Environmental Psychology Program & Earth and Environmental Sciences Program The City University of New York, Graduate Center 365 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10016

(212) 817 8728 (o) (212) 817 1533 (fax) [email protected]


1986 Ph.D. Graduate School of Geography. Clark University. 1979 M.A. Graduate School of Geography. Clark University. 1975 A.B. Geography. Clark University.


2016- Co-Director, Dartmouth Institute on the Futures of American Studies, Dartmouth College.

2012-2019 Executive Officer, Earth and Environmental Sciences Program. Graduate Center of The City University of New York.

2011-2012 Diane Middlebrook and Visiting Professor of Gender Studies, University of Cambridge.

2009-2011 Chair, Environmental Psychology Program. Graduate Center of The City University of New York. (Previous term, 1996-99)

1999- Professor. Graduate Center of The City University of New York. (Assistant Professor, 1987-94; Associate Professor 1994-99)

1999-2003 Deputy Executive Officer, Psychology Program. Graduate Center of The City University of New York.

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1993 Visiting Eliel Saarinen Professor, Urban and Regional Planning, Helsinki University of Technology.

1992-93 Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Rutgers University.

1991-92 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Urban Planning, Columbia University.

1987-94 Associate Director, Center for Human Environments. Graduate Center of The City University of New York.

1987-93 Co-Director, Children's Environments Research Group. Graduate Center of The City University of New York.

1979 Visiting Lecturer, Khartoum University, Sudan. Department of Geography.


2015 James Blaut Memorial Award for Scholarship, Teaching, and Activism towards Social Justice, Socialist and Critical Geography Specialty Group, Association of American Geographers.

2012 Progress in Human Geography Annual Lecture, Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers.

2011 Helen Cam Visiting Fellow, Girton College, University of Cambridge, 2011-12.

2011 The Diane Middlebrook and Carl Djerassi Visiting Professorship in Gender Studies, University of Cambridge, 2011-12.

2010 Featured in Key Thinkers on Space and Place. Phil Hubbard and Rob Kitchin, Editors. Routledge.

2007 Phoenix Award for Significant Editorial Achievement, Council of Editors of Learned Journals (CELJ), WSQ (Women’s Studies Quarterly), with Nancy K. Miller.

2007 Janice Monk Distinguished Visiting Professor in Feminist Geography, University of Arizona & Royal Geographic Society/Institute of British Geographers.

2007 Cultural Geographies Special Lecture, Annual Meetings of Association of American Geographers.

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2007 Visiting Scholar, Queen’s University Departments of Geography and Development Studies.

2006 Ethics, Justice and Human Rights Specialty Group Lecture, Annual Meetings of Association of American Geographers.

2004 Meridian Book Award for the Outstanding Scholarly Work in Geography, Growing Up Global: Economic Restructuring and Children’s Everyday Lives, Association of American Geographers.

2003-04 Fellow, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University.

2002 Visiting Scholar, Santa Fe Institute for the Arts.

2001 Antipode Lecture, Meetings of the Institute of British Geographers/Royal Geographical Society.

2000 Women’s Studies Scholar in Residence, West Virginia University.

1998 Royal Scottish Geographical Society Lecture, Universities of Edinburgh, Glasgow and St. Andrews.

1992- Who's Who of American Women, 18th and 19th Editions.

1992-93 Fellow, Center for the Critical Analysis of Contemporary Culture, Rutgers University.

1991 Institute of British Geographers. Young Research Scholar.

1988 Association of American Geographers. Nystrom Award Finalist.

1987 Association of American Geographers. Environmental Perception Specialty Group, Dissertation Award.

1986-87 National Research Service Post-Doctoral Fellowship, National Institute of Mental Health.

1982-83 American Association of University Women. Educational Foundation Fellowship.

1980-81 National Science Foundation. Dissertation Fellowship.

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2012-13 Antipode Foundation, Regional Workshop Award. “NYC Geographic Expedition and Institute: Liberation Education for Geographic Inquiry.”

2007 Edmund A. Stanley Jr. Research Grant, Robert Bowne Foundation. “Children’s Relationship to the Animal World.”

2002-03 Faculty Research Award, Professional Staff Congress of the City University of New York. “Retheorizing Childhood.”

2002-03 University Faculty Development Program. Grant to hold series of Colloquia, “Producing a Future: Art and Globalization.”

1996-97 University Faculty Development Program. Grant to hold a Colloquium, “New York City: ‘A Region at Risk’?”

1995-96 Faculty Research Award, Professional Staff Congress of the City University of New York. Eroding Ecologies of Childhood--Sudan and New York.

1992 Aaron Diamond Foundation. Participatory Redesign of Schoolyards in New York City.

1989 Aaron Diamond Foundation. Schoolyard Improvement in New York City.


The People, Place, and Space Reader. Edited with Jen Jack Gieseking, William Mangold, Setha Low, and Susan Saegert. Routledge (2014).

Growing Up Global: Economic Restructuring and Children’s Everyday Lives. University of Minnesota Press (2004).

Life’s Work: Geographies of Social Reproduction. Edited with Sallie A. Marston and Katharyne Mitchell. Blackwell (2004).

Globalización, Transformaciones Urbanas, Precarización Social y Discriminación De Genéro. With Neil Smith. Nueva Grafica, S.A.L. (2000).

Full Circles: Geographies of Women Over the Life Course. Edited with Janice Monk. Routledge (1993).

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PUBLICATIONS (Continued) Interviews

“Jokainen on Merkitty: Ilta Cindi Katzin Kanssa” (An interview conducted by A. Haila) Tiede & Edistys (Science and Progress), 4/93 (1993): 314-319.

“Creating Safe Space and the Materiality of the Margins” (An interview conducted by V. DelCasino, M. Dorn, and C. Gallaher) disClosure: A Journal of Social Theory, No. 6 (1997): 37-55.

Articles and Book Chapters

“Accumulation, Dispossession, and Waste in Childhood and Children’s Everyday Lives.” In T. Skelton and S. Aitken (Eds.) Establishing Geographies of Children and Young People. Geographies of Children and Young People (Vol 1), Singapore: Springer (2019).

“Children and Childhood.” In Antipode Editorial Collective (Eds.) Keywords in Radical Geography: Antipode at 50 (First Edition). Oxford: John Wiley and Sons (2019): 40-44.

“The Angel of Geography: Superman, Tiger Mother, Aspiration Management and the Child as Waste.” Progress in Human Geography 42(5) (2018): 723-40. | First Published May 17, 2017.

“On Rocking ‘the Project’: The Beat Goes On,” (Contribution to “On Being Outside “the Project”: A Symposium in Honor of Susan Christopherson”), (2017).

“Revisiting Minor Theory.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 35(4) (2017): 396- 99.

“Bronx Chronicle.” In H. Merrill and L.M. Hoffman (Eds.) Spaces of Danger: Culture and Power in the Everyday, Athens: University of Georgia Press (2015): 299-310.

“Demanding Life’s Work.” In K. Meehan and K. Strauss (Eds.) Precarious Worlds: Contested Geographies of Social Reproduction, Athens: University of Georgia Press (2015): 174- 188. With Sallie A. Marston and Katharyne Mitchell.

“Le nature degli American Studies.” Ácoma. Rivista Internazionale di Studi Nord-Americani, new series, n. 5 (Autunno 2013): 36-49.

“Missing Subjects.” Dialogues in Human Geography/DHG 3(1) (2013): 30-33.

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PUBLICATIONS (Continued) Articles and Book Chapters

“Playing with Fieldwork.” Social & Cultural Geography 14(7) (2013): 762-72.

“Work and Play: Economic Restructuring and Children’s Everyday Learning in Rural Sudan.” In M. Bourdillon and G. Spittler (Eds.) African Children at Work. Berlin: Lit Verlag. (2012): 227-48.

