Bloomsbury CA Sub Area 4 Townscape Appraisal * Unauthorised Reproduction Infringes Crown Copyright and May Lead to Prosecution Or Civil Proceedings

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Bloomsbury CA Sub Area 4 Townscape Appraisal * Unauthorised Reproduction Infringes Crown Copyright and May Lead to Prosecution Or Civil Proceedings 337 GORDON SQUARE 131 339 University College 131a 341 62 PH 16 53 130 Hospital 12 145 13 (General) 26 14 58 128 40 15 129 Hotel 15 127a Shelter 54 127 58 53 15 Chy 18 Bloomsbury Sub Area 4 60 25.2m 59 to 55 52 Shelter 120 161 47 18 126 LB (1 to 10) to (1 TCB 14 Hotel 19 2 21 3 LB WARREN STREET 27.4m 4 20 118 Fitzroy Court 5 22 6 FITZROY STREET WHITFIELDPlayground PLACE 5 to 1 ListedCycle Hire Building Station 18 56 BEDFORD WAY 20 54 The Cloisters 23 45 52 Stone 149 24 GRAFTON WAY HUNTLEY STREET 18 21 17 GORDON SQUARE 19 Shelter GRAFTON MEWS TOTTENHAM COURT ROAD 1 to 8 to 1 Me 1 Positive Building 39 dical Students Hostel 5 46 10 6 Stone 27.4m 21 25.4m 7 PH 27.4m 4 10 52 WHITFIELD PLACE WOBURN SQUARE 154 1 to 120 31 GOWER STREET 8 116 St Luke's House LB 15 Paramount 119 13 31 PH 1 t 74 155 131 to 119 o 8 114 Court 137 Church 16 The Courtauld 118 Institute of Art WOBURN SQUARE RICHARDSON'S MEWS to 135 27.7m 17 of Christ The King 7 Negative Building 156 to 159 St Luke's FB Hospital 11 TCBs The Warburg Institute 12 131 5 64 10 33 to 37 4 Bank 2 UNIVERSITY STREET 12 14 114 3 5 Institute Of Education 129 WHITFIELD STREET 160 15 45 5 66 10 160a 1 t 1 o 3 9 161 2 16 PH Cycle Lane Sub Area 4 41 112 162 72 Courtauld 1 4 70 MALET PLACE 24 8 House Shelter 98 18 32 7 BYNG PLACE FITZROY SQUARE 110 MIDFORD5 to 1 PLACE 19 28.0m 6b 110 to 113 to 110 107 to 113 to 107 26 25 26 Playground 6a MARKET 106 20 Ramsay Hall Clinic to 12) to (1 108 6 The Rayne Institute 88 to 96 109 27 69 1 Stone 102 70 105 108 35 28 49 to 104 MORTIMER 20 PH 33 1 SW 27 SW Irvine Court 2 164 to 169 Fitzroy Square 94 to 100 1 t o 15 4 CHENIES MEWS Clore 86 Royal Ear Hospital Management HERTFORD PLACE 6 Assembly Hall TORRINGTON SQUARE 67 TCBs 41 Centre (Univ College Hospital) 27.3m Posts 8 97 Mortimer The Henry Wellcome Building 28.3m Cycle Lane 58 YMCA Market SW Ramsay Hall 10 Cycle Lane 27.8m Centre 4 t Indian o 7 80 SW Student School of Oriental 170 University of 101 to 107 to 101 40 Hostel LB and African Studies FITZROY MEWS HUNTLEY STREET London Union 51 (University of London) 105 to 117 to 105 Bank 20 to 2 28 FITZROY STREET 171 CAPPER STREET TORRINGTON PLACE 36 to 38 to 36 Univ College PH 74 87 15 Hospital Union MALET STREET Gordon Mansions SW 30 172 46 16 32 90 SW 92 37 29 MAPLE STREET 174 72 82 Dilke House 1 100 Shropshire House 90b Ramsay Hall CYPRESS PLACE to Posts THORNHAUGH STREET 12 21 13 99 30 32 90a 49 to 43 33 68 85 Cleveland Court 175 13 113 to 109 Cycle Lane College Hall 98 176 (U 9 90 Gordon