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Travel Norwegian Heritage Mysteries of Leif Remembering Ericson Park in Kjærligheten forandrer ikke the battle Brooklyn, N.Y. den elskede, den forandrer of Haglebu seg selv. Read more on page 9 – Søren Kierkegaard Read more on page 14 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 121, No. 40 November 5, 2010 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidene $1.50 per copy .com News Find more at www.norway.com New stirs controversy New Åna News of Norway Minister of Defense Grete Fa- prison features remo discusses Norway’s per- spective on the Arctic at the At- comfortable lantic Council in Washington, accomodations, D.C. (blog.norway.com/category/ private news) bathrooms and Business The Norwegian Armed Forces flat-screen TVs is the largest central govern- ment body of Norway in terms St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n of employment. Norwegian American Weekly (blog.norway.com/category/ business) Research Minister of Justice Knut A collaboration project was es- Storberget opened the new Åna tablished between Pemex and prison Oct. 28, fulfilling his cam- Statoil for reducing gas flares in paign promise to get rid of the four- oil fields in Mexico, as part of man prison cells that politicians, the U.N.’s Clean Development trade unions and civil ombudsmen Mechanism. believed contributed to increased (blog.norway.com/category/re- violence, abuse, drug use and plan- Photo: Tommy Ellingsen/Dagbladet search) CONTINUES PAGE 6 The cells at the new Åna prison feature individual rooms, private bathrooms and flat screen TVs. Culture Norwegian composer Gisle Kverndokk’s playful children’s Dealing with NAV The sweetest thing opera “Max and Moritz” pre- Navigating the Norwegian Labor and Welfare New exhibition with miered at the National Gallery of Art. Administration from abroad proves to be a Nordic-American (blog.norway.com/category/ frustrating and expensive experience roots opens at culture) Gallery Norwegian American Weekly Check out this week’s “On the Tr y g v e Li e Ga l l e r y Edge” editorial on Facebook and the Norway.com blog. The reads, “They Photo: Trygve Lie Gallery went ashore and looked about them. The weather was fine. There was Trygve Lie Gallery presents What’s inside? dew on the grass, and the first thing “The Sweetest Thing,” a new exi- News 2-3 they did was to get some of it on bition of drawings and sculptures their hands and put it to their lips, Business 4 by four New York artists with Nor- and to them it seemed the sweetest dic roots, including Torild Stray, Research & Education 5 thing they had ever tasted.” CONTINUES PAGE 12 Opinion 6-7 Taste of Norway 8 Tromsø secures bronze Travel 9 Roots & Connections 10 Hønefoss to Images: Shelby Gilje Obituaries & Religion 11 Gilje corresponded with NAV for more than 11 months to halt payment of her late play qualification Arts & Style 12 husband’s pension. game In Your Neighborhood 13 Sh e l b y Gi l j e Norwegian Heritage 14 Seattle, Wash. St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n Sports 15 Norwegian American Weekly If you believe navigating the month overpayment by NAV Pen- After a series of losses, Trom- American Social Security system sjon, or that communicating with $1 = NOK 5.8698 sø finally found a way to win again updated 11/1/10 can be cumbersome, dysfunctional the agency would be so difficult. with a 2 – 1 victory over Strøms- is the word to describe dealing with Friends had warned me it could In comparison godset. The 36-year-old Sigurd NAV Pensjon, the Norwegian La- take months. “Months?” I thought. 10/1/10 5.8219 Rushfeldt came through again, and bor and Welfare Administration. “How could that be? I’ll write a 5/1/10 5.9058 scored both of Tromsø’s goals. The Photo: Rolf Dahl/TIL.no I never imagined that it would check and that will be that.” 10/1/09 5.8235 Sigurd Rushfeldt scored Tromsø’s two take 11 months to resolve a one- CONTINUES PAGE 5 CONTINUES PAGE 15 goals to win the bronze. 2 • November 5, 2010 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Nye tog passer ikke gamle stasjoner – Nasjonale prøver Mindre skattekontorer kan bli nedlagt Vil koste Jernbaneverket er ikke konkuranse Skattedirektøren har til nå ikke kunnet legge ned kontorer uten å få klarsignal fra Finans- milliarder departementet først, skriver Nationen. «En Af t e n p o s t e n struktur med fortsatt mange små kontorer er Be r g e n s Ti d e n e – Vi vil derfor undersøke om det er ulik imidlertid utfordrende både faglig og kost- praksis i forhold til hvilke elever som kan nadsmessig», er begrunnelsen når regjerin- Når NSB i 2012 tar i bruk sin nye arbe- fritas og de som blir fritatt, sier Hege Nils- gen i Finansdepartementets proposisjon i idshest «Flirt», finnes det bare fem stasjoner sen, divisjonsdirektør for analyse og vurder- statsbudsjettet nevner at Skattedirektoratet på Østlandet hvor toget kommer helt inntil har fått fullmakt til å legge ned mindre skat- perrongen. ing i Utdanningsdirektoratet. tekontorer. Fullmakten gjelder alle kontorer I dag er bare Lysaker og Drammen av Kritikere av nasjonale prøver mener som har færre enn fem ansatte – 126 kontor- landets 368 togstasjoner tilpasset den nye at kartleggingen av elevenes ferdigheter i er. Norsk Tjenestemannslag (NTL) skriver EU-standarden med en høyde fra sporet til norsk, regning og engelsk bør droppes fordi Foto: NSB i et høringsnotat til finanskomiteen i forb- perrongen på 76 cm. skolene fritar svake elever for å unngå at sko- len scorer svakt i basisferdighetene. Kritikk indelse med statsbudsjettet at det er «svært Statsråd Magnhild Meltveit Kleppa har plattformene komme opp i flere milliarder fra skolefolk fikk den rødgrønne regjeringen bekymret» for de foreslåtte kuttene. nå pålagt Jernbaneverket å lage en knallhard kroner, samtidig som at Statens jernbanetil- til å utarbeide nye prøver for å unngå ranger- (NTB) prioriteringsplan for hvilke stasjoner som må syn har pålagt Jernbaneverket å forlenge alle ing mellom skoler og kommuner. tas først: – Neste år planlegger Jernbanever- perronger slik at de minst er like lange som Navarsete håper på sju gode år – Dette er en kan forskrift og det fører ket å gjøre fire stasjoner tilgjengelige, og tre togene som går på strekningen. til at fritaksprosenten vil variere noe fordi Senterpartileder Liv Signe Navarsete trøstet stasjoner universelt utformet. – I den forbindelse vil vi se på samtlige seg og sine partifeller med skriftens ord om elevgrunnlaget er ulikt. med en så stor – Jeg synes det er bekymringsfullt at stoppesteder. 40 av 358 stasjoner står for 70 at etter sju vonde år følger sju gode da Sp andel minoritetsspråklige elever vil derfor ikke Jernbaneverket får mer penger for å prosent av trafikken, og om det vil koste 50 feiret sin 90-årsdag. – Senterpartiet er det kunne frita en større andel elever, sier Nils- ruste opp stasjonene. Her kjøper vi tog for millioner kroner å oppgradere en perrong partiet i Norge som har vært nest lengst i sen. – Også elever som har spesialundervis- fire milliarder kroner, men følger ikke opp hvor det nesten ikke er avstigninger må vi regjering etter krigen, med skiftende samar- ning kan bli fritatt for kartlegging. intensjonene i Nasjonal transportplan (NTP) se på kost/ nytte, sier informasjonssjef Kjell beidspartnere. Når partiet ikke har regjerin- – Det er ingen løsning å droppe nas- om at stasjonene skal være tilpasset rullestol- Bakken i Jernbaneverket. gen, har det ofte hatt innflytelse ved å være jonale prøver. Vår erfaring er at prøvene brukere, sier Østfold Høyres Tage Pettersen. – «Flirt» er jo den første togtypen NSB i vippeposisjon, sa Narvarsete. – For vår del bidrar til bedre sikring av at elevene be- må vi i alle fall ha lov til å si at vi håper det – NSB har tatt oss med i planleggingen tar i bruk som er tilpasset den nye EU-stan- hersker grunnleggende ferdigheter i basisf- rødgrønne samarbeidet vil vare lenge ennå. fra første stund, og vi er kjempefornøyd med darden. Togene har HC-heis og bevegelige agene. Prøvene måler ikke alt elevene skal En uke er lang tid i politikken, tre år er nes- utformingen av de nye «Flirt»-togene. Men trinn for å tette gapet inn til plattformen, så kunne på det trinnet de er. I år som i fjor vil ten som et lysår. Derfor er det selvsagt mulig milliardinvesteringene ser mislykkede ut når selv om ikke alle perronger passer togene fra resultatene av nasjonale prøver bli offentlig å vinne stortingsvalget i 2013 også. Jernbaneverket ikke følger opp og sørger for dag én, vil dette totalt sett bli et mye bedre gjort i tre omganger etter hvert som de blir (NRK) en oppgradering av perrongene slik at rulles- tilbud for alle reisende, sier konserndirektør ferdig. Denne publiseringsformen er valgt toler kan kjøre rett inn på togene, sier Tore for persontog i NSB, Tom Ingulstad. Frp-velgere vil ha dødsstraff i Norge Amblie Bjørback i NHF. for å hindre rangering og konkurranse mel- English Synopsis: The new “Flirt” train for Norwe- lom skoler og kommuner. I en undersøkelse gjort av InFact for VG På de 39 andre stasjonene som «Flirt» gian State Railways meets height requirements at only svarer 51 prosent av Frp-velgerne at de er skal trafikkere vil det være et gap på seks two of Norway’s 368 train stations. The new train fits for dødsstraff i Norge, enten generelt eller eller 19 cm fra perrongen og opp til gulvet. EU’s new regulations, but the new train presents lo- English Synopsis: National exams are under fire be- cause of the inconsistencies in student exemptions. kun i spesielle tilfeller. Bare 43 prosent av Uansett vil totalregningen for å heve alle gistic challenges for retrofitting train platforms. Frp-velgerne er motstandere av dødsstraff, mens 6 prosent ikke har noen bestemt op- pfatning om saken. Fremskrittspartiets vel- : gere skiller seg dermed vesentlig fra be- Ålesund eller Aalesund? folkningen som helhet, hvor om lag én av – Jeg tar gjenvalg Århus i Danmark skal skrives Aarhus fra nyttaar. fire er for dødsstraff i Norge. (Aftenposten) VG Naa er debatten i Ålesund ogsaa i gang