“Just Managing: American Middle-Class Parenthood in Insecure Times.” In R. Heiman, C. Freeman, and M. Liechty (Eds.) The Global Middle Classes: Theorizing Through Ethnography, Santa Fe: SAR Press. (2012): 169-88.

“Lost Youth.” Cam, Cambridge Alumni Magazine 65 (Lent 2012): 18-21. (Cover Story)

“Accumulation, Excess, Childhood: Toward a Countertopography of Risk and Waste.” Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica 57(1) (2011): 47-60.

“Making Change in the Space of Injury Time.” Urban Geography 31(3) (2010): 315-320.

“Cookie Monsters: Seeing Young People’s Hacking as Creative Practice.” Children, Youth and Environments 19(1) (2009): 197-222. With Gregory T. Donovan. (

“It’s All Happening at the Zoo: Children’s Environmental Learning after School.” Afterschool Matters 8 (Spring 2009): 36-45. With Jason A. Douglas.

“Young Americans: Geographies at the Crossroads.” Environment and Planning A 40 (2008): 2809-13. (Guest Editorial with Caitlin Cahill).

“The Death Wish of Modernity and the Politics of Mimesis.” Public Culture 20(3) (2008): 551- 60.

“Bad Elements: Katrina and the Scoured Landscape of Social Reproduction.” Gender, Place and Culture 15(1) (2008): 15-29.

Translated by Ewa Charkiewicz Niedobre układy. “Huragan Katrina i zagrabione krajobrazy społecznej reprodukcji.” Feminist Think Tank Online Library 2012 [2008] URL

“Childhood as Spectacle: Relays of Anxiety and the Reconfiguration of the Child,” Cultural Geographies 15(1) (2008): 5-17.

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PUBLICATIONS (Continued) Articles and Book Chapters

“Me and My Monkey: What’s Hiding in the Security State.” In M. Sorkin (Ed.) Indefensible Space: The Architecture of the National Insecurity State. Routledge. (2008): 305-23.

Abridged & Reprinted in R. Pain and S.J. Smith (Eds.) Fear: Critical Geopolitics and Everyday Life. Ashgate (2008): 59-70.

“Banal Terrorism: Spatial Fetishism and Everyday Insecurity.” In D. Gregory and A. Pred (Eds.) Violent Geographies: Fear, Terror, and Political Violence. Routledge. (2007): 349-61.

“Replaying Reworking” (Response to review of Growing Up Global). Social & Cultural Geography 7(6) (2006): 1019-22.

“Los Terrores de la Hipervigilancia: Seguridad y Nuevas Espacialidades de la Niñez,” Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica 47 (2006): 15-29.

“Messing with ‘the Project’.” In N. Castree and D. Gregory (Eds.) David Harvey: A Critical Reader. Blackwell. (2006): 234-46.

Power, Space, and Terror: Social Reproduction and the Public Environment.” In S. Low and N. Smith (Eds.) The Politics of Public Space. Routledge. (2006): 105-21.

“Lost and Found: The Imagined Geographies of American Studies.” Prospects 30 (2005): 17-25.

“The Terrors of Hypervigilance: Security and the Compromised Spaces of Contemporary Childhood.” In J. Qvortrup (Ed.) Studies in Modern Childhood: Society, Agency, Culture. Palgrave. (2005): 99-114.

“Partners in Crime? Neoliberalism and the Production of New Political Subjectivities.” Antipode 37(3) (2005): 623-31.

“Reconfiguring Childhood: Boys and Girls Growing Up Global.” Revista: Harvard Review of Latin America 32(2) (2004): 12-15.

“An Interview with Edward Said.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 21 (2003): 635-51. With Neil Smith.

“Life’s Work: An Introduction, Review and Critique.” Antipode 35(3) (2003): 415-42. With Sallie A. Marston and Katharyne Mitchell.

“Social Formations: Thinking about Society, Identity, Power and Resistance.” In S. Holloway, S. Rice and G. Valentine (Eds.) Key Concepts in Geography. Sage. (2003): 249-65. 7 Cindi Katz Page 8

PUBLICATIONS (Continued) Articles and Book Chapters

“Stuck in Place: Children and the Globalization of Social Reproduction.” In R. J. Johnston, P. J. Taylor, and M. J. Watts (Eds.) Geographies of Global Change: Remapping the World. 2nd Edition. Blackwell. (2002): 248-259.

“The State Goes Home: Local Hypervigilance and the Global Retreat from Social Reproduction.” Social Justice 28(3) (2001): 47-56.

Translated by Holger Ziegler as “Der Terror des Wachsamkeitswahns: Sicherheit und Kinderschutzindustrie in den Vorstädtenin,” Widersprüche (Contradictions) 92 (2004): 73-82. Reprinted in T. Monahan (Ed.) Surveillance and Security: Technological Power and Politics in Everyday Life. Routledge. (2006): 27-36. Abridged and Reprinted in T. Monahan and D. Murakami Wood (Eds.) Surveillance Studies: A Reader. Oxford University Press. (2018): 88-91.

“Vagabond Capitalism and the Necessity of Social Reproduction.” Antipode 33(4) (2001): 708- 727. Reprinted in S. Aronowitz and H. Gautney (Eds.) Implicating Empire: Globalization and Resistance in the 21st Century World Order. Basic Books. (2002): 255-70.

“Disciplining Interdisciplinarity.” Feminist Studies 27(3) (2001): 519-25.

“On the Grounds of Globalization: A Topography for Feminist Political Engagement.” SIGNS: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 26(4) (2001): 1213-1234.

Abridged and Reprinted in J.J. Gieseking et al. (Eds.) The People, Space, and Place Reader. Routledge. (2014): 350-54.

“Hiding the Target: Social Reproduction in the Privatized Urban Environment.” In C. Minca (Ed.) Postmodern Geography: Theory and Praxis. Blackwell. (2001): 93-110.

Translated as “Hiding the Target: Soziale Reproduktion in der Privatisierten Stadt,” in B. Belina and B. Michel (Eds.) Raumproducktionen: Beiträge der Radical Geography Eine Zwischenbilanz. Westfälisches Dampfboot. (2007): 156-72.

“Fueling War: A Political-Ecology of Deforestation in Sudan.” In V. Broch-Due and R.A. Schroeder (Eds.) Producing Nature and Poverty in Africa. Nordiska Afrikainstitutet and Transaction Press. (2000): 321-39.

“Excavating the Hidden City of Social Reproduction.” City and Society, Annual Review 1998. (1999): 37-46.

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PUBLICATIONS (Continued) Articles and Book Chapters

“Political and Intellectual Passions: Engagements with David Harvey’s Justice, Nature and the Geography of Difference.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 88(4) (1998): 706-23. Forum editor.

“Whose Nature, Whose Culture? Private Productions of Space and the Preservation of Nature.” In B. Braun and N. Castree (Eds.) Remaking Reality: Nature at the End of the Millenium. Routledge (1998): 46-63.

“Lost and Found in the Posts: Addressing Critical Human Geography.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. 16(3) (1998): 257-278. (Editorial).

“In the Place of the Letter: An Epistolary Exchange.” In S.H. Aiken, A. Brigham, S.A. Marston, and P. Waterstone (Eds.) Making Worlds: Gender, Metaphor, Materiality. University of Arizona Press (1997): 161-202. With A. Bammer, M. Gwin, and E. Meese.

“On the Backs of Children: Children and Work in Africa.” Anthropology of Work Review 17(1 & 2) (1996): 3-8.

“Towards Minor Theory.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 14 (1996): 487-499.

Reprinted in Derek Gregory and Noel Castree (Eds.) Human Geography Vol. 2. Sage (2011).

“The Expeditions of Conjurors: Ethnography, Power, and Pretense.” In D.L. Wolf (Ed.) Feminist Dilemmas in Field Research. Westview Press (1996): 170-184.

