Offi cial publication of the bodies of the

July-August, 2019 • Volume IX, Issue 4


AAlliancelliance RRecognizesecognizes TTruerue BBrotherrother BBobob PPhil-hil- llip,ip, 333°3° aatt SSpringpring RReunioneunion

HHastingsastings CCelebrateselebrates RRemembranceemembrance aandnd RRenewalenewal

LLincolnincoln PPresentsresents TTeachereacher ooff tthehe YYearear

PPerfecterfect DayDay forfor thethe OmahaOmaha SpringSpring OutingOuting atat tthehe PPapillionapillion GGunun CClublub

RRiteCareiteCare NewsNews ofof NebraskaNebraska

. . . andand muchmuch more!more!

OOmahamaha ScottishScottish RRiteite DDedicatesedicates FFirstirst FFloorloor LoungeLounge ttoo CulinaryCulinary MMastersasters - sseeee ppageage 7 fforor story.story.

RRandyandy JJones,ones, 33°33° asas WiseWise MasterMaster atat thethe HHastingsastings VValleyalley RRemembranceemembrance aandnd RRenewalenewal

hen National Treasure came out in Yet Masons continue to watch the lat- Wmovie theaters in 2004, Freema- est video or promotional campaign, and sons braced themselves for a landslide of make the mistake of thinking “Th is is the Candidates to come streaming into the video that will turn it all around.” Lodge room with petitions fl apping in their hands. When the lamentably forget- I would argue that however good these table sequel National Treasure: Book of videos are - and some are extremely good Secrets was released in 2007, we thought - and whatever attention we garner in this would be the solution to membership movies, books, television, or popular cul- problems. ture, we will never generate more than a Th e Northern Masonic Jurisdiction released one mild bit of interest and curiosity. Freema- And when Dan Brown’s novel Th e Lost of the best campaigns for membership, “Not Just sonry doesn’t work that way. Symbol came out in 2009, Freemasons a Man. A Mason.” But even the best campaign thought our membership issues were still requires that one-on-one conversation. Nor should it. over, and Lodges would require Degree membership woes. But guess what? Noth- teams to work around the clock in shift s ing happened. Th ere wasn’t even a blip on You’d test drove a car and read the liter- to raise Candidates. the radar of membership across the nation. ature about it before you bought it. You didn’t buy your house without an inspec- Anytime the Masons feature prominently And in fairness, we should not have expect- tion and some research into the neighbor- in popular culture, we like to think that ed anything more than passing curiosity for hood, the taxes, and the school district. it portends the thin end of the wedge for that strange fraternity that Grandpa was in. . . . continued on page 11

ORIENT OF • July/August 2019 1 Jul 14...... RiteCare Ice Cream Social (L) Jul 11, 18, 25 ...... Th ursday Masonic Lunch (L) Jul 18...... Century Club Donors Appreciation Dinner (O) Jul 26...... Summer Rum Tasting (O) Aug 2-3 ...... Lincoln Summer Reunion (L) Aug 7, 14, 21, 28 ...... Wednesday Masonic Lunch (H) Aug 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 ...... Th ursday Masonic Lunch (L) Aug 17-20 ...... Supreme Council Biennial Session (DC) Aug 16 ...... Scottish Rite Steak and Lobster Dinner (O) Aug 18 ...... Scottish Rite Family Picnic (O) Sept 4, 11, 18, 25 ...... Wednesday Masonic Lunch (H) e welcomed a new Brother at the Spring Reunion in May, Sept 5, 12, 19, 26 ...... Th ursday Masonic Lunch (L) Whonoring Bob Phillip, 33°, and we have a few petitions on Sept 13 ...... Cocktail Tasting (O) deck for the Fall Reunion on November 8th and 9th. Please plan Oct 5 ...... Broadway Series: Kansas (O) to be there to help with Degrees and welcome our new 32° Scot- tish Rite brethren. Oct 12 ...... Walk for RiteCare and Hastings Fall Reunion (H) Oct 18 ...... Nebraska KCCH Investiture (Lincoln) I am pleased to say that the Community Table has consistently Oct 25 ...... Friends of Scottish Rite Dinner & Auction (O) served 50 to 60 people each week at the Scottish Rite, and we will continue to support this project to feed hungry citizens. Th ere is Nov 5 ...... Broadway Series: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (O) a real need, and I am honored to help support this project. Please Oct 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 ...... Wednesday Masonic Lunch (H) reach out to me if you want to donate to the Scottish Rite in sup- Oct 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 ...... Th ursday Masonic Lunch (L) port of Community Table. We will continue to serve during the summer months, and we anticipate the number will grow as kids Nov 8-9 ...... Alliance Fall Reunion (A) are out of school. Th e USDA sent out an inspector, who certifi ed Nov 21, 22, 23...... Omaha Fall Reunion (O) the Scottish Rite kitchen for Community Table as well as for ca- Nov 6, 13, 20, 27 ...... Wednesday Masonic Lunch (H) tering, and I anticipate that some catering opportunities will help add to the Valley revenue. Nov 7, 14, 21, 28 ...... Th ursday Masonic Lunch (L) It is May as I write this now, and we are scheduled to do some Lodge of Perfection meetings: highway clean-up later this month, and the Scottish Rite will serve lunch aft er the Alliance Heritage Days parade in July. John Fer- Alliance, 4th Friday of each month guson, 33°, Personal Representative to the SGIG, and I want to July 26, Aug 23, Sept 27, Oct 25, Nov 22, Dec 27 move meetings around the Panhandle and bring the Scottish Rite to you, so please let me know if your Lodge would like to host a Hastings, 1st Tuesday of each month meeting and I’ll work to schedule it for this Fall. July 2, Aug 6, Sept 3, Oct 1, Nov 5, Dec 3 Th ank you for being a Scottish Rite Mason! Lincoln, 3rd Wednesday of each month July 17, Aug 21, Sept 18, Oct 16, Nov 20, Dec 18 ~ GGeneene Gatti,Gatti, 3333°,33° , GeneralGeneral SecretarySecretaryy [email protected] Omaha, 3rd Monday of each month lliance, N of A ebra July 15, Sept 16, Oct 21, Nov 18, Dec 16 lley sk Va a For more information NNovemberovember 8-9,8-9, 20192019 contact the General Secretary in your Valley