Helse-Norge kritisk til felles nødnummer – Jeg har ingen andre planer enn å fort- En arbeidsgruppe styrt av Justisdeparte- sette som statsminister og ta gjenvalg til mentet anbefaler at Norge får ett nødnum- Stortinget i 2013, sier Stoltenberg til VG. mer 112 for alle nødanrop. Utvalget mener Dette er de klareste ordene Stoltenberg at dette vil effektivisere tjenesten og hindre selv har sagt om sin egen fremtid. Hensikten feilmeldinger. Høringsuttalelsene viser at er å rydde opp og kvele den interne diskus- stort flertall av uttalelsene levert fra hel- jonen i Ap og regjeringsapparatet om at han sevesenet, inkludert Statens helsetilsyn, egentlig ønsker seg en internasjonal topp- Helsedirektoratet, de fire regionale helse- jobb. foretakene, Legeforeningen og Sykepleier- Det skjer etter sterke og vedvarende forbundet, er svært kritiske til hele proses- spekulasjoner om at Stoltenberg-æraen i sen knyttet til omlegging. Arbeidsgruppene norsk politikk nærmer seg slutten. regner med at denne ordningen vil spare inn Disse spekulasjonene skjøt ny fart etter rundt 190 årsverk. Høringssvarene fra hel- et intervju i Aftenposten der statsministeren sevesenet viser at mange frykter at en slik Foto: Marte Kopperud/Innovasjon Norge blir spurt om sine internasjonale ambisjoner. ordning vil gi publikum et dårligere tilbud Der svarer han slik på spørsmålet om sin Da g b l a d e t bruke Aa. og senere hjelp når sekundene teller. egen stortingsfremtid: Avisen nevner Aalesunds Kunstforen- (NRK) Det er Sunnmørsposten som naa kjører – Jeg skal svare valgkomiteen når den ing og Aalesunds Museum som eksempler i gang navndebatten i hjembyen. tid kommer, sier Stoltenberg til avisen. på mulig etterfølgelse. Norge stanser ikke flyfrakt For byens stolthet for tiden, fotballaget, VGs kilder understreker at det bare er – Vi står godt forankra som Ålesund, og Norge vil ikke legge begrensninger på fly- har alltid gjort det. Der i gaarden skrives by- Stoltenberg selv som kjenner sine egne vur- jeg har ikke registrert at noen vil bytte navn, frakt. Det sier informasjonsdirektør Bjørn ens navn med to aa-er, altsaa Aalesunds Fo- deringer - men peker på flere argumenter for sier ordfører Bjørn Tømmerdal til avisen. Erlandsen i Luftfartstilsynet til Aftenposten. tballklubb, slik en gjorde før byens bystyre at han vil søke seg utenlands: Han har sittet – Selv syns jeg ikke det er vanskelig Han opplyser at tilsynet får råd om trussel- en gang i mellomkrigsraara endret skrive- lenge. I 2013 vil han ha vært statsminister med å-en i forhold til utlandet, sier ordfør- nivået i Norge fra politiet og fra europeiske maaten. luftfartsmyndigheter. Vi har ingen planer om sammenhengende i åtte år – det har ingen eren som fra før nok er vant til aa maatte Aalesund har en særstilling ute i verden. å endre reglene på norske flyplasser, men vært siden Einar Gerhardsen. Jonas Gahr omskrive eget navn til Bjoern Toemmerdal, Byen er tidigere kaaret til landets peneste by dette blir fortløpende vurdert, sier Erlands- Støre er klar til å etterfølge ham. eller noe slikt. av Dagbladet og nyter høy status hos turis- en. Flere europeiske land og USA har innført Det er delte oppfatninger i partiet om hva Før reglene om bystatus kom i 1996 var tene. restriksjoner på all flyfrakt fra Jemen etter at Stoltenberg vil gjøre. Flere sentrale kilder Ålesund alene om denne problematikken av Og de aller fleste av dem, om en ser bort det ble oppdaget bomber i to pakker som var tror imidlertid statsministeren er motivert for norske byer. fra danskene, skriver ikke Å, men Aa. på vei til USA. å forsøke å vinne sitt tredje valg på rad. En Etter endringen er to nye byer kommet Saa da maa en vel gjøre som nettopp (VG) motivasjonsfaktor skal være at han kan bli til Åndalsnes i Møre og Romsdal, og Åkre- danskene, kutte ut Å-en og skrive Aa. større enn dersom hamn i Rogaland. Muligens venter innbyg- For fra nyttaar skal den danske byen han sitter et stykke ut i neste periode. gerne i Aandalsnes og Aakrehamn på en Århus skrives Aarhus. avgjørelse i Ålesund? English Synopsis: Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg I sunnmørsbyen er kjente ansikter naa denies speculation that he will leave his post before ute med sin mening om saken, og den er English Synopsis: The spelling of Ålesund (Aa ver- the elections in 2013. Sources close to Stoltenberg say sus Å) is under debate in the popular tourist city. he is looking to win his third election in a row. delt. For fotballklubben er ikke alene om aa Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news November 5, 2010 • 3 News HRH Crown Prince ScanAm Business Forum This week on Norway.com Haakon at the U.N. Norway gives NOK 5 million for medicines and equipment in Haiti Norway is intensifying its cooperation with Cuban doctors in Haiti. An additional NOK 5 million ($850,000) has been allocated for cholera medicine and equipment. The new agreement focuses on measures to address the outbreak of cholera in Haiti. Minister of the Environment and International Development Erik Solheim commented, “I am pleased that we are increasing our cooperation with Cuba in Haiti. The outbreaks of cholera we are now seeing demonstrate how vulnerable the Haitian population is. By channeling support via the Cuban doctors, we can reach out to those who are suffering.” Photo: Scan News/Cia Pak Photo: Scandinavian American Business Forum (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) HRH Crown Prince Haakon at the debate at the Some of the founders of the Scandinavian American Business Forum (from left): Hon. Consul for Swe- International Peace Institute in New York. den Jan-Campbell Westlind, Mr. Jonas Vesterberg, Hon. Consul for Finland and President Kristina Mattila, Hon. Consul for Denmark Fred Kuffler and Mr. Christer Andresen. Highest percentage of part-time workers No r w a y ’s Mi ss i o n t o t h e Un i t e d Na t i o n s New numbers from the Nordic Statisti- cal Yearbook 2010 show that 28 percent of Sc a n d i n a v i a n Am e r i c a n Bu s i n e ss Fo r u m Norway’s workforce works part-time, the His Royal Highness Crown Prince Haa- The Scandinavian American Business of ideas between Scandinavia and the greater highest percentage in Scandinavia. Only the kon took part in a discussion on the achieve- Færøe Islands surpasses Norway with one- Forum (ScanAm), a business network de- Philadelphia area,” said Kristina Mattila, ment of the Millennium Development Goals third of its workforce in part-time positions. voted to bringing the Scandinavian countries honorary consul of Finland and president of (MDGs) in crisis contexts. HRH Crown The report also showed Norway proportion- Prince Haakon was joined by UNDP’s Ad- and the greater Philadelphia region closer to- Scandinavian American Business Forum. ally uses the least amount of money on re- ministrator, Rt. Hon. Helen Clark, and Greg gether, announced its foundingon Oct. 18. ScanAm is a networking initiative driv- search and development, with a share of 1.6 Mortenson, author of “Three Cups of Tea” “The aim of ScanAm is to promote re- en by the Consuls of , Denmark, percent of gross domestic product (GDP). gional cooperation and facilitate the exchange Finland and Sweden use 4 percent of GDP. CONTINUES PAGE 5 CONTINUES PAGE 4 (VG/NTB) Celebrate Christmas Vampires, you better watch out! Out of Afghanistan by 2014 with the During her recent visit to the U.S., Minister Norwegian trolls of Defense Grete Faremo believes Norwe- gian soldiers will leave Afghanistan in 2014, conquer the world not 2011. “I am concerned that the liability transfer is linked to building up the skills of in “The Troll Hunter” the Afghans. After the formal responsibility is transferred, it is important to remain with them long enough for them to effectively No r w e g i a n Fi l m In s t i t u t e take responsibility,” said Faremo to NTB. (VG) Even before its domestic release on Oct. 29 through SF Norge, Norwegian di- “I thought they made a mistake” rector André Øvredal’s “The Troll Hunter” 2010 finals were held in , (Trolljegeren) is heading for the internation- , on Oct. 30. Mariann al markets. Birkeland was tipped as one of the big favor- “The Troll Hunter” is a sensational ites, but came in seventh place. Former Miss documentary that exposes the Norwegian Universe contestant Kathrine Sørland said to government’s monumental efforts to hide Dagbladet, “[Mariann Birkeland] definitely the sensational news that trolls actually exist Photo: Christy Olsen Field should have won. Without drawing too many in Norway, and have done so over millennia. Photo: Filmkamaratene Vang Church in , Norway. conclusions, I will say that beauty contests Within the corridors of the government there “The Troll Hunter” is a sensational documentary have always been a bit political, and the is a secret department – The Troll Security that exposes the Norwegian government’s efforts relationship between China and Norway is Service – whose job is to monitor the trolls. to hide the existence of trolls in Norway. Ro y a l No r w e g i a n Em b a ss y very strained at the moment” after the No- bel Peace Prize was awarded to dissident They also have the power to call in a troll This December, American public tele- in their real environment, and it also raises . Miss Alexandria hunter to cover up problems if trolls break vision viewers can take part in a Christmas the issue of what tragic fate befell the young Mills took the top prize. out of their reservations. celebration in a historic church in Hamar. The film will show actual shots of trolls film team who came across this state secret. (Dagbladet) CONTINUES PAGE 12 CONTINUES PAGE 15 Simplify yourThe chriStmaS Most Shopping Wonderful thiS year:Time give of the weekly!Year

help us reach our Just $40 for any new gift subscription purchased goal of 100 new through December 10 plus your choice of subscriptions! “The Marshall Plan” or “Crown Princess Märtha” DVD – a $25 value! (Sorry, not valid on renewals) Name: ______Address: ______City/State/Zip: ______Phone: ______Given by: ______Offer valid through Message: ______December 15! Mail this form and check to: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115, or call us to pay by Visa or Mastercard. New subscriptions will be mailed with the Dec. 17 Christmas Issue with an enclosed card and DVD. Call toll-free (800) 305–0217 or email [email protected]. Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July,Just the $35 first twofor weeksany ofnew August gift and subscriptionthe last week of purchased Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115.now Phone:through (206)784-4617 Dec. 10! • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $55 domestic; USD $75 to ; USD $175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • November 5, 2010 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business

Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (November 1, 2010) CellCura: New and unique Norwegian company with American ties looks Norsk Kr. 5.8698 Dansk Kr. 5.3709 for new ways to develop cell technology Svensk Kr. 6.6973 Canadian $ 1.0141 Ra s m u s Fa l c k Oslo, Norway Euro 0.7204 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. CellCura ASA is a Norwegian company a branch office in Oslo and subsidiaries in dedicated to the development and sales of the U.S. and Denmark. The company has an cell technology, such as novel equipment R&D location in UW-Madison’s University and products for use in assisted reproductive Park. The core technologies have been cre- technology and stem cell research. In Octo- ated through 15 years of research and devel- ber, the company was listed on Oslo Axess, a opment, and the products from CellCura are springboard for small companies looking for designed to improve safety and efficiency in equity capital with plans for a future listing. both clinical and research environment. The This is the 16th listing on Oslo Børs market- products are a new and unique protein-free places this year. Just like a listing on NYSE, cell culture medium that eliminates risks of representatives from the transmission of blood- company were ringing borne diseases. A com- the bell. pletely new generation On the team is my of turn-key integrated old friend, Ambassa- workstations secures dor Thomas A. Loftus. a safe, ergonomic and He served as the U.S. controlled environment Ambassador to Norway for performing cellular from 1993 to 1997. At the end of his post, he treatment. The two senior researchers deliv- was awarded the highest order of the Royal ered the first test tube baby in Norway. Norwegian Order from HM King Harald V. Lofthus also served in the Wisconsin He is an active member of the University of state legislature from 1977 to 1991, serv- Wisconsin Board of Regents. Universisty of ing as speaker of the House for eight years. Sons of Norway Building, B-20 Wisconsin-Madison is where developmental During his tenure as speaker, he created and Norway Art 1455 W. Lake Street biologist Jamie Thompson is a professor at served as chair of the Committee on the Fu- (612) 339-7829 Minneapolis, MN 55408 the School of Medicine and Public Health. ture of the University of Wisconsin System. He is best known for deriving the first human I am glad that he still practices Norwegian- www.norwayartonline.com • email: [email protected] embryonic stem cell in 1998. He visited Oslo American relations. By appointment please for the alumni conference “Europe 2003.” In 2009, UW-Madison exceeded $1 billion in Rasmus Falck is a well-known entrepre- research expenditures for the first time, and neurship advocate in Norway. He has been it is the only university to be ranked among involved in initiatives like Connect, First the top five research universities in the U.S. Tuesday, Forum for Entrepreneurship, Seed 2709 SAN PABLO AVE — BERKELEY, CA 94702 for the last 20 consecutive years. Forum, Venture Cup, Young Enterprise and Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] When our first and only female prime lately the Norwegian Business Angel Net- minister, Gro Harlem Brundtland, served work. He is the author of the publications as the director general of the World Health “Hva gjør de beste bedre?” (“What are the Featuring great Nordic products Organization, she wanted Loftus as a special best doing better?”) and “Norwegian Ven- Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • Condiments advisor. She holds a master’s in public health ture Capital Guide.” He received his MBA Cooking wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats from Harvard, and is an honorary doctor from the Wisconsin School of Business in and more! from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Madison, Wis. CellCura is headquartered in Skien with Visit us online: www.nordichouse.com ScanAm… (…continued from page 3) source for everything Scandinavian in this region and a forum for U.S.-Scandinavian MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE Norway, Finland and . With members business relations. In ScanAm’s network, a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w across a wide variety of industries, ScanAm you will find service providers on both sides will organize business matchmaking events of the ‘pond’ that can assist with legal mat- and trade missions in order to connect and ters, product certifications, company forma- Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, take advantage of the creativity and business tion, marketing, and language and communi- commercial transactions and estate planning. opportunities that exist on both sides of the cations services, just to name a few. Atlantic. For more information about ScanAm, 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 Alfred Kuffler, honorary consul of Den- please contact Jonas Vesterberg, vice presi- mark and partner with Montgomery Mc- dent at (919) 274 – 9108 or email info@ Telephone: (206)Full 789-2511 Service Agency Fax: With (206) Experienced 789-4484 scanam.org. Please visit the ScanAm Web Norwegian Speaking Consultants! Cracken Walker & Rhoads, further explained site www.scanam.org. Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! the goals of the non-profit organization: information will help you make wise travel “We want ScanAm to be the go-to Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou make constantly wise travel changing decisions in world! a constantly changing world! Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , VERRAZANOSpecials to Scandinavia TRAVEL & LEISURE Business News & Notes Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n Europe & the Caribbean 1 (718) 979-6641 Statoil exercises one year option with Aker Hydro CEO named to EAA post Call us for details! [email protected][email protected] Call us for details! Solutions at Mongstad refinery Svein Richard Brandtzæg, president and CEO Verrazano TraVel & leisure Statoil exercises a one year option to extend of Hydro, has been elected vice chairperson of 1 (718) 979-6641 its contract with Aker Solutions at the Mong- the European Aluminium Association (EAA). e [email protected] Hour stad refinery in Norway. The estimated con- The EAA is the European umbrella group for [email protected] tract value for 2011 totals approximately NOK the aluminium industry, from primary metal Celebrating over 40 years on the air 100 million, and the work will occupy about production to semi-fabrication of aluminium 120 employees from Aker Solutions in Ber- products to recycling. EAA represents the in- KKNW - 1150 AM gen, Norway. The oil refinery at Mongstad is a terests of the industry in relation to European Saturdays 9:00 - 10:00 amam PST modern, highly-upgraded plant with an annual Union decision-makers. Hydro is a long-stand- capacity of 10 million tonnes of crude oil. It is ing member and is instrumental in leading the Streaming live on the internet at: the largest facility of its kind in Norway. EAA, its policy agenda and interaction with the (Aker Solutions) authorities. www.1150kknw.com (Hydro) norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research November 5, 2010 • 5 Research and Education many mysteries... bagpipe played, and the skit was finished the (…continued from page 9) name was unveiled, Quaker Parrot Park at Social Security & NAV Pensjon the Dust Bowl. from Kennedy Airport and started to colo- Not bad. I can live with that. But, just in As of August 2010, there were 57.6 As of August 2010, 656,556 Norwe- nize parts of Brooklyn. Today they reach into case, I had my own compromise ready, The million Americans receiving assistance gians receive old age pensions (alderpen- Bay Ridge. How do they stay warm? They Dusty Parrot. The spectators liked it. They from Social Security. Of that number, 34 sjoner). This number has grown by 4,000 build nests in the transformers in the park. said it sounded like a bar. million are retirees. The remainder are – 4,500 every year. The average annual While the spectators waited for the un- I’d like to leave you with one last mys- disabled workers, or children and spous- amount for an old age pension in Norway veiling of the name, we heard a rendition of tery of Leif Ericson Park that has never been es, whose breadwinners may be disabled is NOK 185,989 (USD $31,700). the famous Bud and Abbott skit “Who’s on solved. Was there or wasn’t there a monu- or deceased. ment of the Norse explorer, and if there had (More statistics available on the First,” performed by two high school stu- been, where did it go? (More statistics available on the So- NAV Web site at www.nav.no/Om+NAV/ dents from Xaverian (a local high school). cial Security Web Site at www.ssa.gov) Tall+og+analyse ) Finally, after the officials spoke, and the A genuine Norwegian-American Hero dealing with… In a gripping tale that rocks the (…continued from page 1) ter to NAV Pensjon, and document the clos- lake community, Pete Thorsen ing of the estate. pursues justice for a grieving Unfortunately that was not the case. Following is a timeline of my corre- In contrast, the Social Security Admin- spondence with NAV Pensjon: mother and in the process istration here made it easy for me to halt pay- uncovers a sinister web of evil ments to my late husband, Svein Gilje, after Nov. 14, 2009: Knowing that NAV Pen- where old grudges linger just sjon should be notified promptly of the death his death in November 2009. Granted, SSA beneath the surface. is only an 800-number phone call away, and of beneficiary receiving a monthly check, I we speak the same language. wrote to inform the agency of Svein’s pas- Svein worked only a few years in Nor- sage on the previous day. I included his Fød- “. . . a terrific debut novel by a way before immigrating to the USA at age selsnummer, the Norwegian national identity writer to watch.” 20, but he was eligible for a small Norwe- number. I wrote that I assumed NAV would Foreword Clarion Review gian pension that was wired monthly to his halt payments immediately, and explained credit union account here. that I would send a certified copy of his death BUY IT NOW at your favorite bookstore (can Make no mistake: That sum was most certificate as soon as it was available. I asked special ordered for you). Order online at Amazon.com — search “TARGET by Robert welcome in retirement. We saved it in the if there were other documents the agency would require. Wangard” — or send $25.95 (includes S&H) early years for concerts, plays, dining out to the publisher at Ampersand Inc., 1050 N. At that point I believed the agency might and other events. When dining out we would State, Chicago, IL 60610 skål to the Norwegian system. reclaim the payment made to his account that Later when he was ill, the pension paid November, and certainly did not want a pay- www.rwangard.com for some of his needs. ment a month after his death. Ever since my husband’s death a year ago, I have been trying to reimburse NAV Dec. 19, 2009: Not having heard from Want to study in the United States? Pensjon for a one- NAV Pensjon, I wrote month overpayment. “If you believe navigating again and asked if I NALA helps you every Never have I worked the American Social Secu- should return the De- cember payment, and step of the way. so hard to pay a bill rity system can be cumber- under $200! included a copy of his Visit www.gradusa.org I have written some, dysfunctional is the death certificate. for more information. NAV Pensjon five word to describe dealing times, including mail- with NAV Pensjon.” May 3, 2010: ing a reimbursement NAV finally wrote me check last May for the – Shelby Gilje a letter titled: “Noti- Christmas GreetinGs! December 2009 over- fication that NAV is Reserve space for your personalized greeting in our annual Christmas Issue payment. The check considering demand- ing repayment of incorrectly paid old-age was not cashed, nor was it returned. Timely Name:______customer service apparently is not part of pension.” NAV Pensjon’s mission. Message:______Nine months after my husband’s death, May 10, 2010: I wrote NAV and en- I did as my attorney advised and closed the closed a check for $187.91, the sum that was City, State:______Phone:______estate bank account I was required to set up. wired to my late husband’s credit union ac- Already I had paid $79 in fees just to keep count in December 2009. I gave documenta- God Jul og tion from our credit union as to the sum. Merry Christmas! the special account open and had written Godt Nyttår til only one check – to NAV Pensjon. Bjorn and nina The pension authority failed to cash July 26, 2010: I again wrote NAV ex- alle venner! my check in a timely manner, despite my plaining that on the advice of my attorney, steffensen Ola og Berit nordmann Staten Island, N.Y. advance written warning in July that the ac- the estate bank account would be closed Blue Mounds, Wis. count would be closed on Aug. 13, 2010. Aug. 13, 2010. “Therefore, if you want re- Finally when one of my letters got the imbursement for the overpayment as sug- $10 for small ad $20 for large ad agency’s attention, I was informed that I gested in your letter, please cash the check Deadline: DeCemBer 1 – mail this form today! would have to appeal to NAVI, the National BEFORE Aug. 13.” I also enclosed copies of Insurance Collection Agency for NAV Penj- my previous letters to the agency. A family son. And if I did not pay, I could face penal- member who read that letter said: “Gee, the ties. only thing you didn’t say was: ‘So There!’” LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. I appealed, and in a relatively short time Sales and Service for the Norwegian bureaucracy, I received a Aug. 23, 2010: NAV wrote me again letter saying I must pay. Or else. that it had decided to reclaim the NOK 1,105 “If settlement may be executed through paid incorrectly. The agency acknowledged the deceased’s estate, we kindly ask you to that (1) it received notice of his death on cover the arrears within the 10th of Decem- Nov. 19, 2009. And (2) that it failed to cash ber 2010. my check by Aug. 13, 2009, “because of a “If the settlement does not cover the ar- mistake.” It also informed me that the case Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK rears, we ask you to provide our office with has been transferred to NAVI, the National phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 a confirmed copy of the official documents Insurance Collection Agency. However, I regarding the settlement.” could appeal the decision. Reading that last statement indicated that I would incur more legal expenses to Sept. 1, 2010: I wrote NAVI to appeal due to their errors and the closure of the spe- [email protected] have my attorney and/or his staff write a let- 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 CONTINUES PAGE 11 6 • November 5, 2010 norwegian american weekly opinion An opinion column about current issues in Norway Editorial Join the conversation! This newspaper’s opinions On the EDGE With and justice for all War Veteran Taxation By Siv Jensen, leader of the