“Major/Minor: Theory, Nature, and Politics.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 85(1) (1995): 164-168.

“The Textures of Global Change: Eroding Ecologies of Childhood, New York and Sudan.” Childhood: A Global Journal of Child Research 2(4) (1994): 103-110.

Reprinted as “Disintegrating Developments: Global Economic Restructuring and the Eroding Ecologies of Youth” in T. Skelton and G. Valentine (Eds.) Cool Places: Geographies of Youth Cultures. Routledge (1998): 130-144.

“Spaces of Possibility/Spaces of Change: The Personal Geography of Ellen Rothenberg.” In J. Branson (Ed.) Ellen Rothenberg. Tufts University Art Gallery (1994): 41-52.

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PUBLICATIONS (Continued) Articles and Book Chapters

“Non-Masculinist Planning.” In T. Haarni (Ed.) Ihmisten Kaupunki? Urbaani Muutos ja Suunnittelun Haasteet (Cities for People? Urban Change and Challenges to Planning). Helsinki: National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health/Centre for Urban and Regional Studies (1994): 59-67.

“Playing the Field: Questions of Fieldwork in Geography.” Professional Geographer 46(1) (1994): 67-72.

“Under the Falling Sky: Apocalyptic Environmentalism and the Production of Nature.” In A. Callari, C. Biewener, and S. Cullenberg (Eds.) Marxism in the Postmodern Age: Confronting the New World Order. Guilford (1994): 274-80.

“Grounding Metaphors: Towards a Spatialized Politics.” In Michael Keith and Steve Pile (Eds.) Place and Politics of Identity. Routledge (1993): 67-83. With Neil Smith.

Translated in Korean Critical Review 30 (1998): 58-82.

“Reflections While Reading City of Quartz by Mike Davis.” Antipode 25(2) (1993): 159-63.

“Growing Girls/Closing Circles: Limits on the Spaces of Knowing in Rural Sudan and Cities.” In C. Katz and J. Monk (Eds.) Full Circles: Geographies of Women over the Life Course. Routledge. (1993): 88-106.

Reprinted with new epilogue in D.L. Hodgson (Ed.) Gendered Modernities: Ethnographic Perspectives St. Martins Press (2001): 173-202. Abridged and Reprinted in D.L. Hodgson (Ed.) Gender, Culture, Power Reader Oxford University Press (2015): 160-170.

“All the World is Staged: Intellectuals and the Projects of Ethnography.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 10(5) (1992): 495-510.

“L.A. Intifada: Interview with Mike Davis.” Social Text 33 (1992): 19-34. With Neil Smith.

“International Student Design Competition of Two Community Elementary Schoolyards.” Children's Environments 9(2) (1992): 65-82. With R. Hart, S. Iltus, M. R. Mora.

“Sow What You Know: The Struggle for Social Reproduction in Rural Sudan.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 81(3) (1991): 488-514.

Reprinted in S. Daniels and R. Lee (Eds.) Exploring Human Geography. Edward Arnold (1996): 44-61. Reprinted in C. Hamnett (Ed.) Social Geography. Edward Arnold (1996): 255-271.

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PUBLICATIONS (Continued) Articles and Book Chapters

“In the Nature of Things: The Environment and Everyday Life.” Transactions Institute of British Geographers 16(3) (1991): 259-71. With Andrew Kirby.

“An Agricultural Project Comes to Town: Consequences of an Encounter.” Social Text 28 (1991): 31-38.

“Herders, Gatherers and Foragers: The Emerging Botanies of Children in Rural Sudan.” Children's Environments Quarterly 6(1) (1989): 46-53.

“Children and the Environment: Work, Play and Learning in Rural Sudan.” Children's Environments Quarterly 3(4) (1986): 43-51.

“A Methodology for the Study of Children's Environmental Knowledge in Other Cultures.” Monadnock 57(1983): 35-43.

“Children and Development.” Network for Environment and Development 3(1983): 1-3.

“The Least Developed and the Rest.” In L. Berry and R.W. Kates (Eds.) Making the Most of the Least: Alternative Ways to Development. Holmes and Meier Publishers. (1980): 47-73. With David J. Campbell.

“The Hydrologic Cycle and the Wisdom of the Child.” Geographical Review 67 (1977): 51-62. With Robert W. Kates.

Reprinted in Children's Environments Quarterly 4(2) (1987): 3-10.

Dictionary and Encyclopedia Entries

Social Reproduction, The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology, D. Richardson (Ed.) Wiley, 2016. With Jack Norton.

Multiple Entries, The Dictionary of Human Geography, 5th Edition. D. Gregory, R. Johnston, G. Pratt, M. Watts and S. Whatmore (Eds.) Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.

Conference Proceedings, Reports, and Monographs

“Agricultural Development at Loose Ends: Household Labor, Intergenerational Effects, and Time-Space Expansion,” Conference Proceedings, Agricultural Research for Development Conference: Innovations and Incentives. Swedish Research Network: Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry for Development, 2012: 9-10.

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PUBLICATIONS (Continued) Conference Proceedings, Reports, and Monographs

The Participatory Design of Two Community Elementary Schoolyards in Harlem P.S. 185 and P.S. 208. New York: Children's Environments Research Group, The City University of New York, 1990. With Roger Hart.

Methodology for the Assessment of the Social Impact of Rural Energy Projects in Zimbabwe. Stockholm: Beijer Institute, 1984. With Kirsten Johnson.

The Social Context of Reforestation: Socio-Economic and Cultural Profile of Project Area with Recommendations for a Program of Forestry Extension. New York: CARE, 1984.

Prospects for New and Renewable Energy Sources in Developing Countries. Stockholm: Beijer Institute, 1983. With Kirsten Johnson.

The Benefits of Government Health and Safety Regulations. Cambridge, MA: M.I.T. Center for Policy Alternatives, 1981. With N. Ashford, et al.

African Overview: Training Course for Environmental Investigation. Worcester, MA: Clark University Program in International Development and Social Change, 1978. With Leonard Berry, Richard Ford, & Hilary Lambert Renwick.

Atlas of the Least Developed Nations: Groups and Characteristics. Worcester, MA: Clark University Program in International Development and Social Change, 1975. With David J. Campbell.

Book Reviews

Geoff Mann, In the Long Run We Are All Dead: Keynesianism, Political Economy and Revolution. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space (Book Review Forum) (2019). (

Shiloh Krupar, Hot Spotter’s Report: Military Fables of Toxic Waste. Antipode (Book Review Symposium) (2015). (

Kathleen Stewart, Ordinary Affects. “Little Nothings Conjured as Something,” Social & Cultural Geography 11(8) (2010): 923-5.

Melissa Wright, Disposable Women and Other Myths of Global Capitalism. Social & Cultural Geography 10(8) (2009): 929-31.

Tatek Abebe, Ethiopian Childhoods: A Case Study of the Lives of Orphans and Working Children. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift-Norwegian Journal of Geography 62:(4) (2008): 305-6. With Olga Nieuwenhuys and Haakon Lein.

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PUBLICATIONS (Continued) Book Reviews

Carole Gallaher, On the Fault Line: Race, Class and the American Patriot Movement. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies 3(1) (2004).

Denis Wood and Robert J. Beck, Home Rules. First Steps: A Primer on the Geographies of Children and Youth. London: LLWG-CYF of RGS-IBG. (2004): 10.

Stuart Aitken, Geographies of Young People: The Morally Contested Spaces of Identity and Sarah L. Holloway & Gill Valentine (Eds.) Children’s Geographies: Playing, Living, Learning. Children, Youth and Environments 1(2) (2003). With Caitlin Cahill.

Vibeke Vågenes, Women of the Interior, Men of the Exterior: The Gender Order of Hadendowa Nomads, Red Sea Hills, Sudan. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift-Norwegian Journal of Geography 54:(1) (2000): 46-47.

