
Come 'n Loo·k Gardens

' 1962 ·Iris · Catalog IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Do you often want to know something about iris culture or treatment for diseases, or about the fascinating pursuit of growing iris from seeds? If so, then here is the book you !1ave been. waiting for! IRIS CULTURE AND HYBRIDIZING FOR EVERYONE, published m the sprmg of 1961, was compiled from the knowledge and experience of hundreds of iris ;;rowers all over the U.S., ~aking it more complete than any book could be, written by one pers_on from h1s own experience. For more than 15 years, I have directed Iris Hybridizing Robms, and taken notes of everything in the letters that might be of value in growing or hybridizing iris-a wealth of information hitherto unavailable, and have grown over 3500 varieties, besides . . Al.most every phase of iris growing is treated of in it, though as Bearded lris are the ch1ef mterest of most people, the main accent is on them. Also, being taken from notes writ­ ten in Hybridizing Robins by hundreds of people, the book is slanted toward the amateur hy­ bridizer, working alone, with nobody to answer the many questions he wants to ask, that no book previously written could answer. Apart from this, the book contains many useful tips, just one of which may easily more than repay the modest $5.75 the book costs, if it saves even one expensive new iris-and these tips have saved many! The book is in two parts. Part I has chapters on The Iris; Chromosome counts; Culture; Diseases and pests; Mutations, natural and otherwise; Dominant vs. Recessive (elementary genetics, including that of tetraploids); Principles and methods of hybridizing; Growing iris from seed; Arils and their hybrids, including Mohrs; Dwarfs and their value in breeding (includes Lilliputs and Medians); Beardless iris; and Aims ··in breeding. All this is FAc;T, and lR so simply written in plain English, that anyone with a grammar-school educatwn can understand it, as scientific terms are kept at a minimum. Part II is on , and combines known facts with what may be partly fancy, since much is constantly being learned about color, and older "facts" sometimes turn out to be fiction. Part II has a chapter on Color itself and its nature, and one each on , White, Amoenas and neglectas, Plicatas, Yellows, Tans; Variegatas and blends, Lavender-to-Black, :;, , , and Shell pinks, dealing with their origin, types and bree?ing behaviour, ~uggestions for improvement, Family-trees, and the latest discoveries and theones about each. some of which may be more Fancy than Fact, but interesting, nevertheless. Part I will be of most interest to beginners and those who do not hybridize, but both these and advanced hybridizers will find much of value in the book. It is very complete, with over 400 pages, of almost 600 words ·per page, for only $5. 75, bound in cloth. Almost half the limited edition was sold before publication, so order your copy NOW, and be &ure of getting this first book ever written on hybridizing, 'that answers almost any question you may ask, tells what to do and how, and gives an understanding of the nature of each color, so that a little study will tell you what to expect from the crosses you may make. A MUST-HAVE for anyone at all interested in hybridizing! Here are a few comments from satisfied buyers: "A magnificent work-I only wish I could tell you how well I like it! I know it will be B. big help both in planning crosses and ln growing my seedlings." "Better for the average grower or hybridizer than all the iris books ever· written before." "Got my book a day or so ago, and here ls my check for two more, to g·ive to friends who are just beginning to 'hybridize. I'm sure they'll get a lot of good out of it'" "Bless you for having written such a book! I can read it, and understand it without having to run to the dictionary every other iline." "Just like b eing turned loose in a diamond mine and told to help myself." "This is not a dry book at Jail! It is filled with hope, promise, and the joy of knowing our iris dreams can be turned into reality. All that, and the delightful Squiggles by Twyla Olmstead to boot!" "I am keeping my co;;y handy, for there seems to be a helpful remedy for every iris ill, plus wholesale recommendations for everyday iris prob­ lems." "Simply WONDERFUL! I am literally living with it, eating, sleeping, and working with it. So far, I've remained stuck at the chapter on Dwarfs-I'm going through it for the third time, and keep finding something new and useful every time." "I wish I had worde to !s­ tions answered, DO send for the book. Only $5. 75, and it will be sent by return mail!

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Important- Please .Read Carefully Before Ordering Due to recent postal increases, I can no longer accept orders under $3.00-as this is tlw largest listing in the U.S., it should not be hard to build your order to this amount. Please add 35c toward postage on orders under $5.00. If you will send $1.00 extra for postage, I will add S2.00 in free iris, MY CHOICE. Free replacement of plants that die if reported by Oct. 1, but I cannot be responsible for winter-kill. Varieties untrue to name will be replaced free upon blooming, .if accompanied by an order. If not-and the iris is priced at less than 75c-please send 10c toward postage. Iris bought from "bargain-basement•· offers must be paid for at full price, less the original cost. My iris are not forced in any way, and do not grow to hug·e size, but judging from reports from satisfied customers all over the U .S., they do better almost everywhere than big, lush rhizomes that often rot easily. Kinds in parenthesis are Arilbreds and usually have Email rhizomes, as do some 'Talis and all Dwarfs and Lilliputs, so please do not complain if you get 3 sma!l rhizome-many kinds just naturally grow that way! I send freshly dug, well-packed, State-mspected plants, but iris rot easily when closed up, and must be sent in ventilated boxes, packed in paper or excelsior to keep them dry, so sometimes due to hot weather or delay in the mail, they may be quite dry when received. Please do not write m e about this, as they are not hurt in the least, and if soaked in clear water for an hour or so (NO longer!) they will often start growing quicker than nice fresh ones. Orders filled in rotation, beginning as soon as possible after July 1: rhizomes are not mature enough to dig sooner. July or August are best for planting in the Xorth, and unless otherwise directed, I will send them then. September is better in hot, dry areas, so if you want them then, say so. Shipping season ends Oct. 5th. This list contains over 2000 varieties, old and new, American and foreign-and all ar<> lovely. I strongly urge you not to buy only things you know, take a chance on some you';-e not seen, that everyone doesn't have. You'll be delighted when they bloom! In answer to the many requests for descriptions, here they are again. Whether they appear again d epends on whether enough orders come in to be worth the extra cost: at any rate , save this catalog in case descriptions are not given next year. To save space, a few abbreviations are used, as follows: D.M.-Dykes Medal winner; var.-variegata; plic-plicata; Fancy-Fancy plicata: OB-Onco-bred; RB-Regeliabred; bl.-blend; bi.-bitone or bicolor; dip.-diploid; and tang. bd.- beard. As handling costs are larger in proportion on smaller orders, this year as an inducement to make your order larger, 1 am allowing you to sel-ect FREE iris from un-starred varie1;ies, in an amour.t accordin11 to the size of your order, as follows: $3.00-$5.00 ...... None $5.01-$10.00 ...... 10% in free iris $1C.01-$15.00 ...... •. 20% extra $15.01 and up ...... 25% in free iris As prices are already from y2 to % standard, on larger orders this brings them down to 38-56% of standard catalog-the lowest of any in the country! Get your friends to order with you, to take advantage of the discount; af>l such orders must be sent to one address. Besides this, GIFT IRIS of my own selection are sent with all orders over $3.00. Do NOT select NET items as premiums, and choose a few more gifts than you have com­ ing, in case I am short on some. One NET item to a customer: if more than one is ordered, or ;t NET items are ordered after Aug. 1, please list a few substitutes. In case of shorta!'e, if no substitutes are given, I will send something similar of equal or greater value, unless di­ rected otherwise. Please do not order unlisted iris without writing to see if I have them, enclosing a postcard for reply. Perhaps I do--I have over 1500 not listed, mostly of ll ewer thing&, and If I don't have it, perhaps I can get it for you at a substantial reduction. I do not issue a wholesale list, and make no price reductions beyond the collections noted within. Col­ lPctions do NOT count on gift iris, since a cash discount has already been given on them instead.


