5344-5369, 2013 ISSN 1819-544X This Is a Refereed Journal and All Articles Are Professionally Screened and Reviewed
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5344 Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 9(8): 5344-5369, 2013 ISSN 1819-544X This is a refereed journal and all articles are professionally screened and reviewed ORIGINAL ARTICLES Contribution to the Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Provenance of the Lower Eocene Esna Shale in the Farafra Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt 1Abou El-Anwar, E.A.; 1EL-Wekeil, S.S. and 2Gaafar, S.Sh. 1Geological Sciences Department, National Research Center, Cairo 2Egyptian Mineral Resources Authority ABSTRACT The Esna Shale in El-Quss Abu Said Depression, Farafra Oasis is unconformably underlain by Tarawan Formation and is conformably overlain by Farafra Formation with a gradational contact in - between. Two well exposed Esna Shale successions were selected for the present study. Lithologically, the Esna Shale Formation has similar lithological characteristics. It is mainly consists of vari-colored shales intercalated with argillaceous limestone in parts. Their detailed petrographic, mineralogic and geochemical characteristics were determined using several techniques including thin-section examination, X-Ray diffractometry, thermal analyses, scanning electron microscopy and X-Ray Fluorescence. The Esna Shale Formation is texturally classified as mudstones. Their clay fractions consist entirely of moderately-crystalline smectite with subordinate kaolinite and trace concentration of illite. Generally, the studied shales consist mainly of smectite specially at the southern area and deposited in the deeper part of the basin. While the relative concentrations of kaolinite increase at the upper part of the studied sections specially at the northern area and deposited in shallower water setting. The contents 2 of SiO Al2O3, Na2O and K2O are lower while those of CaO and P2O5 are higher than the values reported for the Upper Continental Crust (UCC) and Post Archaean Australian Shale (PAAS). In contrast, Fe2O3 and TiO2 content higher than (UCC) and lower than (PAAS). The predominantly mafic characters of the source rocks for the northern section shales are being most related to the PAAS. The more felsic nature of the source rocks of the southern section shales being mainly related to the UCC. The more enriched in Zr and, to a much lesser extent Th in shales of the southern section revealed that it subjected to intensive chemical weathering than the northern shales section. The shales at El–Quss Abu Said plateau are entirely detrital and relatively immature. They are product of intensive chemical weathering of crystalline igneous and metamorphic rocks (granitic and basaltic) (especially at the southern area) to the south of Egypt. The provenance constituted a part of passive margin and was characterized in semiarid climate. The developed soils were carried out by fluvial action to the basin of deposition, which finally interfered and admixed with marine environment. The abundances of smectite and, to a lesser extent kaolinite in the clays in these shales may be related to changes in the nature of source rocks, climatic conditions and/ or the transgression and regression of the sea level during the Early- Eocene. Geochemical analyses data are reflected the depositional environment occurred in Phanerozoic-Proterozoic under oxic to anoxic or dyoxic marine conditions coupled with the effect hydrothermal solutions. The environmental parameters reveal that the locality of Farafa Oasis is unpolluted to very strong pollute. Key words: Esna Shale, Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Provenance, Farafra Oasis, Western Desert. Introduction The Farafra Oasis forms a depression that lies in the central part of the Western Desert of Egypt. Geomorphologically, this depression is roughly triangular in shape having a maximum length of ~120 km and an east- west axis extending for ~90 Km. Its eastern, western and northern sides are bounded by scarps and cliffs. The eastern cliff of the El- Quss Abu Said plateau (Farafra Limestone) represents the western scarp of the depression (Said, 1990). Structurally, the tectonic pattern of the Farafra Oasis is a result of the impact of the Syrian Arc Folding System on lithologies of vastly different competence. During the Late Cretaceous-Eocene, several tensional forces led to the development of many faults dissecting the area (Neev and Hall, 1982 and El- Eraqi and Atwa, 1999). Omara et al., 1970 and Sherif, (2006) emphasized that the sedimentary record of the Farafra Oasis reflects the occurrence of a number of tectonic movements at different times. These movements produced four gently- folded structures represented by two anticlines (Farafra main or “central” and Ain Dalla anticlines) and two synclines (faulted El- Quss Abu Said and El Ghord synclines). Faults are rather difficult to detect in the Farafra Oasis due to the presence of sand cover. On the other hand, joints are well marked in the chalk forming the floor of the Farafra Depression. These joints are usually mineralized being filled with calcite, Corresponding Author: Dr. EL-Wekeil, S.S., Geological Sciences Department, National Research Center, Cairo E-mail: [email protected] 5345 J. Appl. Sci. Res., 9(8): 5344-5369, 2013 iron oxides and pyrite (Sherif, 2006). El-Ramly (1964) concluded that these joints are partly contemporaneous with the folding affecting the Farafra Oasis. The Farafra Oasis comprises a number of rock units ranging in age from Late Cretaceous to Early Eocene (Fig. 1). They display distinct lateral and vertical variations in thickness and lithology which includes chalks, chalky limestones, argillaceous limestones, shales, mudstones, dolostones, sandstones and evaporites. The geology, lithostratigrphy and micropaleontology of these rock units were the subject of numerous investigations since the last century (e.g. Beadnell,1901; Le Roy,1953; Said and Kerdany, 1961; Said,1962; El-Naggar, 1963; Youssef and Abd El-Aziz, 1971; Issawi,1972; Barakat and Abd El-Hamid 1974; Omara et al., 1976;Barthel and Herrmann-Degen,1981; Zaghloul, 1983; Khalifa and Zaghloul, 1985; Hermina, 1990; Samir, 1995 and 1999; Abd El-Kireem and Samir, 1995; El- Azabi and El-Arabi, 2000; Abdel Mohsen, 2002; Khalil and El-Younsy, 2003; Temraz,2005; Sherif, 2006; Wanas, 2012; and El-Ayyat, 2013).The lithostratigrphic units of the Upper Cretaceous - Lower Eocene succession in the Farafra Oasis (Fig.1) are represented by the formations (arranged from older to younger): El- Hefhuf Formation (Santonian- Campanian), the Khoman Chalk and chalky limestone (Maastrichtian), the Dakhla Formation (Early-Late Paleocen), the Tarawan Formation (Lat- Paleocene), the Esna Shale (Early –Eocene) and the Farafra Formation ( Early-Eocene). The informally mapped Quaternary clastic –carbonate unit assigned by Wanas (2012) crops out as scattered small hills above the Maastrichtian Khoman Chalk near the eastern escarpment of the Farafra Depression at Bir-Karawein area. The term “Esna Shale” was used for the first time by Beadnell (1905) to describe a succession of laminated green and grey shale that are exposed at Gebel Oweina (type section) located 22 km southeast of Esna, Nile Valley. Said (1962) amended the term Esna Shale restricting its usage for the shale beds existing between the Tarawan Formation and the Thebes Formation. In the Farafra Oasis, the Esna Formation has the same stratigraphic position as in the southern occurrences. It shows lateral changes in thickness and facies. The distribution of the Esna Formation is controlled, to great extent by the structurally- folded areas over which deposition took place. In the low synclinal areas, the formation is represented by shales with thin intercalations of carbonates and has a maximum thickness of 130 – 150 m (El-Quss Abu Said and Ain Maqfi areas), whereas in the structurally high anticlinal areas, the formation is entirely composed of carbonates and its thickness is reduced to ~ 20 m (northwest Ain Maqfi area). Wilson (1975) and El-Ayyat (2013) mentioned that the rhythmic bedding might have been caused by fluctuations in the terrigenous input and characteristics of depositional environment such as surface productivity, current velocities and water depth. Khalifa and Zaghloul (1985), Sherif (2006) and El-Ayyat (2013) interpreted this distribution being the result of the transgression of the Paleocene sea over the folded areas, depositing shale and thin limestone beds in low areas, contemporaneous with the accumulation of carbonate over the crests of the structural highs. Based on the presence larger foraminifers, Khalifa and Zaghloul (1985) concluded that the Esna Shale was deposited in a shallow subtidal environment. It is inferred to have been accumulated mostly in inner- to middle- shelf environments (Said, 1990). Samir (1995) emphasized that the basal part of the Esna Shale was deposited in a lower- neritic (100 – 200 m) environment, its middle part is bathyal (600 – 1000 m), whereas the upper part of the formation deposited witnessed the prevalence of shallower conditions. Khalil and El-Younsy (2003) stated that the Esna Formation was deposited in open deep marine environment (deep subtidal) with intermittent regressive pulses. On the other hand, Temraz (2005) stated that the abundance of planktonic foraminifera in the Esna Shale strongly suggests deposition in an oxidizing environment (middle to inner- shelf). Based on the faunal and lithologic characteristics of the Esna Shale in the Farafra Oases, Sherif (2006) emphasized that in the paleo- low areas (synclinal) the basal part of the Esna Formation indicates deposition in a deep, middle-to outer- shelf