Gillian Rose, Feminism and Geography: The Limits of Geographical Knowledge. Ecumene 4(2) (1997): 227-30.

John M. Findlay, Magic Lands: Western Cityscapes and American Culture After 1940. “City of Food Courts,” The Design Book Review 35/36 (1995): 67-69.

Felix Driver and Gillian Rose (Eds.), Nature and Science: Essays in the History of Geographical Knowledge. Professional Geographer 45(3) (1993): 368-69.

Alexander Wilson, The Culture of Nature: North American Landscape from Disney to the Exxon Valdez. Voice Literary Supplement April 1992: 20.

Rachel Kaplan and Stephen Kaplan, The Experience of Nature. Journal of Nervous and Behavioral Disorders 179 (1991): 704.

Fatima Mahmoud, The Sudanese Bourgeoisie. MERIP Reports 135(1985): 30.

Claude Meillassoux, Maidens Meal and Money: Capitalism and the Domestic Community. Antipode 15(1) (1983): 42-45.


2010 Childhood Studies in Africa: Livelihoods, Ecology and Culture, Invited Symposium, International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, University of Zambia. (Co-Convener with Anne-Trine Kjørholt).

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CONFERENCES (Continued) Organizer

1997 New York City, “A Region at Risk”: Responding to the Third Regional Plan. The City University of New York.

1992 Metaphor and Materiality: The Politics of Space and Nature. Rutgers University.

1990 Schoolyards. The City University of New York.

1976 Environment and Development in Eastern and Southern Africa. Clark University.

Keynote and Plenary Addresses

2018 “Countertopography: Common Grounds in Global Processes—Feminist Urban Methodologies Across Site and Scale: Thinking Countertopographically about Research and Action.” Urban Feminist Methodologies Workshop of the Urbanisation, Gender and the Global South Project, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, 29 September.

2018 “The Social Construct and Contract of Labor.” ReWorking Labor Public Symposium, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 12 October.

2017 “Cartouches and Countertopographies: Visualizing Accumulation and Dispossession.” NEH Summer Institute: Space, Place and the Humanities, Northeastern University, Boston, 10 August.

2017 “Countering Splanetary Urbanization.” Institute for the Geographies of Justice, Montreal, 8 June.

2017 “Being, Becoming, Having Fun: The Time-Space of Play.” Playwork Conference, Eastbourne, England, 7 March.

2017 “Refusing Mastery: The Detroit Geographical Expedition and Institute as Minor Theory.” Center for 21st Century Studies, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 27 January.

2016 “Good Childhood, Social Childhood.” Learning Outside the Lines: Children and Youth in an Interconnected World, Bahá'í Chair for World Peace at the University of Maryland at College Park, 28-29 September.

2016 “Making Space for Social Reproduction.” Annual Conference on Urban and Rural Planning Education in China, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi’an, China, 21-22 September.

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CONFERENCES (Continued) Keynote and Plenary Addresses

2016 “From Everywhere to Now: The Lure of the (Under)commons,” Dartmouth Institute on the Futures of American Studies, Dartmouth College, 20 June.

2016 “Crisis and the Cultural Politics of Childhood.” 2016 Distinguished Lecture, Geography Department, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, 15 February.

2016 “Trace Memory Erasure Return: Biography, History, and the Geographical Imagination.” Green College, The Next Urban Planet: Rethinking the City in Time, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 10 February.

2015 “Revisiting Minor Theory,” Critical Geography Conference, University of Kentucky, Lexington, 23 October.

2015 “What Was the Detroit Geographical Expedition and Institute?” Dartmouth Institute on the Futures of American Studies, Dartmouth College, 23 June.

2015 “Domesticating the Crisis: Children and the Management of Insecurity.” James Blaut Memorial Lecture, Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Chicago, 23 April.

2015 “Domesticating the Crisis: Children and the Management of Insecurity.” AHRC Network Workshop “Home, Crisis and the Imagination,” The Eccles Centre for American Studies, London, 30 March.

2014 “Intimate Dispossessions: Social Reproduction, Nature, and the Crises of Capitalism.” Rethinking Crisis: Democracy, Ecology, Society Conference, Freie Universität, Berlin, 5 November.

2014 “Superman, Tiger Mother: Young People and the Cultural Politics of Aspiration Management.” Critiquing Culture: The Cultural Studies Graduate Conference, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, 15 September.

2014 “'Unceasing Sensuous Labour': Critical Reflections on the Geographies of Social Reproduction” Society of South African Geographers Meetings, Fort Hare, South Africa, 27 June.

2014 “'Development' in an Expanded Field: New Geographies of Social Reproduction.” Society of South African Geographers Students Conference, Fort Hare, South Africa, 23 June.

2013 “The Natures of American Studies.” Dartmouth Institute on the Futures of American Studies, Dartmouth College, 20 June.

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CONFERENCES (Continued) Keynote and Plenary Addresses

2013 “Superman, Tiger Mother: Aspiration Management and the Contemporary American Family.” Seminar in , History and Culture, Centro Studi Americani, Rome, 20 May.

2013 “’Development’ in an Expanded Field: New Geographies of Social Reproduction.” Global Scholars Symposium, University of Cambridge, 20 April.

2012 “Resilience in a Social Field: Response to Transition.” Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University, 28 September.

2012 “Agricultural Development at Loose Ends: Household Labor, Intergenerational Effects, and Time-Space Expansion.” Swedish Research Network: Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry for Development Annual Conference. Uppsala, Sweden.

2012 “Angel of Geography, Angle of Possibility.” Progress in Human Geography Lecture, Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, New York City, 25 February.

2011 “Superman, Tiger Mother: Aspiration Management and the Child as Waste.” Diane Middlebrook and Carl Djerassi Professorship Lecture, Jesus College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England.

2011 “Trace Memory Erasure: Geographies of Restoration in US Cities.” Girton College Lectures on Cultural Economy, University of Cambridge.

2011 “Cartographies and Cartouches: The Geographical Imagination of Accumulation and Dispossession.” ESRC Seminar on Feminism and Futurity, University of Bristol, Bristol, England.

2011 “Accumulation, Excess, and Childhood: Towards a Countertopography of Risk and Waste.” Sydney Anthropology Symposium on Childhood & Youth, The University of Sydney.

2011 “Accumulation, Excess, and Childhood: Toward a Countertopography of Risk and Waste.” The 15th Annual Conference of Taiwan Geography, Taipei.

2010 “Trace, Memory, Erasure: New Orleans, Detroit, The Bronx and the Geographical Imagination of Politics.” Dartmouth Summer Institute on the Futures of American Studies, Dartmouth College.

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CONFERENCES (Continued) Keynote and Plenary Addresses

2010 “The Sprawl of Insecurity, the Seep of Dispossession: Crossing Scales of Risk and Waste.” University of Cambridge Annual Gender Symposium: Gender and the Scales of Empowerment: Subjectivities, Connections and Belongings.

2010 “Reflections on Engaged Anthropology.” Symposium Sponsored by the Department of Anthropology, Rutgers University.

2009 “Feminism and Marxism: Now and Then.” ACME Lecture in Radical Geography, Deutscher Geographentag,Vienna, Austria.

2009 “Accumulation, Excess, and Childhood: Towards a Countertopography of Risk and Waste.” Second International Conference on Children, Youth, and Families,” Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

2009 “Accumulation/Countertopographies,” Two Joint Lectures with Elizabeth Maddock Dillon. Dartmouth Summer Institute on the Futures of American Studies, Dartmouth College.

2009 “At Home with the Security State.” Surveillance Societies: What Price Security? Macaulay Honors College at CUNY.

2008 “Me and My Monkey: States of Insecurity Home and Homeland.” Clinton Institute for American Studies, University College Dublin.

