University of Minnesota
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THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Announces Its )larcH eommcJlccmcJlt 1959 NORTHROP MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 19 AT EIGHT-THIRTY O'CLOCK Universitg of )1innesotn THE BOARD OF REGENTS Dr. James Lewis Morrill, President Mr. William T. Middlebrook, Secretary Mr. Clarence E. Larson, Assistant Secretary Mr. Laurence R. Lunden, Treasurer The Honorable Ray J. Quinlivan, St. Cloud First Vice President and Chairman The Honorable George W. Lawson, St. Paul Second Vice President The Honorable James F. Bell, Minneapolis The Honorable Edward B. Cosgrove, Le Sueur The Honorable Daniel C. Gainey, Owatonna The Honorable Richard L. Griggs, Duluth The Honorable Marjorie J. Howard, Excelsior The Honorable Lester A. Malkerson, Minneapolis The Honorable Charles VI. Mayo, Rochester The Honorable Karl G. Neumeier, Stillwater The Honorable A. J. Olson, Renville The Honorable Herman F. Skyberg, Fisher As a courtesy to those attending functions, and out of respect for the character of the building, be it resolved by the Board of Regents that there be printed in the programs of all functions held in the Cyrus Northrop Memorial Auditorium a request that smoking be confined to the outer lobby on the main floor, to the gallery lobbies, and to the lounge rooms, and that members of the audience be not allowed to use cameras in the Auditorium. rIds Js V(Jllr Universifl/ CHARTERED in February, 1851, by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Minnesota, the University of Minnesota this year celebrated its one hundred and eighth birthday. As from its very beginning, the University is dedicated to the task of training the youth of today, the citizens of tomorrow. How well it has succeeded is indicated by the number of physicians, lawyers, engineers, social workers, educators, journalists, dentists, veterinarians, farmers, business men-community and civic leaders in all fields-who have gone from its several campuses to participate actively in the upgrading of the welfare of the citizens of our state. During the period of its existence the University has awarded more than 139,000 degrees to its students who have completed the rigorous training demanded by the complexities of modern society. In addition to the enormous task of giving collegiate instruction to more than 25,000 students on its Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Duluth Campuses, the University offers, through its Schools of Agriculture and its General Extension Division, specialized training designed to assist those who wish to study on a part-time basis. Still in addition, its staff members who are county agents, home agents, 4-H Club agents, and recreation and health consultants give effective assistance to citizens of the state in their very homes. But the University of Minnesota, like all great universities, has expanded far beyond its early teaching and training programs. In the diverse research labora tories on its three campuses, at the several agricultural experiment stations scattered throughout the state, at the Rosemount Research Center, the Cloquet Forest Research Center, the Cedar Creek Natural History Area near Bethel, the Fruit Breeding Farm and the Arboretum at Excelsior, the Lake Itasca Forestry and Biological Station, the Mayo Foundation at Rochester, the Hor. mel Institute at Austin, and at University Hospitals, University scientists at anyone moment are working on countless research experiments of vital im portance to the future health and welfare of us all. These projects deal with such matters as cancer, heart surgery, taconite, gamma irradiation, cheese making, teacher training, municipal government, nuclear energy, school surveys, and new varieties of grains, fruits, and flowers, to mention only a few. THE UNIVERSITY is recognized as the cultural hub of the Northwest; it is the home of the University Artists Course, Radio Station KUOM, the Twin City Area Educational Television Station KTCA-TV, the University Theater, the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, and the local performances of the Metropolitan Opera Company. Through the University of Minnesota Program Service, the University brings to more than a million and a half people in the area it serves, artists and lecturers of quality and talent. The people of Minnesota are proud of their University, not only because it is one of the leading state universities in the nation, but also because of the extent and quality of its services from which they, their families, communities, and organizations benefit. Their interest in the University is a dynamic, living thing and expresses itself in many ways. Contributions from them have made it possible for the Variety Club Heart Hospital and the great Mayo Memorial Building to be constructed. Through the American Legion and its auxiliary posts all over the state, thousands of friends have made generous donations to provide an endowed research professorship in heart disease. Further contribu- 3 tions have made