Mansions niv of London) 20 Surgery ESS 88a 88 80 22 1 to 10 177 25.1m 78 178 YARD 97 88 23 80 95 25 31 to 75 65 179a PH 86 GRAFTON WAY 15 County House 179 QUEEN'S 27.0m 24 67 76 to 80 10 CONWAY 76 MEWS PH 27.9m 180 to 1 to 30 77 13 125 182 8 28 123 to 30 115 PH 9 CONWAY STREET MAPLE PLACE to 73 PH 103 84 34 Carr- 7 PH 18 to 24 Saunders 183 90 8 4 Hall 8 to 1 Birkbeck College 82 25 66 to 72 3 2a 36 to 40 (University of London) 35 to 41 to 35 TCBs Marlborough 89 to 77 3 5 3 TCB 36 32 36 Brunei Gallery 21 Bromley Place TO Arms 2 44 13 11 12 to 16 Woburn Mansions9 to 1 19 88 to 94 to 88 2 1 (PH) of TTENHAM COURT ROAD 28 Royal Academy 1 Cycle Lane HOWLAND MEWS EAST Philips Mullard House RIDGMOUNT GARDENS 74 House 76 to 64 CLIPSTONE MEWS FITZROY STREET 24 26 Drummond Dramatic Art Cycle Lane 70 68 63 Bank 188 1 to 19 House 1 to 6 to 1 20 Cycle 46 27.5m MAPLE STREET Hire Station 68 PH 18 Howard 63 to 49 189 190 LB 22 House 66 Bank TORRINGTON PLACE 30 66 64 62 HUNTLEY STREET 8 87 to 123 to 87 1 to 12 to 1 56 CLEVELAND MEWS 48 to 37 Pearson 80 to 85 to 80 TCB 16 to 2 Telephone Exchange House LB Cycle Lane 26.9m 52 to 60 31 LB 12 to 1 51 54 to 60 36 to 25 Henderson Brook House House 13 27.6m 23 Warwickshire House 71 to 81 to 71 1 to 12 to 1 8 9 10 Play TCBs 24 to 13 BT Tower Mayne Centre House 30 49 Air D Fn MA Shaft 12 to 1 LET STREET 1 to 12 to 1 Institute of Education 1 3 5 3 1 27.4m 67 69 67 (University of London) PH HOWLAND STREET 3 2 Stewart House 27.3m 27.2m 191 to 199 WHITFIELD STREET 15 London School of Hygiene 43 22 Telephone Exchange 41 to 37 CLIPSTONE STREET Cycle Lane 7 to 5 ALFRED MEWS GOW & Tropical Medicine 20 60 Telephone (U 10 Fitzroy niversity of London) 50 Whitefield Memorial Exchange ER STREET House 9 Astor College Congregational Church 79 27.2m 80 to 84 18 53 to 65 to 53 TCB 4 5 CHITTY STREET 11 Royal University of Westminster 19 to 21 to 19 Clinical Research 3 10 to 40 Institute of to Academy of University Of London MONTAGUE PLACE 40 to 48 2 CHENIES STREET RIDGMOUNT STREET FITZROVIA University College London 14 Whitfield Gdns CRESCENT Dramatic Art TCBs 17 15 27 27.2m Minerva Air Shaft Windeyer 13 House 8 Office 14 to 12 12 13 Building 200 to 208 77 76 78 52 1 45 to 51 to 45 NORTH 12a Go 11 10 War 23 to 25 to 23 3 168 46 odge Street Station Meml CLEVELAND STREET CHARLOTTE MEWS 166 10 5 75 12 11 32 t0 38 7 97 17 to 25 to 17 63 27.1m 9 43 CR The Middlesex 9 74a 11 158 Hospital Annexe 72 4 KEPPEL STREET 5 13 13 7 8 6 Ward Bdy 156 2 8 150 7 16 148 2 4 74 15 Cycle Lane 14 to 22 15a 50 48 6 Rossetti Court 7 4 to 10 to 4 17 19 to 30 3 14 15 LB RIDGMOUNT PLACE 20 12 146 13 1 to 18 Posts 8 to 144 142 144 99 to 111 NEW CAVENDISH STREET 87 PH 24 19 16a 13 51 26 46 44 41 138 Highwood TCB House Day Hospital 28 10 209 16 15 27.3m 134 47 15 TOTTENHAM MEWS 1 1 6 43 PH Garage 81 32 2 27.3m 14 6 45 210 211 212 