Many Activities Planned by Kinsmen Fnr Peanut Day Next Thursday
The Glengarry News THE FINEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN EASTERN ONTARIO Alexandria, Ont., Friday, September 16th, 1949 $2.50 A YEAR Many Activities Planned By Kinsmen Child Drowned Jack Gelineauf Discuss Possibility P.U.C. Setting Up Machinery To In Whey Tank With Boston Bruins Of Buying Arena Pump Water from Mill Pond Fnr Peanut Day Next Thursday ' Local Sportsmen Accident Takes Life (The Boston Herald, Sept.' 9) Would 'Purchase Health Officer Orders Immediate Use Afternoon And Evening Attractions Will Of 2-Year-Old Son Jack Gelineau, former McGill Uni- versity and Montreal Catholic High •Glengarry Gardens Of Pond Water After Inspection Of Include Dollar Day Bargains, A.H.S. Field Day, Of Mr. & Mrs. A. Seguin goalie, will tend the nets for the Bos- Present Supply At Dam, Tuesday ton Bruins this season, according to an Formation of a company which Parade of Floats, Show And Street Dance Tragedy struck the home of Mr. and announcement made by General Man- would purchase the Glengarry Gar- The Public Utilities Commission on Tuesday was ordered to at once sjart Mrs. Albert Seguin, three -miles east of ager Art Ross yesterday afternoon. Peanut Day- in Alexandria, next Thursday, as planned by the sponsoring Alexandria, Saturday morning, when dens from Alex DaPrato is'Being con- using water from the Mill Pond, following a visit by Dr. R. S. Peat of Cornwall, Gelineau succeeds the popular and Kinsmen Club, will offer a full day’s. attractions, which will include special their two-year-old son, Herbert, was sidered by a group of Alexandria district Medical Officer of Health.
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