7890 92 123844 17992 38484 1978 4778 736 Urban 21669 3110 1220 22 16439 2860 3580 201 430 27 DIVISION 0 Total 28246 1758 1060 67 20795 1360 3988 205 2403 126 Urban 3140 38 40 17 2635 10 430 5 35 6 Major group ()() Total 1089 110 649 170 160 Urban 01 Total 11874 1422 710 67 8931 1205 1214 70 1019 80 Urban 540 22 10 17 455 5 75 02 Total 1689 171 20 1129 10 325 115 215 46 Urban 50 11 10 15 5 25 6 03 Total 155 50 145 50 10 Urban 75 75 05 Total 2079 110 20 1704 90 335 20 20 Urban 40 25 15 06 Total 11360 5 200 8237 5 1944 979 Urban 2435 5 30 2070 5 325 10 DIVISION t Total 2608 4 2208 4 400 Urban 76 66 10 Major &foul' 12 TOial 10 10 Urban 19 Total 2598 4 2198 4 400 Urban 76 66 10

DIVISIONS 2 & 3 Total 30322 4223 970 21840 3323 6182 720 1330 180 Urban 3275 915 160 2360 815 645 90 110 10 Major group 20-21 Total 3134 1044 270 2384 794 440 210 40 40 Urban 425 85 30 325 75 50 10 20 22 Total 7547 255 140 6213 220 1169 25 25 10 Urban 760 85 20 645 70 90 15 5 23 Total 260 155 240 110 25 20 20 Urban 20 5 20 S 24 Total 10 10 Urban 10 10 25 Total 40 35 5 Urban 40 35 5 26 Total 4088 2119 250 2314 1734 1414 330 110 5S Urban 600 610 30 365 555 185 50 20 5 27 Total 7112 295 65 5068 135 1484 120 495 40 Urban 345 65 15 270 55 55 10 5 28 Total 1]94 15 35 1129 15 20 10 Urban 135 5 15 110 5 10 29 Total 170 20 40 90 20 Urban 30 20 10 30 Total 200 5 5 180 5 15 Urban 50 5 5 140 5 5 .. 31 Total 905 195 40 815 185 20 10 30 Urban 95 45 10 85 45 .. 32 Total ]099 125 10 1009 115 60 20 10 Urban 110 5 100 5 10 ., 33 Total 110 110 Urban


Class of workers Branch of Industry Total Employers Employees Single workers. Family workers Division and major Total ._------group of N.I.C. Urban M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Major group 35 Total 20 20 Urban 36 Total 10 10 Urban 37 Total 55 45 10 Urban 5 5 38 Total 1949 15 40 824 10 690 395 5 Urban 280 5 125 110 45 5 39 Total 1170 80 745 325 20 Urban 260 30 145 75 10 DIVISION 4 Total 500 5 500 5 Urban 130 5 130 5 Major group 40 TOial 465 5 4!)5 5 Urban 125 5 125 5 42 Total 35 35 Urban 5 5 DIVISION 5 Total 6635 132 90 5985 132 525 35 Urban 570 27 20 470 27 65 15 Major group 50 Total 6455 132 90 5855 132 480 30 Urban 510 27 20 440 27 40 10 51 Total 180 130 45 5 Urban 60 30 25 5 DIVISION 6 Total 40601 476 5380 15 13648 188 20843 238 730 35 Urban 5094 73 870 5 2279 31 1725 31 220 6 Major grop 60 Total 800 120 485 180 15 Urban 90 20 55 15 61 Total 115 20 85 10 Urban 25 25 62 Total 940 195 580 155 10 Urban 10 5 5 64 Total 960 19 ~10 490 19 155 5 Urban 70 10 50 5 5 65 Total 15523 95 1680 3949 10 9674 85 220 Urban 2145 26 350 870 855 26 70 66 Total 870 10 150 375 10 330 15 Urban 200 30 105 50 15 67 Total 1440 69 115 445 29 875 40 5 Urban 140 35 45 55 5 68 Total 8440 95 1045 15 2320 20 4860 54 215 6 Urban 1370 16 225 5 550 520 5 75 6 69 Total 11513 188 1745 4919 100 4604 59 245 29 Urban 1044 31 195 579 31 235 35 DIVISION 7 Total 1689' 302 75 15313 287 1496 15 15 Urban 3085 49 35 2870 44 165 5 15 Major group 7o. Total 14444 257 55 13073 242 1306 15 10 Urban 2520 34 15 2330 29 165 5 10 71 Total 1170 15 960 190 5 Urban 370 15 350 S 73 Total 10 5 5 Urban 10 S 5 29 B-IV PART-D INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION BY SEX AND CLASS OF WORKERS OF PERSONS AT WORK IN NON-HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY, TRADE, BUSINESS, PROFESSION OR SERVICE AS MAIN ACTIVITY - concld. Class of workers Branch of Industry Total Employers Employees Single workers Family workers DiVision and maj or Total group of N.I.C. Urban M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Major Group 74 Total 30 30 Urban 75 Total 1245 45 1245 45 Urban 185 15 185 15 DIVISION 8 Total 2550 163 75 2170 153 295 10 10 Urba. 670 16 25 520 16 125 Major group 80 Total 1625 163 45 1565 153 5 10 10 Urban 315 16 5 305 16 5 81 Total 65 65 Urban 45 45 82 Total 410 30 260 120 Urban 130 20 80 30 83 Total 450 280 170 Urban 180 90 90 DIVISION 9 Total 46635 13735 240 10 41385 12540 4755 790 255 395 Urban 5629 1987 70 5109 1912 415 70 35 5 Major group 90 Total 6845 370 6825 370 20 Urban 1845 140 1845 140 91 Total 5 5 Urban 5 5 92 Total 13067 3698 20 13017 3693 30 5 Urban 765 459 10 755 454 5 .. 93 Total 1840 740 100 1015 655 660 85 65 Urban 360 140 30 265 125 60 15 5 94 Total 2735 155 2185 135 530 20 20 Urban 355 15 275 5 70 10 10 95 Total 295 50 15 250 50 30 Urban 75 5 70 .. 96 Total 6981 6342 100 10 3986 5277 2750 660 145 395 Urban 760 933 20 525 898 200 30 15 5 98 Total 5 5 Urban 5 5 99 Total 14862 2380 5 14097 2360 735 20 25 Urban 1459 300 5 1364 290 85 10 5

30 B-VI PART-A (i) OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONS AT WORK ACCORDING TO MAIN ACTIVITY OTHER THAN CULTIVATION CLASSIFIED BY SEX AND AGE GROUPS IN URBAN AREAS ONLY Occupational Total workers Occupational Total workers divisions and Age divisions and Age groups group Persons Males Females groups group Persons Males females 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

ALL DIVISIONS Total 25,197 22,348 3,449 LIFl! SCIENCE ~CHNICIANS 0-14 540 310 230 Group 06 Total 5 5 15-19 2,372 1,945 427 0-14 20-24 4,230 3,735 495 15-19 25-29 3,425 2,965 460 20-24 5 5 30-39 6,594 5,785 809 25-29 40-49 4,854 4,279 575 30-39 50-59 2,536 2,239 297 40-49 60+ 1,241 1,090 151 SO-59 A.N.S. 5 5 60+ PROFESSIONAL, TECHNICAL AND RBLATED WORKERS A.N.S. DIVISION 01 Total 2,100 1,575 525 PHYsICIANS AND SURGEONS (INCLUDING DENTAL AND 0-14 VI!TERINARY SURGEONS) 15-19 45 30 15 Group 07 Total 185 170 15 20-24 300 160 140 0-14 25-29 315 210 105 15-19 5 5 30-39 730 560 170 20-24 5 5 40-49 385 300 85 25-29 30 25 5 50-59 195 190 5 30-39 55 50 5 60+ 125 125 40-49 30 30 A.N.S. 5 5 50-59 25 25 60+ 30 30 ARCHlTECn, ENGINEERS, TECHNOLOGISn AND' SURVBYORS A.N.S. .5 5

Occupational Total workers Occupational Total workers divisions and Age divisions and Age groups group Persons Males Females groups group Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 SOClAL SCIENTISTS AND RELATED WORKERS C'OMPOSERS AND PERFORMING MTISTS Group 13 Total 45 45 Group 18 Total 10 10 0-14 0-14 15-19 15-19 20-24 20-24 25-29 5 5 25-29 30-39 20 20 30-39 40-49 15 15 40-49 50-59 50-59 5 5 60+ 5 5 60+ 5 5 A.N.S. A.N.S. JURISTS PROJESSIONAL WORKERS, N.E.C. Group 14 Total 175 175 Group 19 Total 195 180 15 0-14 0-14 15-19 15-19 20-24 10 10 20-24 25-29 25-29 10 10 30-39 SO 50 30-39 65 55 10 40-49 70 70 40-49 25 25 50-59 IS 15 50-59 5S 50 5 60+ 30 30 60+ 40 40 A.N.S. A.N.S. TEACHERS ADMINIS1'RA TIVE, I!XEClITIVE AND t.fANAOERIAL WORKERS Group 15 Total 1,085 705 380 DMSION 2 Total 650 645 5 0-14 0-14 15-19 35 20 15 15-19 20 20 20-24 230 110 120 20-24 95 95 25-29 140 100 40 25-29 70 65 5 30-39 380 255 125 30-39 220 220 40-49 195 115 80 40-49 165 165 50-59 90 90 50-59 60 60 60..1- 15 15 60+ 20 20 A.N.S. A.N.S. POETS, AUTHORS, JOURNALISTS AND RELATED WORKERS ADMINISTRATIVl! AND EXECUTIVE OFFICIALS, GOVERNMENT Group 16 Total 15 15 AND LOCAL BODlFS Group 21 Total 320 320 0-14 15-19 0-14 15-19 15 15 20-24 10 10 20-24 80 80 25-29 5 5 40 40 30-39 25-29 105 105 40-49 30-39 75 75 50-59 40-49 50-59 5 S 60+ A.N.S. 60+ A.N.S. SCULPTORS, PAINTERS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS, RELATED CREATIVE ARTISTS WORKING PROP'RIETORS, DIRECTORS -AND MANAGERS, WHOLE­ Group 17 Total 10 10 SALE AND RETAIL TRADE 0-14 Group 22 Total 15 15 15-19 0-14 15-19 S 5 5 20-24 5 20-24 25-29 25-29 S 5 30-39 5 S 30-39 40-49 40-49 S S 50-59 SO-59 60+ 60+ A.N.S. A.N.S. 32 B-VI PART-A (I) OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONS AT WORK ACCORDING TO MAIN AC11VITY OTHER THAN CULTIVATION CLASSIFIED BY SEX AND AGE GROUPS .IN URBAN.AREAS ONLY-contd.

Occupational Total workers Occupational Total workctt divisions and Age divisions and Age groups groups Persons Males Females groups group Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 3 1 2 3 4 .s DIRECTORS· AND MANAGERS, FINANOAt INS'l1TtJTtONI CuJuc.u. AND 01HER St1PERVISORS Group 23 Total 90 90 Group 30 Total 200 195 s 0-14 0-14 15-19 15-19 20-24 20-24 15 15 25-29 .s .s 25-29 40 40 30-39 SS S5 30-39 90 85 5 40-49 15 15 40-49 40 40 50-59 10 10 50-59 15 15 60+ 5 5 60+ A.N.S. A.N.S. WORKING PROPREIETORS, DIllECTORS AND MANAGERS, MINING, VILLAGE OFFICIALS CONSTRUCTION, MANUFACTURING AND RELATED CONCERNS Group 31 Total 25 25 Group 24 Total 185 185 0-14 0-14 15-19 15-19 20-24 15 IS 20-24 5 5 25-29 15 15 25-29 30-39 50 50 30-·39 5 5 40-49 50 50 40-49 10 10 50-59 40 40 50-59 5 5 60+ 15 15 60+ A.N.S. A.N.S. WORKING PROPR,IIlTORS, DIRECTORS, MANAGERS AND RELATED • EXECUTIVES, nANSPORT, STORAGE AND COMMUNICATIONS STENOGRAPHERS, TYPISTS AND CARD AND TAPE PUNCJnNG OPERATORS Group 25 Total 25 25 Group 32 Total 105 45 60 0-14 0-14 15-19 15-19 20-24 20-24 30 20 10 25-29 25-29 55 15 40 30-39 5 5 30-39 20 10 10 40-49 15 15 40-49 50-59 5 5 50-59 60+ 60+ A.N.S. A.N.S. WORKING PROPRIETORS, DIRECTORS AND MANAGERS, BOOlC.KEEPI!1lS, CASHIERS AND RELATED WORKERS OTHER SERVICES Group 26 Total 15 10 Group 33 Total 305 290 15 0-14 0-14 15-19 15-19 25 25 20-24 20-24 75 75 25-29 5 5 25-29 65 50 15 30-3<) 5 5 30-39 60 60 40-49 5 5 40-49 50 50 50-59 50-59 30 30 60+ 60+ A.N.S. A.N.S. CLERICAL AND RELATED WORKERS CLERICAL Ar-D RELATED WORKERS, N.E.C. DIVISION 3 Total 2,020 1,850 ]70 Group 3S Total 1,135 1,055 80 0-14 0-14 15-19 55 55 15-19 30 30 20-24 415 360 55 20-24 240 195 45 25-29 485 405 80 25-29 270 25() 20 30-39 545 510 35 30-39 290 275 IS 40-49 340 340 40-49 200 200 50-59 155 l.S5 50-59 90 90 60+ 25 25 60+ 15 15 A.N.S. A.N.S.


Occupational Total workers Occupational Total workers divisions and Age divisions and Age groups group Persons Males Females groups group Persons Males females 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION SUP1!RVISORS MERCHANTS AND SHOP-KJlEPERS, WHOLESALE "NO REf All TIlADE Group 36 Total 35 35 Group 40 Total 2,247 2.204 43 0-14 0-14 20 20 15-19 15-19 120 115 5 20-24 20-24 330 330 25-29 25-29 285 285 30-39 5 5 30-39 570 559 11 40-49 15 15 40-49 471 455 16 50-59 15 15 50-59 306 295 11 60+ 60+ 145 145 A.N.S. A.N.S, TRANSPORT CONDUCTORS AND GUARDS MANUFACn"RER'S AGENTS Group 37 Total 110 110 Group 41 Total 40 40 0-14 0-14 15-19 15-19 5 5 20-24 30 30 20-24 25-29 30 30 25-29 30-39 30 30 30-39 20 20 40-49 20 20 40-49 10 10 50-59 50-59 5 5 60+ 60+ A.N.S. A.N.S. MAIL DlS'J'RmUTORS AND RELATED WORKERS TECHNICAL S~MEN AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS Group 38 Total 85 75 10 GrGlJf) 42 Total 5 5 0-14 0-14 15-19 15-19 20-24 15 15 ~0-24 5 5 25-29 15 10 5 25-29 30-39 40 35 5 30-39 40-49 5 5 40-49 50-59 50-59 60+ 10 10 60+ A.N.S. A.N.S. SALESMEN, SHOP ASSISTANTS AND TBU.PHONB AND TELEGRAPH OPERATORS RELATED WORKERS Group 43 Total 1,280 Group 39 Total 20 20 1,280 0-14 0-14 15 15 15-19 15-19 170 170 20-24 20-24 5 5 275 275 25-29 25-29 10 10 165 165 30-39 320 320 30-39 5 5 40-49 40-49 190 190 50-59 10 10 ~59 60+ 60+ 15 75 A.N.S. A'N.S· [NSURANCE, REAL ESTATE, SECURITIES AND BUSINESS SERVICES SALES WORKERS SALFSMEN AND AUCTlONF.ERS DIVISION 4 Total 3,642 3,599 43 Group 44 Total 70 70 0-14 35 35 0-14 15-19 300 295 5 15-19 5 5 20-24 620 620 20-24 10 10 25-29 460 460 25-29 10 10 30-39 925 914 11 30-39 15 15 40-49 686 670 16 40-49 15 15 50-59 391 380 11 SO-59 10 10 60+ 225 225 60+ 5 5 A.N.S. A.N.S. 34 B-VI PART·A (i) OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONS AT WORK ACCORDING TO MAIN ACTIVITY OTHER THAN CULTIVATION CLASSIFIED BY SEX AND AGE GROUPS IN URBAN AREAS ONLY-contd.

Occupational Total workers Occupational Total workers divisions and Age divisions and Age groups group Persons Males Females grOUPS group Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 SERVlCi! WORKERS BUILDING CARETAKERS, SWEEPERS, CLEANERS AND REL.O\TFD WORKER DIVISION 5 Total 3,563 2,510 1,053 Group S4 Tetal 215 115 100 0-14 225 90 133 0-14 15-19 405 260 145 15-19 15 10 .5 20-24 435 350 85 20-24 2.5 2.5 25-29 375 315 60 25-29 10 5 5 30-39 725 545 180 30-39 60 10 50 40-49 793 580 213 40-49 65 35 30 SO-59 450 290 160 SO-59 35 30 5 60+ 155 80 75 60+ 5 5 A.N.S. A.N.S. HOTEL AND RESTAUR"NT KEEPERS I.AUNDI!RERS, DRY-CLEANERS AND PRESSERS. N. E. C. Gruop 50 Total 445 445 Group 55 Total 160 110 SO 0-14 0-14 15-19 15 15 15-19 15 15 20-24 25 25 20-24 30 15 15 25-29 SO 50 25-29 25 20 5 30-39 160 160 30-39 30 20 10 40-49 115 115 40-49 30 25 5 SO-59 70 70 SO-59 10 5 5 60.f- lO 10 60+ 20 10 10 A.N.S. A.N.S. HOUSEKEEPERS, MATRONS AND STE\\ARDS (DOMESTIC AND HAIR DRESSERS, BARBERS, BEAUTICIANS AND RELATED WORKERS INSTITUTIONAL) Group 56 Total 250 245 5 Group 51 Total 15 10 5 0-14 0-14 15-19 30 30 15-19 20-24 30 30 20-24 5 5 25-29 20 15 5 25-29 30-39 95 95 30-39 5 5 40-49 55 55 40-49 50-59 10 10 50-59 60+ 10 10 fiO+ 5 5 A.N.S. A.N.S· PROTECTIVE SERVICE WORKERS COOKS, WAITERS. BARTENDERS AND RELATED WORKERS Group 57 TGtal 615 615 (Dm.IESTIC AND INSTITUTIONAL) 0-14 Group 52 Total 1.358 805 553 15-19 5 5 0-14 135 50 85 20-24 55 55 15-19 210 125 85 25-29 95 95 20-24 205 170 35 30-39 135 135 25-29 140 115 25 40-49 225 225 30-39 115 80 195 50-59 95 9S 40-49 228 120 108 60+ 5 5 50-59 185 80 105 60+ 60 30 30 A.N.S. A.N·S. FARMERS, FISHERMEN, HUNTERS, LOGGERS AND RELATED WORKERS MAIDS AND REL"TED HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE WORKERS, N. E. C. DIVISION 6 Total 3,548 3,300 248 Group 53 Total 505 165 340 0-14 45 30 15 0-14 90 40 50 10 15-19 115 60 55 15-19 325 315 20-24 60 30 30 20-24 555 50S 50 25-29 35 15 20 25-29 410 390 20 30-19 45 5 40 30-39 785 760 25 40--49 75 S 70 40-49 726 665 61 50-59 45 45 50-59 411 380 31 60+ 40 10 30 60+ 291 255 36 A.N·S. A.N.S. 35 B-VI PART A-(i) OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONS AT WORK ACCORDING TO MAIN . ACl'IVlTY OTHER THAN CULTIVAnON CLASSIFIED BY SEX AND AGE GROUPS IN URBAN AREAS ONLY-contd.

Occupational Total W(lrker5 Occupational Total workers dvisions and Age divisions and Age groups grouPII Persons Males Females groups group Persons Males Fem{lleS 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 FARM PLANTATION, DAIRY AND OTHER MANAGERS AND FORESTRY WORKERS SUPERVISORS Group 66 Total 90 90 Group 60 Total 35 35 0--14 0-14 15-19 5 5 15-19 5 5 20-24 20-24 25-29 10 10 25-29 5 .5 30--39 30 30 30-39 10 10 40--49 20 20 40-49 10 10 50--59 15 15 50-59 60+ 10 10 60+ 5 5 A-N_S. A.N.S. FISHERMEN AND RELATED WORKERS FARMERS OTHER THAN CULTIVATORS Group 68 Total 2,645 2,430 215 Group 62 Total 52 35 17 0--14 35 20 15 0-14 15-19 240 230 10 15-19 20--24 425 375 50 20-24 25-29 325 305 20 25-29 30--39 565 545 20 30-39 10 10 40--49 540 485 55 40-49 16 10 6 SO-59 300 280 20 SO-59 5 5 60+ 215 190 25 60+ 21 10 11 A.N.S. A.N.S. PRODUCTION AND RELATED WORKERS, TRANSPORT EQUIPMENT AGRICULTURAL LAOOURERS OPERATORS A!'D LABOURERS Group 63 Total 5 5 DIVISIONS 7-8-9 Total 10,174 8,779 1,395 0-14 0--14 235 155 80 15-19 15-19 1,212 960 252 20-24 20-24 1,800 1,640 160 25-29 25-29 1,300 1,110 190 30-39 30--39 2,649 2,261 388 40-49 5 5 40-49 1,734 1,539 195 50-59 50-59 859 769 90 60+ 60+ 365 345 40 A.N.S. A.N.S. MINERS, QUARRYMEN, WELL-DRILLERS AND RELATED WORKERS PLANTATION LABOURERS AND RELATED WORKERS Group 71 Total 76 76 Group 64 Total 560 555 5 0-14 0-14 15-19 55 55 15-19 10 10 20-24 95 95 20--24 5 5 25-29 45 45 25-29 10 10 30-39 30-39 130 125 .5 18 18 40-49 120 120 40--49 14 14 50-59 75 75 50-59 14 14 60+ .5 5 60+ 40 40 A.N.S· A.N.S. METAL PROCESSORS OTHER FARM WORKERS Group 72 Total 10 10 Group 65 Total 161 150 11 0-14 0-14 10 10 15-19 20 20 15-19 20-24 35 35 20-24 25-29 2§ 25 25-29 30-39 40 40 30-39 5 5 40-49 15 15 40--49 50-59 16 5 11 50-59 60+ 60+ 5 .5 A.N.S. A.N.S. 36 B-VI PART-A (i) OCCUPATIONAL CLA,SSIFICATION OF PERSONS AT WORK ACCORDING TO MAIN ACTIVITY OTHER THAN CULTIVATION CLASSIFIED BY SEX AND AGE GROUPS IN URBAN AREAS ONLY-contd. Total workers Occupational Total workers Occupational Age divisions and Age divisions and group Persons Males Females groups groups Persons Males Females groups 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 TAILORS, DRESS MAKERS, SEWERS, UPHOLSTERERS AND WOOD nBPAllATION WORKERS AND PAPER MAKERS RELATED WORKERS Group 73 Total 140 140 Group 79 Total 430 390 40 0-14 0-14 10 10 15-19 5 5 15-19 YO 60 10 20-24 10 10 20-24 100 95 5 25-29 20 20 25-29 45 40 5 30-39 45 45 30-39 110 95 15 40-49 45 45 40-49 65 60 5 50-59 15 15 50-59 10 10 60+ 60+ 20 20 A.N.S. ANS. CHE>.fiCAL PROCESSORS AND RELATED WORKERS SHOE MAKERS AND LEATHER GOODS MAKERS Group 74 Total 55 55 Group 80 Total 45 45 0-14 0-14 15-19 15-19 10 10 20-24 20-24 15 15 25-29 10 10 25-29 10 10 30-39 30 30 30-39 5 5 40-49 15 15 40-59 50-59 50-59 5 5 60+ 60+ A.N.S. AN.S. SPINNERS, WEAVERS, KNITTERS, DYERS AND REl.ATED WORKERS CARPENTERS, CABINET AND REl.ATED WOOD WORKERS Group 75 Total 809 240 629 Group 81 Total 296 296 0-14 75 20 55 0-14 15-19 199 55 144 15-19 25 2S 20-24 110 45 65 20-24 60 60 25--29 140 25 115 25-29 40 40 30-39 110 30 80 30-39 66 66 40--49 145 40 105 40-49 35 35 50-59 70 25 45 50-59 30 30 60+ 20 20 60+ 40 40 A.N.S. AN.S. FOOD AND BEVERAGE PROCESSORS STONE CUTTERS AND CARVERS Group 77 Total 510 410 100 Group 82 Total 105 105 0-14 25 25 0-14 15-19 80 80 15-19 10 10 20-24 95 85 10 20-24 25 25 25-29 65 55 10 25-29 15 15 30-39 135 S5 50 30-39 30 30 40-49 45 35 10 40-49 15 15 50-59 45 25 20 50-59 10 10 60+ 20 20 60+- A.N.S. A.N.S. TOBACCO PRllPARERS AND TOBACCO PRODUCT MAKERS BLACKSMITHS, TOOLMAKERS AND MACHINE TOOf. OPERATORS Group 78 Tot.al 917 822 95 Group 83 Total 70 70 0-14 15 5 10 0-14 15-19 70 40 30 15-19 5 5 20-24 185 150 35 20-24 10 10 25-29 115 115 25-29 15 15 30-39 297 282 15 30-39 15 15 40-49 150 145 5 40-49 5 5 50-59 65 65 50-59 5 5 60+ 20 20 60+ 15 15 A.N.S. A.N.S. 37 B-VI PART-A (i) OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONS AT WORK ACCORDING TO MAIN ACTIVITY OTHER TIJAN CULTIVATION CLASSIFIED BY SEX AND AGE GROUPS IN URBAN AREAS ONLY-contd.

