The Calcutta Gazette
Registered No. WB/SC-247 No. WB(Part-I)/94/SAR-151 The Calcutta Gazette Extraordinary Published by Authority JYAISTHA 20] FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1994 [SAKA 1916 PART I—Orders and Notifications by the Governor of West Bengal, the High Court, Government Treasury, etc. GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL DEparTMENT OF EXCISE No. 397-EX. Calcutta, the 10th June, 1994. NOTIFICATION WHEREAS consequent upon the abolition, redesignation and creation of posts of Deputy Commissioner of Excise under Memo. No. 211-Ex dated 12th April, 1994 it is necessary and expedient to reorganise the Preventive Branch of the Excise Directorate and redefine working units and their jurisdiction; AND WHEREAS such reorganisation and redefinition is immediately required for proper and efficient administration of the provisions of the Bengal Excise Act, 1909 and other laws relating to prevention & detection of crimes and prosecution of offenders; NO W THEREFORE the Governor is pleased to reorganise the erstwhile Preventive Branch of the Excise Directorate and create preventive divisions in the manner described below, and with immediate effect: PREVENTIVE DIVISIONS Under the general control of the Excise Commissioner, West Bengal, there shall be three Preventive Divisions, viz.— (a) Presidency Division, (b) Bardhaman Division, and (c) Jalpaiguri Division, each division being headed by a Deputy Commissioner of Excise, Preventive with headquarters at Calcutta, Bardhaman and Siliguri respectively. 93 PRESIDENCY DIVISION There shall be under the Deputy Commissioner of Excise, Preventive, Presidency Division, the following departments/sections, viz. (A) Central Detective Department, (B) Excise Intelligence Bureau, (C) Cash and Accounts Section, and (D) Law Section. A. Central Detective Department (C.D.D.) There shall be a Special Superintendent of Excise, Central Detective Department, Presidency Division having his headquarters at Calcutta, who shall be in immediate charge of the Central Detective Department of the Presidency Division.
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