INF/25/Rev.1 25 September 1959 ENGLISH ONLY General Conference
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INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY Distr. GENERAL GC(III)/INF/25/Rev.1 25 September 1959 ENGLISH ONLY General Conference THIRD REGULAR SESSION DELEGATIONS List of 22 September 1959 TABLE OF CONTENTS Delegations of Page I. Member States 2 II. Non-Member States 37 III. United Nations and Specialized 37 Agencies IV. Inter-Governmental Organizations 39 V. Non-Governmental Organizations 40 having Consultative Status with the Agency 1. Requests for additions or corrections to this list should be submitted to the Protocol Office. 2. The addresses given in this document are those of delegation. GC(III)/lJSP/25/Eov.l page 2 I. E BEE STATES AFGHANISTAN Delegatei Dr. ALdul Ghaffar KAKAR Hotel Zum Goldenen Hirschen Dean of the Faculty of Science, Alserstrasse 33 University of Kabul Vienna VIII. 33 53 31 ALBANIA Delegate s Mr. Siri CARCANI Hotel Erzherzog Rainer Wieaner Hauptstr.27/29 65 46 46/ 65 31 93 ARGENTINA Delegate s Admiral D. Mlio LOPEZ Embassys Freyung 4 Vienna I 63 85 77, 63 84 63 Alternate s Mr. Bduardo T. PARDO * Counsellor of the Embassy AUSTRALIA Delegate s Dr. Harold George RAGGATT Hotel Europa Neuer Markt 3 Vienna I 52 15 94 * Wife present in Vienna, GC(III)/lNP/25/Rev.1 page 3 Alternates s Mr. Lawrence John ARNOTT Mr. Andrew David THOMAS Mr. Henry Douglas WHITE Secretary; . Mrs. 3.II. 3DES0K AUSTRIA Delegate s Dr. Heinrich HAYMERLE * Federal Ministry of Foreign Minister Plenipotentiary Affairs Ballhausplatz 2 Vienna I 63 56 31 Alternate s Dr. Hans TEIRRBIG * Member of Parliament 5 Professor of Physics at the University of Vienna Advisers s Mr. Rudolf FURST Federal Ministry for Communications and Power Dr. Michael HIGARTSBERGER * Director of the Austrian Society for Atomic Energy Studies Dr. Wilhelm KOVATS * Ministry for Communications and Power Dr. Frie&rich. LANG Federal Chancellery Dr. Johann LOKSCHA * Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry Mr. Jchann HULLBR * Federal Llinisxry for Social Administration Dr. Adalbert ORLICEK Federal Ministry for Communications and Power Dr. Gustav ORTMER * Head of the Reactor Institute of the Austrian Universities * Wife present in Vienna. GC (III)/lKP/25/Rev„ 1 page 4 Mr. Richard POLACZEK * Federal Chancellery Mr. Rudolf REMER * Federal Hindstry for Trade and Reconstruction Dr. Karl DCHINDL * . Federal Ministry for Social Administration Dr. Georg SCELUMBERGER * Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs Mr. Karl STROBL * Federal Ministry for Social Administration Dr. Frans WEIDINGER * Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs Dr. Alfred ZELLER * Head of the Isotope Laboratory of the Federal Research Institute for Agricultural Chemistry Secretary of the Delegations Dr. Heinrich GLEISSNER Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs BELGIUM Delegate s Mr. Jacques ERRERA *. Embassy| Permanent Missions Resident Representative of Belgium Scho'nburgstrasse 8-10 to the International Atomic Energy Vienna IV, Agency 65 46 09, 65 46 00 Alternate 8 Mr. Jean BOUHA Counsellor of the Embassy Advisers Mr. J.P. PIERARD Secretary to the Belgian Delegation BRAZIL Delegate s Admiral Octacflio CUNHA * ** Embassy, President of the Brazilian Metternichgasse 12 Nuclear Energy Commission Vienna III 72 58 67 * Wife present in Vienna, ** Daughter present in Vienna. GC(III)/INF/25/REV.1 page 5 Alternates a Mr. Carlos Alfredo BERNARDES Minister Plenipotentiary Chairman of the Board of Governors The Honorable Ronato ARCHER * Member of Congress Mr. Octavio A. DIAS CARF3IR0 Minister Plenipotentiary^ Member of the Brazilian Nuclear Energy Commission Professor Luis CIBTRA do PRADO University of Sao Paolo Mr. Helio BITTENCOURT Second Secretary of Embassy Advisers, Captain Ayros CUNHA de ANDRADE * Commander Bernardino PONTES Secretarys Maria Alba QUEIROZ BULGARIA Delegatez Professor Guoorgui NADJAKOV * Legations Vice-President of the Board for Schwindgasse 8 the Utilization of Atomic Energy Vienna IV for Peaceful Purposes-, Council of 65 46 44, 65 31 13 Ministers| Director, Institute of Physics and Atonic Energy Alternatesz Mr. Ivan DASKALOV * Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary^ Resident Representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency Professor Vladimir KOUTIKOV Professor of International Law, University of Sofia * Wife present in Vienna, GC(III)/INF/25/Rev.1 page 6f / Advisers % Mr. Ivan TRAIKOV Secretary of the Board for the Utilization of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposesf Council of Ministers Mr. Christo STOW * Second Secretary of the Legation Mr. Borislav CONSTANTS OV Second Secretary of the Legation Secretary and Interpreters Mr. Kusman MANOLOV BURMA (not represented) BYELORUSSIAN SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC Delegates • Professor A.N. SEVCKEHKO Hotel Imperial Mcaher of the Academy of Scienoos of Kaemtnerring the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Vienna I Republic s. Rector