
The Newsletterl'

No. 10. January, 1979

Prepar~d in the Department of Invertebrate Zoology (Echinoderms), National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C. 20560, u.S.A.

1978 waS quite a for the echinoderms. There were two international meetings. Acanthaster planci made the newspapers again, as a result of its coral chomping activities on various South Pacific islands. t~;'2ric3nscientists studied culturing techniques in China, In the middle of all this excitement, we neglected to issue a Newsletter. This time, we're six months late. We're sorry about the poor quality of many of the pages in this issue. A bad batch of mimeograph stencils coupled with a temperamental machine caused us some headaches. J;vehope to do better next time.

We have the impression that our mailing list contains a good deal of 11dead wood", names and addresses of people who for one reason or another are no longer interested in receiving the Newsletter. In order to reduce our work load and reduce the cost of production, we want to remove unu~nted names from the mailing list. Thus, we ask you to complete and return the enclosed form (see last page of Newsletter) if you wish to hm,'e your nam3 retained on the Mailing list. We're sorry to cauae you this trouble, but trust you7ll understand our aims.

David 1. Pawson

lThe Echinoderms Newsletteris not intended to be a part of the scientific literature, and should not be cited, abstracted, or reprinted as a published docum~nt. - Items of interec;'~..

Meetings -

1. David N~chols reports on two highly successful international echinoderms meetings in Nature Vol. 275~ 25 September, 1978: 268-270. These were the Third Echinoderms Conference in Sydney, Australia in March 1978~ and the meeting at Bedford College, London, in July 1979.

2. A European Colloquium on Echinoderms ~Jill take place at the Free University of Brussels on September 3-7, 1979. The Colloquium Organizer, Dr. Michel Jangoux, notes that l1although the conference in Brussels will be mainly centered on Europe and the Medit€~ranean area, it is nonetheless also addressed worldwide and ,olehope to welcome colleagues from overseas". If you are seriously interested in learning more about the Colloquium, please write to Dr. M. Jangoux, Laboratoire de Zoologie, Faculte des Sciences, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Avenue F.D. Roosevelt 50 Bruxelles, Belgium.

Recipes -

Keith Serafy reC01mnen/s the following roe recipes. ______,TheyJJeX.e-originallypublished in Sport Diver 1 (2):39-43.

,._..-....---1. Urc.hjy'~mushroomcream sauce: // .. - ."?'" half cup urchin roe; 1 can (10.75 ounces) condensed cream of mushroom soup; half cup milk.

.. / Force urchin roe through seive and blend with soup and milk . Heat until boiling, stirring constantly. Pour over hamburgers, chicken or other meats or vegetables. Good served over asparagus and sprinkled with cheese.

2. Urchin mushroom cream dip:

1 cup urchin roe; 1 can (10.75 ounces) condensed cream of mushroom soup.

Force urchin roe through sieve and blend with soup. Use as a / dip or spread on crackers for hors d'oeuvres. 3. Raw urchin roe:

add lemon juice or teriyaki sauce.

Bon appetit; (?). l!prints:

Brendan O'Connor notes that Eortensen's "Handbook of the echinoderms of the British 1s105 is being reprinted by:

Cosmos ~~tiquarian Books. P.O. Box 30. Lochem 6570, The Netherlands.

The price will be arrroximately 20 British pounds.

------_ ..•.. ----.-~•... ~~-- Reques ts_and-Sugges tions ------, ..• Bay-Schmith - would.like to learn of techniques for massive culture oJ_-sea urchin larvae.

Feral - would like to receive reprints of papers on structure and ultrastructure of the food canal of holothurians. especially apodous forms, and also information on techniques for laboratory ------main'!;enauce._.ofburrowing marine . Hawkins - would like information on energy budgets of tropical .---/echinoderms.

~kie - would like copies of papers relating to shape ecology/ /.___~ adaptive morphology of ecpinoderms. ,! ' ~ : Nauen - requests references and papers on growth, conversion rates. food uptake, oxygen consw;::,::ionof asteriods from various habitats.

O'Connor (B.) - requests any unpublished information on distribution of echinoderms off the Irish coast.

Phelan - would like to have alcohol-preserved specimens of the with water vessels preserved.

Smith (A.B.) - would like to have copies of bottom photographs from the Indo-west-Pacific showing the echinoid Micropyga tuberculata.

Strathmann - is interested in learning the northern limit of e~centricus in North P~erica .and the southern limit of par~l in North America.

Wolfram - requests info~lrration on biology of Paracentrotus lividus in sea grasses.

Webster - requests information on location of collections of any Lower 11ississippian crinoids from Montana. Wyoming, Utah, Idaho or Nevada. Current Research Projects

BAY-SCHMITH - annual cycle and developnent of Arbacia spatuligera(Valenciennes, 1846) and Tetrapygus niger (Molina, 1782) in the Bay of Concepcion, Chile.

TIEr~~\SCONI- Ofiuroideos de Sandwich del Sur y de Georgins del Sur.

BL"..CK.•Asteroid Ecology

BROf.~HEAD - Carboni.ferous Dichocrinidae; /Pe~inn platycrtrttid column cenhanics~ rhonbiferan cyotoids and edrioblastoids(with Strinple)~ Strobilo- cystites(with Frest)

DAn - rfechanisn of unequal cleavage.

FE~~\UX - Bioenerg~tique oursins et plutei.

FEP~.L - Feeding .and digestion of the intertidal Leptosynapta from the coasts of Britanny: Structure and function of the gut, digestive enzynes, excretion. Beginning of the of Holothurians Holothurians fron Philippines and Kerguelen Islands

FOSTER - Australian and New Zealnnd Tertiary echinoids.