In an earlier editorial, this newspa- per wrote about the new withholding tax On Oct. 8 in Oslo, it was announced tant event took place in Oslo for the second and rights for different people according to on Norwegian pensions. The Norwegian that the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded time. The event was the Oslo Freedom Fo- which side of the fence they’re on. When government decided last year to imple- to the Chinese dissident and human rights rum, which is an arena that brings together the Islamic Council of Norway needed to ment a new tax on pensions paid to Nor- activist Liu Xiaobo. That decision was an human rights champions from all over the check with the European Fatwa Council on wegians living outside of Norway. important one, and on that day in October I world. I had the honor of introducing a true whether homosexuals should be punished As of Jan. 1, 2010, thousands of re- felt honored again to live in the country and freedom fighter at this year’s conference. with death, it was a worrisome sign. tirees in North America and around the the city that is the home of the Nobel Com- In July 2009, Lubna Al-Hussain was pros- Liberty and justice for all is an ideal to world found that their Norwegian pen- mittee for the Peace Prize. Because I think ecuted for wearing trousers in her country live by, not only for the United States, but sion check from NAV was reduced by the Committee has made some strange deci- of Sudan. Lubna refused to plead guilty also for Norway, and if we want to put action 15 percent. sions in the past, it felt like the award was and demanded a trial. When the court fined behind those words, we should be able to do This newspaper’s opinion on this somewhat returned to its rightful place this her for her behavior, she chose to remain in this both when it comes to our actions on issue is that, as many general purpose year. prison instead, but was freed to avoid more the international scene and when it comes to taxes, this new tax mostly hurts those Both Norway and the United States international embarrassment for the govern- our actions on our national scenes. Standing with the least to spare in the first place. are countries where , the rule of ment. Lubna knows what the lack of free- up for human rights is about standing up for The high volume of upset and sad law and human rights are the basic building dom means and what the costs are for not certain principles, universal principles. phone calls to our office is proof of this. blocks of the society. I believe these things backing down. We should stand firm and Our opinion is that the law should be are essential parts of a civilized society and stand shoulder to shoulder with freedom changed so the new tax is not withheld that they are universal ideals that should not fighters such as Lubna. Siv Jensen is the on the smaller pension payments. be seen as restricted to the Western sphere Immigration and integration policy is leader of the Progress A bit of good news is that the Min- of the world. Cultural relativism is one of an area which sometimes creates a heated Party (Fremskrittspar- istry of Finance has decided that a war the most dangerous ideas we face in the debate, including Norway. As the chancel- tiet) and also the parlia- veteran’s pension is not taxable if you world today. We cannot and shall not ac- lor of , Angela Merkel recently mentary leader for the are not a taxable resident to Norway and cept different standards for different people said: “Multiculturalism has failed.” The Progress Party`s group have never been a member of the Nor- because of different cultures. There’s no new prime minister in Britain, David Cam- in the (the Nor- wegian pension system, or never earned doubt that China has gone through a period eron, said something similar a few years wegian Parliament). The any pension points in the public pension of extensive economic improvements, and ago. I agree with Merkel and Cameron on classical liberal (libertarian-conservative) system in Norway. we should acknowledge the improvements, this. But let me be clear: A multiethnic so- Progress Party is the second largest party Individuals with this status may ap- at the same time as we should be willing to ciety is a great thing, a multicultural one is in Norway and the leading opposition party. ply for an exemption from the tax de- put pressure on China regarding their long not. And by multiculturalism I don’t refer Ms. Jensen has been elected member of the duction of the payments of war pension history of human rights violations. to what kind of food people eat, or what Storting since 1997, representing the dis- by sending a letter to: An important part of Norway’s foreign kind of music they like. It is all about the trict of Oslo. Ms. Jensen is member of the policy should be to recognize those that are basic principles that should be the basis of Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Tax Administration Norway willing to risk their lives for the cause of a society. As stated earlier, I don’t believe Defense and member of the Enlarged For- P.O. Box 6310 peace, freedom and human rights, despite in cultural relativism. I don’t accept paral- eign Affairs Committee. 9293 Tromsø threats. In April 2010, a great and impor- lel societies, where there are different rules

Norway The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. This newspaper hopes the Norwe- gian Parliament will look into this tax Prison… proach is the most effective. in Norway. issue and find a way to shield the indi- (…continued from page 1) Erling Havnås, who was part of the Norway’s prison roll lists a mere 3,300, viduals with the smallest pension pay- 2004 NOKAS robbery (the largest bank rob- or 69 per 100,000 people, compared with ments. Many have relied on a certain ning of crimes. bery in Norwegian history), told Dagbladet 2.3 million in the U.S., or 753 per 100,000 income for years, and suddenly found The new cells offer individual rooms he believes the standard is too good in the people— the highest rate in the world. it reduced by 15 percent because of this with a private tiled bathroom, noise insula- Åna prison: “This is definitely a luxury. I do Supporters of Norway’s approach to new tax. This is not fair. tion and a flat-screen TV for inmates. not deserve such circumstances. I should be prison says the humane treatment lowers re- , justice policy spokesman sitting in a wet hole.” cividism. What do you think of the pension tax for the Progress Party, was sharply critical of “There is a difference between a wet When asked about how Norwegian citi- that was put into effect this year? We the “luxurious” accommodations for prison- hole and prison’s hotel standards. zens react to the high standards at Halden want to hear from you! ers, calling for Storberget to focus on crimi- There is a middle ground,” said Sandberg. and Åna , Sandberg said, “I think it nal policy rather than comfortable design for Sandberg says 30 percent of inmates in Nor- violates people’s sense of justice when the Send your letter to: prisoners. wegian prisons are foreign nationals, and victims are forgotten, and the rapists and Letters to the Editor Norway’s Halden prison has garnered this is dangerous for Norway. killers don’t finish out their full sentences. 7301 5th Ave NE, Ste A international attention this year for its focus “I’ve said this clearly: We are a magnet The conditions now appear in relation to the Seattle, WA 98115 on human rights and respect to ease the tran- for foreign criminals. With the prison condi- shortcomings we have in several other areas sition from prison to day-to-day civilian life. tions we have and short sentencing, we are of society,” said Per Sandberg. Email: [email protected] The NOK 1.5 billion Halden prison boasts very attractive to international criminals. What do you think about Norwegian amenities such as jogging trails, cooking Unemployment in Norwegian prisons is bet- prison standards? Write us by email or letter classes, innovative architecture and a strong ter than conditions for manufacturing work- at Letter to the Editor, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste relationship between inmates and prison ers in Romania,” said Sandberg. A, Seattle, WA 98115. staff. Sandberg calls for Storberget to create a Information from Dagbladet and Time However, not everyone thinks this ap- better legal framework for prison sentences were used in this report. SAM & ELLIE By Ray Helle norwegian american weekly November 5, 2010 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local:(206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 fax: (206) 448-2033 • email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Dear Editor, of SHF, which will soon begin to build a new respect other organizations and events who CEO and Executive Director, NAF Scandinavians love to celebrate Christ- Scandinavian American Cultural & Commu- honor the Norse explorer, and will leave Kim Nesselquist [email protected] mas. It brings joy to the short and dark days nity Center near Washington Square. their spelling if it is part of the name or orga- Managing Editor of a Scandinavian winter. Those traditions We invite the readers of the Norwegian nization. (For example, Leif Ericson Society Christy Olsen Field [email protected] run deep in the hearts and lives of the people American Weekly to join us for the 26th an- International in Pennsylvania or Leiv Eriks- Assistant Layout Editor of Scandinavian heritage and come alive ev- nual ScanFair! For more information, call son International Festival in Minneapolis.) Harry Svenkerud [email protected] ery year in Portland, Ore., at ScanFair. (503) 977-0275 or visit www.scanheritage. We appreciate your comments on the This is the 26th year that the Scandi- org. spelling debate, and we hope you enjoyed Intern navian Heritage Foundation (SHF) and the the issue! Julie Pederson [email protected] Scandinavian community of Oregon will Sincerely, Advertising & Subscriptions gather to celebrate the fun, the food and the Mike O’Bryant Med vennlig hilsen, (206) 441-3044 [email protected] traditions of a Scandinavian Christmas with Executive Director Editor Contributing Editors ScanFair, a holiday festival and market. Scandinavian Heritage Foundation Bjarne Anthonsen Bonsall, Calif. ScanFair will take place Dec. 4 – 5 at Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. the Smith Memorial Center at Portland State Carla Danziger McLean, Va. University. Admission is $6 for adults, $5 for Dear Editor, Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Rasmus Falck oslo, Norway students, and free for kids under 12. Dear Editor, My name is Bill Marsh and I am the Marit Fosse geneva, Switzerland Here are some of the fun events and en- As you know, I have a bit of a problem Chairman of the Delius Society in Philadel- Drew Gardner Seattle, Wash. Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. tertainment at this year’s festival: with the way the name of the discoverer of phia. As you may know, Norwegian com- Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway America is spelled. poser Edvard Grieg is of particular interest Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Leslee Lane Hoyum rockford, Minn. • There will be entertainment on two Your response was that the spelling was to those who love the music of Frederick Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. stages, including Scandinavian dance somehow recognized, but this is apparently Delius, since this English composer was Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. groups and talented Scandinavian musi- not so. For example, in your Sept. 10 issue, linked to Norway and the Griegs on many Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. cians from Oregon and Washington. with a number of annoucements and adver- fronts. In Norway, Delius was friend to all Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. • Something you would see only at a tisements in connection with the explorer’s the outstanding Norwegian artists of his Dagfinn Magnus New Orleans, La. Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Scandinavian festival is a pickled her- day of remembrance, the Leif Erikson ver- time. He and Edvard Munch (whose work he Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. ring eating contest at noon on Dec. 4. sion is indeed prevalent. Leiv Eriksson is promoted) were friends for 38 years! Delius David Moe Juneau, Alaska Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. • This is the fourth year of the ScanFair mentioned twice, but one together with LEIF considered Norway his spiritual home. He Lisa Portelli Bradenton, Fla. Dance, sponsored by SHF and the Nor- 2010 in Minneapolis, Minn., and there is also learned to speak Norwegian fluently, and his John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. dlys dance group. The dance begins at 7 Ericson. I am pleased that no confusion ex- wife, Jelka, built a hytte (cabin): Høifagerli Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Kjell Olav Strømsli , Norway p.m. with lessons for beginning dancers ists about George Washington’s name. at Lesajskog. Julie Whipple Portland, Ore. and ends at 10 p.m. Admission is free Looking at “Snorres Kongesagaer,” In 1993, the year of Grieg’s 150th anni- Beate Ørbeck oslo, Norway with proof of admission to ScanFair, or translated by Didrik Arup Seip from the versary, Rolf Stang, life member in both our CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives by donation. original , it is stated (in my trans- Delius Society and Sons of Norway, wrote to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage • Celebrate the 55th crowning of the of- lation to English) that “Leiv, the son of Eirik and toured as Grieg in his one-man show, call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly ficial Oregon Lucia, Queen of Light, on Raude (the Red), who first settled in Green- “My name is Grieg, Edvard Grieg.” It pre- reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for Sunday at 1 p.m. This tradition tells a land, came to Norway from that miered at the York Theatre, CitiCorp Center, style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor beautiful story of charity and love in Lu- summer. He came to King Olav and ac- in New York to a full house and received ex- taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. cia who wears the crown of candles and cepted Christianity and remained the winter cellent reviews. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and brings light at the darkest time of year. with King Olav... In the spring, King Olav Now the Delius Soceity cordially invites letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is sent Leiv Eiriksson to Greeland to determine you and your readers to Rolf’s upcoming not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions ScanFair is the only event in Portland whether he should introduce Christianity Philadelphia premiere of this show. We have and complaints about the opinions expressed by where all the beautiful Scandinavian tradi- there, and he left for Greenland that summer. requested the beautiful and appropriate set- the paper’s editorials should be directed to the publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published tional and modern arts and crafts come to- He discovered Vinland on the way and ar- ting of the 1888 Library of the German Soci- weekly except the first week of the calendar year, gether in one place for a two-day festival and rived in Greenland late that year.” ety for this unique Grieg/Stang presentation. the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks marketplace. Please join us Nov. 21 at 3 p.m. to see of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. ScanFair is sponsored by the Scandi- With some good-humored fun, Rolf Kristian Stang in “My Name is Gr- NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription navian Heritage Foundation, with a mission Eric A. Hallén ieg, Edvard Grieg.” The German Society of Cost: US$55 Domestic, US$75 to Canada, to “Preserve, communicate and celebrate Reston, Va. Pennsylvania (located at 611 Spring Garden US$175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. Scandinavian heritage and culture.” People Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19123) offers free SINCE MAY 17, 1889: of Scandinavian descent make up about on-site or street parking. Admission is $10 Formerly Norway Times one-quarter of the population in Oregon and Dear Eric, per person. Western Viking & Washington Posten southwest Washington. The festival began 26 Thanks for your letter. We know that the Comprising Nordisk Tidene, Decorah- years ago as a way to support Scandinavian spelling of Leif Erikson remains a hot debate Yours sincerely, Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, language courses at Portland State Univer- with a number of spelling variations. Here at Bill Marsh Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven sity. Today, proceeds from ScanFair continue the Norwegian American Weekly, our edito- Chairman, Delius Society NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. to support PSU Nordic language classes, and rial staff made the decision to spell his name Philadelphia, Pa. they also help support the ongoing operations as “Leif Erikson.” With that being said, we Han Ola og Han Per 8 • November 5, 2010 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway A cozy dessert for fall Nordic delicacies “a taste of Norway iN the heart of BrooklyN!”

