Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Maas Louis V6 6

Maas Marinus B7 169

Maas Marinus V16 512

Maas Seyn V2 187

Maasbach Harry V27 404

Maat Adrian V16 412

Maat Gerrad V27 260

Maat Henry V45 49

Maat Henry V81 170

Maat Martin V39 352

Maatz Ryndert B9 F8

Maazola Luigi V29 32

Macaudian John V68 135

Macauley John B10 F1A

Macauley John V2 364

MacCallum Andrew Miller V26 64

MacDonald Malcolm V21 245

Macejwiczus Wicentis B9 F10

Macey Frank V18 126

Macey Frank V18 126

Macey Fred V16 26

Macey Richard Longmead V15 598

Macfalda Johan V14 414

MacGregor Andrew S. B7 100

Machela Jacob V7 585

Machezis John Peter V34 58

Machiela Sikke B7 105

Machiels E. P. B9 F8A

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 677 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Machielse Geleyn V14 131

Machielse Jan V77 188

Machielse Peter V77 189

Machiewicz Hypolet V41 68

Machiski John V83 237

Maciejewski Aloysius V25 339

Maciejewski Andrew V38 379

Maciejewski Andrew V48 11

Maciejewski V23 249

Maciejewski Francizek V79 151

Maciejewski Franieszak V35 202

Maciejewski Frank V20 105

Maciejewski Frank Michael V65 239

Maciejewski Joseph V25 332

Maciejewski Leo V22 153

Maciejewski Walter Lawrence V84 182

Maciejewski Waurzynee V40 168

Maciejewski Wawrzyniec Lorenz V83 109

Maciejiewski Alosius V59 235

Macienski Alex V39 354

Macieyewski Stanley V21 249

Maciezewski Frankzek V39 486

Maciijewski Walter Lawrence V46 127

Macijawski Alexander V39 354

Macijski Lorenz V3 43

Macintyre Solomon V18 124

Macioszak Stanislaw V37 76

Macioszek Peter V21 162

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 678 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Macioszek Peter V77 1

Macioszek Stanislaw V76 199

MacIver Norman B9 F9

MacIver Norman V16 98

Maciyawski Franciezek V39 486

MacKay Malcolm B9 F10

MacKay Malcolm B9 F8A

Macke Paul V85 44

MacKenzie Hugh V16 102

Mackewicz Wincenti B9 F10

Macki Chas J. V17 89

Mackie Arthur D. B7 414

Mackie Arthur D. V17 64

Mackie Charles J. V2 214

Mackie John V15 523

Mackintosh George V24 146

MacLachlan Gertrude Eleanor V67 195

MacLachlan Lachlan V83 14

MacLean Margaret V51 244

MacLellan Ian Bancroft V28 110

MacLeod John A. V17 349

MacMillan Ethel Mae V29 34

MacMillan Ethel Mae V68 177

Macovej Tony V49 201

MacPharlane William V19 105

Macsudian John V27 47

Macsudian Migerdich V68 135

Maculewski Alexander V43 81

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 679 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Macuzewski Waurzynee V40 168

Macyski Lorenz B10 F3

Macyski Lorenz B9 F10

Maddeman Jan B9 F8A

Madders V15 490

Maddocks Charles V47 160

Maddocks John V49 202

Mader Charles V26 268

Mader Charley V65 81

Madisen Invard V68 239

Madison Mary V53 236

Madison Mary V53 236

Madison Robert V15 284

Madry Piotr V39 497

Madry Piotr V83 152

Madsen Carl Christian V20 70

Madsen Ingvard V68 239

Madsen Johan Ingvard V68 239

Madsen Peter V26 379

Madsen Rasmus Peter B9 F7

Madsen Svend Aage V29 337

Madson Jakob V15 404

Maeijski Lorenz B10 F3

Maekstra Menne V16 218

Maer John V14 35

Maerdyke Williams V5 26

Magee Harold Sinclair V25 68

Maggini Francesco V69 1

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 680 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Maggini Frank V27 335

Maghielse John Theodore V77 187

Maghielson John Theodore V39 343

Maghielson Peter Cornelius V39 344

Maghielstre William B10 F3

Maglielse Peter Cornelius V77 189

Magliowchini Pasquale V19 23

Magnan Alcide V40 162

Magnan Aleide V78 228

Magnogian Peter V45 464

Magnuson John Alex V19 58

Mahamad Mahmud V46 67

Mahar John V14 335

Mahar John V5 355

Maher John V5 74

Maher Michael V14 484

Maher Patrick B9 F8A

Mahlebasheon Aram V38 56

Mahlebashian Aram V45 424

Mahlebashian Aram V83 46

Mahlebashian Hamayak V84 49

Mahlebashian John V45 290

Mahler Friederick V2 105

Mahler Friedrich V16 447

Mahler Friedriech B10 F1A

Mahler Friedriech B10 F1A

Mahler George B7 436

Mahler George V17 85

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 681 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Mahler Gottlieb Ludwig V16 349

Mahlstede August William V49 107

Mahlstede Petrus V77 151

Mahoney James W. B9 F9

Mahony James B9 F7

Maicchele George B10 F1

Maichum Paul V75 107

Maiec Wojech V46 97

Maier Ernest Earl V19 283

Maier Fred V2 55

Maier Frederick V14 241

Maier Fredrek B10 F1

Maier Ludwig V15 378

Maier Ludwig V6 78

Maier Matthias V14 314

Maikal Massef V8 151

Mail Frank V31 5316

Mailhot George V16 340

Main John V30 74

Mains William V17 146

Mainzer Simon V14 47

Mainzer Simon V5 56

Maitner Frank V15 592

Maitner Frank V7 9

Maiyer V15 242

Maizietis George V18 187

Maizio Mattea V46 169

Majcen John V29 41

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 682 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Majchnak Frank V40 48