BORDER QUEEN: E: 20"; light blue OB. Border iris; greenish F. with dull violet signal. Fine form, and received an Exhibition Certificate at Salt Lake in 1961. Increases fast. It has no pollen, but sets seed easily. Co-introduced with Tell Muhlestein. NET .... $10.00 ODDBALL: M; 36"; Well-formed white plicata with bright tangerine beard: F. have both plicata. markings and variegata stripes in dark purple. Crazy, Man, cr azy! .. .. $10.00 ROYAL REGALIA: 28"; EM.: Bright llltlng bicolor,with closed dusty-rose S. and flaring, ruffl<'d F. of royal wine-purple, edged rose, the whole being set off by a bright tangE'­ rine beard. are brighter than In Pagan Princess, and form immeasurably better. NET ...... $20.00 Be Sure· to Select GIFT IRI~ according to size of order, see pg. 3. Net items are marked with a star (*); do not select as gifts.

AARESHORST : rare amoen a; old ...... 35 ARCTIC : warm white ...... 40 ABE:LARU: >ntermec!iate ...... ~u ARDIS : cream plic. marked brown . . . . .50 A<.;<.; c.,.,.,-, yellow, F. r ose reel ...... "15 ARETHUSA: magenta b lend ...... 35 ACr

LAKE DONNER, clear blue .. 00 oo.... .60 MARION VAUGHAN'', lemon-citron .. 45 MARIPOSA MIA, oyster-white ...... 45 MONKSHOOD*, rich blue ...... 1.00 MAROON DAMASK, maroon self ... . .40 MONTAZONA, ruffled lavender- blue . . 1.00 MARQUITA, cr eam; F . striped rose .. .40 ( MOONBLOSSOM) , beige, blue & pink 'MARSAlA, orchid; t a ngerine beard .... 1.00 blend ...... 50 MARVELOUS, apricot; F. striped r ed .40 MOON GODDESS, white, blu e flush on MARY CLOTILDE, light blue ...... 40 F...... 60 MARY ELLEN , taller, r edder Mexico . .50 MOON LANTERN, huge tall cream . . .40 MARY E. NICHOLS, warm white .... .40 MOONLIGHT MADONNA, lemon-ice .. .40 MARY GEDDES, lig ht variegata, D.M. .35 MOONLIGHT MIDNIGHT, d a rk r ed- MARY H . DUNCAN , warm white .... .35 purple, brushed white, lem o n hafts 3.00 ( MARY McCLELLAN), rfld d eep blue 1. 75 MOONLIGHT MOOD, cr eam, edged gold .60 MARY RICH LYON , g r eenish white .. .40 MOONLIGHT SERENADE, lig ht cream .60 MARY VERNON, richer Mexico ...... 50 MOONLIGHT SONATA, lemon-cream .65 MARY WOODWARD, tall var iegata bl .35 MOONLIT SEA, blue Fan cy, yellow hafts .35 MASTER CHARLES, mulb erry purple .40 MOON RAY, h uge cr eamy y ellow . . . . .45 ( MASTER NEAL) , yellow plicata, has MOONRISE* , wide, straw-yellow .... Mohr form ...... 60 MOONTIDE, h eliotrope, whit e throat . .40 MASTER WHITE, good white ...... 45 MOONTIDE, d eep yellow ...... 65 MATADOR, rose, violet & blue blend . .45 ( MORERA)*, blue - purple bitone OB. . .60 MATTERHORN, warm white ...... 40 MORNING*, S. cream; F. it. blue .. . . 50 MATTIE GATES, lemon-ice ...... 50 ( MORNING BLUE), m edium blue Mohr .50 M A TULA, tawny yellow S., F. r eddish .35 MORNINGSIDE, tawny blend .30 MAUD DEMING, rosy blend ...... 35 MOROCCO ROSE, pink blend ...... 40 ( MAUVE DUST) * , dusty mauve Mohr 1.00 MOTHER LODE, gold en yellow ...... 60 MAXWELTON, lacy tan-gold blend .. . .65 MOTHER' S DAY, S. cr eam F. gray-lilac .45 MAY A , copp ery rose blend ...... 35 MOULIN ROUGE* d eep r ed ...... 1.00 MAYAN GOLD, orange-gold ...... 60 MOUNTAIN SKY, clear light blue ...... 50 M AYAN MAGIC*, ruffled copper pink bl .45 MOUNTAIN SNOW, cool white ...... 40 MAY CHARM , pink, buff & salmon bl .45 MOUNT CLOUD, tall t a ilor ed white ...35 MAY CODDINGTON , lt. y ellow blend .45 MOUNT EMMONS, huge fine white ..... 65 MAYDAY, apricot b lend ...... 35 MOUNT HERMON , big warm white ...50 MAY SKY*, purple Fancy plicata ... . 1. 75 MOUNT McKINLEY, tall almost-a moena .50 MELANIE, v igorous tall pink blend .. .30 MOUNT TIMP, yellow & rose plicata .. .40 'MELDORIC, blu e -black ...... 35 MOURNING DOVE, gray-blu e plicata .. .40 MELITZA, flesh pink, tang. bea rd .. .40 MR. MOON, huge w a rm white; very tall 1.35 MELODY, purple amoena ...... 75 MRS. DOUGLAS PATTISON, light blue .50 MELODY LACE, yellow and rose plic .45 MRS. G. SMITH * white & blue plic. . . .35 MELODY LANE, apricot, tang . bd... .60 MRS. GAMELLIA, lig ht blu e ...... 40 M EM ORI ES, ruffled "carrot" pink 1. 75 MRS. SIDNEY MITCHELL, big t a ll MERRY ROSE, large coppery rose ... . .60 white ...... 60 MEXIA, w a rm pink bitone blend ... . .40 MRS. STELLA STEDMAN, warm white .40 MEXICAN FIESTA, big variegata ... . .65 MT. DIABLO, huge r ed ...... 60 MEXICO, bright varieg-ata blend ...... 45 MT. EVANS*, fine white; blu e b eard . . .75 MICHAEL* , rose blend ...... 40 MULBERRY ROSE, cerise; brown h a fts .40 MICHAELANGELO. grayish-brown bl .50 M. VIOLET MOYER*, h enna -viole t blend .65 MICHAEL BARTON*, wine-red ...... 45 MY CHOICE, fin e orchid- pink dip...... 40 M IC HILI N DA. pretty pink plicata . .. . .50 ( MY DAY) purple Mohr, splash ed white .40 MIDCONTINENT* , golden brown blend .60 MYSTIC MELODY, S. cream, F . gold ...70 MIDWEST GEM . tawny yellow blend . .40 MYSTIC SHRINE. odd tan-g r ey plicata .45 MIDWEST GOLD*, d eep , pure gold .. .65 NANCY HARDISON, pink, apricot, & MIMOSA GOLD, ruffled pinard yellow .55 buff ...... 40 MINETTE. white-n avy dip. plicata .... 1.00 NANKEEN, pongee tan ...... 