Gene Gatti (Alliance) ...... (308) 762-4324 SSCOTTISHCOTTISH RRITEITE Phil Odom (Hastings) ...... (402) 462-5813 R Bruce Wood (Lincoln) ...... (402) 435-2144 eunion John Maxell (Omaha) ...... (402) 342-1300


Fall Reunion Saturday, October 112,2, 22019019

Left ) Dan Deff enbaugh, 32° presents the 2019 Teacher of the Year Award to Mr. Rob Kerr. Right) Call Phil Odom, 33°° atat Dan presents the certifi cate and $1,000 award to Mr. Kerr, with his wife Michelle watching. (402) 462-5813 or e-mailmail an Deff enbaugh, 32°, Venerable Mas- writing essays and analyzing historically [email protected] Dter for the Lodge of Perfection pre- signifi cant documents and writings. He sented the 2019 Scottish Rite Teacher of the allows students to freely express their opin- Year award to Hastings Public Schools high ions and they never feel pressured about school history teacher, Rob Kerr. giving the wrong answer. “

Mr. Kerr has been with the District for 33 Mr. Kerr received a $1,000 scholarship years and the National Honor Society Ad- award with the certifi cate. Th e fi nancial visor and History Club sponsor. He is also award is funded by a gift from a local Ad- a member of the National Council of His- ams County Brother who taught school in tory Education. In his nomination for the the Hastings Public School system and later award, one parent wrote: served as Grand Master of Masons in Ne- t the Spaghetti Feed on Sunday, April braska. A14th, the Scottish Rite raised about He challenges all students to think for $2,000 for the Hastings Valley while serv- themselves and to become leaders in and Rob Kerr’s wife Michelle also received the ing 200 guests. We were able to sell all of out of the classroom. His teaching style Scottish Rite Teacher of the Year award in our left over spaghetti sauce this year and we prepares students for college and life by 2018. had a number of new faces join us. Th anks to all our cooks, servers, and volunteers! Central Nebraska Scottish Rite Celebrates Feast of Remembrance and Renewal he Central Nebraska Valley celebrated solemnity of death, remembering those Tthe Feast of Remembrance and Re- we have lost, but Easter reminds of us of newal on Tuesday, August 16th in Hast- the fi nal victory of His rising. Father Rob- ings. Randy Jones, 33° served as Wise ert challenged us, asking us if we have Bob WiW lliliamsama , 32°2° KCKKCCCCC HHr relielelighghtghhtsst thehe cercceereremoeemmom ninniaiial Master for the Chapter of Rose Croix. considered our role as living stones, and lligghts. reminded us that, as Masons, He is build- Th e evening began with the Ceremonial ing His temple in our hearts. Team extinguishing the lights, followed by an excellent dinner prepared by ‘Chef’ Aft erward, Randy read the names of the Monte Malouf, 33° and served by the eighteen Brethren the Valley has lost this young women of Bethel #8, Job’s Daugh- past year. Th e Ceremonial Team then re-lit ters. Dinner was baked chicken and pork the candles as we remember Jesus’ message KriKririssA Althoouoususu e and SydSy neyney NoN rtorttoton talk abouout thhe loin, vegetables, followed by poke cake. “A new commandment I give unto you, RRitteCaarer CliC nic. Th at ye love one another.” (John 13:34). Our speaker was the Reverend Dr. Robert Lewis, from St. Stephen’s Church in Grand During dinner, we also heard from our Island. Robert is also a member of Hast- RiteCare Clinicians who told us about up- ings Lodge #50. He spoke about “the Act coming activities and thanked members of Remembrance,” which comes at dur- for generously supporting speech therapy TheTh e SSccottoottttisiishshh RiRitet is gratefteefull too thet mmeembembmb rss off BetBethlhhelhel ing the pivotal time of Easter. We face the for Nebraska kids. ##8 whowho servev d dinninner and cleaned upup.pp.

ORIENT OF NEBRASKA • July/August 2019 3 2019 SAVE THE

LINCOLN SCOTTISH RITE SummerREUNION acque Rush addressed a full crowd in the Lincoln Southwest High School gym just aft er J7 p.m. Th ursday as she introduced the opening of the Scott Middle School spring band August 2-3, 2019 concert.

Minutes later, she stood shocked as Lincoln Public Schools (LPS) Associate Superinten- dent Eric Weber surprised Rush and the crowd, saying she is the 2019 recipient of the prestigious Scottish Rite Distinguished Teacher of the Year award.

“I had no idea,” Rush said. “I did not know what to think. I had no idea it was coming.”

Th e surprise left Rush on the verge of joyful tears. In her brief speech following the award announcement, she praised the children that she teaches every day for keeping her going.