Majchrzak Anthony B10 F1A

Majchrzak Anthony B10 F1A

Majchrzak Anthony V2 118

Majchrzak Frank V40 48

Majchrzak Josef V20 93

Majchrzak Josef V77 38

Majchrzak Marcin V37 237

Majer Antony V15 242

Majerczak Andrzej V40 278

Majerczak Andrzey V65 93

Majeuski Stanly V37 188

Majewski Wene V33 42

Majisterkiewicz Romuald Maryan V20 75

Major Abraham V17 336

Major Abraham V8 54

Major J S. V7 473

Major J. S. V17 180

Makanavitze Anthony V25 25

Makarewicz Kazimierz V21 132 makarewicz Scepan V39 64 makarewicz Szazpan V39 64

Makarewicz Szczepan V77 140

Makarewicz Teofel V39 481

Makarewicz Tony V41 32

Makariewicz Tony V45 232

Makarwicz Tony V83 5

Makay W. J. V15 133

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 683 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Makela Lowa Albin/Pilli V51 240

Makelin Silas W. V16 133

Maki Jacob V26 220

Maki Jake V18 116

Makkos Joe V29 318

Maknavitze Anthony V83 201

Makoski Alexander V78 229

Makoski Joseph V47 125

Makoski Joseph V85 6

Makoski Raymond V2 258

Makoski Walter Joseph V78 230

Makowiechi Ewtropi John V85 82

Makowiecki Andrew Jan V67 87

Makowiecki Ewtropis John V46 254

Makowiecki Josef V41 66

Makowiecki Karol V39 18

Makowski John B9 F8A

Makowski Joseph V22 264

Makowski Joseph V77 95

Makowski Joseph William V38 80

Makowski Joseph William V77 64

Makowski Joseph William V77 64

Makowski Rejmund B9 F10

Makowski Stanislaw V41 140

Makowski Stanislaw V51 87

Maksem Alexander V18 41

Maksimowoski Stanslaw V25 201

Maksimowski John V36 196

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 684 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Maksimowski Stanislaw V36 188

Maksimowski Stanislaw V68 120

Maksimowski Teofil B10 F3

Maksimowski Teofil B10 F3

Maksoutian Migneoditch V68 135

Maksynowski Alexander V40 62

Makzin William V18 35

Mal James V7 527

Malakoski Tomas V15 177

Malanka Stanislaus V39 14

Malaseritch Joseph V6 13

Malauwka Stanislaus V39 14

Malay John O. V15 464

Malbandian Dajad V38 350

Malberg Charles V14 460

Malcohm Sarah A. V9 81

Malcolm James V5 28

Malcolm James V5 34

Malcolm Sarah A. V18 159

Malconian Malcon V18 121

Maldag Emil V35 147

Maldegem John B9 F7

Maldog Emil V42 194

Malek Albert V43 190

Malek Albert V79 106

Malek Alexander V80 31

Malek Martin V39 478

Malek Martin V64 41

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 685 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Malenka Stanislaus V39 14

Malenowski Boleshaw V18 32

Maleraicz Thomasz B10 F1A

Maleroser Thomascz B7 210

Malerous Thomascz B7 210

Malewicz Frank B9 F10

Malewski John V14 419

Malezewski V14 386

Malick Alexander Kaleel V80 31

Malick Moussa V23 330

Maliec Albert V84 197

Maliepaard Cornelis V35 144

Maliezewski Julian V14 386

Malinauskas John V23 199

Malinoski John V18 31

Malinosky Joseph V46 238

Malinowski Charles V48 5

Malinowski Jan V15 150

Malinowski Joseph V28 273

Malinowski Joseph V67 98

Malinowski Paul V49 295

Malinowski Simow V27 163

Malinowski Stanley V67 131

Malinowski Tony V44 69

Maliszewski J. V2 57

Maliszewsky Julian B10 F1

Malizia Antonie V78 167

Malkoski Alexander V39 6

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 686 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Mallar Albert V2 183

Mallekoot Adriann V34 96

Mallekoote Jacob V23 278

Mallekoote Jacob V61 77

Mallick Alexander Kaleel V80 31

Malloy Neil V15 89

Malloy Patrick V5 17

Mally John V51 88

Malmberg Carl B7 258

Malmberg John V14 11

Malmborg Victor V30 461

Malmen Bror Magni V51 173

Malmgren Axel B7 113

Malmgren Axel V16 477

Malmyga Bronislaw V50 148

Malnar Miklos V83 223

Malnonski Charles V43 58

Maloley Corniel Kalel V78 38

Maloley Joseph V2 570

Malone Cornelius F. B9 F10

Maloney James V15 444

Malonoski Lewis V41 26

Maloo Woiciech V84 197

Malor James V37 247

Malor James V76 162

Malski John V38 96

Malthy William V14 522

Maluszewicz Jan V35 213

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 687 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Maly Anna V29 430

