The Review of Contemporary Fiction

Volume VII1987


Summer Issue NUMBER


Institutions: $22.00; Individuals: $15.00. Foreign, add $3.50; Single copy: $8.00


PAST AND FUTURE CONTRIBUTORS include: Robert Creeley - Juan Goytisolo - Edward Dorn - Samuel Beckett - Robert Pinget -Coleman Dowell - Gilbert Sorrèntino - William Gaddis - John Hawkes - Nicholas Mosley - Severo Sarduy - Edward Abbey - William S. Burroughs -Tony Duvert- Ishmael Reed - Dermot Healy- Barbara Wright- George Bowering - Keith Abbott - Edmund White - Thorn Gunn - Paul Metcalf - Hubert Selby - Bernard Share - Toby Olson - Richard Grossinger - Theodore Enslin - -Claude Simon - Kathy Acker - Camilo José Cela - Julio Cortâzar - Anthony Kerrigan - Luisa Valenzuela - and many others.

John O'Brien, Editor The Review of Contemporary Fiction 1817 North 79th Avenue Elmwood Park, IL 60635 U.S.A. RK AUTHORITATIVE STUDIES IN WORLD LITERATURE 1ÉES S ASWL IRESS Fi These slim (40-50 pp.) and inexpensive ($6.95) booklets are indispensable for teaching and research; they have been enthusiastically received by scholars and educators, and have made many multivolumed works obsolete.

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F.M. Dostoevsky: Life, Work, and Criticism Victor Terras (Brown Univ.) : Life, Work, and Criticism K.J. Fickert (Wittenberg Univ.) : Life, Work, and Criticism R.K. Bird (Univ. of Alaska) : Life, Work, and Criticism R.S. Nelson (Friends Univ.) : Life, Work, and Criticism J. Mileck (Univ. of Calif. Berkeley) L.N. Tolstoy: Life, Work, and Criticism E. Wasiolek (Univ. of Chicago) Henrik Ibsen: Life, Work, and Criticism Y. Shafer (Florida State Univ.) Vladimir Nabokov: Life, Work, and Criticism Charles Stanley Ross (Purdue Univ.) : Life, Work, and Criticism J. Ditsky (Univ. of Windsor) Jean Anouilh: Life, Work, and Criticism C.N. Smith (Univ. of East Angiia) James Joyce: Life, Work, and Criticism T.J. Rice (Univ. of South Carolina) : Life, Work, and Criticism D.A. Yates (Michigan State Univ.) Julio Cortazar: Life, Work, and Criticism E.D. Carter, Jr. (Calif. State Univ.) Nathaniel Hawthorne: Life, Work, and Criticism K. Dauber (SUNY, Buffalo) Federico Garcia Lorca: Life, Work, and Criticism G.G. MacCurdy (Calif. State Univ.) Eugene O'Neill: Life, Work, and Criticism Foster Hirsch (Brooklyn College, CUNY) Alain Robbe-Grillet: Life, Work and Criticism Ben Stoltzfus (Univ. of Calif., Riverside) Other titles are in preparation Written by noted scholars and established researchers, each study deals with the life, work, and criticism of one author, and consists of five chapters: I. Biographical information. II. A complete list of the author's works—with publishers and exact date of publication (or first performance). III. A summary of the author's most important works (plot outline, recurring themes, leitmotifs, abstract ideas, etc.). IV. An evaluation of the author's works, and a condensation of other opinions. V. A bibliography of the major publications that deal with this author, and an assessment of each of them.

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ISSN 0315-4149