2008 “Childhood as Spectacle: Relays of Anxiety and the Reconfiguration of the Child.” Dartmouth Summer Institute on the Futures of American Studies, Dartmouth College.

2008 Education and Society in the Contemporary Era, Simpson Center for the Humanities, .

2008 “Writing on the Wall: From Disaster to Doing Something.” Dickinson College, Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues.

2008 “Ways of Knowing: Doing Fieldwork.” Symposium on Enabling Local Knowledge in Africa, Institute for the African Child, Center for International Studies, Ohio University.

2007 “Childhood as Spectacle: Relays of Anxiety and the Reconfiguration of the Child.” Geographies of Children, Youth and Families, Inaugural Conference, Reading University, UK.

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CONFERENCES (Continued) Keynote and Plenary Addresses

2007 “Bad Elements: Hurricane Katrina and the Scoured Landscape of Social Reproduction.” Jan Monk Lecture in Feminist Geography, University of Arizona (February), Annual Meetings of the Royal Geographic Society with the Institute of British Geographers, London (September).

2007 “Bad Elements: Hurricane Katrina and the Scoured Landscape of Social Reproduction.” Dartmouth Summer Institute on the Futures of American Studies, Dartmouth College.

2007 “At the Heart of the Matter: Social Reproduction and Life’s Work.” Keynote Address, Latin American Labor History Conference, Labors of Love: Domestic Work in Latin American Labor, Duke University.

2007 “The Child as Spectacle: Cultural Geographies of Childhood in the United States.” Cultural Geographies Special Lecture, Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, , California.

2006 “Chicken Money Job Water: Katrina and the Scoured Landscape of Social Reproduction.” Ethics, Justice and Human Rights Plenary, Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Chicago, Illinois.

2005 “The Banality of Terror: Camouflaging the Problem.” Fear: Critical Geopolitics and Everyday Life Conference, Durham University, UK.

2005 “Banal Terrorism: Spatial Fetishism and Everyday Insecurity.” Dartmouth Summer Institute on the Futures of American Studies. Dartmouth College.

2004 “‘Prisoners of their Price Tags’: Late Twentieth Century American Childhood and the Anxieties of Social Reproduction.” Dartmouth Summer Institute on the Futures of American Studies. Dartmouth College.

2004 “Securing Childhood: Hypervigilance and the Compromised Spaces of Everyday Life.” Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University.

2004 “Children’s Development and Agricultural Development.” Workshop on Child Rights in Agriculture, Canadian International Development Agency, Ottawa.

2003 “Lost and Found: The Imagined Geographies of American Studies.” Dartmouth Summer Institute on the Futures of American Studies. Dartmouth College.

2002 “Excesses of Globalization: Social Reproduction, Security, and Terror.” Twentieth Anniversary Lecture, Kritische Geographie. Vienna, Austria.

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CONFERENCES (Continued) Keynote and Plenary Addresses

2002 “The Terrors of Globalization: Rewriting Security, Re-imagining Social Justice.” Cultural and Global Perspectives on Terrorism Conference, University of Minnesota, Duluth.

2001 “Topographies, Counter Topographies, and the Development of Internationalist Feminisms.” National Women’s Studies Association Conference. Minneapolis.

2001 “Vagabond Capitalism and the Necessity for Social Reproduction.” Antipode Lecture, Annual Meetings of the Institute of British Geographers/Royal Geographical Society. Plymouth, England.

2000 “Social Reproduction, Justice and the Global Economy.” Minnesota-Stanford- Wisconsin MacArthur Consortium Summer Workshop on Social Justice and the Global Economy, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

1999 “Disintegrating Developments: Excavating Historical Geographies of Change in Rural Sudan and New York City.” Societat Catalana de Geografia, Institut D’Estudis Catalans, Barcelona, Spain.

1999 “On the Grounds of Globalization: Topographies for Political Engagement.” Global Gender Politics: A Cross Disciplinary Conversation, sponsored by Florida International University.

1999 “The Politics of Knowledge: The Struggle for an Emancipatory Geography.” Keynote Address, ‘Mapping the Millennium,” Third Annual Western Geography Graduate Student Conference. University of Washington.

1996 “Power, Space and Terror: Social Reproduction and the Public Environment.” Keynote Address, Fifth Annual Eastern Geography Graduate Student Conference, University of Kentucky.

1990 “Access to the Outdoor Environment: A Crisis for Children in the City.” Keynote Address, Schoolyards Conference, New York City.


2019 “Comparative Urban Research Workshop.” International Conference of Critical Geography, With Beverly Mullings, Athens, Greece, 20 April.

2017 “What is the Security State: Histories and Praxis.” Chair of Roundtable, Religion, Gender, and the Politics of State Security Conference, , 14-16 September.

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CONFERENCES (Continued) Presentations

2017 “Splanetary Urbanization.” Meetings of the American Association of Geographers, Boston, Massachusetts, 7 April.

2017 “Being, Becoming, and Having Fun: The Time-Space of Play.” Playwork Conference, Eastbourne, UK, 7-8 March.

2016 “Disciplinary Spaces of Home/Not Home: Geography and American Studies.” Panelist, Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association, Denver, Colorado, 17-20 November.

2015 “Environmental Racism and the Future of Urban Social Movements.” Katrina After Ten Symposium, Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity in America, Brown University, 2 October.

2015 “Banal Terrorism: Spatial Fetishism and Everyday Insecurity.” Luce Foundation Workshop on Religion, Gender and the Politics of Security, Yale University, 7-8 August.

2012 “Cartographies and Cartouches: The Geographical Imagination of Accumulation and Dispossession.” Meetings of the American Studies Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 15-18 November.

2012 “Laying Claim,” Panel Presentation at Whitney Independent Study Program Exhibition, “Creative Destruction.” The Kitchen, New York City, 2 June.

2011 “What Was the Detroit Geographical Expedition and Institute?” Detroit, Global City: The Motor City in the World, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, 22-24 September.

2011 “What is a ‘Good’ Childhood?” Researching Children, Global Childhoods and Education Conference, The Graduate Center of The City University of New York, 24-26 March.

2010 “Just Managing: Youth, Insecurity, Risk and Panic.” Meetings of the American Studies Association, San Antonio, Texas, 17-21 November.

2010 “Work and Play: Economic Restructuring and Children’s Everyday Learning in Rural Sudan, Meetings of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, University of Zambia, 18-22 July.

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CONFERENCES (Continued) Presentations

2010 “Childhood as Spectacle.” All in the Family? An Interdisciplinary Conference on Kinship and Community, Center for the Humanities, The Graduate Center of the City University of New York, 25-26 March.

2009 “Bridge to Nowhere: What’s Not Getting Across in American Studies.” Meetings of the American Studies Association, Washington, D.C. 5-8 November.

2009 “Endangered Geographies: Memory, Erasure, Infrastructure in New Orleans Under Reconstruction.” New Orleans Under Reconstruction: The Crisis of Planning, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana. 23-24 October. With Craig Barton.

2009 “Managing the Crisis: Youth, Insecurity, Risk, Panic.” Deutscher Geographentag, Vienna, Austria. 19-26 September.

2008 “Work, Play, Learning: Some Consequences of Economic Restructuring for Children’s Everyday Lives” Young Lives Global Challenges Symposium, Oxford University, Oxford, UK. 12-13 December.

2008 “Childhood and the Culture of Management.” International Bielefeld Conference, Marginalized Youth, University of Bielefeld, Germany. 31 January-2 February.

2007 “States of Disaster: Katrina and the Scoured Landscape of Social Reproduction.” Meetings of the American Studies Association, Philadelphia, PA, 11-14 October.

2007 Opening Remarks, “The Global and the Intimate: Gender Studies and the Present Crisis of Citizenship.” Mount Holyoke College, 27-28 April.

2007 “Governing the Local and the Global.” The Zicklin Conference, Governmentality and Globalization, Brooklyn College, City University of New York, 26 April.