55 MING YELLOW, big mediu m yellow . .40 NARADA, big clear blu e ...... 40 MINNIE COLQUITT* . white-pu rple plic. .50 NARAIN, purplish blu e ...... 4C• MINT JULEP, greenish cream ...... 60 NARANJA, "orange" ...... • .40 MINUET*, p eachy tan blend ...... 60 NARONDA. intense blu e ...... 30 MIOBELLE, brig ht plink blend ...... 45 NASSAK. big- whit e & blu e plicata . . . . .40 MIOGEN , bright rosy blend ...... 45 NATIONAL GIANT. huge blue - purple bi. .45 MIRROR LAKE. fine tall light blue .. .45 NATIONAL WHITE, tall warm whit e .60 MISS ANN , platinum pink blend ...... 35 NATIVIDAD, cr eam ...... 40 MISS B I SHOP, low warm white ...... 35 N A V AJ 0 , brown. striped white ...... 40 MISS BONNIE, r eddish bitone ...... 35 NAVAJO BRAVE, colorful tan blend .. .40 MISS CALIFORNIA, pink b le nd ...... 40 NAVAJO TRAIL* . S. chrome; F. copper 1.00 MISS CAMELLIA. light blue ...... 40 NEBRASKA ROSE. brig-ht r ose blend .. .45 MISS CHRISTINE*. ruffled cr eam .. . . 1.75 NEBRASKA SUNSET, brt. russet MISSION MELODY*, tang. bd., orchid & gold ...... 60 pink ...... 75 N E D LEFEVRE, rosy tan blend ...... 40 I MISS MOHR) *. much like Lady Mohr .65 NEW ADVENTURE, white/pink plic; ( MISS MUFFET), old gold, splashed tang-. bd...... 1.35 purple ...... 45 N F! W ERA. S. whit e; F. brassy yellow .45 M I SSOURI NIGHT, late b lue ; hafts N E W HOPE. white & blue pli cata ..... 50 brown ...... 40 NEW HORIZON* . flaming-o p ink ...... 60 M '!;TV GOLD, canary; white on F . . . .40 I I'JEW LOOK) * rich r ed Mohr ...... 1.00 M•STY ROSE. g r ayed-rose blend ...... 50 NEW SNOW. sootlesR white ...... 50 MME. CHEREAU, white- blue dip. plic. . 30 NICOLLE LASSAI LLY, scarce D.M. MOBY DICK, big starched white ...... 75 n eg-lecta ...... 1. 25 MODESTA, lt. variegata blend ...... 40 NIGHTFALL, pansy purple ...... 40 I MOHR ELEGANCE), big r ich blue .. .60 NIGHTINGALE, brig-ht conuer blend ...!iO ( MOHRESQUE)* , t a n , splash ed purple 1.00 NIGHT LIFE*, hug-e low h1ack ...... 75 ( MOHR INSPIRATION) , mulberry- rose 1.00 I'JIN E HEARTHS, large wide white .. . 65 ( MOHRLOFF). white-blue plic. TB type .60 11'1 . J. THOMAS\ blu e purple Mohr . . . . .40 I MOHRNIN G DOVE)*, dove grey Mohr 1.25 NOBILITY, g-oof! white ...... 35 ( MOHR SDLGS.), my choice, mixed NOBSKA LIGHT. pas t el varieg- OR C. ELAIN BLUE, clear light blue ... 60 PALE MOONLIGHT, light blue ...... 30 PORT WIN E, d eep wine F"ncv ...... 60 PALE PRIMROSE, good light yellow . . r;t' P OT 0 ' ~O LD. rnundeil y~> II OW ...... 40 PAL L IDA, t a ll blue dip. species ...... 35 (PRAIRIE DAWN ) gold, b eige, & P APRIKA. orange-red ...... dfi pink bl...... 6!i !PARACHUTE NO. 2) icy-blue Mohr .. 1.00 P RAIRIE FIR E, pinkish variegata b l. .45 P A RADISE P I NK, clear d eep pink ... . .65 PRAIRI E ROSE. orchid pink dip. with P A RAG ON . nearly coopery blend ...... 65 much effect of ~ wild rose . . . . .fin P A RATROOPER. white ...... 30 o R F TTY G AY. white:- tane-e rine b eard 1.75 blue bl...... 50 Pt:! E TTY PANSY. purole, brushed white .60 PATRICE , white & pink plicata ...... 45 t>R E TTY QUADROON *. dA e p hrown .. 1.00 P ATRICIA JOYC E, ivory cream ...... 45 PRINC F!':S I\II.._RYGOLD, S. yellow; P EACH BLOW. y ellow & oink plicata ...4 5 F. salmon ...... 35 PEACH GLOW, peach blend ...... 40 PRINCESS ROY AL, copper, pink, & PEACH MERINGUE*, smooth peach blue ...... n5 self ...... 60 PR ISCI LLA . pure white ...... 40 ( PEARLIMOHR) big old-parchment t> t:! IVATEER *. rich brownish-red ..... 1.10 Mohr ...... 1.00 P RO!':PECTOR, gold; white spot on F. .60 P E ARL LUSTRE, lustrous cream ...... 35 PTARMIGAN. cool white ...... 40 PEARLY MORN, odd milky white .... 1.35 PU LCHRITUDE, lemon-tinted white .50 I P EG DEBAGH ) big deep blue Mohr . . .50 PU R l SSIMA. f"mous old warm white .40 PENN CHARTER, deep gold ...... 50 (PURISSAMOHR) onco-formed white ...65 PURPLE BAND, white, edged pur ple .45 ROSY FRILLS, ruffled/ or ch id-rose dip. .40 PURPLE FLASH , deep purple self ....50 ROSY RIPPLES*, rose & magenta PURPLE GIANT, deep pur ple taffeta .. .40 b iton e ...... 65 PURPLE MOOR*, ditto, b u t lower ..... 60 ROSY RUFFLES, ruffled r ose b lend .. . 55 PURPLE ROYAL, Port \ Vin e in purple .90 OSY SUNSET, orchid -rose diploid . . .35 QUEECHEE*, garn et brown ...... 60 ROSY VEIL*, white & p ink p!icata .... 1.35 (QUEEN ANNE) cream, splash ed purple .50 ROSY WINGS, rosy bitone blend ; D .:\I . . 35 QUEST*, lacy orchid bitone ...... 75 - ROTA, bright rose dip. Border iris . . . . .45 QUICKSILVER, s ilvery blue ...... 85 ROUGE BOUQUET, bright red ...... 50 RADIANT COMMAND, blue S ., ROYAL BAND, white, edged pur ple . . .45 purple F...... 50 ROYAL GIANT*, huge pur ple bitone ...60 RAINBOW ROOM , yellow S ., lav- ROYAL GUEST, manganese violet .... .30 ender F...... 50 ROYAL REGALIA* (1962) seeP. 1 .... 20.00 ( RAINIER VALLEY) * flaring blue RB. 1.00 ROYAL SOVEREIGN, orange-gold .. . ..65 RAJAH *, bright variegata ...... 70 ROYAL WISH , cream S . ; r ose F ...... 60 RAJAH BROOKE, S. topaz, F. red . . . . .45 RUBIE NT, Amigo done in w ine-red . . .45 RAMESES, salmony b lend; D.M...... 35 RUFFLED APACHE*, lacy lt. red blend 2.35 RANGER, c rimson ...... 