Colatf. [COR~Waf.T..] Enthoven H.J.& Sons, of London (Saml
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DIRECTORY. }g COLAtf. [COR~WAf.t..] Enthoven H.J.& Sons, of London (Saml. Martyn Grace (Mts.),farmet,Boscundle Rumlle Thomas, grocet Kernfck, agent), Smelting works Merton John, farmer, Brickhill Stepbens John, cooper Goad Philip, shopkPeper, Spit point Morcom Augustus, stone met!'bant Stephen~ James, grocer & cooper Hendra William,coffee rooms Nicbolls John, naphtha~ acetate oflidle, Step hens Luke, smith Hodge John, butcher charcoal founders' dust & creosote for StephensTbomas,RashleighArms hotel Hodge William, cowkeeper wood pteservinl( manufacturer,&coal & cooper Hone Philip, farmer & coal merchant merchant Thomas James,Charlestown irdn work!i HottonJohn, cowkeeper Parnall John, cooper & coal merchant Vivian John, shoemaker Luke Anthony, shipwright, clay mer- Pidwell Charles, !!roeer& postmaster Lelters arrive from St. Austeh at 8 chant & rope manufacturet Ptdwell Wllliam, dr11per a.m. & 3 p.m.; dispatched about 9 a. m. Luke Anthoriy, smith & cooper Polglass Thomas, tailor & 5 p.m. The nea:J;"est money order Luke William, china stone merchant Rowe Henry, farmer bffice is ut St. Attstell COJ'.AN, or CoLON, is a township and parish on the· William Gurney, a former vicar of this parish. The living north coast of Cornwall, 4 miles west from St. Columb Is a vicarage, worth .£160 yearly, In the gift efthe Bishop Major, 41 south from Mawgan, and 4 north from St. of Exeter. The Rev. John Cteser is the incumbent. There Endon, in the eastern division ofthe county, Pydar Hun- are chapels for Wesleyans and Bible Christians; a dame dred, St. Columl> Major Union, Pydar deanery, Corn- school and a Sunday school nte h~>ld at the cliurch. The wall archdeaconry, and Exeter bishopric. The church of annual feast is held on the first Wednesday after the first St. Colon is an old storle building, and said to have been Sunday in May. The pnputatiob, in 1851; was 254, nnd erected by Waiter Bronscomb, bishop of Exeter, about the acrea!!e is 1,545. The soil is shelfy 1 the subsoil is 1250, and by him applied to the Augustine Canons of his loamy. S1r Richard Vivi!ut, Bart., W. P. Hoblyn, and College of Olaseney, near Penryn, for as such it is des- Philip Tom, Esqrs. are chief landowners. The chief crops cribed in the Inquisition of the Bishops of Lincoln and are wheat, 0 ats and man~el wurzel. 'Vinchester; has a nave, aisle, chaucel, transept, porch, MOUNT .JOY is a township distant 1 mile; Bezoan a three bells, one brass to the Cas worth family of Casworth1 hamlet nearly hlllf a mile; and Melancoose a hamlet I mile and one to Thomas and Elizabeth Blewett and their thir- from the church; Bosoughan is a hamlet. Cuosworth antl teea children, and a tablet to the memory of the Rev. Polwyn are other places. Colan. Rowe William, miller, Coosworth Mountjoy. GENTRY. Rundle Richard, miller, Mellincoose 1'RADBRS. Creser Rev• .John, Vicarage Bosoughan. Ball .John, carpenter Hoblyn W. P. esq Kneebone Richard, blacksmith, Higher Gill Nathaniel, carpenter TRADERS. Bosoughan Julleff & Veale, masons Benney William, farmer, Lower town :Parker John;farmer,HigherBosoughan Kneebone John, blacksmith & beer CardPll Jumt>s, farmer, Coosworth Plummer J ames, farmer, Higher Be- retailer Cardell John, farmer,Polwyn soughan RounseYell Benjamin, Fountain GJanvill James, farmer, Colan Barton WilliamsJohn,farmer,LovverBosoughan Warha.m Joseph, shoemaker CON'.STANTJ:N'E is a parish and village 6 miles south- was 2,017, and the acrea~e is 8,179, inclluiing 270 acre~ west from Falmouth, 5 eagt from Helston, in the western of water. Tl1e soil is light loam, the subsoil is granite and division of the county, Fa! mouth Union, Hundred and ~rctvel. Sit· Richard R. Viviau, Bart., is lord of the manor, deanery of Kerrier, Cornwall archdeaconry and Exeter and Lord Clinton and Rev.J ohn Vivian,M.A., are chief land bishopric. It is situated on the Helford river. The owners. The chief crops are barley and wheat. A court church of St. Cobstantine is an old stone bulltling, in leet and baron is held ahnually for Lord C1inton, and the Gothic style of architecture; has a rl!tVe, three aisles, manor court for Sir Richard R. Vivian, Bart. Thit1 parish chancel, private chapel, litch !!'ate, porch of carved granite, is part of the manor of Merthen. and haudsome square tower (embattled and surmounted CoURT ToLL, Brill, Dritf, Bufton, Trevlades, 'i'rehah, with carved pinnacles), five bells, monuments, and font. Trewor9'al, Trengove, Trebarwah, 1'revaney, Trebath, The living is a vicaragtl worth .