it possible for the University to build the Masonic Mcmorial Hospital and are making it possible to construct Diehl Hall (which will house thc biological-medical library and additional medical rescarch facilities) and the Veterans of Foreign \Vars Cancer Research Ccnter. Equally generous have becn the contributions made by corporations, aSSoci_ ations, foundations, trade unions, clubs, and individuals, whose thoughtful co operation has made hundreds of scholarships and fellowships available each year to students of promise. Chiefly because of financial difficultics, only one-half of the Minnesota high school graduates of high ability enter any college or uni vcrsity. Bccause of this, the friends and supportcrs of the University are con stantly trying to increase thc numbcr of scholarships and thc amount of money availablc for snch assistance. Over recent years, much of the University's encrgy has gonc into the neces sary planning for thc anticipated increases in future enrollments. At present, about half of the studcnts in Minnesota collcgcs and univcrsities attend the University of Minnesota. If the other institutions continuc to take this same pcrccntagc of thesc students, not less than 47,000 full-time, fully matriculated studcnts will be attending the University in 1970. This means more teachers, more civil service staff mcmbers, more land, and more buildings. THE 1957 LEGISLATURE ACCEPTED, on behalf of thc pcople of the state, the additional responsibilitics which this anticipated enrollment involves. In addition to $44,339,057 for general maintenance, the University rcceived $7,907,291 for Univcrsity Hospitals; $3,610,000 for special appropriations, in cluding special extension and research activities; and $16,530,518 for new buildings, land, and for the rehabilitation of existing buildings for the two years, 1957-58 and 1958-59. Each year the Univcrsity publishcs and widely circulates a summary financial statement, which is available to anyone upon request as is a much more com prehensivc and completc statement for those who wish to make a special study of the University's income and expenditures. The summary financial statement of 1957-58 showed that the Univcrsity received $78,192,595.44 and spent $78,196,960.26. This includes a total of $13,13 7 ,045.97 received from student tuition and fees, hospital and other de partment receipts; $1,412,790.67 from intercollegiate athletics; $12,698,158.03 from such services as dormitories and dining halls, printing, the laundry, the University of Minnesota Press, the Departmcnt of Concerts and Lectures, the University Theater, and the Hcalth Scrvicc, and from the revolving funds; and $14,227,127.38 from trust funds, including gifts, grants, donations, and income from endowments and research contracts for instruction, research prizes, scholarships, and the care of the sick, as wcll as from the Permanent University Fund derived from land sct aside by the Fcderal Government, and the occupational tax on iron ore. Also, $2,439,375.73 came from fedcral appro priations for instruction, research, Agricultural Extension, and plant expansion. Of the total of $78,192,595.44 which the University reccivcd for 1957-58, $34,278,097.66 came from the state. All students at the University, thcir families and fricnds are invited to con tinue their enthusiasm and interest in the Univcrsity of Minnesota. Graduates are cspecially urged to identify themselves with the Minnesota Alumni Associa tion and the Greater University Fund and to return as frcquently as possible to visit us here at the University. 4 Order "/ tveltts ASSEMBLING OF THE AUDIENCE: As candidates for degrees at this eve ning's commencement and their friends and relatives reach the Minneapolis Campus of the University from 7:45 to 8:15 p.m., they will hear the Frances Miller Brown Memorial Bells being played from Northrop Memorial Audito rium by Miss Helen Garvey, SLA '60, carillonneur. Admission to the March commencement exercises is by guest card only. Guests will be seated as they arrive and will remain seated until the colors are presented. PRELUDE CONCERT: From 8:00 to 8:30 p.m., the University Concert Band Ensemble, Mr. Gale L. Sperry, Ph.D., Instructor in Music and Band master, will play: The Klaxon March Henry Fillmore Canzona Peter Mennin La Fiesta Mexicana H. Owen Reed Symphonic Songs for Band Robert Russell Bennett I. Serenade II. Spiritual III. Celebration PROCESSIONAL: March and Procession of Bacch us From "Sylvia" Leo Delibes ON THE STAGE: As candidates for degrees enter the Auditorium at 8: 30 p.m., the curtain will be opened. Seated on the stage, left to right, are Professor Ralph L. Kitchell, D.v.M., Veterinary Anatomy, Marshal; Assistant Director Ralph H. Hopp, Ph.D., University Libraries, Marshal; Dean William T. S. Thorp, D.V.M., College of Veterinary Medicine; Colonel Dean M. Benson, USA, Professor of Military Science and Tactics; Recorder True E. Pettengill, M.S., Admissions and Records; Dean Horace T. Morse, Ph.D., General College; Dean Robert B. Howard, M.D., College of Medical Sciences; Dean William B.