Mamichen Rhinehold B10 F3

Mancewicz John V41 178

Mancewicz Konstanty V24 264

Mancewicz Konstanty V84 99

Mancewicz Michal V42 81

Manciewicz John V83 192

Manciewicz Mike V24 298

Mancuto Vincenzo V54 18

Mancuz H. V14 524

Mandaglia Joseph V29 78

Mandemaker Albert V75 141

Mandurat Armand V17 324

Manglitz Ernst E. V14 165

Mangold Alois V2 181

Mangtilz Ernst E. V14 165

Manguson Samuel V8 84

Manichen Rhinehold B10 F3

Manikowitz Pieter V15 154

Manizer Benjamin V5 341

Mankel William V14 45

Mankel William V5 55

Mankowski Charles B9 F8A

Mankowski Joseph B10 F1

Mankowski Joseph B10 F1

Mankowski Joseph V2 7

Mankowski Jozef V15 157

Mann Gustav B10 F1

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 688 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Mann Gustav V2 45

Mann Jacob Harvey V16 351

Mann John Daniel V16 351

Mann Robert V7 25

Manna Thomas Geo. B9 F7

Manni Charles V16 402

Manni Jacob V15 97

Manni Lowie B9 F7

Manning Luke V15 411

Manns Bernhard V48 21

Manoogian Kurkan V31 5328

Manoujian Areeds V39 185

Mansson Lehr B9 F8A

Manta Dirk B7 300

Mante Peter V30 282

Manters Derk V14 443

Mantze John D. B9 F8

Manuel R. B9 F10

Manuso Guiseppe V38 407

Manz Anthony V5 12

Manz Johann V6 93

Manzewicz Konstanti V84 99

Maran Mike V15 409

Maran Tim V15 408

Marcello Bracchi V46 227

Marchant Reginald V46 39

Marchay Louis V40 235

Marchelbach Jean George V47 228

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 689 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Marchen Vito V80 54

Marchese Paul V25 176

Marchese Paul V80 15

Marchese Veto V25 116

Marchese Vito V25 116

Marchese Vito V80 54

Marchi John V16 441

Marchwardt Heinrich V16 461

Marciejewski Frank V40 83

Marciglio V38 230

Marciniak Jozef V15 176

Marcinkus Charles V36 157

Marcinowski Frank V25 328

Marcinowski Kawery V21 238

Marciulaitis V52 21

Marck John B10 F1A

Marck John V2 166

Marckini Alfredo V23 357

Marckini Alfredo V24 90

Marckini William V46 76

Marckss Marins V15 497

Marcksvardt Hans V16 436

Marckwardt Albert B9 F10

Marckwardt Harris V16 436

Marckwardt Wilhelm B10 F1A

Marckwardt Wilhelm B9 F10

Marckwardt Wilhelm V2 142

Marco Joe V35 107

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 690 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Marco Joe V44 359

Marco Joseph V81 138

Marcus Meier V29 482

Marcusse Adrian V15 165

Marcusse William B7 188

Marcusse William V17 65

Marcuzewski Frank V40 83

Marczynski Frank V37 77

Marczynski Stanley V76 229

Mardirosian Agop V18 147

Mardziniski Stephan V28 150

Marek Felix V38 266

Marek Felix V80 145

Marek John B10 F1

Marema Peter V6 74

Margajte Andris B9 F10

Margajts Andris V2 148

Margajts Anrdus B10 F1A

Margantin Adrian V19 179

Margasian John V83 98

Margasian Stephen V18 168

Margeles Tony B10 F3

Margeles Tony B10 F3

Margeles Tony V2 491

Margelis Josef Frank V82 187

Margelis Joseph Frank V45 378

Margelis Josseph Frank V71 50

Margetis Joe V33 179

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 691 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Margis Charles V29 481

Margitis Joe V33 179

Margosian John V45 313

Margosian John V83 51

Margosstan Ohanes V83 98

Maria George John V47 68

Mariashin Baryl V20 159

Marina William V2 559

Marineau Walter V29 28

Maring Corneilus V18 80

Maring Harke V7 29

Maring Harte V16 398

Mario Pavoni V18 152

Maritnaits Charlie V28 398

Marjeucki Stanislaus Joseph V42 286

Markarewicz Toefil V62 31

Markarian Kazar V33 174

Markevicz Joseph V20 273

Markewicz Alex V24 16

Markievicz Joseph V39 225

Markiewicz Erick V36 295

Markiewicz Ignacy V82 117

Markiewicz John V39 220

Markiewicz Joseph V79 20

Markine Adolph V22 273

Markl Anton Jr. B9 F10

Markle Alonzo T. V15 412

Markle Andrew V14 183

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 692 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Markle Anton Sr. B9 F10

Markle Joseph V14 8

Markle Tiffaney V15 323

Markowski Jan V16 67

Markowski Jan V2 215

Markowski Raymund B10 F3

Markowski Raymund B10 F3

Markowski Simon V16 67

Markowski Simon V2 215

Markropoulos Joakim Prodromon V38 205

Marks Thomas V5 42

Markulis Felix V45 277

Markun Anthony V25 49

Markurzewski John V43 96

Markusse Dennis V2 402

Markusse Dingenis B10 F1A

Markuszewski John V79 47

Markwardt Heinrich V15 579

Marlink Albert V15 167

Marma William B10 F3

Maroof Takla Bou V31 5170

Maroz Frank V40 23

Marquardt Christ B9 F10

Marquardt Gustave V15 522

Marquardt Paul V73 6

Marquardt Richard Paul V43 29

Marquis Hammond V14 524

Marquis Hammond V5 356

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 693 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Marquis Hammous V5 78