“I have the most amazing kids at Scott Middle School,” Rush said following the brief cer- emony. “I have had so many kids come through and be successful, and it’s just awesome.”

Th e Scottish Rite award is presented annually to a Lincoln Public Schools teacher. Th e he Valley of Lincoln celebrated the award also comes with a cash prize of $7,500, and her photo will be part of a permanent TCeremony of Remembrance and Re- display in the Lincoln Public Schools administrative offi ces. newal on Wednesday, April 17th.

Rush has taught music for more than 40 years and has worked at LPS for the past 28. Th e Ceremonial Team included Mike Working in the Scott Middle School music program, she teaches more than 300 students Gray, 33°, Don Albrecht, 32°, Dennis each year. In the last 21 years, more than 2,300 of her students have earned individual ac- Hecht, 32°, Cody Carlow, 32° KCCH, Ed- colades in music. ward Boone, 32°, Edward Bennett, 32°, and Micah Evans, 33°. Aft erward, mem- “I have really high expectations for my kids,” Rush said. “Th ey work so hard for me and I bers and their ladies enjoyed a wonderful work hard for them.” dinner, prepared by Joni Bennett. Perfect Day for Lincoln WalkRite for RiteCare he annual WalkRite for RiteCare was held at the TLincoln Children’s Zoo on a perfect Saturday morning on May 25th. Scottish Rite Masons, students tthh from the Nebraska Student Speech-Language Hearing SSunday,unday, JJulyuly 1144 2 pm - Society (NSSLHA) at UNL, RiteCare parents and fami- 4pm Join us for an ice cream lies, and the Clinicians turned out for the Walk, which social at the Lincoln raised around $2,000 for speech therapy through the Scottish Rite benefitting Lincoln Scottish Rite Preservation Foundation. the RiteCare Speech and Language Clinic. Clinicians Holly Schlautman and Teagan Dinslage Freewill Offering - Proceeds . . . continued on page 9 Benefi t the RiteCare Clinic

4 ORIENT OF NEBRASKA • July/August 2019 DELBERT D. WEBER, 33° MEMORIAL CLASS May 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, 2019 Omaha Lodge #288 Brothers Nate Bradburn, Front Row (l to r): Th omas K. Brummett, 33°; MW John T. Maxell, 33°, General Secretary; Robert S. Aaron Smallwood and John Walz, Jr. Maline, 33°; James B. Parks, Sr., 33°; Wade A. Ridout, 32° KCCH, Eminent Commander; Curtis M. Edic, 33°, G.C.; Charles V. Sederstrom, 33°, SGIG in Nebraska; Frank W. Kroupa, 33°, President of SCOTTISH RITE Cathedral Board; Paul D. Rutherford,33° Class Director; Anthony (A.J.) Johnson, 33° Asst. Degree Director; Micah I. Evans, 33°, Orient Development Director SPRING OUTING

Back Row (l to r): Mark D. Pilley, 32°; Jeff rey M. Coleman, 32° KCCH, Assistant Class Director; he weather on May 15th was an abso- Micah Bret; Aaron Smallwood; Rex Waller, Class Orator; Blake Nelson, Class Vice President; Ralph Tomonelli; David Carrig, Class Secretary / Treasurer; William “Al” Smith; Kenneth Th ompson, Class Tlutely perfect 80° without out a trace President; Sean Mullally; Richard E. Gilmore, 33° Assistant Class Director of humidity - just right for the Spring Outing. Nearly 200 people turned out for trap shooting, steaks, cocktails and beer at the Papillion Gun Club.

A couple of tall Brethren - Carl Sim- mons, 32° and Kyle Beckner, 32° - sold 50-50 tickets, off ering tickets as long as their outstretched arms for $20. Th e prize money was divided into two drawings, and one Brother immediately donated his winning to the RiteCare Clinics!