2006 “Social Disinvestment and Hurricane Katrina.” New Orleans: The Death and Rebirth of an American City, Annual Urban Studies Conference, Laguardia Community College, City University of New York, 3 April.

2005 “Lost and Found: Imagined Geographies of American Studies.” Meetings of the American Studies Association, Washington, D.C. 3-6 November.

2005 “Banal Terrorism: Spatial Feminism and Everyday Insecurity.” Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C. 30 November- 4 December.

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CONFERENCES (Continued) Presentations

2004 “Securing Social Reproduction.” The Borders of Human Security: Geopolitics Comes Home, The Center for the Study of Women in Society and the Wayne Morse Center for Law and Politics, , Eugene. 20-21 May.

2004 “Banal Terrorism.” Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 14-19 March.

2003 “The State Goes Home: Children, Social Reproduction and the Terrors of Hypervigilance.” Presidential Panel, Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, Illinois 19-23 November.

2003 “The Terrors of Hypervigilance: Security and the Compromised Spaces of Suburban Childhood.” Meetings of the American Studies Association, Hartford, Connecticut. 16-19 October.

2003 “The Detritus of Neo-Liberalism and the Politics of Social Reproduction” Joint Meetings of the Canadian Anthropology Association and the Society for the Anthropology of North America, Halifax, Nova Scotia. 8-11 May.

2002 “Little Terrors: Children, Social Reproduction, and the Public Environment in New York City.” International Symposium on Urban Realms in the United States, Heidelberg, Germany. 13-17 November.

2002 “People’s Geographies of and after September 11th” International Conference of Critical Geography. Békéscsaba, Hungary. 25-30 June.

2002 “Stuck in Place: Children and the Globalization of Social Reproduction.” Geographies of Work Workshop, University of Minnesota. 3-4 May.

2002 “Social Reproduction and the Transnational Imaginary,” (Organizer and Discussant). Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, California. 20-24 March.

2002 “Excesses of Public Space.” Politics of Public Space, Graduate Center, The City University of New York. 28 February–1 March.

2001 “Mind the Gap: Local Hypervigilance of Children and the Global Retreat from Social Reproduction.” Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers. New York, New York, 27 February-3 March.

2000 “People’s Geography and Social Reproduction in the City.” Association for Economic and Social Analysis. Amherst, Massachusetts, 21-24 September.

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CONFERENCES (Continued) Presentations

2000 “Globalization and the War on Social Reproduction.” International Critical Geography Conference. Taegu, Korea, 9-13 August.

2000 “The Aesthetics of ‘Geo-Dramas’: Children’s Play with Everyday Objects in Rural Sudan.” Annual Meetings of the Association of Youth Museums. Baltimore, Maryland, 10-14 May.

1999 “Power, Space and Terror: The Hidden City of Social Reproduction.” International Conference on Postmodern Geographical Praxis. Venice, Italy, 10-11 June.

1999 “Social Reproduction in an Expanded Field: Globalization and Everyday Life.” Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers. Honolulu, Hawaii, 24-27 March.

1998 “Hype, Icon, Exclusion: Teenagers Investigate Times Square.” Annual Meetings of the American Association of Anthropologists. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 2-6 December. With Caitlin Cahill.

1998 “War, Poverty and Deforestation in Sudan.” Annual Meetings of the African Studies Association. Chicago, Illinois, 29 October-1 November.

1998 “The Politics of Knowledge: The Struggle for an Emancipatory Geography.”Meetings of the Association of American Geographers. Boston, Massachusetts, 25-29 March.

1998 “On the Grounds of Globalization: A Topography for Political Engagement.” Gender and Globalization Conference, University of California, Berkeley, 12-15 March.

1997 “Castles in the Sand: Shifting Terrains of Learning, Knowledge and Power in Rural Sudan.” Annual Meetings of the American Association of Anthropologists. Washington, D.C. 19-23 November.

1997 “Whose Nature, Whose Culture?: Private Productions of Space and the ‘Preservation’ of Nature.” Inaugural International Conference of Critical Geography. Vancouver, British Columbia, 10-13 August.

1997 “The Grounds of Knowledge: Negotiating Environmental Intervention in the Production and Reproduction of Everyday Life in Rural Sudan.” Workshop on The Politics of Poverty and Environmental Interventions, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet. Stockholm, 22-26 May.

1997 “War, Poverty and Deforestation.” Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers. Fort Worth, Texas, 1-6 April.

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CONFERENCES (Continued) Presentations

1996 “Home Made Preserve: Private Productions of Space and the ‘Preservation’ of Nature.” Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association. San Francisco, California, 20-24 November.

1995 “Ravaged Cities, Plundered Childhoods.” Building Identities: Gender Per-spectives on Children and Urban Space, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 11-13 April.

1995 “Power, Space and Terror: Social Reproduction and the Public Environment.” Landscape Architecture, Social Ideology and the Politics of Place Conference, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 17-18 March. 1995 “Towards Minor Theory.” Annual Meetings, Association of American Geographers. Chicago, Illinois, 15-17 March.

1994 “Seditious Eruptions: Historical Geographies of Displaced Knowledge.” Annual Meetings, American Anthropological Association. Atlanta, Georgia, 30 November-4 December.

1994 “Geography and Gender in the Contemporary Socio-Spatial Formation.” Lugar, Formacao Sociospacial, Mundo, National Association of Post-Graduates in Geography. University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 8-10 September.

1994 “Kid Nation: Towards a Transnational Politics of Childhood.” Children and Nationalism. Norwegian Centre for Child Research, University of Trondheim, Norway, 13-16 May.

1994 “The Bones of Received Knowledge: Disruptions in the Construction of Subjectivity under Conditions of Global Economic Restructuring.” Altering the Atlas, Program in Comparative Literature, SUNY Buffalo, 22-23 April.

1993 “Displacements in Social Science.” Making Worlds: Metaphor and Materiality in Feminist Texts, Southwest Institute for Research on Women with sponsorship of Rockefeller Foundation, University of Arizona, Tucson, 13-16 October.

1993 “The Textures of Global Change: Geographies of Children's Everyday Life in New York and Sudan.” Children and the Environment, Norwegian Centre for Child Research and Childwatch International. University of Trondheim, Norway, 13-16 May.

1993 “Playing the Field: Questions of Fieldwork in Geography.” Annual Meetings, Association of American Geographers. Atlanta, Georgia, 7-10 April.

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CONFERENCES (Continued) Presentations

1993 “Retreat from the City: The Grounds of Production, Virtual Communities, and Everyday Life.” Ecology of the Artificial, Storefront for Art and Architecture, Dia Center for the Arts, New York, 25 April.

1992 “Under the Falling Sky: Apocalyptic Environmental Visions and the Production of Nature.” Rethinking Marxism, Association for Economic and Social Analysis. Amherst, 12-14 November.

1992 “Schooling and Skilling: How Working Class Kids Don't Get Working Class Jobs.” International Geographical Congress. Washington, D.C., 9-13 August.

1992 “You Can't Drive a Chevy: Urban Youth and the Practices of Resistance.” Conference of the International Sociological Association: Research Group 21, Urban and Regional Change. Los Angeles, 23-25 April.

1992 “Henri Lefebvre and the Production of Space.” Annual Meetings, Association of American Geographers. San Diego, California, 18-21 April.

1992 “Author Meets Critic: Mike Davis, The City of Quartz.” Annual Meetings, Association of American Geographers. San Diego, California, 18-21 April.

1992 “Grounding Metaphors: Towards a Spatialized Politics.” Annual Meetings Institute of British Geographers. Swansea, U.K., 7-9 January. With Neil Smith.

1991 “Woman on the Edge of Space: Feminist Theory and the Construction of Geographic Knowledge.” Annual Meetings, Association of American Geographers. Miami, Florida, 13-17 April. With Sallie A. Marston.