GUILLE - Taxonomy of Cphiuroids fron Philippines, Kerguelen, Azores Ecophysiology of subantarctic Echinoderns Benthic comnunities of Mediterranee and Kerguelen.

!~~~\D~ - Reaggregation of disassociated sea urchin e~bryo. !~ Ultrastruct~ral and tine lapse study.

HARRIOTT - Distribution patterns, growth rates and reproductive biology of Holothurians of Heron Island reef.

HAWKINS - Ecological Energetics of Diadena antillarun.

,.-.:~' .•~>~~:,O - liolothuroidea de los archipielagos de Chiloe y Los Chonos(Chile); Taxononia y Biogeografia. Analisis biogeografico de los asteroideos de la platafo~n continental chilena.

KEOUGH- Systematics of Asteroids(especially Asterinid~e). Role of as predators in subtidal sessile cOnMunities of invertebrates.

KOBAYASHI - Marine Pollution bioassay by sea urchin nnd Molluscan eggs. Kry~il.TSU' !1.cnroduction :::nd c.;::,v~~lo11l,€:ntofSel1st:1rs •. iLCKIE'" ~b.tur"11 l~iGtorl ."nJ fcolopov o-F I'(~li".st(.'r kubini1i XC.ntus" ."1d~.ptiv2 nornholof':Y "nd !'('~h~vioral ~color:y of Pncific Fchinoc.Er1s. liAllCUS

Grovth of Echinode.r" ske.l tons.

JL\TSUOKl'. ... Stttdic~s on the nt:::rfish Eexosc:: 6-PhoGnhnte de.hy- (lror,;l~n."186

!'!EHGR •• Expcri".f~ntal Etudi39 of Co,,,"uni.ty Or\!'1niz:;l.tion in .,. Tropic:"'.1 Rocky Ir..t(;)rtidnl COI~,-unitY(P:'1!l.'lT"2:l)

;!{F.YEl v7ith 7TActP..Df. .•. t::color,y of Indo •.T1est P.'!d.fic Crinoidn:'1. ?:EYEI:. - r.•.leoi~colo?,v of <:11 Upner Ordovician ~:c1rio- ~st0roi(1. l:<;d. i'H'IT'.OVIC •• Problenn or cchinoc1c~r:'1t('or;-'.inolo?:y"nC! nonenclnture.

~mSc.l\.T .. Di8trib~tion of Fchinod,.:!'T'sin S en-lif. nif'b.4 syno.' nOE)' of fc:phcod:L":. m:ticn rmd A. dir:it.1.tn , ophuroid life history Gtr.:-ttegies'" p:routh ".nrI re1)roductiv(:~ studiGs.

N:.''J!F.T'!'" Popul.:ltion dyn'".!.r'ic8at: stn.rfish .:\stcri.';1.s rub;~ns? Grm..;rth of lsterirw rubens in ?2ie.l E.-:o.:'}". role; in eht {'COSYSt2T"

11C'JI: ..S.l\ ..... EcologjT of !:..Gterotdn

OYCG::~,;:JR- TIil; distribution of '2.chi.noner;'~s'lround Ird.r.nrl. ,A. biblioQ:r'J.nh:' of Horks on Ec!:linoce.rr'8 occurrin

PAr;r:TT -.' Eydrc.ulics of .t5teroid(~':'.. Sn.linity tol~r'1ncc ~.nd ~in- ern,l roci:r.bolic-'. in IJ,.,hiuroiil.s.

PEELl,J: .- Function of th,,,, 2chinoid conp'"'-sscs, 'l)eriph.'lrynr:8t11 :>~~T_':br::-:.nt~:-;9.nd ':!.f!'.il13i~ (CO~.1p(:;n8.~ti!1r: or~.1.ns).

PROKOF.. The: F:::..:.ily E('~z-:8rinid3.(~P,"',ssle.r. 193F'. (Crinoidon. in t11e n(:~"\,:'Ci:::I.:~~.':..:nof 210h~:::':i,"1. ROUX- Fossil :lnd receat \'".:r.llloicea, Ard.cnlata. :;:socrinids of the west Atl"n'c::';. O""ith Hacu~~da) I'.etac"dnus frot"' the PhilLLpine Islai1.cls~ S::'en joir:.ts of the Hyocrinidae Conp::lrative ecology beC'i/7een :::'r<'ent and fossil stalked Crinoidea, Articulata.

SJ'UTP.:- Functio"i.1al fsc7"pl:.ology of th~ echinoid test ~ qunntitotive analyois of tlw :ltereCD lattice stru'.::t:ure. functional classl.£icatioil of ;:1!:ibuL.lc:l:'!ll pores.

1 sp~'-nI'f>n1'TE ••• ..J.I - PC'h'-' •••.-t~oQ"e-'''''u •.,. "".••';'"un'"'''<~•.' .•..••.c:'_.,..•",_JL.t-hc __ •B'''n'"''i. '.,",,, \~ e 1..'=oI.•.••".•. '.I<.l._;on(}'fid..3l ,... (;b '.. Ordovicia •.:.}cf C:.13hoDn(vlith SC'tTen oti1er workers~ In.te C.at1brian K:-:hi.:lOde:c::'L f:cor. se Missouri (lv:1.th Stri!'1ple) ~ Hidcile Carib-;::ip.nEchinoce:r.r::s £::01"\ the Rocky ~~ountQins.