Th e Culinary Masters outdid themselves with perfectly grilled steaks, baked pota- Grandd LodLoddge offiffi ceerss hoshoh t theh 88th8t Degreee: (le((llleeft too rigriigightht)ht)) MM.WW. BobBoBob MoMoninnininingerggee ,,3 32°° KCCK H, M.W..WW..R Rickck MMyers, toes, corn, salad, and brownies and spice 33°33°°,,J Johnh FFerrgurg sons n, 33°3°,3°, RR.WW. JiJimm CaCarltrrlltlton,ono 3322°°K KCCCHC , R.W.WW. RoRonSn Stiteses,, 333°,, and JJoohnh MilMiM linli gtogtg nn, 32°323 cake for dessert, and the Knights of St. Andrew tended bar. 9 Scottish Rite Brethren Join in Spring A number of prospective Masons came ‘Del D. Weber, 33° Memorial Reunion’ to the Spring Outing, learning about from 1977-1997, and was actively engaged Masonry at the relaxed event, and both in the Scottish Rite as well as numerous Lodges and the Scottish Rite have picked Boards and non-profi ts, including serving up a few petitions from the Spring and as King of Ak-Sar-Ben in 1983. Fall Outing. Several Brethren expressed an interest in joining the Scottish Rite, Among many memorable events during and we look forward to seeing them in the Reunion, John Maxell, 33°, presented the Fall Reunion. the 2018 Best Actor Award to Matt Van- JohJohnnM Maxaxxeell,, 333° presentntssB Bestt AAcctorttoorr AwAwardaarrdd foforr2 2018010 8 too MatMaM tVt Vandndnderggriffiffff, 32°32 KCCH dergriff , 32° KCCH aft er the 14th Degree, Th e Scottish Rite extends its apprecia- in recognition of Matt’s excellent work in tion to all the Line Offi cers, Knights of St. he Valley of Omaha Scottish Rite wel- many Degrees, including the 7°, 14°, 21°, Andrew, Culinary Masters and Brethren Tcomed 9 new 32° Scottish Rite Ma- and 30°. Th e Knights of St. Andrew as- who volunteered during the evening. sons at the 270th Reunion on May 2nd, sembled before the 29°, and marched in, 3rd, and 4th during the Del D. Weber, 33° proceeded by Steve Sexton, 32° playing Great weather, great fellowship, and of Memorial Class. Th e Class honored our late the bagpipes and with Carl Simmons, 32° course, great food is never a thing to miss Brother Ill. Del D. Weber, 33°, who passed displaying the KSA’s new banner. Th e Val- - so mark your calendars for the Fall Out- away aft er a courageous battle with cancer ley welcomed M.W. Bob Moninger, 32° ing on Wednesday, September 18th. And this past January. Del served as Chancel- KCCH, Grand Master of Masons, who invite a few prospective Masons! lor of the University of Nebraska at Omaha . . . continued on page 6 ORIENT OF NEBRASKA • July/August 2019 5 WorkingWorking onon thethe SSttevve SeS xtx ono , 32° pipepes inin thhe Knniighg ttss of SStt. AAnndrdrewew befforore ththe 299tht Deggreee CHAIN GANG Reunion, continued from page 5 he Omaha Knights of St. Andrew T‘Chain Gang” assembled to pick joined the offi cers to put on Kentucky Derby on the patio. Knights of St. up 18 bags of trash as part of the High- the 8° on Th ursday evening. Additionally, Andrew made mint juleps and Gary Un- way 36 cleanup project on April 27. For we had two sons join their fathers during ger, 32° KCCH made an excellent dinner of their eff orts, that stretch of Highway 36 this Reunion. Sean Mullaly joined his fa- pulled pork and brisket, with baked beans is recognized as sponsored by the Valley ther Tom, and Blake Nelson joined his fa- and pasta salad. More than 60 Scottish Rite of Omaha Scottish Rite. Pictured above: ther Terry, who joined last year. Both Sean Masons and their ladies stayed aft er the Alan Boulter, 32°, Amanda Beckner, Kyle and Blake and their fathers are from North Reunion for a few hours to enjoy perfect Beckner, 32°, Robert Pelletier, 32°, and Bend Lodge #119. Spring weather, watch the races, and enjoy T.J. Brumfi eld, 32°. cocktails. Many ladies came in Kentucky We were joined during this Reunion by Derby attire! Curt Edic, 33°, G.C., Emeritus General Sec- retary for the Omaha Scottish Rite from his Th anks to the Stage Crew, Culinary Mas- home in Missouri. It was great to catch up ters, Knights of St. Andrew, Royal Order with Curt, who served as General Secretary of the Duck, Degree team actors and direc- from 2000 through 2015. tors, and dozens of Brethren who were here throughout the Reunion to make it a great Aft er the Reunion, the Valley celebrated the experience for our new Brethren!

Lefteft to Righghghtt: TTom Brumummmett, 33°, Curt Edididic,c, 3333°33° G.CG ., anaandn RoR n Stites, 333° eneral Secretary Emeritus Curt Edic, G33° G.C. joined the members at the Spring Reunion. He sat through several Degrees, caught up with Brethren, and en- Sherry Sederstrom, Becky Rutherford, Truly Spracklin and Erin Simmons show off proper Ken- joyed the Kentucky Derby party. tucky Derby attire aft er the Scottish Rite Reunion on May 4th.

