WSET Diploma Systematic Approach to Tasting Wine®

EffRANGE Clarity/brightness ■ clear - hazy / bright - dull (faulty?)

Intensity pale mediurfi - deep Colour wNte lemon- - lemon - - amber - ros4 pink - salmon - - onion skin purple - ruby - garnet - tawny - brown Other observations e.g. iegsAears, deposit, petillance, bubbles

Condition clean i- unclean (faulty?) Intensity light - medium(-) - medium -> medium(+) - pronounced Aroma characteristics e.g. fruits, flowers, spices, vegetables, oak aromas,■ o t h e r S t S g . . Development youthful - developing - fully developed - tired/past its best

Sweetness dry - off-dry - medium-dry - medium-sweet - sweet - luscious

Acidity low - medium(-) - medium - medium(-t) - high

Tannin level low - medium(-) - medium - medium(+) - high nature e.g. ripe/soft vs unripe/green/stalky, coarse vs fine-grained

Alcohol low - medium(-) - medium - medium(+) - high fortified wines: low - medium - high Body light - med[um(-) -.medium medium(+) - full Ravour intensity light - medium(-) - medium - m"edium(+) - pronounced Flavour characteristics e.g. fruits, fibwets, spices; vegetables, oak flavours, Other observations e.g. texture, balance, other sparkling wines (mousse): delicate - creamy - aggressive ,ry Rnish short - medium(-) - medium - medium(+) - long

Quality level faulty - poor - acceptable - good - very good - outstanding Reasons for assessment e.g. structure, balance, concentration, complexity, lengtji, typicity«

Level of readiness can drink now, drink now: not ■ for drinking/potential too young - but has potential suitable for ageing too old for ageing for ageing or further ageing Reasons for assessment e.g. structure, balance, concentration, complexity, length, typicity tiiWINE?iNfeOfiT;E» Origins/variety/ for example: location (country or region), grape variety or varieties, production methods, theme c l i m a t i c i n fl u e n c e s . O ^ t - C U M A T t S l Price category inexpensive - mid-priced - high-priced - premium - super-premium

Age in years answer with a number not a range or a vintage Vti^TA^tC

Notes for students; For lines where the entries are separated by hyphens - students must select one and only one of these options. Fbr lines starting with "eg." where the entries are separated with commas - the list of options are examples of what students might wish to comment on. Students may not need to comment on each option for every wine.

Copyright Wine & Spirit Education Trust 2014. The WSET Diploma Systematic Approach to Tasting Wine* may only be reproduced with the written permission of the WSET subject to their terms and conditions. For mom infomnation contact

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