60 RUFFLED BOUQUET, ruffled cream . . .65 RANGITIKEI (ran-GI~ - a-key) rose red .45 RUFFLED GEM , frilly tan ...... :75 ( RARE PEARL)* huge pearly cream RUFFLED LACE, lacy creamy yellow .75 Mohr ...... 1.00 RUFFLED ORGANDY, cr eam, edged RASPBERRY RIBBON , white/ wine plic ..65 buff ...... 75 RASPBERRY SUPREME, tang. bd. RUFFLED SNOW*, r uffled white ...... 75 raspberry ...... 65 RUMBA ROSE, S. flesh ; F. rosy plum .50 RAVEN WING, large tall black ...... 75 RUSSET MANTLE, brown bitone ...... 35 ( REAL GOLD) gold & buff Mohr ... .. 1.00 RUSSET WINGS, S. tan; F. russet .. . .60 REBELLION , dark brown ish-red ...... 35 RUSSIAN BRONZE, bronze r ebloomer .50 RED AMBER*, amber , red, & yellow bl. .40 RUTH , big lacy light yellow ...... 50 RED BONNET, crimson b itone ...... 35 RUTH POLLOCK, yellow, edged red .. .40 RED FEATHER, wee yellow & red plic. .45 SABLE, black-violet ...... 40 RED FLURRY, tall large red ...... 1.15 SACRAMENTO, big white plicata; old .40 RED GLEAM , bright brown-red ...... 40 (SA DEE) small white OB...... 50 RED MAJESTY, rose; gold heart ...... 45 SAFARI, h uge cream & brown Fancy . . .60 RED ORCHID, wine-red Interm ediate .35 ( CHARM) yellow RB; RED RADIANCE, deep red ; old ...... -~0 blue blaze ...... 1.25 RED RAY, d k. brownish-red bitone . . . .45 SAINT JOSEPH , big white & blue plic. .35 RED TORCH , orange S.; bright red F ..50 SALAMON IE, salmon blend ...... 50 RED VALOR, red bitone ...... 40 SALMON FUCHSIA, hug-e tall salmon, RED VELOUR, ruffled ruby red ...... :75 overlaid orchid; tang. bd. Very RED VELVETEEN, purple-red ...... 35 showy ...... 1.00 REDWARD, as red as any to date . . .60 SALMON SHELL. tang. bd. salmon .. .. .60 REg WAVES* , rich brown-red ...... 65 SALMON SPLENDOR salmon blend dip. .40 RE WING, crimson ...... 35 SALMON TOWER, tall salmon self .. .60 REDWOO.D*, color of redwood ...... 40 SALOME, flame-red ...... 50 REGAL BEAUTY, S. It. blue; F. rosy SA MITE, white, gold hafts ...... 65 blue ...... 35 SAMOVAR, flame-copper and red ..10 REGAL ROBE, purple bitone ...... 70 SANDLEWOOD, tall tan; old ...... 35 REGENCY ROSE, rose ble n d ...... 40 SAN FRANCISCO, white & blue plic; REMEMBER ME*, bright copper tan ...75 DM ...... 35 REMEMBRANCE, light p ink blend .... .45 SANGREAL, yellow Intermediate ...... 35 RENDEZVOUS, yellow & red plicata ...60 SAN MARINO, ivory & violet plicata .. .45 RENEGADE, red a n d orange blend . . . .75 SARAH GOODLOE, maroon-red ...... 60 REVEILLE, pale shell pink ...... 35 SARAH KIN ISH , manganese v iolet .. .. .40 - RHAGES, white dip., sanded purple . . .40 SAUL OF TARSUS, w h ite & navy p!ic. .40 RICH RAIMENT, yellow, brushed red .60 SAVAGE* red; blue blaze on F ...... 75 R I DING HIGH , pink bitone blend ...... 35 SCENIC, ruffled lavender-buff blend . . R ILlA GABBERT, pink, buff, & SEA BLUE, r ich blue bitone ...... 40 peach bl...... 50 SEA DEEP, deep blue ...... 40 SEA GULL, ruffled white ...... 50 RIMROCK, yellow, striated red ...... 65 SEA LARK, blue; purple blaze on F. .50 RIO VALLEY, golden brown ...... 65 SEAMASTER*, h u ge r ich blue; very (RIPPLES) lilac; olive hafts ...... 75 fi n e ...... 3.50 ROBERT ALEXANDER*, amber- tan SEARCHLIGHT*, deep yellow ...... 80 blend ...... 6fi SEATHWAITE*, smooth blue; English ROBIN McGREGOR, dar k w ine-red self .65 DM ...... 3.00 ROCKET, S. gold; F. wash ed sienna . . .4fi SEDUCTION , white & blue plicata ... . .35 RODEO, h uge It. yellow & brown plic. .45 SELAH, lavender; gold hear t ...... 50 ROSA BARONE, salmon pink ...... 60 SENSATION, rich blue; old ...... 35 ROSA BELLA, tang. bd., rose blend . . . .65 SEPTEMBER SKIES, navy rebloomer .40 ROSANNA. rose blend ...... 35 SEQUATCHIE, brown; violet blaze ... .50 ROSE AMES, white; F. tinged lilac ...55 SERENE VALLEY, huge light blue .. 1.00 ROSE BOWL, rose blend ...... 40 SERGEANT BUCK, gold, copper & ROSEBRONZE BLEND, bronzy rose b r own ...... 1.00 blen d ...... 35 SETTING SUN. deep brown -red .40 ROSE DOMINION, American Beauty SEVENTH HEAVEN, low shell pink . . . 75 bitone ...... • . . . .. • • • • . • ••••• .40 SHADRACH*. tan & lavender blend .. 1.75 ROSE FESTIVAL, watermelon-rose SHADY LADY, mauve a n d plum blend .50 b lend ...... 60 SHAH JEHAN , S. tan; F . plum-brown .35 ROSE FRILLS, lacy rose blend ...... 60 SHANNOPIN, cream S., rose- pink F .. . .40 ROSE GLOW*, warm copper -rose ...... 65 SHARI*. fine large tang. bd. pink . . . 1.00 ROSE GOLD, rose, gold, & copper bl. .50 SHARKSKIN, big white ...... 35 ROSELAND, b ig rose bitone ...... 35 SHARON KAY, p ink blend ...... 45 ROSEMARY, p ink & rose biton e ...... 40 SHIMMERING VELVET, pur pli sh red .30 ROSE OF HEAVEN , bright rose blend .50 SHINING HOUR, b r own , copper & buff .60 ROSE PEARL, cream S.; F. rose ...... 50 SH I RVAN. red- brown biton e ...... 35 ROSE SACHET, old rose blend ...... 60 SHISHALDIN, golden hrown ...... 45 ROSE SPLENDOR, bright rose blend ... 65 SHOCKING*. bright pink; blue blaze .. .75 ROSE TAFFETA*, small silky r ose ... .50 ISHORT SONG) short purple Mohr . . . 