Occupational Total workers Occupational Total workers divisions and Age divisions and Age groups group Persons Males Females groups group Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 MACHINERY FIT11!RS, MACHINE ASSEMBLERS AND PRECISION GLASS FORMERS, POTTERS AND RELATI!D WORKERS INSTRUMENT MAKERS (EXCEPT ELECTRICAL) Group 89 Total 20 15 5 Group 84 Total 255 255 0-14 0-14 15-19 10 5 5 15-19 25 25 20-24 .s 5 20-24 40 40 25-29 5 .5 25-29 30 30 30-39 30-39 80 80 40-49 40-49 45 45 50-59 SO-59 25 25 60+ 60+ 10 10 A.N.S. A.N.S. RUBBI!Il AND PLASTIC PRODUCT M4KI!RS EUCTRICAL FIT11!RS AND REL4TED ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC Group 90 Total 30 25 S WORKERS 0-14 Group 85 Total 120 120 15-19 5 .5 0-14 20-24 10 10 15-19 25-29 10 10 20-24 20 20 30-39 25-29 20 20 40-49 30-39 75 75 SO-59 5 .s 40-49 5 5 50-59 60+ 60+ A.N.S. PRINTING AND RELATED WORKlR5 A.N.S. Group 92 Total 85 80 5 BROADCASTING STATION AND SOUND EQUIPMENT OPERATORS AND CINEMA PROJECTIOMSrs 0-14 Group 86 Total 10 10 15-19 5 5 0-14 20-24 35 30 .5 15-19 25-29 15 15 20-24 5 5 30-39 10 10 25-29 40-49 15 15 30-39 5 5 50-59 40-49 60+ 5 5 50-59 60+ A.N.S. A.N.S. PAINTERS PLUMBERS, WELDERS, SHEET METAL AND STRUCTURAL METAL Group 93 Total 60 60 PREPARERS AND ERECTORS 0-14 Group 87 Total 90 90 15-19 5 5 0-14 20-24 15-19 10 10 20-24 25 25 25-29 25-29 25 25 30-39 25 25 30-39 15 15 40-49 to 10 40-49 5 5 50-59 20 20 50-59 5 5 60+ 60+ 5 5 A.N.S. A.N.S. PRODUCTION AND REL4TED WORKERS, N.Il.C. JEWELLERY AND PRECIOUS METAL WORKERS AND METAL ENGRAVERS (EXr:-£PT PRINTING) Group 94 Total 325 165 160 Group 88 Total 346 341 5 0-14 10 l!0 0--14 10 ]0 15-19 15 5 10 15-19 45 45 20-24 25 15 10 20-24 45 45 25-29 35 15 20 25-29 15 15 30-39 125 40 30-39 101 96 5 85 40-49 60 60 40-49 65 50 15 SO-59 50 SO 50-59 25 20 5 60+ 20 20 60+ 25 20 5 AN.S. A.N.S.


Occupational Total workers Occupational Total workers divisions and Age divisions and Age groups - groups Persons Males Females groups group Persons Males Femaels 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 • 5 BRICKLAYERS AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION WORKERS LABOURERS, N.E.C. Group 95 Total 517 490 27 Group 99 Total 3,288 2,964 324 0-14 10 10 0-14 70 65 5 15-19 68 60 8 15-19 360 320 40 20-24 90 90 20-24 600 570 30 25-29 70 70 25-29 370 330 40 30-39 104 95 '} 30-39 888 759 129 40-49 115 110 5 40-49 585 535 50 50-59 40 40 50-59 305 285 20 60+ 20 15 5 60+ 110 100 to A.N.S. A.N.S. STATIONERY ENGINES AND RELATED EQUIPMENT OPERATOJt.S, WORKERS NOT CLASSIFIED BY OCCUPATIO:-lS OILERS AND GREASERS DIVISION X Total 100 90 10 Group 96 Total 305 305 0--14 0-14 5 5 15-19 10 10 15-19 90 90 20-24 10 5 S 20-24 70 70 25-29 10 10 25-29 55 55 30-39 IS 15 30-39 45 45 40-49 25 20 5 40-49 40 40 50-59 15 15 50-59 60+ 15 15 60+ A.N.S. A.N.S. WORKERS REPORTING OCCUPATIONS UNIDENTIFIABLE OR MATERIAL HANDUNG AND RELATED EQUIPMENT OPERATORS, INADEQUATELY DESCRIBED LOADERS AND UNLOADERS Group XI Total 100 90 10 Group 97 Total 285 285 0-14 0-14 15-19 10 10 15-19 20 20 20-24 10 5 5 20-24 45 4S 25-29 10 10 25-29 50 50 30-39 15 15 30-39 55 55 40-49 25 20 5 40-49 80 80 50-59 15 15 50-59 15 15 6O-l- 15 15 60+ 20 20 A.N.S. A.N.S. TRANSPORT EQUIPMENT OPERATORS Group 98 Total 915 915 0-14 5 5 15-19 70 70 20-24 170 170 25-29 115 115 30-39 255 255 40-49 175 175 50-59 100 100 60+ 2S 2S A.N.S. B-VI PART-A (ii) OCCUPATIONAL CLASSMCATION OF PERSONS AT WORK ACCORDING IN URBAN Educational

Non-technical Literate Matricula- diploma or (without tion or certificate Totalliterate educational higher se- not equal Total workers workers- levels)-- Primary Middle condary to degre" Occupational divisions and groups p M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ALL DIVISIONS 15,797 22,348 3,449 15,715 1,598 2,989 286 6,751 531 3,190 166 1,990 330 25 10 DIVISION 0-1 2,100 1,575 525 1,560 50S 115 295 .5 225 75 375 165 25 10 Group.02 25 25 25 5 03 90 90 90 10 45 .. 05 15 15 15 10 .. 06 5 5 5 5 .. 07 185 170 15 170 15 20 30 30 30 08 200 85 115 85 105 25 5 35 20 15 65 5 5 5 5 " 09 .. 12 40 40 40 20 13 45 45 45 15 10 20 14 175 175 175 5 15 25 15 15 1,085 705 380 705 380 45 115 85 55 190 100 25 10 16 15 15 15 5 5 5 17 10 10 10 10 18 10 10 10 5 5 19 195 180 15 165 5 40 85 20 5 DIVISION 2 650 645 5 625 5 20 120 190 215 5 Group 11 320 320 320 60 110 110 .. 22 15 15 15 5 5 5 23 90 90 90 5 10 40 24 185 185 170 10 55 55 45 25 20 5 5 10 " 25 25 26 15 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 DIVISION J 2,020 1,850 170 1,850 170 55 5 240 5 550 885 IodO Group 30 200 195 5 195 5 5 155 5 31 25 25 25 5 10 10 32 105 45 60 45 60 5 35 60 .. 33 305 290 15 290 15 5 75 185 15 35 1,135 1,055 80 1,055 80 50 5 195 5 350 405 50 36 35 3S 35 5 5 25 37 110 110 110 15 50 45 38 85 75 10 75 10 5 15 45 10 10 39 20 20 :10 5 15 DIVISION 4 3,642 3,599 43 2,820 16 545 11 1,325 S 705 220 Group 40 2,247 2,204 43 1,735 16 340 11 790 5 430 160 .. 41 40 40 35 5 10 to 42 5 5 5 5 43 1,280 1,280 975 185 515 240 35 44 70 70 70 20 15 25 10 DIVISION 5 3,563 2,510 1,053 1,955 370 4:!0 150 930 175 455 40 135 5 Group 50 445 445 380 110 200 60 10 51 15 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 52 1,3:;8 805 553 530 160 175 65 290 85 60 10 .. 53 505 165 340 100 140 45 70 40 60 15 1'0 .. ~4 215 115 100 75 55 30 15 45 30 10 55 160 110 se 80 10 25 50 S 10 56 250 24~ 5 170 20 115 35 .. 57 615 615 610 15 185 280 120 40 TO MAIN ACTIVITY OTHER THAN CULTIVATION CLASSIFIED BY SEX AND EDUCATIONAL LEVELS AREAS ONLY levels

Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree Technical di- Graduate Post-grad'uate ploma or ccr- degree degree tificate not other than other than Engineering Agriculture. equal to technical technical and veterinary & degret: degree degree technology Medicine dairying Teaching Others M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 280 190 355 15 3S 20 25 15 15 45 55 5 230 185 170 30 10 25 15 15 40 50 5 15 5 35 5

25 25 15 10 5 15 5


115 150 165 20 30 5 40 50

5 10 5 5 70 5 35 5

5 30 5

20 90 15 10 5 30 5

5 25 20 30 15 5 .5

.5 IS .5 .5 5 .5 10 •

5 10 .. ,. ,. s


Non-technical Literate Matricula- diploma or (without tion or certificate Total literate educational higher Se- not equal Total workers workers· levels)·· Primary Middle . condary to degree Occupational divisions and groups P M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 DIVISION 6 3,:548 3,300 248 830 32 260 :5 450 21 100 6 15 Group 60 3:5 35 35 5 5 5 15 62 52 35 17 30 17 10 10 11 10 6 63 5 5 5 5 64 :560 555 5 335 85 205 45 65 161 150 11 90 10 55 25 " 66 90 90 35 15 10 10 68 2,645 2,430 215 300 15 130 5 165 10 5 DIVISION 7-8-9 10,174 8,779 1,395 6,055 495 1,569 115 3,391 320 950 45 135 15 Group 71 76 76 38 14 24 72 10 10 5 5 73 140 140 120 50 70 74 55 55 50 5 25 15 5 75 869 240 629 160 235 30 5~ 115 170 10 15 5 77 510 410 100 245 25 45 10 145 10 40 :5 15 78 917 822 95 646 65 180 5 406 60 60 " 79 430 390 40 360 40 45 5 215 15 95 10 5 10 .. 80 45 45 45 5 30 10 .. 81 296 296 250 60 140 45 5 82 105 105 80 10 70 " 83 70 70 50 10 30 5 5 " 84 255 255 220 55 75 75 15 " .. 85 120 120 120 20 35 30 25 86 10 10 10 :5 5 " 87 90 70 5 35 30 " 90 88 346 341 5 311 5 65 196 5 45 5 " 89 20 5 " 15 5 5 .. 90 30 25 5 25 5 10 :5 5 5 5 92 85 80 5 80 5 10 25 40 5 5 " 93 60 60 30 20 5 " 5 94 325 165 160 80 25 35 15 40 10 5 95 517 490 27 390 10 120 5 195 5 65 10 " 96 305 305 285 10 190 75 10 " 97 285 285 170 45 105 21) " 98 915 915 90 355 195 15 " 655 99 3,288 2,964 324 1,560 75 630 25 850 45 80 5 " DIVISION. 10 100 90 10 20 :5 5 15 Group XI HIO 90 10 20 5 5 IS Note: 1 • Total literate workers in cols. 5 and 6 will not tally with table B-I1I part A and C-III Part B as the multipliers used in estimating .these tables are different. 2 •• Includes figures for educational levels not classifiable. 3 0-1 Professional technical and related workets, (2)' Administrative, executive and managerial workers, (3) Clerical and related workers, (4) Sales workers-.· (5) iiervice workers,. (6) Farmers, fishermen, hunters, loggers and related workers, (7-8-9) Production and related workers, transport equipment operators and labourers. X. Workers not classified by occupations...... TO MAIN ACTIVITY OTHER mAN CULTIVATION CLASSIFIED BY SEX AND EDUCATIONAL LEVELS AREAS ONLY-concld. levels ------~ Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree Technical di­ Graduate Post-graduate ploma or cer­ degree degree tificate not other than other than Engineering Agriculture. ecjual to technical technical and veterinary & dairying Teaching degree degree degree technology Medicene ---- Others M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 5 5

10 .;

. ", .. ~


, ..


Occupational Total workers Occupational Total workers divisions and Age divisions and Age groups groups Persons Males Females groups groups Persons Mal~ Females 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 ALL DIVISIONS Total 185,480 163,450 22,030 ENGINEERING TECHNICIANS 0-14 4,269 2,959 1,310 Group 03 Total 120 110 10 15-19 18,228 15,428 2,800 0-14 20-24 30,546 27,136 3,410 15-19 25-29 25,113 22,442 2,671 20-24 30 30 30-39 46,148 40,858 5,290 25-29 80 70 10 41H19 33,617 29,907 3,710 30-39 50-59 18,521 16,591 1,930 40-49 10 10 60+ 9,029 8,120 909 50-59 A.N.S. 9 9 60+ A.N.S. PROFESSIONAL, TECHNICAL AND RELATED WORKERS LIFE SCIENTISTS DivisioD 0-1 Total 19,651 15,822 3,829 Group 0.5 Total 10 10 0-14 10 10 0-14 15-19 360 290 70 15-19 20-24 3,250 2.270 980 20-24 25-29 3,530 2,650 880 25-29 30-39 5,610 4,431 1,179 30-39 10 10 3,561 3,071 490 40-49 40-49 50-59 2,220 2,040 180 50-59 60+ 1,110 1,060 50 60+ A.N.S. A.N.S. PHYSICAL SCmNTISTS PlffslCL\NS AND SUIlOl!ONS (INCLUDING DENTAL AND VETEIlINARY Group 00 Total 10 1(,) SURGEONS) 0-14 Group 07 Total 1,450 1,340 110 15-19 0-14 20-24 10 10 15-19 10 10 25-29 20-24 110 100 10 30-39 2.5-29 140 120 20 40-49 30-39 460 430 30 50-59 40-49 330 310 20 60+ 50-59 250 230 20 A.N.S. 60+ 150 140 10 A.N.S. PHYSICAL SCIENCE TECHNICIANS NURSING AND OTHER. MEDICAL AND HEALTH TECHNICIANS Group 01 Total 10 10 Group 08 Total 110 330 0-14 440 0-14 15-19 15-19 10 10 20-24 10 10 20-24 25-29 130 10 120 120 10 30-39 25-29 110 30-39 70 40-49 90 20 50-59 40-49 50 10 40 60+ 50-59 040 10 30 A.N.S. 60+ A.N.S. ARCHITECTS, I!NOINEERS, TECHNOLOGISTS AND SURVEYORS ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS AND RELATED WORKERS Group 02 Total 70 70 Group 12 Total 90 80 10 0-14 0-14 15-19 15-19 20-24 10 10 20-24 10 10 25-29 30 30 25-29 20 10 10 30-39 20 20 30-39 50 50 40-49 40-49 10 10 50-59 10 10 50-59 60+ 60+ A.N.S. A.N.S. B-VI PART-B (i) OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONS AT WORK ACCORDING TO MAIN ACTIVITY OTHER THAN CULTIVATION CLASSIFIED BY SEX AND AGE GROUPS IN RURAL AREAS ONLY-contd.

Occupational Total workers Occupational Total workers divisions and Age divisions and Age groups groups Persons Males Females groups groups Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 SOCIAL sCIENTISTS AND RELATED WORKERS COMPOSJ!RS AND PERfORMING ARTISTS Group 13 Total 280 120 160 Group 18 Total 200 150 50 0-14 0-14 10 10 15-19 15-19 20 10 10 20-24 50 30 20 20-24 50 40 -10 25-29 90 10 80 25-29 30 10 20 30-39 70 30 40 30-39 40 30 10 40-49 60 40 20 40-49 20 20 50-59 10 10 50-59 30 30 60+ 60+ A.N.S. A.N.S. JURISTS PROFESSIONAL WORKERS, N. E. C. Group 14 Total 150 150 Group 19 Total 2,110 1,990 120 0-14 0-14 15-19 15-19 40 40 20-24 20-24 100 60 40 25-29 20 20 25-29 260 260 30-39 30 30 30-39 340 320 20 40-49 30 30 40-49 350 350 50-59 20 20 50-59 520 500 20 60+ 50 50 60+ 500 460 40 A.N.S. A.N.S. TEACHERS ADMINISTRATrVE, EXECUTIVE AND MANAGI!RIAL WORKERS Group IS Total 14,661 11,622 3,039 Division 2 Total 2,428 2,369 S9 0-14 0-14 15-19 270 220 50 15-19 30 30 20-24 2,740 1,960 780 20-24 408 388 20 25-29 2,740 2,HO 630 25-29 523 514 9 30-39 4,470 3,411 1,059 30-39 778 768 10 40-49 2,701 2,291 410 40-49 486 476 10 50-59 1,340 1,230 110 50-59 143 133 10 60+ 400 400 60+ 60 60 A.N.S. A.N.S. POETS, AtJ'1'HOM, IOURNALISTS AND IUILATBD WORKERS ELI!CTED AND Ll!GISLATIVB OFFICIALS Group 16 Total 10 10 Group 20 Total 20 20 0-14 0-14 15-19 15-19. 20-24 20-24 25-29 25-29 30-39 30-39 10 10 40-49 40-49 50-59 50-59 60+ 10 10 60+ 10 10 A.N.S. A.N.S. SCULPTORS. PAIN1'ERS, PHOTOGRAPHERS AND RELATED ADMINISTRATIVE AND EXECUTIVE omCIALS GOVERNMENT AND CltEATIV£ ARTISTS LOCAL BODIES Group 17 Total 40 40 GROUP 21 Total 1,419 1,389 30 0-14 0-14 15-19 10 10 15-19 20 20 20-24 20-24 328 308 20 25-29 25-29 414 414 30-39 30 30 30-39 508 498 10 ·40-49 40-49 116 116 50-59 50-59 33 33 60+ 60+ A.N.S. A.N.S. 45· B-VI PART-B (i) OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONS AT WORK ACCORDJNG TO MAIN ACTIVITY OTHER THAN CULTIVATION CLASSIFIED BY SEX AND AGE GROUPS IN RURAL AREAS ONLY-contd.

Occupational Total workers Occupational Total workers divisions and Age divisions and Age groups groups Persons Males Females groups groups Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 S WORKING PROPRIETORS, DIRECTORS AND MANAGERS, WHOLESALE CLmuCAL AND RELATED WORKERS AND RETAIL TRADE Division 3 Total 6,908 6,580 328 Group 22 Total 60 60 0-14 10 10 0-14 15-19 170 140 30 15-19 20-24 1,338 1,180 158 20-24 10 10 25-29 1,400 1,310 90 25-29 10 10 30-39 1,990 1,940 50 30-39 10 10 40-49 1,160 1,160 40-49 30 30 SO-59 680 680 50-59 60+ 160 160 60+ A.N.S. A.N.S· CLERICAL AND OTHER SUPERVISORS DIRECTORS AND MANAGERS, FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Group 30 Total 410 400 10 Group 23 Total 130 130 0-14 0-14 15-19 15-19 20-24 60 60 20-24 10 10 25-29 80 70 10 25-29 10 10 30-39 170 170 30-39 60 60 40-49 60 60 40-49 40 40 SO-59 40 40 50-59 10 10 60+ 60+ A.N.S. A.N.S. VILLAGE OFFICIALS WORKING PROPRIETORS, DIRECTORS AND MANAGERS, MINING, CON­ Group 31 Total 480 480 STRUCTION, MANUFACTURING A~D RELATED CONCERNS Group 24 Total 500 500 0-14 15-19 0-14 20-24 70 70 15-19 10 10 25-29 60 20-24 40 40 60 30-39 100 25-29 50 50 100 40-49 30-39 120 120 140 140 SO-59 40-49 190 190 110 110 60+ 50-59 60 60 A.N.S. 6O-~- 30 30 STENOGRAPl;IERS, TYPISTS AND CARD AND TAPE PUNCHING A.N.S: OPERATORS WORKING PROPRIETORS, DIRECTORS, MANAGERS AND RELATED Group 32 Total 160 100 60 EXECUTIVES, TRANSPORT, STORAGE AND COMMUNICATIONS Group 25 Total 10 10 0-14 15-19 0-14 20-24 15-19 90 40 SO 25-29 20-24 30 30 30-39 25-29 10 10 SO 20 10 30-39 40-49 40-49 SO-59 10 10 50-59 60+ A.N.S. 60+ ," ,A.N.S. BOOK-KEEPERS, CASHIERS AND RELATEO WORKERS WORKING PROPRIETOllS, DIRECTORS AND MANAGERS, OTfJl!R SEII,VICES Group 33 Total <49 590 5'), Group 26 Total 289 260 29 0-14 0-14 15-19 20 20 15-19 20-24 199 170 29 20-24 20 20 25-29 140 128 20 25-29 29 20 9 30-39 180 30-39 70 70 190 10 40-49 110 100 10 40-49 60 60 SO-59 40 30 10 50-59 30 30 60+ 20 20 69+ 10 10 A.N.S, A.N.S. 46 8-VI PART-B (i) OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONS AT WORK ACCORDING TO MAIN ACTIVITY OTHER THAN CULTIVATION CLASSIFIED BY SEX AND AGE GROUPS IN RURAL AREAS ONLY-contd.

Occupational Total workers Occupational Total workers divisions and Age divisions and Age groups groups Persons Males Females groups groups Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 CLERICAL AND RELATED WORKERS, N. E. C. SALES WORKERS Group 35 Total 3,929 3,750 179 Division 4 Total 24,045 23,748 297 0--14 10 10 0--14 300 280 20 15-19 130 100 30 15-19 1,710 1,670 40 20-24 669 590 79 20--24 3,440 3,430 10 25-29 860 820 40 25-29 3,120 3,070 50 30-·39 1,130 1,100 30 30--39 6,629 6,589 40 40--49 690 690 40--49 4,787 4,729 58 50--59 360 360 50-59 2,739 2,709 30 60+ 80 80 60+ 1,319 1,270 49 A.N.S. A.N.S. 1 1 TRANlSPORT AND COMMUNICATION SUPERVISORS MERCHANTS AND SHOP-KEEPERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE Group 36 Total 270 250 20 Group 40 Total 17,145 16,978 167 0--14 0-14 150 140 10 15-19 . 15-19 790 790 20--24 50 SO 20-24 1,970 1,960 10 25-29 70 50 20 25-29 2,150 2,130 20 30--39 60 60 30--39 5,039 5,019 20 40--49 30 30 40-49 3,677 3,629 48 50--59 40 40 50-59 2,269 2,249 20 60+ 20 20 60+ 1,099 1,060 39 A.N.S. A.N.S. 1 1 TRANSPORT CONDUCTORS AND GUARDS MANUFACTURER'S AGENTS Group 37 Total 360 360 Group 41 Total 120 120 0--14 0--14 15-19 10 10 15-19 10 10 20--24 110 110 20-24 20 20 25-29 80 80 25-29 20 20 30--39 120 120 30--39 20 20 40-49 30 30 40-49 50 50 50--59 10 10 50--59 60+ 60+ A.N.S. A.N.S· MAIL DIStRIBUTORS AND RELATED WORKERS TECHNICAL SALESMEN AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS Group 38 Total 600 600 Group 42 Total 10 10 0--14 0--14 15-19 10 10 1,5-19 20--24 90 90 20-24 10 10/ 25-29 70 70 25-29 30--39 160 160 30--39 40--49 140 140 40--49 50--59 80 80 50-59 60+ 50 SO 60+ A.N.S. A.N.S. TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH OPERATORS SALESMEN, SHOP ASSISTANrs AND RELATED WORKERS Group 19 Total 50 50 Group 43 Total 6,430 .. 6,330 foo 0--14 . 0-14 150 140 10 15-19 15-19 870 840 30 20-24 20-24 1,410 1,410 25-29 . 10 10 25-29 920 900 20 30-39 30 30 30-39 1,460 1,440 20 40-49 10 10 40-49 980 970 10 50--59 50--59 :430 420 10 60+ 60+ 210 210 . A.N.S. A.N.S. 47 B-VI PART-B (i) OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONS AT WORK. ACCORDING TO MAIN ACTIVITY OTHER THAN CULTIVATION CLASSIFIED BY SEX AND AGE GROUPS IN RURAL AREAS ONLY-con/d.

