Australian Diamond Deposits, Kimberlites, and Related Rocks Known Diamondiferous Fields and Locations on the 1:5 000 000 Scale Map, Geoscience Australia, Canberra
50 120` 51 126`52 132` 53 138` 54 144` 55 150` 8` 8` TO TIMOR SEA RRES STRAIT NORTH KIMBERLEY FIELD 114` MERLIN FIELD MERLIN FIELD Fohn 1 TORRES STRAIT SC Emu 1, 2 Gareth, Kay Bedevere Ector Ywain, Tristram, Gawain ARNHEM Palomides, Sacramore, Maningrida Launfal, Excalibur SC Milingimbi Nhulunbuy DARWIN Weipa PINE CREEK 12` 12` AustralianAustralian DiamondDiamond Deposits,Deposits, Joseph Daly RIver Pine Creek Stow 1 Mining operations at Ellendale, West Kimberley, W.A. Bonaparte (Photo courtesy of Kimberley Diamond Company NL). Kimberlites,Kimberlites, andand RelatedRelated RocksRocks Gulf LITCHFIELD McARTHUR Numbulwar COR Katherine AL Gulf Ashmore Piipes SEA Scale 1:5000000 Ngukurr Seppellt Piipes Roper Kimberley of 0 90 180 270 360 450 Kilometers North K COEN LAMBERT CONFORMAL CONIC PROJECTION Carpenteria SD Central Meridian : 134`E Stand Parallels : 18`S, 36`S Timber Creek Kowanyama SD Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 Wyndham KIMBERLEY Kununurra Cooktown VICTORIA RIVER Argyle Mine Abner Range Emu Bow River Alluvials Maude Creek Kim 6, 14, 13 Ellendale 17 Napier 2, 3 ke Creek Merlin Mossman Carpenter Gap Ariies Smoke El 26 17, 12, 16 Kim 3 El 427BW, 27BE Palomides Gareth El 25 El 18, 18b Napier 1 ips Range HALLS Sacramore Launfal North CAIRNS Mt North Phillip Launfal El 41, 42, 43 El 19 Ellendale 46 CREEK Cairns Prima 3 KING LEOPOLD Elliott Prima 2 berley Karumba 16` El 44, 24 5 El 40 Kimberley 21, 23, El 36 East Kimb MURPHY 16` 27 El 21, 21A Atherton El 37 Kim 10 El 16 Derby pring Coanjula Burketown Normanton 4 El 9 Ellendale 39 Big Sp 9 Kim 25 El 8 Ellendale 9 Kim 7, 8 El 22 11 El 13 Kimberley 29, 19 Kimberley 28, 34, El 11 Diamonds from Ellendale 9, West Kimberley, W.A.
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