2015 Issue Global Law Studies Blavatnik Initiative New Tisch Film School TEL AVIV UNIVERSITY REVIEW Cancer War Room Legal Immersion, Israeli Style 12 The Parasol Foundation International LLM Program is a learning laboratory for international students of the law. Cover story: Battling Cancer 6 With 60 world class lab groups and 250 clinicians, TAU is on the frontlines of innovative cancer- fighting research. Looking to Nature for Design Ideas 14 The growing field of biomimicry uses nature’s designs – from burrs to eagle wings – to solve engineering and technology conundrums. TEL AVIV UNIVERSITY REVIEW 2015 Issue Issued by the Strategic Communications Dept. Development and Public Affairs Division sections Tel Aviv University Ramat Aviv 69978 Tel Aviv, Israel Tel: +972 3 6408249 innovations 2 Scholarships Fax: + 972 3 6407080 Changing Lives 20 E-mail:
[email protected] Scholarship funds are making a leadership 23 difference for students’ campus www.tau.ac.il experiences and future plans. Editor: Louise Shalev Contributors: Rava Eleasari Gelbetz, Sharon Domb, missions 30 Ariela Lerman, Michelle Bitran, Ruti Ziv, Judd Yadid, Sandy Cash, Lisa Kremer, Joanna Paraszczuk Graphic Design: TAU Graphic Design Studio/ events 31 Michal Semo-Kovetz Photography: Development and Public Affairs Division Photography Department/Michal Roche Ben Ami, digest 34 Michal Kidron Additional Photography: Yoram Reshef, Israel Defense Forces, Asher Prusser, Barak Aharon, newsmakers Takashi M, Dan Century, Fiona Wright, 38 David Katz/The Israel Project Administrative Assistant: Sharon Domb Printing: A.R. Printing books 41 2015 Issue TEL AVIV UNIVERSITY REVIEW Officers of Tel Aviv University Prof. Jacob A. Frenkel Chairman of the Board of Governors Dr.