Occupational Total workers Occupational Total workers divisions and Age divisions and Age groups groups Persons Males Females groups groups Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE, Sl!CURlTIES AND BUSINESS SERVICE HOUSEKEEPllRS, MATRONS AND STEWARDS (DOMESTIC AND SALESMEN AND AUCTIONEERS INSTITUTIONAL) Group 44 Total 290 290 Group 51 Total 50 50 0-14 0-14 15-19 30 30 15-19 20-24 30 30 20-24 25-29 20 20 2.5-.29 10 10 30-39 100 100 30-39 40--49 70 70 40-49 30 30 50--59 40 40 50-59 60+ 60+ 10 10 A.N.S. A.N.S. MONEY Ll!NDERS AND PAWN BROKERS CooKS, WA1TI!RS, BARTENDERS AND RELATED WORKERS (DOMESTIC Group 45 Total 20 10 10 AND INSTITUTIONAL) 0-14 Group 52 Total 8,497 5,270 3,221 15-19 0-14 919 220 699 20-24 15-19 1,938 1,299 639 25-29 20-24 1,420 1,180 240 30-39 10 10 25-29 840 630 210 40--49 30-39 1,619 1,110 509 SO-59 40-49 1,010 530 480 60+ 10 10 50-59 520 230 290 A.N.S. 60+ 230 70 160 SALES WORKERS, N. I!. C. A.N.S. 1 Group 49 Total 30 10 20 MAIDS AND RI!LATED HOUSE KEEPING SERVICB WORKBRS, N.lI. c. 0-14 Group 53 Total 2,141 1,351 790 15-19 10 10 0-14 420 290 130 20-24 15-19 420 300 120 25-29 10 10 20-24 320 240 80 30-39 25-29 160 120 40 40-49 10 10 30-39 310 160 150 50--59 40-49 220 110 110 60+ 50-59 180 70 110 A.N.S. 60+ 110 60 50 SEa \lICE WORKERS A.N.S. 1 1 Division 5 Total 23,787 17,921 5,866 BUILDING CARETAKERS, SWEEPERS, CLEANERS AND RELATED WORKBRS 0-14 1,439 600 839 Group 54 Total 510 270 240 15-19 3,238 2,319 919 0-14 10 10 20-24 3,430 2,880 550 15-19 25-29 2,930 2,500 430 20-24 70 50 20 30-39 5,467 4,349 1,118 25-29 10 10 40-49 4,159 3,089 1,070 3G-39 110 40 70 50-59 2,2~0 1,570 660 .40-49 22e 120 100 60+ 890 610 280 50-59 30 30 A.N.S. 4 4 60+ .60 40 20 HOTEL AND RESTAURANT KEEPERS A.N.S. Group ~O Total 6,068 ',019 49 LAUl'WERERS, I9RY-CLEANERS AND PRESSI!R$, N. E. C. 0-14 Group 55 Total 1,620 320 1,300 15-19 310 310 0-14 10 10 20-24 590 5.90 15-19 140 30 110 25-29 900 900 20-24 240 40 200 30-39 1,938 I,QQ9 29 25-29 220 70 150 30-39 370 70 300 40-49 1,429 1,429 4e-49 390 80 310 50-59 690 670 20 SO-59 190 10 180 60+ 210 210 60+ 60 20 40 A.N.S. 1 A.N.S. . . 48 B-VI PART-B (i) OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONs AT WORK ACCORDING TO MAIN ACflVITY OTHER THAN CULTIVATION CLASSIFIED BY SEX AND AGE GROUPS IN RURAL AREAS ONLY-contd.

Occupational Total workers Occupational Total workers divisions and Age divisions and Age groups groups Persons Males Females groups groups Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 HAIR DRESSERS, BARBERS, BEAUTICIANS A:-.rD RELATED WORKERS CULTIVATORS Group 56 Total 3,241 2,981 260 Group 61 Total 260 260 0-14 70 70 0--14 10 10 15-19 390 340 50 15-19 2()-24 580 570 10 20--24 30 30 :!5-29 480 450 30 25-29 ~0-39 720 660 60 30--39 150 150 40-49 500 430 70 40-49 30 30 50-59 330 300 30 50--59 30 30 60+ 170 160 10 60+ 10 10 A.N.S. 1 1 A.N.S. PROTECTIVE SERVICE WORKERS FARMERS, OTHER THAN CULTIVATORS Group 57 Total 1,490 1,490 Group 62 Total 2,319 2,079 240 0-14 10 10 0--14 80 70 10 15-19 30 30 15-19 210 210 20-24 190 190 20-24 240 230 10 25-29 280 280 25-29 100 100 30-39 360 360 30-39 539 449 90 40-49 330 330 40-49 510 440 70 50-59 250 250 50-59 280 250 30 60+ 40 40 60+ 360 330 30 A.1\~.S. A.N.S. SERVICE "ORKERS, N. E. C. PLANTATION LABOURERS AND RELATED WORKERS Group 59 Tolal 170 170' . Group 64 Total 11,733 10,403 1,330 0-14 0-14 130 100 30 15-19 10 10 15-19 1,259 1,069 190 20-24 20 20 20-24 2,119 1,889 230 25 29 30 30 25-29 1,549 1,359 190 30--39 40 40 30-39 2,828 2,458 370 40-49 30 30 40-49 2,199 1,959 240 50-59 40 40 50-59 1,149 1,099 50 601- 60+ 500 470 30 A.N.S. A.N.S.

FARMERS, FISHERMEN;' HUNTERS, LOGGERS AND' RELATED WORKERS OTHER FARM WOR~ERS Division 6 Total 27,896 26,106 1,790 Group 65 Total 1,629 1,529 100 0--14 1,129 1,079 50 0-14 659 649 10 15-19 3,438 3,238 200 15-19 580 570 10 20-24 4,328 4,028 300 20--24 120 110 10 25-29 3,198 2,998 200 25-29 20 20 30-39 6,196 5,666 530 30-39 110 10 40 40-49 4,958 4,628 330 . 40-49 80 70 10 50-59 2,878 2,768 110 50-59 40 20 20 60+ 1,770 1,700 70 60 !- 20 20 A.N.S. 1 1 A.N.S. FARM PLANTATION, DAIRY AND OTHER MANAGERs AND SUPERVISORS FORESTRY WORKERS Group 60 Total 440 440 Group 66 Total 2,410 2,350 60 0-14 0-14 15-19 10 10 15-19 120 120 20-24 60 60 20-24 300 280 20 25-29 40 40 25-29 310 300 10 30--39 140 140 30-39 620 610 10 40-49 100 100 40-49 570 560 10 50--59 70 70 50-59 330 320 10 60+ 20 20 60+ 160 160 A.N.S. A.N.S. 49 B-VI PART-ll (i) OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONS AT WORK ACCORDING TO MAIN ACTIVITY OTHER THAN CULTIVATION CLASSIFIED BY SEX AND AGE GROUPS IN RURAL AREAS ONLY-contd.

Occupational Total workers Occupational Total workers divisions and Age divisions and Age groups groups Persons Males Females groups groups Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 1. 2 3 4 5 FISHERMEN AND RELATED WORKERS CHEMICAL PROCESSORS AND RELATED WORKERS Group 68 Total 9,105 9,045 60 Group 74 Total 60 60 0-14 250 250 0-14 15-19 1,259 1,259 15-19 20-24 1,459 1,429 30 20-24 25-29 1,179 1,179 25-29 30-39 1,809 1,789 20 30-39 50 50 40-49 1,469 1,469 40-49 10 10 50-59 979 979 50-59 60+ 700 690 10 60+ A.N.S. 1 A.N.S. PRODUcrION AND RELATED WORKERS, TRANSPORT EQUIPMENT SPINNERS, WEAVERS, KNITTERS, DYERS AND RELATED WORKERS OPERATORS AND LAROURERS Group 75 Total 5,841 2,441 3,400 Divisions 7,8&9 Total 80,765 70,904 9,861 0-14 330 110 220 0-14 1,381 980 401 15-19 1,030 360 670 15-19 9,282 7,741 1,541 20-24 930 450 480 20-24 14,352 12,960 1,392 25-29 590 300 290 25-29 10,412 9,400 1,012 30-39 1,181 481 700 30-39 19,478 17,115 2,363 40-49 980 370 610 40-49 14,506 12,754 1,752 50-59 510 220 290 50-59 7,631 6,691 940 60+ 290 150 140 60+ 3,720 3,260 460 A.N.S. A.N.S. 3 3 T..t.NNERS. FELLMONGERS AND POLT DRESSERS MINERS, QUARRYMEN, WELL-DRILLERS A'SD RELATED WORKERS Group 76 Total 20 20 Group 71 Total 2,586 2,582 4 0-14 0-14 11 10 15-19 15-19 150 150 20-24 10 10 20-24 320 320 25-29 25-29 311 310 30-39 30-39 702 701 40-49 10 10 40-49 602 601 50-59 50-59 320 320 60+ 60+ 170 170 A.N.S. A.N.S. FOOD PROCESSORS METAL PROCESSORS AND BEVERAGE Group 72 Total 310 300 10 Group 77 Total 3,949 2,630 1,319 0-14 0-14 100 70 30 J5-19 30 30 15-19 610 470 140 20-24 60 60 20-24 820 620 200 25-29 10 10 25-29 530 400 130 30-39 90 90 30-39 849 530 319 40-49 70 70 40-49 640 340 300 50-59 30 20 10 50-59 240 120 120 60+ 20 20 60+ 160 80 80 A.N.S. A.N.S. TOBACCO PREPARERS AND TOBACCO PRODUcr MAKERS , WOOD PREPARATION WORKERS AND PAPER MAKERS Group 73 Total 2,698 2,698 Group 78 Total 7,529 7,259 270 0-14 10 10 0-14 150 120 30 15-19 130 130 15-19 970 890 80 20-24 300 300 20-24 1,909 1,879 30 25-29 410 410 25-29 1,260 1,200 60 30-39 819 819 30-39 1,770 1,710 60 40-49 659 659 40-49 950 940 10 50-59 ·260 260 50-59 390 390 60+ 110 110 60+ 130 130 A.N.S. A.N.S. 50 B-VI PART-B(i) OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONS AT WORK ACCORDING TO MAIN ACTIVITY OTHER THAN CULTIVATION CLASSIFIED BY SEX AND AGE GROUPS IN RURAL AREAS ONLY - contd.

Occupational Total workers Occupational Total workers divisions and Age divisions and Age groups groups Persons Males Females groups groups Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 TAIWRS, DRESS MAKERS, SEWERS, UPHOLSTERERS AND MACHINERY fiTTERS, MACHINE ASSEMBLERS AND PRECISION RELATED WORKERS INSTRUMENT MAKERS (EXCEPT ELECTRICAL) Group 79 Total 2,799 2,589 210 Group 84 Total 880 880 0-14 60 60 0-14 30 30 15-19 380 360 20 ]5-19 140 140 20-24 709 659 50 20-24 160 160 25-29 460 410 50 25-29 140 140 30-39 580 530 50 30-39 240 240 40-49 320 310 10 40-49 110 110 50-59 240 220 20 50-59 30 30 60+ 50 40 10 60+ 30 30 A.N.S. A.N.S. SHOE MAKERS AND LEATHER GOODS MAKERS ELECTRICAL FITTERS AND RELATED ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC Group 80 Total 260 260 WORi(FRS 0-14 Group 85 Total 260 260 15-19 10 10 0-14 20-24 50 50 15-19 25-29 30 30 20-24 30 30 30-39 50 50 25-29 60 60 30-39 100 100 40-49 70 70 40-49 50 50 50-59 40 40 50-59 20 20 60+ 10 10 60+ A.N.S. A.N.S. CARPENfERS, CABINET AND RELATED> WOOD WORKEKS BROADCASTING STATION AND SOUND EQUIPMENT OPERATORS Group 81 Total 6,911 6,901 10 AND CINEMA PROJECTIONISTS 0-14 50 50 Group 86 Total 20 20 15-19 630 630 0-14 20-24 1,160 1,150 10 15-19 25-29 900 900 20-24 10 to 25-29 10 10 30-39 1,421 1,421 30-39 40-49 1,380 1,380 40-49 . 50-59 850 850 50-59 60+ 520 520 60+ A.N.S. A.N.S. STONE CUTTERS AND CARVERS PLUMBERS, WELDERS. SHEET METAL ftND STRUCTURAL Group 82 Total 60 60 .'. METAL PREPARERS AND ERECTORS 0-14 Group 87 Total 620 610 10 15-19 10 10 0-14 20-24 40 40 15-19 40 40 25-29 20-24 100 100 25-29 90 90 30-39 30-39 180 ]80 40-49 40-49 120 110 10 50-59 10 10 SO-59 70 70 60+ 60-l­ 20 20 A.N.S. A.N.S. BLACKSMrrns, TOOLMAKERS AND MACHINE TOOL OPERATORS JEWELLERY-> AND PRECIOl'S !\.fETAL WORKERS AND METAL Group 83 Total 1,942 1,91~ 30 ENGRAVERS (EXCEPT PRINTING) 0-14 Group 88 Total 2,740 2,730 10 15-19 270 270 0-14 60 60 20-24 220 220 15-19 390 390 20-24 470 460 10 25-29 230 230 25-29 270 270 30-39 361 361 30-39 610 610 40-49 401 391 10 40-49 400 400 50-59 300 280 29 50-59 340 340 60+ 160 ]60 60+ 200 200 A.N.S. A.N.S. 51 'B-VI -PART-B (i) OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONS AT WORK ACCORDING TO MAIN ACTIVITY OTHER THAN CULTIVATION CLASSIFIED BY SEX AND AGE GROUPS IN RURAL AREAS ONLY - cone/d.

Occupational Total workers Occupational Total workers divisions and Age divisions and Age ------groups groups Persons Males Females groups groups Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 GLASS tORMERS, POTTER<; AND RELATED, WORKERS BRICKLAYERS AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION WORKERS Group 89 Total 2,301 1,781 520 Group 95 Total 5,069 4,954 115 0-14 110 70 40 0-14 20 20 15-19 220 160 60 15-19 451 420 31 20-24 300 240 60 20-24 833 801 32 25-29 260 210 50 25-29 581 560 21 30-39 510 390 120 30-39 1,282 1,261 21 40-49 531 421 110 40-49 911 911 50-59 200 150 50 50-59 611 601 10 60+ 170 140 30 60+ 380 380 A.N.S. A.N.S. RUBBER AND PLASTIC PRODUCT MAKERS STATIONARY ENGINES AND RELATED EQUIPMENT OPERATORS, OILERS AND GREASERS Group 90 Total 120 120 Group 96 Total 760 760 0-14 0-14 50 50 15-19 10 10 15-19 90 90 20-24 20 20 20-24 210 210 25-29 30 30 25-29 100 100 30-39 50 50 30-39 190 190 40-49 40-49 100 100 50-59 10 10 50-59 20 20 60+ 60+ A.N.S. A.N.S. PRINTING AND RELATED WORKERS - MATERIAL HANDLING AND RELATED EQUIPMENT OPERATORS Group 92 Total 220 210 10 (LOADERS AND UNLOADERS)" 0-14 Group 97 Total 3,921 3,781 140 15-19 20 10 10 0-14 50 40 10 20-24 40 40 15-19 400 390 10 25-29 20 20 20-24 820 810 10 30-39 60 60 25-29 580 560 20 40-49 60 60 30-39 1,020 970 50 50-59 10 10 40-49 730 710 20 60+ 10 10 50-59 280 260 20 A.N.S. 60+ 40 40 PAINTERS A.N.S. 1 Group 93 Total 70 70 TRJ'

Educational levels

Literate Matriculation Graduate Total (without edu- or higher and Occupational Total workers literate workers* cational level~)** Primary Middle secondary above divisions and Groups P M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 All divisions 185,480 163,450 22,030 119,808 9,935 35,978 4,279 58,310 3,318 16230 920 8,070 1,198 1,220 220 Division 0-1 19,651 15,822 3,829 15,352 3,729 4,381 2,049 4,101 120 2,730 470 3,300 900 840 190 Group 00 10 10 10 10 01 10 10 10 10 02 70 70 70 20 40 10 03 120 110 10 110 10 30 10 60 10 IO 05 10 10 10 10 07 1,450 1,340 110 1,340 110 380 40 340 20 270 10 290 10 60 30 OS 440 110 330 110 290 10 40 20 20 10 80 220 12 90 80 10 80 10 20 40 10 20 13 280 I:W 160 120 160 30 30 80 70 60 10 14 150 150 150 20 60 10 60 15 14,661 11,622 3,039 11,622 3,039 3,471 1,929 2,891 .. 2,000 360 2,620 590 640 160 16 10 10 10 10 17 40 40 40 10 20 10 IS 200 150 50 140 30 30 20 60 10 50 19 2,110 1,990 120 1.530 80 440 20 740 40 200 20 140 10

Division 2 2,428 2,369 59 2,279 40 959 10 460 360 470 10 30 20 Group 20 20 20 20 10 10 21 1,419 1,389 30 1,389 30 879 50 130 310 10 20 20 22 60 60 60 40 20 23 130 130 130 40 30 50 10 24 500 500 440 40 220 110 70 25 10 10 10 10 26 289 260 29 230 10 30 10 90 70 40

Division 3 6,908 6,580 328 6,580 328 28q 20 1,150 .. 2,250 30 2,620 268 280 10 Group 30 410 400 10 400 10 10 10 10 270 110 31 480 480 480 10 50 220 200 32 160 100 60 100 60 ·10 100 50 33 649 590 59 590 59 20 10 170 350 59 40 35 3,929 3,750 179 3,750 179 190 850 .. 1,250 30 1,330 139 130 10 36 270 250 20 250 20 110 140 20 37 360 360 360 10 10 220 120 38 600 600 600 30 220 270 80 39 50 50 50 10 10 30 Division 4 24,045 23,748 297 18,459 99 5,280 40 9,669 49 2,890 600 10 20 Group 40 17,145 16,978 167 12,919 49 3,840 20 6,719 29 2,000 360 41 120 120 110 20 30 10 40 IO 42 10 10 10 10 43 6,430 6,330 100 5,110 30 1,370 10 2,740 10 830 160 10 10 44 290 290 290 30. 180 50 30 45 20 10 10 10 10 49 30 10 20 10 20 10 10 10

Division 5 23,787 17,921 5,866 13,730 1,979 4,120 760 7,650 1,139 1,660 SO 260 40 Group 50 6,068 6,019 49 4,910 20 1,610 10 2,850 10 420 30 51 50 50 30 10 10 10 52 8,497 5,270 3,227 3,880 969 1,260 370 2,240 559 370 40 10 53 2,141 1,351 790 810 240 300 110 420 120 70 .to. 20 '53 B-VI PART-B (ii) OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONS AT WORK ACCORDING TO MAIN ACTIVITY OTHER THAN CULTIVATION CLASSIFIED BY SEX AND EDUCATIONAL LEVELS IN RURAL AREAS ONLY-cone/d.

Educational levels Literate Matriculation Graduate Total (without edu- or higher and Occupational Total workers literate workers'" cationallevels)** Primary Middle secondary above divisions and Groups P M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16

Group 54 510 270 240 220 130 50 10 170 110 10 55 1,620 320 1,300 230 510 40 180 130 310 50 20 10 56 3,241 2,981 260 2;120 110 690 80 1,300 30 120 10 57 1,490 1,490 1,410 140 480 600 160 10 59 170 170 120 20 50 20 20 30 Division 6 27,896 26,106 1,790 13,174 550 5,237 240 6,957 300 70 10 210 Group 60 440 440 390 60 80 100 150 61 260 260 150 60 80 10 62 2,3\9 2,079 240 1,440 110 410 50 840 50 170 10 20 64 11,733 10,403 1,330 6,676 370 2,658 160 3,638 210 360 20 65 1,629 ],529 100 520 50 320 20 180 30 20 66 2,410 2,350 60 ],210 480 670 40 20 68 9,105 9,045 60 2,788 20 1,249 10 1,469 10 70 Divisions 7-8-9 80,765 70,904 9,861 50,234 3,210 15,721 1,160 28,323 1,710 5,570 330 610 10 10 Group 71 2,586 2,582 4 1,331 510 701 120 72 310 300 10 190 30 120 20 20 73 2,698 2,698 2,108 709 1,219 150 30 74 60 60 60 40 ]0 10 75 5,841 2,441 3,400 1,650 1,200 590 350 860 700 180 150 20 76 20 20 20 10 10 77 3,949 2,630 1,319 1,880 520 740 160 990 330 120 30 20 10 78 7,529 7,259 270 6,409 160 1,910 30 4,099 130 390 10 79 2,799 2,589 210 2,369 120 310 20 1,419 20 600 70 40 10 80 260 260 220 50 150 20 81 6,911 6,901 10 6,171 10 1,550 10 3,691 880 50 82 60 60 50 30 20 83 1,942 1,912 30 1,321 10 430 10 741 ItO 40 84 880 880 820 140 380 220 80 85 260 260 260 20 120 sa 40 86 20 20 20 to 10 87 620 610 10 430 10 110 180 10 120 20 88 2,740 2,730 10 2,600 10 670 10 1,570 330 30 89 2,301 1,781 520 780 70 21Q 30 50:> 40 70 90 120 120 100 50 30 20 92 220 210 10 200 10 40 70 50 10 40 93 70 70 70 20 50 94 3,971 2,290 1,681 1,350 420 460 210 670 170 210 40 10 95 5,069 4,954 115 3,713 20 I,Q21 10 2,272 10 40() 20 96 760 760 660 130 410 410 120 97 3,921 3,781 140 2,550 70 930 60 1,370 10 220 30 98 3,711 3,711 2,850 550 1,690 570 40 99 21,137 19,015 2,122 10,052 580 4,481 260 5,021 290 500 30 50

NOTE: • Total literate workers in columns 5 and 6 will not tally with table B-JU Part-B as the multipliers used in estimating these two tables are different ... Includes figures for educational levels not classifiable. Division 0-1 Professional, Technical and Related workers " 2 Administrative, Executive and Managerial workers 3 Clerical and related workers 4 Sa1es workers 5 Farmers, Fishermen, Hunters, Loggers and related workers " 6 Service workers t. 7-8-9 Production and related workers, Transport equipment operators and labourers 10 Workers not classified by oc..:upalion ' S4 B-vn SECONDARY WORK i. e. PERSONS HAVING MAIN ACTIVITY (i) CULTIVATORS, (ii) AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS, (iii) HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY, (iv) NON-HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY, TRADE, BUSINESS OR SERVICE AND (v) NON-WORKERS CLASSIFIED BY SEX AND BY SECONDARY WORK (i) CULTIVATORS, (ii) AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS, (iii) HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY, (iv) NON-HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY, TRADE, BUSINESS OR SERVICE Secondary work