ST~!CYK-Regene~cd(,-E 1.:,1 D!".rhiu:;'id ophiL::oid3 ~ Life history pa.ttern or South C.:lrol::"na ~iothri:~ angultlt!1~ DiDk regenel'::i tf_O~1 in :1,-,<;::11:1. urid ophj.t'n~o:lds

STP..I~"?LE- La.te IUss'iB8:tppL:m batoc::inids~ the genus Lecythio- crf_~~ls; the 02':.~3 ~;gesc::i.Tocrinus~ The genus P.!lragns- G<.zoC"rintfS (~..i~.:'h Ft~tensohrtt O:rdovic.ian ech:t-:loder~ stu- di.e:;; ?e:nDsy:'.vaai::;. n~.c.:::oc'r:tnoids ~ ?errrL:m ('.i:inoids of the GIC;GS liountci:1.~_~: Up,;:C~ L~1:.nsy17an:i.":!.'c:;::inoir.:!s (wi th Pab:L:m) .. GP?C~' C;'T.b::ir.::l (D:::\".'::"~3 201'nat:to;:1) eC!1incc.crns (~yitIl 3p:rir~:~zle)..

TLTT.,AS!!:UL.\ - Oogenisis, Ult~:,,[,,::ytochGnist!:y.

TE':;NER - Natural. h::c'.:o:;:y and :2op:l1ation dynanics of. St::congy- 12~~~~.!~~.!:2:~?__~~~~L_£_:',:.~,'i.~(:~E~~&l'},d the ~o!'1r""':.e'•. lc:ally exploited Se ft"~.:ni~:!..8~~~~t1.r};. ::>2.7:. 'EI'ch1.J:l."a'ba.lo:""?e co'r.tp,etition," Ex~pe~:tr}~;'J.~~al t:l tter.:.'.~t2. f.:o detcrT.::.:Lr2 trle 3~ientific and eC".montc :t28.2i0:U.i::;7 of ('::'-!!-1a::.,:ir-Z depleted uo!.-Id popu- lati ..'~n.1.[-; oX: aCfilo;..i\?::;.

TORTOtmsE SODaliland

URBr~TA - Sinopsi.::: .'::,:i.f,te;:-,::: ti.2

y Ct~Gl-iO;:'~ ;I>l;:.:e':";~G~_:i.(:l ~J' ~~loge("',g"t.~L1,.E~;_ao

Hl~ENrAl:.1P - SysCeD.ii,,:".':3l t!.l:.d c:~)g?'Qg;;"a~)bicl'< ,~tudy of the ?chi- Ilo'..lernatl'Sl o~E -::ll.C (;:.G.r~n.,:JH (ir~d Dutc.i'~ lu~t:"'~"~~es. WEBSTER - Lower Mississippian faunas of Nevada, Utah and Montana; crinoids of the Himalayas (with Gupta): Pennsylvanian and crinoids of the SW U.S.A.

YULIN - Echinoderm fauna of the continental shelf of East China Sea.

WOLFE - Ecology and distribution of Schizostella.

WOLFRAM - Biology and distribution patterns of the Mediterranean sea urchins, P~racentrotus lividus, Atbacia lixula and Psammechinus miliaris in sea-grass meadows around Ischia Island, Gulf of Naples.

and also -

GALLEMI - Upper echinoids of Catalonia, Spain.

HILLIS-COLINVAUX - Echinoderm grazing on calcareous algae coral reefs in Jamaica.

POSTMES & BROERTJES - Gonad cycle of Asterias. seEEIBLING - Studies on feeding behavior of Oreaster reticulatus.

~f.ELCH- Mississippian echinoderms of Montana. Pennsylvanian crinoids from algal banks in the Illinois Basin. Directo~y of Echinodern Specialists Address Changes

Be1yaev, G.-P.F. Shirshov lnst. of Oceanology, Acadeny of Sci.. of the USSR, 23 Krasikov Street, Moscow 117218

Corry, Barabara G.- 3355 Maplewood Rd_, Victoria, B.C., Canada V8P 3M9

Cunninghan, C.L.B.- 1862 Pul1nan St., San Pablo CA 94806

Dan, Katsuna- Francisco Villa, 3-19-8 Kani-Yoga, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 158, Japan

Guille, Alan-Museun National d'Histoire Naturelle, Laboratoire de bio1ogie G8 Invertebre Marins, 55 Rue Buffon, 75005 Paris France

Hanada, Spencer Hiroshi-- CelI a~d Developnental Biology; Fordha~ Jaivei-sity, Bronx, New York, 10458.

Hotchkiss F.H.C.- 153 Dunhans Corner Rd., East Brunswick, N.J. 08816

Mg.ckie.., Steve A.- Dept. Ecology and Evoluti.onary Biology, Univ. /-' ,,,,-- of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721 //.:. -~-_. Hacurda, D.Bradford .Tr.- Exxon Production Research Corp., P.O. Box 2180, Houstotl, Texas 77001

Harcus, Nancy H.-Woods Hole Ocs3.D.cgraphi.cInst.,Hoods Hole, Hass. 0254?,

Millendorf, Steven A.- P.O. Box 60252, SLED, RD. 1047, New Or- leans, LA 70160

Mironov, A.- P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Acadeoy of Science of t;:]e USSR, 23 K:asikova. Street, l'10SC01ov 117218

Nauen, O.E.- Inotitut fur Hecresk:.zuJ.le Dusternbrooker, loleg 20, 2300 Riel F!'~'Ge.:rnan;,T

Regis, Marie B ..,.-].ertl:.Labor"-tm:y of Zoology, Marine Faculty of Sciences a~"d7.cchn~ques, St..3erone, Rue Henri Poincare 16697 Marse:~:'..le, Cedex :'France Tortonese, Enrico- Instituto Zooprofilattico Lungo Bisagno Daloazia, 45A-l6l4l Genova Italy

Thompson, Geoffrey B.-Fisheries Research Station, lOOA Shek Pai Wan Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong

Yatlaguchi, M.-Dept. of Marine Sciences, Univ. of the Ryukyus, Shuri, Naha, Okinawa 903 Japan.


