Locws 3 Art Across the City Celf Ar Draws Y Ddinas

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Locws 3 Art Across the City Celf Ar Draws Y Ddinas LOCWS 3 ART ACROSS THE CITY CELF AR DRAWS Y DDINAS LOCWS 3: ART ACROSS THE CITY 14 APRIL - 13 MAY 2007 SWANSEA LOCWS 3: CELF AR DRAWS Y DDINAS 14 EBRILL - 13 MAI 2007 ABERTAWE Publication copyright | Hawlfraint y cyhoeddiad © Locws International 2007 Texts copyright | Hawlfraint y testunau Debbie Savage Tim Davies David Hastie Grace Davies Artworks copyright | Hawlfraint y gweithiau celf Rhona Byrne Milena Dopitova Carwyn Evans Rebecca Gould Torsten Lauschmann 6 Introduction Niamh McCann Rhagarweiniad Sara Rees Helen Sear 8 Locws 3: Art Across The City Jaan Toomik Locws 3: Celf Ar Draws Y Ddinas Zoe Walker Neil Bromwich 26 Locations Photography | Ffotograffiaeth gan Lleoliadau Ken Dickinson 28 Rhona Byrne Designed by | Dyluniwyd gan Christian Lloyd 32 Milena Dopitova Printed by | Argraffwyd gan Zenith Media 36 Carwyn Evans Published by 40 Rebecca Gould Locws International Swansea Museum Victoria Road 44 Torsten Lauschmann Swansea SA1 1SN 48 Niamh McCann Cyhoeddwyd gan 52 Sara Rees Locws Rhyngwladol Amgueddfa Abertawe Heol Victoria 56 Helen Sear Abertawe SA1 1SN 60 Jaan Toomik ISBN 978-0-954591-1-6 64 Zoe Walker & Neil Bromwich 68 Locws Schools Ysgolion Locws 72 About Locws International Gwybodaeth am Locws Rhyngwladol 73 Contact Cyswllt 74 Locws International wishes to thank Dymuna Locws Rhyngwladol ddiolch i INTRODUCTION Rhagarweiniad Tim Davies, David Hastie and Grace Davies Tim Davies, David Hastie a Grace Davies Locws International works with artists to facilitate the audience. If a site is used once and then twice Mae Locws Rhyngwladol yn gweithio gydag gan yr artist a darlleniadau lluosog y gynulleidfa. temporary visual artworks, inspired by aspects of or thrice, the interpretations by the audience are artistiaid i hwyluso gweithiau celf gweledol dros Os yw’r safle’n cael ei ddefnyddio unwaith ac yna Swansea, which are displayed in a variety of public, further multiplied. dro, a ysbrydolir gan agweddau ar Abertawe, ddwywaith neu deirgwaith, mae dehongliadau’r non-gallery spaces across the city. Collaboration ac sy’n cael eu harddangos mewn mannau gynulleidfa’n lluosogi fwyfwy. is a key word in describing the Locws events, and The range of work reflects the breadth of amrywiol cyhoeddus y tu hwnt i furiau’r orielau, this year’s event is no exception. Once again, it contemporary visual practice, but for each piece, ar draws y ddinas. Cydweithio yw’r gair allweddol Mae ystod y gwaith yn adlewyrchu ehangder yr has been a pleasure to work with another group the site in which it was placed for those few weeks wrth ddisgrifio digwyddiadau Locws, ac nid yw arfer gweledol cyfoes, ond i bob darn, roedd y safle of international artists who have responded to was an intrinsic component in the work’s conceptual digwyddiad eleni’n eithriad. Unwaith eto, bu’n y gosodwyd y darn ynddo am yr ychydig wythnosau Swansea in different ways and produced new development and physical resolution, whether bleser gweithio gyda grwp arall o artistiaid hynny’n rhan annatod o ddatblygiad cysyniadol a artworks in a diverse range of media. The event was through performance, object, painting, drawing, rhyngwladol sydd wedi ymateb i Abertawe mewn datrysiad ffisegol y gwaith, p’un ai drwy berfformiad, made possible with the cooperation and support of audio installation or film. The Locws events are all ffyrdd gwahanol ac wedi cynhyrchu gweithiau gwrthrych, paentiad, lluniad, gosodiad clywedol many individuals, organisations and groups within about contexts (social, historical, geographical, celf newydd mewn cyfryngau amrywiol iawn. neu ffilm. Mae digwyddiadau Locws yn ymwneud the city that engaged with the project on a number economic, political, cultural and physical positions) Bu’r digwyddiad yn bosib drwy gydweithrediad â chyd-destunau (safbwyntiau cymdeithasol, of levels. The educational programme Locws and how they are transformed, sometimes for a chefnogaeth llawer o unigolion, sefydliadau daearyddol, economaidd, gwleidyddol, diwylliannol Schools was revisited and inspired some stunning the duration of the event, sometimes for longer, a grwpiau yn y ddinas sydd wedi ymwneud â’r a ffisegol) a sut y cânt eu trawsnewid, weithiau responses by the students involved and, for the by the various artists’ interventions. Thus the prosiect ar sawl lefel. Aed ati i adolygu rhaglen am barhad y digwyddiad, weithiau’n hwy, gan first time, a Locws Symposium was held, bringing Locws experience is constantly evolving, not only addysgol Ysgolion Locws a chafwyd ymatebion ymyriadau’r artistiaid amrywiol. Drwy hynny mae together artists from all three Locws events and referencing history but also raising questions about trawiadol iawn gan y myfyrwyr perthnasol ac, am profiad Locws yn esblygu’n barhaus, nid