Non-household indus- Agricultural Household try, trade, business or Total Total Cultivators labourers industry service Rural Main activity Vrban Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total Total 10,695 9,180 3,505 620 1,455 2,530 685 3,860 5,050 2,170 Rural 10,420 7,790 3,450 610 1,450 2,530 660 2,990 4,860 1,660 Urban 275 1,390 55 10 5 25 870 190 510 Cultivators Total 3,795 150 710 60 280 10 2,805 80 Rural 3,720 150 710 60 280 10 2,730 80 Urban 75 75 Agricultural labourers Total 1,515 710 550 30 140 450 825 230 Rural 1,460 710 550 30 140 450 770 230 Urban 55 55 Household industry Total 195 90 120 30 70 10 45 10 Rural 190 80 120 30 70 10 40 Urban 5 10 5 10 Non-household industry, Total 3,655 150 2,465 20 555 40 85 20 550 70 trade, business or Rural 3,570 140 2,410 20 550 40 80 20 530 60 service Urban 85 10 55 5 5 20 10 Non-workeN Total 1,535 8,080 370 570 160 2,360 180 3,370 825 1,780 Rural 1,480 6,710 370 560 160 2,360 160 2,500 790 1,290 Urban 55 1,370 10 20 870 35 490


Total Total non-working population Students Rural Age District Urban group Persons Males Females Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MALAPPURAM TOTAL Total 1353718 503100 850618 184942 143839 0-14 795695 401960 393735 159532 134477 15-19 135101 49673 85428 22435 8792 20-24 89311 15004 74307 2736 550 25-29 59888 4042 55846 215 20 30-39 93110 4438 88672 15 40-49 63761 4064 59697 50-59 47579 5814 41765 60+ 69225 18086 51139 A.N.S. 48 19 29 9 RURAL Total 1260730 468617 792113 171327 133282 0-14 745163 376452 368711 148331 125014 15--19 125164 45720 79444 20326 775& 20-24 82581 13517 69064 2441 490 25-29 55435 3672 51763 210 20 30-39 86091 3978 82113 10 40-49 58859 3583 55276 50-59 43711 5181 38530 60+ 63680 ' 16496 47[84 A,N.S.' 46 18 28 9 URBAN T()t~1 921]88 344S3 58505 13615 10557 0-14 50532 25508 25~24 11201 9463 15-19 9937 39<;3 5984 2109 1034 20-24 67:10 1.187 52B 295 60 25-29 4~53 370 4033 5 30-19 7019 460 6559 5 40-49 4902 481 4421 50-59 3868 633 3235 60+ 5545 1590 3955 A.N.S. 2 1

56 CROSS CLASSIFIED BY SEX, AGE GROUPS AND TYPE OF ACTIVITY Retired, rentires and Inmates of penal, men- Dependents and persons of indepen­ Beggars, vagrants tal and charitable Household dutie$ infants dent means etc, institutions Others

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 18 19 20 11199 404199 286127 297550 3514 1485 389 630 160 55 16769 2860 1465 21591 240128 237317 20 35 30 785 315 2899 64899 17755 10537 30 10 5 20 35 6514 1110 1491 69426 4513 3181 30 25 5 10 50 6179 1115 694 53776 1591 1855 35 10 25 15 1482 170 1144 85862 1815 2540 170 140 75 80 5 15 1214 35 941 56477 2193 2895 545 250 55 60 15 315 15 1065 33156 3525 8209 974 285 50 85 10 200 20 1500 19003 14606 30996 1730 775 160 315 10 30 80 20 9 20 9 10489 375481 268734 279100 2840 1310 329 560 70 40 14828 2340 1420 20421 226081 222996 20 30 600 250 2759 60678 16756 9988 20 10 20 20 5839 990 1'381 64703 '4112 2921 30 20 10 30 5523 920 669 49843 1456 1750 30 10 20 1291 130 1069 79483 1650 2390 120 130 60 80 10 1069 20 851 52356 1942 2660 470 210 50 50 10 260 970 30630 3221 7580 780 240 50 60 160 . 20 1370 11358 13516 28196 1390 100 130 290 10 30 80 10 9 19 9 710 28718 17393 18450 674 175 60 70 90 15 1~41 520 45 1110 14041 14321 5 30 185 65 140 4221 999 549 10 5 15 675 180 110 4723 401 260 5 5 20 656 195 25 3933 135 105 5 5 15 185 40 15 6319 165 150 50 10 ,15 5 5 145 15 90 4121 251 235 75 40 5 10 5 55 15 95 2526 304 629 194 45 25 10 40 130 1645 1090 2200 340 15 30 25 10 1


r------Spouses of heads Heads of Total Total house- of households No. of hold population households Married relations to heads Age group of the head of ------house------~------household M F holds M F M F Son Brother Father Mother 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TOTAL All ages 236200 55050 291250 906825 944600 4200 212300 71125 16150 1325 3525 Less than 30 20700 2800 23500 52475 59150 450 14275 50 1825 475 1150 30-49 127650 24200 .151850 462625 485000 2275 120000 9175 11975 800 2200 50+ 87825 28050 115875 391700 400400 1475 78000 61900 2350 50 175 RURAL All ages 222375 49700 272075 845025 882100 3150 200500 66450 15000 1225 3350 Less than 30 19775 2525 22300 49900 56500 325 13850 50 1775 475 1125 30-49 119975 22100 142075 431950 454425 1700 113025 8500 11075 700 2075 50+ 82600 25075 107675 363150 371125 1125 73600 57900 2150 50 150 URBAN AU ages 13825 5350 19175 61800 62500 1050 11800 4675 1,150 100 175 . Less than 30 925 275 1200 2575 2650 125 425 50 25 30-49 7675 2100 9775 30675 30575 575 6975 675 900 100 125 50+ 5225 2975 8200 28550 29275 350 4400 4000 200 25


r------Literate (without Total population Illiterate educationallevel)* Primary ------Age group Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 All ages 1856362 909515 946847 406380 560754 196652 163881 215984 173909 0-4 289826 147349 142477 147349 142477 5-9 263252 134260 12R992 76573 75862 55523 51144 2164 1986 10-14 252351 126954 125397 18764 26796 49451 45808 51879 47316 15-19 188507 90709 97798 16006 29325 14873 15879 35478 37327 20-24 168163 80345 87818 16845 34654 13452 12208 30519 28984 25-34 225991 102867 123124 29132 67853 19025 16225 36226 29451 35+ 468193 226990 241203 101680 183759 44318 22607 59718 28845 Age not statP,o 79 41 38 31 28 10 10 • Includes figures for educational levels not classifiable. *. This level will not occur in the state wht!rc it does not exist. 58 TO HEAD OF' HOUSEHOLD CLASSIFIED BY AGE GROUPS Number of members by relationship to head ___A__... ---.. Never married, widowed Single of households and divorced or separated relations Unrelated member persons hou,se!lOld Other Other Other Other ------males females Son Brother Daughter Sister Father Mother males' females M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26\ TOTAL 11200 p1325 423300 23625 362875 , 23625 775 38150 ..114025 113025 4900 4725 5075 5850 325 4550 13825 9900 13150 8375 9675 4425 4650 500 525 1150 400 3300 35725 266625 12700 234700 11650 575 25875 25375 28225 2175 2425 2475 1625 7575 91050 142850 1025 115,000 3600 200 2600 84225 80150 2225 1775 1450 3825 RURAL 9175 121700 396925 22525 340475 22275 750 36125 103125 104000 4325 3975 4350 5525 300 4350 13025 9550 12600 7975 9275 4175 4350 450 450 950 400 2625 33050 250200 12025 220750 11150 550 24450 22575 25800 2025 2025 2100 1500 6250 84300 133700 950 107100 3150 200 2400 76375 73850 1850 1500 1300 3625 URBAN 2025 9625 26375 1100 22400 1350 25 2025 10900 9025 575 750 725 325 25 200 800 350 550 400 400 250 300 50 75 200 675 2675 16425 675 13950 500 25 1425 2800 2425 150 400 375 125 1325 6750 9150 75 7900 450 200 7850 6300 375 275 150 200


______Educational-A.. ______levels . ______Non-technical diploma or Technical diploma or Matriculation or certificate not equal to certificate not equal to Graduate and Middle· higher s(!cofldary d~gr~J d~g~·e,;! above ------Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 62039 36256 22824 9071 2626 2055 605 341 2405 580

6810 5437 50 40 18842 12171 5450 3036 40 30 15 20 5 10 11510 7663 6743 3218 538 645 150 191 588 255 11008 6523 5332 1997 837 790, 264 55 1043 230 13869 4462 5249 780 1211 590 176 75 769 85


*Literate Educational levels (without educational Matriculation or Total plopulation Illiterate level) Primary **Middle higher secondary Age group Persons Males Females M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 All ages 124852 61487 63365 24772 34171 10436 9514 15028 13231 6802 4383 3476 1650 0-4 18288 9340 8948 9340 8948 5-9 16393 8241 8152 4397 4357 3573 3539 271 256 10-14 16453 8266 8187 1037 1466 2522 2503 3984 3541 723 677 15-19 12879 6307 6572 1047 1656 558 587 2236 2493 1768 1380 678 436 20-24 11780 5867 5913 1131 1755 613 517 1949 2101 1120 802 884 547 25-34 16125 7428 8697 1822 3972 794 823 2306 2498 1206 782 929 507 35+ 32928 16034 16894 5994 12015 2376 1545 4282 2342 1985 742 985 160 A.N.S. 6 4 2 4 2

Educational levels Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or Post-graduate degree Non-technical technical Graduate degree Post-graduate diploma or certi- diploma or other than degree other Engineering Agriculture. ficate not equal certificate not technical than technical and veterinary to degree equal to degree degree degree technology Medicine and dairying Teaching Others M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 25 35 346 231 427 75 4S 35 30 15 15 45 60 5

to 15 10 5 10 15 60 111 80 SO 5 15 15 10 10 145 45 106 15 35 10 25 10 15 20 35 5 5 126 65 236 10 5 10 5 5 25 10

• Includes figures for educational levels not classifiable. •• This level will not occur in the state where it does not ell:ist. c-v PART-A (i) DISTRIBUTION OF LANGUAGES (INCLUSIVE OF MOTHER-TONGUES GROUPED UNDER EACH) SPECIFIED IN SCHEDULE vm TO THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA Total! Assamese Bengali Gujarati Hindi Kannada Rural! District Urban P M F P M F P M F P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Malappuram dis trict T 1 1 31 15 16 67 43 24 162 89 73 R 1 1 1 56 35 21 131 66 65 U 30 15 15 11 8 3 31 23 8

Totall Kashmiri Marathi Oriya Punjabi Rurall District Urban P M F P M F P M F P M F P M F 2 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Malappuram T 1853101 907725 945376 23 17 6 11 6 5 6 5 1 district R 1729003 846711 882292 22 16 6 10 5 5 4 4 U 124098 61014 63084 1 1 1 2 1

Total! Sanskrit Sindhi Tamil Telugu Urdu Rural! District Urban P M F P M F P M F P M F P M F 1 2 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Malappuram district T 18 8 10 1603 863 740 1009 535 474 192 119 73 R 4 1 3 1173 595 578 966 508 458 59 39 20 U 14 7 7 430 268 162 43 21 16 133 80 53


Assamese Bengali Gujarati Hindi Kannilda

District/Taluk/l Dwn P M F ,P M F 'p M F P M F P M' F 2 3 .4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Malappuram district 1 'I 1 1 31 15 16 67, 43 24 162 89 73 Ernad taluk 'i 1 1 23 18 5 76 42 34 Malappuram (M) 1 2 2 8 7 1 Manjeri (NM) 4 3 l' Perintalmanna taluk 32 15 17 31 18 B Perintalmanna (NM) 6 3 3 Tirur taluk 11 9, 2 44 24 2() Tiruf (NM) ...... 2 2 16 . 11 5 Ponnani taluk 30 15 15 1 11 5 6 Ponnani (NM) . 30 15 15 3 2 1

Kashmiri MalayaJam Marathi Oriya Punjabi ----,---- District/Taluk/Town P M F P M F p F P M F p M F 1 17 18 19 20 21 " '22 23 2S 26' '].7 28 29 30 31 MalaPPor:am district ' 1853101 i 907125 '945376 23 6 11 6 5 6 \' 5 t ~ad taluk '" 713903 35$377, ,35854<1 2Q ~., 6 i 1 Malapp\lram (M) 31905 .' 15823 , 16082 2, ,,1 .l Manjeri (NM) {5619. ' 1638 798i ',. I Perintalmanna taluk 272623 13.:m5 ,13988,8 2 Petintalhianr,ft (NM) 8976 4380 4596 Tirur taluk 652993 316984 336009 2 8 4 4 Tirur (NM) 31995 15830 16165 Ponnani taluk 213582 102629 110953 Ponnani (NM) 35603 17343 18260

Sanskrit Sindhi Tamil Telugu Urdu

District/Tal uk {Town P M F P M F P M F P M F P M F 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46- Malappuram district 18 8 10 1633 863 740 1009 535 474 192 119 73 Ernad taluk 2 1 1 859 450 409 48S 262 223 76 55 21 Malappuram (M) 33 24 9 20 12 & 20 15 50 Manjeri (NM) 93 48 4S 16 10 6 Perintalmanna taluk 169 75 94 120 60 60 79 38 41 Perintalmanoa (NM) 20 9 11 77 36 41 Tirur taluk 398 234 164 269 147 122 25 18 7 Tirur (NM) 221 137 84 23 15 8 13 13 Ponnani taluk 16 7 9 177 104 73 135 66 69 12 8 4 Ponnani (NM) 14 7 7 63 50 13 7 6 1 C-V PART-B (i) SPEAKERS OF LANGUAGES/MOTHER-TONGUES (INCLUSIVE OF MOTHER-TONGUFS WHERE GROUPED) OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFIED IN SCHEDULE vm TO THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA FOR STATES ANI) DISTRICTS

Arabic/ Gorkhali/. Total Arbi Dogri English Nepali Konkani Tulu Others

Rural --~-- ~------_- District Urban P M F P M F P M F P M F P M F P M F P M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Malappuram T 7 5 2 1 .. 8 6 2 2 2 .. 63 45 18 32 22 10 24 .8 16 district R 6 4 2 7 5 2 .. .. 12 7 5 32 22 10 22 8 14 U 1 1 .. .. 1 .. 2 2 . . 51 38 13 2 2


Arabic/ Gorkhalil Arbi Dogri English Nepali Konkani Tulu Others

District/Taluk/Town P M F P M F P M F P M F P M F P M F P M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Malappuram district 7 5 2 1 1 .. S 6 2 2 2 .. 63 45 18 32 22 10 24 8 16 1· Ernad ta/uk 1 .. 1 1 .. 6 4 2 2 2 .. 21 10 11 11 8 3 Malappuram (M) ...... 1 .. 1 1 . . 9 3 6 , Manjeri (NM) .. .. · . .. " ...... 1 . . 2.. Perintalmanna taluk 2 2 · ...... 42 35 7 Perintalmanna (NM) " .. ·...... 42 35 7 3. Tirur ta/uk 4 2 2 .. 1 ...... 30 21 9 8 8 Tirur (NM) 1 ...... 4 4. Ponnani faluk · ...... 1 " ...... 4 Ponnani (NM) .. " · . .. " ...... TABLE C-VII

Total Total population Buddhists Christians Rural District/Taluk/City!Town Urban Persons Males Females M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Malappuram district T 1856362 909515 946847 18627 18349 R 1731510 848028 883482 17910 17734 U 124852 61487 63365 717 615 Ernad taluk T 715496' 356253 359243 14272 13443 R 667760 332664 335096 13950 13146 U 47736 23589 24147 322 297 Malappuram (M) 32002 15889 16113 175 149 Manjeri (NM) 15734 7700 8034 147 148 Perintalmanna taluk T 273101 132979 140122 3034 2830 R 263980 128516 135464 2841 2654 U 9121 4463 4658 193 176 Perintalmanna (NM) 9121 4463 4658 193 176 Tirur taluk T 653793 317445 336348 981 1763 R 621521 301436 320085 868 1700 U 32272 16009 16263 113 63 Tirur (NM) 32272 16009 16263 113 63 Ponnani taluk T 213972 102838 111134 340 313 R 178249 85412 92837 251 234 U 35723 17426 18297 89 79 Ponnani (NM) 35723 17426 18297 89 19


Other religion and Religion not Hindus Jains Muslims Sikhs persuations stated M F M F M F M F M F M F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 307435 325210 583407 603268 5 1 30 15 11 4 288521 305065 541555 560664 4 30 15 8 4 18914 20145 41852 42604 1 1 3 123634 127259 218334 218534 5 1 5 5 3 115655 118818 203048 203126 4 5 5 2 7979 8441 15286 15408 1 4822 4996 10891 10967 1 3157 3445 4395 4441 43634 46649 86309 90641 2 2 41411 44353 84262 88455 2 2 2223 2296 2047 2186 2223 2296 2047 2186 92946 98893 223492 235681 18 8 8 3 87608 93316 212936 225058 18 8 6 3 5338 5577 10556 10623 2 5338 5577 10556 10623 2 47221 52409 55272 58412 5 43847 48578 41309 44025 5 3374 3831 13963 14387 3374 3831 13963 14387

65 C~VIII SClIEDULED CASTES Part-A Classification by literacy and industrial category of workers and


Literate and Agricultural Total Total Illiterate educated persons Total workers Cultivators labourers Rural --- District/TalukJT own Urban P M F M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Malappuram district T 140826 69254 71572 46902 57431 22352 14141 35788 28158 589 106 27134 24917 R 135286 66550 68736 45528 55592 21022 13144 34554 27296 581 106 26533 24351 U 5540 2104 2836 1374 1839 1330 997 1234 862 8 601 626 Ernad taluk T 65634 32300 33334 23143 27970 9157 5364 16793 13052 357 59 13175 11963 R 61.959 31037 3191.2 22553 27089 8484 4833 16206 12574 350 59 12862 11608 U 2675 1263 1412 590 881 673 531 587 478 7 313 355 Malappuram (M) 1426 695 731 293 440 402 291 293 220 95 126 Manjeri (NM) 1249 568 681 297 441 271 240 294 258 7 218 229 Perintalmanna taluk T 22280 11073 11207 7947 9307 3126 1900 5996 5293 69 17 4661 4655 R 21627 10736 10891 7748 9075 2988 1816 5841 5181 69 17 4600 4576 U 653 337 316 199 232 138 84 155 112 61 79 Perintalmanna (NM) 653 337 316 199 232 138 84 155 112 61 79 Tirur taluk T 34180 16784 17396 10276 12906 6508 4490 8416 5692 96 22 6100 4919 R 32346 15852 16494 9781 }2316 6071 4178 7999 5471 95 22 5901 4766 U 1834 932 902 495 590 437 312 417 221 1 199 153 Tirur (NM) 1834 932 902 495 590 437 312 417 221 1 199 153 Ponnani taluk T 18132 9097 9635 5536 7248 3561 2387 4583 4121 67 8 3198 3440 R 18354 8925 9429 5446 7112 3479 2317 4508 4070 67 8 3170 340 U 378 172 206 90 136 82 70 75 51 28 39 Ponnani (NM) 378 172 206 90 136 82 70 75 51 28 39

66 AND SCHEDULED TRIBES on-workers according to main activity among scheduled castes n Workers III IV V VI VII VIII IX x Manufacturing, processing, servicing and repairs Livestock, forestry, (a) (b) Transport, fishing, hunting & Mining and Household Other than Trade and storage and plantations, orchards quarrying industry household commerce communica­ Other Non­ & allied activities industry Construction tions services workers M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

1103 66 600 1598 1440 591 490 523 67 224 18 711 47 2715 947 33466 43414 1061 66 593 1550 1420 S44 457 490 52 202 15 645 35 2355 794 31996 41440 42 7 48 20 47 33 33 15 22 3 66 12 360 153 1470 1974 518 29 227 634 418 221 68 209 23 107 5 178 21 1167 466 15507 20282 504 29 222 624 415 213 65 191 10 99 4 159 10 982 374 14831 19348 14 5 10 3 8 3 18 13 8 1 19 11 185 92 676 934 11 3 2 3 2 1 10 6 4 11 9 155 75 402 511 3 2 8 6 2 8 7 4 1 8 2 30 17 274 423 160 22 25 481 362 38 11 20 4 20 1 45 3 477 218 5077 5914 159 22 24 480 360 36 11 18 2 18 1 39 2 398 190 4895 5710 2 2 2 2 2 6 79 28 182 204 222 2 2 6 79 28 182 204 191 4 241 278 334 217 202 109 22 618 8 344 20 772 161 8368 11704 170 4 240 250 320 182 175 105 22 60 8 304 20 692 134 7853 11023 21 28 14 35 27 4 8 40 80 27 515 681 21 1 28 14 35 27 4 8 40 80 27 515 681 234 11 107 205 326 115 209 185 18 29 4 144 3 299 102 4514 5514 228 11 107 196 325 113 206 176 18 25 2 143 3 283 96 4417 5359 6 9 2 3 9 4 2 1 16 6 97 155 6 9 239 4 2 1 16 6 97 155

67 C-VllI SCHEDULED CASTES Part-B Class(fication by literacy and industrial category of workers and

Literate and Total Total Illiterate educated persons Total workers Cultivators Rural District/Taluk/Town Urban P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

MALAPPURAM DISTRICT T 8882 4382 4500 3610 4057 772 443 2386 1934 82 10 R 8606 4238 4368 3531 3975 707 393 2313 1876 82 10 U 276 144 132 79 82 65 50 73 58 Ernad taluk T 7445 3653 3792 3163 3549 490 243 2041 1671 80 7 R 7422 3639 3783 3158 3541 489 242 2031 1668 80 7 U 23 14 9 5 8 9 10 3

Malappuram (M) 5 5 5 5 Manjeri (NM) 18 9 9 5 8 4 5 3 Perintalmanna taluk T 31 20 11 10 11 10 10 R 29 18 11 10 11 8 9 U 2 2 2 Perintalmanna (NM) 2 2 2 1 Tirue taluk T 627 306 321 200 238 106 83 137 109 R 554 269 285 180 217 89 68 125 99 U 73 37 36 20 21 17 15 12 10 Tirue(NM) 73 37 36 20 21 17 15 12 10 Ponnani taluk T 779 403 376 237 259 166 117 198 154 2 3 R 601 312 289 183 206 129 83 148 109 2 3 U 178 91 87 54 53 37 34 SO 45 Ponnani (NM) 178 91 87 54 53 37 34 50 45

68· 69 D-I POPULATION CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF BIRTH Enumerated in the Rural or Urban areas of Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Unclassifi- Birth place able Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total population 1856362 909515 946847 1731510 848028 883482 124852 61487 63365 A. Born in India R 1725015 844573 880442 1709140 839288 869852 15875 5285 10590 U 130217 64322 65895 21480 8250 13230 108737 5602 52665 UC 375 240 135 180 140 40 195 100 95 I Within the state of R 1723800 843918 879882 1708220 838818 869402 15580 5100 10480 enumeration U 128612 63547 65065 20310 7710 12600 108302 55837 52465 UC 265 175 90 80 80 185 95 90· (a) Born in place of R 1442913 769529 673384 1442913 769529 673384 enumeration U 104967 54092 50875 104967 54092 50875 UC (b) Born elsewhere in the R 220102 49364 170738 208467 46209 162258 11635 3155 8480 district of enumeration U 9860 2865 6995 9020 2540 6480 840 325 515 UC 150 80 70 150 80 70 (c) Born in other districts R 60785 25025 35760 56840 23080 33760 3945 1945 2000 of the state U 13785 6590 7195 11290 5170 6120 2495 1420 1075- UC 115 95 20 80 80 35 15 20 II States in India beyond R 1215 655 560 920 470 450 295 185 110 the state of enumeration U 1605 775 830 1170 540 630 435 235 200 UC 110 65 45 100 60 40 10 5 5 Andhra Pradesh R U 110 35 75 100 30 70 10 5 5 UC 15 5 10 10 10 5 5 Assam R 10 10 10 10 U 10 10 10 10 UC Bihar R 10 10 10 10 U UC Gujarat R 5 5 5 5 U 10 10 10 Ie} UC Haryana R U UC 10 10 10 10 Himachal Pradesh R U 10 10 10 UC Jammu & Kashmir R U UC Madhya Pradesh R U 10 10 10 10 UC Maharashtra R 15 15 10 10 5 S U 200 150 50 160 130 30 40 20 20 UC 10 10 10 10 Manipur R U UC Meghalaya It U UC Mysore R 310 12.5 185 240 90 150 70 35 3S U 225 125 100 140 90 50 85 35 50 UC 20 20 20 20

70 D-I POPULAnON CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF BIRTH-contd. Enumerated in the Rural or Urban areas of Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Unclassi- Birth place fiable Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Nagaland R U UC Orissa R U UC Punjab R U 5 5 5 5 UC - Rajsthan R U 5 5 5 5 UC R 850 500 350 640 360 280 210 140 70 U 900 400 500 660 250 410 240 150 90 UC 15 10 5 10 10 5 5 Tripura R U UC Uttar Pradesh R 5 5 5 5 U 20 20 10 10 10 10 UC 10 10 10 10 West Bengal R U 20 20 20 20 UC Andaman & Nicobar R Islands U 10 10 10 10 UC 20 20 20 20 Arunachal Pradesh R U UC Chandigarh R U UC Dadra & Nagar Haveli R U UC Delhi R U UC 10 10 10 10 Goa, Daman & Diu R U 10 10 10 10 UC Laccadive. & R Amindivi Islands U UC Pondicherry R 10 10 10 10 U 60 25 35 50 20 30 10 5 S- UC 8. Born in countries in Asia 245 120 125 200 90 110 45 30 IS beyond India (lncl. U.S.S.R.) Afghanisthan Burma 10 10 10 10 China Malaysia 100 50 50 80 40 40 20 10 10 Nepal 15 15 10 10 5 5 7.1 D-I POPULl\TION CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF BIRTH-concld.