Marr Uri B9 F10

Marrelo Tom V50 257

Marrema Nick B7 415

Marrin Timothy Joseph V59 220

Marriott Albert George V19 183

Marris John P. V6 54

Marron Thomas B9 F10

Marsden James T. V27 390

Marsh Arthur Cecil V29 119

Marsh Thomas V5 341

Marshall Charles G. V17 332

Marshall Charles G. V17 332

Marshall Charles G. V7 583

Marshall Henry V14 455

Marshall Herbert L. B10 F1A

Marshall Herbert L. B10 F1A

Marshall Herbert L. V2 374

Marshall John V38 263

Marshall Robert B10 F1A

Marshall Robert B10 F1A

Marshall Robert B7 211

Marshall Samuel B10 F1A

Marshall Samuel V16 211

Marshall Samuel J. V2 407

Marshall William V77 181

Marshall William H. V2 94

Marshall William Henry B10 F1A

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 694 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Marshall William Henry B10 F1A

Marshall William Henry V16 211

Marshall William Joseph V25 356

Marsijlia Salvatore V25 61

Marsillie Joe V44 311

Marsman Gerrit John V14 402

Marsman John V6 19

Marszal John V78 72

Martell Albert Joseph V84 79

Martello Joe V47 248

Martens Johannes V43 8

Martenson Otto V17 380

Martenson Thomas V14 502

Martin Anthony B7 426

Martin Anthony V17 74

Martin James V15 4

Martin Jonathan V16 475

Martin Joseph H. V5 68

Martin Joseph R. V16 275

Martin Josiah W. B7 395

Martin Josiah W. V17 45

Martin Thomas S. V5 20

Martin William V40 399

Martin William Miles V15 7

Martin Zimmerman B7 438

Martin Zimmerman V17 89

Martinaitis Anton V20 255

Martinaitis George V76 78

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 695 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Martinaitis Kazimieras V68 23

Martinaytis Anton V33 133

Martini Albert Henry V40 311

Martini Frieda V49 67

Martini Friedrich V15 553

Martini Herman V15 555

Martini Herman V6 77

Martini Percy Archibald V41 113

Martinius Joseph V28 91

Martinkaitis John V18 183

Martinkevicz Joseph V20 260

Martinkevicz Joseph V25 294

Martinkevicz Joseph V63 37

Martinkewicz Joseph V28 434

Martinolc Nikodem V38 339

Marty Emil V16 401

Martykan Teofil V22 249

Martz Joseph V5 83

Marxmeier Carl Freidrich/August V21 226

Marylitz Ernst E. V7 10

Marzal John V38 263

Marzenski Stanislaus Joseph V19 141

Marzeuski Stanislaus Joseph V42 286

Marzilio Sam V31 5172

Marziniak Michael B9 F10

Marzolf Jacob V6 84

Masalkowski Frank B9 F8A

Masalski Adam V65 186

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 696 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Masalski Hieronim V37 137

Masalski Hieronim Henry V76 201

Mascaro Frank V30 63

Masiacawitza Wincas V2 148

Masiewicz V40 358

Masiewicz Jozef V68 12

Maskiewiez Julius B9 F8A

Maslauski Felix V37 99

Maslawski Felix V46 136

Maslawski Felix V68 176

Maslawski Frank V49 292

Maslawski Joseph V47 126

Maslowski Frank V25 347

Maslowski Frank V38 480

Maslowski Joseph V38 276

Maslowski Joseph V38 107

Maslowski Mike V45 297

Mason Hedley V. V24 229

Mason Howard V47 152

Mason Thomas V24 119

Mason Thomas C. V61 89

Massa Cornelius B10 F3

Massa Cornelius B10 F3

Massa Fred V2 556

Massa Gust B10 F3

Massa Gust B10 F3

Massa Gust V2 557

Massel Derk B7 451

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 697 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Massie Alex V15 86

Massola Henry B10 F1

Massolla Henry V2 19

Massolle Henry V15 430

Massop Antone V29 250

Mast Meine V37 179

Mast Meinert V76 135

Mastan John V43 114

Mastark George V39 246

Mastberge Tennis B7 345

Mastbergen Tenes V16 605

Mastberger Govezt V16 346

Mastenbrook John V19 92

Mastulaits Joseph V41 162

Masuskiewicz Frank V40 76

Mataczerwski John V18 41

Matayba Peter V24 168

Match Anna V28 4

Mateba Michael B10 F3

Matecki Peter V38 45

Matek Michael V17 393

Matek Michael V17 391

Matel Antoni V76 193

Matel John V39 489

Mateman Egbert J. V15 444

Materaicz Thomasz B10 F1A

Materek Louis V28 366

Materik Ludwik V25 101

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 698 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Matheopulys William V21 182

Mathers George William V44 496

Mathers George William V82 113

Matheson Alex B10 F1

Mathews Charles H. V8 39

Mathews Louis V16 430

Mathiasen Magna V21 62

Mathie James B10 F4

Mathie James V3 93

Mathison George V15 84

Mathyr Verbael Theodore V29 380

Mathysse William V2 504

Matiba Michael B10 F1A

Matiba Michael B10 F1A

Matiba Stanley B10 F1A

Matkowski Theodore V38 464

Matouk George V24 51

Matouk Moses V24 52

Matson Charlie V15 535

Matson David V3 72

Matthews Charles DS V7 544

Matthews Chas D S V17 277

Matthews Chas D.S. V17 277

Matthews Chas H. V17 265

Matthews Chas H. V17 265

Matthews R. Douglas V23 87

Matthews William Arthur V38 84

Matthews William Arthur V76 11

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 699 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Matthys William V15 495