Roland Emson and lain Wilkie are preparing a review of fission and autotomy in echinoderms for publication in the near future.

They are interested in learning of any obscure publications dealing with this topic, descriptions of unpublished work and also of work in progress. Directory .of EchinQdern Specialists Supplenent 3t August 1978

Barker, H.F.- Z00logy Dept., University of Auckland, Private Bag., Auckland t Ne'-TZealand.

Bay-Schroith, B. Enrique,- Depto. de Biologia Celular, Insti- tuto de Biologia, Universidad de Concepcion, Casillo. 1367, Concepcion, Chile.

Black, Robert- Zoo10gy DepartDent, University of W.A., Eedl~nds, Western Australia.

Cannon, Lester- Curator of Lower Invertebrates, Queensland Museun, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

DGi, Teruo- Anakusa 11ar.'BioI Lab., Kyushu Univ. Tomioka, Rei- hGku-cho, Ar~kusa, Kunanoto 863-25 Japan.

Eoerson, Ian- Junior Division Biology, Menorial University of Newfoundland, St. John1s, Nfld., Canada AlB 3X9

Fankboner, Peter V.- Dept. of Biolggical Sciences, ~inon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C., Canada

Feral, Jean-Pierre- Museum national d'histoire nature11e Lab. de BioI. des invertebres PArins et lw.1acologie, 55 Rue du Buffon, 75005 Paris France

Fernandez, Carol- P.O. Box 54, Rock Sound, Eleuthera, Baha~~s.

Franklin, Sue- Zoology Dept.,Sydney University, Sydney, Australia

Green, ~atherine A.- P.o. Box 13204, E1 Paso, Texas 79912.

Ib.rriott, Vick:'.-Zoology Dep:1rtnent, University "f Queensland, St. Lucia, 4068 Brisbane, Australia.

Hidaka, MichiG- Zoological Inst. Faculty of Science, Univ. of .Tokyo, Hengo, Tokyo, 113 Japan

JaraDil1~, E.- Instituto de Zoologia, Calilla 567, Universidad Austral de Chile, V,'!ldivia," Chile

Keough, M.J.- The Unive:t"sityof Adelaide, G.P.D. Box 498, South Australia 5001 Kikuchi, Taij- Anakusa 11:'1-.:'. Bio!. :Lab., Kyushu Univ., TOr:U€lka, Reihoku-cho, ADnkusa, Kup~cotos 863-25 Japan Lane. J. (Hoss)-' Route 2. Box ng~ Pens'1c0ln. Fla. 32506

Lubchenco, J.- Dept. of Zoology~ Oregon State University, Cor- vallis. OR lheda. Ryuichiro- Zc()logic~l Institure~ Fnculty of Science. University of 'I'ckyr. Frngo. Tokyo 113 Jap,:m

Harshall, Jan- Dept. of lfurine Invert. T:'1~ Aust. ;,''.useun. 6-8 Colleg(~ Street, Sydney. NSF 2000 AustrA.lia

I'hrtin, R.B. Zoolo8Y Dept. Univ. of QueensLmd. St. Luci,3. 4067. Q'ld, Australia

!aller. John. E.- Harbor Branch Foun~ation[ North Old Dixie I~~. Route I, Box 196, Ft. Pi~rce. Fl~. 33450

l'Iitrovic. Jovauy..3.Petrovic- 11000 Beograd. 14 Decel"bra 82, .YugoslnviC'.

rnadeno-v. Philip- Banfield tbrine Stntion.. Banfield. Vnne:ouver Is., n•C'. Canado. \ \, lIDrgan.Se:ott R.- Departnent of Geological Sciene:es University of California. Rivernide. CA 92521

l1useat. Ann J1nrie- Dept. of Bioiogicl1l Sciene:es, University of Southern Califom.is, University p~, Los Anp;eles. CA 90007

No.iit:'~, S.- f..•nnkuS

HoriD'lsa , ~1atsuok.c-(and Kunia Tnnahnshi) Dept. of Zoology, .Faculty of Science ~ Hf)kk.-:drlo University, Snpporo 060 Japan

Padgett, Rie:hard- Zoology Dept., RoY,'l1Rollowny College(Un1v. of London) Eng1efield Green. Surry. U.K.

Pearnon. Bob-Northern Fisheriec St~ticn, 0ueensland Fisheries Service, 9 ~light St., CQirnG 4870 Queensland, Aust.

Percy, Jon- Arctic BioloGic:::l Station, Environ~nt Cmlad.~. Fish- eries and ~iarine Service, P.O. Bcx I~Oa, Stet fume de Bellevue, P.Q. R9X3L6 Canad~ Pires, Terese Christina- Depto. de Zool. cto Instituto de Bio!. UFRJ, CCSsnl::: Al-117~ Cicada Universitaria, Ilha do Fundao, Rio de Janeiro, R.J., 20.000, Brasil Prcsteld1e, Geoffrey, K.- 16 Geeves Cres. I1io.vmyPt., Tnsnanin, 7171 Austral!.:!

Scheib1ing, R.- Earine Sciences Centre, i-kGill University, 77'J..