Enumerated in the Rural or Urban areas of Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Unclassi- Birth place fiable Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Pakisthan Sri Lanka 15 15 IO 10 5 5 U.S. S. R. Elsewhere 105 45 60 90 30 60 15 15 C. Countries in Europe (Exc!. U.S.S.R.) 10 10 IO 10 Ireland U. K. (Inc!. N. Ireland) Elsewhere 10 10 10 10 D. Countries in Africa Kenya Mauritius Mozambique Union of South Africa Elsewhere B. Countries in two Americas Canada U.S. A. Elsewhere F. Countries in Oceanea Australia Newzealand Elsewhere G. Unclassifiable 500 250 250 500 250 250

72 D-I POPULATION CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF BIRTH APPENDIX I Persons born in other districts of the State and enumerated i" this district Total District of birth Rural Total Rural Urban Urban -----_._ Unclassifiable M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TOTAL T 31710 42975 28330 39880 3380 3095 R 25025 35760 23080 33760 1945 2000 U 6590 7195 5170 6120 1420 1075 UC 95 20 80 15 20 CANNANORE T 980 850 710 640 270 210 R 670 545 520 420 150 125 U 310 305 190 220 120 85 UC KOZHIKODE T 4930 10005 4260 9340 670 665 R 3160 7260 2870 7000 290 260 U 1770 2735 1390 2340 380 395 UC 10 10 PALGHAT T 5630 12860 4730 11690 900 1170 R 4820 11825 4210 10890 610 935 U 810 1030 520 800 290 230 UC 5 5 TRICHUR T 2115 3810 1570 3270 545 540 R 1545 3085 1230 2680 315 405 U 555 720 330 590 225 130 UC 15 5 10 5 5 T 3195 2410 3000 2260 195 150 R 2375 1865 2260 1810 115 55 U 790 545 710 450 80 95 UC 30 30 T 6460 5300 6310 5140 150 160 R 5270 4475 5180 4380 90 95 U 1160 825 1100 760 60 65 UC 30 30 ALLEPPEY T 4945 4915 4720 4830 225 85 R 4370 4330 4240 4270 130 60 U 560 585 470 560 90 25 UC 15 10 5 QUILON T 2885 2530 2680 2470 205 60 R 2505 2235 2360 2200 145 35 U 375 295 320 270 55 25 UC 5 5 TRIVANDRUM T 570 295 350 240 220 55 R 310 140 210 110 100 30 U 260 155 140 130 120 25 UC DISTRICT UNCLASSIFIED T R U UC


D-I POPULATION CLASSIFIFD BY PLACE OF BIRTH APPENDIX II Persons born in this district but enumerated in other districts of the state

Total Total Rural Urban Unclassifiable Rural ------Enumerated in Urban Persons Male~ Femiles Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 TOTAL 83090 40365 42725 74635 35850 38785 8295 4430 3865 160 85 75 Cannanore District T 8255 5540 2715 7240 4900 2340 1005 630 375 10 10 R 6580 4370 2210 5940 4000 1940 640 370 270 U 1675 1170 505 1300 900 400 365 260 105 10 10 Kozhikode T 47405 23230 24175 43370 21295 22075 3925 1900 2025 110 35 75 R 30520 15730 14790 28540 14760 13780 1970 970 1000 10 10 U 16885 7500 9385 14830 6535 8295 1955 930 1025 100 35 65 Palghat T 14720 5135 9585 13205 4350 8855 1515 785 730 R 11900 3770 8130 10950 3280 7670 950 490 46) U 2820 1365 1455 2255 1070 1185 565 295 270 Trichur .. T 6640 2365 4275 5890 1920 3970 750 445 305 R 5320 1800 3520 4750 1440 3310 570 360 210 U 1320 565 755 1140 480 660 180 85 95 Ernakulam T 3295 2215 1080 2685 1855 830 595 345 250 15 15 R 920 610 310 700 490 210 220 120 100 U 2375 1605 770 19~5 1365 620 375 225 150 15 15 Kottayam T 1320 880 440 1045 70S 340 265 165 100 10 10 R 960 630 330 820 550 270 130 70 60 10 10 U 360 250 110 225 155 70 135 95 40 Alleppey T 450 365 85 385 305 80 60 55 5 5 5 R 40 20 20 40 20 20 U 410 345 65 345 285 60 60 55 5 5 5 Quilon T 430 275 155 360 230 130 70 45 25 R 310 200 110 270 170 100 4 30 10 U 120 75 45 90 60 30 30 15 15 Trivandrum T 575 360 215 455 290 165 110 60 50 10 10 R 90 70 20 80 60 20 10 10 U 485 290 195 375 230 1~5 100 50 50 10 10


,-- II III Livestock, fores- try, fishing, hunt- ing and plantations- Rural Agricultural orchards and alii, Last residence Urban Total migrants Total workers Cultivators labourers ed activities Unclassi------fiable Persons Males Females M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Total migrants 317495 89815 227680 54675 32795 12465 1865 12970 21240 3270 545 A. Resided in India R 286830 75935 210895 46090 30630 11285 1695 11975 20475 2890 495 U 29275 13035 16240 8065 2065 1075 160 860 725 335 40 UC 370 260 110 135 20 10 35 5 10 I. Within the state of enu- R 285425 75080 210345 45580 30505 11265 1695 11935 20440 2780 425 meration but outside the U 25300 10350 14950 6170 1965 910 155 800 695 250 30 place of enumera tion UC 240 155 85 80 to 35 5 (a) Elsewhere in the district R 225485 50345 175140 30045 25765 5465 1390 9535 18225 1870 355 of enumeration U 10530 3300 7230 1795 905 230 45 270 470 95 20 UC 145- 75 70 45 10 5 (b) In other districts of the R 59940 24735 35205 15535 4740 5800 305 2400 2215 910 70 state of enumeration U 14770 7050 7720 4375 1060 680 110 530 225 155 10 UC 95 80 15 35 30 5 II. States in India beyond R 1405 855 550 510 125 20 40 35 110 70 the state of enumeration U 3975 2685 1290 1895 100 165 5 60 30 85 10 UC 130 105 25 55 10 1D ]0 Andhra Pradesh R 45 30 15 20 10 U 250 160 90 110 10 UC 15 5 10 Assam R 20 20 10 U 130 120 10 120 UC Bihar R to 10 U 10 10 UC Gujarat R 5 5 5 U 25 25 UC Haryana R U 20 20 10 UC Himachal Pradesh R U 10 10 UC Jammu and Kashmir R U 20 15 5 15 UC to 10 10 Madhya Pradesh R U 40 20 20 UC Maharashtra R 30 25 5 20 U 510 365 145 215 10 20 UC Mysore R 300 165 135 85 20 10 20 10 20 U 785 525 260 385 30 30 20 10 35 UC 10 10 10 10 Nagaland R 40 40 40 U 30 30 30 UC Orissa R U 20 ]0 10 10 uc 76 ACTIVITIES CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF LAST RESIDENCE Workers

IV V VI VII VIII IX X Manufacturing, processing, servicing and repairs Transport (a) (b) storage and Mining and Household Other than Trade and Communica- quarrying industry household industry Construction commerce ,ions Other services Non-workers

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 195 1450 1705 4255 820 785 20 5875 260 2195 60 11215 6280 35140 194885 160 1350 1555 3470 770 710 20 4310 215 1675 60 8265 5345 29845 180265 35 100 130 745 45 65 1495 45 505 2850 920 4970 14175 20 5 15 5 45 5 125 90 160 1335 1555 3400 770 680 20 4225 215 1660 60 8140 5325 29500 179845 25 90 120 480 45 65 810 45 380 2360 875 4180 12985 5 15 5 20 5 75 75 130 .. 1145 1325 2410 655 490 10 3310 165 1215 60 4475 3580 20300 149375 15 25 70 110 20 5 150 30 120 775 250 1505 6325 5 15 5 20 5 30 60 30 190 230 990 115 190 10 915 50 445 3665 1745 .9200 30465 10 65 50 370 25 60 660 15 260 1585 625 2675 6660 45 15 15 70 30 85 15 125 20 345 425 10 10 10 265 685 125 490 45 790 1190 20 25 50 15 10 10 10 10 5 10 60 10 20 50 90 5 10 10 10 120 10

10 10

5 25

10 10


15 5 10

20 20

10 10 5 5 10 10 50 70 35 30 150 150 135

10 20 5 10 80 115 50 150 20 80 20 140 230

40 30

10 10


r-- I II III Livestock, fores- tory, fishing, hunt- ing and plantations, Rural Agricultural orchards and alli- Urban Total migrants Total workers Cultivators labourers ed activities Unclassi------.__ Last residence fiable Persons Males Females M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Punjab R U 40 20 20 20 UC Rajasthan R 10 10 10 U 5 5 UC Tamil Nadu R 920 535 385 305 95 10 20 25 80 70 U 1950 1320 630 945 60 105 5 40 20 50 10 UC 20 15 5 Uttar Pradesh R 5 5 5 .. U 35 5 30 5 UC 10 10 10 10 West Bengal R ., U 35 25 10 UC Andaman and Nicobar R Islands U UC 35 35 15 Arunachal Pradesh R U UC 20 20 10 Delhi R U 20 20 10 UC ., Goa, Daman & Diu R U 20 20 20 UC Pondicherry R 20 10 10 10 10 V 20 5 15 UC 10 10 10 B. Countries in Asia 440 285 155 175 20 65 10 20 beyond India (Incl. U.S.S.R.) Burma 15 15 15 Malaysia 210 155 55 90 45 10 10 .. - Nepal 15 15 15 10 Srilanka 10 10 ]0 Elsewhere 190 100 90 55 10 10 10 C. Countries in Europe 10 10 10 (Excl. U.S.S.R.) Elsewhere 10 10 10 G. U nclassifiable 570 290 280 200 60 30 10 90 40 20 ,Total migrants 20655 7825 12820 4695 1635 125 55 170 380 80 5 A. Resided in India R 15820 5195 10625 3090 1320 105 35 165 365 50 5 U 4595 2485 2110 1525 305 15 20 15 25 UC 190 100 90 55 10 5 5 I. Within the state of enu- R 15505 4970 10535 2920 1315 105 35 165 360 50 5 meratio:1 but outside the U 3810 1980 1830 1210 285 10 15 15 ,. 20 piace of enumeration UC 170 85 85 50 10 '5 5 (.a) Elsewhere in the district R 11885 3215 8670 1755 985 85 30 155 355 . 30 S of enumeration U 940 370 570 215 65 5 10 5 UC 145 75 70 45 10 5 (b) In other district of the R 3620 1755 1865 1165 330 20 5 10 5 20 state of' enumeration U 2870 1610 1260 995 220 10 10 5 15 UC 25 10 IS 5 s 78 ACTIVITIES CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF LAST RESIDENCE-contd, Workers

IV V VI VII VIII XI X Manufacturing, processing, servicing and repairs Transport. Mining (a) (b) storage and and Household Other than Trade and cornmunica- quarrying industry household industry Construction commerce tions Other services Non-workers ----- M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

20 20

10 5

15 40 30 50 10 50 230 290 150 390 60 150 25 375 570 15 5 5 5 30

25 10

10 5 20

10 10

10 10

10 5 5

10 5 15 10 10 10 45 10 15 10 110 135 5 10 25 65 55 5 10 10 15 10 10 45 80 10 10

" 10 10 10 10 30 90 220 5 100 25 495 100 85 10 1105 30 425 20 2105 1010 3130 11195 90 25 310 90 70 10 700 15 295 20 1305 755 2105 9305 5 10 185 5 15 375 15 125 770 250 960 1805 5 15 5 25 5 45 80 75 25 270 90 60 10 655 15 290 20 1250 755 2050 9220 5 10 150 . 5 15 270 15 110 620 235 770 1545 5 15 5 20 5 35 75 55 25 150 35 40 10 500 5 165 20 575 500 1460 768i

5 5 20 5 ' 50 30 " , 95 50 155 505 5 15 5 20 5 30 60 20 120 55 20 155 10 125 675 255 590 1535 5 130 5 10 220 15 80 525 185 615 1040 5 15 79.' D-V MIGRANT WORKERS AND NON.WORIrnRS ACCORDING TO MAIN

I II III Livestock, fores- tory, fishing, hunt- ing and plantations. Rural Agricultural orchards and alli- Urban Total migrants Total workers Cultivators labourers ed activities Unclassi- --.---- Last residence fiable Persons Males Females M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 II. States in India beyond R 315 225 90 170 5 5 the state of enumeration U 785 505 280 315 20 5 5 5 UC 20 15 5 5 Andhra Pradesh R 5 5 U 30 20 10 UC 5 5 Assam R U 70 70 70 UC Gujarat R 5 5 5 U 15 15 UC Himachal Pradesh R U 10 10 UC Jammu· & Kashmir R U 10 5 5 5 UC Maharashtra R 10 5 5 U 80 45 35 35 UC Mysore R 60 35 25 25 U 115 55 60 IS 10 5 UC Nagaland R 30 30 30 U 30 30 30 UC Punjab R U 20 10 10 10 UC Rajasthan R U 5 5 UC Tamil Nadu R 200 145 55 105 5 5 U 360 240 120 135 10 5 5 UC 10 5 5 Uttar Pradesh R 5 5 5 U 15 5 10 5 UC West Bengal R U 5 5 UC Andaman & Nicobar R Islands U UC 5 5 5 Goa, Daman & Diu R U 10 10 10 UC Pondicherry R U 10 5 5 UC Countries in Asia 50 45 5 25 15 beyond India (Ind: U. S. S. R.) Burma 5 5 5 Malaysia 30 25 5 10 5 Nepal 5 5 5 Elsewhere 10 10 5 80 ACTIVITIES CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF LAST RESIDENCE - concld. Workers

IV V VI VII VIII IX X Manufacturing, processing, servicing and repairs Transport, Mining (a) (b) storage and and Household Other than Trade and communica- quarrying industry household industry Construction commerce tions Other services Non~workers ------M F M F M F , M F M F M F M F M f 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 15 40 10 45 5 55 55 85 35 105 15 150 15 190 200 5 10 5 5 20 10 5


5 15


5 5

5 5 20 5 10 10 35

20 5 10 25 10 10 40 50

30 30

10 10

5 " 15 40 10 20 20 40 50 10 90 10 20 5 105 110 5 5 5 5 10



5 5

5 5

15 5 20 5 5 5 15 5 5 5 5


All durations Last residence Rural/Urban Age group Sex Total NM M W&D 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TOTAL RURAL Total M 81990 38410 42100 1480 F 214850 29100 156920 28830 0-14 M 21020 20990 30 F 22480 21510 950 20 15-19 M 8650 8480 160 10 F 21750 4690 16720 340 20-24 M 8600 5870 2640 90 F 32530 1850 30030 650 25--49 M 30420 2870 27070 480 F 103030 970 93700 8360 50+ M 13280 180 12200 900 F 35060 80 15520 19460 ANS M 20 20 F URBAN Total M 7825 3895 3825 105 F 12830 2495 8410 1925 0-14 M 1735 1735 F 1735 1685 50 15-19 M 725 720 5 F 1195 410 780 5 20--24 M 905 790 115 F 1930 195 1690 45 25-49 M 3310 625 2655 30 F 5935 180 5175 580 50+ M 1150 25 1050 75 F 2030 20 715 1295 ANS M F 5 5 Ao Resided in India RURAL Total M 81450 38260 41729 1470 F 214420 29020 156660 28740 0--14 M 20980 20950 30 F 22430 21460 950 20 15-19 M 8600 8440 150 10 F 21710 4670 16710 330 20--24 M 8530 5810 2630 90 F 32480 1850 29980 650 25-49 M 30230 2870 26880 480 F 102800 960 93530 8310 50+ OM 13100 180 12030 890 F 35000 80 15490 19430 ANS M 10 10 F URBAN Total M 7780 3880 3795 105 F 12825 2495 8405 1925 0--14 M 1730 1730 F 1735 1685 50 15-19 M 725 720 5 F 1195 410 780 5 20-24 M 905 790 115 F 1930 195 1690 45 25-49 M 3290 615 2645 30 F 5930 180 5170 580 50+ M 1130 25 1030 75 F 2030 20 715 .1295 ANS M F 5 5 82 AGE GROUP, DURATION OF RESIDENCE AND MARITAL STATUS residence and marital status

Less than 1 year 1-9 years 10 years and above Total NM M W&D Total NM M W&D Total NM M W&D 9 ]0 11 12 13 14 1 16 17 18 19 20 8350 5500 2710 140 37610 21360 15830 420 30620 8320. 21480 820 9060 3310 5130 620 81440 17590 60020 3830 114210 5210 86130 22870 3590 3570 20 12860 12850 10 2530 2530 3130 2710 420 14330 13870 450 10 2220 2190 20 10 690 670 20 4190 4140 50 3040 2950 90 2570 270 2280 20 15240 2320 12750 170 2640 1930 590 120 1030 740 280 10 3890 2900 940 50 3230 1900 1300 30 1440 290 1120 30 26500 960 25110 430 3520 570 2800 150 2460 510 1890 60 13130 1400 11570 160 13200 840 12110 250 1410 40 1180 190 22740 390 20760 1590 75480 490 68810 6180 570 500 70 3540 70 3260 210 8610 90 7980 540 510 130 380 2630 50 950 1630 30350 30 13910 16410 10 10 10 10

1260 &05 435 20 4015 2290 1685 40 2045 520 1485 40 860 315 465 80 5180 1530 3355 295 5930 370 4125 I 1435 295 295 1135 1135 130 130 220 200 20 1150 1135 15 135 130 5 140 135 5 380 380 170 170 140 25 115 795 225 565 5 145 125 20 235 225 10 490 415 75 120 100 20 160 55 105 1515 75 1400 40 150 60 85 5 510 150 355 5 1735 350 1365 20 900 110 785 5 255 30 185 40 1540 90 1335 115 3870 45 3435 390 80 65 15 275 10 245 20 725 10 680 35 85 5 40 40 175 40 135 1630 10 580 1040

5 5 8260 5480 2640 140 37400 21250 15740 410 30450 8310 21320 820 9040 3310 5110 620 81270 17520 59940 3810 113990 5200 85980 . 22810 3580 3560 20 12830 12820 10 2530 2530 3130 2710 420 14280 13820 450 10 2220 2190 20 10 690 670 20 4160 4110 50 3030 2950 80 2570 270 2280 20 15220 2310 12740 170 2620 1920 590 110 1010 730 270 10 3840 2850 940 50 3230 1900 1300 30 1440 290 1120 30 26470 960 25080 430 3510 570 2790 150 2440 510 1870 60 13050 1400 11490 160 13150 840 12060 250 1390 40 1160 190 22680 380 20720 1580 75330 490 68700 6140 530 460 70 3520 70 3250 200 8510 90 7880 540 510 130 380 2620 50 950 1620 30310 30 13880 16400 10 10

1255 800 435 20 3995 2285 1670 40 2035 520 1475 40 860 315 465 80 5180 1530 3355 295 5925 370 4120 1435 290 290 1135 1135 130 130 220 200 20 1150 1135 15 135 130 5 140 135 5 380 380 170 170 140 25 115 795 225 565 5 145 125 20 235 225 10 490 415 75 120 100 20 160 55 105 1515 75 1400 40 150 60 85 5 510 150 355 5 1725 345 1360 20 900 110 785 5 255 30 185 40 1540 90 1335 115 3865 45 3430 390 80 65 15 265 10 235 20 715 to 670 35 85 5 40 40 175 40 135 1630 10 580 1040


All durations Rural! Last residence Urban Age group Sex Total NM M W&D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I. Within the state of RURAL Total M 78550 37020 40110 1420 enumeration F 212930 28230 156060 28640 0-14 M 20490 20460 30 F 21840 20870 950 20 15-19 M 8340 8180 150 10 F 21560 4610 16630 320 20-24 M 8150 5570 2490 90 F 32210 1740 29820 650 25-49 M 28820 2620 25740 460 F 102360 930 93200 8230 50+ M 12740 180 11700 860 F 34960 80 15460 19420 ANS M 10 10 F URBAN Total M 7035 3570 3380 85 F 12450 2315 8230 1905 0-14 M 1620 1620 F 1625 1575 50 15-19 M 665 660 5 F 1120 355 760 5 20-24 M 830 725 105 F 1905 195 1670 40 25-49 M 2915 540 2355 20 F 5775 165 5035 575 50+ M 1005 25 915 65 F 2020 20 715 1285 ANS M F 5 5 (a) Elsewhere in the dis- RURAL Total M 50060 23020 26040 1000 trict of enumeration F 173130 18240 130260 24630 0-14 M 13820 13790 30 F 15370 14520 830 20 15-19 M 5230 5080 140 10 F 17470 2410 14780 280 20-24 M 4590 2940 1580 70 F 26160 750 24860 550 25-49 M 17980 1130 16520 330 F 84960 530 77340 700 50+ M 8440 80 7770 590 F 29170 30 12450 16690 ANS M F URBAN Total M 3660 1795 1830 35 F 9310 1420 6485 1405 0-14 M 880 880 F 1050 1005 45 15-19 M 420 420 F 910 260 645 5 20-24 M 375 300 75 F 1490 80 1375 35 25-49 M 1385 175 1205 5 F 4340 65 3855 420 50+ M 600 20 550 30 F 1520 10 565 945 ANS M F 84 AGE GROUPS, DURATION OF RESIDENCE AND MARITAL STATUS-contd. residence and marital status ------~.------Less than 1 year 1-9 years 10 years and above Total NM M W&D Total NM M W&D Total NM M W&D 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 7180 5090 1970 120 36320 20700 15220 400 29980 8140 21040 800 8760 3110 5030 620 80420 17060 59600 3760 113690 5110 85820 22760 3520 3500 20 12560 12550 10 2440 2440 2970 2550 420 13940 13480 450 10 2170 2140 20 10 590 570 20 4060 40to 50 2990 2910 80 2540 260 2260 20 15150 2290 12700 160 2580 1890 580 110 820 600 2to to 3790 2810 930 50 3160 1870 1260 30 1410 280 1100 30 26250 870 24950 430 3490 560 2780 150 1790 410 1330 50 12530 1260 11120 150 13000 830 11920 250 1330 20 1120 190 22470 370 20560 1540 75170 490 68580 6100 450 390 60 3380 70 3110 200 8390 90 7780 520 510 130 380 2610 so 940 1620 30280 30 13860 16390 10 10

1095 705 375 15 3580 21to 1435 35 1885 490 1365 30 845 315 450 80 4990 1420 3285 285 5770 310 4035 1425 275 275 1050 1050 125 125 220 200 20 1075 1060 15 105 100 5 120 115 5 350 350 165 165 135 25 110 760 200 555 5 120 100 20 205 195 10 460 390 70 105 90 15 155 55 100 1505 75 1395 35 140 60 75 5 425 120 305 1505 310 1180 15 840 100 735 5 250 30 180 40 1475 80' 1280 115 3780 40 3355 385 70 55 15 215 10 185 20 650 10 615 25 85 5 40 40 170 40 130 1625 10 580 1035

