Men and Boys of Diocese to Parade at Cornwall Next Sunday Afternoon
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'MEMBERX VUDIT luREAU ’ OF The Glengarry News CIRCULATIONS THE FINEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN EASTERN ONTARIO ALEXANDRIA, ONT., MAY 5th, 1950 $2.50 A YEAR VOL. LVin.—No. 18 Men And Boys Of Diocese To Parade Calder Trophy As Top Glengarry Football League To Have Rookie To Gelineau Five To Seven Teams This Season At Cornwall Next Sunday Afternoon Cash Prize Of $1,000 Accompanies Award — Bishops Brodeur And Smith To Attend Phil Maloney Runner-Up Maxville Returning To Play After Lapse Annual Mass Rally Designed To Offset Of Several Years — League Schedule i Jack Gelineau, 25-year-old goal- To G-et Started On 24th of May Communist May Day Demonstrations tender from Montreal who jumped from intercollegiate hockey to Boston Maxville was re-admitted to the Glengarry Football League, Wednesday TheiT Excellencies Most Rev. Rosario Brodeur, D.D., Bishop of Alexandria, Bruins last season, today is new holder night, when the annual re-organization meeting of that group was held in the and Most Rev. William J. Smith, DX>., Bishop of Pembroke, will play key roles of the Calder Trophy as the National Hub hall. The league this year will have at least five and possibly seven in the annual diocesan May rally in Cornwall, Sunday afternoon, when men League’s outstanding rookie for 1950. teams. and .boys of the diocese will parade in a demonstration designed to offset A poll of 18 sports writers and broad- Definite starters with Maxville are the champion Lochiel eleven, Green- Communism’s May Day activities. The rally is under the patronage of His casters — three from each league city field, Glen Gordon and Dalkeith. Alexandria and McCrimmoh are also probable Excellency Bishop Brodeur, and arrangements are under the supervision of — gave Gelineau 39 points out of a entrants, while it. is reported Dun- Ontario Council K. of C., Cornwall. , possible 54 for the honor. In addition vegan is definitely out. Colorful floats depicting religious to the eup, the six foot, 180-pound The meeting was attended by rep- motifs will be a feature of the second Diocesan Orphanage Please Note Our Deadline goalie also received a cash prize of resentatives of a Cornwall eleven, who annual faith demonstration which is $ , . 1 000 For Display Advertisement sought entry into the league. This was scheduled to get under way at thé Ravaged By Fire Thursday Runners-up to Gelineau were centre refused because of travelling diffi- Athletic Grounds at 3 pm. Phil Maloney of the Bruins and left Advertisers are once more asked culties involved, but at the close of the Five bands will also be dispersed The Nazareth Orphanage in wing Bert OlmStead of the Chicago to co-operate with us by having regular schedule, exhibition games will through the parade, which is expected Cornwall suffered an estimated Black Hawks, who polled 24 points * copy in this oflice early in the he arranged with the Factory Towners. to number 15,00.0 men and boys. $25,000 damage, yesterday, in a fire each. Each selector voted for three week. In order to catch Friday The league will open play on May Among other distinguished par- which gutted the top storey and players on a 3-2-1 point basis. 24 and the complete schedule will be Gelineau received nine first-place morning mails, we must go to press ticipants Will be Transport Minister roof of the building. Five of the published' as soon as entries are votes and six seconds. Maloney drew early Thursday afternoon, and late Lionel Chevrier, K.C., M.P. for Stor- 26 children were escorted to safety requests for advertising space often definitely established. A special plea mont; Mayor Aaron Horovitz of Corn- three first-place votes, five seconds and was .made by President J. A. Mac- by the Religious Hospitallers of St. five thirds, and Olmstead three firsts, make this impossible, as well as wall; Reeve J. E. U. Rouleau, Cornwall compelling changes in make-up donell to team managers to see that Joseph, who are in charge of the four seconds and seven thirds. Township; J. L. McDonald, M.P.P. for plans. their teams are on the field no later Stormont; Osie Villeneuve, M.P-P. for diocesan home. The other 21 were The Bruins’ goalie, who played for' than 7.45, DST. McGill University in 1948-49 and re- In future we will accept display Glengarry, and W. J. Major, M.P. for attending school when the fire Mr. Macdonell was returned once placed the veteran Frankie (Zero) ads no later than 10 o’clock Thurs- Glengarry. broke out at 11.30 a.m. more to spark plug the loop as presi- Brimsek last season, yielded only 220. day morning and would ask adver- Men and boys will