65 to 67 to 65 12 3 The College of Law 42 26 29 HANSON STREET 7 128 64 ALFRED PLACE 31 77 79 77 40 PH 1 6 13 64 25 OGLE STREET 9 39 24 23 73 122 12 32 42 4 James Pringle 37 MONTAGUE PLACE Middlesex House 7 2 213 to 216 1 2 St Charles 40 House 30 to 32 14 27.1m 120 118 The Samuel Augustine 1 to 4 TCB RC Church 60 Cycle 21 to 24 Courtauld Institute 37 to 31 Kings Court 33 34 of Bio-chemistry Hire 10 to 9 1 3 1 2 20 38 36 63 Station 2 to 16 5 to 8 34 to 38 SCALA STREET17 69 PH 32 21 18 School of Nursing TOTTENHAM STREET 8 7 116 1 27 CHARLOTTE STREET 16 25 to 28 El Sub John Astor House Arthur Stanley 5 11 49 to 54 to 49 Sta 217 35 67 House 15 to 31 37 Presby 18 9 to 12 112 8 218 29 GREAT TITCHFIELD STREET 13 14 29 to 32 35 PO 18 28 15 17 15 60 STORE STREET 44 to 50 219 7 to 1 27.1m 39 50 to 54 21 13 to 16 All Souls C of E 33 12 108 24 to 32 24 Gower Mews Mansions Primary School 33 to 36 GOWER MEWS 48 21a 52 Timber 26 10 19 47 Ya 28 26 55 14 54 rd 59 30 17 to 20 41 46 37 to 40 15 13 WHITFIELD STREET 102 48 220 to 226 18 36 45 25 45 13 16 55 57 55 8 27.4m GOODGE PLACE 16 to 24 12 Plate 46 44 The 11 49 27 29 27 29 54 27.1m LB 43 Building Centre 53 4 18 to 17 44 22 1 TCBs 42 44 75 to 79 Boro Const and LB Bdy 19 18 41 17 to 19 Kirkman9 8 Place 8 20 6 54a 22 40 5 6 LB 51 CRESCENT 94 20 14 81 CR 7 4 SQUARE Kirkman House 25 FOLEY STREET 27.4m 67 to 73 Colville Place 49 SOUTH 92 21 41 7 3 Surgery 3 27.8m 46 12 16 42 8 1 CANDOVER STREETTower 65 90 88 Staffordshire House 63 10 BEDFORD 27.0m 14 12 50 40 18 House Stones 39 27 21a 17 227 25 York 46 TOTTENHAM COURT ROAD 22 House 6 t 61 43 16 o 10 26a 38 24 4 PH 28 Court of Protection 38 15 26 13 25 24 PH 37 Rising Sun 10 8 14 (PH) 86 59 45 Belmont GOODGE STREET Colville Place 15 to 7 GL ASLY Bdy 52 TCB PC 4 House 27 71 27.5m 36 Playground Cycle Hire 6 4 2 29 Surgery PH 54 to 56 27 1 31 to 36 to 31 7 5 Station 53 3 41 30 6 27.9m 60 58 46 60 39 Works 31 30 44 66a Plate 62 15 57 42 1 55 FB LB 84a 64 58 56 29 Charlotte Place 15 57 59 57 66 20 Metropolis Chapel 32 (private) 37 to 33 BLOOMSBURY STREET 56 84 10 16 28 61 52 House 54 36 PH Hotel 69a 233 Shelter 82a 45 to 39 17 53 The 28 14 11 69 PH 51 Cambridge 24 NA 55 27.3m 82 235 to 236 18 (PH) 53 38 PH SSAU STREET 27.1m 48 Bank 39 80 11 12 13 46 TC 9 BAYLEY STREET BOURLET CLOSE 7 RIDING HOUSE STREET 11 B 40 WINDMILL STREET 50 6a 45 The Met 27.1m 36a 49 49 to 51 56 to 73 to 56 Bank Building University of 10 44 31 to 27 1 PH 9 LB Westminster 46 5 3 42 41 SQUARE 25 21 47 22 3 26 Middleton Place 16 20 5 to 11 to 5 PH 37 to 49 42 40 30 to 34 24 59 Plate 38 22 19 26.8m RATHBONE STREET Cycle Hire Station 21 35 37 1 Bank BEDFORD 5O to 57 to 5O 16 to 55 West One House 1 4 Berners Street 45 to 37 27 This map is based upon Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown copyright.
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