1991 “Critical Ecology.” Annual Meetings, Association of American Geographers. Miami, Florida, 13-17 April.

1991 “All the World is Staged: Intellectuals and the Projects of Ethnography.” Annual Meetings, Institute of British Geographers. Sheffield, U.K., 3-5 January.

1990 “In the Nature of Things: The Environment and Everyday Life.” Annual Meetings, Association of American Geographers. Toronto, 19-22 April. With Andrew Kirby.

1990 “Modes of Social Regulation: Contradictions, Ruptures and Interventions.” Annual Meetings, Association of American Geographers, Toronto, 19-22 April.

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CONFERENCES (Continued) Presentations

1989 “The Edge of Hegemony? Everyday Cultural Practices of Resistance and Reproduction among Youth in New York City.” Rethinking Marxism, Association for Economic and Social Analysis. Amherst, 30 November-2 December.

1989 “You Can't Drive a Chevy Through a Post-Fordist Landscape: The Contradictions and Consequences of State Regulation of Social Reproduction.” Annual Meetings, Association of American Geographers, Baltimore, March.

1989 “'Life in Hell:' Hazards as if Context Mattered.” Annual Meetings, Association of American Geographers. Baltimore, March.

1988 “Children's Environmental Learning, Knowledge and Interactions Under Conditions of Socio-Economic Transformation: The Possibilities of Change.” Annual Meetings, Association of American Geographers. Phoenix, April.

1985 “The Contexts of Environmental Learning and the Resilience of Environmental Knowledge.” Annual Meetings, Association of American Geographers. Detroit, April.

1984 “Forests for the Trees/Forests for the People: A Cultural-Ecological Approach to Reforestation.” Annual Meetings, Association of American Geographers. Washington, D.C., April.

1983 “Children's Learning/Children's Labor: The Implications of Agricultural Change.” Annual Meetings, African Studies Association. Boston, December.

1983 “A Methodology for the Study of Children's Environmental Knowledge in Other Cultures.” Annual Meetings, Association of American Geographers, Denver, April.

1979 “The Social Context of Peasant Children's Environmental Knowledge.” Annual Meetings, Association of American Geographers. Philadelphia, April. With Kirsten Johnson.

1977 “Human-Environment Relations: An Alternative Perspective.” Annual Meetings, New England-St. Lawrence Valley Geographical Association. Worcester, March. With Paul Susman and Philip O'Keefe.

1976 “The Hydrologic Cycle and the Wisdom of the Child.” Annual Meetings, American Association for the Advancement of Science. Boston. February. With Robert W. Kates.

1975 “The Least Developed Nations Grouped and Compared.” Conference on Alternatives in Development. Racine, Wisconsin, October. With David J. Campbell.

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CONFERENCES (Continued) Presentations

1975 “Social Activity Space in the Nineteenth Century: A Case Study from Danvers, Massachusetts.” Annual Meetings, Eastern Historical Geography Association. Sturbridge, Massachusetts, October.


2018 Lund University (Department of Human Geography) Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Department of Urban and Rural Development) Uppsala University (Department of Geography) Rutgers University (Department of Geography) Rowan University (School of Earth and Environment)

2017 University of Wisconsin, Madison (Department of Geography and Applied Comics Kitchen) University of Manchester (Department of Geography)

2016 University of Leicester (Launch of Centre for Critical and Creative Geographies) University of Toronto (Department of Geography)

2015 Yale University (School of Architecture, Environmental Design Program) Arizona State University (Department of Geography) Emory University (Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies)

2012 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Urban and Rural Development) University of California, Berkeley (Department of Geography) University of California, Davis (Environmental Design) Dartmouth College (Master of Arts in Liberal Studies) University of Leeds (School of English, Imagining the Place of Home Project) Birkbeck, University of London (Birkbeck Institute for Social Research) Kropotkin Society, Jesus College, University of Cambridge

2011 University of Western Sydney (The Centre for Cultural Research) National Taiwan University (Institute for Architecture and Environment) National Taiwan Normal University (Geography Department) Donghua University (Geography Department) Columbia University (Seminar in American Studies)

2010 Harvard University (Graduate School of Design) Clark University (Graduate School of Geography)

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2009 University of Texas (Childhood Studies Research Cluster)

2008 Pennsylvania State University (Department of Geography) Tampere University (Finland) (Department of Anthropology) Montana State University (Departments of English and American Studies) Queen Mary University of London (Department of Geography)

2007 University of Leeds (Departments of English, Geography and American Studies) University of Arizona (Department of Geography) Queens University (Kingston, Ontario) (Departments of Geography and Development Studies) University of Minnesota (Department of Geography) The Architectural League of New York

2006 Duke University (Institute for Critical U.S. Studies) Hunter College (Department of Geography)

2005 Ohio State University (Department of Geography) University of California, Berkeley (Department of Geography)

2004 Harvard Club, New York City Art Institute of Chicago (Visual and Critical Studies) University of Washington (Department of Geography) University of British Columbia (Geography and Women’s Studies) Clark University (Graduate School of Geography)

2003 Syracuse University (Global Affairs Institute, Maxwell School) Cornell University (Department of English) Georgia State University (Department of Geography) University of Georgia (Department of Geography)

2002 University of Toronto (Connaught Center for American Studies). San Francisco State University (Art History). Okanagan University (Social Sciences).

2001 Dartmouth College (Department of Geography) Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London (Geography Department) University of Maine (Women’s Studies)

2000 University of British Columbia (Green College Series on Nature, Culture and Colonialism) The Johns Hopkins University (Program for Studies of Women, Gender & Sexuality and Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering)

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Bucknell University (Department of Geography) Lund University, Sweden (Department of Social and Economic Geography) West Virginia University (Center for Women’s Studies & Regional Research Institute) West Virginia University, Parkersburg (Committee for Social Justice)

1999 Universidad de la Laguna, Tenerife, Spain (Department of Geography) Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (Department of Geography)

1998 Temple University (Department of Geography) University of Minnesota Duluth (Departments of Geography &Women’s Studies) University of Edinburgh (Royal Scottish Geographical Society Lecture) University of Glasgow (Royal Scottish Geographical Society Lecture) University of St. Andrews (Royal Scottish Geographical Society Lecture) University of California, Berkeley (Geography and Women’s Studies) University of Arizona (Department of Women’s Studies) Universidad Autonoma de Mexico (Department of Geography)

1996 Rutgers University (Departments of Anthropology and Geography) Universidad de Girona, Spain (Department of Geography) University of Arizona (Department of Geography)

1995 University of Khartoum (Department of Geography) University of Washington (Department of Geography)

1994 University of Hawai'i, Manoa (Department of Geography) Syracuse University (Department of Geography) University of Delaware (Department of Geography) University of Georgia (Department of Geography and the Humanities Center) University of Sao Paulo (Department of Geography) Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Departments of Geography, Urban Affairs and Planning, and Women's Studies)

1993 University of Colorado, Boulder (Department of Geography) University of Helsinki (Departments of Social Policy and Geography) St. Petersburg State University, Russia (Department of Geography) Odense University, Denmark (Humanities Research Center) Lund University, Sweden (National Swedish Institute for Building Research) Helsinki University of Technology (Centre for Urban and Regional Studies) Joensuu University, Finland (Department of Geography)

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1992 University College London (Department of Geography) Yale University (School of Architecture) Hampshire College (Social Science Division) City University of New York Graduate School (Women's Studies Program) Pennsylvania State University (Department of Geography)

1991 Columbia University (Program in Urban and Regional Planning)

1990 University of California, Berkeley (Graduate School of Design) Rutgers University (Departments of Geography and Urban Planning)

1988 University of Arizona (Department of Geography)

1987 Hunter College (Department of Geography) Bucknell University (Department of Geography)


2018 Professor, Thinking Spatially: Cities, Nature and Society, Doctoral Course, Nordic Geography Doctoral Network, Lund University, 3-7 December.