Matthyse Johannes V3 82

Matthyse John J. V44 169

Matthyse John Jacob V81 181

Matthyse Matt V2 296

Matthysse Dick V26 340

Matthysse Johannes B10 F4

Matthysse Johannes B10 F4

Matthysse Johannes V33 6

Matthysse John A. V17 234

Matthysse Matt B10 F3

Matthysse Matt B10 F3

Matthysse Matt V17 234

Matthysse Matt V17 143

Matthysse William B10 F3

Matthysse William B10 F3

Matton Ellik V15 274

Mattone Liborio V68 25

Mattysse Johannes B10 F4

Matuk Antoni V48 159

Matuk Joe V38 341

Matukiewicz Edwin A. V2 85

Matukiewicz Karol B10 F1

Matukiewiez Karol V16 409

Matulaitis Joseph B10 F1A

Matulaitis Joseph V2 421

Matulonis Jacob V40 296

Matuosaitis Selemonis V19 171

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 700 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Maturszewski Wladyslaw V42 165

Matusewicz Joseph V26 192

Matusiewicz John V25 311

Matusiewicz John V83 189

Matusiewicz Joseph V25 239

Matuszak Joe V45 23

Matuszak Kazumuz B10 F1

Matuszak Steve V38 425

Matuszok Kazmurz B10 F1A

Matwichuk Andris V44 79

Matyba Peter V33 208

Matykiewicz John V40 46

Matykiewicz John V78 49

Matykiewicz Stanley V45 443

Matysiak Josef V30 260

Matysiak Josef V42 138

Matzola Angelo V28 73

Matzola Angels V84 219

Mauby David V14 322

Maudurat Armand V7 580

Mauir John V14 35

Maulley Edwin Hine V16 415

Maunchen Reinhold V2 539

Maunder Emanuel B9 F9

Maunder Emanuel V15 361

Maunder William V14 259

Maves John V25 421

Maves John V62 42

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 701 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Maxim Benjamin V27 263

Maxim Joseph V25 39

Maxim Joseph V65 238

Maxwell Alex C. V16 309

Maxwell Samuel Henry V24 19

May Albert V72 15

May Galust V38 340

May Galust V65 148

May Harvey V75 228

May Harvey V76 37

May Jacob V5 323

May William M. V40 386

May William M. V79 61

Mayer August B10 F3

Mayer August B10 F3

Mayer August V15 459

Mayer Gustav V38 115

Mayer Gustav Ernest V60 52

Mayer Jewele V78 126

Mayer John V16 2

Mayer John V8 176

Mayer William B10 F4

Mayer William B10 F4

Mayer William V3 100

Mayer William V3 105

Mayhanagian Galust V65 148

Mayhielse Cornelius G. V17 312

Mayhonagian Gabriel V30 225

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 702 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Mayhune Wilhelm B10 F1

Maykrzack Joseph V77 38

Mayor August V3 32

Mazema Kirk V17 56

Mazereeuw Jan V33 113

Mazereeuw John V71 47

Mazetis John V25 34

Mazetis Pins V20 280

Mazewkiewey Michal B9 F10

Mazow Leo V36 70

Mazun William V43 289

Mazur William V68 56

Mazura Peter V33 16

Mazurek Joe V43 227

Mazurek John V43 56

Mazurek Joseph V46 252

Mazurek Simon V37 106

Mazurek Simon V45 175

Mazurek Simon V85 61

Mazurek Tom V47 75

Mazurkiewcz Frank V75 150

Mazurkiewicz August V25 88

Mazurkiewicz August V25 88

Mazurkiewicz Frank B9 F10

Mazurkiewicz Frank V40 76

Mazurkiewicz Frank V60 20

Mazurkiewicz Frank V73 15

Mazurkiewicz Frank V73 34

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 703 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Mazurkiewicz Gust V41 235

Mazurkiewicz Gust V61 98

Mazurkiewicz Gust V66 21

Mazurs Peter V33 16

Mazutavicius Franciskus Antonas V25 92

Mazuvkiewicz Ignacy B9 F10

Mazzarelli Angelo V44 393

Mazzarelli Stepheno V40 433

Mazzola Angelo V84 219

Mc Auley Kenneth B9 F8A

McAleen Francis V84 195

Mcaleer Frank V47 70

McAleer Frank V84 195

McAlphine Duncan V17 354

McAndrews Michael V19 30

McAndrews Michael V26 449

McAndrews Michael V66 29

McAvoy Geo E. V3 96

McAvoy George E. B10 F4

McBain William Frederick B7 363

McBain William Frederick V16 632

McBride Cameron M. V18 129

McBride Cameron M. V18 129

McBride Cameron Malcolm V27 42

McBride G. L. B9 F10

McBride Geo L. V3 57

McBride George L. B10 F4

McBride George L. B10 F4

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 704 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec McBride George L. V17 167

McCall John A. B7 160

McCall John Alexander V16 182

McCallum Neil V20 180

McCann Patrick V14 382

McCarter Oliver B3 F4

McCarthy Bernard V15 468

McCarthy Charles V14 442

McCarthy John V5 36

McCarthy John V5 36

McCarthy John F. B9 F10

McCarthy Matthew V16 113

McCarthy Michael J. B10 F1

McCarthy Michael J. B10 F1

McCauley John V17 373

McCleary John V44 66

McCleary John V80 75

McClellan John V14 72

McCluggage Thomas V5 20

McClure John G. B10 F1A

McClure John G. V2 348

McClymont James Roy V24 5

McClymont James Roy V66 9

McClymont William G. B10 F1A

McClymont William G. B10 F3

McClymort William G. V2 288

McClymount William G. B10 F1A

McColl Mary V44 468

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 705 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec McColl Mary V81 43