1.00 ROSETOP*, ivory & rose plicata . . . . . • .50 SHOWBOAT. tall copper -r ose b lend . . .50 ROSIRED, rose red ...... 60 SHOW GIRL, bright pink blen d ...... 45 SIEGFRIED<•, first big yellow plicata ...50 SPRING MOON, creamy yellow .75 SIERRA BLUE, tall blue; D.M. .40 SPRING 1-'KELUDE*, blue Border I ris .80 S IERRA LAKE, bright blue ...... 45 SPRING ROMANCE, tall cream & gold .50 SIERRA PRIMROSE, big light yellow .45 SPRING SECRETARY, light orchid p ink SIERRA SNOW, well-branched white .. .45 blend ...... 40 SIGNAL LIGHT, brown-red ...... 35 SPRING SONNET, big light yellow .. .75 SILVANUS, quiet lavender blend ...... 40 SPUN GOLD, deep gold, D.M...... 40 SILVER FLAME*, S. white; F. canary 1.10 SPY SONG, pink & g·old blend ...... 65 S ILVER HARK*, big silvery white ... 2.00 STAG AT EYE, low, bright copper . . .50 S ILVER LUSTRE, tall silvery blue ..... 60 STAINED GLASS, sienna-red ...... 40 SILVER PLATTER, tall light blue ..... 55 STARDOM, tawny rose blend ...... 40 SILVER SUNLIGHT*, S. white, F. STARKIST, cream & red plicata ...... 60 yellow ...... 2. 75 STARLESS NIGHT, deep maroon .40 SILVER SUSIE, tall warm white .... .40 STARLIT HOUR*, lilac, stitched violet 1.00 SILVERWINGS, S. white, F. s ilvery .. .40 STARSHINE, cream, blue flush on F. .60 SIOUX CITY SUE, henna; blue blaze .45 STARWOOD, yellow ...... 50 SIR ALFRED, navy bltone ...... 35 STATEN ISLAND, S. yellow, F. brt. red .60 SIR LANCELOT, S. orange; F. red; low .50 ( STEEL), light steel-blue Mohr ...... 1.00 - SIXTEEN , orchid-lilac diploid ...... 35 STELLA VIOLA, violet blue ...... 40 S K Y ABOVE, sky blue ...... 75 STOP*, rich red, really stops 'em! 1.50 SKY CHIEF, tall medium blue ...... 65 ( STORMY DAWN )<• , stormy gray blend S K Y DYE, clear blue ...... 75 Mohr ...... 65 SKY HOSTESS*, tall clear pink ...... 2.50 SKY PILOT, bright light blue .65 STORY PRINCESS, huge orchid-laven. 1.00 STORY Tl ME, rose & violet blend .... .60 SK Y SONG, light blue border iris . . . . .60 STRATHMORE, SKY TINT, azure blue ...... 75 sh&ll pink (England) .65 SLEEPY HOLLOW, deep purple self . . .45 ST. REGIS* , big bright brown-red . . . . .45 SLEIGHRIDE, fine tall white .65 STYLISH STOLE*, indigo blue ...... 1.25 ( SLICK CHICK)*, white Mohr. pure TB 1.75 SUE REVELL, flax blue ...... 65 SMARTY PANTS, yellow Table, F. (SUEZ), purple Mohr, brushed white .65 SUGARPLUM *, lacy orchid blend .... striped ...... 35 .so SMOKED SALMON, tang. bd., salmon- SUMMER CLOUD, S. ice-blue, F . blue .40 tan ...... 80 SUMMER SONG, flaring orange-gold .75 SUMMER SUN *, pure gold, white on F. .65 SMOLDER, dark purple blend .40 SUMMER TAN , tan & brown bitone .40 SNOBLUSH, clear pink, tang·. bd...... 60 SUMMERTIME, yellow Border Iris .. .45 SNOQUALMIE. big cream ...... 35 SUMMIT, S. white, F. gold ...... S NOSHEEN . .75 .75 h:udy big white SUN BLEST, deep yellow ...... 35 SNOW CRYSTAL, white, azure crests .45 SUNBURST, apricot-yellow, old .40 SNOW EMPRESS, splendid tall white 1.50 SUNDANCE, S. gold, F. mahogany .. .. .35 SNOW FLURRY, famous blue-white . .40 SUNDIPT, big yellow ...... 40 SNOW GODDESS". big ruffled white.. 1.50 S UN GOLD, deep yell ow ...... 35 SNOW PLUME. nice white ...... :15 SUN LAKE, sparkling blue ...... 60 SNOW SYMPHONY, lovely rfld white 1.50 SUNNY RUFFLES, ruffled lt. yellow .4(1 ,. SNOW VELVET, only white with vel- SUNRAY, ruffled yellow ...... 50 \rety F ...... 40 SUNSATION, stunning yellow ...... 65 SOIREE, plum bitone ...... 65 SUNSET BLAZE, flame, salmon bl .60 SOLAR MAID, richest gold ...... 1.35 S UNSET GLORY, apricot, rose, tan bl .60 SOLE M 10, light yellow ...... 35 SUNSET ROAD, bright sunset blend .60 SOLID GOLD, deepest gold ...... 65 SUNSET SERENADE, salmon rebloomer .50 SOLID MAHOGANY, maroon ...... 45 SUN SHADOW*, yellow ...... 45 !'> OLVEG, lemon-ice ...... 60 SUNSHIN E, bright gold ...... 40 S ONATA IN GOLD* . bright yellow .. .65 SU NSTON E , orange, F. washed brown .60 SON G AT TWILIGHT. lavender border SURRENDER, pinky-white, gold heart .60 Iris, a ll 6 petals ed)"ed white . . . . 5.00 S USAN DREVES, S. orange, F. tawny .40 SONG OF GOLD. early light yellow . . .40 SUSITNA SUNSET, rosy copper blend .60 SONG OF SONGS, light yellow, white SUZETTE. dainty cream & tan plicata .40 on F...... 50 S'/1/ AN LAKE. fine light blue ...... 45 SONJA HENlE. lavender bitone blend .35 SWARTHY, big tawny rose blend .75 S ON NY BOY, tall lt. variegata blend .35 SWEEPSTAKES*, red-violet, brown SONRISA, apricot & buff b lend . . . .45 hel'lrt ...... 65 ISOQUEL). lavender-purpl <> Mohr . .. . .60 SWEET ALIBI , rufflerl n i nki~h yell ow .411 SORREL TOP*, S. sorrel, F. edged same .50 SWEET GIRL GRADUATE, creamy pink !'>0 SWEET. frae-rant blue-white .75 with perfect flaring· form & oextra- S OUTHERN BREEZES, coral blend . . .45 heavy substance, light tang. bd. 2.00 S OUTHERN CROSS. tall brown-red . . .40 SWEET MARIE*, tang. bd. rose blend .60 SOUTHERN PACIFIC. deep h lue .~5 SWEET SIXTEEN, orchid pink .3i> S OUTHERN SNOW. good white ...... 40 SWEET TALK, lilac; cream heart . . . . .50• SOUTHLAND. V<>llow Tntermediate . . . . . a5 SYLLABUS, salmon pink ...... 