5 5 4130 3080 980 70 21510 12290 8970 250 20740 5380 14740 620 6410 1980 3960 470 62030 10680 48490 2860 95870 3130 72780 19960 2450 2430 20 8120 8110 10 1750 1750 2170 1790 380 9410 9010 390 10 1490 1470 10 10 290 270 20 2410 2370 40 2030 1950 80 2130 130 1900 10 12660 1150 11380 130 1530 1000 420 110 370 260 100 10 19to 1350 510 50 2030 1120 900 10 890 60 800 30 21670 310 20980 380 2670 360 2210 100 750 120 600 30 7120 440 6590 90 9080 510 8370 200 880 720 160 16660 190 15280 1190 64310 290 58660 5360 270 240 30 1950 20 1820 110 5850 50 5390 410 340 70 270 1630 20 460 1150 25870 10 11480 14380

465 280 180 5 1625 965 645 15 1220 355 855 10 425 165 240 20 3415 845 2415 155 4755 195 3430 1130 140 140 515 515 75 75 130 115 15 665 650 15 70 65 5 60 6(} 220 220 125 125 95 15 80 625 140 480 5 95 80 15 60 55 5 215 165 50 70 60 10 70 15 55 1215 30 1155 30 105 30 70 5 165 15 140 585 60 520 5 550 85 465 80 10 50 10 840 25 750 65 3200 15 2875 310 40 35 5 90 5 75 10 400 10 380 10 50 40 10 70 15 55 1285 5 465 815


All durations Rural! Last residence Urban Age group Sex Total NM M W&D 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (b) In other districts of Rural Total M 28490 14000 14070 420 the state of enume- F 39800 9990 25800 4010 ration 0-14 M 6670 6670 F 6470 6350 120 15-19 M 3110 3100 10 F 4090 2200 1850 40 20-24 M 3560 2630 910 20 F 6050 990 4960 100 25-49 M 10840 1490 9220 130 F 17400 400 15860 1140 50+ M 4300 100 3930 270 F 5790 50 3010 2730 ANS M 10 10 F Urban Total M 3375 1775 1550 50 F 3140 895 1745 500 0-14 M 740 740 F 575 570 5 15-19 M 245 240 5 F 210 95 115 20-24 M 455 425 30 F 415 ItS 295 5 25-49 M 1530 365 1150 15 F 1435 100 1180 155 50+ M 405 5 365 35 F 500 10 150 340 ANS M F 5 5 II. States in India Rural Total M 2900 1240 1610 50 beyond the state of F 1490 790 600 100 enumeration 0-14 M 490 490 F 590 590 15-19 M 260 260 F 150 60 80 10 20-24 M 380 240 140 F 270 110 160 25-49 M 1410 250 1140 20' F 440 30 330 80 50+ M 360 330 30' F 40 30 10 ANS M F Urban Total M 745 310 415 20 F 375 180 175 20 0-14 M 110 110 F ltO 110 15-19 M 60 60 F 75 5S 20 20-24 M 75 6S 10 F 25 20 5 25-49 M 375 75 290 10 F 155 15 135 5 50+ M 125 115 10 F 10 10 ANS M F 86 AGE GROUPS, DURATION OF RESIDENCE AND MARITAL STATUS--contd. residence and marital status

Less than 1 year 1-9 years 10 years and above Total NM M W&D Total NM M W&D Total NM M W&D 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3050 2010 990 50 14810 8410 6250 150 9240 2760 6300 180 2350 1130 1070 150 18390 6380 11110 900 17820 1980 13040 2800 1070 1070 4440 4440 690 690 800 760 40 4530 4470 60 680 670 10 300 300 1650 1640 10 960 960 410 130 270 10 2490 1140 1320 30 1050 890 160 450 340 110 1880 1460 420 1130 750 360 20 520 220 300 4580 560 3970 50 820 200 570 50 1040 290 730 20 5410 820 4530 60 3920 320 3550 50 450 20 400 30 5810 180 5280 350 10860 200 9920 740 180 150 30 1430 50 1290 90 2540 40 2390 110 170 60 110 980 30 480 470 4410 20 2380 2010 10 10

630 425 195 10 1955 1145 790 20 665 135 510 20 420 150 210 60 1575 575 870 130 1015 115 605 295 135 135 535 535 50 50 90 85 5 410 410 35 35 60 55 5 130 130 40 40 40 10 30 135 60 75 25 20 5 145 140 5 245 225 20 35 30 5 85 40 45 290 45 240 5 35 30 5 260 95 165 920 250 660 10 290 15 270 5 170 10 130 30 635 55 530 50 580 25 480 75 30 20 10 125 5 110 10 250 235 15 35 5 30 100 25 75 340 5 115 220

5 5 1080 390 670 20 1080 550 520 10 470 170 280 20 280 200 80 850 460 340 50 300 90 160 50 60 60 270 270 90 90 160 160 340 340 50 50 100 100 100 100 40 40 30 10 20 70 20 40 10 40 30 10 190 130 60 50 40 10 70 30 40 30 10 20 220 90 130 20 10 10 650 100 540 10 520 140 370 10 150 10 140 60 20 40 210 10 160 40 160 120 40 80 70 10 140 140 120 100 20 10 10 30 20 10

160 95 60 5 415 175 235 5 150 30 110 10 15 15 190 110 70 10 155 60 85 10 15 15 85 85 5 5 75 75 30 30 20 20 30 30 5 5 5 5 35 25 10 25 25 30 30 30 25 5 15 10 5 5 5 10 5 5 10 10 85 30 50 5 220 35 180 5 60 10 50 5 5 65 10 55 85 5 75 5 10 10 50 50 65 55 10 5 5 5

87 D-VI MIGRANTS CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF LAST RESIDENCE, Duration of ,-- All durations Rural/ Last residence Urban Age group Sex Total NM M W&D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 B. Outside India Rural Total M 250 40 200 10 F 150 60 60 30 0-14 M 30 30 F 40 40 15-19 M 10 10 F 20 10 10 2(}_24 M 10 10 F 25-49 M 70 70 F 60 10 40 10 50+ M 130 120 10 F 30 20 10 A.N.S. M F Urban Total M 45 15 30 F 5 5 0-14 M 5 5 F 15-19 M F 20-24 M F 25-49 M 20 10 10 F 5 5 50+ M 20 20 F A.N.S. M F Note: (1) Figures of unspecified Marital status are included in 'Total' (2) All durations include 'Period not stated' also and as such will not tally with the total of figures under less than 1 year, 1-9 years and 10 years and above. Separate figures for the durations of period not stated are not given in this table. (3) In the case of urban areas the figures 'uncJassifiable last place of residence' included in 'Total' as well as in Section B 'outside India' whereas in the case of rural areas the figures 'unclassifiable last place of residence' included in 'Total' only. (4) NM-Stands for Never Man-icd M-Stands for Married W&D-Stands for Widowed & Divorced.

88 AGE GROUPS, DURATION OF RESIDENCE AND MARITAL STATUS-concld. residence and marital status Less than 1 year 1-9 years 10 years and above Total NM M W&D Total NM M W&D Total NM M W&D 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 80 20 60 60 20 30 10 90 90 10 10 90 50 20 20 50 10 30 10 10 10 20 20 40 40 10 10 20 10 10 10 10

20 20 20 20 30 30 10 10 40 10 20 10 10 10 40 40 20 10 10 50 50 10 10 20 20

5 5 20 5 15 10 10 5 5 5 5

10 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10


E-I DISTRIBUTION OF ESTABLISHMENTS BY BROAD TYPES Manufacturing, processing Trade or business (a) Govt. or Total or servicing establishments establishments Other establishments quasi Govt. No. (b) Private of Un-regi- House- Educa- Public Total (c) Co-oper- esta- Regist- stered hold tional health Rural ative blish- ered work- indus- Whole- institu- institu- District Urban ments factories shops tries sale Retail Others tions tions Others

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Malappuram T (a) 2,061 7 7 17 54 620 218 1,137 (b) 36,948 62 4,882 1316 336 13,292 9,920 1,967 326 4,347 (c) 730 4 30 9 517 129 41 R (a) 1,771 6 3 15 35 581 201 930 (b) 32,741 45 4,036 1,243 213 11,587 9,147 1,835 271 4,364 (c) 636 4 26 8 461 97 40 U (a) 290 1 4 2 19 39 17 207 (b) 4,207 17 846 73 ]23 ],705 773 132 55 483 (c) 94 4 56 32

91 E-II PART-A DISTRWUTION OF MANUFAcruRING, PROCESSING OR SERVICING REGISTERED FACfORlES, UNREGISTERED Number of factories or workshops other than household Registered factories

Total 10-19 persons 20-49 persons 50-99 persons 100-299 persons Division/major group of National Indus. Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons trial Classification' Units employed Units employed Units employed Units employed Units employed 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 TOTAL Dirisions 2 and 3 67 2322 19 247 39 1,018 6 403 3 654 Major group 20-21 15 283 '1 89 8 194 22 13 378 11 253 2 125 23 3 273 t 26 1 85 162 .. 25 26 9 197 2 26 7 171 27 7 151 5 65 35 51 28 29 30 4 102 4 102 31 8 558 16 5 178 1 65 1 299 32 2 220 1 27 193 34 3 122 13 32 77 " 35 36 37 38 39 3 38 3 38 RURAL Divisions 2 and 3 49 1,849 13 169 29 734 4 292 3 654 Major group 20-21 11 213 4 52 7 161 22 11 296 10 231 65 ,. 23 3 273 1 26 85 162 25 26 5 111 2 26 3 85 27 4 47 4 47 28 29 30 4 102 4 102 31 6 482 16 3 102 65 299 32 2 220 1 27 193 34 1 77 77 35 37 38 39 2 28 2 28 " URBAN Divisions 2 and 3 18 473 6 78 10 284 2 111 Major group 20-21 4 70 3 37 1 33 22 2 82 1 22 \ 60 23 25 26 4 86 4 86 27 3 104 18 1 35 51 " 28 29 30 31 2 76 2 76 32 34 2 45 13 32 " 35 36 38 .." 39 10 10 92 ESTABLISHMENTS OTHER THAN HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRIES CLASSIFIED BY WORKSHOPS AND SIZE OF EMPLOYMENT industries by size of employment Un-registered workshops 300-499 persons 500+ persons Persons Total One 2-4 persons 5-9 persons 10-19 persons Persons unspeci- person unspeci- Persons Persons fled Persons Persons Persons Persons fled Units employed Units emplo- Units emplo- Units Units emplo- Units emplo- Units emplo- Units yed Units yed yed yed yed 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 TOTAL 4.919 11,925 2,159 2,158 5,431 439 2,714 126 1,621 37 653 1,447 180 406 975 40 241 4 51 23 585 2,260 136 284 803 116 698 48 623 133 263 70 57 125 2 10 4 58 2 2 2 1,250 3,321 638 405 1,050 153 982 53 651 1 197 559 66 94 249 34 203 3 41 68 227 6 49 130 12 77 14 90 129 62 27 61 1 6 165 380 83 61 153 15 93 4 51 2 95 226 50 37 101 5 32 3 43 117 285 44 62 147 8 53 3 41 514 787 323 180 402 10 62 1 13 25 9 2 6 2 10 1 4 1 4 3 1 3 673 1,345 269 372 925 22 136 1 15 9 362 662 221 120 297 19 111 2 33 RURAL 4,068 9,648 1,822 1,760 4,406 347 2,143 102 1,277 37 536 1,172 152 326 780 31 189 4 51 23 503 1,914 120 241 678 101 608 40 508 1 130 255 69 56 123 1 5 4 58 1 1 1 1,085 2,798 566 346 897 130 835 42 500 144 381 48 72 189 23 134 1 10 38 109 4 29 72 5 33 65 88 50 14 32 1 6 143 334 75 48 121 14 87 4 51 2 78 173 48 24 64 3 18 3 43 105 231 42 57 131 3 17 3 41 455 691 282 164 360 8 49 8 12 6 2 6 1 3 1 3 565 1,128 221 317 787 17 105 15 9 211 358 138 63 163 10 57 URBAN 851 2,277 337 398 1,025 92 571 24 344 117 275 28 80 195 9 52 82 346 16 43 125 15 90 8 115 3 8 1 1 2 1 5 1 1 1 165 523 72 59 153 23 147 11 151 53 178 18 22 60 11 69 2 31 30 118 2 20 58 7 44 1 14 25 41 12 13 29 22 46 8 13 32 1 6 17· 53 2 13 37 2 14 . -. 12 54 2 5 16 5 36 ... . 59 96 41 16 ,42 2 13 5 13 3 2 10 1 4 4 .... 108 217 ' 48 55 138 5 31 .. 151 304 83 57 134 9 54 2 33 93 E-ll PART-B DISTRIBUTION OF MANUFACTURING, PROCESSING OR SERVICING FUEL/POWER OR MANUAL USED Number of factories or workshops other than

Total One 2-4 persons 5-9 persons person Division/Major group Kind of fuel or Persons Persons Persons of N.I.C. power used Units employed Units Units employed Units employed

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TOTAL Divisions 2 and 3 Total 4,986 14,247 2,159 2,158 5,431 439 2,714 I. All fuels/power 417 2,385 133 189 463 52 317 (a) Electricity 354 2,125 108 167 407 41 244 (b) Liquid fuel 20 45 13 5 13 1 8 (c) Coal, wood & bagasse 33 200 5 14 35 10 65 (d) Other power 10 15 7 3 8 II. Manual 4,569 11,862 2,026 1,969 4,968 387 2,397 Major group 20-21 Total 668 1,730 180 406 975 40 241 I. All fuels/power 270 754 109 129 300 14 84 (a) Electricity 241 594 97 121 270 9 52 (b) Liquid fuel 11 25 6 4 11 1 8 (c) Coal, wood & bagasse 10 122 1 1 2 4 24 (d) Other power 8 13 5 3 8 II. Manual 398 976 71 277 675 26 157 Major group 22 Total 598 2,638 136 284 803 116 698 I. All fuels/power 1 2 1 2 (a) Electricity 1 2 1 2 II. Manual 597 2,636 136 283 801 116 698 Major group 23 Total 136 536 70 57 125 2 10 1. All fuels/power 2 167 1 5 (a) Electricity 2 167 1 5 II. Manual 134 369 70 57 125 1 5 Major group 25 Total 2 2 2 II. Manual 2 2 2 Major group 26 Total 1,259 3,518 638 405 1,050 153 982 I. _All fuels/power 13 53 6 3 10 2 11 (a) Electricity 6 35 2 8 2 11 (b) Liquid fuel 7 18 5 2 II. Manual 1,246 3,465 632 402 1,040 151 971 Major group 27 Total 204 710 66 94 249 34 203 I. All fuels/power 34 188 2 13 38 14 83 (a) Electricity 33 187 13 38 14 83 (b) Liquid fuel 1 1 II. Manual 170 522 64 81 211 20 l2(} Major group 28 Total 68 227 6 49 130 12 77 I. All fuels/power 2 9 1 2 1 7 ( a) Electricity 2 9 1 2 1 7 II. Manual 66 218 6 48 128 11 7(} Major group 29 Total 90 129 62 27 61 1 (; 1. All fuels/power 3 8 2 7 (a) Electricity 2 7 2 7 (b) Liquid fuel 1 1 II. Manual 87 121 61 25 54 6 Major group 30 Total 169 482 83 61 153 15 93 I. All fuels/power It 43 3 6 14 1 6- (a) Electricity 7 33 3 2 4 1 6 (c) Coal, wood & bagasse 4 10 4 10 JI. Manual 158 439 80 55 139 14 81 Major group 31 Total 103 784 50 37 101 5 32 1. All fuels/power 15 587 3 9 3 16


10-19 persons 20-49 persons 50-99 persons 100-299 persons 300-499 persons 500+ persons Persons ------_-_ un- Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons specifid emplo- emplo- emplo- emplo- emplo- employ- Units yed Units yed Units yed Units yed Units yed Units yed Units 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 TOTAL 145 1,868 39 1,018 6 403 3 6S4 37 19 247 15 429 2 142 3 654 4 18 236 11 334 2 142 3 654 4 1 11 4 95

126 1,621 24 589 4 261 33 11 140 8 194 23 7 89 7 172 4 7 89 3 77 4

4 95

4 51 1 22 19 48 623 11 253 2 125

48 623 11 253 2 125 4 58 1 26 85 1 162 162 162 <4 58 26 85

55 677 7 171 2 26 1 IS 1 11 53 651 7 171 8 106 3S 51 5 65 5 65

3 41 1 35 51 14 .,

0' 1 104- .. . .

., 4 ~1 4 lin 2 " '1 20 " 20 .. ,' 4 51 3 82 2 4 59 5 178 65 1 299 .1 16 ,5 1,73 1 ,65 1 299 95 E-ll PART-B DISTRIBUTION OF MANUFACfURlNG, PROCESSING OR SERVICING FUEL/pOWER OR MANUAL USED Number of factories or workshops other than

One Total person 2-4 persons 5-9 persons

Division/Major group Kind of fuel or Persons Persons Persons of N.I.C. power used Units employed Units Unibl employed Units employed 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 (a) Electricity 11 574 2 2 14 (c) Coal, wood & bagasse 4 13 2 7 5 II. Manual 88 197 49 34 92 2 13 Major group 32 Total 119 505 44 62 147 8 53 I. All fuels /power 18 275 5 6 14 5 36 (a) Electricity 2 220 (c) Coal, wood & bagasse 14 53 3 6 14 5 36 (d) Other power 2 2 2 II. Manual 101 230 39 56 133 3 17 Major group 34 Total 517 909 323 180 402 10 62 I. All fuels/power 11 156 3 10 4 23 (a) Electricity 10 154 2 8 4 23 (c) Coal, wood & bagasse 2 2 II. Manual 506 753 322 177 392 6 39 Major group 35 Total 13 25 9 2 6 2 10 I. All fuels/power 3 14 4 2 10 (a) Electricity 3 14 4 2 10 II. Manual 10 11 9 2 Major group 36 Total 1 4 '1 4 II. Manual 4 1 4 Major group 37 Total 3 3 II. Manual 1 3 3 Major group 38 Total 673 1,345 269 372 925 22 136 I. All fuels/power 5 11 5 11 (a) Electricity 5 11 5 11 II Manual 668 1,334 269 367 914 22 136 Major group 39 Total 365 700 221 120 297 19 111 I All fuels/power 29 118 5 16 42 5 3J. (a) Electricity 29 118 5 16 42 5 33 II Manual 336 582 216 104 255 14 78


Divisions 2 and 3 Total 4,117 11,497 1,822 1,760 4,406 347 2,143- I All fuels/power 310 1,849 III 143 346 23 139 (a) Electricity 267 1,677 88 129 311 22 131 (b) Liquid fuel 19 44 12 5 13 1 8- (c) Coal, wood & bagasse 15 114 5 6 14 (d) Other power 9 14 6 3 8 II Manual 3,807 9,648 1,711 1,617 4,060 324 2,004 Major group 20--21 Total 547 1,385 152 326 780 31 189 I All fuels/power 232 602 96 114 265 8 50· (a) Electricity 208 468 84 107 246 7 42 (b) Liquid fuel 11 25 6 4 11 1 8 (C) Coal, wood & bagasse 5 96 (d) Other power 8 13 5 3 8 II Manual 315 783 56 212 SIS 23 139 Major group 22 Total 514 2,210 120 241 678 JOt 60S. II Manual 514 2,210 120 241 678 101 60& Major group 23 Total 133 528 69 56 123 1 S I All fuels/power 1 162 (a) Electricity 1 162 II Manual D2 366 '56 , 123 s 96 ESTABLISHMENTS OTHER THAN HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRIES CLASSIFIED BY INDUSTRY, AND SIZE OF EMPLOYMENT - contd. household industries by size of employment ------10-19 persons 20-49 persons 50-99 persons 100-299 persons 300-499 perons 500+ persons Persons -_------_----- un- Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons specified emplo- employ- emplo- emplo- empJo- emplo- Units yed Units ed Units yed Units yed Units yed Units yed Units 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 16 5 178 65 299

3 43 3 41 27 193 27 193 27 193

3 41 1 13 32 77 13 32 77 13 32 77

15 9 I

15 9 5 71 3 38 3 38 2 33

RURAL 115 1,446 29 734 4 292 3 654 37 13 169 11 288 2 142 3 654 4 12 158 7 193 2 142 3 654 4 1 11 4 95

102 1,277 18 446 2 150 33 8 103 7 161 23 4 52 6 139 4 4 52 2 44 4

4 95

4 51 22 19 40 508 10 231 65 40 508 10 231 65 4 58 26 85 162 1 162 1 162 4 58 26 1 85 97 E-ll PART-B DISTRmunoN OF MANUFACfURING, PROCESSING OR SERVICING FUEL/POWER OR MANUAL USED

Number of factories or workshops other than ,-----_._------Total One 2-4 persons 5-9 persons person Division/Major group Kind of fuel or power Persons Persons Persons ofNTC used Units employed Units Units employed Units employed

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Major group 25 Total 1 1I Manual 1 \ Major group 26 Total 1,090 2,909 566 346 897 130 835 All fuels/power 11 44 6 2 6 6 (a) Electricity 4 26 I 4 6 (b) Liquid fuel 7 18 5 2 II Manual 1,079 2,865 560 344 891 129 829 Major group 27 Total 148 428 48 72 189 23 134 I All fuels/power 24 125 2 10 28 8 48 (a) Electricity 23 124 1 10 28 8 48 (b) Liquid fuel 1 1 11 Manual 124 303 46 62 ]61 15 86 Major group 28 Total 38 109 4 29 72 5 33 I All fuels/power 2 9 2 1 7 (a) Electricity 2 9 1 2 1 7 II Manual 36 100 4 28 70 4 26 Major group 29 Total 65 88 50 14 32 6 I All fuels/power 2 7 2 7 (a) Electricity 2 7 2 7 II Manual 63 81 50 12 25 6 Major group 30 Total 147 436 75 48 121 ]4 87 All fuels/power 1 20 (a) Electrici ty 1 20 II Manual ]46 416 75 48 121 14 87 Major group 31 Total 84 655 48 24 64 3 18 I All fuels/power 9 490 2 1 5 (a) Electricity 8 489 2 5 (c) Coal, wood & bagasse II Manual 75 165 47 23 62 2 13 Major group 32 Total 107 451 42 57 131 3 17 I All fuels/power 12 238 4 6 14 (a) Electricity 2 220 (b) Coal, wood & bagasst) 9 17 3 6 14 (d) Other power 1 II Manual 95 213 38 51 117 3 17 Major group 34 . Total 456 768 282 164 360 8 49 I All fuels/power 5 96 1 3 18 (a) Electricity 5 96 1 3 18 II Manual 451 672 281 164 360 5 31 Major group 35 Total 8 12 6 2 6 I All fuels/power 4 4 (a) Electricity 4 1 4 II Manual 7 8 6 1 2 Major group 37 Total 3 1 3 II Manual .1 3 1 3 Major group 38 Total 56S 1,128 221 317 787 17 105 I All fuels/power 2 4 2 4 (a) Electricity 2 -4 2 4 II Manual 563 1,124 221 315 783 . 17 ]05 Major group 39 Total 213 386 138 63 163 10 57 I All fuels/power 8 48 1 4 14 5 (a) Electricity 8 48 4 14 5 II Manual 205 338 137 59 149 9 51 98 ESTABliSHMENTS OTHER THAN HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRIES CLASSIF1ED BY INDUSTRY, AND SIZE OF EMPLOYMENT - contd. household industries by size of employment ---~ ------_._--- 10-19 persons 20-49 persons 50-99 persons 100-299 persons 300-499 persons 500+ persons Persons .---- unspecified Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Units employed Units employed Units employed Units employed Units employed Units employed Units

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

44 526 3 85 2 26 15 11 42 500 3 85 5 57 4 47 4 47


.. 4 51 4 102 2 1 20 1 20 4 51 3 82 2 4 59 3 102 65 299 16 3 102 65 1 299 16 3 102 J 65, I. 299 ': 3 43 .. 3 41 27 193 1 27. 193