McColl Mary V81 154

McComas Alexander Augustus V29 126

McConnell Herbert V25 495

McConnell Herbert V63 56

McConville John V15 288

McCordie Alfred E. V15 455

McCormack Thomas V15 521

McCormick Andrew V16 431

McCormick William A. V14 336

McCracken John V18 172

McCracken John V9 83

McCready W. H. V14 508

McCulloch Anna V23 33

McCulloch Anna V30 26

McCullough Thomas B9 F8A

McCutchan William V15 346

McDermid Duncan V14 214

McDermott Daniel J. V27 227

McDermott Michael V43 174

McDermott Michael Joseph V79 92

McDermott Terence B10 F1

McDermott Terence V16 183

McDermott Terrence V2 33

McDermott Thomas V2 422

McDermott Thomas P. B10 F1A

McDermott William V44 196

McDonald Alex Neal V73 61

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 706 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec McDonald Alex Neal V73 83

McDonald Alexander V14 536

McDonald Alexander V15 53

McDonald Alexander V5 89

McDonald Alexander V5 365

McDonald Alexander V5 89

McDonald Alexr V14 573

McDonald Angus V14 84

McDonald D. B9 F7

McDonald H. A. V17 278

McDonald H. A. V17 278

McDonald Hayes V16 146

McDonald Hugh A. V7 544

McDonald John V6 93

McDonald John A. B9 F9

McDonald John S. V16 110

McDonald Michael B9 F7

McDonald Patrick V27 443

McDonald Robert V16 146

McDonald Roderick J. B7 154

McDonald Thos V15 449

McDonald W. J. B10 F1A

McDonald W. J. V2 401

McDonnell Thomas B10 F1

McDonnell Thomas V2 61

McDonough John V16 14

McDonough Peter M. V16 14

McDougall Hugh D. B7 198

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 707 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec McDouggall Hugh D. V17 98

McEneary Pat V15 480

McEvoy Pat B9 F10

McEwan Walter B9 F8A

McEwen James V16 150

McEwen Robert V14 475

McEwin-Webster Myra Jessie V26 305

McFadyen John V16 37

McFadyen John V2 278

McFalda John V14 414

McFarland George William V26 65

McFarlane John M. V15 450

McFarlane Norman D. V15 450

McFayden John B10 F3

McGarry Patrick V14 300

McGarry Peter V23 273

McGaw Edward V33 111

McGee James J. V14 25

McGee John V14 217

Mcgee John V5 353

McGhie Charles Russell V31 5406

McGill George V15 10

McGillick John B7 129

McGillick John V16 85

McGinley William B10 F1

McGlinn Patrick V14 381

McGovern Daniel B9 F10

McGowan Cornelius V16 51

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 708 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec McGowan Dan V15 439

McGraw Edward V33 111

McGuire Marion V29 486

McHugh James V15 314

McIlveen David V16 169

McInnes George V14 591

McIntosh Peter V15 99

McIntyre Charles W. V15 466

McIntyre Ivan Henry V40 411

McIntyre Ivan Henry V79 5

McIntyre R. T. V15 134

McIntyre William F. V18 179

McKay Alexander V16 81

McKay Alexander two of these V16 82

McKay Atkinson Pool V31 5191

McKay Charles Henry V41 109

McKay Charles Henry V79 248

McKay David V24 98

McKay David V61 71

McKay David Lackey V25 460

McKay David Lackey V64 96

McKay Gladys V44 410

McKay William John V25 334

McKay William John/Alex V61 70

McKechnie Donald V34 11

McKee Gerrit V17 319

McKellar Dugal E. V24 41

McKellar Dugal E. V62 85

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 709 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec McKelvey Albert E. V16 375

McKelvey George B9 F8A

McKendoy W. M. B9 F7

McKenna John V74 33

McKenna Michael V19 205

McKenney James V14 4

McKenzie Fred E. V23 316

McKenzie Fred E. V66 155

McKenzie Henry V33 14

McKenzie John G. V15 86

McKenzie John R. V15 141

McKenzie Joseph V14 383

McKenzie Joseph V17 382

McKenzie Joseph V17 382

McKenzie W. H. V15 114

McKittrick Edward J. V15 57

McKittrick Thomas O. V15 510

McLaahlan Malcolm V18 53

McLachlen John V15 440

McLachlin Alexander V14 458

McLaffan Andrew V17 72

McLaggan Andrew B7 427

McLaren Alexander B9 F8

McLauchlan John V68 34

McLaughlin Patrick V35 241

McLaughlin Thomas V15 416

McLaughlin William V15 273

McLean Ernest V16 584

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 710 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec McLean Ernest V6 2

McLean James M. V17 204

McLean James M. V7 492

McLean William V14 253

McLeary John V63 71

McLellan John Joseph V35 73

McLeod S V B10 F1

McLeod S. V. B9 F10

McLeod William B10 F4

McLeod William B10 F4

McLoughlin John V15 509

McLoughlin Patrick V36 253

McLoughlin Patrick V75 80

McMahon Joseph V19 89

McMahon William A. B10 F1

McMahon William A. B10 F1

McMahon William A. V2 301

McManus Charles E. V30 179

McMasters James B10 F1

McMasters John V5 51

McMillan James B10 F1

McMillan James V2 49

McMillan John V15 93

McMillan John Henderson V16 482

McNabb John B7 170

McNabb John V15 365

McNal John V5 61

McNamara Michael V14 377

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 711 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec McNamara Michael V14 510