6 ORIENT OF NEBRASKA • July/August 2019 Procession of Grand LLoodgge OffiO ceerss frorom thhe OmO ahaha SScototttiisshh Ritite toto Central High School. In front M.W. Reg Kuhn, Granndd Seeccreetat ryy andn W..BB. Johhnn Fererggusoonn,, Grranndd Junnior Deacon Grand Lodge of Nebraska Dedicates Cornerstone at Central High School Cathedral Board Dedicates New 1st Floor Lounge in Honor of Culinary Masters onday, May 20th was a busy evening Mat the Omaha Valley Scottish Rite. Th e evening began with a debate on Ne- ReRepR ressenententtatiatativevveseses frrom CCenCe ttratrraral Highghgh,t, theh AArchitecctcts,s Seervr ining asas Grrandd Juunnioior WWaarrddeen, W.W BB. Kevvinin braska’s proposed Red Flag law, allowing ProP jecttM Manananagerggeerers,s MasMaMasasonsnsns aand Consnsnstrtrruuctit onn Scchheelle fi ndnds ththe coorrnnererstonne toto be plplumumb.b a relative to petition the court to have someone’s fi rearms taken away, based n April 26, 2019, M.W. Bob Mon- built in stages around the earlier school on a potential physical or mental health Oinger, Grand Master of Masons in beginning in 1900 and completed in 1912. threat. Supporting the bill was Sarpy Nebraska, and the offi cers of the Grand Th e original 1871 school was razed in 1911 County Sheriff ’s Captain Kevin Grieger Lodge of Nebraska had the honor of dedi- and the fi nal west wing completed in 1912. and opposing the bill was Rod Moeller, cating a cornerstone at the Omaha Central Later updates added a new gym, theater, with the Nebraska Firearm Owners As- High School Arts and Library Addition. and enclosed the central courtyard which sociation. Both sides presented interest- Th e Grand Lodge of Nebraska dedicated was the site of the earlier school. ing arguments for and against the bill, the original Central High School corner- though most attending the debate op- Jim Torres and Michelle Roberts joined stone in November, 1900. posed the bill in a hand vote. the Grand Master as they ceremoniously Th e Grand Master was joined by Michelle spread mortar on the cornerstone. Th en, Aft erward an excellent featherbone rib Roberts, Executive Director of the Omaha Deputy Grand Master R.W. Ron Stites, dinner, Venerable Master Patrick Wat- Central High School Foundation, Dr. Ed Grand Senior Warden R.W. Jim Carlton, son, 32° asked our newest Scottish Rite Bennett, Principal of Central High School, and W. B. Kevin Scheele tested the corner- Masons who joined in Spring Reunion Scott Carson, an operative stone Mason stone and declared it to be square, level and to come forward, and their lady or top- whose company Carson Stone and Supply plumb. Th e Grand Master then declared line signer presented them with their 32° engraved the limestone cornerstone (which the cornerstone to be “well formed, true Scottish Rite cap. came from the same quarry from which and trusty, correctly proved and truly laid,” the original building was quarried), Chris dedicated the building with the blessings At the end of the evening, Frank Kroupa, Flott, project manager, Jim Torres, the ar- of plenty, health, and peace with off erings 33°, Chairman of the Cathedral Board chitect from DLR Group, and a representa- of corn, wine, and oil. Grand Orator W.B. invited members and guests downstairs tive from Sampson Construction. Mike Stuhr gave an oration which included to the fi rst fl oor lounge, where he and the history of Central High School. Charles V. Sederstrom, Jr., 33°, SGIG in Th e $19 million addition was paid for en- Nebraska dedicated the newly built bar. tirely through donations, and adds much- Th e Arts and Library Addition represents Th e bar recognizes nearly 20 years of ser- needed space and resources to the Central the fi rst cornerstone laid this year by the vice by the Culinary Masters, many of High School. Th e current Central High, de- Grand Lodge of Nebraska, with another signed by architect John Latenser, Sr., was later this year in Columbus, Nebraska. . . . continued on page 8 ORIENT OF NEBRASKA • July/August 2019 7 RD CA ROM Grand Lodge OST FFROM P TINGS Book Store S by Tom Hauder, 32°KCCH A Past Grand Master of Masons H [email protected]

ood News for Masonic Bookworms! he Central Nebraska Valley par- GTh e Grand Lodge Education Com- Tticipated in the Hasting Community mittee is excited to announce the open- Foundation’s 7th annual Give Hastings on ing of the Grand Lodge Masonic Book Cookies, punch and coff ee were served for store! May 9, 2019. Collectively, donors raised refreshments to all who attended. Several $483,796 for 84 non-profi ts serving the guest toured the clinic and then requested Hastings community. Since 2000 when MWB James F. Brown a tour of the Masonic Center. As always, challenged the Education Committee to they were impressed with the building and come up with a list of books to recom- Th anks to the eff orts of Clinicians Kris clinic. Althouse, M.A., CCC-SLP and Sydney mend for Masonic Education, the Com- mittee has sought out the best books for Norton, M.S., CF-SLP the Hastings Scot- Invitations were sent to local leaders in tish Rite Foundation raised around $6,000 Masonic Education and released the list education, medical and physical therapy to the Craft each year. from 36 donors, an average of $140/do- professionals. Social media was used ex- nor! Donations ranged from as small as tensively to reach the general public. Kris $10 to as much as $1,500, and were largely Now, you can buy any of these books and Sydney sat as guests on our local radio through our new web page and the from RiteCare families, refl ecting how station’s morning program. grateful families are to these services for Grand Lodge will receive a small com- mission on each sale from Amazon! their children! Several teachers inquired about summer sessions which might be off ered through And it’s not just books! You can buy just On May 8th, the Clinic hosted an open RiteCare. Th eir desire was to have school house, welcoming 20 parents, teachers, about anything from Amazon by using students benefi t from additional help over the “Go to Amazon” link on the book- Scottish Rite members and local citizens the summer months through RiteCare. over three hours. Our two clinicians, Kris store page and the Grand Lodge will re- and Sydney had an opportunity to meet ceive a small commission! All proceeds Now that we have two full time clinicians, from book and other Amazon sales will with several parents who were concerned we have the opportunity to off er summer about their child’s current speech, lan- be directed to the general Grand Lodge group sessions. Scottish Rite brethren, budget. guage and swallowing abilities. From those Jim Horsham, 32° and Jon Yocom, 33° are discussions, three referrals for future working with staff and the Temple board evaluations were scheduled. Parents and Use the Book Store link on the Grand to accommodate building space and clini- Lodge of Nebraska home page (www. children who are currently enrolled in the cal needs for a summer group program. Hastings Clinic also attended. to see the new store!

Culinary Masters Lounge Dedicated, continued from p. 7 whom are Past Potentates of Tangier Shrine. Around 2001, Jim Parks, Sr., 33° noticed that the catered dinners for Lodge meetings did not attract much attendance. He decided to en- gage the Tangier Shrine Divan members, who would cook dinners. Over the last 18 years, they have cooked hundreds of excellent dinners for Lodge meetings. Charles Sederstrom, Jr. wanted to fi nd a way to honor them for their work over the years, and proposed a lounge where they could enjoy a cocktail while cooking dinners. Additionally, the bar would add amenities to help rent the building. An anonymous donor supported the project with a signifi cant donation, and Frank Kroupa asked Rod Larson to begin working on the project.

