Council Summons

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Council Summons COUNCIL SUMMONS You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of the COUNCIL OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF SWANSEA to be held in the Council Chamber, County Hall, Swansea on Thursday, 10th April 2008 at 4.00pm The following business is proposed to be transacted: Page No’s 1. Apologies for Absence. 2. To Receive Disclosures of Personal Interest from Members in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Conduct adopted by the City & County of Swansea. (NOTE: You are requested to identify the Agenda Item / Minute No. Planning Application No. and Subject Matter to which the interest relates). 3. To receive and sign as a correct record the Minutes of the following Council meetings : Extraordinary Council of 25th February 2008. 1-11 Council of 28th February 2008. 12-19 4. Presiding Officer’s Announcements. 5. Leader’s Announcements. 6. Public Questions in accordance with Procedure Rule 16. Questions must relate to matters on the open part of the Agenda of the meeting and will be dealt within a ten minute period. 7. Public Presentations: 8. Cabinet Member Report(s) (A) Community Leadership & Democracy Portfolio (1) Membership of Committees. 20 (B) Social Services Portfolio (1) Health, Social Care and Well Being Strategy 2008-2011. 21-27 (C) Environment Portfolio (1) Post Inquiry Modifications to the City and County of Swansea Unitary 28-46 Development Plan. (2) Award of Costs at Planning Appeals. 47-50 (D) Community Regeneration Portfolio (1) Safer Swansea Strategy 2008 -2011. 51-52 (E) Culture, Recreation and Tourism Portfolio (1) Swansea Climbing Higher – Sport & Physical Activity Strategy and 53-57 Action Plan. 9. Report of the Scrutiny Coordinating Group (1) Scrutiny Strategic Work Programme 2007/08 - Update. 58-64 10. Report of the Monitoring Officer (1) The Local Authorities (Model Code of Conduct) (Wales) Order 2008. 65-82 11. Report of the Chief Executive (1) Senior Management Restructuring. 83-100 12. Report of the Performance Scrutiny Board (1) Scrutiny Review of the Council’s eGovernment Programme. 101-140 13. Councillors’ Questions under Procedure Rule 15 No questions received. 14. Notice of Motion from Councillors A Lloyd, D Phillips, J Burtonshaw, C Thomas, M Child, J Miles, D Thomas, R Stewart and R Francis-Davies There are more people enslaved today than there were 200 years ago when William Wilberforce led the fight to abolish slavery. Human Trafficking, the modern day slave trade, is the fastest growing form of international crime with 600,000 – 800,000 people trafficked across international borders each year. While women and children are particularly vulnerable to trafficking for the sex trade, human trafficking is not limited to sexual exploitation. Across the world men, women and children, some as young as three years old, are bought and sold into prostitution, forced labour, domestic servitude and forced organ donation to name a few "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" Women are involved in 77% of trafficking cases worldwide, with sexual exploitation a factor in 87%. Forced labour is also a motive behind trafficking. The UK is a major destination for trafficked women. Police believe that about 4,000 have been brought in to the country by criminal gangs and forced to work as prostitutes. Police say that victims are found "all over the UK, not just in metropolitan areas"., police say. Often, women are lured by adverts in their home countries for jobs such as restaurant staff, maids and child minders. The age of victims varies widely, but most are between 18 and 24. Police have also rescued a number of children. Victims can end up in any town or city where brothels operate. They are found in all the major towns and cities in the UK. The fate of many victims is unclear. “I am not for sale, we are not for sale no-one should be for sale”. Council therefore resolves • to adopt a ‘Not For Sale’ policy • that on behalf of the Council the Lord Mayor and Leader of the City and County of Swansea sign The Council of Europe’s Declaration on the Fight against Trafficking in Human Beings, which the U.K Government has already signed ratified. Council recognizes that the creation of resource centres, which provide specialised assistance to trafficked human beings, should be priority. Such centres would co-ordinate all aspects of victim care through the provision of secure walk-in shelters and longer term refuges, medical and psychological assistance and a 24 hours emergency telephone hotline. To this end Council further resolves to initiate dialogue with our neighbouring local authorities, community groups, South Wales Police and the Welsh Assembly Government to determine the