McNamara Simon V15 33

McNanmara Martin V5 36

McNicol Duncan N. V17 334

McNicol Duncan Nicol V55 64

McPherson James V5 348

McPherson Malcolm V14 34

McPherson Malcolm V5 348

McPhilamy John V44 367

McPhilamy John V80 180

McPhilmy John B9 F8A

McPolan Francis V14 156

McQuarrie Maggie Mabel V26 459

McQueen Edmon D. B7 216

McRae Charles H. B9 F8A

McShane J. A. B9 F7

McSherry Henry Joseph V55 63

McSherry William V15 577

McStockard Thomas V15 58

McTaggart Archibald M. V17 304

Mctaggart Stuart V64 30

McTaggert Stuart Donald V24 267

McWilliams Fred J. B10 F1A

McWilliams Fred J. B10 F1A

McWilliams Fred J. V2 358

McWilliams Herbert G. V15 290

McWilliams W. A. B9 F8

McWilliams William V15 46

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 712 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Meagers Robert Alexander V16 96

Meagher Thomas V14 311

Meagher William J. V14 560

Meal William V15 465

Mealley James O. V14 270

Mecker Adolph V2 23

Mecker Otto V2 335

Meconis Charles V44 467

Meconis Charles V82 79

Medelinskas Peter V29 38

Medema Harm V18 11

Medema Hendrik B9 F8A

Medema Jacob V2 434

Medema Jacob V38 161

Medema Jacob V76 24

Medema K. V17 192

Medema Kornelius V7 481

Medema Okke V14 90

Medema Peter V21 18

Medema Peter V76 215

Medendore Jacobus B10 F3

Medendorf Burt V14 391

Medendorf William V3 51

Medendorp Arent V17 171

Medendorp Dwirt V2 93

Medendorp Dwort B10 F1A

Medendorp Dwort B10 F1A

Medendorp Jacobus B10 F3

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 713 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Medendorp Jacobus V2 504

Medendorp Jakobus V15 367

Medendorp John V16 411

Medendorp John V7 32

Medendorp Lammert V16 331

Medendorp Martin V20 290

Medendorp Martin V76 231

Medendorp William B10 F3

Medendorp William B10 F3

Medendoys Joe B9 F8A

Medima Wiebrant V15 297

Medistowec John V46 177

Medland James V16 179

Medland Wiliam V16 579

Medlar George S. V16 19

Meech William H. B9 F8

Meech William H. V15 437

Meeder Frederick Bernardus V25 36

Meeder Frederick Bernardus V83 81

Meek Benjamin H. V15 83

Meek Charles W. V14 474

Meek James V14 540

Meengs Henry V16 560

Meenke Fred B10 F1

Meenwsen William V28 177

Meernik Gerrit V28 85

Meernik Gerrit V85 87

Meernik John V26 366

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 714 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Meernik John V68 250

Meerse Adrion V15 342

Meertens Joos V16 416

Meertes Jon V15 53

Meese Joseph V8 42

Meeth Arie Auke V35 250

Meeth Arie Auke V76 26

Meeth Conrad V34 78

Meeth Peter V40 136

Meeth Peter V79 11

Meeth Pieter V34 77

Meeuwsen Adrian V21 122

Meeuwsen Adrian V26 135

Meeuwsen Adrian V65 45

Meeuwsen Bartel V19 38

Meeuwsen Bartel V27 21

Meeuwsen Martin V19 294

Meeuwsen Martin V75 26

Meeuwsen William V21 121

Meeuwsen William V28 177

Meeuwsen William V68 18

Meeuwson Bartel V83 160

Megan Samuel B9 F8A

Megetarian Zakar V28 423

Megetarian Zakar V69 16

Mehlberger Alois V20 63

Mehring George V14 436

Mehrtem Julius Christian V23 414

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 715 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Mehrtens Antonia Franziska/Annette V84 149

Mehrtens Charles Henry V15 109

Mehrtens Diedrich V15 182

Mehrtens Dietrich V43 129

Mehrtens Dietrich V80 34

Mehrtens Fred V78 249

Mehrtens Julius christian V60 41

Mehrtens Kathrinchen Ludwicke V26 477

Mehrtens Kathrine Ludawicki V66 22

Mehrtens Katrinchen Ludwicke V66 22

Mehs Carl B7 176

Meiboom Reindert V6 67

Meier Ernest Carl V28 440

Meier John Heinrich V16 137

Meigs Arthur V5 75

Meijen Lauwrens V17 369

Meijer Aaldrik V15 501

Meijer Cornelis V15 495

Meijer Cornelus B9 F10

Meijer Jan V16 367

Meijer Jurrien V43 272

Meijer Lauwersns V17 230

Meijer Lawrence V17 230

Meijer Nick V15 577

Meijers Jan V15 399

Meijster Abraham V2 446

Meilink Hendrick V14 368

Meinderstsma Peter John V61 74

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 716 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Meindertsma Peter John V23 389

Meinema John B10 F4

Meinema John V3 76

Meinema John V33 94

Meines Harold V21 61

Meinke Fred V2 212

Meinke Paul V2 305

Meinke Wilhelm B10 F3

Meinke William V17 112

Meipravindav Richard V15 132

Meipter Abraham V2 446

Meir August V16 182

Meires John V16 237

Meissner Adolf V16 177

Meissner Albert B10 F1

Meissner Anna V29 221

Meissner Hugo V16 585

Meissner Hugo V6 34

Meissner John V28 470

Meissner John V29 64

Meissner Joseph V16 362

Meistas John V30 234

Meisztas John V25 231

Meitz Rudolf F. B9 F10

Meitz Wilhelm August V17 381

Meitz William A. V8 165

Mekkes Gerrit V16 311

Mekkes John V16 311

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 717 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Mekkes Thomas V17 99