Sherbrooke Street, Fest !.!ontre31j Quebec, Cnnada H3A lGl

Sides, E.H.- P.O. Box 35, Di:::coveryBny, St. iI-Il11.,Jnnaica

Silver, Howard ..Departnent of Zoology, University of Oueensland, St. Lucia, Brisbane, Queensland, Aust. 4067

Sinpson, R.D.- Health Physics Research, A.A.E.C. Private ~l~il Bag, Sutherland, NSW 2232, Lustra1ia.

Stoepplewerth, Dou~las E.- Belle W. Baruch Institute for ~1nrine TIioloWI and Coastal Research, University of South Caro- lina, Colurbh, S.C. 29208.

Tegner, rua Jean- Scripps Institution of Oceanography, AOOl, L~ Jolla, Californi.::t92093

Thor::pson,J!'.athleen(Hoolley).-RF.fflj Inlet Drive, ~1ill Day, D.C. VoR 2PO Cannda

Urbina, Berp,os Hedarc1o- Seccion de His toril'lN,:ltural, Ifuseo de Concepcion. cnsilla 1054, Concepcion, Chile

Vasu, B.S.- Dept. of FioloSY, Chico State Univ., Chico Calif.

"!alenhaDp~ T.l-!.Cg- .F...yhsr~u8ev.n. VD.i.l N3tuurlyke I!istoire, Rnnn-' steeg 2. Leiden, Holland

Warren, Leu- Darwin Conr1Ul1.ityCollese 9 Dripstone Rd., C,"tsunrina Dan~in. N.T. 5795. Austrnlin tJclfrnc. Tertschinig~ 1. Zcolog. Institut. Universitat Wien, Lehrkanzel fur :leeresbio10frie, Hien. Austria. Recent Publications Bnd Papers in Press

This list is based u?on Newsletter replies plus reprints received. It includes ?apers published in 1975 or la~er. Please note that many of the papers listed below as "in pressll will a1•. ready have been published.

BAKER,A.iJ., 1977. Some Deep-Sea Ophiuroidea from New'Zealand. Records of the National 1'~useumfo New Zealand, VoLl !To.lO" pp.ll,g"160. r~J]10VA9 Z.I.Ced.), 1977. Systematics, , Biolo~y and Distribution D~ ~ecent and Fossil Fchinoderms. Academy of Sciences of the USSR; Zoological Institute#

BAREL, C.E.N. and P.G.N. K?J.J.IERS,.1977. A survey of the Echinoderm Associates of the Northern Atlantic P..rea. Zoologische Verhandelingen l5~'1-159.

M.Y-SCE-nTH~ E. cmd C. J.A3A, 1977. Balanus tintinnabulum concin- nus Dannn" 13549 epibiol1te poco COlr.unrl.el erizo negro "Te::rapiguG nip.8rCIoiina, 1702). Boletin de la Socidac1. de Bioloeia de Concepcion. 51 (in press)

BrLL, B.ll.~ 1977. Res~iratory Schemes in the Class Edrioasteroi- dea. Pa1eontolo~y 5(3)~ 716-732.

and J. SE'UhTICLEo 1978. Toti~lobus an unusual ne~.,r:drio.' ------anteroid from the IIidd1e of Nevada.. Journal of Paleontology 52(2); 243-256.

BELYAEV~ G.l1. and ~J.I~. LITlJI]}OVA" 1977. The Second Findinp. of Deep- Sea Starfishe3 of the F2mily Caymano8tellidae. Trans- actic!:.s of the P.F. Shirshc,v Institetc of Oceano1opy, 12,: 1393-1896.

______and L.. 111'D.OrJOV, 1977. Botton fauna of the deep sea trenCb2:8 ~'Jestern part of the Pccific. Holothuroidea of the genus lly!"io-::!cc.hu'}from the deep-sea ':::renches of the Pacific OCC'~, Ibid. lon-1-2l} 2nd 165-172. nS?JJ.;':3C'":'C":, 10 and }~.~:. nfAGOSTE!O, 1977. Ophiuroideos del ;1ar Epicc:l t il"1en 1:3.l Argc.'1. t tu.::>• Revista del r1useo Ar~entino de Cs. nat, Efdl'ob:Lolo?,ia 5:65-11/;.

______and______(in ,:n:ef's). 'Juevas especie de Ofiurodeo Pintartico, Opl1iJn~Jtus trispinosuB Ep.(Ofiurodea, Oph:h.:idae) • BINYON~ J., 1977. Some chemical and environmental Observations upon two species of South African ~~teroids. South African J. of Science. 73~ 146-147.

_____ s 1978. Some e';servations upon the Chemical Composi.~ tion of the Starfish Asterias rubens L. with Particular Reference to Strontium uptake. J. mar. BioI. Ass. U.K. 58: 441-449.

BROADHEi'.D,T.~J., 1978. The Ordovican cystoid Amecystis cordiformis Sinclair. Canadian Jour. Earth Sci.~ 15(1) in press.

______andR.L. Strimple, 1977. Permian p1atycrinitid crinoids from &\rctic North l~erica. Ibid. l4~1166-ll75.

______and ,1978. Systematics and Distribution of. the Callocystitidae(Echinoderw~ta, Rhombifera). Jour. Paleo. 52 (1) ~ 164-177.

BUCKlJJ~-NICKS, J.A. And F.S. CRIA, 1977. ili1 the Nurse Cell and the Spermatozeugma in Littorina sitkana. Cell. Tiss. Res. l79~347-356

CML~, R.S. and A.G. CAREY JF.•, 1976. Distribution pattern of ho1othurian on the Northeastern Pacific(Oregon,U.S.A) continental shelf slope, and abyssal plain. Tha1assia Jugoslavica 12(1)~ 67-74.