1 27 193 . . o •

J 41 1 77 1

1 77 " ., f. 77 1

1 15 9

1 15 9 2 28 2 28 2 28

99 E-D PART-B DISrRmunoN OF MANUFActURING. PROCESSING OR SERVICING FUEL/POWER OR MANUAL USED Number of factories or workshops other than

Total One 2-4 persons 5-9 persons Person DivisionJMajor group Kind of fuel or Persons Persons Persons of N.I.C. power used Units employed Units Units employed Units employed 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 URBAN

Divisions 2 & 3 Total 869 2,750 337 398 1,025 92 571 All fuels/power 107 536 22 46 117 29 178 (a) Electricity 87 448 20 38 96 19 113 (b) Liquid fuel (c) Coal, wood & bagasse 18 86 8 21 10 65 (d) Other power II Manual 762 2,214 315 352 908 63 393 Major group 20--21 Total 121 345 28 80 195 9 52 I All fules / power 38 152 13 15 35 6 34 (a) Electricity 33 126 13 14 33 2 10 (c) Coal, wood & bagasse 5 26 2 4 24 II Manual 83 193 15 65 160 3 18 Major group 22 Total 84 428 16 43 125 15 90 I All fuels/power 1 2 2 (a) Electricity 2 2 II Manual 83 426 16 42 123 15 90 Major group 23 Total 3 8 1 2 1 5 1 All fuels/power 5 5 (a) Electricity 5 1 5, II Manual 2 3 2 Major group 25 Total II Manual 1 Major group 26 Total 169 609 72 59 153 23 147 I All fuels/power 2 9 1 4 5 (a) Electricity 2 9 4 5 II Manual 167 600 72 58 149 22 142 Major group 27 Total 56 282 18 22 60 11 69 I All fuels/power 10 63 3 10 6 35 (a) Electricity 10 63 3 10 6 35 II Manual 46 219 18 19 50 5 34 Major group 28 Total 30 118 20 58 7 44 II Manual 30 118 2 20 58 7 44 Major gmup 29 Total 25 41 12 13 29 I All fuels/power 1 (b) Liquid fuel II Manual 24 40 11 13 29 Major group 30 Total 22 46 8 13 32 6 I All fuels/power 10 :!3 3 6 14 6 (a) Electricity 6 13 3 2 4 6 (c) Coal, wood & bagasse 4 10 4 10 II Manual 12 23 5 7 18 Major group 31 Total 19 129 2 13 37 2 14 All fuels/power 6 97 2 7 2 14 (a) Electricity 3 85 9 (c) Coal, wood & bagasse 3 12 2 7 5 II Man~al 13 32 2 11 30 Major group 32 Total 12 54 2 5 16 5 36 I All f~~ls/power , 6 37 ". 5 36 (c) Coal, wood & bagasse, 5 36 , 5 36 (d) Other power 1 II Manual 6, 17, 5 16 100 ESTABLISHMENTS OTHER TIIAN HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRIES CLASSIFIED BY INDUSTRY AND SIZE OF EMPLOYMENT-con/d.

household mdustries by size of employment

10-19 persons 20--49 persons 50-99 persons 100-299 per~ons 300-499 persons 500+ persons Per~ons un- specified Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Units employed Units employed Units employed Units employed Units employed Units employed Units 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 URBAN 30 422 10 284 2 111 6 78 4 141 6 78 4 141

24 344 6 143 2 111 3 37 I 33 3 37 1 33 3 37 33

8 115 22 60

8' 115 22 60

11 151 4 86

11 151 4 86 3 49 1 35 1 51 18 1 18 2 31 35 51 14 14

2 76 2 76 2 76


Number of factories 0 r wo rksLops other than r------Total One 2-4 persons 5-9 persons ------person ------. ._------Division/Major group Kind of fuel or Persons Persons Persons of N.I.C. power used Units employed Units Units employed Units employed 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Major group 34 Total 61 141 41 16 42 2 13 All fuels/power 6 60 3 10 5. (a) Electricity 5 58 2 8 1 5 (c) Coal, wood & bagasse 2 I 2 II Manual 55 81 41 13 32 8 Major group 35 Total 5 13 3 2 10 All fuels/power 2 10 2 10 (a) Electricity 2 10 2 10 II Manual 3 3 3 Major group 36 Total 4 4 II Manual 4 4 Major group 38 Total 108 217 48 S5 138 S 31 I All fuels/power 3 7 3 7 (a) Electricity 3 7 3 7 II Manual 105 210 48 52 131 5 31 Major group 39 Total IS2 314 83 57 134 9 54 All fuels/power 21 70 4 12 28 4 28 (a) Electricity 21 70 4 12 28 4 28 n Manual 131 244 79 4S 106 5 26.


~ 10-19 Persons 20-49 persons 50-99 persons 100-299 persons 300-499 persons 500- persons Persons un- .- specified Persons Persons Persons Person~ Persons Persons Units employed Unit'> employed Units employed Units employed Umts employed Units employed Units 10 11 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2] 22 13 1 32 13 1 32 13 32

3 43 1 10 1 10 2 33


Total 2--4 persons 5-9 persons 10-19 persons Person _____ un- Kind of fuel 1 person ----- Division/Major group or Persons --- Persons Persons Persons specified of N.I.C. power used Units employed Units Units employed Units employed Units employed Units 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TOTAL Divisions 2 and 3 Total 1,316 2,719 544 702 1,731 66 396 4 48 I. AU fuels/power 5 8 2 3 6 (b) Liquid fuel 2 2 2 (c) Coal, wood & bagasse 1 2 1 2 (d) Other power 2 4 2 4 II. Manual 1,311 2,711 542 699 1,725 66 396 4 48 Major group 20-21 Total 118 269 26 87 205 3 16 2 22 I. All fuels/power 3 6 3 6 (c) Coal, wood & bagasse 2 '1 2 (d) Other power 2 4 2 4 II. Manual 115 263 26 84 199 3 16 2 22 .. 22 Total 35 52 26 8 21 1 5 II. Manual 35 52 26 8 21 1 5 23 Total 165 278 85 77 175 3 18 II. Manual 165 278 85 77 175 3 18 26 Total 545 1,221 231 267 700 46 280 10 I. All fuels/power 2 2 2 (b) Liquid fuel 2 2 2 II. Manual 543 1,219 229 267 700 46 280 10 27 Total 118 305 27 79 196 11 66 16 II. Manual 118 305 27 79 196 11 66 1 16 28 Total 2 5 2 5 II. Manual 2 5 2 5 29 Total 7 12 3 4 9 II. Manual 7 12 3 4 9 31 Total 5 8 4 . 1 4 II. Manual 5 8 4 4 32 Total 177 354 51 124 292 2 11 Il. Manual 177 354 51 124 292 2 11 75 109 51 24 58 " 34 Total Manual 75 109 51 24 51! 35 Total 2 3 1 2 " II. Manual 2 3 2 38 Total 67 103 39 28 64 II. Manual 67 103 39 28 64 RURAL

Divisions 2 and 3 Total 1,243 2,531 527 648 1,574 64 382 4 48 I. All fuels/power 3 4 2 1 2 (b) Liquid fuel 2 2 2 (d) Other power 1 2 1 2 II. Manual 1,240 2,527 525 647 1,572 64 382 4 48 Major group 10 &21 Total 106 238 25 76 175 3 16 2 22 I. All fuels/power 1 2 2 (d) Other power 1 2 1 2 IT. Manual 105 236 25 75 173 3 16 2 22 .. 22 Total 32 49 23 8 21 5 II. Manual 32 49 23 8 21 1 5 t. 23 Total 165 278 8S 77 175 3 18 II. Manual 165 278 85 77 175 3 18 .. 26 Total 505 1,097 230 229 586 45 271 1 10 I. All fuels/power 2 2 2 104 E-ll PART-C DISTRIBUTION OF HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY ESTABLISHMENTS CLASSIFIED BY INDUSTRY, FUELjPOWER OR MANUAL USED AND SIZE OF EMPLOYMENT-concld. Number of household industry establishments by size of employment

Total 1 Person 2-4 Persons 5-9 Persons 10-19 Persons Kind of fuel ------Persons Division/Major group or Persons Persons Persons Persons unspecified of N.I.C. power used Units employed Units Units employed Units employed Units employed Units

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 (b) Liquid fuel 2 2 2 II. Manual 503 1,095 228 229 586 45 271 1 10 Major group 27 Total 109 291 20 78 194 10 61 1 16 II Manual 109 291 20 78 194 10 61 16 28 Total 2 5 2 5 II. Manual 2 5 2 5 19 Total 6 10 3 3 7 II. Manual 6 10 3 3 7 31 Total 4 7 3 4 II. Manual 4 7 3 4 32 Total 176 351 51 123 289 2 11 II. Manual 176 351 51 123 289 2 11 34 Total 73 104 50 23 54 II. Manual 73 104 50 23 54 35 "Total 2 3 1 2 II. Manual 2 3 1 1 2 38 Total 63 98 36 27 62 II. Manual 63 9& 36 27 62 URBAN Divisions 2 and 3 Total 73 188 17 54 157 2 14 I. All fuels/power 2 4 2 4 (c) Coal, wood & 1 2 1 2 bagasse (d) Other power 1 2 1 2 II. Manual 71 184 17 52 153 2 14 Major group 20-21 Total 12 31 11 30 I. All fuels/power 2 04 2 4 (c) Coal, wood & bagasse 1 2 1 2 (d) Other power 1 2 1 2 II. Manual 10 27 1 9 26 22 Total 3 3 3 II. Manual 3 3 3 26 Total 40 124 1 38 114 9 II. Manual 40 124 1 38 114 9 27 Total 9 14 7 2 5 II. Manual 9 14 7 1 2 5 29 Total 2 1 2 II. Manual 1 2 1 2 31 Total 1 II. Manual 1 32 Total 1 3 3 II. Manual 3 1 3 34 Total 2 5 4 II Manual 2 5 1 1 4 .. 38 Total 4 5 3 1 2 II Manual 4 5 3 1 2


Total 2~ persons 5-9 persons 10-19 20-49 50-99 100+ persons persons persons persons Persons Division! ------unspe- Major group of Persons 1 person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons cified N. I. c- emplo- emplo­ emplo- emplo- emplo- emplo- emplo- -- Units yed Units Units yed Units yed Units yed Units yed Units yed Units yed Units 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 TOTAL TOTAL 24281 32958 19173 4668 10502 318 1959 66 799 15 400 2 125 39 DIVISION 6 23570 30832 18837 4414 9841 236 1419 38 458 10 277 35 Major group 60 197 604 60 105 297 24 142 7 82 23 61 16 42 6 8 20 1 5 11 62 8 23 8 23 64 131 364 38 73 197 19 118 1 11 65 8207 1045Q 6357 1799 3812 36 209 5 58 23 9 66 689 1059 457 217 507 12 69 2 26 67 398 527 304 92 211 2 12 68 4532 5336 3917 575 1274 21 129 16 18 69 9392 12418 7698 1537 3500 121 735 21 254 8 231 7 DIVISlON 8 711 2126 336 254 661 82 540 28 341 5 123 2 125 4 Major group 80 390 1496 120 166 447 73 482 24 294 4 100 1 53 2 81 4 26 3 1 23 82 207 412 151 44 109 5 33 4 47 72 2 83 110 192 62 44 105 4 25 RURAL Total 21566 27695 17498 3818 8463 175 1056 33 396 8 210 1 72 33 Division 6 21088 26389 17270 3633 7981 130 772 18 208 6 158 31 Major group 60 126 349 48 63 182 12 73 2 23 23 61 9 16 5 3 6 5 62 6 16 6 16 64 83 189 29 50 134 4 26 65 7346 9184 5771 1538 3228 24 139 4 46 9 66 584 822 411 167 383 5 28 67 270 356 211 57 133 2 12 68 3863 4370 3421 416 897 9 52 17 69 3801 11087 7374 1333 3002 73 437 12 139 5 135 4 Division 8 478 1306 228 185 482 45 284 15 188 2 52 72 2 Major group 80 281 903 92 133 358 41 260 11 141 2 52 2 81 3 3 3 82 154 335 110 36 88 3 18 4 47 72 83 40 65 23 16 36 1 6 URBAN Total 2715 5263 1675 850 2039 143 903 33 403 7 190 1 53 6 Division 6 . 2482 4443 1567 781 1860 1806 647 20 250 4 119 4 Major group 60 71 255 12 42 115 12 69 5 59 61 7 26 5 14 11 62 2 7 2 7 64 48 175 9 23 63 15 92 11 65 861 1275 586 261 584 12 70 12 23 66 105 237 46 50 124 7 41 2 26 67 128 171 93 35 78

°68 . 669 > 966 496 159 377 12 77 16 69 591 1331 324 204 498 48 298 9 115 3 96 3 Division 8 233 820 108 69 179 37 256 13 153 3 71 53 2 Major group 80 109 593 28 33 89 32 222 13 153 2 48 53 81 1 23 23 82 53 77 41 8 21 2 15 2 83 70 127 39 28 69 3 19 1Q6 E-IV DISTRIBUTION OF ESTABliSHMENTS (OTHER THAN MANUFACTURING, PROCESSING OR SERVICING OR BUSINESS AND TRADE ESTABliSHMENTS) BY SIZE OF EMPLOYMENT Number of establishments by size of employment Total 2-4 persons 5-9 persons 10-19 20-49 50-99 100+ Persons persons persons persons persons un- Division/ ------spe- Major group of Persons 1 person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons cified N. I. C. emplo- emplo­ emplo- emplo- emplo- emplo- emplo- -- Units yed Units Units yed Units yed Units yed Units yed Units yed Units yed Un tis

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 TOTAL Total 9,156 29,564 4,644 2,599 6,708 1,230 7,693 376 4,842 122 3,382 22 1,400 5 895 158

Division 0 32 41 23 7 18 2 Major group 02 5 5 5 03 27 36 18 7 18 2 Division 4 11 15 9 2 6 Major group 40 1 4 4 42 " 10 11 9 1 2 Division 7 491 1,524 132 305 709 28 174 15 203 2 48 4 258 5 Major group 70 63 385 28 22 58 5 32 4 51 1 22 3 194 71 6 6 6 74 83 99 70 10 24 5 2 75 339 1,034 28 273 627 22 137 11 152 1 26 1 64 3

Division 9 8,622 27,984 4,480 2,285 5,975 1,202 7,519 361 4,639 120 3,334 18 1,142 5 895 151 Major group 90 656 5,056 165 156 538 199 1,159 75 955 35 1,019 5 325 5 895 16 92 2,587 14,617 405 901 2,585 910 5,777 248 3,224 75 2,005 10 621 38 93 544 1,389 300 190 444 27 172 14 172 4 105 3 196 6 94 2,803 4,315 1,897 781 1,820 33 203 19 229 5 166 68 95 398 622 310 51 127 25 160 2 25 10 96 1,526 1,720 1,351 172 369 3 98 1 1 1 99 107 264 51 34 92 8 48 3 34 39 10

RURAL Total 8,222 24,510 4,224 2,345 6,067 1,113 6,916 300 3,853 82 2,246 12 760 3 444 143 Division o 30 39 21 7 18 2 Major group 02 25 5 5 03 5 34 16 7 18 2

Division 4 7 8 6 1 2 Major group 42 7 8 6 2 DMsion 7 422 1,047 107 278 640 22 137 9 112 51 5

Major group 70 31 163 13 9 23 4 25 4 51 1 51 71 2 2 2 74 76 86 66 7 15 5 2 75 313 796 26 262 602 17 107 5 61 3

Division 9 7,763 23,416 4,090 2,059 5,407 1,091 6,779 291 3,741 82 2,246 11 709 3 444 136 Major group 90 490 2,927 150 118 423 155 851 32 412 12 372 4 275 3 444 16 92 2,416 13,279 385 836 2,409 861 5,460 227 2,945 64 1,705 6 375 37 93 472 1,028 262 170 400 22 143 10 123 2 41 1 59 5 94 2,660 4,068 1,793 750 1,74) 30 18-l- 18 214 4 128 65 95 364 535 293 44 110 17 107 2 25 8 96 1,288 1,418 1,169 116 249 3 98 1 1 1 99 72 160 37 25 67 6 34 2 22 2 URBAN Total 934 5,054 420 254 641 117 777 76 989 40 1,136 10 640 2 451 15 Division 0 2 2 2 Major group 03 2 2 2


Number of establishments by size of employment Total 2--4 persons 5-9 persons 10--19 20--49 50--99 100+ Persons persons person~ persons persons un- Division! ----- spe- Major group of Persons 1 person Persons Persons Perso:,5 Persons Persons Persons dried N. I. C. emplo- ernplo- emplo- emplo- emplo- emplo- emplo- -- Units yed Units UnUs yed Units yed Units yed Units yed Units yed Units yed Units 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Division 4 4 7 3 4 Major group 40 4 4 42 3 3 3 Division" 7 69 477 2S 27 69 6 37 6 91 2 48 3 207 Major group 70 32 222 15 13 35 7 22 2 143 7l 4 4 4 " 74 7 13 4 3 9 75 26 238 2 11 25 5 30 6 91 26 64 " Di~·i.f{on 93 859 4,568 390 226 568 111 740 70 898 38 1,088 7 433 2 451 15 Major group 90 166 2,129 15 38 115 44 308 43 543 23 647 50 2 451 .. 92 171 1,338 20 65 176 49 317 21 279 11 300 4 246 93 72 361 38 20 44 5 29 4 49 2 64 2 137 " 94 143 247 104 31 71 3 19 15 38 3 95 34 87 17 7 17 . 8 53 2 96 238 302 182 S6 120 " 99 3S 104 14 9 25 2 14 1 12 39 8 "

108 H-I CENSUS HOUSES AND TIlE USES TO WIDCH TIlEY ARE PUT OccupIed Census Houses used as Places of entet- tainme- . Work- Hotels, nts and Places shop sarais commu- of Census cum-re- dhar- Rest au- nity gat- worship houses ~idence mashala, Facto- rants, hering. (eg. vaccant inclu- tourist ries, sweet panchayat temple, Total at the ding homes Shops Busi- work- m<'at ghar ex- church, number time Shop- house- and exclu- ness shops shops eluding mosque, Total of of cum- hold mspec- ding houses and and places gum- District! Rural census house res i- indu~- tion eating and work- eating of dwara City Urban houses listing Re~idence dence try houses houses offices sheds places worship etc.) Others 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Malappu- Total 367,180 26,330 279,450 285 1,335 205 14,190 2,045 5,120 9,110 605 7,295 2l,210 ram Rural 341,455 24.585 262,750 200 1,225 145 12,305 1,515 4,055 8,585 485 6,935 18,670 Urban 25,725 1,745 16,700 85 110 60 1,885 530 1,065 525 120 360 2,540


Predominant material of wall All other Total G.I. materials Total number Grass sheetc; or and Districtl Rural of leaves, other materials City Urban census reeds or Unburnt Burnt metal Cement not houses bamboo Mud bricks Wood bricks sheets Stone concrete stated 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Malappuram Total 367,180 21,390 172,250 12,395 3,590 400 20 156,055 60 1,020 Rural 341,355 19,745 167,340 10,6~O 3,450 375 10 138,870 55 980 Urban 25,725 1,645 4,910 1,765 140 25 10 17,185 5 40

Predominant materials of roof ---- Grass, leaves, reeds, thatch, Corrugated All other Total wood, mud, iron. ,dnc Asbestos Concrete materials District! Rural unbllrnt bricks Tiles. slate, or other cement Brick R.B.C.! and materials City Urban or bamboo shingle metal sheets sheets and lime .-Stone R.C.C. not stated 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Malappuram Total 221,380 144,250 85 415 5 25 920 90 Rural 211,745 128,605 85 330 5 25 585 75 Urban 9,635 15,645 95 335 15 109

H-III HOUSEHOLDS CLASS1FlED BY l\LMEER OF MIl'IEFRS Al\D BY NUMBERS OF ROOMS OCCUPIED Households \\ith one room Households with two rooms Total Total number of Total number members number Number Number of members Number Number of members Total of census of of of Districtl Rural house- Males Females rooms house- Males Females of house- Males Females City Urban holds holds holds

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Malappuram Total 284,265 900,785 946,525 756,185 48,355 120,440 127,120 113,440 334,705 357,650 Rural 266.725 840,555 883,475 704,215 45,655 114,135 120,655 107,215 315,250 337,105 Urban 17,540 60,230 63,050 51,970 2,700 6,305 6,465 6,225 19,455 20,545

Households with three Household with four Household with five Household with unspeci- Number rooms rooms rooms tied number of rooms of house- holds Number Number of Number Number of Number Number of Number Number of with Total of members of members of members of members details Districtl Rural house------house- house------house- unspe- City Ulban holds Males Females holds Males Females holds Males Females holds Males Females cified

2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Malappuram Total 71,495 244,995 254,110 23,540 89,415 92,150 27,095 111,180 115,410 3S 50 85 305 Rural 67,505 230,265 238,685 21,565 81,465 83,675 24,490 99,400 103,285 30 40 70 265 Urban 3,990 14,730 15,425 1,975 7,950 8,475 2,605 11.780 12,125 5 10 15 40


r- I II m IV Livestock, fore- stry, fishing, hunting & plan- tations, orchards Agricultural (I, allied Mining and Name of Total Total workers Culthators labourers activities quarrying Sl Scheduled ------No. Caste P M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 AI Castl's 135,286 66,550 68,736 34,554 27,296 581 106 26,533 24,351 1,061 66 51J3 Adi Andhra 432 121 310 20 100 2 18 2 Adi Dravida 256 220 36 181 10 7 3 Arunthathiyar 73 39 34 14 1 4 Bellara 2 1 1 1 1 5 Chakkiliyan 334 165 169 77 14 12 9 6 Chamar tlr Muchi 3 1 2 I 1 .7 Cheruman 71,112 34,976 36,136 18,610 15,709 252 60 15,612 14,973 611 34 292 8 Kadaiyan 25 16 9 7 1 2 1 9 Kalladi 6,667 3,240 3,427 1,73g 1,509 11 1,568 1,463 56 5 12 10 Kanakkan or 45,168 22,187 22,981 11,046 8,103 285 43 8,SRI 7,320 218 4 257 Padanna 11 Karimpalan 12 8 4 6 2 6 2 : 12 Kudumban 96 43 53 28 25 1 1 13 Kuravan, 395 209 186 109 35 6 3 Sidhanar 14 Malayan 520 274 246 155 91 6 116 77 27 11 15 Ma"i1an 15 8 7 5 3 5 3 16 Nayadi 155 77 78 35 9 1 12 5 17 Panan 3,088 t,564 1,524 751 428 5 316 205 16 4 7 18 Paraiyan, 4,956 2,423 2,533 1,341 989 12 151 107 10 7 25 Parayan (Sambavar) 19 Pu1aya Vettuvan 1,260 637 623 252 \68 2 53 80 111 1 20 Puthirai Vannan 112 51 61 24 6 :; 21 Sam ban 16 7 9 7 7 22 Valluvan 204 95 109 44 41 3 26 40 23 Unspecified 385 187 198 t02 52 2 51 43 5

112 AND NON-WORKERS BY SEX FOR· SCHED1Jt.ED CASTES (RURAL) Workers .J.-_ V VI VII VIIJ IX X Manufacturing, processing, servicing and repair;;

(a) (1") Transport. sto- Household Other than house- Trade & rage & commu- Other industry hold industry Construction commerce nications services NOll-workers _- ---: ------~------M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1,550 1,420 544 457 490 52 202 15 645 35 2,355 794 31,996 41,440 15 76 4 2 2 102 210 ]73 10 39 26 11 25 34

29 21 2 4 7 1 4 88 155 2 74 122 130 75 178 24 71 8 231 24 1,159 389 16,366 20,427 1 1 3 9 8 2 4 15 4 66 40 1,502 1,918 84 215 197 224 189 24 86 2 315 11 834 260 11,141 14,878 2 2 28 16 14 8 9 3 ., 15 40 6 35 3 14 .. 14 21 100 151 2 1 4 1 119 155 3 4 8 4 13 42 69 251 169 42 24 7 16 12 79 26 813 1,096 850 803 79 50 93 1 46 74 21 1,082 1,544