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Photo: Marte Kopperud/Innovation Norway Baked apples with Now open 7 days a week! lingonberries Come visit us any day of the week until Christmas! This is a lovely, tart dessert that will pick you up after dinner. Simple to make, it can Monday— Saturday: 10-7 p.m. • Sunday: 11-4 p.m. be made in advance, and can be served with nothing but its own syrupy cooking juices and, perhaps, some whipped cream. www.scanspecialties.com 6719 NW 15th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98117 4 sweet apples, such as Honeycrisp 2/3 cup lingonberry preserves (check your Phone: (206) 784-7020 — Toll free: (877) 784-7020 1 vanilla bean, split in half lengthwise local Scandinavian store or a well-stocked Mastercard and Visa accepted. Hundreds of items available for nation-wide shipping! 3 tbsp superfine sugar grocery store)

Preheat the oven to 400°F. bean halves in two and place one in each Remove the core from each apple with- apple. The beans will perfume the apples as out cutting all the way through, forming a they cook. Fill the apples with the lingonber- hole 2/3 inch to 1 inch in diameter. Remove ries. There will not be room for all the ber- the peel from the upper quarter of each ap- ries, so scatter the rest of them around the ple. If preparing in advance, brush them with dish. lemon juice to prevent discoloration. Bake on the lowest oven rack for 45 Place the apples in a baking dish. Cut minutes, or until tender, spooning the cook- the vanilla bean lengthwise, and remove the ing juices over the apples once or twice. small seeds with the back of a knife. Rrub the Serve warm with whipped cream, if desired. exposed flesh of the apples with the seeds. Remove the vanilla beans before eating. Dust the flesh with the sugar. Cut the vanilla ­— From Andreas Viestad’s “Kitchen of Light” Crown prince… longer term developmental challenges in or- (…continued from page 3) der to help countries recover from crises and build resilience. Greg Mortenson, the best- and founder of the Central Asia Institute. selling author of “Three Cups of Tea” and an The International Peace Institute (IPI), expert on improving education in rural Asia, in collaboration with the Permanent Mis- provided insights on the provision of univer- sion of Norway to the United Nations and sal primary education in crisis contexts. The the United Nations Development Program respected international journalist Christiane (UNDP), organized the policy forum on the Amanpour moderated the conversation. achievement of the Millennium Develop- The eight MDGs, launched by world ment Goals (MDGs) in crisis contexts. leaders in 2000 and targeted for achievement A high-level panel including HRH by 2015, established a framework for the Crown Prince Haakon addressed the chal- members of the international community to lenges faced and lessons learned from recent work together to create a better future for bil- crises including those in Pakistan and Haiti. lions of people. They seek the eradication of Crown Prince Haakon, in his role as a UNDP extreme poverty and hunger; empowerment Goodwill Ambassador, discussed measures of women; increased access to the essential that the international community can un- services of education, healthcare, clean wa- dertake to facilitate MDG achievement in ter, and sanitation; reduction of the incidence countries that face persistent humanitarian of specified deadly diseases; protection of challenges. the environment; and the forging of strong HRH Crown Prince Haakon was joined global partnerships for development. by distinguished experts in this area. Rt. Hon. An article about TRH Crown Prince Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator, discussed couple’s visit to New York will be featured in the importance of moving beyond humanitar- an upcoming issue of the Norwegian Ameri- ian responses and addressing underlying and can Weekly. norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/travel November 5, 2010 • 9 TRAVEL The many mysteries of Leif Ericson Park A look at the park with strong Nordic connections in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Photo: Flickr.com Photo: Stephen C. Baldwin/Brooklynparrots.com Photo: Stephen C. Baldwin/Brooklynparrots.com Entrance to the Leif Ericson Park in Dyker New York City Council Member Vincent Gentile was instrumental in getting the funding for this park’s A wild Brooklyn Quaker Parrot takes a break Heights/Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, N.Y. reconstruction and a key player in making the park Quaker Parrot-friendly. from reconstruction work at Leif Ericson Fields.

Vi c t o r i a Ho f m o had gone into place. He was stolen, as report- teams (although Gjoa is the only one that How about trying artificial turf to the tune of Brooklyn, N.Y. ed in the Norwegian newspaper. The theory still has soccer), and I am sure this is why $2.8 million, with other amenities. is that he was wanted not for his grotesque the field was placed here. The Dust Bowl is Now, come the mystery of mid-October. I work at an after-school center in Bay pointed nose and wrinkled brow, but for his not just a colloquial name, it has also become Councilman Gentile decided to have a re- Ridge, Brooklyn, N.Y. When October ap- metallic value. When we came to that end of the official name placed on the park sign on naming contest for this part of the park. Old proaches, I always lead the month with a the park with the kids, there he was. As fast its fence. timers wanted The Dust Bowl. I submitted week-long celebration of Leif Erikson. Co- as he disappeared he was returned mysteri- One local said that when he came to Ye Olde Dust Bowl. But there was another lumbus is included in the celebration, but ously much to the surprise of the community. Bay Ridge in the 1970s, they had to actu- contingency, led by Stephen Baldwin, who only on the day when we make pasta. I do Advocates who had tried to get it replicated ally sweep the dust off the sidewalks after has been doing parrot safari tours in other this to create balance. Even though Leif Er- were stunned. Who did it? Who knew? every game. Many local officials, including parts of Brooklyn. ikson has been added to the history books, Eleanor Petty, park activist, enthused, current councilman Vincent Gentile, had this What do Quaker Parrots have to do with he merits not more than a few paragraphs to “I’m ecstatic because we were very upset field re-sodded to no avail. Why wouldn’t soccer? In the 1970s, some parrots escaped Columbus’s pages and pages. Schools and about the loss of the troll. We were lulled into the grass take? Another mystery. What to do? teachers are still emphasizing the latter (even a sense that it would never be taken. It was CONTINUES PAGE 5 though he was the latter). really nice of the parks department to pursue This year I decided to take the older replacing him, that they thought enough of children to Leif Ericson Park. (I am not re- that tradition involved. It’s very respectful of A Piece of Norway in America sponsible for this spelling!) Former New them.” York City Parks Commissioner Stern made One mystery solved. Now to another a policy that any park with an ethnic name one. Local Councilman Vincent Gentile should have an ethnic design, and Leif Er- had decided to once again repair The Dust icson Park has profited from this policy im- Bowl. This is a field for soccer and football mensely. that faces The Danish Club and The Swed- At the eastern end of the park, along Fort ish Club, with Sporting Club Gjoa (a Nor- Hamilton Parkway, there had been a bronze wegian sports club) a few blocks away. This troll holding a compass. He was added under triangle is highlighted by The Soccer Tavern. one of the rehabs done after Stern’s policy All three Scandinavian clubs boasted soccer Christmas GreetinGs! Reserve space for your personalized greeting in our annual Christmas Issue Name:______Message:______Norwegian Seamen’s Church City, State:______Phone:______San Pedro, Calif.

Merry Christmas! God Jul og Godt Nyttår til Norwegian Seamen’s Churches were established in port cities to offer a bit Bjorn and nina alle venner! of home to Norwegian sailors. Today, the Norwegian Seamen’s Church in San steffensen Ola og Berit nordmann Pedro, Calif., offers Norwegian hospitality to all its visitors, including waffles, Staten Island, N.Y. coffee, a swimming pool and programming. Visit at 1035 S. Beacon Street, San Blue Mounds, Wis. Pedro, www.sjomannskirken.no/sanpedro, or call (310) 525 – 6800. $10 for small ad $20 for large ad Share your favorite piece of Norway in America! Deadline: DeCemBer 1 – mail this form today! Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] 10 • november 5, 2010 norwegian american weekly roots & connections Norwegian American Weekly Bymål i gamle Photo of the Week Puzzle with Sölvi Dolland

Photo: Line Grundstad Hanke It may be only the beginning of November, but the nisser and other Christmas decorations are already displayed in the stores in Norway!

Want to be featured as our Photo of the Week? Email [email protected] or mail your photo with a caption. We would love to include you!

Ole and Lena are both staunch Lutherans. Ole was discussing reli- NotableNotable NorwegiansNorwegians with david moe Ole gion with Knute, who happened to be a Baptist. Said Ole, “Vell, dere’s vun ting Knute Nelson was In his will, he gave the house to the Norwegian and about it... being Lut’eran von’t keep born in a small house on the Lutheran Church to be used as a home for the you from sinning, but it sure keeps you Kvilekval farm near Voss, aged. In 1987, his house became the headquar- Lena Norway, in 1842. He is ters of the Douglas County Historical Society. from enjoying it!” registered in the church re- Knute Nelson’s life was one of public ser- America’s favorite Norwegians! cords a Knud, the son of an vice. He was elected to the Minnesota legislature unmarried couple, Ingeborg and served two terms in the U.S. Congress be- Haldorsdatter Qvileqval and fore becoming the state’s first foreign-born gov- Did you know? Helje Knudsen Styve. When ernor from 1893 to 1895. He then served in the Knud was seven years old, his mother took him U.S. Senate for 28 years, where he worked for Facts about Norway to Chicago, Ill., and Knud changed his name to such legislation as conservation, federal income Knute Nelson. tax and pure food and drug. When the Civil War began, Knute volun- Knute made two visits to his place of birth teered for service with the Union Army. After the in Norway, and a tall stone monument in the war in 1867, he became an attorney and claimed village square commemorates the memory of a homestead near Alexandria, Minn. He built a Knute Nelson. He died April 18, 1923 at the age small farm house on the property in 1874 and of 81, while still a member of the U.S. Senate. later continued to make additions to the house. (Oil painting by Carl Gutherz in 1895) Tourists in (and out of) Norway Foreign tourists had over 7.5 million overnight stays in Norway in 2009, of which German tourists accounted for 21 percent. Danes and Norwegian Name Days Swedes accounted for 13 and 12 percent. In NOVEMBER 5: Egil, Egon Yngve, another name from Frøy, the god of 2009, Norwegians had 21.2 millions trips, and Egil is an Old Norse name. The first link fertility, and Old Norse hild (strid/battle).