Don Perry, 33° and Jim Parks, Sr., 33° at the As Chuck Sederstrom cut the ribbon, Frank Kroupa presented a plaque which formally dedication of the Culinary Masters’ lounge dedicated the bar to the Scottish Rite Culinary Masters and Tangier Shrine. Th is project is in the fi rst fl oor dining room. Don and Jim another great example of the Scottish Rite Cathedral Board’s mission to adapt the historic are two of the original Culinary Masters, and building for the benefi t of members, add features for our enjoyment and comfort, even as have been cooking for nearly 20 years! they respect the history of the 105 year old building.

8 ORIENT OF NEBRASKA • July/August 2019 SSHOWHOW & SSHINEHINE fforor RRiteCareiteCare

Lincoln WalkRite for RiteCare, continued from page 4 checked in families and presented them with WalkRite shirts. Aft er a brief wel- come by Teagan, a RiteCare parent shared her story of what speech therapy meant to her family. Th e walkers set off down the trail for a short walk around the Zoo, and BrB uce aannd Ciinddy Hoowew enjoyed day passes to the Zoo aft erward.

n Saturday, May 18, 2019 the Island Th e Lincoln WalkRite for RiteCare is de- OArea Cruisers held their 24th annual signed to be a family-friendly event that Charity Event in Grand Island, Nebraska. raises money, but also provides our RiteC- Th e event saw 49 car registrations ranging are families with an easy, fun event for their in age from a 1926 Ford Model T Coupe, to families. If you would still like to donate, 1950’s, 60’s & 70’s cars to several more recent please visit models. Hastings RiteCare Clinician, Syd- lincoln to make a tax-deductible donation. ney Norton and her husband presented the RiteCare award to entry #5. Th e car, a 1947 Photos: (page 4) RiteCare family at the Lincoln Lincoln Club Coupe, is owned by Joan and Wal; (top left ) Mike Gray, 33° with RiteCare kids; (top right) Don Albrecht, 32° with RiteC- Donald Christensen. It is estimated the club are boy; (right top) RiteCare Clinicians Holly raised $1,400.00. Schlautman, M.S., CCC-SLP and Teagan Din- slage, M.S., CCC-SLP; (right bottom) RiteCare Th e Car Show and Shine was held at the Dad Tregg Lunn, 32° with daughter Maggie Main Street Station on Webb Road. All mon- ies raised will be donated to the Hastings Phil Odom, 33° Joins Orient as Development Officer to Raise Valley Scottish Rite Foundation on behalf of Funds for Scottish Rite Philanthropies in Central Nebraska our RiteCare Clinic in Hastings. “Every year harles V. Sed- Phil joined the Valley of Hastings in 1994, our car club chooses a local charity to raise erstrom, Jr., 33° and was coroneted a 33° Inspector General funds for. We choose a charity that is close to C us, so that we can see where the money goes announced that Ill. Honorary in 2009. He has served as Gen- to make sure that 100 percent of the money Brother Phil Odom, eral Secretary since 2014. we raise, stays here with that charity,” stated 33° would take on the Phil has been very active in Hastings, serv- Cindy Howe, President of the Island Area role as a Development ing as Mayor from 1991 to 2000, serving Cruisers. Th e Cruisers are a car club based Director for the Ori- in Grand Island with members from other ent of Nebraska, in on the City Council from 1986 to 1990 and surrounding communities in Hall County. addition to his role as again from 2006 to 2019. He has been ac- General Secretary for tive on numerous civic committees, as well Bruce Howe is a member of Ashlar Lodge the Hastings Valley. Phil will work with as having served as President of the Hast- #33 in Grand Island. Th ough legally blind, Micah Evans, Orient Development Direc- ings Scottish Rite Valley Foundation and Bruce continues to work on their 1959 Ford tor, to reach out to with members in cen- been a member of the Scottish Rite Foun- Fairlane 500 hard top. Bruce and Cindy tral Nebraska to meet about planned gift s, dation of Nebraska. His knowledge of both learned of our RiteCare Clinic by attending charitable gift annuities, and major gift s as central Nebraska Scottish Rite Masons and our Wednesday lunches each week. well as explore grant opportunities to ben- the Hastings community will be a strong asset to raising awareness about Scottish . . . continued on page 11 efi t the RiteCare Clinics in Nebraska. Phil began this role eff ective on May 1st. Rite philanthropies. ORIENT OF NEBRASKA • July/August 2019 9 Hastings RiteCare Clinic Welcomes Sydney Norton ydney Norton joined the Speech-Lan- Sguage Pathology Department in April of 2019 aft er previous clinical experiences in acute and subacute rehab, long-term care, and both adult and pediatric outpa- tient services.

