A Project Report On Equity share’s Risk and Return Analysis A Study of Selected Indian Bank’s (In the partial fulfillment of the degree of Master of Business Administration) (2010-2012) SUBMITTED TO: - SUBMITTED BY:- Dr.B.S.Bodla MAHABIR SINGH Prof. USM M.B.A.4thth Semester University School of Management ROLL NO-82 Kurukshetra University Exam.Roll No_________ UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT KURUKSHETRA UNIVERSITY, KURUKSHETRA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Ph. No. 01744-238565 KURUKSHETRA UNIVERSITY KURUKSHETRA Ext. No. 2526, 2527 (ESTABLISHED BY THE STATE LEGISLATURE ACT XII OF 1956) e-mail:-
[email protected] (“A” GRADE, NACC ACCREDITED) No USOM/11/_________ Dated: ________________ CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mahabir Singh student of MBA (General) IV Semester, Examination Roll No ____________ has worked under my supervision and guidance on the Research Project titled “Equity share’s Risk and Return Analysis - A Study of Selected Indian Bank’s”. The project is completed in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of of Master of Business Administration. The matter used in the project is original and authentic to the best of my knowledge. I recommend that the project is fit fforor evaluation. I wish him success in all his future endeavors. Dr. B. S. Bodla Mr.Rajit Verma Professor Asst. Professor USM, KUK USM, KUK 11 DECLARATION thth I MAHABIR SINGH, Roll No.82, MBA (4(4 Semester) student of the University School of Management, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra hereby declare that the Research Report entitled “Equity share’s Risk and Return Analysis -- A Study of Selected Indian Bank’s” isis an original work and the same has not been submitted to any other Institute for the awarawardd of any other degree.