SECTION C MINERALS AND WASTE DISPOSAL Background Documents - the deposited documents, views and representations received as referred to in the reports and included in the development proposals dossier for each case and also as might be additionally indicated. Item C1 TM/10/2029 – PROPOSED WESTERLY EXTENSION TO HERMITAGE QUARRY, HERMITAGE LANE, AYLESFORD, KENT A report by Head of Planning Applications Group to Planning Applications Committee on 10 May 2011. Planning application TM/10/2029 Proposed westerly extension to Hermitage Quarry, Hermitage Lane, Aylesford, Kent (MR. 717 556) Recommendation: Permission be granted subject to conditions. Local and adjoining Member(s): Mrs T Dean, Mrs P Stockell, Mr P Homewood, Mr D Daley, Mr M Robertson, Mrs V Dagger, Mrs S Hohler and Mr R Long, Classification: Unrestricted Background 1. The existing Hermitage Quarry lies within the strategic gap between Allington, to the east, the village of Aylesford, to the north and Barming Heath to the south. It forms part of 230ha of the Hermitage Farm Estate which comprises agricultural land and woodland as well as the quarry itself. The existing quarry has a purpose built access onto Hermitage Lane (B2246), leading to the A20 and M20 at junction 5. 2. Operational since 1990, the quarry is currently operating within an eastern extension area permitted under planning permission reference TM/05/2784. As part of the overall working plan, the consented phased working and restoration scheme requires the operator to work the site in an east to south direction, with final permitted reserves being worked in the permitted western extension (reference TM/02/2782) before infilling and restoration of the final phase which is currently occupied by the plant site area.
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