Puzzle solution to “Bymål i gamle Bergen” the most popular destinations abroad were derives either from ag (spiss/point, tip) or age Sweden, Denmark and Spain. (Statistics Norway) (uro, frykt/unrest, fear). An alternative form is November 9: Tordis, Theodor Eigil. Egon derives from the Old German ecka Tordis is a compound word consisting (spydspiss/spear). of the god’s name Tor and -dis, the Old Norse designation of a goddess – guardian angels that Astri Quale Portland OR NOVEMBER 6: Lennart, Leonard followed human beings through life. Theodor Inger Engevik Fitjar Norway Lennard, which is more common in Nor- is a Greek name composed of theos (gud/god) Gudrum Ronholm Valley City ND way than Leonard, is a somewhat abbreviated and doron (gave/gift). In other words, gude- Gordon Skindelien New MN version of the Old German Leonhard, which gave/divine gift. John Sandmo Burnaby BC Canada again is composed of the Old German levon (løve/lion) and hart (hård/hard). The origin is November 10: Gudbjørg, Gudveig 10. november leo, the Latin word for lion. Other versions of Gud- is a common first syllable in Old Dorothee E. Hayman Bellevue WA the name are Leo, Leon. Lennart is a Low Ger- Norse names and can mean both Gud/God Timothy James Herset Kila MT man version, frequently used in Sweden and and god/good. Bjørg, originally Bjorg, means Curtis Eugene Ganung Berkeley CA Norway. berging/rescue, hjelp/help. The meaning thus Craig R. Carlson Huntington NY becomes hjelpet av Gud/helped by God or god 5. november 11. november NOVEMBER 7: Ingebrigt, Ingelin hjelp/good help. -Veig is Old Norse and derives Kjell Bjørge Salt Lake City UT Reidar Erga Charlotte NC Ingebrigt and Engebret come from the from vé (hjem/home). -Veig is the last syllable 7. november Hans O. Sande Rygg Norway German. The last syllable corresponds to the in many feminine names, and interpreted as English bright and the Old Norse bjart (lys/ hjemmetskvinne/woman of the home. Helga Myren Alberta Canada Aslak Kvaalseth Blair WI light). The first syllable, Ing-, was the name Stanley Helseth Carpio ND Sidney Løberg Edmonds WA Selmer Johnsrud Sioux Falls SD of the god Frøy, used in Norway from about November 11: Martin, Morten, Martine 8. november Ronald T. Demuth Charleston SC the 1400s. Ingelin is a more recent name, most Martin is derived from the name of the Emma Dahl Watford City ND likely an abbreviated version of names that war god Mars and means modig/courageous, Catherine Olsen Oakland CA start with ing-. krigersk/warlike. The Latin form is Martinus. Want to see your birthday in the John Mickelson Laguna Hills CA A Scandinavian form is Morten. It has been Norwegian American Weekly? November 8: Ingvild, Yngvild used in Norway since the 11th century. The 9. november Give us a call at (800) 305-0217 or email us at naw@ Anne Nordby St. Paul MN The original name was undoubtedly Yn- girl’s name Martine is derived from the boy’s norway.com. Birthdays must be submitted at least one gvild, which is composed of the god’s name name. Astrid Hegland Ruud Salt Lake City UT month in advance. norwegian american weekly November 5, 2010 • 11 Obituaries & Religion Just a minute In Loving Memory Encouraging columns by the late Pastor Per W. Larsen, written for Norway Times and now shared with the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary free of charge. Peter R. Skarbo A little praise A housewife complains to her friend, need as long as it does not turn into self- October 5, 1918 – October 8, 2010 “I am a zero in my own home. My husband centeredness. But instead of sharing our and children take me for granted and never felings and hurts with those who offend us, Peter passed Berit opened Skarbos Scandinavian Furni- give me an encouraging word.” we suffer in silence, often for a lifetime. away peacefully ture Import in 1962 on Seattle’s Capitol Hill. A bank clerk is chronically tired and ir- If we as human beings shall succeed in on the morning of Skarbos Furniture is still family-owned and ritated, and when his wife requests that he meeting each other’s need for encourage- Oct. 8, 2010. He operated. Frequent business trips to Europe give her a reason, he says, “I’m working my ment and understanding, we have to take was born in Stran- gave them the opportunity to stay in close butt off and still my supervisor gives me the the risk of sharing our hurts and resent- da, Norway, on contact with friends and family in Norway. feeling I am not doing enough.” ments – and also listening well to com- Oct. 5, 1918 and Their retirement years were spent traveling, The repertoire of an American come- plaints without putting up our defenses. had recently cel- and they divided their time between homes dian consists of countless variations of the That’s communication! ebrated his 92nd in Seattle and Palm Springs, Calif., until theme “I’ve got no respect.” He know that’s Furthermore, be sensitive to your fel- birthday. Berit’s death in 1996. Peter moved to the a sure point of contact with most people. lowman’s needs and break his loneliness Peter served Norse Home in Seattle about three years ago. Why are so many people moving in a pain- and quiet despair. The reward is a deeper as a sergeant in the Norwegian army dur- Peter was preceded in death by Berit and son ful vacuum like that, lonely and unfulfilled? relationship between two people and a little ing World War II and spent time as a POW. Inge. He is survived by his son Ron and five It’s a lack of communication between peo- more sunshine where we walk. So let’s be In 1949, he and his wife, Berit, immigrated grandchildren. He will be greatly missed by ple. We all have a need for understasnding, more generous with praise! (Romans 12:9 to Seattle along with their two young sons. family and friends in Seattle and Norway. encouragement and respect. It’s a legitimate – 10) Peter worked as an upholsterer until he and Einar Thomassen Reckless Courage August 3, 1918 – October 21, 2010 The true story of a Norwegian boy under Nazi rule, by William F. Fuller with Jack Haines Einar Thom- After several days at sea in life boats, the assen was born in entire crew, except for the captain and chief “A captivating issue of survival under German rule... a welcome and much appreciated addition to World War II history and narrative Norway on Aug. engineer (who were taken prisoner), were shelves.” 3, 1918 to Thom- resuced and taken to Florida in the U.S. Be- The Midwest Book Review’s Small Press Bookwatch as Andersen and tween June 1947 and July 1948, he attended “I have read the charming story with great interest... it is valuable to Maren (Hansen) the Master’s School in Tønsberg, Norway. be able to see and experience historical events through the eyes and Thomassen. Einar He worked with the Merchant Marines minds of a specific family.” Ingolv Austad, Director of University Reading Centre is a name that has for 33 years, working his way to reaching survived from be- captain. He retired in 1969 after having a Now in its 4th printing and available in paperback! fore the Viking pe- heart attack. riod. It means “the Einar became a U.S. citizen and lived $9.95 + S&H warrior who fights alone.” This seems to be in Brooklyn, N.Y., with his wife Rigmore, To order, contact Skandisk’s Tomten Catalog at (800) 468-2424 or www.taberhallpress.com prophetic of the life Einar was to lead. Einar who was from Stavanger, Norway. She died Also available on Kindle! Published in Norway as “UNG MOTSTAD” by Commentum Forlag was the oldest of three brothers. His brothers in 1963. Arne and Gunnar preceded him in death. He married his second wife Inger on Proud to bring you the During his youth, he would go out to May 20, 1966, and moved to Cherry Hill, Norwegian American Weekly fish every morning, about 4:30 a.m., before N.J., in 1961. Inger died in April 2001. he went to school. After school, he normally He is survived by his only niece, Inger Find the perfect gift from the went out to fish again to provide for their (husband Svein) Kjeldsberg of Tjorne, Nor- comfort of your home at evening meal. way, and their daughters and grandchildren. our online store, or if Einar left home and went to sea when Einar will be missed by many people, you’re in the area, visit our he was fifteen, and he spent the rest of his including his friends at the Sjømannskirken E 801 Lauritzen Lane Waupaca, WI 54981 shop in Waupaca, Wisconsin! working life on ships, boats and barges. Dur- in Philadelphia, Pa., those in Cherry Hill, (715) 256-9930 • [email protected] ing World War II, Germans torpedoed his N.J., and of course those in Norway. ship off the coast of Africa on Nov. 12, 1942. dealing with… (…continued from page 5) had received no response by Oct. 19, I asked Norwegian Consul Kim Nesselquist if he cial estate bank account. My attorney told could provide an address, and he did so. On SWEATERS — COLLECTIBLES — ROSEMALING — FISHERMAN’S CAPS — BOOKS — AND MORE! me I was no longer obligated to pay. October 20, I went to my bank, which is a a closer drive than my credit union, and ar- Visit us online at www.thetrollscove.com Sept. 10, 2010: NAVI said my appeal ranged for a wire transfer, which the bank was denied and gave directions for how the computed as $193.71 for NOK 1,105. NOK 1,105 could be repaid. In total, I paid NAV $193.71: That was Christmas GreetinGs! an extra $5.80 due to a currency change, plus Frankly, it was always my intention to Reserve space for your personalized greeting in our annual Christmas Issue return the overpayment. It’s not a matter of $20 for a wire transfer, plus $79 in fees for money; It is the principle of the thing. But the special estate bank account. Something’s NAV Pensjon and NAVI did not make it wrong with this picture. Name:______The day after I wired the money, I re- easy. Message:______So in October, I went to my credit union ceived an email from NAVI providing the to have money wired to NAVI. The credit physical address I had sought via email the City, State:______Phone:______union was not satisfied with the IBAN (Inter- previous week. national Bank Account Number) and Swift God Jul og code. It also wanted a physical address for Am I the only blockhead who struggled Merry Christmas! the Norwegian bank named to collect the for 11 months to reimburse NAV Pensjon for Godt Nyttår til funds for NAVI. Why? I asked. Auditors re- an overpayment? Bjorn and nina alle venner! Please share your stories on this subject quire that information, a credit union officer steffensen Ola og Berit nordmann by writing Christy Olsen Field, Managing Staten Island, N.Y. explained. Blue Mounds, Wis. Editor, Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 Oct. 12, 2010: I emailed NAVI request- 5th Ave., Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Email $10 for small ad $20 for large ad ing a physical address for DnBNor, one of her at [email protected] or email me at the banks named in NAVI’s letter. When I [email protected]. Deadline: DeCemBer 1 – mail this form today! 12 • November 5, 2010 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style trolls... Pictures International (UPI) has signed for (…continued from page 3) the distribution in , Spain, , Ger- Style Highlight of the Week many, (including CIS and Baltics), Immediately after its screening at the , Switzerland, Belgium, the Nether- Fantastic Fest in Austin, Texas, Magnolia’s lands and Luxembourg. Produced by John Jacobsen with Svei- The warm colors of fall Magnet Releasing picked up worldwide rights, excluding Europe. nung Golimo for Filmkameratene, Øvredal’s Comparing the film to “The Blair Witch film has been marketed as a docu-drama con- Project,” “Paranormal Activity” and “Clo- firming that trolls do exist. verfield,” Magnet Releasing will open the For more information, visit www.face- film in the U.S. next year, while Universal book.com/trolljegeren or oslokino.no. Philadelphia Friends and Readers of the Norwegian American Weekly! The Delius Society of Pennsylvania presents Rolf Kristian Stang in My Name is Grieg, Edvard Grieg his celebrated one-man show in costume with musical examples. Admission: $10 Sunday, November 21, 2010, 3 P.M. The German Society of Pennsylvania Library (3rd Floor) 611 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123

Please note: All floors of the German Society are accessibleby the street- Photo: Siren Lauvdal/Jotun level elevator entrance. Free on-site parking, plus street parking. “Somber” from Jotun’s fall collection in Norway.