CASO, H.E. ~ 1975. Contribucion al Estudio de Los. Asterozoa ..de .Mexico. La Familia. Nithrodiidae. Decripcion de UnaNueva Especie del Gerero ~uthrodea. Mithrodia enriquecasoi sp. nov. An. Centro Cienc. del Mar. y Linnol. Na1. Auton. riexico 2(1); 1-28.

, 1976. Elestado Actual Del Estudio de Los Equinoderms ----_.de I1exico. 1m. Centro Cienc. del Nar y Limnol. Univ. Nal. Auton. Mexico, 3(1): I-56.

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______, 1975. Sur lea ~nord1is du systene apical de l'Echi- noide Parncentrotus 1ividus (Ltik) dans Ie Golfe de lmrseille. 1. Les plaques radilis,C.R. Soc. Bio!. 169(1) ~101.-1f)9.

ROSE, EPF, 1976. Sone observ~tions on the Recent holecty~oid echinoid Echinoneus cyclostonus and their p~lneoeco- logical signif~cnnce. Thalassia Jugoslavicn 12(1): 299-306.

ROSITA, D. and C.A. VIVA}!I, 1977. La Pesqueria Artesannl Del Erizo Conestib1e "Loxcchinus albus(Holina)(Echinoder- nata, Echinoidea, Echinidae) en In Region de Iquique. BioI. Pesq. Ch~le 9 ~23.~1.1

1976. Aspect de Ie vnriabilite et de la croissance au sein d'une population de 1a pentncrine actuelle: !:nna- crinus wyvilletho~soni Jeffr~ys(Cr~oidea). Thc1cGsia Jugos1avica 12(1): 301-303.

______, 1976. Decouverte d~s Ie Golfe de Gascogne de deux especes actuelles du genre cenozoique Conocrinus (Echi- nodernes, Crinoides pedoncu1es). C.R. Acad. Sci. P~ris D, 283~757-760.

, 1977. Les Bourgueticrinina(Crinoidea) recuei11ia par ------la "Thclcssn" dans Ie Golfe de Gascogne: cnatonis con- paree des pedoncules at systevAtiQue. Bull. rfus. n~t. Eist. Nat. Paris. 426 Zoologie, 296: 25-83.

______, 1977. The st~lk joints of Recent Isocrinidcc(Crinoi- den). Bull Brit. ~1uc. Nat. Rist., Zoology, 32(3):45-64

______and C.MONTENAT, 1977. Sites a Crinoids pedoncules et bathyrJetrie des bassins nessiniens dans les cordillieres Betiques(Espagne neridionnle). Bull. Soc. Geo1. Fr. Ser.7, 19(2): 405-414.

ROrm, F.W.E., 1977. The Stntus of N2rdos(Andorn)~M. Clark, 1961 (Asteroidea: Ophidiasteridae), with the description of tT'7~ n"-r ~..'l."...•.•.•",,,",,, p"d three nel'lspecies., Records of the Australian Museun 31(6): 235~245.

______, 1977. A new species of the Synaptid Genus Rynkstorpa Rowe and Pawson 1967(~olothuriodea: Apodidn) fro~ t~e Great Barrier Reef. Bull.Br.nus. nat. Rist.(Zool.) 31(6): 293-296. ' t.'-. .. i ------9 1977. fi.. lJeiv Fa;::'i1y of L'\zteroidea (:?chinodern:ltn). with the Description of Five neto]Specieo .".nn One ~!e~] Subspecies of Asterodisci:es. Records of the Austr'1'-' li:,m I1useu;l. 31(5): 187-232.

______') dnd J. E. DOTY, 1977. Thej Shr111ow-t'1ntf~rHo1othurinns of Guan. f~cronesic~ 13(2)~217-25J. ------~ nnd D. L. P..:\lTst:m. 1977. A C').tt11o~:"UeofEchinoderp Type Specinens in the AUGtrn1i:m nUS8un. Syrt.ney. Records of the Austrn1itm !1useun. 3f)~.337- ..364.

~~:;'.~mRFOR.D.J oC. > 1977. Geogr."!.phic.'11Varntion in ]'1orpholoe:icnl and Electrophoretic Chnr~cters in the ITolothurinn CUcu!'k'J.rin~~. ;b.rine Bioloey 43:165-.174. ------~ 1977. ':",~ifltion in Egl1 !~unbers betl->1eenPopulations tmd betHeen in the Holothuri:'m Cucunnria cur~tt:l.• J~:nriTLe B:tol. 1,3; 175-180.

Simo. Y•• S.H. HORI, and ]'1, Ii£\TSUCKA, ;,. Horphologicnl .2nd cytcc:henicnl studies on .'. - secretory gr::mu1es of the pyloric cn2C.-:tof the st ..~,:,fish. Asteri..:!.s nnurensis. niol. Bull. 152~M-7I.l.

SEIL.ACEER, A. nnd ::" :::.:::.OZDZITJSKI" /J:::D R.I:i..='\UDE1978. Forn ::md Function of the Stt~I" in ,:1 Pseudo-pl::mktonic Crinoid (Scdrocrinus) P~1:12ont:)logy. 11 (2) ~ 275-2P.2.

SLOAN. j'!.A. s 1977. Corin.:': \,;:~t~l8t,:'.rdor;; Th.~Lives of St.'!-rfish Journ,31 or. th(; Vancouver l\(!u.".';:-iun 2 (Ll) ; 1-32.