12 70 2 29 42 16 385 455 4 14 6 27 55 9 1 15 51 68 4 1 37 9 85 146


I II III IV Livestock, forestry, fishing, hunting & Agricultrual plantations, orchards Mining and Total Total workers Cultivaters labourers & allied activities quarrying 51. Name of Scheduled No Castes P M F M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 MAIAPPURAM DISTRICT ALL CASTES 5,540 2,704 2,836 1,234 862 8 601 626 42 7 Chakkiliyan 53 29 24 13 2 Cheruman 2,510 1,261 1,249 589 395 5 342 334 15 4 3 Kalladi 115 62 53 27 23 14 22 4 Kanakkan or Padanna 2,182 1,009 1,173 435 328 2 197 218 26 3 5 Kuravan, Sidhanar 29 17 12 11 8 6 Nayadi 73 32 41 13 2 7 Panan 99 43 56 18 9 3 8 Paraiyan, Parayan 225 114 III 62 42 2 (Sambavar) 9 Puthirai Vannan 7 4 3 2 10 Valluvan 10 7 3 2 11 Unspecified 237 126 III 62 53 45 50

Workers --~------~----~~.~ V VI VII VIII IX X Manufacturing, processing, servicing and repairs (a) (b) Transport, Household Other than house- Trade and storage and Other Name of industry hold industry Construction commerce communications services Non-workers SI' Scheduled No. Castes M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 MALAPPURAM DISTRICT ALL CASTES 48 20 47 33 33 15 22 3 66 12 360 153 1,470 1,974 Chakkiliyan 3 2 2 1 5 1 16 23 2 Ch.:ruman 14 4 7 2 26 9 9 2 23 2 144 42 672 854 3 Kalladi 2 10 35 30 4 Kanakkan or Padanna 5 4 5 2 7 6 5 20 10 165 88 574 845 5 Kuravan, Sidhanar 9 2 7 6 4 6 Nayadi 9 3 2 19 39 7 Panan 1 2 11 6 25 47 8 Paraiyan, Parayan (Sambavar) 7 9 29 27 16 9 4 52 69 9 Puthirai Vannan 2 2 2 10 Valluvan 1 5 3 . 11 Unspecified 4 2 1 10 64 58

114 SC-D AGE AND MARITAL STATUS FOR SCHEDULED CASTES Total population Divorced Unspecified Total Never married Married Widowed or separated status SI. Name (If Scheduled No, Castes P M F M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ALL CASTES ]40826 69254 71512 40859 34016 26934 28186 1004 7217 457 2153 1 Adi Andhra 432 122 310 103 134 \9 127 23 26 2 Adi Dravida 256 220 36 92 15 118 19 2 2 8 3 Arunthathiyar 73 39 34 27 20 12 11 2 4 Bellara 2 1 5 Chakkiliyan 387 194 193 129 lOS 63 63 2 22 3 6 Chamar or Muchi 3 2 1 1 7 Cheruman 73622 36237 '37385 21403 18087 14069 14536 566 3706 199 1056 8 Kadaiyan 25 16 9 9 2 7 7 9 Kalladi 6782 3302 3480 2121 1635 1111 1384 55 320 15 141 10 Kanakkan or Padanna 47350 23196 24154 13481 11228 9225 9589 292 2558 198 779 11 Karimpalan 12 8 4 5 1 3 2 12 Kudumban 96 43 53 21 23 21 22 7 13 Kuravan, Sidhanar 424 226 198 134 89 87 93 5 13 3 14 Malayan 520 274 246 154 III 109 114 7 19 4 2 15 Mavilan 15 :8 7 6 :3 2 3 1 16 Nayadi 228 109 119 58 60 51 55 4 17 Panan 3187 1607 1580 1011 764 560 614 31 152 5 50 18 Paraiyan, Parayan (Sambavar) 5181 2537 2644 1433 1207 1051 1095 32 277 21 65 19 Pulaya Vettuvan' 1260 637 623 410 322 224 236 2 58 7 20 Putbirai Vannan 119 55 64 31 37 21 21 3 6 21 Samban 16 7 9 7 6 2 22 Valluvan 214 102 112 62 58 39 39 13 2 23 Unspecified 622 313 309 167 107 135 152 5 33 6 17 Age 0-14 Divorced or Unspecified Total Never married Married Widowed separated statu~ SI. No, Name of Scheduled Castes M F M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ALL CASTES 29824 28501 29824 28311 ]67 23 Adi Andhra 92 122 92 118 3 2 Adi Dravida 52 12 52 12 3 Arunthathiyar 18 15 18 15 4 BeHara 5 Chakkiliyan 89 87 89 87 6 Chamar or Muchi 1 1 7 Cheruman 15583 15030 15583 14972 50 8 8 Kadaiyan 8 2 8 2 9 Kalladi 1584 1435 1584 1415 18 2 10 Kanakkan or Padanna 10041 9563 10041 9464 88 11 11 Karimpalan 3 1 3 12 Kudumban 14 18 14 17 13 Kuravan, Sidhanar 9) 82 91 82 14 Malayan 115 g'8 115 88 15 Mavilan 3 3 3 3 ,,' 16 ]';ayadi 39 48 39 48 17 Panan 671 589 67) 589 18 Paraiyan, Parayan, (Sambavar) 949 999 949 992 6 19 Pulaya Vettuvan 279 246 279 246 20 Puthirai Van nan 20 25 20 25 21 Sam ban 7 7 22 Valluvan 52 45 52 45 23 Unspecified 121 83 12.1 82

115 SC-II AGE AND MARITAL STATUS FOR SCHEDULED CASTES:-contd. Age 15-44 Divorced or Unspecified Total· Never married Married Widowed separated status SI. Name of Scheduled No Castes M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 All Castes 28244 31911 lOUiS 5604 16935 22912 206 1560 338 1835 Adi Andra 23 149 11 16 12 109 6 18 2 Adi Dravida 119 20 40 3 72 15 2 7 3 Arunthathiyar 15 15 9 5 6 9 4 Bellara 1 5 Chakkiliyan 80 81 40 18 39 54 6 3 6 Chamar or Muchi I 7 Cheruman 14974 16610 5780 3061 8932 11821 126 826 136 902 8 Kadaiyan 6 6 1 5 6 9 Kalladi 1007 1552 335 217 65S 1138 7 73 10 124 10 Kanakkan or Padanna 9436 10729 3418 1736 5811 7798 44 532 163 663 11 Karimpalan 4 2 2 2 2 12 Kudumban 23 24 7 6 16 17 1 13 Kuravan, Sidhanar 99 88 43 7 55 76 2 3 14 Malayan 108 113 39 23 66 83 2 5 2 15 MavHan 5 3 3 2 3 16 Nayadi 47 57 19 12 28 44 17 Panan 699 714 338 168 347 475 10 31 4 40 18 Paraiyan, Parayan (Sambavar) 1140 1219 482 212 635 893 11 55 12 59 19 Pulaya Vettuvan 263 278 131 74 130 189 1 9 6 20 Puthirai Vannan 26 33 11 12 14 18 3 21 Samban 4 2 3 2 22 Valluvan 37 SO 10 11 27 33 4 2 23 Unspecified 127 164 44 23 77 125 2 4 4 12 Age 45+

Divorced or Unspecified Total Never married Married Widowed separated status SI. No. Name of Scheduled Castes M F M F M F M F M F M F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 ALL CASTES 11183 11156 267 100 9999 5104 798 5657 119 295 Adi Andhra 7 39 7 15 17 7 2 Adi Dravida 49 4 46 4 2 3 Arunthathiyar 6 4 6 2 4 Bellara 5 Chakkiliyan 25 25 24 9 16 6 Chamar or Muchi 7 Cheruman 5679 5741 39 S3 5137 2662 440 2880 63 146 8 Kadaiyan 2 1 2 1 9 Kalladi 711 493 202 3 456 228 48 247 5 15 10 Kanakkan or Padanna 3717 3862 20 28 3414 1703 248 2026 35 105 11. Karimpalan 1 12. Kudumban 6 11 5 4 7 13. Kuravan, Sidhanar 36 28 32 17 4 11 14. Malayan 51 45 43 31 5 14 3 15. MavHan 1 16. Nayadi 23- 14 23 11 3 17. Panan 237 277 2 7 213 139 21 121 10 ] 8. Paraiyan, Parayan (Sambavar) 448 426 2 3 416 196 21 222 9 5 19. Pulaya Vettuvan' 95 99 2 94 47 49 20. Puthirai Vannan 9- (i 7 3 2 3 21. Samban 3 :3 22. Valluvan 13 17 2 12 6 9 23. Unspecified 65 62 2 2 58 26 3 29 2 5 116 SC-II AGE AND MARITAL STATUS Fo.R. SCHEDULED CASTES-concld. Age not stated Divorced or Unspecified Total Never married Married Widowed separated status SI. Name of Scheduled ------No. Castes M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 ALL CASTES 3 4 3 1 3 1. Adl Andhra 2. Adi Dravida 3. Arunthathiyar 4. Rellara 5. Chakkiliyan 6. Chamar or Muchi 7. Cheruman 4 3 8. Kadaiyan 9' Kalladi 10' Kanakkan or Pad anna 2 2 11. Karimpalam 12. Kudumban 13. Kuravan, Sidhanar 14. Malayan 15. MavHan 16. Nayadi 17. Panan 18. Pataiyan, Parayan (Sambavar) 19. Pulaya Vettuvan 20' Puthirai Vannan 21. Samban 22. Valluvan 23. Unspecified


Educational levels

Techni-. .University cal de- degree or gree or post. diploma Non·te Technical graduate equal to Literate Matri- chnical diploma degree degree (without Primary or culation diploma not other tban or post- educational junior or higher not equal equal to technical graduate Name of Scheduled Total Illiterate level) ba~ic secondary to degree degree degree degree SI.No. Caste M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

ALL CASTES 2,704 2,836 1,374 1,839 501 438 768 536 50 22 2 6 3 1. Chakkiliyan 29 24 10 13 10 3 7 8 2 2. Cheruman 1,261 1,249 707 831 210 212 329 199 12 6 2 1 3. KalJadi 62 53 36 41 14 8 12 4 4. Kanakkan or Padanna 1,009 1,173 475 729 198 174 316 259 17 11 2 5. Kuravan, Sidhanar 17 12 8 11 4 3 6. Nayadi 32 41 14 33 6 3 9 5 3 7. Panan 43 56 13 24 7 10 18 19 2 3 2 8 Paraiyan, Parayan 114 111 47 78 26 11 32 22 8 (Sambavar) 9. Puthirai Vannan 4 3 1 3 10. ValJuvan 7 3 3 2 3 1 1 11. Unspecified 126 111 61 76 20 16 40 18 5


Educational level ---. Literate (without Matriculation educational Primary or and· above but Graduate and Total Illiterate level) junior basic· below graduate above ------Name of Scheduled O!-ste M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

ALL CASTES 66550 68736 45528 55592 10112 6996 10425 5949 469 195 16 4 1. Adi Andhia 122 310 90 278 17 18 14 14 2. Adi Dravida 220 36 162 35 28 1 30 3. Arunthathiyar 39 34 11 17 8 7 17 10 3 4. Bellara 1 1 5. Chakkiliyan 165 169 64 94 35 28 61 46 5 6. Chamar or Muchi 1 2 .1 7. Cheruman 34976 36136 25639 30230 4878 3287 4300 2556 155 62 4 8. Kadaiyan 16 9 6 2 6 4 4 3 9. Kalladi 3240 3427 2631 3092 338 226 266 106 5 2 10 .. Kanakkan or Padanna 22187 22981 '. 13931 17832 3788 2670 4264 2386 196 91 8 2 11. Karimpalan 8 4 4 4 3 12. Kudurnbaq 43 53 29 43 7 8 7 2 13. K uravan, Sidhanar 209 186 125 147 31 13 50 .24 3 2 14. ~alayan 274 246 231 212 23 16 16 18 3 15. Mavilan 8 7 8 7 16. Nayadi 77 78 62 70 5 2 10 6 17. Panan 1564 1524 749 914 286 242 488 352 39 16 2 18. Paraiyan, Parayan (Sambavar) 2423 2533 1295 1925 420 311 655 279 52 17 19. Pulaya Yettuvan 637 623 290 416 172 112 172 95 3 20. Puthirai Yannan 51 61 10 27 13 7 28 24 3 21. Sarnban 7 9 4 5 2 3 1 1 22. Yailuvan 95 109 58 80 18 18 18 11 1 23. Unspecified 187 ··198 128 160 33 22 23 15 3


Retired, Inmates of rentier and penal, men- Dependents, persons of Beggars, tal and Total non- Household and independent vagrants, charitable infants etc. institutions Other


Total 76880 33466 43414 10419 7473 639 11766 21653 23876 42 80 38 59 675 160 Illiterate 54444 21667 32777 1219 1014 313 8913 19972 22672 23 78 34 59 106 41 Literate (without edu- 12617 6517 6100 5427 4325 169 1047 854 716 5 1 61 12 cational level) Primary or junior basic 9400 5001 4399 3634 2074 154 1777 808 479 13 3 389 68 Matriculation and 403 269 134 136 58 3 29 19 9 110 37 above but below graduate Graduate and above 16 12 4 3 2 9 2

RURAL Total 73436 31996 41440 9737 6923 623 11142 20973 23116 35 67 37 53 591 139 Illiterate 52568 20972 31596 1163 951 305 8514 19359 21977 19 65 33 53 92 36 Literate (without edu- 11939 6208 5731 5154 4068 167 974 827 681 4 55 8 cational level) Primary or junior 8542 4557 3985 3293 1845 148 1630 770 450 11 3 332 59 basic Matriculation and 372 248 124 124 57 3 24 17 8 1 103 34 above but below graduate Graduate and above 15 11 4 3 2 8 2


Total 3444 1470 1974 682 550 16 624 68G 760 7 13 1 6 84 21 Jlliterate 1876 695 1181 56 63 8 399 613 695 4 13 6 13 5 Literate (without edu- 678 309 369 273 257 2 73 27 35 6 4 cational level) Primary or junior basic 858 444 414 341 229 6 147 38 29 2 57 9 Matriculation and 31 21 10 12 5 2 1 7 3 above but below graduate Graduate and above 1


I II III IV Livestock, forestry, fishing, hunting & plantations, Agricultural orchards & allied Mining and Total Total workers Cultivators labourers activities quarrying SI. Name of No. Scheduled Tribe P M F M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 n" 14 1:5

All Tribes 8,606 4,238 4,368 2,313 1,876 82 10 1,719 1,685 270 109 12 1 Arandan 1 1 1 1 2 Kadar 33 '14 19 7 3 4 3 3 3 Kammara 36 16 20 10 11 4 Kattunayakan 178 92 86 65 51 i 8 4 52 47 5 Kurumans 82 43 39 22 24 17 22 4 1 6 Kurumbas 74 40 34 25 8 17 7 Muthuwan, 781 387 394 214 164 16 153 149 45 14 Mudugar or Muduvan 8 Palliyan 2 1 9 Paniyan 3,885 2,062 1,823 1,143 969 15 2 905 914 144 46 10 Pulayan 3,431 1,527 1.904 788 633 23 4 609 583 22 12 11 Unspecified 103 55 48 37 13 27 3 4 10

, , workers --. V VI VII, VJII IX X Manufacturing, processing, servicing and repairs (a) (b) Transport, Other than storage Household household ,Trade and and Other " Non~, " industry industry Construction commerce communications services i;orkers Sl. Name of No. Scheduled Tribe M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

All tribes 22 24 12 4 18 7 54 117 44 1,925 2,492 1 Arandan 2 Kadar 7 16 3 Kammara 9 11 6 9 4 Kattunayakan 4 27 35 5 Kurumans 21 15 6 Kurumbas 8 8 15 26 7 Muthuwan, 173 230 Mudugar or Muduvan 8 PalJiyan 9 Paniyan 2 42 34 7 919 854 10 Pulayan 4 5 10 4 18 5 8 77 36 739 1,271 11 Unspecified 1 5 IS 3S


Workers r- J II III TV Livestock, fore- stry, fi<;hing, hunting and plantations, or- chard<; and Agricultural allied Mining and Total Total workers Cultivators labourers activities quarrying SI. Name of Sche- No. dilled Tribe P M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

All Tribes 273 144 132 73 S8 24 4S 6 1 1 Muthuwan, Mudu- 10 4 6 2 gar or Muduvan 2 Pulayan 263 150 126 71 58 24 4S 6


V VI VII VIII IX X Manufacturing, processing, servicing and repairs

(a) (b) Other than Transport, Household household Trade and storage and Other Non-, industry industry Construction commerce communications services workers Sl Name of Sche- No duled Tribe M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 16 17 18 1,9 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 All Tribes 2 2 9 1 30 11 71 74 Muthuvan, Mudu- 2 2 6 gar or Muduvan 2 Pulayan 2 2 9 1 28 11 69 68

122 ST-rr AGE AND 'MARITAL STATUS FOR SCHEDULED 'TRIBES • Total population Divorced or Unspecified Total Never married Married Widowed separated status Sl. Name of Sche­ No. duled tribe P M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 10 11 12 13 14 15

All Tribes 8882 4382 4500 2613 2126 1674 1777 64 479 31 118 Arandan 1 1 2 Kadar 33 14 19 7 11 7 7 1 3 Kammara 36 16 20 7 12 7 6 1 4 Kattunayakan 178 92 86 32 25 54 53 3 8 3 5 Kllrumans 82 43 39 32 18 9 12 2 9 6 Kurumbas 74 40 34 21 16 17 16 1 2 7 Mllthuwan. Mudu­ 791 m 400 259 228 121 127 7 35 4 10 gar or Muduvan 8 PaIliyan 2 1 1 9 Paniyan 3885 2062 1823 1204 734 816 796 34 244 8 49 10 Pulayan 3697 1667 2030 1005 1054 633 741 15 177 14 58 11 Unspecified 103 55 48 45 27 9 19 1 2

Age 0-14 Divorced or Unspecified Total Never married Married Widowed separated status SI. Name of Sche- No. dilled Tribe M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 All Tribes 1878 1731 1878 1718 12 1 1 Arandan 1 2 Kadar 4 7 4 7 3 Kammara 5 7 5 6 4 Kattunayakan 25 24 25 24 5 Kurumans 19 13 19 13 6 Kllrumbas 12 15 12 15 7 Muthuwan, Mudugar or 165 141 165 140 Muduvan 8 Palliyan 9 Panian 897 610 897 602 7 1 10 Pulayan 723 892 723 889 3 11 Unspecified 27 22 27 22

Age 15-44 Divorced or Unspecified Total Never married Married Widowed separated status Sl. Name of Scheduld No. Tribes M F M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

All Trihes 1779 2039 729 402 1011 1433 16 113 23 91 1 Arandan 2 Kadar 8 10 3 4 5 6 3 Kammara 7 10 2 6 4 3 1 4 Kattupayakan 40 48 7 31 46 1 2 5 Kurumans 18 20 13 5 5 11 4 6 Kurumbas 22 12 9 11 11 1 1 7 Muthuwan, Mudugar 154 196 92 87 59 96 2 8 5 or Muduvan 8 Palliyan 1 9 Paniyan 822 876 306 130 500 638 9 68 7 40 10 Pulayan 682 853 279 162 388 614 4 32 11 45 11 Unspecified 25 13 18 5 7 8 123 ST-ll AGE AND MARITAL STATUS FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES-concld.

Age 45+ Divorced or Unspecified Total Never married Married Widowed separated status Sl. Name of S"heduled No. . Tribes M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 All Tribes 725 730 6 6 663 332 48 366 8 26 Arandan .. 2 Kadar 2 2 2 1 3 Kammara 4 3 3 2 1 .. 4 Kattunayakan 27 14 23 7 3 7 5 Kurumans 6 6 4 2 5 6 Kurumbas 6 7 6 5 2 7 Muthuwan, Mudugar or 72 63 2 62 30 5 27 3 5 Muduvan 8 Palliyan 9 Paniyan 343 337 1 2 316 151 25 176 8 10 Pulayan 262 285 3 3 245 1~4 11 145 3 13 11 Unspecified 3 13 2 11 2

Age not stated Divorced or Unspecified Total Never married Married Widowed separated status SI. Name of Scheduled No. Tribes M F M F M F M F M F M P' .1 2 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63

AnTr~ Arandan 2 Kadar 3 Kammara 4 Kattunayakan 5 Kurumans 6 Kurumbas 7 Muthuwan, Mudugar or Muduvan 8 PaIliyan 9 Paniyan 10 Pulayan 1 t Unspecified


Educational levels

University Technical degree or degree or di- Literate Non-tech- Technical post-graduate ploma equal (without Matriculation nical diploma diploma degree other to degree or educational Primary or or higher not equal not equal technical post-gradu- Total Literate level) junior basic secondary to degree to degree degree ate degree SI. Name of Scheduled ND. Tribe M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

All Tribes 144 132 79 82 19 11 39 38 '1 1 1 Muthuwan. Mudu- gar or Muduvan 4 6 2 4 2 2 2 Pulayan 140 126 77 78 19 11 37 36 7


Educational levels Matriculation and Graduate Literate (without Primary or above but be- and Total Illiterate educational level) junior basic low graduate above

Name of Scheduled Tribe M F M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 All Tribes 4238 4368 3531 3975 330 201 347 180 28 12 :2 1 Arandan 1 1 2 Kadar 14 19 14 19 3 Kammara 16 20 12 18 4 4 Kattunayakan 92 86 87 84 4 1 5 Kurumans 43 39 43 39 6 Kurumbas 40 34 40 34 7 Muthuwan, Mudugar or Muduvan 387 394 361 388 14 4 12 2 8 Palliyan 1 1 1 9 Paniyan 2062 1823 1905 1783 73 23 79 17 5 10 Pulayan 1527 1904 1018 1561 233 173 251 159 23 11 2 11 Unspecified 55 48 49 48 6


Retired, re- ntier, and Inmates of House- Dependents persons of Beggars, penal, mental Total non-working hold and independl!nt vagrants and charitable population Students duties infants means etc. institutions Others

Educational levels P M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 TOTAL

Total 4562 1996 2566 378 264 20 685 1574 1598 2 4 6 20 11 Illiterate 3811 1569 2242 25 59 12 605 1524 1563 ! 4 6 4 7 Literate (without educational levels) 401 232 169 198 123 4 22 29 24 1 Primary or junior basic 338 187 151 151 80 4 57 21 11 11 3 Matriculation and above but below graduate 11 7 4 3 2 4 Graduate and above


Total 4417 1925 2492 344 234 18 672 1541 1568 1 4 6 18 11 I1Iiterate 3739 1536 2203 24 55 11 598 1493 1536 4 6 4 7 Literate (without educational level) 378 216 162 184 117 3 22 28 23 Primary or junior ba~ic 288 165 123 132 60 4 51 20 9 9 3 Matriculation and above but below graduate 11 7 4 3 2 4 1 Graduate and above 1


Total 145 71 74 34 30 2 13 33 30 1 2 Illiterate 72 33 39 1 4 7 31 27 1 Literate (without educational level) 23 16 7 14 6 1 1 1 Primary or junior basic 50 22 28 19 20 '6 1 2 2 Matriculation and above but below graduate Graduate and above


Total Christian Hindus Other Religions 51. No. Name of Scheduled Tribe P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ALLTRIBFS Rural 8606 4238 4363 43 S 4191 4360 Muslim (R) M·2, F·3 Urban 276 144 132 144 132 Not Stated (R) M·2 Arandan Rural Urban 2 Kadar Rural 33 14 19 14 19 Urban 3 Kammara Rural 36 16 20 16 20 Urban 4 Kattunayakan Rural 178 92 86 92 86 Urban 5 Kurumans Rural 82 43 39 43 39 Urban 6 Kurumbas Rural 74 40 34 40 34 Urban 7 Muthuwan. Mudu· Rural 781 387 394 387 394 gar or Muduvan Urban 10 4 6 4 6 8 PalIiyan Rral 2 1 Urban 9 Paniyan Rural 3885 2062 1823 2062 1820 Urban Muslim (R) F·3 10 Pulayan Rural 3431 1527 1904 43 5 1480 1899 Muslim (R) M·2 Urban 266 140 126 140 126 Not Stated (R) M-2 11 Unspecified Rural 103 55 48 55 48 Urban