Theatre Commentary, “Scandinavian Contact,” Herdis Teilman: “Grieg, Edvard Grieg” brought an Li n e Gr u n d s t a d Ha n k e Line Grundstad Hanke Interior Design outburst of spontaneous applause. Taped examples of Grieg’s music are interspersed throughout the performance and rich sound fills the room, linking the man and his art in an unforgettable way. This fall, the color trend in Norway is to seeing. softer and more natural, but punctuated with Also, we will see more use of brown and vibrant orange, rusty red, deep purple and white. The new trend is to use deep brown green with neutral, earthy tones. The shabby on both walls and curtains for a clean, mono- chic look is out, and replaced by a more tai- chromatic look. The red is trickier, so a rusty lored trend with the touch of nature. red is more harmonious this fall. Purple and The colors are more subdued and resem- aubergine are coming in full force this fall, ble what we saw in the 1970s, including the which works well as an accent to the color retro patterns we saw in fabric and textiles. palette. Blue and brown is a good fall combination, Have fun with a little touch of color this and this trend is popping up in interiors. The fall and enjoy the beautiful colors we have color petroleum-blue replaces the more typi- in nature! cal Scandinavian turquoise-blue we are used the sweetest... (…continued from page 1)

Elisa Jensen, Leo Anker and Natalie Moore. “The Sweetest Thing” opens Nov. 11, and is on display through Jan. 8, 2011. The opening reception is scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 11 6 – 8 p.m. The thread that ties together the work of these four artists is both their shared Nordic heritage and their experience as Scandina- vians in the “new land.” Each artist’s work in this show reflects Nordic traditions, ideas and feelings. Their work embodies the kind of excitement that the must have felt when they first experienced North America. “In art, as in conquest, constant discovery really is the sweetest thing,” says featured artist Torild Photo: Trygve Lie Gallery Stray. “Swarm,” painted stainless steel wire mesh instal- Norwegian-born Torild Stray has been lation, by Norwegian-American Natalie Moore. based in New York City since 1990. Her Mors. Jensen has shown her work in both work has been exhibited in the U.S. and Eu- New York and in Denmark. She received the rope for over a decade and has received criti- 2009 National Academy Award for Painting cal acclaim. Stray’s paintings are collected and the 2010 John Koch Award for Figura- internationally and have been featured at Art tive Art from the American Academy of Arts Basel Miami. Stray’s most recent solo exhi- and Letters. bition was at Gallery Langegaarden in Ber- Norwegian-born Leo Anker divides her gen, Norway, in September 2010. time between Spain, Italy, New York and Natalie Moore is a New York artist with Norway. Anker’s work is part of numerous Norwegian roots. She has shown with art- private and public collections and has been Moving Gallery in Williamsburg (Brooklyn, shown extensively in Europe and in New N.Y.) and was the recipient of a Pollock- York over the last twenty years. She has been Krasner Grant last year. Moore’s work has the recipient of the Ruth Mellon Memorial been featured in CNN’s “The Art Club,” The Award for sculpture. New York Times, and New York Newsday. The Trygve Lie Gallery is open Tuesday Elisa Jensen is Danish-American and – Thursday, 12 – 6 p.m., and Friday – Sun- has spent many summers on the island of day, 1 – 5 p.m. Visit trygveliegallery.com. norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us November 5, 2010 • 13 In your neighborhood Scandinavian shopping spree Christmas bazaar season kicks off with Calendar of Events the 32nd annual What’s going on in your neighborhood? Scandinavian Import Arizona vian Bazaar! Delicious prepared foods will Ibsen’s “Ghosts” also be available downstairs in the Loyal and Gift Sale November 4 – 28 Cafe. Raffles for Norwegian sweaters and Tucson, Ariz. other Nordic goods will be held as well. Henrik Ibsen’s play “Ghosts” is playing at Start your Christmas shopping early at Nor- Ka r e n Je n s h o e j the Rogue Theatre Thursday – Saturday, at way Hall at 201 7th St. in St. James from 10 New Providence, N.J. 7:30 p.m., and Sunday at 2 p.m. “Ghosts” is a.m. – 4 p.m. Call Torun at (631) 862-8017 a powerful, taut drama of legacy, love and or email [email protected]. catastrophe. Discussion with the cast and di- Annual Scandinavian Holiday Fair Lodge Linne #429 Vasa Order of Amer- rector follows all performances. Call (520) 344-8715 or visit www.theroguetheatre.org November 13 ica invites you to a unique day of shopping, for more information. Mahopac, N.Y. culture and camaraderie. The 32nd annual The Sons of Norway Troll Lodge 3-476 in- Scandinavian Import and Gift Sale will be Photo: ScandinaviaSouth.com Scandinavian Jul Bazaar vites you to their annual Scandinavian Holi- held Nov. 20 at the Salt Brook School (40 The julebukk (Christmas goat) is one of the great November 13 day Fair at Lake Mahopac United Methodist Maple Street, New Providence, N.J.), and Christmas decorations you’ll find at the Scandi- Phoenix, Ariz. Church, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Featuring vendors will be open to the public from 10 a.m. – navian Import Sale. The Scandinavian Clubs feature arts and with jewelry, rosemaling and gifts. The bak- 3:30 p.m. Handicapped accessible, and free crafts, food and gift items. Join friends for a ery will sell kneipbrød, fyrstekake, julekake, to all! We will be selling a large variety of Scandinavian lunch while shopping at Shep- wienerbrød, kringler and more. Fresh waf- The sale will feature a wide variety of Scandinavian baked goods, such as limpa herd of the Valley Lutheran Church at l500 fles and coffee made and sold all day. For in- traditional holiday and everyday Scandina- bread, coffee braids and pastries. Imported W. Maryland Ave. from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. formation and directions, call Kari Williams vian items made from silver, pewter, amber, foods that will be sold include cheeses, such For information call (623) 815-8022. at (914) 736-0784 evenings. wood, paper, wool, straw and other materi- as authentic farmer’s cheese; several types als. These gift and handicraft items are Nor- of herring and mackerel; lingonberries and California Oregon dic manufactured or designed. cloudberries; and various chocolates and Lutefisk Dinner 26th Annual ScanFair Items for sale include a wide selection marzipan. Reprints of the 1996 Lodge Linne November 20 December 4 – 5 of advent calendars, including those filled Cookbook will be available at the sale. Temecula, Calif. Portland, Ore. with chocolate candy, Carl Larsson calen- Come see the performances by young Sons of Norway Vinland Lodge in Temec- Scandinavians love to celebrate Christmas. dars, Christmas cards, and stationery. For the members of the Scandinavian Dance Club ula, Calif., will serve its First Annual Lute- It brings joy to the short and dark days of a Scandinavian winter. Those traditions run home one will find Fjord Design flatware, and enjoy a light lunch of Scandinavian fisk Dinner, Saturday Nov. 20. Lutefisk can deep in the hearts and lives of the people of trays, baking needs, aprons, knives, a large fare. be very good and very bad, but when it is The location of the sale is easily reached cooked by the country’s best chef, Stein Scandinavian heritage and come alive every variety of Danish wrought iron candlehold- year in Portland at ScanFair. Join the Scan- ers, and wooden candleholders for Christmas by taking either Route 24 to Summit or route Amland, it will be the best. We are expecting 78 to New Providence. Springfield Avenue a full house so PLEASE make your reserva- dinavian Heritage Foundation for the 26th and general use. Personal items will include Annual ScanFest at the Smith Memorial is also known as Route 512. The school is tions early! Call Bjarne at (760) 631-5678. lovely sweaters from Dale of Norway for Center at Portland State University, featur- men and women in both cardigan and pull- also an easy five-minute walk from the New Seamen’s Church Christmas Bazaar ing two days of entertainment, great ven- over styles. The jewelry department has been Providence Railroad Station on the Summit/ November 19 – 20 dors, food and a dance. Cost is $6 for adults, expanded to include Norwegian silver sølje, Gladstone line from New York City. $5 for seniors and students, and free for kids Proceeds from the import sale benefit San Francisco, Calif. pewter and amber pieces designed as neck- Norwegian Christmas Bazaar will be held 12 and under. Call (503) 977-0275 or visit laces, earrings and pins. CONTINUES PAGE 14 at the Norwegian Seamen’s Church in San www.scanheritage.org. Francisco Nov. 19 – 20, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. The fair will feature Norwegian arts and crafts, Pennsylvania NAHA celebrates 85 years confectionery and foods. The café will serve “My Name is Grieg, Edvard Grieg” typical open-faced sandwiches and home- November 21 made cakes. The Norwegian Church is lo- Philadelphia, Pa. cated on San Francisco’s Russian Hill, 2454 The Delius Society of Pennsylvania presents Hyde Street. Everyone is welcome and ad- Rolf Kristian Stang in the one-man show mission is FREE. Call (415) 775-6566 for “My Name is Grieg, Edvard Grieg.” Please more information. join us for this wonderful show Nov. 21 at 3 p.m. at the German Society of Pennsylvania New Library (611 Spring Garden Street, Phila- 32nd Annual Scandinavian Import and delphia, Pa. 19123). Admission is $10 per Gift Sale person, and free on-site and street parking November 20 is available. New Providence, N.J. Join us for the 32nd Annual Scandinavian Washington Import and Gift Sale! This FREE event is Gård’s Norse Night Release Party from 10 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. at the Salt Brook November 20 School in New Providence. Featuring mer- Woodinville, Wash. chandise from Norway, Sweden, Denmark Dubbed its second annual “Norse Night” No r w e g i a n -Am e r i c a n He r i t a g e Ass o c i a t i o n and Finland. Lunch served at 11 a.m., and event, Gård will be releasing five new wines performance by Scandinavian Folk Dance at its second annual Norse Night, including Clubs at 2 p.m. Sponsored by Lodge Linne its new 2009 Freyja white wine (Roussanne/ On Oct. 23, the Norwegian-American No. 429, Vasa Order of America. Benefits Riesling/Pinot Gris blend) named after the Historical Association celebrated its 85th cultural programs and facilities. Cash and Norse goddess of love and fertility. In ad- anniversary at St. Olaf College in North- checks accepted. For more information, call dition to wine tasting, a variety of Scandi- field, Minn. The day-long event, which was (908) 665-1292, (973) 479-7873, or (908) navian food will be served. $10 per person, attended by around 75 of the association’s 464-6526. free for wine club members and a guest. Join members, included learning sessions, a book us 5 – 8 p.m. at our tasting room in Wood- signing opportunity, and good company. New York inville! For more information and to reserve Attendees also enjoyed a special lunch pre- Scandinavian Bazaar tickets, visit www.gardvintners.com or call sentation given by author and historian Dr. November 13 (509) 346-2585. Joseph A. Amato, entitled “A Promise and St. James, N.Y. An Extigency: Rethinking Local and Family Loyal Lodge is holding its annual Scandina- Histories.” The Norwegian-American Historical Photos: NAHA Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 Association, since its founding in 1925, has Top: NAHA members enjoy their lunch. Above: to add your list to the Norway.com online calendar and the Weekly! sought to collect, preserve, and share the sto- Authors Odd S. Lovoll, Dr. Joseph A. Amato, and Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. CONTINUES PAGE 15 Kathleen Stokker sign books. 14 • November 5, 2010 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly Norwegian heritage shopping spree… naha celebrates… (…continued from page 13) (…continued from page 13) Never to be forgotten many local organizations and charities such ries of Norwegian-American immigrants. as first aid squads, volunteer fire depart- While Oct. 23 was an occasion to cel- The 65th anniversary of Haglebuslaget brings ments, local libraries, high school scholar- ebrate the accomplishments of the last 85 veterans and families from Norway and America ships, Sage, Cherished Creations and we years, it was also a day of excitement and sponsor a local softball team in New Provi- vigor for the future of the association. dence. A portion is also donated to the local For more information about the Norwe- Vasa Order to be used for Scandinavian cul- gian-American Historical Association, or to tural programs and scholarships. Admission become a member, please visit www.naha. is free. Cash and checks accepted. stolaf.edu. Call Karen (908) 665-1292, Sandy (973) 479-7873, or Diantha (908) 464-6526. Corner

The boys from Vangen:

Written by Leif Halse Vangsgutane, a classic series in Norway from 1941 to present, was used as curriculum material in Norwegian schools, as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri Publishing brings the copyrighted bilingual English/Norwegian se- rialization of “The Boys From Vangen: Vangsgutane” to the readers of the Norwegian Ameri- can Weekly to practice their Norwegian reading skills, as well as enjoy a Norwegian classic!