1;'0:50;1 197-30 1~caL~_pn.r:1tive stud'y of: the life style of tl;70 Jurnssic irregul~r echinoids. L\:::tha.i.2 11?57.-66

SPP.IHKLE9 J. ~ 1977. Echinoder!"J j7."mu,'!-3 :md P"\leoecolo.r;y of the Bro::2icL ForT'ntionC~idclle O~"'7ici').n)of C:'~l'"l.hO!~t'I.• Journal of P.-..leonto1ogy 51(2)

,:-~t""; " •. ""_'~-': '.,7' !-- .-.:.":":",~ ";".-.~!) S.P:. and P.L SI1"~FFJ:i:r., 1977. Th,::: f~:,linity tolernlJ.ce of Ophiothri~~ n.ngaJ'lt."} (S,-:lY) (Echincde::rnt.'1.. Ophiu- roide:1) in 1.:1.tii:udil1t\.11ysepnr.'"'.te Dopul:1t:bns. J. Exp. 1':'::-,r. BioI. Bcol. 29'35-.l.f3.

STnnPLE" ILL. ~ 1975. '}\!O i-:CvJ species of Af",:wsizocrinus fron southernAl~b~~~. Southeastern Geology 18;29-35. ) 1977. UnuGunl Lorphe>logicnl f~,tU::"E:8 in the b1as------toid genus Pen~r2n::_-::es. Geologic.'].l 11.'19;. 114~9-13.

______~, 1977. Lphi1ecrinu8 (Crin::,iQeo.~.In.~dum:\.t.::'1.) frof' Ches- t-ari.':!.n 1l0c1::G of OkIn.horn. Okln. ('..eol. i'JOtf"s 37: ?3-~5.

______.r,1977. L". youthful speci,'1en of SteuoDecrinus ornntus (Crinoiden-Inncun.:1t9.). Jour. F.~leo. 51 ;423-.242.

______• 1977. The ino.~uno.tecrinoid genus Cryp~iocrinus Kirk. Geo!. ~'\gn;. 114' 209.--214.

______, in press. Not,,~s concerninrr De10crinus ::md ~r.'1ff- har:icrinus (CrinoideD. ~ Inndun3 tn) . 1m].". Acad. SCi. Proc.

______.? in press. F1ex:l.b1-a crinoJ.d.s fro;" the Pitkin Fan:- ation. Okb.• neol. Fct;~s.

• in press. roto~iocrinin~ in S2ction T(Crinoidia) ------Trintes~ on Inve:ctoorD.te P::t1eontolo:,:y(vithG. Lane nnd R.C.Troore).

____ ~ ." in press. Ct!ri'e:nt S'~~:1tusof /)s,;nssizocrinus hef'.i- sphericus E;)rtllf~nfrD:-, ~.."m.~ol])h Cou::::ty, 111iooi8. Tr~nso Ill. St~te ~c~do Sci.

___ ..•...__ :lud C. J. ERO\Jn ~ 1977. Occu::-r2nce of Ap.:assizocrinus p.:1tulus in Oklnc.c,:,.". n.nd L.rkms::1.S. Ok1n. Goal. Noter; 37 ;67-70

!':. ~i~ific<1nt'1crocrinid tL!e<1l'.on~t... L..2 Chv.C 1-12 ("'.i '.18SourJ.,'ln .)

______::md ::~.n. ~~t:.PES)1977. .~ ne:'1 Upper Pennsyl'mni'ln fis~' siculn.te bl:J.stoicl frop Texo.s• .Jour. Pnleo. 51:357-367.

TAY...•'\SEPfA~Y. 0 1976. Ult".:'~;}JtT"'.:::ture of ~,Turse C(~lls j.n the 8(::.'1 Urchin. Gung". Synposi."'- on Enrlocrinoiogy) 13~105-127.

TAK.i'.SUUU',." Y. D:":. :AGt'l :.n P:;::',,"SG. Ultrncytochcr .•.istry on the Corticcci r;!>:"'~l~u.l(-s::l '-.~~ .~'.'.:-:.78011 in ..J~!>nnese Pn1010 Eggs. i~.'.:.':':.:1 It~ r: ~oc.11E.r'_G G)7~..~)cher:),o

J:1.J. 'lna D.EPE:,,) lJ/<~. Scr,;: .. ~:..":? K,;.:;c~~:;:onj1icrOGC0118 StuoL,s of 8';:.1.Lh:::.::~'i~.rc V.::,-':"l~.Z~1;:'::'C.;.1, Journ::1.l of Ex.-

periT-:ento.l Z8olGZ(,"" i _L:.~?"31-5'~~,

_____ -., (lnd _~ c U73. s~;:~:.'L":.,"~h.:~.n8p,3rr.".t--Egg Inter- .:1c,tions ',:':U.di.i::::~:\.-:j,'::~-: tIle E18~t:~~~~croGcope. Science

179:~~B5-6f8 0 ______::md P.K. ?')AYTOn> 1977. SC,:1 Urchin r..ecruitr'.ent P."ltterns .'md I~,-!,lic[-.•tions of COll1"lercir.lFishing. Sciencl':? 196 ~3?ll- 326.

THiJ'IDLT'., A.S. } 1977. Descrintions of tlW ne';,Tspecies of Holo- thuroidcn fron the r;,'1st CO."..st of South Africa. Ann. Nntn.1 'luG. 23 (1) ; 57.~6(,.

TORTOHPSE.B., 1977. "-2port on Bchino(hrr,o frof, the Gulf of ,".CJub."'. ()led Se2) T:onitorc !'oolor;ico Itnliano~ ~J.S. Supn. IX 10.11(12)~271-290.