50 S OUTH PAC-IFI C. ver:v clear It. ''lue 2.50 SYLVAN BELLE, big warm white .....50 SOUTHWESTERN*, coppery rose & SYLVAN SONG, light yellow ...... 50 Purple ...... 75 SYLVIA MURRAY, frag-rant lt. blu e . . .40 S OUV. DE MME. GUADICHAU, navy SYMBOL* , yellow; red-brown hafts . .. .40 , ~rl · · ······ · ·· · ·· · · · · · ·· .35 SYMPHONETTE, lilac & rose blend . . .45 SPARKlE*. y pllow. gRilv marked red .70 SYRINGA, lilac self ...... 50 SPARKLING BLUE, light bl'le ...... 40 TA BASCO, yellow, hrushed papr ika . . . .90 SP E CKLES. white dip.. specklP.d blue .40 TAFFY WINGS, taffy brown ...... 75 ~PFLLBOUND . "0Pper-red b lend ...... 75 TAMING. orange-tan ...... 35 S PI~ ANn SPAN. fine big cream . . . . . ~5 TAN BOY, big tan self ...... 60 SPICE. cinnamon-tan ...... 1.75 TAN DELIGHT, tall light tan .. .. .•. .35 s~nK A."-1. ~- t~n - ~o l d . F. rPiJ.-l)rf"'I\Vf\ .40 TANGIER*, u nfading Rocket ...... 75 SPORT INn NEWS*. lustrous bluP-black .60 TANGO, brigh t medium blue ...... 65 ( SPORTING THOMAS), blue-black Mohr .60 TANNHAUSER*, copper gold ...... 70 (SPORTING THOMAS NO. 2) , purple , TARANTELLA, tall white dip. plicata .40 self .. ·-...... ~0 TARN HOWS*, tobacco brown; D.M... 2.75 SPOT. wh;te Tnterrnerl.: blue spot on F. .60 TEAL, lilac- tan S.: brown-pu rple F. . . .50 S PRI"'G C:HEER. ligh t yellow ...... 45 TEA ROOM , brig h t p ink blend ...... 40 SP"!INr. ~HIMO:::S , o.nricot-yelT ow . . . . .40 TEA ROSE. rose pin k blend ...... 40 ..:;.!':PRlNr. C-LOUD. l igh t o ink d ioloiO . . .~5 TECHNICOLOR, deep red self ...... 65 SPRING IDYL. t'fainty o i nk-whit~> dip. .~!> "TEEN TIME. pinkest of a ll diploids .40 SPRING MEADOW, purple blend . . . . .45 TEMPLE CITY, brightest yell ow . . . .60 TEMPTATION, tawny p each blend .. .65 VICE REGAL, r eddish-blue b itone . . . . .40 TENAYA, deep plum ...... 35 VICTORIA, tall blue-violet ...... 1.00 TENSLEEP, white/ blue plicata; no VICTORIAN VEIL, white/ purple Fancy .65 two flowers marked alike ...... 65 VIGIL, pure w hite ...... 50 THAIS, tall or c hid pink diploid ...... 35 VII PUR I , ruffled amoena ...... 40 THANKSGIVING FIRELIGHT*, var. (VIO) * huge violet Mohr ...... 3.50 b lend ...... • . • .65 VIOLET BRIGHT, Violet self ...... 75 THE ADMIRAL, dark bishops' violet ...40 VIOLET FLIGHT, large violet self . . . .75 THE BISHOP, deep purple taffeta .....35 VIOLET GRACE*, v iolet; white on F. 2.00 THE BLACK DOUGLAS, tall black .....35 VIOLET SYMPHONY, blue-violet ...... 40 THE CHIEFTAIN, reddish blend ...... 40 VIOLINE, floriferous violet ...... 45 THE DARB, wine, rose, & tan b lend . . .40 VIRGIN SNOW, pure white ...... 50 THE FRANCESCAN, violet-black ...... 75 VISION FUGITIVE*, It. yellow; THE GUARDSMAN , mulberry bitone . . .45 brown bd...... 45 THE INTRUDER, dark violet-purple .. .45 VISION OF MIRZA, buff/ purple Fancy .40 THE KNOCKOUT* , tall yellow; F. VISTA VERONICA, pinkish-blue ...... 45 lig h ter ...... 65 VOODOO* , brown-red ...... 75 THE LAUGHING CAVALIER, blue; WABASH. best inexpen sive amoena ...40 F . striped d a rker ...... 75 WACONDA, old, but very red ...... 40 THELMA JEAN, huge mulberry-purple .35 WAKARUSA, flame -red ...... 40 THE MAD HATTER, rich deep red ....75 WAL TLEN* , b rown blend ...... 1.00 THE ORIOLE, S. gold ; F. mahogany . . . 50 WALTZ TIME*, deep ivory-cream ..... 75 THE PENGUIN, ivory & brown plicata .65 WAMBLISKA, h ardy tall w hite ...... 35 THE RAVEN , big b lack-purple ...... 75 WAR AND PEACE, S. cream, F. THE RED DOUGLAS, red. D.M ...... 50 maroon ...... 50 THE SENTINEL, bright copper ...... 40 WARBLER, yellow Table iris ...... 35 THE SHOWMAN*, rosy copper ...... 65 WAR CRY, Indian copper ...... 50 THE SPARTAN, broad cream .65 WAR DANCE*, chocolate b lend ...... 75 THOTHMES Ill, copper-ta n ...... 1.00 WASATCH , big white & azure plicata .40 TH ISTLEBLOOM*, cr eam S.; pink F. .60 WASATCH CHIEF, tan-rose b lend .... . 60 THREE CHEERS, ruffled neglecta . ... .40 WATERMELON, warm rose blend .. .. 1.75 THREE OAKS, rose, copp e r, & blue bl. .45 WAVERLEY, bright medium blue .... .40 THREE SISTERS, S. cream; F. red . . . 4fi WAX CANDLES, warm white ...... 60 THUNDERHEAD, tall white ...... 50 WAXY WHITE, white; waxy s u bstance .45 Tl ETON, pinkish-buff plicata ...... 50 WAYFARER, ruffled white & blue plic.. 50 Tl FFANJA, yellow & brown plicata .35 WEATHERBIRD. white & lav./tan plic.. 65 TIFFANY, yellow & violet-rose plic. . . .35 WEDDING BOUQUET* , big ruffled TIFFANY DAYS, fine w hite & blue plic.. 75 white ...... 1.35 TIGER QUEEN, apricot; wide purple (WEE BAIRN)* ruffled w hite/rose stripes at haft; bright tanger- dip. plicata from William Mohr 1.00 ine bd...... 3.50 WEIRDIE, rose; buff shoulde r s ...... 60 TIMBERLINE* , tall big m edium blu e .. 1.00 WELCOME, big cream self ...... 40 TIOGA b lue blend ...... 3o WESTERN HILLS, mustard-brown & TISHOMINGO, fine light blue ...... 40 tan ...... 60 TITIAN LADY, white; reddish beard . . .40 WEST POINT, dk. blue; brown h afts .. . 35 .....-ToKAY, tall peach dip. blend ...... 40 WESTWARD, white, sanded rose & TOKEN, old gold S.; rosy brown F. . . .40 violet ...... 1. 25 TOM TOM*, orange-tan S.; ruby F. . . 