Tusch Grand Lodge of Maine , May 2005 2 0
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TUSCH GRAND LODGE OF MAINE, MAY 2005 2 0 0 5 THE ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-SIXTH ANNUAL COMMUNICATION Grand Lodge XXXXIX 2005 Part I of Maine HELD AT BANGOR, MAY 6&7, 2005 Two copies of this Book of Proceedings are mailed to the Secretary of every Lodge in the Jurisdiction. They are the property of the Lodge for the use of the Brethren. One copy should be handed to the Worshipful Master of the Lodge as soon as received and the Worshipful Master should arrange for all portions of the address of the Grand Master relating to the procedure, or conduct of the brethren, to be read in open Lodge at an early date. He should delegate a member of the Lodge to study the report of the various committees and other reports and have him bring in a detailed study for discussion in Open Lodge. One copy should be on the Secretary's desk at every meeting. Additional copies will be sent upon request CLAIRE V. TUSCH GRAND MASTER 2005-2006 ELECTED GRAND OFFICERS 2005-2006 APPOINTED GRAND OFFICERS 2005-2006 2005] Grand Lodge of Maine 1 GRAND LODGE OF MAINE, A. F. & A. M. SPECIAL COMMUNICATION A Special Communication of the Grand Lodge of Maine, A.F. & A.M. was held on Saturday, June 26, 2004, at Ashland, Maine for the purpose of Laying the Cornerstone and Rededicating Pioneer Lodge No. 72 on the occasion of its 150th Anniversary. Grand Lodge was opened in Ample Form at 11:00 a. m. by M. W. Claire V. Tusch, Grand Master of Masons in Maine. A procession of Grand Lodge officers marched to the Northeast Corner of the Masonic Hall where the Grand Master welcomed the Brethren and their guests. The following Grand Lodge officers were in the procession: Claire V. Tusch Grand Master W. Louis Greenier Deputy Grand Master Bradford D. Blake Senior Grand Warden Randy Adams Junior Grand Warden Donald A. Savage Acting Grand Treasurer Hollis G. Dixon Grand Secretary Robert Hoyt Grand Senior Deacon Robert Stratton Grand Junior Deacon Harold Wilson Grand Steward Robert L. Wade, Jr. Grand Steward Ernest F. Abbott, III Grand Steward David King Grand Pursuivant Dwynal Grass Grand Chaplain Randall Burleigh Grand Marshal Howard Moulton Grand Tyler Harland S. Hitchings Past Grand Master Alan R. Heath P.S.G.W. N. James Coolong P.S.G.W. Robert W. Sawyer, IV P.J.G.W. Walter Kyllonen D.D.G.M. 19th District Frank Theriault P.D.D.G.M. All those present joined in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of our Country. The Grand Chaplain, V. W. Dwynal Grass, delivered the Invocation. The Grand Master called on the Architect to make a presentation. R. W. Robert W. Sawyer, IV, the Architect: “In the fall of 1991, Pioneer Lodge No. 72, was approached by the Aroostook County Action Program with a proposal to locate a Children’s Head Start on the ground floor of this building. In consideration of a five-year lease agreement ACAP agreed to bring the building up to code for a Pre- School. These renovations included steel fire retardant doors; insulation of the ground floor of the building, upgrading the heating, electrical and plumbing systems, smoke detectors and a fire alarm system was also installed. 2 Proceedings of the [May The members of the lodge approved the agreement, which was signed on February 1, 1992. The Masonic Association of Ashland was Chartered in 1992 to hold, manage and preserve the building and furnishings of Pioneer Lodge No. 72 at Ashland, Maine. The Association sold bonds to finance the renovation projects; insulate the upper part of the building, replace lighting and redecorate the Lodge Room, replace the carrying beam of the building, purchase the lot next door when the house there had burned and re-covered the lodge with siding. We are very proud and pleased with the commitment of our lodge members and friends both physically and financially.” The Grand Master called on the Grand Treasurer to deposit the designated articles in the Time Capsule in the opening behind the Cornerstone [engraved stone]. R. W. Hollis G. Dixon, the Grand Secretary, read the list of articles that were placed in the capsule: 2004 American Eagle Silver Dollar June 26th Bangor Daily News Building Permit 150th Anniversary Program Notice of Special Communication from Grand Lodge of Maine 150th Anniversary Program Local Newspaper Articles on the150th Anniversary Celebration June 2004 Trestle Board History of Pioneer Lodge No. 72, 1854 – 1954 History of Pioneer Lodge No. 72, 1054 – 2004 2004 Pioneer Lodge No. 72, Officers 2004 Grand Lodge of Maine Officers M. W. Claire Tusch called on the Architect to present the working tools to the Deputy