march under their dent, and Moriin Campbell g| Kirk. Foster homes in the city and goals in 67 games and had three shut- tisers to Jiave copy in a day earlier lespective parish banners from a cen- Hill is again secretary-treasurer. Other area have been found for the chil- outs. in th? interests of a better paper, tral starting point, the former training Drop In School Rate Family Narrowly officers elected are; j centre parade grounds, through the dren as a temporary measure. Gelineau is the fourth goalie to win —THE EDITOR. the Calder Trophy. Mike Karakas of 1st vice-president, J. P. MacLeod, streets of Cornwall to the Athletic o Grounds. Marshalling time is 2.30 In Charlottenburgh Escapes Gas Fumes the Black Hawks won it in 1935-36, McCrimmon; 2nd vice-president, j. D. ;p.m., D.S.T., so the parade may move Brimsek in 1938-39 and Frank McCool MacLean, Greenfield; 3rd vice-presi- dent, Thos. Hay, Lochiel; 4th vice- off promptly at 3 o’clock. Council Discussed Tax levy for supporters of Charlot- Seven occupants of the home of of the Toronto Maple Leafs in 1944-45. Forestry Field Day A. W. Trottier, Main street, narrowly Forward -Pentti Lund of the New York president, Sam Gardiner, .Maxville. The parade route will extend south tenburgh township school area has escaped death from coal gas fumes, Rangers won the honor last year. on Marlborough to Second; west on Boundary Roads Set For Wednesday The directors are: Edwin Hay, been set at five mills, W. J. Murray, early Saturday morning, when the A winner of the British Empire Second to Pitt; north on Pitt to Lochiel; Alex. MacLeod, Dalkeith; secretary-treasurer of the area school jioor of the coal furnace was blown Medal for gallantry in World War II Fourth; and east on Fourth to the Members of Alexandria Town Coun- Harold Maolnnes, Maxville; Alden out sending lethal gas fumes seeping for pulling a fellow crew member from Flans have been completed for the Athletic Grounds. cil attended the regular monthly board, announced this week. MacMillan, Alexandria; Eddie Carter, through the service station and second a burning plane, Gelineau is one of Glengarry Forestry Field Day, which meeting of Lochiel Township Council, The 1950 rate compares with an Greenfield; Stewart Hall, Glen Gordon, A parking lot will be provided on storey home. the most popular players on the will be held on Wednesday, May 10, at Tuesday afternoon, when problems of average rate in 1949 of 7.609 mills for and Hugh Kennedy, McCrimmon. the training centre grounds to the Bruins’ team. The Toronto born youth 1.00 pun., at the new County Forestry common interest to both councils were schools now included in the area. The Most seriously affected was Andre, Members of a referees’ committee east of the parade grounds. lives with his parents in Montreal. Plot recently purchased on the King’s discussed. Boundary roads were the new rate represents a substantial re- 7-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. were named as follows: Harold Mac- On arrival at the Athletic Grounds, Road between St. Raphaels and Mar- chief topic in view of the intended duction for 10 school sections, and an Trottier, who was unconscious for some Innes, Stewart Hall, Sam Gardiner, the various groups will take up allotted It was one-two for Glengarry in the tintown. This plot is located directly opening of a new street along the east increase in only five school sections five hours before thç ministrations of Thomas Hay and Girard Goulet. The positions for the speeches, sermons and voting for NHL rookie of the year. behind the Bougie Chick Hatchery at boundary of the town, but such other where the former rate was unusually Dr. D. J. Dolan succeeded in restoring referees for Üiê"'season are;' Alden Solemn Benediction of the Blessed Sac- Gelineau is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. the intersection of the King’s Road subjects as fire protection, the pro,posed low. consciousness^ Mr. and Mrs. Trottier MacMillan, Dougald MaoGilliyray, ramenfl Public address systems will Ed. J. A. MacDonald, Alexandria, and new community centre and the drain- were also seriously affected by the and Williamstown Road. This property Rev. N. F. Sharkey, John Jamieson, carry the ceremonies to the expected The board supervises 16 schools in the late Mr. and Mrs. John Gelineau age ditch built in 1948 were discussed. fumes, while Mr. and Mrs. Ubaid is the third tract of land acquired by Ed. Carter and D. J. MacMaster, Luge crowd of spectators. the township. of Lochiel. Maloney, a son of Mr. and It was decided that an agreement Ranger and their two small children the United Counties of Stormont, Dun- St. Columban’s Men’s Choir, under Mr. Murray’s report showed the Mrs. Philip J.