Mekkes Thomas V6 37

Mekolites George B9 F8A

Meksmann Anna V30 329

Mekulski Frank V33 25

Mekuserk Simon V41 62

Mekusiak Symon V41 62

Melby Karl Oskar Olsen V43 299

Melconian Harry V50 82

Melder Frank V46 295

Melder Frank V53 242

Melder Kazemierz V36 208

Melder Kazemierz V45 55

Melder Kazemierz V82 130

Melema Hendrick V15 104

Melgard Andrew V17 250

Melgard Andrew V7 526

Melias John V39 173

Melidone Pasquale V31 5265

Melis John V81 135

Melis Peter Edwin V52 99

Melis Pieter V44 112

Melis William C. V5 324

Mellema Geert V15 105

Mellema Tjebbe V15 198

Meller Jan B10 F3

Mellish Alfred V14 519

Mellpolder Willeam V16 229

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 718 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Melon Josef V40 423

Melpolder Joe V16 230

Melpolder Johannes V25 411

Melpolder Johannes V63 26

Melpolder Nicolas Peter V44 117

Melpolder Peter V17 358

Melpolder Peter V7 595

Melpolder William V25 423

Melpolder William V63 31

Melsen Carl Peter V54 93

Melville James V15 331

Melville James V5 353

Melville William V16 532

Memchon V16 387

Memtze Edward V14 356

Menardi Frank B10 F1A

Menardi Frank B10 F1A

Menardi Joseph V3 51

Menardi Michael V3 52

Mencaralli Herman V66 16

Mencarelli Herman V19 208

Mencarelli Hermana V27 75

Mencarelli Robert V38 240

Mencarelli Robert Edmund V48 222

Menczinski Walentz V16 199

Mendel George V50 179

Mendels Dirk V7 33

Mendels Korneluis V15 305

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 719 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Mendels Naneo K. B9 F8A

Mendelts Jacob V14 284

Mendendorp Marten V16 96

Mendiola Ramon V49 233

Mendt Otto G. B10 F1A

Mendt Otto G. V3 105

Mendt Otto J. B10 F4

Mendt Otto J. V3 99

Meneinski Jozeph V15 173

Menett Otto J. B10 F4

Mengevink Jan V14 185

Menghini Fiorenzo V29 317

Menhennick Charles Samuel V36 93

Menhennick Charles Samuel V75 23

Menike Fred B10 F1

Menike Paul B10 F1

Menkewick William Joseph V53 267

Mennenia James V6 89

Mennes Peter V26 193

Mennes Peter V67 245

Mensinga Herman V77 136

Mensinga Herman V77 75

Mentalewicz Frank V51 268

Mentalewicz Jozef V37 205

Menzinga Herman V38 35

Meodders Martin V14 423

Meppelink Geert V17 355

Meppelink Geert V54 24

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 720 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Meppelink Henry J. V17 355

Meppelink Henry John V54 23

Mercuriades Spiros Antonion V21 168

Meregvan V41 91

Mergenthaler Robert V50 183

Merigian Arakel V84 121

Merigian Havagim V18 122

Merigian Havagim V9 63

Merila William Nela V44 485

Merila William Nelo V68 247

Merilo Leo V24 33

Meringa Nick B7 442

Meringa Tys V45 207

Meringa Tys V82 71

Merinka Nick V17 94

Merison Adrian B7 326

Merison Adrian V16 588

Merizen Jasper B10 F3

Merizon Jasper V2 515

Merizon Marinus V2 458

Merkewicz Mathew V24 228

Merkle August B10 F1

Merkle August B9 F8A

Merkle August V2 30

Merkle Charley B9 F10

Merkle Robert P. V43 73

Merkle Wilhelm B10 F1

Merkle Wilhelm B10 F1

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 721 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Merkle Wilhelm V15 399

Merkle Wilhelm V16 383

Merkle Wilhelm V2 2

Merkle Wilhelm V2 32

Merkus Pieter V29 257

Merkus Pieter T. V31 5368

Merrigan Michael V18 138

Merritt Benjamin James V26 93

Merritt Isaac V14 489

Merrobian T. D. V17 332

Merry Lewis A. B16 F4

Merry Lewis A. V6 32

Mersman Bendert V14 466

Mersman John B10 F4

Mersman John B10 F4

Mersman John V3 104

Mersman John V3 99

Mertley Francis George V30 201

Merunoki Gusst V38 356

Meryman Jan B9 F8A

Merz Martin B10 F3

Merz Martin V15 293

Merz Martin V3 14

Merzman John B10 F4

Mescal John V31 5178

Meserery William V23 334

Meserery William V61 23

Meskat Henry V2 318

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 722 of 1325 Last name First name Middle name Volume Page Fir Sec Meskett Henry B10 F1A

Meskinis Adolphus V78 173

Mesman Andrew V18 37

Mesman Andrew V9 15

Mesner A. V2 64

Mesrobian Asadoor V18 116

Mesrobian Asadoor V18 116

Mesrobian Hagop H. V17 377

Mess Charles B. V44 108

Mess Charles B. V80 127

Mess Frank V44 109

Mess Geert V44 331

Messacar Murray V40 343

Messerschmidt Adolf V14 257

Messersmid Joseph Arnoldus V23 358

Messina Antonio V69 39

Messland Hewey B9 F7

Messman Barbara V53 281

Messman Maria V30 464

Messner Jacob V16 106

Messona Stefano V60 48

Messona Stephano V23 1

Mester Frank B10 F1A

Mester Frank V2 156

Meston George Shephard V16 429

Mesumas Frank V34 26

Mesunas Frank V26 493

Mesunas Frank V81 86

Friday, January 19, 2001 Page 723 of 1325