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1887 PROCEEDINGS of the GRAND LODGE of Ancient Free & Accepted MASONS of the STATE OF NEBRASKA A.D. 1887 / A.L. 5887 This volume digitized by THE GEORGE WASHINGTON MASONIC NATIONAL MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION MASONIC DIGTIAL ARCHIVES PROJECT co A.D. 2020 /A.L. 6020 PROCEEDINGS OF THE Grand Lodge of Nebraska ANCIENT FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS, AT ITS THIRTIETH ANNUAL COMMUNICATION, HELD AT OMAHA, June 15, 16, and 17, 5887. CHICAGO: KNIGHT & LEONARD CO., PRINTERS. 1887. ELECTROTYPED AND PRINTED BY KNIGHT & LEONARD CO. CHICAGO. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GRAND LODGE OF NEBRASKA ANC.'. FREE AND ACC.'. MASONS, AT ITS THIRTIETH ANNUAL COMMUNICATION. Held at Omaha, June 15, 16, and 17, 5887. HE Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Nebraska convened and assembled in its thirtieth annual communica tion in Freemasons Hall, Omaha, Nebraska, on Wednesday, June 15, A.'.L.'. 5887, A.D. 1887, at half-past seven o’clock in the evening, there being present M.'.W.'. Charles K. Coutant.................................... Grand Master. R.'.W.'. Milton J. Hull............................................Deputy Grand Master. R.'.W.'. George B. France............................. Grand Senior Warden. R.'.W.'. John J. Mercer..............................................Grand Junior Warden. R.'.W.'. Christian Hartman.....................................Grand Treasurer. R.'.W.'. William R. Bowen.......................................Grand Secretary. V.'.W.'. Jacob A. Hood, 34,* as.................................Grand Chaplain. W.'. Benjamin F. Rawalt.................................... Grand Custodian. W.'. Robert E. French. .................... Grand Marshal. W.'. Earl A. Cooley............................................ Grand Senior Deacon. W.'. John A. Randall.........................................Grand Junior Deacon. Bro.'. Jacob King, 3, as..........................................Grand Tiler. and representatives from one hundred and twenty-four of the one hundred and forty-six chartered lodges. *The figures indicate the lodge to which the brother named belongs. 355 356 PROCEEDINGS OF THE [Omaha, The Grand Master announced his appointment, for the session, of Past Grand Chaplain Jacob A. Hood as Grand Chaplain, and Brother Jacob King, 3, as Grand Tiler. A lodge of Master Masons was opened in ample form, as required by the Law of Freemasonry in Nebraska It being ascertained by roll call that a constitutional num ber of lodges was represented, the Grand Lodge was de clared open for the dispatch of business, and proclamation thereof was made by the Grand Marshal. On motion of the Grand Treasurer, Bro.-. Charles P. Need ham, 25, was appointed a committee to procure fans; and on motion of Bro.-. Wheeler, 6, the Grand Treasurer and Grand 'Secretary were authorized to audit the bill for payment. The Grand Master filled the vacancies in the following committees (appointed April 12, 5887), and the members thereof were congregated as follows : On Visiting Brethren — Bros.-. George E. Whitman, 138; Frank C. Con don, 109; and William S. Randall, 84. On Credentials—Bros.-. John A. Ehrhardt, 41; Bradner D. Slaughter, 559; and Fred J. Joyce, 34. The Grand Master ordered that all Master Masons in good- standing be admitted during the sessions of the Grand Lodge during this annual communication. The Grand Master now delivered his ADDRESS. Brethren of the Grand Lodge of Nebraska: The lectures and symbols of Freemasonry are replete with wise and valued truths. The candidate for Masonry, from his entrance as an En tered Apprentice until he stands endowed with all the rights and privileges of a Master Mason, finds along his pathway lessons of wisdom — lessons moralizing, instructive, refining, ennobling, and elevating. Human life, with its brevity, will be exemplified by the swiftly-running sands of the hour-glass, and he will be reminded how swiftly the hour speeds. Brethren, let us not forget that these short hours make the days; the days, weeks; weeks, months; months, years; and when we stand at the end of even this June, 1887.'] GRAND LODGE OF NEBRASKA. 357 comparatively lengthened period, how brief seems its span and how narrow the gulf which it has made. Standing to-day, and looking back, it seems as though it were only yes terday that this grand body, in this hall, was legislating fol’ the interests of Masonry. To-day we meet again, to lay aside for a brief time the ordinary labors of life, to find true and ennobling refreshment in laboring for the good of the Fraternity, and to consider of the things that shall tend to the advancement of the cause we love. Brethren, I bid you most cordial welcome to this our thirtieth annual communication, not doubting that what shall be here done will be wisely planned, carefully considered, and be prolific of good. The year closed has been in the main one of great progress for the state. It has been blessed in a fair measure with health and prosperity. Of this general prosperity our Order has had its reasonable share. At the last annual communication of the Grand Lodge charters were granted for the organization of ten new lodges. They have all been opened and constituted. Being unablo to give the time and attention to the open ing and constituting of these lodges within a reasonable period, proxies were issued for that purpose as follows: July 2, 1886, to W.'