2017- Advisory Board, SSHRC Partnership Grant: Urbanization, Gender, and the Global South: A Transformative Knowledge Network.

2017 Professor, Antipode Institute for the Geographies of Justice, Montreal.

2015 Professor, Doctoral Course on Theoretical Perspectives in Geography: On Theory, Theorising and Writing Theory, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, University of Bergen, University of Oslo. Trondheim, Norway.

2014- Invited Scientist, City as Living Laboratory, Mary Miss Studio.

2012-16 Invited Participant, Columbia University Seminar in Ecology and Culture.

2011 Invited Participant, Workshop on Children’s Work in Africa, IGK Work and Human Life Cycle in Global History, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

2009 Invited Participant, Seminar on the Middle Class, School of American Research (SAR), Santa Fe, New Mexico.

2008 Invited Participant, Young Lives Global Challenges Symposium, Oxford University, U.K.

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2008 Professor, Clinton Institute for American Studies Summer School. Seminar on Historical Geographies of the Neoliberal Present. University College Dublin.

2005 Invited Participant, International Research Workshop, “The Global Child: Globalization, Development and Local Constructions of Childhood,” Norwegian Centre for Child Research, Trondheim, Norway.

2003 Invited Participant, Norwegian Centre for Child Research, Seminar on Childhood, Agency, Culture and Society, Norwegian University for Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.

2002 Professor, The Oslo Summer School in Comparative Social Studies. Seminar on Vagabond Capitalism, Social Reproduction and the Politics of Scale.

2002 Invited Participant, Ford Foundation Sponsored Workshop on Global and Local Knowledge After September 11th, Center for Place, Culture, Politics. Graduate Center, The City University of New York.

2001 Invited Participant, Ford Foundation Sponsored Workshop on Critical Ethnographies of Globalization, University of California, Berkeley.

1999 Invited Participant, People’s Geography Project Inaugural Meeting.

1998 Invited Participant, National Science Foundation Sponsored Workshop on Geography of Young People and Young People’s Geographies, San Diego State University.

1996 Consultant, Roosevelt Park Community Coalition.

1990-93 Consultant, Chinatown Neighborhood History Project.

1990 Consultant, Children's Television Workshop.

1987 Research Consultant, NYC Board of Education, School and Business Alliance.

1986-88 UNICEF Representative, International Association for the Child's Right to Play.

1986-87 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Environmental Psychology Program, The City University of New York.

1983-84 Research Consultant, CARE. Project on Reforestation in Refugee Areas, Eastern Sudan.

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1975, Instructor, Graduate School of Geography and Program in International 1978-83 Development, Clark University.

1981-82 Research Associate, Center for Technology, Environment, and Development (CENTED). Clark University.

1980 Research Assistant, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. MIT Center for Policy Alternatives.

1980 Research Assistant, Boston College. Social Welfare Research Institute.

1975-79 Research Associate. Graduate School of Geography and Center for Technology, Environment and Development (CENTED). Clark University.

1977-78 Instructor, Program in International Development and Social Change. Clark University. Project on Environment and Development in Eastern and Southern Africa.

1975-76 Co-Principal Investigator, Elm Park Center for Early Childhood Education.



2004-08 General Editor, Women’s Studies Quarterly (with Nancy K. Miller) 2003 Co-Editor, Social Text 74, “Transnational Adoption.” (With Toby Alice Volkman) 1998-2003 Editor, Journal of Social and Cultural Geography 1996-2000 Associate Editor, Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 1992-98 Book Review Editor, Gender, Place and Culture. 1989-92 Editor, Children's Environments Quarterly. 1986-89 Associate Editor, Children's Environments Quarterly.

Editorial and Advisory Boards

Association of American Geographers Book Review, 2013- Dialogues in Human Geography/DHG, 2009- Childhood, 2008- Women’s Studies Quarterly, 2008- Journal of Social and Cultural Geography 2003-05 The Canadian Geographer 2002-06

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PROFESSIONAL SERVICE (Continued) Editorial and Advisory Boards

Children’s Geographies 2002- Annals of the Association of American Geographers 2000-04 Research in Geographic Education 1998-2002 Environment and Planning, D: Society and Space 1992 - 2006 Gender, Place and Culture 1992 - 2003 Antipode 1992 - 1999 Social Text 1991 - 2005 Professional Geographer 1991 - 1994. Capitalism Nature Socialism 1990 - 98


2017- Advisory Committee, American Studies Certificate Program

2014 Diversity Task Force, The Graduate Center, City University of New York.

2013-15 Academic Review Committee, The Graduate Center, City University of New York.

2012-14 Executive Committee of the Council of Executive Officers, Graduate Center, The City University of New York.

2009-11 Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects, Graduate Center, The City University of New York.

2008-13 Advisory Board, Center for Place Culture and Politics. Graduate Center, The City University of New York.

2002-03 Interdisciplinary Studies Advisory Committee. Graduate Center, The City University of New York.

2002-04 Advisory Board, Rockefeller Human Security Advisory Committee. Graduate Center, The City University of New York.

1999- Advisory Board, Women’s Studies Certificate Program. Graduate Center, The City University of New York.

1999-2006 Advisory Board, Center for Place Culture and Politics. Graduate Center, The City University of New York.

1998-2001 Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects, Graduate Center, The City University of New York.

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PROFESSIONAL SERVICE (Continued) University

1998 Fulbright/IIE Campus Interview Committee, Graduate Center, The City University of New York.

1997-2003 Affirmative Action Committee, Graduate Center, The City University of New York.

1996-99 New Visions in Education Selection Committee. City University of New York.

1996-98 Carolyn Heilbrun Dissertation Award Committee, Women’s Studies Program, Graduate Center, The City University of New York.

1996-98 University Committee on Research Awards, Interdisciplinary Studies Panel, Professional Staff Congress/City University of New York.

1987 -94 Cultural Studies Committee, The City University of New York.


2017- Publications Committee, American Association of Geographers

2012 John Hope Franklin Prize Committee, American Studies Association

2011- Community Voices Heard, Solidarity Board Member.

2009 Università degli Studi di Milano, Unimi Per Il Futuro - 5 Per Mille, Research Grant Evaluator.

2009 The Robert Bowne Foundation, Edmund A. Stanley, Jr. 2010-11 Research Awards, Evaluator.

2008 Council of Editors of Learned Journals, Judge, Phoenix Award for Significant Editorial Achievement.

2003 National Science Foundation, Graduate Fellowships Panel.

2001 Nominations Committee of the Association of American Geographers.

2000-03 Publications Committee of the Association of American Geographers.

2000-01 Local Arrangements Committee for the Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers

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PROFESSIONAL SERVICE (Continued) Organizational

2000 Program Committee for the Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers

1993-96 Secretary-Treasurer, Urban Geography Specialty Group, Association of American Geographers.

1993-95 Delegate of Association of American Geographers to American Council of Learned Societies Conference Committee on Advocacy in the Classroom.

1991-92 Nominating Committee, Urban Geography Specialty Group, Association of American Geographers.

1990 Member, Study Group on Historical Geography of Global Environmental Change, International Geographical Union.

1990-92 Chair, Cultural Ecology Specialty Group, Association of American Geographers

1988-91 Chair, Children's Network, Environmental Design Research Association.

1988-91 Member, Phoenix Group, Association of American Geographers.

1988-90 Treasurer and Newsletter Editor, Geographic Perspectives on Women Specialty Group, Association of American Geographers.

1988-89 Advisory Board, Environmental Education Advisory Council.

1987-91 Advisory Board, Mario Salvadori Center on the Built Environment.


American Association of Geographers American Studies Association Sudan Studies Association Society of Women Geographers


Colloquial Arabic French

Updated May 2019