Magistrate Lalonde Inaugurates Own Drive Against Traffic Violators Alexandria May Have Natural Gas Line Within a Year
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• Get a suspended sentence • Hate to see money spent on -in traffic court from now on, bringing in. natural gas when -and the suspense may be even our friends say we’re unbearable. Tine Glengarry New well supplied now. ONE OF CANADA’S AWARD-WINNING WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS VOL. LXVT — No. 28 ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 11th, 1357 SINGLE COPY 7c TO PRACTICE SURGERY Magistrate Lalonde Inaugurates Own Saw Horse Killed AT CORNWALL Alexandria May Have Natural By Lightning Drive Against Traffic Violators Arcade Trottier and his son, Gas Line Within A Year Gerald, 16, of the 9th Lancaster, Has Suspended Driving Permits Of Six came as close!, to being struck by Consumers’ Gas Co. Application For In Local Court Within Last Three lightning as they ever hope to, Fri- Franchise To Serve Town Given Peter J. Gelineau day of last week, while haying. The Weeks And Promises More Severity, horse Gerald-had been using while First Readings At Council Meeting raking, only minutes before, was • Two drivers had' their permits suspended for one-year Interred Here killed by the second of two bolts of Alexandria may be served by a natural gas pipeline within periods, and another, involved in a hit-rnn ease, is'heing recom- Many relatives and family friènds lightning that struck close as the a year, Town Council was told Tuesday night when it gave first mended for a one-year suspènsion to the Registrar of Motor attended the funeral of Peter J. man and boy', huddled under the and second readings to a by-law that would give the Consumers Vehicles. These sentences in Magistrate’s Court here Tuesday, Gelineau, held Monday morning by load of hay to escape the heavy G-as Co. of Toronto a 20-year franchise to service the town. were the opening gun in ,a campaign of more severe‘sentencing motor cortege from Montreal to St. downpour of râin. The by-law now goes to the Fuel Board at Toronto for •on traffic ^violators, which Magistrate Lalonde announced he Finnan’s Cathedral and cemetery Gerald had been raking, his father necessary approval, and when that has, been secured Council intends to institute. They follow three other suspensions of here. Mr. Gelineau died suddenly, loading, when storm clouds came may give it third reading Ænd make it law. driving privileges imposed b"y| Magistrate Lalonde recently. July 4th, following a heart attack. up. Gerald tied the horse to a fence post and went to help his ’father get Art Mason, a representative of Consumers’ Gas Co., Last week a driver lost his per- Chief mourners were his widow, in the load, but the rain came appeared- before Council at mit for a year when convicted the former Lucy: M. Macdonald of Drivers, Beware! quickly. As théy huddled under the Tuesday night’s meeting, when •of cutting in ; another received Alexandria; his daughter, Mrs. Pat wagon, one bolt struck close by and 3 Generations he reviewed strides already a six-months’, rest from driving Herewith a statement from Sharkey and Dr. Sharkey of Kitch- a second struck and killed the 12- made by his company in plans Magistrate Lalonde on his new ener. Three brothers, Jack Gelineau Have Birthdays on a careless driving count. year-old mare some 200 yards from DR. ALEXANDER JOSEPH MC- to^ service Ontario cities and traffic safety campaign of more of Detroit; Jim Gelmèàù of. Mont- them. Neither felt any effect from Two weeks ago another .driver severe sentencing: real; Duncan j. Gelineau of Alex- LEAN, a native of Greenfield, this Today, The 11th towns between Windsor and had his. permit suspended. the bolt, though a neighbor bring- week opens a practice in general Montreal. The Toronto-Mont- “The No. 1 problem today is andria, and a sister, Mrs. Ross ing his cows heme, later reported Valentine G. Chisholm, former In court Tuesday, Magistrate La- Waffle of Owosso, Mich. surgery at Cornwall, where he will the traffic toll of fatalities, he “tingled all over”. clerk of Lochiel Township, is 92 real line is to be completed by londe Announced the new, get- personal injury and property have his office at 238 Augustus November, he pointed out and His son, Jack, on a wedding trip street. today, and he will be receiving tougher policy which he intends to damage ever on the increase. 