Alexandre Dumas - The Queen's Necklace Alexandre Dumas - The trhee musketeers Alexandre Dumas - Twenty years after Alphonse Daudet - Fromont and Risler Alphonse Daudet - Jack Alphonse Daudet - Tartarín on the Alps Alphonse Daudet - The Nabob (I) Alphonse Daudet - The Nabob (II) Anonymous - The Code of Hammurabi Anonymous - The Party Anton Chekhov - A misfortune Anton Chekhov - A Woman's Kingdom Anton Chekhov - Easter Eve Anton Chekhov - Ivanov Anton Chekhov - Nightmare Anton Chekhov - Terror Anton Chekhov - The bishop Anton Chekhov - The kiss Anton Chekhov - The letter Anton Chekhov - The murder Anton Chekhov - The Steppe Anton Chekhov - The teacher of Literature Anton Chekhov - Uprooted Aristotle - Aristotle. Politics Aristotle - Aristotle. The Poetics Arthur Conan Doyle - A Study in Scarlet Arthur Conan Doyle - Memorias de Sherlock Homnes _inglés_ Arthur Conan Doyle - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Arthur Conan Doyle - The Hound of the Barkervilles Arthur Conan Doyle - The Lost World Arthur Conan Doyle - The Return of Sherlock Holmes Arthur Conan Doyle - The Sign of the Four Arthur Conan Doyle - The Valley of Fear Benito Pérez Galdós - Doña Perfecta Charles Darwin - Coral Reefs Charles Darwin - On the Origin of the Species Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man Charles Darwin - The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication. Volume I Charles Darwin - The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication. Volume II Charles Darwin - The Voyage of Beagle Charles Dickens - David Copperfield Charles Dickens - Great Expectations Charles Dickens - Oliver Twist Charles Perrault - Blue Beard Charles Perrault - Cinderella Charles Perrault - Little Red Riding-Hood Charles Perrault - Little Thumb Charles Perrault - Puss in boots Charles Perrault - The Fairy Charles Perrault - The sleeping beauty Daniel Defoe - Atalantis Major Daniel Defoe - Dickory Cronke Daniel Defoe - Moll Flanders Daniel Defoe - Robinson Crusoe Daniel Defoe - The Consolidator Edith Wharton - The age of innocence Fernando Pessoa - 35 sonnets Francis Bacon - The Advancement of Learning Francis Bacon - The Essays Francis Bacon - The New Atlantis Franz Kafka - Metamorfosis Franz Kafka - The Trial Friedrich Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil Friedrich Nietzsche - Homer and Classical Philology Friedrich Nietzsche - On the Future of our Educational Institutions Friedrich Nietzsche - The Antichrist Friedrich Nietzsche - Thus Spake Zaratustra Fyodor Dostoyevsky - Crimen and Punishment Fyodor Dostoyevsky - Notes from the Underground Fyodor Dostoyevsky - The Gambler Fyodor Dostoyevsky - The Grand Inquisitor Giovanni Boccacio - La Fiammetta Gustave Flauvert - Madame Bovary Guy de Maupassant - Bel Ami Guy de Maupassant - Original Short Stories. Volume I Guy de Maupassant - Original Short Stories. Volume II Guy de Maupassant - Original Short Stories. Volume III Guy de Maupassant - Original Short Stories. Volume IV Guy de Maupassant - Original Short Stories. Volume IX Guy de Maupassant - Original Short Stories. Volume V Guy de Maupassant - Original Short Stories. Volume VI Guy de Maupassant - Original Short Stories. Volume VII Guy de Maupassant - Original Short Stories. Volume VIII Guy de Maupassant - Original Short Stories. Volume X Guy de Maupassant - Original Short Stories. Volume XI Guy de Maupassant - Original Short Stories. Volume XII Guy de Maupassant - Original Short Stories. Volume XIII Guy de Maupassant - Pierre and Jean Guy de Maupassant - Strong as Death Hans Christina Andersen - Hans Christian Andersen. A Christmas Greeting Hans Christina Andersen - Hans Christian Andersen. Fairy Tale's Henrik Ibsen - A Doll's House Henry James - The Europeans Henry James - The Turn of the screw Herman Meville - Moby Dick Honore de Balzac - Colonel Chabert Honore de Balzac - Eugenie Grandet Honore de Balzac - Louis Lambert Howard Phillips Lovecraft - The Shunned House Inmanuel Kant - Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysique of Moral Inmanuel Kant - The Critique of Pure Reason Jane Austen - Pride and Prejudice Jonathan Switf - Gulliver's Travel Jospeh Conrad - Lord Jim Jospeh Conrad - Nostromo Karl Marx and Frederick Engels - Manifiesto of the Communist Party Lewis Carrol - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Lord Byron - Lord Byron. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage Marcel Proust - Swann's Way Mary Selley - Frankestein Miguel de Cervantes - The ingenious gentelman don Quixote of La Mancha Moliere - Don Garcia of Navarre Moliere - Moliere - Moliere - The Countess of Escarbagnas Moliere - The Flying Doctor Moliere - The Imaginary Invalid Moliere - The Impostures of Scarpin Moliere - The Learned Women Moliere - Moliere - The School for Husbands Pedro Calderón de la Barca - Life is a dream Petrarca - The Sonets, Triumphs and other Poems Rudyard Kipling - Actions and Reactions Rudyard Kipling - Captains Corageus Rudyard Kipling - Kim Rudyard Kipling - Puck of Pook's Hill Rudyard Kipling - The Jungle Book Rudyard Kipling - The Light that Failed Rudyard Kipling - The Second Jungle Book Rudyard Kipling - The story of the gadsby Scott Fitzgerald - Scott Fitzgerald. This Side of Paradise Sigmund Freud - Dream Psychology Séneca - Apocolocyntosis Voltaire - Candide Voltaire - Philosophical Dictionary Walter Scott - Ivanhoe Washintong Irving - Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada Washintong Irving - Washington Irving. Bracebridge Hall Washintong Irving - Washington Irving. Oliver Goldsmith