5.00 WHISPERING HOPE. w hite & rose nlic . . 50 TONE POEM, pink, apricot, & buff bl. .50 WHISPERS. yellow/white r ev. bicolor .65 TONGA, tan ; brown shoulders ...... 40 WHISPERWOOD. lt. b lue rehloomer ... 65 TOP SAILS. tall cream bitone ...... 65 WHISTLING SWAN , big w hite ...... 50 TOP SCORE, yellow S.; brownish F ....60 WHITE ADMIRAL* , greenish white .. .60 TOP SERGEANT. big red bitone ...... 40 WHITE ALONE, fine tall w hite re- TORAN DO tan· F. flushed lavend er . . .50 bloomer ...... 60 TOURNAM,ENT; magenta, overlaid brown ...... 50 WHITE CINDERELLA, ruffled white 1.00 WHITE CITY. TOWER OF JEWELS, gold, r ose, cool white; E ngland D.M.. 35 lil ~ c b l...... 45 WHITE CHARM * . crisp ruffle d white 6.75 TRADITION*. flaring medium lavender 1.75 WHITE GLORY : splendid w hite ...... 50 TRANQUIL MOON . creamy white ..... 50 WHITE GODDESS. snlendid w hite . . . . .40 TRANQUILITY, wide w hite ...... 60 WHITE JADE, pinkish ivory; tang. bd. 1.00 TRANQUILITY SPORT, lavender- b lue .65 WHITEHALL, ruffled white ...... 40 TREASURE TROVE . orange T able iris .45 (WHITE LEATHER) , leathery white TREVA, apricot-pink ...... 65 OB...... 45 TROUSSEAU . creamy sh ell pink ...... 65 WHITE PEACOCK*. big ruffled white 1.35 TRULY FAIR*, bi~ clear pink ...... 2.00 WHITF: PERFECTION, very good w hite .40 TRULY YOURS*, lacy yellow; w hite WHITE RUFFLES, ruffled warm white .60 on F...... 90 WHITE SATIN. snow white, w hite bd.. 70 TUDOR ROSE. nrchid & pink blend . . .45 WHITE SENTRY, tall white ...... 65 TUNISIAN GOLD. tawnv gold ...... 40 WHITF.: SMOKE, fine bie- w hite ...... 50 TWENTY GRAND* , ruffled gold & WHITE SPIRE, tall w hite ...... 50 orchid ...... 75 WHITE SUNBONNET, ruffled white . . .40 TWO S NOWS*, ruffled white ...... 75 WHITE WATERS. fin A big- w hite ...... 40 UNICORN, "horn ed" w hite/purple plic. 2.00 WHITE WEDGEWOOD, w hite, blue UNIQUE. dull rose blend ...... 35 beard ...... 40 UTAH FI"':STA, orange; F. flushed blue . ~5 WID~': WORLD, light blue S.; white F. 2.00 UTAH LAKE. sparkling blue ...... 60 WILD HONEY. r osy hnnPv-tan blend ...75 UTAH SPECIAL. h11'f, tan, & pink bl. .75 WILD ORCHID. orchid-lilac ...... 40 VAGABOND PRINCE. low bl~ . ck-nu rpl e .40 WILI_IAM r.. JONI=:S. bie: creR.m ...... 35 VALAMOF':NA, w hite S.; purple F ...... 40 WILLIAM SETCHELL, huge blue VALOR, dark blne bitnne ...... 40 bitone ...... 40 YANDA* . v.-ry clear blue ...... 75 WILLIWAW. whit" with purole buds .65 !VANGUARD) hnge p11rple Mohr ...... 75 WILMA V .. 11" lill;put-OB. with wis- VARESE. m~.,.enta: nld ...... 35 terlR.-bln'l S. and greenish- VARIETY t>IRI_ : plnki«h w hite ...... 5n yellow F...... 3.00 VATICAN PURPLE, hi«hop's nurple ...4fi WILMA. VALL~TTE , burgundy & VEINED BEAUTY. white & blue plic.. 30 lV'"t"Y nltf'...... , ...... , , ...... 60 VELVET DUSK, du,.t.v dark purple .... .4~ WINDSOR. tR.ll dee p blue ...... 4!> VELVF.:T KIN~. r"ddish hitone ...... 3o Wll\lf=:Br:o:RRV. " l•ret bitone ...... 4n VELVET MANTLE, red bitone ...... 45 wr11.rn r.oMMANr1. deen purple ...... 40 VESTAL BEAUTY, big white ...... 50 WINIFRED, bright b lue ...... 40 WINNIESHIEK, navy "neglecta" ...... 40 WOODMON T PLUME, ruffled white WINSTON CHURCHILL, r ed bitone; plic...... 5o- Eng land ...... 60 WOODMONT VAQUERO*, huge low WINTER CARNIVAL, cool white ...... 30 variegata ...... 7fi WINTERSET*, blue- white; b lu e b eard .90 WORTHINGTON , rose r ed ...... 4(} WINTER SHADOWS, cool white ...... 35 W . R. DYKES, first big y ellow ...... 35 WINTER' S NUN , fine n ew white ...... 4.00 WYNOOCHI E, blue bitone blend ...... 40 WISH AGAIN, r edder Moonlit Sea ... . .65 YELLOW DIAMOND, crisp It. yellow . . .7fo WISHING MOON. soft y ellow ...... 80 YELLOW EAGLE, light y ellow self . . . .65 WITCHES' DANCE, brighte r Shah YELLOW JEWEL, sparkling yellow ...40 J eh a n ...... 50 YELLOW ORGANDY, crisp lig ht yellow .65 WOND E R BAR* , tall wide cr eam ...... 65 Y ELLOW TOWER, wide m edium yellow .41' WONDERFUL, w hite & blue plicata .. .35 YOU AND I, pink; hafts striped purple .7fi WONDERMENT, white; F . tipped azure 5.00 Y UCCA, tall wide cream ...... 70 WOODLAND , t a ll orchid self ...... 35 Y UMA. white & brown-nurple plic. . . .40 ZANTHA, huge soft y ellow ...... 6fr WOODLAND BEAUTY, buff, peach, ZARA*, splendid wide la r ge blue ...... l.;l5 & pink bl...... 45 (Z E BULON ) huge purple bitone Mohr .40 WOOD MONT LILAC, lilac self ...... 75 ZEPHRINE. big- t•all cr eam ...... 70 WOODMONT PLAC ID, cr eam-brown ZULU WARRIOR*, yellow-violet plic... 2.7fi plicata ...... 75 (ZWANENBURG) early 'an bitone OB. .40 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••v••••••••••••••• Make, Your Own Collections (from unstarred varieties only)