St i g Od e n r u d Drammens Tidene

On Aug. 8, over 200 people gathered in Haglebu to remember the soldiers who died in a skirmish between Norwegian Milorg forces and German soldiers. The battle took WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO FATHER? HVA HAR HENDT MED FAR? place near Haglebuvannet (near Eggedal) on April 26, 1945. In total, seven Milorg sol- In the living room on the Vangen farm, I stua på Vangen har de tent lampa. diers and 29 German soliders died. they have lit the lamp. The boys sit at the «Gutane» sitter ved bordet og arbeider med Veteran Harald Medalen and his wife table and do their homework. Steinar has leksene sine. Steinar har fått et vanskelig Sigrid (subscribers to the Norwegian Ameri- gotten a hard math problem to do. Then Sig- regnestykke. Da sier Sigrid at hun undres can Weekly) traveled from Alaska for the rid says she wonders what has happened to på hvor det blir av Hans i kveld. Nå er han event. “I was shot in the arm, and only then I Hans this evening. Now he is really out late. jammen seint ute. Bare det ikke er hendt noe understood the gravity [of the situation]. Be- Hopefully nothing bad has happened. She galt. Hun mener det er best Steinar og Kåre fore that, it was almost like an out-of-body thinks it would be best if Steinar and Kåre legger i veg og ser etter. experience,” remembered Medalen. went to look for him. «Gutane» tar på seg trøyer og luer, The 65th anniversary was memoralized The boys put on their jackets, hats, skjerf og votter og går ut. Det er fint måne- Above: Governor Kirsti Kolle Grøndahl spoke of by local representative Kirsti Kolle Grøn- scarves and mittens and go out. The moon skinn og kaldt. De spenner på seg skiene og the fallen soldiers and the reality of war. Below: dahl, who reminded the attendees about the is shining bright, and it’s cold. They fasten følger løypa innover mot skogen. Føret er Veteran Harald Medalen (right) and wife Sigrid, reality of war and to never forget the fallen. who live in Alaska, attended the event. their skis and follow the trail in through the hardt, så stavene ikke søkker så djupt ned i forest. The snow is hard, so their ski poles snøen, for de har ikke trinser. don’t sink very deep into the snow, even Da de er kommet et godt stykke bort though they don’t have powder baskets on i skogen, bråstanser de med ett og lytter. the poles. Noen roper og skriker om hjelp borte i den When they have gone a good distance skogteigen der faren arbeider. De kjenner into the forest, they suddenly stop and lis- igjen målet hans og skjønner at nå trenger ten. Someone is shouting and yelling for han hjelp med en gang. Så skynder de seg av help off in the patch of forest where their fa- sted, hogger de heimelagde stavene i snøen ther works. They know his voice and know og renner avgarde på harde livet. De skjøn- that he needs help right away. They hurry ner det må være noe alvorlig på ferde når away, digging their homemade poles into faren roper slik. the snow, and ski away for dear life. They know there has to be something terribly Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods wrong when Father yells like that. Illustrated by Jens R. Nilssen Vangsgutane bilingual book available for $19.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. www.astrimyastri.com

The Boys from Vangen:

WrITTen By LeIf haLse Norway.com Royal Norwegian Consulates Vangsgutane has been a classic series in Norway since Organization of the Week in the United States 1941. Right after World War II, Vangsgutane was used as curriculum material in Norwegian schools, as the series Edvard Grieg Society NEW YORK had easy-to-read text with pictures. Heritage, culture, and language practice for all ages on both sides of the Atlantic! Norwood, N.J. Consul General Sissel Breie Since 1991, the Society has produced Royal Norwegian Consulate General • Bilingual english & norwegian in the same book more than 50 recitals, chamber 825 Third Avenue, 38th floor • Translated into english by alexander Knud huntrods performances, radio broadcasts and • Illustrated by Jens r. nilssen symposia to celebrate the composer’s New York, NY 10022 • hardcover, 176 pages in full color, 6x9inches sesquicentennial. Phone: (212) 421-7333 • $19.95 with free shipping in U.s.a. For more information, contact: Fax: (212) 754-0583 Astri My Astri Publishing Berit Brevig (201) 750-0525 E-mail: [email protected] Deb nelson gourley www.astrimyastri.com 602 3rd ave sW email: [email protected] For the full list of organizations, For a listing of all consulates, Waukon, Ia 52172 Phone: (563) 568-6229 visit noram.norway.com/organizations visit noram.norway.com/organizations norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/sports November 5, 2010 • 15 sports Tromsø… (…continued from page 1) Tippeligaen: Norway’s results Standings third place finish also secured a spot in next 10/31 Hønefoss 3 – 1 Vålerenga Tippeligaen PLD PTS year’s European Cup. 1. Rosenborg BK 29 67 The other end of the table was also sort- 10/31 Ålesund 3 – 1 Brann 2. Vålerenga Fotball 29 58 ed out this weekend. needed a 10/31 Stabæk 2 – 1 Sandefjord victory over Rosenborg to have any hope to 3. Tromsø IL 29 50 play in the Tippeliga next season, but man- 10/31 Haugesund 1 – 2 Molde 4. Ålesunds FK 29 46 aged only a 0 – 0 draw against the title win- 10/31 Lillestrøm 1 – 1 Viking 5. Odd Grenland 29 45 ners. Mo Abdellaoue scored first for Våler- Photo: Rolf Dahl/TIL.no 6. FK Haugesund 29 44 enga, but an own goal and two from Davy The third place finish for Tromsø IL means a spot 10/31 Tromsø 2 – 1 Strømsgodset 7. IK Start 29 41 Angan was enough for a 3 – 1 Hønefoss vic- in next year’s European Cup. tory. This secured a chance for the team to 10/31 Kongsvinger 0 – 0 Rosenborg 8. Lillestrøm SK 29 40 stay in the Tippeliga through qualification tied 1 – 1 in a season that has been disap- 10/31 Odd 2 – 1 Start 9. Strømsgodset IF 29 40 games. This is impressive given the team’s pointing for both teams. At Skagerak arena 10. Stabæk Fotball 29 39 very slow start. in Kristiansand, Odd Grenland won 2 – 1 11. Viking FK 29 38 To read more about football in Norway, Brann and Ålesund had little to play over Start after goals from Bently and Anders 12. Molde FK 29 37 for at Colorline Stadium, a game Ålesund visit www.norway.com Rambekk. Ole Martin Aarst scored for Start. 13. SK Brann 29 33 won 3 – 1 after two goals from Alexan- Sandefjord lost 2 – 1 to a Stabæk team that & www..com 14. Hønefoss BK 29 27 der Mathisen and one from Herrera. Diego has disappointed its fans this season. Vigard Gustavino scored for Brann. Haugesund was Páll Gunnarsson scored first for Stabæk, but 15. Kongsvinger IL 29 20 given its first loss at home this season by a Dimitriadis equalized for Sandefjord before 16. Sandefjord Fotball 29 9 red hot Molde team that won 2 – 1. Magne Jorgen Hammer scored the finisher. This was Hoset scored first for Molde, followed by also Stabæk coach Jan Jonsson’s last game Dijby Fall’s 15th goal for the season. Djurdic for Stabæk before transferring as the new Looking for a special Christmas gift? scored for Haugesund. Viking and Lillestrøm Rosenborg coach. Just $40 for any new gift Sports News & Notes subscription purchased through December 10 Swimming: Third place for Oen and Snildal tion with the NBA’s 100th anniversary cel- Norway’s Alexander Dale Oen and Ingvild ebrations held in Oslo. However, the NBA PLUS Snildal captured a third place each in the mist first apply for staging the European Cup Swimming World Cup short course on Oct. in 2012. The Road Racing World Cup was Your choice of the “Marshall Plan” 31. Snildal placed third in the 50m butterfly last staged in Oslo in 1993. or “Crown Princess Märtha” DVDs! event. Sweden’s Therese Alshammar won. (Norway Post) Dale Oen captured third place in the men’s 100m breaststroke race. Stanislav Lakhtju- Ski season gets underway See page 3 for details. kov won the event. It was raining in Oslo again at the end of Oc- (Norway Post) tober, but that often means snow is falling in the mountains and that, in turn, signals the Boxing: KO win for Brækhus start of the ski season. Nine alpine resorts Christmas GreetinGs! Norway’s woman boxer Cecilia Brækhus were due to open over the weekend, but it Reserve space for your personalized greeting in our annual Christmas Issue successfully defended her titles Oct. 30, may be awhile before the cross-country sea- when she defeated Sweden’s Mikaela Laurén son can take off. on a knockout in the 7th round, in Rostock, Two runs at Kvitfjell in Gudbrandsdalen Name:______opened Oct. 29. More resorts planned to open Germany. Message:______“This was fairly easy. I had full control,” Oct. 30, including Haukelifjell, Gaustadb- Norway’s First Lady of Boxing said. likk, Rauland, Skeikampen and Uvdal. Not City, State:______Phone:______This means that Brækhus now has added all runs were snow-covered or prepared, but WPBF, to her WBO, WBA and WBC welter- it would be possible to launch the downhill God Jul og weight titles. season. Merry Christmas! (NRK) In the Oslo area, there was little sign of Godt Nyttår til cross-country skiing any time soon in the Bjorn and nina alle venner! Cycling: World Cup to Norway? hills and forests around the capital (known as steffensen Ola og Berit nordmann the marka). Temperatures have dipped well Staten Island, N.Y. Norway may be interested in staging the UCI Blue Mounds, Wis. Cycling Road Racing World Cup in 2014 or below the freezing point in recent weeks, but 2016. This was announced by the Norwegian rose again this week and there was mostly $10 for small ad $20 for large ad Bicycling Association (NBA) at a press con- rain in the forecast. Deadline: DeCemBer 1 – mail this form today! ference on Oct. 26. (Views and News from Norway) The announcement was made in connec- It’s Christmas time at the christmas in… (…continued from page 3) the Trondheim Soloists; Choir Collegium It’s Christmas time at Vocale; and members of the Oslo Philhar- Norway, as world-renowned musicians and monic Orchestra. Featured music will in- singers perform in a broadcast hosted by the clude “Oh, Holy Night,” “Adeste Fideles,” princess of Norway. “Hark the Herald Angels Sing,” “Silent Founded in 2004 by the gifted young Night,” and “Winter” from Vivaldi’s “The musicians Mari (25) and Håkon (29) Samu- Four Seasons.” elsen, the broadcast of the Christmas concert Accompanying the music from the from Vang Church in Hamar has become a beautiful church in Hamar will be outdoor Christmas Eve tradition in Norway. Now, for scenes of wintertime and holiday celebration Featuring Stanwood’s original lefse! the first time, the concert will become part of in Norway’s Hamar region. Stan Boresen music – Christmas aprons and sweaters America’s holiday celebration. The broadcast will be hosted by Princess St. Nick and Father Christmas figures – Lefse grills Come visit us! The 2010 concert will present traditional Märtha Louise of Norway, and film director – Krumkake irons – Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Viking Village classical and holiday music. Harald Zwart, whose films include “The Ka- German, and Finnish tiles – Cookbooks Stanwood, WA Along with the Samuelsens, Measha rate Kid” and “One Night at McCool’s.” (360) 629-3006 Brueggergosman, the internationally ac- Broadcast dates and times will be an- Danish candleholders and much more! 7 days a week claimed soprano who performed at the open- nounced later. It is anticipated that most Nor- 11 – 5 p.m. ing ceremony of the 2010 Winter Olympics, wegian stations will carry the one-hour con- Do all your holiday shopping with us! will be singing at the concert. cert broadcast in HD and surround sound on Other featured performers include a Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. For more Visit us online at www.uffdashoppe.com three-time Grammy nominated ensemble, information, visit www.norway.org. 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