best and most efficient way that such centres could be created. Council also notes that the sex industry plays a major part in human trafficking, particularly of women. Trinity Mirror Plc, which publishes the Western Mail, South Wales Echo and Wales on Sunday decided in November 2007 not to accept classified advertisements from massage parlours and other so-called “Health Clubs”. Council also resolves to call on the South Wales Evening Post and other local Newspapers to follow this lead and refuse adverts such as those for “Happy Niki”, “Maria’ Massage” etc. 15. Notice of Motion from Councillors Darren Price, Adrian Rees, Rhodri Thomas, Vanessa Webb Council condemns the Post Office closure programme by the Westminster Government, which could see 2,500 Post Offices close across the UK. Council regrets the closure of so many Post Offices within the City and County of Swansea over previous years and reaffirms its commitment to the protection of this vital network. Council sees the Post Office Network as a valuable social resource and acknowledges that there is potential to develop the network. Council therefore resolves to enter talks with the Post Office and other relevant agencies prior to the upcoming consultation period in an attempt to minimise the number of Post Office closures in the City and County of Swansea. Council notes that this may take the form of re-locating branches to other public buildings such as schools and libraries. 16. To authorise the affixing of the Common Seal to any document necessary to carry into effect any resolution passed or confirmed at this meeting. Dated 3rd April 2008 Georgie Thomas Head of Community Leadership & Democracy County Hall, Swansea To: All Members of the Council Z: Agenda /Council /2008April10 CITY AND COUNTY OF SWANSEA MINUTES OF THE EXTRAORDINARY MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF SWANSEA HELD AT COUNTY HALL, SWANSEA ON MONDAY, 25TH FEBRUARY 2008 AT 4.00 P.M. PRESENT: Councillor R J Lloyd (Presiding Officer) presided Councillor(s): Councillor(s): Councillor(s): V N Abbott M H Jones A R Richards P M Black W E A Jones I M Richard G H Burtonshaw R H Kinzett D A Robinson J E Burtonshaw E T Kirchner A M Seabourne M C Child R D Lewis G Seabourne A R A Clement S M Lewis M Smith G G Clement A Lloyd R L Smith A M Day A T Lloyd R C Stewart J Evans K E Marsh R J Stanton W G Evans P May D G Sullivan E W Fitzgerald P Matthews C Thomas R Francis-Davies J T Miles D W W Thomas M E Gibbs W K Morgan L G Thomas J B Hague J Newbury J R Thomas M J Hedges J T G Peters R M Thomas C A Holley D Phillips N J Tregoning P R Hood-Williams G Phillips D P Tucker D H Hopkins C L Philpott C M Waller B J Hynes D Price E V Webb J V Jardine T H Rees A R Welsby D I E Jones S J Rice 185. APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were received from Councillors W J F Davies, P Downing, D H James, A H Rees, R Speht, S M Waller and J Woodman. 186. DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST In accordance with the provisions of the Code of Conduct adopted by the City and County of Swansea no personal interests were declared. 1 Minutes of the Meeting of the Council (25.02.08) Cont’d 187. PRESIDING OFFICER’S ANNOUNCEMENTS The Presiding Officer expressed thanks to Members on behalf of Councillor S Waller for their support since her partner’s admission to hospital. 188. LEADER’S ANNOUNCEMENTS The Leader made no announcements. 189. BUDGET 2008/09 - OVERVIEW REPORT The Section 151 Officer submitted an overview report to highlight the key issues running through the technical analysis and in particular to make clear the connections to the previous budget reports, relevant audit reports and comments particularly in the Relationship Manager’s Annual Letter. RESOLVED that the report be noted. 190. CAPITAL BUDGET AND PROGRAMME 2007/08 - 2011/12 The Section 151 Officer submitted the proposed Capital Budget for 2007/08 - 2011/12. It was noted that spending in the current year would be £118.426m, an increase of £39.110m over the original estimate of £79.316m. Details of the changes were outlined in Annexe C of the report. The net additional spending of £39.110m will be financed as follows: £ m Use of Prudential Borrowing Powers 13.861 Grants and Contributions 17.588 Other financing 7.661 Total additional financing 39.110 The Capital Budget for 2007/08 - 2011/12 comprised: (a) schemes financed from Council borrowing and Capital receipts; and (b) schemes financed by grants and contributions from other bodies; and (c) for completeness, schemes financed from Housing Revenue Account (HRA) resources. Schemes falling within the scope of (b) and (c) would not result in any implications for the Council’s General Capital Borrowing Requirement.
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