of the Minsk University 65 17 65 Alternate 8 Mr. H.A. B0RI8EVICH Vice-Director of the Institute of Physics Advisor % Mr. O.S. TERNOVOY Second Secretary., Ministry of Foreign Affairs Seoretarys Miss Alia KOZLOVSKAYA Wife present in Vienna, GC(III)/lKP/25/Rev.l page 7 CAMBODIA Delegate i Mr. Phlek CHEAT Pension Riodl General Manager, "Electricitc du Cambodge" Georg Koch Platz 3/1 Vienna Alternate * 52 79 19 Mr, Ho Tong LIP Chief of Division of Agronomy, Ministry of Agriculture CANADA Delegate, H.E. Mr, Max Hirsch WERSHOF, Q.C. Hotel Bristol Permanent Representative of Canada and KSrntnerring 1 Ambassador to the European Office of Vienna I the United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland 52 56 77 Alternates 8 Mr. J, L. GRAY President, Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd. Ltp. William Hickson BARTON * Counsellor, Canadian Embassy, Vienna Mr. Klaus GOLDSCHLAG * Counsellor, Canadian Embassy, Vienna Adviserss Mr. Henry H. CLAYTON Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd., London, England - Technical Adviser Mr. Richard M, TAIT Second Secretary, Canadian Permanent Mission to the European Office of the United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland. Political Adviser and Secretary of the Delegation Secretariess Mr. Errol WYSE Miss Elizabeth GALL * Wife present in Vienna, <SBC(III)/INF/25/Rev.1 p. -i, 8 CEYLON Delegate s H.E, Mr. S. P. WICKREMASINHA Ambassador of Ceylon to the Federal Republic of Germany CHINA Delegate: Dr_, Shih-mou LEE Hotel Wandl Vice-Minister of Education, Petersplatz 9 Member of the Atomic Energy Council Vienna I 63 63 17/18 Alternate: Mr. Hui HUANG President, Taiwan Power Company, Member of the Atomic Energy Council Advisers s Mr, Shih-ming EAO Counsellor, Chinese Embassy, Rome Mr, Kuang-lai C.HAO Researcher5 Institute of Nuclear Science, National Tsing Hua University Secretary: Mr. Clement A, K. Tsien Second Secretary, Chinese Embassy, Paris CUBA Delegate: Mr. Isaac ESTEFANO * Legations Gregor Mendel Str, 25 Vienna XVIII 56 46 00 * Wife present in Vienna. GC(III)/IIF/25/R ev.i page 9 /CZECHOSLOVAKIA Delegate % H.E/Dr. Karel PETRZELKA Permanent Missions Ambassador Penzingerstrasse 11 Vienna XVI Alternates, 82 24 01 Mr. Gestmir SIMANE Institute for Nuclear Physics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Dr. Jiri SVA3 Secretary of the Permanent Mission of the Czechoslovak Republic to the International Atomic Energy Agency Mr. Josef FUKSA Czechoslovak Atomic Energy Commission Mr. Zdenek SEINER Secretary of the Permanent Mission of the Czechoslovak Republic to the International Atomic Energy Agency Mr. Veroslav SOBEK Secretary of the Permanent Mission of the Czechoslovak Republic to the International Atomic Energy Agency DENMARK Delegates Mr. Hans ,Henrik KOCH Legations Governor from Denmark on the Board Fuehrichgasse 6 of Governors Vienna I 52 79 04, 52 79 05 Alternates % Mr. Jens CHRISTENSEN * Resident Representative Mr. Torkild BJERGE, Ph.D. Knight of the Royal Order of the Danneborgj Professor of the Technical University of Denmark^ Technical and Scientific Director of the Danish Atomic Energy Commission's Research Centre, Rise, Mr. C, F. KISUM * Wife present in Vienna. GC (iri)'/lN-F/%/Reva page 10 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Delegates Mr, Alfredo F. VORSHIRM Hotel Ambassador Consul-General of the Neuer Markt '5 Dominican Republic in Antwerp Vienna I 52 75 11 ECUADOR Delegates H.B. Dr. Jose Vincente TSUJILLO Ambassador to the European Office of the United Nations, Geneva EL SALVADOR Delegate s Dr, Juan CONTRERAS CHAVEZ * Legations Charge d'Affaires ad interim; Trauttmannsdorffgasse 29 Resident Representative of El Salvador Vienna XIII to the International Atomic Energy Agency 82 32 88 ETHIOPIA POLAND Delegate s Mr. Jussi MAKINEN Legation! Chief of Bureau,, • Bayerngasse 1 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Vienna III 73 47 12, 73-47 13 Alternatess Dr. Carl-Olof FRIETSCH Charge d'Affaires of Finland;, Vienna Mr. Martti MUTRU Chief of Bureau, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Secretary-General of the Atomic Energy Commission of Finland <. Wife present in Vienna. GC(III)/INF/25/Rev.1 page 11 FRANCE Delegates - Mr. Pierre COUTURE Embassy, Chairmanj Atomic Energy -Commission Tochnikerstrasse 2 Vienna IV Alternatess 57 96 07 Br, Bertrand GOLDSCHMIDT * Governor from Prance on the Board of Governors H,E. Mr. Francois de ROSE Minister Plenipotentiary Mr. Michel FONTAINE * Alternate Governor from France on the Board of Governors Advisers % Professor Henri BAISSAS * Atomic Energy Commission Mr, Jean RENOU Atomic Energy Commission Mr, Jean ANDRIOT Office of the Minister-Delegate to the Prime Minister Mr, Jacques MARTIN Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Andre FINKELSTEIN Atomic Energy Commission Mr, Georges DEBOULLOCHE Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Georges KLEVANSKI * Permanent delegation to the International Atomic Energy Agency 'Miss Marie Jeanne CHAVARDES Atomic Energy Commission Secretarys