______, in press. RiC';uti .'1cquisizioni3 rettefiche intorno ~i Crinoidi; 010turioidi, Ofiuroidi cd Pchinoidi del ?1en.iterr.':'.U8s, con pnrticolnre ref':u'1rdo'1..'.l'l. faunn it.'lli-- nnn. Alti. Soc. Itnl. Sci. Nnt.

______.3ond!.1.E. DO';.TlJEY> 1977. On Genera. Echinns ter j'lue11er .'lu(l Troschcl .'1.ndOthilia Grny,?r.d the Vnlidity of Verrill- .?stc:;r Dmt'l!l::::y(Echinodernat.

TUPl1E!!.~ R. L.'2ud J.Eo DEJ\RnOT'.~1~ 1<177. CO"'Position of Post- net"lr~orphic Grouth St'J.f':es in. Vivinnrou6 brittlest~r. [,Jlsric'J,n Zoologist. 17 (l1.) :935.

VAC0UIER, V.D. L~.J. TEG'TFR:".nd D. Erm...> 1972. Proti:;.'1£'k, Activitv est,:;blishes the: block 3.g'linst I'olysperny in Se'1 Urchin E3Ca. ~'1ture ~40(5330);352-153.

______nnd ., 1973. Proten.se P81eas~n rr01~ SeD. Urchin Eg~s ~t I"ertiliz:".tion ..enters The Vitel- line 4'1yer nnd Aids in Pr,:,:ventin?, PolysPPrfW. EX!>. Cell. ReGe~rch D0clll-119.

Vl:J)AS, P.. L." 1977. Preferenti.,l T<',,,edin,,;; !:.n 0pti"liz,':'.tion f-:tr:".- tegy in ri'3n Urchins. Ecolop;ic''''.l T'.onopr'''.pns1}7 ~337-.371. tW.LE!:nli;l;F, T. EoC., 1976. .Asteroicls of th,= CO':1stnl U.:"l.te:1:'9 of Surin.'1n. Zoologische Vorh.:md<;lingen 197; 1-91.

____ ~_>. in press. ;1.steroids fr01' GUY'1nese~mtcr8 JUG Crinoids fro':l Guy,':'.neGI.:H3.tcrs.

W",ICI, J .1. and ILL. STRIH.PLE, 1977. Th,~desp':1.rid sup2rf'1T":ilies honocrinnce,"}. p.nd Cincinn'lticrin..'lce". (I:chinoderr~'1t.."l; Crinoid8.~). Ordovicb.n-.Silurin, Horth Af113ric.~. Bull. .AI,(;r. P.".leo. 72; 13)1. ~m~STERtG.D.~1976. A new genus ot ca1ceocrini~ fr.on Spain, with C:OD.l1entson nosaic evolution of the C"!1eeocril\i- de~, Palaeontology 9(~}?6S1-63D.

, 1976. 1'telocriniteG fror, the Godt~w1ri Series of. the ---, -.-.-Katbrl:mdu ------V."111ey. n(~p,,\l. Jour. "reol. Soc. lndic. 11; 413-1~16.

_ ____ A_t, 1976. D,,31toblnstus b'1theri froe thE.' !!:1.9hr"ir !~in"11,~y,••.• •• WI Riv. It:ll P'11eont. 81(2)~ 279...284.

- ~ 1977. Bib1iop;raphy nnd Index of Pnleozo1e er!noids. ------1969-.1973. Geol..'-. Soc• .t'lx~r. Ttlcroforr ..•.Pub. ~:235 1'.

WEST. B., 1978. Utilisation of Disoolved Glucose and A"1ino Aeids by Leptonetrn nht!b.ngiun(J. Huller) The Seientifie Pro- e~ed1np,s of the Royal Dublin ~ociety~ Dublin SoeiBty. r.eries A, 6 (7) ~77-.35.

~n:U:I~~t.C., 197tJ. Nervously ned.iated chenpe in the M~h:lnie:~1 prsl'erti:;,s of n brittlest.""1.r 1ip;.:'lT18nt. )"!."r. :'Jeh:w. l".lysfol. 1n press.

~ 1978. Arn -".utony in brittlest,-,rG(F.eh:tnode1:r'.".t~~ -----Ophiuroide~). J. Zool. Lond., in press.

Y!!A'l.GUCI-II,U. , 1977. L.'lrvn1 TIehavior .'lnd Ceo~:1ph!e n1atribu .• tion of Cor,,,! R0<~f Asteroids in the Indo-l,fest Pneifie l!icronGsic-'l 13 (2) ; 2S3.~296.

J 1977. Popul~tionStructure, Sp-'l~~in~~nd Grm~th -----.-o'{ the Cor.'ll Reuf Lsteroid Linc:ki:11.1.evi~.'lt:~(J..•inn~euo' ----- .• e YULn!, L. The eehil10derps of Xishn Isl:"1nds, C-1J."l.n~dOtH': Province Chinn. IV. l.l.steroidet!. .'lnd V. Crinoidc~ nnd eonelusiono. Studin rbrinn Sinica. 70-126. (197R.)

, in pr",SG. !'~neTt] genus of Clype~sterold se.:!.-urchtn fon the Chino S8-'l.

, in press. 1'"n<~v7n;enus of st.:'lrfiohes frol~~eont11'!.e~tnl -----shelf of K'1st : Chin."';. S;:;Co IF YOU WISH TO REC~IVE FUTURE ISSUES OF THE ECHINODERMS NEWSLETTER,


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