.Bro.'. Alcinius Y. Wright, of Arapahoe Lodge, No. 109, to open and constitute Cambridge Lodge, No. 150, located at Cam bridge, Nebraska. July 2, 1886, to M.'.W.'.Bro.'. Samuel W. Hayes, P.'.G.'.M.'., to open and constitute Evergreen Lodge, No. 153, located at Pierce, Nebraska. July 2. 1886, to W.'.Bro.Elias C. Wilcox, of Wymore Lodge, No. 104, to open and constitute Parallel Lodge, No. 152, located at Liberty, Gage county, Nebraska. July 2,1886, to W.’.Bro.'. Cyrus E. Hunter, of Corinthian Lodge, No. 83, to open and constitute Hartington Lodge, No. 155, located at Hartington, Nebraska. July 3, 1886, to W.'.Bro.'. Benjamin F. Rawalt, Grand Custodian, to open and constitute Jachin Lodge, No. 146, located at Holdrege, Nebraska. July 3, 1886, to W.'.Bro.'. George N. Danforth, of Alexandria Lodge, No. 74, to open and constitute Jewel Lodge, No. 149, located at Tobias, Nebraska. July 3, 1886, to R.'.W.'.Bro.'. Milton J. Hull, Deputy Grand Master, to open and constitute Lily Lodge, No. 154, located at Davenport, Nebraska. July 6, 1886, to M.'.W.'.Bro.'. Samuel W. Hayes, P.'.G.'.M.'., to open and constitute Siloam Lodge, No. 147, located at Stuart, Nebraska. July 10, 1886, to W.'.Bro.'. Joseph N. Davis, of Wahoo Lodge, No. 59, to open and constitute Square Lodge, No. 151, located at Valparaiso, Ne braska. August 26, 1886, to W.'.Bro.'. Benjamin F. Rawalt, Grand Custodian, to open and constitute Emmet Crawford Lodge, No. 148, located at Broken Row, Nebraska. I acknowledge my obligation, and extend most cordial thanks, to the 358 PROCEEDINGS OF THE [Omaha, brethren who so kindly assisted in this labor, and for the promptness and efficiency with which they discharged their respective trusts. DISPENSATIONS. Dispensations have been issued during the year for the opening of nine new lodges, as follows: August 14, 1886, to Bros.’. L. A. Bandhoefer, Walter S. Allison, Mark M. Nevers, James H. Allen, Lindsey D. Hanna, Ephraim Cooper, Albert H. Swigert George W. Ryan, Jr., Cornelius Horton, Edwin M. Searls, and Charles B. Stone, of Ogalalla, county of Keith, to open and hold Ogalalla Lodge, with Bros.’. L. A. Bandhoefer as Master, Walter S. Allison as Senior Warden, and Mark M. Nevers as Junior Warden; recommended by Platte Valley Lodge, No. 32. August 19, 1886, to Bros.’. Charles E. Butler, Seth Woods, William B, Ilaigh, Danford Taylor, Edmund Simmons, W. II. Blackmer, Adoniram J. Alden, Theodore Wheeler, and Samuel P. Miller, of Atkinson, in the county of Holt, to open and hold Atkinson Lodge, with Bros.’. Edmund Simmons as Master, Danford Taylor as Senior Warden, and Adoniram J. Alden as Junior Warden; recommended by Garfield Lodge, No. 95. August 20, 1886, to Bros.’. Allison G. Keyes, William P. Wyatt, Francis M. Barnes, George Martin, Seth S. Ratliff, Matthias Joseph, Edmund Hud- dard, Nathan Glicke, William Toner, Frank Matora, and W. C. Hill, of Barneston, Gage county, Nebraska, to open and constitute Barneston Lodger with Bros.’. Allison G. Keyes as Master, William P. Wyatt, as Senior War den, and Francis M. Barnes as Junior Warden; recommended by Tyre Lodge, No. 85. August 21, 1886, to Bros.’. Alonzo II. Bothwell, Walter. C. Parker, William J. Pemberton, B. F. Walker, Pearly E. Wolcott, John Wilson, Willis Porter, John Patterson, Henry F. Bevington, David P. Smith, James K. Perry, Joseph E. Benjamin, William Meyers, James S. Detherage, and Reason Bevington, of Reynolds, in the county of Jefferson, to open and hold Reynolds Lodge, with Bros.’. Alonzo H. Bothwell as Master, Walter C. Parker as Senior Warden, and John Wilson as Junior Warden; recom mended by Hubbell Lodge, No. 92. August 23, 1886, to Bros.’. John S. Braisher, Thomas Ross, John L. Avery, Fielden J. Hale, James S. Morrow, Philip Brecheison, Warner Hale, HenryC. Judson, and Frank L. Willis, of Battle Creek, in the county of Madi son, to open and hold Battle Creek Lodge, with Bros.’. John S. Braisher as Master, James S. Morrow as Senior Warden, and Fielden J. Hale as Junior Warden; recommended by Mosaic Lodge, No. 55. August 25, 1886, to Bros.’. James Patterson, William Hall, Joseph K. Williams, Carl Thelen, David A. Burritt, Conrad Thelen, Louis Echhoff, and Edward Burrell, of Shelby, county of Polk, to open and hold Shelby Lodge, with Bros.'. James Patterson as Master, Carl Thelen as Senior Warden, and David A. Burritt as Junior Warden; recommended by Osceola Lodge, No. 65. October 9, 1886, to Bros.’. James W. Conger, George Adams, Benjamin June, 1887.] GRAND LODGE OF NEBRASKA. 359 S. Mothersead, Thomas M. Self, James Kennedy, David W.