yn unig highlighting the ongoing dialogue between Locws the future in its investigations of place, as multi- y tro cyntaf, cynhaliwyd Symposiwm Locws gan drwy gyfeiriadau hanesyddol, ond drwy ysgogi 1, 2 & 3. layered meanings are built up through time. ddod ag artistiaid tri digwyddiad Locws ynghyd ac cwestiynau am y dyfodol wrth archwilio lle, wrth i amlygu’r ddeialog barhaus rhwng Locws 1, 2 a 3. ystyron amlhaenog gronni dros amser. One of the most exciting aspects of these events In the essay that follows, Debbie Savage describes is the opportunity for conversational and visual the unpredictable explorations of representation, Un o’r agweddau mwyaf cyffrous yn y digwyddiadau Yn y traethawd sy’n dilyn, mae Debbie Savage yn communication between artists from Wales and interaction, relation and location that constituted hyn yw’r cyfle am gyfathrebu sgyrsiol a gweledol disgrifio’r ymchwiliadau annarogan o gynrychioliad, those from other countries, with the prospect of Locws 3, site and time-specific but somehow with rhwng artistiaid o Gymru a gwledydd eraill, gyda’r rhyngweithio, perthynas a lleoliad a luniodd Locws cultural exchange and international discourse. a larger meaning. gobaith o gael cyfnewid diwylliannol a thrafodaethau 3, yn safle-benodol ac yn amser-benodol, ond Locws International has always striven to highlight rhyngwladol. Mae Locws Rhyngwladol bob amser rywsut ag ystyr llawer mwy. We would like to extend our thanks to all of the interactions: between the artist and site; the wedi ceisio pwysleisio’r rhyngweithio rhwng yr people who made this project possible, particularly Hoffem ddiolch i’r holl bobl a wnaeth y prosiect yn audience and artist; the audience and site and the artist a’r safle: y gynulleidfa a’r artist; y gynulleidfa the artists, our supporters, and all the people who bosibl, ac yn arbennig yr artistiaid, ein cefnogwyr, audience and the artwork. Each Locws event allows a’r safle a’r gynulleidfa a’r gwaith celf. Mae pob have worked tirelessly to see the event succeed. a’r holl bobl sydd wedi gweithio’n ddiflino dros a reading by the artist and multiple readings by un o ddigwyddiadau Locws yn caniatáu darlleniad lwyddiant y digwyddiad. 6 LOCWS 3: LOCWS 3: Art ACROSS THE CITY CELF AR draws Y ddinas Debbie Savage Debbie Savage The title Locws 3: Art Across the City is something Tipyn o wrth-ddweud efallai yw’r teitl Locws 3: Celf of an oxymoron; on the one hand, it implies the Ar Draws y Ddinas; ar y naill law, mae’n awgrymu’r intense, localised focus generally associated with canolbwyntio dwys a lleol sy’n gysylltiedig yn site-specific work, but on the other hand, it implies gyffredinol â gwaith safle-benodol; ond ar y llaw a more generalised, sweeping overview of the arall, mae’n awgrymu trosolwg mwy cyffredinol city. Both of these contradictory statements can ac eang ar y ddinas. Gellir cymhwyso’r ddau be applied to Locws 3, with the city of Swansea ddatganiad gwrthgyferbyniol hyn i Locws 3, gyda providing the mise-en-scène and raw materials dinas Abertawe’n darparu’r mise-en-scène neu’r to provoke ten different responses in the smallest lleoliadau a’r deunyddiau crai i ysgogi deg ymateb crevices of the city from eleven international gwahanol yng nghilfachau lleiaf y ddinas gan un ar artists. ddeg o artistiaid rhyngwladol. This dual position is culminated in Rhona Byrne’s Gwelir y safbwynt deuol hwn ar ei orau yng ngwaith Learning to fly over Swansea. Projected behind the Rhona Byrne Learning to fly over Swansea. Mae’r altar at St. Mary’s Church, a green and architectural gwaith, sy’n cael ei daflunio y tu ôl i’r allor yn oasis in a concrete shopping centre, is an aerial eglwys y Santes Fair, gwerddon las a phensaernïol view of the city, captured by the artist during a mewn canolfan siopa goncrid, yn cyflwyno golwg series of flying lessons. Soaring above the stresses o’r awyr ar y ddinas, wedi’i gipio gan yr arlunydd of the city, the viewer flies through the clouds yn ystod cyfres o wersi hedfan. Gan esgyn uwchben looking down on their lives. Eventually, the viewer ffws a ffair y ddinas, mae’r gwylwyr yn hedfan is suspended above the location they are standing drwy’r cymylau ac yn edrych i lawr ar eu bywydau. in, seeing a “god’s-eye-view” of the Church that Ymhen amser, mae’r gwyliwr yn hongian fel petai temporarily houses them. uwchben y lleoliad y maent yn sefyll ynddo, gan weld “golwg duw” ar yr eglwys sy’n breswylfa dros Although there is this spiritual and existentialist dro iddynt. element to the work, Learning to fly over Swansea also plays with the surrounding physical and social Er bod yr elfen ysbrydol a dirfodol hon yn y gwaith, structures. It utilises the shared characteristics of mae Learning to fly over Swansea hefyd yn chwarae â the “Church” and the “Gallery”, both of which strwythurau ffisegol a chymdeithasol yr ardal.
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