1 The series of electric storms that it will cross the county on a maintain in his courts in an effort to the western US., was contacted have slowed haying operations the warm good wishes of many As a Magistrate, I feel I have a only on Sunday night and could not td save lives.' He read a press re- •throughout the area have resulted - A son of Mr. and Mrs. Angus J. friends. But that's not the whole line slightly ,south of the Brown great responsibility in this re- reach home for the funeral. story. House. port :in Which judges and magis- gard. in the deaths of quite a few heads McLean, Greenfield, Dr. McLean His company is interested in trates were being blamed, because “Experience has shown, par- Born atrLochiel, in 1887, Peter J. of stock struck by ligjjfning. attended SB. No. 6 Public School in His daughter --in - law, Mrs. of their lenient sentences, for the ticularly in sections of the Prov- Gelineau was a son of the late John Kenyon, and Maxville High-School, Angus Chisholm of Lochiel, was bringing the advantages of natural A barn on the farm of Paul winning the McLennan Foundation gas to Alexandria, he declared, and Increase in the traffic toll. And he ince of Quebec, that in those Gelineau and. his .wife, Annie Mc- Theoret, Apple Hill, was struck and born on July 11th, too (we dare warned those who drive without districts where traffic judges Millan. He was educated in the and Carter Award Scholarships. not say what year). And her he felt that if the necessary fran- destroyed June- 28th. Only a small Upon his graduation from Queen’s chise' is secured from Council, the regard for the law or their fellow used severity following convic- local school and Vankleek Hill Col- amount of insurance was reportedly grandson, Ronnie Theoret of legiate, and later clerked for a time Medical School, Kingston, in 1952, connecting line to dur town might drivers to expect more severe sen- tion, the number of accidents carried on the .building. Cornwall, infant son of Mr. and tences when convicted in his courts. has decreased considerably. in McPhee’s store here and at Ed- he served a rotating internship at Mrs. Roger Theoret, is on,e year be completed in less than a year. “I have adopted a policy of monton prior to bis enlistment with the Ottawa- Civic Hospital. Later, old today. Mr. Mason pbinted out the entire cost of the line will be met by the severity following conviction on the outbreak of wax in 1914. he completed three years of post- i A.H.S. Boys graduate work in surgery at St. - So to Ronnie, his grandma company, as will cost of installing Maxville Area any traffic charge, and that will Mr. Gelineau took the Officers' y and his great grandfather — be followed in my courts. There Vincent Hospital, Toledo, Ohio, Be- underground gas mains and con- Training Course at Ottawa and went Happy Birthday! necting links, to homes, business Man Hurt Monday is automatic suspension Mr coming chief surgical resident dur- overseas in 1915, winning his cap- Enjoyed Tour ing his final year. During his fbuxth 0 places and industry. ' Murray Rogers, 47, RR 2, Max- three months for an impaired taincy in the field. He was seriously driver; six months where injury The climax to a year’s hard work, at the City Hospital, Akron, The advantages of natural gas in ville, received injuries to his chest wounded in 1917 when he won the Ohio, Dr. McLean was senior sur- heating and cooking, over other and .back in an accident on the or property damage results. Military Cross for bravery in action. (pie annual bus trip for the boys of Busy Night For “But. in all traffic violations AHS agriculture Class, this . year gical resident. He plans to restrict fbels, were extolled by Mr. Mason, •CornwaU-Monckland road Monday. He spent a year in Lady Northcliffe his practice to general surgery. who declared it was much more Rogers was driving Bis truck in . in my court where there is evi- Hospital before being well enough wended westward around Lake On- tario with return via northern New Constable Kell economical and clean. His com- the direction of Moncklprid at about dence the driver of the vehicle to return heme. {las consumed intoxicating bev- York state. Thirty students accom- pany, he'declared, also is vitally •4:30 pm. He hit the shoulder and In 1919, Mr. Gelineau joined the •Provincial Constable L. C. Kell of interested in bringing new industry ' Was thrown from, the truck: erages, I shall suspend drivers’ panied by Lome Whelan, _ were the Lancaster- detachment, had a privileges if I have the power. sales staff of General Motors and driven by Louis Carrière. Glen Sandfield into any community it serves and spent some years in Toronto before busy time of it through Sunday this will be another advantage He was takeh to Cornwall Gen- Beginning-their jaunt with a tour eral Hospital, where his condition being transferred to Montreal, where night on his patrol of No. 2. There, when and if Alexandria gives the of the St;j-Lawrence Seaway ,and Concert Enjoyed was considerable damage to cars and was stated to be “satisfactory”.