Any ten 30c iris for $2.75; 25 for $5.50; MY CHOICE, labeled: 6 for $1.20 or 25 for $3.50. Any t en 35c iris for $3.25: 25 for $6. 50; MY CHOICE, labeled: 10 for $2.35: 25 for $4.7G. Any ten 40c iris for $3.50; 25 for $7.25 ; MY CHOICE, labeled: 10 fo~ $2.50 ; 25 for $5.00. Any five 50c iris for $2.25; 10 for $4.25; 25 for $10.00; MY CHOI CE: 5 for $1. 50; limit 20 . Any five 60c iris for $2.65; 10 for $5. 00; MY CHOICE: 5 for $2. 00: limit 10. SPECIAL MY C HOI C E COLLECTIONS: chosen from a ll the above groups : 10 for $2.00; 25 for $3.50; 50 for $6.50; or 100 for $11.00, labeled, alit different; postpa id. U ="LABELED, for landscaping : 10 for $1.50; 25 for $2.75; 50 for $4.50; or 100 for $8.00 ~ postpaid. Orders for 100 of either of these collections may include a few good seedlings, w orth up to $1 or more each, including Mohrs. These offers a r e to dispose of surplus, and a r e strictly MY CHOICE. Collections do not count on gift iris; see p. 1 for this. MY CHOICE of a bove, labeled: 5 for $1.00, postpaid ; limit, four collection s . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DWARFS AND LILLIPUTS

AB LAZE, bright variegata ...... 60 the same as the one listed A ZUREA, lig ht blue ...... 45 elsewh er e ) ...... 1.50 BALKANA*, violet (not the s pecies) . . .50 HAPPY THOUGHT, yellow lilliput ... . .65 BAR I A , lig ht yellow Lilliput ...... 50 HARBOR LIGHTS, cr eam ch a maeiris .45 BENA C ENSI S , blue aphylla hybrid .. 65 INCH ALONG*, wee yellow ...... 75 B IFLORA*, r ed-purple biton e ...... 50 INTRIGUE*, S. slate; F. dull purple .. .60 BLACKBIRD, black1sh-red ...... 40 KEWPIE DOLL, 4',2"; cr eam ; oxblood BLACK MIDGET, ditto ...... 35 spot on F . ; from Pink Cameo BLARNEY*, S. white, F. green; pumila .65 x Sulina ...... 2. 50 BLAZON, red-purple; gold hafts ...... 60 KING 0 ' THE HILLS*, yellow; r ed- BLUE BAND, medium blue ...... 75 brown s pot on F...... 1. 75 BLU EB E ARD, cr eam; yellow b eard .30 LADDIE BOY, navy blue ...... 35 BOUQUET , white & h eli otr ope ...... 3G LADIES OF PEELING, It. blue a phylla BRITE* fine w hite ...... 1.00 hybrid ...... 30 BURCH F I E LD*, fine yellow chamaeiris .4 5 LEMON F LARE, n ew it. yellow Lilliput 1.00 BUTCH , r ed-purple ...... 50 LIBRA, cream chamaeiris ...... 30 CHERRY SPOT, cr eam, r ed spot on F . 1.00 LIDO, blue chamaeiris ...... 30 COERULEA, li g-ht blue ...... 50 LILLIPUT*, smoky blue bitone ...... ,, 1.00 COMPACTA, dk. blue ch a m aeiris ...... 35 LITTLE E LSA, y ellow a lmost-amoena .40 CYAN EA, ditto ...... 40 ( LITTLE MASTER)* brown-purple RB. .60 l DAINTY MISS, bluish ...... 40 LITTLE MOHE E , brownish dwa rf ..... 65 DALE DENNIS*, first plicata Lil\iput .. 1.50 LITTLE ROSY WINGS, rosy-winged DIRTY FACE*, g r eenish pumila .60 Lilli put ...... 50 DIXMUDE, d a rk blue chamaeiris . .. . .30 EARLY SUNSH I N E, sunny yellow . . . . .65 LI T TLE SHADOW, dark blue -purple . . .60 FAIRY, white; F. striped blue ...... 35 MACROCARPA, red-purple ...... 60 • (FALLEN LEAF)* twisted brown RB. .75 MALAYA, brown bitone dwarf ...... 35 F AUNTLEROY, brown bitone ...... 35 MAROCAIN , dark blue chamaeiris . . . . .3fi F IOR DEL MONDO*, y ellow, splashed MAUVEMIST, dusty m a uve ...... 40 purple; fertile arenaria hybrid . . .65 MOON GL E AM , fine creamy yellow . . . . .40 F LORIDA, yellow chamaeiris ...... 30 NIGRETTE, r ed-black pumila ...... 75 FRAGRANCE, dark blue "ch a mmy" . . .30 OLIVE EVA, olive S. ; purple F ...... 45 GARNET TREASURE*, garne t Lilliput .90 ORANGE BANTAM, orange lilliput . . . . .90 GOLDE N DREAM , d eep yellow ...... 60 ORANG,';: QUE E,';l , d eep yellow GRACILIS. cr eamy aphylla hybrid .... . 45 chammy ...... 35 GRAPE SPOT*, ivory; purple spot PAGAN MIDGET, red-purple Iilli put .. .60 on F...... 1.00 PAM , dwa rf Pinnacle ...... 50 GR E EN HALO, white; green halo on F. 1.35 PAPER AND INK*, white; blue spot .. 1.25 GREEN S POT. white; green spot on F ..50 PAPOOSE, brown bitone ...... 40 GREEN SPRITE*, greenish m ellitz hyb ..50 PATH 0 ' GOLD, d eep yellow ...... 50 HANSELMAYER*, lemon pumila ...... 1.25 PETITE, m a uve pink bitone ...... 60 HANSELMAYER* (violet s port from PIGMY GOLD, d eep y ellow lilliput . . . . .50 my own plant, so m a y not be PINK MAUVE, unusua l mauve color . . .3G POGO, yellow lilliput; ·r ed-brown spot SOUND MONEY'', award-winning on F...... 50 yellow ...... 40 .PRAIRIE GEM, rich yellow ...... 45 (SPRING CAPERS), yellow RB., PRIMUS, pumila variegata ...... 50 s plashed purple; odd ...... 75 'PRINCESS LOUISE, blue bitone ...... 50 STATELLAE, creamy yellow ...... 35 PUC K • , brownish-purple bitone ...... 40 STEW ART, brown bitone ...... 30 PURPLE BEAUTY, purple ch amaeiris .35 STYLISH , petunia-purple ...... 50 REFLECTION , light blue chammy . . . . .35 SUN DROPS, bright yellow ...... 65 ROSE BLUSH , misty rose ...... 70 THE GREAT SMOKIES, brown-purple .50 ROSE MIST, misty rose chamaeiris .... .40 TONY, deep blackish-r ed ...... 40 ROYAL, navy chamaeiris ...... 35 (TOUSSAINT L'OUVERTURE)* black- SCHNEEKUPPE, best w h ite chamm y . .40 ish OB...... 80 ( SHUSHAN ), metallic brown-purple R.B .50 VERI-GAY: yellow; red on F.; pumila .60 SKIPPY, S. bluish: F. mahogany ...... 65 YELLOW BANTAM, brt. yellow lilliput .80 YELLOWBIRD. yellow chamaeiris ..... 30 SMALL WONDER, blue lilliput ...... 75 YELLOW FRILLS, ditto; no frills . . ...30 SOCRATES, blackish-red ...... 35 (ZIA) '' smoky lavender-violet ...... 60 ~·························································

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