Grand Master, Senior Grand Warden and Junior Grand Warden. The Grand Master then called on the Deputy Grand Master to apply the tool of his office to the cornerstone and make report. R. W. Louis Greenier reported that the Cornerstone was square and the workmen had done their duty. The Grand Master called on the Senior Grand Warden to apply the tool of his office to the cornerstone and make report. R. W. Bradford D. Blake reported that the Cornerstone was level and the workmen had done their duty. The Grand Master called on the Junior Grand Warden to apply the tool of his office to the Cornerstone and make report. R. W. Randy Adams reported that the Cornerstone was plumb and the workmen had done their duty. The Grand Master instructed the above named Grand Lodge officers to apply the vessels of consecration to the Cornerstone. The Deputy Grand Master applied the corn to the Cornerstone, the Senior Grand Warden applied the wine to the Cornerstone and the Junior Grand Warden applied the oil to the Cornerstone and each reported to the Grand Master. 2005] Grand Lodge of Maine 3 The Grand Master called on the Grand Marshal to make his official proclamation, which was accordingly done. The Grand Marshal, R. W. Randy Burleigh, reformed the procession and led it back to the staging area. The Grand Chaplain delivered a prayer and at 11:30 p. m., the Grand Master declared a recess so that the Brethren and their guests could enjoy a luncheon. The procession of Grand Lodge officers was reformed at 1:30 p. m. and was led into the lodge room by the Grand Marshal. There they assumed the respective stations of the Officers of Pioneer Lodge. The Grand Master, the officers and guests joined in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of our Country. The Grand Lodge officers and the distinguished guests were introduced and welcomed. The Architect presented the working tools to the Grand Master, who, in turn, called on the Grand Marshal to present them to the Deputy Grand Master, Senior Grand Warden and Junior Grand Warden. The Grand Master called on these officers to apply the tools of their offices to the building and make report. While the officers inspected the building, Wor. Torrey Sylvester and the Barbershop Quartet entertained the Brethren and their guests with several songs. The Deputy Grand Master inspected the building and reported that it was square and the workmen had done their duty. The Senior Grand Warden reported that the building was level and the workmen had done their duty. The Junior Grand Warden reported that the building was plumb and the workmen had done their duty. The Grand Marshal formed a procession of the Grand Lodge officers and they marched around the lodge hall to the Alter. The Junior Grand Warden applied the oil and the Grand Master dedicated the lodge hall to Freemasonry. The Senior Grand Warden applied the wine and the Grand Master dedicated the lodge hall to Virtue. The Deputy Grand Master applied the corn and the Grand Master dedicated the lodge hall to Universal Benevolence. The Grand Marshal led the procession around the lodge and the grand Lodge officers resumed their stations. The Grand Marshal then made his Official Proclamation. The Grand Master made appropriate remarks to the members of Pioneer Lodge and their guests. He also thanked his officers for their participation in the ceremonies. R. W. Robert W. Sawyer, IV., P.S.G.W., spoke about the Sesquicentennial Celebration and thanked the Grand Lodge officers for their participation. Wor. David M. Pierce, Worshipful Master of Pioneer Lodge, spoke: “I am pleased to commemorate our anniversary and look forward to a prosperous future. I am grateful for the help of the Past Masters and the Line Officers as well as being very pleased to have the Grand Master and the Grand Lodge present.” 4 Proceedings of the [May He thanked the Architect, R. W. Robert W. Sawyer, IV for the Cornerstone, as well as the Brethren and ladies that provided the lunch. M. W. Harland S. Hitchings, P.G.M. made appropriate remarks. A moment of silence was observed in memory of M. W. Peter C. Schmidt, P.G.M., who had just passed away. R. W. Donald A. Savage, D.D.G.M. First Masonic District, made appropriate remarks. R. W. Dwynal R. Grass, Grand Chaplain, delivered the Benediction. M. W. Claire V. Tusch, Grand Master of Masons in Maine, closed the Grand Lodge of Maine in ample Form at 2:50 p. m. The Shire Tones (Barber Shop Quartet) returned and sang several more songs. Fraternally submitted, Hollis G. Dixon Grand Secretary 2005] Grand Lodge of Maine 5 GRAND LODGE OF MAINE, A. F. & A. M. SPECIAL COMMUNICATION A Special Communication of the Grand Lodge of Maine, A.F.