£480 yearly, with residence Trelegg-an, Treculliach, Trevease, Trecoose, Treworrack, and 10 acres of glebe land, in the gift of the Dean anrl Trecombe, Treshanr, Trelidgarth, Trevides, Tregantellan, Chapter of Exeter; the Rev. Edward Rogers, M.A., is Trewardreva, Trevessack, Trevany, Penalguy, Penlothidna, the incumbent, and the Rev. James l\faynP, B. A., is the Polwharvel. Budockvean, Tolvan, Mean toll, Seworgan, curate. There are chapels for Wesleyalis and Primitive Me- Tiengilly, Wheal Vyvyan, Lestraines, Goongillings, Nau thodists; a British school fot boys and girls, and a Sunday trisack, Carwytheuack, Carweurass, Bosvarreu, Calaman scbool held at the chutch. A fair is held on the nearest sack, Pousavarren, Nanjarrow, Retallack, Bowijack, ·Wednesday to Midsummer day, yearly, for cattle and Coshan, Boswatbick, Bosvarrow, Crowgy, Cbegwidden, sheep. There are large quarries of excellent granite, and I Mellengetb, and Callevan, are places here. a small copper miue in work. The population, in 1851, GENTRY. Cope land George Alexander, safety Mayne Josiab1 farmer, Bo~varren Bullocke John J ames Adolphus, es~t waterproof blasting cartridge manu- May John.!.. draper, tea dealer & agen~ Fox: Charles, esq. Trebah factnrer,& ~eneral merchant, Cu.rwy- to the ~ast of England life and Mayne Re~. Jawes, :s.A the-Nack-house annuity society Pender William Rowse Tressillian, esq. Courage Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper May he William, farmer, Calamansack Budockvean Couro~e Peter, farmer, Penlothidna. Mayhe William, farmer, Ponsavarren Rogers Rev. Edwo.rd, M.A. Vicarage Courage William, farmer, Ortff Medlyn James, catrier Savage Henry William Nelson, esq Crowgey Henry, farmer, lnow Moyle Williawj shopket-pi>r S.)mouds John, esq. Treviades Dinnes Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper Mydlen Christophr.frmr.T.reslJo.orVean TRADERS. Duns tan Beujamin, farmer, Sewor~an l\lydleu J <tme~, f.ttwer, Trecoo.. e Barton Artbur, tailor & draper Dunstan 1\Iatthias, smith, Trevan.:y MydlenJohn,farroer,LowerTrelidl{arth Benny Henry, farmert.Yenalguy Evans Johu, farmer, Lestraines Myalen William, farmer, tleworgan Binney John, farmer, 'l'olvan Francis Si! van us, farmer, Goongi!Jings Pascoe Benjawin, farmer, N aujarrow B•shop John, smith, Court toll Freeman & Co. quarry owners Pascoe James, grocer BowciJer Francis, farmer, Tolvan Grundy John, farmer, Trebah Petets Nichola .. , farmer, TrPvfa~e Bowcher Richard, farmer, Treworval Harvey Henry, farmer, Trelegg-an Phillip>! .John, farmer, Reta.llack Bolitho James, farmer, Trengove Harvey Thomas, fatmer, Treculliacks Pollard Henry Hoskin, posttnastE>r Bordinner Edward, butcher & farmer Hill Thomas, cabinet maker, carpenter Rail Johnt farmer, Trevide8 Boult Thomas, farmer, Mean toll & wheelwright Rashleigh William, brewer :Bowden Beojamin, farmer, Trebarwah Honeywoorl James, farmer &; miller, Reed Nicholas, farmer, Tregantellan .Bowden Thomas, farmer, Brill Polwhal·vel ReynoldsJames,frmr.TrewardrevaVean Bowden William, farmer, 8eworgan Hosken R"charrl, quarry owner ReynoldsJohn,masterof British sch,ol Bowden William, farmer, Trengilly J enkins Joseph, farmer, Nautrisack Reynolds Mrt~. mistress ofBritibb '<cbool Box Matthew, farmer, Treworval Kemptborne Charles, farmer, Carythe- Reynolds Richard, farmer, BQwijack Bullocke J ohnJ amesAdolphus, surgeon uack Reynolds Samuel, farmer, Trewardreva Bryant Jas. mine a~ent, Wbeal Vyvyan Knowles Caleb, farmer, Lestraines Roberts James, farmer, Bufton Clemens Tboma~. farmer, Court Martin John, farmer, Trevease Roberts John, farmer, Crowgey Collins John,' Cornish Artn~,' & reeve Matthews John, farmer, Trecoose Rogers Waiter, smith . ofthe manor of Mertherl Matthews William, farmer. Treworrack Row Erlward, farmer, Boshan B2 .