She works in the Scottish Rite Clinic in Hastings, NE. Sydney holds her Master Saturday, October 12, 2019 of Science from Fort Hays State Univer- Specialty Certifi cations sity and her Bachelor of Science from the Hastings • Nebraska licensed speech-language University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She is cur- Registration begins at 10:00 pathologist rently fi nishing her clinical fellowship. Walk beginning at 10:30 Special Interests & Projects Sydney is a Hastings native, and is excited Lunch follows • Pediatric feeding and swallowing to return home to the community that she • Expressive and receptive language knows and loves. Registration: • Articulation $20/Adults | $10/Children • Phonology Outside of the clinic, Sydney lives in Hast- All proceeds benefi t • Augmentative and alternative com- ings with her husband Zane, and their new Hastings RiteCare Clinic munication puppy Stanley. THE MASTER CRAFTSMEN dozen members got together to talk about Dr. Dan Deff enbaugh, 32° moderated the the 7th Degree, Provost and Judge. We discussion, weaving his deep knowledge learn that impartial justice, untainted by philosophy, history, and religion into the partisanship, protects persons, property, conversation. Dan reminded us that al- and happiness. In this Degree, craft smen though the Degree was allegorical rather Uriah and Naboth appeal to the Provost, than historical, the lessons of impartiality Zabud, that the Phoenician craft smen are must apply to all. Th e claim of “Brother” undercutting wages of the Hebrew craft s- from one Mason to another must not men. Zabud reminds them “As a fellow of sway decisions. As the Orator of the 7th the Craft , I have called you “Brother,” but Degree tells us, “let the true Mason never Left to Right: Mike Small, 33°, Phil Odom, 33° as a Provost and Judge, you are a stranger.” forget the solemn injunction necessary Dan Deff enbaugh, 32°, Ethan Maydwell, 32° Th e laws of man apply equally to the He- to be obeyed at almost every moment of ach week, Scottish Rite Masons brew and the Phoenician, and favor neither. a busy life: ‘Judge not, lest you yourselves Eget together in Hastings to dis- Masonry, by its teachings, endeavors to re- be judged; for whatsoever judgment you cuss the symbolism and philoso- strain men from the commission of injus- give to others, the same shall in turn be phy of the Scottish Rite Degrees. Be- tice and acts of wrong and outrage. Th e rule given to you.’ Such is the lesson taught to fore the May 6th business meeting, a of law must apply to all men equally. the Provost and Judge.”

bbyy CassieCassie HultgrenHultgren JJameson’sameson’s PProgressrogress RRiteCareiteCare MomMom t isi very didiffiffi cultl to put intoi wordsd theh overwhelmingh l i ffeelingli associatedi with Jameson and my Iexperience with the RiteCare parent-training program with the Masons. I entered this program with a 4 year old son who was unable to communicate his basic needs to be me. We would spend hours a day in tears, having tantrums and eventually just giving up because I did not understand his needs. Aft er this program the transformation has been amazing. Jameson can now not only com- municate his basic needs but also communicate his wants, his love, and his charming personality. He no longer grunts his needs, he now asks with verbal communication and usually a smile. It has opened up a new world for him. He can now speak with family and friends. Th is training program would never have been something we could aff ord with our current insurance copays and needs. It was off ered to us free of charge and RiteCare quite literally has given me the ability to communicate with my son, and therefore given a Mother her most wanted wish, to meet her son’s needs. I will forever be in your debt.

10 ORIENT OF NEBRASKA • July/August 2019 by Beth and Jon-Erik Divis RiteCare parents

ft er receiving speech taught us how to get on the Th e expenses of therapy and doctor visits Aservices through the fl oor, to play and commu- can be overwhelming and the fact that we school system for the last nicate with him in ways we were able to work with Beth through the year, we decided it was hadn’t even realized were RiteCare Clinic at no cost to our family was time for our son, Flynn, to possible. Watching Beth a tremendous relief of stress. Th e knowl- be evaluated for a second communicate with Flynn edge we gained through our time with Beth opinion. We came to see each week taught US how to has helped to arm us in order to be able to Beth at the RiteCare Clinic mirror those techniques at better advocate for our son. He is thriving for a speech referral, hop- home and increase his spon- in school and therapy and we feel it is all ing just for a recommenda- taneous words and overall thanks to “our person” Beth and the RiteC- tion or some insight into ability to communicate. She are Clinic. his speech problems. Beth helped us with the referrals became “our person.” She that ultimately led to his Show & Shine, cont’d from p. 9 made the initial referral for diagnosis of ASD. She was began attending the lunches with Brothers Flynn to be evaluated for even willing to come out to Don Miller, Paul Quisensberry and Dale Autism Spectrum Disorder, which frankly Wahoo to help transition Flynn to Head Whitefoot several years ago. Aft er hearing rocked our world. She was so available and Start and work with the staff at his school. about the lunches from Bruce, Cindy began so patient with us as she guided us through attending and bringing their young grand- the process to get Flynn the help he needed. When we started ABA Th erapy and were son, Johnathan. She started us in a Parent Training Program feeling anxious and unsure, Beth was there through the RiteCare Clinic right away and to calm our fears and listen to our concerns. Bruce and Cindy are very active in the Island has helped guide us through every step of I remember reaching out to Beth, in tears, Area Cruisers car club. Cindy is the 2019 our journey. the morning Flynn started ABA. Her re- President with Bruce being the immediate assurance and support helped us through Past President. At car shows Cindy dresses We looked forward getting to come see that transition. We value her opinion so in 1950’s attire. A Poodle Skirt was the dress Beth each week, as she unlocked something much and she was able to help us under- of the day for Saturday. She occasionally is in Flynn that really opened him up. She stand in ways his other therapists couldn’t. seen as Marilyn Monroe Membership, continued And you certainly spent time getting to didate petitions because a relative or a know your wife, learning what you had in trusted friend was a Mason, he joined be- common, fi nding whether you were com- cause those men represent the best type patible before you proposed. of person, and the Candidate wanted to associate with those sort of men. I would So why would you make the momentous argue that no one became a Mason (or at step of joining because Tom least remained a Mason) simply because a Hanks or Nicholas Cage made it look cool book or movie or even the slickest adver- in some movie? tisement make it look “cool.”

