Matter 3 – HBC, SR8 APPENDICES INDEX Appendix A HBC letter to ESCC 25 February 2016 Appendix B ESCC Cabinet Report 8 March 2016 Appendix C HBC comments on the draft Waste & Minerals Sites Plan 19 August 2014 Appendix D HBC comments on the draft Waste & Minerals Plan 09 December 2015 Appendix E Queensway Gateway Road Letter of Support from Rupert Clubb, Director of Communities, Economy & Transport 5 August 2015 Appendix F Statement from John Shaw, Chief Executive, SeaChange Sussex Appendix G Statement from Kerry Culbert, Planning Policy Manager, HBC Appendix H Hastings Local Plan, Hastings Planning Strategy 2011-2028 (adopted 19.02.14); Hastings Local Plan, Development Management Plan (adopted 23.09.15); Hastings Local Plan, Policies Map, Development Management Plan (adopted 23.09.15) (incorporating Planning Strategy Policies adopted 19.02.14) Appendix A Please quote: Your reference: Date: 25th February 2016 Please ask for: Kerry Culbert Telephone direct: 01424 783304 E-mail:
[email protected] Web: Regeneration and Culture Aquila House, Breeds Place Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY Mr Tony Cook Planning Policy and Development Management Planning Services Communities, Economy and Transport County Hall St Anne’s Crescent Lewes East Sussex BN7 1UE By email and by post Dear Mr Cook Thank you for the opportunity to meet with yourself and Sarah Iles on the 9th February to discuss your potential proposed Main Modifications to the Waste & Minerals Sites Submission Plan (W&MSP). We also welcomed your invitation to Rother District to attend in light also of that Council’s concerns with the Plan.