I’ve made the case before, and I will con- Perhaps Masons should have sought to tinue to make the case that Freemasonry capitalize on the movies and books. Per- works “hand to back, and mouth to ear.” haps we need to be proactive at using It cannot be sold wholesale. Th e value of these to start conversations. But if we joining is best conveyed by one individual genuinely want to promote membership, to another. it has to be done one man at a time, with each of us representing the best of what We “sell” the message by how we act, by Th e Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the Freemason off ers. Th is approach is slow- the quality of our behavior, by the recti- Scottish Rite’s “Not Just a Man. A Mason” er, and our membership rolls won’t swell tude of our conduct. When we represent campaign is beautifully done, and sells a through this approach, but it will lead to the kind of man a Mason ought to be, powerful message. But while it facilitates members joining who truly want to be en- other men will see our example and want conversation, the true “sale” of Freemasonry gaged, rather than joining simply because to learn more about it. Whether a Can- can only be done Brother to Brother. they are following popular culture.

ORIENT OF NEBRASKA • July/August 2019 11 Micah I. Evans, 33°, Orient Development Director Giving the Gift of (402) 342-1300 [email protected]

CEPTED S few summers ago, the C CO edition of the Scottish Rite VOICEA T 2018-2019 SGIG’s & T I Scottish Rite Founda- T S Journal and share them with A N H E tion of Nebraska, which has I R family, friends and Brethren. C I T CIRCLE Donors N E the ultimate responsibility A We have given over $25 mil- for the RiteCare Speech and lion to RiteCare since 1975 Name Valley Language Clinics in Ne- - no small testament to the Charles Bukin Lincoln * Gary Bunnell Omaha braska kicked off the annual faith we have in these services Warren Cooke Omaha 101-Club appeal. We had a and the value they provide to * Micah Evans Omaha stellar year, raising $13,843 tomorrow’s leaders. John Ferguson Alliance to date for RiteCare servic- NSPECTO D I R GE David Fisher Hastings AN N R E es. 21 Brethren stepped up G R Th is July, the 2019-2020 101- A N L Edgar Flores Omaha G ’S I C as members of the SGIG’s E Club letter will go to mem- I R R Donald C. J. Gray Lincoln E C V


circle, donating or pledging O bers, and I would again ask E S Robert Hamilton Omaha $300 or more for the year, you to consider supporting * Charles Hastings Hastings or at least three sessions of our RiteCare services. Reginald Kuhn Lincoln therapy. 56 Brethren do- Douglas Lottman Lincoln nated as full 101-Club mem- Donors of $101 will receive * Charlie Odorizzi Omaha bers, donating $101 or more, the new 101-Club lapel pin, Jeff rey Passer Omaha which represents at least one session of and donors who give or pledge $300 or * Homer Puderbaugh Lincoln therapy for a child. more will receive the beautiful new chal- Warren Reesman Lincoln lenge coin (left ), authorized by Charles V. * Charles Sederstrom, Jr. SGIG in NE In all, Nebraska Scottish Rite Masons Sederstrom, Jr., 33°, SGIG in Nebraska. 101 Jack Sheffi eld Omaha supported 3,186 sessions of therapy for Club and SGIG Circle donors will be recog- Dale Whitefoot Hastings 342 children (this represents individual nized at the Annual Communication on a * Dan Wellendorf Omaha children, rather than the total number of large sign, and SGIG Circles are recognized George White Hastings children since many children receive more throughout the year in the Scottish Rite John Williamson Omaha than one session of therapy). Scottish Rite Journal (right). * Charter Member SGIG Circle Donor Masons donated nearly $700,000 to pro- vide these services at RiteCare Clinics at Please consider a donation or pledge when Th anks to the generosity of numerous the University of Nebraska at Kearney, you receive the appeal letter in a few weeks, Scottish Rite Masons, Nebraska RiteC- the Hastings Masonic Center, the UNL or simply send a donation to the Scottish are children receive all the services they Barkley Memorial Center and the UNMC Rite Foundation of Nebraska at 202 S. 20th need, without regard to a family’s ability Munroe-Meyer Institute. Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68102. to pay. SGIG Circle donors have pledged or donated $300 or more toward speech Th at is truly impressive, and every Scottish Nebraska rightfully calls itself the Good Life therapy for the year. Please consider

Rite Mason should be proud that we are State. Th ank you for being a Scottish Rite a donation or pledge and join these able to contribute these sums. Th e families

Mason, and thank you for your extraordi- Brethren in making a signifi cant im- are profoundly grateful for speech therapy, nary generosity providing that good life to pact on our ability to provide excep- and I hope you read their stories in each our RiteCare families across the state! tional Speech Th erapy for Nebraska“ children. Your dues change the light bulbs. “ Your donations change the world. The Scottish Rite Journal is published bi-monthly by the Supreme Council, 33°, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, USA. The Orient of Nebraska insert is prepared for members of the Alliance, Hastings, Lincoln, and Omaha Valleys, and is mailed to all current Scottish Rite Freemasons in Nebraska’s Valleys. For submissions or articles, please contact Micah Evans at [email protected] or call (402) 342-1300. Whenever possible, please include a high-resolution photo with your submission. All submissions must be received at least 45 days before the date of publication, which occurs at the beginning of odd-numbered months. (Submissions for the Septem- ber-October 2019 Scottish Rite Journal must be received no later than mid-July for consideration.)

12 ORIENT OF NEBRASKA • July/August 2019